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    Programming in Clojure
                Juan Manuel Gimeno Illa

Master in Open Source Engineering
Clojure is a Functional
• In Functional Programming, functions are the
  fundamental building-blocks for programs
• In imperative programming, instructions are
  these blocks
• A Functional Language is one that promotes
  and eases Functional Programming
  • Sometimes FP is called a style
Imperative program

• The task is accomplished by
 • executing sequences of instructions
 • which modify program state
 • until a desired result is achieved
• Variables represent memory addresses
Imperative program
Program Flow
                                        Program State
                   Write Variable

               Read & Modify Variable
                  Read Variable &
                   Control Flow            Variable

                  Modify Variable
                   Control Flow

                   Write Variable
Functional program
•   The task is accomplished by function
    composition: passing the result of one function as
    parameter to the next

    •   the entire program can be viewed as a single
        function defined in terms of smaller ones
    •   program execution is evaluation of expressions
    •   the nesting structure determines program flow
•   Variables represent values (as in maths)
Functional program
                                                         Argu             Function
                              e nts                               value
                           m                                  urn
                     A rgu                    Function     Ret
Input                               v alu
                           et urn                                         Function
                       R                                  Return value
         Function     Arg
                         um     ents
                        rn v                  Function
                                                              Recursive call
Pure functions
• A pure function is one that
 • depends upon nothing but its parameters
 • and does nothing but return a value
                          Performs calculations
                          and may call itself or
                          other pure functions
           Return Value
Impure functions
• An impure function either
 • reads from anywhere except its
 • or changes anything in the program state
    Arguments      Performs calculations   Reads external state
                      and may call any
                     function (pure or
    Return Value                           Writes external state
                                               (side effect)
FP and purity
• FP is largely concerned with the careful
  management of
  • state
  • side effects
• Both are necessary but are regarded as
  necessary evil
  • so use them as little as possible
Defining functions
Function definition
• Functions are the main building blocks in
  functional programming
• So, there are various means to define
  • defn macro (for top level functions)
  • anonymous functions
  • high-order functions
defn macro
                symbol to reference the function
(defn name      optional documentation string
                optional metadata map (we will
                ignore this aspect of clojure)
    body)        parameter vector

                function body
defn macro
(defn greeting
  "Returns a greeting of the form 'Hello, username.'"
   (str "Hello, " username))
=> #‘user/greeting
(greeting "world")
=> "Hello, world"
(doc greeting)
  Returns a greeting of the form 'Hello, username.'
=> nil
Multiple parameter lists
        and bodies
(defn greeting
  "Returns a greeting of the form 'Hello, username.'
  Default username is 'world'."
  ([] (greeting "world"))
  ([username] (str "Hello, " username)))
=> #‘user/greeting
=> "Hello, world"
Variable arity
                    sequence of arguments after the
                          second (nil if none)
(defn date [person-1 person-2 & chaperones]
 (println person-1 "and" person-2
         "went out with" (count chaperones)
=> #’user/date
(date "Romeo" "Juliet" "Friar Lawrence" "Nurse")
Romeo and Juliet went out with 2 chaperones.
=> nil
Anonymous Functions
•   There are three reasons to create an anomynous
    •   The function is so brief and self-explanatory that
        giving it a name makes the code harder to read.
    •   The function is used only from inside another
        function and needs a local name, not a top-level
    •   The function is created (dynamically at
        runtime)inside another function for the purpose of
        closing over some data (i.e. a closure).
Brief AFs
•   (defn indexable-word? [word]
      (> (count word) 2))
    (filter indexable-word?
      (split #”W+” “A fine day it is”))
    => (“fine” “day”)
•   (filter (fn [word] (> (count word) 2))
           (split #”W+” “A fine day it is”))
•   (filter #(> (count %) 2)
           (split #”W+” “A fine day it is”))
Local functions
•   (defn indexable-words [text]
     (let [indexable-word? (fn [w]
                              (> (count w) 2))]
        (filter indexable-word?
               (split #”W+” text))))
•   This combination says two things:
    •   indexable-word? is interesting enough to have a
        name (maybe as documentation)
    •   but it is relevant only inside indexable-words
•   (defn make-greeter
         (fn [username]
            (str greeting-prefix ", " username)))
    (def hello-greeting (make-greeter “Hello”))
    (hello-greeting “world”)
    => “Hello, world”
•   hello-greeting remembers the value of greeting-prefix
•   Formally, the greeting functions are closures over the
    value of greeting-prefix
•   Currying refers to the process of transforming
    a function into a function with less arguments
    wrappimg it into a closure.
•   Manipulating functions like this allows for the
    creation of customized functions w/o having to
    write explicit definitions for them.
•   Currying is so important in functional
    programmming that, for instance, in Haskell all
    functions are curried.
Currying with partial
• In Clojure any function can be curried using
  the partial function.

• For instance:
  (def times-pi (partial * 3.14159))
• is equivalent to:
  (defn times-pi [x]
     (* 3.14159 x))
•   In one sense every function is a compositions,
    since all functions must use other functions in
    their definitions.
•   However, the comp function creates news
    functions by combining existing ones w/o
    specifying an actual function body.
    •   the new function will call all the functions,
        from right to left, passing the result as the
        argument for the next one
Composing with comp
• For instance:
  (def concat-and-reverse
     (comp (partial apply str) reverse str))
• Is equivalent to:
  (defn concat-and-reverse [& strs]
    (apply str (reverse (apply str strs))))
• (concat-and-reverse "hello" "clojuredocs")
  => "scoderujolcolleh"
FP is naturally recursive
 • Consider this definition of the factorial
    (a.k.a. “the hello world of fp”)
int factorial(int n) {   • Its execution model
  int fact = 1;              can only be defined as
  int i = 1;                 changing values of
  while ( i <= n) {          variables
      fact *= i;
      ++i;               •   Can’t be seen as the
                             evaluation of an
  return fact;               expression
FP is naturally recursive
• Compare with this version:
          (defn fact [n]
            (if (zero? n)
                (* n (fact (dec n)))))

• In this cas execution can be viewed only as
  the evaluation of an expression
(fact 3)
         (if (zero? 3) 1 (* 3 (fact (dec 3))))
            (if false 1 (* 3 (fact (dec 3))))
                   (* 3 (fact (dec 3)))
                       (* 3 (fact 2))
      (* 3 (if (zero? 2) 1 (* 2 (fact (dec 2)))))
         (* 3 (if false 1 (* 2 (fact (dec 2)))))
                (* 3 (* 2 (fact (dec 2))))
                    (* 3 (* 2 (fact 1)))
   (* 3 (* 2 (if (zero? 1) 1 (* 1 (fact (dec 1))))))
      (* 3 (* 2 (if false 1 (* 1 (fact (dec 1))))))
            (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (fact (dec 1)))))
                (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (fact 0))))
(* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (if (zero? 0) 1 (* 0 (fact (dec 0)))))))
   (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (if true 1 (* 0 (fact (dec 0)))))))
                    (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 1)))
                       (* 3 (* 2 1))
                          (* 3 2)
Blowing the stack

• Recursive functions have the problem that
  use stack space
• So, if the number of calls to return to is
  big, the stack overflows.
• For instance, calling (fact 10000) produces
Tail call
• A tail call is a function call producing a
  return value which is then returned by the
  calling function.
  • the call site is then said to be in tail
• Tail calls are important because they can be
  implemented without consuming space in
  the call stack (tail call optimization or TCO)
Tail recursion
• A function is tail recursive if all its recursive
  calls are made in tail position.
  • e.g. the fact function presented before is
     not tail-recursive because the result given
     by (fact (dec n)) is further multiplied by n
• Often it is easy to construct a tail recursive
  version by means of an accumulator.
Tail recursive factorial
    (defn fact2
     ([n] (fact2 n 1))
     ([n f] (if (zero? n)
                 (fact2 (dec n) (* f n)))))

•   But (fact2 10000) blows the stack too !!!
•   The problem is that the JVM does not make
    TCO and Clojure uses the JVM call mechanism.
The recur special form
• To have TCO in Clojure, it is necessary to
  indicate it explicitly by means of the recur
  special form.

