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Technology trends, opinion and insight | Edition two - 2012

                                                              the tv edition
                                                              It’s difficult to think of a technology that has been more important and influential
                                                              than TV.

                                                              For a large part of the twentieth century, TV played a key part in many of our lives,
                                                              entertaining and informing, serving as a virtual fireplace. The latest technology
                                                              evolutions, such as Connected TV, have the potential to completely change this
                                                              TV-viewing culture and experience. Today, we can choose from an almost limitless
                                                              selection of content, challenging a past era of restrictive, scheduled viewing.
                                                              Additionally, the rise of the ‘second screen’, mainly in the form of smartphones
                                                              or tablets, has added a new dimension to TV viewing, enabling us to engage with
                                                              content in new ways.

                                                              This edition of TechTalk explores how these emerging technologies have been
                                                              adopted globally and have changed TV-viewing behavior, sharing highlights from
                                                              our global survey. We also look at upcoming developments, such as the exciting
                                                              opportunities presented by natural user interfaces and the emergence of new
                                                              creative ‘indie content’.

                                                              The role of advertising in this multiscreen landscape deserves particular attention
                                                              as it offers effective ways for industries to build brand relationships with consumers
                                                              through more active engagement.

                                                              Finally, as smartphones enter the TV space as first and as second screens, it’s worth
                                                              looking at the developments of smartphone apps and the trends we are seeing
                                                              across the consumer journey for these devices.

                                                              Happy reading!

                                                              Anette Bendzko

the tv
edition                                                       Global Lead Technology, GfK Consumer Experiences

                                                                                                                                                       Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
the TV edition                                                                                           4

                                               		 	   Driving Engagement through the second screen

                                               p.09 	 relax, lean back and discover!

                                               p.13 	 advertising cut through in a multiscreen environment

                                               p.19 	 the rise of online video advertising

                                               p.23 	 The Emergence of a New global TV Landscape

                                               p.29   APP DESIGN AND THE SHIFT TOWARDS FUN AND CREATIVITY

                                               p.35 	 Why a successful indie media industry is good for the consumer

                                               p.41 	 natural user interfaces are here to stay

                                               p.45 	 Shortcuts: consumer decision making in the real world

                                               p.49 	 Smartphone experiences in emerging markets

                                               p.53 	 contact

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5                                          the retail edition   the TV edition                                                                                                            6

                                                                                   Driving Engagement
                                                                                   through the second screen
                                                                                   By Rose Tomlins

                                                                                   The TV-viewing experience has always struggled for our undivided
                                                                                   attention; from screaming children to writing the shopping list, we’ve
                                                                                   unknowingly multitasked while watching TV. Yet a new challenge now
                                                                                   seems to be threatening the TV-viewing experience - the rise of the
                                                                                   ‘second screen’.

                                                                                   Our shiny new laptops, tablets and              has struggled to really gain traction in
                                                                                   smartphones tempt us away from the TV           consumer TV-viewing ecosystems.
                                                                                   experience we initially set out to enjoy.       Nevertheless, over recent months,
                                                                                   Whether it’s quickly checking Facebook          greater recognition has been given to
                                                                                   during a quiet moment in the soccer             the potential of the second screen in re-
                                                                                   match, or texting a friend to arrange lunch,    engaging consumers with their TV-viewing
                                                                                   the distractions are numerous and easily        experiences. It is increasingly viewed as an
                                                                                   managed while watching TV. However,             enhancer, rather than a detractor, to the
                                                                                   when it comes to multitasking, we generally     overall TV experience. And, as such, with
                                                                                   sacrifice the quality with which we’re able     a revival of the second-screen use case,
                                                                                   to execute each task. And at first glance, in   this time it seems to be accompanied by
                                                                                   the context of the proliferation of second      genuine consumer excitement.
                                                                                   screens, it appears to be the TV experience
                                                                                   that suffers. How many goals have been          The organic rise of the Twitter hashtag
                                                                                   missed during that quiet moment when we         has much to do with this revival. By
                                                                                   were quickly emailing a friend?                 spontaneously tweeting about TV content
                                                                                                                                   with an accompanying and relevant
                                                                                   Since the advent of the first app store         hashtag, users ensure that like-minded
                                                                                   in July 2008, many concepts have been           viewers can discover and read their tweets.
                                                                                   tested that focus on similar second-            Through enabling consumers to bond
                                                                                   screen multitasking (otherwise known as         over topical TV conversations, Twitter has
                                                                                   second-screening) use cases - for example,      provided a compelling use case for the
                                                                                   watching TV on your phone while having          second screen and one that TV producers
                                                                                   an IM chat with your friend. While being        have been quick to capitalize on.
                                                                                   received favorably, these types of use cases
                                                                                   typically fail to ignite genuine excitement.    Reality TV shows in particular have
                                                                                   Despite fulfilling a functional consumer        benefited from being able to influence and
                                                                                   need for greater efficiency through             share opinions on the shows’ live events.
                                                                                   multitasking, these use cases ultimately fail   A simple Twitter hashtag trend flashed
                                                                                   to address the more emotional consumer          up at the end of each act is enough to
                                                                                   need for an engaging and immersive              drive consumers to tweet their thoughts
                                                                                   TV experience. Perhaps this goes a long         on the show they’ve just watched. The
                                                                                   way to explaining why the second screen         accompanying ‘buzz’ around that TV show

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7                                                                                                                  the TV edition          the TV edition                                                                                                                                    8

                                             “What tv-sidekick                              screen and compete against their friends.
                                                                                            Monterosa3 , the solution developer behind
                                                                                                                                                                                           with your Connected TV. So, although
                                                                                                                                                                                           TV viewing may arguably remain a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     bases itself around the concept of ‘fan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SideShows’ that enable consumers to
                                              solutions have                                this second-screen solution, states on its                                                     predominantly first-screen experience,    engage with like-minded fans of their
                                                                                            website that the second screen actively                                                        interacting with TV content is starting   favorite TV show, sharing clips and lyrics
                                                 in common is                               encourages viewers to engage in the shows                                                      to make more sense when conducted         or even sourcing the retailers that stock
                                                a recognized                                they watch. Far from distracting viewers, it                                                   via the second screen. The ability        their character’s favorite outfit. The idea
                                                                                            gets them talking more about those shows                                                       of second screening to facilitate a       is fun and ideal for cult TV shows such
                                               potential for                                with their friends, generating positive word                                                   more pleasurable experience when          as US comedy-drama series Glee, where
                                             using the second                               of mouth. Monterosa’s position is clear; the
                                                                                            second screen exists to make TV viewing
                                                                                                                                                                                           it comes to data input (keyword
                                                                                                                                                                                           searches, tweeting etc.) is one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     fan engagement with the characters and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     plotlines is incredibly high.
                                             screen as a more                               an experience by involving viewers, making                                                     key benefits these solutions seek to

