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Frederick Douglass Narrative Essay
Crafting an essay on the "Frederick Douglass Narrative" is not a task to be taken lightly. It
involves delving into the intricate details of Douglass's life, grappling with the profound themes
of slavery, freedom, and resilience. The difficulty lies not just in narrating his compelling story
but also in capturing the essence of his experiences, emotions, and the societal context of the
To adequately convey Douglass's narrative, one must navigate through the complex layers of
historical analysis, literary interpretation, and the socio-political landscape of the 19th century. It
requires a meticulous examination of Douglass's autobiographical work, extracting key elements,
and synthesizing them into a coherent and insightful essay.
Moreover, the challenge extends to the ethical responsibility of presenting Douglass's story with
the gravity and sensitivity it deserves. Addressing the horrors of slavery, the pursuit of freedom,
and the resilience of the human spirit demands a nuanced approach that respects the gravity of
the subject matter.
In addition, developing a unique perspective or argument that contributes to the existing
discourse on Frederick Douglass can be demanding. It requires a deep understanding of the
existing scholarship and the ability to offer fresh insights that add value to the understanding of
Douglass's narrative.
Despite the difficulty, the process of writing such an essay can be intellectually rewarding. It
allows the writer to engage with a pivotal moment in history and to contribute to the ongoing
conversation about the legacy of Frederick Douglass. However, it's crucial to approach this task
with respect, empathy, and a commitment to accurately representing Douglass's experiences.
For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of this topic, it's important to
remember that help is available. Similar essays and a wealth of academic support can be accessed
through platforms like, providing valuable assistance in navigating the
complexities of writing on historical and literary subjects.
Frederick Douglass Narrative EssayFrederick Douglass Narrative Essay
Watching The Pbs Frontline Film Titled, Losing Iraq
Earlier this week we were privileged to watch the PBS Frontline film titled, Losing
Iraq . In the beginning of this film, General Keane believed that the United States
shouldn t invade Iraq. Keane noticed that the war plans didn t include adequate plans
for securing the country. At the same time, General Franks announced that by
September 2003, 110,000 troops would be prepared to leave and that a division of
30,000 would stay and handle Iraq. At this point of time, this was huge news for the
United States, they truly believed that the major combat phase of the war in Iraq
was over. United States next step was to send Jerry Bremer to Iraq to attempt to fix
20 years of dysfunctional government. Jerry Bremer was a very interesting candidate
... Show more content on ...
My answer is, bring em on. We got the force necessary to deal with the security
The plan to send more than 100,00 troops home by September 2003 was now
absolutely out of the question. As the war continued, thousands of Iraqis were
swept up in raids. The reality became that you d go into a village and just arrest
everybody. Things were beginning to get out of hand, the Defense Department
decided it wanted Iraq to be given back to the Iraqis as soon as possible. Soon after
the discussion, the US Army captured Saddam Hussein and he shared that he was
willing to negotiate. Many believed that this would lower the tension in Iraq, but
they were absolutely wrong. Four American contractors were murdered and two of
the bodies were hung from a bridge. This upset George Bush very much and he
demanded that the Marines retaliate. The Marines took the order and moved into the
city, killing people. Once the Marines were ordered to stop fighting, they were now
ordered to simply surround Fallujah and contain the insurgents. Soon after this,
Bremer formed a new government, and handed Iraq back to the Iraqis.
As the war continued, the United States Army was fighting the Mahdi Army. They
pushed the Mahdi Army into Sadr, but the White House didn t want to risk
destroying the mosque so the Army was ordered to cut a deal. The deal was to have
their militia not oppose the Americans. The United States
Odysseus Desire To Return Home In Homer s Odyssey
Home is the place everyone wants to return after being away. In The Odyssey written
by Homer, a man named Odysseus wants to return home more than anything in the
world. The poem has many epic themes including good and evil, life and death, and
courage and honor. Notably, the most meaningful aspect is the importance of home.
Odysseusdesire to return to his homeland and beloved family gives him the strength
to overcome physical challenges and moral temptations. Odysseus overcomes many
obstacles in order to return to his kingdom of Ithaca, his wife Penelope, and his son
Telemachus. This desire influences many of Odysseus decisions throughout his
twenty year period away from home. Odysseus witnesses his own men being eaten
Body Injury
INFLAMMATION interaction with the environment which consist of micro
organism and potentials body injury is unavoidable in human life. the presence of
micro organisms and potential for bodily injury pose a threat to the state of an
individual s health. Natural protection of the body against invasion by organisms and
damage by injury Is ensured by the process of inflammationand the immune system.
inflammation can therefore be protective in certain circumstances. definition
inflammation has been in several ways. but the basic underlying principle of these
definitions is that inflammation occurs following the presence if any foreign
irritating matter in the body in an attempt to remove or resist this foreign material.
According to Jones... Show more content on ...
an abscess is a cavity formed as phagocytosis take place and damaged tissue is
consumed. pus formation (suppuration) occurs after phagocytic have engulfed and
digested bacteria and necrotic tissue. phagotic cells eventually die. pus consists of
dead phagocytic cells, partially digested and undigested bacteria and necrotic tissue.
enzymes liberated by the dead cells digest the dead debris and accounts for the liquid
consistency of pus. the presence of undigested bacteria makes the exudate highly
infectious. the pus may be absorbed to the surrounding tissues if the abscess remain
encapsulated and content autolyzed. it may rupture and drain into adjoining
structures or to the body surface. it may persist in an encapsulated
Theme Of Vertigo By Paul Austers Mr Vertigo
To fight through downfall I was twelve years old the first time I walked on water is
the first line in Paul Austers Mr. Vertigo, a book about a child s dream and the
journey to reach them. The book takes place in America at 1927 where a young
boy named Walt is approached by a strange man, called Master Yehudi and is
offered a chance in a lifetime, the ability to fly. As he goes with him he chooses a
difficult path that will bring both wonders and despair. This is a book telling about
a boys big ambition to overcome all hardship that lives throws in his way. The
ability to overcome hardship can be seen through the protagonist personality, his
ambition to reach greatness. He was a nobody, a nothing, so when he is offered
the chance to achieve something greater he takes it. Not like a bird, my little man.
Like a god. You d be the wonder of wonders, Walt, the holy of holies. As long as
men walked the earth, they d worship you as the greatest among them. (Auster 74).
He has an ambition so extraordinary and he is willing to do anything to reach his
goal, suffer through hardship so repulsing that no human ever should need to go
through. He got buried alive, cuts of a part of his finger and so many inhuman things,
but he... Show more content on ...
Another example where this occurs is later in Walt s life when he lives in
Chicago, owning a nightclub named Mr Vertigo. There he meets Dizzy Dean, the
former best baseball player in the world until he hurt his arm. Recognizing himself
so much in Dean he cannot longer hold them two apart, Deans success is his
success and his downfall is his downfall. He cannot longer stand how Dean keeps
falling to the bottom and decides to make him kill himself. Although when Dean
recognizes him for who he was, the flying boy, he loses his cool and end up
threating Dean with a pistol. When revealed about what his deed he again loses it
all, his life in Chicago and his
The Legacy Of Henry Ford
Henry Ford was instrumental in revolutionizing modern day America with his
innovations in the manufacturing industry. His modernistic ideas that led to the
creation of the Model T and assembly line were never heard of before. Ford s
development dramatically decreased assembly time of the Model T from twelve
hours to less than six hours. His Model T was the first to be within economic reach
of the everyday man. However, Ford didn t always see himself as an inventor, or
even an innovator. He spent many of his younger years working as a machinist. It
wasn t until 1882 when Ford got a job at the Westinghouse Company of Schenectady
where he repaired road engines that he saw himself enjoying the idea of being a
creator. Henry Fordwas born on a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan on July
30th, 1863. Ford was the oldest of six siblings. His family was neither rich nor
poor, but somewhere in the middle. The house he grew up in is still standing today
and he owns it along with the farm. Ford s major education influence as well as his
moral influence was his mother. While he was growing up, he constantly pondered
how much work there was to do on a farm and that surely there had to be an easier,
quicker way to get it all done. Ford attended school until he was 15 when he started
to discover his fascination with machinery. He often tinkered with things to figure
out how they worked. Ford put it this way: every fragment of machinery was a
treasure. Ford says his mother always
How Effective Dog Training Deals With Aggression
How Effective Dog Training Deals With Aggression
By Janet Woodrow | Submitted On September 28, 2011
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Behavior modification trainings are necessary not only for individuals but also for
canine species. The more aggressive a dog is, the more important a behavior training
will be. An aggressive dog needs to be tamed and calmed down to avoid troubles and
problems. For your dog to be a responsible member of the canine ... Show more
content on ...