    (defn fact2
     ([n] (fact2 n 1))
     ([n f] (if (zero? n)
                 (recur (dec n) (* f n)))))
The loop special form
• Simplifies the definition of TR functions by
  defining an anonymous fn, making the initial
  call and allowing recur to it.
       (defn fact3 [n]
        (loop [n n
                 f 1]
           (if (zero? n)
               (recur (dec n) (* f n)))))
• recur does not solve mutual recursive tail-
   (declare my-odd? my-even?)

   (defn my-odd? [n]
    (if (= n 0) false #(my-even? (dec n))))

   (defn my-even? [n]
    (if (= n 0) true #(my-odd? (dec n))))

   (trampoline my-even? 1000000)
No recursion using
•   Some recursions are avoidable using the high order function
•   (reduce f v c)applies f to v and the first element of c
    to get v’, then f to v’ and the second element of c, etc.
    •   if we don’t pass v, the first element of c is used
    •   unless c is empty, and we return (f)
•   When the list is exhausted the last computed value is
•   Using reduce we substitute explicit recursion (and
    accumulation) by function application.
reduce examples
•   (defn sumaseq1 [s] (reduce + 0 s))

•   (defn sumaseq2 [s] (reduce + s))

•   (defn factorial [n] (reduce * (range 1 (+ n 1))))

•   (defn mistery1 [s]
     (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc (get %1 %2 0))) {} s))

•   (defn mistery1 [s]
     (reduce (fn [m v] (assoc m v (inc (get m v 0)))) {} s))

•   (defn mistery2 [s]
     (reduce #(merge-with + %1 {%2 1}) {} s))
Continuation passing
• Instead of returning values, a function
  written in CPS takes an explicit
  continuation" argument
• This function represents what must be
  done after the result of the function is
• This style of programming allows for some
  high level control abstractions
• In CPS every call is a tail call
CPS example
(defn dec-cp [x k] (k (dec x)))

(defn *-cps [x y k] (k (* x y)))

(defn factorial-cps
    (factorial-cps n identity))
 ([n k]
   (if (zero? n)
       (k 1)
       (dec-cps n (fn [nn]
                     (factorial-cps nn
                                   (fn [ff]
                                       (*-cps n ff k))))))))
A tail recursive version
• The continuation is a function that reifies
  the process of the execution stack

 (defn factorial-tail-rec
      (factorial-tail-rec n identity))
    ([n k]
      (if (zero? n)
          (k 1)
          (recur (dec n) (fn [v] (k (* n v)))))))
Immutable data
• One cornerstone principle in Clojure is
  • so data structures in clojure are immutable
  • (except references and transients)
• Immutability at the language level:
  • allows pure functions on data structures
  • simplifies concurrent programming
Comparing to Java
•   Creating immutable classes in Java is possible:
    •   both the class and all its fields should be labeled as final
    •   this reference should not escape during construction
    •   any internal mutable objects should
        •   originate within the class
        •   never scape
•   Some constraints are not enforced by the language
    •   Immutability by convention !!!!
Why immutability?
•   Invariants
    •   are defined only in the construction mechanism
    •   never violated afterwards
•   Reasoning
    •   about its possible states and transitions is simplified
•   Equality has meaning
    •   equality in the presence of mutability has no meaning
    •   equality in the face of mutability and concurrency is utter
Why immutability?
•   Sharing is cheap
    •   if an object will never change, sharing it only needs
        providing a reference
    •   the object can be interned
•   Fosters concurrent programming
    •   immutable objects are always thread safe
        •   no need to synchronize nor lock
    •   (clojure isolates mutation to its reference types which
        have a well defined concurrency semantics)
Naïve implementation
•   A naïve implementation of immutable data consist
    on copying lots and lots of data
•   F.i., adding an element to a list w/o mutating the list
    consist in copying it, and adding the element to the
    •   the original list is preserved
    •   the new list contains both the new element and
        those from the old list
•   This is unacceptable both in time and space
Structural sharing
• As lists are immutable, one can share the
  common elements in both lists.

• (as one can see baselist as a historical
  version of both lst1 and lst2, this kind
  of structures are called persistent)
   (def baselist (list :barnabas :adam))
   (def lst1 (cons :willie baselist))
   (def lst2 (cons :phoenix baselist))
   (identical? (rest lst1) (rest lst2))
   => true
Single linked list
lst1     :willis

                         :barnabas      :adam

lst2   :phoenix
A persistent tree
• Clojure’s vectors and maps are also
  persistent and implemented by a hash-tree
  (an explanation of PersistentVector
  implementation can be found in this post)
• Let’s build a persistent binary search tree
  implementation to “understand” how
  structural sharing can work in a tree
A persistent tree
• Each node in the tree will have three fields: a
  value, the left branch and the right branch.
• The empy tree will be simply nil.
• We will define a function xconj that adds a
  value in the tree
(defn xconj [t v]
    (nil? t) {:val v :L nil :R nil})
A persistent tree
•   Now we have to handle the case of adding to a non-
    empty tree
•   As is an ordered tree we must test if the insertion goes
    on the right or on the left
•   Suppose (< v (:val t))
    •   if this were a mutable tree we must have substituted :L
        with the tree resulting from the insertion
    •   instead, we should build a new node, copying parts of
        the old node that don’t need to change
A persistent tree
(defn xconj [t v]
    (nil? t) {:val v :L nil :R nil})
    (< v (:val v)) {:val (:val t)
                    :L   (xconj (:L t) v)
                    :R   (:R t)}
    :else          {:val (:val t)
                    :L   (:L t)
                    :R   (xconj (:R t) v)}))
A persistent tree
(def tree1
  (-> nil
      (xconj 5)
      (xconj 3)
      (xconj 2))

(def tree2 (xconj tree1 7)

(identical? (:L tree1) (:L tree2))
=> true
A persistent tree
                     tree1              tree2

               :L    :val    :R    :L   :val    :R
                      5      nil         5

       :L     :val    :R                 :L     :val   :R

               3      nil                nil     7     nil

:L    :val     :R

nil    2       nil
Bit-partitioned hash tries

            From R.Hickey’, “Persistent Data
            Structures and Managed References”
Path Copying
                                           int count   16
int count    15
                                          INode root
INode root

