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SY 2018-2019 Q1
COMPUTING- The act of using a computer.
SNOOPING- The act of looking for evidence against a person by searching on social media,
computer files, and other means.
GRAY HAT- A type of hacker who is neither good nor bad.
HACKING- To modify or change the default settings. It can be through software or hardware, and
may be considered as a positive or a negative act.
CRACKING- Illegal access to a system in order to gain information.
FLAME- A hurtful post or comment that causes disagreement or anger between and among
internet users.
CYBERBULLYING- The use of electronic communication to hurt a person, typically by sending or
posting messages of intimidating or threatening nature.
CYBERWARFARE - actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks
for the purposes of causing damage or disruption.
CYBEREXTORTION - When hackers threaten or harm a website, server, or a computer system using
denial of service (DOS) or other attacks
IDENTITY THEFT - the act of pretending to be someone else by using someone else's identity as
one's own.
TROLL- A person who comments negatively that causes disagreements within the users.
SPAM- Any unwanted or unsolicited e-mails, usually from unknown sources
EMAIL BOMBING - overload of emails directed to one email address
VIRUS DISSEMINATION - not only gets a piece of malware (a virus of some sort) onto one part of the
victim’s system, but it spreads across other pieces of software.
LOGIC BOMBS - small programs or sections of a program that are malicious, which are triggered by
an event
ELECTRONIC MONEY LAUNDERING - Money generated in large volumes illegally must be laundered
before it can be spent or invested. One way to launder money is to do it electronically through
messages between banks which is known as a “wire transfer”.
SALES & INVESTMENT FRAUD - By sourcing the contact details and available account information
for savings or investment account holders, fraudsters can adopt the persona of an investment
EAVESDROPPING - Secretly listen to a conversation.
DATA DIDDLING - the action of skewing data entries in the user’s system.
SALAMI SLICING ATTACK - a technique used by cyber criminals to steal money or resources a tiny bit
at a time
RANSOMWARE - enters your computer network and encrypts files, then sends you a notification
demanding a large sum of money for you to then get your data back.
1. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Harm Other People.
2. Thou Shalt Not Interfere With Other People’s Computer Work.
3. Thou Shalt Not Snoop Around In Other People’s Computer Files.
4. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Steal.
5. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Bear False Witness.
6. Thou Shalt Not Copy or Use Proprietary Software for Which You have Not Paid.
7. Thou Shalt Not Use Other People’s Computer Resources without Authorization or Proper
8. Thou Shalt Not Appropriate Other People’s Intellectual Output.
9. Thou Shalt Think About The Social Consequences Of The Program You Are Writing Or The
System You Are Designing.
10. Thou Shalt Always Use A Computer In Ways That Insure Consideration And Respect For
Your Fellow Humans.
A good and acceptable behavior when using the internet.
1. Avoid posting inflammatory or offensive comments online (a.k.a flaming).
2. Respect others' privacy by not sharing personal information, photos, or videos that another
person may not want published online.
3. Never spam others by sending large amounts of unsolicited email.
4. Show good sportsmanship when playing online games, whether you win or lose.
5. Don't troll people in web forums or website comments by repeatedly nagging or annoying
6. Stick to the topic when posting in online forums or when commenting on photos or videos,
such as YouTube or Facebook comments.
7. Don't swear or use offensive language.
8. Avoid replying to negative comments with more negative comments. Instead, break the
cycle with a positive post.
9. If someone asks a question and you know the answer, offer to help.
10. Thank others who help you online.
COMPUTER NETWORK- A collection of computing devices connected in order to communicate and
share resources
NODE/HOST- Any device on a network
DATA TRANSFER RATE/BANDWIDTH - The speed with which data is moved from one place to another
on a network
PROTOCOL- A set of rules that defines how data is formatted and processed on a network
TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL (TCP) - Software that breaks messages into packets,
hands them off to the IP software for delivery, and then orders and
reassembles the packets at their destination
INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) - Software that deals with the routing of packets through the
maze of interconnected networks to their final destination
USER DATAGRAM PROTOCOL (UDP) - An alternative to TCP that is faster but less reliable
FILE SERVER - A computer dedicated to storing and managing files for network users
WEB SERVER - A computer dedicated to responding to requests for web pages
P2P MODEL - A decentralized approach that shares resources and responsibilities among many
“peer” computers
W3 Consortium (W3C) – One who owns the Internet
LOCAL-AREA NETWORK (LAN) - A network that connects a relatively small number of machines in a
relatively close geographical area
RING TOPOLOGY - connects all nodes in a closed loop on which messages travel in one
STAR TOPOLOGY - centers around one node to which all others are connected and through
which all messages are sent
BUS TOPOLOGY - nodes are connected to a single communication line that carries messages
in both directions
WIDE-AREA NETWORK (WAN) - A network that connects local-area networks over a potentially large
geographic distance
METROPOLITAN-AREA NETWORK (MAN) - The communication infrastructures that have been
developed in and around large cities
GATEWAY - One particular set up to handle all communication going between that LAN and other
WIRELESS NETWORK - A network in which devices communicate with other nodes through a
wireless access point
BLUETOOTH - A technology used for wireless communication over short distances
INTERNET BACKBONE - A set of high-speed networks that carry Internet traffic, provided by
companies such as AT&T, Verizon, GTE, British Telecom, and IBM
INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER(ISP) - An organization providing access to the Internet
PHONE MODEM - converts computer data into an analog audio signal for transfer over a telephone
line, and then a modem at the destination converts it back again into data
DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE (DSL) - uses regular copper phone lines to transfer digital data to and
from the phone company’s central office
BROADBAND - A connection in which transfer speeds are faster than 768 kbps
PACKET - A unit of data sent across a network
ROUTER - A network device that directs a packet between networks toward its final destination
PACKET SWITCHING - Messages are divided into fixed-sized, numbered packets; packets are
individually routed to their destination, then reassembled
FIREWALL - A gateway machine and its software that protects a network by filtering the traffic it
ACCESS CONTROL POLICY - A set of rules established by an organization that specifies what types of
network communication are permitted and denied
HOST NUMBER - The part of the IP address that specifies a particular host (machine) on the
DOMAIN NAME - The part of a hostname that specifies a specific organization or group
TOP-LEVEL DOMAIN (TLD) - The last section of a domain name that specifies the type of
organization or its country of origin
DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM (DNS) - A distributed system for managing hostname resolution
DOMAIN NAME SERVER - A computer that attempts to translate a hostname into an IP address
DOMAIN SQUATTING - Ransoming domain names
ANGLO-SAXON (Germanic) – lower/middle class
ANGLI-NORMAN (French) – Aristocrat
LATIN – used for 1000 years; introduced to England by Romans
STONE AGE PEOPLE – earliest inhabitants; no written literature
CELTS – arrived in Britain several centuries before birth of Christ; from central Europe; spoke
various forms of language (Celtic)
Goidels/Gæls – Ireland group
Britons/Cymry – Britain Group
Bart/Troubadours (King Arthur)/Minstrels (Anglo-Saxons) – most important contribution (thru stories &
tales); multitalented & most famous poets; sang songs in praise of heroes with small
harp with 5 strings
ROMANS – Christianity & Latin; came in Britain mid-summer 55 BC with Julius Cæsar cause of
revenge/riches; conquered Britain for 400 years
ANGLO-SAXONS – 428 AD; tribes landed in England: Angles (South Sweden), Saxons (Denmark), Jutes (parts of
Germany); tall, fair-haired, good sailors and pirates
NORTHMEN/VIKINGS/SCANDINAVIAN – first landed in England in 787 AD; conquered district after
district; destroyed monasteries & carried treasures; brought with them some literary traditions
(Norse mythology)
RUNES – alphabet made up of signs used by pagan (non-religious) Anglo-Saxons
EPIC (Hero) & WAR POETRY – main form of literature during Old English Period
ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE– began before time of Alfred the Great (kingdom name Wessex) as a rough series
of notes jotted down by monks; oldest English history in native tongue; kept until 1154
ANGLO-SAXON (449-1066)
› Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
› Venerable Bede/St. Bede - wrote around 40 books mainly dealing with theology and
› Epic and War Poetry
› Oral Tradition
› Augustine of Canterbury - founder of the Catholic Church in England
› Beowulf
› The Canterbury Tales
› Geoffrey Chaucer- Father of English literature
› Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory
› Courtly love/Chivalric Romance – literary work about romance in upper class
› Arthurian Literature
› FORMS: Ballad, bibliography, epic, poetry
› Queen Elizabeth I
› Start of play/stage performances
› Sonnet and drama
› Golden age of Literature because of printing press (invented by William Saxton)
› AUTHORS: William Shakespeare (world’s greatest), Edmund Spenser
PURITAN (1600-1680)
› John Milton
› Literature saddens rather than inspires
› Nature and individuality
› Gloomy Age
› The Art of biography
› John Dryden - dominating the literary life of Restoration England
› Fiction and Journalism
› The Satire - use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's
stupidity or vices
ROMANTIC (1798-1832)
› William Wordsworth - helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their
joint publication Lyrical Ballads
› John Keats – his poetic achievement in a mere six years was astonishing but critics came
close to destroying him.
