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Grails – The search is over 
Aécio Costa 
Felipe Coutinho
Grails – The search is over 
Groovy x Java 
Regra dos 80/20 
Cenário Atual do Desenvolvimento Web 
Grails – The search is over 
Groovy - Características 
Inspirada no Python, Ruby...; 
Linguagem Dinâmica; 
Plataforma Java; 
Especificação do JCP (JSR 241); 
Copy/Paste Compatibilty.
Grails – The search is over 
O que Groovy tem de diferente de Java? 
Tipagem dinâmica; 
Recurso: attribute accessor; 
Métodos Dinâmicos; 
e mais...
Grails – The search is over 
Tipagem dinâmica 
def name = “João” 
def names = [“João”, “José”, “Geraldo”]
Grails – The search is over 
Atribute accessor 
class User{ 
String nome 
Integer idade 
def user = new User(name:”João”, age: 23) 
user.nome = “Pedro”
Grails – The search is over 
def name = “Paulo” 
def printName = {println “Hello, ${name}”} 
def listNames = [“Gabriela”, “Maria”] 
def sayHello = {println it} 
Grails – The search is over 
Métodos Dinâmicos 
def methodName = “getYearBorn” 
new User().”getDayBorn”()
Grails – The search is over 
Além de... 
Sobre carga de operadores; 
e etc...
Grails – The search is over 
Groovy veio acabar com a Regra dos 80/20 
(Princípio de Pareto)
Grails – The search is over 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 
class Seletor { 
private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { 
List resultado = new ArrayList(); 
for (int i = 0; i < bookNames.size(); i++) { 
String candidate = (String) bookNames.get(i); 
if (candidate.length() < length) { 
return resultado; 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
List books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
Seletor s = new Seletor(); 
List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { 
String sel = (String) selecionados.get(i); 
Grails – The search is over 
O que realmente interessa no código anterior?
Grails – The search is over 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 
class Seletor { 
private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { 
List resultado = new ArrayList(); 
for (int i = 0; i < bookNames.size(); i++) { 
String candidate = (String) bookNames.get(i); 
if (candidate.length() < length) { 
return resultado; 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
List books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
Seletor s = new Seletor(); 
List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { 
String sel = (String) selecionados.get(i); 
Grails – The search is over
Grails – The search is over 
Closure e import implícito
Grails – The search is over 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 
class Seletor { 
private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { 
List resultado = new ArrayList(); 
for (int i = 0; i < bookNames.size(); i++) { 
String candidate = (String) bookNames.get(i); 
if (candidate.length() < length) { 
return resultado; 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
List books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
Seletor s = new Seletor(); 
List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { 
String sel = (String) selecionados.get(i); 
Grails – The search is over 
class Seletor { 
private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { 
List resultado = new ArrayList(); 
bookNames.each { String candidate -> 
if (candidate.length() < length) { 
} return resultado; 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
List books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
Seletor s = new Seletor(); 
List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
selected.each { String sel -> 
Grails – The search is over 
Closure e import implícito 
Declaração e Assinatura de Métodos
Grails – The search is over 
class Seletor { 
private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { 
List resultado = new ArrayList(); 
bookNames.each { String candidate -> 
if (candidate.length() < length) { 
} return resultado; 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
List books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
Seletor s = new Seletor(); 
List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
selected.each { String sel -> 
Grails – The search is over 
List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { 
List resultado = new ArrayList(); 
bookNames.each { String candidate -> 
if (candidate.length() < length) { 
} return resultado; 
List books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
Seletor s = new Seletor(); 
List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
selected.each { String sel -> 
Grails – The search is over 
Closure e import implícito 
Declaração e Assinatura de Métodos 
Tipagem Estática
Grails – The search is over 
List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { 
List resultado = new ArrayList(); 
bookNames.each { String candidate -> 
if (candidate.length() < length) { 
} return resultado; 
List books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
Seletor s = new Seletor(); 
List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
selected.each { String sel -> 
Grails – The search is over 
def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { 
def resultado = new ArrayList(); 
bookNames.each { candidate -> 
if (candidate.size() < length) { 
return resultado; 
def books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
selected.each { sel -> 
Grails – The search is over 
Closure e import implícito 
Declaração e Assinatura de Métodos 
Tipagem Estática 
Instância simplificada de Listas 
Não necessidade de “return” 
“;” não obrigatório 
Impressão simples
Grails – The search is over 
