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   in Haskell
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Template Haskell

Generic Programming in Haskell

(Type-level Programming)
Table of Contents

Template Haskell

Generic Programming in Haskell

(Type-level Programming)
Template Haskell
Template Haskell

Template Haskell


HOC - Haskell Objective-C binding






                IRC Bot (IRC        )



          ( reify )


            ( reify )


(   )

      (    )

Template Haskell

      (    )

Template Haskell



      (    )

Template Haskell



     compile-time wxWidgets, Socket, etc...
TH Features

  {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}
  import Language.Haskell.TH


reify / runIO
2   RandomDef.hs
2 RandomDef.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.Random

$( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1)
    let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd)
    m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |]
    t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " `) " |]) []
     return (t:m)
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.Random

$( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1)
    let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd)
    m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |]
    t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " `) " |]) []
     return (t:m)
Template Haskell
Template Haskell

     Exp           Dec   Pat   Type
Template Haskell

     Exp           Dec     Pat   Type

             ……(cf. HOC)
Template Haskell

     Exp           Dec     Pat   Type

             ……(cf. HOC)

putStrLn “Hello!”
  = AppE (VarE ‘putStrLn) (LitE (stringL “Hello!”))

main :: IO ()
main = getLine >>= putStrLn
   [ SigD (mkName "main") (AppT (VarT ''IO) (VarT ''())), FunD (mkName
   "main") [Clause [] (NormalB $ InfixE (Just $ VarE 'getLine) (VarE
   '(>>=)) (Just $ VarE 'putStrLn) ) []]]
lib2 =
           l=LetS[ValD(VarP $ mkName"it")(NormalB(f"be"))[]]
           f=VarE . mkName
           DoE [ l, l, l, NoBindS $ f"oh",l,
           NoBindS $ InfixE(Just$ f"speaking")(f"words")(Just $ f "wisdom"),l]
lib2 =
           l=LetS[ValD(VarP $ mkName"it")(NormalB(f"be"))[]]
           f=VarE . mkName
           DoE [ l, l, l, NoBindS $ f"oh",l,
           NoBindS $ InfixE(Just$ f"speaking")(f"words")(Just $ f "wisdom"),l]

                                           do let it = be
                                             let it = be
                                             let it = be
                                             let it = be
                                             speaking `words` wisdom
                                             let it = be

GHCi> runQ [d| data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil |]
 [DataD [] List [PlainTV a_0] [NormalC Cons [(NotStrict,VarT a_0),
(NotStrict,AppT (ConT List) (VarT a_0))],NormalC Nil []] []]
[k| |]               (“k”               )


     [e| putStrLn “foo” |]                  (e       )

     [d| main = putStrLn “:-)” |]

     [t| Maybe String |]

     [p| Just 2 |]                      (GHC HEAD)

               (                            )

              `a,           ``Maybe (                    )
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.Random

$( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1)
    let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd)
    m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |]
    t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " ( ´ `) " |]) []
     return (t:m)

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.Random
$( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1)
    let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd)
    m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |]
    t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " ( ´ `) " |]) []
     return (t:m)

$( )

$( )

$( )

       main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType)

$( )

       main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType)

                               $()     (6.12   )

$( )

       main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType)

                               $()     (6.12   )

        Splice         (6.12 )

$( )

           main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType)

                                   $()     (6.12   )

            Splice         (6.12 )

       Splice                import

$( )

           main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType)

                                   $()     (6.12   )

            Splice         (6.12 )

       Splice                import
Q Monad
Q Monad
Q Monad

Q Monad


     runIO $ ...
Q Monad


     runIO $ ...

Q Monad


     runIO $ ...


Q Monad


     runIO $ ...



