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1. Which part of the case
history will yield the
most information in a
suspected case of
Reiter’s disease?
a. Family history
b. Past history
c. Chief complaint
d. Sexual history
2. Where is the most likely
location to find the
presence of tophi in a
patient with gout?
a. Fingers
b. Pinna
c. Knee
d. Big toe
3. _____________ is the
etiology of Rocky
Mountain Spotted
a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Rickettsia
d. Parasite
4. Which of the following
arteries is affected
during a transient
ischemic attack?
a. Carotid
b. Coronary
c. Femoral
d. Radial
5. __________ alteration of
blood flow may result
in the inability to
understand language.
a. Posterior
communicating artery
b. Anterior cerebral artery
c. Cerebral artery
d. Carotid artery
6. While the patient is
supine with the head
extended off of the table
the doctor brings the
head into extension,
rotation, and lateral
flexion. Which of the
following is being
a.Axillary artery
b.Vertebral artery
c. Jugular vein
d.Anterior cerebral
7. A 22 year old female
was working out in a
gym and suddenly
faints, this is most likely
due to ___.
a. Subclavian Steal
b. Spontaneous
c. Myocardial Infarction
d. Marfan’s Syndrome
8. Upon taking bilateral
blood pressure readings
you find that there is a
difference of 10-15%
from one side to the
other. Which of the
following is a probable
a.Venous insufficiency
b.Arterial insufficiency
c. Congestive Heart
d.Coarctation of the Aorta
9. A female patient
presents with hard
circular lumps in her
hands and difficulty in
swallowing. Given these
findings what is the
most likely diagnosis?
a. Systemic lupus
b. Scleroderma
c. Amyotrophic lateral
d. Parkinson’s disease
10. A 35 year old female
patient presents with
complaints of joint pain
and polyarthritis. Upon
performing Murphy’s
sign you find that the
patient has pain. What
is most likely cause?
a. Systemic lupus
b. Scleroderma
c. Posterolateral
d. Parkinson’s disease
11.Examination of the
patient reveals
yellowing of the skin.
examination reveals
yellow sclera. Which
organ is at fault?
a. Gallbladder
b. Kidney
c. Pancreas
d. Liver
12. Which of the following
best defines the
diagnosis of
a. Dilated and fixed pupils
b. Constricted and
unresponsive pupils
c. Unequal pupil size
d. Absent red light reflex
13. A female patient
presents with complaints
of gaining weight without
trying, intolerance to cold
temperatures, and
course/dry hair and
nails. What is an
additional clinical finding
that is most likely
a. Sweating
b. Periorbital edema
c. Exophthalmosis
d. Hyperpigmented mouth
14. ______ is the cause of
ptosis, miosis, and
anhydrosis on one side of
the face?
a. CN III lesion
b. Pancoast tumor
c. Cluster headache
d. Temporal Arteritis
15. Upon Ophthalmo-
scopic examination you
note the presence of
A-V nicking, flame and
splinter hemorrhages,
and cotton wool
exudates. What is the
most likely cause of
these findings?
a. Hypertensive
b. Diabetic retinopathy
c. Retinal detachment
d. Papilledema
16. The diaphragmatic
domes appear flat and
lower in which of the
following conditions?
a. Pneumonia
b. Pancoast Tumor
c. Tuberculosis
d. Emphysema
17.______________ is the
most common cause of
a sensorineural
hearing loss.
a. Otitis externa
b. Meniere’s disease
c. Otitis media
d. Presbycussis
18. Upon laboratory
examination you find
that the patient has a
decreased TSH, a
decreased T3,
decreased T4, and
decreased growth
hormone. Which of the
following is the cause of
these lab results?
a. Hypopituitary
b. Hyperpituitary
c. Hypothyroid
d. Hyperthyroid
19.Which of the following
findings is commonly
associated with viral
otitis media?
a. Perforated tympanic
b. Retracted tympanic
c. Eustachian tube
d. Pinna pain
20. A riboflavin
deficiency is likely to
cause which of the
following conditions to
a. Leukoplakia
b. Glossitis
c. Cheilosis
d. Macroglossia
21._________ is commonly
associated with human
a. Candidiasis
b. Chancroid sores
c. Yellow frothy discharge
d. Hepatitis C
22.Which of the following
is not a risk factor for
a. Diverticulitis
b. Pregnancy
c. Decreased intestinal
d. Leukoplakia
23. A smooth and glossy
tongue seen with
deficiency of B
vitamins is caused by
which of the following?
a. Pernicious anemia
b. Hemolytic anemia
c. Sickle cell anemia
d. Iron deficiency anemia
24. A large beefy tongue
is seen with ____.
a. Hypothyroidism
b. Hyperthyroidism
c. Hypercortisolism
d. Hypocortisolism
25.Upon performing a
physical exam you note
a bruit is present over
the temporal artery.
