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Global Networked Entrepreneurship:
                                      Linking The World’s Technopoleis
                                    Shared Prosperity at Home and Abroad
                                         Dr. David V. Gibson, Senior Research Fellow
                                             and Chris Stiles, Research Associate
                                              The University of Texas at Austin

         ABSTRACT                                                  growth.’ In 1983 the passage of the technopolis
                                                                   law resulting in twenty-year economic
         This paper presents Global Networked                      development plans. In May 1986 the Japanese
         Entrepreneurship as a strategy for linking the            government approved MITISRegional Research
         world’s technopoleis for shared prosperity at             Core Concept which called for the establishment
         home and abroad. Traditionally research on                of 28 research centers or technopoleis. The
         technopoleis has focused on fostering regionally-         program passed by the Japanese Diet promoted
         based technology-intensive wealth and job                 four types of research facilities (Tatsuno, 1986):
         creation. However, increasingly the emphasis,
         from the public and private sectors, has shifted                1. Experimental research institutes for
         toward international collaboration. This paper                     joint industrylacademiclgovernment
         suggests that as the world’s technopoleis move                     research
         into the 2 lstCentury the linking of talent,
         technology, capital, and business know-how                      2 . New research training and educational
         through global networked entrepreneurship will                      facilities
         become a reality. Furthermore, globally-based
         “experiential learning laboratories” will be                    3. The creation of conference and
         considered fundamentally important to shortened                    exhibition halls, and data base systems
         product development and commercialization                          for improved access to technical
         cycles.                                                            information

         INTRODUCTION                                                    4.   Venture business incubators

         Strategies for building and sustaining successful         Ample funding and meticulous, long-term plans
         high technology regions have been proposed and            lead to the emergence of Tsukuba (about 70
         implemented worldwide ever since leaders from             miles north of Tokyo) and Kansai (outside of
         business, government, and academia began to               Osaka). While attractive buildings have been
         take notice of the wealth creation potential and          constructed and beautiful parks landscaped, the
         technology spurred growth of such pioneering              creation of wealth and high value jobs has not
         “technopoleis” as Silicon Valley, California and          been as dramatic as expected. While basic
         Route #128 Boston, MA (Rogers and Larsen,                 research has been a primary stated objective in
         1984, Botkin, 1986). However, outside of a few            these “science cities,” issues of science and
         select and important visionaries, such as                 technology commercializationand return on
         Professor Frederick Terman at Stanford                    investment (ROI) are becoming more
         University, these initial and perhaps most                pronounced. For example, a ten year survey of
         successful technopoleis were not planned nor              Kansai revealed there have been no spin-out
         were they managed as strategic regions. They
         were primarily fostered by entrepreneurial
         behavior in universities and in businesses which           Some technopoleis are the result of long-term
         often led to spin-out and fast-growth companies.          planning and varying degrees of public/private
                                                                   collaboration, such as Tsukuba and Kansai
         Japan was one of the first nations to engage in           science cities, Japan; Bari, Italy; Sophia-
         long-term planning and managed high-tech                  Antipolis, France; and Raleigh-Durham, North

1060-3425/98   $10.000 1998 IEEE
Proc. 31st Annual Hawaii International                       291
Conference on System Sciences
companies and no profit for Keihanna Plaza
(Honjo, 1997). And universities in Osaka and
Tokyo are beginning to offer courses in
entrepreneurshipand technology venturing.

Smilor, Gibson, and Kozmetsky (1988) suggest
that four factors are fundamental to the
development of a region as a technopolis leading
to the creation of wealth and high value jobs: (1)
the achievement of scientific preeminence in
technology-based research, ( 2 ) the development
of new technologies for emerging industries, (3)
the attraction and retention of major technology
companies, and (4) the creation and nurturing of
                                                                                      Wheel Framework for Global Networked
                                                              Figure 1: The Technopol~s
home-grown technology companies. Many
scholars, practitioners, and government leaders
would argue that three underlying phenomena are
critical and necessary to achieve these four                While this paper supports the importance of a
factors:                                                    regional focus it also emphasizes the fostering
                                                            and leveraging of global linkages through
    1. A world-class research university with               regionally-based research universities, large and
       top programs in emerging technology                  small companies, local government, and support
       areas to train the needed talent and to              groups. For the more established as well as
       research new and emerging                            emerging worldwide technopoleis/science cities,
       technologies.                                        wealth and job creation in a sustainable
                                                            environment increasingly depend on globally
    2.   A “smart infkastructure” or the                    linked publidprivate collaboration. A major
         managerial, entrepreneurial, legal,                challenge facing high tech regions, and the firm’s
         financial, manufacturing, sales, and               that reside in these regions, is how to effectively
         distribution talent and infrastructure             and efficiently acquire, transfer, and
         needed to commercialize emerging                   commercializ science and technology-
         technologies and innovative business               technology that is developed worldwide at
         ideas.                                             research universities, federal
                                                            laboratoriedinstitutes, and consortia. Often these
    3. A high quality of life to attract and                R&D facilities are physically and culturally
       retain talented people.                              separate from organizations that seek to apply
                                                            and commercialize the technologies.
IC2 Institute researchers offer the framework of
                                                            GLOBAL NETWORKED
the Technopolis Wheel to assess the impact of
critical components in regionally-basedhigh
technology development (Figure 1). The sectors
are as folIows: Quality education with an
emphasis on the research university, large
companies, start-ups and spin-outs, federal, state.         high degree of communication with a system’s
and local government, and support groups.                   external environments), ( 2 ) opinion leaders
Emphasis i s placed on the importance of regional           (individuals who are able to influence other
collaboration as well as competition within and             individuals’ attitudes or overt behavior), and (3)
across these sectors. This regional collaboration           liaisons (individuals who connect otherwise
is fostered by 1st and 2ndlevel influencers from            separate communication networks). The personal
academia, business, and government.*                        communication networks of first- and second-
                                                            level influencers tend to be outward looking and
                                 -                          global, as opposed to closed and provincial. The
  First- and second-level influencers are                   success of GNE is to a large degree dependent on
identified in the communication literature as (1)           the networking activities of such influencers from
cosmopolites (individuals who have a relatively             different sectors of the technopolis wheel.

