SlideShare a Scribd company logo
                          a lightweight Groovy toolkit
                          for Google App Engine

                       Guillaume Laforge
                       SpringSource, a division of VMWare

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Guillaume Laforge
            Groovy Project Manager
                   on Groovy since 2003!
            JSR-241 Spec Lead
            Head of Groovy Development
            at SpringSource (division of VMWare)
            Initiator of the Grails framework
            Creator of the Gaelyk toolkit
            Co-author of Groovy in Action
            International speaker

mercredi 19 mai 2010
mercredi 19 mai 2010
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

            Software as a Service
                   Gmail,   SaaS
            Platform as a Service
                   Google App Engine       PaaS
            Infrastructure as a Service
                   Amazon EC2              IaaS
mercredi 19 mai 2010
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

            Software as a Service
                   Gmail,   SaaS
            Platform as a Service
                   Google App Engine       PaaS
            Infrastructure as a Service
                   Amazon EC2              IaaS
mercredi 19 mai 2010
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

            Software as a Service
                   Gmail,   SaaS
            Platform as a Service
                   Google App Engine       PaaS
            Infrastructure as a Service
                   Amazon EC2              IaaS
mercredi 19 mai 2010

mercredi 19 mai 2010

mercredi 19 mai 2010
mercredi 19 mai 2010
            Gaelyk is a lightweight Groovy toolkit on top of the
            Google App Engine Java SDK

            Gaelyk builds on Groovy’s servlet support
                   Groovlets: Groovy scripts instead of raw servlets!
                   Groovy templates: JSP-like template engine
                   Both allow for a clean separation of views and logic

            Gaelyk provides several enhancements around the GAE Java
            SDK to make life easier, thanks to Groovy’s dynamic nature

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Why Groovy?
            Groovy is a dynamic language for the JVM
                   very flexible, malleable, expressive and concise syntax
                   easy to learn for Java developers
                       deriving from the Java 5 grammar

                   provides powerful APIs to simplify the life of developers
                       possibility to dynamically enrich existing APIs

                   support for Groovlets and its own template engine

            The truth: We worked with the Google App Engine Java
            team before the official launch of the platform, to ensure
            Groovy would run well on this new environment

mercredi 19 mai 2010
First steps...

       • Go to
       • Download the template project
       • Put your first Groovlet in /WEB-INF/
       • And your templates at the root
       • And you’re ready to go!
mercredi 19 mai 2010
The web.xml
                       <web-app xmlns="" version="2.5

mercredi 19 mai 2010
MVC: Groovlets and templates

                       Groovlets                  Templates
                       (controllers)                (views)


mercredi 19 mai 2010
A groovlet
            Instead of writing full-blown servlets, just write
            Groovy scripts (aka Groovlets)
                       def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
                       def now = new Date()

                       html.html {
                           body {
                               numbers.each { number -> p number }
                               p now

mercredi 19 mai 2010
A template
                                    def message = "Hello World!"
                                    print message %>
                                <p><%= message %></p>
                                <% 3.times { %>
                                <% } %>

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Shortcuts                              Variables available
                                             request / response
            Google services                  context / applicaiton
                   datastore                 session
                   blobstore                 params / header
                   memcache                  out / sout / html
                   urlFetch                  localMode / app.*
                   userService / user      Methods available
                   defaultQueue / queues     include / forward / redirect
                   xmpp                      print / println

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Groovy sugar!

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Sending emails with Gaelyk

                       mail.send to: '',
                           from: '',
                           subject: 'Hello World',
                           htmlBody: '<bold>Hello</bold>'

mercredi 19 mai 2010
...compared to Java
    Properties props = new Properties();
                                                     ops, null);
    Ses sion session = Session.getDefaultInstance(pr

    String msgBody = "...";

     try {
         Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
                                                            m", "Admin")); tFrom(new InternetAddress("
         msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.                    "Mr. User"));
                           new InternetAddress("",
                                                           n activated");
         msg .setSubject("Your account has bee
     } catch (AddressException e) {}
     } catch (MessagingException e) {}

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Accessing the datastore
            Direct interaction with the low-level datastore API
                       Entity entity = new Entity("person")
                       // subscript notation, like when accessing a
                       entity['name'] = "Guillaume Laforge"
                       // normal property access notation
                       entity.age = 32


                       datastore.withTransaction {
                           // do stuff with your entities
                           // within the transaction

