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Success Stories
                           RETAIL & ENTERTAINMENT SERIES


                                                                             03 Payment Networks & Infrastructure
                                                                                    • ShoeMart , PHILIPPINES

                                                                             04 Payment Networks & Infratructure
                                                                                    • IKEA, MALAYSIA

                                                                             06 GPRS Terminals, Wireless Gaming
                                                                             •      STL PROJECT, PHILIPPINES

                                                                             07 Payment Networks, Entertainment
                                                                                    • ZOUK KL, MALAYSIA


©2009 GHL Systems Berhad. All rights reserved. GHL Systems netAccess, VersaRead, NetMATRIX, NetTransact are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
GHL Systems or their affiliates in Malaysia and/or other countries. References in this publication to GHL Systems’ products or services do not imply that GHL
Systems intends to make them available in all countries in which GHL Systems operates. This document is based on information provided by our client and
it illustrates how one organization uses GHL Systems’ products or services. Many factors have contributed to the results and benefits described, GHL Systems
does not guarantee comparable results elsewhere.
Payments Network
& Infrastructure

                                                                       About Shoemart (SM)                                                       system is also highly redundant with
                                                                                                                                                 links to their banks duplicated on each
                                                                       From its humble beginnings as a shoe                                      site. In the event that one of the data
                                                                       store established by founder Henry Sy Snr                                 centres is incapacitated, the SM payment
                                                                       in 1958, Philippines’ Shoemart Corporation                                infrastructure will be able to handle the
                                                                       (SM) has grown to encompass the largest                                   full load of the entire organization.
                                                                       retail chain departmental stores in the
                                                                       country, accounting for more than 65% of
                                                                       the Philippine retail market. In 2006, SM                                 Availability & Scalability
                                                                       opened the largest department store in                                    With the netAccess W1000, the expanded
                                                                       Asia - SM Mall of Asia.                                                   and enhanced system was able to cater
                                                                                                                                                 for acceptance of 13 different types of
                                                                                                                                                 cards. The system handles credit and debit
                                                                       Website                                                                   payments, loyalty point collection, even the
                                                                                                                                                 in-house SM Gift Cards with prepaid value
                                                                       www.                                                      of Ps500. Today, the system handles over
                                                                                                                                                 30 types of transactions with the option to
                                                                                                                                                 add more over time. System scalability is
                                                                       Key Challenges                                                            achieved by merely adding more W1000
                                                                                                                                                 units to cater for the additional loads.
                                                                       SM called on GHL Systems to provide an
                                                                       updated payment infrastructure -one that                                  The system is constantly monitored
                                                                       is robust, highly available, scalable and                                 constantly using the netAccess System
         Key Benefits                                                  adaptable to their specific requirements.                                 Monitor - a tool for monitoring the
         •       Supports PSTN and wireless/
                                                                       GHL Systems deployed a payment network                                    general health and loads on each server
                 GSM-based EDC terminals                               based on the netAccess W1000 series                                       in a graphical user interface. The GUI is
                                                                       of Network Access Controllers (NACs)                                      simple and colour-coded, showing at one
         •       Native Switching NAC & Native                         that could cater for redundant links,                                     glance the state of the entire network.
                 support for Ethernet TCP/IP                           high-availability load balanced controllers
                                                                       and links to their various acquiring banks.                               Considering the scope and the functionality
         •       Acts as firewall in TCP/
                 IP networks, and as a TCP/
                                                                                                                                                 of the system, the project took a mere three
                 IP connection concentrator                                                                                                      weeks from design to configuration and
                 (over 400 TCP/IP client sessions                                                                                                implementation. The project was greatly
                                                                       The Solution
                 supported)                                                                                                                      aided by the fact that the leased lines were
                                                                       The solution called for two data centres                                  quickly available for implementation.
         •       Clustering capability for high
                 availability & fault tolerant
                                                                       that were geographically distant. SM
                 failover                                              had two data centres located in Roxas
                                                                       and Makati which are about 15 km apart.                                   The Outcome
         •       Customizable for special or                           These data centres became the central
                 customized protocols                                                                                                            The success of the project was immediately
                                                                       communications hubs. The data centres
                                                                                                                                                 confirmed during the Christmas season
         •       Supports the IPSec protocol,                          are linked redundantly by two high-speed
                                                                                                                                                 of 2005. GHL Systems’ consultants and
                 which implements highly                               leased lines - provided by two separate
                                                                                                                                                 engineers were on standby in Manila
                 secure communication links                            telecommunications providers. In each
                 between netAccess nodes and                                                                                                     during the festive season. However, the
                                                                       of the data centres are five netAccess
                 also provides secure encrypted                                                                                                  systems and network performed smoothly
                                                                       W1000 NACs to handle the routing of
                 channels over a shared and un-                                                                                                  and without a glitch - and continues to do
                                                                       transactions to the banks.
                 trusted TCP/IP network                                                                                                          so until today.
                                                                       The system is configured to share the load
         •       Fastroll-outandimplementation
                                                                       evenly between the two data centres.
                                                                       In addition to being load balanced, the