                       From R.Hickey’, “Persistent Data
                       Structures and Managed References”
Performance Guarantees
                     hash-map   sorted-map hash-set   sorted-set   vector     queue      list       lazy seq

  conj               near-      logarith   near-    logarith       constant   constant constant constant
                     constant   mic        constant mic            (tail)     (tail)   (head)   (head)
  assoc              near-      logarith   -        -              near-      -        -        -
                     constant   mic                                constant
  dissoc             near-      logarith   -          -            -          -          -          -
                     constant   mic
  disj               -          -          near-    logarith       -          -          -          -
                                           constant mic
  nth                -          -          -        -    near-                linear     linear     linear
  get                near-    logarith near-    logarith near-                -          -          -
                     constant mic      constant mic      constant
  pop                -        -        -        -        constant             constant   constant   constant
                                                         (tail)               (head)     (head)     (head)
  peek               -        -        -        -        constant             constant   constant   constant
                                                         (tail)               (head)     (head)     (head)
  count              constant constant constant constant constant             constant   constant   linear

From Stefan Tilkov’s, “Concurrent Programming with Clojure”
Thursday, May 20, 2010                                                                                         38
Unifying data with
Abstracting structures
•   At a low level programs work with structures such as
    strings, lists, vectors and trees
•   At a higher level, these same data structure
    abstractions come again and again
    •   XML data is a tree
    •   DB query results can be viewed as lists or vectors
    •   Directory hierarchies are trees
    •   Files are often viewed as one big string or as a
        vector of lines
Sequence abstraction
•   In clojure all these data structures can be accesses
    through a single abstraction: the sequence (or seq).
•   A seq is a logical list (not tied to implementation)
•   Collections that can be viewed as seqs are called
•   The sequence library is a set of functions that can
    work with any seq-able
•   They are the functional and immutable equivalents
    to iterators
Seq-able collections
•   All Clojure collections
•   All Java collections
•   Java arrays and strings
•   Regular expression matches
•   Directory structures
•   I/O streams
•   XML trees
•   .....
•   A sequence has three core capabilities:
    •   you can get the first item in a sequence:
        (first aseq)
        first returns nil if its argument is empty or nil
    •   you can get everything after the first element:
        (rest aseq)
        rest returns an empty seq (not nil) if there are no more
    •   you can construct a new sequence by adding an element
        to the front:
        (cons elem aseq)
•   These three capabilities are declared in the Java
    interface clojure.lang.ISeq
•   The seq function will return a seq on any seq-able
    (seq coll)
    seq will return nil if coll is empty of nil
•   The next function will return the seq of items after
    the first:
    (next aseq)
    and is equivalent to (seq (rest aseq))
Sequence library
• (first ‘(1 2 3))     • (first [1 2 3])
  => 1                  => 1

• (rest ‘(1 2 3))     • (rest [1 2 3])
  => (2 3)              => (2 3)

• (cons 0 ‘(1 2 3))   • (cons 0 [1 2 3])
  => (0 1 2 3)          => (0 1 2 3)
Beware of the REPL

• When you apply rest or cons to a vector, the
  result is a seq not a vector
• In the REPL seqs print just    like lists
• (class (rest [1 2 3]))
  => clojure.lang.PersistentVector$ChunkedSeq
Treating maps as seqs
•   (first {:fname "Stu" :lname "Halloway"})
    => [:fname "Stu"]
•   (rest {:fname "Stu" :lname "Halloway"})
    => ([:lname "Halloway"])
•   (cons [:mname "Dabbs"]
          {:fname "Stu" :lname "Halloway"})
    => ([:mname "Dabbs"] [:lname "Halloway"]
    [:fname "Stu”])
•   There is also (sorted-map & elems)
Sets as seqs
• (first #{:the :quick :brown :fox})
  => :brown
• (rest #{:the :quick :brown :fox})
  => (:the :fox :quick)
• (cons :jumped #{:the :quick :brown :fox})
  => (:jumped :brown :the :fox :quick)
• There is also a (sorted-set & elems)
conj and into
• (conj '(1 2 3) :a)
   => (:a 1 2 3)
• (into '(1 2 3) '(:a :b :c))
   => (:c :b :a 1 2 3)
• (conj [1 2 3] :a)
   => [1 2 3 :a]
• (into [1 2 3] [:a :b :c])
   => [1 2 3 :a :b :c]
Creating sequences
•   (range start? end step?)   •   (interpose sep coll)

•   (take n sequence)          •   (cycle coll)

•   (drop n sequence)

•   (repeat n? x)

•   (iterate f x)

•   (interleave & colls)
• (list & elements)
• (vector & elements)
• (hash-set & elements)
• (hash-map key-1 val-1 key-2 val-2 ...)
• (set coll)
• (vec coll)
Filtering sequences

• (filter pred coll)
• (take-while pred coll)
• (drop-while pred coll)
• (split-at index coll)
• (split-with pred coll)
Some examples
•   (take-while (complement #{aeiou})
    => (t h)
•   (drop-while (complement #{aeiou})
    => (e - q u i c k - b r o w n - f o x)
•   (split-at 5 (range 10))
    => [(0 1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8 9)]
•   (split-with #(<= % 10) (range 0 20 2))
    => [(0 2 4 6 8 10) (12 14 16 18)]
Sequence predicates

• (every? pred coll)
• (some pred coll)
• (not-every? pred coll)
• (not-any? pred coll)
Transforming sequences

• (map f coll)
• (reduce f val? coll)
• (sort comp? coll)
• (sort-by a-fn comp? coll)
Some examples
•   (map #(format "<p>%s</p>" %)
         ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox"])
    => ("<p>the</p>" "<p>quick</p>" "<p>brown</p>"
•   (map #(format "<%s>%s</%s>" %1 %2 %1)
         ["h1" "h2" "h3" "h1"]
         ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox"])
    => ("<h1>the</h1>" "<h2>quick</h2>" "<h3>brown</
    h3>" "<h1>fox</h1>")
•   (reduce + (range 1 11))
    => 55
More examples
•   (sort [42 1 7 11])
    => (1 7 11 42)
•   (sort-by str [42 1 7 11])
    => (1 11 42 7)
•   (sort > [42 1 7 11])
    => (42 11 7 1)
•   (sort-by :grade > [{:grade 83} {:grade 90} {:grade
    => ({:grade 90} {:grade 83} {:grade 77})
List comprehensions
•   A list comprehension creates a list setting the properties
    the result list must satisfy
•   A list comprehension will consist of the following
    •   input list(s)
    •   placeholder names for elements in the input lists
    •   predicates on the elements
    •   an output form that generates the elements from the
        elements in the input that satisfy the predicates
•   (for [binding-form coll-expr filter-expr? ...] expr)
•   (for [word ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox"]]
       (format "<p>word</p>" word))
    => ("<p>the</p>" "<p>quick</p>" "<p>brown</p>"
•   (for [n (range 10) :when (even? n)] n)
    => (0 2 4 6 8)
•   (for [n (range 10) : while (even? n)] n)
    => (0)
•   (for [file "ABCDEFGH" rank (range 1 9)]
       (format "%c%d" file rank))
    => ("A1" "A2" ... elided ... "H7 ""H8")
Lazy sequences
Seqs are conceptual
• All sequences share the same conceptual
  model: a singly linked list.

      first                 rest

                first              rest

                           first           rest

     Item       Item      Item           (empty)
Introducing lazyness
• The rest of a sequence doesn’t need to
  exist, provided it can be created when
     first                      rest

            Instructions to generate the next component
Benefits of lazy seqs
•   You can postpone expensive computations that
    may not in fact be needed.
•   You can work with huge data sets that do not
    fit into memory
    •   even infinite ones !!
•   You can delay I/O until it is absolutely needed
•   (there exist functional languages such as
    Haskell in which all evaluation is lazy)
Caution with infinite
•   Some care is required with infinite sequences not
    to attempt to realize an infinite number of values.

