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Poor Man's
Undergraduate Compilers
‘‘ "
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Poor Man's Undergraduate Compilers
What compiler?
A minimal functional language compiler
Compiler homework: Compiling C-- to MIPS,
written in Haskell
How poor?
It is slow
It generates slow codes
‘‘ "
‘‘ "
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originally stands for small Scheme
Written in Scheme, compiling a minimal functional
language to x86-32 assembly
No data types, no optimizations, no need for parsers
Only 102 commits!
suhorng@SHHY-ASPIRE2920 /d/code/test/ss (master)
$ wc *.ss *.s
78 363 3645
192 762 9137
86 465 3588
11 24 172
168 811 5584
30 115 991
313 1495 14334
130 477 4942
104 304 3090
166 863 8500
85 222 2095 sscrt.s
1363 5901 56078 total
3 / 20
: A Language
Simply typed λ-calculus with constants and a fixed-point
operator. Strict evaluation.
e :: = c | x | (+ ) | (× )e1 e2 e1 e2
| (lambda ( …) e)x1 x2
| (ifz con th el)
| (fix e)
| ( …)e1 e2
t :: = N | ()
| →t1 t2
| (× …)t1 t2
4 / 20
type inference
CPS transformation
closure conversion
transform into low-level IR
register allocation
machine code generation
5 / 20
Type Inference
`(() ,(prim-type 'Unit))]
[,x (guard (var? x))
`(,x ,(assq x mono-cxt))]
[(fix ,e)
(let [(a (fresh-var))
(built-e (build-type! e mono-cxt))]
(unify! (expr->type built-e) (fun-type a a))
`((fix ,built-e) ,a))]
[(lambda (,[xs ..]) ,e)
(let* [(obj-as (map (lambda (_) (fresh-var)) xs))
(built-e (build-type! e (append (map cons xs obj-as) mono-cxt)))
(obj-b (expr->type built-e))
(obj-xs (map list xs obj-as))]
`((lambda (,@obj-xs) ,built-e) ,(fun-type (tuple-type obj-as) obj-b)))]
[(,e1 ,[es ..])
(let* [(built-e1 (build-type! e1 mono-cxt))
(built-es (map (lambda (e) (build-type! e mono-cxt)) es))
(obj-a2b (expr->type built-e1))
(obj-as (map expr->type built-es))
(obj-b (fresh-var))]
(unify! obj-a2b (fun-type (tuple-type obj-as) obj-b))
`((,built-e1 ,@built-es) ,obj-b))]
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CPS Transformation
(define cpsk ;; cpsk :: eT -> {(eT -> eC) | kC} -> eC
(lambda (expr k)
(match expr
[(,c ,t) (guard (prim-const? c))
(apply-cont k `(,c ,t))]
[(,x ,t) (guard (var? x))
(apply-cont k `(,x ,t))]
[((lambda (,[xs ..]) ,e) ,t)
(let [(k0 (fresh-var "&"))]
(apply-cont k `((lambda ,xs ,k0 ,(cpsk e k0)) ,t)))]
[((fix ,e) ,t)
(cpsk e (lambda (v)
`((fix ,(mark-type v e) ,(place-cont k)) ,t)))]
(define apply-cont
(lambda (k x)
(cond [(procedure? k) (k x)]
[else `(cont-ap ,k ,x)])))
(define place-cont
(lambda (k)
(cond [(procedure? k)
(let [(t (fresh-var "%"))]
`(lambda (,t) ,(k t)))]
[else k])))
7 / 20
Closure Conversion
Compute free variables
(match expr
[(,c ,t) (guard (prim-const? c))
'( () )]
[(,x ,t) (guard (var? x))
`( ((,x ,t)) )]
[((lambda (,[xs ..]) ,k ,e) ,t) ; lambda abstraction
(let [(var/e (uncover-free-vars e))]
`(,(remove-assoc* (map car xs) (car var/e)) ,var/e))]
