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3.Research and
“A perfect social safe design does not exist. It is the people of a neighbourhood that in the end cause or prevent crime. But what we as ur-
banists can do is shape conditions that make a social safe area possible.” (Voordt, D.J.M. van der, and H.B.R. van Wegen - 1990)

For this course we worked on the Veldacademie in Rotterdam Oud-Charlois. This academy is a cooperation between the municipality of Rot-
terdam and the TU Delft. It is a knowledge centre for neighbourhood transformation. The course is an elective in the Urbanism Masters de-

Twelve students worked together and divided in groups of three persons. The three of us have been working together since the first week,
and had a productive cooperation during the nine weeks of the course.

We hope you will enjoy reading this report!

Robin Boelsums
Thomas Galesloot
Khor Minhong


1.2Introduction   4
 In this report we explain how we try to reach the goal ‘improve the social safety in Oud-Charlois by the participation of seniors’. For this
 course the task was to design an assisted living area in which a person is able to live as long as possible in their own neighbourhood. We
 focus on a certain aspect of that, namely the social safety of Oud-Charlois. This aspect is very important when trying to prevent seniors to
 move out of their neighbourhood.
 We use a checklist with criteria for designing a social safe area. We define which of these criteria are absent in Oud-Charlois. Because we
 want to include seniors in these solutions we talk in more detail about the criteria that they can address: presence of people and involve-
 ment/responsability of neighbourhood. We state that our group of seniors are mainly active persons, so they will be very capable of solving
 these problems.

 After this, we research which public places of the area need modification. Out of our masterplan we focus on three streets and made an indi-
 vidual design for those. The designs are based on the two previous criteria.
 We do not expect much of the seniors, they do what thay always do on a regular day. But we will shape the conditions that may change their
 behaviour unconsiously.They take a different route because of better accesibility (presence in a certain street) or they put a bench in front of
 their house because we gave them a semi-public zone (they show involvement).

1.2Introduction   6
 GPS tracking is a rapidly evoluating technology that is getting more and more accesible for research. New notions can be found when we
 use the Global Positioning System to trace the movement patterns of residents. For this course twelve students tracked 40 seniors during
 four days. The seniors had to carry a little GPS device with themselves whenever they left their homes. The assignment was to use these
 movement patterns to make a design for an assisted living area in Oud-Charlois, Rotterdam.
 An assisted living area is “an area in which people needing assistance with activities of daily living can live as independently as possible for
 as long as possible, with support of long-term care facilities” (MedicineNet, 2010). This means that people should be able to live as long as
 possible in their own neighbourhood, without having to move to a care facility. The present idea of assisted living seems to be outdated. It
 is the idea of elderly living in an assisted living facility (care centre) with all facilities as closeby as possible. New theory states that elderly
 should be able to stay in their own house as long as possible, without having to move as early as they do now. The houses should be more
 fit for elderly and also the neighbourhood with its facilities should be adapted in a way that elderly can make use of it far longer than they do
 now. Accessibility, safety and facilities are examples of topics urbanists should deal with when creating an assisted living area.

 In this course we will make a design towards an assisted living area, according to the new developing ideas about it. If we want to prevent
 the necessity for seniors to move because of their health, we also have to make certain they will not move for other reasons such as accesi-
 bility, safety and social isolation. In this report we will discuss social safety, which also influences the other two topics. Social safety deals
 with for example escape routes, presence of people and attractiveness of the area.
 We believe that seniors can be involved in solving the problems on social safety in Oud-Charlois. We research those possibilities and take a
 look at how we can best shape the environment in a way that seniors are able to help with increasing the social safety.


2.2Strategy   8
In this course, we address two main topics: GPS and assisted living. We tracked 40 seniors with GPS devices and their movements are
studied. All seniors are from Oud Charlois in Rotterdam or nearby.
Our goal is:

Improve the social safety of the public space in Oud-Charlois by the participation of seniors

We believe that seniors can be really helpful when solving the problem of social safety in Oud-Charlois. As can be read in the following
chapter, we do not ask a lot of the seniors. They simply can do what they always do on a regular day. But we will shape the conditions that
may change their behaviour unconsiously.

2.2Strategy   10
 To reach the goal, we define five questions to help us. Question V will derive the answer how to reach the goal.

 I What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood?
 Our aim is to work on the social safety of Oud Charlois.
 How can we reach a social safe area? What literature is there on this topic and therefore what criteria can we use?

 II What criteria are absent in Oud Charlois?
 If we answer this question, we know what problems we have to deal with.

 III Which of these criteria can be reached by our focus group of seniors?
 To reach our goal we need to answer this, because we will only include the participation of seniors for this goal.

 IV Which public areas of Oud Charlois need improvement?
 After these first answers, we can derive the public spaces that need improvement.

 V How can we improve these public areas?
 As an example we will make designs to improve some of the mentioned areas.

 To answer these questions we use different tools. An important one is the GPS. As mentioned, we tracked 40 seniors to look at their move-
 ment patterns. Of course, these patterns are not representative for the entire neighbourhood of Oud-Charlois. However, for this course it is
 interesting to learn how we can use this method when there would be hundreds of seniors tracked, which could happen in the future. There-
 fore we assume that these tracks are representative for all seniors of the neighbourhood. We do take into account the characteristics of the
 tracked seniors, more on that in paragraph 3.3.

3.Research and                               3
3.1 What are the criteria for a social safe
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud Char-
3.3Which of these criteria can be reached
by our focus goup of seniors?
3.4Which public areas of Oud Charlois
need improvement?
3.5How can we improve these public
places?                                 12
3.1What are the criteria for a social safe
 The following items are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood. When we talk about social safety we talk about both the actual
 safety (crime rates, numbre of robberies etc) and the perception of safety (do people feel safe). First there is a list of the criteria in
 general, second we adapted this list specificly for Oud-Charlois.
 GeneralChecklist regarding                                     social                     Charlois
 Social safety checklist                                                                   Social safety* criteria
                                                                                            Social safety criteria
                                                                                           *note: both actual safety as feeling of safety

                                                                                           1. Presence of other people
           1.Presence of potential
                                                                                           2. Visibility
           2.Presence of ‘social eyes’
                                                                                           3. Involvement/responsibility
                                                                                           4. Attractiveness of the area
                                                                                           5. Accessibility
           5.Attractiveness of the public
                                                                                           6. Vulnerability of potential target
           6.Accessibility/escape routes

           7.Attractiveness of potential                                                   Criteria for social unsafety*
             target                                                                        *note: both actual incidents as feeling of unsafety

           8.Vulnerability of potential                                                    1. Presence of potential
             target                                                                           offender (perpretator)
           Literature: Voordt, D.J.M., van der ,‘Sociaal Veilig Ontwerpen, checklist ten
           behoeve van het ontwikkelen en toetsen van (plannen voor) de gebouwde
                                                                                           2. Presence of potential target
           omgeving.’, Delft, 1990                                                          Gelegenheidstheorie - rational action theory
3.1What are the criteria for a social safe
 Now we zoom in on these criteria. What do these items mean exactly?

 Social safety criteria

            1.Presence of other people                                       5. Accessibility

                - Formal surveillance (police, security guard)                 - entries to non-public areas are closed properly
                - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches,                  - public areas accesible from several points
                  shop owners, etc)                                                   - escape routes for potential victims
                                                                                      - risk of getting caught as offender

                - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by)
                - Feeling of presence of other people
                                                                             6. Vulnerability of potential
            2.Visibility                                                       - people: physical (depends on age, gender)
                - Clear view within the public space                           - items: ‘asshole proof’ design of street furniture

                - Sufficient street lights
                - Clear view from house to public space and vice versa

            3.Involvement/responsibility of

                - Low moving tendency

                                                                             1. Presence of potential of-
                - Design of public space in relation to users wishes
                - Ability to recognize co-users (scale)
                                                                             fender (perpretator)
                - Stimulate use of collective space
                - Participation of residents in management of public space      - age
                - Clearly define who is responsible for what                    - gender

                                                                                - alcohol/drugs

            4. Attractiveness of the area
                - Design of public space in relation to users wishes
                                                                             2. Presence of potential target
                - Attractive colour & material usage
                - attractive street furniture                                   - both people & items
                - good & regular maintenance of public space                    - presence of valuable items

                                                                                - high concentration of potential targets

3.1What are the criteria for a social
safe neighbourhood?
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud
3.3Which of these criteria can be
reached by our focus seniors?
3.4Which public areas of Oud Char-
lois need improvement?
3.5How can we improve these public
places?                            15
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-

                                                                            We narrowed down our focus
                               a                                            area to just the Northern part of
      Nie uw e M                                                            Oud-Charlois, so we could be
                                                                            more detailed in our research.
                                                     sh ave                 The Northern area is interesting
                                               Maa                          because it consists of different
                                                                            street typologies, the commercial
                                                                            centre of Oud-Charlois and a
                                                                            diversity of deprived and less

                    Fran                                                    deprived building blocks.
                        s Be



     l-                                                   Zuidplein
             Wiel                                     AHOY
                                               Z u i d e r p ark
                                                                      scale 1:20000
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 1 Presence of other people

                                The presence of other
                                people is an important
                                aspect in social safety.
                                When residents (informal
                                surveillance) are walking
                                in the street an offend-
                                er feels that people are
                                looking at him, so he will
                                think twice before he acts.
                                Formal surveillance con-
                                sists of people that are
                                paid for surveilling or oth-
                                er material arrangements.