Which of the following
is indicated?
a. Stroke
b. Giant cell arteritis
c. Migraine headache
d. Subclavian Steal
26. Orchitis is most
commonly caused by
which of the following ?
a. Measles
b. Mumps
c. Varicella
d. Hemophilus
27. A barrel appearance of
the thorax will be noted
in a patient affected by
which of the following?
a. Pneumonia
b. Emphysema
c. Pneumothorax
d. Atelectasis
28. What is the proper
location to
transilluminate the
frontal sinuses?
a. Superior/lateral
aspect of the orbit
b. Middle of the eyebrow
c. Medial orbit below the
d. 1” superior to the
eyebrow medially
29. _________ breathing is
associated with
metabolic acidosis.
a. Cheyne stokes
b. Kussmaul’s
c. Biot’s
d. Brady’s
30. Which of the
following is the
percussive note of the
major portion of the
lung fields?
a. Dull
b. Flat
c. Tympanic
d. Resonate
31. As you perform
bronchophony you
note clear sounds as
the patient says “99”.
What is the pathology
that causes this
a. Emphysema
b. Pneumonia
c. Bronchitis
d. Bronchiectasis
32. Increased tactile
fremitus is seen with
a. Emphysema
b. Pneumothorax
c. Atelectasis
d. Pneumonia
33. Hyper-resonance and
decreased tactile
fremitus on one side of
the chest is seen with
a. Emphysema
b. Pneumonia
c. Pneumothorax
d. Atelectasis
34. A patient presents
with a low grade fever,
productive cough, night
sweats, and yellow
sputum. This is
indicative of ____________.
a. Pneumonia
b. Tuberculosis
c. Bronchitis
d. Bronchogenic
35. Upon thoracic physical
examination you note
the presence of a friction
rub. Which of the
following is associated
with this finding?
a. Pleurisy
b. Pneumothorax
c. Tuberculosis
d. Pneumonia
36. Upon orthopedic
examination you ask the
patient to laterally bend
to one side while they
are in the standing
position. When they
perform this maneuver
they have pain on the
convex side. What is the
cause of this pain?
a. Intercostal neuralgia
b. Pleurisy
c. Pneumothorax
d. Pneumonia
37. A previously healthy
18 year old male
suddenly complains of
stabbing chest pain that
is a 9/10 severity on the
pain scale. What is the
likely etiology of this
a. Spontaneous
b. Pleurisy
c. Myocardial Infarction
d. TIA
38. __________ is a type I
reaction and also
causes a rise in IgE.
a. Cytotoxic reaction
b. Lyme’s disease
c. Asthma
d. Emphysema
39. Which of the following
conditions would
contribute to the
appearance of a normal
sized but low lying
a. Hepatocellular
b. Hepatitis
c. Emphysema
d. Pancoast tumor
40. A 68 year old male
presents with a non-
productive cough for the
past 60 days as well as
anorexia and weight
loss. What should be
a. Bronchogenic
b. Pneumonia
c. Tuberculosis
d. Sarcoidosis
41. A rash that breaks out
and follows along
parallel to the ribs is
most likely ________.
a. Tietze syndrome
b. Shingles
c. Intercostal neuralgia
d. Fungal infection
42. _______ stays dormant in
the dorsal root ganglia
of the patient.
a. Herpes simplex
b. Herpes zoster
c. Neurosyphilis
d. Hemophilus Ducreyi
43. Upon taking a biopsy
from the lung tissue Reed
Sternberg cells are
present. What is the most
likely diagnosis given this
a. Bronchogenic carcinoma
b. Pancoast tumor
c. Miliary tuberculosis
d. Hodgkin’s disease
44. A child presents with
thick accumulations of
mucous in the lungs and
intestines. Upon
inspection you note a
barrel chest. They also
have pancreatic
insufficiency and
meconium ileus. What is
the diagnosis given these
a. Pneumonia
b. Cystic fibrosis
c. Nephroblastoma
d. Emphysema
45. Which of the following
is a palpable finding in
a patient with
a. Bounding apical pulse
b. Thrills in the 2nd
intercostal space
c. A bruit over Erb’s point
d. Lateral shift in the
apical pulse
46. Which of the
following is the best
method of palpating
the inferior structure
of the liver?
a. Patient supine with
deep inspiration
b. Patient supine upon
c. Patient supine upon
forced expiration
d. Patient in the lateral
recumbent position
upon inhalation.
47. Which abdominal
examination is
performed to determine
the difference between
excess adipose tissue in
the abdomen and
a. Murphy’s sign
b. Murphy’s test
c. Rovsing’s test
d. Fluid wave test
48.What is the most
common treatment for
myasthenia gravis?
a. Bed rest
b. Chemotherapy
c. Anticholinesterase
d. B12 shots
49. During a consultation
with a new adult patient
you find they have foul
smelling bowel
movements. Which of
the following is likely?
a. Celiac disease
b. Cystic fibrosis
c. Appendicitis
d. Gastric ulcer
50. Which of the following
presents with Pulsus
a. Aortic regurgitation
b. Left ventricular failure
c. Mitral stenosis
d. Myocardial infarction
51. Following recovery
from rheumatic fever
which of the following
is most likely to be
weakened in the
a. Myocardium
b. Pericardium
c. Endocardium
d. Epicardium
52.Which of the following
occurs prior to being
diagnosed with
bacterial endocarditis?
a. Mitral valve prolapse
b. Hypertension
c. Rubeola infection
d. Streptococcus infection
53. Auscultating the
heart reveals a
murmur at the 5th
intercostal space mid
clavicular line during
systole. This murmur
is heard at the ____ of
the heart and will be
a. Apex; high pitched
b. Apex; low pitched
c. Base; high pitched
d. Base; low pitched
54. A patient who
presents with both foot
drop and wrist drop is
most likely deficient in
which of the following?