def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { 
def resultado = new ArrayList(); 
bookNames.each { candidate -> 
if (candidate.size() < length) { 
return resultado; 
def books = new ArrayList(); 
books.add("Harry Potter"); 
books.add("A Vila"); 
books.add(“O Exorcista"); 
def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); 
System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); 
selected.each { sel -> 
Grails – The search is over 
def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { 
def resultado = []; 
bookNames.each { candidate -> 
if (candidate.size) < length) { 
def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] 
def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10) 
println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” 
selected.each { sel -> 
println sel 
Grails – The search is over 
Closure e import implícito 
Declaração e Assinatura de Métodos 
Tipagem Estática 
Instância simplificada de Listas 
Não necessidade de “return” 
“;” não obrigatório 
Impressão simples 
Métódos Dinâmicos
Grails – The search is over 
def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { 
def resultado = []; 
bookNames.each { candidate -> 
if (candidate.size) < length) { 
def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] 
def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10) 
println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” 
selected.each { sel -> 
println sel 
Grails – The search is over 
def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { 
bookNames.findAll { it.size() < length } 
def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] 
def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10) 
println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” 
selected.each { sel -> 
println sel 
Grails – The search is over 
def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { 
bookNames.findAll { it.size() < length } 
def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] 
def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10) 
println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” 
selected.each { sel -> 
println sel 
Grails – The search is over 
def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] 
def selected = books. findAll { it.size() <= 5} 
println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” 
selected.each { sel -> 
println sel 
Grails – The search is over 
def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] 
def selected = books. findAll { it.size() <= 5} 
println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” 
selected.each { sel -> 
println sel 
Grails – The search is over 
def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] 
def selected = books. findAll { it.size() <= 5} 
println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” 
selected.each { sel -> 
println sel 
Groovy é Java
Grails – The search is over 
Cenário Atual Web 
 Persistência 
 Validações 
 Logs 
 Visualização 
 Controladores 
 Controle Transacional 
 Injeção de Dependências 
 Ajax 
 Redirecionador de URL’s 
 Configuração por ambiente 
 Internacionalização
Grails – The search is over
Grails – The search is over 
Welcome to
Grails – The search is over 
Framework Web de Alta produtividade para plataforma 
Programação por convenção; 
MVC nativo; 
Fácil bootstrap; 
e tudo que você viu lá atras...
Grails – The search is over 
Arquitetura do Grails
Grails – The search is over 
Passos para criar a Aplicação 
$ grails create-app booklibrary 
$ grails run-app
Grails – The search is over 
Classes de domínio 
$ grails create-domain-class cesar.example.Book 
class Book { 
String title 
Date releaseDate 
String ISBN 
Grails – The search is over 
$ grails generate-all cesar.example.Book
Grails – The search is over 
Validations (Constraints) 
DSL interna baseada no recurso builder da linguagem Groovy; 
static constraints = { 
title(blank: false) 
ISBN(blank: false, unique: true) 
Grails – The search is over 
$ grails create-domain-class cesar.example.Person 
class Person { 
static hasMany = [books: Book] 
String name 
String email 
String password 
static constraints = { 
name(blank: false) 
email(blank: false, email: true) 
password(blank: false, password: true) 
Na classe Book: 
static belongsTo = [person: Person]
Grails – The search is over 
# Book 
book.releaseDate.label=Data de lancamento 
# Person 
Grails – The search is over 
def books = Book.list(max:10, order:”name”) 
def books = Book.findByName(“The Developer”) 
def books = Book.findAllByPriceLessThan(10.0) 
def books = Book.findAllByTitleLikeAndPriceBetween(“Harry %”, 
40.0, 70.0)
Grails – The search is over 
class BookController { 
def find() { 
def books = Book.findAllByTitleLike("%""%") 
render(view: "list", model: [bookInstanceList: books, 
bookInstanceTotal: books.size()]) 
<g:form name="myForm" url="[controller:'book',action:'find']"> 
<g:actionSubmit value="Find" /> 
<g:textField name="like" value="" /> 
Grails – The search is over 
WebService REST 
import grails.converters.* 
def showRest() { 
def bookInstance = Book.get( 
render new Book() as JSON 
render bookInstance as JSON 
Grails – The search is over 
Configuração por ambiente 
development { 
dataSource { 
pooled = true 
driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver” 
username = “root" 
password = “root" 
dbCreate = "create-drop" 
dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect" 
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/book_dev? 
$ grails install-dependency mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16
Grails – The search is over 
Spring Security 
Spring WS 
Grails – The search is over 
$ grails war
bibliografia sugerida
perguntas ???