     GHCi    runQ $ reify ''Maybe

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.THIO                         Get
import System.Random

$( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1)
    let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd)
    m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |]
    t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " `) " |]) []
     return (t:m)
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.Random

$( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1)
    let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd)
    m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |]
    t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " `) " |]) []
     return (t:m)


                 (   )









       [$ident| ... |]



       [$ident| ... |]

   ident                 QuasiQuoter



       [$ident| ... |]

   ident                 QuasiQuoter

                 String → ExpQ     String → PatQ



       [$ident| ... |]

   ident                 QuasiQuoter

                 String → ExpQ     String → PatQ

           Graph JSON
mkTweet :: Int → String → JSValue → JSValue
mkTweet tid text = [$json|
 {“status”: {
   “id”: #int<tid>, “text”: #str<text>

getID :: JSValue → Int
getID [$json| “id”:#Int{var} |] = var
mkTweet :: Int → String → JSValue → JSValue
mkTweet tid text = [$json|
 {“status”: {
   “id”: #int<tid>, “text”: #str<text>

getID :: JSValue → Int
getID [$json| “id”:#Int{var} |] = var

                                 (            )
mkTweet :: Int → String → JSValue → JSValue
mkTweet tid text = [$json|
 {“status”: {
   “id”: #int<tid>, “text”: #str<text>

getID :: JSValue → Int
getID [$json| “id”:#Int{var} |] = var

                                 (            )
data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String
            | ...
            | Var String
        deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- QuasiQuoter
json :: QuasiQuoter
json = QuasiQuoter quoteJSONExp quoteJSONPat

quoteJSONExp :: String → ExpQ
quoteJSONPat :: String → PatQ
quoteJSONPat src = ...
quoteJSONExp src = ...
data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String
            | ...
            | Var String
        deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- QuasiQuoter
json :: QuasiQuoter
json = QuasiQuoter quoteJSONExp quoteJSONPat

quoteJSONExp :: String → ExpQ
quoteJSONPat :: String → PatQ
quoteJSONPat src = ...
quoteJSONExp src = ...
data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String
            | ...
            | Var String
        deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- QuasiQuoter
json :: QuasiQuoter
json = QuasiQuoter quoteJSONExp quoteJSONPat

quoteJSONExp :: String → ExpQ
quoteJSONPat :: String → PatQ
quoteJSONPat src = ...
quoteJSONExp src = ...
data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String
            | ...
            | Var String
        deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- QuasiQuoter
json :: QuasiQuoter
json = QuasiQuoter quoteJSONExp quoteJSONPat

quoteJSONExp :: String → ExpQ
quoteJSONPat :: String → PatQ
quoteJSONPat src = ...
quoteJSONExp src = ...
dataToExpQ, dataToPatQ
dataToExpQ, dataToPatQ

jsonPat src= dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiQuoteP)
               (parseJSON src)
antiQuoteP (Var a) = Just (varP (mkName a))
antiQuoteP _     = Nothing
dataToExpQ, dataToPatQ

jsonPat src= dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiQuoteP)
               (parseJSON src)
antiQuoteP (Var a) = Just (varP (mkName a))
antiQuoteP _     = Nothing
data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String
            | ...
            | Var String
        deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)


parseExpr = ... -- Parser

quoteJSONPat src = do
  let exp = parseExpr src
  dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiStrPat) exp

antiStrPat :: Expr → Maybe PatQ
antiStrPat (Var a) = Just $ varP (mkName a)
antiStrPat _     = Nothing
data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String
            | ...
            | Var String
        deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)


parseExpr = ... -- Parser

quoteJSONPat src = do
  let exp = parseExpr src
  dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiStrPat) exp

antiStrPat :: Expr → Maybe PatQ
antiStrPat (Var a) = Just $ varP (mkName a)
antiStrPat _     = Nothing
data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String
            | ...
            | Var String
        deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)


parseExpr = ... -- Parser

quoteJSONPat src = do
  let exp = parseExpr src
  dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiStrPat) exp

antiStrPat :: Expr → Maybe PatQ
antiStrPat (Var a) = Just $ varP (mkName a)
antiStrPat _     = Nothing


dataToExpQ   extQ
 …… ……
Generic Programming in Haskell

  Template Haskell

  Generic Programming in Haskell

  (Type-level Programming)







Generic Programming
     in Haskell

           (Generics ; GHC     )

SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate)

Instant Generics
Generic Programming
     in Haskell

           (Generics ; GHC     )

SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate)

Instant Generics
Sum of Product
Sum of Product

                 (   )
Sum of Product

                 (   )
Sum of Product

                                 (         )

{-# LANGUAGE Generics, TypeOperators #-}
Sum of Product

                                 (         )

{-# LANGUAGE Generics, TypeOperators #-}
 import GHC.Generics
data Bool = False | True

