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Functional Programming in Ruby
Koen Handekyn
Learning FP

it’s (sometimes) (a bit) difficult (in the beginning)
        - you need to retrain your brain -
                  but rewarding

               it’s fun & productive
‣ Lambda calculus: 1930’s (Alonzo Church)
‣ Lisp: 1950’s, multi-paradigm language strongly inspired by lambda-calculus
  (symbolic manipulation, rewriting)
‣ ML-family: 1970’s, general purpose functional programming language with
  type inference
‣ Haskell: 1987, 1998, 2010, open standard for functional programming

‣ Other: Clean, F#, Scheme, Scala, Clojure, XSLT, Erlang, SQL, ...
Isn’t all programming functional?
‣ FP proceeds from a startling premise—that we construct programs using
 only pure functions, or functions that avoid side effects like changing
 variables(state), writing to a database or reading from a file.
‣ In a pure functional programming language, everything is a function. we can
 pass them around and “calculate” with them (combine, evaluate or
 partially evaluate, etc).
‣ A function defines a mapping from a “Domain” into the
 “Codomain” (image, range)
‣ No mutable data and hence:

‣ No side effects, no implicit hidden state, less bugs.
‣ No variables ! (only values) => optimizations
‣ Can (more easily) be parallelized over cpu’s (multicore), etc. => no
 locks, no race conditions, no deadlocks

‣ Enables Provability (both for humans and computers)
FP vs OO
‣ Whereas an object-oriented mindset will foster the approach of
  defining an application domain as a set of nouns (classes) [ person, ticket,
  etc ]

‣ The functional mind will see the solution as the composition or verbs
  (functions) [ register, sell ]

‣ Though both programmers may in all likelihood generate equivalent results, the
  functional solution will be more succinct, understandable, and reusable. Grand
  claims indeed!
Immutable Objects
‣ An OO pattern that actually originates in FP world
‣ ISO changing a data structure, don’t modify in place but create a new
‣ In Ruby this is typically the default. Methods that don’t follow this principle
  are assumed ‘dangerous’ and are typically marked with a ‘!’
 • name.reverse => returns a new string that contains the reversed name
 • name.reverse! => replaces the name with the reversed value
Ruby and FP
‣ Ruby is an imperative and OO language with closure support
‣ But we can apply (some) FP principles
‣ It allows to mix and match OO with FP programming style

                                                    A bit of pattern matching
‣ You can’t assume immutability ... it’s a choice   • x, *xs = [1,2,3,4]
‣ No (real) pattern matching (yet)                     x => 1
                                                       xs => [2,3,4]
‣ No lazy evaluation (yet)                          • a,b,tail = [1,2,3,4]
                                                       a => 1
                                                       b => 2
                                                       tail => [3,4]
# fibonacci functional through recursion

def fib(count, a = 1, b = 1 , r = [])             r is the
  count == 0 ? r : fib(count-1, b, a+b, r << a)

fib(10) # => [1,1,2,3,5,...                   needs a bit of
                                              practice but
                                              once you get
                                              it ...
or also - As opposed to ?
‣ Another look at it is to compare imperative programming languages with
 declarative programming languages
‣ Imperative = emphasize on how something is computed
‣ Declarative = emphasize on what is to be computed and not on
‣ Imperative is counterintuitive when you’re used to imperative
Taking a look at <<Enumerable >>
First introduce Closure
‣ Closure = an anonymous function block together with a referencing
‣ Where? javascript, python, ruby, PHP, C# 2.0, java 8! :)
(1..10).select { |x| x.odd? }
 => [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

# imperative style
odds = []
(1..10).each do |n|
  odds << n if n.odd?
(1..10).partition { |x| x.odd? }
 => [[1, 3, 5, 7, 9], [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]]

# imperative style
p = [[],[]]
(1..10).each do |n|
  p[0] << n if n.odd?
  p[1] << n unless n.odd?
(1..10).map { |x| x * 2 }
 => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]

# imperative style
doubles = []
(1..10).each do |n|
  doubles << n*2
inject & reduce & foldl & foldr
foldl & foldr
(1..10).reduce { |x,y| x + y } # repeat sum
=> 55

# imperative style
sum = 0
(1..10).each do |n|
  sum += n
sum # => 55
# repeat sum, start with 0
(1..10).reduce(0) { |x,y| x + y }
=> 55

# repeat multiply, start with 1
(1..10).reduce(1) { |x,y| x * y }
=> 3628800

# or ‘for real’ :)
(1..10).inject(:+) => 55
(1..10).inject(:*) => 3628800
(1..6).group_by { |i| i%3 }
=> {0=>[3, 6], 1=>[1, 4], 2=>[2, 5]}