•   Trying to print an infinite lazy sequence in the
    REPL is an usual mistake
    •   use take (or similar)
    •   set! a non-nil value to *print-length*, for
        (set! *print-length* 10)
“Seeing” the lazyness
• To “see” lazyness in action we must create a
  non-pure function (why?)
   (def squares (map (fn [n] (print *) (* n n))
                     (iterate inc 1)))
   (first squares)
   => *1
                                       Only the necessary
   (second squares)                    part is realized
   => *4
   (first squares)                      Realized elements
   => 1                                are cached
   (take 4 squares)
   => (1 *4 *9 16)
Constructing LS
 • To built a LS manually, use the built-in
   lazy-seq macro.
(defn lazy-counter [base increment]
    (cons base
      (lazy-counter (+ base increment) increment))))
(take 10 (lazy-counter 0 2)
=> (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18)
(nth (lazy-counter 2 3) 1000000)
=> 3000002
Constructing LS using
 generator functions
• It’s often easier to use a sequence
  generator function than lazy-seq
• For instance, iterate generates an infinite
  sequence of items by callimng a fn and
  passing the previous value as argument.

 (defn lazy-counter-iterate [base increment]
  (iterate (fn [n] (+ n increment)) base))
Constructing LS using
 generator functions
• It’s often easier to use a sequence
  generator function than lazy-seq
• For instance, iterate generates an infinite
  sequence of items by callimng a fn and
  passing the previous value as argument.

 (defn lazy-counter-iterate [base increment]
  (iterate (partial + increment) base))
Circular programs
• A circular program creates a data structure
  whose computation depends upon itself or
  refers to itself.
• Circular programs provide a very
  appropriate formalism to model multiple
  traversal algorithms as elegant and concise
  single traversal solutions.
Some CP examples
(def ones
  (lazy-seq (cons 1 ones)))
(def nats
  (lazy-seq (cons 0 (map inc nats))))
(def nats-2
  (lazy-seq (cons 0 (map + (repeat 1) nats-2))))
(def fibs
  (lazy-seq (list* 1 1 (map + fibs (drop 1 fibs)))))
(def fibs-2
  (list* 1 1 (lazy-seq (map + fibs (rest fibs-2)))))
(def facts
  (lazy-seq (cons 1 (map * facts (iterate inc 1)))))
Forcing Sequences
•   We have seen using take to prevent the REPL to
    evaluate the entire sequence.
•   Sometimes we have the opposite problem: we want
    to force the complete evaluation of a sequence
    •   for instance because the code generating the
        sequence has side-effects
•   For instance:
    (def x (for [i (range 1 3)] (do (println i) i)))
    => #‘user/x
Forcing Sequences
•   doall forces Clojure to walk the elements of a sequence
    and returns the elements as a result:
    (doall x)
    => (1 2)
•   dorun walks the elements w/o keeping past elements in
    memory (and returns nil)
•   As Clojure discourages side-effects you should use
    them rarelly (clojure.core calls each one once in 4kloc).
LS and memory
•   Using LS it is possible to use large, even infinite, sequences in a
    memory efficient way.
•   But it is also possible to inadvertently consume large amounts of
    memory (even resulting in OutOfMemoryError).
•   Use the following guidelines to reason about how LS consume
    •   LS not realized consume no appreciable memory
    •   Once realized it consumes memory for all values that contains
        •   provided there is a reference to the realized sequence
        •   until the reference is discarded and the sequence garbage
LS and memory
• ~60 Mb of heap
  (def integers (iterate inc 0))
  (nth integers 1000000)
• Almost nothing
  (nth (iterate inc 0) 1000000)
• nth itself does not maintain any references
  (it retrieves rest from each entry, and drops
  any references to the sequence itself)
;; Lazy quick-sort (The Joy of Clojure, Listing 6.3)

(defn- cons-when [v coll]
  (if (empty? v) coll (cons v coll)))

(defn- sort-parts [work]
  "Lazy, tail-recursive, incremental quicksort. Works against
   and creates partitions based on the pivot, defined as work"
   (loop [[part & parts :as work] work]
     (when work
       (if (coll? part)
            (let [[pivot & xs] part
                  smaller? #(< % pivot)]
               (recur (cons-when
                         (filter smaller? xs)
                         (cons pivot
                                 (remove smaller? xs)
            (cons part (sort-parts parts)))))))

(defn qsort [xs]
     (sort-parts (list xs)))
•   Destructuring allows us to bind locals based on
    an expected form for a composite data structure.

•   You can use destructuring bindings in:
    •   function parameters
    •   let forms
    •   binding forms
    •   (and other macros based on them)
Destructuring with a
•   This is the simplest form of destructuring and allows to
    pick apart a sequential thing
    •   you give each item a name
    •   you can also use an ampersand (&) to indicate the
        remaining values, which are bound to a (possibly lazy)
    •   :as can be used to bind a local to the entire collection
    •   if you are not interested on an element its idiomatic
        to use the name _
Destructuring with a
 (let [range-vec (vec (range 10))
        [a _ c & more :as all] range-vec]
    (println "a c are:" a c)
    (println "more is:" more)
    (println "all is:" all))
 a c are: 0 2
 more is: (3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
 all is: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
 => nil
Destructuring with a
• As we have seen, usually we represent
  records by maps using keys as keywords
• We can use destructuring to access the
  different fields in those maps
   (defn name-to-string
     [{f-name :f-name
       m-name :m-name
       l-name :l-name}]
    (str l-name “, “ f-name “ “ m-name))
Destructuring with a
• Using similar names for the locals and the
  keywords is so usual that there exists
  special syntax for it.

