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G W I . 6   T R E N D S

 The GlobalWebIndex has evolved significantly in 2011, for the first time
 providing three waves of data. We surveyed almost 80,000 people in 27                                  KEY GWI.6 TRENDS
 key internet markets, providing the most detailed and current perspective
 ever compiled on the global impact of the internet. We’re clearly filling a
 market need, with our client base growing over 300% across the year.
                                                                                                     GLOBAL INTERNET BENCHMARK
 The most interesting aspect of GWI.6 (fieldwork conducted in November
 2011) is the growing localisation of internet behaviour. Far from driving a
 singular pool of global information and culture, the internet is enabling
 further localisation and differentiation, this is being driven by social media     STRUCTURAL                                     IMPACT
 and being spearheaded by growth markets outside of the US and Europe.

 We also bring a further perspective on the continuing dominance of               DIFFERENTIATION                                GOOGOPOLY
 Google across our access points to the internet and further updates on the
 saturation of Facebook growth and continuing falls in user engagement. It        CHINA V EVERYONE                     FACEBOOK THE $100bn QUESTION
 is vital for the industry that an independent source of data provide this
 perspective. In addition it generates crucial insights for marketers, brands      MOBILE PARITY                                 SOCIAL BRAND
 and agencies.
                                                                                  DEATH OF DIGITAL
 The other key area is the death of the “digital” concept. The internet now
 supports all content across multiple platforms. The view of the internet as
 a website sitting in a browser is now dead. This focus broadens the impact
 of the internet and requires us all to re-evaluate how we build our
 approach to online strategy and product development.

 These insights will be reflected in how we build our product in 2012, with
 a new multi-platform social tool scheduled for role out in Q2. Stay tuned.

               Tom Smith                                        Brett Petersen
               CEO                                              Senior Strategy Consultant

               “For me the most interesting aspect is           “GWI.6 provides us with ever more convincing
               the extent to which users are                    data to justify our arguments that brands
               consuming internet delivered services            need to build localized strategies for online
               and content across multiple devices              and social, rather than diving in head-first.”
               and platforms, rendering the concept
               of the internet as a separate media
               type, completely redundant. We need
               to rapidly redefine how we think and
               approach the internet.”

               Jenny Armshaw-Heak                               Sebastian Hedencrona
               Group Client Director - APAC                     Group Client Director - Global

               “Consistently the APAC region driving user       “The growing demand for a tailored
               growth and yet internet marketing spend          understanding of consumer motivations and
               here generally still lags. I find that clients   behaviour and the delivery of expert online
               here are hungry for GlobalWebIndex               insight such as GWI.5 & GWI.6 Trends has
               insights that help them bridge that gap in a     provided a platform for introducing a range of
               fast, seamless and meaningful way across         new services including: GlobalWebIndex
               the entire region.“                              Consulting, Bespoke Research and Omnibus.”

 The Full Report                      Data Pack                           Tool                                  Consulting

 The full PPT report contains over    New for GWI.6 we will be            Our online tool provides a very       Engage our consulting team on a
 70 slides of detailed data and       provided raw data packs, which      simple visual point and client        project of retainer basis to develop
 analysis , providing a               provide full access to key          analysis that enables you to          analytical projects that answer key
 unprecedented upstanding about       questions by wave and market.       explore the full data set and         business questions on how you
 the state of the internet in 2012.   These provide non-subscribers       customise by over 1500 audience       should develop and approach the
 Integrate the insights and ideas     with an instant way of accessing    definitions, tailoring the data to    internet. Recent projects include,
 into your strategy and trend         detailed global internet data to    your clients, category or business.   identifying the future opportunities
 presentations.                       integrate directly into any                                               for news distribution, developing
                                      analysis or output. Find out more                                         an organisational framework for
 You can source from here, or if      and download from here.                                                   global social media approach and
 you are a client from the reports                                                                              providing a full segmentation
 homepage.                                                                                                      analysis exploring the complete
                                                                                                                view of how their consumers
                                                                                                                behave across all platforms.

The GlobalWebIndex is the world’s most detailed
on-going research project covering the consumer                                     Client Re-contacts
adoption of the internet across all platforms            Core Survey
In 2011, the study expanded to 27 markets, 3
                                                                                  • Detailed client studies
waves of research and 122K surveys providing the
most complete view of the global internet ever
compiled. We interview between 2250 and 6000                   June
                                                            November               Omnibus Re-contacts
16-64 internet users per market per year,
providing a representative reflection of the
internet as defined by age, gender and education
criteria.                                            •   Audience Definitions     • Special interest topics
                                                     •   Online Behaviour         • Client brand tracking
In 2012 we will expand to 36 markets and provide
                                                     •   Motivations              • Media Studies
further opportunities for clients to customise the
                                                     •   Marketing Implications
data set by adding custom questions or brand
                                                     •   Client Segmentations

The world’s leading agency, corporate, media and
managing consultancy brands use our data to fuel
their insight, strategy and delivery across all
aspects of the internet.

Find out more:
Follow: @globalwebindex

 Annual Sample size by

 • 6,000 respondents

 • 3,750 respondents            2012 ROADMAP      Asian markets      European markets      Latin American markets
                                                  •       Taiwan     •       Belgium       •       Columbia
                                African markets   •       Thailand   •       Hungary       •       Venezuela
 • 3,000 respondents
                                •        Egypt    •       UAE        •       Switzerland
                                                  •       Vietnam
 • 2250 respondents
Global Internet Benchmark

 “social networking will overtake
  ecommerce activity at a global
   level in 2012, highlighting the
 importance that social holds for
         brands worldwide.”
                                                                                                                     Social driving change
                               Watched a video clip
                                     Used Webmail
                                                                                                                     The GlobalWebIndex has been tracking online
                              Used internet banking
                                                                                                                     activity since July 2009. In just the two and a half
                        Purchased a product online
                                                                                                                     years since we began, our survey has continued to
                Reviewed a product or brand online
                                                                                                                     change along with the online environment.
                    Managed social network profile
                            Uploaded photos online
                            Used Instant Messenger                                                                   As we can see from the chart to the left, social
                     Used online office applications                                                                 media is playing an increasingly important role in
                             Commented on a story                                                                    the lives of internet users around the world. Social
                             Posted on a forum/BBS                                                                   networking and micro-blogging are, in fact, the only
Bought an offer on a group-buying site e.g. Groupon                                                                  two online activities that have grown significantly
                             Written your own blog                                                                   over the past two and a half years.
                           Uploaded a video online
    Asked or answered a question on a Q/A service                                                                    However, passive behaviours still lead with
                      Edited/managed own website
                                                                                                                     watching video, webmail and internet banking
                       Used a microblogging service
                                                                                                                     continuing to outstrip any social behaviours. It’s
                     Used a social bookmark service
                                                                                                                     also very interesting to see that consumer reviews
                           Used VOIP/online phone
                                                                                                                     are in fact the lead form of consumer contribution
                        Written a news story/article
                          Subscribed to an RSS feed
                                Used an aggregator
                                                                                                                     This is changing though and looking forward into
                                                       0%     10%   20%       30%      40%   50%   60%   70%   80%
                                                                                                                     2012 and beyond, it looks as if social networking
                                                                                                                     activity will overtake ecommerce activity at a global
                                                            GWI.6                   GWI.1
                                                                                                                     level, highlighting the importance that social holds
                                                                                                                     for brands worldwide.
 Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done
 (% of internet users globally, GWI.1 V GWI.6 – some behaviours added to GWI.3 and GWI.4)
                                    Japan                                Russia
                                                   80%                                                               The shifting sands of social
                     Germany                                                           Brazil
                                                   60%                                                               One of the most interesting trends that we’re
                                                                                                                     seeing is the significant growth of social
                                                                                                                     networking and micro-blogging worldwide.
                                                                                                                     When this growth is taken in context with
                                                   30%                                                               other social media activities such as blogging
                                                                                                                     and forum usage, however, we can see that
                                                                                                                     the growth in social networking has come at
                                                   10%                                                               the expense of these.
    Netherlands                                     0%                                              Mexico
                                                                                                                     In other words, the overall level of social
                                                                                                                     engagement has not changed significantly in
                                                                                                                     any market from GWI.1 in July 2009 to GWI.6
              USA                                                                               Italy                in November 2011. What has changed is the
                                                                                                                     way that users are engaging with social media,
                                                                                                                     making it ever more important to understand
                                                                                                                     these changes and how it impacts brand
                     Australia                                                         Spain                         engagement.