# imperative style
p = {}
(1..6).each do |n|
  k = n%3
  p[k] ||= []
  p[k] << n
%w(rhea kea flea).sort
#=> ["flea", "kea", "rhea"]

(1..10).sort {|a,b| b <=> a}
#=> [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

# imperative style
# ... have fun ...
(: take a breath :)
‣ In mathematics and computer science, currying is the technique of
 transforming a function that takes multiple arguments (or a tuple of
 arguments) in such a way that it can be called as a chain of functions, each
 with a single argument (partial application). It was originated by Moses
 Schönfinkel and later re-discovered by Haskell Curry.
‣ curry(int, int => bool) = int => (int => bool)
Functions as Values in Ruby
inc = lambda { |x| x + 1 }
inc = ->(x) { x + 1 }
inc.(4) => 5

add = lambda { |x,y| x + y }
add = ->(x,y) { x + y }
add.(2,3) => 5
Constants are Functions
constant = ->(c,x) { c }.curry

hello = constant.(“hello”)
hello.(1) => “hello”
hello.(“eugen”) => “hello”
identity = ->(x) { x } # a closure
power = ->(base, x) { base**x }.curry

sum_of = ->(f, xs, i=0) { xs.inject(i) { |a,i| a+=f.(i) } }.curry

sum_of_numbers = sum_of.(identity)
                                          a Higher Order
sum_of_power2s = sum_of.(power.(2))       function takes a
sum_of_squares = sum_of.(square)          function as
# usage
sum_of_numbers.(0..10) # => 55
sum_of_squares.(0..10) # => 2047
sum_of.( power.(3) ).(0..10) # => 88573
Constants are Functions
constant = ->(c,x) { c }.curry
sum_of = ->(f, r, i=0) { r.inject(i) { |a,i| a+=f.(i) } }.curry

word_count = sum_of.( constant.(1) )

word_count.( %w(welcome to the world of fp) ) => 6
Currying and Partial Evaluation
power = ->(base, x) { base**x }.curry
power.(10,2) # => 100
power.(10).(2) # => 100

power2 = power.(2) # partial evaluation
power2.(3) # => 8

add = ->(x,y) { x + y }.curry
add.(2,3) => 5

inc = add.(1) # partial evaluation
inc.(3) => 4
Currying and Partial Evaluation
# meta functional programming ;)
send = ->(m, o) { o.send(m) }.curry
length_of = send.(:length)

length_of.(“koen”) # => 4
length_of.([12,4,25,32,[2,2]]) # => 5
More Composition
# from previous
length_of = ->(o) { o.length }
sum_of = ->(f, r, i=0) { r.inject(i) { |a,i| a+=f.(i) } }.curry

# compose
total_length_off = sum_of.(length_of)

# use
total_length_off.( ['koen','ciprian','eugen'] ) # => 16
total_length_off.( [ [2,3,4], "koen", [3,4,5] ] ) # => 10
Playing with boxes
box1 = { width: 230, heigth: 304 }
box2 = { width: 340, heigth: 243 }

by_key = ->(k, o) { o[k] }.curry
by_width = by_key.(:width)

taller = ->(f, a, b) { f.(a) > f.(b) }.curry

taller.(by_width, box1, box2) # => false
taller.(by_key.(:heigth)).(box1,box2) # => true
More boxes
compose = ->(f,g,x) { g.(f.(x)) }.curry
square = ->(x) { x*x }

square_width = compose.(by_width).(square)
square_width.(box1) # => 52900

square_height = compose.(by_key.(:heigth)).(square)
square_height.(box1) # => 92416
More composition
map = ->(f, a) { { |x| f.(x) }}.curry # turn method into lambda

squares = ->(a) { map.(square).(a) }
squares = map.(square) # nicer through composition, not ? :)

sum = ->(a) { a.inject(0,:+) }
square_of_sum = compose.(sum).(square)

after = compose
sum_of_squares = after.(squares).(sum)

square_of_sum.([2,3]) # => 25
sum_of_squares.([2,3]) # => 13
square_of_sum.([2,3,4]) # => 81
sum_of_squares.([2,3,4]) # => 29
More composition
book = [ %w(this is a long sentence), %w(this is a short), %w(yes) ]

foldl = ->(f, arr) { arr.inject { |r, x| f.(r, x) } }.curry

add = ->(a,b) { a+b }
div = ->(a,b) { a*1.0/b }
length = ->(x) { x.length }

sum = foldl.(add)
divide = foldl.(div)