Closure conversion
[((,x ,t) __) (guard (var? x))
(cond [(memq x bound-vars) `(,x ,t)]
[else `((this-ref ,x) ,t)])]
[(((lambda (,[xs ..]) ,k ,e) ,t) (,free-vars ,var/e));lambda abstraction
(let [(fv-ref (map (lambda (x) (closure-convert x `((x)) bound-vars))
`((closure ,fv-ref
((lambda ,xs ,k ,(closure-convert e var/e (map car xs)))
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Now the code looks like
((lambda (a)
((lambda (b) a)
(+ 1 2))
((closure ()
((lambda ((argv Unit)) &1
((+ (1 Int)
(2 Int)
(lambda (%2)
((((closure ()
((lambda ((a Int)) &3
((((closure ((a Int))
((lambda ((b Int)) &4
(cont-ap &4 ((this-ref a) Int)))
(Int -> Int)))
(Int -> Int))
(5 Int))
(Int -> Int)))
(Int -> Int))
(%2 Int))
(Unit -> Int)))
(Unit -> Int))
9 / 20
Now the code looks like
((lambda (a)
((lambda (b) a)
(+ 1 2))
((closure ()
((lambda ((argv Unit)) &1
((+ (1 Int)
(2 Int)
(lambda (%2)
((((closure ()
| ((lambda ((a Int)) &3
| ((((closure ((a Int))
| ((lambda ((b Int)) &4
| (cont-ap &4 ((this-ref a) Int))))))
| (5 Int))
| &3)))))
(%2 Int))
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Low-level IR
Flatten the continuations, lift functions to top level
(((closure ::fn1 ()) (Unit -> Int))
((lambda ::fn1
(Unit -> Int) ()
((argv Unit))
((%2 : Int <- (1 + 2))
(tail-call (function ::fn2) %2)))
(lambda ::fn2
(Int -> Int) ()
((a Int))
((%f1 : (Int -> Int) <- (closure ::fn3 (a)))
(tail-call %f1 5)))
(lambda ::fn3
(Int -> Int) ((a Int))
((b Int))
((ret (this-ref a))))))
Here comes a machine!
‘‘ "
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Register Allocation
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Machine Code Generation
From pseudo-assembly...
(lambda ::fn1 (Unit -> Int) () ((argv Unit))
((argv Unit)) 1 () ()
((make-call-stack 1)
(eax <- (const 3))
((arg 0) <- eax)
(edi <- (function ::fn2))
(tail-call 1 (function ::fn2))))
(lambda ::fn2 (Int -> Int) () ((a Int))
((a Int) (%f1 Int -> Int)) 2 (ebx) ()
((make-call-stack 2)
(eax <- (function ::fn3))
((arg 0) <- eax)
(eax <- (const 1))
((arg 1) <- eax)
(call-prim 2 make_closure)
(edx <- (formal a))
((closure eax 0) <- edx)
(make-call-stack 1)
(ebx <- eax)
(eax <- (const 5))
((arg 0) <- eax)
(edi <- ebx)
(tail-call 1 ebx)))
(lambda ::fn3 (Int -> Int) ((a Int)) ((b Int))
((a Int) (b Int)) 0 () ()
((eax <- (this-ref a))
13 / 20
Machine Code Generation
To concrete machine code
(lambda _ss_function_fn1 (Unit -> Int) () ((argv Unit))
((argv Unit)) ()
((sub esp 4) (mov eax 3) (mov (* (esp + 0)) eax)
(mov edi _ss_function_fn2)
(lea edx (* (esp + 4)))
(mov ecx (* (esp + 4))) (mov eax (* (esp + 0)))
(mov (* (edx + 4)) eax) (mov (* (edx)) ecx) (mov esp edx)
(jmp _ss_function_fn2_code)))
(lambda _ss_function_fn2 (Int -> Int) () ((a Int))
((a Int) (%f1 Int -> Int)) ()
((push ebp) (mov ebp esp) (sub esp 4) (mov (* (ebp - 4)) ebx)
(sub esp 8) (mov eax _ss_function_fn3)
(mov (* (esp + 0)) eax) (mov eax 1) (mov (* (esp + 4)) eax)
