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Global Education Calendar Events
5 Feb, World Wetlands Day
Wetlands include swamps, lakes, mudflats,
mangroves, coral reefs, and peat lands. They
are a critical part of our natural environment
and cultural environment. This day focuses
on the sustainable use of wetlands.
20 Feb, World Day of Social Justice
World Social Justice Day recognizes that
social development and social justice are
indispensable to achieving peace. It calls on
everyone to respect human rights and
fundamental freedoms.
21 Feb, International Mother Language
Languages are the most powerful
instruments of preserving and developing
our observable and unobservable heritage.
This day promotes mother tongues and
encourages linguistic diversity and
multilingual education.

practices. This day promotes the sustainable
use of forests.
21 Mar, International Day for the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination
This day commemorates the Sharpeville
Massacre, which occurred in South Africa in
1960, when police fired at people
demonstrating against the Apartheid „pass
21 Mar, Harmony Day
„Living in Harmony‟ is an Australian
Government initiative designed to promote
community harmony, build relationships
between people and address racism where it
occurs in Australia. It coincides with the
United Nations International Day for the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and
promotes the values of harmony,
community, diversity, commitment,
goodwill, and understanding.

4 Mar, Schools Clean Up Australia Day
Join the thousands of school students across
Australia on the Friday before the National
Clean Up Day. Registration provides you
with an education kit.

22 Mar, World Water Day
Water is a basic requirement for all life, yet
water resources are facing increasing
demands from, and competition among,
users. This day focuses on sustainable water

8 Mar, International Women's Day
Women and girls suffer great discrimination
in many parts of the world. Investment in
them can accelerate social, economic and
political progress. This day focuses on the
progress made towards equal rights, and
equality of political and economic
participation, for women and girls.

24 Mar, World TB Day
Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious
airborne disease which can be cured with
medication. This day promotes awareness
that tuberculosis causes the deaths of several
million people each year, mostly in
developing countries.

9 Mar, Commonwealth Day
The Commonwealth is a voluntary
association of 54 countries, with a shared
history, language (English) and institutions,
which support each other and work together
towards shared goals in democracy and

development. The aim of this day is to
promote understanding on global issues and
international cooperation.
21 Mar, World Forestry Day
Forests oxygenate the air and modify
climate; provide habitats for plants and
animals; protect catchments and provide
products for human use and cultural

25 Mar, Int. Remembrance Day – Victims
of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade
The transatlantic slave trade, the largest
long-distance forced movement of innocent
people in history, uprooted 25 to 30 million
Africans during its 400 years. This day
focuses on understanding the causes,
consequences and lessons of the
transatlantic slave trade, and the dangers of
racism and prejudice.
4 Apr, International Day for Mine
Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
This day focuses on the progress being
made, and the work still to be done, to make
areas affected by landmines and explosive
remnants of war safe.
7 Apr, World Health Day
Health is a state of complete physical,
mental, and social wellbeing and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity. This day
focuses on ways of improving health,
especially for the poor, to expand their range
of choices, improve their productivity and
allow them to participate more fully in
25 Apr, World Malaria Day
The aim of World Malaria Day is to provide
education and understanding of malaria as
an infection that is preventable and a disease
that is curable.
2 May, Global Campaign for Education
Action Week
The Global Campaign for Education
promotes education as a basic human right.
The website provides information and
resources for focusing on the issue with
details of countries around the world
3 May, World Press Freedom Day
World Press Freedom Day reminds us of the
crucial role that a free press plays in
strengthening democracies and fostering
development around the world. There are
opportunities to examine bias and omission
in the media and acknowledge the fact that
some journalists face death or jail to bring
people their daily news.
15 May, International Day of Families
The International Day of Families provides
an opportunity to reflect on the importance
of families as basic units of society as well
focusing on their situation around the world.
21 May, World Day for Cultural
Diversity for Dialogue and Development
This day provides us with an opportunity to
deepen our understanding of the values of
cultural diversity and to learn to „live
together‟ better.
22 May, International Day for Biological
Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms:
the different plants, animals and microorganisms, their genes and the ecosystems
of which they are a part. This day helps us
focus on how dependent we are on
biodiversity for our survival and quality of