pair = parallel = ->(f,g,x) { [f.(x), g.(x) ] }.curry

average = ->(a) { sum.(a) / length.(a) }
average = after.( pair.(sum).(length) ).(divide)

average_wordcount = after.( map.(length) ).(average) # => 3.33
More Composition
book = [
 %w(this is a long sentence),
 %w(this is a short),
 %w(yes) ]

flatten = ->(arr) { arr.flatten } # convert to lambda

wordlengths = after.( flatten ).( map.(length) )
average_wordlength = after.(wordlengths).(average)

average_wordlength.(book) # => 3.4
Liquer Stores
liquer_stores   = []
liquer_stores   << {   name:   "total", d: 2.0, price: 32.0 }
liquer_stores   << {   name:   "shell", d: 2.6, price: 28.5 }
liquer_stores   << {   name:   "esso", d: 3.2, price: 41.0 }
liquer_stores   << {   name:   "q8", d: 3.5, price: 22.0 }
liquer_stores   << {   name:   "shell", d: 4.5, price: 19.0 }
liquer_stores   << {   name:   "q8", d: 5.5, price: 18.0 }
Imperative Liquer
def cheap_boose_nearby (liquer_stores)
  min = liquer_stores[0][:price]
  liquer_stores.each do |store|
    if store[:d] < 5.0 then
      price = store[:price]
      price = price * 0.9 if store[:name] == "shell"
      min = price if price < min
Declarative Liquer
def expensive_boose_nearby (liquer_stores)

  nearby = ->(d, x) { x[:d] < d }.curry
  near = nearby.(5.0)
  myPrice = ->(x) {
    x[:name] == "shell" ? x[:price]*0.9 : x[:price]

    find_all(&near).                recognize
    collect(&myPrice).              SQL ?
Generators / Sequence / Infinite ...
# Functions that return a sequence of values
# Here: fibonacci as infinite yielder

fibonacci = do |list|
  a = b = 1
  loop { list.yield a; a,b = b,a+b }

fibonacci.take(10) # [1, .. , 55]
fibonacci.take(15) # [1, .. , 377, 610]
Enumerable as Class
class Fibs
  include Enumerable
  def each
    a = b = 1;
    loop { yield a; a,b = b,a+b };

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Functional programming in ruby