(call _ss_prim_make_closure) (mov edx (* (ebp + 8)))
(mov (* (eax + 4)) edx) (sub esp 4) (mov ebx eax)
(mov eax 5) (mov (* (esp + 0)) eax) (mov edi ebx)
(mov ebx (* (ebp - 4))) (mov edx (* (ebp)))
(mov ecx (* (ebp + 4))) (lea ebp (* (esp + 12)))
(mov eax (* (esp + 0))) (mov (* (ebp + 4)) eax)
(mov (* (ebp)) ecx) (mov esp ebp) (mov ebp edx)
(jmp (* (edi)))))
(lambda _ss_function_fn3 (Int -> Int) ((a Int)) ((b Int))
((a Int) (b Int)) ()
((mov eax (* (edi + 4)))
(ret 4))))
14 / 20
Tail Calls
(lambda (loop)
(lambda (n sum)
(ifz n
(loop (+ n -1) (+ sum n))))))
5 0)
int sum = ???;
for (int i = n; i != 0; i = i-1)
sum = sum + n;
Naively implementing tail calls:
Place function call arguments as usual
Move arguments
Adjust frame pointer; jump.
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Tail Calls
; _ss_function_fn3: ((* Int Int) -> Int)
; parameters:
; ((n Int) (sum Int))
; free variables:
; ((loop ((* Int Int) -> Int)))
_ss_function_fn3_code: ; Note: this function doesn't have a frame
cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
jne .L1
mov eax, [esp + 8]
ret 8 ; terminating loop
mov eax, [esp + 8] ; eax := sum
add eax, [esp + 4] ; eax (sum') += n
mov edx, [esp + 4]
add edx, -1 ; edx (n') := n - 1
sub esp, 8 ; place arguments as usual
mov [esp], edx ; | sum' | esp+4
mov [esp + 4], eax ; | n' | esp
mov edi, [edi + 4] ; load closure pointer
lea edx, [esp + 8]
mov ecx, [esp + 8] ; move new arguments up
mov eax, [esp + 4]
mov [edx + 8], eax ; sum' overrides sum,
mov eax, [esp]
mov [edx + 4], eax ; so does n'!
mov [edx], ecx
mov esp, edx
jmp [edi]
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A compiler for a small subset of C, implemented in
Haskell/suhorng & kevin4314
(nothing special)
Parsing is done using Happy
cf. Happy MonadFix, Easy -pass compiler/CindyLinz
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Yet the register allocation is still a mess :-D
{- read input & parsing -}
let Right parsedAST = Parser.parse input
{- semantic check -}
let compareCompileError ce1 ce2 = compare (errLine ce1) (errLine ce2)
(ast, ces) <- runWriterT $ censor (sortBy compareCompileError) $ do
foldedAST <- Const.constFolding parsedAST
typeInlinedAST <- Desugar.tyDesugar foldedAST
let decayedAST = Desugar.fnArrDesugar typeInlinedAST
symbolAST <- SymTable.buildSymTable decayedAST
typedAST <- TypeCheck.typeCheck symbolAST
return $ NormalizeAST.normalize typedAST
when (not $ null ces) $ mapM_ (putStrLn . show) ces >> exit1
{- code generation -}
let adjustedAST = SethiUllman.seull ast
llir = LLIRTrans.llirTrans adjustedAST
inlinedLLIR = EmptyBlockElim.elim llir
llirFuncs = LLIR.progFuncs inlinedLLIR
llirGlobl = LLIR.progVars inlinedLLIR
llirRegs = LLIR.progRegs inlinedLLIR
let mips = MIPSTrans.transProg $ inlinedLLIR
simpMips = BlockOrder.jumpElim . BlockOrder.blockOrder $ mips
print simpMips
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-- all are interpreters
alphaConvAST s@(S.Block _ _) =