Aécio Costa – – 
Felipe Coutinho – –
Grails - The search is over

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Grails - The search is over

  • 1. Instituto de Inovação com TIC INTERVALO CESAR Inovação é a gente!
  • 2. Grails – The search is over Aécio Costa Felipe Coutinho
  • 3. Grails – The search is over Groovy Características Groovy x Java Regra dos 80/20 Grails Cenário Atual do Desenvolvimento Web Características Arquitetura Demo
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  • 8. Grails – The search is over Closure def name = “Paulo” def printName = {println “Hello, ${name}”} printName() def listNames = [“Gabriela”, “Maria”] def sayHello = {println it} listNames.each(sayHello)
  • 9. Grails – The search is over Métodos Dinâmicos def methodName = “getYearBorn” user.”${methodName}”() new User().”getDayBorn”()
  • 10. Grails – The search is over Além de... Sobre carga de operadores; Ranges; MetaPrograming; e etc...
  • 11. Grails – The search is over Groovy veio acabar com a Regra dos 80/20 (Princípio de Pareto)
  • 12. Grails – The search is over import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class Seletor { private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { List resultado = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < bookNames.size(); i++) { String candidate = (String) bookNames.get(i); if (candidate.length() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } public static void main(String[] args) { List books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); Seletor s = new Seletor(); List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { String sel = (String) selecionados.get(i); System.out.println(sel); } } }
  • 13. Grails – The search is over O que realmente interessa no código anterior?
  • 14. Grails – The search is over import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class Seletor { private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { List resultado = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < bookNames.size(); i++) { String candidate = (String) bookNames.get(i); if (candidate.length() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } public static void main(String[] args) { List books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); Seletor s = new Seletor(); List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { String sel = (String) selecionados.get(i); System.out.println(sel); } } }
  • 15. Grails – The search is over
  • 16. Grails – The search is over Closure e import implícito
  • 17. Grails – The search is over import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class Seletor { private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { List resultado = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < bookNames.size(); i++) { String candidate = (String) bookNames.get(i); if (candidate.length() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } public static void main(String[] args) { List books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); Seletor s = new Seletor(); List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { String sel = (String) selecionados.get(i); System.out.println(sel); } } }
  • 18. Grails – The search is over class Seletor { private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { List resultado = new ArrayList(); bookNames.each { String candidate -> if (candidate.length() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } public static void main(String[] args) { List books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); Seletor s = new Seletor(); List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); selected.each { String sel -> System.out.println(sel); } } }
  • 19. Grails – The search is over Closure e import implícito Declaração e Assinatura de Métodos
  • 20. Grails – The search is over class Seletor { private List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { List resultado = new ArrayList(); bookNames.each { String candidate -> if (candidate.length() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } public static void main(String[] args) { List books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); Seletor s = new Seletor(); List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); selected.each { String sel -> System.out.println(sel); } } }
  • 21. Grails – The search is over List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { List resultado = new ArrayList(); bookNames.each { String candidate -> if (candidate.length() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } List books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); Seletor s = new Seletor(); List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); selected.each { String sel -> System.out.println(sel); }
  • 22. Grails – The search is over Closure e import implícito Declaração e Assinatura de Métodos Tipagem Estática
  • 23. Grails – The search is over List selectBooksNameLessThan(List bookNames, int length) { List resultado = new ArrayList(); bookNames.each { String candidate -> if (candidate.length() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } List books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); Seletor s = new Seletor(); List selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); selected.each { String sel -> System.out.println(sel); }
  • 24. Grails – The search is over def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { def resultado = new ArrayList(); bookNames.each { candidate -> if (candidate.size() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } def books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); selected.each { sel -> System.out.println(sel); }
  • 25. Grails – The search is over Closure e import implícito Declaração e Assinatura de Métodos Tipagem Estática Instância simplificada de Listas Não necessidade de “return” “;” não obrigatório Impressão simples
