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from local/regional OER Silos
towards an OER Global Dataspace
The Open Education Global Conference 2016
Kraków, Poland from the 12th to 14th of April 2016,
at the AGH University of Science and Technology.
The theme of #oeglobal is Convergence Through
Nelson Piedra | @nopiedra
Nelson Piedra, Janneth Chicaiza, Jorge López
Universidad Técnica particular de Loja, Ecuador
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación
Loja, Ecuador, {jachicaiza, jalopez2}
Edmundo Tovar Caro
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dpto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos e Ingeniería Software
Summary: Connect Distributed and
Heterogeneous Open Educational Data
And Resources across the Web
• The problem: In recent years, distributed and heterogeneous data stores has gaining attention
of many researchers that attempts to logically interoperate and integrate several different
independent distributed heterogeneous data stores while allowing the local systems to maintain
complete control of their operations. In the OER context, the heterogeneous and distributed
repositories/resources connection is only theoretically feasible, but unfeasible in practice
because of the extremely heterogeneous and distributed environment. Sometimes the ability to
access, re-use, and integrate data sources, providing a wide degree of flexibility and
interoperability in a federated environment, even cannot be established.
• Goal: Use Semantic Web approach and Linked data technologies to consolidate and integrate
OER repositories and resources to ensure the best discovery, use, and reuse of OER. Linked
data is essential to connect the semantic web.
• Approach: Linked Data is about using the Web to connect related data that wasn't previously
linked, or using the Web to lower the barriers to linking data currently linked using other
methods. More specifically, Wikipedia defines Linked Data as "a term used to describe a
recommended best practice for exposing, sharing, and connecting pieces of data, information,
and knowledge on the Semantic Web using URIs and RDF.” [Tim Berners-Lee, 2006]. Currently,
Linked Data delivers the most scalable and best performing interoperability available for Web
data sources.
to remember,
OPEN: "A piece of
knowledge is open if you
are free to use, reuse,
adapt and redistribute it"
@nopiedra	#OCW	#OER	#LOCWD	#LinkedData	#UPM	#UTPL
• The	barriers	that	faculty	cite	impacting	the	adoption	of	
OER	are	related	to	the	ease	of	finding,	selecting	the	
appropriate	resource	and	evaluation	of	OER	[1].	
• Difficults	reported	are:	No	comprehensive	catalog;	Too	
hard	to	find	what	I	need;	Not	enough	resources	for	my	
subject;	Not	knowing	if	I	have	permission	to	use	or	
change;	Not	relevant	to	my	local	context;	Not	high-
quality	(e.g.	see	[23]);	Not	used	by	other	faculty	I	know;	
Lack	of	support	from	my	institution;	Too	difficult	to	
integrate	into	technology	I	use;	Not	effective	at	
improving	student	performance;	Too	difficult	to	change	
or	edit;	Too	difficult	to	use;	Not	current,	up-to-date.
Are OER Really Open?
No, there is still much to do.
OER are made available under a Open
License. However, legally free not imply
that the OER is easy to discover, use,
reuse, adapt, remix, and share.
An open license doesn’t OER make.
Open license is not enough!
Current OER Ecosystem:
Distributed Silos
Limited discovering integration, single access,
Current OER Ecosystem: Distributed Silos
Limited discovering integration, single access
Business Architecture
Information Architecture
Technological Layer
Presentation Layer
OER Information System A:
(autonomous, heterogeneous and distributed)
Storage Layer
(Deposits, collections,
metadata catalogue)
Business Architecture
Information Architecture
Technological Layer
Presentation Layer
OER Information System B:
(autonomous, heterogeneous and distributed)
Storage Layer
(Deposits, collections,
metadata catalogue)
Business Architecture
Information Architecture
Technological Layer
Presentation Layer
OER Information System C:
(autonomous, heterogeneous and distributed)
Storage Layer
(Deposits, collections,
metadata catalogue)
The Web - HTTP
Current	SituaZon:	
OER	Silos	
• Heterogeneous	OER	structures/
• Large	amounts	of	unstructured,	
and	semi-structured	data.	
