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A. Definition of Genetics
B. The Beginnings of Genetics
C. The Scope of Genetics
D. Applications of Genetics
At the end of this lecture, you would be able to:
•Define genetics based on your own understanding;
•Create a timeline of the history/ beginnings of genetics;
•Identify introductory terminologies commonly used in the concept of
genetics; and
•Explain the scope and applications of genetics.
A. Definition of Genetics
Try this!
• Instruction: Create your own
definition of each letter of the word
GENETICS. Be creative and make sure
that the chosen definition is related
to the concept of genetics. The first
letter “G” is already defined to serve
as your guide.
G -ained from mom and dad
E -
N -
E -
T -
I -
C -
S -
(n) the study of heredity and the variation of
inherited characteristics.
Source: OxfordLanguages (2023)
Etymology. The word genetics stems from the ancient Greek γενετικός
genetikos meaning "genitive"/"generative", which in turn derives from
γένεσις genesis meaning "origin".
William Bateson (August 1861 – 8 February 1926)
•an English geneticist. He was the
first person to use the term
genetics to describe the study of
heredity and biological
B. The Beginnings of Genetics
Prehistoric Times: Domesticated Animals and Cultivated Plants
•8000 to 1000 B.C.- horses, camels, oxen, and various breeds of dogs
(derived from the wolf family) were domesticated to serve various
•7000 to 5000 B.C.- the cultivation of many plants, including maize,
wheat, rice, and the date palm is thought to have been initiated. The
remains of maize dating to this period have been recovered in caves
in the Tehuácan Valley of Mexico.
(A) The caves of San Marcos (cave on the left) and Tecorral (cave on the right). (B) Archaeobotanical sampling in
San Marcos cave conducted in February 2012. (C) Maize specimens SM3 dating 5,280–4,970 cal. y B.P. (Left)
and SM5 dating 5,300–4,980 calibrated y B.P. (Right). (Scale bar, 1.5 cm.) (D) Maize specimens SM9 dating
5,280–4,970 cal. y B.P. (Left) and SM10 5,300–5,040 cal. y B.P. (Right). (Scale bar, 43 mm.)
800 B.C. Pinecone or date palm male inflorescence – metaphorical pollination in
Assyrian art
Prehistoric evidence of cultivated plants and domesticated animals
supports the hypotheses that our ancient ancestors learned that
desirable and undesirable traits are passed to successive generations
and that by influencing their breeding, many desirable varieties of
animals and plants could be obtained.
Human awareness of heredity was thus apparent during prehistoric
times and successful attempts were made to manipulate the genetic
material, even though it was unclear what it might be.
The Greek Influence: Hippocrates and Aristotle
•500 to 400 B.C.- Hippocratic treatise “On the Seed” argues that male
semen is formed in numerous parts of the body and is transported
through blood vessels to the testicles.
•384 to 322 B.C.- Aristotle proposed that male semen was formed
from blood, rather than from each organ, and that its generative
power resided in a “vital heat” that it contained. This vital heat had
the capacity to produce offspring of the same “form” as the parent.
Aristotle describes the animals Alexander has sent him, as seen in a fresco in The Main Hall
of the Assembleé Nationale in Paris, France.
1600-1850: The Dawn of Modern Biology
•1578 to 1657- William Harvey an English anatomist was credited
with the eariest statement of the theory of
•1700- theory of preformation- states that sex cells contains a
complete miniature adult called “homunculus”.
•1733 to 1794- Casper Wolff, an embryologist, supported the theory
of epigenesis. He believed that several structures such as the
alimentary canal were not initially present in the earliest embryos he
studied, but instead were formed later during development.
Depiction of the “homunculus” , a sperm containing a miniature adult, perfect in proportion,
and fully formed.
1600-1850: The Dawn of Modern Biology
• 1800- Carolus Linnaeus popularized the doctrine of the fixity of
• 1808- John Dalton expounded his atomic theory, which stated that all
matter is composed of small, invisible units called atoms.
• 1809- Jean Baptiste Lamarck proposed that organisms acquire or lose
characteristics that then become heritable. His theory was known as
the doctrine of use and disuse.
1600-1850: The Dawn of Modern Biology
•1830- Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann proposed the cell
theory, stating that all organisms are composed of basic visible units
called cells which are deived from similar preexisting structures.
Charles Darwin and Evolution
•1859- Charles Darwin published the book on his evolutionary theory
“On the Origin of Species”. In this book, he formulated the theory of
natural selection.
“Natural selection is the process through which populations of living
organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally
variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways. This
variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the
environment than others.”
Charles Darwin and Evolution
•1868- Charles Darwin published his second book “Variation in
Animals and Plants under Domestication”. In this book, he postulated
two major ideas: pangenesis and the inheritance of acquired
“Pangenesis was Charles Darwin's hypothetical mechanism for
heredity, in which he proposed that each part of the body continually
emitted its own type of small organic particles called gemmules that
aggregated in the gonads, contributing heritable information to the
Gregor Johann Mendel
•1856 to 1863 - conducted his
experiments on garden peas
•1866 - published his classic
•1900- rediscovery of his work
by Three botanists - Hugo
DeVries, Carl Correns and
Erich von Tschermak
Major Events in the 20th
•1902: Archibald Garrod discovers that alkaptonuria, a human disease,
has a genetic basis.
•1910: Thomas Hunt Morgan proves that genes are located on the
chromosomes (using Drosophila).
•1918: R. A. Fisher begins the study of quantitative genetics by
partitioning phenotypic variance into a genetic and an environmental
•1926: Hermann J. Muller shows that X-rays induce mutations.
More 20th
Century Events
•1944: Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty show that
DNA can transform bacteria, demonstrating that DNA is the
hereditary material.
•1953: James Watson and Francis Crick determine the structure of the
DNA molecule, which leads directly to knowledge of how it
•1966: Marshall Nirenberg solves the genetic code, showing that 3
DNA bases code for one amino acid.
Century Events Continued
•1972: Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer combine DNA from two
different species in vitro, then transform it into bacterial cells: first
DNA cloning.
•2001: Sequence of the entire human genome is announced which
consisof 3.055 billion–base pair sequence.
Molecular Reality (current view)
•Almost all inheritance is based on DNA:
• the sequence of ACGT nucleotides encodes all instructions needed to
build and maintain an organism.
•A chromosome is a single DNA molecule together with other
molecules (proteins and RNA) needed to support and read the DNA.
•A gene is a specific region of a chromosome that codes for a single
•A polypeptide is a linear chain of amino acids
Molecular Reality (current view)
•Proteins are composed of one or more polypeptides, plus in some
cases other small helper molecules (co-factors). Proteins do most of
the work of the cell.
Scope and Applications of Genetics
1. As basis of biologcal sciences
- provide foundation for biological studies.
- Laws of inheritance helps us to understand the principles of
embryology, population, taxonomy, evolution, and ecology.
2. Food Production
- rules of genetics helps us to discover new varieties of plants and
Scope and Applications of Genetics
3. Disease Control
- gene therapy help to cure many genetics-based diseases.
4. Conservation of Wildlife
- conservation of wild life can be achieved by conserving the
germplasm of endangered species.
Scope and Applications of Genetics
5. Genetic Engineering/ Biotecnology
- development of transgenic crops
- gene therapy
- improvement in food production
- control of genetic diseases
•Estrada (2016). The earliest maize from San Marcos Tehuacán is
a partial domesticate with genomic evidence of inbreeding. Retrieved
•King, Keith (2014). History of Genetics. Retrieved from:
•Klug, W. & Cummings (2018). Concepts of Genetics. Pearson
•Shahzad, T (2021). History of Genetics, Scope and applications.