runLocal $ alphaConvBlock' s
alphaConvAST (S.Expr ty line rand rators) =
S.Expr ty line rand <$> mapM alphaConvAST rators
alphaConvAST (S.ImplicitCast ty' ty e) =
S.ImplicitCast ty' ty <$> alphaConvAST e
buildMStmt (P.While line whcond whcode) = do
whcond' <- buildMStmts whcond
whcode' <- runLocal (buildMStmt whcode)
return $ S.While line whcond' whcode'
buildMStmt (P.Identifier line name) = do
currScope <- get
upperScope <- ask
let ty = fmap S.varType $ lookup name currScope <|> lookup name upperScope
case ty of
Just S.TTypeSyn -> tell [errorAt line $ "Unexpected type synonym '" ++ name ++ "'"]
Nothing -> tell [errorAt line $ "Undeclared identifier '" ++ name ++ "'"]
otherwise -> return ()
return $ S.Identifier (error "buildMStmt:Identifier") line name
tyCheckAST (S.Expr _ line rator [rand1, rand2]) | rator `elem` logicOps = do
rand1' <- tyCheckAST rand1
rand2' <- tyCheckAST rand2
let (t1, t2) = (S.getType rand1', S.getType rand2')
when ((not $ tyIsScalarType t1) || (not $ tyIsScalarType t2)) $
tell [errorAt line $ "'" ++ show rator ++ "' is applied to operands of non-scalar typ
return $ S.Expr S.TInt line rator [rand1', rand2']
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Writing Compiler Using Functional
Interpreters love you!
Simple AST (Pointers? new, delete? Visitor pattern?
I don't know how to deal with similar ASTs
Don't know how to express constraints on ASTs (e.g.
only allow a subset of operators)
Haven't thought of good ways to implement register
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[FT-11][suhorng] “Poor Man's” Undergraduate Compilers

  • 1. Poor Man's Undergraduate Compilers suhorng ‘‘ " This slide: 1 / 20
  • 2. Poor Man's Undergraduate Compilers What compiler? : A minimal functional language compiler : Compiler homework: Compiling C-- to MIPS, written in Haskell How poor? It is slow It generates slow codes ‘‘ " ss ‘‘ " compiler13hw 2 / 20
  • 3. originally stands for small Scheme Written in Scheme, compiling a minimal functional language to x86-32 assembly No data types, no optimizations, no need for parsers Only 102 commits! suhorng@SHHY-ASPIRE2920 /d/code/test/ss (master) $ wc *.ss *.s 78 363 3645 192 762 9137 86 465 3588 11 24 172 168 811 5584 30 115 991 313 1495 14334 130 477 4942 104 304 3090 166 863 8500 85 222 2095 sscrt.s 1363 5901 56078 total ss ss 3 / 20
  • 4. : A Language Simply typed λ-calculus with constants and a fixed-point operator. Strict evaluation. Terms Types ss e :: = c | x | (+ ) | (× )e1 e2 e1 e2 | (lambda ( …) e)x1 x2 | (ifz con th el) | (fix e) | ( …)e1 e2 t :: = N | () | →t1 t2 | (× …)t1 t2 4 / 20
  • 5. Passes type inference ⇓ CPS transformation ⇓ closure conversion ⇓ transform into low-level IR ⇓ register allocation ⇓ machine code generation 5 / 20