3   B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N   © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
Payments Network
& Infrastructure

                                                                       Key Challenges                                                            Each counter had to be equipped with
                                                                                                                                                 an EDC terminal. EDC terminals would
                                                                       Being located in a fairly new development
                                                                                                                                                 normally be equipped with a phone line
                                                                       area where the telecommunications
                                                                                                                                                 to dial-up to the bank directly. However, in
                                                                       infrastructure was still being developed,
                                                                                                                                                 a large merchant like IKEA, this would not
                                                                       there was an urgent need to establish
About IKEA                                                                                                                                       be cost effective.
                                                                       communications in the form of a leased to
IKEA, the world's largest home-furnishing                              the Bank to carry the payment transactions.                               The EDC terminals had to be linked in
retailer, opened its new flagship in                                   Due to the challenges posed by a tight                                    a local area network to a transaction
Mutiara Damansara, Malaysia in August                                  deadline and the general availability of                                  concentrator which would then send the
2003. Featuring 35,811 square meters of                                infrastructure, the leased line to the bank                               transactions along the connection to the
floor space (roughly the size of 5 football                            was not going to be ready by the time the                                 bank for processing, saving IKEA the cost
fields) with over 7,000 home furnishing                                store was to be launched. There had to be                                 of 36 six terminals dialing up to the bank
products displayed in 54 settings, IKEA                                a way to connect to the bank quickly with                                 each time a transaction was made.
is the largest furnishing store in South                               high bandwidth.
East Asia. However, with just six weeks                                In addition to the external communications                                The Solution
before its grand opening, IKEA was still                               infrastructure, the in-store infrastructure
lacking the credit card payment facilities                                                                                                       GHL Systems’ NetAccess L1000 Transaction
                                                                       had to be prepared as well. IKEA had
necessary for operations.                                                                                                                        Concentrators were deployed to provide
                                                                       over 30 checkout counters on the lower                                    IKEA tactical options, in which to address
                                                                       floor of the store in addition to the few                                 its situation and circumstances and offer
                                                                       counters used for food and beverage                                       viable alternatives, thus ensuring that
                                                                       upstairs and they all needed to be able                                   its business operations would continue                                                        to accept credit card payments.                                           without a hitch.

                                                                                                                                                           (continued on next page...)

4   B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N   © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
Today, GHL Systems’ solutions are in
                                                                                                                                           place in many other large malls and
                                                                                                                                           retail outlets, working tirelessly behind
                                                                                                                                           the scenes ensuring that their complex
                                                                                                                                           payment infrastructure stays up and

(...from previous page)                                                would connect to the bank via wireless
                                                                       data communications, or General Packet
The Foundation                                                                                                                                      Implementation Highlights
                                                                       Radio Service (GPRS).
The VeriFone terminals used by IKEA                                                                                                                 •   GHL Systems was able to use its ESLP
supports the RS485 serial interface –                                  Business as Usual
                                                                                                                                                        protocol and the RS485 interface to
allowing for wiring to stretch to 1200                                 On its opening day, a record of almost                                           build a highly available network for
meters in length. The local area network
                                                                       40,000 people visited the store with                                             the EDC terminals in IKEA
was configured to have all 36 terminals in
                                                                       some customers lining up outside the
IKEA connected to two separate NetAccess                                                                                                            •   Leveraging on existing mature
L1000 Transaction Concentrators in a                                   store as early as 6 am to catch the Early
                                                                                                                                                        technologies such as ISDN backup
double RS485 loop.                                                     Bird specials on offer. Disaster struck
                                                                                                                                                        dialing to routers, IKEA was connected
                                                                       when the ISDN connection failed just 30
GHL System’s proprietary ESLP protocol                                                                                                                  to the bank even without the benefit
                                                                       minutes before store opening and the
allows the transactions to be carried at                                                                                                                of leased lines
                                                                       leased line was not ready for operations
high speed through the network without
the attendant collisions inherent in serial                            for another month.                                                           •   GPRS technology was utilized
communications protocols.                                                                                                                               to extend the functionality of
                                                                       The implementation team quickly activated
                                                                                                                                                        the system to provide a backup
While awaiting the leased lines to be                                  the GPRS backup and communications
                                                                                                                                                        connectivity to the bank while both
installed, the communications dilemma                                  was re-established within 20 minutes. It
                                                                                                                                                        ISDN and the leased lines were down
was resolved by using an ISDN dialup. ISDN                             was reported that this was the first IKEA
dialup is the main method of backup for                                store in the world that offered credit card                                  •   GHL Systems managed to design
digital leased lines - most routers cater for                          facilities on opening day!                                                       a highly available, robust and
the ISDN backup feature. The routers were                                                                                                               dependable system that was
configured as if the primary line was down,                            Within the first two days, an impressive                                         capable of handling the heavy
and the ISDN dialup link was setup, tested                             total of RM 1.2 Million was transacted                                           transaction loads generated during
and commissioned.                                                      over this GPRS link. Eventually the ISDN                                         IKEA’s first week of operations
For added measure, the NetAccess L100                                  link was restored and the leased lines
transaction concentrator box featured an                               were commissioned and have continued
additional backup connectivity option that                             smooth operations till today.