Retrieved from:
•Winchester, A.M. (2022). Genetics. Retrieved from:
•Ziffer, I. (2019). Pinecone or date palm male inflorescence –
metaphorical pollination in Assyrian art. Retrieved from:
A. The Cell
B. The Chromosome Structure
C. Cell Division
D. Life Cycles
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
•Understand the structures and purposes of basic components of
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
•Describe the structure and functions of chromosomes ;
•State that a normal human body cell contains 46 chromosomes (23
•Describe the processes of the cell cycle, including events that take
place during interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis,
•State that DNA replication takes place during interphase;
•Outline how checkpoints are used to control the cell cycle;
•Define mitosis and meiosis;
•Identify what occurs at each phase of cell division;
•Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis; and
•Describe the general pattern of Eukaryotic Life Cycles.
Cell Structure
& Function
Definition of Cell
A cell is the smallest unit that is
capable of performing life
Examples of Cells
Amoeba Proteus
Plant Stem
Red Blood Cell
Nerve Cell
Two Types of Cells
•Do not have structures
surrounded by membranes
•Few internal structures
•Ex: blue-green algae, bacteria,
•Contain organelles surrounded by membranes
•Most living organisms
Plant Animal
“Typical” Animal Cell
“Typical” Plant Cell
Cell Parts
Surrounding the Cell
Cell Membrane
•Outer membrane of cell
that controls movement in
and out of the cell
•Double layer
Cell Wall
•Most commonly found in plant
cells & bacteria
•Supports & protects cells
Inside the Cell
•Directs cell activities
•Separated from cytoplasm by
nuclear membrane
•Contains genetic material - DNA
Nuclear Membrane/Envelope
•Surrounds nucleus
•Made of two layers: inner and
outer nuclear membranes
•Openings allow material to enter
and leave nucleus
A spherical structure found in
the cell's nucleus whose primary
function is to produce and
assemble the cell's ribosomes.
•In nucleus
•Made of DNA
•Contain instructions for traits &
•Gel-like mixture
•Surrounded by cell membrane
•Contains hereditary material
Endoplasmic Reticulum
•Produces energy through
chemical reactions – breaking
down fats & carbohydrates
•Controls level of water and
other materials in cell
•Recycles and decomposes
proteins, fats, and
Golgi Bodies
•Protein 'packaging plant'
•Move materials within
the cell
•Move materials out of
the cell
•Digestive 'plant' for
proteins, fats, and
•Transports undigested
material to cell membrane
for removal
•Cell breaks down if
lysosome explodes
•Membrane-bound sacs for food
storage, digestion, and waste
•Contains water solution
•Help plants maintain shape
Centrosome vs. Centriole
•The centrosome is the primary
microtubule-organizing centre
(MTOC) in animal cells, and so it
regulates cell motility, adhesion
and polarity in interphase, and
facilitates the organization of the
spindle poles during mitosis.
•Centrioles are paired
barrel-shaped organelles located
in the cytoplasm of animal cells
near the nuclear envelope.
Centrioles play a role in
organizing microtubules that
serve as the cell's skeletal
system. They help determine the
locations of the nucleus and
other organelles within the cell.
•Usually found in plant cells
•Contains green chlorophyll
•Where photosynthesis takes place
Chromosome structure
Short arm
• A chromosome has two
arms separated by a
• The ends of the arms are called
• The arms are divided in two, and
each part is known as a chromatid.
Long arm
• Different types of chromosomes can be distinguished according to the
position of the centromere:
Chromosome types
The centromere is
halfway along the
chromosome and
the two arms are
of the same
The centromere is
very close to one
end, meaning that
one arm is much
shorter than the
One arm is longer
than the other. On
division they take on
an “L” shape as they
are pulled apart.
The centromere is
at the end of the
chromosome, so
the chromosome
has only one arm.
Chromomere and Knobs
•the structural subunit of a
•The arrangement of
chromomere structure can aid in
control of gene expression.
•Maps of chromomeres can be
made for use in genetic and
evolutionary studies.
Cell Division
Phases of Mitosis Approximate duration
Prophase 30 to 60 minutes
Metaphase 2 to 10 minutes
Anaphase 2 to 3 minutes
Telophase 3 to 12 minutes
Life Cycles
Three Major Types of Eukaryotic Life Cycles
a. Gametic or Terminal
b. Zygotic or Initial
c. Sporic or Intermediary
•Bailey, R. (2020). Cell Theory: A Core Principle of Biology. Retrieved
•Brooker, R. (2018). Genetics: Analysis & Principles. McGraw-Hill
International Edition
•Harris, Katherine (2019). Eukaryotic Life Cycles. Retrieved from:
⚫ Explain Gregor Mendel’s laws of
⚫ Discuss the difference between genotypes
and phenotypes
⚫ Label the three types of genotypes
⚫ Draw and label a Punnett square
⚫ Predict outcomes of a Punnett square
⚫ Modern genetics had its beginnings in an
abbey garden, where a monk named Gregor
Mendel documented a particulate
mechanism of inheritance.
⚫ He discovered the basic principles of
heredity by breeding garden peas in
carefully planned experiments.
⚫ His approach to science had been influenced
at the University of Vienna by one of his
Mendel’s work
⚫ In order to study inheritance, Mendel
chose to use peas, probably as they are
available in many varieties.
⚫ The use of plants also allowed strict control
over the mating.
⚫ He chose to study only characters that
varied in an ‘either-or’ rather than a
‘more-or-less’ manner.
Genetic crosses
⚫ To cross two different
pea plants, Mendel
used an artist’s brush.
⚫ He transferred pollen
from a true breeding
white flower to the
carpel of a true
breeding purple flower.
Tracking Characteristics
⚫ Mendel tracked heritable
characters for 3
⚫ When F1
hybrids were
allowed to self-pollinate a
3:1 ratio of the 2 varieties
occurred in the F2
Mendel’s terminology
⚫ True breeding: When the plants
self-pollinate, all their offspring are of the
same variety.
⚫ Hybridization: Mating, or crossing, of two
⚫ Monohybrid cross: A cross between two
parents that breed true for different
versions of a single trait.
Mendel’s terminology
⚫ P generation: True breeding parents.
⚫ F1
generation: (first filial) Hybrid offspring
of the P generation.
⚫ F2
generation: (second filial) Offspring from
the self-fertilization of the F1
⚫ The genotype refers to the entire set of
genes in a cell, an organism, or an
individual. A gene for a particular character
or trait may exist in
two forms; one is
dominant (A) and the
other is recessive (a).
The Punnett Square
⚫ Is a square grid used in genetics to calculate
the frequencies of the different genotypes
and phenotypes among the offspring of a
⚫ The male genotype is normally indicated
at the top and the female genotype is
indicated in the vertical margin.
a Aa Aa
a Aa Aa
Punnett Square Example:
Genotypes and Phenotypes of
⚫ homozygous dominant parents (PP x PP),
all offspring will be homozygous dominant
polled individuals.
⚫ When crossing homozygous recessive
parents (pp x pp), all of the offspring will be
horned (homozygous recessive)
⚫ Crossing a heterozygous parent with a
homozygous dominant parent (Pp x PP), the
expected offspring would occur in a 1:1 ratio of
homozygous dominant to heterozygous
⚫ Phenotype: All offspring would be polled.
⚫ We have a Angus Bull and a Charolais Cow.
⚫ The Angus (black) is Homozygous Dominant
⚫ The Charolais (white) is Homozygous
⚫ How would you set up the Punnett Square?
Punnett Square Example
⚫ When crossing a homozygous dominant
parent with a homozygous recessive parent
(PP x pp), all offspring would be
heterozygous and polled.
⚫ If two heterozygous parents are crossed (Pp x
Pp), one can expect a genotypic ratio of 1:2:1,
with one homozygous dominant polled, two
heterozygous polled, and one homozygous
recessive horned individuals.
⚫ The expected phenotypic ratio of offspring
would be 3:1 (polled to horned).
Dominant and Recessive Genes
⚫ Dominant Genes
⚫ One gene overshadows the other.
⚫ Recessive Gene
⚫ The gene that is overshadowed by a
dominant gene.
Examples of Genotypes
⚫ There are three basic genotypes for a
⚫ AA = homozygous dominant
⚫ Aa = heterozygous
⚫ aa = homozygous recessive
⚫ Phenotype is the physical
appearance or other
characteristic of an
organism as a result of the
interaction of its genotype
and the environment.