                              Examples of
                              informal surveillance
                              in Oud-Charlois
                                                Examples of
                                          formal surveillance
                                             in Oud-Charlois    17
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 1 Presence of other people

                              Pedestrian density

                                  Low pedestrian
                                  Mid pedestrian
                                  High pedestrian

3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 2. Visibility_Public places                                           Street lights               Visibility

         1 Karel de Stouteplein
                                                       open facade

                                                       closed facade

                                                                        sufficient street lights

         scale 1:10000
         good view from house to park and vice versa

         2 Gouwplein

                                                                        sufficient street lights

         scale 1:10000
         closed facades cause bad visibility

         3 Wolphaertse plein

         scale 1:10000
         after school closure bad visibility                            no street lights                        19
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 2. Visibility_Streets
                         Street lights   Visibility

 1 Wolphaertsbocht

                         sufficient      bad on some spots: shed

 scale 1:5000

 2 Frans Bekkerstraat

                         sufficient      bad: closed curtains + highered 1st floor

 scale 1:5000
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 3. Involvement/responsibility in the neighbourhood

                                                        The proportion of residents within the
                                                        district or the district or moved away,
                                                        as a percentage of the average popu-
                                                        lation per block or cluster of blocks.

                                                      Mobility rates (2009)
                                                          >8% and <=15%

                                                          >15% and <=22%


3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
                                    expressive facade design

                        4. Attractiveness of
                        the area

     good maintenance
                                                  attractive street

3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
                                           anonymous facade design

                        4. Attractiveness of
                              the area

      bad maintenance
                                                        street furniture

3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 5. Accessibility_Public places

                                      1 Karel de Stouteplein



                              2          great sense of accesibility/escape routes

                                      2 Gouwplein

                                         good sense of accesibility/escape routes

                                      3 ??

                                         weak sense of accesibility/escape routes

3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 5. Accessibility_Streets

                                1 Wolphaertsbocht



                                2 Frans Bekkerstraat

3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 6. Vulnerability of potential target

                                                       ‘hufterproof’ design

                                      6. Vulnerability of potential

                        prevention of
                        burglary or vandalism

3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 5. Accessibility_Public places

                                                       vulnerable design

                                      6. Vulnerability of potential

                 easy to break-in/vandalise

3.2What criteria are absent in Oud-
 Social safety criteria
 When we take a look again at the criteria we can mark them red, orange or green: respectively absent, absent at some places, or present.

           1.Presence of other people                                                5. Accessibility
                - Formal surveillance (police, security guard)                          - entries to non-public areas are closed properly
                - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches,                           - public areas accesible from several points
                  shop owners, etc)                                                            - escape routes for potential victims
                - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by)                                - risk of getting caught as offender
                - Feeling of presence of other people
                                                                                     6. Vulnerability of potential
           2.Visibility                                                                 - people: physical (depends on age, gender)
                - Clear view within the public space                                    - items: ‘asshole proof’ design of street furniture
                - Sufficient street lights
                - Clear view from house to public space and vice versa

           3.Involvement/responsibility of                                     Criteria for social unsafety
                - Low moving tendency

                                                                                     1. Presence of potential of-
                - Design of public space in relation to users wishes
                - Ability to recognize co-users (scale)
                - Stimulate the use of collective space
                - Creating opportunities for semi-public use of public space
                                                                                     fender (perpretator)
                                                                                        - age
                                                                                        - gender

           4. Attractiveness of the area                                                - alcohol/drugs

                - Design of public space in relation to users wishes
                - Attractive colour & material usage
                - attractive street furniture                                        2. Presence of potential target
                - good & regular maintenance of public space                            - both people & items
                                                                                        - presence of valuable items
                                                                                        - high concentration of potential targets

3.1What are the criteria for a social
safe neighbourhood?
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud
3.3Which of these criteria can be
reached by our focus seniors?
3.4Which public areas of Oud Char-
lois need improvement?
3.5How can we improve these public
places?                            29
3.3Which of these criteria can be
reached by focus group of seniors?
 Profile of the tracked group

   Lifestyles                                                                                                                Tracked group are in average
                                                                      14        14
                                                                                                                             Active Seniors
       Green world                                                                        5        4                             socially active:
       & Yellow world                                        1                                     ?                                                 group-oriented
                                                                                                                                                     make a chat with neighbours
                                                                                                                                                     live in Oud-Charlois for long time
                                                                                                                                 physically active
  How long have                                                                                                                                      walk for leisure often
  you lived in the                                                                                                                                   GPS activity radius:
                                                                                                                                                     way more than 500m
  neighbourhood?               12

                                    0-5yrs 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 >30yrs
                                                                                                                                When we typify the seniors we tracked, we can
                                                                         Almost never
  Do you often take a walk in                                                                 Less than                         tell that they are active seniors. Most of them
                                                                             6%               once a week
  the neighbourhood?                                                                  19%                                       have lived in the area for a long time, so they
                                                                                                                                feel involved. The often take a walk in the neigh-
                                                                                                Regularly                       bourhood and have a talk with the people that
                                                                                                                                are around.
  How often do you have a small
  talk with people from your                                                                                                    The lifestyle scheme shows a lot of green and
  close neighbourhood?                        (almost) daily                                                    69%
                                                                                                                                yellow, and less blue and red. This means the
                                                     Weekly                                                     23%
                            A couple of times per month                                                          0%
                                                                                                                                red - ego oriented, vital, dynamic
                     A couple of times per month or less                                                         4%             green - group oriented, protection
                                            (almost) never                                                       2%             yellow - group oriented, harmony
                                             not applicable                                                      0%             blue - ego oriented, control, status
                                    People can select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

3.3Which of these criteria can be
reached by focus group of seniors?
 Criteria that seniors can participate in

                                                   SOLVABLE BY
                                                 ACTIVE SENIORS
               1.Presence of other people                                        5. Accessibility
                  - Formal surveillance (police, security guard)                    - entries to non-public areas are closed properly
                  - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches,                     - public areas accesible from several points
                    shop owners, etc)                                                      - escape routes for potential victims
                  - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by)                          - risk of getting caught as offender
                  - Feeling of presence of other people
                                                                                 6. Vulnerability of potential
               2.Visibility                                                         - people: physical (depends on age, gender)
                  - Clear view within the public space                              - items: ‘asshole proof’ design of street furniture
                  - Sufficient street lights
  SOLVABLE BY     - Clear view from house to public space and vice versa
               3.Involvement/responsibility of
                  - Low moving tendency
                                                                                      Out of the six criteria active
                                                                                 1. Presence of potential                            of-
                  - Design of public space in relation to users wishes
                  - Ability to recognize co-users (scale)                             seniors can participate in two
                  - Stimulate the use of collective space
                  - Creating opportunities for semi-public use of public space
                                                                                 fender (perpretator)
                                                                                      of them. The other four crite-
                                                                                    - age
                                                                                      ria can be solved by tangible
                                                                                    - gender
                                                                                    - alcohol/drugs not by people.
               4. Attractiveness of the area
                  - Design of public space in relation to users wishes
                  - Attractive colour & material usage
                  - attractive street furniture                                  2. Presence of potential target
                  - good & regular maintenance of public space                      - both people & items
                                                                                    - presence of valuable items
                                                                                    - high concentration of potential targets

3.3Which of these criteria can be
reached by focus group of seniors?
 Methods to derive information needed

                                                SOLVABLE BY
                                              ACTIVE SENIORS
            1.Presence of other people                                           Method                            Topic
              - Formal surveillance (police, security guard)                    Questionnaire?              Question 22
              - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches, shop owners, etc)   Gisweb 2.0 + sight seeing   Locations of facilities
              - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by)                   ArcMap GPS Tracks           Density pedestrian maps
              - Feeling of presence of other people                             Photos                      Closed curtains and blind walls

                                                SOLVABLE BY
                                              ACTIVE SENIORS
            3.Involvement/responsibility of
              neighbourhood                                                      Method                           Topic
                                                                                                              Moving tendency
              - Low moving tendency                                             Gisweb 2.0
              - Design of public space in relation to users wishes              Questionnarie + meetings      Add. question #5
              - Ability to recognize co-users (scale)                           Questionnarie + meetings      Question 22
              - Stimulation use of collective space                             Gisweb 2.0                    Map of space ownership
              - Creating opportunities for semi-public use of public space      Photos                        Visualiations space owner-

3.1What are the criteria for a social
safe neighbourhood?
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud
3.3Which of these criteria can be
reached by our focus seniors?
3.4Which public areas of Oud Char-
lois need improvement?
3.5How can we improve these public
places?                            33
3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Methods to derive information needed for analysis

                                                 SOLVABLE BY
                                               ACTIVE SENIORS
            1.Presence of other people                                            Method                            Topic
               - Formal surveillance (police, security guard)                    Questionnaire?              Question 22
               - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches, shop owners, etc)   Gisweb 2.0 + sight seeing   Locations of facilities
               - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by)                   ArcMap GPS Tracks           Density pedestrian maps
               - Feeling of presence of other people                             Photos                      Closed curtains and blind walls

                                                 SOLVABLE BY
                                               ACTIVE SENIORS
            3.Involvement/responsibility of
              neighbourhood                                                       Method                           Topic
                                                                                                               Moving tendency
               - Low moving tendency                                             Gisweb 2.0
               - Design of public space in relation to users wishes              Questionnarie + meetings      Add. question #5
               - Ability to recognize co-users (scale)                           Questionnarie + meetings      Question 22
               - Stimulation use of collective space                             Gisweb 2.0                    Map of space ownership
               - Creating opportunities for semi-public use of public space      Photos                        Visualiations space owner-

3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 (Semi) Informal surveillance from buildings
 criterion 1

                                                                         The spread of facilities
                                                                         in oud-charlois explains
                                                                         where the most semi-
                                                                         informal surveillance
                                                   Faciliteiten          (surveillance by
                                               Facilities (semi
                                                                         someone who is
                                               informal surveillance)
                                                                         close to the public
                                               Houses (informal          space because of
                                               surveillance)             his profession (shop
                                                                         owner, etc)) is taking

                                                                         In the grey areas some
                                                                         social safety is caused
                                                                         by the presence of
                                                                         inhabitants inside.