5   B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N   © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
GPRS Terminals

About PCSO & the STL Project                                            •       Terminal Management System                                        The wireless terminals will be deployed
                                                                                                                                                  in several phases at different regions,
Philippines Charity Sweepstakes                                         •       Decryption software
                                                                                                                                                  beginning with Mindoro and Bicol.
Operation (PCSO) which holds the
                                                                        PCSO appointed GHL Systems for wireless                                   Subsequent phases will cover 5 other
franchise of Small Town Lottery (STL)
                                                                        terminal and solution implementation                                      provinces namely Olongapo City, Silay
started the lottery project in 2006.
                                                                        across five regions to curb siphoning of                                  City, Tarlac, Iloilo City, and Nueva Ecija.
STL works as a democratized form of
                                                                        revenues from illegal bet collectors.
grassroots-based lottery and charity
whereby percentages of the revenues                                     Currently STL agents are competing
are distributed to the government’s                                     against the “juetengs” and “masiaos”,
charity funds at local, provincial and                                  illegal bookies that are causing significant
national level.                                                         revenue discrepancies.

Website                                                                 Speedy, wireless transactions via
                                                                        handheld terminals
                                                                        Enter GHL System’s sister company GHLSYS
                                                                        Philippines (GHLSY) as a major technology
Key Challenges                                                          provider. The challenge for GHL was to
                                                                        implement and deploy wireless terminals
•     Converting manual betting process
                                                                        to STL’s agent corporations around the                                           Punters will key in
      to a fully electronic version that
      integrates and interfaces directly
                                                                        country as a definitive measure to capture
                                                                        all bets that should go to STL.
                                                                                                                                                         their bet details via
      with the lottery systems
                                                                        The first phase of deployment comprising
                                                                                                                                                         the terminals which
•     Monitoring transaction volume and
      settlement reports and enabling
                                                                        700 terminals was successfully launched                                          will then transmit
                                                                        in August, 2008. PCSO’s further aims to
      access to the lottery agents
                                                                        deploy a total of 70,000 terminals over the                                      the transaction
•     Implement wireless terminals to STL                               next few years.
      corporations nationwide
                                                                                                                                                         directly to STL. Once
                                                                        The wireless handheld terminals are
•     Equipping and enabling the ‘Cabo’                                 connected via GPRS to secure payment                                             the transaction is
      with an online betting system                                     routers. Punters will key in their bet details
                                                                        via the terminals which will then transmit
                                                                                                                                                         completed, punters
•     Providing unique 2-D barcode
      receipt with digitized patterns for
                                                                        the transaction directly to STL. Once the                                        will then be issued a
                                                                        transaction is completed, punters will
      validity on winnings
                                                                        then be issued a unique 2-D barcode                                              unique 2-D barcode
The Solution
                                                                        receipt with digitized patterns.
                                                                                                                                                         receipt with digitized
                                                                        The official receipts will replace the
•     Citus Sagem EFT930 G Mobile GPRS                                  existing yellow PCSO sheets which are
      terminals                                                         easily duplicated- where the same sheets
                                                                        are also used for illegal operations.

6    B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N    © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
Payment Networks,


Since its inception in March 2004, Zouk
KL has become a nightspot of choice
in the city for the more discerning
clubbers and a household name for
urban socialite. Constantly reinventing
and revolutionizing its unique brand
of party experience, Zouk KL has won
the "Best Club" awards in most leading
entertainment/music publications in
just the short span of 3 years.