Some examples would
Three Different Inheritance Laws
by Mendel
⚫ Law of Segregation
⚫ Law of Independent Assortment
⚫ Law of Dominance
Law of Segregation
‘‘The two copies of each genetic factor segregate
during the development of gametes, to ensure that
each parent’s offspring attains one factor.’’
‘‘During the development of the gamete, each gene
is segregated in such a way that the gamete
consists of just one allele for that gene.’’
Things to Remember:
The fundamental principles of this law are
posited as follows:
⚫ There can be more than one type of allele
for a gene.
⚫ During the process of meiosis, when
gametes are formed, the allele pairs
segregate, i.e. they separate.
⚫ For the determination of a Mendelian trait,
two alleles are involved — one is recessive
and the other is dominant.
Law of Independent
⚫ ‘‘Separate couples with alleles are transferred
separately from each other to the next
generation. As a result, gene inheritance does
not influence gene inheritance somewhere else at
one position in the genome.’’
⚫ ‘‘This law described that alleles of various genes
that are distributed during gamete development
assort independently of each other.’’
Ocular albinism
Fabry’s Disease
Law of Segregation vs. Law of
Independent Assortment
“The law of segregation describes how alleles
of a gene are segregated into two gametes
and reunite after fertilization. The law of
independent assortment describes how
alleles of different genes independently
segregate from each other during the
formation of gametes.”
Genetic Crosses
⚫ Monohybrid Cross
⚫ Dihybrid Cross
⚫ Test Cross
⚫ Back Cross
⚫ Reciprocal Cross
two genes
Back Cross
Purpose: to improve the breed
Ex: you wanted all breeds to be tall
P gen: Tt x tt Back Cross: tt x TT
T t
t Tt Tt
t Tt tt
t Tt Tt
t Tt Tt
Law of Dominance
⚫ ‘‘Only one sort of the trait will show in the next
generation in a cross of parents which are pure
for different traits. In the allele, children that
are hybrid for a trait will only show the
dominant characteristic, and children that are
not hybrid for a trait will show recessive traits.’’
⚫ ‘‘It is stated that one factor in pair of traits
dominates while the other remains suppressed in
inheritance unless the two factors in the pair are
recessive. In the next generation of parents who
are pure for contrasting traits, there will be only
one type of trait.’’
⚫ CK-12 Foundation (2021). Gene Linkage.
Retrieved from:
⚫ Sethuraman (2011). Fabry’s disease.
The Lancet VOLUME 378, ISSUE
9798, P1254. Retrieved from:
Genes which have more than two alleles
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Genes and their alleles
•About 30% of the genes in humans are di-allelic, that is they exist in
two forms, (they have two alleles)
•About 70% are mono-allelic, they only exist in one form and they
show no variation
•A very few are poly-allelic having more than two forms
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
•Di-allelic genes can generate 3 genotypes
•Genes with 3 alleles can generate 6 genotypes
•Genes with 4 alleles can generate 10 genotypes
•Genes with 8 alleles can generate 36 genotypes
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Genes and the immune system
•Poly-allelic alleles are usually associated with tissue types
•These genes are so varied that they provide us with our genetic finger
•This is very important to our immune system which must tell the
difference between our own cells (self) and invading disease causing
microbes (non-self)
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
The ABO blood system
• This is controlled by a tri-allelic gene
• It can generate 6 genotypes
• The alleles control the production of antigens on the surface of the red
blood cells
• Two of the alleles are codominant to one another and both are
dominant over the third
• Allele IA
produces antigen A
• Allele IB
produces antigen B
• Allele i produces no antigen
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
The ABO blood system
Genotypes Phenotypes (Blood types)
IA ;
i A
IB ;
i B
ii O
• Blood types A and B have two possible genotypes – homozygous and
• Blood types AB and O only have one genotype each.
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Blood types and transfusions
•Blood types vary and your immune system recognises your own blood
type as being self
•Other blood types are recognised as non-self
•If a blood which is incompatible with your body is transfused it will
result in the agglutination of the foreign red blood cells
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
© Biology Labs Online
© Bioformatica
refers to any substance that triggers an immune response.
© Dr Delphine Grézel, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon
Donor-recipient compatibility
Type A B AB O
Donor B
= Agglutination
= Safe transfusion
• Type O blood may be transfused into all the
other types = the universal donor.
• Type AB blood can receive blood from all the
other blood types = the universal recipient.
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
© 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Lucien Claude Marie
Julien Cuénot
Erwin Baur
Lethal Alleles
•Essential genes are those that are absolutely required
for survival
• The absence of their protein product leads to a lethal
•Nonessential genes are those not absolutely required
for survival
•A lethal allele is one that has the potential to cause
the death of an organism
• These alleles are typically the result of mutations in
essential genes
•In a simple dominant/recessive relationship, the recessive
allele does not affect the phenotype of the heterozygote
• So how can the wild-type phenotype of the heterozygote be
•There are two possible explanations
• 1. 50% of the normal protein is enough to accomplish the
protein’s cellular function
• 2. The heterozygote may actually produce more than 50% of the
functional protein
• The normal gene is “up-regulated” to compensate for the lack of function
of the defective allele
•Conditional lethal alleles These alleles turn deadly only
when there is an external environmental aspect
• Temperature-sensitive (ts) lethals
• A developing Drosophila larva may be killed at 30 C
• But it will survive if grown at 22 C
• Favism
•Semilethal alleles
• Kill some individuals in a population, not all of them
• Environmental factors and other genes may help prevent the
detrimental effects of semilethal genes
• Ex: Hemophilia
•Synthetic lethal alleles are only lethal when paired with
a second mutation.
Penetrance of Lethal Genes
• What does penetrance mean in genetics?
- it means how often does someone with the genotype actually show the corresponding
- Denoted by % or fractions of populations
• How do you determine gene penetrance?
• P(D|A) = penetrance
• P(D) = baseline risk (the lifetime risk of the disease in the general population)
• P(A|D) = allele frequency in cases
• P(A) = allele frequency in population controls
Environmental Influence on lethal genes
3 Environmental Factors that can affect genes:
• Food
• Drugs
• Exposure to toxins
Patterns of Exposure:
• Monophasic
• Polyphasic
• Possession by lethal-bearing males and females (sexual dimorphic) of
different temperature-sensitive stages.
• Occurrence of lethality by exposure to restrictive condition at any stage of
Gene Interactions
1. Novel Phenotype
•A novel phenotype is a phenotype that is concerned with the unique
visual appearance of an organism as compared with its parents.
•There is complete dominance in both gene pairs. New phenotypes
result from interaction between dominants, and also from interaction
between both homozygous recessives, for example : comb shape in
a locus (plural loci) is a specific, fixed position on
a chromosome where a particular gene or genetic
marker is located.
Environmental Influence on
Gene Expression
Definition of Terms:
Penetrance and Expressivity
•Penetrance refers to the
probability of a gene or trait
being expressed.
2 classifications: complete and
incomplete/reduced penetrance
•Refers to variation in phenotypic
expression when an allele is
•Also refers to the range of signs
and symptoms that can occur in
different people with the same
genetic condition
2 Classifications: narrow expressivity
and variable expressivity
External Environment
•Temperature Effects- temperature influence phenotypes because all
chemical activities depends on the kinetic energy of the reacting
substances which in turn depends on the surrounding temperature.
Example: evening primrose produces red flowers when grown at 23°C
and white flowers when grown at 18°C.
•Light Effects- energy provided by light and light itself is essential for
the growth and development of plants and animals.
Example: seedlings grown in the dark do not survive long because
chlorophyll is not developed even though there are genes for
chlorophyll development.
•Nutritional Effects- food provides energy for carrying out necessary
processes and materials that must be incorporated into necessary
structures. Depending upon its genotype, simple dietary changes can
lead to different phenotypes.
Example: the appearance of yellow fat in rabbits depends on the
genotype yy and green vegetables eaten. Elimination of green
vegetables also eliminates the appearance of yellow fat.
