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Successfully managing your
mental health in
Lean on me
Student Life
There are a large number of symptoms of depression,
and they can vary widely from person to person
depending on age, gender and personality among
other factors. Some of the most prominent symptoms
• Feeling unhappy most of the time
• Loss of interest in life
• Feeling anxious, tense, agitated and irritable
• Feeling guilty
• Feeling tired a lot of the time
• Low levels of energy
• Excessive sleeping or insomnia
• Loss of interest in sex
• Avoiding other people
• Difficulty concentrating
• No self confidence
• Feeling hopeless or worthless
• Changes in weight / appetite
• Negative thoughts or thoughts of suicide and death
If a person has any number of these symptoms for 2
weeks or more, it is possible that they are depressed
and should seek help by visiting their GP or student
health centre.
College is full of challenges, regardless of what
year you’re in. These challenges can be exciting
as well as nerve racking.
The transition from secondary school to college may
result in being away from home for the first time,
mixing in new social circles and developing
relationships – all on top of the challenge of
completing college assignments and paying bills.
Irish students have identified factors which cause the
most stress as; college studies, financial matters,
relationships, part-time work and living situations.
Learning to cope with these challenges is key to
protecting your health - physically, mentally and
emotionally. If you are overwhelmed, or feel unable to
cope, depression can sometimes develop.
What is depression?
Many people use the words “sadness” and
“depression” interchangeably; however sadness is
simply a part of the ups and downs of life whereas
depression, on the other hand, is a medical condition.
While it is characterised by feelings of negativity and
despondency, somebody who is affected by
depression may also experience feelings of apathy,
emptiness and loneliness.
Life events such as bereavement, job loss,
relationship break-up or illness can make us feel sad,
stressed, anxious or angry. Sometimes it can be
difficult to say if someone is reacting normally to such
a life event, or if they are not coping and have
become clinically depressed. In many cases there is
no obvious cause of depression.
2 3
4 5
There are many misconceptions around depression
which can increase the stigma associated with the
condition, and make it more difficult for someone to
seek help. Here are some of the most common myths
(and the truth behind them!):
Myth: Depression is self-created.
This is completely false. Depression is a
medical illness and individuals
cannot be blamed for it.
Myth: If a person is depressed, there has to be
an external factor bothering them.
External factors are not always necessary to
make a person depressed. It is now known
that chemical changes in the brain can lead to
depression without any external trigger.
Myth: Once depressed, a person remains
depressed throughout their life.
In most cases, depression is treatable.
Adequate treatment leads to resolution of the
symptoms and the person can return to their
usual state of health.
Myth: Depression is not a real medical problem.
Depression is a real and serious condition. It
is no different than diabetes or heart disease
in its ability to impact someone’s life. It can
have both emotional and physical symptoms
and make life very difficult for those who have
Myth: Depression will just go away on its own.
While for some people, depression may go
away without treatment over time; this is not
always the case. Without treatment,
symptoms of depression can continue for
weeks, months or even years. Depression can
lead to suicide, the third leading cause of
death for 18 to 24 year olds, reinforcing the
importance of seeking treatment.
Myth: Talking about depression only makes you
more depressed.
Talking about your feelings may help you or a
friend recognise the need for professional
help. By showing friendship and concern and
giving uncritical support, you can encourage
your friend to talk to his or her parents or
another trusted adult, like a student health
nurse or coach, about getting treatment. If
your friend is reluctant to ask for help, you
can talk to an adult on their behalf.
Street artist, Maser, and Irish model, Louise Johnston
support the Lean On Me campaign
6 7
Statistically Speaking...
Depression in Ireland is common regardless of age or
sex, not least among students. Did you know that:
• It is estimated that 15.6% of undergraduate
students are affected by depression or anxiety
• Undergraduate students are more likely to talk to a
friend their own age about a problem
• Male students are less likely to seek help and more
likely to try to sort it out alone, take drugs, get
drunk or do nothing
• 1st and 2nd year students are more likely to try
and ignore or do nothing about their depression
• Final year students are more likely to suffer from
depression than other undergraduates
• Rates of suicide in 20 – 24 year olds is among the
highest out of all age groups
Lean On Your SU
The Students’ Union in your college has a wide variety
of supports and resources that are there to help
students cope with the challenges of college life, both
academic and non-academic. These resources may
• Counselling services
• Health centre
• Chaplaincy
• and academic staff among others
For a full list of the services that your Students’ Union
provides check out
In some cases, the counselling services are facilitated
by trained student volunteers who have most likely
been through similar experiences themselves. They
will be equipped with all the necessary skills and
advice to help you when you feel down.