Key Challenges

•     Create a high speed, always-on and
      user-friendly payment system

•     Expand and increase flexibility in
      payment infrastructure

•     Minimize hardware redundancy,
      costs and transaction time
•     Integrate new terminals compliant to
      contactless readers in legacy system                              secure. In keeping with Zouk KL’s upbeat                                  to the terminal via VersaLAN. At that
•     Replace individual converters and                                 club experience, GHL’s VersaRead                                          time, VersaLAN was utilized for protocol
      enable deployment of multiple                                     contactless readers are introduced as                                     conversion to RS485.
      payment devices with the Payment                                  an alternative credit payment mode
                                                                                                                                                  This meant individual converters for
      Extender                                                          via VISA payWave. VersaRead is also the
                                                                                                                                                  each terminal, which translated to high
                                                                        world’s first JCB, MasterCard and Visa
                                                                                                                                                  hardware count and costs. In addition
                                                                        type-approved contactless reader with all
The Solution                                                                                                                                      to that, the legacy terminals took longer
                                                                        applications residing in the same reader.
                                                                                                                                                  transaction time when processing EMV
KL’s top entertainment club utilizes the                                Speedy, efficient update at minimal                                       cards.
versatile netAccess X-10 to integrate new                               cost
contactless card readers while extending                                                                                                          The challenge for GHL was to update
its payment network capabilities.                                       Prior to VersaRead deployment, Zouk                                       the terminals in compliance with VISA’s
                                                                        was using Verifone Omni 3750 terminals                                    certification and increase flexibility of the
Like every high traffic club, patrons are                               .The legacy terminals were supported                                      payment architecture at minimal cost and
seeking a hassle free payment that is                                   with the RS232 serial protocol which only                                 disruption to service, while improving
speedy, efficient and most importantly                                  allowed for point-to-point connection                                     transaction performance.

                                                                                                                                                             (continued on next page...)

7    B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N   © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
Payment Networks,

(...from previous page)                                                ports. This reduces the need for individual                               and maintenance costs thus making
                                                                       converters, while supporting high speed                                   this improved payment structure cost
                                                                       networking with limited cost.                                             effective in the long run.
Working in tandem with existing
                                                                       Smart system for future expansion                                         Implementation Highlights
GHL proposed to use the new Verifone
Vx510 terminals which are compliant to                                 With netAccess X-10’s intelligent pattern                                 •      Same-source implementation and
the latest specifications for contactless                              matching routing, limited amount of                                              consulting services
readers. The new terminals with                                        re-development on the terminal side is
                                                                                                                                                 •      Rapid deployment with no disruption
VersaRead, will work in tandem with                                    involved. Moreover with such a setup,
                                                                                                                                                        to business
the legacy terminals that do not require                               Zouk KL can easily expand its system
contactless readers. The new terminals are                             with multiple Payment Extenders as the                                    •      Full integration of new functionality
supported with the RS232 serial protocol                               business grows.                                                                  into existing networks
as well, allowing re-use of the existing
                                                                       In its double edged solution, GHL Systems                                 •      Streamlining of infrastructure
wiring that was already in place.
                                                                       has firstly helped Zouk KL to expand its
More importantly, the updated system                                   payment capabilities with VersaRead as
features GHL’s latest product- the                                     well as utilizing high speed, always-on                                   Key Benefits
netAccess X-10 Payment Extender as a                                   connectivity through the netAccess
                                                                                                                                                 •      Extends number of comports and life
replacement to VersaLAN converters. One                                X-10. Integration could easily take place
                                                                                                                                                        of existing terminals
of the many advantages of netAccess                                    between the old and the new without
X-10 is in its versatility - it features four                          any major impact on the current payment                                   •      Reduce network complexity
RS232 ports, single USB, RS485 and TCP/                                architecture. Secondly, with netAccess                                           therefore minimizing hardware costs
IP ports. Unlike VersaLAN, netAccess                                   X-10, the wiring structure and legacy                                            and maintenance
X-10 enables the deployment of multiple                                terminals can be retained and reused.
                                                                                                                                                 •      Connection versatility via RS232, and
payment devices due to the many RS232                                  This has significantly reduced hardware
                                                                                                                                                        RS485 or TCP/IP connection

8   B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N     © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
Transaction routers
                                                       and concentrators

                                                                                                                                        EMV networks

                                      Loyalty                                                                                              services
                                     and online

                                      Payment                                                       Terminal line
                                      gateways                                                       encryption