26 May, Australian Schools National
Sorry Day
The Australian Schools National Sorry Day,
„Sharing the journey of healing‟ is a great
way to begin Reconciliation week. It
celebrates the apology by former Prime
Minister, Kevin Rudd, to the Stolen
Generations on 13 February 2008.
27 May, Reconciliation Week
Reconciliation week begins on 27 May. It is
the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum to
remove clauses from the Australian
Constitution, which discriminated against
Indigenous Australians. It concludes on 3
June, the anniversary of the 1992 High
Court of Australia‟s judgement in the Mabo
case, which recognised the Native Title
rights of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples. Celebrate this week by
learning about the culture and history of
Australia‟s Indigenous people and exploring
new and better ways of meeting challenges
of reconciliation in our communities.
29 May, International Day of United
Nations Peacekeepers
When a country descends into internal
conflict UN peacekeepers, military, police
and civilian personnel, work to deliver
security and create the conditions for lasting
peace. This day pays tribute to the United
Nations peacekeepers and also honours the
memory of those who have lost their lives.
4 Jun, International Day of Innocent
Children Victims of Aggression
The purpose of the day is to acknowledge
the pain suffered by children throughout the
world who are the victims of physical,
mental and emotional abuse. This day
affirms the UN's commitment to protect the
rights of children.
5 Jun, World Environment Day
This day focuses on sustainable use of the
environment, taking personal responsibility
for a cleaner, greener and brighter outlook
for ourselves and future generations across
the world.
8 Jun, World Oceans Day
Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth‟s
surface and support a rich diversity of life.
This day focuses on the sustainable use of
oceans and consideration of the challenges
of overfishing and pollution for people who
depend on fishing for their livelihood.
12 Jun, World Day Against Child Labour
Child labour, according to International
Labour Organization conventions, is work
that harms children‟s wellbeing and hinders
their education, development and future
livelihoods. Progress is being made but
more needs to be done to combat child
labour. The World Day Against Child
Labour aims to promote awareness and
action to tackle child labour.
17 Jun, World Day to Combat
The impact of global desertification is
threatening the livelihoods of 1.2 billion
people who depend on the land for most of
their needs. This day helps us focus on this
serious drylands issue.
20 Jun, World Refugee Day
Consider how radically your world would
change if, without notice, you were forced to
leave your home and possessions behind and
move to an area where you knew nobody
and had little idea of where your next meal
would come from. World Refugee Day
helps us focus on the 43.3 million people of
concern in the world.
26 Jun, International Day in Support of
Victims of Torture
This day promotes the total eradication of
torture and the effective functioning of the
Convention Against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
26 Jun, International Day Against Drug
Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Illicit drugs destroy innumerable individual
lives and undermine our societies.
Confronting the illicit trade in drugs and its
effects is a major challenge for the
international community.
1 Jul, NAIDOC Week
During NAIDOC Week (1–8 July) the
National Aboriginal Islander Day
Observance Committee (NAIDOC) invites
all Australians to celebrate and promote a
greater understanding of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples.

7 Jul, International Day of Cooperatives
International Day of Cooperatives seeks to
raise awareness about the role of
cooperatives in economic, social and
cultural development.
11 Jul, World Population Day
World Population Day helps us engage with
the opportunities and challenges of living in
a world of seven billion people.
27 Jul, Schools Tree Day
Planting native trees helps protect
biodiversity. Trees help to filter water,
combat salinity, clean the air and increase
flows into water catchments. They also
provide food and shelter to wildlife.
30 Jul, International Day of Friendship
International Day of Friendship is founded
on the notion that friendship between
individuals and communities promotes
peace and understanding across
communities, cultures and countries.
6 Aug, Hiroshima Day
This day commemorates the dropping of the
atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August
1945. The message of Hiroshima, as
reflected in the lives of the survivors, is
„Never again!‟
The day also focuses on campaigns against
nuclear weapons and the promotion of
global peace.
6 Aug, Homeless Persons' Week
On any given night, almost one in every two
hundred Australians is homeless. These
people come from every neighbourhood and
every age group. The Australian Federation
of Homelessness Organisations hosts an
annual awareness week to bring attention to
the plight of Australia‟s homeless people.
9 Aug, International Day of the World's
Indigenous People
This day celebrates the cultures and
languages of the 370 million indigenous
people in the world who live in more than
70 countries. Many live in impoverished
conditions, suffering from the dispossession
of their land and loss of cultural heritage.
12 Aug, International Youth Day
International Youth Day recognises the need
to increase the quality and quantity of
opportunities available to young people for
full, effective and constructive participation
in society.
19 Aug, World Humanitarian Day
World Humanitarian Day celebrates
humanitarian aid workers who help millions
of people around the world with the
provision of shelter, food and healthcare to
those who have experienced natural
disasters are in the midst of conflict, or who
are living in prolonged poverty.
20 Aug, Keep Australia Beautiful Week
Keep Australia Beautiful Week (20–26
August) motivates Australians to improve
their environment through collecting
litter, resources conservation, reforestation
and land care.
23 Aug, International Day for the
Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its
This day commemorates the beginning of
the uprising in Santo Domingo (today's Haiti
and Dominican Republic), which eventually
played a crucial role in the abolition of the
trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1791.
8 Sep, International Literacy Day
One in five adults around the world is
unable to read and write, and more than 67
million children are currently out of school.
International Literacy Day highlights the
importance of literacy to individuals and
15 Sep, International Day of Democracy
This day promotes the involvement of the
people in the public affairs of their country
as an effective way of ensuring basic
freedoms and equality for all.
16 Sep, International Day for the
Preservation of the Ozone Layer
This day commemorates the commitment to
phase out the production and consumption
of ozone-depleting chemicals, a decision
made in 1987 by 191 countries.

27 Sep, World Tourism Day
World Tourism Day aims to foster
awareness about the social, cultural, political
and economic values of tourism.
1 Oct, World Habitat Day
World Habitat Day helps us reflect on the
state of living conditions in cities and the
basic right of all to adequate shelter. It also
works to remind the world of its
responsibility for the future of human
1 Oct, International Day of Older Persons
The past 60 years has seen a steady drop in
birth and death rates, resulting in a rapidly
ageing global population. This day
celebrates older citizens and engages people
with the challenges of an ageing population.
2 Oct, International Day of Non-Violence
International Day of Non-Violence takes
place on the anniversary of the birth of
Mahatma Gandhi. It inspires us to use
peaceful action to promote „a culture of
peace, tolerance, understanding and nonviolence‟.
5 Oct, World Teachers' Day
Teachers are central to providing quality
education to children and young people;
equipping them with the knowledge and
skills they need to contribute to building
better societies as adults.
11 Oct, World Sight Day
World Sight Day aims to focus global
attention on blindness, visual impairment
and rehabilitation of the visually impaired.
13 Oct, International Day for Disaster
International Day for Disaster Reduction
promotes a global culture of natural disaster
prevention, mitigation and preparedness.