• There also exist :strs and :syms for
  strings and symbols.
    (defn name-to-string
      [{:keys [f-name m-name l-name]}]
     (str l-name “, “ f-name “ “ m-name))
Destructuring with a
• If the destructuring map looks up a key not
  in the source map
  • normally bound to nil
  • different defaults with :or
(defn name-to-string
  [{:keys [title f-name m-name l-name]
    :or {title “Mr.”}}]
 (str title “ “ l-name “, “ f-name “ “ m-name))
Named arguments and
   default values
• Since 1.2 functions can have named
  optional arguments.
(defn slope
  [& {:keys [p1 p2] :or {p1 [0 0] p2 [1 1]}}]
  (float (/ (- (p2 1) (p1 1))
            (- (p2 0) (p1 0)))))
(slope :p1 [4 15] :p2 [3 21])
=> -6.0
(slope :p2 [2 1])
=> 0.5
All together ....
Six Rules of Clojure FP
1. Avoid direct recursion
                               4. Be careful not to realize
   (the JVM cannot optimize
                                  more of a lazy sequence
   recursive calls)
                                  than needed.
2. User recur when you are
                               5. Know the sequence
   producing scalar values
   or small, fixed sequences
   (Clojure will optimize      6. Subdivide even simple
   those calls).                  problems into smaller
                                  pieces and you will often
3. When producing large or
                                  find solutions in the
   variable-sized sequences,
                                  sequence library.
   always be lazy.
• L.VanderHart and S. Sierra, Practical Clojure,
  Apress, 2010.
• S.Halloway, Programming Clojure, Pragmatic
  Bookshelf, 2009.
• M. Fogus and C. Houser, The Joy of Clojure,
  Manning, (to be publised).
• R. Hickey, Persistent Data Structures and
  Managed References (video and slides).

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Acetabularia Information For Class 9 .docx

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Functional programming in clojure