          GHL Systems                                                  PAYMENT SOLUTIONS, REDEFINED.                                             MEPS, PCI, SIRIM, SPVA and the Line
                                                                                                                                                 Encryption Working Group.
                                                                       GHL Systems is the Asia Pacific’s leading
                                                                       end-to-end payment services enabler                                       By providing a broad range of payment
                                                                       that deploys world-class payment                                          solutions, GHL Systems today deploys
                                                                       infrastructure, services and technology.                                  its products and services to multiple
                                                                                                                                                 clients across various vertical segments
                                                                       We are an MSC-status company listed on
                                                                                                                                                 worldwide not limited to banking
                                                                       the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia (Kuala
                                                                                                                                                 and financial services institutions,
                                                                       Lumpur Stock Exchange). Our complete
                                                                                                                                                 telecommunications, transportation,
                                                                       portfolio of payment solutions include
                                                                                                                                                 retail and oil and gas.
                                                                       transaction routers and concentrators,
                                                                       terminal line encryption technologies,                                    With offices in Bangkok, Beijing, Hanoi,
                                                                       loyalty and online payment solutions,                                     Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur,
                                                                       smartcard technologies, secure EDC and                                    Manila, Singapore and Wuhan, and having
                                                                       EMV networks and terminals to consulting                                  had successful forays and establishing
                                                                       services.                                                                 multiple partnerships across the
                                                                                                                                                 Asia-Pacific, European, the Americas and
                                                                       GHL Systems' payment solutions are
                                                                                                                                                 Middle Eastern regions - GHL Systems is
                                                                       further recognized, accredited and
                                                                                                                                                 well-positioned to meet the demands of a
                                                                       certified by organizations and governing
                                                                                                                                                 global economy.
                                                                       bodies such as Visa, MasterCard, JCB,

9   B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N   © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD

©2009 GHL Systems Berhad. All rights reserved. GHL Systems netAccess, VersaRead, NetMATRIX, NetTransact are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of GHL Systems or their affiliates in Malaysia and/or other countries. References in this publication to GHL Systems’
products or services do not imply that GHL Systems intends to make them available in all countries in which GHL Systems operates. This
document is based on information provided by our client and it illustrates how one organization uses GHL Systems’ products or services.
Many factors have contributed to the results and benefits described, GHL Systems does not guarantee comparable results elsewhere.

                Unit L8 C-G-15, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD1, Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
                                           T +603 6286 3388 F +603 6280 2999 E

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Ghl success stories retail series aug 2010