This paper builds on the above perspectives                growth, diversification, and new business
while focusing on Globally Networked                       development.
Entrepreneurship (GNE) and the related concept
of “Innovation Boot Camps.” Technology                     Talent without ideas is like seed without water.
entrepreneurship as described by IC2Institute in           When talent is linked with technology, when
the early 1990s focused on regionally linking              people facilitate the push and pull of viable ideas
talent-people, technology-ideas, capital-financial         to commercialization,the entrepreneurial process
resources, and business know-how (see Figure               is underway. Every dynamic process needs fuel,
2). GNE focuses on having small and emerging               and here the fuel is capital. Capital is the catalyst
high tech companies globally linked to talent,             in the technology venturing chain reaction.
technology, capital, and know-how through
personal networks and information highways.                Know-how is the ability to leverage business or
Ideally such globalization occurs as firms are             scientific knowledge by linking talent,
launched and as they grow and not after they are           technology, and capital in emerging and
established and large. The Innovation Boot                 expanding enterprises. It finds and applies
Camp centers on taking seasoned executives out             expertise in a variety of areas, making the
of established corporations, locating them in an           difference between success and failure. This
entrepreneurial environment, and teaming them              expertise, or “smart infrastructure”, involves
nationally and globally.                                   management, marketing, finance, accounting,
                                                           production, manufacturing, sales and
“No matter what field you are talking                      distribution, as well as legal, scientific, and
about    -      electronics, medical,                      engineering skills.
education,       the       environment,
entertainment - the global marketplace                     GNE argues for the importance of globally
opens up more opportunities than I have                    sourcing and linking of these sectors as firms are
seen in my lifetime.         Very few                      launched and as they grow. In short, firms do not
generations throughout history, perhaps                    wait until they dominate local or domestic
not since the Renaissance, have been                       markets before they go global. Start-up firms
accorded the opportunities this period                     with specialized technologies use global
provides. It is a profoundly different                     networks to seek out niche markets and partners.
world.”                                                    For example, GNE suggests that while a
                                                           regionally-based start-up may have an exciting
Dr. George Kozmetsb, Chairman of the Board,                niche technology and exceptional entrepreneurial
ICz Institute, 1993 winner of the National Medal           talent it may lack sufficient capital and business
of Technology Quoted in Inc. mazazine, 1996.               know-how to market this technology globally.
                                                           Perhaps the local market is too competitive or
                                                           too small. The challenge is to globally access
                                                           talent, technology, capital, and business know-
                                                           how as the company struggles to survive and

                                                           Barriers to a global strategy for small start-up
                                                           firms that are considered generic to all countries

Figure 2: Critical Success Factors for                                  The small, entrepreneurial staff
Technology-Based Entrepreneurship                                       being pre-occupied with local
                                                                        markets and challenges
Entrepreneurial talent results from the                             0   Limited personnel, resources, and
perception, drive, tenacity, dedication, and hard                       time
work of special types of individuals-people who                         Limited tolerance for the added
make things happen. Where there is a pool of                            challenges a global perspective
such talent, there is opportunity for economic                          brings such as intellectual property
                                                                        protection, trade and labor issues