› Percy Bysshe Shelley - influential English romantic poet, famous for his lyrical poetry and
idealistic radical political thought.
› Jane Austen - English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which interpret,
critique and comment upon the British landed gentry
› Nature and individuality
› Emotions, feelings and artistry
VICTORIAN (1832-1900)
› Charles Dickens wrote about social issues
› Bruntë Sisters - stave off boredom by writing, a discipline in which they display great
› George Eliot(pen name)/Mary Anne Evans(real name) - one of the leading writers of the Victorian era
› Literature already intended for middle class reading public
› James Joyce - contributed to the modernist avant-garde
› Virginia Woolf - pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device.
› Parody and satire
› Thomas Hardy - most accomplished poets and novelists of the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries, from romantic period
› Joseph Rudyard Kipling - born in India, which inspired much of his work; wrote The Jungle
- Longest and best of Anglo-Saxon pegan poems
- Narrative poem with 3168 lines
- Written between 8th
and 11th
Called Danes (Scyldings tribes) Called Geats (Geatland)
Ruler King Hrothgar Ruler king Hygelac
Built Heorot (mead(alcoholic beverage)-hall)
Barts called Scops/Gleemen
GRENDEL – big monster; killed 30 thanes at
Heorot one night because of noise
 After that, Heorot abandoned for 12
 News spread to Sweden thu barts
 Beowulf went to Sweden with 14
picked warriors
THE GEATS (Geatland, Sweden)
BEOWULF – strength of 30 men combined;
protagonist of epic; Geatish hero
TRAITS: Nobility in character;
Excellence in physical strength; Devotion
to Duty
HYGELAC – Beowulf’s uncle; king of Geats;
husband of Hygd; heartily welcomes
Beowulf back from Denmark
HYGD – young beautiful & intelligent queen
of Geats
WIGLAF - young Kinsman; retainer of
ECGTHEOW – Beowulf’s father; dead when story begins
KING HRETHEL – Geatish king; took Beowulf in as ward after death of Ecgtheow
THE DRAGON – ancient powerful serpent; guards a horde of treasure in a hidden mound
THE SCYLDINGS (Danish Tribe, Denmark)
KING HROTHGAR – king of Danes; wise & aged ruler; father figure to Beowulf
GRENDEL – demon descended from Cain (1st murderer on Earth)
GRENDEL’sMOTHER – unnamed swamp hag; terrorizes Heorot
AESCHERE – Hrothgar’s trusted adviser; killed by Grendel’s mom
WEALTHTHEOW – Hrothgar’s wife
UNFERTH – Danish warrior; jealous of Beowulf
Period .
The period (.) is placed at the end of declarative sentences, statements thought to be complete
and after many abbreviations.
Question Mark ?
Use a question mark (?) to indicate a direct question when placed at the end of a sentence.
Exclamation Point !
The exclamation point (!) is used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or add
Comma ,
Si Hrothgar gumawasiya ng mead-hall para sa mgapeople niya
Isang gabi umatake si Grendel sa mead-hall
12 years siyang paulit ulit na umatake
Narinig to ni beowulf at pumunta sa kingdom ni Hrothgarpara tulungan sila
Sa gabi na yon, nagcelebrate sila, pagkatapos nila magcelebrate, natulog na
lahat maliban kay beowulf
Hinintay niya pumunta si Grendel samead-hall
Nung nandun na si Grendel nag away sila tapos hinatak niya yung arm niya
Tumakas si Grendel papunta sa swampniya at ng mamaniya
Nakita ng mamaniya na unting unting mamatay si grendel kaya
paghihigantihin niya ito
Pumunta siya sa mead-hall at pinatay si AESCHERE (adviserni Hrothgar)
Narinig ni Beowulf at sinundan niya sa swamp
Nagaway sila at natalo niya nanay ni grendel
Nakita niya bangkay ni Grendel tapos kinuha niya yung ulo bilang trophy
Nagcelebrate ulitsila tapos umuwi na siya sa kingdom ng mgaGaets, yung
home townniya
Nagcelebrate ulit
Nung namatay tito niya, siya na naging hari ng 50 years
May walang hiyang servant ang kumuhasa baso nung dragon
Nagalitsi dragon
Kaya yun sinugodniya kingdom ni Beowulf atnag patay ng mga Gaets
Tinalo niya yung dragon pero talo din siya
Binigay niya yung napanaluhan na nga goldsa mgaGaets
Namatay siya
Sinunog siya
The End
The comma is used to show a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence.
Semicolon ;
The semicolon (;) is used to connect independent clauses. It shows a closer relationship between
the clauses than a period would show.
Colon :
A colon (:) has three main uses.
The first is after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a series. The
second is between independent clauses, when the second explains the first, similar to a
semicolon. The third use of a colon is for emphasis.
EN Dash –
Slightly wider than a hyphen, the en dash is a symbol (–) that is used in writing or printing to
indicate a range or connections and differentiations, such as 1880–1945 or Princeton–New York
EM Dash —
Twice as long as the en dash, the em dash can be used in place of a comma, parenthesis, or colon
to enhance readability or emphasize the conclusion of a sentence. Whether you put spaces
around the em dash or not is a style choice. Just be consistent.
Hyphen -
A hyphen is used to join two or more words together into a compound term and is not separated
by spaces.
Bracket [ ]
Brackets are the squared off notations ([]) used for technical explanations or to clarify meaning. If
you remove the information in the brackets, the sentence will still make sense.
Brace { }
Braces ({}) are used to contain two or more lines of text or listed items to show that they are
considered as a unit. They are not commonplace in most writing, but can be seen in computer
programming to show what should be contained within the same lines.
Parenthesis ( )
Parentheses ( () ) are curved notations used to contain further thoughts or qualifying remarks.
Apostrophe ‘
An apostrophe (') is used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive
case, or the plurals of lowercase letters.
Quotation Mark “ “ ‘ ‘
Quotations marks (“ ”) are a pair of punctuation marks used primarily to mark the beginning and
end of a passage attributed to another and repeated word for word. They are also used to indicate
meanings and to indicate the unusual or dubious status of a word. Single quotation marks (' ') are
used most frequently for quotes within quotes.
Ellipsis …
The ellipsis is most commonly represented by three periods (…). The ellipsis is used in writing or
printing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words. Ellipses are frequently used within
quotations to jump from one phrase to another, omitting unnecessary words that do not interfere
with the meaning.
ECONOMICS – from Greek “oikonomia” meaning “household management”
- Pagbabalanse ng walang katapusang pangangailangan ng tao sa limitadong yaman
ECONOMIST – people who study about picking and decisions of people and its effect on economy
XENOPHON – mabuting pamamahala at pamumuno
PLATO – Espesyalisasyon(specials at specific job) at division of labor; no to private property;
Lider, sundalo, magsasaka; communal ownership
ARISTOTLE – Private ownership
MERCANTILIST – to collect natural resources
FRANCOIS QUESNAY & PHYSIOCRATS – pagbibigay-halaga sa env’t & proper usage of natural
TABLEAU ECONOMIQUE – circulation of products & services in the economy
ADAM SMITH – ama ng makabagong ekonomiks; written “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of
the Wealth of Nations”
Let Alone Policy/Laissez-faire (Leaveme alone) – hindi makialam ang pamahalaan sa pribadong
Espesyalisasyon – division of things to do based on capacity and skill
Invisible Hand – Gov’t not bother economics
Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns- the more we consume natural resources, the more it will
become smaller.
Law of Comparative Advantage – countries that have low production cost has advantage over
other countries.
THOMAS ROBERT MALTHUS – born in Great Depression; focused on fast population growth
Malthusian Theory – population is faster to grow than supply of food
JOHN MAYNARDKEYNES – father of modern theory of employment; gov’t should spend to maintain
strength and balance of the economy; written “General Theory of Employment, Interest and
KARL MARX – ama ng Komunismol equal human rights; gov’t owns everything; revolution of
Das Kapital – aral ng komunismo
Communist Manifesto
Ano ang iproproduce?
Kapital – pera, lipa, machines
Para kanino?
Paano iproproduce?
Labor-intensive (manual, slow)
Capital-intensive (machines, fast)
SCIENTIFIC PROCESS – used in economics to examine problems and situations that affect the
economy like pollution, traffic, oil price, corruption, climate change, etc.
1. Identifying the problem
2. Giving the hypothesis
3. Taking data & info
4. Examining data & info
5. Giving off conclusion & recommendation
› Reviewing the status of people & society
› Study of gestures and efforts that people are making to respond to needs and to develop
the economy
› Study of framework balangkas of the gov’t; duties, responsibilities and laws set by gov’t.
› Decisions today are based on decisions in the past
› Study of source & structure of society.
› Laws, habits, beliefs and culture affects the kind of livelihood & doings of people
› Involves morality and good & bad doings of life
› People need good ethics to be a partner of gov’t to have good measures to develop the
› Study of physical appearance of a country, climate, resources, etc.
› Any event in the environment will affect the living of people
› Understanding of events of env’t.
› Study of living things
› People, animals and plants are needed in economics
› Answers how people, animals & plants will be healthy to be useful in society & economy
› Answers how to be safe from bacteria and viruses
› Study of chemicals used to create things.
