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Biometric System
                    Template Editing
                Template Replacement

Template Editing & Replacement: novel methods
  for Biometric Template Selection & Update

                              Biagio Freni

                   Advisor: Prof. Fabio Roli
              Pattern Recognition and Application Group
     Dept. Electrical Electronic Engineering - University of Cagliari

                           05 March 2010

                         Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System
                    Template Editing
                Template Replacement

Biometric System
   Template Representativeness
   State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update

Template Editing
   Clustering Algorithms
   Editing Algorithms
   Experimental Comparison

Template Replacement
   Semi-Supervised Template Update
   Template Update with Replacement

                         Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System
                         Template Editing
                     Template Replacement

   20 January 2010 . . . A man has been founded dead in a Dubai’s
   . . . couple of days later . . . Local Police discovered that 11 main
   suspects got into the country illegally using forged passports of
   European citizen. Police found out that pictures in the documents
   were different from legitimate owner’s pictures.

   . . . 14 January 2010 just a week before the Dubai affair, EU
   delegates approved — 594 vs 51, while 37 abstained — the launch
   of Biometric Passport including owner’s fingerprint and face.
                              Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Overview
                        Template Editing    Template Representativeness
                    Template Replacement    State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update

What’s Biometric?
   Biometric refers to the use of physiological or behavioural
   characteristics, “unique” for each person, with the aim of
   established people’s identity.

   Core of Biometric System is represented by Templates.
                             Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Overview
                        Template Editing    Template Representativeness
                    Template Replacement    State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update

Template Selection & Update

   The issue of template selection and update, in biometric
   recognition systems, is twofold and is related to:
       Selection during Enrollment regarding the effective creation
       of representative template gallery of client populations,
       keeping the number of templates as small as possible at the
       same time.
       Update during Authentication regarding the need of adapt
       over time templates, in order to capture the variations, in the
       biometric traits not presented in the time of enrollment.
   Selection & Update are different problems that share the common
   notion of “best representative” templates.

                             Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Overview
                           Template Editing    Template Representativeness
                       Template Replacement    State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update

State-of-the-Art: summary

   State-of-the-Art can be summurized by following modalities 1 :
          Supervised: requires human intervention to labeling data.
          Semi-Supervised 2 : queries labelled by the system are used
          for the task.
              Offline: a bunch of semi-labelled data are stored during the
              system authentication, later, they are used to update system’s
              templates when the system itself is not operative.
              Online: each coming query is evaluated by the system during
              authentication phase, template adaptation is performed online.

        A. Rattani, B. Freni, G.L. Marcialis, F. Roli, Template Update Methods in
   Adaptive Biometric Systems: A Critical Review, ICB09, pp 847-856.
        B. Freni, G.L. Marcialis, and F. Roli, Online and offline fingerprint
   template update using minutiae: an experimental comparison, AMDO08, July,
   9-11, 2008, Eds., Springer LNCS 5098, pp. 441-448.
                                Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Overview
                       Template Editing    Template Representativeness
                   Template Replacement    State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update

PhD work
  This PhD work explored the whole S-o-A and new methods have
  been proposed and published:
      S-o-A: Template Update Methods in Adaptive Biometric
      Systems: A Critical Review, al. et Freni, ICB09.
      Supervised: Template Selection by Editing Algorithms: a
      case of Study in Face Recognition, Freni et al., S+SSPR08.
           Offline: Online and offline fingerprint template update using
           minutiae: an experimental comparison, Freni et al., AMDO08.
           Online: Replacement algorithms for fingerprint template
           update, Freni et al., ICIAR08.
  For sake of time just two works are addressed in this talk Editing
  methods for Template Selection and Replacement algorithms for
  Template Update.
                            Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                        Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                    Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

Template selection in Biometric

      Problem statement Given a set of N templates for a given
      person, select K templates that “best” represent the owner’s
      State-of-the-Art Derived from the clustering theory,
      consisting in exploring each template gallery according with
      two criteria: maximum similarity among templates (MDIST),
      maximum variation among them (DEND).
      Main Cons
        1. The procedure is not fully automatic since it requires the
           manual insertion of parameter K .
        2. All the template gallery are resized to the same dimension K ,
           without taking into account “intrinsic” difficulty of each client.