                                                                         For this reason, the
                                                                         surveillance in the
                                                                         wolphaertsbocht is
                                                                         higher than average,
                                                                         regardless of the street

                                                                        scale 1:3000
3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Informal surveillance on street
 criterion 1
                                    The GPS data can
                                    be used to measure
                                    the actual informal
                                    surveillance on the
                                    streets. Because
                                    presence is only usefull
                                    when its possible
                                    to intervene, this
                                    map only shows soft
                                    mode traffic (car and
                                    public transport use is

                                    In our research we are
                                    mainly interested in the
                                    routes the seniors take,
                                    than the destination of
                                    the trip.

                                    Lifestyle comparison in
                                    routes (mainly green/
                                    yellow) didn’t show any
                                    remarkable results.

                                   scale 1:3000
3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Closed curtains
 criterion 1

                         For criteria 1: The Presence of
                         other people, both people in
                         and outside have a possitive
                         influence on the feeling of safety.

                         We stated that closed curtains
                         occour more than average
                         in oud-charlois than other
                         neighbourhoods in the

                         Although ofcourse you cannot
                         demand people to lower their
                         wishes for privacy, but the
                         visibility from inside to outside
                         is an important factor for the
                         ammount of social control in a

                         Asking participants for possible
                         reasons, stated that it was mainly
                         done by households with a non-
                         dutch cultural background.

3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Neighbourhood signaling system
 criterion 3

                                                    Combing the GPS layer
                                                    with the Neighbourhood
                                  -2.72 <= -1.50    Signaling System
                                  -1.49 <= -1.00    (Buurtsignalerings-
                                  -0.99 <= 0.00
                                                    systeem) of 2009,
                                                    that Rotterdam uses
                                  0.00 <= 1.00
                                                    as an indicator for
                                  1.00 <= 1.50      impoverishment.
                                  1.50 <= 3.80
                                                    The index includes house
                                                    value, moving tendency,
                                                    nuissance, with several
                                                    others. The map shows
                                                    that the charloisse hoofd is
                                                    doing very well.

                                                    In the visualisation a
                                                    correlation between a low
                                                    score and presence can
                                                    not be found. Although
                                                    some people state
                                                    that they sometimes
                                                    feel unsafe in the
                                                    neighbourhood, the map
                                                    seems to show that that
                                                    doenst affect their routes.

                                                   scale 1:3000
3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Moving tendency
 criterion 3

                                               A low moving tendency
                                               is an indicator for
                                               satisfaction of housing and
                     Mobiliteit   2008-2009    neighbourhood.
                            <= 8%
                                               People that live in the
                            > 8% <= 15%
                                               same house and/or
                            > 15% <= 22%       neighbourhood for several
                            > 22%              years tend to have a
                                               stronger relation with the
                                               neighbourhood and are
                                               therefor more involved.

                                               The blocks that score high
                                               on buurtsignalering (red)
                                               also score high (red) on
                                               moving tendency. These
                                               blocks have the worst
                                               social coherence and
                                               need modifications the

                                              scale 1:3000
3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Outdoor space ownership
 criterion 3

                                                      Oud-Charlois has quite a lot
                           Private                    of public space like parks and
                           Public                     other green spaces. But the GPS
                                                      results show that these space
                                                      aren’t used a lot (see GPS).
                                                      Inside the blocks, most houses in
                                                      Oud-Charlois either have private
                                                      outdoor space, or collective
                                                      outdoor space. With unclear
                                                      responibily the collective space
                                                      often becomes an unused,
                                                      unpleasent area.

                                                      Outside the blocks, on the
                                                      streets however, space for
                                                      neighbourhood activities is
                                                      scarce. Car traffic and parking
                                                      (white) seem main priority.

                                                 scale 1:3000
                                public spaces
                                collective spaces
                                private spaces

3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Opportunities for semi-public use
 criterion 3

                                     Transition between private and public

                                     The three visualisations show the transitions between private
                                     and public space in more detail. In some blocks on the Frans
                                     Bekkerstraat a small niche supplies a small transition zone.

                                     Strictly, semi-public zones are just public. But these zones
                                     can provide space for more involvement (small gardens,
                                     bench where you can talk to neighbour) and create some
                                     distance from the private space, wich may invite people to
                                     open their curtains more.

3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Masterplan: current situation

                                                In the current situation,
                                 City streets   car traffic dominates
                                                the area. Only some
                                                alleys and park ways
                                 hood streets
                                                are pedestrian only
                                 Pedestrian     and zebra paths &
                                 streets        pedestrian friendly
                                                crossings are scarce.

                                                Oud-Charlois has a
                                                quite introvert character,
                                                only local traffict enters
                                                the area. From the busy
                                                Maastunnel you have to
                                                take the Dorpsweg, take
                                                the Wolphaertsbocht
                                                and then a fourth
                                                turn to enter the

                                                scale 1:3000
3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Masterplan: future situation

                                                 In The proposed
                                City lanes       situation, several small
                                                 alternations have been
                                Neighbour-       made.
                                hood streets
                                Pedestrian       The Wolphaertsbocht
                                streets          has been profiled an
                                Shopping         a shopping street, a
                                street           pleasant space to stay.
                                                 The use of the road for
                                                 regional traffic will be

                                                 The Katendrechtse
                                                 Lagendijk is
                                                 transformed into a
                                                 pedestrian street. The
                                                 GPS results show a
                                                 large turn in tracks, a
                                                 pedestrian street can
                                                 invite more pedestrian
                                                 movement in the area
                                                 and therefore more
                                                 social safety.

                                               scale 1:3000
3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char-
lois need improvement?
 Masterplan: three street designs

                                                        EXPLANATION OF
                                        City lanes      PROJECT CHOICE
                                                        Three public areas that
                                        hood streets
                                                        have been chosen all
                                        Pedestrian      are of a different type
                                        streets         of street, but all three
                                        Shopping        focus on the entries to
                                        street          the area, both for soft
                                                        and fast mode.

                                                        This approach
                                                        focusses on the
                                                        redesign of a small
                                                        amount of streets that
                                                        cause an improvement
                                                        on a larger scale,

                                                        rather than making
                                                        several interventions

                                                        spread over the entire

                                                       scale 1:3000
3.1What are the criteria for a social
safe neighbourhood?
3.2What criteria are absent in Oud
3.3Which of these criteria can be
reached by our focus seniors?
3.4Which public areas of Oud Char-
lois need improvement?
3.5How can we improve these public
places?                            45
3.5How can we improve these public
 To answer the question: “How can we improve these public
 areas?”, we as a group focus on three selected streets/areas,
 and come out with three design proposals to best address the
 possible solutions to the issues stated.

 The three selected streets are:
 1. Frans Bekkerstraat
 3. Wolphaertsbocht
 3. Katendrechtse Lagedijk

 Our aim is to achieve better social safety in Oud Charlois by
 the means of participation of our focus group of seniors. By
 doing so, we re-design and re-intervent the focused areas/
 streets, making them more accessible to the seniors, as well
 as to the public. To answer these questions we hope to create
 a better social safety condition for both the residents and the
 seniors, and at the same time stimulate social interaction. The
 design addresses the possible solution to the criteria stated in
 the previos chapter, criteria 1 and criteria 3, which is presence
 of other people and involvement/responsibility of neigh-

1.Frans Bekkerstraat

                scale 1:500
1.Frans Bekkerstraat
 Frans Bekkerstraat - Analysis
The Street both
The street
Problems regarding                                           no expressive
 1. Problems presence ofboth people
    Feeling of regarding other                               facades, grayish
 3. Involvement of neighbourhood                             street profile
         1. presence &
         3. involvement
    of the senior group

                                                            senior un-                                    unused
                                                            friendly      several
                                                                          trottoir                        middle
                                                            doorsteps                   no space for      strip
                                                                                     outdoor activities
                                                                                     of neighbourhood

                                                                                                                                 poor street
                                                                                      no places to                               pavement
                                                                                     cross without                 very little
                                                                                                                   green space   (asphalt)
                     Problems stated in street view                                    obstacles

 Analysis of space ownership

 Transition between the public and private is very
                      analysis of space ownership
 harsh, very little possibilities for semi-public use

 Barrier for public space usage of inhabitants:
    transitions public-private are usually very harsh
 closed curtains, little involvement in public space,
                 little possibilties for semi-public use
 no outdoor activities
       barrier for public space usage of inhabitans:
  closed curtans, little involvement in public space,
                                    no outdour activities

1.Frans Bekkerstraat
Frans Bekkerstraat - Analysis
The houses
 The Houses
     1. feeling of presence of neighbours
 1. Feeling of presence of neighbours
 	   Ability to see whats happening on trottoir trottoir
          Ability to see whats happening on
                                                                            +         -/+       -

 1. Presence of the elderly: public space accessible for seniors from
 their houses on ground floorpublic space accessible for senors from
    1. Presence of elderly:
 	 their houses on ground floor
      Scootmobile rolator friendliness
        Scootmobile rolator friendliness
                                                                        +       -/+         -

                 mainly caused by high amount
                                  of doorsteps
1.Frans Bekkerstraat
 Frans Bekkerstraat - Analysis
 The GPS results
 The GPS results
 1. Presence of other people:
       1. Presence of other people:
                                      Conclusion the Frans Bekkerstraat
                                        In the Masterplan
                                      In the masterplan, the Frans Bekkerstraat
                                           connects the neighbourhood streets with
                                      connects the neighbourhood streets with the
                                                  the regional roads: lot of car traffic
                                      regional roads:
                                      causing heavy car traffic.
                                           The gps results show lot of north-south
                                                             pedestrian movement.
                                      The GPS results show significant north-south
                                      pedestrian movement.
                                           The current street & house design is not
                                      The current street and house design does not use
                                            helping towards a more social safe
                                      contribute to a more social safe usage.