• Although	the	collected	data	
from	open	educaZonal	
repositories	may	have	certain	
structure	accepted	by	
community,	but	not	all	OER	
data	have	an	similar	or	
compa;ble	structure	and	
• Open	educaZon	materiales	are	
shared	as	InformaZon	Silos	or	
"Walled	Gardens”.
The Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1563)
OER	ecosystem?
Challenge: connect silos
of OER data distributed
across the Web
An opportunity for OER Community:
The presence of OER silos impedes
the interoperability, discovery,
synthesis, and flow of knowledge.
Additionally, It’s difficult to develop
tools for consume global OER from
multiple OER silos.
Exploitation	and	
integration	of		heterogeneous	
and	distributed	datasets.		
Tools:	Queries,	analysis,	and	
Technologies and
methodologies Models Layers, data,
OER Repository B
Regional Initiative
Technologies and
Models Metadata and
OER Directory C
OER Consorcia
Layers, data,
Technologies and
Layers, data,
OER Repository A
Local/National Initiative
Challenge: connect silos of OER data
distributed across the Web
Scenario: heterogeneous and distribute
Problem: (a) lack of integration and
interoperability facilities (b) overlap of
information (c) ambiguity in identification
of resources (d) heterogeneity
Other Datasources
Silo A
OER Silo B
OER Silo C
OER Silo DData Requirement
OER query, explore,
re-use, re.mix
heterogeneity (x)
Managers have been told to break down the walls
between siloed information systems. A information silo
is a system that operates in isolation or separately from
others systems.
Current OER
Distributed Silos
The Solution not is: subordinating, homogenizing,
or centralizing OER Information Systems.
An best approach is developing OER
Semantically Interoperable Ecosystem.
Challenge: OER Interoperability and Global Integration
Approach: Linked data have the potential of create bridges
between OER data silos.
Mo;va;on:	Discovery	and	Re-use	of	Open	Educa;onal	Resources…
The Way: Semantic Web
approach and Linked
Data Technologies
The World Wide Web uses relatively simple technologies
with sufficient scalability, efficiency and utility that they have
resulted in a remarkable information space of interrelated
resources, growing across languages, cultures, and media.
The 2001 Scientific American article by Berners-Lee, Hendler, and Lassie
described an expected evolution of the existing Web to a Semantic Web.
The Semantic Web
A new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a
revolution of new possibilities
By Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora Lassila on May 1, 2001
“The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which
information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers
and people to work in cooperation”.
“Make the Web understandable for machines”.
The term was coined by Tim Berners-Lee for a web of data that can be
processed by machines.
May 2001
Volume 284, Issue 5
Use	of	Linked	Data	on	OER	Domain
• The	philosophy	of	Linked	Data	is	that	the	value	
and	usefulness	of	data	increase	in	proportion	to	
their	links	with	other	data.		
• The	goal	of	Linked	Data	is	to	enable	human	
beings	to	easily	share	structured	data	via	the	
Web	just	as	they	share	documents	now.		
• On	this	ground,	Linked	Data	uses	the	Web	to	
create	different	types	of	links	among	data	from	
different	sources.
<href> <href>
from Web of Documents
(unstructured information)
to Web of Linked Data
(structured information)
RDF Links
Towards single OER global dataspace
Using RDF to publish structure data on the Web, ontologies as an
explicit specification of a conceptualization, URI for every Web resource,
and linking between data resources within different data sources.
Linked Data is Data Interoperability
The need for communication and interoperation between autonomous and distributed information
systems is increasing with the increasing usage of the Web.
e.g. interoperability between heterogeneous and distributed environments
TED2009 Tim Berners-Lee on the next Web
Breaking down the walls.
Understanding an greater empathy.
heterogeneity (x)
Autonomy, heterogeneity and distribution are not the bigger
problem. The key problem is the presence of silos and poor
collaboration to establish agreements towards global

The LOD4OER initiative is a effort fostering global
collaboration to address interoperability and integration
challenges in OER ecosystem and open education. Silos and
isolation must stop. The way is breaking down the silos and
facilitating collaboration.
Grade of Interoperability
OER Interoperability, the
ability of OER information
systems to exchange and
make use of information.
