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        Does Your Boudie Need Some Help?

         Getting Help for Domestic Violence

Lingerie Styles You WILL Want to get Your Hands On

How to Pick the Perfect Shade of Red Lipstick for Your
                      Skin Tone

          Do You Know Your Heart Health?

     Short Story of the Month… Just Try to Relax

                  The Guy’s Survey

                 Nurse Glam-muah
      Heather E.
Congrats to Heather for
 being February 2013
     Cover Girl!
Does your boudie need some help?
Spring and Summer are right around the corner and you know what that means.....we're just one
step closer to bikini season! After all th delicicousness we consume during Thanksgiving and
Christmas, we could probably use a little body booster!

Most women (not all) are most concern with their rear end. Whether it's flat, saggy, or just needs
a little umph, these 5 moves are sure to help get your boudie back in shape before summer.
Follow the routine below and mixed with a healthy diet, you will be as bootylicious as Beyonce!

1. Squats: Stand with feet hip-width apart, feet facing forward, arms by your sides. Sit back and
down slowly, as if you were sitting into a chair. Keep your back straight and lower yourself as far
as you can. Keep your eyes looking ahead. Immediately rise out of the squat and return to
standing. Do a set of 15 reps. Once you can squat with your thighs parallel with the floor, you can
increase to 3 sets of 25 reps and add light dumbbells which you hold at your hips for extra

2. Foward Lunges: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Step a wide step forward with your right
foot, and bend both knees as far as you can without losing your balance until your right thigh is
parallel to the floor and your left thigh is straight up and down. Your back foot will be flexed.
Press off your front foot and step back into starting position. If you can’t go all the way to
parallel, start by going partway down. If you need to, stabilize yourself with your hands on your
hips, or a stable object. Do a set of 10 repetitions on each side. Increase gradually to a set of 20
reps. As you get stronger, hold light dumbbells for added resistance.

3. Plie Jumps: Stand with feet wide apart, with your feet turned out, and hands on hips. Stand
tall with abs in. As you squat, press knees wide over your feet. You should feel a stretch along
your inner thighs. In one explosive movement, push from your feet to straighten your legs and
hop into the jump off the floor. As your feet come back to the floor, try to land softly, absorbing
the landing from toes through heels. Do a set of 15 reps. As you get stronger, challenge yourself
to do up to 25 jumps. Next, it’s time to take your workout to a mat.

4. Fire Hydrants: Start on all fours, knees directly under your hips, and hands directly below
your shoulders. Keep your back and neck straight and look forward. Keeping your knee bent,
raise your right leg out to the side, until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your pelvis
stable. Slowly lower your leg back to starting position. Repeat 10 times on one side, then switch
legs. As you get stronger, increase to 20 repetitions on each side.

5. Bridge Lift: Lie on your back on your mat, knees bent, feet flat on the floor near your buttocks,
arms along your sides with palms flat on floor. Contract your abdominal muscles and slowly lift
your hips off floor so that your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. Squeeze your
glutes tight, as you press your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for a beat, then lower slowly back
down to the floor. Repeat 10 times. As you get stronger, increase the repetitions to 20.
Domestic Violence

Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often
overlooked, excused, or denied. This is especially true when the abuse is
psychological, rather than physical. Noticing and acknowledging the signs of an
abusive relationship is the first step to ending it. No one should live in fear of the
person they love. If you recognize yourself or someone you know in the following
warning signs and descriptions of abuse, reach out. There is help available.

Understanding domestic violence and abuse
Domestic abuse, also known as spousal abuse, occurs when one person in an
intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person.
Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called domestic violence.

Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to
gain and maintain total control over you. An abuser doesn’t “play fair.” Abusers use
fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under his or
her thumb. Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you.

Domestic violence and abuse does not discriminate. It happens among heterosexual
couples and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic
backgrounds, and economic levels. And while women are more commonly
victimized, men are also abused—especially verbally and emotionally, although
sometimes even physically as well. The bottom line is that abusive behavior is
never acceptable, whether it’s coming from a man, a woman, a teenager, or an
older adult. You deserve to feel valued, respected, and safe.

Recognizing abuse is the first step to getting help

Domestic abuse often escalates from threats and verbal abuse to violence. And
while physical injury may be the most obvious danger, the emotional and
psychological consequences of domestic abuse are also severe. Emotionally abusive
relationships can destroy your self-worth, lead to anxiety and depression, and make
you feel helpless and alone. No one should have to endure this kind of pain—and
your first step to breaking free is recognizing that your situation is abusive. Once
you acknowledge the reality of the abusive situation, then you can get the help you
Signs of an abusive relationship
There are many signs of an abusive relationship. The most telling sign is fear of
your partner. If you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your partner—
constantly watching what you say and do in order to avoid a blow-up—chances are
your relationship is unhealthy and abusive. Other signs that you may be in an
abusive relationship include a partner who belittles you or tries to control you, and
feelings of self-loathing, helplessness, and desperation.