1.Frans Bekkerstraat
Frans Bekkerstraat - Analysis
The Concept
 The Concept
  Frans Bekkerstraat
                                                Place to pass
                                                - focus car traffic in east west direction
                                                - introduce cyclist path in east west direction
                                                - focus on soft mode traffic in north-south

                                                special attention towards the crossing points:
                                                pedestrian traffic higher priority (zebra)
                       focus on
                       soft mode
                                                Place to stay
                                                - introducing ‘stoepjes’ for semi-public use
                                                    for neighbours
                                                - introducing places for short stay
                                                    for passers-by on trottoir
                                   Focus on
                                   bike & car

1.Frans Bekkerstraat          1


    Current          5

      not to scale

     design              52
1.Frans Bekkerstraat

                     scale 1:500

Current   design     54
1.Frans Bekkerstraat


        design         55


      design        56

           1. The side walk is too narrow.
           2. There are too many obstacles
           placed along the sidewalk, ob-
           structing pedestrian movement,
           especially for scootmobile.
           3. The rain shade above the
           shops visually disconnected the
           residential living above and the

proposal                CURRENT SITUATION:
                        The green division situated in the middle of the two roads
                        serves as a barrier to the northern and southern parts of
                        Oud Charlois. It devided the commercial street into two
                        parts, minimalises interactions between both street users.
                        It is also a barrier to views for the residents living upstairs.

                        The narrow pedestrian paths pressurize the street users to
                        move from point to point, they do not stay longer, hence no
                        social interations and no social contacts.

                        IDEAL SITUATION:
                        Combining the two seperating streets into one, widen pe-
                        destrian paths, introducing smaller green belts along pe-
                        destrian zones.

                        Remove all obstacles that obstruct views from the resi-
                        dents upstairs, ie: shades and big trees.
                        Wider pedestrian zones allow more moving spaces, en-
                        courage elderly to stroll in group. Ie: enough space for
                        two scoot-mobiles to move though without blocking other

                        not to scale


  scale 1:1000

                    Proposed design   60

                    Proposed design
 Design proposal

                       2                           5   6
                                                           scale 1:2000
  1. West entrance of Wolphaertsbocht street
  2. Doklaan
  3. Grondherendijk
  4. Sidewalks of Wolphaertsbocht street
  5&6. Park

1,2&3.                                            Presence of other people
                                            - Heavy traffic loads (pedestrian and
                                            car) at the junction
                                            - Too many isolated islands at the
                                            crossing, creating confusion to the us-

                                     2      ers
                                            - Not enough rooms on the sidewalk
                                            for pedestrians to stroll and stay
                                            - No directional pattern for pedestrians
                                                   Involvement/ responsibility of

                     ?                             neighbourhood

                             1              - Very little social interation happening
                                            on the street

                                            - Introducing a more straight forward
               ?                            pedestrian crossing, connecting the
                                            northern part of Oud-Charlois with
                                            Wolphaertsbocht street, enhance pe-
                                            destrian movement.

                                            - Disconnecting Doklaan with Wol-
                                            phaertsbocht street, by creating a
                                            parking lot with 27 parking spaces for

                                 3          Wolphaertsbocht users, by doing so,
                                            it reduces the traffic chaos thus pro-
                                            vides better space for pedestrian.

 scale 1:500
                   Current       Proposed   - Disconnecting Grondherendijk with
                                            Wolphaertsbocht street, reducing traf-
                                            fic heaviness thus creating a more
                                            pedestrian friendly zone or a plaza for
4.                                      Presence of other people

                                  - Semi-informal surveillance present in the
         ?                        - Increase the side walk from the existing 4.2m
                                  (without parking) and 2.3m (with parking) to
                                  9.7m (without parking) and 8m (with parking).
                                  Incorporating potential green strips into the side
                                  walk, with various floor patterning with the same
                                  finished floor level, increase aesthetic quality
         ?                        and accessibility. Therefore encourage peo-
                                  ple to stroll and stay longer on the pedestrian

               Current                   Involvement/ responsibility of
                                  - Very little social interation happening on the
                                  - No sense of involvement from the users of the
                                  - Remove the barrier in the middle of Wol-
                                  phaertsbocht street, combining the two seper-
                                  ate streets into a main two-way street.
                                  - Remove tall >6m trees from the middle parti-
                                  tion, introducing smaller <5m trees, increase
                                  visual connection of both sides of the Wol-
                                  phaertsbocht street.

                    scale 1:500


                      scale 1:500

                    Current    65


                                   scale 1:500

                    Proposed park design
             Presence of other people
      - No semi-informal surveillance present in the
      - Little formal surveillance, lack of people using
      the park
      - Feeling of presence of other people low be-
      cause of unplanned planting of trees as a barrier

              Involvement/ responsibility of
      - Very little social interation happening in the park
      - No stimulation use of park
      - Unattractiveness of the park
      - Lack of maintenance
      - Introduce a parking lot with 86 parking spaces
      at the south west part of the park, encourage
      Wolphaertsbocht users to walk on the street, thus
      stimulate social interaction, providing better so-
      cial control.

      - Redesigning the park, replacing the curvylin-
      ear circulation by more straight forward clean cut
      approach. It visually connects both eastern and
      western part of the park, increase the usage of
      the park and encorage park users to stroll and
      stay longer in the park, therefore both park users
      and street users are visually connected, providing
      social safety for both parties.


                Proposed park design


 By introduce two parking lots with a total of 113 parking spaces at the north and south of Wolphaertsbocht street, replacing the
 existing 86 parkings that are being removed from the street, encourage Wolphaertsbocht users to walk on the street, thus stim-
 ulate social interaction, providing better social control.

 The advantage of having parking lots on both end of the street also stimulates seasonal activities, ie: weekend market and
 events. Often outdoor market requires the closing of the street, then market goers can reside their vehicles at the parking lots
 located at both rear end of the street, and walk to the market. Furthermore the wide sidewalk allows pedestrians to stay longer
 on the street.

3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk


             Proposed design

3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk
 The GPS results
 1. Presence of other people   Looking at the GPS results
                               we see a lot of people taking
                               a turn at the Dorpstraat. We
                               want people to use the other
                               streets as well. One of them is
                               the Katenrdrechtse Lagedijk,
                               which will be shown in this
                               We try to make the street
                               more attractive and accessible
                               for seniors by the use of the
              Current          criteria.
    movement patterns

    movement patterns
3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk
  Current                       Proposal

  Small transition zone         Large transition zone
      No semi public place to       Semi public place to
      show involvement              show involvement

  Steps before entrance         Entrances on street level
      Poor accessibility             Good accessibility

  Cars in the street            Exclusion of cars
       Not attractive for            Quiet street, attractive
       yellow/green people           for yellow/green people


 Quiet street

 Attracts people with yellow
 or green lifestyle

 Place to pass
3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk
 Katendrechtse Lagendijk
                                     Analysis &
     transition zone
     public                          sections

Katendrechtse Lagendijk
    transition zone

Section with no transition zone

Section with no transition zone

Section with small transition zone

Section with small transition zone
3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk

                 4       1-2 Selected areas for trash cans and bicycles

                          3 Cars excluded from the area

                          4 More green added
        2            3
    5       1
                          5 Removing most steps to entrances

3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk

                           scale 1:300
3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk
                               1 View on trees from other

   2                           2 Wide pedestrian crossings

       3                       3 Path for cyclists and scoot-

                               4 ‘Stoepje’ as semi-informal
           4       2           transition zone where people
                               can show involvement


3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk

                     Proposed design
3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk
One of the important
goals of this redesign is
making the street attrac-
tive from the Dorpsstraat.
People that origininally
took a left turn, hopefully
will now move straight
ahead into the Katendre-
chtse Lagedijk.


                              Proposed   78
The course took twelve weeks, and after these weeks we can now look back and evaluate the course itself as offered by TU and Veldaca-
demie, and our approach as a group. These weeks were concluded with a final presentation, where we got some remarks that we will men-

The course
This election was called ‘Urban design’ which caused some confusion in the beginning when we heard this course consists mainly of re-
search and just the last two weeks designing. Also we had to work in Rotterdam, something we did not know in advance. But the use of the
upcoming GPS technique sounded very interesting, being actually able to see movement patterns of people made us curious. In the first
week we helped a paralel group in Delft with their GPS research, because of not enough GPS devices. After this, in the third week we could
finally start our own research by handing out the GPS devices. Since we had to wait another week for the results we felt our process was
very slow, unlikely to what we were used to in other courses.
As the weeks past, we got used to working in Rotterdam and we experienced it was very usefull to actually work in the research location. We
had to present two times for the tracked seniors and people that were involved with the assisted living research. Those were very interesting
presentations. We all learned a lot from the way we had to present and from the feedback we got from our audience.
In the seventh week we finally got the GPS results in maps we could work with. It was really a shame that we could only work on the design
for two weeks. The GPS took more computer work than we expected.