  • 6. Type Inference Interpreter, [() `(() ,(prim-type 'Unit))] [,x (guard (var? x)) `(,x ,(assq x mono-cxt))] [(fix ,e) (let [(a (fresh-var)) (built-e (build-type! e mono-cxt))] (unify! (expr->type built-e) (fun-type a a)) `((fix ,built-e) ,a))] [(lambda (,[xs ..]) ,e) (let* [(obj-as (map (lambda (_) (fresh-var)) xs)) (built-e (build-type! e (append (map cons xs obj-as) mono-cxt))) (obj-b (expr->type built-e)) (obj-xs (map list xs obj-as))] `((lambda (,@obj-xs) ,built-e) ,(fun-type (tuple-type obj-as) obj-b)))] [(,e1 ,[es ..]) (let* [(built-e1 (build-type! e1 mono-cxt)) (built-es (map (lambda (e) (build-type! e mono-cxt)) es)) (obj-a2b (expr->type built-e1)) (obj-as (map expr->type built-es)) (obj-b (fresh-var))] (unify! obj-a2b (fun-type (tuple-type obj-as) obj-b)) `((,built-e1 ,@built-es) ,obj-b))] 6 / 20
  • 7. CPS Transformation interpreter, (define cpsk ;; cpsk :: eT -> {(eT -> eC) | kC} -> eC (lambda (expr k) (match expr [(,c ,t) (guard (prim-const? c)) (apply-cont k `(,c ,t))] [(,x ,t) (guard (var? x)) (apply-cont k `(,x ,t))] [((lambda (,[xs ..]) ,e) ,t) (let [(k0 (fresh-var "&"))] (apply-cont k `((lambda ,xs ,k0 ,(cpsk e k0)) ,t)))] [((fix ,e) ,t) (cpsk e (lambda (v) `((fix ,(mark-type v e) ,(place-cont k)) ,t)))] ... (define apply-cont (lambda (k x) (cond [(procedure? k) (k x)] [else `(cont-ap ,k ,x)]))) (define place-cont (lambda (k) (cond [(procedure? k) (let [(t (fresh-var "%"))] `(lambda (,t) ,(k t)))] [else k]))) 7 / 20
  • 8. Closure Conversion interpreter... Compute free variables (match expr [(,c ,t) (guard (prim-const? c)) '( () )] [(,x ,t) (guard (var? x)) `( ((,x ,t)) )] [((lambda (,[xs ..]) ,k ,e) ,t) ; lambda abstraction (let [(var/e (uncover-free-vars e))] `(,(remove-assoc* (map car xs) (car var/e)) ,var/e))] Closure conversion [((,x ,t) __) (guard (var? x)) (cond [(memq x bound-vars) `(,x ,t)] [else `((this-ref ,x) ,t)])] [(((lambda (,[xs ..]) ,k ,e) ,t) (,free-vars ,var/e));lambda abstraction (let [(fv-ref (map (lambda (x) (closure-convert x `((x)) bound-vars)) free-vars))] `((closure ,fv-ref ((lambda ,xs ,k ,(closure-convert e var/e (map car xs))) ,t)) ,t))] 8 / 20
  • 9. Now the code looks like ((lambda (a) ((lambda (b) a) 5)) (+ 1 2)) ((closure () ((lambda ((argv Unit)) &1 ((+ (1 Int) (2 Int) (lambda (%2) ((((closure () ((lambda ((a Int)) &3 ((((closure ((a Int)) ((lambda ((b Int)) &4 (cont-ap &4 ((this-ref a) Int))) (Int -> Int))) (Int -> Int)) (5 Int)) &3 Int)) (Int -> Int))) (Int -> Int)) (%2 Int)) &1 Int))) Int)) (Unit -> Int))) (Unit -> Int)) 9 / 20
  • 10. Now the code looks like ((lambda (a) ((lambda (b) a) 5)) (+ 1 2)) ((closure () ((lambda ((argv Unit)) &1 ((+ (1 Int) (2 Int) (lambda (%2) ((((closure () | ((lambda ((a Int)) &3 | ((((closure ((a Int)) | ((lambda ((b Int)) &4 | (cont-ap &4 ((this-ref a) Int)))))) | (5 Int)) | &3))))) (%2 Int)) &1)))))))) 10 / 20
  • 11. Low-level IR Flatten the continuations, lift functions to top level (((closure ::fn1 ()) (Unit -> Int)) ((lambda ::fn1 (Unit -> Int) () ((argv Unit)) ((%2 : Int <- (1 + 2)) (tail-call (function ::fn2) %2))) (lambda ::fn2 (Int -> Int) () ((a Int)) ((%f1 : (Int -> Int) <- (closure ::fn3 (a))) (tail-call %f1 5))) (lambda ::fn3 (Int -> Int) ((a Int)) ((b Int)) ((ret (this-ref a)))))) Here comes a machine! ‘‘ " 11 / 20