Please visit to find other warning signs.

If you are being abused or know someone who is please call the number below to
get help.

National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE).
February is Heart Health Month
By Shay Wesley

As a woman, you may feel that a heart attack is not the greatest risk you face. But
the threat is very real, especially in the years leading up to and following
menopause, when hormonal changes can open the door to heart disease.
Understanding the heart attack symptoms in women, as well as signs of early
cardiac troubles, and your own risk factors for cardiovascular disease, can
significantly increase your chances of survival.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading killer of women in America,
accounting for over one-third of all deaths. That's more than the combined death
rates from breast, ovarian, and cervical cancers.

Heart Attack Warnings Can Be Subtle

Studies on cardiac events in women reveal that many women may experience
prodromal -- or early -- symptoms of cardiac distress in the days, weeks, or even
months leading up to a heart attack. Unfortunately, many of these signs may be
dismissed as nothing out of the ordinary -- by both women and their doctors. The
most common early warning signs include:

Unusual fatigue -- Fatigue is a common complaint and one that may indicate that
you're simply missing out on sleep, fighting a virus, overextending yourself, or
experiencing a side effect to medication. But unusual or extreme fatigue may also
be an early heart attack symptom or a warning sign of heart disease. In one study,
more than 70% of the women surveyed experienced marked fatigue in the days or
weeks prior to their heart attacks.

Sleep disturbances -- Although it's not unusual to feel tired due to a lack of sleep
or a particularly demanding week or month, you should take special notice of any
unusual or prolonged disturbance in your sleep patterns. A recent study revealed
that almost half of the women who had recently suffered a heart attack also
experienced sleep disturbances in the days or weeks leading up to their attacks.
Shortness of breath during normal daily activities, indigestion, and anxiety may
also be early heart attack signs or symptoms of cardiac distress in women.

So how do you know if your symptoms are serious? Getting into the habit of
noting your typical aches and pains and your normal reactions to foods and
activities may help you recognize when something is truly amiss. Also, remember
that if you have risk factors for heart disease, you should be especially vigilant
about monitoring how you feel -- particularly if any of your usual symptoms are
often early heart attack signs. If you experience worrisome or unusual changes in
your energy level, comfort, or sleep habits, you should discuss your concerns with
your healthcare provider, especially if you have heart disease risk factors, such as
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, a smoking habit, or a
sedentary lifestyle.

                       February is National Heart Month….

  In honor of Sharon K. Evins and any other woman who has ever fought heart
                        disease. Early detection is vital.
Lady Lace
Isn't it funny how a man will put anything off to see a woman in lingerie? How funny it
is that we sometimes cringe at the thought of getting into something that's going to last
maybe 10 seconds but yet they still insist on us wearing it. Most men always love the
new styles and fabric that women are not comfortable in. We have to remember that this
lingerie is not going to be on for an extremely long period of time, so to them it is worth
it. Men love tight, see-through, lace. They don’t see a woman’s flaws the way we do. They
just want to see us in it because it drives them crazy. There are so many different colors
and styles of lingerie out there that can heat a man up!

Here are the top 5 lingerie styles you may want to get your hands on!

Play outfits: It's not hard to drive your man to the breaking point with a play outfit.
Men love to watch women dress up for their pleasure. You can always count on the
naughty schoolgirl to shake him senseless. A sexy opened white tailored school blouse
tied at the waist. Then add a plaid mini skirt with a white garter belt and stockings. This
will grab his attention every time. Another popular favorite is the naughty nurse outfit--
a white mini nurse’s dress with the hat. By adding a sexy pair of fishnet stockings to your
outfit, you will be sure to have him drooling!

Corsets/bustiers: There is not a man in the world who would not want to look at a
woman wearing either one of these steamy little numbers. The corset is designed to slim
the body and flattens your silhouette. Count in a little G-string or thong with a pair of
thigh high stockings and you will have him weak in the knees. The bustier is designed
very similar but has cups like a bra. Some come with a detachable garter and stockings
that just add to the allure. Popular colors to choose when thinking of what men love are
black, white, or red, the sexy bad girl look. Other colors to consider are the sensual

Bras, G-strings, Garters, and Stockings: This may seem simple to most women
but it is a major piece of eye candy for the man who is looking at it. Men love the lace
look and can’t get enough trying to peek through it. All they want is a little tease! White,
red, and black are super sexy for that hot erotic look he will be dying to see. The other
sexy colors are lavender, light blue, and peach. These colors are soft yet have a feminine
edge men love to stare at. Get a pair of matching silk stockings to go with your ensemble
and remember your heels. This will cause a jaw drop for sure!