OER Ecosystem
• Because	LinkedData	holds	the	potential	to	move	our	
OER	collections	out	of	their	silos	
• Open	the	data	and	content	silos,	to	leverage	the	
knowledge	capital	represented	by	our	OER	
• To	enrich	our	information	landscape,	to	improve	
• To	improve	ease	of	discovery	open	academic	
• To	improve	ease	of	consumption	and	reuse	of	OER	
• To	reduce	redundancy	in	searched	of	OER	
• Promoting	innovation	and	Added	Value	to	Open	
Educational	Content
Why	publish	Linked	OER	Data?
EXAMPLE: raw data within UPM
opencourseware web page
knowledge area
ects credits
time autoself
Linked	Data	for	OER	Principles
LOD4OER	approach	is	based	on	The	Linked	Data	Design	Issues,	in	OER	context,	are:	
1. Use	URIs	as	names	for	things,	which	can	be	unambiguously	identified	(e.g.	OERs,	coursewares,	
OER	creators,	OER	providers,	knowledge	areas,)	
2. Use	HTTP	URIs	so	that	people	can	look	up	those	names.	With	the	aid	of	URIs,	the	
corresponding	OER	data	and	relevant	interlinked	data	can	be	dereferenced.	
3. RDF	to	describe	and	SPARQL	to	queries.	When	someone	looks	up	a	URI,	provide	useful	
information,	using	the	standards	(RDF*,	SPARQL)	to	describe	linked	OER	data,	which	are	
machine-readable	and	repurposed	to	serve	the	proposed	architecture	to	enhance	integration	
with	reused	and	interoperated	OER	data.	
4. Include	links	to	other	URIs,	so	that	they	can	discover	more	entities.		Linked	Data—particularly	
data	available	using	open	licenses—has	an	important	role	to	play	on	information	systems	and	
could	be	a	key	feature	for	Open	Education	based	on	OER	data	on	the	Web	of	Data.	
HTTP-URIs to denote/identifies anything at all through
the Web. URIs, in the web architecture, have been used
to"information resources” or web-pages, leaving a
consistent architecture.
RDF enables you to open your data to applications
through the Web. RDF is very flexible and extensible.
RDF is a way of recording and sharing semantic
information about resources.
RDF Triples
Resource Description Framework"
traits or aspects of the resource
traits or aspects of the resource
<uri> or “literal”
traits or aspects of the resource
powered by
linked open data for open educational resources
OER Community
OER Interoperability Framework
Goal: Define and promoting
semantic interoperability between
OER repositories
the	goal	is	enhance	the	discoverability,	
reuse	and	integration	of	OER	into	
classroom	instruction.	From	a	general	
perspective,	the	framework	is	the	
synergy	between	Linked	OER	Data	and	
human	expertise.	
Human Expert and Linked OER Data System
The	proposed	framework	combines	the	traditions	of	knowledge	
sharing	and	creation	(human	power)	with	emergent	technology	
to	create	a	vast	ecosystem	of	openly	shared	educational	
resources,	while	harnessing	today’s	collaborative	spirit	to	
develop	educational	approaches	that	are	more	responsive	to	
learner’s	needs.	
@nopiedra	2016
OER Ecosystem
(Global OER Dataspace
Semantically Interoperable)
OER ecosystem composed of silos of information
— heterogeneous, autonomous and distributed.
Silo B
Silo A
Models: OWL,
Silo C
Information exchange and
Queries: RDF and SPARQL
Global names for OER entities:
HTTP-URIs enables data from different
sources to be connected and queried.
The Web as Platform
OER services/applications
based on LOD4OER
OER Ecosystem
Semantically Interoperable
Global OER Dataspace — Efficient and
effective cross-border and cross-
knowledge interaction/integration
between information systems.
Linked Data is used to publishing structured data
so that it can be interlinked and become more useful.
LOD4OER Framework
Open Educational Resources Ecosystem
Goal: Define and promoting semantic interoperability between OER
information systems (autonomous, heterogeneous and distribute).
OER Interoperability
OER Interoperability Ecosystem
Efficient and effective cross-border and cross-knowledge
interaction/integration between OER information systems
(autonomous, heterogeneous and distributed)
Legal Considerations
(open licensing)
Strategy vision & Support
Setting strategic goals, requirements,
priorities and support common agreements
of collaboration (LOD4OER work force).