                                                intuitive and                               them feel like they are part of something
                                                                                            special. Another example of this is the
                                                                                                                                                                                           capitalize on. Later in this TechTalk
                                                                                                                                                                                           edition, we explore this in relation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The emergence of these TV-sidekick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     solutions indicates a new role for the
                                              engaging means                                smartphone application developed by Fox                                                        to advertisers who increasingly seek      second screen in re-engaging consumers
                                                                                            TV for the US cult forensic drama ‘Bones’4 .                                                   to capitalize on second screening         with their favorite TV shows. Far from
                                               with which to                                The app allows viewers to participate in the                                                   by advertising on all screen              being a threat and challenge to the ‘first’
                                            interact with your                              show, solve cases, and even purchase songs                                                     simultaneously.                           screen, the second screen may actually
                                                                                            that feature in the show.                                                                                                                turn out to be its savior.
                                               Connected TV”                                                                                                                               A final variation on the second-screen
                                                                                            The second type of TV solution focuses                                                         solution is a more niche-use case, as     Want more information on this article?
                                                                                            around the Connected TV proposition,                                                           demonstrated the Miso app6. Miso          - 	Rose Tomlins
                                                                                            utilizing the second screen to facilitate                                                                                        
                                                                                            greater interaction. While Connected TVs                                                       6
                                                                                            are great for opening a range of content
                                            is what keeps producers happy, driving          onto screens, when it comes to navigating
                                            consumers to phone in and vote for their        through complex on-screen program
                                            favorite act. Beyond the reality TV show,       guides, the experience can suddenly
                                            Twitter is being used to creatively engage      become a lot less intuitive. Solutions
                                            with consumers, as demonstrated by the          such as Microsoft SmartGlass have been
                                            UK teen drama ‘Misfits’1 . Producers utilized   quick to exploit the potential benefits of                                                     Yet the connected TV is beginning to      technologies to people. From the
                                            a sophisticated online and viral campaign       a second-screen solution to aid discovery                                                      change this fragmented experience to      outset, as shared viewing experiences
                                            which saw the actors and actresses create       and navigation, in this case by using a                                                        something that can again be shared,       become ever more socialized, content
                                            ‘character Twitter streams’ that they           Windows tablet to act as a smart remote                                                        and this time shared globally and in      providers will need to offer audiences
                                            updated during and after the show. These        control, game controller and navigational                                                      real time. This obviously presents a      ways to filter or control who they are
                                            initiatives added an extra dimension to the     tool in one. An example of a similar solution                                                  slightly paradoxical situation where      sharing the viewing with.
                                            action unfolding on viewers’ ‘first’ screens.   (but in the smartphone application space)                                                      people in the same house (or even in
                                                                                            is Zeebox5 , an app that enables you to                                                        the same room) are not sharing TV in a    The viewing experience is also under
                                            Following the success of Twitter in reviving    interact with TV content via your second                                                       physical sense, but are instead sharing   the threat of dilution as people
                                            second screening, a noticeable number of        screen in a variety of ways. This includes                                                     content with other groups of people       grapple with the intrusive aspects
                                            more sophisticated TV ‘sidekick’ solutions      seeing what your friends are watching,                                                         that they’re connected with ‘virtually’   of connected content and devices,
                                            have emerged. Each is specifically designed     chatting to others about shows, getting                                                        through social media.                     particularly as advertisers start to take
                                            to drive greater TV engagement through,         live stats for sports matches and remotely                                                                                               advantage of opportunities that such
                                            and raise the profile of, the second screen.    controlling your Connected TV. The fact              What is the potential                     It is the combination of social           new developments present.
                                            Broadly speaking, there appear to be three      that all this can be done on your tablet,            impact of Smart TVs… from                 connectivity with interactive gaming,
                                            different types of sidekick applications                                                                                                       and ‘hyper-real’ viewing experiences,     Broadcasters will have to keep up with
                                                                                            wirelessly, with a touch screen keyboard,            a cultural and futurology
                                            currently available to TV viewers.              makes interacting with your Connected TV                                                       which will ultimately impact how we       the new features and options available
                                                                                                                                                 perspective?                              use media in the long term. Imagine       to audiences, perhaps pushing them to
                                                                                            an altogether more exciting and immediate
                                            The first type of TV-sidekick solution is one   experience.                                                                                    a scenario where you can ‘virtually’      offer more hyped and extreme content
                                            that is custom designed to work alongside                                                            In the latter half of the 20th century,
                                                                                                                                                                                           enter a tabloid talk show and shout at    where boundaries are broken and
                                            specific shows. For example, a popular                                                               the TV has created a focal point in the
                                                                                            What these solutions have in common                                                            the husband who cheated on his wife       opinion on whether this is right or not
                                            quiz show syndicated globally, ‘Million                                                              home, a kind of virtual fireplace where
                                                                                            is a recognized potential for using the                                                        via your avatar! Or, enter the scene      polarizes the viewing audience.
                                            Pound Drop’ ’2, offers a custom-built site                                                           people can gather and share a viewing
                                                                                            second screen as a more intuitive and                                                          of a live crime drama and help the
                                            where viewers can actually play alongside                                                            experience with the whole household.
                                                                                            engaging means with which to interact                                                          detective look for clues along with       Ultimately, the ‘smartening’ of
                                            quiz show contestants using the second                                                               More recently, with the introduction
                                                                                                                                                                                           your friend’s avatar.                     TV provides another platform to
                                                                                                                                                 of mobile viewing screens, the viewing
                                                                                            3                                                                                                            fundamentally impact on the cultural
                                                                                                                                                 experience has not only fragmented
                                            1                    4                                                         Inevitably, there are some challenges     landscape, much as it did in the last
                                            2          5                              audiences, but has become more
                                                                                                                                                                                           to ‘selling in’ these new features and    century.
                                                                                                                                                 personal and customized.

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the TV edition                                                                                             10

                  relax, lean back and
                  by emma roberts

                  It’s Friday night, you’ve finished work, you kick off your shoes, pour
                  yourself a glass of wine, put your feet up on the sofa and turn on the
                  TV in time to watch your favorite show. The program starts and you
                  sit back and start to unwind… but will such evenings remain the same
                  as we embrace Connected TV?

                  Accessing and viewing ‘regular’ and ‘one-         time-based electronic program guide grid.
                  off’ shows is a familiar experience for us all,   Both of these paths take us on a relatively
                  typically governed by a familiar time-based       passive approach to content discovery, with
                  program grid or, more often than not, by          little time investment or up-front planning
                  simply entering the channel number into           required.
                  the remote control at the appropriate time.
                  It’s something that has become so habitual        However, as Connected TVs start to
                  that we do it without even really thinking,       pool content from the internet onto our
                  simply discovering what’s on by flicking          TV screens, the way in which we watch,
                  through the channels or scanning the on-          select and discover such content is set
                  screen guide.                                     to change. The manner in which we flip
                                                                    through our TV guide and the approach
                  Typically, unearthing new TV programs             we adopt when browsing the internet are
                  has been a fairly ‘lean back’ affair too.         very different. Indeed, our motivations for
                  With traditional TV, we have taken two            using the internet and watching television
                  clear paths when it comes to content              are at odds. Whereas TV discovery can be
                  discovery. The first of these paths is            described as a ‘lean back’ or more passive
                  ‘informed discovery’ where we watch               experience and one that we often set out
                  something that’s been brought to our              on with the purpose of entertaining or
                  attention by friends, via social networks,        relaxing with friends and family, internet
                  or on adverts. The second of these is             discovery is a more ‘lean forward’ or
                  ‘stumbled discovery’, where we ‘accidentally      proactive experience, often undertaken
                  on purpose’ come across something new,            alone and usually for the purpose of active
                  often by flicking through channels or a           information gathering.
11                                                                                the TV edition            the TV edition                                                                                                                         12

            “the main                                         the primary aim of watching television.                                                          platforms for integrating the active
                                                                                                                                                               and passive discovery experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         So what will be the EPG of the future?
                                                                                                                                                                                                         It’s clear that TV discovery will
           challenge                                          So, if television viewers prefer to be given                                                     There are several immediate               become smarter and more proactive
                                                              information while internet browsers prefer                                                       advantages to engaging with the           as Connected TVs enable powerful
       facing hardware                                        to seek information, there are clear design                                                      second screen in this way. For            internet-enabled discovery solutions.
        manufacturers                                         implications for future EPGs. Successful                                                         example, the second screen allows         Yet it is crucial that manufacturers
                                                              EPGs need to build seamless links between                                                        viewers to ‘lean forward’ into their      understand the ‘change of behavioral
           and service                                        these two different modes of discovery,                                                          more active discovery mode without        play’ to succeed in the home ecosystem.
       providers is how                                       enabling consumers to switch between
                                                              those modes with minimal interference.
                                                                                                                                                               disrupting the ‘lean back’ experience
                                                                                                                                                               for those watching TV with them (in
                                                                                                                                                                                                         With our TV-viewing experience rapidly
                                                                                                                                                                                                         evolving, ironically manufacturers must
        to ensure that                                        However, a number of possible hurdles                                                            other words, on the first screen). In     do anything but lean back and relax.