Exam Stress
Near exam time, your Students’ Union will probably
make an extra effort to connect with the student body
and try to put your minds at ease. But there is a lot
that you can do yourself to avoid getting stressed out -
exercising regularly, having a balanced, nutritious diet
and maintaining a healthy sleeping pattern are key to
staying in the right frame of mind to tackle the exams.
This can be a very stressful part of the academic year
for students, so contact your SU if you have any
worries about the exams – whether you want to know
more about the procedure of the exams, what
happens if you miss or fail an exam or just general
advice on how to cope.
Whether you approach your Students’ Union for
advice for yourself or a friend remember that anything
you say is treated with the strictest confidence. Your
SU is there for you, so make full use of the services
they offer.
8 9
Lean On Family & Friends
Confiding in a family member or a close friend is
important if you’re feeling down. Opening up to just
one other person about how you are feeling can
relieve much of the burden and make the problems
seem far smaller than before. Your friends and family
will do all they can to help you overcome depression,
and once they are aware of it they will be more
understanding when they notice the symptoms.
Because a lot of people don’t really understand
depression, carefully choose who you go to for help.
The right person will be sensitive to your feelings and
will know when to simply just be there and listen or
when to offer slight encouragement by making
suggestions to go to the cinema etc. Whereas others
may try “tough love” and some may just laugh it off
not knowing that these attitudes are hurtful and don’t
If you would rather keep your troubles to yourself,
there are plenty of independent, confidential supports
available, including from your Students’ Union.
Saying Lean On Me
If your friend displays changes in their behaviour
ranging from suddenly skipping lectures, neglecting
personal hygiene and being moody or withdrawn, you
may suspect that they are feeling depressed. Look
out for any of the symptoms listed earlier as these
could be warning signs that your friend is feeling
If these factors seem to indicate that your friend is
depressed, what should you do? Well a good place to
start is to talk to your friend, even a general comment
on how you’ve noticed that their mood seems to be
low recently can encourage them to open up. If they
how they have been feeling, remind them that
depression is a medical condition, not a personal
weakness or flaw that they should be ashamed about.
If you feel that you are out of your depth or that your
friend needs help, suggest that they speak to their GP
or a counsellor. The Samaritans provide a helpline
(1850 60 90 90) which could be more appealing to
your friend as it is anonymous and may seem less
intimidating. Giving your friend a nudge in the right
direction just might make all the difference and could
provide the encouragement they need to seek help.
10 11
What if my friend doesn’t get help for
their depression?
If your friend doesn’t seek help, their symptoms could
get much worse. The longer depression remains
undiagnosed the harder it may be to treat and
There is a clear link between depression and suicide.
Suicidal feelings, thought, impulses or behaviours
should always be taken seriously. If a friend
expresses distressing emotions or thoughts of
suicide, encourage them to seek help immediately - or
do so on their behalf. This may be the first step in
your friend’s recovery.
Don’t neglect yourself
Helping a friend with depression may leave you feeling
tired, drained and emotional. Remember to look after
yourself and talk to someone if you feel the need.
What not to say
Be careful in how you approach your friend if you
suspect that they are depressed. Try to avoid doing
the following:
• Telling them to “snap out of it!”
• Correcting viewpoints that you think are
pessimistic or illogical
• Persuading them that they aren’t actually
• Acting overly happy or making silly jokes
Where to get help
Help is available from your local GP, in college from
the medical centre or from the supports provided by
your Students’ Union.
The Samaratins helpline (1850 60 90 90) is
available to provide confidential emotional support for
people who are experiencing feelings of distress or
despair and may be an option for someone who
wants to seek help outside of college.
There is a list of many of the
supports available (and their
contact details) at the end of
this booklet which you may find
useful when helping your friend
12 13
Drink, Drugs and, err... Rock'n'Roll?
Alcohol may improve your social confidence and
mood in the short-term. However, prolonged use can
cause or worsen depression. It has also been found
that 16 – 24 year olds are the most likely to miss
lectures or work due to alcohol consumption.
If you feel that you should cut down on your
consumption of alcohol, here are some helpful tips:
• Be Realistic – There is no point in vowing to cut it
out completely unless you are going to be able to
stick to it
• Spend more time with friends that don’t drink or
that won’t pressure you into drinking
• Not all activities involve drinking – you can pick up
a social hobby (such as a sport that you like) or
spend more time on your existing hobbies.