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Querying to be improved...
                  import static
                  // query the scripts stored in the datastore
                  def query = new Query("savedscript")
                   // sort results by descending order of the creation date
                   query.addSort("dateCreated", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING)
                   // filters the entities so as to return only scripts by a certain
                   query.addFilter("author", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, params.autho
                   PreparedQuery preparedQuery = datastore.prepare(query)
                   // return only the first 10 results
                   def entities = preparedQuery.asList( withLimit(10) )

mercredi 19 mai 2010
...into something groovier?

                       def entities = datastore.createQuery {
                           select from: savedscript
                           sort DESC, on: dateCreated
                           where author ==
                           limit 10
                       } as List

mercredi 19 mai 2010
...into something groovier?

                       def entities = datastore.createQuery {
                           select from: savedscript
                           sort DESC, on: dateCreated
                           where author ==
                                                              te d!
                           limit 10                         en
                       } as List                       l
                                                       p em
                                                  t Im
                                           t Ye
                                       N o

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Task queue API
                       // access a configured queue using the subscript notation
                       // or using the property access notation
                       // you can also access the default queue with:

                       // add a task to the queue
                       queue << [
                           countdownMillis: 1000, url: "/task/dailyEmail",
                           taskName: "sendDailyEmailNewsletter",
                           method: 'PUT', params: [date: '20090914'],
                           payload: content

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Jabber / XMPP support (1/3)
            Sending instant messages

                       String recipient = ""
                       // check if the user is online
                       if (xmpp.getPresence(recipient).isAvailable()) {
                           // send the message
                           def status = xmpp.send(to: recipient,
                                                body: "Hello, how are you?")
                           // checks the message was successfully
                           // delivered to all the recipients
                           assert status.isSuccessful()

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Jabber / XMPP support (2/3)
            Sending instant messages with an XML payload
                       String recipient = ""
                       // check if the service is online
                       if (xmpp.getPresence(recipient).isAvailable()) {
                           // send the message
                           def status = xmpp.send(to: recipient, xml: {
                               customers {
                                   customer(id: 1) {
                                       name 'Google'
                           // checks the message was successfully delivered to the service
                           assert status.isSuccessful()

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Jabber / XMPP support (2/3)
            Sending instant messages with an XML payload
                       String recipient = ""
                       // check if the service is online
                       if (xmpp.getPresence(recipient).isAvailable()) {
                           // send the message
                           def status = xmpp.send(to: recipient, xml: {
                               customers {
                                   customer(id: 1) {               <customers>
                                       name 'Google'                   <customer id=’1’>
                                   }                                        <name>Google</name>
                               }                                        </customer>
                           })                                      </customers>
                           // checks the message was successfully delivered to the service
                           assert status.isSuccessful()

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Jabber / XMPP support (3/3)
            Receving incoming instant messages
                   Configure the XmppServlet in web.xml
                   Add the inbound message service in appengine-web.xml
                       // get the body of the message
                       // get the sender Jabber ID
                       // get the list of recipients Jabber IDs
                       // if the message is an XML document instead of a raw string
                       if (message.isXml()) {
                           // get the raw XML
                           // get a document parsed with XmlSlurper

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Memcache service
            Map notation access to the cache

           class Country implements Serialzable { String name
           def countryFr = new Country(name: 'France')
                                                                 in the cache
           // use the subscript notation to put a country object
           // (you can also use non-string keys)
           memcache['FR'] = countryFr
           // check that a key is present in the cache
           if ('FR' in memcache) {
                                                                  the cache using a key
               // use the subscript notation to get an entry from
               def countryFromCache = memcache['FR']

mercredi 19 mai 2010
URL Routing system
            You can have friendly URL mappings with the URL
            routing system introduce in Gaelyk 0.3.2

          all "/blog/@year/@month/@day/@title",
              forward: "/blog.groovy?year=@year&month=@month@day=

          get "/blog/@year/@month/@day",
              forward: "/blog.groovy?year=@year&month=@month@day=

          all "/aboutus",
              redirect: "/blog/2008/10/20/about-us"

          get "/book/isbn/@isbn",
              forward: "/book.groovy?isbn=@isbn",
              validate: { isbn ==~ /d{9}(d|X)/ }

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Simple plugin system (1/3)
            Gaelyk 0.4 introduces a simple plugin system for
            extending your apps and share commonalities
            A plugin lets you
                   provide additional groovlets and templates
                   contribute new URL routes
                   add new categories
                   define variables in the binding
                   provide any static content
                   add new libraries
                   do any initialization

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Simple plugin system (2/3)
            A plugin is actually just a zip file!
                   Basically, just a Gaelyk application, minus...
                       the Groovy / Gaelyk / GAE JARs
                       the web.xml and appengine-web.xml descriptors