          TV discovery                                        have been identified. A critical pain point
                                                              that needs to be bridged when integrating
                                                                                                                                                               addition, inputting text fields and
                                                                                                                                                               searching for content is arguably
          continues to                                        these two solutions is that in ‘lean back’                                                       much easier when attempted with a         Emma Roberts is currently on maternity
                                                                                                                                                                                                         leave but if you want more information
                                                              mode we simply need to push a button                                                             touch screen interface on the second
        be a ‘lean back’                                      and the desired experience is delivered                                                          screen rather than a numeric keypad       on this article, you can contact her
                                                                                                                                                                                                         colleague below:
         and relaxing                                         to us, whereas in ‘lean forward’ mode we                                                         on a remote control on the first
                                                              have to actively input a text field, search                                                      screen.
       experience while                                       for relevant content and actively prioritize
         also enabling                                        and select the experience we want to
                                                              achieve. The critical crossroad arises when
      consumers to ‘lean                                      we attempt to use traditional TV discovery
                                                              solutions to enable a more proactive
        forward’ at key                                       discovery experience. Traditional EPG and                                                      household audience by offering a            further enhance this experience.
            moments                                           TV remote control offer poor support to                                                        converged digital-content experience
                                                                                                                                                             (games consoles, media centers,             No doubt there will be some casualties
                                                              the ‘lean forward’ experience (as anyone
                                                              who has gone through the frustration of                                                        set-top boxes etc.). However, these         on the way for entrenched brands. A
                                                              typing out a keyword search using the                                                          have always met with barriers that          major threat to the games-console
                                                              number pad on their remote control will                                                        have stopped them achieving full            category exists because, as Smart TVs
      Consequently, the main challenge                        readily agree).                                                                                ‘ownership’ of home entertainment.          evolve, they may gradually remove
      facing hardware manufacturers and                                                                                                                      In particular, issues include appealing     the need for an independent gaming
      service providers is how to ensure that                 A further setback to seamlessly blending                                                       only to a smaller, more tech-engaged        device within the home (in the shorter
      TV discovery continues to be a ‘lean                    these dual-discovery modes is the need                                                         audience (e.g. hard-core gamers, tech       term this is likely to impact set-top
      back’ and relaxing experience while also                to consider the social context in which we                                                     savvies etc.), separating the digital and   box providers too).
      enabling consumers to ‘lean forward’ at                 often watch TV. The ‘lean forward’ discovery                                                   broadcast experience (despite best
      key moments. There is a danger that                     experience of the internet which is                                                            efforts) and not fully integrating their    Broadcasters and cable/satellite-
                                                                                                                  What is the potential
      employing an internet-style interface will              typically conducted alone is not necessarily                                                   content and services with other device      service providers are also in danger
                                                                                                                  impact of Smart TVs from                   ecosystems.                                 of become d-coupled from the value
      distract from the familiar television viewing           conducive when the room is full of friends
      experience. And there is no evidence to                 and family shouting at you to change
                                                                                                                  the perspective of a home                                                              chain as content is easily piped directly
      suggest that consumer-viewing behavior is               back the channel and ‘lean back’ into the           entertainment provider?                    As the TV format is ubiquitous              from the original source to home.
      going to change. Research1 has shown that               viewing experience.                                                                            and used by everyone, the                   However, Smart TVs also provide many
      electronic program guides (EPGs) should be                                                                  The Smart TV, with its large screen        Smart TV evolution presents                 opportunities for broadcasters to make
      designed to suit the ‘lean back’ experience             The bridging solution for these two                 and touch-of-a-button access, has          the best opportunity in helping             their content more interactive and
      as much as possible and not distract from               discovery modes is likely to come in                the potential to widen the appeal of       content providers and device                engaging, particularly when combining
                                                              the form of the ‘second screen’. Here,              digital and interactive content, provide   manufacturers to finally fully ‘own’        their content with the more interactive
      1 Bonnici, S. (2003) ‘Which channel is that on? A de-                                                       opportunities to merge this content        the home-entertainment experience.          elements of gaming and social
      sign model for electronic programme guides’, Procee-    companion devices such as smartphones
      dings of the 2nd European Conference on Interactive     and tablets are viewed as the appropriate           with broadcast TV, and enhance shared      Nevertheless, to capitalize on this, it     networking.
      Television, 49-57                                                                                           real-time experiences.                     is critical for any home-entertainment
                                                                                                                  Other devices have already competed        provider to unlock the potential of
                                                                                                                  for the attention of the wider             Smart TVs by utilizing ecosystems to
13                                         the retail edition   the TV edition                                                                                                             14

                                                                                   advertising cut through in
                                                                                   a multiscreen environment
                                                                                   by kathryn o’hare

                                                                                   The task of TV advertising is twofold: firstly, to persuade customers
                                                                                   to buy into a product or service through the delivery of effective
                                                                                   and relevant messages and secondly, to strengthen the consumers’
                                                                                   relationship with the brand which will bring about a change in viewers’
                                                                                   perceptions or behaviors. To achieve this, advertising must engage the
                                                                                   viewer and cut through clutter.

                                                                                   Guaranteeing cut through has been at           devices - known as second screening - is
                                                                                   the top of advertisers’ priority lists for     perceived to be the latest barrier to cut
                                                                                   many years. Traditionally, the barrier to      through (with Connected TV a related
                                                                                   cut through was viewers leaving the room       and rising threat). However, research
                                                                                   during an ad break, removing themselves        has shown that the adoption of multiple
                                                                                   from the vicinity of the TV and therefore,     screens continues to grow alongside even
                                                                                   the ads. Digital video recorders and           an increase in TV viewing figures1 , which
                                                                                   Video on Demand then became the main           poses the question; could the viewing of
                                                                                   culprits, enabling viewers to fast forward     two or more screens at the same time
                                                                                   through the ad breaks. More recently, the      actually be an opportunity for advertisers
                                                                                   use of laptops, smartphones and tablet         to exploit effectively? Some advertisers
                                                                                   computers has exploded with viewers often
                                                                                   using them while also watching TV (figure      1 “A Serious Examination of the Myth of TV Viewing”,
                                                                                   one). This simultaneous viewing of different   T.Jones  T.Baxter, Market Leader: Quarter 1, 2010

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15                                                                                                                                          the TV edition                     the TV edition                                                                                                           16

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FAVORABILITY             INNOVATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       69%              69%
                                            Figure one:                                      74%                                                                                            Figure two:
                                            Multiscreening is popular                                                                                                                       Strength in market usually
                                            amongst TV viewers with                                                                                                                         leads to strong innovation                               45%
                                            just under three quarters                                                           59%                                                         perceptions                            BRAND A
                                            browsing the internet or
                                            checking emails while also
                                            watching TV.


                                                                                                                                                                      20%                                                                                                                                     KEY
                                            1.	 Browse the internet/check, send emails                                                                                                      Key                                                                                                               (1) Top two
                                             KEY                                                                                                                                                                                                     13%
                                            2.	 Use a laptop/computer                                                                                                                       1.	 Top two box appeal                                                     11%              12%                   (2) Top two
                                            3.	 Use a mobile phone/smartphone                                                                                                               2.	 Top two box favorability           BRAND B
                                             (1) Browse the internet/check, send emails                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (3) Has the
                                            4.	 Use social networking sites                                                                                                                 3.	 Has the newest features                                                                                       (4) Cutting
                                             (2) Use a laptop or computer
                                            5.	 Use a tablet computer                                                                                                                       4.	 Cutting edge technology
                                            (3) Use a mobile phone/smartphone                                                                                                                                                                 (1)     (2)               (3)              (4)
                                            (4) Use social networking sites                  (1)              (2)                (3)                 (4)                  (5)
                                            (5) Use a tablet computer

                                                                  think so, and while using one channel to
                                                                  direct consumers onto another is nothing
                                                                                                                    broadband TV ad2 . At the end of the ad,
                                                                                                                    Usain Bolt points to a website address
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Second screening        In the past, the type of media used in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     campaign has placed time constraints on
                                                                  new, advertisers are recognizing the real-        on screen which promises to tell viewers                                                                is an effective way      advertising, limiting the depth of message
                                                                  time opportunity of second screening;             when their broadband speeds will double.                                                                                         that could be communicated. However,
                                                                  using this to capitalize on advertising on all    This direction resulted in over 1.7 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for all industries       during a second-screen campaign, time
                                                                  screens at once, creating campaigns that          viewers going online after the advert                                                                    to advertise as it      limits become less of an issue. Coca-Cola
                                                                  provide relevant, consistent and connected        had aired3, demonstrating not only how                                                                                           found this in their second-screen campaign
                                                                  advertising.                                      connected viewers are while watching TV,                                                                 allows brands to        during the 2012 Super Bowl. Viewers

                                                                  What is a ‘second screen’ campaign?
                                                                                                                    but also their willingness to engage with
                                                                                                                    brands online. The driver online from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           build a relationship      were directed to an online microsite on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     which there were two animated polar bears
                                                                  The idea behind a second screen campaign          TV advert could be as simple as Virgin’s                                                                  with consumers         hosting their own Super Bowl party and
                                                                  is simple: you place advertising on TV which
                                                                  drives viewers to engage with the brand
                                                                                                                    point to a website address; it could be the
                                                                                                                    inclusion of a hashtag or Facebook emblem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               through more          reacting in real time to the game, the TV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ads, and the social media updates from
                                                                  on the laptop or smartphone they have in          to encourage viewers to engage with the                                                                active engagement         viewers. The average time that viewers
                                                                  front of them. It is well known that TV is a      brand through social media, or it might be                                                                                       interacted with the polar bears was
                                                                  passive medium, but when used as part of          something more complex such as a link to a                                                                which can help
                                                                  a second-screen campaign it becomes the           downloadable app or online game.                                                                          positioning and
                                                                  catalyst to actively engaging viewers by
                                                                  directing them online. A straightforward          2 watch?v=gpNtntHVrkc	                                                             differentiation”
                                                                                                                    3 “Virgin Media: Going Beyond the Data” Jeff Dodds,
                                                                  example of this is the UK Virgin Media            Warc Exclusive MAP: Measuring Advertising Perfor-
                                                                                                                    mance, March 2012

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17                                                                                                                       the TV edition             the TV edition                                                                                                    18