The dog owner plays a crucial role on the type of dog your pet will grow up to be.
The behavior, attitude and approach of the dog owner will influence what behaviors
the dog will be able to emulate. If the dog owner uses physical violence in the
training, the dog will also replicate the same aggressive personality. Other negative
behaviors of dog owner that may also be modeled by the pet include harassment,
constant reprimands and ignoring.
Dog owners are also discouraged against keeping the dog inside a dog or
imprisoning the pet because such behaviors will just trigger and stimulate
hostility, rebellion and negative disposition in your pet. Punishment should also
be kept at a reasonable pace and intensity. Excessive punishment will just be
harmful to your pet and to you as a dog owner as well. Make sure you also feed
your pet well because they usually become hostile when they are hungry. Aside
from the personality and behavior of the dog owner, with effective dog training its
essential to remember that the environment also influences the behavior that the
dog will learn. If your pet is surrounded by dogs that usually bark and snarl, there is
a high probability that your dog will also learn such hostile and aggressive
behaviors. If the dogs surrounding your pet always show physical attacks, that
negative behavior will certainly be imitated by your pet. So you have to be careful
with the environment you expose your
Informative Essay On Greg Norman s Golf Career
Greg Norman
Imagine losing a million dollars because you couldn t make a three putt in a golf
tournament even though you ve spent your whole life golfing. Professional golfer,
Greg Norman has won 91 golf tournaments, but he has lost many which has changed
his entire career. Greg Norman has had many ups and downs in his life that have led
him to great accomplishments.
Greg Norman had a very interesting and adventurous childhood. He grew up in
Australia. One day, Greg was a caddy for his mother while she played golf. When she
went to take a break, he started fiddling with her golf clubs and found a natural
ability for golf. He started to work on his golfing skills when he was sixteen years
old. Greg worked with Charlie Erp, a professional golf ... Show more content on ...
Many people know him as the Great White Shark because of his aggressive way of
attacking the course and playing a mean round of golf. He won ninety one
worldwide victories in his golf career. Twenty of those tournaments were PGA golf
tournaments. He made his own clothesline in the 1990s. It originally started with
the brand Reebok, but it later turned into his own clothesline called the Greg
Norman Collection which is still used today! He has designed many golf courses
worldwide. Lastly, Greg Norman was put into the Golf Hall of Fame in 2001 for his
The History Of Sexuality, By Michel Foucault
In the History of Sexuality Vol. 1, Michel Foucault writes the body as a constructed
and manipulated agent, the locus of sociopolitical discourse and power. To Foucault,
the body cannot exist before the law (that which holds and ascribes its meaning).
Similarly, sexuality cannot free itself from relations of power (Butler 1989:603).
Indeed, the body is culturally contested; it is incapable of independence from any
particular structuralized narrative. The ubiquitous yet uncertain subject of sex, as
Foucault describes, is an imaginary point, the consequence of materiality fully
invested with ideas (Butler 1989:603). He writes; Nothing in man not even his body
is sufficiently stable to serve as the basis for self recognition or for understanding
other men (Foucault 1980:153). The culturally constructed body then, asserts a
multitude of identities. The body is molded by distinct regimes of life, broken down
by rhythms of work, rest, and holiday uprooted by cultural significant values, habits
and moral laws (Foucault 1980:153). The legality of the body within the context of
transactional sex has been a subject of constant debate, primarily limited to a severe
binary whereby the focus on decriminalization rest upon the idea of human agency
and the victimization of the body. Central to these narratives is, of course, the female
form. On one end of the spectrum, anti prostitutionactivists argue that women
involved in the sex trade industry are but victims of an unjust
Differences Between Middle And Upper Class
The Many Differences between Lower, Middle and Upper Class There are various
ways of referring to class. Often, when people talk about lower/middle and upper
class, they talk in terms of blue/white collar jobs. Ideally we would all think we fall
into the middle class; however, most of society is in the lower/middle classeven
though they are working their dream job with a degree. Additionally, the American
dream has changed drastically throughout the years. The unfair, the system that
effects the rich poor balance has been getting big traction. Middle class is paying
higher taxes than upper class; the tax systems are upside, and down poor people
are paying more and the rich people are paying less. I believe that wealthy people
are paying too little taxes. When you are in the middle class you are stuck paying
more than someone that is the upper class. According to David Leonhardt in
Inequality has been going on forever... he mentioned, Instead their middle class
and poor have enjoyed more aggressively rising incomes, all while their economies
grow as rapidly as this country s in recent years. (Leonardt 543) For instance,
working in the middle class we don t get enough money to pay off every single
thing, so we have to try to balance all the bills and necessities out. I see many people
are struggling they cannot pay all of their bills.
Lower/Middle class cannot afford to pay more taxes because they do not make
enough with the taxes they are already taking off their
Islamic Marriage Customs Vary, Depending On Country
Islamic marriage customs vary, depending on country of origin and government
regulations, Muslim men and women around the world are guided by Islamic laws
and practices specified in the Quran. According to the teachings of the Quran, a
married Muslim couple is associated with clothing. Within this context, both
husband and wife are each other s protector and comforter, just as real garments
show and conceal the body of human beings. Thus, they are meant for one another
A legal contract In Islam, a person should be properly married, and this should
include both the religious ceremony and the legal requirements of the law of the
land. However, Muslims who marry without legal registration in the United
Kingdom are putting their womenfolk at some risk, and their children are not
legitimate in the eyes of the UK law and no Muslim should wish to put his wife and
children in this difficult position. In Islam, marriages are not considered to be made
in heaven between soul mates destined for each other; they are not sacraments. They
are social contracts which bring rights and obligations to both parties, and can only
be successful when these are mutually respected and cherished. Polygyny At the time
of the revelation of the Qur an it was normal procedure for men to have more than
one wife, up to the limits of their ability to support them. Also, powerful and wealthy
women also had marital arrangements with more than one partner. One difference
between Islam and
Mental Illness Of Mental Health
Mental health is defined as a state of well being in which every individual realises
his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his
community (WHO, 2014).
Mental health disorder can be defined as a health problem that significantly affects
how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people. Mental health
problems include the mental ill health that can be experienced temporarily as a
reaction to the stresses of life. Mental disorder cause a great deal of suffering to
those experiencing them, as well as their families and friends (NHS, 2014). Mental
health illnesses can affect people of all ages, and it can be triggered by physical,
social, environmental and genetic factors. Everyone is different, and because of this
some people are more at risk of experiencing mental illness than others. Mental
disorder are classified into two different types and degrees of severity, these are,
psychosis and neurosis.
Psychosis is a generic term for any mental state where the individual has lost their
sense of reality, allowing normal social functioning to deteriorate. The three primary
causes of psychosis are: Functional e.g. schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, Organic
e.g. stemming from medical rather than psychological conditions, for example, a
brain tumour, and psychoactive drugs (Sure life, 2011). People experiencing an acute
episode of psychosis lose touch
Desperation In The Great Gatsby
There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired (Fitzgerald 79). In
Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby the protagonists live lives of secrecy, one in
which is full of despair and desperation. This desperation is caused by an emptiness
that resonates from within and in order to further eliminate it from their mind and
hearts they aspire to fill the void they experience. The idea The mass of men lead
lives of quiet desperation from Henry Thoreau s Walden becomes present as the
characters find themselves unsuccessful in fulfilling their life goals to find happiness
through the attainment of wealth, status, love, etc. Several characters in the novel
mistakenly believe utmost fortune cause the desperation to cease, while... Show more
content on ...
F. Scott Fitzgerald along with Henry Thoreau explored this concept of the grim vision
of typical American lifestyle masterfully in both their classics. A mindset caused by
similar desires to achieve additional materialism from life results only in a
continuance of the never ending cycle. Despondency forever progresses through
generations in the distinct form of the American Dream, including that of the Roaring
Twenties and several generations to
The Ph Of A Solution
The pH of a solution is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in the solution.