  • 26. Grails – The search is over def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { def resultado = new ArrayList(); bookNames.each { candidate -> if (candidate.size() < length) { resultado.add(candidate); } } return resultado; } def books = new ArrayList(); books.add("Harry Potter"); books.add("A Vila"); books.add(“O Exorcista"); def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10); System.out.println("Total Selecionados: " + selecionados.size()); selected.each { sel -> System.out.println(sel); }
  • 27. Grails – The search is over def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { def resultado = []; bookNames.each { candidate -> if (candidate.size) < length) { resultado.add(candidate) } } resultado } def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10) println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” selected.each { sel -> println sel }
  • 28. Grails – The search is over Closure e import implícito Declaração e Assinatura de Métodos Tipagem Estática Instância simplificada de Listas Não necessidade de “return” “;” não obrigatório Impressão simples Métódos Dinâmicos
  • 29. Grails – The search is over def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { def resultado = []; bookNames.each { candidate -> if (candidate.size) < length) { resultado.add(candidate) } } resultado } def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10) println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” selected.each { sel -> println sel }
  • 30. Grails – The search is over def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { bookNames.findAll { it.size() < length } } def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10) println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” selected.each { sel -> println sel }
  • 31. Grails – The search is over def selectBooksNameLessThan(bookNames, length) { bookNames.findAll { it.size() < length } } def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] def selected = s.selectBooksNameLessThan(books, 10) println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” selected.each { sel -> println sel }
  • 32. Grails – The search is over def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] def selected = books. findAll { it.size() <= 5} println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” selected.each { sel -> println sel }
  • 33. Grails – The search is over def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] def selected = books. findAll { it.size() <= 5} println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” selected.each { sel -> println sel } Seletor.groovy
  • 34. Grails – The search is over def books = ["Harry Potter”, "A Vila”, “O Exorcista”] def selected = books. findAll { it.size() <= 5} println "Total ${selecionados.size()}” selected.each { sel -> println sel } Seletor.groovy Groovy é Java
  • 35. Grails – The search is over Cenário Atual Web  Persistência  Validações  Logs  Visualização  Controladores  Controle Transacional  Injeção de Dependências  Ajax  Redirecionador de URL’s  Configuração por ambiente  Internacionalização
  • 36. Grails – The search is over
  • 37. Grails – The search is over Welcome to
  • 38. Grails – The search is over Framework Web de Alta produtividade para plataforma Java; Programação por convenção; MVC nativo; Fácil bootstrap; GORM; Scaffolding; Plugins; e tudo que você viu lá atras...
  • 39. Grails – The search is over Arquitetura do Grails
  • 40. Grails – The search is over Passos para criar a Aplicação $ grails create-app booklibrary $ grails run-app
  • 41. Grails – The search is over Classes de domínio $ grails create-domain-class cesar.example.Book class Book { String title Date releaseDate String ISBN }
  • 42. Grails – The search is over Scaffolding INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SEARCH $ grails generate-all cesar.example.Book
  • 43. Grails – The search is over Validations (Constraints) DSL interna baseada no recurso builder da linguagem Groovy; Constraints: static constraints = { title(blank: false) ISBN(blank: false, unique: true) }
  • 44. Grails – The search is over Relacionamento $ grails create-domain-class cesar.example.Person class Person { static hasMany = [books: Book] String name String email String password static constraints = { name(blank: false) email(blank: false, email: true) password(blank: false, password: true) } } Na classe Book: static belongsTo = [person: Person]
  • 45. Grails – The search is over View .gsp i18n # Book book.label=Livro book.title.label=Titulo book.person.label=Pessoa book.releaseDate.label=Data de lancamento # Person person.label=Pessoa person.password.label=Senha
  • 46. Grails – The search is over GORM def books = Book.list(max:10, order:”name”) def books = Book.findByName(“The Developer”) def books = Book.findAllByPriceLessThan(10.0) def books = Book.findAllByTitleLikeAndPriceBetween(“Harry %”, 40.0, 70.0)
  • 47. Grails – The search is over GORM class BookController { def find() { def books = Book.findAllByTitleLike("%""%") render(view: "list", model: [bookInstanceList: books, bookInstanceTotal: books.size()]) } } <div> <br/> <g:form name="myForm" url="[controller:'book',action:'find']"> <g:actionSubmit value="Find" /> <g:textField name="like" value="" /> </g:form> </div>
  • 48. Grails – The search is over WebService REST import grails.converters.* def showRest() { def bookInstance = Book.get( if(!bookInstance){ render new Book() as JSON return } render bookInstance as JSON }
  • 49. Grails – The search is over Configuração por ambiente BuildConfig.groovy DataSource.groovy development { dataSource { pooled = true driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver” username = “root" password = “root" dbCreate = "create-drop" dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect" url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/book_dev? autoreconnect=true" } } $ grails install-dependency mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16
  • 50. Grails – The search is over Plugins GWT LDAP Spring Security Spring WS Maill Feeds Quartz Axis2 Wicket
  • 51. Grails – The search is over Deploy $ grails war
  • 54. contato Aécio Costa – – Felipe Coutinho – –