  • 13. Machine Code Generation From pseudo-assembly... (lambda ::fn1 (Unit -> Int) () ((argv Unit)) ((argv Unit)) 1 () () ((make-call-stack 1) (eax <- (const 3)) ((arg 0) <- eax) (edi <- (function ::fn2)) (tail-call 1 (function ::fn2)))) (lambda ::fn2 (Int -> Int) () ((a Int)) ((a Int) (%f1 Int -> Int)) 2 (ebx) () ((make-call-stack 2) (eax <- (function ::fn3)) ((arg 0) <- eax) (eax <- (const 1)) ((arg 1) <- eax) (call-prim 2 make_closure) (edx <- (formal a)) ((closure eax 0) <- edx) (make-call-stack 1) (ebx <- eax) (eax <- (const 5)) ((arg 0) <- eax) (edi <- ebx) (tail-call 1 ebx))) (lambda ::fn3 (Int -> Int) ((a Int)) ((b Int)) ((a Int) (b Int)) 0 () () ((eax <- (this-ref a)) return))) 13 / 20
  • 14. Machine Code Generation To concrete machine code (lambda _ss_function_fn1 (Unit -> Int) () ((argv Unit)) ((argv Unit)) () ((sub esp 4) (mov eax 3) (mov (* (esp + 0)) eax) (mov edi _ss_function_fn2) (lea edx (* (esp + 4))) (mov ecx (* (esp + 4))) (mov eax (* (esp + 0))) (mov (* (edx + 4)) eax) (mov (* (edx)) ecx) (mov esp edx) (jmp _ss_function_fn2_code))) (lambda _ss_function_fn2 (Int -> Int) () ((a Int)) ((a Int) (%f1 Int -> Int)) () ((push ebp) (mov ebp esp) (sub esp 4) (mov (* (ebp - 4)) ebx) (sub esp 8) (mov eax _ss_function_fn3) (mov (* (esp + 0)) eax) (mov eax 1) (mov (* (esp + 4)) eax) (call _ss_prim_make_closure) (mov edx (* (ebp + 8))) (mov (* (eax + 4)) edx) (sub esp 4) (mov ebx eax) (mov eax 5) (mov (* (esp + 0)) eax) (mov edi ebx) (mov ebx (* (ebp - 4))) (mov edx (* (ebp))) (mov ecx (* (ebp + 4))) (lea ebp (* (esp + 12))) (mov eax (* (esp + 0))) (mov (* (ebp + 4)) eax) (mov (* (ebp)) ecx) (mov esp ebp) (mov ebp edx) (jmp (* (edi))))) (lambda _ss_function_fn3 (Int -> Int) ((a Int)) ((b Int)) ((a Int) (b Int)) () ((mov eax (* (edi + 4))) (ret 4)))) 14 / 20
  • 15. Tail Calls Loops ((fix (lambda (loop) (lambda (n sum) (ifz n sum (loop (+ n -1) (+ sum n)))))) 5 0) Compare: int sum = ???; for (int i = n; i != 0; i = i-1) sum = sum + n; Naively implementing tail calls: Place function call arguments as usual Move arguments Adjust frame pointer; jump. 15 / 20
  • 16. Tail Calls ;####################################### ; _ss_function_fn3: ((* Int Int) -> Int) ; parameters: ; ((n Int) (sum Int)) ; free variables: ; ((loop ((* Int Int) -> Int))) ;####################################### _ss_function_fn3_code: ; Note: this function doesn't have a frame cmp dword [esp + 4], 0 jne .L1 mov eax, [esp + 8] ret 8 ; terminating loop .L1: mov eax, [esp + 8] ; eax := sum add eax, [esp + 4] ; eax (sum') += n mov edx, [esp + 4] add edx, -1 ; edx (n') := n - 1 sub esp, 8 ; place arguments as usual mov [esp], edx ; | sum' | esp+4 mov [esp + 4], eax ; | n' | esp mov edi, [edi + 4] ; load closure pointer lea edx, [esp + 8] mov ecx, [esp + 8] ; move new arguments up mov eax, [esp + 4] mov [edx + 8], eax ; sum' overrides sum, mov eax, [esp] mov [edx + 4], eax ; so does n'! mov [edx], ecx mov esp, edx jmp [edi] 16 / 20