It can be defined as the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration. pH = log [H+]
When the pH of a solution is below 7, it is an acidic solution. This means that there
is a higher concentration of free H+ ions in the solution. When the pH of a solution is
above 7, it is a basic solution and it means that there is a higher concentration of OH
ions in the solution. This is because the bases tend to lose their electrons and bond
with protons. So When the pH = 7, the solution is neutral. In other words, the acidity
of the solution decreases with higher pH values. The pH ... Show more content on ...
The salts can be derived from strong acids and bases making the solution neutral,
from strong acids and weak bases making the solution acidic, from weak acids and
strong bases making the solution basic and from weak acids and weak bases making
the solution neutral. Buffers are solutions that resist changes in pH. They contain a
Bronsted Lowry conjugate acid base pair where either the acid or the base is a weak
electrolyte. They play an important role in our life processes. The chemical
reactions take place at a specific pH in our body and it is very vital to maintain that
pH. When there arise some changes in the pH, this is where buffers come into play.
For example, the carbonic acid base buffer helps to achieve the acid base balance in
the blood. Buffers also help to maintain the homeostasis of the cells. Antacids help
people with their heartburns, which are caused due to excess acid that tries to escape
through the pyloric sphincter into the esophagus. This therefore causes heartburn.
Antacids behave as buffers by neutralizing the excess acid present in the stomach.
Examples of antacids are Alka Selzer, Tums, Briochi, Pepto Bismol, Bromo Selzer,
Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta etc. Antacids have a certain neutralizing capacity and the
greater it is, more
Sickle Cell Disease Case Study
Head to Toe Assessment
Sickle cell disease is an inherited form of anemia. This means both parents must pass
on the defective gene for a child to be affected. The gene is more common in families
that come from Saudi Arabia, Africa, Mediterranean countries, India, the Caribbean
islands, and North, South, and Central America of African descent.
It is a condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry
adequate oxygen throughout the body. Red blood cells are normally round and
flexible the moves easily throughout the blood vessels but, in sickle cell anemia the
red blood cell is sticky, rigid, and has a crescent moon shape. The irregular shape
cells can get stuck in the small blood vessels, which can slow or block ... Show more
content on ...
Accessory muscles are not seen during breathing. If accessory muscles were seen it
would indicate respiratory issue such as asthma, COPD, airway obstruction, ARSD,
emphysema or pneumonia.
Respiration: Normal respiration rate is sixteen to twenty breaths per minutes. Less
than sixteen breaths per minutes is call bradypnea and over twenty breaths per
minutes is called tachypnea. Her respiration rate was twenty two breaths per minutes,
even and unlabored, and shortness of breath on exertion.
Lungs: Upon auscultation, lungs are clear, no dyspnea, wheezing, or crackles.
Dyspnea could be a sign of pulmonary embolism, asthma, pneumonia, and
pneumothorax. Wheezing could be a sign of anaphylaxis reaction, asthma, bronchitis,
emphysema, RSV, COPD, and sleep apnea. Crackles could indicate congestive heart
failure, atelectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, and pulmonary edema,
Cardiovascular: Normal heart rate is sixty to one hundred beats per minutes. Her
heart rate was 77 beats per minute with regular rhythm and rate that was located at
the apex of the heart 5th intercostal space. There were no murmurs which would
indicate heart failure of vulvar
The Grapes Of Wrath Essay
In the epic movie Grapes of Wrath, director John Ford depicted a saga of one
family trying to survive the 1930 s. In watching this film, it helped me to understand
the hardships of the American migrants. The characters showed unique traits and
dealt with problems each in a different way.The Dust Bowl was an ecological and
human disaster that took place in the southwestern Great Plains region, including
Oklahoma. Misuse of land and years of sustained drought caused it. Millions of
acres of farmland became useless, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced
to leave their homes many migrated to California.
As the land dried up, great clouds of dust and sand, carried by the wind, covered
everything and the word quot;Dust Bowl quot; ... Show more content on ...
The Joad family was evicted from their farm in Oklahoma because they could not
afford to pay their bank loan. As they move across the great western states, they suffer
much discrimination.
The Joad family believes that once they are in California, they will find jobs and
settle down. They do not realize, however, that hundreds of thousands of other
families are going to California in search of jobs also. When they arrive, the Joads
are forced to accept horrible wages and live in terrible conditions. Ma was a strong
willed woman who was the leader of the family. The major decision that ma made,
was when the family was passing the Arizona border patrol. She lied to the inspectors
so she could pass through without having the police to search the car.
Ma pretended Grandma was alive so they would be allowed to rush through the
border patrol to get to a doctor. This plan worked and the Joad family arrived in
California safely. She was an ambitious woman who was determined to have a
successful family in California.Tom Joad was the main character. He was an irascible,
yet considerate man who respected his family. His respect for his family forced him
to leave on account of being a fugitive. He was defending preacher Casey, but failed
to do so when the police killed Casey.
Tom got revenge by killing the deputee.Preacher Casey was the most influential
character in the movie. He lived on his own and helped the Joad family during the
What Is The Theme Of Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey is the story of a naГЇve girl of seventeen years old named
Catherine Morland and how she matures by experiencing the modern world. The
novel is divided into two parts; these halves contrast each other in setting and in tone.
Catherine s story begins with the description of her living in the village Fullerton
where she has grown up with her family of nine siblings and her parents (who
educated her over the years). It is then that family friends of the Morlands, the Allens,
(a wealthy couple without children), proposal that Catherine comes along with them
to visit the tourist town of Bath. Catherine is more than willing to take up the
invitation but her expectations of the outside world are exaggerated due to her reading
... Show more content on ...
The narrator is unknown to the readers but describes Catherine s, and other characters
inner thoughts, that would otherwise be reserved to them. Although it is Catherine
that is made the main focus, Catherine s feelings, as she got into the carriage, were in
a very unsettled state; divided between regret for the loss of one great pleasure, and
the hope of soon enjoying another , her narrative representation is sympathetic and
pleasant but the third person structure also allows for Catherine s nature to be
presented without confusing the
Social Class In The Victorian Age
The books of Dickens have a place completely with the philanthropic development
of the Victorian Age, of which they are, in fact, in the circle of fiction, by a wide
margin an essential item and expression. He was from first to last a writer for a
reason. Dickens embarked to assault some particular mishandle or misuse existing
towards youngsters and ladies amid the Victorian period. Amid the Modern
Insurgency, the Victorian culture comprised of a hierarchical structure include the
privileged, trailed by the white collar class, the average workers and the ruined
underclass. These distinctive social classes could be recognized by disparities in
territories, for example, legislative issues, specialist, riches, training, culture,
working and living conditions. Individuals from the lower class were seen as
nonsensical, juvenile, superstitious, ruthless, exorbitantly sexual and tarnished.
Because of the feebleness of the lower class people, they were oppressed to misuse
and treatment like that of creatures. In light of destitution, kids were constrained
into youngster work and compelled to act as fireplace sweepers, and they could
slither up the twelve by fourteen inch stacks, some as little as seven inches square,
with the goal that they would get out the yearly standard of forty gallons of sediment
that was kept there. Some young men moved toward becoming rodent catchers, and
they were required to utilize arsenic to harm the rats. However, as this could be
costly, they could
Ancient Egyptian Dental Surgery
The entire article about the Ancient Egyptian Medicine is too impressive. The way
of treatment is pretty similar to the modern days. Moreover, the range of their
medical knowledge is a lot of extended and enriched. It has covered the normal
deceases to complicated diseases.
I think the most impressive part that the Egyptian did medically is Dentistry. It is also
give the information that Ancient Egyptians were really conscious about their Dental
treatment. Because of their corrosive food habit they teeth got broken partially or
damaged quite often. Despite of good dental treatment they had lost their teeth. The
corrode teeth was prescribed as worn masticate teeth and the treatment was referred
to fill the teeth with a mixture of resin and chrysocolla which contains green copper
(*1). It sounds really impressive to me. Because in modern days, still we use mixture
of copper and Zinc to fill our corrode teeth. Moreover, they had the medicine of
making the teeth strong and removed the pain. One more impressive part of their
dental treatment is root cannel. If any toxic elements got in the underneath of the
teeth, they drilled the teeth and drained out that toxic portions. ... Show more content
on ...