The challenge of assessing foreign             challenges are nurturing the right
             opportunities and ignorance of                 interpersonal skills and being able to
             possible benefits as well as                   assimilate different cultures.”
             challenges to a global perspective
                                                                    Kun-Hee, Lee Sumsung Group
GNE is made possible through globally                               Chairman on the dedication of
networked teams that include technologists and                      the billion dollar Sumsung
entrepreneurs as well as managers, finance, legal,                  semiconductorfacility in
sales, and distribution personnel. International                    Austin, Texas Austin American
collaborations are seen to be important for                         Statesman, November 15, 1996
overcoming challenges of local language, culture,
legal, and policy differences. Challenges that              3M is often touted as being one of the world’s
can quickly overwhelm and defeat a small                    most innovative companies. The company has
company. International GNE teams are seen to                thousands of products, a great percentage of
be a way to rapidly provide local expertise and             which have been introduced within the past three
knowledge. The objective is to solve regionally-            years. Employees are encouraged to
based problems faster shortening learning curves            communicate freely across functional areas and
and to minimizing the threat of costly business             they are encouraged to spend time on innovative
and marketing mistakes.                                     projects that they champion. Stories like the
                                                            “chaotic” productization of the Post-It Notes
                                                            abound. Still the company is challenged to
Benefits to GNE can include:
                                                            accelerate its search for creative and innovative
             Niche market dominance and
                                                            technologies and emerging global markets.
             Access to needed talent,
             technology, capital, and know-how              IC2 Institute and 3M Corporation are forming a
             Minimizing costly mistakes and                 strategic partnership on what has been labeled an
                                                            ‘‘Innovation Boot Camp.” The focus is on
             mis-spent resources
                                                            technology innovation and commercialization.
             Shortening the learning curve and
                                                            The Boot Camp is designed for senior executives
             solving problems faster
                                                            responsible for new product development, R&D
                                                            laboratories, technology commercialization and
Large technology-intensiveinternational
                                                            other areas that rely on innovation. The
companies have long been going abroad for
                                                            argument is that in large corporations, even those
inexpensive labor and manufacturing as well as
                                                            as innovative as 3M, managers and technicians
market expansion. However, these same
                                                            tend to loose their entrepreneurial and creative
companies increasingly have a global orientation
                                                            instincts over time. They tend to become
in their search for capital, managerial talent, and
                                                            overwhelmed with the immediacy of events and
technology. Major challenges for large firms are
                                                            bureaucracy. They tend to loose sight of the
(1) the sourcing of new technology and (2)
                                                            new, exciting and perhaps breakthrough
maintaining an entrepreneurial spirit among
                                                            opportunities at hand.
employees. There is increasing pressure to be
faster and more efficient in globally accessing
                                                            The ICZ-3MInnovation Boot Camp is being
technology, taking it to commercial application,
                                                            designed to stimulate new behavior, thought
and successfully marketing resulting products
                                                            processes, and skills consistent with those of
and services. While there are considerable
                                                            successful technology entrepreneurs. The Boot
challenges to achieving such goals nationally, the
                                                            Camp is to sharpen global intrapreneurial
challenges increase dramatically, as these f m s
                                                            instincts-the foundation for innovation
attempt to shorten product development and
                                                            leadership. Technology innovation and
marketing cycles globally.
                                                            commercialization must be viewed within a
                                                            global context. For example, ideas, expertise,
“If we fall behind in globalization we
                                                            materials and components for a proposed new
will self-destruct. In the 21st Century
                                                            product might originate at many different
isolation means digression and possible
                                                            locations globally. The Boot Camp will employ
destruction. As        challenging as
                                                            the following unique characteristics:
technology transfer will be, the real

’       Develop innovative ways to regionally and
    Immersion: Executives will be placed in                         globally leverage capital, talent, technology,
    The Austin Technology Incubator for two to
                                                            ~       and ‘know-how’ resources
    three years. They will be partnered with
                                                                0   Leverage R&D to:
    non-3M technologists, managers, and
                                                            I       -Achieve early success
                                                            1       -Contribute to newer industries and smart
    Global Interaction: The Boot Camp Team
    will participate in global innovation and
    commercialization projects through
    geographically distributed innovation teams.                business, and government sectors across national
    Experiential Learning: The executives will
    learn by being engaged in real-life, real-time
    innovation and commercializationprojects.

    Follow Through: During the Boot Camp the                                   Transferring “R&D” with
    executives will transfer the “lessons learned’                         *   Market Rrrcarch know h w

    back to their counterparts and others at 3M                            *   F i n a n a d hnow-hov
                                                                               Lseal k n o a - h o w
    and, if the experiment succeeds, they will                                 P r o d u c t m hnon h o x
                                                                               D i l n b u t i o n PSISI and I C ~   ~ E nou
                                                                                                                       LL      ham

    launch new products and even new divisions
    around Boot Camp technology.                                 Figure 3: Crossing the Technology Transfer Gap
                                                                                 with Know-How
Incubators have traditionally been a way to foster
                                                                Figure 3 depicts how the regional and global
public/private collaboration at the regional level
                                                                know-how networks of a Globally Linked
-to spur economic development, fill vacant
                                                                Incubator cross the technology transfer gap
office space, train entrepreneurs, and create high-
                                                                between research strength and market
value jobs. At their best such incubators have
                                                                applications leading to wealth creation. The
acted as “lightening rods” at the regional level                primary drivers are entrepreneurs and
linking talent, technology, capital, and business               technology, which come from the private sector,
know-how to market needs. And the incubator
                                                                universities, federal laboratories, and R&D
can serve as a “learning laboratory” for local
                                                                consortia nationally or globally. The challenge
colleges and universities as well as regionally-
                                                                is to foster the global linking of cutting-edge
based professionals.
                                                                research and technology with venture financing
Global Networked Entrepreneurship seeks to                      and the realities of the international marketplace.
foster the global linking of incubators. As a
                                                                Whereas technology reports, patents, and
regionally-based incubator can fill the technology
                                                                technology licenses are often the output of R&D
transfer gap between applied R&D and product                    environments, they are considered inputs to the
commercialization local and national sources of                 due diligence and business plans required at the
R&D and local and national markets, it can also                 Globally Linked Incubator. GNE strives to
serve as an effective bridge across the academic,               shorten product development cycles by
                                                                broadening tenant entrepreneurs’ global know-
                                                                how in market research, finance, advertising,
Global Networked Incubators Can Act as a                        quality issues, management, sales, and service.
Catalyst to:                                                    The entrepreneurial culture emphasizes the
                                                                importance of intangibles (e.g., business know-
0   Promote partnerships between large                          how and learning from each other) over tangibles
    companies and entrepreneurial firms                         (e.g., a modem expensively furnished facility)
    regionally and globally                                     and it reinforces resource leveraging and
0   Foster collaborations across academic,                      spending hard to get cash on things that add
    business, government sectors globally                       value, speed globally networked
0   Promote and support entrepreneurial vision                  entrepreneurship and productlprocess
    and leadership                                              commercialization (Figure 4).