                   But with a /WEB-INF/plugins/myplugin.groovy descriptor

            A plugin must be referenced in /WEB-INF/
            plugins.groovy with
                   install myplugin
                       shortcut to /WEB-INF/plugins/myplugin.groovy

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Simple plugin system (3/3)
            An example plugin descriptor
             import net.sf.json.*
             import net.sf.json.groovy.*
             // add new variables in the binding
             binding {
                 jsonLibVersion = "2.3"          // a simple string variab
                                                                            of a 3rd‐party JAR
                 json = new JsonGroovyBuilder()  // an instance of a class
             // add new routes with the usual routing system format
             routes {
                 get "/json", forward: "/json.groovy"
             // install a category you've developped
              categories jsonlib.JsonlibCategory
              // any other initialization code you'd need

mercredi 19 mai 2010
What’s coming next?
            Gaelyk 0.4 was released a few days ago
                   Features a lightweight plugin system
                   A 0.4.1 bug fix is coming soon
            Expect more sugar around the Datastore
                       An SQL-like query DSL
                       Easier relationship management (builder)

            Perhaps pre-compiled groovlets and templates
            More generally...
                   Anything that’ll come up in upcoming GAE SDK versions

mercredi 19 mai 2010
            Easy access to a cloud solution
                   Deploying Java apps, as easily as you would with PHP

            Familiar to Java folks
                   Your good old Servlet centric webapps style

            Pretty cheap
                   You need a high-trafficed website to reach the quotas

            Gaelyk provides a simplified approach to creating
            Servlet centric webapps in a productive manner
                   Leveraging Groovy’s servlet / template support and dynamic

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Questions & Answers

mercredi 19 mai 2010
Thanks for your attention!

                                    aforg pment
                           ume L Develo
                  Guilla Groovy
                  Hea d of             m
                             afo rge@g
                   E mail: gl glaforge
                   T witter :


mercredi 19 mai 2010
Images used in this presentation
            Duke ok GAE
            Python logo :
            Gaelyc cross with clouds :
            Speed limit :
            Warehouse :
            Snow foot steps :
            Sugar :

mercredi 19 mai 2010

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Groovy DSLs, from Beginner to Expert - Guillaume Laforge and Paul King - Spri...
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Cloud foundry intro with groovy
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Groovy update - S2GForum London 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
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Groovy update - S2GForum London 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Groovy DSLs - S2GForum London 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Groovy DSLs - S2GForum London 2011 - Guillaume LaforgeGroovy DSLs - S2GForum London 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Groovy DSLs - S2GForum London 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Gaelyk - Guillaume Laforge - GR8Conf Europe 2011
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Gaelyk - Guillaume Laforge - GR8Conf Europe 2011
Groovy 1.8 update - Guillaume Laforge - GR8Conf Europe 2011
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Groovy 1.8 update - Guillaume Laforge - GR8Conf Europe 2011
Groovy Ecosystem - JFokus 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
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Groovy Ecosystem - JFokus 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Groovy and Gaelyk - Lausanne JUG 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Groovy and Gaelyk - Lausanne JUG 2011 - Guillaume LaforgeGroovy and Gaelyk - Lausanne JUG 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Groovy and Gaelyk - Lausanne JUG 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Gaelyk - Paris GGUG 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Gaelyk - Paris GGUG 2011 - Guillaume LaforgeGaelyk - Paris GGUG 2011 - Guillaume Laforge
Gaelyk - Paris GGUG 2011 - Guillaume Laforge

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Gaelyk quickie - GR8Conf Europe 2010 - Guillaume Laforge