17 Sep, Australian Citizenship Day
Australian Citizenship Day is an opportunity
for all Australians to reflect on the meaning
and importance of citizenship.

16 Oct, World Food Day
World Food Day aims to heighten public
awareness of world food issues and
strengthen solidarity in the struggle against
hunger, malnutrition and poverty.

21 Sep, International Day of Peace
This day is devoted to world peace and
encourages everyone to take steps towards
peace in their lives and their communities.

17 Oct, International Day for the
Eradication of Poverty
This day is an opportunity to acknowledge
the struggle of people living in poverty, a
chance for them to make their concerns
heard, and for the community to recognise
and support poor people in their fight
against poverty.
20 Oct, Children's Week
Children‟s Week (20–28 October) celebrates
the right of children to enjoy childhood. It is
also a time for children to demonstrate their
talents, skills and abilities. It includes the
Australian celebration of Universal
Children‟s Day.
24 Oct, Disarmament Week
Disarmament Week (24–30 October) begins
on the anniversary of the founding of the
United Nations. It is an occasion to raise
awareness of the crucial need to recognise
disarmament as a key element in creating a
more peaceful, just and sustainable world.
6 Nov, Int. Day for Preventing the
Exploitation of the Environment in War
and Armed Conflict
This day helps us focus on how armed
conflict can cause environmental damage
that may endure long after the conflict has
ceased, and may extend beyond the limits of
national territories and the current
generation of people.
10 Nov, World Science Day for Peace and
Science plays an important role in people‟s
everyday lives, from the food we eat, the
healthcare we receive and the machines we
use. This day works to raise awareness of
the significance of science and how it
contributes to peace and development all
over the world.
12 Nov, World Pneumonia Day
Pneumonia is the world‟s leading cause of
death in children under five. Almost all of
pneumonia-related deaths occur in
developing countries. This day promotes
action against the disease by financial
donors, policy-makers, healthcare
professionals and the general public.
16 Nov, International Day for Tolerance
Intolerance is often rooted in ignorance and
fear: fear of the unknown, of other cultures,
religions and nations. Intolerance is also
closely linked to an exaggerated sense of
self-worth and pride. This day reminds us of
the time, education and commitment it takes

to build tolerance and trust in diverse
19 Nov, World Toilet Day
Nearly two people in five do not have access
to adequate sanitation. This contributes
greatly to the spread of disease and loss of
health and education. World Toilet Day
aims to improve toilets for all through
providing more and cleaner sanitation
facilities, especially for women and the
20 Nov, Universal Children's Day
Marking the anniversary of the adoption of
the Declaration of the Rights of the Child
(1959) and the Convention on the Rights of
the Child (1999), this day helps us focus on
improving the lives of children.
25 Nov, International Day for the
Elimination of Violence Against Women
Violence against women and girls prevents
their full development and participation in
society and limits their opportunities to
achieve legal, social, political and economic
equality. This day raises awareness about
the issue and encourages action against
violence against women and girls.
1 Dec, World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day celebrates progress made
in the battle against the epidemic and brings
into focus challenges that still remain. It also
highlights the role we all have to play by
protecting others and ourselves against
HIV/AIDS and welcoming those living with
the disease.
2 Dec, International Day for the Abolition
of Slavery
Despite it being more than 200 years since
the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave
trade, slavery persists today in the form of
bonded labor, early and forced marriages,
trafficking and exploitative labor.
3 Dec, International Day of People with
This day recognizes the achievements and
contributions of people who live with a
disability and aims to mobilize support for
their dignity, rights and wellbeing.
5 Dec, International Volunteer Day
This day celebrates the efforts of those who
have made an important contribution to
society by giving their time as volunteers.
10 Dec, Human Rights Day
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
adopted on 10 December 1948, outlines the
rights and fundamental freedoms of all
people in all the nations of the world.

Human rights are universal, indivisible and
essential for development and democracy.
18 Dec, International Migrants Day
It is estimated that some 130 million people
live outside their countries of origin.
International Migrants Day highlights the
need to ensure respect for the human rights
and fundamental freedoms of migrants in
their new countries.

Sternberg’s 21st Century 3R
We are all familiar with the old-fashioned curriculum of the 3R's-reading, writing, and
arithmetic but Robert Sternberg of Tufts University has called for a curriculum that centres on
developing student competence in what he calls "the other 3R's." In this case, the R's stand for
Reasoning which include analytical, critical thinking and problem solving skills, Resilience
which encompasses life skills such as flexibility, adaptability and self-reliance ,and
Responsibility which Sternberg links to wisdom, which he defines as "the application of
intelligence, creativity and knowledge for a common good."