                                            expected to be quite low, at around two and           screen advertising campaign presents for                             providers and other products, many              engaged audience through a second-screen
                                            a half minutes. Instead, viewers stayed for           two reasons. Firstly, second screening is                            technology categories are central to            campaign could strengthen the brand
                                            an average of 28 minutes, Twitter followers           innovative; one of the key characteristics                           second screening. Viewers are already           relationship. Viewers can engage beyond
                                            grew by 38% and the brand ran connected               of second screening is that it relies on                             engaged with the category at the point of       the advertising, demonstrating what they
                                            product-led TV ads during the game4.                  using creative and cutting-edge platforms                            advertising consumption. As such, second        are missing out on or letting them explore
                                            Coca-Cola found that through adopting this            through which to communicate with                                    screening could act as a platform for           the capabilities of the products they are
                                            approach, screens can be used distinctly,             viewers, keeping innovation at the core of                           showcasing the brand and products in a          using and exploiting the all-important
                                            allowing the advertiser to get across a               media activities. Data we have collected5                            relevant manner without time constraints,       innovative message through real-time use
                                            myriad of messages, each one enticing the             gives an indication that technology brands                           and to an audience which is already highly      of the product.
                                            viewer in a unique way and at a different             that are cutting edge with the newest                                involved and hence is less likely to perceive
                                            level. The relevance of the content helped            features and capabilities tend to have                               advertising as unobtrusive.                     More broadly, second screen advertising
                                            to encourage viewers to stay with the polar           higher levels of appeal and favorability                                                                             shows how advertisers should focus on a
                                            bears, engaging with the Coca-Cola brand              (Figure two). As innovation is key to success                                                                        holistic ‘experience points’ strategy. The
                                            throughout.                                           in the technology category, keeping this                             Second screening is a constantly-evolving       greater the ability is to create memorable,
                                                                                                  quality not only at the core of products                             concept and the traditional task of TV          impressive and consistent experiences,
                                            What are the implications and the                     and messages but in the way the brand                                advertising remains important. In a second-     the more they’ll be able to strengthen
                                            opportunities of second screening for                 communicates, is likely to lead to strength                          screen campaign, TV advertising still has       consumers’ relationships to brand.
                                            technology brands?                                    in the market and a positive change                                  to have enough impact to cut through -
                                            Second screening is an effective way for all          in brand perception as well. Secondly,                               but once it does, the potential to engage
                                            industries to advertise as it allows brands           technology is intrinsically involved in                              consumers for a longer amount of time is        Want more information on this article?
                                            to build a relationship with consumers                the second-screening experience. With                                heightened through online interaction. The      - 	 Kathyn O’Hare
                                            through more active engagement which                  the combination of TV, laptop/tablet/                                manner through which technology brands  
                                            can help positioning and differentiation.             smartphone, broadband/Wi-Fi/mobile                                   can successfully exploit their integral part
                                            Technology brands specifically should                 network carrier, social media, search                                of the second-screen process is a question
                                            embrace the opportunities that a second-                                                                                   which is yet to be addressed. Although
                                                                                                  5 TechTalk Omnibus conducted by GfK in the UK in                     the advantages are clear, showcasing
                                                                                                  Feb 2012 and the base is 6075                                        technology products to an already-
                                            4 “Coca-Cola Polar Bear Engaged 9 Million”, Natalie
                                            Zmuda,, May 9th, 2012

Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012                                                                                                                                                                                             Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
19                                         the retail edition   the TV edition                                                                                                       20

                                                                                   the rise of online video
                                                                                   by robert wucher

                                                                                   The adoption of laptops and tablet computers combined with the rise
                                                                                   of online catch-up services (TV on demand) has meant that we can
                                                                                   watch our favorite content wherever, whenever and as often as we
                                                                                   please. These services allow consumers to fit programs around our
                                                                                   lives, ensuring we never again miss our favorite drama series or that
                                                                                   groundbreaking documentary.

                                                                                   However, the move to watching                 So, what are the benefits of online video
                                                                                   programs via these services has seen the      ads?
                                                                                   disappearance of some aspects of normal       1.	Traditionally, online has been seen to be
                                                                                   viewing, most notably the traditional ‘ad     an active medium, whilst TV is perceived as
                                                                                   break’ window between programs. To            a more passive medium. It follows therefore
                                                                                   combat this, content on catch-up services     that advertising, designed to be viewed
                                                                                   contains a mechanism to screen shorter        passively, would not sit well in an online
                                                                                   ad breaks, partly using online-specific       environment. However, thanks to our
                                                                                   creative executions before (pre-rolls)        increasing consumption of media through
                                                                                   and throughout (mid-rolls) the viewing        catch-up TV services, Smart TVs, laptops
                                                                                   of program content. This online video         and the rise in popularity of YouTube, a
                                                                                   advertising has enabled advertisers to        grey area has emerged online in which TV
                                                                                   place ads in and around specific content to   advertising sits particularly well. Indeed,
                                                                                   regain control and potentially advertise to   with online viewers being generally more
                                                                                   an already engaged audience.                  engaged, (they click on a link, or search for
                                                                                                                                 content) and yet still watching programs

Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012                                                                                                            Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
21                                                                                                               the TV edition            the TV edition                                                                                                      22

                                                 “thanks to                                 impossible to skip through online video ads.
                                                                                            While audiences may not necessarily take
                                                                                                                                                                   “Technology                             was innovation. Generally, technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                           brands need to be perceived as innovative,
                                               our increasing                               note of ads, they are likely to be engaged                           Brands need to                            and it would seem that harnessing new
                                                                                            to an extent as they actively consume the                                                                      innovations in advertising can also help
                                              consumption of                                medium. One exception is on YouTube
                                                                                                                                                                 be perceived as                           drive this perception.
                                               media through                                which has a mechanism which lets you skip                           innovative, and it
                                                                                            through adverts after the first five seconds.                                                                  It is evident that the paybacks from
                                                catch-up TV                                 As such, the online video ad is guaranteed                          would seem that                            online video advertising make it a critical
                                            services, Smart TVs,                            exposure, albeit for a shorter time.                                 harnessing new                            component to consider using as part of an
                                                                                                                                                                                                           advertising campaign. However, it is worth
                                              laptops and the                               3.	Online video adverts can be specifically                           innovations in                           noting that success was only seen when the

                                             rise in popularity                             targeted at a particular demographic or
                                                                                            type of consumer based on the category
                                                                                                                                                                 advertising can                           online ads were used in conjunction with
                                                                                                                                                                                                           TV advertising. While they offer a good
                                            of YouTube, a grey                              of content in which they are placed. The                           help them to drive                          opportunity to target a specific audience,
                                                                                            programing can be cherry-picked especially                                                                     using online video advertising in isolation
                                             area has emerged                               to sit within a certain type of content,                             this perception”                          from other media is not enough. But when
                                             online in which TV                             making it easier to target the demographic                                                                     used in tandem with other media, they
                                                                                            for which the advertising has been created,                                                                    provide a complementary, non-traditional
                                              advertising sits                              or those who may be interested in the                             and those exposed to the latter but          approach through which to deliver
                                            particularly well”                              product being advertised.                                         unexposed to online advertising, despite
                                                                                                                                                              browsing the same website. The results
                                                                                                                                                                                                           advertising to the right people at a time
                                                                                                                                                                                                           when they are most likely to be engaged. In
                                                                                            So, in a nutshell, online video ads save time                     showed that not only did those consuming     addition, they also have particular benefits
                                                                                            and expense, sharing creative executions                          both the TV and online video advertising     for tech brands chasing that all-important
                                            passively, TV-creative executions can easily
                                                                                            across media. But what are the effects on                         have stronger recall, but brand-perception   innovative perception.
                                            slip into this unique advertising space. This
                                                                                            brands?                                                           measures were also more positive in this
                                            is obviously a great benefit to advertisers
                                                                                                                                                              group, post-exposure. The strongest ad
                                            as executions can be easily slotted online,                                                                                                                    Want more information on this article?
                                                                                            Beyond generating awareness, another                              recall happened with viewers who had
                                            removing time and money otherwise                                                                                                                              - 	Robert Wucher
                                                                                            important purpose of advertising is to                            seen the ad five to seven times through a
                                            spent on creating a whole new execution.                                                                                                               
                                                                                            shift perceptions. Working with Google,                           combination of TV and online.
                                            However, it is important to note that it
                                                                                            we carried out a series of studies across
                                            is not yet clear if using the exact same
                                                                                            a number of industries to explore the                             One such study focused on a mobile phone
                                            creative execution for both online and TV is
                                                                                            value and effectiveness of online video                           manufacturers’ launch campaign for a
                                            the best approach from an ad-effectiveness
                                                                                            ads in relation to TV. Both the online                            new handset. Interestingly, the brand-
                                                                                            and TV campaigns used were identical                              perception measure which benefited
                                                                                            in their creative executions. The studies                         most from exposure to both elements
                                            2.	Both YouTube and online TV catch-up
                                                                                            divided participants into two groups: those
                                            services have measures in place making it
                                                                                            exposed to both online and TV advertising,

Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012                                                                                                                                                                                      Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
23   the TV edition   the TV edition                                                                                                             24

                                         The Emergence of a New
                                         global TV Landscape
                                         by phil mccann

                                         TV is in the middle of a technology revolution which has the potential
                                         to completely change the TV-viewing culture and experience. A range
                                         of technologies is contributing to this revolution including Connected
                                         TV, HDTV, 3DTV, time-shifted viewing and the ability to watch TV
                                         programs on a number of devices. So how are consumers globally
                                         adopting these new technologies?