  • 1. Functional Programming in Ruby Koen Handekyn CEO
  • 2. Learning FP it’s (sometimes) (a bit) difficult (in the beginning) - you need to retrain your brain - but rewarding it’s fun & productive
  • 3. History ‣ Lambda calculus: 1930’s (Alonzo Church) ‣ Lisp: 1950’s, multi-paradigm language strongly inspired by lambda-calculus (symbolic manipulation, rewriting) ‣ ML-family: 1970’s, general purpose functional programming language with type inference ‣ Haskell: 1987, 1998, 2010, open standard for functional programming research ‣ Other: Clean, F#, Scheme, Scala, Clojure, XSLT, Erlang, SQL, ...
  • 4. Isn’t all programming functional? ‣ FP proceeds from a startling premise—that we construct programs using only pure functions, or functions that avoid side effects like changing variables(state), writing to a database or reading from a file. ‣ In a pure functional programming language, everything is a function. we can pass them around and “calculate” with them (combine, evaluate or partially evaluate, etc). ‣ A function defines a mapping from a “Domain” into the “Codomain” (image, range)
  • 5. Advantages ‣ No mutable data and hence: ‣ No side effects, no implicit hidden state, less bugs. ‣ No variables ! (only values) => optimizations ‣ Can (more easily) be parallelized over cpu’s (multicore), etc. => no locks, no race conditions, no deadlocks ‣ Enables Provability (both for humans and computers)
  • 6. FP vs OO ‣ Whereas an object-oriented mindset will foster the approach of defining an application domain as a set of nouns (classes) [ person, ticket, etc ] ‣ The functional mind will see the solution as the composition or verbs (functions) [ register, sell ] ‣ Though both programmers may in all likelihood generate equivalent results, the functional solution will be more succinct, understandable, and reusable. Grand claims indeed!
  • 7. Immutable Objects ‣ An OO pattern that actually originates in FP world ‣ ISO changing a data structure, don’t modify in place but create a new object. ‣ In Ruby this is typically the default. Methods that don’t follow this principle are assumed ‘dangerous’ and are typically marked with a ‘!’ • name.reverse => returns a new string that contains the reversed name • name.reverse! => replaces the name with the reversed value
  • 8. Ruby and FP ‣ Ruby is an imperative and OO language with closure support ‣ But we can apply (some) FP principles ‣ It allows to mix and match OO with FP programming style A bit of pattern matching ‣ You can’t assume immutability ... it’s a choice • x, *xs = [1,2,3,4] ‣ No (real) pattern matching (yet) x => 1 xs => [2,3,4] ‣ No lazy evaluation (yet) • a,b,tail = [1,2,3,4] a => 1 b => 2 tail => [3,4]
  • 9. Recursion # fibonacci functional through recursion def fib(count, a = 1, b = 1 , r = []) r is the accumulator count == 0 ? r : fib(count-1, b, a+b, r << a) end fib(10) # => [1,1,2,3,5,... needs a bit of practice but once you get it ...
  • 10. or also - As opposed to ? ‣ Another look at it is to compare imperative programming languages with declarative programming languages ‣ Imperative = emphasize on how something is computed ‣ Declarative = emphasize on what is to be computed and not on how ‣ Imperative is counterintuitive when you’re used to imperative programming
  • 11. Taking a look at <<Enumerable >>
  • 12. First introduce Closure ‣ Closure = an anonymous function block together with a referencing environment ‣ Where? javascript, python, ruby, PHP, C# 2.0, java 8! :)
  • 13. Enumerable#select (1..10).select { |x| x.odd? } => [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] # imperative style odds = [] (1..10).each do |n| odds << n if n.odd? end
  • 14. Enumerable#partition (1..10).partition { |x| x.odd? } => [[1, 3, 5, 7, 9], [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]] # imperative style p = [[],[]] (1..10).each do |n| p[0] << n if n.odd? p[1] << n unless n.odd? end
  • 15. Enumerable#map (1..10).map { |x| x * 2 } => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20] # imperative style doubles = [] (1..10).each do |n| doubles << n*2 end
  • 16. inject & reduce & foldl & foldr
  • 18. Enumerable#reduce (1..10).reduce { |x,y| x + y } # repeat sum => 55 # imperative style sum = 0 (1..10).each do |n| sum += n end sum # => 55
  • 19. Enumerable#reduce # repeat sum, start with 0 (1..10).reduce(0) { |x,y| x + y } => 55 # repeat multiply, start with 1 (1..10).reduce(1) { |x,y| x * y } => 3628800 # or ‘for real’ :) (1..10).inject(:+) => 55 (1..10).inject(:*) => 3628800
  • 20. Enumerator#group_by (1..6).group_by { |i| i%3 } => {0=>[3, 6], 1=>[1, 4], 2=>[2, 5]} # imperative style p = {} (1..6).each do |n| k = n%3 p[k] ||= [] p[k] << n end
  • 21. Enumerable#sort %w(rhea kea flea).sort #=> ["flea", "kea", "rhea"] (1..10).sort {|a,b| b <=> a} #=> [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] # imperative style # ... have fun ...
  • 22. (: take a breath :)