a. Vitamin B12
b. Vitamin B6
c. Chromium
d. Folic Acid
55. Which of the following
murmurs is present in
a. Aortic stenosis
b. Pulmonic stenosis
c. Tricuspid regurgitation
d. Mitral stenosis
56. A congenital
narrowing proximal to
the vertebral artery is
known as which of the
a. Subclavian steal
b. Coarctation of the
c. Tetralogy of Fallot
d. Marfan’s Syndrome
57. If the patient has
difficulty breathing
while in the supine
position that is relieved
when going into the
seated or standing
position it is called
a. Exertional dyspnea
b. Orthopnea
c. Strider
d. Hyperpnea
58. A patient has portal
hypertension and the
appearance of caput
medusa. These findings
are seen with which of
the following?
a. Left sided heart failure
b. Right sided heart failure
c. Pancreatitis
d. Acute appendicitis
59. A patient presents with
complaints of recurring chest
pain. He describes the pain as a
feeling of something heavy
sitting on his chest. He doesn’t
know what brings it on but tells
you he gets the pain while he is
at rest. He also tells you that
this pain will go away after a
few minutes of continued rest.
What is the diagnosis?
a. Hemochromatosis
b.Simple angina
c. Complex angina
d.Printzmetal angina
60. A patient with
crushing chest pain is
asked to rest for a few
minutes while the
ambulance is on the
way, and the pain has
not subsided within
15 minutes. Which of
the following is the
best diagnosis?
a. Angina pectoris
b.Atypical angina
c. Myocardial
d.Aortic dissection
61.Which of the
following is usually
detected on a routine
physical exam without
the use of an ECG?
a. Primary heart block
b. Secondary heart block
c. Atrial fibrillation
d. Block of bundle of HIS
62. ________ is indicated if
the patient presents
with yellowing of the
skin and the buccal
a. Polycythemia
b. Hemochromatosis
c. Osteogenesis
d. Addison’s Disease
63. Upon analyzing a KUB
study, you find that
there is a unilateral
sclerotic 3mm
radiopaque shadow
over the psoas muscle.
What does this
a. Urolithiasis
b. Urethritis
c. Cholecystitis
d. Cholelithiasis
64. Which organ is
implicated if there is a
moderate increase in
alkaline phosphatase?
a. Liver
b. Heart
c. Pancreas
d. Spleen
67. A patient presents with
complaints of
polydypsia and polyuria
but no polyphagia.
Which condition is most
a. Diabetes mellitus type I
b. Diabetes mellitus type II
c. Diabetes Insipidus
d. Pancreatitis
66. An elevation of
Transpeptidase and
serum glutamic pyruvic
transaminase is an
indication for which of
the following?
a. Myocardial Infarction
b. Pancreatitis
c. Hepatitis
d. Appendicitis
67. Which of the
following can be
contracted through the
oral/fecal route of
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Liver cirrhosis
68. Which of the following
conditions will cause
pain referral to the right
tip of the scapula?
a. Pancreatitis
b. Cholelithiasis
c. Splenomegaly
d. Hepatitis
69. Which of the
following will result in
increased serum glucose
a. Cholecystitis
b. Pancreatic cancer
c. Acute appendicitis
d. Ovarian cancer
70. Which of the following
terms is used to
describe periumbilical
a. Grey turner sign
b. Cullen’s sign
c. Puddle sign
d. Minor’s sign
71. An increased amount
of ADH will present
with which of the
following findings?
a. Increased specific
b. Glucosuria
c. Cloudy urine
d. Proteinuria
72. A patient that has
been diagnosed with
will most likely be
affected by which of the
a. Urethritis
b. Big bulging eyes
c. Renal calculi
d. Increased bone density
73. What is associated
with the over
proliferation of
helicobacter pylori
a. Systemic infection
b. Septic arthritis
c. Gastric reflux
d. Peptic ulcer
74. An elderly female
patient presents with
complaints of left lower
quadrant pain and chronic
constipation. What is the
most likely etiology of this
a. Appendicitis
b. Inadequate fiber in the
c. Hypersensitivity to
d. Duodenal ulcer
75. Which of the
following is the most
common component
are kidney stones?
a. Uric acid
b. Calcium urates
c. Nitrates
d. Calcium oxalates
76. Which of the following
casts are normally
found upon urinalysis?
a. Fatty
b. Waxy
c. RBC
d. Hyaline
77. Which of the
following conditions
could lead to
investigate pernicious
anemia in the patient?
a. Duodenal ulcer
b. Appendicitis
c. Pancreatitis
d. Hepatitis
78. A female patient who
recently gave birth
presents with
complaints of
incontinence when she
laughs. What type of
incontinence is
a. Urge
b. Stress
c. Overflow
d. Physiologic
79. A woman who is pregnant
for the first time presents
with bilateral pitting edema
in the lower extremities.