Our group
Already in the first week we formed a group, without really knowing each other. Luckely we made the right choice because in the last twelve
weeks we had a very good cooperation and liked working together.
At the start of the programme we felt the project was slowing down because helping theTracking Delft Group and waiting for GPS results
took three weeks. So we decided to do some theoretical research about the topics we addressed and about the location. It was good to have
this background, then you really know what you are talking about. From this point we started looking at a research question and a strategy of
how to answer it. We think we had a good process during the weeks. We tried to be sientific at all times, and we think we succeeded in that.
We did not make any assumptions of things we were not sure about. We only made decisions about things we could back up with theory
and analysis.

“I really enjoyed the good cooperation between the three of us. Sometimes we even laughed so hard, we had to force ourselves to get back
to work!” - Robin Boelsums

“Designing a strategy was new for me and was a very interesting tool that I will definetely use more in the future..” - Thomas Galesloot
“As an architecture student the whole course of urbanism was very new to me. I learned a lot about the way of designing and the different
way of working.” - Khor Minhong

The final presentation
The presentation held by Robin on Friday 18th of June was wel received by the audience - the audience existing of serveral people involved
with the assisted living topic and some of the seniors we tracked. People could easily follow it and the main message was clear. Of course
they did have some remarks. They were almost all about the design part. Some of the comments:

The movement of the parking lots along the Wolphaertsbocht was commented by some. They stated that a shop could not get enough cus-
tomers with that little parking places in front of the door. Others said that the disabled could park in front of the door and others could walk a
bit longer, our group agreed on that.

The Frans Bekkerstraat was designed different from existing plans, someone said. Unfortunately we did not know about these plans when
making the design.

In the Katendrechtse Lagendijk -which we transformed into a pedestrian area- is a car garage located, which would be very hard to move
out. Also a comment was given about excluding cars from some streets. A person of the municipality of Rotterdam said that the area is not
well connected to western areas with car transport. However, we did not focus on the car traffic, but on the pedestrian and cycle traffic.

We think a lot of the remarks were validly, and those are usefull to know for further designs. However, we were glad that those were all about
our design part, which was the part we could spend the least time on. Furthermore we got a compliment on the beautiful images and the
clear presentation.


“Informal surveillance and street crime: a complex relationship”
Paul E. Bellair - 2006

“Sociaal veilig ontwerpen. Checklist ten behoeve van het ontwikkelen en toet-
sen van (plannen voor) de gebouwde omgeving”
Voordt, D.J.M. van der, en H.B.R. van Wegen - 1990