Web of LD
OER Data
OER Data
OER Data
OER metadata/data as Linked Open Data
Continuous improvement
Context: Open Education, EFA and
OER Declarations; International effort
in production of OER, development
of OER Practices, agreements about
interoperability, sharing and reuse;
LD best practices and tools.
Actors: OER providers, OER
consumers, OER consortia,
researchers, and developers.
OER Community
OER4LOD Life-cycle
Semantic Resources
Best Practices
User interface and OER Applications based on LOD4OER
OER APPs and
OER Search and
Productivity and
data integration
Information and Semantics
⚙ OER Apps based on LOD4OER
LOD4OER Life-Cycle
Data source analysis:
identify OER providers
& select content/
resources offered with a
free and open license.
i. Select sources of data
(information sources)
• Specification: scope and
explicit set of requirements
to be satisfied by LOD4OER.
• Describe the main technical
features of the data selected.
Concept mapping
base URI:
URI design
ii. Ontology modelling
Common and
iii. Generation of RDF
Define data
patterns for
RDF conversion
Data cleansing
(detecting and
correcting corrupt or
inaccurate data),
disambiguation &
data reconciliation
Content extraction
from selected
(APIs, sql, csv, JSON,
WS, or scraping for
non-structured content)
iv. Data publication
(storage level)
Data enrichment
Extractor of data
(entity recognition,
classification &
• Generation of URI Cools
• Create RDF links to
resources in the LOD-
Publish extracted
data as LinkedData
Sparql EndPoint
Repositories of Open
Educational Resources
recommender systems
(for use, reuse and
adaptation of OER)
OER discovery
OER Apps based on
Linked Data
Learning assistant
based on OER
LOD4OER Triple-store
Linked OER
• URIs for OER things
• RDF for describe Entities
• Links to other LOD-things
v. Application Layer
raw content
raw data
Facilitate finding, retrieving, sharing and adaptation of OER
linked data design issues and data quality assurance
OCW-S Builder
(MOOCs based on OER)
@nopiedra	#OCW	#OER	#LOCWD	#LinkedData	#UPM	#UTPL
LOERD: Linked OpenEducationalResources Data
Public DomainAPI
Open Educational
Resources Providers
OER Interoperability Ecosystem
Efficient and effective cross-border and cross-knowledge interaction/integration between OER repositories
@nopiedra	LOD4OER
OER APPs and
OER Search and
Productivity and data
User interface and OER Applications
Information interchange: RDF
RDF (& RDF Schema relationships
semantics are accessible and
comprehensible to humans and
Linked OER Data storage
and publishing Query: SPARQL
Identifiers: URI/IRI UNICODE
Representational Vocabularies:
The Web as Platform: HTTP (as Transport layer)
Semantic Web Infraestructure: LOD4OER
OER’s Silos
An information or data silo is an isolated management
system incapable of reciprocal operation with other, related
information systems.
OER Information silo occurs whenever a OER system is
incompatible or not interoperable with other OER systems.
Hyperlinks (<href>) are not sufficient to achieve semantic
interoperability between OER repositories.
Interoperability Framework
Goal: Define and promoting semantic interoperability between OER repositories
from OER Silos (Web of Documents - Unstructured information) to OER Interoperability (Web of Linked Data - structured information)
OER Community
EFA and OER Vision;
agreements about
interoperability; LD work
force, promotes
collaboration, sharing and
reuse de best practices
and tools
(Current OER
Actions from/to
Extraction, Transformation
and Loading
Continuous improvement
Propose future actions.
Analyze & Validate.
Construction and Operation
of Semantic Interoperability
OER datastores.
Guidelines to Implementation
Semantic Interoperability
Guidelines to contribute to the
convergence of interoperable
OER services.
Interoperability approach
based in SemWeb and
LD technologies
discovery, use,
reuse, adaption, add
value, remix, and
redistribute of OER
Definitions and Initial
Setting strategic priorities and
objectives. Common agreements.