  • 1. Functional Programming in Clojure Juan Manuel Gimeno Illa Master in Open Source Engineering
  • 2. Clojure is a Functional Language • In Functional Programming, functions are the fundamental building-blocks for programs • In imperative programming, instructions are these blocks • A Functional Language is one that promotes and eases Functional Programming • Sometimes FP is called a style
  • 3. Imperative program • The task is accomplished by • executing sequences of instructions • which modify program state • until a desired result is achieved • Variables represent memory addresses
  • 4. Imperative program Program Flow Program State Write Variable Read & Modify Variable Variable Read Variable & Control Flow Variable Modify Variable Variable Control Flow Write Variable
  • 5. Functional program • The task is accomplished by function composition: passing the result of one function as parameter to the next • the entire program can be viewed as a single function defined in terms of smaller ones • program execution is evaluation of expressions • the nesting structure determines program flow • Variables represent values (as in maths)
  • 6. Functional program s ment Argu Function e nts value m urn A rgu Function Ret Arguments e Input v alu et urn Function R Return value Function Arg um ents Output Retu rn v Function alue Recursive call
  • 7. Pure functions • A pure function is one that • depends upon nothing but its parameters • and does nothing but return a value Arguments Performs calculations and may call itself or other pure functions Return Value
  • 8. Impure functions • An impure function either • reads from anywhere except its parameters • or changes anything in the program state Arguments Performs calculations Reads external state and may call any function (pure or impure) Return Value Writes external state (side effect)
  • 9. FP and purity • FP is largely concerned with the careful management of • state • side effects • Both are necessary but are regarded as necessary evil • so use them as little as possible
  • 11. Function definition • Functions are the main building blocks in functional programming • So, there are various means to define functions • defn macro (for top level functions) • anonymous functions • high-order functions
  • 12. defn macro symbol to reference the function (defn name optional documentation string doc-string? optional metadata map (we will attr-map? ignore this aspect of clojure) [params*] body) parameter vector function body
  • 13. defn macro (defn greeting "Returns a greeting of the form 'Hello, username.'" [username] (str "Hello, " username)) => #‘user/greeting (greeting "world") => "Hello, world" (doc greeting) ------------------------- user/greeting ([username]) Returns a greeting of the form 'Hello, username.' => nil
  • 14. Multiple parameter lists and bodies (defn greeting "Returns a greeting of the form 'Hello, username.' Default username is 'world'." ([] (greeting "world")) ([username] (str "Hello, " username))) => #‘user/greeting (greeting) => "Hello, world"
  • 15. Variable arity sequence of arguments after the second (nil if none) (defn date [person-1 person-2 & chaperones] (println person-1 "and" person-2 "went out with" (count chaperones) "chaperones.")) => #’user/date (date "Romeo" "Juliet" "Friar Lawrence" "Nurse") Romeo and Juliet went out with 2 chaperones. => nil
  • 16. Anonymous Functions • There are three reasons to create an anomynous function: • The function is so brief and self-explanatory that giving it a name makes the code harder to read. • The function is used only from inside another function and needs a local name, not a top-level binding. • The function is created (dynamically at runtime)inside another function for the purpose of closing over some data (i.e. a closure).
  • 17. Brief AFs • (defn indexable-word? [word] (> (count word) 2)) (filter indexable-word? (split #”W+” “A fine day it is”)) => (“fine” “day”) • (filter (fn [word] (> (count word) 2)) (split #”W+” “A fine day it is”)) • (filter #(> (count %) 2) (split #”W+” “A fine day it is”))
  • 18. Local functions • (defn indexable-words [text] (let [indexable-word? (fn [w] (> (count w) 2))] (filter indexable-word? (split #”W+” text)))) • This combination says two things: • indexable-word? is interesting enough to have a name (maybe as documentation) • but it is relevant only inside indexable-words
  • 19. Closures • (defn make-greeter [greeting-prefix] (fn [username] (str greeting-prefix ", " username))) (def hello-greeting (make-greeter “Hello”)) (hello-greeting “world”) => “Hello, world” • hello-greeting remembers the value of greeting-prefix • Formally, the greeting functions are closures over the value of greeting-prefix
  • 20. Currying • Currying refers to the process of transforming a function into a function with less arguments wrappimg it into a closure. • Manipulating functions like this allows for the creation of customized functions w/o having to write explicit definitions for them. • Currying is so important in functional programmming that, for instance, in Haskell all functions are curried.
  • 21. Currying with partial • In Clojure any function can be curried using the partial function. • For instance: (def times-pi (partial * 3.14159)) • is equivalent to: (defn times-pi [x] (* 3.14159 x))
  • 22. Composing • In one sense every function is a compositions, since all functions must use other functions in their definitions. • However, the comp function creates news functions by combining existing ones w/o specifying an actual function body. • the new function will call all the functions, from right to left, passing the result as the argument for the next one
  • 23. Composing with comp • For instance: (def concat-and-reverse (comp (partial apply str) reverse str)) • Is equivalent to: (defn concat-and-reverse [& strs] (apply str (reverse (apply str strs)))) • (concat-and-reverse "hello" "clojuredocs") => "scoderujolcolleh"
  • 25. FP is naturally recursive • Consider this definition of the factorial (a.k.a. “the hello world of fp”) int factorial(int n) { • Its execution model int fact = 1; can only be defined as int i = 1; changing values of while ( i <= n) { variables fact *= i; ++i; • Can’t be seen as the evaluation of an } return fact; expression }
  • 26. FP is naturally recursive • Compare with this version: (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n))))) • In this cas execution can be viewed only as the evaluation of an expression
  • 27. (fact 3) (if (zero? 3) 1 (* 3 (fact (dec 3)))) (if false 1 (* 3 (fact (dec 3)))) (* 3 (fact (dec 3))) (* 3 (fact 2)) (* 3 (if (zero? 2) 1 (* 2 (fact (dec 2))))) (* 3 (if false 1 (* 2 (fact (dec 2))))) (* 3 (* 2 (fact (dec 2)))) (* 3 (* 2 (fact 1))) (* 3 (* 2 (if (zero? 1) 1 (* 1 (fact (dec 1)))))) (* 3 (* 2 (if false 1 (* 1 (fact (dec 1)))))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (fact (dec 1))))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (fact 0)))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (if (zero? 0) 1 (* 0 (fact (dec 0))))))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (if true 1 (* 0 (fact (dec 0))))))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 1))) (* 3 (* 2 1)) (* 3 2) 6
  • 28. Blowing the stack • Recursive functions have the problem that use stack space • So, if the number of calls to return to is big, the stack overflows. • For instance, calling (fact 10000) produces java.lang.StackOverflowError
  • 29. Tail call • A tail call is a function call producing a return value which is then returned by the calling function. • the call site is then said to be in tail position. • Tail calls are important because they can be implemented without consuming space in the call stack (tail call optimization or TCO)
  • 30. Tail recursion • A function is tail recursive if all its recursive calls are made in tail position. • e.g. the fact function presented before is not tail-recursive because the result given by (fact (dec n)) is further multiplied by n • Often it is easy to construct a tail recursive version by means of an accumulator.
  • 31. Tail recursive factorial (defn fact2 ([n] (fact2 n 1)) ([n f] (if (zero? n) f (fact2 (dec n) (* f n))))) • But (fact2 10000) blows the stack too !!! • The problem is that the JVM does not make TCO and Clojure uses the JVM call mechanism.
  • 32. The recur special form • To have TCO in Clojure, it is necessary to indicate it explicitly by means of the recur special form. (defn fact2 ([n] (fact2 n 1)) ([n f] (if (zero? n) f (recur (dec n) (* f n)))))
  • 33. The loop special form • Simplifies the definition of TR functions by defining an anonymous fn, making the initial call and allowing recur to it. (defn fact3 [n] (loop [n n f 1] (if (zero? n) f (recur (dec n) (* f n)))))
  • 34. Trampolining • recur does not solve mutual recursive tail- recursion. (declare my-odd? my-even?) (defn my-odd? [n] (if (= n 0) false #(my-even? (dec n)))) (defn my-even? [n] (if (= n 0) true #(my-odd? (dec n)))) (trampoline my-even? 1000000)
  • 35. No recursion using reduce • Some recursions are avoidable using the high order function reduce • (reduce f v c)applies f to v and the first element of c to get v’, then f to v’ and the second element of c, etc. • if we don’t pass v, the first element of c is used • unless c is empty, and we return (f) • When the list is exhausted the last computed value is returned. • Using reduce we substitute explicit recursion (and accumulation) by function application.