› The kind of chemical used is part of cost of productions
› To set prices of products
› Study of things and energy
› Tackling any tech. used to develop energy
› All changes and development to things and energy is affecting the making & supply of
products needed by people
› With help of graphs, charts & equations, it is easier to understand economic events like
price hikes, production gains, right payment of revenue
SOCIAL CHOICE – decision made by gov’t to respond to society needs
ECONOMIC CHOICE/ECONOMIC DECISION – all choices & decisions that an individual & govt does
OPPORTUNITY COST – sacrificed cost of a thing in order to benefit from it more
TRADE-OFF – pagpapaliban ng pagbili ng isang bagay upang makamit ang ibang bagay
POPULATION GROWTH RATE- how much the population grows
𝑝𝑜𝑝( 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡) − 𝑝𝑜𝑝(𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠)
× 100
Answer in % ; round off to 2nd decimal place.
POPULATION DENSITY – how many people per 1 square kilometer
𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
Answer in absolute value (ex. 0.64 ->1)
DEPENDENCY RATIO – how many people are dependent to 1 person
(𝑎𝑔𝑒 0 𝑡𝑜 14) + (65 & 𝑢𝑝)
𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑 + 𝑢𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑
Answer in absolute value (ex. 0.64 ->1)
› ni Mochtar Labis
Pumarada ang pulang pula at bagong-bagong Cadillac sa harap ng restawrang maraming
nakaparadang kotse.
Bumaba mula sa sasakyan ang mag-asawang kakikitaan ng yaman at luho o marangyang
Umorder ng pagkain ang dalawa nang hindi man lang tumitingin sa mga presyo ng pagkain.
Samantala, isang lumang kalesang walang sakay at hila ng isang payat na kabayo ang dumaan sa
harap ng restawran sakay ang natutulog na kutsero.
Natutulog ang kutsero habang umaandar ang kanyang kalesa dahil sa init ng panahon at dahil
na rin sa gutom at sakit na kanyang nararamdaman
Nagulat ang kabayo at umalma dahil sa naghahabulang aso't pusa kaya't bigla itong nadapa.
Tumama sa pulang Cadillac ang kalesa at sumira sa ilang bahagi nito.
Lumabas mula sa restawran ang may-ari ng Cadillac na si Raden Kaslan at galit na galit na
sinigawan ang takot na takot na si Pak Idjo
Nagpatawag ng pulis si Raden Kaslan upang ituro at mapapanagot sa pagkasira ng kanyang
kotse si Pak Idjo.
Luhaang nagpaliwanag si Pak Idjo sa pulis na wala talaga siyang ibabayad sa nasirang sasakyan
kaya't sa huli'y nagdesisyon si Raden na hayaan na ito at pumasok na lang muli sa restawran
nang galit na galit pa rin.
› isang akdang panitikan na naglalarawan ng buhay
› pagpapahayag ng kaisipan, damdamin, imagination at mithiin sa buhay
› pa paraang taludturan
› pag nilagyan ng himig, ito ay awit
1. Saknong (Stanza)
2. Taludtod (Line/Verse)
3. Sukat
4. Tugma
5. Kaisipan
TULANG MAKABAYAN – tema ay buhay ng dakilang tao & pinuno
TULANG PAG-IBIG – pagmamahalan, kasawian sap ag-ibig
TULANG PASTORAL – buhay ng magsasaka
SUBUKIN – to try SUNDIN – to follow PAHIRIN – remove WALISIN – things to sweep
SUBUKAN – to spy SUNDAN – to copy PAHIRAN – to add WALISAN – place to sweep
PINTO – door MAY – ff. word is noun, verb, adj., pronoun KATA – taong kinakausap
PINTUAN- doorway MAYROON – ff. word is nga, ka, rin, din… KINA – taong pinag-uusapan
IKIT – circling out-in HAGDAN – stair OPERAHIN – body part HATIIN – to slice
IKOT – circling in-out HAGDANAN – stairway OPERAHAN – the person HATIAN – to share
IWAN – left out NABASAG – accident BUMILI – buy KUMUHA - singular
IWANAN – to give BINASAG – incident MAGBILI – sell MANGUHA – plural/collective
DAHIL SA – cause TAGA – ff. word is common noun
DAHILAN – noun TIGA – ff. word is proper noun
NA – nagtatapos sa katinig maliban sa n
-NG – nagtatapos sa patinig at n
sa, ng, kay/kina, alinsunod sa/kay, laban sa/kay, ayon sa/kay, hinggil sa/kay, ukol sa/kay, para
sa/kay, tungkol sa/kay
DI- MAGKATIMBANG – sa halip, habang, kundi…
1. Kasakiman (katakawan)
2. Poot/Galit – crime
3. Kamangmangan (walang alam)- unlawful
1. Pagtanda
2. Karamdaman
3. Kamatayan
SALITA - Aray, wow, yehey…
PADAMDAM – pasalaysay o paturol
Ex. KASIYAHAN: Natutuwa ako at isa akong babaeng Pilipina!
HINDI INAASAHANG PANGYAYARI – hindi diretsahang paraan
Ex. Sana kinin ka ni Lord! (Mamatay ka na sana!)
› Biological system consisting of specific & series of organs and structures used for the
process of respiration in an organism
› Provides oxygen to cells while removing CO2
› Works in conjunction with circulatory system
AIRWAY – carries air between lungs; cleansing, warms & moistens air during air’s trip to lungs
- Nose
- Mouth
- Pharynx
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Bronchioles
LUNGS – fundamental part of respiratory system
MUSCLES OF RESPIRATION – work together to act as a pump
- Diaphragm
- Intercostal Muscles
1. Breathing – process of inhaling/exhaling air
a. Inspiration/Inhalation – ribcage expands, diaphragm contracts (moves down)
b. Expiration/Exhalation – ribcage smaller, diaphragm relaxes (moves up)
2. External Respiration – transport of gasses with the circulatory system
3. Internal Respiration – exchange of gasses with body cells
4. Cellular Respiration – body/s energy-releasing process
𝐶6 𝐻12 𝑂6 + 6𝑂2 → 6𝐶𝑂2 + 6𝐻2 𝑂 + ~38 𝐴𝑇𝑃
NOSE – entrance of air
NASAL CAVITY – lined with mucous membrane; moistens incoming air
MOUTH – no moistening & warming the air; lacks hair & sticky mucous that filter air; shorter
distance & larger diameter to inhale more air
CILIA – moves mucous with trapped particles; all airways except mouth & parts of nose have this; coated with
sticky mucous
PHARYNX/THROAT – tubular structure positions behind oral & nasal cavities; allows air to pass
through the lungs
LARYNX/VOICE BOX – supported by framework of cartilage tough white connective tissues; covered by epiglottis
flap/elastic cartilage
TRACHEA/WINDPIPE – connects larynx to bronchi; allows air to pass through the neck & into the
BRONCHI – carry air from trachea to lungs; split
LUNGS – spongy air-filled organ; located on both side of chest cavity
host env’t
causative agent
AEROBIC – uses oxygen
ANAEROBIC- not uses oxygen
- Chest X-ray
- Pulmonary Function Test
- CT Scan
- Bronchoscopy
- Genetic
- Virus, fungi…
- Inhalation of foreign body (cigarettes, chemicals, irritants)
SUFFIX “-tis” meaning “infection”
RHINITIS – inflammation of mucous membrane lining the nose; runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes,
nasal congestion…
SINUSITIS – bacterial/viral/fungal infection; inflamed sinuses; pressure, head pain, stuffy nose,
fatigue, fever, loss of smell
NASAL POLYPS – sinuses are blocked due to nasal polyps/deviated septum
LARYNGITIS – inflammation of voice box; accompanied by flu
TONSILITIS – inflammation of tonsils filters & traps pathogens; can be bacterial of viral
EPIGLOTTITIS – inflamed epiglottis; fever, troubled swallowing, difficulty breathing
PHARYNGITIS – inflammation of tonsils, pharynx & larynx; sore throat common symptom
PNEUMONIA – inflammation of lungs
BRONCHITIS – inflammation of bronchi; caused by exposure/infection to tobacco smoke dust,
fumes/pollutants; can be acute (mabilis/biglaan) or chronic (slow)
ATHSMA – inflamed/constricted airways; allergy; wheezing
CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF) – genetic mutation; resulting in poorly hydrated thickened mucous secretions
in lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines & sex organs; resulted every day
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISORDER (COPD) – emphysema, bronchitis & asthma combined
PULMONARY FIBROSIS – scarring the lungs
TUBERCOLOSIS (TB) – highly infectious disease
EMPHYSEMA – abnormal permanent enlargement of alveoli; destruction of their walls; w/o obvious
fibrosis scarring; losing shape & elasticity
LUNG CANCER – abnormal & uncontrolled division in cells of lung tissues
SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME (SARS) – high mortality rate; symptoms are flu-like
› Vast network of organs & vessels
› Responsible for flow of blood, nutrients, hormones, lymph, oxygen to & from cells
› Works with respiratory, endocrine hormones, digestive & lymphatic systems
› Fights diseases
› Maintains stable internal environment
PULMONARY – in lungs
SYSTEMIC – in blood vessels (other body parts)
FETAL – for pregnant
› Hollow muscular pump
› Tilts towards the left
› Right part for deoxygenated blood; left part for oxygenated blood
› Usually 60-100 bpm
ATRIUM – receiving blood
VENTRICLE – pumping blood
SEPTUM/PARTITION – divides the left & right
VALVE – guards of blood; closes & opens; prevents backflow
TRICUSPID – 3 branches
BICUSPID – 1 branch
SINOATIAL NODE/SA NODE/PACEMAKER – sends signals to move the heart
PERICARDIUM – protective membrane; protects from friction
SYSTOLE – rhythmic contraction of the heart; sending blood to pulmonary & systemic circulation
DIASTOLE – when ventricles relaxes
ARTERIES – carry away from the heart; thickest blood vessels; carries oxygenated blood except
pulmonary artery
TUNICA EXTERNA – outer layer
TUNICA MEDIA – middle layer
TUNICA INTIMA – innermost layer
VEINS – carries back to the heart; not muscular, contains valves; carries deoxygenated blood
except pulmonary vein
SUPERIOR VENA CAVA – largest vein from upper part
INFERIOR VENA CAVA – largest vein from lower part
CAPILLARIES – connects arteries & veins; 1 cell thick
› A tissue
› Transportation of dissolved gasses, nutrients, hormones & metabolic wastes
› Protection against toxins, pathogens & injuries
› Stabilization of body temp.