Teaches 21st century skills discretely in the context of core subjects and 21st century
interdisciplinary themes
Focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21st century skills across content areas and for a
competency-based approach to learning
Enables innovative learning methods that integrate the use of supportive technologies, inquiryand problem-based approaches and higher order thinking skills
Encourages the integration of community resources beyond school walls

The relationship between curriculum and instruction is obviously a very close one. Curriculum
is essentially a design, or roadmap for learning, and as such focuses on knowledge and skills that
are judged important to learn. Instruction is the means by which that learning will be achieved.
To meet the needs of the 21st century learner and achieve the student outcomes described in its
Framework, the Partnership calls on schools
to adopt a 21st century curriculum that blends thinking and innovation skills; information, media,
and ICT literacy; and life and career skills in context of core academic subjects and across
interdisciplinary themes, and
to employ methods of 21st century instruction that integrate innovative and research-proven
teaching strategies, modern learning technologies, and real world resources and contexts.
Tony Wagner and Robert Kegan, co-directors of the Change Leadership Group at Harvard
University, recommend a curriculum built on a different set of “new 3 R‟s” – that is, Rigor,
Relevance, and Respect. (Note that the Change Leadership Group‟s 3 R's address instructional
approaches, while Sternberg‟s R‟s are framed as student outcomes.) Rigor, for Wagner, et al,
does not mean content that is difficult for students to master, rather it concerns what students are
able to do as a result of their learning. Relevance means helping students understand how their
learning connects to their further studies and future work settings. Respect means promoting
respectful relationships between and among teachers and students that foster academic and social
Other notable curricula have been proposed by Harvard researcher David Perkins, who has long
advocated that thinking skills be taught as a “meta-curriculum” intertwined with traditional core
subjects, and Marc Tucker and Judy Codding, who citing decades of research, urge schools to
adopt “a thinking curriculum – one that provides a deep understanding of the subject and the
ability to apply that understanding to the complex, real-world problems that the student will face
as an adult.”
These are just some of the many ways to approach a 21st century curriculum. The point in
describing several models is to demonstrate the soundness of a variety of approaches. There is
no one best approach for teaching 21st skills. Each school system must determine what makes
the most sense given their unique circumstances. As this paper demonstrates, the Partnership‟s
call for the integration of cognitive and social skills with content knowledge is not new to this
century. There are, however, a few critical components that 21st century schools should make
part of their curricula
Perhaps foremost, and most obvious, is that the curriculum must go beyond content knowledge
to include a strong emphasis on 21st century skills development. Research shows that when
schools employ a curriculum that balances knowledge and skills, students may cover fewer
topics, but they generally learn more than with a content-only curriculum. “The illusion of
covering less is just that – an illusion,” states David Perkins. “Perhaps fewer pages have been
read, but the knowledge gains are almost always about the same or better. The topper, of course,
is that gains in understanding and insight are often much greater…”
John Bransford (2007) has observed that many people mistakenly feel students cannot be
asked to master what are sometimes called “higher-level skills” unless they first learn basic
content like that tested on standardized tests. But actually, he states, “people are built to be
learners who inquire and interrogate and get feedback as they learn to solve complex problems.
So learning-to-learn and inquiry skills, guided by the ability to ask relevant questions due to
knowledge of the „big ideas‟ of various disciplines, are actually the fundamental skills that we
need to emphasize.”
As with curriculum, any number of pedagogical approaches may be successfully
employed to build student competence in the skills and knowledge Bransford describes. The
choice of instructional strategies is best made on a local level, taking into account the resources,
expertise, and learning needs of that particular community of learners. But there are a number of
research-supported approaches that have proven to be effective ways to enhance learning of both
skills and content. One such approach is problem-based learning (or PBL), an instructional
strategy in which “students investigate rich and challenging issues and topics, often in the
context of real world problems.” PBL models may also include other aspects of 21st century
instruction such as the use of interdisciplinary content, cooperative learning groups, and student
reflection. Research has shown that because working with problems requires students to generate
ideas and provide explanations, it promotes learning. Problem-based learning also has been
shown to increase students‟ active engagement with content, as well as their capacity for selfdirected learning, collaboration, and social interaction.
Another pedagogy that supports 21st century skills is cooperative learning. Organizing
students in well-structured heterogeneous groups has been shown to have a powerful effect on
learning. Such groupings also have the advantage of promoting teamwork, leadership and other
life/career skills, while enhancing student academic performance.
Using real world contexts is another key component of 21st curriculum and instruction.
Research shows that when teachers create meaningful learning activities that center on the
resources, strategies, and contexts that students will encounter in adult life, such teaching reduces
absenteeism, fosters cooperation and communication, builds critical thinking skills, and boosts
academic performance. When students see the connection between what they are learning and
real world issues that matter to them, their motivation soars, and so does their learning.
Developing a robust and engaging 21st century curriculum and employing 21st century
instruction means that teachers and school leaders will need to look outside the school walls and
seek ideas, resources, and expertise where they are found – in their community; in professional
and educational groups; and in individuals, schools, and organizations around the world.
Educational technologies, of course, are an essential part of a 21st century curriculum, too. It‟s
important, though, to realize that this does not means teaching technology for its own sake – but
rather applying appropriate technologies to instructional tasks in order to enrich the learning of
both traditional and 21st century content, as well as promote the development of 21st century
skills. And “appropriate technology,” in some cases, may mean a pencil, or a book, or a
Twenty-first century schools, though, also take advantage of advanced technologies.
Pedagogies that thoughtfully incorporate today‟s learning tools yield research-proven learning
benefits, such as enabling students to employ simulations to “see” microscopic processes or “relive” historical events. Communications technologies facilitate giving and receiving feedback
and allow students to progressively revise their work – all instructional strategies that have been
shown to enhance learning. And today‟s digital tools make it possible to expand the walls of the
classroom and enable the integration of resources – scientific data, library collections, video and
film archives – from across the globe into the curriculum. As noted earlier, instruction that
features real world contexts facilitates the transfer of learning from school to life. Digital
communications make it possible to bring in wisdom and lived experience of people in the
community, as well as experts from the worlds of science, business, government and higher
education – and thus, bring life to learning.
Although listed as a separate 21st century support system (and addressed in another
section of this paper), assessment is inextricably linked to instruction. Thus, we can‟t leave the
topic of 21st century instruction without touching on formative assessments, assessments that
enable a teacher to evaluate learning while it is occurring. Such assessments make it possible to
diagnose learning gaps, and address them before they lead to more fundamental
misunderstandings of knowledge or misapplication of skills. Formative assessment tools such as
rubrics play an important role in the 21st century classroom by providing teachers and students
with clear guidelines on what constitutes acceptable levels of achievement.
To guide educators in using technology to promote 21st century curricula and instruction, the
Partnership, in collaboration with several content area organizations, has developed a series of
ICT Literacy Maps illustrating the intersection between Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Literacy and core academic subjects. These maps enable educators to view
concrete examples of how ICT Literacy can be integrated into core subjects, while making the
teaching and learning of core subjects more relevant to the demands of the 21st century.
Republic of the Philippines
Tarlac State University
College of Education
Lucinda Campus
Tarlac City