                                         Our global study1 into content and device-              Germany largely continue to see their
                                         viewing habits shows that developing                    TV set as the center of their content
                                         countries have exploited the opportunities              viewing, favoring watching TV content in
                                         to consume and engage with media                        the context of the traditional living room
                                         across a variety of platforms to a greater              set-up.
                                         extent than their developed-country
                                         counterparts. Not only do countries such                As David Tice, of GfK North America2 ,
                                         as India, Brazil and especially China view an           suggests, “TV is still king within the US,
                                         increasing amount of content via ‘second                and consumers in this market want the
                                         screens’, but they also use TV in more                  biggest screen possible so they can enjoy
                                         advanced ways, in particular utilizing the              the ultimate TV-viewing experience.”
                                         smart functionality. Their rising levels                Nevertheless, how content is consumed is
                                         of advanced TV interaction, paired with                 changing, albeit within the same living-
                                         their higher motivation to interact with                room environment. An appetite for second
                                         programs, means that consumers in China,                screening is growing in developed markets.
                                         India and Brazil are essentially the early              Tablets, laptops and smartphones are used
                                         adopters of the moment.                                 to actively to engage and seek information
                                         In contrast, consumers in traditional                   related to the TV content that is being
                                         TV markets such as the US, the UK and                   viewed.

                                         1 Survey was conducted by GfK, covering 6,027
                                         consumers in 13 markets. All participants were inter-
                                         viewed between June and July 2012 using an online       2 Tele-depth interview conducted with GfK analyst in
                                         methodology                                             North America in May 2012
25   the TV edition   the TV edition   26
27                                                                       the TV edition        the TV edition                                                                                               28

            “Not only do                          ‘Shortcuts: Consumer Decision-Making
                                                  in the Real World’), the highest drivers of
                                                                                                                  “our study suggests                              be used both as an alternative to and in
                                                                                                                                                                   tandem with TV viewing in the form of a
        countries such as                         purchase are screen format and level of                             that intuitive                               ‘second screen’.
                                                  HD capability, with these factors proving
         India, Brazil and                        far more important to consumers than
                                                                                                                  control will be the                              But what does this mean for the future?
         especially China                         whether or not their TV is internet                               next big growth                                It would be unwise to suggest that TV is
                                                  enabled. Findings also show that globally,                                                                       on the brink of losing its position as the
       view an increasing                         consumers feel uninspired by the social                            area in TV, with                              top content-viewing device. However, the
       amount of content                          content of programs to interact regularly.                         high interest in                              growth of online catch-up and streaming
                                                                                                                                                                   services means devices such as laptops,
                                                  Broadcasters must work creatively to
       via second screens,                        integrate social elements, such as voting,                       touch and gesture                               tablets, smartphones and games consoles

           but they also                          betting and buying, into the fabric of
                                                  programs to engage more consumers
                                                                                                                     TV control as a                               are far more appealing to viewers looking
                                                                                                                                                                   for content rather than a mechanism for
          use TV in more                          (as Rose Tomlins explores in ‘Driving                           replacement to the                               consuming it. As a result of this technology,
                                                  Engagement through the Second Screen’).                                                                          manufacturers and OS developers could
          advanced ways,                                                                                           traditional remote                              hold the key to future content delivery
           in particular                          So, while advanced functionality is more                               control”                                  with viewers looking towards the most
                                                  likely to be adopted as penetration                                                                              convenient and intuitive method of
       utilizing the smart                        increases, it is clear that this is not yet                                                                      consuming this content across their device
                                                                                                                  breeding ground for such gesture-based
          functionality”                          a base on which to build a marketing
                                                                                                                  interfaces, moving away from social gaming

                                                                                                                  and towards visual content, such as catch-
                                                                                                                                                                   *Infographic below: Smart TV usage
      Indeed, there is global commonality in                                                                      up TV and streaming movies. Meanwhile,
                                                  In fact, our study suggests that intuitive                                                                       amongst owners of a Smart TV
      terms of key purchase drivers when                                                                          with smartphones developing beyond the
                                                  control will be the next big growth area
      consumers consider their next TV set.                                                                       traditional boundaries of a mobile phone it
                                                  in TV, with high interest in touch and                                                                           Want more information on this article?
      Alongside the obvious barrier of price                                                                      is likely that this technology, having already
                                                  gesture TV control as a replacement to                                                                           - 	Phil McCann				
      (a critical point of consideration for TV                                                                   defined its usability credentials in terms
                                                  the traditional remote control. Microsoft’s                                                              
      purchases as Oliver Robinson explores in                                                                    of these advanced control methods, could
                                                  Kinect technology is proving to be a

GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition
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GfK TechTalk: The TV Edition