  • 2. Contents 03 Payment Networks & Infrastructure • ShoeMart , PHILIPPINES 04 Payment Networks & Infratructure • IKEA, MALAYSIA 06 GPRS Terminals, Wireless Gaming • STL PROJECT, PHILIPPINES 07 Payment Networks, Entertainment • ZOUK KL, MALAYSIA DISCLAIMER ©2009 GHL Systems Berhad. All rights reserved. GHL Systems netAccess, VersaRead, NetMATRIX, NetTransact are either registered trademarks or trademarks of GHL Systems or their affiliates in Malaysia and/or other countries. References in this publication to GHL Systems’ products or services do not imply that GHL Systems intends to make them available in all countries in which GHL Systems operates. This document is based on information provided by our client and it illustrates how one organization uses GHL Systems’ products or services. Many factors have contributed to the results and benefits described, GHL Systems does not guarantee comparable results elsewhere.
  • 3. Payments Network & Infrastructure LARGE SCALE RETAL, PHILIPPINES About Shoemart (SM) system is also highly redundant with links to their banks duplicated on each From its humble beginnings as a shoe site. In the event that one of the data store established by founder Henry Sy Snr centres is incapacitated, the SM payment in 1958, Philippines’ Shoemart Corporation infrastructure will be able to handle the (SM) has grown to encompass the largest full load of the entire organization. retail chain departmental stores in the country, accounting for more than 65% of the Philippine retail market. In 2006, SM Availability & Scalability opened the largest department store in With the netAccess W1000, the expanded Asia - SM Mall of Asia. and enhanced system was able to cater for acceptance of 13 different types of cards. The system handles credit and debit Website payments, loyalty point collection, even the in-house SM Gift Cards with prepaid value www. of Ps500. Today, the system handles over 30 types of transactions with the option to add more over time. System scalability is Key Challenges achieved by merely adding more W1000 units to cater for the additional loads. SM called on GHL Systems to provide an updated payment infrastructure -one that The system is constantly monitored is robust, highly available, scalable and constantly using the netAccess System Key Benefits adaptable to their specific requirements. Monitor - a tool for monitoring the • Supports PSTN and wireless/ GHL Systems deployed a payment network general health and loads on each server GSM-based EDC terminals based on the netAccess W1000 series in a graphical user interface. The GUI is of Network Access Controllers (NACs) simple and colour-coded, showing at one • Native Switching NAC & Native that could cater for redundant links, glance the state of the entire network. support for Ethernet TCP/IP high-availability load balanced controllers and links to their various acquiring banks. Considering the scope and the functionality • Acts as firewall in TCP/ IP networks, and as a TCP/ of the system, the project took a mere three IP connection concentrator weeks from design to configuration and (over 400 TCP/IP client sessions implementation. The project was greatly The Solution supported) aided by the fact that the leased lines were The solution called for two data centres quickly available for implementation. • Clustering capability for high availability & fault tolerant that were geographically distant. SM failover had two data centres located in Roxas and Makati which are about 15 km apart. The Outcome • Customizable for special or These data centres became the central customized protocols The success of the project was immediately communications hubs. The data centres confirmed during the Christmas season • Supports the IPSec protocol, are linked redundantly by two high-speed of 2005. GHL Systems’ consultants and which implements highly leased lines - provided by two separate engineers were on standby in Manila secure communication links telecommunications providers. In each between netAccess nodes and during the festive season. However, the of the data centres are five netAccess also provides secure encrypted systems and network performed smoothly W1000 NACs to handle the routing of channels over a shared and un- and without a glitch - and continues to do transactions to the banks. trusted TCP/IP network so until today. The system is configured to share the load • Fastroll-outandimplementation evenly between the two data centres. In addition to being load balanced, the 3 B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
  • 4. Payments Network & Infrastructure LARGE SCALE RETAIL, MALAYSIA Key Challenges Each counter had to be equipped with an EDC terminal. EDC terminals would Being located in a fairly new development normally be equipped with a phone line area where the telecommunications to dial-up to the bank directly. However, in infrastructure was still being developed, a large merchant like IKEA, this would not there was an urgent need to establish About IKEA be cost effective. communications in the form of a leased to IKEA, the world's largest home-furnishing the Bank to carry the payment transactions. The EDC terminals had to be linked in retailer, opened its new flagship in Due to the challenges posed by a tight a local area network to a transaction Mutiara Damansara, Malaysia in August deadline and the general availability of concentrator which would then send the 2003. Featuring 35,811 square meters of infrastructure, the leased line to the bank transactions along the connection to the floor space (roughly the size of 5 football was not going to be ready by the time the bank for processing, saving IKEA the cost fields) with over 7,000 home furnishing store was to be launched. There had to be of 36 six terminals dialing up to the bank products displayed in 54 settings, IKEA a way to connect to the bank quickly with each time a transaction was made. is the largest furnishing store in South high bandwidth. East Asia. However, with just six weeks In addition to the external communications The Solution before its grand opening, IKEA was still infrastructure, the in-store infrastructure lacking the credit card payment facilities GHL Systems’ NetAccess L1000 Transaction had to be prepared as well. IKEA had necessary for operations. Concentrators were deployed to provide over 30 checkout counters on the lower IKEA tactical options, in which to address floor of the store in addition to the few its situation and circumstances and offer counters used for food and beverage viable alternatives, thus ensuring that Website upstairs and they all needed to be able its business operations would continue to accept credit card payments. without a hitch. (continued on next page...) 4 B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