Neither they had the modern surgical apparatus nor surgical Technology. Because
of that particular reason the survival rate of any operation was very low. Especially,
it was really crucial for them to do a complicated operation with the ordinary
surgical apparatus. They could have successful in the small and risk free operations.
However, one more information was really shocked me positively. Even on that
ancient age of period Egyptians knew the techniques of local anesthesia. That means
few uncomplicated operations were non painful as well on that
Forklifts Essay
Used Forklifts Forklifts or lift trucks happen to be high when needed, particularly
with industrial organizations that need new forklifts or used forklifts for that
transport of heavy and fundamental materials. New forklifts or used forklifts are
indispensable today using the large numbers of takers. From manufacturing
towards the stockrooms, these forklifts play a predominant role within the
movement of recyclables or finished goods. Heavy goods industries like railway,
infrastructure companies, etc employ them within their daily procedures. Because
of popular, you will find some firms that have bridged directly into offer these
specialized forklifts to industries and manufacturing models. The necessity Used
forklifts in addition to new forklifts are for sale to use by industries. Several
industries even get these forklifts on the lease agreement. However, today used
forklifts have grown to be a well known pick by new industries and small
entrepreneurs who are required them for his or her small business. In reality, used
forklifts which are well maintained could be like new forklifts sometimes. This
enables you to save cash.... Show more content on ...
However, just in case you re buying one for any long term need, you shouldn t
mind individuals extra dollars that may enable you to get a replacement. Some
disadvantages of used forklifts can include noisy operation, shorter existence and
greater repairs and maintenance. Also, just in case you ll be utilizing a forklift for
everyday procedures, you have to re think before purchasing a second hand
forklift. A reputed dealer is a more sensible choice for brand new forklifts and used
forklifts as opposed to a relatively unpopular one. Additionally, you will have the
advantage of better service. Furthermore, the used forklifts can last longer if you
purchase it from the licensed dealer. He may also be handy sometimes of alternative,
or no
Yarra Valley And Study Sites
Yarra Valley Fieldwork Report:
Farming practices in the yarra valley are becoming increasingly sustainable
Steph Yang and Jasmin Huntington
Description of the location of the Yarra Valley and Study Sites visited
............................. 2 Yarra Valley De Bortoli Winery HealesvilleBuxton Trout and
Salmon Farm Yarra Valley Dairy
Map of Yarra Valley and study sites visited ............................................................... 2
Melbourne map Australia map
Description of the geographic characteristics ........................................................ 4
Overview of sites visited ..................................................................................... 4
Evaluation of sustainability .................................................................................. 8
Appendix ...........................................................................................See attached +
Fieldwork Booklets
References ....................................................................................................... 11
The Yarra Valley is the oldest wine region in Victoria
, located in the north east of
Melbourne and just over an hour drive from Melbourne CBD. The name of the
Yarra Valley was given from the region that is surrounding the Yarra River, which
runs and originates for approximately 90 kilometres east of Melbourne s business
district and towards one of Victoria s famous tourist attractions, Port Phillip Bay.
The valley covers a very large area consisting of Yarra Ranges National Park
located in the east and Kinglake National Park which is located in the west. The
valley further consists of many towns such as Coldstream, Lilydale, Yarra Glen,
Dixons Creek, Seville, and
Why The Articles Of Confederation
This essay will examine why the Articles of Confederation; the first national compact
that had executive branch and legislative branch with limited national government
power, failed to solve national problems, inflation, depression. After the American
Revolution, Americans were very suspicious with a strong central government, as
they think the United State government would control over tariff and limited human
rights just like what Great Britain had done in the past. On July of 1776, John
Dickinson submitted a blueprint for a strong national government to the Continental
Congress, however, his colleagues transformed his plan into a government that needs
the state s authority to execute any taxes, laws, or amendments. Since the national
government holds very little power, this created many conflicts such as tariffs, lack
of finances to maintain the army, no power to end rebellions. It was impossible for
the Article of Confederation to solve any postwar problems that America was facing
at that time due to high unemployed sailors, debt ridden farmers, and destitute
widows and orphans.
The Articles of Confederation gives the congress to raise taxes, but the state has the
authority to deny to pay its expenses. The states paid roughly seventy percent of what
they owed, most states paid remarkably less (Georgia did not paid anything). This
article negatively impacted America. As America just granted independence from
Great Britain, it was a very fresh country, the stability of
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Petroleum Oil
3.Crude oil Processing
The most common crude oil that is very useful in our daily life is petroleum. This
can be found underground or in the earth surface. Can you ever imagine using cars
without this kind of oil? Though there are already researches that are coming out
that we can use water as fuel of cars but this was not yet proven to be true. As
Wikipedia defines petroleum (from Greek: petra: rock + oleum: oil .
[4][5][6][7][8][9]) is a naturally occurring, yellow to black liquid found in geological
formations beneath the Earth s surface, which is commonly refined into various types
of fuels. Components of petroleum are separated using a technique called fractional
Petroleum is consists of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other organic
... Show more content on ...
The crushed seeds are then heated to temperatures between 110 degrees and 180
degrees in a steam bath to start the oil extraction process.
4.The seeds are put through a high volume press which uses high heat and friction to
press the oil from the seed pulp.
5.The seed pulp and oil are then put through a hexane solvent bath and steamed again
to squeeze out more oil.
Note: Hexane is produced by the refining of crude petroleum oil. It is a mild
anesthetic. Inhalation of high concentrations produces first a state of mild euphoria,
followed by sleepiness with headaches and nausea. Chronic intoxication from hexane
has been observed in recreational solvent abusers and in workers in the shoe
manufacturing, furniture restoration and automobile construction industries where
hexane is used as a glue. The initial symptoms are tingling and cramps in the arms
and legs, followed by general muscular weakness. In severe cases, atrophy of the
skeletal muscles is observed, along with a loss of coordination and problems of
vision. In 2001, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued regulations on the
control of emissions of hexane gas due to its potential carcinogenic properties and
Giffgaff Case Study
Choose ONE of the management processes encountered during the course: Starting,
Organising, Planning and Changing. Select a business organisation of your choice
and explain how and how well it undertakes your chosen process.
In this essay I am going to explain the concept of intrapreneurship, contemplated
within the management process of starting, and I will study its implication to the
creation of the mobile operator Giffgaff; the role of the parent company and the
innovative nature of Giffgaff will also be examined.
Intrapreneurship, also referred as corporate entrepreneurship, is a key concept in this
era of fierce market competition. The start up philosophy applied to established
companies positively promotes change and ... Show more content on
The role of the parent company is vital in the formation and development of the new
venture and in its potential success or fail; it must be ready to challenge the way it is
doing business, to take risks and to step into the unknown, and Telefonica O2 did it.
Gav Thompson spotted a gap in the market for those users who where not attracted by
traditional mobile operators, dissatisfied about expensive tariffs, lack of transparency
and poor customer service of market leaders within the sector; he identified the
opportunity to set up a new business form that, through innovation, would deliver a
service characterised by two main principles: being fair, open and transparent; and
guarantee price competitiveness thanks to the absence of call centres, costly
advertising or retail channels, keeping the costs low and passing the savings to the
customers (Thompson, 2010). This was the first step in the intrapreneurial process;
however, ideas have to become commercial solutions introduced into the market.
Finding the resources within an established and financially secure company has
some advantages compared to lone start ups: the project was approved by O2
executive board, who recognised its potential value, and Giffgaff received the
necessary funding from its parent company having also the option to share O2 s
infrastructure to operate, as Hearn (2010), one of Giffgaff 35 employees explained to
their community.
To develop
Blood Vengeance In Beowulf
Vengeance in Beowulf
While both blood feuds and wergild deal with murder, a blood feud requires a
death for a death, while wergild uses gold to make amends. When looking at this in
a biblical perspective, it is important to understand how these relate to justice.
Biblical justice is a far cry from revenge. Vengeance, however, takes the shape of both
blood feuds and wergild, and while blood feuds are fueled by revenge, wergild is
important to bring justice in Beowulf s society. Vengeance in Beowulf takes two
main forms: the blood feuds, such as that of Grendel s mother, and the concept of
wergild; only wergild, however, conforms to the biblical definition of justice. Blood
feuds play an important role in Beowulf, if only to contrast with the idea of wergild.