  • 1. TechTalk editorial2 Technology trends, opinion and insight | Edition two - 2012 the tv edition It’s difficult to think of a technology that has been more important and influential than TV. For a large part of the twentieth century, TV played a key part in many of our lives, entertaining and informing, serving as a virtual fireplace. The latest technology evolutions, such as Connected TV, have the potential to completely change this TV-viewing culture and experience. Today, we can choose from an almost limitless selection of content, challenging a past era of restrictive, scheduled viewing. Additionally, the rise of the ‘second screen’, mainly in the form of smartphones or tablets, has added a new dimension to TV viewing, enabling us to engage with content in new ways. This edition of TechTalk explores how these emerging technologies have been adopted globally and have changed TV-viewing behavior, sharing highlights from our global survey. We also look at upcoming developments, such as the exciting opportunities presented by natural user interfaces and the emergence of new creative ‘indie content’. The role of advertising in this multiscreen landscape deserves particular attention as it offers effective ways for industries to build brand relationships with consumers through more active engagement. Finally, as smartphones enter the TV space as first and as second screens, it’s worth looking at the developments of smartphone apps and the trends we are seeing across the consumer journey for these devices. Happy reading! Anette Bendzko the tv edition Global Lead Technology, GfK Consumer Experiences Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 2. the TV edition 4 contents p.05 Driving Engagement through the second screen p.09 relax, lean back and discover! p.13 advertising cut through in a multiscreen environment p.19 the rise of online video advertising p.23 The Emergence of a New global TV Landscape p.29 APP DESIGN AND THE SHIFT TOWARDS FUN AND CREATIVITY p.35 Why a successful indie media industry is good for the consumer p.41 natural user interfaces are here to stay p.45 Shortcuts: consumer decision making in the real world p.49 Smartphone experiences in emerging markets p.53 contact Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 3. 5 the retail edition the TV edition 6 Driving Engagement through the second screen By Rose Tomlins The TV-viewing experience has always struggled for our undivided attention; from screaming children to writing the shopping list, we’ve unknowingly multitasked while watching TV. Yet a new challenge now seems to be threatening the TV-viewing experience - the rise of the ‘second screen’. Our shiny new laptops, tablets and has struggled to really gain traction in smartphones tempt us away from the TV consumer TV-viewing ecosystems. experience we initially set out to enjoy. Nevertheless, over recent months, Whether it’s quickly checking Facebook greater recognition has been given to during a quiet moment in the soccer the potential of the second screen in re- match, or texting a friend to arrange lunch, engaging consumers with their TV-viewing the distractions are numerous and easily experiences. It is increasingly viewed as an managed while watching TV. However, enhancer, rather than a detractor, to the when it comes to multitasking, we generally overall TV experience. And, as such, with sacrifice the quality with which we’re able a revival of the second-screen use case, to execute each task. And at first glance, in this time it seems to be accompanied by the context of the proliferation of second genuine consumer excitement. screens, it appears to be the TV experience that suffers. How many goals have been The organic rise of the Twitter hashtag missed during that quiet moment when we has much to do with this revival. By were quickly emailing a friend? spontaneously tweeting about TV content with an accompanying and relevant Since the advent of the first app store hashtag, users ensure that like-minded in July 2008, many concepts have been viewers can discover and read their tweets. tested that focus on similar second- Through enabling consumers to bond screen multitasking (otherwise known as over topical TV conversations, Twitter has second-screening) use cases - for example, provided a compelling use case for the watching TV on your phone while having second screen and one that TV producers an IM chat with your friend. While being have been quick to capitalize on. received favorably, these types of use cases typically fail to ignite genuine excitement. Reality TV shows in particular have Despite fulfilling a functional consumer benefited from being able to influence and need for greater efficiency through share opinions on the shows’ live events. multitasking, these use cases ultimately fail A simple Twitter hashtag trend flashed to address the more emotional consumer up at the end of each act is enough to need for an engaging and immersive drive consumers to tweet their thoughts TV experience. Perhaps this goes a long on the show they’ve just watched. The way to explaining why the second screen accompanying ‘buzz’ around that TV show Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 4. 7 the TV edition the TV edition 8 “What tv-sidekick screen and compete against their friends. Monterosa3 , the solution developer behind with your Connected TV. So, although TV viewing may arguably remain a bases itself around the concept of ‘fan SideShows’ that enable consumers to solutions have this second-screen solution, states on its predominantly first-screen experience, engage with like-minded fans of their website that the second screen actively interacting with TV content is starting favorite TV show, sharing clips and lyrics in common is encourages viewers to engage in the shows to make more sense when conducted or even sourcing the retailers that stock a recognized they watch. Far from distracting viewers, it via the second screen. The ability their character’s favorite outfit. The idea gets them talking more about those shows of second screening to facilitate a is fun and ideal for cult TV shows such potential for with their friends, generating positive word more pleasurable experience when as US comedy-drama series Glee, where using the second of mouth. Monterosa’s position is clear; the second screen exists to make TV viewing it comes to data input (keyword searches, tweeting etc.) is one of the fan engagement with the characters and plotlines is incredibly high. screen as a more an experience by involving viewers, making key benefits these solutions seek to intuitive and them feel like they are part of something special. Another example of this is the capitalize on. Later in this TechTalk edition, we explore this in relation The emergence of these TV-sidekick solutions indicates a new role for the engaging means smartphone application developed by Fox to advertisers who increasingly seek second screen in re-engaging consumers TV for the US cult forensic drama ‘Bones’4 . to capitalize on second screening with their favorite TV shows. Far from with which to The app allows viewers to participate in the by advertising on all screen being a threat and challenge to the ‘first’ interact with your show, solve cases, and even purchase songs simultaneously. screen, the second screen may actually that feature in the show. turn out to be its savior. Connected TV” A final variation on the second-screen The second type of TV solution focuses solution is a more niche-use case, as Want more information on this article? around the Connected TV proposition, demonstrated the Miso app6. Miso - Rose Tomlins utilizing the second screen to facilitate greater interaction. While Connected TVs 6 are great for opening a range of content is what keeps producers happy, driving onto screens, when it comes to navigating consumers to phone in and vote for their through complex on-screen program favorite act. Beyond the reality TV show, guides, the experience can suddenly Twitter is being used to creatively engage become a lot less intuitive. Solutions with consumers, as demonstrated by the such as Microsoft SmartGlass have been UK teen drama ‘Misfits’1 . Producers utilized quick to exploit the potential benefits of Yet the connected TV is beginning to technologies to people. From the a sophisticated online and viral campaign a second-screen solution to aid discovery change this fragmented experience to outset, as shared viewing experiences which saw the actors and actresses create and navigation, in this case by using a something that can again be shared, become ever more socialized, content ‘character Twitter streams’ that they Windows tablet to act as a smart remote and this time shared globally and in providers will need to offer audiences updated during and after the show. These control, game controller and navigational real time. This obviously presents a ways to filter or control who they are initiatives added an extra dimension to the tool in one. An example of a similar solution slightly paradoxical situation where sharing the viewing with. action unfolding on viewers’ ‘first’ screens. (but in the smartphone application space) people in the same house (or even in is Zeebox5 , an app that enables you to the same room) are not sharing TV in a The viewing experience is also under Following the success of Twitter in reviving interact with TV content via your second physical sense, but are instead sharing the threat of dilution as people second screening, a noticeable number of screen in a variety of ways. This includes content with other groups of people grapple with the intrusive aspects more sophisticated TV ‘sidekick’ solutions seeing what your friends are watching, that they’re connected with ‘virtually’ of connected content and devices, have emerged. Each is specifically designed chatting to others about shows, getting through social media. particularly as advertisers start to take to drive greater TV engagement through, live stats for sports matches and remotely advantage of opportunities that such and raise the profile of, the second screen. controlling your Connected TV. The fact What is the potential It is the combination of social new developments present. Broadly speaking, there appear to be three that all this can be done on your tablet, impact of Smart TVs… from connectivity with interactive gaming, different types of sidekick applications and ‘hyper-real’ viewing experiences, Broadcasters will have to keep up with wirelessly, with a touch screen keyboard, a cultural and futurology currently available to TV viewers. makes interacting with your Connected TV which will ultimately impact how we the new features and options available perspective? use media in the long term. Imagine to audiences, perhaps pushing them to an altogether more exciting and immediate The first type of TV-sidekick solution is one experience. a scenario where you can ‘virtually’ offer more hyped and extreme content that is custom designed to work alongside In the latter half of the 20th century, enter a tabloid talk show and shout at where boundaries are broken and specific shows. For example, a popular the TV has created a focal point in the What these solutions have in common the husband who cheated on his wife opinion on whether this is right or not quiz show syndicated globally, ‘Million home, a kind of virtual fireplace where is a recognized potential for using the via your avatar! Or, enter the scene polarizes the viewing audience. Pound Drop’ ’2, offers a custom-built site people can gather and share a viewing second screen as a more intuitive and of a live crime drama and help the where viewers can actually play alongside experience with the whole household. engaging means with which to interact detective look for clues along with Ultimately, the ‘smartening’ of quiz show contestants using the second More recently, with the introduction your friend’s avatar. TV provides another platform to of mobile viewing screens, the viewing 3 fundamentally impact on the cultural experience has not only fragmented 1 4 Inevitably, there are some challenges landscape, much as it did in the last 2 5 audiences, but has become more to ‘selling in’ these new features and century. personal and customized. Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 5. the TV edition 10 relax, lean back and discover! by emma roberts It’s Friday night, you’ve finished work, you kick off your shoes, pour yourself a glass of wine, put your feet up on the sofa and turn on the TV in time to watch your favorite show. The program starts and you sit back and start to unwind… but will such evenings remain the same as we embrace Connected TV? Accessing and viewing ‘regular’ and ‘one- time-based electronic program guide grid. off’ shows is a familiar experience for us all, Both of these paths take us on a relatively typically governed by a familiar time-based passive approach to content discovery, with program grid or, more often than not, by little time investment or up-front planning simply entering the channel number into required. the remote control at the appropriate time. It’s something that has become so habitual However, as Connected TVs start to that we do it without even really thinking, pool content from the internet onto our simply discovering what’s on by flicking TV screens, the way in which we watch, through the channels or scanning the on- select and discover such content is set screen guide. to change. The manner in which we flip through our TV guide and the approach Typically, unearthing new TV programs we adopt when browsing the internet are has been a fairly ‘lean back’ affair too. very different. Indeed, our motivations for With traditional TV, we have taken two using the internet and watching television clear paths when it comes to content are at odds. Whereas TV discovery can be discovery. The first of these paths is described as a ‘lean back’ or more passive ‘informed discovery’ where we watch experience and one that we often set out something that’s been brought to our on with the purpose of entertaining or attention by friends, via social networks, relaxing with friends and family, internet or on adverts. The second of these is discovery is a more ‘lean forward’ or ‘stumbled discovery’, where we ‘accidentally proactive experience, often undertaken on purpose’ come across something new, alone and usually for the purpose of active often by flicking through channels or a information gathering.