  • 5. Today, GHL Systems’ solutions are in place in many other large malls and retail outlets, working tirelessly behind the scenes ensuring that their complex payment infrastructure stays up and running. (...from previous page) would connect to the bank via wireless data communications, or General Packet The Foundation Implementation Highlights Radio Service (GPRS). The VeriFone terminals used by IKEA • GHL Systems was able to use its ESLP supports the RS485 serial interface – Business as Usual protocol and the RS485 interface to allowing for wiring to stretch to 1200 On its opening day, a record of almost build a highly available network for meters in length. The local area network 40,000 people visited the store with the EDC terminals in IKEA was configured to have all 36 terminals in some customers lining up outside the IKEA connected to two separate NetAccess • Leveraging on existing mature L1000 Transaction Concentrators in a store as early as 6 am to catch the Early technologies such as ISDN backup double RS485 loop. Bird specials on offer. Disaster struck dialing to routers, IKEA was connected when the ISDN connection failed just 30 GHL System’s proprietary ESLP protocol to the bank even without the benefit minutes before store opening and the allows the transactions to be carried at of leased lines leased line was not ready for operations high speed through the network without the attendant collisions inherent in serial for another month. • GPRS technology was utilized communications protocols. to extend the functionality of The implementation team quickly activated the system to provide a backup While awaiting the leased lines to be the GPRS backup and communications connectivity to the bank while both installed, the communications dilemma was re-established within 20 minutes. It ISDN and the leased lines were down was resolved by using an ISDN dialup. ISDN was reported that this was the first IKEA dialup is the main method of backup for store in the world that offered credit card • GHL Systems managed to design digital leased lines - most routers cater for facilities on opening day! a highly available, robust and the ISDN backup feature. The routers were dependable system that was configured as if the primary line was down, Within the first two days, an impressive capable of handling the heavy and the ISDN dialup link was setup, tested total of RM 1.2 Million was transacted transaction loads generated during and commissioned. over this GPRS link. Eventually the ISDN IKEA’s first week of operations For added measure, the NetAccess L100 link was restored and the leased lines transaction concentrator box featured an were commissioned and have continued additional backup connectivity option that smooth operations till today. 5 B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
  • 6. GPRS Terminals WIRELESS GAMING, PHILIPPINES About PCSO & the STL Project • Terminal Management System The wireless terminals will be deployed in several phases at different regions, Philippines Charity Sweepstakes • Decryption software beginning with Mindoro and Bicol. Operation (PCSO) which holds the PCSO appointed GHL Systems for wireless Subsequent phases will cover 5 other franchise of Small Town Lottery (STL) terminal and solution implementation provinces namely Olongapo City, Silay started the lottery project in 2006. across five regions to curb siphoning of City, Tarlac, Iloilo City, and Nueva Ecija. STL works as a democratized form of revenues from illegal bet collectors. grassroots-based lottery and charity whereby percentages of the revenues Currently STL agents are competing are distributed to the government’s against the “juetengs” and “masiaos”, charity funds at local, provincial and illegal bookies that are causing significant national level. revenue discrepancies. Website Speedy, wireless transactions via handheld terminals Enter GHL System’s sister company GHLSYS Philippines (GHLSY) as a major technology Key Challenges provider. The challenge for GHL was to implement and deploy wireless terminals • Converting manual betting process to STL’s agent corporations around the Punters will key in to a fully electronic version that integrates and interfaces directly country as a definitive measure to capture all bets that should go to STL. their bet details via with the lottery systems The first phase of deployment comprising the terminals which • Monitoring transaction volume and settlement reports and enabling 700 terminals was successfully launched will then transmit in August, 2008. PCSO’s further aims to access to the lottery agents deploy a total of 70,000 terminals over the the transaction • Implement wireless terminals to STL next few years. corporations nationwide directly to STL. Once The wireless handheld terminals are • Equipping and enabling the ‘Cabo’ connected via GPRS to secure payment the transaction is with an online betting system routers. Punters will key in their bet details via the terminals which will then transmit completed, punters • Providing unique 2-D barcode receipt with digitized patterns for the transaction directly to STL. Once the will then be issued a transaction is completed, punters will validity on winnings then be issued a unique 2-D barcode unique 2-D barcode The Solution receipt with digitized patterns. receipt with digitized The official receipts will replace the • Citus Sagem EFT930 G Mobile GPRS existing yellow PCSO sheets which are patterns. terminals easily duplicated- where the same sheets are also used for illegal operations. 6 B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