  • 1. F GAELYK a lightweight Groovy toolkit for Google App Engine Guillaume Laforge SpringSource, a division of VMWare mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 2. Guillaume Laforge Groovy Project Manager on Groovy since 2003! JSR-241 Spec Lead Head of Groovy Development at SpringSource (division of VMWare) Initiator of the Grails framework Creator of the Gaelyk toolkit Co-author of Groovy in Action International speaker mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 4. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Software as a Service Gmail, SaaS Platform as a Service Google App Engine PaaS Infrastructure as a Service Amazon EC2 IaaS mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 5. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Software as a Service Gmail, SaaS Platform as a Service Google App Engine PaaS Infrastructure as a Service Amazon EC2 IaaS mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 6. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Software as a Service Gmail, SaaS Platform as a Service Google App Engine PaaS Infrastructure as a Service Amazon EC2 IaaS mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 10. Gaelyk Gaelyk is a lightweight Groovy toolkit on top of the Google App Engine Java SDK Gaelyk builds on Groovy’s servlet support Groovlets: Groovy scripts instead of raw servlets! Groovy templates: JSP-like template engine Both allow for a clean separation of views and logic Gaelyk provides several enhancements around the GAE Java SDK to make life easier, thanks to Groovy’s dynamic nature mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 11. Why Groovy? Groovy is a dynamic language for the JVM very flexible, malleable, expressive and concise syntax easy to learn for Java developers deriving from the Java 5 grammar provides powerful APIs to simplify the life of developers possibility to dynamically enrich existing APIs support for Groovlets and its own template engine The truth: We worked with the Google App Engine Java team before the official launch of the platform, to ensure Groovy would run well on this new environment mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 12. First steps... • Go to • Download the template project • Put your first Groovlet in /WEB-INF/ groovy • And your templates at the root • And you’re ready to go! mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 13. The web.xml "> <web-app xmlns="" version="2.5 <servlet> <servlet-name>GroovletServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>groovyx.gaelyk.GaelykServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet> <servlet-name>TemplateServlet</servlet-name> -class> <servlet-class>groovyx.gaelyk.GaelykTemplateServlet</servlet </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>GroovletServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.groovy</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>TemplateServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.gtpl</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>index.gtpl</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> </web-app> mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 14. MVC: Groovlets and templates Groovlets Templates (controllers) (views) Entities (domain) mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 15. A groovlet Instead of writing full-blown servlets, just write Groovy scripts (aka Groovlets) def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4] def now = new Date() html.html { body { numbers.each { number -> p number } p now } } mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 16. A template <html> <body> <p><% def message = "Hello World!" print message %> </p> <p><%= message %></p> <p>${message}</p> <ul> <% 3.times { %> <li>${message}</li> <% } %> </ul> </body> </html> mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 17. Shortcuts Variables available request / response Google services context / applicaiton datastore session blobstore params / header memcache out / sout / html urlFetch localMode / app.* mail userService / user Methods available defaultQueue / queues include / forward / redirect xmpp print / println mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 19. Sending emails with Gaelyk mail.send to: '', from: '', subject: 'Hello World', htmlBody: '<bold>Hello</bold>' mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 20. ...compared to Java Properties props = new Properties(); ops, null); Ses sion session = Session.getDefaultInstance(pr String msgBody = "..."; try { Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); m", "Admin")); tFrom(new InternetAddress(" TO,     msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType. "Mr. User"));                      new InternetAddress("", n activated");     msg .setSubject("Your account has bee     msg.setText(msgBody);     Transport.send(msg); } catch (AddressException e) {} } catch (MessagingException e) {} mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 21. Accessing the datastore Direct interaction with the low-level datastore API ty import   Entity entity = new Entity("person")   map // subscript notation, like when accessing a entity['name'] = "Guillaume Laforge"   // normal property access notation entity.age = 32 entity.delete() datastore.withTransaction { // do stuff with your entities // within the transaction } mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 22. Querying to be improved... import* der.