                             Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                         Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                     Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

SoA MDIST: maximum similarity among templates

    apply to all client’s gallery
   1. Compute distance between
      N templates
   2. For each template
      compute the average
      distance with the other
      (N − 1)
   3. Choose K templates with
      smallest average distance
      as new selected gallery

                              Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                          Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                      Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

SoA DEND: maximum variation among templates

 apply to all client’s gallery
 1. Generate a NxN dissimilarity
    matrix DM
 2. Apply Complete Link Clustering
    to DM in order to generate a
    Dendrogram D, using D to
    identify K clusters
 3. For each K cluster select the
 4. The set of templates selected in 3.
    represent a new selected gallery

                               Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                         Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                     Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

Novel Proposal: Template Editing for Biometric
   Editing Algorithms
   Editing algorithms belong to the K − NN classifier theory. K − NN
   use a set of prototype to perfom classification. A pattern is
   classified according to the majority of “K ” prototypes close to it.
   Biometric could be seen as a “1 − NN” classifier where templates
   are prototypes.
   Editing consist in generating from a given Template Set T a subset
   E able to maintain the same classification accuracy on T itself.
   Characteristics of Editing Algorithms:
    1. the procedure is completly automatic
    2. build up variable length galleries accordingly with the
       “difficult” of each client
    3. a superior generalization ability is expected
                              Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                          Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                      Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

CNN: Condensed Nearest Neighbour

    1. E ← x1, ..., xC , C number of clients, T template set, E
       edited set and x1..xC are templates randomly selected from T
    2. T ← T − E
    3. classify T using E
    4. Y set of misclassified templates in T
    5. if Y = φ then
         5.1 E ← E ∪ Y
         5.2 T ← T − Y
         5.3 repeat from point 4
    6. Stop

       P.E. Hart, The Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule, IEEE Transactions on
  Information Theory, 14, 515-516.
                               Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                            Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                        Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

RNN: Reduced Nearest Neighbour

    1. E ← T
    2. for each x ∈ E
         2.1   E ←E −x
         2.2   classify T using E
         2.3   Y set of misclassified templates in T
         2.4   if Y = φ then
               2.4.1 E ← E ∪ x
    3. Stop

       G.W. Gates, The Reduced Nearest Neighbor Rule, IEEE Transactions on
  Information Theory, 18 (3) 431-433.
                                 Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                        Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                    Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

Data sets, Protocol and Perfomance
   Data sets
   Results are carried out over Equinox, public Faces Dataset.
   50 clients have been randomly choosen from the dataset. Each one
   made up of 100 samples. A total of 5000 faces images.
   All the images have been grouped in two equal size sets, T and t.
   T has been used as Template Set and t as a complete separated
   test set to assess performance.
   System’s performance has been evaluated as identification
   accuracy : number of correct identified queries over total number
   of submitted queries.
   Results are showed as mean and (std) over six runs.
                             Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                            Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                        Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

Results: Accuracy
   Accuracy over a test set obtained by different selection methods.

                Gallery       #instances×class              TEST
                TRAIN              50 (0)                99.62 (0.14)
                 CNN               7 (3)                 97.6 (0.45)
                 SNN                4 (3)                73.66 (3.31)
                 RNN               17 (9)                98.43 (0.53)
                 ENN               49 (1)                99.35 (0.27)
                MDIST               6 (0)                94.15 (0.68)
                MDIST               9 (0)                96.56 (0.58)
                DEND                6 (0)                89.11 (1.39)
                DEND                9 (0)                94.03 (0.70)
        B. Freni, G.L. Marcialis, and F. Roli, Template Selection by Editing
   Algorithms: a case of Study in Face Recognition, S+SSPR08, Springer
   LNCS5342, 755-764.
                                 Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                         Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                     Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison

Results: Client’s Accuracy

   Difficult clients

    Gallery   #classes     #instances        TEST         MDIST 9            DEND 9
     CNN         8             12            96.18         93.78              87.56
     RNN        41             20            98.58         96.05              93.25
     ENN        50             49            99.35         96.56              94.03

   Easy clients

    Gallery   #classes     #instances        TEST         MDIST 6            DEND 6
     CNN        21             4             98.04         96.89              93.67
     SNN        31             3             60.70         94.33              90.89
     RNN         4             3             98.08         98.96              95.76

                              Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Clustering Algorithms
                        Template Editing    Editing Algorithms
                    Template Replacement    Experimental Comparison


  Editing algorithms have been showed as a good alternative to the
  State-of-the-Art Template Selection techniques.

  Results pointed out main characteristics of Editing algorithms:
   1. Completly automatic procedures, no futher intervention is
      needed by supervisor.
   2. Capability to build up variable length galleries, according to
      client intrinsic difficulty.
   3. Superior identification accuracy.