› Regulation of pH
PLASMA – fluid content (yellow tinted); contains proteins that help blood to clot; contains glucose,
dissolved nutrients, mineral salts, food substances, hormones, excretory products
ERYHROCYTES/RBC – carries oxygen to tissues; large microscopic cells without nuclei; created in
bone marrow; remain viable for only about 4 months
HEMOGLOBIN – gas transporting protein molecule; 95% of RBC
LEUKOCYTES/WBC – fights infections; created in bone marrow & thymus; exists in spleen, liver &
lymph; lasts 18-36 hrs; 1% of blood
THROMBOCYTES/PLATELETS – responsible for blood clotting; cell fragment w/o nuclei; forms
network of fibers
A – A antigen
B – B antigen
AB – A & B antigens; universal receiver
O – no antigens; universal donor
LAW OF SEGREGATION – each pair of alleles separate during meiosis
ALLELE – 2 gene copies for the same trait
LAW OF INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT – gene pairs segregate into gametes randomly &
independently of each other
INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE – trait not manifested completely
Ex. White + Red = Pink
CO-DOMINANCE - sabay silang naimanifest
SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE – more x-linked traits than y-linked traits
PHLOEM – from leaves down to roots, found interior
XYLEM – from roots upward, found exterior
› Born in Antwerp, Belgium on June 12, 1823
› A prefect in the minor seminary in Malines (chaplain at Belgian Military Academy)
› Diocesan priest in archdiocese of Malines-Brussels
› 1st
Belgian mission in chapel at Scheut, Anderlecht (old pilgrimage place)
› Founded Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae/Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary/Scheut Fathers/Sheutists with Ft. Theophile Verbist
› Motto “Cor Unum Et Anima Una”/”One Heart One Soul”/”Isang Puso Isang Diwa”
› Died Feb. 23, 1868 of typhoid fever in Laohugou, China, age 45
“If anything marks CICM, it is the call to give everything for the sake of the mission”
Saint Louis University Baguio City 1911
Saint Mary’s University Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya 1928
Saint Louis College San Fernando City, La Union 1964
University of SaintLouis Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 1965
Saint Louis College–Cebu Mandaue City, Cebu 1971
Maryhill School of Theology New Manila, Quezon City 1972
› Born in Castiglione delle Stiviere, Italy on March 9, 1568
› Oldest son of Ferdinand Gonzaga and Marta Tana de Santena
› Age of 8: sent with his brother to Florence to serve at Grand Duke & to receive educ.
› Had kidney disease his whole life
› Received 1st
holy communion from Cardinal Charles Borromeo on July 22, 1580
› Wanted to join to Capuchins, but went to Jesuit missionaries.
› Accepted in noviate of the Society of Jesus in Rome on November 25, 1585
› Took 3 religious vows: chastity, poverty & obedience (November 25, 1587)
› Volunteered to work in hospital after plague broke out 1591 in Rome.
› Fr. Robert Bellarmine (his confessor) gave last rights before he died midnight June 21, 1591
› Changed name to Robert before dying in honor of his confessor
› Beatified Oct. 19, 1605 by Pope Paul V
› Canonized Dec. 1, 1726 by Pope Benedict the XIII; declared patron of students (1729) and
Christian youth (1926).
› Patron of plague victims, AIDS sufferers & their caregivers
› Shown as young man wearing black cassock & surplice, or as a page
LILY – innocence
CROSS – piety & sacrifice
SKULL – early death
ROSARY – devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
1. Urban & rural poor people
2. Indigenous people + cultures
3. Street children
4. Basu Ecclesial Community
5. Interreligious Dralogue
6. Celebration of Faith
7. Education & formation of the youth
› Patroness of Saint Mary’s university
› Title accorded to Mary for Jesus is born through her
THEOTOKOS – God-bearer
- Confused
- Unclear
- Unsure
- Lost
PHARAOH’S DREAM [Genesis 41:33, 37-39]
JOSEPH – discerning and wise; filled with spirit of God; unassuming person
 Favoritism
 Sibling rivalry
 Jealousy
HOLY SPIRIT – (in Old Testament) Giver of Life & one who prepares many people for witnessing
CFC 1288 – many people like patriarchs, judges, kings & prophets in O.T. heard & responded to the
 Within ourselves
 Through interpersonal experience
 By way of community & parish work and social life
 Sacred scriptures
 Sacred traditions
 Prayer
 Christian Witness
1. Seek the Holy Spirit in prayer
2. Be humble
3. Use our talents at the service of other people.
COME HOLY SPIRIT – by Cantate Domino
LIFE – has a downhill
SPIRIT – evident in lives of people surrounding his birth; prepared Mary to become His mother
 Mary exclaiming to Elizabeth (her cousin) [Luke 1:46-47]
 Presentation of Jesus in the Temple [Luke 2:25-35]
 Passover feast [Luke 2:41-52]
 Baptism [Luke 3:21-22]
 Public ministry [Luke 4:14-21]
 Temptation of Jesus in the desert [Luke 4:1-13]
 Transfiguration of Jesus [Luke 9:28-36]
 Paschal Mystery
CFC 1307 – the Spirit is the inner source of life by which we accept Jesus
 Adopts us as children of the Father
 Enables us to love as Christ commanded
 Empowers us to bear witness to Christ
 Empowers us to know the truth
 Draws us into community, unity and service
 Inspires is to live a truly Christian life
1. Be mindful & thankful to God
2. Live daily as God’s children
3. Ask the Spirit to fill us with divine wisdom & are able to speak the truth
1. Introductory rites
a. Entrance
b. Greeting
c. Penitential Act
d. Glory to God
e. Collect
2. Liturgy of the Word
a. First Reading
b. Responsorial Psalm
c. Second reading (on Sundays and solemnities)
d. Gospel acclamation
e. Gospel
f. Homily
g. Profession of Faith (on Sundays, solemnities & special occasions)
h. Universal Prayer
3. Liturgy of the Eucharist
a. Presentation of the Gifts/Preparation of the Altar
b. Prayer over the offerings
c. Eucharistic prayer
i. Preface
ii. Holy, Holy, Holy
iii. First half of prayer, including Consecration
iv. Mystery of Faith
v. Second half of prayer, ending with Doxology
d. The Lord’s Prayer
e. The sign of peace
f. Lamb of God
g. Communion
h. Prayer after communion
4. Concluding Rites
a. Optional announcements
b. Final Greeting & Blessing
c. Dismissal

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ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 42001, and GDPR: Best Practices for Implementation and...