What other signs are related
to this condition?
a. Hypertension; proteinuria;
b. Hypertension; proteinuria;
c. Hypotension; proteinuria;
a. Hypotension; proteinuria;
80. Pelvic inflammatory
disease will not present
with ______.
a. Cervical discharge
b. Bloody discharge
c. Fever
d. Purulent discharge
81. A patient states that
she is unable to urinate.
While you are
performing your
examination the patient
has a yellow discharge
that is expelled. What
is the most appropriate
follow up step?
a. Catheterization
b. Surgical consultation
c. Bacterial culture
d. Hair analysis
82. A 36 year old male
patient presents with
gynecomastia. Which of
the following is the most
likely cause of this
a. Addison’s disease
b. Cushing syndrome
c. Inguinal hernia
d. Testicular cancer
83. A pediatric patient
presents with tortuous
dilation of the
spermatic veins. What
is the diagnosis?
a. Spermatocele
b. Varicocele
c. Hydrocele
d. Hernia
84. Upon palpation of the
testicle you find a single
nodule that is painless to
the patient. What should
be suspected?
a. Hydrocele
b. Varicocele
c. Testicular cancer
d. Epididymitis
85. A painless, moveable,
small lump superior to
the testicle is most
likely a
a. Hydrocele
b. Spermatocele
c. Varicocele
d. Prostatitis
86. Loss of the median
sulcus of the prostate
upon digital
examination is most
likely to be caused by
a. Acute Prostatitis
b. Prostatic carcinoma
c. Benign prostatic
d. Chronic Prostatitis
87.Prostatic carcinoma
will present with
which of the following
palpatory findings?
a. Smooth; non tender
b. Tender; soft
c. Firm; non tender
d. Hard; nodular
88.A hard, moveable non-
painful lymph node is
palpated above the left
clavicle. This is most
likely a ______.
a. Virchow’s node
b. Haygarth's node
c. Pancoast tumor
d. Bouchard’s node
89. A patient presents
with thrombocyto-
penia and Petechiae at
the ankles. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
a. Stasis dermatitis
b. Liver cirrhosis
c. Pancreatitis
d. Congestive heart
90. A bacterial infection
will produce the
following change in the
white blood cells?
a. Neutrophilia
b. Lymphocytosis
c. Monocytosis
d. Basophilia
91. Lymphocytosis is a
common finding in a
patient with a/an____.
a. Bacterial infection
b. Chronic infection
c. Allergies
d. Viral infection
92. Which of the following
conditions presents
with microcytic, target
a. Sickle cell anemia
b. Thalassemia
c. Aplastic anemia
d. Iron deficiency anemia
93. Laboratory
examination reveals the
presence of decreased
RBC’s that are
microcytic and
hypochromic. What is
the diagnosis?
a. Iron deficiency anemia
b. Megaloblastic anemia
c. Sickle cell anemia
d. Aplastic anemia
94. A patient with chronic
iron deficiency anemia
will present with which
of the following
combinations of
laboratory findings?
a. Decreased iron;
decreased TIBC
b. Decreased iron;
increased TIBC
c. Decreased copper;
decreased TIBC
d. Decreased copper;
increased TIBC
95. Prolonged periods of
fasting will produce
excess ______ in the
a. Glucose
b. Protein
c. Ketones
d. Urobilinogen
96. _____ is the best
laboratory test to
monitor the health of
the kidney.
a. CPK
b. CK-MM
c. Creatine
d. Creatinine
97. A deficiency in
___________ will cause
chronic muscle
a. Protein
b. Potassium
c. Phosphorus
d. Vitamin C
98. When performing
Weber’s test the sound
lateralizes to the right
ear. While performing
the Rinne test you note
there is a positive in
the right ear. This
indicates _____
a. Right sensorineural
b. Left sensorineural
c. Right conductive
d. Left conductive
99. An increase in CK-MM
will likely indicate
which of the following
a. Myocardial infarction
b. Muscular dystrophy
c. Stroke
d. Kidney stones
100. Staphylococcus aureus
infection is responsible
for which of the
following conditions?
a. Meningitis
b. Toxic Shock Syndrome
c. Rheumatic fever
d. Glomerulonephritis
101. Which of the
following conditions
will cause a blood
pressure of 190/130
and cotton wool
exudates in the eyes?
a. Malignant hypertension
b. Benign renal
c. Systolic hypertension
d. Myocardial infarction
102. You shine the light in
the right eye and the
right pupil contracts,
but the left pupil does
not contract. You
deduce from this
finding that CN___ on
the ___ is at fault.
a. II; right
b. III; right
c. II; left
d. III; left
103. The reason for
performing Hallpike’s
maneuver on a patient
is to determine ____.
a. Vertigo
b. Proprioception
c. Cervical sprain/strain
d. Balance
104. A young child presents with
torsion of the spermatic cord.
Which of the following is
a. It would feel like a bag of
worms and the patient should
be placed on bed rest.
b. There is a congenital anomaly
and the child needs to go to a
c. The patient should be sent to
the emergency room
d. The sacrum should be
105. Which of the
following is a true
statement about
a. Brought on by
emotional stress.
b. Turns the hands red
then blue then pale.
c. Occurs as a primary
d. It is generally
106. Cystic fibrosis most
commonly affects
which of the following
a. Mucous glands
b. Sebaceous
c. Apocrine
d. Eccrine(sweat)
107. The patient with
purpura would also
a. Gastric carcinoma
b. Petechiae and stasis
c. Cirrhosis of the liver
d. Petechiae and
mucosal bleeding

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  • 1. © Irene Gold Associates, Inc. All rights to the material in this presentation are reserved.