  • 23. Currying ‣ In mathematics and computer science, currying is the technique of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments (or a tuple of arguments) in such a way that it can be called as a chain of functions, each with a single argument (partial application). It was originated by Moses Schönfinkel and later re-discovered by Haskell Curry. ‣ curry(int, int => bool) = int => (int => bool)
  • 24. Functions as Values in Ruby inc = lambda { |x| x + 1 } inc = ->(x) { x + 1 } inc.(4) => 5 add = lambda { |x,y| x + y } add = ->(x,y) { x + y } add.(2,3) => 5
  • 25. Constants are Functions constant = ->(c,x) { c }.curry hello = constant.(“hello”) hello.(1) => “hello” hello.(“eugen”) => “hello”
  • 26. Composition identity = ->(x) { x } # a closure power = ->(base, x) { base**x }.curry sum_of = ->(f, xs, i=0) { xs.inject(i) { |a,i| a+=f.(i) } }.curry sum_of_numbers = sum_of.(identity) a Higher Order sum_of_power2s = sum_of.(power.(2)) function takes a sum_of_squares = sum_of.(square) function as parameter # usage sum_of_numbers.(0..10) # => 55 sum_of_squares.(0..10) # => 2047 sum_of.( power.(3) ).(0..10) # => 88573
  • 27. Constants are Functions constant = ->(c,x) { c }.curry sum_of = ->(f, r, i=0) { r.inject(i) { |a,i| a+=f.(i) } }.curry word_count = sum_of.( constant.(1) ) word_count.( %w(welcome to the world of fp) ) => 6
  • 28. Currying and Partial Evaluation power = ->(base, x) { base**x }.curry power.(10,2) # => 100 power.(10).(2) # => 100 power2 = power.(2) # partial evaluation power2.(3) # => 8 add = ->(x,y) { x + y }.curry add.(2,3) => 5 inc = add.(1) # partial evaluation inc.(3) => 4
  • 29. Currying and Partial Evaluation # meta functional programming ;) send = ->(m, o) { o.send(m) }.curry length_of = send.(:length) length_of.(“koen”) # => 4 length_of.([12,4,25,32,[2,2]]) # => 5
  • 30. More Composition # from previous length_of = ->(o) { o.length } sum_of = ->(f, r, i=0) { r.inject(i) { |a,i| a+=f.(i) } }.curry # compose total_length_off = sum_of.(length_of) # use total_length_off.( ['koen','ciprian','eugen'] ) # => 16 total_length_off.( [ [2,3,4], "koen", [3,4,5] ] ) # => 10
  • 31. Playing with boxes box1 = { width: 230, heigth: 304 } box2 = { width: 340, heigth: 243 } by_key = ->(k, o) { o[k] }.curry by_width = by_key.(:width) taller = ->(f, a, b) { f.(a) > f.(b) }.curry taller.(by_width, box1, box2) # => false taller.(by_key.(:heigth)).(box1,box2) # => true
  • 32. More boxes compose = ->(f,g,x) { g.(f.(x)) }.curry square = ->(x) { x*x } square_width = compose.(by_width).(square) square_width.(box1) # => 52900 square_height = compose.(by_key.(:heigth)).(square) square_height.(box1) # => 92416
  • 33. More composition map = ->(f, a) { { |x| f.(x) }}.curry # turn method into lambda squares = ->(a) { map.(square).(a) } squares = map.(square) # nicer through composition, not ? :) sum = ->(a) { a.inject(0,:+) } square_of_sum = compose.(sum).(square) after = compose sum_of_squares = after.(squares).(sum) square_of_sum.([2,3]) # => 25 sum_of_squares.([2,3]) # => 13 square_of_sum.([2,3,4]) # => 81 sum_of_squares.([2,3,4]) # => 29
  • 34. More composition book = [ %w(this is a long sentence), %w(this is a short), %w(yes) ] foldl = ->(f, arr) { arr.inject { |r, x| f.(r, x) } }.curry add = ->(a,b) { a+b } div = ->(a,b) { a*1.0/b } length = ->(x) { x.length } sum = foldl.(add) divide = foldl.(div) pair = parallel = ->(f,g,x) { [f.(x), g.(x) ] }.curry average = ->(a) { sum.(a) / length.(a) } average = after.( pair.(sum).(length) ).(divide) average_wordcount = after.( map.(length) ).(average) # => 3.33
  • 35. More Composition book = [ %w(this is a long sentence), %w(this is a short), %w(yes) ] flatten = ->(arr) { arr.flatten } # convert to lambda wordlengths = after.( flatten ).( map.(length) ) average_wordlength = after.(wordlengths).(average) average_wordlength.(book) # => 3.4
  • 36. Liquer Stores liquer_stores = [] liquer_stores << { name: "total", d: 2.0, price: 32.0 } liquer_stores << { name: "shell", d: 2.6, price: 28.5 } liquer_stores << { name: "esso", d: 3.2, price: 41.0 } liquer_stores << { name: "q8", d: 3.5, price: 22.0 } liquer_stores << { name: "shell", d: 4.5, price: 19.0 } liquer_stores << { name: "q8", d: 5.5, price: 18.0 }
  • 37. Imperative Liquer def cheap_boose_nearby (liquer_stores) min = liquer_stores[0][:price] liquer_stores.each do |store| if store[:d] < 5.0 then price = store[:price] price = price * 0.9 if store[:name] == "shell" min = price if price < min end end min end
  • 38. Declarative Liquer def expensive_boose_nearby (liquer_stores) nearby = ->(d, x) { x[:d] < d }.curry near = nearby.(5.0) myPrice = ->(x) { x[:name] == "shell" ? x[:price]*0.9 : x[:price] } liquer_stores. find_all(&near). recognize collect(&myPrice). SQL ? max end
  • 39. Generators / Sequence / Infinite ... # Functions that return a sequence of values # Here: fibonacci as infinite yielder fibonacci = do |list| a = b = 1 loop { list.yield a; a,b = b,a+b } end fibonacci.take(10) # [1, .. , 55] fibonacci.take(15) # [1, .. , 377, 610]
  • 40. Enumerable as Class class Fibs include Enumerable def each a = b = 1; loop { yield a; a,b = b,a+b }; end end
  • 41. Merci