                                   Canada                                South Korea


Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Combined Aggregate of Social
Networking, Blogging, Video Uploading, Photo Sharing Micro-Blogging and Forum Visitation
(% of internet users by market GWI.1 to GWI.6)

                                                                                                                                                          Clustering is becoming tighter

                                                                                                                                                          We’re moving from the four broad
                                                                                                                                                          clusters of markets in GWI.5 to six
                                                                                                                                                          more compact market clusters in
                                                                                                                                                          GWI.6. The clusters are formed from
                                                                                                                                                          analysing overall social media
                                                                                                                                                          behaviour vs. E-commerce

                                                                                                                                                          We can see immediately that China
                                                                                                                                                          stands alone as the social shopping star
                                                                                                                                                          of the world, proving once again that
                                                                                                                                                          China strategy needs to be completely
                                                                                                                                                          bespoke from any other multinational
                                                                                                                                                          brand or marketing strategy.

                                                                                                                                                          Following on from that, we see that
                                                                                                                                                          there is a best fit parabola that shows
                                                                                                                                                          how E-commerce activity falls as social
                                                                                                                                                          media activity increases, but then, it
                                                                                                                                                          begins to rise with extremely high
                                                                                                                                                          levels of social media activity.

Purchase a product online in the past month versus an aggregate score of Manage a Social Network, Write a Blog, Comment in a Forum, Upload a Video, Use a Microblog
(% penetration by country. GWI.6, November 2011)
#1 – Think Local
  Growing market fragmentation

“Growth markets will increasingly
shape the evolution social media
 and online services around the
                                                                                                                                 Social driving market divergence
                                                                                                                                 When exploring the growth of social media
                              Used a microblogging service       Written a news story/article   Written your own blog
                                                                                                                                 behaviours from GWI.1 to GWI.6 in the original 16
                              Uploaded a video online            Uploaded photos online         Managed social network profile
                                                                                                                                 markets, we can see clearly that the growth
                                                                                                                                 markets, such as China, Brazil, Mexico and India, are
                                                                                                                                 driving adoption.

                                                                                                                                 China leads growth in all forms of behaviour, in
                                                                                                                                 particular the adoption of micro-blogging and social
                                                                                                                                 networking, where Sina Weibo, RenRen, Kaixin and
  10%                                                                                                                            Qzone are driving a massive shift from forums and
                                                                                                                                 community blogging platforms.

   0%                                                                                                                            The growth rates in mature markets are far smaller,
                                                                                                                                 particularly outside of social networking

 -10%                                                                                                                            The compound factor is that these markets are also
                                                                                                                                 growing the internet universe at a spectacular rate,
                                                                                                                                 shifting the balance of power away from the US.

                                                                                                                                 South Korea is the one exception where community
                                                                                                                                 news platforms such as Ohmynews and blogging
                                                                                                                                 have lost out to gaming platforms and communities

Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done
(% of internet users globally, % point change from Wave 1 – Wave 6)
                                                                                                              Passive activities not driving change

                         Used VOIP/online phone            Used Webmail                Watched a video clip   When exploring non social actions online, this
 15.0%                                                                                                        difference in growth trends is far less marked and
                         Used online office applications   Subscribed to an RSS feed                          there is no clear differentiation between growth
 10.0%                                                                                                        and mature markets.

  5.0%                                                                                                        The other key observation is that growth rates are
                                                                                                              far lower than for social activities and there are no
                                                                                                              clear global trends.

                                                                                                              For example “watched a video clip online” has
                                                                                                              grown in Russia, Mexico, Germany and Australia,
                                                                                                              but stagnated everywhere else.

                                                                                                              Again, South Korea shows large net declines in
 -15.0%                                                                                                       behaviour. This is, again, due to the growth of
                                                                                                              mass market social gaming.
                                                                                                              This data shows how open social platforms are key
                                                                                                              when driving global change and differentiation.

Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done
(% of internet users globally, % point change from Wave 1 – Wave 6)

                                        Localised strategy more important

                                  Increasing relevance for social and online in all

              IMPACT                  Growth markets defining new platforms

                                 Influencers online are increasingly outside of the

                                 Social enabling consumers to transform their lives
#2 – China V Everyone

 “Sina Weibo has twice as many
   active micro-bloggers than
 Twitter on a single market user
    base. This is a staggering
    example of how China will
increasingly sit alongside the rest
          of the world.”
                                                                             China up to 50% of active users
                       Rest of World Estimate
                                                                             Looking across a broad selection of behaviours and
                1000   25 Surveyed Markets                                   the number of users on a global basis we see a
                       USA                                                   fascinating trend.
Million Users

                                                                             For example, when looking at “watched a video
                 600                                                         clip”, we benchmark that over 1.1bn internet
                                                                             users aged 16-65 did so via a PC in the month of
                 400                                                         November 2011. Of that 1.1bn China made up a
                                                                             massive 288m. This dwarfed the US with 149m
                                                                             and not far behind the other 25 surveyed markets,
                                                                             which collectively made up 484m.

                                                                             In the case of video, China made up 26% of global
                                                                             user base. However, in active social channels such
                                                                             as micro-blogging, China represents over 50% of
                                                                             the global user base.

                                                                             This is a trend that is only increasing as the
                                                                             Chinese internet user base continues to explode in
                                                                             scale. We also see a proliferation of highly
                                                                             sophisticated social services in the market.

Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done
(million users, GWI.6)
                                                                                     Scale plus massive involvement

500                                                                                  The result of this massive scale means that
                                                                                     Chinese social platforms are now competition in
450                                                                                  terms of scale with international players.
                                                                                     For example, Sina Weibo has twice as many active
                                                                                     micro-bloggers than Twitter on a single market
300                                                                                  user base.
                                                                                     This is a staggering example of how China will
200                                                                                  increasingly sit alongside the rest of the world.
                                                                                     The key question here is whether Chinese services
                                                                                     will internationalise. In one sense, they don’t need
 50                                                                                  to as their home base is huge, growing and
                                                                                     frequently protected from international players (at
                                                                                     least officially – however access through VPN
                                                                                     usage is rife).

                                                                                     Sina is set to launch a English language version in
                                                               Universe (millions)   2012 that will be a key indicator of how Chinese
                                                                                     social media can move outside its home market.

Where do you have a profile? Active Social Network / Micro-blogging Users
(million users, GWI.6)

                             Global brands need a separate China strategy

                            China has the most competitive social internet on
                                              the planet

                              Officially, Facebook, Twitter & Google+ are
                             banned in China; unofficially, via V.P.Ns and
                            mobile, they are growing. Can they impact local

                            Looking for social innovation: follow China. Copy
                             cat platforms will reverse from China to R.O.W

                            Social platforms in China make money. Investors
                                                will follow
#3 – To Mobile Parity

“Within the next 5 years,
mobile device activity will
outstrip fixed PC usage in
   emerging markets”

                          0% 1% 2%
                                                                                                                                            5%        14%
                  14%                        9%
                                                                                  Tablet device
                                                                                  Mobile phone

                                                                                  Personal PC/laptop

                                                                                  Work PC/laptop                                                            18%


                                                                                  Through my TV


                            Current                                                                                                     One Year From Now

Which of the following is your favourite device to access the Internet? Now / One year from now (% of Internet users globally, GWI.6)

70%                                                                                                            When Accessing the Internet via Your Mobile, Which
                       Asia Pacific                                                                                        is Your Primary Location?
                       Latin America

                       North America                                                                                         Whilst
50%                                                                                                                       Travelling or
40%                                                                                                                                                         At home

30%                                                                                                            Public Place



                                                                                                                                                At Work
 Wave1                Wave2                Wave3               Wave4               Wave5               Wave6
                                                                                                                        (% of mobile internet users globally, Wave 6)
Which of the following have you done on the internet via your mobile phone in the past six months? –
Browsed the internet
(% of internet users globally, GWI.6)

                                                                         Wave1           Wave2          Wave3
                                                                         Wave4           Wave5          Wave6
                                                                                                                                           MOBILE INTERNET BEHAVIOUR
                         350                                                          +105%

                         300                                                                                           +89%
Million Internet Users

                         250                                                                                                       +173%

                         200                                                                                                                        +158%





         Which of the following have you done on the Internet via your mobile/tablet in the past month? (million Internet users)
                                                                                 Wave1           Wave2          Wave3
                                                                                 Wave4           Wave5          Wave6
Million Internet Users

                                                                                                                                               MOBILE INTERNET BEHAVIOUR

                     Which of the following have you done on the Internet via your mobile/tablet in the past month? (million Internet users)
                                                                                                                 Apps continue to rocket
                    Asia Pacific

                                                                                                                 Mobile users in all markets continue to download
                                                                                                                 an ever increasing volume of applications.
                    Latin America
                    North America                                                                                Asia Pacific users continue to lead and now over
                                                                                                                 47% of mobile users download an app on a
   35%                                                                                                           monthly basis.