Pengantar Penggunaan Flutter - Dart programming language1.pptx
Pengantar Penggunaan Flutter - Dart programming language1.pptxPengantar Penggunaan Flutter - Dart programming language1.pptx
Pengantar Penggunaan Flutter - Dart programming language1.pptx

G9Q1 Reviewer

  • 1. ᜌᜒ ᜊᜈ᜔ Reviewer SY 2018-2019 Q1 10-10-2018
  • 2. TLE TERMS & CYBERCRIMES COMPUTING- The act of using a computer. SNOOPING- The act of looking for evidence against a person by searching on social media, computer files, and other means. GRAY HAT- A type of hacker who is neither good nor bad. HACKING- To modify or change the default settings. It can be through software or hardware, and may be considered as a positive or a negative act. CRACKING- Illegal access to a system in order to gain information. FLAME- A hurtful post or comment that causes disagreement or anger between and among internet users. CYBERBULLYING- The use of electronic communication to hurt a person, typically by sending or posting messages of intimidating or threatening nature. CYBERWARFARE - actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption. CYBEREXTORTION - When hackers threaten or harm a website, server, or a computer system using denial of service (DOS) or other attacks IDENTITY THEFT - the act of pretending to be someone else by using someone else's identity as one's own. TROLL- A person who comments negatively that causes disagreements within the users. SPAM- Any unwanted or unsolicited e-mails, usually from unknown sources EMAIL BOMBING - overload of emails directed to one email address VIRUS DISSEMINATION - not only gets a piece of malware (a virus of some sort) onto one part of the victim’s system, but it spreads across other pieces of software. LOGIC BOMBS - small programs or sections of a program that are malicious, which are triggered by an event ELECTRONIC MONEY LAUNDERING - Money generated in large volumes illegally must be laundered before it can be spent or invested. One way to launder money is to do it electronically through messages between banks which is known as a “wire transfer”. SALES & INVESTMENT FRAUD - By sourcing the contact details and available account information for savings or investment account holders, fraudsters can adopt the persona of an investment broker. EAVESDROPPING - Secretly listen to a conversation. DATA DIDDLING - the action of skewing data entries in the user’s system. SALAMI SLICING ATTACK - a technique used by cyber criminals to steal money or resources a tiny bit at a time RANSOMWARE - enters your computer network and encrypts files, then sends you a notification demanding a large sum of money for you to then get your data back. 10 COMMANDMENTS OF COMPUTER ETHICS 1. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Harm Other People. 2. Thou Shalt Not Interfere With Other People’s Computer Work. 3. Thou Shalt Not Snoop Around In Other People’s Computer Files. 4. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Steal. 5. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Bear False Witness. 6. Thou Shalt Not Copy or Use Proprietary Software for Which You have Not Paid.
  • 3. 7. Thou Shalt Not Use Other People’s Computer Resources without Authorization or Proper Compensation. 8. Thou Shalt Not Appropriate Other People’s Intellectual Output. 9. Thou Shalt Think About The Social Consequences Of The Program You Are Writing Or The System You Are Designing. 10. Thou Shalt Always Use A Computer In Ways That Insure Consideration And Respect For Your Fellow Humans. NETIQUETTES A good and acceptable behavior when using the internet. 1. Avoid posting inflammatory or offensive comments online (a.k.a flaming). 2. Respect others' privacy by not sharing personal information, photos, or videos that another person may not want published online. 3. Never spam others by sending large amounts of unsolicited email. 4. Show good sportsmanship when playing online games, whether you win or lose. 5. Don't troll people in web forums or website comments by repeatedly nagging or annoying them. 6. Stick to the topic when posting in online forums or when commenting on photos or videos, such as YouTube or Facebook comments. 7. Don't swear or use offensive language. 8. Avoid replying to negative comments with more negative comments. Instead, break the cycle with a positive post. 9. If someone asks a question and you know the answer, offer to help. 10. Thank others who help you online. NETWORKING COMPUTER NETWORK- A collection of computing devices connected in order to communicate and share resources NODE/HOST- Any device on a network DATA TRANSFER RATE/BANDWIDTH - The speed with which data is moved from one place to another on a network PROTOCOL- A set of rules that defines how data is formatted and processed on a network TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL (TCP) - Software that breaks messages into packets, hands them off to the IP software for delivery, and then orders and reassembles the packets at their destination INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) - Software that deals with the routing of packets through the maze of interconnected networks to their final destination USER DATAGRAM PROTOCOL (UDP) - An alternative to TCP that is faster but less reliable FILE SERVER - A computer dedicated to storing and managing files for network users WEB SERVER - A computer dedicated to responding to requests for web pages P2P MODEL - A decentralized approach that shares resources and responsibilities among many “peer” computers W3 Consortium (W3C) – One who owns the Internet TYPES OF NETWORKS LOCAL-AREA NETWORK (LAN) - A network that connects a relatively small number of machines in a relatively close geographical area RING TOPOLOGY - connects all nodes in a closed loop on which messages travel in one direction STAR TOPOLOGY - centers around one node to which all others are connected and through which all messages are sent
  • 4. BUS TOPOLOGY - nodes are connected to a single communication line that carries messages in both directions WIDE-AREA NETWORK (WAN) - A network that connects local-area networks over a potentially large geographic distance METROPOLITAN-AREA NETWORK (MAN) - The communication infrastructures that have been developed in and around large cities GATEWAY - One particular set up to handle all communication going between that LAN and other networks INTERNET CONNECTIONS WIRELESS NETWORK - A network in which devices communicate with other nodes through a wireless access point BLUETOOTH - A technology used for wireless communication over short distances INTERNET BACKBONE - A set of high-speed networks that carry Internet traffic, provided by companies such as AT&T, Verizon, GTE, British Telecom, and IBM INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER(ISP) - An organization providing access to the Internet TECH USED TO CONNECT TO INTERNET PHONE MODEM - converts computer data into an analog audio signal for transfer over a telephone line, and then a modem at the destination converts it back again into data DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE (DSL) - uses regular copper phone lines to transfer digital data to and from the phone company’s central office BROADBAND - A connection in which transfer speeds are faster than 768 kbps PACKET SWITCHING PACKET - A unit of data sent across a network ROUTER - A network device that directs a packet between networks toward its final destination PACKET SWITCHING - Messages are divided into fixed-sized, numbered packets; packets are individually routed to their destination, then reassembled FIREWALL FIREWALL - A gateway machine and its software that protects a network by filtering the traffic it allows ACCESS CONTROL POLICY - A set of rules established by an organization that specifies what types of network communication are permitted and denied DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM HOST NUMBER - The part of the IP address that specifies a particular host (machine) on the network DOMAIN NAME - The part of a hostname that specifies a specific organization or group TOP-LEVEL DOMAIN (TLD) - The last section of a domain name that specifies the type of organization or its country of origin DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM (DNS) - A distributed system for managing hostname resolution DOMAIN NAME SERVER - A computer that attempts to translate a hostname into an IP address DOMAIN SQUATTING - Ransoming domain names
  • 5. ENGLISH LANGUAGE USED IN OLD LITERATURE ANGLO-SAXON (Germanic) – lower/middle class ANGLI-NORMAN (French) – Aristocrat LATIN – used for 1000 years; introduced to England by Romans RACES OF ENGLAND STONE AGE PEOPLE – earliest inhabitants; no written literature CELTS – arrived in Britain several centuries before birth of Christ; from central Europe; spoke various forms of language (Celtic) Goidels/Gæls – Ireland group Britons/Cymry – Britain Group Bart/Troubadours (King Arthur)/Minstrels (Anglo-Saxons) – most important contribution (thru stories & tales); multitalented & most famous poets; sang songs in praise of heroes with small harp with 5 strings ROMANS – Christianity & Latin; came in Britain mid-summer 55 BC with Julius Cæsar cause of revenge/riches; conquered Britain for 400 years ANGLO-SAXONS – 428 AD; tribes landed in England: Angles (South Sweden), Saxons (Denmark), Jutes (parts of Germany); tall, fair-haired, good sailors and pirates NORTHMEN/VIKINGS/SCANDINAVIAN – first landed in England in 787 AD; conquered district after district; destroyed monasteries & carried treasures; brought with them some literary traditions (Norse mythology) OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE RUNES – alphabet made up of signs used by pagan (non-religious) Anglo-Saxons EPIC (Hero) & WAR POETRY – main form of literature during Old English Period ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE– began before time of Alfred the Great (kingdom name Wessex) as a rough series of notes jotted down by monks; oldest English history in native tongue; kept until 1154 8 PERIODS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE ANGLO-SAXON (449-1066) › Anglo-Saxon Chronicle › Venerable Bede/St. Bede - wrote around 40 books mainly dealing with theology and history. › Epic and War Poetry › Oral Tradition › Augustine of Canterbury - founder of the Catholic Church in England › Beowulf MIDDLE ENGLISH/MEDIEVAL (1066-1485) › The Canterbury Tales › Geoffrey Chaucer- Father of English literature › Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory › Courtly love/Chivalric Romance – literary work about romance in upper class