Global Education,
21st century 3Rs by Sternberg,
and 21st century Curriculum
and Instruction
(Curriculum Development)
Submitted by: Ann Janette C. Pascua
Submitted to: Dr.Leodivina P. Tagama

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Global education calendar events

  • 1. Global Education Calendar Events 5 Feb, World Wetlands Day Wetlands include swamps, lakes, mudflats, mangroves, coral reefs, and peat lands. They are a critical part of our natural environment and cultural environment. This day focuses on the sustainable use of wetlands. 20 Feb, World Day of Social Justice World Social Justice Day recognizes that social development and social justice are indispensable to achieving peace. It calls on everyone to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. 21 Feb, International Mother Language Day Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our observable and unobservable heritage. This day promotes mother tongues and encourages linguistic diversity and multilingual education. practices. This day promotes the sustainable use of forests. 21 Mar, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination This day commemorates the Sharpeville Massacre, which occurred in South Africa in 1960, when police fired at people demonstrating against the Apartheid „pass laws‟. 21 Mar, Harmony Day „Living in Harmony‟ is an Australian Government initiative designed to promote community harmony, build relationships between people and address racism where it occurs in Australia. It coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and promotes the values of harmony, community, diversity, commitment, goodwill, and understanding. 4 Mar, Schools Clean Up Australia Day Join the thousands of school students across Australia on the Friday before the National Clean Up Day. Registration provides you with an education kit. 22 Mar, World Water Day Water is a basic requirement for all life, yet water resources are facing increasing demands from, and competition among, users. This day focuses on sustainable water use. 8 Mar, International Women's Day Women and girls suffer great discrimination in many parts of the world. Investment in them can accelerate social, economic and political progress. This day focuses on the progress made towards equal rights, and equality of political and economic participation, for women and girls. 24 Mar, World TB Day Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious airborne disease which can be cured with medication. This day promotes awareness that tuberculosis causes the deaths of several million people each year, mostly in developing countries. 9 Mar, Commonwealth Day The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 54 countries, with a shared history, language (English) and institutions, which support each other and work together towards shared goals in democracy and development. The aim of this day is to promote understanding on global issues and international cooperation. 21 Mar, World Forestry Day Forests oxygenate the air and modify climate; provide habitats for plants and animals; protect catchments and provide products for human use and cultural 25 Mar, Int. Remembrance Day – Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade The transatlantic slave trade, the largest long-distance forced movement of innocent people in history, uprooted 25 to 30 million Africans during its 400 years. This day focuses on understanding the causes, consequences and lessons of the transatlantic slave trade, and the dangers of racism and prejudice. 4 Apr, International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action This day focuses on the progress being made, and the work still to be done, to make areas affected by landmines and explosive remnants of war safe.
  • 2. 7 Apr, World Health Day Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This day focuses on ways of improving health, especially for the poor, to expand their range of choices, improve their productivity and allow them to participate more fully in society. 25 Apr, World Malaria Day The aim of World Malaria Day is to provide education and understanding of malaria as an infection that is preventable and a disease that is curable. 2 May, Global Campaign for Education Action Week The Global Campaign for Education promotes education as a basic human right. The website provides information and resources for focusing on the issue with details of countries around the world 3 May, World Press Freedom Day World Press Freedom Day reminds us of the crucial role that a free press plays in strengthening democracies and fostering development around the world. There are opportunities to examine bias and omission in the media and acknowledge the fact that some journalists face death or jail to bring people their daily news. 15 May, International Day of Families The International Day of Families provides an opportunity to reflect on the importance of families as basic units of society as well focusing on their situation around the world. 21 May, World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development This day provides us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the values of cultural diversity and to learn to „live together‟ better. 22 May, International Day for Biological Diversity Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms: the different plants, animals and microorganisms, their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a part. This day helps us focus on how dependent we are on biodiversity for our survival and quality of life. 26 May, Australian Schools National Sorry Day The Australian Schools National Sorry Day, „Sharing the journey of healing‟ is a great way to begin Reconciliation week. It celebrates the apology by former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, to the Stolen Generations on 13 February 2008. 27 May, Reconciliation Week Reconciliation week begins on 27 May. It is the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum to remove clauses from the Australian Constitution, which discriminated against Indigenous Australians. It concludes on 3 June, the anniversary of the 1992 High Court of Australia‟s judgement in the Mabo case, which recognised the Native Title rights of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Celebrate this week by learning about the culture and history of Australia‟s Indigenous people and exploring new and better ways of meeting challenges of reconciliation in our communities. 29 May, International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers When a country descends into internal conflict UN peacekeepers, military, police and civilian personnel, work to deliver security and create the conditions for lasting peace. This day pays tribute to the United Nations peacekeepers and also honours the memory of those who have lost their lives. 4 Jun, International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression The purpose of the day is to acknowledge the pain suffered by children throughout the world who are the victims of physical, mental and emotional abuse. This day affirms the UN's commitment to protect the rights of children. 5 Jun, World Environment Day This day focuses on sustainable use of the environment, taking personal responsibility for a cleaner, greener and brighter outlook for ourselves and future generations across the world. 8 Jun, World Oceans Day Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth‟s surface and support a rich diversity of life. This day focuses on the sustainable use of oceans and consideration of the challenges