                                                                                                                 After stagnation between GWI.3 and GWI.5,
                                                                                                                 internet access via mobiles in Latin America is on
   25%                                                                                                           the rise once again.

                                                                                                                 The other key interesting observation is how
                                                                                                                 continued platform phones (particularly iPhone)
   15%                                                                                                           has propelled the US above Europe for the first
                                                                                                                 In general, the continued shift to consuming
   5%                                                                                                            internet delivered content and information via
                                                                                                                 apps over browsers is changing the shape of the
   0%                                                                                                            internet. We have tracked this “Packaged
    Wave1                    Wave2                  Wave3                   Wave4                Wave5   Wave6   Internet” shift over time.

   Which of the following actions have you performed on your mobile phone in the past month? -
   Installed an application
   (% of mobile users globally, GWI.6)

                                Mobile should be a central part of comms or
                                             product strategy

                                In the next 5 years mobile device activity will
                                outstrip fixed PC usage in emerging markets

                                 Websites will be replaced by multi-platform
                                           content and services

                               Tracking behaviour with cookies/URLs is losing
                                    value in the era of multi-device usage

                                Mobile will increasingly drive real-time social
                                 media usage i.e. uploading photos, video,
                                           updates, etc. on the go
#4 – Death of Digital

  “The fashion in which the
Internet and technology have
evolved has created a world in
 which the Internet is infused
  with much of our everyday
                                                     New thinking is needed

                                                     When the Internet emerged, it was frequently positioned as a separate
                                                     media because it was a text driven ecosystem dominated by PC access
                                                     and websites viewed in a browser; this, in a sense, was true.

                                                     However, as our research continually demonstrates the internet is now
                                                     dominated by video, cross-device usage, packaged web services,
                                                     portable content and consumer created and distributed media.
            TV             Radio             Press
                                                     Despite these trends, this thinking remains today, with “Digital” or
                                                     “Internet” siloed in most organisation structures, budget lines and
                                                     business models.

                                                     This may sound trivial or a matter of semantics, but consider the
                 Outdoor           Digital
                                                     following. From a marketing point of view, thinking of internet platforms
                                                     as a singular media form restricts the opportunities that the Internet
                                                     presents and focuses thinking on activities like banners, search, etc and
                                                     underestimates the transformative impact of internet technology.

                                                     The internet in its various forms will increasingly deliver all content,
                                                     information and services. And this is precisely the reason why it cannot
                                                     be considered a separate medium any longer. There is no such thing as a
                                                     digital business or non digital business. Are you prepared?

                                                                                      Packaged Internet
                                    Internet            Social           Internet
   Analogue          Digital                                                          Platform e.g. Smart
                                    Browser            Platform         Application

                                  Linear TV Programming

                                               On Demand Streaming

                                                           TV Downloads

         Watch TV 1+ hour of   Watch On-Demand TV
                                                    Stream Live TV Online   Stream Live TV Mobile
             TV per day              Online

USA            194m                   58m                   21m                      7m
               (90%)                 (27%)                 (10%)                    (3%)

BRAZIL          47m                   17m                   15m                      5m
               (89%)                 (32%)                 (28%)                    (11%)

                                                                                           Which of the following have you done
                                                                                           online in the past month? – Have Done
                                                                                           (% of internet users globally, GWI.6)

CHINA          259m                  211m                  161m                     56m
               (65%)                 (53%)                 (40%)                   (26%)
                                                                                                                Rich content consumption increasing
        Downloaded free TV
                                                                                                                Most forms of rich content, such as TV, film, sports
   Watched a full length film                                                                                   programming and music are growing online.
       Listened to LIVE radio
                online                                                                                          The most dramatic observation is that TV and film
           Listen to music on                                                                                   now both lead listening to radio online and
            streaming service
                                                                                                                streaming music. Watching on demand TV is nearly
       Watch on demand TV
             shows online                                                                                       at parity with streaming music.
         Listened/Watched a
                podcast                                                                                         This demonstrates how multi-platform TV
      Downloaded music via                                                                                      consumption has become and how the internet has
                                                                                                                transitioned from the written word, to audio and
   Streamed a LIVE TV show                                                                                      now video.
      Paid to download legal
               music                                                                                            The other key aspect in this data is how much piracy
  Watched a sports program                                                                                      is over played. Downloading of TV or music via P2P all
                                                                                                                lag legal streaming and downloading services. Paid
     Download TV show/film
            via P2P
                                                                                                                for downloads are still smaller than free, however the
         Paid TV show/film
                                                                                                                demand for streaming demonstrates how future
              download                                                                                          revenue models will exist.
                                0%   5%       10%      15%      20%      25%   30%      35%   40%   45%   50%

                                                     GWI.6            GWI.5          GWI.4

Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done
(% of internet users, GWI.4 > GWI.6)

                               Think content types not media channel

                          “Digital” thinking underestimates the impact of the

                            Agencies and budgets should be arranged in
                                          “content types”

                                 Content should be platform agnostic

                           In the future, the internet of things will put every
                             object online. New business and marketing
                                       opportunities will emerge
#5 – Googopoly

 “Never before has one
company controlled the
distribution of so much
                                                                                                                                       Google is the leading global web property

     80%                                                                                                                               The number of users who visit Google on a monthly
                                                                                                                                       or higher frequency continues to climb and by GWI.6
                                                                                                                                       it reached over 85% of global internet users.

                                                                                                                                       Facebook and Twitter are also growing substantially,
                                                                                                                                       however they significantly lag Google in terms of
                                                                                                                                       monthly reach and as an access point to the internet.
     50%                                                                                                                   Wave1
                                                                                                                           Wave2       As a testament to the ubiquity of the web brand in
                                                                                                                           Wave3       everyday life. The term Google has become more
                                                                                                                           Wave4       than a brand in itself. It is now a commonplace verb
     30%                                                                                                                               throughout the English language world; as opposed
                                                                                                                                       to saying “search for it online,” we now say “Google
     20%                                                                                                                   Wave6       it.”

     10%                                                                                                                               Even the second most visited property in GWI.6,
                                                                                                                                       YouTube, is owned by Google and shows just how
      0%                                                                                                                               dominant the search giant is online.

                                                                                                                                       The question that we’re beginning to ask at GWI is
                                                                                                                                       what effect Google’s dominance is having on the
                                                                                                                                       market and how will this play out in the future?

On average how often do you visit the following websites / services? Daily OR Weekly OR Monthly (% of internet users, GWI.1 > GWI.6)
                                                                                         Chrome dominates key growth markets
                                                                                         Every market has a very different distribution of
90%                                                                                      browser usage with varying levels of adoption .
                                                                                         Chrome dominates in some leading growth markets,
70%                                                                                      particularly the Philippines, Turkey, Argentina, India,
                                                                                         Brazil and Malaysia. Based on the breakdown by
                                                                                         market, we can see that Chrome leads in some of the
50%                                                                                      countries that are newer to the internet. IE tends to
                                                                                         dominate in countries where there is entrenched
40%                                                                                      legacy behaviour online.




                                      Internet Explorer     Firefox     Google Chrome

 What browser do you use on your main computer to access the web? (% of internet users
 globally; GWI.4 to 6) Data collected automatically – not survey based
                                                                                                      Android transforming the mobile market
                                                                                                      Android has shown dramatic growth and effectively
                                                                                                      made the smartphone market a two horse race. In
                                                                                                      the 4 months between GWI.5 in June and GWI.6 in
                                                                                                      November, Android penetration grew by 8
                                                                                                      percentage points, an immense shift in such a short
                                                                                                      time period.

20%                                                                                                   This growth has clearly been at the expense of
                                                                                                      Symbian, Blackberry and Windows platforms.
                                                                                                      Furthermore, a very large proportion of smartphone
15%                                                                                                   users still have no idea what operating system they

                                                                                                      iOS, despite the hype, has not shown any growth in
                                                                                                      the same time scale. This is a great vindication of
                                                                                                      Google's position of building an open operating
                                                                                                      system that multiple manufacturers can adopt.

0%                                                                                                    With the huge growth in mobile internet and tablets,
       MeeGo      webOS     Windows      Other    BlackBerry   iOS (for   Symbian   Don't   Android   Android is critical to Google's future and give it
                            Phone 7                   OS       iPhone)              Know              control of the other main access point to the
                                            Wave5         Wave6

 What operating system runs on your mobile?
 (% of smartphone users globally; GWI.5 – 6, June and November 2011)








 On which of the following social networks do you have an active profile?
 (% of active social networkers globally; GWI.6, November 2011)

 Search                           Browser                          Location                       Social                            Mobile

 Our data shows that Google is growing in all the key access points to the         The other potentially larger concern is the growing personalisation of search
 Internet, from their dominate position in search, web browsers, operating         results to the individual, which mean that no one user sees the same internet.
 systems and now social. The simple fact is that no other organisation has ever    In this increasingly personalised web, there is greater potential to impact the
 had so much control over the flow of information, content or data at such a       flow of information. No longer will there be any shared context or shared
 global scale. While this is a position that has been driven by products that      information, but we’ll be increasingly living within our own bubble of
 work and internet users love, there are some growing concerns about such an       information that is unique to us, thus removing us from that shared media
 aggregation of control over the online experience.                                experience that has persisted for centuries.