You don’t need alcohol to have a good time - you can
still socialise as much as ever without it. Abstaining
completely isn’t a necessity for good mental health,
but drinking in moderation is important.
Your DotCom Bubble
Social networking sites, such as Facebook and
Twitter, make it easier than ever before to stay in
touch with family and friends or keep up to date with
the latest news and rumours as they happen.
When students move away from home, feelings of
isolation and homesickness are common, especially
among first years that may be moving out for the first
time. Social networking can help with this by keeping
you connected with friends or relatives no matter
where they are. Sometimes just reading about what
your friends are up to can comfort you when you’re
feeling down.
But remember, college is full of new opportunities and it
is a great chance to meet like-minded people and make
new friends - so don’t spend all of your time staring at a
computer screen, living in a dotcom bubble!
“Facebook Depression”
It is important to realise the negative effects of social
media too. If someone is feeling low and experiencing
symptoms of depression, reading about their friend's
'exciting' social lives can make them feel even worse
and they may withdraw further.
Online, everybody wants to appear to be popular and
have a busy social life. Think about it – how often
does somebody post a status such as:
Had to stay in all weekend, absolutely broke…
14 15
Substance Abuse
Many students who seek help for depression also
report symptoms of substance abuse. Figuring out
whether depression leads to drug use, or if drug use
leads to depression in a particular case, is often
impossible but these two issues certainly have a
strong link.
It may seem that taking recreational drugs such as
cannabis, ecstasy or cocaine before a night out is
harmless, but these drugs have a major negative
impact on your mental health over the long term.
Don’t feel pressured into taking drugs by ‘friends’.
There is also a link between depression, substance
abuse and other conditions such as anxiety or eating
Achieving Good Mental Health
• Exercise! – going for walks, playing sports or
hitting the gym all help to clear the mind and can
make you feel more energetic. Don’t oversleep as
it drains energy
• Drop the internal commentary – stop criticising
what you do wrong, praise what you do right
• Open up – sharing feelings, good or bad, can have
a positive effect
• Get involved in college life – joining societies,
sports clubs, meeting new people and learning
new things can be stimulating and exciting
• Improve your diet – Overeating, going for long
periods without food and binge drinking can
undermine good mental health and reduce energy
• Spend more time with friends and family – whether
it’s catching up with old friends or going to the
cinema with new ones, this is a great way to take
your mind of other matters and raise your spirits
• Rest – don’t feel like you have to accept every
invitation that comes your way. It is important to
have some “me-time” every so often to pursue
personal interests or just to give yourself a break.
Ireland and Munster rugby legend Alan Quinlan
supports the Lean On Me Campaign

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Lean On Me: Student Life

  • 1. Useful Links • • • • • • • • References available upon request Successfully managing your mental health in Lean on me Student Life LU4/2/12
  • 2. There are a large number of symptoms of depression, and they can vary widely from person to person depending on age, gender and personality among other factors. Some of the most prominent symptoms include; • Feeling unhappy most of the time • Loss of interest in life • Feeling anxious, tense, agitated and irritable • Feeling guilty • Feeling tired a lot of the time • Low levels of energy • Excessive sleeping or insomnia • Loss of interest in sex • Avoiding other people • Difficulty concentrating • No self confidence • Feeling hopeless or worthless • Changes in weight / appetite • Negative thoughts or thoughts of suicide and death If a person has any number of these symptoms for 2 weeks or more, it is possible that they are depressed and should seek help by visiting their GP or student health centre. College is full of challenges, regardless of what year you’re in. These challenges can be exciting as well as nerve racking. The transition from secondary school to college may result in being away from home for the first time, mixing in new social circles and developing relationships – all on top of the challenge of completing college assignments and paying bills. Irish students have identified factors which cause the most stress as; college studies, financial matters, relationships, part-time work and living situations. Learning to cope with these challenges is key to protecting your health - physically, mentally and emotionally. If you are overwhelmed, or feel unable to cope, depression can sometimes develop. What is depression? Many people use the words “sadness” and “depression” interchangeably; however sadness is simply a part of the ups and downs of life whereas depression, on the other hand, is a medical condition. While it is characterised by feelings of negativity and despondency, somebody who is affected by depression may also experience feelings of apathy, emptiness and loneliness. Life events such as bereavement, job loss, relationship break-up or illness can make us feel sad, stressed, anxious or angry. Sometimes it can be difficult to say if someone is reacting normally to such a life event, or if they are not coping and have become clinically depressed. In many cases there is no obvious cause of depression. 2 3