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GPS tracking Rotterdam

  • 3. Foreword “A perfect social safe design does not exist. It is the people of a neighbourhood that in the end cause or prevent crime. But what we as ur- banists can do is shape conditions that make a social safe area possible.” (Voordt, D.J.M. van der, and H.B.R. van Wegen - 1990) For this course we worked on the Veldacademie in Rotterdam Oud-Charlois. This academy is a cooperation between the municipality of Rot- terdam and the TU Delft. It is a knowledge centre for neighbourhood transformation. The course is an elective in the Urbanism Masters de- gree. Twelve students worked together and divided in groups of three persons. The three of us have been working together since the first week, and had a productive cooperation during the nine weeks of the course. We hope you will enjoy reading this report! Robin Boelsums Thomas Galesloot Khor Minhong 3
  • 5. 1.1Abstract In this report we explain how we try to reach the goal ‘improve the social safety in Oud-Charlois by the participation of seniors’. For this course the task was to design an assisted living area in which a person is able to live as long as possible in their own neighbourhood. We focus on a certain aspect of that, namely the social safety of Oud-Charlois. This aspect is very important when trying to prevent seniors to move out of their neighbourhood. We use a checklist with criteria for designing a social safe area. We define which of these criteria are absent in Oud-Charlois. Because we want to include seniors in these solutions we talk in more detail about the criteria that they can address: presence of people and involve- ment/responsability of neighbourhood. We state that our group of seniors are mainly active persons, so they will be very capable of solving these problems. After this, we research which public places of the area need modification. Out of our masterplan we focus on three streets and made an indi- vidual design for those. The designs are based on the two previous criteria. We do not expect much of the seniors, they do what thay always do on a regular day. But we will shape the conditions that may change their behaviour unconsiously.They take a different route because of better accesibility (presence in a certain street) or they put a bench in front of their house because we gave them a semi-public zone (they show involvement). 5
  • 7. 1.2Introduction GPS tracking is a rapidly evoluating technology that is getting more and more accesible for research. New notions can be found when we use the Global Positioning System to trace the movement patterns of residents. For this course twelve students tracked 40 seniors during four days. The seniors had to carry a little GPS device with themselves whenever they left their homes. The assignment was to use these movement patterns to make a design for an assisted living area in Oud-Charlois, Rotterdam. An assisted living area is “an area in which people needing assistance with activities of daily living can live as independently as possible for as long as possible, with support of long-term care facilities” (MedicineNet, 2010). This means that people should be able to live as long as possible in their own neighbourhood, without having to move to a care facility. The present idea of assisted living seems to be outdated. It is the idea of elderly living in an assisted living facility (care centre) with all facilities as closeby as possible. New theory states that elderly should be able to stay in their own house as long as possible, without having to move as early as they do now. The houses should be more fit for elderly and also the neighbourhood with its facilities should be adapted in a way that elderly can make use of it far longer than they do now. Accessibility, safety and facilities are examples of topics urbanists should deal with when creating an assisted living area. In this course we will make a design towards an assisted living area, according to the new developing ideas about it. If we want to prevent the necessity for seniors to move because of their health, we also have to make certain they will not move for other reasons such as accesi- bility, safety and social isolation. In this report we will discuss social safety, which also influences the other two topics. Social safety deals with for example escape routes, presence of people and attractiveness of the area. We believe that seniors can be involved in solving the problems on social safety in Oud-Charlois. We research those possibilities and take a look at how we can best shape the environment in a way that seniors are able to help with increasing the social safety. 7
  • 9. 2.1Goal In this course, we address two main topics: GPS and assisted living. We tracked 40 seniors with GPS devices and their movements are studied. All seniors are from Oud Charlois in Rotterdam or nearby. Our goal is: Improve the social safety of the public space in Oud-Charlois by the participation of seniors We believe that seniors can be really helpful when solving the problem of social safety in Oud-Charlois. As can be read in the following chapter, we do not ask a lot of the seniors. They simply can do what they always do on a regular day. But we will shape the conditions that may change their behaviour unconsiously. 9
  • 11. 2.2Strategy To reach the goal, we define five questions to help us. Question V will derive the answer how to reach the goal. I What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood? Our aim is to work on the social safety of Oud Charlois. How can we reach a social safe area? What literature is there on this topic and therefore what criteria can we use? II What criteria are absent in Oud Charlois? If we answer this question, we know what problems we have to deal with. III Which of these criteria can be reached by our focus group of seniors? To reach our goal we need to answer this, because we will only include the participation of seniors for this goal. IV Which public areas of Oud Charlois need improvement? After these first answers, we can derive the public spaces that need improvement. V How can we improve these public areas? As an example we will make designs to improve some of the mentioned areas. To answer these questions we use different tools. An important one is the GPS. As mentioned, we tracked 40 seniors to look at their move- ment patterns. Of course, these patterns are not representative for the entire neighbourhood of Oud-Charlois. However, for this course it is interesting to learn how we can use this method when there would be hundreds of seniors tracked, which could happen in the future. There- fore we assume that these tracks are representative for all seniors of the neighbourhood. We do take into account the characteristics of the tracked seniors, more on that in paragraph 3.3. 11
  • 12. 3.Research and 3 n Design 3.1 What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood? 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud Char- lois? 3.3Which of these criteria can be reached by our focus goup of seniors? 3.4Which public areas of Oud Charlois need improvement? 3.5How can we improve these public places? 12
  • 13. 3.1What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood? The following items are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood. When we talk about social safety we talk about both the actual safety (crime rates, numbre of robberies etc) and the perception of safety (do people feel safe). First there is a list of the criteria in general, second we adapted this list specificly for Oud-Charlois. GeneralChecklist regarding social Charlois Oud-Charlois safety Social safety checklist Social safety* criteria Social safety criteria *note: both actual safety as feeling of safety 1. Presence of other people 1.Presence of potential offender(perpretator) 2. Visibility 2.Presence of ‘social eyes’ 3. Involvement/responsibility 3.Visibility 4. Attractiveness of the area 4.Involvement/responsibility 5. Accessibility 5.Attractiveness of the public space 6. Vulnerability of potential target 6.Accessibility/escape routes 7.Attractiveness of potential Criteria for social unsafety* target *note: both actual incidents as feeling of unsafety 8.Vulnerability of potential 1. Presence of potential target offender (perpretator) Literature: Voordt, D.J.M., van der ,‘Sociaal Veilig Ontwerpen, checklist ten behoeve van het ontwikkelen en toetsen van (plannen voor) de gebouwde 2. Presence of potential target omgeving.’, Delft, 1990 Gelegenheidstheorie - rational action theory 13
  • 14. 3.1What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood? Now we zoom in on these criteria. What do these items mean exactly? Social safety criteria 1.Presence of other people 5. Accessibility 3 - Formal surveillance (police, security guard) - entries to non-public areas are closed properly - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches, - public areas accesible from several points shop owners, etc) - escape routes for potential victims - risk of getting caught as offender s - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by) - Feeling of presence of other people 6. Vulnerability of potential target 3 2.Visibility - people: physical (depends on age, gender) - Clear view within the public space - items: ‘asshole proof’ design of street furniture C - Sufficient street lights - Clear view from house to public space and vice versa 3 3.Involvement/responsibility of neighbourhood r - Low moving tendency 1. Presence of potential of- - Design of public space in relation to users wishes - Ability to recognize co-users (scale) fender (perpretator) 3 - Stimulate use of collective space - Participation of residents in management of public space - age - Clearly define who is responsible for what - gender l - alcohol/drugs 4. Attractiveness of the area - Design of public space in relation to users wishes 2. Presence of potential target 3 - Attractive colour & material usage - attractive street furniture - both people & items - good & regular maintenance of public space - presence of valuable items p - high concentration of potential targets 14
  • 15. 3.1What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood? 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud Charlois? 3.3Which of these criteria can be reached by our focus seniors? 3.4Which public areas of Oud Char- lois need improvement? 3.5How can we improve these public places? 15
  • 16. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? as We narrowed down our focus a area to just the Northern part of Nie uw e M Oud-Charlois, so we could be more detailed in our research. n sh ave The Northern area is interesting Maa because it consists of different street typologies, the commercial centre of Oud-Charlois and a diversity of deprived and less .z. nO Fran deprived building blocks. s Be kker ave str Dorpsweg lh Waa Waa l- Zuidplein Have n Wiel AHOY e- waal Z u i d e r p ark Plein 1953 scale 1:20000 16
  • 17. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 1 Presence of other people The presence of other people is an important aspect in social safety. When residents (informal surveillance) are walking in the street an offend- er feels that people are looking at him, so he will think twice before he acts. Formal surveillance con- sists of people that are paid for surveilling or oth- er material arrangements. Examples of informal surveillance in Oud-Charlois Examples of formal surveillance in Oud-Charlois 17
  • 18. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 1 Presence of other people Pedestrian density Low pedestrian density Mid pedestrian density High pedestrian density Expected pedestrian movement 18
  • 19. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 2. Visibility_Public places Street lights Visibility 1 Karel de Stouteplein open facade closed facade dike sufficient street lights scale 1:10000 good view from house to park and vice versa 2 Gouwplein sufficient street lights scale 1:10000 closed facades cause bad visibility 3 Wolphaertse plein scale 1:10000 after school closure bad visibility no street lights 19
  • 20. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 2. Visibility_Streets Street lights Visibility 1 Wolphaertsbocht sufficient bad on some spots: shed scale 1:5000 2 Frans Bekkerstraat sufficient bad: closed curtains + highered 1st floor scale 1:5000 20
  • 21. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 3. Involvement/responsibility in the neighbourhood MOBILITY The proportion of residents within the district or the district or moved away, as a percentage of the average popu- lation per block or cluster of blocks. Mobility rates (2009) >8% and <=15% >15% and <=22% >22% 21
  • 22. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? expressive facade design 4. Attractiveness of the area good maintenance attractive street furniture 22
  • 23. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? anonymous facade design 4. Attractiveness of the area bad maintenance unattractive street furniture 23
  • 24. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 5. Accessibility_Public places 1 Karel de Stouteplein 3 1 2 great sense of accesibility/escape routes 2 Gouwplein good sense of accesibility/escape routes 3 ?? weak sense of accesibility/escape routes 24
  • 25. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 5. Accessibility_Streets 1 Wolphaertsbocht 1 2 2 Frans Bekkerstraat 25
  • 26. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 6. Vulnerability of potential target ‘hufterproof’ design 6. Vulnerability of potential target prevention of burglary or vandalism 26
  • 27. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? 5. Accessibility_Public places none. vulnerable design 6. Vulnerability of potential target easy to break-in/vandalise none. 27
  • 28. 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud- Charlois? Social safety criteria When we take a look again at the criteria we can mark them red, orange or green: respectively absent, absent at some places, or present. 1.Presence of other people 5. Accessibility - Formal surveillance (police, security guard) - entries to non-public areas are closed properly - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches, - public areas accesible from several points shop owners, etc) - escape routes for potential victims - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by) - risk of getting caught as offender - Feeling of presence of other people 6. Vulnerability of potential target 2.Visibility - people: physical (depends on age, gender) - Clear view within the public space - items: ‘asshole proof’ design of street furniture - Sufficient street lights - Clear view from house to public space and vice versa 3.Involvement/responsibility of Criteria for social unsafety neighbourhood - Low moving tendency 1. Presence of potential of- - Design of public space in relation to users wishes - Ability to recognize co-users (scale) - Stimulate the use of collective space - Creating opportunities for semi-public use of public space fender (perpretator) - age - gender 4. Attractiveness of the area - alcohol/drugs - Design of public space in relation to users wishes - Attractive colour & material usage - attractive street furniture 2. Presence of potential target - good & regular maintenance of public space - both people & items - presence of valuable items - high concentration of potential targets 28