 The obvious concerns relate to how Google integrates its services into its        We at the GlobalWebIndex believe that social curation, when your friends’
 search results, a point that particularly became clear when Google+ results       recommendations, likes, bookmarks, etc. guide you to content, should be the
 were integrated into search results with the “Google Plus My World” initiative.   way forward rather than an omnipresent Google algorithm deciding what you
 This makes you realise how easy it would be to dictate the flow of information    would like to read.
 and services that any given internet user can gain access to.

                        Google+ is a must for brands. It is already a key
                                       social platform

                          Google will likely be embroiled in anti-trust
                           investigations for the foreseeable future

                        Paid search will be more important to guarantee

                        In more personalised web distributable content
                        will be key to drive mass exposure and shared

                         Expect war against Google to be increasingly
                                   carried out in the courts
#6 – Facebook
       The $100bn Question

“Facebook Fatigue is something that
  could derail even the best made
  plans and will be a key trend to
     watch throughout 2012.”




   40                                                                                                                         GWI.5



Which of the following social networks do you currently have a profile? – Facebook
(Universe Figures of Social Network Users (via PC) with accounts on Facebook. GWI.6) (China data still in validation phase)









 On which of the following social networks do you have a profile?
 (% of active social networkers globally; GWI.6, November 2011)
                                                                                                               Most marked in the US
                                           Global          USA           US College Educated >30
                                                                                                               In GWI.5 (June 2011) we saw that declining
                                                                                                               Facebook activity was most pronounced
 5%                                                                                                            among US college educated 20 to 30 year
                                                                                                               olds. While there is still significant declines in
 0%                                                                                                            most activities for that segment in GWI.6
                                                                                                               (Nov. 2011), the broader “Facebook Fatigue”
                                                                                                               trend is spreading away from the early
 -5%                                                                                                           adopters towards the general US population.

                                                                                                               Declines in social networking activity among
                                                                                                               Facebook users in the US is much more
-15%                                                                                                           pronounced from GWI.1 to GWI.6 than it was
                                                                                                               when comparing GWI.1 to GWI.5. This proves
                                                                                                               that Facebook Fatigue is a real phenomenon
                                                                                                               and is not limited to early adopters.

                                                                                                               Furthermore, it looks as if the trend is even
                                                                                                               spreading beyond the US to markets that
                                                                                                               adopted Facebook later in the cycle. In the
                                                                                                               GWI.1 to GWI.5 comparison, nearly all social
                                                                                                               networking activities were still growing at the
                                                                                                               global level. In GWI.6, we can see growth of
                                                                                                               most activities has stagnated as well.

Which of the following have you conducted on your social network service in the past month? – Facebook Users
(% point change in active social networking penetration from GWI.1 (July 2009) to GWI.6 (November 2011))
                                                                                         Mobile usage exploding

                                                                                         We calculate that mobile access to Facebook is now
                                                                                         a significant portion of total activity, with 307m
                                                                                         users visiting on a monthly basis from across the 27
                                                                                         GWI markets. These are consistent with Facebook’s
                                                                                         internal figures when scaled beyond GWI markets.

                                                                                         As Facebook have referenced in their IPO filing,
                                                                                         mobile access currently represents a challenge to
                                                                                         their future revenue growth as they don’t currently
                                                                                         have a display advertising offer on their mobile

                                                                                         What they can’t tell from internal data is the level of
                                                                                         crossover between platforms. Our research
                                                                                         confirms that the vast majority of mobile users are
                                                                                         still accessing from a PC/laptop as well.

                                                                                         However, there is a movement towards mobile,
                                                                                         particularly in emerging markets which are also
                                                                                         Facebook’s main growth markets, so it will be
                                                                                         crucial for Facebook to build their mobile
                                                                                         advertising capabilities.

On average how often do you visit the following websites / services in the past month?
(% of internet users via PC, Mobile, Tablet device GWI.6)

                                                                                The Future of Facebook
         CHALLENGES                             ADVANTAGES
                                                                                The data in GlobalWebIndex represents the most
   Saturation of user growth in most                                            detailed and comprehensive independent view of the
                                         Complete Domination of the Social      platform ever compiled. This data provides a unique
   markets. User growth only in low
                                                 Network market                 perspective to assess Facebook’s market position.
       value advertising markets

  Big shift in usage to mobile devices                                          Facebook has many strengths from a social media point
                                          Growth in markets where is was        of view, but from a business point of view, it seems as if
       which are more difficult to
                                            previously weak i.e. Russia         it will be hard for the social network to realise its
                 monetise                                                       potential within its current business model. We don’t
                                                                                believe that Facebook can generate the advertising
  Facebook Fatigue is very real: Most         Recent shift to “advertiser       revenue necessary to justify its $100 billion valuation,
   present in high value advertising      friendly” focus on entertainment      particularly with the shift to mobile. Display advertising
                                                                                rates are in decline and consumer opposition to
               markets                         and professional content
                                                                                advertising in social environments is growing. Besides,
                                                                                brands primarily benefit from the earned media value of
  Decline in contribution and sharing                                           Facebook, which is near impossible to monetise.
                                         Continual consumer adoption and
      questions the value of the
                                          usage of third party applications
            consumer data                                                       The only way we see Facebook truly capitalising on the
                                                                                size of its user base is if it starts to charge brands to
                                             Decline of local networks and      literally set up shop within its ecosystem. Furthermore, it
    Competitive Pressure: Growing                                               should give brands more tools to build presence on the
                                         failure of Twitter to break the mass
    consumer adoption of Google+                                                network. Facebook Fatigue, however, is something that
                                                         market                 could derail even the best made plans and will be a key
                                                                                trend to watch throughout 2012.
#7 – Social Branding

                 “No matter where you go or who
                  you speak to about what drives
                 them to engage brands on social
                 networking, they always respond
                 that it is getting something back
                            from brands.”
                                                                                 Websites are still key for brands

                                                                                 No matter how enveloped brands become in
                                                                                 social media, the one thing they have to
          50%                                                                    remember is that their own websites are still
                                                                                 going to be the first point of online interaction
          40%                                                                    with most consumers. Interaction with brands via
                                                                                 social media is growing quickly, however,
          30%                                                                    particularly in emerging markets.
                                                                                 Nonetheless, branded websites are critical
          10%                                                                    because it is one of the only online properties of
                                                                                 which brands have full control. Brands should
                                                                                 use social media as an extension of their website
                                                                                 rather than driving consumers to their social
                                                                                 properties in the first place.

                                                                                 When it comes to social engagement online,
                                                                                 there are nearly a third of users worldwide that
                                                                                 have like a brand or product online and a quarter
                                                                                 that have visited a branded page/group.

 Which of the following brand related actions have you done in the past month?
 (% internet users globally, GWI.5 (June 2011 and GWI.6 (November 2011))

                                                                                                                           Give something back

                                                                    16 to 24   25 to 34   35 to 44   45 to 54   55 to 64
                                                                                                                           No matter where you go or who you
                                Discounts for future purchases       63%        66%        65%        63%        58%       speak to about what drives them to
                                                                                                                           engage brands on social networking, they
                                              Customer service       44%        49%        47%        50%        48%
                                                                                                                           always respond that it is getting
                    Personalised purchase recommendations            40%        38%        32%        27%        19%       something back from brands that is most
               A feature that enables me to track my delivery        31%        31%        28%        29%        28%       important to them. The answer option
         Access to new products prior to release on the main
                                                                                                                           that we ask in the GWI survey relates
                                                                     31%        31%        28%        28%        22%
                                                                                                                           specifically to discounts, but the idea
                The ability to interact and talk to people at the
                                                                                                                           holds that consumers know that brands
                                                                     28%        29%        26%        29%        26%
                                                                                                                           benefit from them when they engage
                    Exclusive insight or information about the
                                                                                                                           them online and they want them to give
                                                                     25%        26%        23%        22%        17%
                                                                                                                           something back.
            Being able to connect with other fans of the shop        24%        24%        17%        14%        10%

                       Details of what my friends have bought        23%        22%        16%        13%         8%       Of course, this induces lots of “hit and
                                                                                                                           run” consumers that will be unwilling to
                                                  Competitions       23%        23%        20%        17%        12%
                                                                                                                           engage and participate in branded
              Be asked to come up with ideas for products or
                                                                     22%        23%        22%        23%        18%       conversations after getting their discount.
                                                                                                                           Nevertheless, there are still a large
          The ability to purchase products without visiting the
                                                                     22%        22%        19%        18%        14%       proportion of consumers, nearly half, that
                                                     main site
                                                                                                                           do expect more from brands on social
        Details of what my friends would like to buy (wish list)     20%        19%        13%        10%         7%       networks, and it is important that brands
                                No interest in any of the above       9%         8%        13%        17%        24%       indulge these expectations.