= Unit :+: Unit
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

= Unit :+: a
          Just 12 = Inr 12, Nothing = Inl Unit

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

=   Unit :+: (a :*: (List a))

     [1,2,3] = Inr (1 :*: Inr (2 :*:
                Inr (3 :*: Inl Unit)))
Binary Encode
class Bin a where
 toBin :: a → [Int]
 fromBin :: [Int] → (a, [Int])

 toBin {| Unit |} Unit         = [0]
 toBin {| p :*: q |} (a :*: b) = toBin a ++ toBin b
 toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inl a) = 0:toBin a
 toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inr b) = 1:toBin b
 fromBin {| Unit |} (0:xs) = (Unit, xs)
 fromBin {| p :*: q |} bin =
   let (a, bin') = fromBin bin
      (b, bin'') = fromBin bin'

class Bin a where
 toBin :: a → [Int]
 fromBin :: [Int] → (a, [Int])

 toBin {| Unit |} Unit         = [0]
 toBin {| p :*: q |} (a :*: b) = toBin a ++ toBin b
 toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inl a) = 0:toBin a
 toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inr b) = 1:toBin b
 fromBin {| Unit |} (0:xs) = (Unit, xs)
 fromBin {| p :*: q |} bin =
   let (a, bin') = fromBin bin
      (b, bin'') = fromBin bin'
           in ...
class Bin a where
 toBin :: a → [Int]
 fromBin :: [Int] → (a, [Int])

 toBin {| Unit |} Unit         = [0]
 toBin {| p :*: q |} (a :*: b) = toBin a ++ toBin b
 toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inl a) = 0:toBin a
 toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inr b) = 1:toBin b
 fromBin {| Unit |} (0:xs) = (Unit, xs)
 fromBin {| p :*: q |} bin =
   let (a, bin') = fromBin bin
      (b, bin'') = fromBin bin' in (a :*: b, bin’’)
(                Int, Char)   instance

instance Bin Int where
  toBin = ....

instance Bin Char where
  toBin = ...

instance Bin a    Bin [a]
instance (Bin a, Bin b)       Bin (a, b)
instance Bin a    Bin (Maybe a)
instance (Bin a, Bin b)       Bin (Either a b)
default method

a          [a]   Maybe a
Generic Programming
     in Haskell

           (Generics ; GHC     )

SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate)

Instant Generics
Scrap Your Boilerplate



Typeable / Data
Typeable / Data


     cast (       )
Typeable / Data


     cast (                  )

  Data:           (gfoldl)

Typeable / Data

 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
 data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
          deriving (Data, Typeable)

        Standalone deriving
        {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
        deriving instance Typeable1 Tree
        deriving instance Data a  Data (Tree a)
data Expr = Num Int
      | Var String
      | Plus Expr Expr
      | Minus Expr Expr
      | Multi Expr Expr
      | Div Expr Expr
        deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)

normalize :: Expr → Expr
normalize = everywhere (mkT normalize')

normalize'   (Plus (Num n) (Num m)) = Num (n + m)
normalize'   (Multi (Num n) (Num m)) = Num (n * m)
normalize'   (Minus (Num n) (Num m)) = Num (n - m)
normalize'   (Div (Num n) (Num m)) = Num (n `div` m)
normalize'   x               =x

mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a)

mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a)

mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a)

everywhere :: GenericT → GenericT

mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a)

everywhere :: GenericT → GenericT


mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a)

everywhere :: GenericT → GenericT


   top-down     everywhere'
GenericT = ∀a. a → a
             mkT fun
                 trans `extT` fun
   GenericM = ∀a. a → m a   :
GenericQ = ∀a. a → r
             (              ) `mkQ` fun
                 query `extQ` fun
GenericB = ∀a. a

               builder `extB` fun
GenericR = ∀a. m a
             mkR fun
               reader `extR` fun
gmapT :: GenericT → a → a

somewhere :: GenericM m → GenecirM m

everything :: (r → r → r) → GenericQ r → GenericQ r

listify :: (r → Bool) → GenericQ [r]

gsize/glength :: GenericQ Int


:: Data a    GenericQ (Maybe ExpQ)
                  → a → ExpQ

     (const Nohting `ext` anti)

Generic Programming
     in Haskell

           (Generics ; GHC     )

SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate)