                                                                             its associated Fellows that are located in the
          C r a d i b i l i n and Trust on G l o b a l N c w o r k r
                                      I                                      academic, business, and government sectors
                                                                             globally. These communication networks have
                                                                             centered on research and education in the area of
                                                                             science and technology commercialization.
                                                                             International and multi-disciplinary teams have
Figure 4: Globally Networked Incubator                                       worked on "unstructured problems" in such areas
                                                                             as technopolis and regional economic
                                                                             development, entrepreneurship and technology
FOSTERING VIABLE GLOBAL                                                      venturing, and critical success factors for
ENTREPRENEURIAL NETWORKS                                                     technology incubators and capital networks.

Fostering viable communication networks is key                               I P S locally-based learning laboratories included
to realizing benefits to GNE and the Innovation                              the Austin Technology Incubator, The Capital
Boot Camp. Advanced communication                                            Network, and the Austin Technopolis. Based on
technologies can facilitate such regional and                                the lessons learned from these "learning
global networks. Whether the fax, better phone                               laboratories" innovative concepts and
connections, e-mail, the WWW, or economical                                  management techniques were transferred
and reliable two-way interactive video,                                      nationally to such organizations as NASA's
advanced technologies are bringing to reality the                            Ames Research Center in Sunnyvale, CA and the
means to achieve the global village. However,                                Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas. More
IC2 Institute research has shown that                                        recently IC2 Institute is working with the
implementing these enabling technologies is not                              National Oceanic and Atmospheric
sufficient for a viable global network.                                      Administration (NOAA) to launch and operate
                                                                             the Center for Technological Innovation in
The Institute's most successful global                                       Charleston, SC. The Institute has global
collaborations are primarily based on personal                               partners to facilitate GNE in Japan, China,
relationships with locally respected and active                              Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, Brazil,
champions. Long-term personal relationships                                  Russia, Ukraine, and Portugal.
based on trust and mutual benefit are considered
essential. Short-term relations are not sufficient
because to realize sufficient win-win scenarios
collaborators often must overcome, in the short
term, loose-win and win-loose situations. Short-                              Bra211

term gains and loses, for all parties in the                                    Shanghsi

collaboration, must be balanced with longer term                              Ukraine
visions that all parties can support.                                           Hlnrsh"
                                                                              South Korea
Personal chemistry among collaborators should                                   Lisbon
not be discounted. On-site visits need to occur                                 5antmg.a
despite frequent technology-mediated                                            IkII


communication. Mutual trust is essential as is an                             Figure 5: Globally Networked Entrepreneurship
understanding of the "real world" constraints that                            Partners Linked by Talent, Technology, Capital
face the global partners. Constraints that inhibit                                           and Know-How
"ideal" behavior and outcomes. Such a global
understanding requires an appreciation of the                                The challenge is to foster and maintain viable
norms and values, policies, and informal business                            entrepreneurial and professional networks for
environments of all participants.                                            accessing and leveraging global talent by
                                                                             specialization; technology by area of expertise;
IC2 INSTITUTE'S STRATEGY FOR                                                 capital by type (e.g., seed, venture, business
FOSTERING GNE                                                                angels, banks, government); and know-how (e.g.,
                                                                             marketing, legal, sales and distribution,
Since its founding in 1977, IC2 Institute has                                management, manufacturing). A current IC2
fostered global partnerships and alliances thought                           research project is to completethe matrix (shown

in Figure 5 ) for specific technologies with regard         support institutions representing academia,
to specific global partners.                                business, and government.

M.S. Degree Program                                         CONCLUSION
In 1996 IC2Institute, The University of Texas at
Austin launched an innovative MS Degree                     Technology continues to shrink the world. There
Program in Science and Technology                           is no choice other than to participate in the global
Commercialization. A pressing challenge is to               community. Science and technology is to
effectively leverage the Institute’s national and           precious a resource to be restricted from drawing
global “learning laboratories” for educational              the world together. That is what the 21” Century
and research advancements as well as to foster              is all about.
regionally-based economic development.
Classes for this innovative one-year degree                 Dr. George Kozmetsky
program are held simultaneously in Austin,                  Chairman of the Board
Texas and Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Two-way                   ICz Institute
interactive video and e-mail is used to link these
geographically separate sites. The Austin
students emphasize their experiences in small
and large technology companies while the                    The 1990s were argued to be the era of
Virginia students bring government and policy               boundaryless, virtual corporations that are
perspectives to class. Teams composed of                    composed of networks of independent companies
students from both locations work on “real-life’’           linked by advanced information technology. The
technology commercialization projects. In                   objective is to share skills and costs and to access
addition to US citizens, students enrolled in the           one another’s technology and markets. Such
program are from Mexico, Japan, and Brazil.                 collaborations were to be temporary and
Early on it was realized that the benefits of               responsive to rapid changes in the global
bringing a professionally and “situationally”               marketplace. A communication super-highway is
diverse group of students together overwhelmed              to permit far-flung units of different companies
the challenges of teaching across professional              to quickly locate supplies, designers, and
and functional differences and geographic                   manufacturers through an information
distances.                                                  clearinghouse. Once connected, these virtual
                                                            corporations were expected to sign “electronic
In the next phase of MS Degree Program                      contracts” to speed linkages without legal
development, the Institute seeks to teach students          headaches. Advanced technology was the key to
on-site in other countries. This will be                    making this happen. Years of “lessons learned”
accomplished through two-way video, e-mail,                 have demonstrated to even the most ardent
and on-site faculty visits. ICz’s first global              technologists that there are significant
partners in this experiment are the Instituto               organizational challenges to establishing and
Superior Tecnico (IST) in Lisbon, Portugal and              maintaining such “technologically sophisticated”
The Academy of National Economy, Moscow.                    collaborative alliances. Advanced technology
The program will involve participants from the              has not caused organizations, communities, and
Innovation Boot Camp and emphasize                          strategic regions to become more collaborative.
experiential learning in global enterprise                  Advanced technology is an important tool that
innovation and commercialization-global team                can facilitate the process. The real challenges are
building on actual innovation and                           behavioral and managerial.
commercializationprojects. ICz’s global partners
from academia, business, and government will
contribute to curriculum design and testing. The            REFERENCES
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cyber space where internationalteams of                     [l] Botkin, James (1986), “Route 128: Its
entrepreneurs will collaborate to access needed             History and Destiny,” in (1988), Creating the
talent, technology, capital, and know-how.                  Technopolis: Linking TechnologV
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[2] Gibson, David V. and E.R. Rogers (1994),
R&D Collaboration on Trial: The
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Corporation. Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School Press.