* import static   // query the scripts stored in the datastore def query = new Query("savedscript")   // sort results by descending order of the creation date query.addSort("dateCreated", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING)   author // filters the entities so as to return only scripts by a certain r) query.addFilter("author", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, params.autho   PreparedQuery preparedQuery = datastore.prepare(query)   // return only the first 10 results def entities = preparedQuery.asList( withLimit(10) ) mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 23. ...into something groovier? def entities = datastore.createQuery { select from: savedscript sort DESC, on: dateCreated where author == limit 10 } as List mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 24. ...into something groovier? def entities = datastore.createQuery { select from: savedscript sort DESC, on: dateCreated where author == te d! limit 10 en } as List l p em t Im t Ye N o mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 25. Task queue API // access a configured queue using the subscript notation queues['dailyEmailQueue']   // or using the property access notation queues.dailyEmailQueue   // you can also access the default queue with: queues.default defaultQueue // add a task to the queue queue << [ countdownMillis: 1000, url: "/task/dailyEmail", taskName: "sendDailyEmailNewsletter", method: 'PUT', params: [date: '20090914'], payload: content ] mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 26. Jabber / XMPP support (1/3) Sending instant messages String recipient = ""   // check if the user is online if (xmpp.getPresence(recipient).isAvailable()) { // send the message def status = xmpp.send(to: recipient, body: "Hello, how are you?")   // checks the message was successfully // delivered to all the recipients assert status.isSuccessful() } mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 27. Jabber / XMPP support (2/3) Sending instant messages with an XML payload String recipient = ""   // check if the service is online if (xmpp.getPresence(recipient).isAvailable()) { // send the message def status = xmpp.send(to: recipient, xml: { customers { customer(id: 1) { name 'Google' } } })   // checks the message was successfully delivered to the service assert status.isSuccessful() } mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 28. Jabber / XMPP support (2/3) Sending instant messages with an XML payload String recipient = ""   // check if the service is online if (xmpp.getPresence(recipient).isAvailable()) { // send the message def status = xmpp.send(to: recipient, xml: { customers { customer(id: 1) { <customers> name 'Google' <customer id=’1’> } <name>Google</name> } </customer> }) </customers>   // checks the message was successfully delivered to the service assert status.isSuccessful() } mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 29. Jabber / XMPP support (3/3) Receving incoming instant messages Configure the XmppServlet in web.xml Add the inbound message service in appengine-web.xml // get the body of the message message.body // get the sender Jabber ID message.from // get the list of recipients Jabber IDs message.recipients   // if the message is an XML document instead of a raw string message if (message.isXml()) { // get the raw XML message.stanza // get a document parsed with XmlSlurper message.xml } mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 30. Memcache service Map notation access to the cache } class Country implements Serialzable { String name   def countryFr = new Country(name: 'France')   in the cache // use the subscript notation to put a country object // (you can also use non-string keys) memcache['FR'] = countryFr   // check that a key is present in the cache if ('FR' in memcache) { the cache using a key // use the subscript notation to get an entry from def countryFromCache = memcache['FR'] } mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 31. URL Routing system You can have friendly URL mappings with the URL routing system introduce in Gaelyk 0.3.2 all "/blog/@year/@month/@day/@title", @day@title=@title" forward: "/blog.groovy?year=@year&month=@month@day= get "/blog/@year/@month/@day", @day" forward: "/blog.groovy?year=@year&month=@month@day= all "/aboutus", redirect: "/blog/2008/10/20/about-us" get "/book/isbn/@isbn", forward: "/book.groovy?isbn=@isbn", validate: { isbn ==~ /d{9}(d|X)/ } mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 32. Simple plugin system (1/3) Gaelyk 0.4 introduces a simple plugin system for extending your apps and share commonalities A plugin lets you provide additional groovlets and templates contribute new URL routes add new categories define variables in the binding provide any static content add new libraries do any initialization mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 33. Simple plugin system (2/3) A plugin is actually just a zip file! Basically, just a Gaelyk application, minus... the Groovy / Gaelyk / GAE JARs the web.xml and appengine-web.xml descriptors But with a /WEB-INF/plugins/myplugin.groovy descriptor A plugin must be referenced in /WEB-INF/ plugins.groovy with install myplugin shortcut to /WEB-INF/plugins/myplugin.groovy mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 34. Simple plugin system (3/3) An example plugin descriptor /WEB-INF/plugins/jsonPlugin.groovy import net.sf.json.* import net.sf.json.groovy.*   // add new variables in the binding binding { le jsonLibVersion = "2.3"          // a simple string variab  of a 3rd‐party JAR json = new JsonGroovyBuilder()  // an instance of a class }   // add new routes with the usual routing system format routes { get "/json", forward: "/json.groovy" }   // install a category you've developped categories jsonlib.JsonlibCategory   // any other initialization code you'd need mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 35. What’s coming next? Gaelyk 0.4 was released a few days ago Features a lightweight plugin system A 0.4.1 bug fix is coming soon Expect more sugar around the Datastore An SQL-like query DSL Easier relationship management (builder) Perhaps pre-compiled groovlets and templates More generally... Anything that’ll come up in upcoming GAE SDK versions mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 36. Summary Easy access to a cloud solution Deploying Java apps, as easily as you would with PHP Familiar to Java folks Your good old Servlet centric webapps style Pretty cheap You need a high-trafficed website to reach the quotas Gaelyk provides a simplified approach to creating Servlet centric webapps in a productive manner Leveraging Groovy’s servlet / template support and dynamic capabilities mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 38. Thanks for your attention! e aforg pment ume L Develo Guilla Groovy Hea d of m afo rge@g E mail: gl glaforge @ T witter : References: • • • mercredi 19 mai 2010
  • 39. Images used in this presentation Clouds Duke ok GAE Python logo : Gaelyc cross with clouds : Speed limit : Warehouse : Snow foot steps : Sugar : mercredi 19 mai 2010