  • 6. › Arthurian Literature › FORMS: Ballad, bibliography, epic, poetry RENAISSANCE/ELIZABETHAN (1485-1660) › Queen Elizabeth I › Start of play/stage performances › Sonnet and drama › Golden age of Literature because of printing press (invented by William Saxton) › AUTHORS: William Shakespeare (world’s greatest), Edmund Spenser PURITAN (1600-1680) › John Milton › Literature saddens rather than inspires › Nature and individuality › Gloomy Age › The Art of biography RESTORATION/AGE OF CLASSICISM (1660-1798) › John Dryden - dominating the literary life of Restoration England › Fiction and Journalism › The Satire - use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices ROMANTIC (1798-1832) › William Wordsworth - helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads › John Keats – his poetic achievement in a mere six years was astonishing but critics came close to destroying him. › Percy Bysshe Shelley - influential English romantic poet, famous for his lyrical poetry and idealistic radical political thought. › Jane Austen - English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which interpret, critique and comment upon the British landed gentry › Nature and individuality › Emotions, feelings and artistry VICTORIAN (1832-1900) › Charles Dickens wrote about social issues › Bruntë Sisters - stave off boredom by writing, a discipline in which they display great promise. › George Eliot(pen name)/Mary Anne Evans(real name) - one of the leading writers of the Victorian era › Literature already intended for middle class reading public CONTEMPORARY/MODERNISM › James Joyce - contributed to the modernist avant-garde › Virginia Woolf - pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device. › Parody and satire › Thomas Hardy - most accomplished poets and novelists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, from romantic period › Joseph Rudyard Kipling - born in India, which inspired much of his work; wrote The Jungle Book BEOWULF - Longest and best of Anglo-Saxon pegan poems - Narrative poem with 3168 lines - Written between 8th and 11th century
  • 7. DENMARK SWEDEN Called Danes (Scyldings tribes) Called Geats (Geatland) Ruler King Hrothgar Ruler king Hygelac Built Heorot (mead(alcoholic beverage)-hall) Barts called Scops/Gleemen GRENDEL – big monster; killed 30 thanes at Heorot one night because of noise  After that, Heorot abandoned for 12 years  News spread to Sweden thu barts  Beowulf went to Sweden with 14 picked warriors THE GEATS (Geatland, Sweden) BEOWULF – strength of 30 men combined; protagonist of epic; Geatish hero TRAITS: Nobility in character; Excellence in physical strength; Devotion to Duty HYGELAC – Beowulf’s uncle; king of Geats; husband of Hygd; heartily welcomes Beowulf back from Denmark HYGD – young beautiful & intelligent queen of Geats WIGLAF - young Kinsman; retainer of Beowulf ECGTHEOW – Beowulf’s father; dead when story begins KING HRETHEL – Geatish king; took Beowulf in as ward after death of Ecgtheow THE DRAGON – ancient powerful serpent; guards a horde of treasure in a hidden mound THE SCYLDINGS (Danish Tribe, Denmark) KING HROTHGAR – king of Danes; wise & aged ruler; father figure to Beowulf GRENDEL – demon descended from Cain (1st murderer on Earth) GRENDEL’sMOTHER – unnamed swamp hag; terrorizes Heorot AESCHERE – Hrothgar’s trusted adviser; killed by Grendel’s mom WEALTHTHEOW – Hrothgar’s wife UNFERTH – Danish warrior; jealous of Beowulf PUNCTUATION MARKS Period . The period (.) is placed at the end of declarative sentences, statements thought to be complete and after many abbreviations. Question Mark ? Use a question mark (?) to indicate a direct question when placed at the end of a sentence. Exclamation Point ! The exclamation point (!) is used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or add emphasis. Comma , SUMMARY BY KARL Si Hrothgar gumawasiya ng mead-hall para sa mgapeople niya Isang gabi umatake si Grendel sa mead-hall 12 years siyang paulit ulit na umatake Narinig to ni beowulf at pumunta sa kingdom ni Hrothgarpara tulungan sila Sa gabi na yon, nagcelebrate sila, pagkatapos nila magcelebrate, natulog na lahat maliban kay beowulf Hinintay niya pumunta si Grendel samead-hall Nung nandun na si Grendel nag away sila tapos hinatak niya yung arm niya Tumakas si Grendel papunta sa swampniya at ng mamaniya Nakita ng mamaniya na unting unting mamatay si grendel kaya paghihigantihin niya ito Pumunta siya sa mead-hall at pinatay si AESCHERE (adviserni Hrothgar) Narinig ni Beowulf at sinundan niya sa swamp Nagaway sila at natalo niya nanay ni grendel Nakita niya bangkay ni Grendel tapos kinuha niya yung ulo bilang trophy Nagcelebrate ulitsila tapos umuwi na siya sa kingdom ng mgaGaets, yung home townniya Nagcelebrate ulit Nung namatay tito niya, siya na naging hari ng 50 years May walang hiyang servant ang kumuhasa baso nung dragon Nagalitsi dragon Kaya yun sinugodniya kingdom ni Beowulf atnag patay ng mga Gaets Tinalo niya yung dragon pero talo din siya Binigay niya yung napanaluhan na nga goldsa mgaGaets Namatay siya Sinunog siya Gumawamonument The End
  • 8. The comma is used to show a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence. Semicolon ; The semicolon (;) is used to connect independent clauses. It shows a closer relationship between the clauses than a period would show. Colon : A colon (:) has three main uses. The first is after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a series. The second is between independent clauses, when the second explains the first, similar to a semicolon. The third use of a colon is for emphasis. EN Dash – Slightly wider than a hyphen, the en dash is a symbol (–) that is used in writing or printing to indicate a range or connections and differentiations, such as 1880–1945 or Princeton–New York trains. EM Dash — Twice as long as the en dash, the em dash can be used in place of a comma, parenthesis, or colon to enhance readability or emphasize the conclusion of a sentence. Whether you put spaces around the em dash or not is a style choice. Just be consistent. Hyphen - A hyphen is used to join two or more words together into a compound term and is not separated by spaces. Bracket [ ] Brackets are the squared off notations ([]) used for technical explanations or to clarify meaning. If you remove the information in the brackets, the sentence will still make sense. Brace { } Braces ({}) are used to contain two or more lines of text or listed items to show that they are considered as a unit. They are not commonplace in most writing, but can be seen in computer programming to show what should be contained within the same lines. Parenthesis ( ) Parentheses ( () ) are curved notations used to contain further thoughts or qualifying remarks. Apostrophe ‘ An apostrophe (') is used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, or the plurals of lowercase letters. Quotation Mark “ “ ‘ ‘ Quotations marks (“ ”) are a pair of punctuation marks used primarily to mark the beginning and end of a passage attributed to another and repeated word for word. They are also used to indicate meanings and to indicate the unusual or dubious status of a word. Single quotation marks (' ') are used most frequently for quotes within quotes. Ellipsis … The ellipsis is most commonly represented by three periods (…). The ellipsis is used in writing or printing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words. Ellipses are frequently used within quotations to jump from one phrase to another, omitting unnecessary words that do not interfere with the meaning.
  • 9. ECONOMICS (AP) ECONOMICS – from Greek “oikonomia” meaning “household management” - Pagbabalanse ng walang katapusang pangangailangan ng tao sa limitadong yaman ECONOMIST – people who study about picking and decisions of people and its effect on economy PAGLAGANAP NG KAISIPAN NG EKONOMIKS XENOPHON – mabuting pamamahala at pamumuno PLATO – Espesyalisasyon(specials at specific job) at division of labor; no to private property; Lider, sundalo, magsasaka; communal ownership ARISTOTLE – Private ownership MERCANTILIST – to collect natural resources FRANCOIS QUESNAY & PHYSIOCRATS – pagbibigay-halaga sa env’t & proper usage of natural resources TABLEAU ECONOMIQUE – circulation of products & services in the economy MGA EKONOMISTA ADAM SMITH – ama ng makabagong ekonomiks; written “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” Let Alone Policy/Laissez-faire (Leaveme alone) – hindi makialam ang pamahalaan sa pribadong sector Espesyalisasyon – division of things to do based on capacity and skill Invisible Hand – Gov’t not bother economics DAVID RICARDO Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns- the more we consume natural resources, the more it will become smaller. Law of Comparative Advantage – countries that have low production cost has advantage over other countries. THOMAS ROBERT MALTHUS – born in Great Depression; focused on fast population growth Malthusian Theory – population is faster to grow than supply of food JOHN MAYNARDKEYNES – father of modern theory of employment; gov’t should spend to maintain strength and balance of the economy; written “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money” KARL MARX – ama ng Komunismol equal human rights; gov’t owns everything; revolution of ploretariat Das Kapital – aral ng komunismo Communist Manifesto 3 TANONG NA SINASAGOT NG EKONOMIKS Ano ang iproproduce? Kapital – pera, lipa, machines Resources Para kanino? Generation-specific Paano iproproduce? Labor-intensive (manual, slow) Capital-intensive (machines, fast)