  • 7. Payment Networks, Entertainment ZOUK KL, MALAYSIA About ZOUK KL Since its inception in March 2004, Zouk KL has become a nightspot of choice in the city for the more discerning clubbers and a household name for urban socialite. Constantly reinventing and revolutionizing its unique brand of party experience, Zouk KL has won the "Best Club" awards in most leading entertainment/music publications in just the short span of 3 years. Website Key Challenges • Create a high speed, always-on and user-friendly payment system • Expand and increase flexibility in payment infrastructure • Minimize hardware redundancy, costs and transaction time • Integrate new terminals compliant to contactless readers in legacy system secure. In keeping with Zouk KL’s upbeat to the terminal via VersaLAN. At that • Replace individual converters and club experience, GHL’s VersaRead time, VersaLAN was utilized for protocol enable deployment of multiple contactless readers are introduced as conversion to RS485. payment devices with the Payment an alternative credit payment mode This meant individual converters for Extender via VISA payWave. VersaRead is also the each terminal, which translated to high world’s first JCB, MasterCard and Visa hardware count and costs. In addition type-approved contactless reader with all The Solution to that, the legacy terminals took longer applications residing in the same reader. transaction time when processing EMV KL’s top entertainment club utilizes the Speedy, efficient update at minimal cards. versatile netAccess X-10 to integrate new cost contactless card readers while extending The challenge for GHL was to update its payment network capabilities. Prior to VersaRead deployment, Zouk the terminals in compliance with VISA’s was using Verifone Omni 3750 terminals certification and increase flexibility of the Like every high traffic club, patrons are .The legacy terminals were supported payment architecture at minimal cost and seeking a hassle free payment that is with the RS232 serial protocol which only disruption to service, while improving speedy, efficient and most importantly allowed for point-to-point connection transaction performance. (continued on next page...) 7 B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
  • 8. Payment Networks, Entertainment ZOUK KL, MALAYSIA (...from previous page) ports. This reduces the need for individual and maintenance costs thus making converters, while supporting high speed this improved payment structure cost networking with limited cost. effective in the long run. Working in tandem with existing structure Smart system for future expansion Implementation Highlights GHL proposed to use the new Verifone Vx510 terminals which are compliant to With netAccess X-10’s intelligent pattern • Same-source implementation and the latest specifications for contactless matching routing, limited amount of consulting services readers. The new terminals with re-development on the terminal side is • Rapid deployment with no disruption VersaRead, will work in tandem with involved. Moreover with such a setup, to business the legacy terminals that do not require Zouk KL can easily expand its system contactless readers. The new terminals are with multiple Payment Extenders as the • Full integration of new functionality supported with the RS232 serial protocol business grows. into existing networks as well, allowing re-use of the existing In its double edged solution, GHL Systems • Streamlining of infrastructure wiring that was already in place. has firstly helped Zouk KL to expand its More importantly, the updated system payment capabilities with VersaRead as features GHL’s latest product- the well as utilizing high speed, always-on Key Benefits netAccess X-10 Payment Extender as a connectivity through the netAccess • Extends number of comports and life replacement to VersaLAN converters. One X-10. Integration could easily take place of existing terminals of the many advantages of netAccess between the old and the new without X-10 is in its versatility - it features four any major impact on the current payment • Reduce network complexity RS232 ports, single USB, RS485 and TCP/ architecture. Secondly, with netAccess therefore minimizing hardware costs IP ports. Unlike VersaLAN, netAccess X-10, the wiring structure and legacy and maintenance X-10 enables the deployment of multiple terminals can be retained and reused. • Connection versatility via RS232, and payment devices due to the many RS232 This has significantly reduced hardware RS485 or TCP/IP connection 8 B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
  • 9. Transaction routers and concentrators EMV networks Smartcard technologies Consulting Loyalty services and online payments Contactless payments Payment Terminal line gateways encryption technologies GHL Systems PAYMENT SOLUTIONS, REDEFINED. MEPS, PCI, SIRIM, SPVA and the Line Encryption Working Group. GHL Systems is the Asia Pacific’s leading end-to-end payment services enabler By providing a broad range of payment that deploys world-class payment solutions, GHL Systems today deploys infrastructure, services and technology. its products and services to multiple clients across various vertical segments We are an MSC-status company listed on worldwide not limited to banking the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia (Kuala and financial services institutions, Lumpur Stock Exchange). Our complete telecommunications, transportation, portfolio of payment solutions include retail and oil and gas. transaction routers and concentrators, terminal line encryption technologies, With offices in Bangkok, Beijing, Hanoi, loyalty and online payment solutions, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, smartcard technologies, secure EDC and Manila, Singapore and Wuhan, and having EMV networks and terminals to consulting had successful forays and establishing services. multiple partnerships across the Asia-Pacific, European, the Americas and GHL Systems' payment solutions are Middle Eastern regions - GHL Systems is further recognized, accredited and well-positioned to meet the demands of a certified by organizations and governing global economy. bodies such as Visa, MasterCard, JCB, 9 B A N G KO K • B E I J I N G • H A N O I • H O C H I M I N H • H O N G KO N G • K UA L A LU M P U R • M A N I L A • S I N G A P O R E • W U H A N © 2009 GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD
  • 10. DISCLAIMER ©2009 GHL Systems Berhad. All rights reserved. GHL Systems netAccess, VersaRead, NetMATRIX, NetTransact are either registered trademarks or trademarks of GHL Systems or their affiliates in Malaysia and/or other countries. References in this publication to GHL Systems’ products or services do not imply that GHL Systems intends to make them available in all countries in which GHL Systems operates. This document is based on information provided by our client and it illustrates how one organization uses GHL Systems’ products or services. Many factors have contributed to the results and benefits described, GHL Systems does not guarantee comparable results elsewhere. Unit L8 C-G-15, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD1, Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia T +603 6286 3388 F +603 6280 2999 E WWW.GHL.COM