•Maternal Relations- In case of mammals where the direct body
relations between parent and progeny extend beyond fertilization,
interaction between the fetus and the maternal environment occurs.
Example: blood group incompatibilities between mother and offspring
produce special effects on the survival of particular genotypes.
Internal Environment
1. Age
2. Sex
•Sex-limited traits
The traits limited to only one sex due to anatomical differences are
called a sex limited trait. Such trait affects a structure or function of
the body of males or females only. These traits are controlled by
sex-linked or autosomal genes. For example:
(i) Genes for milk production in dairy cattle affect only cows.
(ii) Beard growth in humans is limited to men. A woman does not grow
a beard herself but she can pass the genes of heavy beard growth to
her sons.
2. Sex
•Sex-linked traits
Sex-linked traits are determined by genes found on the X and Y
2.1 X-linked Dominant Genes
• If a single copy of the X-linked dominant allele is present, the individual will
express the trait of interest.
• X-linked Dominant Genes in Females
Since females have two copies of the X chromosome, a single X-linked dominant
allele is sufficient for the female to express the trait. For example, a female who is
or XA
will express the dominant trait as they have at least one copy of the
allele. In contrast, a female who is Xa
will not express the dominant trait.
• X-linked Dominant Genes in Males
A male has only one X chromosome; therefore, if a male is XA
Y, they will express the
dominant trait. If the male is Xa
Y, they will not express the dominant trait
2.2 X-linked Recessive Genes
• In contrast to X-linked dominant genes, X-linked recessive alleles are masked by
a dominant allele. Therefore, a dominant allele must be absent for the X-linked
recessive trait to be expressed.
• X-linked Recessive Genes in Females
Females have two X-chromosomes; therefore, both X chromosomes must have
the X-linked recessive allele for the trait to be expressed.
• X-linked Recessive Genes in Males
Since males only have one X-chromosome, having a single copy of the X-linked
recessive allele is sufficient to express the X-linked recessive trait
2.3 Y-linked Genes
•In Y-linked genes, the genes are found on the Y chromosome. Since
only males have a Y-chromosome, only males will express the trait of
interest. Furthermore, it will be passed from father to son only.
3. Substrates
•A substrate is a molecule acted upon by an enzyme. A substrate is
loaded into the active site of the enzyme, or the place that allows
weak bonds to be formed between the two molecules.
•Example: Lactose
Twin Studies
Probability and Statistical
•The genotypic/phenotypic ratio is the ratio depicting the different
genotypes/phenotypes of the offspring from a test cross. It
represents the pattern of offspring distribution according to
genotype/phenotype of an organism.
Basic Laws of Probability in Genetics
•Multiplication/ Product Law (and)
•Addition/ Sum Law (or)
Multiplication/ Product Law
•What are the odds of flipping a coin 5 times and getting tails in every
½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½
= 1/32
Multiplication/ Product Law cont’d.
•What are the odds of rolling “snake eyes” on two pair of dice?
1/6 x 1/6
= 1/36
*Work 1 letter at a time
½ x ½ x ½
= 1/8
Addition/ Sum Law
•What are the odds of flipping a coin getting either heads or tails?
½ + ½
= 2/2 or 1
Addition/ Sum Law cont’d.
•What are the odds of rolling a two or a five on six-sided dice?
1/6 x 1/6
= 2/6 or 1/3
*Work 1 letter at a time.
* Work on each possible offspring.
•Offspring 1:
•Offspring 2:
1/4 ½ ½
1/4 ½ ½
1/4x ½ x ½ + 1/4x ½ x ½
1/16 1/16
= 2/16 or 1/8
Level of Significance
•Null Hypothesis (H₀): There is no significant difference between
observed and expected frequencies (i.e. genes are unlinked)
•Alternative Hypothesis (H₁): There is a significant difference between
observed and expected frequencies (i.e. genes are linked)
Chi-squared Test
Step 1: Identify the hypotheses
A chi-squared test seeks to distinguish between two distinct possibilities
and hence requires two contrasting hypotheses:
•Null Hypothesis (H₀): There is no significant difference between
observed and expected frequencies (i.e. genes are unlinked)
•Alternative Hypothesis (H₁): There is a significant difference between
observed and expected frequencies (i.e. genes are linked)
Binomial Distributions
What is binomial distribution?
•a frequency distribution of the possible number of successful
outcomes in a given number of trials in each of which there is the
same probability of success.
Sample Problems:
If a couple has 7 children, what
is the probability of them
having 3 girls and then having 4
a. 1/2
b. 1/144
c. 1/128
d. 1/256
e. None of these
If a couple has 7 children, what
is the probability of them
having 3 girls and 4 boys?
a. 1/2
b. 21/128
c. 70/128
d. 35/128
e. None of these
If a couple has 7 children, what is the probability of them having 3 girls and 4
a. 1/2
b. 21/128
c. 70/128
d. 35/128
e. None of these
Step 1: Substitute values to the formula.
If a couple has 7 children, what is the probability of them having 3 girls and 4
a. 1/2
b. 21/128
c. 70/128
d. 35/128
e. None of these
Step 2: Expand the factorials
3!= 3·2 ·1
4!= 4 ·3 ·2 ·1
7!= 7 ·6 ·5 ·4 ·3 ·2 ·1
If a couple has 7 children, what is the probability of them having 3 girls and 4
a. 1/2
b. 21/128
c. 70/128
d. 35/128
e. None of these
Step 3: Solve the equation
Normal Distribution
What is normal distribution?
•It is a type of continuous probability distribution in which most data
points cluster toward the middle of the range, while the rest taper off
symmetrically toward either extreme. The middle of the range is also
known as the mean of the distribution.
•Properties of a normal curve:
• It is smooth and symmetric.
• Its highest point occurs over the mean of the entire population.
• It never touches the x axis.
• The total area under the curve is 1.
• BiologyOnline (2023). Antigen definition. Retrieved from:
• BiologyDictionary (2023). Substrate definition. Retrieved from:
• BioNinja (2023). Chi-square Test. Retrieved from:
• Boundless (2022). Lethal Inheritance Patterns . Retrieved from:
• Khillar, S. (2020, December 13). Difference Between Antibody and Antigen Test.
• Lobo, I. (2008) Mendelian ratios and lethal genes. Nature Education 1(1):138
• Lobo, I. (2008) Genetics and Statistical Analysis. Nature Education 1(1):109
• MedlinePlus (2021). What are reduced penetrance and variable expressivity? Retrieved
• Penetrance (2021). Retrieved from:
• Penetrance and Expressivity (2021). Retrieved from:
• Saini, V.P. (2020). Gene Interactions ppt. Retrieved from:
References Continued…
•StudySmarter (2023). Retrieved from:
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  • 2. Contents: A. Definition of Genetics B. The Beginnings of Genetics C. The Scope of Genetics D. Applications of Genetics
  • 3. Objectives: At the end of this lecture, you would be able to: •Define genetics based on your own understanding; •Create a timeline of the history/ beginnings of genetics; •Identify introductory terminologies commonly used in the concept of genetics; and •Explain the scope and applications of genetics.
  • 4. A. Definition of Genetics
  • 5. Try this! • Instruction: Create your own definition of each letter of the word GENETICS. Be creative and make sure that the chosen definition is related to the concept of genetics. The first letter “G” is already defined to serve as your guide. G -ained from mom and dad E - N - E - T - I - C - S -
  • 6. Genetics (n) the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics. Source: OxfordLanguages (2023) Etymology. The word genetics stems from the ancient Greek γενετικός genetikos meaning "genitive"/"generative", which in turn derives from γένεσις genesis meaning "origin".
  • 7. William Bateson (August 1861 – 8 February 1926) •an English geneticist. He was the first person to use the term genetics to describe the study of heredity and biological inheritance.