Negligee: This little gown is just as important as owning a LBD for every woman who
has a man to tease. The two types men love are the sheer and the silky. A silk negligee
satisfies a man’s need to touch something soft and supple. The sexiness of the gown is
wonderful for them to look at. The sheer version of the negligee is just plain hot. The
mesh lies draping over the body and the man is now able to see all the places the fabric
gets to touch. A lace bra and panty can be added to tease him even more.

Teddies: This is a one piece outfit that looks like a body suit with tiny spaghetti straps.
The most appealing thing to men is the combination of the satin and mesh together in
the same piece. When you turn around he will be able to see straight through the teddy.
The front will give him something to imagine with its full coverage and lace outer rim.
The hottest color choices for men are white with pastels, or black with hot spicy colors
like reds, blues, and purples.

Now that you have been educated on the hottest lingerie styles and colors for your man,
what are you waiting for? Get out there and start teasing him tonight! Or now if you'd
like ;)
Just Try to Relax
                                  By: Anonymous

I'll tell you a funny story, that I'm sure is completely inappropriate...but you have
to appreciate the humor.

Okay...I had my annual "female exam" today and I was really nervous about it. I
haven’t really been keeping up with it annually because, honestly, it sucks to do it
in the first place. So, I was just paranoid I would go in there and get some bad
news, like that I had cervical cancer or something. I waited in the lobby full of
people for what seemed like at least an hour, reading a Cosmopolitan magazine
from like 92' and finally they called my name. I went into a tiny room and got in
my little paper negligee' and then she came in. She checked my blood pressure,
breasts, limp nodes and so on and then asked me to lie down. UGH!

She placed my feet in the stirrups and told me to relax, as if I were about to get a
deep tissue massage. But soon I felt like I was in a bad lesbian porn... She
inserted the speculum, which opens you up so they can have a look around and
then she proceeded to take a visual stroll through my vagina.

Before too long, she said, and I quote, "I think that is your cervix." You can
imagine my concern upon hearing this as I began to wonder how long she had
been in practice...or if she was just one of those hillbilly, quack, internet
practitioners who bought their certificate of vaginal knowledge on Ebay.

Seconds later, before I could say Anbesol, she exclaimed..."HOLY COW!" I kid
you not, she actually said that. I screamed, "WHAT???" in a complete state of
panic, nearly falling of the inclined bed. She progressed to telling me that my
cervix was in the wrong place and my uterus was tilted sideways....but that was
ok, um...apparently. She said it was abnormal, but it happens.

Now I finally know why I haven’t somehow gotten pregnant after all these years
of sex, with condoms being my only source of contraceptive. If any of the little
sperms had wiggled their way into my birthing canal, they would have gotten lost
and confused by the misplaced cervix and taken a wrong turn somewhere, I
suppose. That and a lot of them were driving while under the influence as
well...and far too egotistical to stop and ask for directions. It reminds me of the
movie, "Alice in Wonderland" when the dog with the broom face is walking
behind Alice and erasing her footsteps, so that when she turns around, she has no
way to know which way she had come from. Maybe my body has made up a
mapping system, just to trick those little guys into getting lost. I suppose it’s a self
defense mechanism installed sometime within the last four years in order to
protect my cookie from the pains of childbirth. Or, maybe it is even set on some
sort of a schedule, so that every four years, all my girly organs just uproot,
migrate and set up shop in a new location...again to confuse the little guys. It’s all
a conspiracy against my ability to breed. I don't guess it’s too easy to go to Yahoo
Maps and get directions from my cervix to my uterus.
Red Hot Alert:
     How to pick the perfect shade of Red for Your Skin Tone
       Red lipstick seems to always be having a moment. The classic
look is timelessly gorgeous, but for a lot of women finding the right
shade can be a nightmare. The biggest question usually ends up being
"Is this the right shade for my skin tone?" The fear of looking like a
clown or not even knowing where to start with colors are both
legitimate concerns. And of course, not all reds are created equal.
While it will take some time to find your best shade, there are a few
important guidelines to set you down the right path, color-wise.
Most women would agree red is probably the sexiest color around and
when painted on your lips, it's dynamite! Like with many other lip
colors, certain shades of red look better on some skin tones than
others. Below is a skin tone guide to help you pick the right shade of
red for you.
1. Women with fair skin, look great in lipstick shades such as nudes in a
slightly apricot shade, pinks and light corals. Stay away from browns,
which will appear blah.
2. Those with a medium skin tone can go a bit darker. You’ll look great
in roses, mauves and berries. Skip the bright reds and consider a deep
burgundy instead.
3. Deep plum, chocolate or red is fabulous with dark skin. Women with
dark skin can go in one of two directions: toward brown or purple.
Think caramel or walnut for day, and plum or wine for evening.
After you find your ideal shade of red lip color, check out these quick
tips for making your application of this semi-tricky shade to last:
1. First, wipe off any lip balm or moisture on your lips as this will keep
the lipstick from sticking.
2. Try using a clear lip liner like fill in your lips. This will help the red
color last longer when applied on top.
3. For a precise look, use a lip brush to carefully apply your red lipstick
to your lips. Or, if you want more of a stained look, use a fingertip to