  • 3. of overfishing and pollution for people who depend on fishing for their livelihood. 12 Jun, World Day Against Child Labour Child labour, according to International Labour Organization conventions, is work that harms children‟s wellbeing and hinders their education, development and future livelihoods. Progress is being made but more needs to be done to combat child labour. The World Day Against Child Labour aims to promote awareness and action to tackle child labour. 17 Jun, World Day to Combat Desertification The impact of global desertification is threatening the livelihoods of 1.2 billion people who depend on the land for most of their needs. This day helps us focus on this serious drylands issue. 20 Jun, World Refugee Day Consider how radically your world would change if, without notice, you were forced to leave your home and possessions behind and move to an area where you knew nobody and had little idea of where your next meal would come from. World Refugee Day helps us focus on the 43.3 million people of concern in the world. 26 Jun, International Day in Support of Victims of Torture This day promotes the total eradication of torture and the effective functioning of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. 26 Jun, International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Illicit drugs destroy innumerable individual lives and undermine our societies. Confronting the illicit trade in drugs and its effects is a major challenge for the international community. 1 Jul, NAIDOC Week During NAIDOC Week (1–8 July) the National Aboriginal Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) invites all Australians to celebrate and promote a greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 7 Jul, International Day of Cooperatives International Day of Cooperatives seeks to raise awareness about the role of cooperatives in economic, social and cultural development. 11 Jul, World Population Day World Population Day helps us engage with the opportunities and challenges of living in a world of seven billion people. 27 Jul, Schools Tree Day Planting native trees helps protect biodiversity. Trees help to filter water, combat salinity, clean the air and increase flows into water catchments. They also provide food and shelter to wildlife. 30 Jul, International Day of Friendship International Day of Friendship is founded on the notion that friendship between individuals and communities promotes peace and understanding across communities, cultures and countries. 6 Aug, Hiroshima Day This day commemorates the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. The message of Hiroshima, as reflected in the lives of the survivors, is „Never again!‟ The day also focuses on campaigns against nuclear weapons and the promotion of global peace. 6 Aug, Homeless Persons' Week On any given night, almost one in every two hundred Australians is homeless. These people come from every neighbourhood and every age group. The Australian Federation of Homelessness Organisations hosts an annual awareness week to bring attention to the plight of Australia‟s homeless people. 9 Aug, International Day of the World's Indigenous People This day celebrates the cultures and languages of the 370 million indigenous people in the world who live in more than 70 countries. Many live in impoverished conditions, suffering from the dispossession of their land and loss of cultural heritage. 12 Aug, International Youth Day International Youth Day recognises the need to increase the quality and quantity of opportunities available to young people for
  • 4. full, effective and constructive participation in society. 19 Aug, World Humanitarian Day World Humanitarian Day celebrates humanitarian aid workers who help millions of people around the world with the provision of shelter, food and healthcare to those who have experienced natural disasters are in the midst of conflict, or who are living in prolonged poverty. 20 Aug, Keep Australia Beautiful Week Keep Australia Beautiful Week (20–26 August) motivates Australians to improve their environment through collecting litter, resources conservation, reforestation and land care. 23 Aug, International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition This day commemorates the beginning of the uprising in Santo Domingo (today's Haiti and Dominican Republic), which eventually played a crucial role in the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1791. 8 Sep, International Literacy Day One in five adults around the world is unable to read and write, and more than 67 million children are currently out of school. International Literacy Day highlights the importance of literacy to individuals and communities. 15 Sep, International Day of Democracy This day promotes the involvement of the people in the public affairs of their country as an effective way of ensuring basic freedoms and equality for all. 16 Sep, International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer This day commemorates the commitment to phase out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting chemicals, a decision made in 1987 by 191 countries. 27 Sep, World Tourism Day World Tourism Day aims to foster awareness about the social, cultural, political and economic values of tourism. 1 Oct, World Habitat Day World Habitat Day helps us reflect on the state of living conditions in cities and the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It also works to remind the world of its responsibility for the future of human habitats. 1 Oct, International Day of Older Persons The past 60 years has seen a steady drop in birth and death rates, resulting in a rapidly ageing global population. This day celebrates older citizens and engages people with the challenges of an ageing population. 2 Oct, International Day of Non-Violence International Day of Non-Violence takes place on the anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi. It inspires us to use peaceful action to promote „a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and nonviolence‟. 5 Oct, World Teachers' Day Teachers are central to providing quality education to children and young people; equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to contribute to building better societies as adults. 11 Oct, World Sight Day World Sight Day aims to focus global attention on blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of the visually impaired. 13 Oct, International Day for Disaster Reduction International Day for Disaster Reduction promotes a global culture of natural disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness. 17 Sep, Australian Citizenship Day Australian Citizenship Day is an opportunity for all Australians to reflect on the meaning and importance of citizenship. 16 Oct, World Food Day World Food Day aims to heighten public awareness of world food issues and strengthen solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. 21 Sep, International Day of Peace This day is devoted to world peace and encourages everyone to take steps towards peace in their lives and their communities. 17 Oct, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty This day is an opportunity to acknowledge the struggle of people living in poverty, a