Instant Generics
Instant Generics
Instant Generics

               (Type families)

DPH (Data Parallel Haskell)
                        Representable a

type Rep a

             data U = U

             data a :+: b = L a | R b (   )

             data a :*: b = a :*: b

             data C con a = C a

             data Var p = Var p

             data Rec p = Rec p
Int, Bool   Int, Bool

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

 type Rep (Maybe a)
   = C Maybe_Nothing_ U
  :+: C Maybe_Just_ (Var a)

       Just 12 = R(C(Var 12)), Nothing = L(C U)
Int, Bool   Int, Bool

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

 type Rep (Maybe a)
   = C Maybe_Nothing_ U
  :+: C Maybe_Just_ (Var a)

       Just 12 = R(C(Var 12)), Nothing = L(C U)
1           Binary Encode
class Bin a where
   toBin :: a → [Int]
   fromBin :: [Int] → (a, [Int])
                                                  C, Var, Rec
instance Bin U where
   toBin U = []
   fromBin xs = (U, [])

instance (Bin a, Bin b)     Bin (a :+: b) where
  toBin (L a) = 0:toBin a
  toBin (R b) = 1:toBin b
  fromBin (0:bin) = ...

instance (Bin a, Bin b)     Bin (a :*: b) where
  toBin (a :*: b) = toBin a ++ toBin b
  fromBin bin      = ...

instance Bin Int where
def_toBin :: (Representable a, Bin (Rep a))
      a → [Int]
def_toBin = toBin . from

instance Bin a   Bin [a] where

   toBin = def_toBin; fromBin = def_fromBin

!     class Normalize a where

        normalize :: a → a

instance Normalize U
instance Normalize (Var a)
instance Normalize a    Normalize (Rec a) where
    normalize (Rec a) = Rec (normalize a)

!     class Normalize a where

        normalize :: a → a

instance Normalize U
instance Normalize (Var a)
instance Normalize a    Normalize (Rec a) where
    normalize (Rec a) = Rec (normalize a)

!     class Normalize a where

        normalize :: a → a

instance Normalize U
instance Normalize (Var a)
instance Normalize a    Normalize (Rec a) where
    normalize (Rec a) = Rec (normalize a)

!     class Normalize a where

        normalize :: a → a

instance Normalize U
instance Normalize (Var a)
instance Normalize a    Normalize (Rec a) where
    normalize (Rec a) = Rec (normalize a)
 :: (Representable a, Normalize (Rep a))   a→a
dft_normalize = to . normalize . from

instance Normalize Expr where
  normalize x = case dft_normalize x of
    Plus (Num n) (Num m) → Num (n + m)
    Multi (Num n) (Num m) → Num (n * m)
    Minus (Num n) (Num m) → Num (n - m)
    Div (Num n) (Num m) → Num (n `div` m)
    x              →x

Var                                     Int, Char
Instant Generics
Instant Generics
Instant Generics





              geq    rmWeights         selectInt   selectIntAcc
             SYB    Instant Generics





              geq    rmWeights         selectInt   selectIntAcc
             SYB    Instant Generics





              geq    rmWeights         selectInt   selectIntAcc
             SYB    Instant Generics





              geq    rmWeights         selectInt   selectIntAcc
             SYB    Instant Generics




              geq    rmWeights         selectInt   selectIntAcc

             SYB    Instant Generics


SYB with class



                 (          )