  • 29. 3.1What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood? 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud Charlois? 3.3Which of these criteria can be reached by our focus seniors? 3.4Which public areas of Oud Char- lois need improvement? 3.5How can we improve these public places? 29
  • 30. 3.3Which of these criteria can be reached by focus group of seniors? Profile of the tracked group Lifestyles Tracked group are in average 14 14 SmartAgent Active Seniors Green world 5 4 socially active: & Yellow world 1 ? group-oriented make a chat with neighbours live in Oud-Charlois for long time physically active How long have walk for leisure often you lived in the GPS activity radius: 16 way more than 500m neighbourhood? 12 8 4 0 0-5yrs 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 >30yrs When we typify the seniors we tracked, we can Almost never Do you often take a walk in Less than tell that they are active seniors. Most of them 6% once a week the neighbourhood? 19% have lived in the area for a long time, so they 69% feel involved. The often take a walk in the neigh- Regularly bourhood and have a talk with the people that are around. How often do you have a small talk with people from your The lifestyle scheme shows a lot of green and close neighbourhood? (almost) daily 69% yellow, and less blue and red. This means the Weekly 23% following: A couple of times per month 0% red - ego oriented, vital, dynamic A couple of times per month or less 4% green - group oriented, protection (almost) never 2% yellow - group oriented, harmony not applicable 0% blue - ego oriented, control, status People can select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%. 30
  • 31. 3.3Which of these criteria can be reached by focus group of seniors? Criteria that seniors can participate in SOLVABLE BY ACTIVE SENIORS 1.Presence of other people 5. Accessibility - Formal surveillance (police, security guard) - entries to non-public areas are closed properly - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches, - public areas accesible from several points shop owners, etc) - escape routes for potential victims - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by) - risk of getting caught as offender - Feeling of presence of other people 6. Vulnerability of potential target 2.Visibility - people: physical (depends on age, gender) - Clear view within the public space - items: ‘asshole proof’ design of street furniture - Sufficient street lights SOLVABLE BY - Clear view from house to public space and vice versa ACTIVE SENIORS 3.Involvement/responsibility of neighbourhood - Low moving tendency Out of the six criteria active 1. Presence of potential of- - Design of public space in relation to users wishes - Ability to recognize co-users (scale) seniors can participate in two - Stimulate the use of collective space - Creating opportunities for semi-public use of public space fender (perpretator) of them. The other four crite- - age ria can be solved by tangible - gender - alcohol/drugs not by people. solutions, 4. Attractiveness of the area - Design of public space in relation to users wishes - Attractive colour & material usage - attractive street furniture 2. Presence of potential target - good & regular maintenance of public space - both people & items - presence of valuable items - high concentration of potential targets 31
  • 32. 3.3Which of these criteria can be reached by focus group of seniors? Methods to derive information needed SOLVABLE BY ACTIVE SENIORS 1.Presence of other people Method Topic - Formal surveillance (police, security guard) Questionnaire? Question 22 - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches, shop owners, etc) Gisweb 2.0 + sight seeing Locations of facilities - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by) ArcMap GPS Tracks Density pedestrian maps - Feeling of presence of other people Photos Closed curtains and blind walls SOLVABLE BY ACTIVE SENIORS 3.Involvement/responsibility of neighbourhood Method Topic Moving tendency - Low moving tendency Gisweb 2.0 - Design of public space in relation to users wishes Questionnarie + meetings Add. question #5 - Ability to recognize co-users (scale) Questionnarie + meetings Question 22 - Stimulation use of collective space Gisweb 2.0 Map of space ownership - Creating opportunities for semi-public use of public space Photos Visualiations space owner- 32
  • 33. 3.1What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood? 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud Charlois? 3.3Which of these criteria can be reached by our focus seniors? 3.4Which public areas of Oud Char- lois need improvement? 3.5How can we improve these public places? 33
  • 34. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Methods to derive information needed for analysis SOLVABLE BY ACTIVE SENIORS 1.Presence of other people Method Topic - Formal surveillance (police, security guard) Questionnaire? Question 22 - Semi-informal surveillance (street coaches, shop owners, etc) Gisweb 2.0 + sight seeing Locations of facilities - Informal surveillance (neighbours, passer-by) ArcMap GPS Tracks Density pedestrian maps - Feeling of presence of other people Photos Closed curtains and blind walls SOLVABLE BY ACTIVE SENIORS 3.Involvement/responsibility of neighbourhood Method Topic Moving tendency - Low moving tendency Gisweb 2.0 - Design of public space in relation to users wishes Questionnarie + meetings Add. question #5 - Ability to recognize co-users (scale) Questionnarie + meetings Question 22 - Stimulation use of collective space Gisweb 2.0 Map of space ownership - Creating opportunities for semi-public use of public space Photos Visualiations space owner- 34
  • 35. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? (Semi) Informal surveillance from buildings criterion 1 The spread of facilities in oud-charlois explains where the most semi- informal surveillance Faciliteiten (surveillance by Facilities (semi someone who is informal surveillance) close to the public Woningen Houses (informal space because of surveillance) his profession (shop owner, etc)) is taking place. In the grey areas some social safety is caused by the presence of inhabitants inside. For this reason, the surveillance in the wolphaertsbocht is higher than average, regardless of the street activity. scale 1:3000 35
  • 36. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Informal surveillance on street criterion 1 The GPS data can be used to measure the actual informal surveillance on the streets. Because presence is only usefull when its possible to intervene, this map only shows soft mode traffic (car and public transport use is excluded). In our research we are mainly interested in the routes the seniors take, than the destination of the trip. Lifestyle comparison in routes (mainly green/ yellow) didn’t show any remarkable results. scale 1:3000 36
  • 37. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Closed curtains criterion 1 For criteria 1: The Presence of other people, both people in and outside have a possitive influence on the feeling of safety. We stated that closed curtains occour more than average in oud-charlois than other neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. Although ofcourse you cannot demand people to lower their wishes for privacy, but the visibility from inside to outside is an important factor for the ammount of social control in a street. Asking participants for possible reasons, stated that it was mainly done by households with a non- dutch cultural background. 37
  • 38. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Neighbourhood signaling system criterion 3 Combing the GPS layer with the Neighbourhood -2.72 <= -1.50 Signaling System -1.49 <= -1.00 (Buurtsignalerings- -0.99 <= 0.00 systeem) of 2009, that Rotterdam uses 0.00 <= 1.00 as an indicator for 1.00 <= 1.50 impoverishment. 1.50 <= 3.80 The index includes house value, moving tendency, nuissance, with several others. The map shows that the charloisse hoofd is doing very well. In the visualisation a correlation between a low score and presence can not be found. Although some people state that they sometimes feel unsafe in the neighbourhood, the map seems to show that that doenst affect their routes. scale 1:3000 38
  • 39. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Moving tendency criterion 3 A low moving tendency is an indicator for satisfaction of housing and Mobiliteit 2008-2009 neighbourhood. <= 8% People that live in the > 8% <= 15% same house and/or > 15% <= 22% neighbourhood for several > 22% years tend to have a stronger relation with the neighbourhood and are therefor more involved. The blocks that score high on buurtsignalering (red) also score high (red) on moving tendency. These blocks have the worst social coherence and need modifications the most. scale 1:3000 39
  • 40. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Outdoor space ownership criterion 3 Oud-Charlois has quite a lot Private of public space like parks and Public other green spaces. But the GPS results show that these space aren’t used a lot (see GPS). Collective (shared) Inside the blocks, most houses in Oud-Charlois either have private outdoor space, or collective outdoor space. With unclear responibily the collective space often becomes an unused, unpleasent area. Outside the blocks, on the streets however, space for neighbourhood activities is scarce. Car traffic and parking (white) seem main priority. scale 1:3000 public spaces collective spaces private spaces 40
  • 41. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Opportunities for semi-public use criterion 3 Transition between private and public The three visualisations show the transitions between private and public space in more detail. In some blocks on the Frans Bekkerstraat a small niche supplies a small transition zone. Strictly, semi-public zones are just public. But these zones can provide space for more involvement (small gardens, bench where you can talk to neighbour) and create some distance from the private space, wich may invite people to open their curtains more. 41
  • 42. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Masterplan: current situation In the current situation, City streets car traffic dominates the area. Only some Neighbour- alleys and park ways hood streets are pedestrian only Pedestrian and zebra paths & streets pedestrian friendly crossings are scarce. Oud-Charlois has a quite introvert character, only local traffict enters the area. From the busy Maastunnel you have to take the Dorpsweg, take the Wolphaertsbocht and then a fourth turn to enter the neighbourhood. scale 1:3000 42
  • 43. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Masterplan: future situation In The proposed City lanes situation, several small alternations have been Neighbour- made. hood streets Pedestrian The Wolphaertsbocht streets has been profiled an Shopping a shopping street, a street pleasant space to stay. The use of the road for regional traffic will be discouraged. The Katendrechtse Lagendijk is transformed into a pedestrian street. The GPS results show a large turn in tracks, a pedestrian street can invite more pedestrian movement in the area and therefore more social safety. scale 1:3000 43
  • 44. 3.4Which public areas of Oud-Char- lois need improvement? Masterplan: three street designs EXPLANATION OF City lanes PROJECT CHOICE Neighbour- Three public areas that hood streets have been chosen all Pedestrian are of a different type streets of street, but all three Shopping focus on the entries to street the area, both for soft and fast mode. 2 This approach focusses on the redesign of a small amount of streets that cause an improvement on a larger scale, 1 rather than making several interventions 3 spread over the entire area. scale 1:3000 44
  • 45. 3.1What are the criteria for a social safe neighbourhood? 3.2What criteria are absent in Oud Charlois? 3.3Which of these criteria can be reached by our focus seniors? 3.4Which public areas of Oud Char- lois need improvement? 3.5How can we improve these public places? 45
  • 46. 3.5How can we improve these public places? To answer the question: “How can we improve these public areas?”, we as a group focus on three selected streets/areas, and come out with three design proposals to best address the possible solutions to the issues stated. The three selected streets are: 1. Frans Bekkerstraat 3. Wolphaertsbocht 3. Katendrechtse Lagedijk Our aim is to achieve better social safety in Oud Charlois by the means of participation of our focus group of seniors. By doing so, we re-design and re-intervent the focused areas/ streets, making them more accessible to the seniors, as well as to the public. To answer these questions we hope to create a better social safety condition for both the residents and the seniors, and at the same time stimulate social interaction. The design addresses the possible solution to the criteria stated in the previos chapter, criteria 1 and criteria 3, which is presence of other people and involvement/responsibility of neigh- bourhood. 46
  • 47. 1.Frans Bekkerstraat scale 1:500 47
  • 48. 1.Frans Bekkerstraat Frans Bekkerstraat - Analysis Analysis The Street both The street Problems regarding no expressive 1. Problems presence ofboth people Feeling of regarding other facades, grayish 3. Involvement of neighbourhood street profile 1. presence & 3. involvement of the senior group senior un- unused friendly several trottoir middle doorsteps no space for strip levels outdoor activities of neighbourhood poor street no places to pavement cross without very little green space (asphalt) Problems stated in street view obstacles Analysis of space ownership Transition between the public and private is very analysis of space ownership harsh, very little possibilities for semi-public use Barrier for public space usage of inhabitants: transitions public-private are usually very harsh closed curtains, little involvement in public space, little possibilties for semi-public use no outdoor activities barrier for public space usage of inhabitans: closed curtans, little involvement in public space, no outdour activities 48