Motivations to follow a branded page on a social network?
(% of each age group; GWI.6, Nov. 2011)










                                                   Be asked to come up with ideas for products or services   Customer service

Motivations to follow a branded page on a social network?
(% of each age group; GWI.6, Nov. 2011)

                         Don’t neglect brand websites; they are still the
                        main engagement point for consumers online and
                         should be the hub of any brand’s online activity

                            Social media is continually increasing in
                         importance and there are four distinct levels of
                              social engagement for them online

                          Determining which of the four levels of brand
               IMPACT   interaction your target consumers associate with
                           should be the cornerstone of social strategy

                        Another key element is determining the best way
                          to reward those consumers that engage with
                         brands in ways that foster lasting relationships

                          Thus, it is necessary to understand what your
                        consumers value most about your brand and turn
                          it into something that is tangible to be shared

The Full Report                     Data Pack                             Tool                                  Consulting

The full PPT report contains over   New for GWI.6 we will be              Our online tool provides a very       Engage our consulting team on a
70 slides of detailed data and      providing raw data packs, which       simple visual point and click         project or retainer basis to develop
analysis , providing a              provide full access to key            analysis that enables you to          analytical projects that answer key
unprecedented view about the        questions by wave and market.         explore the full data set and         business questions on how you
state of the internet in 2012.      These provide non-subscribers         customise by over 1500 audience       should develop and approach the
Integrate the insights and ideas    with an instant way of accessing      definitions, tailoring the data to    internet. Recent projects include,
into your strategy and trend        detailed global internet data to      your clients, category or business.   identifying the future opportunities
presentations.                      integrate directly into any                                                 for news distribution, developing
                                    analysis or output. These are also                                          an organisational framework for
You can source from here, or if     available to clients. Find out more                                         global social media approach and
you are a client from the reports   and download from here.                                                     providing a full segmentation
homepage.                                                                                                       analysis exploring the complete
                                                                                                                view of how consumers behave
                                                                                                                across all platforms.
Global Web Index GWI.6 Social Media trends - January 2012

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Global Web Index GWI.6 Social Media trends - January 2012