[3] Gibson, David V. and Raymond Smilor
(December, 199I), “Key Variables in
Technology Transfer: A Field-Study Based
Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Engineering and
Technology Management, Vol. 8, pp. 287-3 12.

[4] Gibson, David V., George Kometsky, and
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[5] Rogers, Everett M. and Judith K. Larsen
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Global Networked Entrepreneurship

  • 1. Global Networked Entrepreneurship: Linking The World’s Technopoleis for Shared Prosperity at Home and Abroad Dr. David V. Gibson, Senior Research Fellow and Chris Stiles, Research Associate IC2Institute The University of Texas at Austin ABSTRACT growth.’ In 1983 the passage of the technopolis law resulting in twenty-year economic This paper presents Global Networked development plans. In May 1986 the Japanese Entrepreneurship as a strategy for linking the government approved MITISRegional Research world’s technopoleis for shared prosperity at Core Concept which called for the establishment home and abroad. Traditionally research on of 28 research centers or technopoleis. The technopoleis has focused on fostering regionally- program passed by the Japanese Diet promoted based technology-intensive wealth and job four types of research facilities (Tatsuno, 1986): creation. However, increasingly the emphasis, from the public and private sectors, has shifted 1. Experimental research institutes for toward international collaboration. This paper joint industrylacademiclgovernment suggests that as the world’s technopoleis move research into the 2 lstCentury the linking of talent, technology, capital, and business know-how 2 . New research training and educational through global networked entrepreneurship will facilities become a reality. Furthermore, globally-based “experiential learning laboratories” will be 3. The creation of conference and considered fundamentally important to shortened exhibition halls, and data base systems product development and commercialization for improved access to technical cycles. information INTRODUCTION 4. Venture business incubators Strategies for building and sustaining successful Ample funding and meticulous, long-term plans high technology regions have been proposed and lead to the emergence of Tsukuba (about 70 implemented worldwide ever since leaders from miles north of Tokyo) and Kansai (outside of business, government, and academia began to Osaka). While attractive buildings have been take notice of the wealth creation potential and constructed and beautiful parks landscaped, the technology spurred growth of such pioneering creation of wealth and high value jobs has not “technopoleis” as Silicon Valley, California and been as dramatic as expected. While basic Route #128 Boston, MA (Rogers and Larsen, research has been a primary stated objective in 1984, Botkin, 1986). However, outside of a few these “science cities,” issues of science and select and important visionaries, such as technology commercializationand return on Professor Frederick Terman at Stanford investment (ROI) are becoming more University, these initial and perhaps most pronounced. For example, a ten year survey of successful technopoleis were not planned nor Kansai revealed there have been no spin-out were they managed as strategic regions. They were primarily fostered by entrepreneurial behavior in universities and in businesses which Some technopoleis are the result of long-term often led to spin-out and fast-growth companies. planning and varying degrees of public/private collaboration, such as Tsukuba and Kansai Japan was one of the first nations to engage in science cities, Japan; Bari, Italy; Sophia- long-term planning and managed high-tech Antipolis, France; and Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. 1060-3425/98 $10.000 1998 IEEE Proc. 31st Annual Hawaii International 291 Conference on System Sciences
  • 2. companies and no profit for Keihanna Plaza (Honjo, 1997). And universities in Osaka and Tokyo are beginning to offer courses in entrepreneurshipand technology venturing. Smilor, Gibson, and Kozmetsky (1988) suggest that four factors are fundamental to the development of a region as a technopolis leading to the creation of wealth and high value jobs: (1) the achievement of scientific preeminence in technology-based research, ( 2 ) the development of new technologies for emerging industries, (3) the attraction and retention of major technology companies, and (4) the creation and nurturing of Wheel Framework for Global Networked Figure 1: The Technopol~s home-grown technology companies. Many Entrepreneurship scholars, practitioners, and government leaders would argue that three underlying phenomena are critical and necessary to achieve these four While this paper supports the importance of a factors: regional focus it also emphasizes the fostering and leveraging of global linkages through 1. A world-class research university with regionally-based research universities, large and top programs in emerging technology small companies, local government, and support areas to train the needed talent and to groups. For the more established as well as research new and emerging emerging worldwide technopoleis/science cities, technologies. wealth and job creation in a sustainable environment increasingly depend on globally 2. A “smart infkastructure” or the linked publidprivate collaboration. A major managerial, entrepreneurial, legal, challenge facing high tech regions, and the firm’s financial, manufacturing, sales, and that reside in these regions, is how to effectively distribution talent and infrastructure and efficiently acquire, transfer, and needed to commercialize emerging commercializ science and technology- technologies and innovative business technology that is developed worldwide at ideas. research universities, federal laboratoriedinstitutes, and consortia. Often these 3. A high quality of life to attract and R&D facilities are physically and culturally retain talented people. separate from organizations that seek to apply and commercialize the technologies. IC2 Institute researchers offer the framework of GLOBAL NETWORKED the Technopolis Wheel to assess the impact of ENTREPRENEURSHIP critical components in regionally-basedhigh technology development (Figure 1). The sectors are as folIows: Quality education with an emphasis on the research university, large companies, start-ups and spin-outs, federal, state. high degree of communication with a system’s and local government, and support groups. external environments), ( 2 ) opinion leaders Emphasis i s placed on the importance of regional (individuals who are able to influence other collaboration as well as competition within and individuals’ attitudes or overt behavior), and (3) across these sectors. This regional collaboration liaisons (individuals who connect otherwise is fostered by 1st and 2ndlevel influencers from separate communication networks). The personal academia, business, and government.* communication networks of first- and second- level influencers tend to be outward looking and - global, as opposed to closed and provincial. The 2 First- and second-level influencers are success of GNE is to a large degree dependent on identified in the communication literature as (1) the networking activities of such influencers from cosmopolites (individuals who have a relatively different sectors of the technopolis wheel. 292