                         Now that you look fierce,
               get out there & show off those red hot lips!
Simply Boudoir

Far from the campy pinup prints or the yawn-inducing traditional bridal portraits, the
boudoir photo has become the “it” gift for women looking to empower themselves and
delight their significant others. The photos can be sweet to steamy, offering women a
chance to play up their naughty or nice side with lingerie selections — or a simple men’s
dress shirt. Leaving the image of half-naked glamour shots behind, boudoir photos are a
sophisticated way for women to embrace their inner vixen, helped by the artful eye of
Shay Wesley.

“I decided to do them as a wedding gift for my groom because it is something he would
have never expected me to do,” says one woman.

Sessions can take place anywhere from a private residence to a studio like that of Shay
Wesley Photography and her studio simply names “The Studio” One clients says, “I felt
more comfortable with Shay since she has an all female staff who know how to make
other women look just right in their photos,”.
Women often opt for full hair, makeup and outfit changes during a single session. Shay
offers full makeup and hair before each session at an additional price.
A glass of wine to take away the nerves isn’t a bad idea either.

The best part of Shay Wesley’s boudoir experience? The expressions on their faces when
clients see their photos for the first time, of course. And Hubby’s reaction isn’t too bad
 “The look on his face was so priceless — he was like a little kid who just opened the best
Christmas gift ever!”

Shay Wesley Photography

This month we decided to do a survey for the men! Here we go!!!

   1. OK, let's get right to the good stuff. Where, of these places, have you
      masturbated? (Select all that apply.)
   A. At work 40%
   B. While visiting at parent’s house
   C. At a party
   D. While driving
   E. None of the above

   2. When a woman gets naked in front of you, what's the first part of her body you
   A. Her breasts 65%
   B. Her belly
   C. Her vajayjay area
   D. Her thighs
   E. I'm too gobsmacked by the whole naked thing to focus on any one area

   3.   And when you're naked, what are you most self-conscious about?
   A.   My stomach 40%
   B.   My penis size 40%
   C.   My hair
   D.   My birthmarks or scars
   E.   I don't think about me—I'm looking at her

   4.   What would you say is your greatest fear?
   A.   Death 60%
   B.   Poverty
   C.   Commitment
   D.   Speaking in public
   E.   Failing at work
   F.   Never finding love
5. If a woman could be only two of these qualities—good-looking, smart, caring and
   fun—which two would you choose?
A. Good-looking and smart
B. Good-looking and caring 70%
C. Good-looking and fun
D. Smart and caring
E. Smart and fun
F. Caring and fun

6.   You're most likely to zone out when a woman talks about (select all that apply):
A.   What happened to her at work today
B.   Clothes, shopping or shoes 75%
C.   Her friends' life and dating dramas
D.   Celebrity gossip
E.   Plans she wants to make with me
F.   A gripe she has with me
G.   Any subject raised during the game

7. You text her. She texts right back. She is:
A. Efficient 90%
B. Desperate

8. Forget what women want for a second. How long do you want sex (foreplay not
   included) to last each time?
A. Less than 5 minutes
B. 5 to 9 minutes
C. 10 to 14 minutes
D. 15 to 19 minutes
E. 20 to 29 minutes
F. 30 to 39 minutes
G. A solid hour 85%
9. What can a girlfriend/wife definitely not joke about with you? (Select all that
A. My mom
B. My penis
C. My finances
D. My bedroom skills
E. My sports team
F. She can joke about whatever she wants. It's all good with me: 100%

10. When the cat's away, the mouse:
A. Gets tanked and stays out till all hours
B. Has the guys over for the game and makes as much noise as he pleases
C. Sits at home in his boxers eating Hot Pockets
D. Really misses the cat and wants her home now 60%