  • 2. 1. Which part of the case history will yield the most information in a suspected case of Reiter’s disease? a. Family history b. Past history c. Chief complaint d. Sexual history 2. Where is the most likely location to find the presence of tophi in a patient with gout? a. Fingers b. Pinna c. Knee d. Big toe
  • 3. 3. _____________ is the etiology of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. a. Bacteria b. Virus c. Rickettsia d. Parasite 4. Which of the following arteries is affected during a transient ischemic attack? a. Carotid b. Coronary c. Femoral d. Radial
  • 4. 5. __________ alteration of blood flow may result in the inability to understand language. a. Posterior communicating artery b. Anterior cerebral artery c. Cerebral artery d. Carotid artery 6. While the patient is supine with the head extended off of the table the doctor brings the head into extension, rotation, and lateral flexion. Which of the following is being evaluated? a.Axillary artery b.Vertebral artery c. Jugular vein d.Anterior cerebral artery
  • 5. 7. A 22 year old female was working out in a gym and suddenly faints, this is most likely due to ___. a. Subclavian Steal syndrome b. Spontaneous Pneumothorax c. Myocardial Infarction d. Marfan’s Syndrome 8. Upon taking bilateral blood pressure readings you find that there is a difference of 10-15% from one side to the other. Which of the following is a probable cause? a.Venous insufficiency b.Arterial insufficiency c. Congestive Heart Failure d.Coarctation of the Aorta
  • 6. 9. A female patient presents with hard circular lumps in her hands and difficulty in swallowing. Given these findings what is the most likely diagnosis? a. Systemic lupus erythematosus b. Scleroderma c. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis d. Parkinson’s disease 10. A 35 year old female patient presents with complaints of joint pain and polyarthritis. Upon performing Murphy’s sign you find that the patient has pain. What is most likely cause? a. Systemic lupus erythematosus b. Scleroderma c. Posterolateral sclerosis d. Parkinson’s disease
  • 7. 11.Examination of the patient reveals yellowing of the skin. Ophthalmic examination reveals yellow sclera. Which organ is at fault? a. Gallbladder b. Kidney c. Pancreas d. Liver 12. Which of the following best defines the diagnosis of anisocoria? a. Dilated and fixed pupils b. Constricted and unresponsive pupils c. Unequal pupil size d. Absent red light reflex
  • 8. 13. A female patient presents with complaints of gaining weight without trying, intolerance to cold temperatures, and course/dry hair and nails. What is an additional clinical finding that is most likely present? a. Sweating b. Periorbital edema c. Exophthalmosis d. Hyperpigmented mouth 14. ______ is the cause of ptosis, miosis, and anhydrosis on one side of the face? a. CN III lesion b. Pancoast tumor c. Cluster headache d. Temporal Arteritis
  • 9. 15. Upon Ophthalmo- scopic examination you note the presence of A-V nicking, flame and splinter hemorrhages, and cotton wool exudates. What is the most likely cause of these findings? a. Hypertensive retinopathy b. Diabetic retinopathy c. Retinal detachment d. Papilledema 16. The diaphragmatic domes appear flat and lower in which of the following conditions? a. Pneumonia b. Pancoast Tumor c. Tuberculosis d. Emphysema
  • 10. 17.______________ is the most common cause of a sensorineural hearing loss. a. Otitis externa b. Meniere’s disease c. Otitis media d. Presbycussis 18. Upon laboratory examination you find that the patient has a decreased TSH, a decreased T3, decreased T4, and decreased growth hormone. Which of the following is the cause of these lab results? a. Hypopituitary b. Hyperpituitary c. Hypothyroid d. Hyperthyroid
  • 11. 19.Which of the following findings is commonly associated with viral otitis media? a. Perforated tympanic membrane b. Retracted tympanic membrane c. Eustachian tube blockage d. Pinna pain 20. A riboflavin deficiency is likely to cause which of the following conditions to occur? a. Leukoplakia b. Glossitis c. Cheilosis d. Macroglossia
  • 12. 21._________ is commonly associated with human immunodeficiency virus. a. Candidiasis b. Chancroid sores c. Yellow frothy discharge d. Hepatitis C 22.Which of the following is not a risk factor for candidiasis? a. Diverticulitis b. Pregnancy c. Decreased intestinal flora d. Leukoplakia