  • 8. B. The Beginnings of Genetics
  • 9. Prehistoric Times: Domesticated Animals and Cultivated Plants •8000 to 1000 B.C.- horses, camels, oxen, and various breeds of dogs (derived from the wolf family) were domesticated to serve various roles. •7000 to 5000 B.C.- the cultivation of many plants, including maize, wheat, rice, and the date palm is thought to have been initiated. The remains of maize dating to this period have been recovered in caves in the Tehuácan Valley of Mexico.
  • 10. (A) The caves of San Marcos (cave on the left) and Tecorral (cave on the right). (B) Archaeobotanical sampling in San Marcos cave conducted in February 2012. (C) Maize specimens SM3 dating 5,280–4,970 cal. y B.P. (Left) and SM5 dating 5,300–4,980 calibrated y B.P. (Right). (Scale bar, 1.5 cm.) (D) Maize specimens SM9 dating 5,280–4,970 cal. y B.P. (Left) and SM10 5,300–5,040 cal. y B.P. (Right). (Scale bar, 43 mm.)
  • 11. 800 B.C. Pinecone or date palm male inflorescence – metaphorical pollination in Assyrian art
  • 12. Prehistoric evidence of cultivated plants and domesticated animals supports the hypotheses that our ancient ancestors learned that desirable and undesirable traits are passed to successive generations and that by influencing their breeding, many desirable varieties of animals and plants could be obtained. Human awareness of heredity was thus apparent during prehistoric times and successful attempts were made to manipulate the genetic material, even though it was unclear what it might be.
  • 13. The Greek Influence: Hippocrates and Aristotle •500 to 400 B.C.- Hippocratic treatise “On the Seed” argues that male semen is formed in numerous parts of the body and is transported through blood vessels to the testicles. •384 to 322 B.C.- Aristotle proposed that male semen was formed from blood, rather than from each organ, and that its generative power resided in a “vital heat” that it contained. This vital heat had the capacity to produce offspring of the same “form” as the parent.
  • 14. Aristotle describes the animals Alexander has sent him, as seen in a fresco in The Main Hall of the Assembleé Nationale in Paris, France.
  • 15. 1600-1850: The Dawn of Modern Biology •1578 to 1657- William Harvey an English anatomist was credited with the eariest statement of the theory of epigenesis. •1700- theory of preformation- states that sex cells contains a complete miniature adult called “homunculus”. •1733 to 1794- Casper Wolff, an embryologist, supported the theory of epigenesis. He believed that several structures such as the alimentary canal were not initially present in the earliest embryos he studied, but instead were formed later during development.
  • 16. Depiction of the “homunculus” , a sperm containing a miniature adult, perfect in proportion, and fully formed.
  • 17. 1600-1850: The Dawn of Modern Biology • 1800- Carolus Linnaeus popularized the doctrine of the fixity of species. • 1808- John Dalton expounded his atomic theory, which stated that all matter is composed of small, invisible units called atoms. • 1809- Jean Baptiste Lamarck proposed that organisms acquire or lose characteristics that then become heritable. His theory was known as the doctrine of use and disuse.
  • 18. 1600-1850: The Dawn of Modern Biology •1830- Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann proposed the cell theory, stating that all organisms are composed of basic visible units called cells which are deived from similar preexisting structures.
  • 19. Charles Darwin and Evolution •1859- Charles Darwin published the book on his evolutionary theory “On the Origin of Species”. In this book, he formulated the theory of natural selection. “Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways. This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the environment than others.”
  • 20. Charles Darwin and Evolution •1868- Charles Darwin published his second book “Variation in Animals and Plants under Domestication”. In this book, he postulated two major ideas: pangenesis and the inheritance of acquired characteristics. “Pangenesis was Charles Darwin's hypothetical mechanism for heredity, in which he proposed that each part of the body continually emitted its own type of small organic particles called gemmules that aggregated in the gonads, contributing heritable information to the gametes.”
  • 21. Gregor Johann Mendel •1856 to 1863 - conducted his experiments on garden peas •1866 - published his classic paper •1900- rediscovery of his work by Three botanists - Hugo DeVries, Carl Correns and Erich von Tschermak
  • 22. Major Events in the 20th Century •1902: Archibald Garrod discovers that alkaptonuria, a human disease, has a genetic basis. •1910: Thomas Hunt Morgan proves that genes are located on the chromosomes (using Drosophila). •1918: R. A. Fisher begins the study of quantitative genetics by partitioning phenotypic variance into a genetic and an environmental component. •1926: Hermann J. Muller shows that X-rays induce mutations.
  • 23.
  • 24. More 20th Century Events •1944: Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty show that DNA can transform bacteria, demonstrating that DNA is the hereditary material. •1953: James Watson and Francis Crick determine the structure of the DNA molecule, which leads directly to knowledge of how it replicates. •1966: Marshall Nirenberg solves the genetic code, showing that 3 DNA bases code for one amino acid.
  • 25. 20th Century Events Continued •1972: Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer combine DNA from two different species in vitro, then transform it into bacterial cells: first DNA cloning. •2001: Sequence of the entire human genome is announced which consisof 3.055 billion–base pair sequence.
  • 26. Molecular Reality (current view) •Almost all inheritance is based on DNA: • the sequence of ACGT nucleotides encodes all instructions needed to build and maintain an organism. •A chromosome is a single DNA molecule together with other molecules (proteins and RNA) needed to support and read the DNA. •A gene is a specific region of a chromosome that codes for a single polypeptide. •A polypeptide is a linear chain of amino acids
  • 27. Molecular Reality (current view) •Proteins are composed of one or more polypeptides, plus in some cases other small helper molecules (co-factors). Proteins do most of the work of the cell.
  • 28. Scope and Applications of Genetics 1. As basis of biologcal sciences - provide foundation for biological studies. - Laws of inheritance helps us to understand the principles of embryology, population, taxonomy, evolution, and ecology. 2. Food Production - rules of genetics helps us to discover new varieties of plants and livestocks.
  • 29. Scope and Applications of Genetics 3. Disease Control - gene therapy help to cure many genetics-based diseases. 4. Conservation of Wildlife - conservation of wild life can be achieved by conserving the germplasm of endangered species.
  • 30. Scope and Applications of Genetics 5. Genetic Engineering/ Biotecnology - development of transgenic crops - gene therapy - improvement in food production - control of genetic diseases
  • 31. References: •Estrada (2016). The earliest maize from San Marcos Tehuacán is a partial domesticate with genomic evidence of inbreeding. Retrieved from: •King, Keith (2014). History of Genetics. Retrieved from: •Klug, W. & Cummings (2018). Concepts of Genetics. Pearson Education,Inc. •Shahzad, T (2021). History of Genetics, Scope and applications. Retrieved from: tics-scope-and-applications-of-genetics •Winchester, A.M. (2022). Genetics. Retrieved from:
  • 32. References: •Ziffer, I. (2019). Pinecone or date palm male inflorescence – metaphorical pollination in Assyrian art. Retrieved from: age=en
  • 34. Contents A. The Cell B. The Chromosome Structure C. Cell Division D. Life Cycles
  • 35. Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: •Understand the structures and purposes of basic components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; •Describe the structure and functions of chromosomes ; •State that a normal human body cell contains 46 chromosomes (23 pairs); •Describe the processes of the cell cycle, including events that take place during interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis,
  • 36. Objectives: •State that DNA replication takes place during interphase; •Outline how checkpoints are used to control the cell cycle; •Define mitosis and meiosis; •Identify what occurs at each phase of cell division; •Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis; and •Describe the general pattern of Eukaryotic Life Cycles.
  • 38.
  • 39. Definition of Cell A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions.
  • 40. Examples of Cells Amoeba Proteus Plant Stem Red Blood Cell Nerve Cell Bacteria
  • 41. Two Types of Cells •Prokaryotic •Eukaryotic
  • 42. Prokaryotic •Do not have structures surrounded by membranes •Few internal structures •Ex: blue-green algae, bacteria, mycoplasma.
  • 43. Eukaryotic •Contain organelles surrounded by membranes •Most living organisms Plant Animal
  • 46.