  As a step futher a combined use of both techniques could be

                             Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                       Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
                   Template Replacement    Results

Template Update in Biometric

      Problem statement The problem is quite intuitive and
      consists in making adaptive the biometric recognition systems
      over the time.
      Templates collected during enrollment tend to be non
      representative by the time, due by the large intra-class
      Performing several enrollment sessions is expensive.
      Semi-supervised paradigms exploit unlabelled samples
      submitted to the system in order to find out “highly genuine”
      to adapt system’s templates.

                            Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                        Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
                    Template Replacement    Results

S-o-A summary: Semi-Supervised Template Update
   Semi-Supervised methods can be summarized by basic operations:
    1. Insertion. A “highly genuine” is added into template gallery.
    2. Condensing. A template gallery is “fused” in a
   Main Cons:
    1. Sistematic use of Insertion made up long galleries. For real
       systems Memory and Time of Matching are constrains.
    2. Condensing absolves constrains but is less representative of
       the original template galleries.
   Replacement is a novel basic operation. Able to:
    1. Absolve constrains of Memory and Time of Matching.
    2. Assure high level of perfomance.
                             Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                         Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
                     Template Replacement    Results

Novel Proposal: Replacement Algorithm

   T c indicates the template gallery of client c.
   M is the maximum number of template slots allowed.
   |T c | is the length of client’s gallery.
   Replacement algorithm consists in the following steps:
       for each client c = 1..C
         1. x ← i, i as novel input
         2. s = ms(x, T c ), matching score
         3. if s > threshold, “highly genuine”
             3.1 if |T c | < M then T c = T c ∪ x
             3.2 else T c = replace(T c , x)

   Function replace is made up according to some criteria.

                              Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                      Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
                  Template Replacement    Results

Replacement criteria
      Random Novel template replaces one randomly chosen.
      Naive Novel template replaces the one nearest to it.
      FIFO Template galleries are managed as a First In First Out
      queue. The new element supersede the oldest one.
      LFU Template galleries are seen as a priority queue Least
      Frequently Used. Less used template is substituted by novel
      MDIST applied to semi-supervised scenario. A new gallery is
      created adding by a novel template. MDIST is applied to
      pruned one element from the gallery.
      DEND applied in semi-supervised scenario. A new gallery is
      created adding by a novel template, then, a Dendrogram is
      made up. Based on Dendrogram an element is removed from
      the gallery.
                           Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                         Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
                     Template Replacement    Results

Data sets, Protocol and Perfomance
   Data sets
   Results are carried out over 12 public Fingerprint datasets. Each
   one made up of 100 clients, 8 samples per client, a total of 800 of
   fingerprint images for dataset.

   50 clients have been selected as system’s users. Other 50 as
   impostors. For each user 3 sets have been created L, U and T. L
   refers to user’s template gallery, U as unlabelled coming inputs and
   T as separeted test. U contains genuine and impostors.

   Equal Error Rate has been calculated over seven runs. EER
   represents the error of the verification system when a number of
   false acceptances is equal to a number of false rejections.
                              Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                   Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
               Template Replacement    Results

Results: EER (M = 3)

                DB                      FVC2002
             algorithm       Db1       Db2 Db3            Db4
               initial       7.3       6.9 12.1           6.0
              update         3.9       3.8   6.5          1.7
             RANDOM          5.2       3.4   6.4          2.2
              NAIVE          5.0       4.4   7.6          1.5
               FIFO          5.5       3.1   6.2          1.9
                LFU          4.2       3.1   6.5          1.7
              DEND           4.8       5.3   7.0          1.7
              MDIST          3.6       3.1 6.3            2.3

                        Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                           Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
                       Template Replacement    Results

Results: EER vs gallery dimension M

       B. Freni, G.L. Marcialis, F. Roli, Replacement algorithms for fingerprint
   template update, 5th Int. Conf. On Image Analysis and Recognition ICIAR08,
   June, 25-27, 2008, Povoa de Varzim (Portugal), A. Campihlo and M. Kamel
   Eds., Springer LNCS 5112, pp. 884-893.
                                Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                       Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
                   Template Replacement    Results


  Results pointed out:

   1. Less EER respect to update without replacement has been
   2. Perfomance differences among replacement criteria are strong
      with small “M”. Which means when strong requirements of
      storing memory is a constrain.
   3. MDIST outperfom other criteria, due to the fact that it
      performs replacement only if it is necessary.