  • 6. 11 the TV edition the TV edition 12 “the main the primary aim of watching television. platforms for integrating the active and passive discovery experience. So what will be the EPG of the future? It’s clear that TV discovery will challenge So, if television viewers prefer to be given There are several immediate become smarter and more proactive information while internet browsers prefer advantages to engaging with the as Connected TVs enable powerful facing hardware to seek information, there are clear design second screen in this way. For internet-enabled discovery solutions. manufacturers implications for future EPGs. Successful example, the second screen allows Yet it is crucial that manufacturers EPGs need to build seamless links between viewers to ‘lean forward’ into their understand the ‘change of behavioral and service these two different modes of discovery, more active discovery mode without play’ to succeed in the home ecosystem. providers is how enabling consumers to switch between those modes with minimal interference. disrupting the ‘lean back’ experience for those watching TV with them (in With our TV-viewing experience rapidly evolving, ironically manufacturers must to ensure that However, a number of possible hurdles other words, on the first screen). In do anything but lean back and relax. TV discovery have been identified. A critical pain point that needs to be bridged when integrating addition, inputting text fields and searching for content is arguably continues to these two solutions is that in ‘lean back’ much easier when attempted with a Emma Roberts is currently on maternity leave but if you want more information mode we simply need to push a button touch screen interface on the second be a ‘lean back’ and the desired experience is delivered screen rather than a numeric keypad on this article, you can contact her colleague below: and relaxing to us, whereas in ‘lean forward’ mode we on a remote control on the first - have to actively input a text field, search screen. experience while for relevant content and actively prioritize also enabling and select the experience we want to achieve. The critical crossroad arises when consumers to ‘lean we attempt to use traditional TV discovery solutions to enable a more proactive forward’ at key discovery experience. Traditional EPG and household audience by offering a further enhance this experience. moments TV remote control offer poor support to converged digital-content experience (games consoles, media centers, No doubt there will be some casualties the ‘lean forward’ experience (as anyone who has gone through the frustration of set-top boxes etc.). However, these on the way for entrenched brands. A typing out a keyword search using the have always met with barriers that major threat to the games-console number pad on their remote control will have stopped them achieving full category exists because, as Smart TVs Consequently, the main challenge readily agree). ‘ownership’ of home entertainment. evolve, they may gradually remove facing hardware manufacturers and In particular, issues include appealing the need for an independent gaming service providers is how to ensure that A further setback to seamlessly blending only to a smaller, more tech-engaged device within the home (in the shorter TV discovery continues to be a ‘lean these dual-discovery modes is the need audience (e.g. hard-core gamers, tech term this is likely to impact set-top back’ and relaxing experience while also to consider the social context in which we savvies etc.), separating the digital and box providers too). enabling consumers to ‘lean forward’ at often watch TV. The ‘lean forward’ discovery broadcast experience (despite best key moments. There is a danger that experience of the internet which is efforts) and not fully integrating their Broadcasters and cable/satellite- What is the potential employing an internet-style interface will typically conducted alone is not necessarily content and services with other device service providers are also in danger impact of Smart TVs from ecosystems. of become d-coupled from the value distract from the familiar television viewing conducive when the room is full of friends experience. And there is no evidence to and family shouting at you to change the perspective of a home chain as content is easily piped directly suggest that consumer-viewing behavior is back the channel and ‘lean back’ into the entertainment provider? As the TV format is ubiquitous from the original source to home. going to change. Research1 has shown that viewing experience. and used by everyone, the However, Smart TVs also provide many electronic program guides (EPGs) should be The Smart TV, with its large screen Smart TV evolution presents opportunities for broadcasters to make designed to suit the ‘lean back’ experience The bridging solution for these two and touch-of-a-button access, has the best opportunity in helping their content more interactive and as much as possible and not distract from discovery modes is likely to come in the potential to widen the appeal of content providers and device engaging, particularly when combining the form of the ‘second screen’. Here, digital and interactive content, provide manufacturers to finally fully ‘own’ their content with the more interactive 1 Bonnici, S. (2003) ‘Which channel is that on? A de- opportunities to merge this content the home-entertainment experience. elements of gaming and social sign model for electronic programme guides’, Procee- companion devices such as smartphones dings of the 2nd European Conference on Interactive and tablets are viewed as the appropriate with broadcast TV, and enhance shared Nevertheless, to capitalize on this, it networking. Television, 49-57 real-time experiences. is critical for any home-entertainment Other devices have already competed provider to unlock the potential of for the attention of the wider Smart TVs by utilizing ecosystems to
  • 7. 13 the retail edition the TV edition 14 advertising cut through in a multiscreen environment by kathryn o’hare The task of TV advertising is twofold: firstly, to persuade customers to buy into a product or service through the delivery of effective and relevant messages and secondly, to strengthen the consumers’ relationship with the brand which will bring about a change in viewers’ perceptions or behaviors. To achieve this, advertising must engage the viewer and cut through clutter. Guaranteeing cut through has been at devices - known as second screening - is the top of advertisers’ priority lists for perceived to be the latest barrier to cut many years. Traditionally, the barrier to through (with Connected TV a related cut through was viewers leaving the room and rising threat). However, research during an ad break, removing themselves has shown that the adoption of multiple from the vicinity of the TV and therefore, screens continues to grow alongside even the ads. Digital video recorders and an increase in TV viewing figures1 , which Video on Demand then became the main poses the question; could the viewing of culprits, enabling viewers to fast forward two or more screens at the same time through the ad breaks. More recently, the actually be an opportunity for advertisers use of laptops, smartphones and tablet to exploit effectively? Some advertisers computers has exploded with viewers often using them while also watching TV (figure 1 “A Serious Examination of the Myth of TV Viewing”, one). This simultaneous viewing of different T.Jones T.Baxter, Market Leader: Quarter 1, 2010 (Warc) Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 8. 15 the TV edition the TV edition 16 APPEAL FAVORABILITY INNOVATION 76% 69% 69% Figure one: 74% Figure two: 72% Multiscreening is popular Strength in market usually amongst TV viewers with leads to strong innovation 45% just under three quarters 59% perceptions BRAND A browsing the internet or 51% checking emails while also watching TV. 47% 20% KEY Key 1. Browse the internet/check, send emails Key (1) Top two KEY 13% 2. Use a laptop/computer 1. Top two box appeal 11% 12% (2) Top two 3. Use a mobile phone/smartphone 2. Top two box favorability BRAND B (1) Browse the internet/check, send emails (3) Has the 4. Use social networking sites 3. Has the newest features (4) Cutting (2) Use a laptop or computer 5. Use a tablet computer 4. Cutting edge technology (3) Use a mobile phone/smartphone (1) (2) (3) (4) (4) Use social networking sites (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) Use a tablet computer think so, and while using one channel to direct consumers onto another is nothing broadband TV ad2 . At the end of the ad, Usain Bolt points to a website address “Second screening In the past, the type of media used in a campaign has placed time constraints on new, advertisers are recognizing the real- on screen which promises to tell viewers is an effective way advertising, limiting the depth of message time opportunity of second screening; when their broadband speeds will double. that could be communicated. However, using this to capitalize on advertising on all This direction resulted in over 1.7 million for all industries during a second-screen campaign, time screens at once, creating campaigns that viewers going online after the advert to advertise as it limits become less of an issue. Coca-Cola provide relevant, consistent and connected had aired3, demonstrating not only how found this in their second-screen campaign advertising. connected viewers are while watching TV, allows brands to during the 2012 Super Bowl. Viewers What is a ‘second screen’ campaign? but also their willingness to engage with brands online. The driver online from the build a relationship were directed to an online microsite on which there were two animated polar bears The idea behind a second screen campaign TV advert could be as simple as Virgin’s with consumers hosting their own Super Bowl party and is simple: you place advertising on TV which drives viewers to engage with the brand point to a website address; it could be the inclusion of a hashtag or Facebook emblem through more reacting in real time to the game, the TV ads, and the social media updates from on the laptop or smartphone they have in to encourage viewers to engage with the active engagement viewers. The average time that viewers front of them. It is well known that TV is a brand through social media, or it might be interacted with the polar bears was passive medium, but when used as part of something more complex such as a link to a which can help a second-screen campaign it becomes the downloadable app or online game. positioning and catalyst to actively engaging viewers by directing them online. A straightforward 2 watch?v=gpNtntHVrkc differentiation” 3 “Virgin Media: Going Beyond the Data” Jeff Dodds, example of this is the UK Virgin Media Warc Exclusive MAP: Measuring Advertising Perfor- mance, March 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 9. 