  • 10. KAUGNAYAN NG EKONOMIKS SA MGA IBANG DISIPLINA AGHAM SCIENTIFIC PROCESS – used in economics to examine problems and situations that affect the economy like pollution, traffic, oil price, corruption, climate change, etc. HAKBANG: 1. Identifying the problem 2. Giving the hypothesis 3. Taking data & info 4. Examining data & info 5. Giving off conclusion & recommendation AGHAM PANLIPUNAN › Reviewing the status of people & society › Study of gestures and efforts that people are making to respond to needs and to develop the economy AGHAM PAMPOLITIKA › Study of framework balangkas of the gov’t; duties, responsibilities and laws set by gov’t. KASAYSAYAN › Decisions today are based on decisions in the past SOSYOLOHIYA › Study of source & structure of society. › Laws, habits, beliefs and culture affects the kind of livelihood & doings of people ETHICS › Involves morality and good & bad doings of life › People need good ethics to be a partner of gov’t to have good measures to develop the economy HEOGRAPIYA › Study of physical appearance of a country, climate, resources, etc. › Any event in the environment will affect the living of people NATURAL SCIENCES › Understanding of events of env’t. BIOLOGY › Study of living things › People, animals and plants are needed in economics › Answers how people, animals & plants will be healthy to be useful in society & economy › Answers how to be safe from bacteria and viruses KEMESTRI › Study of chemicals used to create things. › The kind of chemical used is part of cost of productions › To set prices of products PISIKA › Study of things and energy › Tackling any tech. used to develop energy › All changes and development to things and energy is affecting the making & supply of products needed by people MATEMATIKA › With help of graphs, charts & equations, it is easier to understand economic events like price hikes, production gains, right payment of revenue
  • 11. PAGPIPILI AT PAGDEDESISYON SOCIAL CHOICE – decision made by gov’t to respond to society needs ECONOMIC CHOICE/ECONOMIC DECISION – all choices & decisions that an individual & govt does OPPORTUNITY COST – sacrificed cost of a thing in order to benefit from it more TRADE-OFF – pagpapaliban ng pagbili ng isang bagay upang makamit ang ibang bagay FORMULAS POPULATION GROWTH RATE- how much the population grows 𝑝𝑜𝑝( 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡) − 𝑝𝑜𝑝(𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠) 𝑝𝑜𝑝(𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠) × 100 Answer in % ; round off to 2nd decimal place. POPULATION DENSITY – how many people per 1 square kilometer 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 Answer in absolute value (ex. 0.64 ->1) DEPENDENCY RATIO – how many people are dependent to 1 person (𝑎𝑔𝑒 0 𝑡𝑜 14) + (65 & 𝑢𝑝) 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑 + 𝑢𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑 Answer in absolute value (ex. 0.64 ->1)
  • 12. FILIPINO TAPIKSILIM SA DYAKARTA › ni Mochtar Labis SUMMARY Pumarada ang pulang pula at bagong-bagong Cadillac sa harap ng restawrang maraming nakaparadang kotse. Bumaba mula sa sasakyan ang mag-asawang kakikitaan ng yaman at luho o marangyang pamumuhay Umorder ng pagkain ang dalawa nang hindi man lang tumitingin sa mga presyo ng pagkain. Samantala, isang lumang kalesang walang sakay at hila ng isang payat na kabayo ang dumaan sa harap ng restawran sakay ang natutulog na kutsero. Natutulog ang kutsero habang umaandar ang kanyang kalesa dahil sa init ng panahon at dahil na rin sa gutom at sakit na kanyang nararamdaman Nagulat ang kabayo at umalma dahil sa naghahabulang aso't pusa kaya't bigla itong nadapa. Tumama sa pulang Cadillac ang kalesa at sumira sa ilang bahagi nito. Lumabas mula sa restawran ang may-ari ng Cadillac na si Raden Kaslan at galit na galit na sinigawan ang takot na takot na si Pak Idjo Nagpatawag ng pulis si Raden Kaslan upang ituro at mapapanagot sa pagkasira ng kanyang kotse si Pak Idjo. Luhaang nagpaliwanag si Pak Idjo sa pulis na wala talaga siyang ibabayad sa nasirang sasakyan kaya't sa huli'y nagdesisyon si Raden na hayaan na ito at pumasok na lang muli sa restawran nang galit na galit pa rin. TULA › isang akdang panitikan na naglalarawan ng buhay › pagpapahayag ng kaisipan, damdamin, imagination at mithiin sa buhay › pa paraang taludturan › pag nilagyan ng himig, ito ay awit ELEMENTO 1. Saknong (Stanza) 2. Taludtod (Line/Verse) 3. Sukat 4. Tugma 5. Kaisipan URI TULANG MAKABAYAN – tema ay buhay ng dakilang tao & pinuno TULANG PAG-IBIG – pagmamahalan, kasawian sap ag-ibig TULANG PANGKALIKASAN TULANG PASTORAL – buhay ng magsasaka WASTONG GAMIT NG SALITA SUBUKIN – to try SUNDIN – to follow PAHIRIN – remove WALISIN – things to sweep SUBUKAN – to spy SUNDAN – to copy PAHIRAN – to add WALISAN – place to sweep PINTO – door MAY – ff. word is noun, verb, adj., pronoun KATA – taong kinakausap PINTUAN- doorway MAYROON – ff. word is nga, ka, rin, din… KINA – taong pinag-uusapan
  • 13. IKIT – circling out-in HAGDAN – stair OPERAHIN – body part HATIIN – to slice IKOT – circling in-out HAGDANAN – stairway OPERAHAN – the person HATIAN – to share IWAN – left out NABASAG – accident BUMILI – buy KUMUHA - singular IWANAN – to give BINASAG – incident MAGBILI – sell MANGUHA – plural/collective DAHIL SA – cause TAGA – ff. word is common noun DAHILAN – noun TIGA – ff. word is proper noun PANG-UGNAY PANG-ANGKOP NA – nagtatapos sa katinig maliban sa n -NG – nagtatapos sa patinig at n PANG-UKOL sa, ng, kay/kina, alinsunod sa/kay, laban sa/kay, ayon sa/kay, hinggil sa/kay, ukol sa/kay, para sa/kay, tungkol sa/kay PANGATNIG MAGKATIMBANG – at, o, ‘ DI- MAGKATIMBANG – sa halip, habang, kundi… TATLONG MUKHA NG KASAMAAN 1. Kasakiman (katakawan) 2. Poot/Galit – crime 3. Kamangmangan (walang alam)- unlawful 3 BAGAY NA HINDI MAIIWASAN NG TAO 1. Pagtanda 2. Karamdaman 3. Kamatayan PAGLAHAD NG EMOSYON SALITA - Aray, wow, yehey… PADAMDAM – pasalaysay o paturol Ex. KASIYAHAN: Natutuwa ako at isa akong babaeng Pilipina! HINDI INAASAHANG PANGYAYARI – hindi diretsahang paraan Ex. Sana kinin ka ni Lord! (Mamatay ka na sana!)
  • 14. SCIENCE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM/VENTILLARY SYSTEM › Biological system consisting of specific & series of organs and structures used for the process of respiration in an organism › Provides oxygen to cells while removing CO2 › Works in conjunction with circulatory system MAJOR PARTS AIRWAY – carries air between lungs; cleansing, warms & moistens air during air’s trip to lungs - Nose - Mouth - Pharynx - Larynx - Trachea - Bronchi - Bronchioles LUNGS – fundamental part of respiratory system MUSCLES OF RESPIRATION – work together to act as a pump - Diaphragm - Intercostal Muscles PHASES OF RESPIRATION 1. Breathing – process of inhaling/exhaling air a. Inspiration/Inhalation – ribcage expands, diaphragm contracts (moves down) b. Expiration/Exhalation – ribcage smaller, diaphragm relaxes (moves up) 2. External Respiration – transport of gasses with the circulatory system 3. Internal Respiration – exchange of gasses with body cells 4. Cellular Respiration – body/s energy-releasing process 𝐶6 𝐻12 𝑂6 + 6𝑂2 → 6𝐶𝑂2 + 6𝐻2 𝑂 + ~38 𝐴𝑇𝑃 UPPER PART NOSE – entrance of air NASAL CAVITY – lined with mucous membrane; moistens incoming air MOUTH – no moistening & warming the air; lacks hair & sticky mucous that filter air; shorter distance & larger diameter to inhale more air CILIA – moves mucous with trapped particles; all airways except mouth & parts of nose have this; coated with sticky mucous PHARYNX/THROAT – tubular structure positions behind oral & nasal cavities; allows air to pass through the lungs LARYNX/VOICE BOX – supported by framework of cartilage tough white connective tissues; covered by epiglottis flap/elastic cartilage LOWER PART TRACHEA/WINDPIPE – connects larynx to bronchi; allows air to pass through the neck & into the thorax BRONCHI – carry air from trachea to lungs; split LUNGS – spongy air-filled organ; located on both side of chest cavity DISEASE TRIANGLE host env’t causative agent AEROBIC – uses oxygen ANAEROBIC- not uses oxygen