  • 49. Cell Membrane •Outer membrane of cell that controls movement in and out of the cell •Double layer
  • 50. Cell Wall •Most commonly found in plant cells & bacteria •Supports & protects cells
  • 52. Nucleus •Directs cell activities •Separated from cytoplasm by nuclear membrane •Contains genetic material - DNA
  • 53. Nuclear Membrane/Envelope •Surrounds nucleus •Made of two layers: inner and outer nuclear membranes •Openings allow material to enter and leave nucleus
  • 54. Nucleolus A spherical structure found in the cell's nucleus whose primary function is to produce and assemble the cell's ribosomes.
  • 55. Chromosomes •In nucleus •Made of DNA •Contain instructions for traits & characteristics
  • 56. Cytoplasm •Gel-like mixture •Surrounded by cell membrane •Contains hereditary material
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  • 61. Mitochondria •Produces energy through chemical reactions – breaking down fats & carbohydrates •Controls level of water and other materials in cell •Recycles and decomposes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
  • 62. Golgi Bodies •Protein 'packaging plant' •Move materials within the cell •Move materials out of the cell
  • 63.
  • 64. Lysosome •Digestive 'plant' for proteins, fats, and carbohydrates •Transports undigested material to cell membrane for removal •Cell breaks down if lysosome explodes
  • 65. Vacuoles •Membrane-bound sacs for food storage, digestion, and waste removal •Contains water solution •Help plants maintain shape
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  • 68. Centrosome vs. Centriole •The centrosome is the primary microtubule-organizing centre (MTOC) in animal cells, and so it regulates cell motility, adhesion and polarity in interphase, and facilitates the organization of the spindle poles during mitosis. •Centrioles are paired barrel-shaped organelles located in the cytoplasm of animal cells near the nuclear envelope. Centrioles play a role in organizing microtubules that serve as the cell's skeletal system. They help determine the locations of the nucleus and other organelles within the cell.
  • 69. Chloroplast •Usually found in plant cells •Contains green chlorophyll •Where photosynthesis takes place
  • 70.
  • 71. Chromosome structure Short arm • A chromosome has two arms separated by a centromere. • The ends of the arms are called telomeres. • The arms are divided in two, and each part is known as a chromatid. Long arm Telomere Centromere Chromatids
  • 72.
  • 73. • Different types of chromosomes can be distinguished according to the position of the centromere: Chromosome types METACENTRIC The centromere is halfway along the chromosome and the two arms are of the same length. Centromere Centromere ACROCENTRIC The centromere is very close to one end, meaning that one arm is much shorter than the other. Centromere SUBMETACENTRIC One arm is longer than the other. On division they take on an “L” shape as they are pulled apart. Centromere TELOCENTRIC The centromere is at the end of the chromosome, so the chromosome has only one arm.
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  • 78. Chromomere and Knobs •the structural subunit of a chromosome. •The arrangement of chromomere structure can aid in control of gene expression. •Maps of chromomeres can be made for use in genetic and evolutionary studies.
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  • 82. Phases of Mitosis Approximate duration Prophase 30 to 60 minutes Metaphase 2 to 10 minutes Anaphase 2 to 3 minutes Telophase 3 to 12 minutes
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  • 95. Three Major Types of Eukaryotic Life Cycles a. Gametic or Terminal b. Zygotic or Initial c. Sporic or Intermediary
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  • 99. References: •Bailey, R. (2020). Cell Theory: A Core Principle of Biology. Retrieved from: •Brooker, R. (2018). Genetics: Analysis & Principles. McGraw-Hill International Edition •Harris, Katherine (2019). Eukaryotic Life Cycles. Retrieved from: orials/Eukaryotic_Life_Cycles#:~:text=We%20will%20now%20review %20the,and%20gametic)%20in%20more%20detail.&text=The%20ga metic%20life%20cycle%20is,are%20the%20result%20of%20meiosis.
  • 101. Objectives: ⚫ Explain Gregor Mendel’s laws of inheritance ⚫ Discuss the difference between genotypes and phenotypes ⚫ Label the three types of genotypes ⚫ Draw and label a Punnett square ⚫ Predict outcomes of a Punnett square
  • 102. Mendel ⚫ Modern genetics had its beginnings in an abbey garden, where a monk named Gregor Mendel documented a particulate mechanism of inheritance. ⚫ He discovered the basic principles of heredity by breeding garden peas in carefully planned experiments. ⚫ His approach to science had been influenced at the University of Vienna by one of his
  • 103. Mendel’s work ⚫ In order to study inheritance, Mendel chose to use peas, probably as they are available in many varieties. ⚫ The use of plants also allowed strict control over the mating. ⚫ He chose to study only characters that varied in an ‘either-or’ rather than a ‘more-or-less’ manner.
  • 104. Genetic crosses ⚫ To cross two different pea plants, Mendel used an artist’s brush. ⚫ He transferred pollen from a true breeding white flower to the carpel of a true breeding purple flower.
  • 105. Tracking Characteristics ⚫ Mendel tracked heritable characters for 3 generations. ⚫ When F1 hybrids were allowed to self-pollinate a 3:1 ratio of the 2 varieties occurred in the F2 generation.
  • 106. Mendel’s terminology ⚫ True breeding: When the plants self-pollinate, all their offspring are of the same variety. ⚫ Hybridization: Mating, or crossing, of two varieties. ⚫ Monohybrid cross: A cross between two parents that breed true for different versions of a single trait.
  • 107. Mendel’s terminology ⚫ P generation: True breeding parents. ⚫ F1 generation: (first filial) Hybrid offspring of the P generation. ⚫ F2 generation: (second filial) Offspring from the self-fertilization of the F1 hybrids.
  • 108. Genotypes ⚫ The genotype refers to the entire set of genes in a cell, an organism, or an individual. A gene for a particular character or trait may exist in two forms; one is dominant (A) and the other is recessive (a).
  • 109. The Punnett Square ⚫ Is a square grid used in genetics to calculate the frequencies of the different genotypes and phenotypes among the offspring of a cross.
  • 110. ⚫ The male genotype is normally indicated at the top and the female genotype is indicated in the vertical margin.
  • 111. A A a Aa Aa a Aa Aa Punnett Square Example: Genotypes and Phenotypes of Offspring
  • 112. ⚫ homozygous dominant parents (PP x PP), all offspring will be homozygous dominant polled individuals.
  • 113. ⚫ When crossing homozygous recessive parents (pp x pp), all of the offspring will be horned (homozygous recessive) individuals.
  • 114. ⚫ Crossing a heterozygous parent with a homozygous dominant parent (Pp x PP), the expected offspring would occur in a 1:1 ratio of homozygous dominant to heterozygous individuals. ⚫ Phenotype: All offspring would be polled.
  • 115. ⚫ We have a Angus Bull and a Charolais Cow. ⚫ The Angus (black) is Homozygous Dominant ⚫ The Charolais (white) is Homozygous Recessive ⚫ How would you set up the Punnett Square? Punnett Square Example
  • 116. ⚫ When crossing a homozygous dominant parent with a homozygous recessive parent (PP x pp), all offspring would be heterozygous and polled.
  • 117. ⚫ If two heterozygous parents are crossed (Pp x Pp), one can expect a genotypic ratio of 1:2:1, with one homozygous dominant polled, two heterozygous polled, and one homozygous recessive horned individuals. ⚫ The expected phenotypic ratio of offspring would be 3:1 (polled to horned).
  • 118.
  • 119. Dominant and Recessive Genes ⚫ Dominant Genes ⚫ One gene overshadows the other. ⚫ Recessive Gene ⚫ The gene that is overshadowed by a dominant gene.
  • 120. Examples of Genotypes ⚫ There are three basic genotypes for a particular character: ⚫ AA = homozygous dominant ⚫ Aa = heterozygous ⚫ aa = homozygous recessive
  • 121. Phenotypes ⚫ Phenotype is the physical appearance or other characteristic of an organism as a result of the interaction of its genotype and the environment. Some examples would be: •Size •Shape •Color
  • 122. Three Different Inheritance Laws by Mendel ⚫ Law of Segregation ⚫ Law of Independent Assortment ⚫ Law of Dominance
  • 123. Law of Segregation ‘‘The two copies of each genetic factor segregate during the development of gametes, to ensure that each parent’s offspring attains one factor.’’ OR ‘‘During the development of the gamete, each gene is segregated in such a way that the gamete consists of just one allele for that gene.’’