  • 3. This paper builds on the above perspectives growth, diversification, and new business while focusing on Globally Networked development. Entrepreneurship (GNE) and the related concept of “Innovation Boot Camps.” Technology Talent without ideas is like seed without water. entrepreneurship as described by IC2Institute in When talent is linked with technology, when the early 1990s focused on regionally linking people facilitate the push and pull of viable ideas talent-people, technology-ideas, capital-financial to commercialization,the entrepreneurial process resources, and business know-how (see Figure is underway. Every dynamic process needs fuel, 2). GNE focuses on having small and emerging and here the fuel is capital. Capital is the catalyst high tech companies globally linked to talent, in the technology venturing chain reaction. technology, capital, and know-how through personal networks and information highways. Know-how is the ability to leverage business or Ideally such globalization occurs as firms are scientific knowledge by linking talent, launched and as they grow and not after they are technology, and capital in emerging and established and large. The Innovation Boot expanding enterprises. It finds and applies Camp centers on taking seasoned executives out expertise in a variety of areas, making the of established corporations, locating them in an difference between success and failure. This entrepreneurial environment, and teaming them expertise, or “smart infrastructure”, involves nationally and globally. management, marketing, finance, accounting, production, manufacturing, sales and “No matter what field you are talking distribution, as well as legal, scientific, and about - electronics, medical, engineering skills. education, the environment, entertainment - the global marketplace GNE argues for the importance of globally opens up more opportunities than I have sourcing and linking of these sectors as firms are seen in my lifetime. Very few launched and as they grow. In short, firms do not generations throughout history, perhaps wait until they dominate local or domestic not since the Renaissance, have been markets before they go global. Start-up firms accorded the opportunities this period with specialized technologies use global provides. It is a profoundly different networks to seek out niche markets and partners. world.” For example, GNE suggests that while a regionally-based start-up may have an exciting Dr. George Kozmetsb, Chairman of the Board, niche technology and exceptional entrepreneurial ICz Institute, 1993 winner of the National Medal talent it may lack sufficient capital and business of Technology Quoted in Inc. mazazine, 1996. know-how to market this technology globally. Perhaps the local market is too competitive or too small. The challenge is to globally access talent, technology, capital, and business know- how as the company struggles to survive and grow. Barriers to a global strategy for small start-up firms that are considered generic to all countries include: Figure 2: Critical Success Factors for The small, entrepreneurial staff Technology-Based Entrepreneurship being pre-occupied with local markets and challenges Entrepreneurial talent results from the 0 Limited personnel, resources, and perception, drive, tenacity, dedication, and hard time work of special types of individuals-people who Limited tolerance for the added make things happen. Where there is a pool of challenges a global perspective such talent, there is opportunity for economic brings such as intellectual property protection, trade and labor issues 293
  • 4. The challenge of assessing foreign challenges are nurturing the right opportunities and ignorance of interpersonal skills and being able to possible benefits as well as assimilate different cultures.” challenges to a global perspective Kun-Hee, Lee Sumsung Group GNE is made possible through globally Chairman on the dedication of networked teams that include technologists and the billion dollar Sumsung entrepreneurs as well as managers, finance, legal, semiconductorfacility in sales, and distribution personnel. International Austin, Texas Austin American collaborations are seen to be important for Statesman, November 15, 1996 overcoming challenges of local language, culture, legal, and policy differences. Challenges that 3M is often touted as being one of the world’s can quickly overwhelm and defeat a small most innovative companies. The company has company. International GNE teams are seen to thousands of products, a great percentage of be a way to rapidly provide local expertise and which have been introduced within the past three knowledge. The objective is to solve regionally- years. Employees are encouraged to based problems faster shortening learning curves communicate freely across functional areas and and to minimizing the threat of costly business they are encouraged to spend time on innovative and marketing mistakes. projects that they champion. Stories like the “chaotic” productization of the Post-It Notes abound. Still the company is challenged to Benefits to GNE can include: accelerate its search for creative and innovative Niche market dominance and technologies and emerging global markets. growth Access to needed talent, technology, capital, and know-how IC2 Institute and 3M Corporation are forming a Minimizing costly mistakes and strategic partnership on what has been labeled an ‘‘Innovation Boot Camp.” The focus is on mis-spent resources technology innovation and commercialization. Shortening the learning curve and The Boot Camp is designed for senior executives solving problems faster responsible for new product development, R&D laboratories, technology commercialization and Large technology-intensiveinternational other areas that rely on innovation. The companies have long been going abroad for argument