11. It's been 10 minutes, and she doesn't seem to be close to climax. What are you
    thinking about?
A. The exact odds of the Cubs ever winning the World Series again or anything else
    to slow me down
B. What else I can do for her 85%
C. Ow, cramp!
D. That I can't wait. She'll get hers next time

12. When you look at a woman in a strip club, you wish:
A. That she would dance for you 85%
B. That she would have sex with you
C. That she could find another job

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  • 1.
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Does Your Boudie Need Some Help? Getting Help for Domestic Violence Lingerie Styles You WILL Want to get Your Hands On How to Pick the Perfect Shade of Red Lipstick for Your Skin Tone Do You Know Your Heart Health? Short Story of the Month… Just Try to Relax The Guy’s Survey Nurse Glam-muah
  • 3. COVER FEATURE Heather E. Congrats to Heather for being February 2013 Cover Girl!
  • 4. Does your boudie need some help? Spring and Summer are right around the corner and you know what that means.....we're just one step closer to bikini season! After all th delicicousness we consume during Thanksgiving and Christmas, we could probably use a little body booster! Most women (not all) are most concern with their rear end. Whether it's flat, saggy, or just needs a little umph, these 5 moves are sure to help get your boudie back in shape before summer. Follow the routine below and mixed with a healthy diet, you will be as bootylicious as Beyonce! 1. Squats: Stand with feet hip-width apart, feet facing forward, arms by your sides. Sit back and down slowly, as if you were sitting into a chair. Keep your back straight and lower yourself as far as you can. Keep your eyes looking ahead. Immediately rise out of the squat and return to standing. Do a set of 15 reps. Once you can squat with your thighs parallel with the floor, you can increase to 3 sets of 25 reps and add light dumbbells which you hold at your hips for extra resistance. 2. Foward Lunges: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Step a wide step forward with your right foot, and bend both knees as far as you can without losing your balance until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your left thigh is straight up and down. Your back foot will be flexed. Press off your front foot and step back into starting position. If you can’t go all the way to parallel, start by going partway down. If you need to, stabilize yourself with your hands on your hips, or a stable object. Do a set of 10 repetitions on each side. Increase gradually to a set of 20 reps. As you get stronger, hold light dumbbells for added resistance. 3. Plie Jumps: Stand with feet wide apart, with your feet turned out, and hands on hips. Stand
  • 5. tall with abs in. As you squat, press knees wide over your feet. You should feel a stretch along your inner thighs. In one explosive movement, push from your feet to straighten your legs and hop into the jump off the floor. As your feet come back to the floor, try to land softly, absorbing the landing from toes through heels. Do a set of 15 reps. As you get stronger, challenge yourself to do up to 25 jumps. Next, it’s time to take your workout to a mat. 4. Fire Hydrants: Start on all fours, knees directly under your hips, and hands directly below your shoulders. Keep your back and neck straight and look forward. Keeping your knee bent, raise your right leg out to the side, until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your pelvis stable. Slowly lower your leg back to starting position. Repeat 10 times on one side, then switch legs. As you get stronger, increase to 20 repetitions on each side. 5. Bridge Lift: Lie on your back on your mat, knees bent, feet flat on the floor near your buttocks, arms along your sides with palms flat on floor. Contract your abdominal muscles and slowly lift your hips off floor so that your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. Squeeze your glutes tight, as you press your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for a beat, then lower slowly back down to the floor. Repeat 10 times. As you get stronger, increase the repetitions to 20.
  • 6.
  • 7. Domestic Violence Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied. This is especially true when the abuse is psychological, rather than physical. Noticing and acknowledging the signs of an abusive relationship is the first step to ending it. No one should live in fear of the person they love. If you recognize yourself or someone you know in the following warning signs and descriptions of abuse, reach out. There is help available. Understanding domestic violence and abuse Domestic abuse, also known as spousal abuse, occurs when one person in an intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person. Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called domestic violence. Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over you. An abuser doesn’t “play fair.” Abusers use fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb. Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you. Domestic violence and abuse does not discriminate. It happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels. And while women are more commonly victimized, men are also abused—especially verbally and emotionally, although sometimes even physically as well. The bottom line is that abusive behavior is never acceptable, whether it’s coming from a man, a woman, a teenager, or an older adult. You deserve to feel valued, respected, and safe. Recognizing abuse is the first step to getting help Domestic abuse often escalates from threats and verbal abuse to violence. And while physical injury may be the most obvious danger, the emotional and psychological consequences of domestic abuse are also severe. Emotionally abusive relationships can destroy your self-worth, lead to anxiety and depression, and make you feel helpless and alone. No one should have to endure this kind of pain—and your first step to breaking free is recognizing that your situation is abusive. Once you acknowledge the reality of the abusive situation, then you can get the help you need.