  • 3. 4 5 Mythbusting There are many misconceptions around depression which can increase the stigma associated with the condition, and make it more difficult for someone to seek help. Here are some of the most common myths (and the truth behind them!): Myth: Depression is self-created. This is completely false. Depression is a medical illness and individuals cannot be blamed for it. Myth: If a person is depressed, there has to be an external factor bothering them. External factors are not always necessary to make a person depressed. It is now known that chemical changes in the brain can lead to depression without any external trigger. Myth: Once depressed, a person remains depressed throughout their life. In most cases, depression is treatable. Adequate treatment leads to resolution of the symptoms and the person can return to their usual state of health. Myth: Depression is not a real medical problem. Depression is a real and serious condition. It is no different than diabetes or heart disease in its ability to impact someone’s life. It can have both emotional and physical symptoms and make life very difficult for those who have it. Myth: Depression will just go away on its own. While for some people, depression may go away without treatment over time; this is not always the case. Without treatment, symptoms of depression can continue for weeks, months or even years. Depression can lead to suicide, the third leading cause of death for 18 to 24 year olds, reinforcing the importance of seeking treatment. Myth: Talking about depression only makes you more depressed. Talking about your feelings may help you or a friend recognise the need for professional help. By showing friendship and concern and giving uncritical support, you can encourage your friend to talk to his or her parents or another trusted adult, like a student health nurse or coach, about getting treatment. If your friend is reluctant to ask for help, you can talk to an adult on their behalf. FACT FACT FACT FACT FACT FACT Street artist, Maser, and Irish model, Louise Johnston support the Lean On Me campaign
  • 4. 6 7 Statistically Speaking... Depression in Ireland is common regardless of age or sex, not least among students. Did you know that: • It is estimated that 15.6% of undergraduate students are affected by depression or anxiety • Undergraduate students are more likely to talk to a friend their own age about a problem • Male students are less likely to seek help and more likely to try to sort it out alone, take drugs, get drunk or do nothing • 1st and 2nd year students are more likely to try and ignore or do nothing about their depression • Final year students are more likely to suffer from depression than other undergraduates • Rates of suicide in 20 – 24 year olds is among the highest out of all age groups Lean On Your SU The Students’ Union in your college has a wide variety of supports and resources that are there to help students cope with the challenges of college life, both academic and non-academic. These resources may include; • Counselling services • Health centre • Chaplaincy • and academic staff among others For a full list of the services that your Students’ Union provides check out In some cases, the counselling services are facilitated by trained student volunteers who have most likely been through similar experiences themselves. They will be equipped with all the necessary skills and advice to help you when you feel down. Exam Stress Near exam time, your Students’ Union will probably make an extra effort to connect with the student body and try to put your minds at ease. But there is a lot that you can do yourself to avoid getting stressed out - exercising regularly, having a balanced, nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy sleeping pattern are key to staying in the right frame of mind to tackle the exams. This can be a very stressful part of the academic year for students, so contact your SU if you have any worries about the exams – whether you want to know more about the procedure of the exams, what happens if you miss or fail an exam or just general advice on how to cope. Whether you approach your Students’ Union for advice for yourself or a friend remember that anything you say is treated with the strictest confidence. Your SU is there for you, so make full use of the services they offer.
  • 5. 8 9 Lean On Family & Friends Confiding in a family member or a close friend is important if you’re feeling down. Opening up to just one other person about how you are feeling can relieve much of the burden and make the problems seem far smaller than before. Your friends and family will do all they can to help you overcome depression, and once they are aware of it they will be more understanding when they notice the symptoms. Because a lot of people don’t really understand depression, carefully choose who you go to for help. The right person will be sensitive to your feelings and will know when to simply just be there and listen or when to offer slight encouragement by making suggestions to go to the cinema etc. Whereas others may try “tough love” and some may just laugh it off not knowing that these attitudes are hurtful and don’t help. If you would rather keep your troubles to yourself, there are plenty of independent, confidential supports available, including from your Students’ Union. Saying Lean On Me If your friend displays changes in their behaviour ranging from suddenly skipping lectures, neglecting personal hygiene and being moody or withdrawn, you may suspect that they are feeling depressed. Look out for any of the symptoms listed earlier as these could be warning signs that your friend is feeling down. If these factors seem to indicate that your friend is depressed, what should you do? Well a good place to start is to talk to your friend, even a general comment on how you’ve noticed that their mood seems to be low recently can encourage them to open up. If they how they have been feeling, remind them that depression is a medical condition, not a personal weakness or flaw that they should be ashamed about. If you feel that you are out of your depth or that your friend needs help, suggest that they speak to their GP or a counsellor. The Samaritans provide a helpline (1850 60 90 90) which could be more appealing to your friend as it is anonymous and may seem less intimidating. Giving your friend a nudge in the right direction just might make all the difference and could provide the encouragement they need to seek help.