  • 1. G W I . 6 T R E N D S
  • 2. GWI.6 CONTINUES EXPLORATION OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTERNET The GlobalWebIndex has evolved significantly in 2011, for the first time providing three waves of data. We surveyed almost 80,000 people in 27 KEY GWI.6 TRENDS key internet markets, providing the most detailed and current perspective ever compiled on the global impact of the internet. We’re clearly filling a market need, with our client base growing over 300% across the year. GLOBAL INTERNET BENCHMARK The most interesting aspect of GWI.6 (fieldwork conducted in November 2011) is the growing localisation of internet behaviour. Far from driving a singular pool of global information and culture, the internet is enabling further localisation and differentiation, this is being driven by social media STRUCTURAL IMPACT and being spearheaded by growth markets outside of the US and Europe. We also bring a further perspective on the continuing dominance of DIFFERENTIATION GOOGOPOLY Google across our access points to the internet and further updates on the saturation of Facebook growth and continuing falls in user engagement. It CHINA V EVERYONE FACEBOOK THE $100bn QUESTION is vital for the industry that an independent source of data provide this perspective. In addition it generates crucial insights for marketers, brands MOBILE PARITY SOCIAL BRAND and agencies. DEATH OF DIGITAL The other key area is the death of the “digital” concept. The internet now supports all content across multiple platforms. The view of the internet as a website sitting in a browser is now dead. This focus broadens the impact of the internet and requires us all to re-evaluate how we build our approach to online strategy and product development. These insights will be reflected in how we build our product in 2012, with a new multi-platform social tool scheduled for role out in Q2. Stay tuned.
  • 3. VIEW FROM THE TEAM Tom Smith Brett Petersen CEO Senior Strategy Consultant “For me the most interesting aspect is “GWI.6 provides us with ever more convincing the extent to which users are data to justify our arguments that brands consuming internet delivered services need to build localized strategies for online and content across multiple devices and social, rather than diving in head-first.” and platforms, rendering the concept of the internet as a separate media type, completely redundant. We need to rapidly redefine how we think and approach the internet.” Jenny Armshaw-Heak Sebastian Hedencrona Group Client Director - APAC Group Client Director - Global “Consistently the APAC region driving user “The growing demand for a tailored growth and yet internet marketing spend understanding of consumer motivations and here generally still lags. I find that clients behaviour and the delivery of expert online here are hungry for GlobalWebIndex insight such as GWI.5 & GWI.6 Trends has insights that help them bridge that gap in a provided a platform for introducing a range of fast, seamless and meaningful way across new services including: GlobalWebIndex the entire region.“ Consulting, Bespoke Research and Omnibus.”
  • 4. GET THE FULL DETAIL The Full Report Data Pack Tool Consulting The full PPT report contains over New for GWI.6 we will be Our online tool provides a very Engage our consulting team on a 70 slides of detailed data and provided raw data packs, which simple visual point and client project of retainer basis to develop analysis , providing a provide full access to key analysis that enables you to analytical projects that answer key unprecedented upstanding about questions by wave and market. explore the full data set and business questions on how you the state of the internet in 2012. These provide non-subscribers customise by over 1500 audience should develop and approach the Integrate the insights and ideas with an instant way of accessing definitions, tailoring the data to internet. Recent projects include, into your strategy and trend detailed global internet data to your clients, category or business. identifying the future opportunities presentations. integrate directly into any for news distribution, developing analysis or output. Find out more an organisational framework for You can source from here, or if and download from here. global social media approach and you are a client from the reports providing a full segmentation homepage. analysis exploring the complete view of how their consumers behave across all platforms.
  • 5. THE DATA SOURCE – ONGOING AND CUSTOMISABLE The GlobalWebIndex is the world’s most detailed on-going research project covering the consumer Client Re-contacts adoption of the internet across all platforms Core Survey 3/year In 2011, the study expanded to 27 markets, 3 • Detailed client studies waves of research and 122K surveys providing the February most complete view of the global internet ever compiled. We interview between 2250 and 6000 June November Omnibus Re-contacts 16-64 internet users per market per year, 3/year providing a representative reflection of the internet as defined by age, gender and education criteria. • Audience Definitions • Special interest topics • Online Behaviour • Client brand tracking In 2012 we will expand to 36 markets and provide • Motivations • Media Studies further opportunities for clients to customise the • Marketing Implications data set by adding custom questions or brand data. • Client Segmentations The world’s leading agency, corporate, media and managing consultancy brands use our data to fuel their insight, strategy and delivery across all aspects of the internet. Find out more: Engage: Follow: @globalwebindex
  • 6. COVERING EVERY FEASIBLE MARKET 5M+ Annual Sample size by market • 6,000 respondents • 3,750 respondents 2012 ROADMAP Asian markets European markets Latin American markets • Taiwan • Belgium • Columbia African markets • Thailand • Hungary • Venezuela • 3,000 respondents • Egypt • UAE • Switzerland • Vietnam • 2250 respondents
  • 7. Global Internet Benchmark “social networking will overtake ecommerce activity at a global level in 2012, highlighting the importance that social holds for brands worldwide.”
  • 8. SOCIAL NETWORKING AND MICRO-BLOGGING HAVE GROWN FASTER THAN ANY OTHER ACTIVITY Social driving change Watched a video clip Used Webmail The GlobalWebIndex has been tracking online Used internet banking activity since July 2009. In just the two and a half Purchased a product online years since we began, our survey has continued to Reviewed a product or brand online change along with the online environment. Managed social network profile Uploaded photos online Used Instant Messenger As we can see from the chart to the left, social Used online office applications media is playing an increasingly important role in Commented on a story the lives of internet users around the world. Social Posted on a forum/BBS networking and micro-blogging are, in fact, the only Bought an offer on a group-buying site e.g. Groupon two online activities that have grown significantly Written your own blog over the past two and a half years. Uploaded a video online Asked or answered a question on a Q/A service However, passive behaviours still lead with Edited/managed own website watching video, webmail and internet banking Used a microblogging service continuing to outstrip any social behaviours. It’s Used a social bookmark service also very interesting to see that consumer reviews Used VOIP/online phone are in fact the lead form of consumer contribution Written a news story/article globally. Subscribed to an RSS feed Used an aggregator This is changing though and looking forward into 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 2012 and beyond, it looks as if social networking activity will overtake ecommerce activity at a global GWI.6 GWI.1 level, highlighting the importance that social holds for brands worldwide. Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done (% of internet users globally, GWI.1 V GWI.6 – some behaviours added to GWI.3 and GWI.4)
  • 9. OVERALL, SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT HAS MATURED China 90% Japan Russia 80% The shifting sands of social 70% Germany Brazil 60% One of the most interesting trends that we’re seeing is the significant growth of social 50% networking and micro-blogging worldwide. France 40% India When this growth is taken in context with 30% other social media activities such as blogging 20% and forum usage, however, we can see that the growth in social networking has come at 10% the expense of these. GWI.1 Netherlands 0% Mexico GWI.6 In other words, the overall level of social engagement has not changed significantly in any market from GWI.1 in July 2009 to GWI.6 USA Italy in November 2011. What has changed is the way that users are engaging with social media, making it ever more important to understand these changes and how it impacts brand Australia Spain engagement. Canada South Korea UK Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Combined Aggregate of Social Networking, Blogging, Video Uploading, Photo Sharing Micro-Blogging and Forum Visitation (% of internet users by market GWI.1 to GWI.6)
  • 10. MARKET MAPPING: THERE ARE DISTINCT BEHAVIOURAL CLUSTERS FORMING Clustering is becoming tighter We’re moving from the four broad clusters of markets in GWI.5 to six more compact market clusters in GWI.6. The clusters are formed from analysing overall social media behaviour vs. E-commerce participation. We can see immediately that China stands alone as the social shopping star of the world, proving once again that China strategy needs to be completely bespoke from any other multinational brand or marketing strategy. Following on from that, we see that there is a best fit parabola that shows how E-commerce activity falls as social media activity increases, but then, it begins to rise with extremely high levels of social media activity. Purchase a product online in the past month versus an aggregate score of Manage a Social Network, Write a Blog, Comment in a Forum, Upload a Video, Use a Microblog (% penetration by country. GWI.6, November 2011)
  • 11. #1 – Think Local Growing market fragmentation “Growth markets will increasingly shape the evolution social media and online services around the world.”
  • 12. BIGGEST CHANGE DRIVEN BY SOCIAL BEHAVIOURS Social driving market divergence 40% When exploring the growth of social media Used a microblogging service Written a news story/article Written your own blog behaviours from GWI.1 to GWI.6 in the original 16 Uploaded a video online Uploaded photos online Managed social network profile markets, we can see clearly that the growth 30% markets, such as China, Brazil, Mexico and India, are driving adoption. 20% China leads growth in all forms of behaviour, in particular the adoption of micro-blogging and social networking, where Sina Weibo, RenRen, Kaixin and 10% Qzone are driving a massive shift from forums and community blogging platforms. 0% The growth rates in mature markets are far smaller, particularly outside of social networking -10% The compound factor is that these markets are also growing the internet universe at a spectacular rate, shifting the balance of power away from the US. -20% South Korea is the one exception where community news platforms such as Ohmynews and blogging have lost out to gaming platforms and communities Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done (% of internet users globally, % point change from Wave 1 – Wave 6)
  • 13. NON SOCIAL: CHANGE IS SMALLER Passive activities not driving change Used VOIP/online phone Used Webmail Watched a video clip When exploring non social actions online, this 15.0% difference in growth trends is far less marked and Used online office applications Subscribed to an RSS feed there is no clear differentiation between growth 10.0% and mature markets. 5.0% The other key observation is that growth rates are far lower than for social activities and there are no clear global trends. 0.0% For example “watched a video clip online” has -5.0% grown in Russia, Mexico, Germany and Australia, but stagnated everywhere else. -10.0% Again, South Korea shows large net declines in -15.0% behaviour. This is, again, due to the growth of mass market social gaming. -20.0% This data shows how open social platforms are key when driving global change and differentiation. -25.0% Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done (% of internet users globally, % point change from Wave 1 – Wave 6)
  • 14. GROWING MARKET DIFFERENTIATION Localised strategy more important Increasing relevance for social and online in all markets IMPACT Growth markets defining new platforms Influencers online are increasingly outside of the USA Social enabling consumers to transform their lives