  • 36. reduce examples • (defn sumaseq1 [s] (reduce + 0 s)) • (defn sumaseq2 [s] (reduce + s)) • (defn factorial [n] (reduce * (range 1 (+ n 1)))) • (defn mistery1 [s] (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc (get %1 %2 0))) {} s)) • (defn mistery1 [s] (reduce (fn [m v] (assoc m v (inc (get m v 0)))) {} s)) • (defn mistery2 [s] (reduce #(merge-with + %1 {%2 1}) {} s))
  • 37. Continuation passing style • Instead of returning values, a function written in CPS takes an explicit continuation" argument • This function represents what must be done after the result of the function is computed • This style of programming allows for some high level control abstractions • In CPS every call is a tail call
  • 38. CPS example (defn dec-cp [x k] (k (dec x))) (defn *-cps [x y k] (k (* x y))) (defn factorial-cps ([n] (factorial-cps n identity)) ([n k] (if (zero? n) (k 1) (dec-cps n (fn [nn] (factorial-cps nn (fn [ff] (*-cps n ff k))))))))
  • 39. A tail recursive version • The continuation is a function that reifies the process of the execution stack (defn factorial-tail-rec ([n] (factorial-tail-rec n identity)) ([n k] (if (zero? n) (k 1) (recur (dec n) (fn [v] (k (* n v)))))))
  • 40. Immutable data structures
  • 41. Immutability • One cornerstone principle in Clojure is immutability • so data structures in clojure are immutable • (except references and transients) • Immutability at the language level: • allows pure functions on data structures • simplifies concurrent programming
  • 42. Comparing to Java • Creating immutable classes in Java is possible: • both the class and all its fields should be labeled as final • this reference should not escape during construction • any internal mutable objects should • originate within the class • never scape • Some constraints are not enforced by the language • Immutability by convention !!!!
  • 43. Why immutability? • Invariants • are defined only in the construction mechanism • never violated afterwards • Reasoning • about its possible states and transitions is simplified • Equality has meaning • equality in the presence of mutability has no meaning • equality in the face of mutability and concurrency is utter lunacy
  • 44. Why immutability? • Sharing is cheap • if an object will never change, sharing it only needs providing a reference • the object can be interned • Fosters concurrent programming • immutable objects are always thread safe • no need to synchronize nor lock • (clojure isolates mutation to its reference types which have a well defined concurrency semantics)
  • 45. Naïve implementation • A naïve implementation of immutable data consist on copying lots and lots of data • F.i., adding an element to a list w/o mutating the list consist in copying it, and adding the element to the copy • the original list is preserved • the new list contains both the new element and those from the old list • This is unacceptable both in time and space
  • 46. Structural sharing • As lists are immutable, one can share the common elements in both lists. • (as one can see baselist as a historical version of both lst1 and lst2, this kind of structures are called persistent) (def baselist (list :barnabas :adam)) (def lst1 (cons :willie baselist)) (def lst2 (cons :phoenix baselist)) (identical? (rest lst1) (rest lst2)) => true
  • 47. Single linked list baselist lst1 :willis :barnabas :adam lst2 :phoenix
  • 48. A persistent tree • Clojure’s vectors and maps are also persistent and implemented by a hash-tree (an explanation of PersistentVector implementation can be found in this post) • Let’s build a persistent binary search tree implementation to “understand” how structural sharing can work in a tree
  • 49. A persistent tree • Each node in the tree will have three fields: a value, the left branch and the right branch. • The empy tree will be simply nil. • We will define a function xconj that adds a value in the tree (defn xconj [t v] (cond (nil? t) {:val v :L nil :R nil}) ....
  • 50. A persistent tree • Now we have to handle the case of adding to a non- empty tree • As is an ordered tree we must test if the insertion goes on the right or on the left • Suppose (< v (:val t)) • if this were a mutable tree we must have substituted :L with the tree resulting from the insertion • instead, we should build a new node, copying parts of the old node that don’t need to change
  • 51. A persistent tree (defn xconj [t v] (cond (nil? t) {:val v :L nil :R nil}) (< v (:val v)) {:val (:val t) :L (xconj (:L t) v) :R (:R t)} :else {:val (:val t) :L (:L t) :R (xconj (:R t) v)}))
  • 52. A persistent tree (def tree1 (-> nil (xconj 5) (xconj 3) (xconj 2)) (def tree2 (xconj tree1 7) (identical? (:L tree1) (:L tree2)) => true
  • 53. A persistent tree tree1 tree2 :L :val :R :L :val :R 5 nil 5 :L :val :R :L :val :R 3 nil nil 7 nil :L :val :R nil 2 nil
  • 54. Bit-partitioned hash tries From R.Hickey’, “Persistent Data Structures and Managed References”
  • 55. Path Copying HashMap HashMap int count 16 int count 15 INode root INode root From R.Hickey’, “Persistent Data Structures and Managed References”
  • 56. Performance Guarantees hash-map sorted-map hash-set sorted-set vector queue list lazy seq conj near- logarith near- logarith constant constant constant constant constant mic constant mic (tail) (tail) (head) (head) assoc near- logarith - - near- - - - constant mic constant dissoc near- logarith - - - - - - constant mic disj - - near- logarith - - - - constant mic nth - - - - near- linear linear linear constant get near- logarith near- logarith near- - - - constant mic constant mic constant pop - - - - constant constant constant constant (tail) (head) (head) (head) peek - - - - constant constant constant constant (tail) (head) (head) (head) count constant constant constant constant constant constant constant linear From Stefan Tilkov’s, “Concurrent Programming with Clojure” Thursday, May 20, 2010 38
  • 57. Unifying data with sequences
  • 58. Abstracting structures • At a low level programs work with structures such as strings, lists, vectors and trees • At a higher level, these same data structure abstractions come again and again • XML data is a tree • DB query results can be viewed as lists or vectors • Directory hierarchies are trees • Files are often viewed as one big string or as a vector of lines
  • 59. Sequence abstraction • In clojure all these data structures can be accesses through a single abstraction: the sequence (or seq). • A seq is a logical list (not tied to implementation) • Collections that can be viewed as seqs are called seq-able • The sequence library is a set of functions that can work with any seq-able • They are the functional and immutable equivalents to iterators
  • 60. Seq-able collections • All Clojure collections • All Java collections • Java arrays and strings • Regular expression matches • Directory structures • I/O streams • XML trees • .....
  • 61. Sequence • A sequence has three core capabilities: • you can get the first item in a sequence: (first aseq) first returns nil if its argument is empty or nil • you can get everything after the first element: (rest aseq) rest returns an empty seq (not nil) if there are no more items • you can construct a new sequence by adding an element to the front: (cons elem aseq)
  • 62. Sequences • These three capabilities are declared in the Java interface clojure.lang.ISeq • The seq function will return a seq on any seq-able collection: (seq coll) seq will return nil if coll is empty of nil • The next function will return the seq of items after the first: (next aseq) and is equivalent to (seq (rest aseq))
  • 63. Sequence library • (first ‘(1 2 3)) • (first [1 2 3]) => 1 => 1 • (rest ‘(1 2 3)) • (rest [1 2 3]) => (2 3) => (2 3) • (cons 0 ‘(1 2 3)) • (cons 0 [1 2 3]) => (0 1 2 3) => (0 1 2 3)
  • 64. Beware of the REPL • When you apply rest or cons to a vector, the result is a seq not a vector • In the REPL seqs print just like lists • (class (rest [1 2 3])) => clojure.lang.PersistentVector$ChunkedSeq
  • 65. Treating maps as seqs • (first {:fname "Stu" :lname "Halloway"}) => [:fname "Stu"] • (rest {:fname "Stu" :lname "Halloway"}) => ([:lname "Halloway"]) • (cons [:mname "Dabbs"] {:fname "Stu" :lname "Halloway"}) => ([:mname "Dabbs"] [:lname "Halloway"] [:fname "Stu”]) • There is also (sorted-map & elems)
  • 66. Sets as seqs • (first #{:the :quick :brown :fox}) => :brown • (rest #{:the :quick :brown :fox}) => (:the :fox :quick) • (cons :jumped #{:the :quick :brown :fox}) => (:jumped :brown :the :fox :quick) • There is also a (sorted-set & elems)
  • 67. conj and into • (conj '(1 2 3) :a) => (:a 1 2 3) • (into '(1 2 3) '(:a :b :c)) => (:c :b :a 1 2 3) • (conj [1 2 3] :a) => [1 2 3 :a] • (into [1 2 3] [:a :b :c]) => [1 2 3 :a :b :c]
  • 68. Creating sequences • (range start? end step?) • (interpose sep coll) • (take n sequence) • (cycle coll) • (drop n sequence) • (repeat n? x) • (iterate f x) • (interleave & colls)
  • 69. “Constructors” • (list & elements) • (vector & elements) • (hash-set & elements) • (hash-map key-1 val-1 key-2 val-2 ...) • (set coll) • (vec coll)
  • 70. Filtering sequences • (filter pred coll) • (take-while pred coll) • (drop-while pred coll) • (split-at index coll) • (split-with pred coll)
  • 71. Some examples • (take-while (complement #{aeiou}) "the-quick-brown-fox") => (t h) • (drop-while (complement #{aeiou}) "the-quick-brown-fox") => (e - q u i c k - b r o w n - f o x) • (split-at 5 (range 10)) => [(0 1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8 9)] • (split-with #(<= % 10) (range 0 20 2)) => [(0 2 4 6 8 10) (12 14 16 18)]
  • 72. Sequence predicates • (every? pred coll) • (some pred coll) • (not-every? pred coll) • (not-any? pred coll)