Metaprogramming in Haskell

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Metaprogramming in Haskell

  • 1. Metaprogramming in Haskell
  • 2. Table of Contents Template Haskell Generic Programming in Haskell (Type-level Programming)
  • 3. Table of Contents Template Haskell Generic Programming in Haskell (Type-level Programming)
  • 7. HOC - Haskell Objective-C binding Class/Instance jmacro JavaScript HAppS lambdabot IRC Bot (IRC )
  • 8. TH
  • 9. TH
  • 10. TH IO
  • 11. TH IO ( reify )
  • 12. TH IO ( reify ) DSL
  • 13. TH
  • 14. TH ( )
  • 15. TH ( ) Template Haskell
  • 16. TH ( ) Template Haskell Q IO
  • 17. TH ( ) Template Haskell Q IO compile-time wxWidgets, Socket, etc...
  • 18. TH Features {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-} import Language.Haskell.TH splice reify / runIO
  • 19. DEMO
  • 20. 2 RandomDef.hs
  • 21. 2 RandomDef.hs {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Language.Haskell.TH import System.Random $( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1) let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd) m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |] t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " `) " |]) [] (´ return (t:m) )
  • 22. (RandomDef.hs) {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Language.Haskell.TH import System.Random $( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1) let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd) m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |] t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " `) " |]) [] (´ return (t:m) )
  • 23.
  • 25. Template Haskell Exp Dec Pat Type
  • 26. Template Haskell Exp Dec Pat Type ……(cf. HOC)
  • 27. Template Haskell Exp Dec Pat Type ……(cf. HOC) Q
  • 28. putStrLn “Hello!” = AppE (VarE ‘putStrLn) (LitE (stringL “Hello!”)) main :: IO () main = getLine >>= putStrLn [ SigD (mkName "main") (AppT (VarT ''IO) (VarT ''())), FunD (mkName "main") [Clause [] (NormalB $ InfixE (Just $ VarE 'getLine) (VarE '(>>=)) (Just $ VarE 'putStrLn) ) []]]
  • 29. lib2 = let l=LetS[ValD(VarP $ mkName"it")(NormalB(f"be"))[]] f=VarE . mkName in DoE [ l, l, l, NoBindS $ f"oh",l, NoBindS $ InfixE(Just$ f"speaking")(f"words")(Just $ f "wisdom"),l]
  • 30. lib2 = let l=LetS[ValD(VarP $ mkName"it")(NormalB(f"be"))[]] f=VarE . mkName in DoE [ l, l, l, NoBindS $ f"oh",l, NoBindS $ InfixE(Just$ f"speaking")(f"words")(Just $ f "wisdom"),l] do let it = be let it = be let it = be oh let it = be speaking `words` wisdom let it = be
  • 31. k GHCi GHCi> runQ [d| data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil |] [DataD [] List [PlainTV a_0] [NormalC Cons [(NotStrict,VarT a_0), (NotStrict,AppT (ConT List) (VarT a_0))],NormalC Nil []] []]
  • 32. [k| |] (“k” ) Q [e| putStrLn “foo” |] (e ) [d| main = putStrLn “:-)” |] [t| Maybe String |] [p| Just 2 |] (GHC HEAD) ( ) `a, ``Maybe ( )
  • 33. {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Language.Haskell.TH import System.Random $( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1) let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd) m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |] t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " ( ´ `) " |]) [] return (t:m) )
  • 34. (RandomDef.hs) {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Language.Haskell.TH import System.Random + $( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1) let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd) m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |] t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " ( ´ `) " |]) [] return (t:m) )
  • 37. (Splice) Q $( )
  • 38. (Splice) Q $( )
  • 39. (Splice) Q $( ) main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType)
  • 40. (Splice) Q $( ) main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType) $() (6.12 )
  • 41. (Splice) Q $( ) main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType) $() (6.12 ) Splice (6.12 )
  • 42. (Splice) Q $( ) main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType) $() (6.12 ) Splice (6.12 ) Splice import
  • 43. (Splice) Q $( ) main = $(1 + ‘a) :: $(myType) $() (6.12 ) Splice (6.12 ) Splice import