  • 15. #2 – China V Everyone “Sina Weibo has twice as many active micro-bloggers than Twitter on a single market user base. This is a staggering example of how China will increasingly sit alongside the rest of the world.”
  • 16. CHINA INCREASINGLY DOMINATES ONLINE BEHAVIOURS China up to 50% of active users 1200 Rest of World Estimate Looking across a broad selection of behaviours and 1000 25 Surveyed Markets the number of users on a global basis we see a USA fascinating trend. 800 China Million Users For example, when looking at “watched a video 600 clip”, we benchmark that over 1.1bn internet users aged 16-65 did so via a PC in the month of 400 November 2011. Of that 1.1bn China made up a massive 288m. This dwarfed the US with 149m and not far behind the other 25 surveyed markets, 200 which collectively made up 484m. 0 In the case of video, China made up 26% of global user base. However, in active social channels such as micro-blogging, China represents over 50% of the global user base. This is a trend that is only increasing as the Chinese internet user base continues to explode in scale. We also see a proliferation of highly sophisticated social services in the market. Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done (million users, GWI.6)
  • 17. CHINA’S SCALE PROPELS SINA WEIBO TO NO.2 Scale plus massive involvement 500 The result of this massive scale means that Chinese social platforms are now competition in 450 terms of scale with international players. 400 For example, Sina Weibo has twice as many active 350 micro-bloggers than Twitter on a single market 300 user base. 250 This is a staggering example of how China will 200 increasingly sit alongside the rest of the world. 150 The key question here is whether Chinese services 100 will internationalise. In one sense, they don’t need 50 to as their home base is huge, growing and frequently protected from international players (at 0 least officially – however access through VPN usage is rife). Sina is set to launch a English language version in Universe (millions) 2012 that will be a key indicator of how Chinese social media can move outside its home market. Where do you have a profile? Active Social Network / Micro-blogging Users (million users, GWI.6)
  • 18. TWO INTERNETS WILL EMERGE Global brands need a separate China strategy China has the most competitive social internet on the planet Officially, Facebook, Twitter & Google+ are banned in China; unofficially, via V.P.Ns and IMPACT mobile, they are growing. Can they impact local players? Looking for social innovation: follow China. Copy cat platforms will reverse from China to R.O.W Social platforms in China make money. Investors will follow
  • 19. #3 – To Mobile Parity “Within the next 5 years, mobile device activity will outstrip fixed PC usage in emerging markets”
  • 20. YOUR FAVOURITE BROWSER? MASSIVE DEMAND BEYOND PC 0% 1% 2% 2% 5% 14% 14% 9% Tablet device 14% Mobile phone Personal PC/laptop Work PC/laptop 18% E-reader Through my TV 47% 74% Current One Year From Now Which of the following is your favourite device to access the Internet? Now / One year from now (% of Internet users globally, GWI.6)
  • 21. MOBILE INTERNET CONTINUES TO GROW & USAGE IMPACTS HOME 70% When Accessing the Internet via Your Mobile, Which Asia Pacific is Your Primary Location? Europe 60% Latin America North America Whilst 50% Travelling or Roaming 23% 40% At home 33% 30% Public Place 28% 20% 10% At Work 17% 0% Wave1 Wave2 Wave3 Wave4 Wave5 Wave6 (% of mobile internet users globally, Wave 6) Which of the following have you done on the internet via your mobile phone in the past six months? – Browsed the internet (% of internet users globally, GWI.6)
  • 22. MASSIVE GROWTH IN BRIC 450 Wave1 Wave2 Wave3 Wave4 Wave5 Wave6 400 +31% MOBILE INTERNET BEHAVIOUR 350 +105% 300 +89% Million Internet Users 250 +173% +134% 200 +158% 150 100 50 0 Which of the following have you done on the Internet via your mobile/tablet in the past month? (million Internet users)
  • 23. MOBILE: SLIGHT SEASONAL DECLINES IN THE US 170 160 Wave1 Wave2 Wave3 150 Wave4 Wave5 Wave6 140 130 120 110 Million Internet Users 100 90 80 MOBILE INTERNET BEHAVIOUR 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Which of the following have you done on the Internet via your mobile/tablet in the past month? (million Internet users)
  • 24. APPLICATIONS CONTINUE TO GROW Apps continue to rocket 50% Asia Pacific Europe Mobile users in all markets continue to download 45% an ever increasing volume of applications. Latin America 40% North America Asia Pacific users continue to lead and now over 47% of mobile users download an app on a 35% monthly basis. 30% After stagnation between GWI.3 and GWI.5, internet access via mobiles in Latin America is on 25% the rise once again. 20% The other key interesting observation is how continued platform phones (particularly iPhone) 15% has propelled the US above Europe for the first time. 10% In general, the continued shift to consuming 5% internet delivered content and information via apps over browsers is changing the shape of the 0% internet. We have tracked this “Packaged Wave1 Wave2 Wave3 Wave4 Wave5 Wave6 Internet” shift over time. Which of the following actions have you performed on your mobile phone in the past month? - Installed an application (% of mobile users globally, GWI.6)
  • 25. MOBILE DEVICES WILL REACH PC Mobile should be a central part of comms or product strategy In the next 5 years mobile device activity will outstrip fixed PC usage in emerging markets Websites will be replaced by multi-platform IMPACT content and services Tracking behaviour with cookies/URLs is losing value in the era of multi-device usage Mobile will increasingly drive real-time social media usage i.e. uploading photos, video, updates, etc. on the go
  • 26. #4 – Death of Digital “The fashion in which the Internet and technology have evolved has created a world in which the Internet is infused with much of our everyday lives.”
  • 27. THE OLD MEDIA MODEL IS DYING: BUT MEDIA THRIVES New thinking is needed When the Internet emerged, it was frequently positioned as a separate media because it was a text driven ecosystem dominated by PC access and websites viewed in a browser; this, in a sense, was true. However, as our research continually demonstrates the internet is now dominated by video, cross-device usage, packaged web services, portable content and consumer created and distributed media. TV Radio Press Despite these trends, this thinking remains today, with “Digital” or “Internet” siloed in most organisation structures, budget lines and business models. This may sound trivial or a matter of semantics, but consider the Outdoor Digital following. From a marketing point of view, thinking of internet platforms as a singular media form restricts the opportunities that the Internet presents and focuses thinking on activities like banners, search, etc and underestimates the transformative impact of internet technology. The internet in its various forms will increasingly deliver all content, information and services. And this is precisely the reason why it cannot be considered a separate medium any longer. There is no such thing as a digital business or non digital business. Are you prepared?
  • 28. TV EXAMPLE: THERE IS NO “DIGITAL” LINE. JUST CONTENT Packaged Internet Internet Social Internet Analogue Digital Platform e.g. Smart Browser Platform Application TV Linear TV Programming On Demand Streaming TV Downloads UGC
  • 29. CONSUMERS GLOBALLY ARE TRANSITIONING TV CONSUMPTION ACROSS PLATFORMS Watch TV 1+ hour of Watch On-Demand TV Stream Live TV Online Stream Live TV Mobile TV per day Online USA 194m 58m 21m 7m (90%) (27%) (10%) (3%) BRAZIL 47m 17m 15m 5m (89%) (32%) (28%) (11%) Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done (% of internet users globally, GWI.6) CHINA 259m 211m 161m 56m (65%) (53%) (40%) (26%)
  • 30. NOT JUST TV: FILMS, RADIO AND MUSIC ALL GROWING ONLINE Rich content consumption increasing Downloaded free TV shows/film Most forms of rich content, such as TV, film, sports Watched a full length film programming and music are growing online. Listened to LIVE radio online The most dramatic observation is that TV and film Listen to music on now both lead listening to radio online and streaming service streaming music. Watching on demand TV is nearly Watch on demand TV shows online at parity with streaming music. Listened/Watched a podcast This demonstrates how multi-platform TV Downloaded music via consumption has become and how the internet has P2P transitioned from the written word, to audio and Streamed a LIVE TV show now video. Paid to download legal music The other key aspect in this data is how much piracy Watched a sports program is over played. Downloading of TV or music via P2P all lag legal streaming and downloading services. Paid Download TV show/film via P2P for downloads are still smaller than free, however the Paid TV show/film demand for streaming demonstrates how future download revenue models will exist. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% GWI.6 GWI.5 GWI.4 Which of the following have you done online in the past month? – Have Done (% of internet users, GWI.4 > GWI.6)
  • 31. THINKING BEYOND DIGITAL Think content types not media channel “Digital” thinking underestimates the impact of the internet Agencies and budgets should be arranged in IMPACT “content types” Content should be platform agnostic In the future, the internet of things will put every object online. New business and marketing opportunities will emerge
  • 32. #5 – Googopoly “Never before has one company controlled the distribution of so much information”
  • 33. GOOGLE CONTINUES TO CEMENT ITS SEARCH POSITION 90% Google is the leading global web property 80% The number of users who visit Google on a monthly or higher frequency continues to climb and by GWI.6 it reached over 85% of global internet users. 70% Facebook and Twitter are also growing substantially, 60% however they significantly lag Google in terms of monthly reach and as an access point to the internet. 50% Wave1 Wave2 As a testament to the ubiquity of the web brand in 40% Wave3 everyday life. The term Google has become more Wave4 than a brand in itself. It is now a commonplace verb 30% throughout the English language world; as opposed Wave5 to saying “search for it online,” we now say “Google 20% Wave6 it.” 10% Even the second most visited property in GWI.6, YouTube, is owned by Google and shows just how 0% dominant the search giant is online. The question that we’re beginning to ask at GWI is what effect Google’s dominance is having on the market and how will this play out in the future? On average how often do you visit the following websites / services? Daily OR Weekly OR Monthly (% of internet users, GWI.1 > GWI.6)
  • 34. CHROME LEADS IN THE KEY GROWTH MARKETS Chrome dominates key growth markets 100% Every market has a very different distribution of 90% browser usage with varying levels of adoption . 80% Chrome dominates in some leading growth markets, 70% particularly the Philippines, Turkey, Argentina, India, Brazil and Malaysia. Based on the breakdown by 60% market, we can see that Chrome leads in some of the 50% countries that are newer to the internet. IE tends to dominate in countries where there is entrenched 40% legacy behaviour online. 30% 20% 10% 0% Internet Explorer Firefox Google Chrome What browser do you use on your main computer to access the web? (% of internet users globally; GWI.4 to 6) Data collected automatically – not survey based
  • 35. ANDROID HAS EXPLODED – TRANSFORMED THE MOBILE MARKET Android transforming the mobile market 35% Android has shown dramatic growth and effectively made the smartphone market a two horse race. In 30% the 4 months between GWI.5 in June and GWI.6 in November, Android penetration grew by 8 percentage points, an immense shift in such a short 25% time period. 20% This growth has clearly been at the expense of Symbian, Blackberry and Windows platforms. Furthermore, a very large proportion of smartphone 15% users still have no idea what operating system they run. 10% iOS, despite the hype, has not shown any growth in the same time scale. This is a great vindication of Google's position of building an open operating 5% system that multiple manufacturers can adopt. 0% With the huge growth in mobile internet and tablets, MeeGo webOS Windows Other BlackBerry iOS (for Symbian Don't Android Android is critical to Google's future and give it Phone 7 OS iPhone) Know control of the other main access point to the internet. Wave5 Wave6 What operating system runs on your mobile? (% of smartphone users globally; GWI.5 – 6, June and November 2011)
  • 36. GOOGLE+ IS ALREADY THE NUMBER 2 SOCIAL NETWORK 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% On which of the following social networks do you have an active profile? (% of active social networkers globally; GWI.6, November 2011)