  • 73. Transforming sequences • (map f coll) • (reduce f val? coll) • (sort comp? coll) • (sort-by a-fn comp? coll)
  • 74. Some examples • (map #(format "<p>%s</p>" %) ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox"]) => ("<p>the</p>" "<p>quick</p>" "<p>brown</p>" "<p>fox</p>") • (map #(format "<%s>%s</%s>" %1 %2 %1) ["h1" "h2" "h3" "h1"] ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox"]) => ("<h1>the</h1>" "<h2>quick</h2>" "<h3>brown</ h3>" "<h1>fox</h1>") • (reduce + (range 1 11)) => 55
  • 75. More examples • (sort [42 1 7 11]) => (1 7 11 42) • (sort-by str [42 1 7 11]) => (1 11 42 7) • (sort > [42 1 7 11]) => (42 11 7 1) • (sort-by :grade > [{:grade 83} {:grade 90} {:grade 77}]) => ({:grade 90} {:grade 83} {:grade 77})
  • 76. List comprehensions • A list comprehension creates a list setting the properties the result list must satisfy • A list comprehension will consist of the following • input list(s) • placeholder names for elements in the input lists • predicates on the elements • an output form that generates the elements from the elements in the input that satisfy the predicates • (for [binding-form coll-expr filter-expr? ...] expr)
  • 77. Comprehension examples • (for [word ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox"]] (format "<p>word</p>" word)) => ("<p>the</p>" "<p>quick</p>" "<p>brown</p>" "<p>fox</p>") • (for [n (range 10) :when (even? n)] n) => (0 2 4 6 8) • (for [n (range 10) : while (even? n)] n) => (0) • (for [file "ABCDEFGH" rank (range 1 9)] (format "%c%d" file rank)) => ("A1" "A2" ... elided ... "H7 ""H8")
  • 79. Seqs are conceptual • All sequences share the same conceptual model: a singly linked list. first rest first rest first rest Item Item Item (empty)
  • 80. Introducing lazyness • The rest of a sequence doesn’t need to exist, provided it can be created when necessary. first rest Instructions to generate the next component sequence Item
  • 81. Benefits of lazy seqs • You can postpone expensive computations that may not in fact be needed. • You can work with huge data sets that do not fit into memory • even infinite ones !! • You can delay I/O until it is absolutely needed • (there exist functional languages such as Haskell in which all evaluation is lazy)
  • 82. Caution with infinite sequences • Some care is required with infinite sequences not to attempt to realize an infinite number of values. • Trying to print an infinite lazy sequence in the REPL is an usual mistake • use take (or similar) • set! a non-nil value to *print-length*, for instance: (set! *print-length* 10)
  • 83. “Seeing” the lazyness • To “see” lazyness in action we must create a non-pure function (why?) (def squares (map (fn [n] (print *) (* n n)) (iterate inc 1))) (first squares) => *1 Only the necessary (second squares) part is realized => *4 (first squares) Realized elements => 1 are cached (take 4 squares) => (1 *4 *9 16)
  • 84. Constructing LS directly • To built a LS manually, use the built-in lazy-seq macro. (defn lazy-counter [base increment] (lazy-seq (cons base (lazy-counter (+ base increment) increment)))) (take 10 (lazy-counter 0 2) => (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18) (nth (lazy-counter 2 3) 1000000) => 3000002
  • 85. Constructing LS using generator functions • It’s often easier to use a sequence generator function than lazy-seq • For instance, iterate generates an infinite sequence of items by callimng a fn and passing the previous value as argument. (defn lazy-counter-iterate [base increment] (iterate (fn [n] (+ n increment)) base))
  • 86. Constructing LS using generator functions • It’s often easier to use a sequence generator function than lazy-seq • For instance, iterate generates an infinite sequence of items by callimng a fn and passing the previous value as argument. (defn lazy-counter-iterate [base increment] (iterate (partial + increment) base))
  • 87. Circular programs • A circular program creates a data structure whose computation depends upon itself or refers to itself. • Circular programs provide a very appropriate formalism to model multiple traversal algorithms as elegant and concise single traversal solutions.
  • 88. Some CP examples (def ones (lazy-seq (cons 1 ones))) (def nats (lazy-seq (cons 0 (map inc nats)))) (def nats-2 (lazy-seq (cons 0 (map + (repeat 1) nats-2)))) (def fibs (lazy-seq (list* 1 1 (map + fibs (drop 1 fibs))))) (def fibs-2 (list* 1 1 (lazy-seq (map + fibs (rest fibs-2))))) (def facts (lazy-seq (cons 1 (map * facts (iterate inc 1)))))
  • 89. Forcing Sequences • We have seen using take to prevent the REPL to evaluate the entire sequence. • Sometimes we have the opposite problem: we want to force the complete evaluation of a sequence • for instance because the code generating the sequence has side-effects • For instance: (def x (for [i (range 1 3)] (do (println i) i))) => #‘user/x
  • 90. Forcing Sequences • doall forces Clojure to walk the elements of a sequence and returns the elements as a result: (doall x) |1 |2 => (1 2) • dorun walks the elements w/o keeping past elements in memory (and returns nil) • As Clojure discourages side-effects you should use them rarelly (clojure.core calls each one once in 4kloc).
  • 91. LS and memory management • Using LS it is possible to use large, even infinite, sequences in a memory efficient way. • But it is also possible to inadvertently consume large amounts of memory (even resulting in OutOfMemoryError). • Use the following guidelines to reason about how LS consume memory: • LS not realized consume no appreciable memory • Once realized it consumes memory for all values that contains • provided there is a reference to the realized sequence • until the reference is discarded and the sequence garbage collected
  • 92. LS and memory management • ~60 Mb of heap (def integers (iterate inc 0)) (nth integers 1000000) • Almost nothing (nth (iterate inc 0) 1000000) • nth itself does not maintain any references (it retrieves rest from each entry, and drops any references to the sequence itself)
  • 93. ;; Lazy quick-sort (The Joy of Clojure, Listing 6.3) (defn- cons-when [v coll] (if (empty? v) coll (cons v coll))) (defn- sort-parts [work] "Lazy, tail-recursive, incremental quicksort. Works against and creates partitions based on the pivot, defined as work" (lazy-seq (loop [[part & parts :as work] work] (when work (if (coll? part) (let [[pivot & xs] part smaller? #(< % pivot)] (recur (cons-when (filter smaller? xs) (cons pivot (cons-when (remove smaller? xs) parts))))) (cons part (sort-parts parts))))))) (defn qsort [xs] (sort-parts (list xs)))
  • 95. Destructuring • Destructuring allows us to bind locals based on an expected form for a composite data structure. • You can use destructuring bindings in: • function parameters • let forms • binding forms • (and other macros based on them)
  • 96. Destructuring with a vector • This is the simplest form of destructuring and allows to pick apart a sequential thing • you give each item a name • you can also use an ampersand (&) to indicate the remaining values, which are bound to a (possibly lazy) seq • :as can be used to bind a local to the entire collection • if you are not interested on an element its idiomatic to use the name _
  • 97. Destructuring with a vector (let [range-vec (vec (range 10)) [a _ c & more :as all] range-vec] (println "a c are:" a c) (println "more is:" more) (println "all is:" all)) a c are: 0 2 more is: (3 4 5 6 7 8 9) all is: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] => nil
  • 98. Destructuring with a map • As we have seen, usually we represent records by maps using keys as keywords • We can use destructuring to access the different fields in those maps (defn name-to-string [{f-name :f-name m-name :m-name l-name :l-name}] (str l-name “, “ f-name “ “ m-name))
  • 99. Destructuring with a map • Using similar names for the locals and the keywords is so usual that there exists special syntax for it. • There also exist :strs and :syms for strings and symbols. (defn name-to-string [{:keys [f-name m-name l-name]}] (str l-name “, “ f-name “ “ m-name))
  • 100. Destructuring with a map • If the destructuring map looks up a key not in the source map • normally bound to nil • different defaults with :or (defn name-to-string [{:keys [title f-name m-name l-name] :or {title “Mr.”}}] (str title “ “ l-name “, “ f-name “ “ m-name))
  • 101. Named arguments and default values • Since 1.2 functions can have named optional arguments. (defn slope   [& {:keys [p1 p2] :or {p1 [0 0] p2 [1 1]}}]   (float (/ (- (p2 1) (p1 1))             (- (p2 0) (p1 0))))) (slope :p1 [4 15] :p2 [3 21]) => -6.0 (slope :p2 [2 1]) => 0.5
  • 103. Six Rules of Clojure FP 1. Avoid direct recursion 4. Be careful not to realize (the JVM cannot optimize more of a lazy sequence recursive calls) than needed. 2. User recur when you are 5. Know the sequence producing scalar values library. or small, fixed sequences (Clojure will optimize 6. Subdivide even simple those calls). problems into smaller pieces and you will often 3. When producing large or find solutions in the variable-sized sequences, sequence library. always be lazy.
  • 104. Bibliography • L.VanderHart and S. Sierra, Practical Clojure, Apress, 2010. • S.Halloway, Programming Clojure, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009. • M. Fogus and C. Houser, The Joy of Clojure, Manning, (to be publised). • R. Hickey, Persistent Data Structures and Managed References (video and slides).

Editor's Notes

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