  • 47. Q Monad IO runIO $ ...
  • 48. Q Monad IO runIO $ ... (reify)
  • 49. Q Monad IO runIO $ ... (reify) Q
  • 50. Q Monad IO runIO $ ... (reify) Q GHCi runQ $ reify ''Maybe
  • 51. IO {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Language.Haskell.THIO Get import System.Random $( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1) let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd) m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |] t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " `) " |]) [] (´ return (t:m) )
  • 52. {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Language.Haskell.TH import System.Random $( do rnd ← runIO $ randomRIO (0,1) let nm = mkName (["a", "b"] !! rnd) m ← [d| main = $(varE $ mkName "a") |] t ← valD (varP nm) (normalB [| putStrLn " `) " |]) [] (´ return (t:m) )
  • 53. reify compile-time ( ) derive DEMO
  • 54.
  • 55. LISP
  • 56. LISP EDSL
  • 57. LISP EDSL
  • 59. LISP EDSL GHC HEAD [$ident| ... |]
  • 60. LISP EDSL GHC HEAD [$ident| ... |] ident QuasiQuoter
  • 61. LISP EDSL GHC HEAD [$ident| ... |] ident QuasiQuoter String → ExpQ String → PatQ
  • 62. LISP EDSL GHC HEAD [$ident| ... |] ident QuasiQuoter String → ExpQ String → PatQ Graph JSON
  • 63. mkTweet :: Int → String → JSValue → JSValue mkTweet tid text = [$json| {“status”: { “id”: #int<tid>, “text”: #str<text> }} |] getID :: JSValue → Int getID [$json| “id”:#Int{var} |] = var
  • 64. mkTweet :: Int → String → JSValue → JSValue mkTweet tid text = [$json| {“status”: { “id”: #int<tid>, “text”: #str<text> }} |] getID :: JSValue → Int getID [$json| “id”:#Int{var} |] = var ( )
  • 65. mkTweet :: Int → String → JSValue → JSValue mkTweet tid text = [$json| {“status”: { “id”: #int<tid>, “text”: #str<text> }} |] getID :: JSValue → Int getID [$json| “id”:#Int{var} |] = var ( )
  • 66. JSON data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String | ... | Var String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- QuasiQuoter json :: QuasiQuoter json = QuasiQuoter quoteJSONExp quoteJSONPat quoteJSONExp :: String → ExpQ quoteJSONPat :: String → PatQ quoteJSONPat src = ... quoteJSONExp src = ...
  • 67. JSON data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String | ... | Var String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- QuasiQuoter json :: QuasiQuoter json = QuasiQuoter quoteJSONExp quoteJSONPat quoteJSONExp :: String → ExpQ quoteJSONPat :: String → PatQ quoteJSONPat src = ... quoteJSONExp src = ...
  • 68. JSON data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String | ... | Var String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- QuasiQuoter json :: QuasiQuoter json = QuasiQuoter quoteJSONExp quoteJSONPat quoteJSONExp :: String → ExpQ quoteJSONPat :: String → PatQ quoteJSONPat src = ... quoteJSONExp src = ...
  • 69. JSON data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String | ... | Var String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- QuasiQuoter json :: QuasiQuoter json = QuasiQuoter quoteJSONExp quoteJSONPat quoteJSONExp :: String → ExpQ quoteJSONPat :: String → PatQ quoteJSONPat src = ... quoteJSONExp src = ...
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 73. dataToExpQ, dataToPatQ jsonPat src= dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiQuoteP) (parseJSON src) antiQuoteP (Var a) = Just (varP (mkName a)) antiQuoteP _ = Nothing
  • 74. dataToExpQ, dataToPatQ jsonPat src= dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiQuoteP) (parseJSON src) antiQuoteP (Var a) = Just (varP (mkName a)) antiQuoteP _ = Nothing
  • 75. data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String | ... | Var String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable) ... parseExpr = ... -- Parser quoteJSONPat src = do let exp = parseExpr src dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiStrPat) exp antiStrPat :: Expr → Maybe PatQ antiStrPat (Var a) = Just $ varP (mkName a) antiStrPat _ = Nothing