  • 49. 1.Frans Bekkerstraat Frans Bekkerstraat - Analysis Analysis The houses The Houses 1. feeling of presence of neighbours 1. Feeling of presence of neighbours Ability to see whats happening on trottoir trottoir Ability to see whats happening on + -/+ - 1. Presence of the elderly: public space accessible for seniors from their houses on ground floorpublic space accessible for senors from 1. Presence of elderly: their houses on ground floor Scootmobile rolator friendliness Scootmobile rolator friendliness + -/+ - mainly caused by high amount of doorsteps 49
  • 50. 1.Frans Bekkerstraat Frans Bekkerstraat - Analysis Analysis The GPS results The GPS results 1. Presence of other people: 1. Presence of other people: Conclusions Conclusion the Frans Bekkerstraat In the Masterplan In the masterplan, the Frans Bekkerstraat connects the neighbourhood streets with connects the neighbourhood streets with the the regional roads: lot of car traffic regional roads: causing heavy car traffic. The gps results show lot of north-south pedestrian movement. The GPS results show significant north-south pedestrian movement. The current street & house design is not The current street and house design does not use helping towards a more social safe contribute to a more social safe usage. 50
  • 51. 1.Frans Bekkerstraat Frans Bekkerstraat - Analysis Analysis The Concept The Concept Frans Bekkerstraat Place to pass - focus car traffic in east west direction - introduce cyclist path in east west direction - focus on soft mode traffic in north-south direction special attention towards the crossing points: pedestrian traffic higher priority (zebra) focus on soft mode Place to stay - introducing ‘stoepjes’ for semi-public use for neighbours - introducing places for short stay for passers-by on trottoir Focus on bike & car traffic 51
  • 52. 1.Frans Bekkerstraat 1 Section study& Design proposal 5 Current 5 not to scale Proposed design 52
  • 53. 1.Frans Bekkerstraat Design proposal scale 1:500 53
  • 54. 1 Proposed Current design 54
  • 55. 1.Frans Bekkerstraat Design proposal Current Proposed design 55
  • 56. 2.Wolphaertsbocht Current state Proposed design 56
  • 57. 2.Wolphaertsbocht Analysis OBSTACLES TO VIEWS AND MOVEMENT: 1. The side walk is too narrow. 2. There are too many obstacles placed along the sidewalk, ob- structing pedestrian movement, especially for scootmobile. 3. The rain shade above the shops visually disconnected the residential living above and the pedestrians. 57
  • 58. 2.Wolphaertsbocht Section study& Design proposal CURRENT SITUATION: The green division situated in the middle of the two roads serves as a barrier to the northern and southern parts of Oud Charlois. It devided the commercial street into two parts, minimalises interactions between both street users. It is also a barrier to views for the residents living upstairs. The narrow pedestrian paths pressurize the street users to move from point to point, they do not stay longer, hence no social interations and no social contacts. Current IDEAL SITUATION: Combining the two seperating streets into one, widen pe- destrian paths, introducing smaller green belts along pe- destrian zones. Remove all obstacles that obstruct views from the resi- dents upstairs, ie: shades and big trees. Wider pedestrian zones allow more moving spaces, en- courage elderly to stroll in group. Ie: enough space for two scoot-mobiles to move though without blocking other users. not to scale Proposed 58
  • 60. 2.Wolphaertsbocht Proposed design 60
  • 61. 2.Wolphaertsbocht Design proposal Proposed design 61
  • 62. 2.Wolphaertsbocht Design proposal 2 5 6 1 4 3 scale 1:2000 Interventions 1. West entrance of Wolphaertsbocht street 2. Doklaan 3. Grondherendijk 4. Sidewalks of Wolphaertsbocht street 5&6. Park 62
  • 63. 2.Wolphaertsbocht 1,2&3. Presence of other people - Heavy traffic loads (pedestrian and car) at the junction - Too many isolated islands at the crossing, creating confusion to the us- 2 ers - Not enough rooms on the sidewalk for pedestrians to stroll and stay - No directional pattern for pedestrians Involvement/ responsibility of ? neighbourhood 1 - Very little social interation happening on the street Interventions ? - Introducing a more straight forward ? pedestrian crossing, connecting the northern part of Oud-Charlois with Wolphaertsbocht street, enhance pe- destrian movement. - Disconnecting Doklaan with Wol- phaertsbocht street, by creating a parking lot with 27 parking spaces for 3 Wolphaertsbocht users, by doing so, it reduces the traffic chaos thus pro- vides better space for pedestrian. scale 1:500 Current Proposed - Disconnecting Grondherendijk with Wolphaertsbocht street, reducing traf- fic heaviness thus creating a more pedestrian friendly zone or a plaza for pedestrian. 63
  • 64. 2.Wolphaertsbocht 4. Presence of other people - Semi-informal surveillance present in the shops Interventions ? - Increase the side walk from the existing 4.2m (without parking) and 2.3m (with parking) to 9.7m (without parking) and 8m (with parking). Incorporating potential green strips into the side walk, with various floor patterning with the same finished floor level, increase aesthetic quality ? and accessibility. Therefore encourage peo- ple to stroll and stay longer on the pedestrian zones. Current Involvement/ responsibility of neighbourhood - Very little social interation happening on the street - No sense of involvement from the users of the street Interventions - Remove the barrier in the middle of Wol- phaertsbocht street, combining the two seper- ate streets into a main two-way street. - Remove tall >6m trees from the middle parti- tion, introducing smaller <5m trees, increase visual connection of both sides of the Wol- phaertsbocht street. Proposed scale 1:500 64
  • 65. 2.Wolphaertsbocht 5&6.PARK scale 1:500 Current 65
  • 66. 2.Wolphaertsbocht 5 6 scale 1:500 Proposed park design 66
  • 67. 2.Wolphaertsbocht 5&6.Park Presence of other people - No semi-informal surveillance present in the park - Little formal surveillance, lack of people using the park - Feeling of presence of other people low be- cause of unplanned planting of trees as a barrier Involvement/ responsibility of neighbourhood - Very little social interation happening in the park - No stimulation use of park - Unattractiveness of the park - Lack of maintenance Interventions - Introduce a parking lot with 86 parking spaces at the south west part of the park, encourage Wolphaertsbocht users to walk on the street, thus stimulate social interaction, providing better so- cial control. - Redesigning the park, replacing the curvylin- ear circulation by more straight forward clean cut approach. It visually connects both eastern and western part of the park, increase the usage of the park and encorage park users to stroll and stay longer in the park, therefore both park users and street users are visually connected, providing social safety for both parties. Current 67
  • 68. 2.Wolphaertsbocht Proposed park design 68
  • 69. 2.Wolphaertsbocht Conclusion By introduce two parking lots with a total of 113 parking spaces at the north and south of Wolphaertsbocht street, replacing the existing 86 parkings that are being removed from the street, encourage Wolphaertsbocht users to walk on the street, thus stim- ulate social interaction, providing better social control. The advantage of having parking lots on both end of the street also stimulates seasonal activities, ie: weekend market and events. Often outdoor market requires the closing of the street, then market goers can reside their vehicles at the parking lots located at both rear end of the street, and walk to the market. Furthermore the wide sidewalk allows pedestrians to stay longer on the street. 69
  • 70. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk Current Proposed design 70
  • 71. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk Analysis The GPS results 1. Presence of other people Looking at the GPS results we see a lot of people taking a turn at the Dorpstraat. We want people to use the other streets as well. One of them is the Katenrdrechtse Lagedijk, which will be shown in this paragraph. We try to make the street more attractive and accessible for seniors by the use of the Current criteria. movement patterns Desired movement patterns 71
  • 72. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk Analysis& Design proposal Current Proposal Small transition zone Large transition zone No semi public place to Semi public place to show involvement show involvement Steps before entrance Entrances on street level Poor accessibility Good accessibility Cars in the street Exclusion of cars Not attractive for Quiet street, attractive yellow/green people for yellow/green people Typology Quiet street Attracts people with yellow or green lifestyle Place to pass 72
  • 73. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk Katendrechtse Lagendijk Analysis & Design 1:500 private transition zone public sections Katendrechtse Lagendijk 1:500 private transition zone public Section with no transition zone Section with no transition zone Section with small transition zone Section with small transition zone 73
  • 74. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk Interventions 4 1-2 Selected areas for trash cans and bicycles 3 Cars excluded from the area 4 More green added 2 3 5 1 5 Removing most steps to entrances 74
  • 75. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk Design proposal scale 1:300 75
  • 76. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk 1 View on trees from other streets 2 2 Wide pedestrian crossings 3 3 Path for cyclists and scoot- mobiles 4 ‘Stoepje’ as semi-informal 4 2 transition zone where people can show involvement 4 2 3 1 76
  • 77. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk Design proposal Proposed design 77
  • 78. 3.Katendrechtse Lagedijk Design proposal One of the important goals of this redesign is making the street attrac- tive from the Dorpsstraat. People that origininally took a left turn, hopefully will now move straight ahead into the Katendre- chtse Lagedijk. Current Proposed 78
  • 79. 4.Evaluation The course took twelve weeks, and after these weeks we can now look back and evaluate the course itself as offered by TU and Veldaca- demie, and our approach as a group. These weeks were concluded with a final presentation, where we got some remarks that we will men- tion. The course This election was called ‘Urban design’ which caused some confusion in the beginning when we heard this course consists mainly of re- search and just the last two weeks designing. Also we had to work in Rotterdam, something we did not know in advance. But the use of the upcoming GPS technique sounded very interesting, being actually able to see movement patterns of people made us curious. In the first week we helped a paralel group in Delft with their GPS research, because of not enough GPS devices. After this, in the third week we could finally start our own research by handing out the GPS devices. Since we had to wait another week for the results we felt our process was very slow, unlikely to what we were used to in other courses. As the weeks past, we got used to working in Rotterdam and we experienced it was very usefull to actually work in the research location. We had to present two times for the tracked seniors and people that were involved with the assisted living research. Those were very interesting presentations. We all learned a lot from the way we had to present and from the feedback we got from our audience. In the seventh week we finally got the GPS results in maps we could work with. It was really a shame that we could only work on the design for two weeks. The GPS took more computer work than we expected. Our group Already in the first week we formed a group, without really knowing each other. Luckely we made the right choice because in the last twelve weeks we had a very good cooperation and liked working together. At the start of the programme we felt the project was slowing down because helping theTracking Delft Group and waiting for GPS results took three weeks. So we decided to do some theoretical research about the topics we addressed and about the location. It was good to have this background, then you really know what you are talking about. From this point we started looking at a research question and a strategy of how to answer it. We think we had a good process during the weeks. We tried to be sientific at all times, and we think we succeeded in that. We did not make any assumptions of things we were not sure about. We only made decisions about things we could back up with theory and analysis. “I really enjoyed the good cooperation between the three of us. Sometimes we even laughed so hard, we had to force ourselves to get back to work!” - Robin Boelsums “Designing a strategy was new for me and was a very interesting tool that I will definetely use more in the future..” - Thomas Galesloot 79
  • 80. “As an architecture student the whole course of urbanism was very new to me. I learned a lot about the way of designing and the different way of working.” - Khor Minhong The final presentation The presentation held by Robin on Friday 18th of June was wel received by the audience - the audience existing of serveral people involved with the assisted living topic and some of the seniors we tracked. People could easily follow it and the main message was clear. Of course they did have some remarks. They were almost all about the design part. Some of the comments: The movement of the parking lots along the Wolphaertsbocht was commented by some. They stated that a shop could not get enough cus- tomers with that little parking places in front of the door. Others said that the disabled could park in front of the door and others could walk a bit longer, our group agreed on that. The Frans Bekkerstraat was designed different from existing plans, someone said. Unfortunately we did not know about these plans when making the design. In the Katendrechtse Lagendijk -which we transformed into a pedestrian area- is a car garage located, which would be very hard to move out. Also a comment was given about excluding cars from some streets. A person of the municipality of Rotterdam said that the area is not well connected to western areas with car transport. However, we did not focus on the car traffic, but on the pedestrian and cycle traffic. We think a lot of the remarks were validly, and those are usefull to know for further designs. However, we were glad that those were all about our design part, which was the part we could spend the least time on. Furthermore we got a compliment on the beautiful images and the clear presentation. 80
  • 81. 5.Literature gisweb “Informal surveillance and street crime: a complex relationship” Paul E. Bellair - 2006 “Sociaal veilig ontwerpen. Checklist ten behoeve van het ontwikkelen en toet- sen van (plannen voor) de gebouwde omgeving” Voordt, D.J.M. van der, en H.B.R. van Wegen - 1990 81