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  • 129. The fundamental principles of this law are posited as follows: ⚫ There can be more than one type of allele for a gene. ⚫ During the process of meiosis, when gametes are formed, the allele pairs segregate, i.e. they separate. ⚫ For the determination of a Mendelian trait, two alleles are involved — one is recessive and the other is dominant.
  • 130. Law of Independent Assortment ⚫ ‘‘Separate couples with alleles are transferred separately from each other to the next generation. As a result, gene inheritance does not influence gene inheritance somewhere else at one position in the genome.’’ OR ⚫ ‘‘This law described that alleles of various genes that are distributed during gamete development assort independently of each other.’’
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  • 140. Law of Segregation vs. Law of Independent Assortment “The law of segregation describes how alleles of a gene are segregated into two gametes and reunite after fertilization. The law of independent assortment describes how alleles of different genes independently segregate from each other during the formation of gametes.”
  • 141. Genetic Crosses ⚫ Monohybrid Cross ⚫ Dihybrid Cross ⚫ Test Cross ⚫ Back Cross ⚫ Reciprocal Cross
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  • 157. Back Cross Purpose: to improve the breed Ex: you wanted all breeds to be tall P gen: Tt x tt Back Cross: tt x TT T t t Tt Tt t Tt tt T T t Tt Tt t Tt Tt
  • 158.
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  • 161. Law of Dominance ⚫ ‘‘Only one sort of the trait will show in the next generation in a cross of parents which are pure for different traits. In the allele, children that are hybrid for a trait will only show the dominant characteristic, and children that are not hybrid for a trait will show recessive traits.’’ OR ⚫ ‘‘It is stated that one factor in pair of traits dominates while the other remains suppressed in inheritance unless the two factors in the pair are recessive. In the next generation of parents who are pure for contrasting traits, there will be only one type of trait.’’
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  • 171.
  • 172. Supplemental/Reference Videos: ⚫ 6KcN5JE ⚫ DqlvbU ⚫ Lwt51o ⚫ UjiLE ⚫ p9BPEkA ⚫ dgvKQ4
  • 173. References: ⚫ CK-12 Foundation (2021). Gene Linkage. Retrieved from: oductory_and_General_Biology/Book%3A _Introductory_Biology_(CK-12)/03%3A_G enetics/3.10%3A_Genetic_Linkage#:~:text= Linkage%20explains%20why%20certain%20 characteristics,hair%20with%20b%20rown% 20eyes. ⚫ Sethuraman (2011). Fabry’s disease. The Lancet VOLUME 378, ISSUE 9798, P1254. Retrieved from:
  • 175. MULTIPLE ALLELES Genes which have more than two alleles © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 176. Genes and their alleles •About 30% of the genes in humans are di-allelic, that is they exist in two forms, (they have two alleles) •About 70% are mono-allelic, they only exist in one form and they show no variation •A very few are poly-allelic having more than two forms © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 177. Combinations •Di-allelic genes can generate 3 genotypes •Genes with 3 alleles can generate 6 genotypes •Genes with 4 alleles can generate 10 genotypes •Genes with 8 alleles can generate 36 genotypes © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 178. Genes and the immune system •Poly-allelic alleles are usually associated with tissue types •These genes are so varied that they provide us with our genetic finger print •This is very important to our immune system which must tell the difference between our own cells (self) and invading disease causing microbes (non-self) © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 179. The ABO blood system • This is controlled by a tri-allelic gene • It can generate 6 genotypes • The alleles control the production of antigens on the surface of the red blood cells • Two of the alleles are codominant to one another and both are dominant over the third • Allele IA produces antigen A • Allele IB produces antigen B • Allele i produces no antigen © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 180. The ABO blood system Genotypes Phenotypes (Blood types) IA IA ; IA i A IA IB AB IB IB ; IB i B ii O Note: • Blood types A and B have two possible genotypes – homozygous and heterozygous. • Blood types AB and O only have one genotype each. © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 181. Blood types and transfusions •Blood types vary and your immune system recognises your own blood type as being self •Other blood types are recognised as non-self •If a blood which is incompatible with your body is transfused it will result in the agglutination of the foreign red blood cells © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 182. Antigens © Biology Labs Online © Bioformatica refers to any substance that triggers an immune response.
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  • 185. Agglutination © Dr Delphine Grézel, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon
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  • 188. Donor-recipient compatibility Recipient Type A B AB O A Donor B AB O = Agglutination = Safe transfusion Note: • Type O blood may be transfused into all the other types = the universal donor. • Type AB blood can receive blood from all the other blood types = the universal recipient. © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 189. LETHAL ALLELES © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 190. Lucien Claude Marie Julien Cuénot Erwin Baur
  • 191. Lethal Alleles •Essential genes are those that are absolutely required for survival • The absence of their protein product leads to a lethal phenotype •Nonessential genes are those not absolutely required for survival •A lethal allele is one that has the potential to cause the death of an organism • These alleles are typically the result of mutations in essential genes
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  • 196. •In a simple dominant/recessive relationship, the recessive allele does not affect the phenotype of the heterozygote • So how can the wild-type phenotype of the heterozygote be explained? •There are two possible explanations • 1. 50% of the normal protein is enough to accomplish the protein’s cellular function • 2. The heterozygote may actually produce more than 50% of the functional protein • The normal gene is “up-regulated” to compensate for the lack of function of the defective allele
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  • 202. •Conditional lethal alleles These alleles turn deadly only when there is an external environmental aspect involved. • Temperature-sensitive (ts) lethals • A developing Drosophila larva may be killed at 30 C • But it will survive if grown at 22 C • Favism •Semilethal alleles • Kill some individuals in a population, not all of them • Environmental factors and other genes may help prevent the detrimental effects of semilethal genes • Ex: Hemophilia
  • 203.
  • 204. •Synthetic lethal alleles are only lethal when paired with a second mutation.
  • 205. Penetrance of Lethal Genes • What does penetrance mean in genetics? - it means how often does someone with the genotype actually show the corresponding phenotype - Denoted by % or fractions of populations • How do you determine gene penetrance? Where: • P(D|A) = penetrance • P(D) = baseline risk (the lifetime risk of the disease in the general population) • P(A|D) = allele frequency in cases • P(A) = allele frequency in population controls or
  • 206. Environmental Influence on lethal genes 3 Environmental Factors that can affect genes: • Food • Drugs • Exposure to toxins Patterns of Exposure: • Monophasic • Polyphasic • Possession by lethal-bearing males and females (sexual dimorphic) of different temperature-sensitive stages. • Occurrence of lethality by exposure to restrictive condition at any stage of development.
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  • 211. 1. Novel Phenotype •A novel phenotype is a phenotype that is concerned with the unique visual appearance of an organism as compared with its parents. •There is complete dominance in both gene pairs. New phenotypes result from interaction between dominants, and also from interaction between both homozygous recessives, for example : comb shape in poultry.
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  • 215. a locus (plural loci) is a specific, fixed position on a chromosome where a particular gene or genetic marker is located.
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  • 237. Penetrance and Expressivity Penetrance •Penetrance refers to the probability of a gene or trait being expressed. 2 classifications: complete and incomplete/reduced penetrance
  • 238. Expressivity •Refers to variation in phenotypic expression when an allele is penetrant. •Also refers to the range of signs and symptoms that can occur in different people with the same genetic condition 2 Classifications: narrow expressivity and variable expressivity
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  • 248. •Temperature Effects- temperature influence phenotypes because all chemical activities depends on the kinetic energy of the reacting substances which in turn depends on the surrounding temperature. Example: evening primrose produces red flowers when grown at 23°C and white flowers when grown at 18°C. •Light Effects- energy provided by light and light itself is essential for the growth and development of plants and animals. Example: seedlings grown in the dark do not survive long because chlorophyll is not developed even though there are genes for chlorophyll development.