A blood feud took place when someone killed someone else, and the victim s
family had the right and responsibility to kill the murderer. However, this is not
justice; it is revenge, often causing a deep and uncontrollable split in a society. In
Beowulf, this is only referred to once, when Grendel is killed, and Grendel s mother
comes, desperate for revenge, intent on avenging Grendel s death ( Beowulf, 69).
While Grendel s mother could be seen as restoring justice, this blood feud only
brought more death and revenge. There were few rules or regulations, and revenge
was often personal. Indeed, the old testament blood feuds were more closely aligned
with wergild, in that weregild was not wild justice or a step outside
The Tempest Critical Analysis
The Tempest is about an ousted Duke of Milan ,Prospero, who has been living in
exile on a remote island for the past twelve years with his daughter Miranda. He is
a powerful magician, who happens to be the master of Ariel and Caliban, and a
guy who really likes his books. When Prospero s enemies wash up on shore, he uses
his black magic to seek revenge and restore himself to power. The Tempestbelongs to
the genre of Elizabethan romance plays. It combines elements of tragedy with those
of romantic comedy, and like one of Shakespeare s playspreviously, it asks deeper
questions that are not completely resolved at the end. The tone that seeps into the
play is one of wonder, amazement, and admiration. Mystery is still present , but the
magic performed is not black and scary. The version that seems to grasp my attention
more, would have to be the UtahValley University interpretation because it takes
Shakespeare s main purpose and tone but shows it in its own unique way.
Furthermore, with its silly drunkards, the play has a certain lightness to it and even
the so called killers of the King tell hilarious jokes and are lighthearted. But there is
also the tone of revenge and reconciliation in the play. We feel a revenge burning in
Prospero while, at the same time, a wish for forgiveness and reconciliation with those
who have wronged him.
The Balinese production has a magical and mystical tone and is all caused by the
effects the director decided to use to help make the tone
Healthcare Management Functions Of A Director Of
Published research does not include a detailed or frank discussion of the four main
healthcare management functions of a director of maternal child services.
Therefore, I contacted Dorinda Kirby, RN, for a knowledgeable discussion of the
four main healthcare management functions of a director for maternal child services.
Mrs. Kirby is an expert in the field, having practiced for 34 years. Of the 34 years,
Mrs. Kirby served three years on the staff as a charge RN, 25 years as a nurse
manager and six years as a director. Mrs. Kirby is the Director of Maternal Child
Services at Merit Health River Oaks Hospital. She reports to the Chief Nursing
Executive, Sherry Cook, MSN, and Mrs. Kirby has three assistant directors that
report to her, and the nurses from the different units report to the three assistant
directors, as well as herself.
Coulter, Decenzo, and Robbins (2014) said that planning involves defining the
organization s objectives or goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving
those goals, and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and
coordinate activities. It s concerned with ends (what is to be done) as well as with
means (how it s to be done) (p.123). To assess how planning assists Mrs. Kirby s
ability to be more effective, she discussed defining goals, establishing a strategy,
developing plans to manage activities and encouraging organizational members to
keep attentive. Mrs. Kirby stated that the goal for the nursing staff is
Divergent, By Veronica Roth
Divergent , by Veronica Roth is a compelling adventure/dramatic novel. Published
in 2011, Divergent is one out of a series of three books. It shines a light on Beatrice
Prior s life, and the decisions she makes throughout the story. I thoroughly enjoyed
this novel and ended up reading it twice. Divergent would be a great choice for
someone who enjoys adventurous stories with many plot twists. The main characters
are an important part of the story, as the book revolves around the decisions they
make. Beatrice Prior, better known as Tris, is the main characterof the story. Stuck
between two very difficult decisions, she makes a choice that tears her and her family
Tobias Eaton, who only goes by Four, is another main... Show more content on ...
The initiates can then follow what the test reveals or choose their own. Once
organized and ready, the time comes for the young adults to determine their future.
Called out one by one, they make their way to the five metal bowls (each representing
a different faction), then use a ceremonial knife to cut open their hand and let their
blood drip into the bowl of the faction they want to continue life in. Each new initiate
then stands in an area near the faction they decided on. Immediately shocked by her
results from her aptitude test, Tris finds that she is actually Divergent, a faction
shunned out from society for being unpredictable and dangerous. Petrified of losing
reputation, family, and everything she has worked for, she chooses Dauntless as her
faction. In this faction, Tris meets another Divergent concealed as a Dauntless and
they work together. Jeanine Matthews, the despicable leader of the Erudite faction,
uses a serum that forwards every member of the Dauntless faction into a simulation.
This stimulation allows the members to be aware of their surroundings but not able
to control themselves or their actions. The stimulation forces the Dauntless army of
uncontrolled slaves to enter the Abnegation faction, and they proceed to kill all the
members. Jeanine Matthews master plan was to kill every faction and have Erudite
rule the government. As Tris and Four are concealed Divergents, the serum fails to
work on them and they continue to go along with the
Equine Conditioning
Equines have been essential to the evolution of our society for over 4,000 years,
providing speed and strength to aid in work, travel, and war. They are extreme
athletes, capable of producing high speeds and stamina and are able to do so
efficiently. This is due partly to the muscle physiology of the equine. In most
mammals, 40 45% of body weight is made of muscle mass. In horses this
percentage is increased to over 50%. Horses are not all the same, however. Different
breeds have different skeletal muscle builds as well as muscle types. For example,
the Thoroughbred, one of the most athletic breeds of horses, has a muscle mass
percentage of almost 55%. (Gunn, 1979) Conditioning of our equine athletes is an
important part of equine care, especially... Show more content on ...
Interval training consists of workouts over a specified period of time or distance to
increase the heartrate, with breaks in between to lower heartrate. These exercises
were carried out at walk, trot, canter, and gallops. Swimming was also included on
some days. Kikkuli describes strenuous workouts, often for three times a day. An
example in the text details trotting their horses on the chariot for 18 miles and then
galloping for over three quarters of a mile. They are returned to the stable, washed
down, and fed. At night they are then trotted for an additional 6 miles and galloped
for three quarters of a mile. Horses were given breaks, easy days, and days off as
needed and while the primary goal was to create a fit war machine, the horses were
allowed to progress on their own time. As the training continued, the exercises
remained similar is style but the difficulty and length increased. (McMiken, 1990)
These exact methods were reproduced in the 1990s by Dr. Ann Nyland, an endurance
racing competitor. She took 10 Arabian horses and followed Kikkuli s strenuous
methods and found that his methods produced an extremely healthy and fit horse
compared to modern training techniques at the time. (Coetzee Eysturlid,
The Great Migration
In the years 1910 1970 our country saw one of the largest population shifts in
history. More than 6 million African Americans trying to escape segregation laws
and poor economic opportunities fled the South in hopes of finding a better way of
life in the North, Midwest, and West. This would later been called The Great
Migration. When the post Civil war reconstruction period ended in 1876 Jim Crow
policies (the practice of segregating black people in the U.S.), and white supremacy
returned to the South. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) had been dissolved in 1869, but it
continued underground with intimidation, violence and lynching of black
southerners. They were forced to work the land as part of the sharecropping system,
which was a landowner allowing... Show more content on ...
When World War I began in 1914 it brought a halt to this massive immigration
within 3 years. When the U.S. entered the war in 1917 it created an economic boom.
Workers were needed to meet the increased demand for war supplies and the surplus
of southern workers were the answer. Word began to spread about the abundant job
opportunities in the North. Labor agents from the North were offering train passes,
and black newspapers were advertising the superior wages and benefits of living in
the North. Letters from recent migrants were read throughout churches, barbershops,
and meeting halls to lure the black laborers from the South. Even though they were
surrounded by these influences many decided to stay.