  • 15. COMMON DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS FOR DIAGNOSING RESPIRATORY DISEASE - Chest X-ray - Pulmonary Function Test - CT Scan - Bronchoscopy CAUSES OF RESPIRATORY DISEASES - Genetic - Virus, fungi… - Inhalation of foreign body (cigarettes, chemicals, irritants) SUFFIX “-tis” meaning “infection” UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS RHINITIS – inflammation of mucous membrane lining the nose; runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion… SINUSITIS – bacterial/viral/fungal infection; inflamed sinuses; pressure, head pain, stuffy nose, fatigue, fever, loss of smell NASAL POLYPS – sinuses are blocked due to nasal polyps/deviated septum LARYNGITIS – inflammation of voice box; accompanied by flu TONSILITIS – inflammation of tonsils filters & traps pathogens; can be bacterial of viral EPIGLOTTITIS – inflamed epiglottis; fever, troubled swallowing, difficulty breathing PHARYNGITIS – inflammation of tonsils, pharynx & larynx; sore throat common symptom LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS PNEUMONIA – inflammation of lungs BRONCHITIS – inflammation of bronchi; caused by exposure/infection to tobacco smoke dust, fumes/pollutants; can be acute (mabilis/biglaan) or chronic (slow) ATHSMA – inflamed/constricted airways; allergy; wheezing CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF) – genetic mutation; resulting in poorly hydrated thickened mucous secretions in lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines & sex organs; resulted every day CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISORDER (COPD) – emphysema, bronchitis & asthma combined PULMONARY FIBROSIS – scarring the lungs TUBERCOLOSIS (TB) – highly infectious disease EMPHYSEMA – abnormal permanent enlargement of alveoli; destruction of their walls; w/o obvious fibrosis scarring; losing shape & elasticity LUNG CANCER – abnormal & uncontrolled division in cells of lung tissues SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME (SARS) – high mortality rate; symptoms are flu-like CIRCULATORY SYSTEM/CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM › Vast network of organs & vessels › Responsible for flow of blood, nutrients, hormones, lymph, oxygen to & from cells › Works with respiratory, endocrine hormones, digestive & lymphatic systems › Fights diseases › Maintains stable internal environment CIRCULATIONS CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIAC – in heart PULMONARY – in lungs SYSTEMIC – in blood vessels (other body parts) FETAL – for pregnant
  • 16. HEART › Hollow muscular pump › Tilts towards the left › Right part for deoxygenated blood; left part for oxygenated blood › Usually 60-100 bpm PARTS ATRIUM – receiving blood VENTRICLE – pumping blood SEPTUM/PARTITION – divides the left & right VALVE – guards of blood; closes & opens; prevents backflow TRICUSPID – 3 branches BICUSPID – 1 branch SINOATIAL NODE/SA NODE/PACEMAKER – sends signals to move the heart PERICARDIUM – protective membrane; protects from friction HEARTBEAT SYSTOLE – rhythmic contraction of the heart; sending blood to pulmonary & systemic circulation DIASTOLE – when ventricles relaxes BLOOD VESSELS ARTERIES – carry away from the heart; thickest blood vessels; carries oxygenated blood except pulmonary artery TUNICA EXTERNA – outer layer TUNICA MEDIA – middle layer TUNICA INTIMA – innermost layer VEINS – carries back to the heart; not muscular, contains valves; carries deoxygenated blood except pulmonary vein SUPERIOR VENA CAVA – largest vein from upper part INFERIOR VENA CAVA – largest vein from lower part CAPILLARIES – connects arteries & veins; 1 cell thick BLOOD › A tissue › Transportation of dissolved gasses, nutrients, hormones & metabolic wastes › Protection against toxins, pathogens & injuries › Stabilization of body temp. › Regulation of pH PLASMA – fluid content (yellow tinted); contains proteins that help blood to clot; contains glucose, dissolved nutrients, mineral salts, food substances, hormones, excretory products ERYHROCYTES/RBC – carries oxygen to tissues; large microscopic cells without nuclei; created in bone marrow; remain viable for only about 4 months HEMOGLOBIN – gas transporting protein molecule; 95% of RBC LEUKOCYTES/WBC – fights infections; created in bone marrow & thymus; exists in spleen, liver & lymph; lasts 18-36 hrs; 1% of blood THROMBOCYTES/PLATELETS – responsible for blood clotting; cell fragment w/o nuclei; forms network of fibers BLOOD TYPES A – A antigen B – B antigen AB – A & B antigens; universal receiver O – no antigens; universal donor
  • 17. DISEASES & DISORDERS <notebook> GENETICS PRINCIPLES (MENDEL’s LAW) LAW OF SEGREGATION – each pair of alleles separate during meiosis ALLELE – 2 gene copies for the same trait LAW OF INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT – gene pairs segregate into gametes randomly & independently of each other TRAITS DOMINANT TRAIT RESSESIVE TRAIT INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE – trait not manifested completely Ex. White + Red = Pink CO-DOMINANCE - sabay silang naimanifest SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE – more x-linked traits than y-linked traits PLANT SOMETHING SOMETHING PHLOEM – from leaves down to roots, found interior XYLEM – from roots upward, found exterior
  • 18. RELIGION FATHER THEOPHILE VERBIST › Born in Antwerp, Belgium on June 12, 1823 › A prefect in the minor seminary in Malines (chaplain at Belgian Military Academy) › Diocesan priest in archdiocese of Malines-Brussels › 1st Belgian mission in chapel at Scheut, Anderlecht (old pilgrimage place) › Founded Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae/Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary/Scheut Fathers/Sheutists with Ft. Theophile Verbist › Motto “Cor Unum Et Anima Una”/”One Heart One Soul”/”Isang Puso Isang Diwa” › Died Feb. 23, 1868 of typhoid fever in Laohugou, China, age 45 “If anything marks CICM, it is the call to give everything for the sake of the mission” CICM SCHOOLS Saint Louis University Baguio City 1911 Saint Mary’s University Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya 1928 Saint Louis College San Fernando City, La Union 1964 University of SaintLouis Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 1965 Saint Louis College–Cebu Mandaue City, Cebu 1971 Maryhill School of Theology New Manila, Quezon City 1972 SAINT ALOYSIUS DE GONZAGA/LUIGI(Italian)/LUIS(Spanish) › Born in Castiglione delle Stiviere, Italy on March 9, 1568 › Oldest son of Ferdinand Gonzaga and Marta Tana de Santena › Age of 8: sent with his brother to Florence to serve at Grand Duke & to receive educ. › Had kidney disease his whole life › Received 1st holy communion from Cardinal Charles Borromeo on July 22, 1580 › Wanted to join to Capuchins, but went to Jesuit missionaries. › Accepted in noviate of the Society of Jesus in Rome on November 25, 1585 › Took 3 religious vows: chastity, poverty & obedience (November 25, 1587) › Volunteered to work in hospital after plague broke out 1591 in Rome. › Fr. Robert Bellarmine (his confessor) gave last rights before he died midnight June 21, 1591 › Changed name to Robert before dying in honor of his confessor › Beatified Oct. 19, 1605 by Pope Paul V › Canonized Dec. 1, 1726 by Pope Benedict the XIII; declared patron of students (1729) and Christian youth (1926). › Patron of plague victims, AIDS sufferers & their caregivers SYMBOLISM › Shown as young man wearing black cassock & surplice, or as a page LILY – innocence CROSS – piety & sacrifice SKULL – early death ROSARY – devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary INVOLVEMENTS 1. Urban & rural poor people 2. Indigenous people + cultures 3. Street children 4. Basu Ecclesial Community 5. Interreligious Dralogue
  • 19. 6. Celebration of Faith 7. Education & formation of the youth MARY, MOTHER OF GOD › Patroness of Saint Mary’s university › Title accorded to Mary for Jesus is born through her THEOTOKOS – God-bearer LESSON 1: THE PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE OLD TESTAMENT CONTEXT - Confused - Unclear - Unsure - Lost INSPIRED WORD OF GOD PHARAOH’S DREAM [Genesis 41:33, 37-39] JOSEPH – discerning and wise; filled with spirit of God; unassuming person FAMILY PROBLEMS  Favoritism  Sibling rivalry  Jealousy CHURCH TEACHING HOLY SPIRIT – (in Old Testament) Giver of Life & one who prepares many people for witnessing CFC 1288 – many people like patriarchs, judges, kings & prophets in O.T. heard & responded to the Spirit 3 LEVELS OF SPIRIT ACTIVENESS  Within ourselves  Through interpersonal experience  By way of community & parish work and social life PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT [CFC 1276-1283]  Sacred scriptures  Sacred traditions  Prayer  Christian Witness MISSIONARY RESPONSE 1. Seek the Holy Spirit in prayer 2. Be humble 3. Use our talents at the service of other people. LESSON 2: JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT CONTEXT COME HOLY SPIRIT – by Cantate Domino LIFE – has a downhill
  • 20. INSPIRED WORD OF GOD ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS [Luke 1:30-38] SPIRIT – evident in lives of people surrounding his birth; prepared Mary to become His mother PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT  Mary exclaiming to Elizabeth (her cousin) [Luke 1:46-47]  Presentation of Jesus in the Temple [Luke 2:25-35]  Passover feast [Luke 2:41-52]  Baptism [Luke 3:21-22]  Public ministry [Luke 4:14-21]  Temptation of Jesus in the desert [Luke 4:1-13]  Transfiguration of Jesus [Luke 9:28-36]  Paschal Mystery CHURCH TEACHING CFC 1307 – the Spirit is the inner source of life by which we accept Jesus ACTIVITIES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT [CFC 1310-1315]  Adopts us as children of the Father  Enables us to love as Christ commanded  Empowers us to bear witness to Christ  Empowers us to know the truth  Draws us into community, unity and service  Inspires is to live a truly Christian life MISSIONARY RESPONSE 1. Be mindful & thankful to God 2. Live daily as God’s children 3. Ask the Spirit to fill us with divine wisdom & are able to speak the truth PARTS OF THE MASS 1. Introductory rites a. Entrance b. Greeting c. Penitential Act d. Glory to God e. Collect 2. Liturgy of the Word a. First Reading b. Responsorial Psalm c. Second reading (on Sundays and solemnities) d. Gospel acclamation e. Gospel f. Homily g. Profession of Faith (on Sundays, solemnities & special occasions) h. Universal Prayer 3. Liturgy of the Eucharist a. Presentation of the Gifts/Preparation of the Altar b. Prayer over the offerings c. Eucharistic prayer i. Preface ii. Holy, Holy, Holy
  • 21. iii. First half of prayer, including Consecration iv. Mystery of Faith v. Second half of prayer, ending with Doxology d. The Lord’s Prayer e. The sign of peace f. Lamb of God g. Communion h. Prayer after communion 4. Concluding Rites a. Optional announcements b. Final Greeting & Blessing c. Dismissal