  • 8. Signs of an abusive relationship There are many signs of an abusive relationship. The most telling sign is fear of your partner. If you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your partner— constantly watching what you say and do in order to avoid a blow-up—chances are your relationship is unhealthy and abusive. Other signs that you may be in an abusive relationship include a partner who belittles you or tries to control you, and feelings of self-loathing, helplessness, and desperation. Please visit to find other warning signs. If you are being abused or know someone who is please call the number below to get help. National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE).
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  • 11. February is Heart Health Month
  • 12. By Shay Wesley As a woman, you may feel that a heart attack is not the greatest risk you face. But the threat is very real, especially in the years leading up to and following menopause, when hormonal changes can open the door to heart disease. Understanding the heart attack symptoms in women, as well as signs of early cardiac troubles, and your own risk factors for cardiovascular disease, can significantly increase your chances of survival. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading killer of women in America, accounting for over one-third of all deaths. That's more than the combined death rates from breast, ovarian, and cervical cancers. Heart Attack Warnings Can Be Subtle Studies on cardiac events in women reveal that many women may experience prodromal -- or early -- symptoms of cardiac distress in the days, weeks, or even months leading up to a heart attack. Unfortunately, many of these signs may be dismissed as nothing out of the ordinary -- by both women and their doctors. The most common early warning signs include: Unusual fatigue -- Fatigue is a common complaint and one that may indicate that you're simply missing out on sleep, fighting a virus, overextending yourself, or experiencing a side effect to medication. But unusual or extreme fatigue may also be an early heart attack symptom or a warning sign of heart disease. In one study, more than 70% of the women surveyed experienced marked fatigue in the days or weeks prior to their heart attacks. Sleep disturbances -- Although it's not unusual to feel tired due to a lack of sleep or a particularly demanding week or month, you should take special notice of any unusual or prolonged disturbance in your sleep patterns. A recent study revealed that almost half of the women who had recently suffered a heart attack also experienced sleep disturbances in the days or weeks leading up to their attacks.
  • 13. Shortness of breath during normal daily activities, indigestion, and anxiety may also be early heart attack signs or symptoms of cardiac distress in women. So how do you know if your symptoms are serious? Getting into the habit of noting your typical aches and pains and your normal reactions to foods and activities may help you recognize when something is truly amiss. Also, remember that if you have risk factors for heart disease, you should be especially vigilant about monitoring how you feel -- particularly if any of your usual symptoms are often early heart attack signs. If you experience worrisome or unusual changes in your energy level, comfort, or sleep habits, you should discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider, especially if you have heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, a smoking habit, or a sedentary lifestyle. February is National Heart Month…. In honor of Sharon K. Evins and any other woman who has ever fought heart disease. Early detection is vital.
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  • 17. Lady Lace Isn't it funny how a man will put anything off to see a woman in lingerie? How funny it is that we sometimes cringe at the thought of getting into something that's going to last maybe 10 seconds but yet they still insist on us wearing it. Most men always love the new styles and fabric that women are not comfortable in. We have to remember that this lingerie is not going to be on for an extremely long period of time, so to them it is worth it. Men love tight, see-through, lace. They don’t see a woman’s flaws the way we do. They just want to see us in it because it drives them crazy. There are so many different colors and styles of lingerie out there that can heat a man up! Here are the top 5 lingerie styles you may want to get your hands on! Play outfits: It's not hard to drive your man to the breaking point with a play outfit. Men love to watch women dress up for their pleasure. You can always count on the naughty schoolgirl to shake him senseless. A sexy opened white tailored school blouse tied at the waist. Then add a plaid mini skirt with a white garter belt and stockings. This will grab his attention every time. Another popular favorite is the naughty nurse outfit-- a white mini nurse’s dress with the hat. By adding a sexy pair of fishnet stockings to your outfit, you will be sure to have him drooling! Corsets/bustiers: There is not a man in the world who would not want to look at a woman wearing either one of these steamy little numbers. The corset is designed to slim the body and flattens your silhouette. Count in a little G-string or thong with a pair of thigh high stockings and you will have him