  • 6. 10 11 What if my friend doesn’t get help for their depression? If your friend doesn’t seek help, their symptoms could get much worse. The longer depression remains undiagnosed the harder it may be to treat and overcome. There is a clear link between depression and suicide. Suicidal feelings, thought, impulses or behaviours should always be taken seriously. If a friend expresses distressing emotions or thoughts of suicide, encourage them to seek help immediately - or do so on their behalf. This may be the first step in your friend’s recovery. Don’t neglect yourself Helping a friend with depression may leave you feeling tired, drained and emotional. Remember to look after yourself and talk to someone if you feel the need. What not to say Be careful in how you approach your friend if you suspect that they are depressed. Try to avoid doing the following: • Telling them to “snap out of it!” • Correcting viewpoints that you think are pessimistic or illogical • Persuading them that they aren’t actually depressed • Acting overly happy or making silly jokes Where to get help Help is available from your local GP, in college from the medical centre or from the supports provided by your Students’ Union. The Samaratins helpline (1850 60 90 90) is available to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair and may be an option for someone who wants to seek help outside of college. There is a list of many of the supports available (and their contact details) at the end of this booklet which you may find useful when helping your friend
  • 7. 12 13 Drink, Drugs and, err... Rock'n'Roll? Alcohol Alcohol may improve your social confidence and mood in the short-term. However, prolonged use can cause or worsen depression. It has also been found that 16 – 24 year olds are the most likely to miss lectures or work due to alcohol consumption. If you feel that you should cut down on your consumption of alcohol, here are some helpful tips: • Be Realistic – There is no point in vowing to cut it out completely unless you are going to be able to stick to it • Spend more time with friends that don’t drink or that won’t pressure you into drinking • Not all activities involve drinking – you can pick up a social hobby (such as a sport that you like) or spend more time on your existing hobbies. You don’t need alcohol to have a good time - you can still socialise as much as ever without it. Abstaining completely isn’t a necessity for good mental health, but drinking in moderation is important. Your DotCom Bubble Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, make it easier than ever before to stay in touch with family and friends or keep up to date with the latest news and rumours as they happen. When students move away from home, feelings of isolation and homesickness are common, especially among first years that may be moving out for the first time. Social networking can help with this by keeping you connected with friends or relatives no matter where they are. Sometimes just reading about what your friends are up to can comfort you when you’re feeling down. But remember, college is full of new opportunities and it is a great chance to meet like-minded people and make new friends - so don’t spend all of your time staring at a computer screen, living in a dotcom bubble! “Facebook Depression” It is important to realise the negative effects of social media too. If someone is feeling low and experiencing symptoms of depression, reading about their friend's 'exciting' social lives can make them feel even worse and they may withdraw further. Online, everybody wants to appear to be popular and have a busy social life. Think about it – how often does somebody post a status such as: Had to stay in all weekend, absolutely broke…
  • 8. 14 15 Substance Abuse Many students who seek help for depression also report symptoms of substance abuse. Figuring out whether depression leads to drug use, or if drug use leads to depression in a particular case, is often impossible but these two issues certainly have a strong link. It may seem that taking recreational drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy or cocaine before a night out is harmless, but these drugs have a major negative impact on your mental health over the long term. Don’t feel pressured into taking drugs by ‘friends’. There is also a link between depression, substance abuse and other conditions such as anxiety or eating disorders. Achieving Good Mental Health • Exercise! – going for walks, playing sports or hitting the gym all help to clear the mind and can make you feel more energetic. Don’t oversleep as it drains energy • Drop the internal commentary – stop criticising what you do wrong, praise what you do right • Open up – sharing feelings, good or bad, can have a positive effect • Get involved in college life – joining societies, sports clubs, meeting new people and learning new things can be stimulating and exciting • Improve your diet – Overeating, going for long periods without food and binge drinking can undermine good mental health and reduce energy levels • Spend more time with friends and family – whether it’s catching up with old friends or going to the cinema with new ones, this is a great way to take your mind of other matters and raise your spirits • Rest – don’t feel like you have to accept every invitation that comes your way. It is important to have some “me-time” every so often to pursue personal interests or just to give yourself a break. Ireland and Munster rugby legend Alan Quinlan supports the Lean On Me Campaign