  • 37. ALL ACCESS POINTS TO THE WEB BECOMING GOOGLE Search Browser Location Social Mobile Googopoly Our data shows that Google is growing in all the key access points to the The other potentially larger concern is the growing personalisation of search Internet, from their dominate position in search, web browsers, operating results to the individual, which mean that no one user sees the same internet. systems and now social. The simple fact is that no other organisation has ever In this increasingly personalised web, there is greater potential to impact the had so much control over the flow of information, content or data at such a flow of information. No longer will there be any shared context or shared global scale. While this is a position that has been driven by products that information, but we’ll be increasingly living within our own bubble of work and internet users love, there are some growing concerns about such an information that is unique to us, thus removing us from that shared media aggregation of control over the online experience. experience that has persisted for centuries. The obvious concerns relate to how Google integrates its services into its We at the GlobalWebIndex believe that social curation, when your friends’ search results, a point that particularly became clear when Google+ results recommendations, likes, bookmarks, etc. guide you to content, should be the were integrated into search results with the “Google Plus My World” initiative. way forward rather than an omnipresent Google algorithm deciding what you This makes you realise how easy it would be to dictate the flow of information would like to read. and services that any given internet user can gain access to.
  • 38. PLAYING THE GOOGOPOLY Google+ is a must for brands. It is already a key social platform Google will likely be embroiled in anti-trust investigations for the foreseeable future Paid search will be more important to guarantee IMPACT reach In more personalised web distributable content will be key to drive mass exposure and shared experience Expect war against Google to be increasingly carried out in the courts
  • 39. #6 – Facebook The $100bn Question “Facebook Fatigue is something that could derail even the best made plans and will be a key trend to watch throughout 2012.”
  • 40. USER GROWTH NOW DEPENDENT ON EMERGING MARKETS. US PEAKED AND DECLINING 120 100 80 GWI.1 GWI.2 60 GWI.3 GWI.4 40 GWI.5 GWI.6 20 0 Which of the following social networks do you currently have a profile? – Facebook (Universe Figures of Social Network Users (via PC) with accounts on Facebook. GWI.6) (China data still in validation phase)
  • 41. GROWING COMPETITOR PRESSURE: GOOGLE+ ALREADY NO.2 GLOBALLY PROPORTION OF SOCIAL NETWORKERS WITH ACCOUNTS 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% On which of the following social networks do you have a profile? (% of active social networkers globally; GWI.6, November 2011)
  • 42. FACEBOOK FATIGUE SPREADING BEYOND EARLY ADOPTERS Most marked in the US Global USA US College Educated >30 10% In GWI.5 (June 2011) we saw that declining Facebook activity was most pronounced 5% among US college educated 20 to 30 year olds. While there is still significant declines in 0% most activities for that segment in GWI.6 (Nov. 2011), the broader “Facebook Fatigue” trend is spreading away from the early -5% adopters towards the general US population. -10% Declines in social networking activity among Facebook users in the US is much more -15% pronounced from GWI.1 to GWI.6 than it was when comparing GWI.1 to GWI.5. This proves -20% that Facebook Fatigue is a real phenomenon and is not limited to early adopters. -25% Furthermore, it looks as if the trend is even spreading beyond the US to markets that adopted Facebook later in the cycle. In the GWI.1 to GWI.5 comparison, nearly all social networking activities were still growing at the global level. In GWI.6, we can see growth of most activities has stagnated as well. Which of the following have you conducted on your social network service in the past month? – Facebook Users (% point change in active social networking penetration from GWI.1 (July 2009) to GWI.6 (November 2011))
  • 43. USER BASE IS INCREASINGLY MULTI PLATFORM Mobile usage exploding We calculate that mobile access to Facebook is now a significant portion of total activity, with 307m users visiting on a monthly basis from across the 27 GWI markets. These are consistent with Facebook’s internal figures when scaled beyond GWI markets. As Facebook have referenced in their IPO filing, mobile access currently represents a challenge to their future revenue growth as they don’t currently have a display advertising offer on their mobile product. What they can’t tell from internal data is the level of crossover between platforms. Our research confirms that the vast majority of mobile users are still accessing from a PC/laptop as well. However, there is a movement towards mobile, particularly in emerging markets which are also Facebook’s main growth markets, so it will be crucial for Facebook to build their mobile advertising capabilities. On average how often do you visit the following websites / services in the past month? (% of internet users via PC, Mobile, Tablet device GWI.6)
  • 44. THE $100bn QUESTION: THE CHALLENGES AND ADVANTAGES FOR FACEBOOK IN 2012 The Future of Facebook CHALLENGES ADVANTAGES The data in GlobalWebIndex represents the most Saturation of user growth in most detailed and comprehensive independent view of the Complete Domination of the Social platform ever compiled. This data provides a unique markets. User growth only in low Network market perspective to assess Facebook’s market position. value advertising markets Big shift in usage to mobile devices Facebook has many strengths from a social media point Growth in markets where is was of view, but from a business point of view, it seems as if which are more difficult to previously weak i.e. Russia it will be hard for the social network to realise its monetise potential within its current business model. We don’t believe that Facebook can generate the advertising Facebook Fatigue is very real: Most Recent shift to “advertiser revenue necessary to justify its $100 billion valuation, present in high value advertising friendly” focus on entertainment particularly with the shift to mobile. Display advertising rates are in decline and consumer opposition to markets and professional content advertising in social environments is growing. Besides, brands primarily benefit from the earned media value of Decline in contribution and sharing Facebook, which is near impossible to monetise. Continual consumer adoption and questions the value of the usage of third party applications consumer data The only way we see Facebook truly capitalising on the size of its user base is if it starts to charge brands to Decline of local networks and literally set up shop within its ecosystem. Furthermore, it Competitive Pressure: Growing should give brands more tools to build presence on the failure of Twitter to break the mass consumer adoption of Google+ network. Facebook Fatigue, however, is something that market could derail even the best made plans and will be a key trend to watch throughout 2012.
  • 45. #7 – Social Branding “No matter where you go or who you speak to about what drives them to engage brands on social I HEART BRANDS networking, they always respond that it is getting something back from brands.”
  • 46. CONSUMERS ARE INTERACTING WITH BRANDS ON AN UNPRECENDENTED LEVEL Websites are still key for brands 70% 60% No matter how enveloped brands become in social media, the one thing they have to 50% remember is that their own websites are still going to be the first point of online interaction 40% with most consumers. Interaction with brands via social media is growing quickly, however, 30% particularly in emerging markets. 20% Nonetheless, branded websites are critical 10% because it is one of the only online properties of which brands have full control. Brands should 0% use social media as an extension of their website rather than driving consumers to their social properties in the first place. When it comes to social engagement online, there are nearly a third of users worldwide that have like a brand or product online and a quarter that have visited a branded page/group. Which of the following brand related actions have you done in the past month? (% internet users globally, GWI.5 (June 2011 and GWI.6 (November 2011))
  • 47. SOCIAL IS AN EXTENSION OF THE BUSINESS BUT CONSUMERS WANT SOMETHING IN RETURN Give something back 16 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 No matter where you go or who you Discounts for future purchases 63% 66% 65% 63% 58% speak to about what drives them to engage brands on social networking, they Customer service 44% 49% 47% 50% 48% always respond that it is getting Personalised purchase recommendations 40% 38% 32% 27% 19% something back from brands that is most A feature that enables me to track my delivery 31% 31% 28% 29% 28% important to them. The answer option Access to new products prior to release on the main that we ask in the GWI survey relates site 31% 31% 28% 28% 22% specifically to discounts, but the idea The ability to interact and talk to people at the holds that consumers know that brands company 28% 29% 26% 29% 26% benefit from them when they engage Exclusive insight or information about the them online and they want them to give retailer/brand 25% 26% 23% 22% 17% something back. Being able to connect with other fans of the shop 24% 24% 17% 14% 10% Details of what my friends have bought 23% 22% 16% 13% 8% Of course, this induces lots of “hit and run” consumers that will be unwilling to Competitions 23% 23% 20% 17% 12% engage and participate in branded Be asked to come up with ideas for products or 22% 23% 22% 23% 18% conversations after getting their discount. services Nevertheless, there are still a large The ability to purchase products without visiting the 22% 22% 19% 18% 14% proportion of consumers, nearly half, that main site do expect more from brands on social Details of what my friends would like to buy (wish list) 20% 19% 13% 10% 7% networks, and it is important that brands No interest in any of the above 9% 8% 13% 17% 24% indulge these expectations. Motivations to follow a branded page on a social network? (% of each age group; GWI.6, Nov. 2011)
  • 48. EMERGING MARKET CONSUMERS ARE MORE MOTIVATED TO FOLLOW BRANDS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Be asked to come up with ideas for products or services Customer service Motivations to follow a branded page on a social network? (% of each age group; GWI.6, Nov. 2011)
  • 49. NEW BRANDING Don’t neglect brand websites; they are still the main engagement point for consumers online and should be the hub of any brand’s online activity Social media is continually increasing in importance and there are four distinct levels of social engagement for them online Determining which of the four levels of brand IMPACT interaction your target consumers associate with should be the cornerstone of social strategy Another key element is determining the best way to reward those consumers that engage with brands in ways that foster lasting relationships Thus, it is necessary to understand what your consumers value most about your brand and turn it into something that is tangible to be shared
  • 50. WANT MORE? The Full Report Data Pack Tool Consulting The full PPT report contains over New for GWI.6 we will be Our online tool provides a very Engage our consulting team on a 70 slides of detailed data and providing raw data packs, which simple visual point and click project or retainer basis to develop analysis , providing a provide full access to key analysis that enables you to analytical projects that answer key unprecedented view about the questions by wave and market. explore the full data set and business questions on how you state of the internet in 2012. These provide non-subscribers customise by over 1500 audience should develop and approach the Integrate the insights and ideas with an instant way of accessing definitions, tailoring the data to internet. Recent projects include, into your strategy and trend detailed global internet data to your clients, category or business. identifying the future opportunities presentations. integrate directly into any for news distribution, developing analysis or output. These are also an organisational framework for You can source from here, or if available to clients. Find out more global social media approach and you are a client from the reports and download from here. providing a full segmentation homepage. analysis exploring the complete view of how consumers behave across all platforms.