weak in the knees. The bustier is designed very similar but has cups like a bra. Some come with a detachable garter and stockings that just add to the allure. Popular colors to choose when thinking of what men love are black, white, or red, the sexy bad girl look. Other colors to consider are the sensual pastels. Bras, G-strings, Garters, and Stockings: This may seem simple to most women but it is a major piece of eye candy for the man who is looking at it. Men love the lace look and can’t get enough trying to peek through it. All they want is a little tease! White, red, and black are super sexy for that hot erotic look he will be dying to see. The other sexy colors are lavender, light blue, and peach. These colors are soft yet have a feminine edge men love to stare at. Get a pair of matching silk stockings to go with your ensemble and remember your heels. This will cause a jaw drop for sure! Negligee: This little gown is just as important as owning a LBD for every woman who has a man to tease. The two types men love are the sheer and the silky. A silk negligee
  • 18. satisfies a man’s need to touch something soft and supple. The sexiness of the gown is wonderful for them to look at. The sheer version of the negligee is just plain hot. The mesh lies draping over the body and the man is now able to see all the places the fabric gets to touch. A lace bra and panty can be added to tease him even more. Teddies: This is a one piece outfit that looks like a body suit with tiny spaghetti straps. The most appealing thing to men is the combination of the satin and mesh together in the same piece. When you turn around he will be able to see straight through the teddy. The front will give him something to imagine with its full coverage and lace outer rim. The hottest color choices for men are white with pastels, or black with hot spicy colors like reds, blues, and purples. Now that you have been educated on the hottest lingerie styles and colors for your man, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start teasing him tonight! Or now if you'd like ;)
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  • 23. Just Try to Relax By: Anonymous I'll tell you a funny story, that I'm sure is completely inappropriate...but you have to appreciate the humor. Okay...I had my annual "female exam" today and I was really nervous about it. I haven’t really been keeping up with it annually because, honestly, it sucks to do it in the first place. So, I was just paranoid I would go in there and get some bad news, like that I had cervical cancer or something. I waited in the lobby full of people for what seemed like at least an hour, reading a Cosmopolitan magazine from like 92' and finally they called my name. I went into a tiny room and got in my little paper negligee' and then she came in. She checked my blood pressure, breasts, limp nodes and so on and then asked me to lie down. UGH! She placed my feet in the stirrups and told me to relax, as if I were about to get a deep tissue massage. But soon I felt like I was in a bad lesbian porn... She inserted the speculum, which opens you up so they can have a look around and then she proceeded to take a visual stroll through my vagina. Before too long, she said, and I quote, "I think that is your cervix." You can imagine my concern upon hearing this as I began to wonder how long she had been in practice...or if she was just one of those hillbilly, quack, internet practitioners who bought their certificate of vaginal knowledge on Ebay. Seconds later, before I could say Anbesol, she exclaimed..."HOLY COW!" I kid you not, she actually said that. I screamed, "WHAT???" in a complete state of panic, nearly falling of the inclined bed. She progressed to telling me that my cervix was in the wrong place and my uterus was tilted sideways....but that was ok, um...apparently. She said it was abnormal, but it happens. Now I finally know why I haven’t somehow gotten pregnant after all these years of sex, with condoms being my only source of contraceptive. If any of the little sperms had wiggled their way into my birthing canal, they would have gotten lost and confused by the misplaced cervix and taken a wrong turn somewhere, I suppose. That and a lot of them were driving while under the influence as well...and far too egotistical to stop and ask for directions. It reminds me of the
  • 24. movie, "Alice in Wonderland" when the dog with the broom face is walking behind Alice and erasing her footsteps, so that when she turns around, she has no way to know which way she had come from. Maybe my body has made up a mapping system, just to trick those little guys into getting lost. I suppose it’s a self defense mechanism installed sometime within the last four years in order to protect my cookie from the pains of childbirth. Or, maybe it is even set on some sort of a schedule, so that every four years, all my girly organs just uproot, migrate and set up shop in a new location...again to confuse the little guys. It’s all a conspiracy against my ability to breed. I don't guess it’s too easy to go to Yahoo Maps and get directions from my cervix to my uterus.