  • 17. A compiler for a small subset of C, implemented in Haskell/suhorng & kevin4314 (nothing special) Parsing is done using Happy cf. Happy MonadFix, Easy -pass compiler/CindyLinz compiler13hw n 17 / 20
  • 18. Yet the register allocation is still a mess :-D do {- read input & parsing -} let Right parsedAST = Parser.parse input {- semantic check -} let compareCompileError ce1 ce2 = compare (errLine ce1) (errLine ce2) (ast, ces) <- runWriterT $ censor (sortBy compareCompileError) $ do foldedAST <- Const.constFolding parsedAST typeInlinedAST <- Desugar.tyDesugar foldedAST let decayedAST = Desugar.fnArrDesugar typeInlinedAST symbolAST <- SymTable.buildSymTable decayedAST typedAST <- TypeCheck.typeCheck symbolAST return $ NormalizeAST.normalize typedAST when (not $ null ces) $ mapM_ (putStrLn . show) ces >> exit1 {- code generation -} let adjustedAST = SethiUllman.seull ast llir = LLIRTrans.llirTrans adjustedAST inlinedLLIR = EmptyBlockElim.elim llir llirFuncs = LLIR.progFuncs inlinedLLIR llirGlobl = LLIR.progVars inlinedLLIR llirRegs = LLIR.progRegs inlinedLLIR let mips = MIPSTrans.transProg $ inlinedLLIR simpMips = BlockOrder.jumpElim . BlockOrder.blockOrder $ mips print simpMips compiler13hw 18 / 20
  • 19. -- all are interpreters alphaConvAST s@(S.Block _ _) = runLocal $ alphaConvBlock' s alphaConvAST (S.Expr ty line rand rators) = S.Expr ty line rand <$> mapM alphaConvAST rators alphaConvAST (S.ImplicitCast ty' ty e) = S.ImplicitCast ty' ty <$> alphaConvAST e buildMStmt (P.While line whcond whcode) = do whcond' <- buildMStmts whcond whcode' <- runLocal (buildMStmt whcode) return $ S.While line whcond' whcode' buildMStmt (P.Identifier line name) = do currScope <- get upperScope <- ask let ty = fmap S.varType $ lookup name currScope <|> lookup name upperScope case ty of Just S.TTypeSyn -> tell [errorAt line $ "Unexpected type synonym '" ++ name ++ "'"] Nothing -> tell [errorAt line $ "Undeclared identifier '" ++ name ++ "'"] otherwise -> return () return $ S.Identifier (error "buildMStmt:Identifier") line name tyCheckAST (S.Expr _ line rator [rand1, rand2]) | rator `elem` logicOps = do rand1' <- tyCheckAST rand1 rand2' <- tyCheckAST rand2 let (t1, t2) = (S.getType rand1', S.getType rand2') when ((not $ tyIsScalarType t1) || (not $ tyIsScalarType t2)) $ tell [errorAt line $ "'" ++ show rator ++ "' is applied to operands of non-scalar typ return $ S.Expr S.TInt line rator [rand1', rand2'] compiler13hw 19 / 20
  • 20. Writing Compiler Using Functional Languages Interpreters love you! Simple AST (Pointers? new, delete? Visitor pattern? Wat?) I don't know how to deal with similar ASTs Don't know how to express constraints on ASTs (e.g. only allow a subset of operators) Haven't thought of good ways to implement register allocation 20 / 20