is that in large corporations, even those inexpensive labor and manufacturing as well as as innovative as 3M, managers and technicians market expansion. However, these same tend to loose their entrepreneurial and creative companies increasingly have a global orientation instincts over time. They tend to become in their search for capital, managerial talent, and overwhelmed with the immediacy of events and technology. Major challenges for large firms are bureaucracy. They tend to loose sight of the (1) the sourcing of new technology and (2) new, exciting and perhaps breakthrough maintaining an entrepreneurial spirit among opportunities at hand. employees. There is increasing pressure to be faster and more efficient in globally accessing The ICZ-3MInnovation Boot Camp is being technology, taking it to commercial application, designed to stimulate new behavior, thought and successfully marketing resulting products processes, and skills consistent with those of and services. While there are considerable successful technology entrepreneurs. The Boot challenges to achieving such goals nationally, the Camp is to sharpen global intrapreneurial challenges increase dramatically, as these f m s instincts-the foundation for innovation attempt to shorten product development and leadership. Technology innovation and marketing cycles globally. commercialization must be viewed within a global context. For example, ideas, expertise, “If we fall behind in globalization we materials and components for a proposed new will self-destruct. In the 21st Century product might originate at many different isolation means digression and possible locations globally. The Boot Camp will employ destruction. As challenging as the following unique characteristics: technology transfer will be, the real 294
  • 5. Develop innovative ways to regionally and Immersion: Executives will be placed in globally leverage capital, talent, technology, The Austin Technology Incubator for two to ~ and ‘know-how’ resources three years. They will be partnered with 0 Leverage R&D to: non-3M technologists, managers, and I -Achieve early success entrepreneurs. 1 -Contribute to newer industries and smart Global Interaction: The Boot Camp Team will participate in global innovation and commercialization projects through geographically distributed innovation teams. business, and government sectors across national boundaries. Experiential Learning: The executives will learn by being engaged in real-life, real-time innovation and commercializationprojects. Follow Through: During the Boot Camp the Transferring “R&D” with executives will transfer the “lessons learned’ * Market Rrrcarch know h w back to their counterparts and others at 3M * F i n a n a d hnow-hov Lseal k n o a - h o w and, if the experiment succeeds, they will P r o d u c t m hnon h o x D i l n b u t i o n PSISI and I C ~ ~ E nou LL ham launch new products and even new divisions around Boot Camp technology. Figure 3: Crossing the Technology Transfer Gap with Know-How Incubators have traditionally been a way to foster Figure 3 depicts how the regional and global public/private collaboration at the regional level know-how networks of a Globally Linked -to spur economic development, fill vacant Incubator cross the technology transfer gap office space, train entrepreneurs, and create high- between research strength and market value jobs. At their best such incubators have applications leading to wealth creation. The acted as “lightening rods” at the regional level primary drivers are entrepreneurs and linking talent, technology, capital, and business technology, which come from the private sector, know-how to market needs. And the incubator universities, federal laboratories, and R&D can serve as a “learning laboratory” for local consortia nationally or globally. The challenge colleges and universities as well as regionally- is to foster the global linking of cutting-edge based professionals. research and technology with venture financing Global Networked Entrepreneurship seeks to and the realities of the international marketplace. foster the global linking of incubators. As a Whereas technology reports, patents, and regionally-based incubator can fill the technology technology licenses are often the output of R&D transfer gap between applied R&D and product environments, they are considered inputs to the commercialization local and national sources of due diligence and business plans required at the R&D and local and national markets, it can also Globally Linked Incubator. GNE strives to serve as an effective bridge across the academic, shorten product development cycles by broadening tenant entrepreneurs’ global know- how in market research, finance, advertising, Global Networked Incubators Can Act as a quality issues, management, sales, and service. Catalyst to: The entrepreneurial culture emphasizes the importance of intangibles (e.g., business know- 0 Promote partnerships between large how and learning from each other) over tangibles companies and entrepreneurial firms (e.g., a modem expensively furnished facility) regionally and globally and it reinforces resource leveraging and 0 Foster collaborations across academic, spending hard to get cash on things that add business, government sectors globally value, speed globally networked 0 Promote and support entrepreneurial vision entrepreneurship and productlprocess and leadership commercialization (Figure 4). 295
  • 6. EnhaneL its associated Fellows that are located in the C r a d i b i l i n and Trust on G l o b a l N c w o r k r I academic, business, and government sectors globally. These communication networks have centered on research and education in the area of science and technology commercialization. International and multi-disciplinary teams have Figure 4: Globally Networked Incubator worked on "unstructured problems" in such areas as technopolis and regional economic development, entrepreneurship and technology FOSTERING VIABLE GLOBAL venturing, and critical success factors for ENTREPRENEURIAL NETWORKS technology incubators and capital networks. Fostering viable communication networks is key I P S locally-based learning laboratories included to realizing benefits to GNE and the Innovation the Austin Technology Incubator, The Capital Boot Camp. Advanced communication Network, and the Austin Technopolis. Based on technologies can facilitate such regional and the lessons learned from these "learning global networks. Whether the fax, better phone laboratories" innovative concepts and connections, e-mail, the WWW, or economical management techniques were transferred and reliable two-way interactive video, nationally