Making the trip was very expensive with passenger fares rising from 2 cents to 24
cents per mile within 3 years. They were also faced with unfamiliar procedures,
unfriendly conductors, and very little food and drink available. Many migrants had
to make the trip in stages, stopping of to work in order to move onto the next leg of
the journey. During the early phase employers would assist the migrants, deducting
the costs of travel from future
Shinsei Case Study Essay example
Shinsei Bank Case Shinsei bank has a rich history in terms of influence over the
Japanese banking sector. Of all the defining moments, there are a few moments that
reflect the culture shift of Shinsei bank from the more traditional Japanese approach
to the more Western business model. These moments include the denial by Shinsei to
forgive 97 billion Yen in debt owed by Sogo, the creation of the Shinsei Securities
operations and the institutional banking department, being listed on the Tokyo Stock
exchange and the hiring of Tom Pedersen as the Chief Learning Officer All the above
moments are important because all reflect the shift from tradition and probably may
account for the current lack of culture or rift between the... Show more content on ...
Although I agree with the use of pay for performance in theory, I do not agree with
the two tier system as implemented by Shinsei. At Shinsei, it seemed that the two
tiered system led to resentment. As one employee put it Frankly, for much of the first
year the atmosphere in the bank was like civil war...Everyone was fighting everyone
else. The problem with pay for performance systems is that detracts from team
work as motivation for self reward goes against the idea of helping colleagues. On
the other hand, pay based on the organization profitability leads to star performers
being underpaid as well as social loafing. In order to effectively implement a pay
for performance system, an organization must be careful to avoid the negative side
effects. What was the aim of the values and vision exercise? How successful was
it? The main purpose of the vision and values exercise was to formalize and align
the current values that were present within the organization. By doing this, Pedersen
hoped to align the values to the banks strategic plans. I think Pedersen has done a
great job so far in trying to bridge the gap between the employees and trying to
promote an organizational culture based on a common mission. His vision and values
exercise was successful. In addition, he adopted a new 360 Performance Evaluation
system for senior executives and coaching session for evaluators so the evaluations
were not inflated.
Public Enemy Movie Analysis
Public Enemies Movie Analysis
Amy Jo Parrish
Troy Montgomery University
Introduction to Criminal Justice
September 29, 2017
943 Gipson Street, Prattville, AL
Public Enemies Movie Analysis
Director Michael Mann releases his movie Public Enemy to the public on July 1,
2009. This nonfiction biographical movie of the character John Dillinger (Johnny
Depp) fascinates the viewers with his charming self, witty audacity, and bold
bravery of his gangster style bank robberies during the Depression era of America s
greatest crime wave. Characters such as Baby Face Nelson (Stephen Graham), Pretty
Boy Floyd (Channing Tatum), Homer Van Meter (Stephen Dorff), and Evelyn Billie
Frechette (Marion Cotillard) displayed their elusiveness of the federal agents with
their burglaries through Ohio and Indiana as the American gangsters. Labeled by J.
Edgar Hoover (Billy Crudup) as America s first Public Enemy Number One,
Dillinger s brashness erupted even more. The enlistment of FBI s top agent, Melvin
Purvis (Christian Bale), gave the instructional task of bringing in this charismatic and
troubling evildoer Dillinger dead or alive.
Nevertheless, this movie introduced us to this charming character Dillinger. The
comparison and contrast of the true realities verses the movie actually handles the
injustices differently than what the screen displays. Drama, bad boy image, lovers,
and reckless abandonment of the law lures us to an unrealistic reality to the
School Choice In Public Schools
In schools the state rates as Underperforming or Lowest Five Percent, more than 60
percent of students were reported as falling below minimum learning standards in
reading, math, science, and writing. Some of these schools showed extraordinary
levels of failure in educating students. In 2010, the state found the number of F
schools, ranked Struggling to be 168 schools. In 2016, the state Index found the
number of F schools, ranked Underperforming or Lowest Five Percent increased by
117 percent to 365. At the same time, per student educationspending from all sources
for the years 2011 to 2016 increased by 27 percent, rising from $9,785 to $12,439.
All 50 states and the District of Columbia offer at least some type of ... Show more
content on ...
Again, charter schools take no money out of public education because they are part of
the public education system. Due to their immense popularity, charter schools are
constantly at capacity, and must hold lotteries for each entering class. This results in
most charter schools having to retain lists of families wanting to get in. Nationally,
3.1 million students attend 6,900 charter public schools in 43 states, and about one
million students are on charter school waiting lists. In Washington State, 2,500
students attend 10 charter public schools, and two more charter schools are
scheduled to open in Fall 2018.
The major obstacle to giving parents access to school choice are public sector labor
unions that profit from a closed educational system. In non right to work states, like
Washington State, membership in the union (Washington Education Association,
or WEA) is mandatory for most school district employees, and all public school
teachers. Any teacher who does not make the required payments to the union
(generally about $1,000 a year) is fired. The WEA sees allowing parents to have
school choice as a threat, because if parents have a choice to send their child to a
better performing school, they will take it, and that choice will weaken the union s
access to money and power that is has within a closed public education system. In
Washington, the WEA has worked for years to close every charter school in the state.
As of the time this
Gloria Steinem Influence On Women s Rights
I chose the topic How did Gloria Steinem influence the discussion of women s
rights? because feminism is an interesting topic to me, and it is an overlooked topic
that should be talked about more often in society. In a society that is so dominant
by men, women think they can t change it. But, with this topic, it can show how just
a simple book, or an idea can start up an entire movement just by influencing each
other. Also, even in today s society, women do not get the things they deserve
because they are so over dominated by men. I conducted my research by first
thinking of what I wanted my topic to be on. I didn t want it to be a topic that is
common because I want my project to be something unique, not something
CAM Modalities is an Alternative Therapy
CAM Modalities
Conventional treating of patients is not always the best treatment; there are routes a
provider can explore to assist in the overall health and wellbeing of the patient.
Complementary and alternative therapy (CAM) is the other route for the patient.
Each of these modalities can produce a healing effect or relief from an ailment that
will have an effect in a positive manner on the quality of life. Too many times
patients become settled or complacent in his or her disease process and never look
into the other routes.
Non main stream therapy is in three categories and five domains by definition. The
categories are complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine and the domains
are biologically based therapies, manipulative and body based methods, mind body
interventions, energy therapies, and alternative medical systems. Complementary
refers to a non mainstream approach with conventional medicine in conjunction,
while alternative refers to a non mainstream approach in place of conventional
medicine. (NIH, 2013). These are two contrasting or bipolar points the
complementary that comes along conventional medication and alternative opposing
conventional. The third category is integrative it is the encompassing of the non main
stream health approaches in a holistic, multidisciplinary, collaborative approach by
combining conventional and alternative medicine to healing therapy.(Fontaine, 2011).
The five domains deal mainly with methods of CAM therapies.
Analysis Of English Tense And Aspect
Analyzing English tense and aspect is presented with the idea that it has temporal
relations within a sentence. The reference points are used by the terminal and initial
points of real time events. There is also two hypothetical times: (Dalrymple pg. 68):
the perfect time (that is pertaining to the perfect aspect) and the progressive (which is
during time). When continuing analysis of tense and aspect, it requires to identify if
the relationships will or will not substantiate among time and events. For instance if I
say Ken ate a frozen dinner, it can be established that this sentence is past tense, and it
includes that the time of this main event which is eating a frozen dinner precedes the
time of statement within this sentence. In... Show more content on ...
Examples: (note: S stands for speech time. R for reference time. E for event time.)
These examples will provide a visual as to what was explained above.
Present Tense: E, R, S I am in California.
Past Tense: E, R......S I was in California when I saw her.
Past Perfect: E....R....S I had been in California when I saw her.
Future Perfect: S....E....R I will have been to California when is see you next.
It can be seen from these classifications of tenses above that the relative tenses and
the reference time are split apart(this is what the use of the periods are for to
demonstrate the time splits). Another thing to analyze is that only in the future
perfect tense does speech time occurs first in the sentence.
In addressing the past perfect tense, the lecture states that the role of the past perfect
is backshifting in the sequence of tense which is why I represented the time split from
event time, reference time and speech time apart us such.
Other examples offered: He said that he preferred the darker cigars. (past
tense=present tense) He said that he had selected the darker cigar. ( past perfect=
present tense)
These examples display the ideal of backshifting. Both instances of these sentences
are in the past in time, however they can be interpreted as an event currently
happening now.