                            Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
Biometric System    Semi-Supervised Template Update
                        Template Editing    Template Update with Replacement
                    Template Replacement    Results

      Biometric plays a central role in the problem of security and
      its importance is going to grow.
      Template representativeness is the key for the success of a
      Biometric system. Templates that “best” represent people’s
      identity must be choosen during “enrollment”, as well during
      the “authentication”, “highly genuine” must be detected in
      the coming input queries.
      Among the whole S-o-A explored in this investigation:
        1. the employ of Editing for template selection during enrollment
        2. the use of Replacement for template update during
      Template representativeness is crucial for other important
      issues in Biometric as Sensor-Interoparability in fingerprint.
      This problem has been addressed too, but for sake of room
      this talk was dedicated just to Editing and Replacement.
                             Biagio Freni   Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric

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Freni - Ph.D. Defense Slides

  • 1. Biometric System Template Editing Template Replacement Template Editing & Replacement: novel methods for Biometric Template Selection & Update Biagio Freni Advisor: Prof. Fabio Roli Pattern Recognition and Application Group Dept. Electrical Electronic Engineering - University of Cagliari 05 March 2010 Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 2. Biometric System Template Editing Template Replacement Biometric System Overview Template Representativeness State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update Template Editing Clustering Algorithms Editing Algorithms Experimental Comparison Template Replacement Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Update with Replacement Results Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 3. Biometric System Template Editing Template Replacement Overture 20 January 2010 . . . A man has been founded dead in a Dubai’s hotel. . . . couple of days later . . . Local Police discovered that 11 main suspects got into the country illegally using forged passports of European citizen. Police found out that pictures in the documents were different from legitimate owner’s pictures. . . . 14 January 2010 just a week before the Dubai affair, EU delegates approved — 594 vs 51, while 37 abstained — the launch of Biometric Passport including owner’s fingerprint and face. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 4. Biometric System Overview Template Editing Template Representativeness Template Replacement State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update What’s Biometric? Biometric refers to the use of physiological or behavioural characteristics, “unique” for each person, with the aim of established people’s identity. Core of Biometric System is represented by Templates. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 5. Biometric System Overview Template Editing Template Representativeness Template Replacement State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update Template Selection & Update The issue of template selection and update, in biometric recognition systems, is twofold and is related to: Selection during Enrollment regarding the effective creation of representative template gallery of client populations, keeping the number of templates as small as possible at the same time. Update during Authentication regarding the need of adapt over time templates, in order to capture the variations, in the biometric traits not presented in the time of enrollment. Selection & Update are different problems that share the common notion of “best representative” templates. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 6. Biometric System Overview Template Editing Template Representativeness Template Replacement State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update State-of-the-Art: summary State-of-the-Art can be summurized by following modalities 1 : Supervised: requires human intervention to labeling data. Semi-Supervised 2 : queries labelled by the system are used for the task. Offline: a bunch of semi-labelled data are stored during the system authentication, later, they are used to update system’s templates when the system itself is not operative. Online: each coming query is evaluated by the system during authentication phase, template adaptation is performed online. 1 A. Rattani, B. Freni, G.L. Marcialis, F. Roli, Template Update Methods in Adaptive Biometric Systems: A Critical Review, ICB09, pp 847-856. 2 B. Freni, G.L. Marcialis, and F. Roli, Online and offline fingerprint template update using minutiae: an experimental comparison, AMDO08, July, 9-11, 2008, Eds., Springer LNCS 5098, pp. 441-448. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 7. Biometric System Overview Template Editing Template Representativeness Template Replacement State-of-the-Art: Template Selection & Update PhD work This PhD work explored the whole S-o-A and new methods have been proposed and published: S-o-A: Template Update Methods in Adaptive Biometric Systems: A Critical Review, al. et Freni, ICB09. Supervised: Template Selection by Editing Algorithms: a case of Study in Face Recognition, Freni et al., S+SSPR08. Semi-Supervised Offline: Online and offline fingerprint template update using minutiae: an experimental comparison, Freni et al., AMDO08. Online: Replacement algorithms for fingerprint template update, Freni et al., ICIAR08. For sake of time just two works are addressed in this talk Editing methods for Template Selection and Replacement algorithms for Template Update. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 8. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison Template selection in Biometric Problem statement Given a set of N templates for a given person, select K templates that “best” represent the owner’s identity. State-of-the-Art Derived from the clustering theory, consisting in exploring each template gallery according with two criteria: maximum similarity among templates (MDIST), maximum variation among them (DEND). Main Cons 1. The procedure is not fully automatic since it requires the manual insertion of parameter K . 2. All the template gallery are resized to the same dimension K , without taking into account “intrinsic” difficulty of each client. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 9. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison SoA MDIST: maximum similarity among templates apply to all client’s gallery 1. Compute distance between N templates 2. For each template compute the average distance with the other (N − 1) 3. Choose K templates with smallest average distance as new selected gallery Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 10. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison SoA DEND: maximum variation among templates apply to all client’s gallery 1. Generate a NxN dissimilarity matrix DM 2. Apply Complete Link Clustering to DM in order to generate a Dendrogram D, using D to identify K clusters 3. For each K cluster select the center 4. The set of templates selected in 3. represent a new selected gallery Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 11. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison Novel Proposal: Template Editing for Biometric Editing Algorithms Editing algorithms belong to the K − NN classifier theory. K − NN use a set of prototype to perfom classification. A pattern is classified according to the majority of “K ” prototypes close to it. Biometric could be seen as a “1 − NN” classifier where templates are prototypes. Editing consist in generating from a given Template Set T a subset E able to maintain the same classification accuracy on T itself. Characteristics of Editing Algorithms: 1. the procedure is completly automatic 2. build up variable length galleries accordingly with the “difficult” of each client 3. a superior generalization ability is expected Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 12. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison 3 CNN: Condensed Nearest Neighbour 1. E ← x1, ..., xC , C number of clients, T template set, E edited set and x1..xC are templates randomly selected from T 2. T ← T − E 3. classify T using E 4. Y set of misclassified templates in T 5. if Y = φ then 5.1 E ← E ∪ Y 5.2 T ← T − Y 5.3 repeat from point 4 6. Stop 3 P.E. Hart, The Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 14, 515-516. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 13. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison 4 RNN: Reduced Nearest Neighbour 1. E ← T 2. for each x ∈ E 2.1 E ←E −x 2.2 classify T using E 2.3 Y set of misclassified templates in T 2.4 if Y = φ then 2.4.1 E ← E ∪ x 3. Stop 4 G.W. Gates, The Reduced Nearest Neighbor Rule, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 18 (3) 431-433. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 14. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison Data sets, Protocol and Perfomance Data sets Results are carried out over Equinox, public Faces Dataset. 50 clients have been randomly choosen from the dataset. Each one made up of 100 samples. A total of 5000 faces images. Protocol All the images have been grouped in two equal size sets, T and t. T has been used as Template Set and t as a complete separated test set to assess performance. Performance System’s performance has been evaluated as identification accuracy : number of correct identified queries over total number of submitted queries. Results are showed as mean and (std) over six runs. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 15. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison 5 Results: Accuracy Accuracy over a test set obtained by different selection methods. Gallery #instances×class TEST TRAIN 50 (0) 99.62 (0.14) CNN 7 (3) 97.6 (0.45) SNN 4 (3) 73.66 (3.31) RNN 17 (9) 98.43 (0.53) ENN 49 (1) 99.35 (0.27) MDIST 6 (0) 94.15 (0.68) MDIST 9 (0) 96.56 (0.58) DEND 6 (0) 89.11 (1.39) DEND 9 (0) 94.03 (0.70) 5 B. Freni, G.L. Marcialis, and F. Roli, Template Selection by Editing Algorithms: a case of Study in Face Recognition, S+SSPR08, Springer LNCS5342, 755-764. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 16. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison Results: Client’s Accuracy Difficult clients Gallery #classes #instances TEST MDIST 9 DEND 9 CNN 8 12 96.18 93.78 87.56 RNN 41 20 98.58 96.05 93.25 ENN 50 49 99.35 96.56 94.03 Easy clients Gallery #classes #instances TEST MDIST 6 DEND 6 CNN 21 4 98.04 96.89 93.67 SNN 31 3 60.70 94.33 90.89 RNN 4 3 98.08 98.96 95.76 Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 17. Biometric System Clustering Algorithms Template Editing Editing Algorithms Template Replacement Experimental Comparison Summary Editing algorithms have been showed as a good alternative to the State-of-the-Art Template Selection techniques. Results pointed out main characteristics of Editing algorithms: 1. Completly automatic procedures, no futher intervention is needed by supervisor. 2. Capability to build up variable length galleries, according to client intrinsic difficulty. 3. Superior identification accuracy. As a step futher a combined use of both techniques could be investigated. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 18. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results Template Update in Biometric Problem statement The problem is quite intuitive and consists in making adaptive the biometric recognition systems over the time. Templates collected during enrollment tend to be non representative by the time, due by the large intra-class variation. Performing several enrollment sessions is expensive. State-of-the-Art Semi-supervised paradigms exploit unlabelled samples submitted to the system in order to find out “highly genuine” to adapt system’s templates. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 19. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results S-o-A summary: Semi-Supervised Template Update Semi-Supervised methods can be summarized by basic operations: 1. Insertion. A “highly genuine” is added into template gallery. 2. Condensing. A template gallery is “fused” in a “super-template”. Main Cons: 1. Sistematic use of Insertion made up long galleries. For real systems Memory and Time of Matching are constrains. 2. Condensing absolves constrains but is less representative of the original template galleries. Replacement is a novel basic operation. Able to: 1. Absolve constrains of Memory and Time of Matching. 2. Assure high level of perfomance. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 20. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results Novel Proposal: Replacement Algorithm T c indicates the template gallery of client c. M is the maximum number of template slots allowed. |T c | is the length of client’s gallery. Replacement algorithm consists in the following steps: for each client c = 1..C 1. x ← i, i as novel input 2. s = ms(x, T c ), matching score 3. if s > threshold, “highly genuine” 3.1 if |T c | < M then T c = T c ∪ x 3.2 else T c = replace(T c , x) Function replace is made up according to some criteria. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 21. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results Replacement criteria Random Novel template replaces one randomly chosen. Naive Novel template replaces the one nearest to it. FIFO Template galleries are managed as a First In First Out queue. The new element supersede the oldest one. LFU Template galleries are seen as a priority queue Least Frequently Used. Less used template is substituted by novel one. MDIST applied to semi-supervised scenario. A new gallery is created adding by a novel template. MDIST is applied to pruned one element from the gallery. DEND applied in semi-supervised scenario. A new gallery is created adding by a novel template, then, a Dendrogram is made up. Based on Dendrogram an element is removed from the gallery. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 22. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results Data sets, Protocol and Perfomance Data sets Results are carried out over 12 public Fingerprint datasets. Each one made up of 100 clients, 8 samples per client, a total of 800 of fingerprint images for dataset. Protocol 50 clients have been selected as system’s users. Other 50 as impostors. For each user 3 sets have been created L, U and T. L refers to user’s template gallery, U as unlabelled coming inputs and T as separeted test. U contains genuine and impostors. Performance Equal Error Rate has been calculated over seven runs. EER represents the error of the verification system when a number of false acceptances is equal to a number of false rejections. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 23. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results Results: EER (M = 3) DB FVC2002 algorithm Db1 Db2 Db3 Db4 initial 7.3 6.9 12.1 6.0 update 3.9 3.8 6.5 1.7 RANDOM 5.2 3.4 6.4 2.2 NAIVE 5.0 4.4 7.6 1.5 FIFO 5.5 3.1 6.2 1.9 LFU 4.2 3.1 6.5 1.7 DEND 4.8 5.3 7.0 1.7 MDIST 3.6 3.1 6.3 2.3 Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 24. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results 6 Results: EER vs gallery dimension M 6 B. Freni, G.L. Marcialis, F. Roli, Replacement algorithms for fingerprint template update, 5th Int. Conf. On Image Analysis and Recognition ICIAR08, June, 25-27, 2008, Povoa de Varzim (Portugal), A. Campihlo and M. Kamel Eds., Springer LNCS 5112, pp. 884-893. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 25. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results Summary Results pointed out: 1. Less EER respect to update without replacement has been showed. 2. Perfomance differences among replacement criteria are strong with small “M”. Which means when strong requirements of storing memory is a constrain. 3. MDIST outperfom other criteria, due to the fact that it performs replacement only if it is necessary. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric
  • 26. Biometric System Semi-Supervised Template Update Template Editing Template Update with Replacement Template Replacement Results Conclusions Biometric plays a central role in the problem of security and its importance is going to grow. Template representativeness is the key for the success of a Biometric system. Templates that “best” represent people’s identity must be choosen during “enrollment”, as well during the “authentication”, “highly genuine” must be detected in the coming input queries. Among the whole S-o-A explored in this investigation: 1. the employ of Editing for template selection during enrollment 2. the use of Replacement for template update during authentication Template representativeness is crucial for other important issues in Biometric as Sensor-Interoparability in fingerprint. This problem has been addressed too, but for sake of room this talk was dedicated just to Editing and Replacement. Biagio Freni Template Editing & Replacement in Biometric