  • 13. 23. A smooth and glossy tongue seen with deficiency of B vitamins is caused by which of the following? a. Pernicious anemia b. Hemolytic anemia c. Sickle cell anemia d. Iron deficiency anemia 24. A large beefy tongue is seen with ____. a. Hypothyroidism b. Hyperthyroidism c. Hypercortisolism d. Hypocortisolism
  • 14. 25.Upon performing a physical exam you note a bruit is present over the temporal artery. Which of the following is indicated? a. Stroke b. Giant cell arteritis c. Migraine headache d. Subclavian Steal syndrome 26. Orchitis is most commonly caused by which of the following ? a. Measles b. Mumps c. Varicella d. Hemophilus
  • 15. 27. A barrel appearance of the thorax will be noted in a patient affected by which of the following? a. Pneumonia b. Emphysema c. Pneumothorax d. Atelectasis 28. What is the proper location to transilluminate the frontal sinuses? a. Superior/lateral aspect of the orbit b. Middle of the eyebrow c. Medial orbit below the eyebrow d. 1” superior to the eyebrow medially
  • 16. 29. _________ breathing is associated with metabolic acidosis. a. Cheyne stokes b. Kussmaul’s c. Biot’s d. Brady’s 30. Which of the following is the percussive note of the major portion of the lung fields? a. Dull b. Flat c. Tympanic d. Resonate
  • 17. 31. As you perform bronchophony you note clear sounds as the patient says “99”. What is the pathology that causes this finding? a. Emphysema b. Pneumonia c. Bronchitis d. Bronchiectasis 32. Increased tactile fremitus is seen with ____. a. Emphysema b. Pneumothorax c. Atelectasis d. Pneumonia
  • 18. 33. Hyper-resonance and decreased tactile fremitus on one side of the chest is seen with ______. a. Emphysema b. Pneumonia c. Pneumothorax d. Atelectasis 34. A patient presents with a low grade fever, productive cough, night sweats, and yellow sputum. This is indicative of ____________. a. Pneumonia b. Tuberculosis c. Bronchitis d. Bronchogenic carcinoma
  • 19. 35. Upon thoracic physical examination you note the presence of a friction rub. Which of the following is associated with this finding? a. Pleurisy b. Pneumothorax c. Tuberculosis d. Pneumonia 36. Upon orthopedic examination you ask the patient to laterally bend to one side while they are in the standing position. When they perform this maneuver they have pain on the convex side. What is the cause of this pain? a. Intercostal neuralgia b. Pleurisy c. Pneumothorax d. Pneumonia
  • 20. 37. A previously healthy 18 year old male suddenly complains of stabbing chest pain that is a 9/10 severity on the pain scale. What is the likely etiology of this complaint? a. Spontaneous pneumothorax b. Pleurisy c. Myocardial Infarction d. TIA 38. __________ is a type I hypersensitivity reaction and also causes a rise in IgE. a. Cytotoxic reaction b. Lyme’s disease c. Asthma d. Emphysema
  • 21. 39. Which of the following conditions would contribute to the appearance of a normal sized but low lying liver? a. Hepatocellular carcinoma b. Hepatitis c. Emphysema d. Pancoast tumor 40. A 68 year old male presents with a non- productive cough for the past 60 days as well as anorexia and weight loss. What should be suspected? a. Bronchogenic carcinoma b. Pneumonia c. Tuberculosis d. Sarcoidosis
  • 22. 41. A rash that breaks out and follows along parallel to the ribs is most likely ________. a. Tietze syndrome b. Shingles c. Intercostal neuralgia d. Fungal infection 42. _______ stays dormant in the dorsal root ganglia of the patient. a. Herpes simplex b. Herpes zoster c. Neurosyphilis d. Hemophilus Ducreyi
  • 23. 43. Upon taking a biopsy from the lung tissue Reed Sternberg cells are present. What is the most likely diagnosis given this finding? a. Bronchogenic carcinoma b. Pancoast tumor c. Miliary tuberculosis d. Hodgkin’s disease 44. A child presents with thick accumulations of mucous in the lungs and intestines. Upon inspection you note a barrel chest. They also have pancreatic insufficiency and meconium ileus. What is the diagnosis given these findings? a. Pneumonia b. Cystic fibrosis c. Nephroblastoma d. Emphysema
  • 24. 45. Which of the following is a palpable finding in a patient with cardiomegaly? a. Bounding apical pulse b. Thrills in the 2nd intercostal space c. A bruit over Erb’s point d. Lateral shift in the apical pulse 46. Which of the following is the best method of palpating the inferior structure of the liver? a. Patient supine with deep inspiration b. Patient supine upon expiration c. Patient supine upon forced expiration d. Patient in the lateral recumbent position upon inhalation.