  • 76. data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String | ... | Var String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable) ... parseExpr = ... -- Parser quoteJSONPat src = do let exp = parseExpr src dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiStrPat) exp antiStrPat :: Expr → Maybe PatQ antiStrPat (Var a) = Just $ varP (mkName a) antiStrPat _ = Nothing
  • 77. data JSON = JSNumber Int | JSString String | ... | Var String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable) ... parseExpr = ... -- Parser quoteJSONPat src = do let exp = parseExpr src dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiStrPat) exp antiStrPat :: Expr → Maybe PatQ antiStrPat (Var a) = Just $ varP (mkName a) antiStrPat _ = Nothing Var
  • 78. …… dataToExpQ extQ …… ……
  • 79. Generic Programming in Haskell Template Haskell Generic Programming in Haskell (Type-level Programming)
  • 81. Haskell ——Wikipedia
  • 82. Haskell ——Wikipedia =
  • 83. Haskell ——Wikipedia =
  • 84. Haskell ——Wikipedia =
  • 85.
  • 86. Generic Programming in Haskell (Generics ; GHC ) SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate) Instant Generics
  • 87. Generic Programming in Haskell (Generics ; GHC ) SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate) Instant Generics
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 93. Sum of Product ( ) {-# LANGUAGE Generics, TypeOperators #-}
  • 94. Sum of Product ( ) {-# LANGUAGE Generics, TypeOperators #-} import GHC.Generics
  • 95. data Bool = False | True = Unit :+: Unit data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a = Unit :+: a Just 12 = Inr 12, Nothing = Inl Unit data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) = Unit :+: (a :*: (List a)) [1,2,3] = Inr (1 :*: Inr (2 :*: Inr (3 :*: Inl Unit)))
  • 96. Binary Encode class Bin a where toBin :: a → [Int] fromBin :: [Int] → (a, [Int]) toBin {| Unit |} Unit = [0] toBin {| p :*: q |} (a :*: b) = toBin a ++ toBin b toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inl a) = 0:toBin a toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inr b) = 1:toBin b fromBin {| Unit |} (0:xs) = (Unit, xs) fromBin {| p :*: q |} bin = let (a, bin') = fromBin bin (b, bin'') = fromBin bin' ...
  • 97. class Bin a where toBin :: a → [Int] fromBin :: [Int] → (a, [Int]) toBin {| Unit |} Unit = [0] toBin {| p :*: q |} (a :*: b) = toBin a ++ toBin b toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inl a) = 0:toBin a toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inr b) = 1:toBin b fromBin {| Unit |} (0:xs) = (Unit, xs) fromBin {| p :*: q |} bin = let (a, bin') = fromBin bin (b, bin'') = fromBin bin' in ...
  • 98. class Bin a where toBin :: a → [Int] fromBin :: [Int] → (a, [Int]) toBin {| Unit |} Unit = [0] toBin {| p :*: q |} (a :*: b) = toBin a ++ toBin b toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inl a) = 0:toBin a toBin {| p :+: q |} (Inr b) = 1:toBin b fromBin {| Unit |} (0:xs) = (Unit, xs) fromBin {| p :*: q |} bin = let (a, bin') = fromBin bin (b, bin'') = fromBin bin' in (a :*: b, bin’’) ...
  • 99. ( Int, Char) instance instance Bin Int where toBin = .... instance Bin Char where toBin = ... instance Bin a Bin [a] instance (Bin a, Bin b) Bin (a, b) instance Bin a Bin (Maybe a) instance (Bin a, Bin b) Bin (Either a b)
  • 100. DEMO
  • 101. default method a [a] Maybe a
  • 102. Generic Programming in Haskell (Generics ; GHC ) SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate) Instant Generics
  • 103. Scrap Your Boilerplate syb Haskell dataToExpQ
  • 105. Typeable / Data Typeable: cast ( )
  • 106. Typeable / Data Typeable: cast ( ) Data: (gfoldl) cast
  • 107. Typeable / Data GHC {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Data, Typeable) Standalone deriving {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} deriving instance Typeable1 Tree deriving instance Data a Data (Tree a)
  • 108. -- data Expr = Num Int | Var String | Plus Expr Expr | Minus Expr Expr | Multi Expr Expr | Div Expr Expr deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) normalize :: Expr → Expr normalize = everywhere (mkT normalize') normalize' (Plus (Num n) (Num m)) = Num (n + m) normalize' (Multi (Num n) (Num m)) = Num (n * m) normalize' (Minus (Num n) (Num m)) = Num (n - m) normalize' (Div (Num n) (Num m)) = Num (n `div` m) normalize' x =x