The lecture from the University of Colorado also offers this analogy to better
understand aspect versus tense:
Artisan Creative Home Research Paper
Are you looking for unique new home construction in Amarillo? Artisan Creative
Homes brings a unique design to every project they do. When you walk through
the front door of one of our new home projects, you will see the creative design and
high quality that we take pride in. When you visit the communities where we
build, you will see the perfect place for your next dream to become reality. When
you work with our design team, you will see why this is all possible. Why build
new? You get the design you want and don t have to settle for anything less. You
get to choose a floor plan and layout that meets you and your family s needs, not
someone else s. You get a full warranty that covers the house from the day you move
in. You get an energy efficient home that will cost less to heat and cool.... Show more
content on ...
You can build your home where you want it, on your own land or in a planned
community. Here, at Artisan Creative Homes, we take pride in being more than just
a home construction company. We have brought together design and construction
experts to create a unique team that can deliver your unique vision. While our
design signature is Texas Modern, we design homes in just about any style you can
find in the Amarillo area, like Traditional, Ranch, Prairie, Victorian, and
Mediterranean. When you choose the Artisan Team to build your new home, you
get all the experience and design expertise we can bring to your project. We offer
the highest quality customer service and will help you along every stage of your
home buyer journey. Give us a call and let us help you build your dream
Essay On Lyssavirus
Syndrome recognition and notification Rabies virus, the type species of the genus
Lyssavirus of the family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales, is the causative
agent of rabies (Detrick, et al., 2006).
This bullet shaped, enveloped RNA virus is one of the most formidable, zoonotic,
neurologic diseases due to the prognosis almost invariably fatal in both humans and
animals. Rabies is a genotype 1 Lyssavirus and can be found throughout the world,
with the exception of Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, the United Kingdom,
Japan, the majority of Western Europe, Fiji, Hawaii and Guam (Sykes, 2014).
Classical rabies is the most prevalent strain of rabies, endemic to more than 150
countries worldwide and responsible for more than 55,000 ... Show more content on ...
Australian bat Lyssavirus is very similar to that of rabies and has been responsible
for the death of three humans since it was detected in 1996. All three cases were in
the state of Queensland after they were reportedly bitten or scratched by bats
infected with ABLV. The existence of ABLV does not affect the rabies free status
and there have been no known cases of the rabies virus occurring in terrestrial
mammals (NSW Government Health, 2016). There are seven genotypes of
Lyssaviruses, belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, known to exist worldwide;
however, through experimental inoculation, dogs and cats have shown a relative
insusceptibility to bat derived Lyssavirus as opposed to inoculation with terrestrial
rabies virus strains. This suggests differences in mammalian infections with bat
derived Lyssavirus to that of terrestrial strains (Greene, 2012).
Lyssaviruses Belonging to the Family Rhabdoviridae (Greene, 2012)
GenotypeDescription of strains (Abbreviations)Geographic Location (Reservoir
1Classical rabies virus, including street and fixed varietiesWorldwide, terrestrial
(carnivores and
Separation Of Powers Dbq Essay
The founders of the Constitution had to make a document that would give powers to
the people yet also protect against one or more person getting too powerful. This is
called tyranny, or a government with absolute power. They protected against it by
creating Federalism, Separation of powers, Checks and balances, and Bicameral
legislative. This allowed us to have a constitution that guards against suppressive
One of the guards against tyranny is Federalism. Federalism is the sharing of powers
between federal and state governments. This allows an equal balance of power that
the states and the federal governments have and share between one another. One
example is that both state and federal can tax money. Yet only the federal can coin...
Show more content on ...
This made it so the House of representation was distributed among states based on
their population. While in the senate, it was equally distributed with two
representatives per a state. The Constitution stated, Representatives...shall be
appointed...according to...population and the senate of the United states shall be
composed of two senators from each state (Document D). This means that the states
would be represented in different ways. This would make the big and little states
still want to ratify the Constitution. It protects against tyranny as it allows the voices
of the people to be heard. Whether that is from the house or the senate, or by big or
little states, it will still be had by voters. This makes it so the government doesn t
forget the people and
Dada Has a Flashback
da has a flashback of her first time in a plane, and she started to think about dusting
crops with her dad just before he died. She come out of her flashback and has just
been informed there has been an attack by the Japanese. She goes into another
flashback of her dad just before he died.
August 1943
Ida s brother, Thomas, has been at war for a year and a half in counting. Ida realizes
that she wants to continue flying so she wants to become a WASPin the U.S Army.
4 6
Ida goes into her dad s old flying box in the attic. She goes through the files and
finds her dad s old flying license. She takes his license and and replaces it with her
own picture. She rubs out the letters in his name and the date of birth. She is going
to try to pass as a white girl. She goes in for a WASP interview, and the interviewer
liked her confidence, attitude, and respect and wishes Ida good luck on her training.
7 9
Ida got her accptance letter from WASP. She leaves her home to go to training
camp. When she got on the bus she was feeling sick, and another soon to be WASP
helped her out. Turns out that the girl is Patsy, her new best friend.
The bus reaches Avenger FIeld, and the girls get lined up and their names are called.
Soon they go to their bunk house and share their stories on why they wanted to be a
WASP. The next day they start their training.
10 12
The girls meet their instructor, Martin. They get parachutes and are ready to fly. The
plane they are about to fly is
Vernon Tull Character Traits
Vernon Tull is a fairly wealthy countryman who is friends with the Bundrens, often
hiring the older boys to do odd jobs for him. He is characterized as a helpful, kind
man. Some characters think Tull is very benevolent, always offering help to the
family and assisting them whenever they are in trouble, or in a state of distress. The
family, however, is not always appreciative, as sometimes the family refuses to
acknowledge their need for succor. Tull knows the family really does need the
assistance, and does not let the family s brusqueness get in the way of his facilitation.
Tull is important in the novel because of Tull s caring nature towards the Bundren
children and his revelation of the novel s themes. When Tull narrates a section of...
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When Tull and Cora are talking about the incident at the river, and how Cash
almost drowned, Cora says the log was brought thereby God s will as punishment
for Anse s lack of fathering ability. The reader, through Tull, can see Cora s
hypocritical nature, as Cora repeats that God is the only one that can judge people
yet is constantly criticizing the Bundrens throughout the novel (Faulkner). Tull,
too, is hypocritical, because he uses religion to pass judgment on Anse. When
Vardaman comes to Tull and describes a relationship between Addie and a fish, Tull
believes this is nonsense, and blames Anse, like Cora, for being an incompetent
father (Faulkner). In addition to Cora s characterization, the reader is better able
to understand Jewel s nature because of Tull s narrations. When Tull follows the
family to the river, potentially to help them cross the dangerous waters, Jewel is
furious with the Tull s offer to help. This shows Jewel s independence as a strong
individual, and foreshadows a time later in the novel where Jewel will again show
his independence. This foreshadowing comes to fulfillment when Jewel absconds in
order to avoid the sale of his beloved horse. Nevertheless, Jewel does trade his horse
for a team of mules and eventually returns to continue the journey to Jefferson
Environmental Science 1401 Essays
Question 1
1 out of 1.25 points Partial Credit
Expand the following by showing the powers of 10 for each place value.
456 = 4 x 10[a] + 5 x 10[b] + 6 x 10[c] 87.045 = [d] x 101 + [e] x 100 + [f] x 10 1 +
[g] x 10[h] + 5 x 10[i] 700 = [j] x 102 + 0 x 101 + 0 x 100
Specified Answer for: a 2
Specified Answer for: b 1
Specified Answer for: c 0
Specified Answer for: d 8
Specified Answer for: e 7
Specified Answer for: f 0
Specified Answer for: g 4
Specified Answer for: h 1
Specified Answer for: i 0
Specified Answer for: j 7
Correct Answers for: a 2
Correct Answers for: b 1
Correct Answers for: c 0
Correct Answers for: d 8
Correct Answers for: e 7
Correct Answers for: ... Show more content on ...
Answers may be given as standard numerals such as 0.09 or 900.
Specified Answer for: a 2.25
Specified Answer for: b 225
Specified Answer for: c 2.25E5
Specified Answer for: g length
Specified Answer for: d 0.0751
Specified Answer for: e 75100
Specified Answer for: f 7.51
Specified Answer for: h volume
Correct Answers for: a 100 1E2 1E+2
Correct Answers for: b 1000 1E3 1E+3
Correct Answers for: c 0.001 1E 3 .001
Correct Answers for: g length
Correct Answers for: d 0.0751 .0751 7.51E 2
Correct Answers for: e 75100 7.51E4 7.51E+4
Correct Answers for: f 7.51 7.51E0
Correct Answers for: h volume
Question 9
0 out of 1.25 points Incorrect
Perform the following metric conversions. For each conversion indicate which
physical quantity is being measured. (For example, 2 s is a measurement of time.)