  • 5. chance for them to make their concerns heard, and for the community to recognise and support poor people in their fight against poverty. 20 Oct, Children's Week Children‟s Week (20–28 October) celebrates the right of children to enjoy childhood. It is also a time for children to demonstrate their talents, skills and abilities. It includes the Australian celebration of Universal Children‟s Day. 24 Oct, Disarmament Week Disarmament Week (24–30 October) begins on the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. It is an occasion to raise awareness of the crucial need to recognise disarmament as a key element in creating a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. 6 Nov, Int. Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict This day helps us focus on how armed conflict can cause environmental damage that may endure long after the conflict has ceased, and may extend beyond the limits of national territories and the current generation of people. 10 Nov, World Science Day for Peace and Development Science plays an important role in people‟s everyday lives, from the food we eat, the healthcare we receive and the machines we use. This day works to raise awareness of the significance of science and how it contributes to peace and development all over the world. 12 Nov, World Pneumonia Day Pneumonia is the world‟s leading cause of death in children under five. Almost all of pneumonia-related deaths occur in developing countries. This day promotes action against the disease by financial donors, policy-makers, healthcare professionals and the general public. 16 Nov, International Day for Tolerance Intolerance is often rooted in ignorance and fear: fear of the unknown, of other cultures, religions and nations. Intolerance is also closely linked to an exaggerated sense of self-worth and pride. This day reminds us of the time, education and commitment it takes to build tolerance and trust in diverse communities. 19 Nov, World Toilet Day Nearly two people in five do not have access to adequate sanitation. This contributes greatly to the spread of disease and loss of health and education. World Toilet Day aims to improve toilets for all through providing more and cleaner sanitation facilities, especially for women and the disabled. 20 Nov, Universal Children's Day Marking the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1999), this day helps us focus on improving the lives of children. 25 Nov, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Violence against women and girls prevents their full development and participation in society and limits their opportunities to achieve legal, social, political and economic equality. This day raises awareness about the issue and encourages action against violence against women and girls. 1 Dec, World AIDS Day World AIDS Day celebrates progress made in the battle against the epidemic and brings into focus challenges that still remain. It also highlights the role we all have to play by protecting others and ourselves against HIV/AIDS and welcoming those living with the disease. 2 Dec, International Day for the Abolition of Slavery Despite it being more than 200 years since the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, slavery persists today in the form of bonded labor, early and forced marriages, trafficking and exploitative labor. 3 Dec, International Day of People with Disability This day recognizes the achievements and contributions of people who live with a disability and aims to mobilize support for their dignity, rights and wellbeing.
  • 6. 5 Dec, International Volunteer Day This day celebrates the efforts of those who have made an important contribution to society by giving their time as volunteers. 10 Dec, Human Rights Day The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, outlines the rights and fundamental freedoms of all people in all the nations of the world. Human rights are universal, indivisible and essential for development and democracy. 18 Dec, International Migrants Day It is estimated that some 130 million people live outside their countries of origin. International Migrants Day highlights the need to ensure respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants in their new countries. Sternberg’s 21st Century 3R We are all familiar with the old-fashioned curriculum of the 3R's-reading, writing, and arithmetic but Robert Sternberg of Tufts University has called for a curriculum that centres on developing student competence in what he calls "the other 3R's." In this case, the R's stand for Reasoning which include analytical, critical thinking and problem solving skills, Resilience which encompasses life skills such as flexibility, adaptability and self-reliance ,and Responsibility which Sternberg links to wisdom, which he defines as "the application of intelligence, creativity and knowledge for a common good." 21ST CENTURY CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Teaches 21st century skills discretely in the context of core subjects and 21st century interdisciplinary themes Focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21st century skills across content areas and for a competency-based approach to learning Enables innovative learning methods that integrate the use of supportive technologies, inquiryand problem-based approaches and higher order thinking skills Encourages the integration of community resources beyond school walls The relationship between curriculum and instruction is obviously a very close one. Curriculum is essentially a design, or roadmap for learning, and as such focuses on knowledge and skills that are judged important to learn. Instruction is the means by which that learning will be achieved. To meet the needs of the 21st century learner and achieve the student outcomes described in its Framework, the Partnership calls on schools to adopt a 21st century curriculum that blends thinking and innovation skills; information, media, and ICT literacy; and life and career skills in context of core academic subjects and across interdisciplinary themes, and to employ methods of 21st century instruction that integrate innovative and research-proven teaching strategies, modern learning technologies, and real world resources and contexts. Tony Wagner and Robert Kegan, co-directors of the Change Leadership Group at Harvard University, recommend a curriculum built on a different set of “new 3 R‟s” – that is, Rigor, Relevance, and Respect. (Note that the Change Leadership Group‟s 3 R's address instructional approaches, while Sternberg‟s R‟s are framed as student outcomes.) Rigor, for Wagner, et al, does not mean content that is difficult for students to master, rather it concerns what students are