  • 109. SYB
  • 110. SYB
  • 111. SYB
  • 112. SYB
  • 113. SYB mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a)
  • 114. SYB mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a)
  • 115. SYB mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a) everywhere :: GenericT → GenericT
  • 116. SYB mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a) everywhere :: GenericT → GenericT bottom-up
  • 117. SYB mkT :: (b → b) → (a → a) everywhere :: GenericT → GenericT bottom-up top-down everywhere'
  • 118. (1) GenericT = ∀a. a → a Transformer mkT fun trans `extT` fun GenericM = ∀a. a → m a : GenericQ = ∀a. a → r Query ( ) `mkQ` fun query `extQ` fun
  • 119. (2) GenericB = ∀a. a Builder builder `extB` fun GenericR = ∀a. m a Reader mkR fun reader `extR` fun
  • 120. gmapT :: GenericT → a → a somewhere :: GenericM m → GenecirM m everything :: (r → r → r) → GenericQ r → GenericQ r listify :: (r → Bool) → GenericQ [r] gsize/glength :: GenericQ Int
  • 121. dataToExpQ dataToExpQ :: Data a GenericQ (Maybe ExpQ) → a → ExpQ (const Nohting `ext` anti)
  • 122. SYB
  • 123. SYB
  • 125. Generic Programming in Haskell (Generics ; GHC ) SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate) Instant Generics
  • 127. Instant Generics (Type families) DPH (Data Parallel Haskell)
  • 128.
  • 129.
  • 134. IG Representable a type Rep a data U = U data a :+: b = L a | R b ( ) data a :*: b = a :*: b data C con a = C a data Var p = Var p data Rec p = Rec p
  • 135. Int, Bool Int, Bool data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a type Rep (Maybe a) = C Maybe_Nothing_ U :+: C Maybe_Just_ (Var a) Just 12 = R(C(Var 12)), Nothing = L(C U)
  • 136. Int, Bool Int, Bool data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a type Rep (Maybe a) = C Maybe_Nothing_ U :+: C Maybe_Just_ (Var a) Just 12 = R(C(Var 12)), Nothing = L(C U)
  • 137. 1 Binary Encode class Bin a where toBin :: a → [Int] fromBin :: [Int] → (a, [Int]) C, Var, Rec instance Bin U where toBin U = [] fromBin xs = (U, []) instance (Bin a, Bin b) Bin (a :+: b) where toBin (L a) = 0:toBin a toBin (R b) = 1:toBin b fromBin (0:bin) = ... ... instance (Bin a, Bin b) Bin (a :*: b) where toBin (a :*: b) = toBin a ++ toBin b fromBin bin = ... instance Bin Int where ...
  • 138. def_toBin :: (Representable a, Bin (Rep a)) a → [Int] def_toBin = toBin . from ... instance Bin a Bin [a] where toBin = def_toBin; fromBin = def_fromBin
  • 139. 2 ! class Normalize a where normalize :: a → a instance Normalize U instance Normalize (Var a) ... instance Normalize a Normalize (Rec a) where normalize (Rec a) = Rec (normalize a)
  • 140. 2 ! class Normalize a where normalize :: a → a instance Normalize U instance Normalize (Var a) ... instance Normalize a Normalize (Rec a) where normalize (Rec a) = Rec (normalize a)
  • 141. 2 ! class Normalize a where normalize :: a → a instance Normalize U instance Normalize (Var a) ... instance Normalize a Normalize (Rec a) where normalize (Rec a) = Rec (normalize a)
  • 142. 2 ! class Normalize a where normalize :: a → a instance Normalize U instance Normalize (Var a) ... instance Normalize a Normalize (Rec a) where normalize (Rec a) = Rec (normalize a)
  • 143. Expr dft_normalize :: (Representable a, Normalize (Rep a)) a→a dft_normalize = to . normalize . from instance Normalize Expr where normalize x = case dft_normalize x of Plus (Num n) (Num m) → Num (n + m) Multi (Num n) (Num m) → Num (n * m) Minus (Num n) (Num m) → Num (n - m) Div (Num n) (Num m) → Num (n `div` m) x →x Var Int, Char
  • 147. 100000(ms) 10000(ms) 1000(ms) 100(ms) 10(ms) 1(ms) geq rmWeights selectInt selectIntAcc SYB Instant Generics
  • 148. 100000(ms) 10000(ms) 1000(ms) 100(ms) 10(ms) 1(ms) geq rmWeights selectInt selectIntAcc SYB Instant Generics
  • 149. 100000(ms) 10000(ms) 1000(ms) 100(ms) 10(ms) 1(ms) geq rmWeights selectInt selectIntAcc SYB Instant Generics
  • 150. 100000(ms) 10000(ms) 1000(ms) 100(ms) 10(ms) 1(ms) geq rmWeights selectInt selectIntAcc SYB Instant Generics
  • 151. 100000(ms) 75000(ms) 50000(ms) 25000(ms) 0(ms) geq rmWeights selectInt selectIntAcc SYB Instant Generics
  • 152. SYB
  • 154. GP SYB with class Data Smash ( ) SYB Uniplate MPTC