  • 25. 47. Which abdominal examination is performed to determine the difference between excess adipose tissue in the abdomen and ascites? a. Murphy’s sign b. Murphy’s test c. Rovsing’s test d. Fluid wave test 48.What is the most common treatment for myasthenia gravis? a. Bed rest b. Chemotherapy c. Anticholinesterase antibodies d. B12 shots
  • 26. 49. During a consultation with a new adult patient you find they have foul smelling bowel movements. Which of the following is likely? a. Celiac disease b. Cystic fibrosis c. Appendicitis d. Gastric ulcer 50. Which of the following presents with Pulsus bisferiens? a. Aortic regurgitation b. Left ventricular failure c. Mitral stenosis d. Myocardial infarction
  • 27. 51. Following recovery from rheumatic fever which of the following is most likely to be weakened in the patient? a. Myocardium b. Pericardium c. Endocardium d. Epicardium 52.Which of the following occurs prior to being diagnosed with bacterial endocarditis? a. Mitral valve prolapse b. Hypertension c. Rubeola infection d. Streptococcus infection
  • 28. 53. Auscultating the heart reveals a murmur at the 5th intercostal space mid clavicular line during systole. This murmur is heard at the ____ of the heart and will be ____. a. Apex; high pitched b. Apex; low pitched c. Base; high pitched d. Base; low pitched 54. A patient who presents with both foot drop and wrist drop is most likely deficient in which of the following? a. Vitamin B12 b. Vitamin B6 c. Chromium d. Folic Acid
  • 29. 55. Which of the following murmurs is present in diastole? a. Aortic stenosis b. Pulmonic stenosis c. Tricuspid regurgitation d. Mitral stenosis 56. A congenital narrowing proximal to the vertebral artery is known as which of the following? a. Subclavian steal syndrome b. Coarctation of the aorta c. Tetralogy of Fallot d. Marfan’s Syndrome
  • 30. 57. If the patient has difficulty breathing while in the supine position that is relieved when going into the seated or standing position it is called _________. a. Exertional dyspnea b. Orthopnea c. Strider d. Hyperpnea 58. A patient has portal hypertension and the appearance of caput medusa. These findings are seen with which of the following? a. Left sided heart failure b. Right sided heart failure c. Pancreatitis d. Acute appendicitis
  • 31. 59. A patient presents with complaints of recurring chest pain. He describes the pain as a feeling of something heavy sitting on his chest. He doesn’t know what brings it on but tells you he gets the pain while he is at rest. He also tells you that this pain will go away after a few minutes of continued rest. What is the diagnosis? a. Hemochromatosis b.Simple angina c. Complex angina d.Printzmetal angina 60. A patient with crushing chest pain is asked to rest for a few minutes while the ambulance is on the way, and the pain has not subsided within 15 minutes. Which of the following is the best diagnosis? a. Angina pectoris b.Atypical angina c. Myocardial infarction d.Aortic dissection
  • 32. 61.Which of the following is usually detected on a routine physical exam without the use of an ECG? a. Primary heart block b. Secondary heart block c. Atrial fibrillation d. Block of bundle of HIS 62. ________ is indicated if the patient presents with yellowing of the skin and the buccal mucosa. a. Polycythemia b. Hemochromatosis c. Osteogenesis Imperfecta d. Addison’s Disease
  • 33. 63. Upon analyzing a KUB study, you find that there is a unilateral sclerotic 3mm radiopaque shadow over the psoas muscle. What does this indicate? a. Urolithiasis b. Urethritis c. Cholecystitis d. Cholelithiasis 64. Which organ is implicated if there is a moderate increase in alkaline phosphatase? a. Liver b. Heart c. Pancreas d. Spleen
  • 34. 67. A patient presents with complaints of polydypsia and polyuria but no polyphagia. Which condition is most likely? a. Diabetes mellitus type I b. Diabetes mellitus type II c. Diabetes Insipidus d. Pancreatitis 66. An elevation of gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase is an indication for which of the following? a. Myocardial Infarction b. Pancreatitis c. Hepatitis d. Appendicitis
  • 35. 67. Which of the following can be contracted through the oral/fecal route of transmission? a. Hepatitis A b. Hepatitis B c. Hepatitis C d. Liver cirrhosis 68. Which of the following conditions will cause pain referral to the right tip of the scapula? a. Pancreatitis b. Cholelithiasis c. Splenomegaly d. Hepatitis
  • 36. 69. Which of the following will result in increased serum glucose levels? a. Cholecystitis b. Pancreatic cancer c. Acute appendicitis d. Ovarian cancer 70. Which of the following terms is used to describe periumbilical ecchymosis? a. Grey turner sign b. Cullen’s sign c. Puddle sign d. Minor’s sign
  • 37. 71. An increased amount of ADH will present with which of the following findings? a. Increased specific gravity b. Glucosuria c. Cloudy urine d. Proteinuria 72. A patient that has been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism will most likely be affected by which of the following? a. Urethritis b. Big bulging eyes c. Renal calculi d. Increased bone density
  • 38. 73. What is associated with the over proliferation of helicobacter pylori bacteria? a. Systemic infection b. Septic arthritis c. Gastric reflux d. Peptic ulcer 74. An elderly female patient presents with complaints of left lower quadrant pain and chronic constipation. What is the most likely etiology of this presentation? a. Appendicitis b. Inadequate fiber in the diet c. Hypersensitivity to gluten d. Duodenal ulcer
  • 39. 75. Which of the following is the most common component are kidney stones? a. Uric acid b. Calcium urates c. Nitrates d. Calcium oxalates 76. Which of the following casts are normally found upon urinalysis? a. Fatty b. Waxy c. RBC d. Hyaline