OER Actors: providers, consumers,
consortia, researchers, developers
Strategy and Support
OER Interoperability Ecosystem
Efficient and effective cross-border and cross-knowledge interaction/integration between OER repositories
OER Community
@nopiedra	LOD4OER
User interface and OER Applications
Information interchange:
RDF (Resource Description
Framework ) is a model for
representing data as triples.
Linked OER Data storage
and publishing
SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language provides a way to run Structured Queries over LD datasets
Identifiers: URI/IRI UNICODE
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) provides a simple and extensible means for identifying a resource.
Representational Vocabularies: RDFS, SKOS
Vocabularies provide lists (and definitions) of common terms
that can be used to describe the contents of a dataset -
definitions of classes, properties, relations, and other objects.
Ontologies: OWL
“An explicit specification of a conceptualization” (Gruber ontology definition).
The ontology defines (specifies) the concepts, relationships, constraints and
other distinctions that are relevant for modeling a domain (i.e. OER).
The Web as Platform: HTTP (as Transport layer)
OER data is hosted on servers that can talk Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to each other and to browsers in order to exchange data across the Internet.
Semantic Web Infraestructure: LOD4OER
OER Users: teachers, students, self-
learners, researchers
OER Providers, Universities, OER
Consortia, OA Initiatives/Repositories.
International declarations and common
agreements to support OER vision about
OER and EFA (Education for ALL).
Impulse, development and maintenance of
Interoperable Open Educational Resources
EFA and OER Vision; agreements about interoperability;
LD work force, promotes collaboration, sharing and
reuse de best practices and tools
Elements of a Linked Open Data Stack. Adapted
from Tim Berners-Lee LD Stack, and draft sketch
by Tim Davis for IKM Working Paper on Linked
Open Data for Development.
OER APPs and Mashups
Mashups combine multiple OER and OA datasets to create a new
OER service, data visualization, recommender systems, mobile apps.
Linked Data search engines allow search across the Web of Data.
Conventional search may present information derived from linked
data (e.g. WS and JSON-LD).
Linked data facilitates data integration
for business intelligence or research.
Interoperability Framework
Goal: Define and promoting semantic interoperability between OER repositories
Continuous improvement
Propose future actions.
Analyze & Validate.
Construction and Operation
of Semantic Interoperability
OER datastores.
Guidelines to Implementation
Semantic Interoperability
Guidelines to contribute to the
convergence of interoperable
OER services.
Interoperability approach
based in SemWeb and
LD technologies
discovery, use,
reuse, adaption, add
value, remix, and
redistribute of OER
Definitions and Initial
Setting strategic priorities and
objectives. Common agreements.
The notion of Class in RDFS
🏫 ⚙ ⛏ 📊
⚖ 💎 👪 🌎
🔬 🏖 🎻 🏢
🐞 🐄🐛 🎭
Una clase es un conjunto de
recursos que tienen características
y representaciones comunes en un
universo de discurso.
The notion of instance
:Persona rdf:type rdfs:Class .
A particular issue of class is
named an instance of class
SPARQL can be used to express queries across
diverse data sources, whether the data is stored
natively as RDF or viewed as RDF via middleware.
A SPARQL query example that models the question
"What are all the country capitals in Africa?":
PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?capital ?country
?x ex:cityname ?capital ;
ex:isCapitalOf ?y .
?y ex:countryname ?country ;
ex:isInContinent ex:Africa .
Linking OER data to other linked open data.
The State of the LOD Cloud 2014 document provides statistics about the structure and content of the crawlable subset of the LOD cloud in April 2014.
Extracción Mapeo Transformación Publicación
Photo: iStock
Información no
Webpage: Cordillera de Los Andes
Resource: Cordillera de Los Andes
SPARQL endpoint:
Case of Use 1.
Interoperability of Open
Access Repositories
Open Educational Resources Ecosystem
OER Repository
OER metadata/data as Linked Open Data
Extraction, Data
Vocabulary Modeling,
RDF Transformation,
Data Linking, Publication
and Maintenance
OER APPs and Mashups
OER Search and Discovery
Productivity and data integration
Ad hoc queries
User Interface & OER App
LOD4OER Transformation ⚙ LD Consume
OutputSemantic Interoperability Guidelines to contribute to the convergence of interoperable OER services.