  • 249. •Nutritional Effects- food provides energy for carrying out necessary processes and materials that must be incorporated into necessary structures. Depending upon its genotype, simple dietary changes can lead to different phenotypes. Example: the appearance of yellow fat in rabbits depends on the genotype yy and green vegetables eaten. Elimination of green vegetables also eliminates the appearance of yellow fat.
  • 250. •Maternal Relations- In case of mammals where the direct body relations between parent and progeny extend beyond fertilization, interaction between the fetus and the maternal environment occurs. Example: blood group incompatibilities between mother and offspring produce special effects on the survival of particular genotypes.
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  • 253. 1. Age
  • 254. 2. Sex •Sex-limited traits The traits limited to only one sex due to anatomical differences are called a sex limited trait. Such trait affects a structure or function of the body of males or females only. These traits are controlled by sex-linked or autosomal genes. For example: (i) Genes for milk production in dairy cattle affect only cows. (ii) Beard growth in humans is limited to men. A woman does not grow a beard herself but she can pass the genes of heavy beard growth to her sons.
  • 255. 2. Sex •Sex-linked traits Sex-linked traits are determined by genes found on the X and Y chromosomes.
  • 256. 2.1 X-linked Dominant Genes • If a single copy of the X-linked dominant allele is present, the individual will express the trait of interest. • X-linked Dominant Genes in Females Since females have two copies of the X chromosome, a single X-linked dominant allele is sufficient for the female to express the trait. For example, a female who is XA XA or XA Xa will express the dominant trait as they have at least one copy of the XA allele. In contrast, a female who is Xa Xa will not express the dominant trait. • X-linked Dominant Genes in Males A male has only one X chromosome; therefore, if a male is XA Y, they will express the dominant trait. If the male is Xa Y, they will not express the dominant trait
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  • 258. 2.2 X-linked Recessive Genes • In contrast to X-linked dominant genes, X-linked recessive alleles are masked by a dominant allele. Therefore, a dominant allele must be absent for the X-linked recessive trait to be expressed. • X-linked Recessive Genes in Females Females have two X-chromosomes; therefore, both X chromosomes must have the X-linked recessive allele for the trait to be expressed. • X-linked Recessive Genes in Males Since males only have one X-chromosome, having a single copy of the X-linked recessive allele is sufficient to express the X-linked recessive trait
  • 259.
  • 260. 2.3 Y-linked Genes •In Y-linked genes, the genes are found on the Y chromosome. Since only males have a Y-chromosome, only males will express the trait of interest. Furthermore, it will be passed from father to son only.
  • 261. 3. Substrates •A substrate is a molecule acted upon by an enzyme. A substrate is loaded into the active site of the enzyme, or the place that allows weak bonds to be formed between the two molecules. •Example: Lactose
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  • 270. Ratio •The genotypic/phenotypic ratio is the ratio depicting the different genotypes/phenotypes of the offspring from a test cross. It represents the pattern of offspring distribution according to genotype/phenotype of an organism.
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  • 272.
  • 273. Basic Laws of Probability in Genetics •Multiplication/ Product Law (and) •Addition/ Sum Law (or)
  • 274. Multiplication/ Product Law •What are the odds of flipping a coin 5 times and getting tails in every flip? ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/32
  • 275. Multiplication/ Product Law cont’d. •What are the odds of rolling “snake eyes” on two pair of dice? 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36
  • 276.
  • 277.
  • 278. *Work 1 letter at a time ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/8
  • 279. Addition/ Sum Law •What are the odds of flipping a coin getting either heads or tails? ½ + ½ = 2/2 or 1
  • 280. Addition/ Sum Law cont’d. •What are the odds of rolling a two or a five on six-sided dice? 1/6 x 1/6 = 2/6 or 1/3
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  • 282.
  • 283. *Work 1 letter at a time. * Work on each possible offspring. •Offspring 1: •Offspring 2:
  • 286. + 1/4x ½ x ½ + 1/4x ½ x ½ 1/16 1/16 = 2/16 or 1/8
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  • 291. Example: •Null Hypothesis (H₀): There is no significant difference between observed and expected frequencies (i.e. genes are unlinked) •Alternative Hypothesis (H₁): There is a significant difference between observed and expected frequencies (i.e. genes are linked)
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  • 296. Step 1: Identify the hypotheses A chi-squared test seeks to distinguish between two distinct possibilities and hence requires two contrasting hypotheses: •Null Hypothesis (H₀): There is no significant difference between observed and expected frequencies (i.e. genes are unlinked) •Alternative Hypothesis (H₁): There is a significant difference between observed and expected frequencies (i.e. genes are linked)
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  • 304. What is binomial distribution? •a frequency distribution of the possible number of successful outcomes in a given number of trials in each of which there is the same probability of success.
  • 305. Sample Problems: If a couple has 7 children, what is the probability of them having 3 girls and then having 4 boys? a. 1/2 b. 1/144 c. 1/128 d. 1/256 e. None of these If a couple has 7 children, what is the probability of them having 3 girls and 4 boys? a. 1/2 b. 21/128 c. 70/128 d. 35/128 e. None of these
  • 306.
  • 307. If a couple has 7 children, what is the probability of them having 3 girls and 4 boys? a. 1/2 b. 21/128 c. 70/128 d. 35/128 e. None of these Step 1: Substitute values to the formula.
  • 308. If a couple has 7 children, what is the probability of them having 3 girls and 4 boys? a. 1/2 b. 21/128 c. 70/128 d. 35/128 e. None of these Step 2: Expand the factorials 3!= 3·2 ·1 4!= 4 ·3 ·2 ·1 7!= 7 ·6 ·5 ·4 ·3 ·2 ·1
  • 309. If a couple has 7 children, what is the probability of them having 3 girls and 4 boys? a. 1/2 b. 21/128 c. 70/128 d. 35/128 e. None of these Step 3: Solve the equation
  • 310.
  • 312. What is normal distribution? •It is a type of continuous probability distribution in which most data points cluster toward the middle of the range, while the rest taper off symmetrically toward either extreme. The middle of the range is also known as the mean of the distribution. •Properties of a normal curve: • It is smooth and symmetric. • Its highest point occurs over the mean of the entire population. • It never touches the x axis. • The total area under the curve is 1.
  • 313.
  • 314.
  • 315. END
  • 316. References: • BiologyOnline (2023). Antigen definition. Retrieved from: • BiologyDictionary (2023). Substrate definition. Retrieved from: • BioNinja (2023). Chi-square Test. Retrieved from: est.html • Boundless (2022). Lethal Inheritance Patterns . Retrieved from: ogy_(Boundless)/12%3A_Mendel's_Experiments_and_Heredity/12.02%3A__Patterns_of_Inheritanc e/12.2F%3A_Lethal_Inheritance_Patterns#:~:text=recessive%20lethal%3A%20an%20inheritance%2 0pattern,some%20altered%20non-lethal%20phenotype • Khillar, S. (2020, December 13). Difference Between Antibody and Antigen Test. • Lobo, I. (2008) Mendelian ratios and lethal genes. Nature Education 1(1):138 • Lobo, I. (2008) Genetics and Statistical Analysis. Nature Education 1(1):109
  • 317. References: • MedlinePlus (2021). What are reduced penetrance and variable expressivity? Retrieved from: • Penetrance (2021). Retrieved from: 3D,allele%20frequency%20in%20population%20controls • Penetrance and Expressivity (2021). Retrieved from: )/14%3A_Module_12-_Trait_Inheritance/14.12%3A_Penetrance_and_Expressivity#:~:text =Penetrance%20refers%20to%20the%20probability,fingers%20and%2For%20toes). • Saini, V.P. (2020). Gene Interactions ppt. Retrieved from:
  • 318. References Continued… •StudySmarter (2023). Retrieved from: ed-traits/