  • 40. 77. Which of the following conditions could lead to investigate pernicious anemia in the patient? a. Duodenal ulcer b. Appendicitis c. Pancreatitis d. Hepatitis 78. A female patient who recently gave birth presents with complaints of incontinence when she laughs. What type of incontinence is described? a. Urge b. Stress c. Overflow d. Physiologic
  • 41. 79. A woman who is pregnant for the first time presents with bilateral pitting edema in the lower extremities. What other signs are related to this condition? a. Hypertension; proteinuria; seizures b. Hypertension; proteinuria; vomiting c. Hypotension; proteinuria; seizures a. Hypotension; proteinuria; vomiting 80. Pelvic inflammatory disease will not present with ______. a. Cervical discharge b. Bloody discharge c. Fever d. Purulent discharge
  • 42. 81. A patient states that she is unable to urinate. While you are performing your examination the patient has a yellow discharge that is expelled. What is the most appropriate follow up step? a. Catheterization b. Surgical consultation c. Bacterial culture d. Hair analysis 82. A 36 year old male patient presents with gynecomastia. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this presentation? a. Addison’s disease b. Cushing syndrome c. Inguinal hernia d. Testicular cancer
  • 43. 83. A pediatric patient presents with tortuous dilation of the spermatic veins. What is the diagnosis? a. Spermatocele b. Varicocele c. Hydrocele d. Hernia 84. Upon palpation of the testicle you find a single nodule that is painless to the patient. What should be suspected? a. Hydrocele b. Varicocele c. Testicular cancer d. Epididymitis
  • 44. 85. A painless, moveable, small lump superior to the testicle is most likely a ___________________. a. Hydrocele b. Spermatocele c. Varicocele d. Prostatitis 86. Loss of the median sulcus of the prostate upon digital examination is most likely to be caused by _________. a. Acute Prostatitis b. Prostatic carcinoma c. Benign prostatic Hyperplasia d. Chronic Prostatitis
  • 45. 87.Prostatic carcinoma will present with which of the following palpatory findings? a. Smooth; non tender b. Tender; soft c. Firm; non tender d. Hard; nodular 88.A hard, moveable non- painful lymph node is palpated above the left clavicle. This is most likely a ______. a. Virchow’s node b. Haygarth's node c. Pancoast tumor d. Bouchard’s node
  • 46. 89. A patient presents with thrombocyto- penia and Petechiae at the ankles. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Stasis dermatitis b. Liver cirrhosis c. Pancreatitis d. Congestive heart failure 90. A bacterial infection will produce the following change in the white blood cells? a. Neutrophilia b. Lymphocytosis c. Monocytosis d. Basophilia
  • 47. 91. Lymphocytosis is a common finding in a patient with a/an____. a. Bacterial infection b. Chronic infection c. Allergies d. Viral infection 92. Which of the following conditions presents with microcytic, target cells. a. Sickle cell anemia b. Thalassemia c. Aplastic anemia d. Iron deficiency anemia
  • 48. 93. Laboratory examination reveals the presence of decreased RBC’s that are microcytic and hypochromic. What is the diagnosis? a. Iron deficiency anemia b. Megaloblastic anemia c. Sickle cell anemia d. Aplastic anemia 94. A patient with chronic iron deficiency anemia will present with which of the following combinations of laboratory findings? a. Decreased iron; decreased TIBC b. Decreased iron; increased TIBC c. Decreased copper; decreased TIBC d. Decreased copper; increased TIBC
  • 49. 95. Prolonged periods of fasting will produce excess ______ in the urine. a. Glucose b. Protein c. Ketones d. Urobilinogen 96. _____ is the best laboratory test to monitor the health of the kidney. a. CPK b. CK-MM c. Creatine d. Creatinine
  • 50. 97. A deficiency in ___________ will cause chronic muscle cramping. a. Protein b. Potassium c. Phosphorus d. Vitamin C 98. When performing Weber’s test the sound lateralizes to the right ear. While performing the Rinne test you note there is a positive in the right ear. This indicates _____ deafness. a. Right sensorineural b. Left sensorineural c. Right conductive d. Left conductive
  • 51. 99. An increase in CK-MM will likely indicate which of the following diseases? a. Myocardial infarction b. Muscular dystrophy c. Stroke d. Kidney stones 100. Staphylococcus aureus infection is responsible for which of the following conditions? a. Meningitis b. Toxic Shock Syndrome c. Rheumatic fever d. Glomerulonephritis
  • 52. 101. Which of the following conditions will cause a blood pressure of 190/130 and cotton wool exudates in the eyes? a. Malignant hypertension b. Benign renal hypertension c. Systolic hypertension d. Myocardial infarction 102. You shine the light in the right eye and the right pupil contracts, but the left pupil does not contract. You deduce from this finding that CN___ on the ___ is at fault. a. II; right b. III; right c. II; left d. III; left
  • 53. 103. The reason for performing Hallpike’s maneuver on a patient is to determine ____. a. Vertigo b. Proprioception c. Cervical sprain/strain d. Balance 104. A young child presents with torsion of the spermatic cord. Which of the following is correct? a. It would feel like a bag of worms and the patient should be placed on bed rest. b. There is a congenital anomaly and the child needs to go to a pediatrician. c. The patient should be sent to the emergency room immediately. d. The sacrum should be adjusted.
  • 54. 105. Which of the following is a true statement about Raynaud’s phenomenon? a. Brought on by emotional stress. b. Turns the hands red then blue then pale. c. Occurs as a primary disease. d. It is generally unilateral. 106. Cystic fibrosis most commonly affects which of the following glands? a. Mucous glands b. Sebaceous c. Apocrine d. Eccrine(sweat)
  • 55. 107. The patient with thrombocytopenia purpura would also have? a. Gastric carcinoma b. Petechiae and stasis dermatitis c. Cirrhosis of the liver d. Petechiae and mucosal bleeding