OAI-PMH vs Linked Data
Requests (OAI “verbs”): Identify,
ListMetadataFormats; ListSets; ListRecords;
Responses: General Information; Metadata
formats; Set structure; Record identifier; Metadata
a. Approach Using OAI-PMH. The Web is an
transport infrastructure of data and metadata.
b. Approach based on Linked Open Data
The data and metadata are part of the same web.
Fedora, DSpace, and EPrints
implement the OAI-PMH
protocol by default.
OER about a specific subject
SPARQL endpoint:
SELECT DISTINCT ?bibresource ?title
?bibresource a <> .
?bibresource <> ?title .
?bibresource <> ?subject .
?bibresource <> ?desc .
FILTER ( REGEX(?title, "Accesibilidad", "i") ||
REGEX(?desc, "Accesibilidad ", "i") || REGEX(?subject, "Accesibilidad", "i"))
bibresource title
"Análisis de la atención a las personas con discapacidad a través de los
programas y servicios de accesibilidad y recreación, para grupos de atención
prioritaria en la Provincia de Cotopaxi en el año 2012"
"Medios de comunicación y el trabajo en la red con herramientas web 2.0"
Case of Use 2.
Global Discovery and Reuse of
OER for MOOC/courseware
• The	framework	provides	an	approach	that	allows	to	
Courseware	Designers	to	discover	and	access	open	
educational	resources	that	are	extracted	from	open	
repositories	distributed.		
• Therefore,	a	challenge	for	the	community	is	promoting	
OER	initiatives	with	channels	that	facilitate	the	discovery,	
use	and	reuse	for	teachers,	students	and	self-learners	
incorporate	them	in	the	educative	practice.	
• From	a	technical	point	of	view,	the	openness	of	OERs	
covers	issues	such	as	interoperability	and	discovery.	In	
previous	work	we	have	presented	how	these	features	can	
be	enhanced	by	applying	Semantic	Web	technologies	and	
Linked	Data.
The	education	is	seen	as	an	essential,	shared,	re-
used,	adapted,	and	collaborative	social	good.	
OER	movement	envisions	a	world	where	
everyone,	everywhere,	anytime	has	access	to	the	
high	quality	education	and	training	they	desire	
Conceptual View
Technical View
• Linked	Data	technologies	can	also	help	to	integrate	
the	work	of	disperse	institutions	producing	diverse	
linked	data.		
• Linked	Open	Data	(LOD)	is	well	known	for	providing	a	
extensive	amount	of	detailed	and	structured	
• 	Linked	Data	vision	enables	a	new	generation	of	open	
educational	resources	that	can	be	semantically	
described	and	connected	with	other	data	and	
discoverable	sources.
The Open Education Global Conference 2016
Kraków, Poland from the 12th to 14th of April 2016, at the
AGH University of Science and Technology.
The theme of #oeglobal is Convergence Through
from local/regional OER Silos
towards an OER Global Dataspace
[1]	I.	E.	Allen,	&	J.	Seaman.	(2014).	Opening	the	curriculum:	Open	educational	resources	in	US	higher	education,	2014.	Pearson:	Babson	Survey	Research	Group.		
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[35]		E.	Tovar	&	N.	Piedra	(2014)	Guest	Editorial:	Open	Educational	Resources	in	Engineering	Education:	Various	Perspectives	Opening	the	Education	of	Engineers.	IEEE	Transactions	on	Education,	Vol.	57	No	4,	November	2014.	DOI:	http://10.1109/TE.2014.2359257
• Good practice: Identify with URIs. To benefit from and
increase the value of the World Wide Web, agents should
provide URIs as identifiers for resources.
• Constraint: URIs Identify a Single Resource. Assign
distinct URIs to distinct resources.
• Good practice: Avoiding URI aliases. A URI owner
SHOULD NOT associate arbitrarily different URIs with the
same resource.
• Good practice: Reuse URI schemes. A specification
SHOULD reuse an existing URI scheme (rather than create
a new one) when it provides the desired properties of
identifiers and their relation to resources.

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OER Peer Learning Web-Based Application
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Open Education Global (OEGlobal)

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