to such organizations as NASA's advanced technologies are bringing to reality the Ames Research Center in Sunnyvale, CA and the means to achieve the global village. However, Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas. More IC2 Institute research has shown that recently IC2 Institute is working with the implementing these enabling technologies is not National Oceanic and Atmospheric sufficient for a viable global network. Administration (NOAA) to launch and operate the Center for Technological Innovation in The Institute's most successful global Charleston, SC. The Institute has global collaborations are primarily based on personal partners to facilitate GNE in Japan, China, relationships with locally respected and active Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, champions. Long-term personal relationships Russia, Ukraine, and Portugal. based on trust and mutual benefit are considered essential. Short-term relations are not sufficient because to realize sufficient win-win scenarios collaborators often must overcome, in the short term, loose-win and win-loose situations. Short- Bra211 Cumlba China term gains and loses, for all parties in the Shanghsi Hc'cr R"**B !.orsow collaboration, must be balanced with longer term Ukraine TalWa" Klr" visions that all parties can support. Hlnrsh" South Korea iaeion Japan OS*h Personal chemistry among collaborators should Lisbon POItUgd Chile not be discounted. On-site visits need to occur 5antmg.a Romania despite frequent technology-mediated IkII MeXlCD MO"tW,SY communication. Mutual trust is essential as is an Figure 5: Globally Networked Entrepreneurship understanding of the "real world" constraints that Partners Linked by Talent, Technology, Capital face the global partners. Constraints that inhibit and Know-How "ideal" behavior and outcomes. Such a global understanding requires an appreciation of the The challenge is to foster and maintain viable norms and values, policies, and informal business entrepreneurial and professional networks for environments of all participants. accessing and leveraging global talent by specialization; technology by area of expertise; IC2 INSTITUTE'S STRATEGY FOR capital by type (e.g., seed, venture, business FOSTERING GNE angels, banks, government); and know-how (e.g., marketing, legal, sales and distribution, Since its founding in 1977, IC2 Institute has management, manufacturing). A current IC2 fostered global partnerships and alliances thought research project is to completethe matrix (shown 296
  • 7. in Figure 5 ) for specific technologies with regard support institutions representing academia, to specific global partners. business, and government. M.S. Degree Program CONCLUSION In 1996 IC2Institute, The University of Texas at Austin launched an innovative MS Degree Technology continues to shrink the world. There Program in Science and Technology is no choice other than to participate in the global Commercialization. A pressing challenge is to community. Science and technology is to effectively leverage the Institute’s national and precious a resource to be restricted from drawing global “learning laboratories” for educational the world together. That is what the 21” Century and research advancements as well as to foster is all about. regionally-based economic development. Classes for this innovative one-year degree Dr. George Kozmetsky program are held simultaneously in Austin, Chairman of the Board Texas and Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Two-way ICz Institute interactive video and e-mail is used to link these geographically separate sites. The Austin students emphasize their experiences in small and large technology companies while the The 1990s were argued to be the era of Virginia students bring government and policy boundaryless, virtual corporations that are perspectives to class. Teams composed of composed of networks of independent companies students from both locations work on “real-life’’ linked by advanced information technology. The technology commercialization projects. In objective is to share skills and costs and to access addition to US citizens, students enrolled in the one another’s technology and markets. Such program are from Mexico, Japan, and Brazil. collaborations were to be temporary and Early on it was realized that the benefits of responsive to rapid changes in the global bringing a professionally and “situationally” marketplace. A communication super-highway is diverse group of students together overwhelmed to permit far-flung units of different companies the challenges of teaching across professional to quickly locate supplies, designers, and and functional differences and geographic manufacturers through an information distances. clearinghouse. Once connected, these virtual corporations were expected to sign “electronic In the next phase of MS Degree Program contracts” to speed linkages without legal development, the Institute seeks to teach students headaches. Advanced technology was the key to on-site in other countries. This will be making this happen. Years of “lessons learned” accomplished through two-way video, e-mail, have demonstrated to even the most ardent and on-site faculty visits. ICz’s first global technologists that there are significant partners in this experiment are the Instituto organizational challenges to establishing and Superior Tecnico (IST) in Lisbon, Portugal and maintaining such “technologically sophisticated” The Academy of National Economy, Moscow. collaborative alliances. Advanced technology The program will involve participants from the has not caused organizations, communities, and Innovation Boot Camp and emphasize strategic regions to become more collaborative. experiential learning in global enterprise Advanced technology is an important tool that innovation and commercialization-global team can facilitate the process. The real challenges are building on actual innovation and behavioral and managerial. commercializationprojects. ICz’s global partners from academia, business, and government will contribute to curriculum design and testing. The REFERENCES global classroom will to a certain extent exist in cyber space where internationalteams of [l] Botkin, James (1986), “Route 128: Its entrepreneurs will collaborate to access needed History and Destiny,” in (1988), Creating the talent, technology, capital, and know-how. Technopolis: Linking TechnologV However, this “space” will be anchored by Commercialization and Economic Development, incubators with walls and their regionally-based Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. 297
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