  • 7. able to do as a result of their learning. Relevance means helping students understand how their learning connects to their further studies and future work settings. Respect means promoting respectful relationships between and among teachers and students that foster academic and social competence. Other notable curricula have been proposed by Harvard researcher David Perkins, who has long advocated that thinking skills be taught as a “meta-curriculum” intertwined with traditional core subjects, and Marc Tucker and Judy Codding, who citing decades of research, urge schools to adopt “a thinking curriculum – one that provides a deep understanding of the subject and the ability to apply that understanding to the complex, real-world problems that the student will face as an adult.” These are just some of the many ways to approach a 21st century curriculum. The point in describing several models is to demonstrate the soundness of a variety of approaches. There is no one best approach for teaching 21st skills. Each school system must determine what makes the most sense given their unique circumstances. As this paper demonstrates, the Partnership‟s call for the integration of cognitive and social skills with content knowledge is not new to this century. There are, however, a few critical components that 21st century schools should make part of their curricula Perhaps foremost, and most obvious, is that the curriculum must go beyond content knowledge to include a strong emphasis on 21st century skills development. Research shows that when schools employ a curriculum that balances knowledge and skills, students may cover fewer topics, but they generally learn more than with a content-only curriculum. “The illusion of covering less is just that – an illusion,” states David Perkins. “Perhaps fewer pages have been read, but the knowledge gains are almost always about the same or better. The topper, of course, is that gains in understanding and insight are often much greater…” John Bransford (2007) has observed that many people mistakenly feel students cannot be asked to master what are sometimes called “higher-level skills” unless they first learn basic content like that tested on standardized tests. But actually, he states, “people are built to be learners who inquire and interrogate and get feedback as they learn to solve complex problems. So learning-to-learn and inquiry skills, guided by the ability to ask relevant questions due to knowledge of the „big ideas‟ of various disciplines, are actually the fundamental skills that we need to emphasize.” As with curriculum, any number of pedagogical approaches may be successfully employed to build student competence in the skills and knowledge Bransford describes. The choice of instructional strategies is best made on a local level, taking into account the resources, expertise, and learning needs of that particular community of learners. But there are a number of research-supported approaches that have proven to be effective ways to enhance learning of both skills and content. One such approach is problem-based learning (or PBL), an instructional strategy in which “students investigate rich and challenging issues and topics, often in the context of real world problems.” PBL models may also include other aspects of 21st century instruction such as the use of interdisciplinary content, cooperative learning groups, and student reflection. Research has shown that because working with problems requires students to generate ideas and provide explanations, it promotes learning. Problem-based learning also has been shown to increase students‟ active engagement with content, as well as their capacity for selfdirected learning, collaboration, and social interaction. Another pedagogy that supports 21st century skills is cooperative learning. Organizing students in well-structured heterogeneous groups has been shown to have a powerful effect on learning. Such groupings also have the advantage of promoting teamwork, leadership and other life/career skills, while enhancing student academic performance. Using real world contexts is another key component of 21st curriculum and instruction. Research shows that when teachers create meaningful learning activities that center on the resources, strategies, and contexts that students will encounter in adult life, such teaching reduces absenteeism, fosters cooperation and communication, builds critical thinking skills, and boosts academic performance. When students see the connection between what they are learning and real world issues that matter to them, their motivation soars, and so does their learning. Developing a robust and engaging 21st century curriculum and employing 21st century
  • 8. instruction means that teachers and school leaders will need to look outside the school walls and seek ideas, resources, and expertise where they are found – in their community; in professional and educational groups; and in individuals, schools, and organizations around the world. Educational technologies, of course, are an essential part of a 21st century curriculum, too. It‟s important, though, to realize that this does not means teaching technology for its own sake – but rather applying appropriate technologies to instructional tasks in order to enrich the learning of both traditional and 21st century content, as well as promote the development of 21st century skills. And “appropriate technology,” in some cases, may mean a pencil, or a book, or a conversation. Twenty-first century schools, though, also take advantage of advanced technologies. Pedagogies that thoughtfully incorporate today‟s learning tools yield research-proven learning benefits, such as enabling students to employ simulations to “see” microscopic processes or “relive” historical events. Communications technologies facilitate giving and receiving feedback and allow students to progressively revise their work – all instructional strategies that have been shown to enhance learning. And today‟s digital tools make it possible to expand the walls of the classroom and enable the integration of resources – scientific data, library collections, video and film archives – from across the globe into the curriculum. As noted earlier, instruction that features real world contexts facilitates the transfer of learning from school to life. Digital communications make it possible to bring in wisdom and lived experience of people in the community, as well as experts from the worlds of science, business, government and higher education – and thus, bring life to learning. Although listed as a separate 21st century support system (and addressed in another section of this paper), assessment is inextricably linked to instruction. Thus, we can‟t leave the topic of 21st century instruction without touching on formative assessments, assessments that enable a teacher to evaluate learning while it is occurring. Such assessments make it possible to diagnose learning gaps, and address them before they lead to more fundamental misunderstandings of knowledge or misapplication of skills. Formative assessment tools such as rubrics play an important role in the 21st century classroom by providing teachers and students with clear guidelines on what constitutes acceptable levels of achievement. To guide educators in using technology to promote 21st century curricula and instruction, the Partnership, in collaboration with several content area organizations, has developed a series of ICT Literacy Maps illustrating the intersection between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy and core academic subjects. These maps enable educators to view concrete examples of how ICT Literacy can be integrated into core subjects, while making the teaching and learning of core subjects more relevant to the demands of the 21st century. Sources:
  • 9. Republic of the Philippines Tarlac State University College of Education Lucinda Campus Tarlac City Global Education, 21st century 3Rs by Sternberg, and 21st century Curriculum and Instruction (Curriculum Development) Submitted by: Ann Janette C. Pascua Submitted to: Dr.Leodivina P. Tagama