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  • 28. Red Hot Alert: How to pick the perfect shade of Red for Your Skin Tone Red lipstick seems to always be having a moment. The classic look is timelessly gorgeous, but for a lot of women finding the right shade can be a nightmare. The biggest question usually ends up being "Is this the right shade for my skin tone?" The fear of looking like a clown or not even knowing where to start with colors are both legitimate concerns. And of course, not all reds are created equal. While it will take some time to find your best shade, there are a few important guidelines to set you down the right path, color-wise. Most women would agree red is probably the sexiest color around and when painted on your lips, it's dynamite! Like with many other lip colors, certain shades of red look better on some skin tones than others. Below is a skin tone guide to help you pick the right shade of red for you. 1. Women with fair skin, look great in lipstick shades such as nudes in a slightly apricot shade, pinks and light corals. Stay away from browns, which will appear blah. 2. Those with a medium skin tone can go a bit darker. You’ll look great in roses, mauves and berries. Skip the bright reds and consider a deep burgundy instead. 3. Deep plum, chocolate or red is fabulous with dark skin. Women with dark skin can go in one of two directions: toward brown or purple. Think caramel or walnut for day, and plum or wine for evening. After you find your ideal shade of red lip color, check out these quick tips for making your application of this semi-tricky shade to last: 1. First, wipe off any lip balm or moisture on your lips as this will keep the lipstick from sticking. 2. Try using a clear lip liner like fill in your lips. This will help the red
  • 29. color last longer when applied on top. 3. For a precise look, use a lip brush to carefully apply your red lipstick to your lips. Or, if you want more of a stained look, use a fingertip to apply. Now that you look fierce, get out there & show off those red hot lips!
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  • 33. Simply Boudoir Far from the campy pinup prints or the yawn-inducing traditional bridal portraits, the boudoir photo has become the “it” gift for women looking to empower themselves and delight their significant others. The photos can be sweet to steamy, offering women a chance to play up their naughty or nice side with lingerie selections — or a simple men’s dress shirt. Leaving the image of half-naked glamour shots behind, boudoir photos are a sophisticated way for women to embrace their inner vixen, helped by the artful eye of Shay Wesley. “I decided to do them as a wedding gift for my groom because it is something he would have never expected me to do,” says one woman. Sessions can take place anywhere from a private residence to a studio like that of Shay Wesley Photography and her studio simply names “The Studio” One clients says, “I felt more comfortable with Shay since she has an all female staff who know how to make other women look just right in their photos,”. Women often opt for full hair, makeup and outfit changes during a single session. Shay offers full makeup and hair before each session at an additional price. A glass of wine to take away the nerves isn’t a bad idea either. The best part of Shay Wesley’s boudoir experience? The expressions on their faces when clients see their photos for the first time, of course. And Hubby’s reaction isn’t too bad either! “The look on his face was so priceless — he was like a little kid who just opened the best Christmas gift ever!” Shay Wesley Photography
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  • 36. Note: This month we decided to do a survey for the men! Here we go!!! 1. OK, let's get right to the good stuff. Where, of these places, have you masturbated? (Select all that apply.) A. At work 40% B. While visiting at parent’s house C. At a party D. While driving E. None of the above 2. When a woman gets naked in front of you, what's the first part of her body you notice? A. Her breasts 65% B. Her belly C. Her vajayjay area D. Her thighs E. I'm too gobsmacked by the whole naked thing to focus on any one area 3. And when you're naked, what are you most self-conscious about? A. My stomach 40% B. My penis size 40% C. My hair D. My birthmarks or scars E. I don't think about me—I'm looking at her 4. What would you say is your greatest fear? A. Death 60% B. Poverty C. Commitment D. Speaking in public E. Failing at work F. Never finding love
  • 37. 5. If a woman could be only two of these qualities—good-looking, smart, caring and fun—which two would you choose? A. Good-looking and smart B. Good-looking and caring 70% C. Good-looking and fun D. Smart and caring E. Smart and fun F. Caring and fun 6. You're most likely to zone out when a woman talks about (select all that apply): A. What happened to her at work today B. Clothes, shopping or shoes 75% C. Her friends' life and dating dramas D. Celebrity gossip E. Plans she wants to make with me F. A gripe she has with me G. Any subject raised during the game 7. You text her. She texts right back. She is: A. Efficient 90% B. Desperate 8. Forget what women want for a second. How long do you want sex (foreplay not included) to last each time? A. Less than 5 minutes B. 5 to 9 minutes C. 10 to 14 minutes D. 15 to 19 minutes E. 20 to 29 minutes F. 30 to 39 minutes G. A solid hour 85%
  • 38. 9. What can a girlfriend/wife definitely not joke about with you? (Select all that apply.) A. My mom B. My penis C. My finances D. My bedroom skills E. My sports team F. She can joke about whatever she wants. It's all good with me: 100% 10. When the cat's away, the mouse: A. Gets tanked and stays out till all hours B. Has the guys over for the game and makes as much noise as he pleases C. Sits at home in his boxers eating Hot Pockets D. Really misses the cat and wants her home now 60% 11. It's been 10 minutes, and she doesn't seem to be close to climax. What are you thinking about? A. The exact odds of the Cubs ever winning the World Series again or anything else to slow me down B. What else I can do for her 85% C. Ow, cramp! D. That I can't wait. She'll get hers next time 12. When you look at a woman in a strip club, you wish: A. That she would dance for you 85% B. That she would have sex with you C. That she could find another job
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  • 42. ~Shay