17 the TV edition the TV edition 18 expected to be quite low, at around two and screen advertising campaign presents for providers and other products, many engaged audience through a second-screen a half minutes. Instead, viewers stayed for two reasons. Firstly, second screening is technology categories are central to campaign could strengthen the brand an average of 28 minutes, Twitter followers innovative; one of the key characteristics second screening. Viewers are already relationship. Viewers can engage beyond grew by 38% and the brand ran connected of second screening is that it relies on engaged with the category at the point of the advertising, demonstrating what they product-led TV ads during the game4. using creative and cutting-edge platforms advertising consumption. As such, second are missing out on or letting them explore Coca-Cola found that through adopting this through which to communicate with screening could act as a platform for the capabilities of the products they are approach, screens can be used distinctly, viewers, keeping innovation at the core of showcasing the brand and products in a using and exploiting the all-important allowing the advertiser to get across a media activities. Data we have collected5 relevant manner without time constraints, innovative message through real-time use myriad of messages, each one enticing the gives an indication that technology brands and to an audience which is already highly of the product. viewer in a unique way and at a different that are cutting edge with the newest involved and hence is less likely to perceive level. The relevance of the content helped features and capabilities tend to have advertising as unobtrusive. More broadly, second screen advertising to encourage viewers to stay with the polar higher levels of appeal and favorability shows how advertisers should focus on a bears, engaging with the Coca-Cola brand (Figure two). As innovation is key to success holistic ‘experience points’ strategy. The throughout. in the technology category, keeping this Second screening is a constantly-evolving greater the ability is to create memorable, quality not only at the core of products concept and the traditional task of TV impressive and consistent experiences, What are the implications and the and messages but in the way the brand advertising remains important. In a second- the more they’ll be able to strengthen opportunities of second screening for communicates, is likely to lead to strength screen campaign, TV advertising still has consumers’ relationships to brand. technology brands? in the market and a positive change to have enough impact to cut through - Second screening is an effective way for all in brand perception as well. Secondly, but once it does, the potential to engage industries to advertise as it allows brands technology is intrinsically involved in consumers for a longer amount of time is Want more information on this article? to build a relationship with consumers the second-screening experience. With heightened through online interaction. The - Kathyn O’Hare through more active engagement which the combination of TV, laptop/tablet/ manner through which technology brands can help positioning and differentiation. smartphone, broadband/Wi-Fi/mobile can successfully exploit their integral part Technology brands specifically should network carrier, social media, search of the second-screen process is a question embrace the opportunities that a second- which is yet to be addressed. Although 5 TechTalk Omnibus conducted by GfK in the UK in the advantages are clear, showcasing Feb 2012 and the base is 6075 technology products to an already- 4 “Coca-Cola Polar Bear Engaged 9 Million”, Natalie Zmuda,, May 9th, 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 10. 19 the retail edition the TV edition 20 the rise of online video advertising by robert wucher The adoption of laptops and tablet computers combined with the rise of online catch-up services (TV on demand) has meant that we can watch our favorite content wherever, whenever and as often as we please. These services allow consumers to fit programs around our lives, ensuring we never again miss our favorite drama series or that groundbreaking documentary. However, the move to watching So, what are the benefits of online video programs via these services has seen the ads? disappearance of some aspects of normal 1. Traditionally, online has been seen to be viewing, most notably the traditional ‘ad an active medium, whilst TV is perceived as break’ window between programs. To a more passive medium. It follows therefore combat this, content on catch-up services that advertising, designed to be viewed contains a mechanism to screen shorter passively, would not sit well in an online ad breaks, partly using online-specific environment. However, thanks to our creative executions before (pre-rolls) increasing consumption of media through and throughout (mid-rolls) the viewing catch-up TV services, Smart TVs, laptops of program content. This online video and the rise in popularity of YouTube, a advertising has enabled advertisers to grey area has emerged online in which TV place ads in and around specific content to advertising sits particularly well. Indeed, regain control and potentially advertise to with online viewers being generally more an already engaged audience. engaged, (they click on a link, or search for content) and yet still watching programs Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 11. 21 the TV edition the TV edition 22 “thanks to impossible to skip through online video ads. While audiences may not necessarily take “Technology was innovation. Generally, technology brands need to be perceived as innovative, our increasing note of ads, they are likely to be engaged Brands need to and it would seem that harnessing new to an extent as they actively consume the innovations in advertising can also help consumption of medium. One exception is on YouTube be perceived as drive this perception. media through which has a mechanism which lets you skip innovative, and it through adverts after the first five seconds. It is evident that the paybacks from catch-up TV As such, the online video ad is guaranteed would seem that online video advertising make it a critical services, Smart TVs, exposure, albeit for a shorter time. harnessing new component to consider using as part of an advertising campaign. However, it is worth laptops and the 3. Online video adverts can be specifically innovations in noting that success was only seen when the rise in popularity targeted at a particular demographic or type of consumer based on the category advertising can online ads were used in conjunction with TV advertising. While they offer a good of YouTube, a grey of content in which they are placed. The help them to drive opportunity to target a specific audience, programing can be cherry-picked especially using online video advertising in isolation area has emerged to sit within a certain type of content, this perception” from other media is not enough. But when online in which TV making it easier to target the demographic used in tandem with other media, they for which the advertising has been created, provide a complementary, non-traditional advertising sits or those who may be interested in the and those exposed to the latter but approach through which to deliver particularly well” product being advertised. unexposed to online advertising, despite browsing the same website. The results advertising to the right people at a time when they are most likely to be engaged. In So, in a nutshell, online video ads save time showed that not only did those consuming addition, they also have particular benefits and expense, sharing creative executions both the TV and online video advertising for tech brands chasing that all-important passively, TV-creative executions can easily across media. But what are the effects on have stronger recall, but brand-perception innovative perception. slip into this unique advertising space. This brands? measures were also more positive in this is obviously a great benefit to advertisers group, post-exposure. The strongest ad as executions can be easily slotted online, Want more information on this article? Beyond generating awareness, another recall happened with viewers who had removing time and money otherwise - Robert Wucher important purpose of advertising is to seen the ad five to seven times through a spent on creating a whole new execution. shift perceptions. Working with Google, combination of TV and online. However, it is important to note that it we carried out a series of studies across is not yet clear if using the exact same a number of industries to explore the One such study focused on a mobile phone creative execution for both online and TV is value and effectiveness of online video manufacturers’ launch campaign for a the best approach from an ad-effectiveness ads in relation to TV. Both the online new handset. Interestingly, the brand- standpoint. and TV campaigns used were identical perception measure which benefited in their creative executions. The studies most from exposure to both elements 2. Both YouTube and online TV catch-up divided participants into two groups: those services have measures in place making it exposed to both online and TV advertising, Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012 Copyright GfK | TechTalk Edition Two 2012
  • 12. 23 the TV edition the TV edition 24 The Emergence of a New global TV Landscape by phil mccann TV is in the middle of a technology revolution which has the potential to completely change the TV-viewing culture and experience. A range of technologies is contributing to this revolution including Connected TV, HDTV, 3DTV, time-shifted viewing and the ability to watch TV programs on a number of devices. So how are consumers globally adopting these new technologies? Our global study1 into content and device- Germany largely continue to see their viewing habits shows that developing TV set as the center of their content countries have exploited the opportunities viewing, favoring watching TV content in to consume and engage with media the context of the traditional living room across a variety of platforms to a greater set-up. extent than their developed-country counterparts. Not only do countries such As David Tice, of GfK North America2 , as India, Brazil and especially China view an suggests, “TV is still king within the US, increasing amount of content via ‘second and consumers in this market want the screens’, but they also use TV in more biggest screen possible so they can enjoy advanced ways, in particular utilizing the the ultimate TV-viewing experience.” smart functionality. Their rising levels Nevertheless, how content is consumed is of advanced TV interaction, paired with changing, albeit within the same living- their higher motivation to interact with room environment. An appetite for second programs, means that consumers in China, screening is growing in developed markets. India and Brazil are essentially the early Tablets, laptops and smartphones are used adopters of the moment. to actively to engage and seek information In contrast, consumers in traditional related to the TV content that is being TV markets such as the US, the UK and viewed. 1 Survey was conducted by GfK, covering 6,027 consumers in 13 markets. All participants were inter- viewed between June and July 2012 using an online 2 Tele-depth interview conducted with GfK analyst in methodology North America in May 2012
  • 13. 25 the TV edition the TV edition 26
  • 14. 27 the TV edition the TV edition 28 “Not only do ‘Shortcuts: Consumer Decision-Making in the Real World’), the highest drivers of “our study suggests be used both as an alternative to and in tandem with TV viewing in the form of a countries such as purchase are screen format and level of that intuitive ‘second screen’. HD capability, with these factors proving India, Brazil and far more important to consumers than control will be the But what does this mean for the future? especially China whether or not their TV is internet next big growth It would be unwise to suggest that TV is enabled. Findings also show that globally, on the brink of losing its position as the view an increasing consumers feel uninspired by the social area in TV, with top content-viewing device. However, the amount of content content of programs to interact regularly. high interest in growth of online catch-up and streaming services means devices such as laptops, Broadcasters must work creatively to via second screens, integrate social elements, such as voting, touch and gesture tablets, smartphones and games consoles but they also betting and buying, into the fabric of programs to engage more consumers TV control as a are far more appealing to viewers looking for content rather than a mechanism for use TV in more (as Rose Tomlins explores in ‘Driving replacement to the consuming it. As a result of this technology, Engagement through the Second Screen’). manufacturers and OS developers could advanced ways, traditional remote hold the key to future content delivery in particular So, while advanced functionality is more control” with viewers looking towards the most likely to be adopted as penetration convenient and intuitive method of utilizing the smart increases, it is clear that this is not yet consuming this content across their device breeding ground for such gesture-based functionality” a base on which to build a marketing strategy. interfaces, moving away from social gaming ecosystems. and towards visual content, such as catch- *Infographic below: Smart TV usage Indeed, there is global commonality in up TV and streaming movies. Meanwhile, In fact, our study suggests that intuitive amongst owners of a Smart TV terms of key purchase drivers when with smartphones developing beyond the control will be the next big growth area consumers consider their next TV set. traditional boundaries of a mobile phone it in TV, with high interest in touch and Want more information on this article? Alongside the obvious barrier of price is likely that this technology, having already gesture TV control as a replacement to - Phil McCann (a critical point of consideration for TV defined its usability credentials in terms the traditional remote control. Microsoft’s purchases as Oliver Robinson explores in of these advanced control methods, could Kinect technology is proving to be a *