40 kg = [a] g = [b] dg = [c] mg : physical quantity [d] 1 g/cm3 = [e] kg/m3 = [f] g/ml
= [g] g/cc; physical quantity [h]
Answers may be given in correct scientific notation using the Bb format. Answers
may be given as standard numerals such as 0.09 or 900.
Specified Answer for: a 40000
Specified Answer for: b 4000000
Specified Answer for: c 40000000
Elementary Years Research Paper
My elementary years can be described in one word, melodramatic. I went to a small
private school names Victory in the Perryton Texas. My class had a around 15 kids
in it and it only got smaller with each year. In preschool and kindergarten, my mom
decided to homeschool me. In other words i didn t really learn anything, i just had
more time to be a kid. I loved and when it came time to starting first grade i was
actually very excited to be in school. Unfortunately i was quite a bit behind. I didn t
know how to read, spell anything, and i was so much slower than the rest of my
class when it came to completing my assignments. The whole i was one of the last
kids in the class to complete all of the assignments. Then one day my principal, who
was good friends... Show more content on ...
The rest of the year we had a sub and i was very sad. The next school year i looked
for her but she didn t come back. The rest of my elementary years are just a blurred
mix of boring classes and my endless daydreaming. I remember my third grade
teacher was crazy. One day a boy farted in one of my classes and after making him
shamefully spray the room with febreze, she made him stand in the hallway the
rest of the day. That s also the year i learned how to spell Mississippi. At the of my
fourth grade year my mom moved to Amarillo Texas into this small camper. My
dad worked out of town so my little brother sister and i all moved down to amarillo
with her. She worked all day and we just stayed in the camper and home schooled
ourselves, which consisted of daily fights with my brother over lego indiana jones
and my sister... well doing whatever she did by herself. After a while my mom
starting to bring us up to her new business with her and we just played in the back
all day. Halfway through the year she took us to another private school and told us to
get dressed for school and bring our
Social And Economic Issues Around Small Farms
Since the founding of America, the small family farm has been a pillar of United
States culture and economics. These small generational farms were known for
molding very capable, independent families that were known for their morality,
strong character, and high work ethic. Urbanization, industrialization, the growth of
U.S. agribusiness, and other economic factors have slowly chipped away at the
presence of the U.S. small family farm. Technology and mechanization developed by
colleges, agribusinesses, and other government sponsored research programs have
caused farm supply to increase exponentially while farm demand grows at roughly the
rate of population growth. Most modern small farmsare too commodity focused to
compete in niche... Show more content on ...
Many of these younger workers often see farming as an antiquated profession and
relatively unprofitable. The draw of higher education and the bright lights of city life
are constant distractions pulling them away from the less exciting rural life of
farming. Without a generation of farmer to replace the last many small farms are
sold and developed commercially or absorbed by larger commodity driven farms that
surround them. Technological advancements have been a strong driver of change in
agriculture over the last 100 years. Technology is, in fact, the key force driving the
shift of farm activities off farms (Smith, 1992, p. 8). After the World Wars,
mechanical advancements were made at a rapid pace. Advances in mechanization
and increasing availability of chemical inputs led to ever increasing economies of
scale that spurred rapid growth in average farm size, accompanied by an equally
rapid decline in the number of farms and in the farm and rural populations (Dimitri,
Effland, Conklin, 2005, p. 6). Essentially, the use of mechanization has dramatically
increased the supply of agricultural products while also drastically reducing the size
of the necessary workforce. The amount of capital used per farmworker increased 15
times between 1930 and 1980, permitting a fivefold increase in the amount of land
cultivated per farmer (McConnell,
Cathay Pacific Strengths And Objectives
Cathay Pacific Airways was established in Hong Kong in 1946, by two enterprises,
American Roy Farrell and Australian Sydney de Kantzow. The carrier started
business that possessed only two DC3 flying machine known as Bestsy and Nikki.
After two years, taking after weight from the United Kingdom for a more noteworthy
British enthusiasm for the state based organization, the Butterfield and Swire
obtained 45% of Cathay Pacific, hence turning into the dominant part shareholder in
the aircraft.
Since its foundation, the organization has been performing in a compelling way
giving quality administrations to its focused on clients with the help of its aggressive
methodologies. Its value structure is partitioned into economy, business and high class
... Show more content on ...
The above advantages of fulfillment thusly are converted into the organization s
gainfulness (Cronin, Brady and Hult, 2000; Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman,
1996). Loyalty is the aftereffect of exceedingly fulfilled clients. It is a profoundly
held responsibility to re purchase or re disparage a favored item or administration.
Moreover, steadfast clients have less exchanging conduct (Cronin et al., 2000).
Faithfulness is noteworthy to a company s benefit in light of the fact that holding
steadfast client costs not exactly drawing in new clients (Zeithaml et al., 1996). To
make and keep up client unwaveringness, Cathay Pacific has two steadfastness
programs: The Marco Polo Club and Asia Miles. The Marco Polo Club is a
devotion program that that offers a scope of benefits to Cathay Pacific most long
standing customers. The benefits incorporate 24 hours without toll benefit line and
need registration and boarding. Asia Miles is a long standing customer compensate
program which turns into a need for all carriers. Be that as it may, Asia Miles has
been named as the Best Regular customer Program in the 2009 and has subsequently
won this honor for a long time. There were approximately 3.6 million Asia Miles
My Favorite Place At The World Is The State Of Oregon
My favorite place in the world is the state of Oregon. The reason for this being my
favorite place is because of how green and simply beautiful this place is. I have had
the fortune of getting to visit this state twice. I even took a train ride home from
Washington through Oregon down to California. I must add the scenery is seriously
beautiful. I have never seen so many trees in my life. The name Oregon means
windstorm or hurricane. The reason they gave it this name is because of the powerful
chinook winds of the Columbia River that blows through this state. I also wanted to
do this place because they are known for their cheese and ice cream from the
Tillamook brand. They also have a lot of wild berries growing and have about 80
national parks you can visit. In Cannon Beach there is the famous Haystack rock.
Haystack rock is 235 ft tall and is home to wildlife. It also has made great tidepools
full of marine life. Crater lake happens to be the deepest lake in the United States and
the second deepest in all of North America. It also ranks number 9 in the world. The
way this massively deep lake was formed was due to the collapse of a volcano
,known as Mount Mazama. Its max depth is 1.949ft. Oregon consists of 6 different
areas. The coast, Klamath mountains , Willamette lowlands,Cascade Mountains,
Columbia Plateau , and the basin and range region. The Pacific shoreline of Oregon
is bordered by narrow coastal plains of sandy beaches, luxuriant
Exotic Pets
Bush, Emma R, et al. Global Trade in Exotic Pets 2006 2012. Conservation Biology
(2014): 663 676. Academic Search Complete. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. This is a
scholarly journal article. Emma Bush and Sandra Baker are part of the Wildlife
Research Unit at the University of Oxford. David McDonald is a zoologist and the
director of the research unit mentioned above. The authors report on the global state
of the exotic pet trade by using other sources like the Convention on International
Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) The authors explain the factors
that affect the exotic pet trade, the international pet trade legislation, pet sources, as
well as animal welfare. In terms of factor affecting the pet trade they predict that since
the human population is growing, then the demand for pets will increase. The rarity
of the species dictates how desirable a pet is. When they talk about pet sources they
mention the exotic pets taken directly from the wild, or born in captivity. This topic
of the article will help me when I describe the bigger picture of the pet trade industry.
This article will also provide me with the definition of an ... Show more content on ...
One of the exotic pet owners has kangaroos, and lemurs to use for a petting zoo
and charges $35. The article mentions how exotic animals are used as symbols of
status and power. Slater states views from advocacy groups who believe exotic
animals should not be privately kept. Both sides of an issue are presented. I liked
this article because it introduces me to possible naysayers, from people who have
no problem with owning exotic pets. There is a part in the article where a man who
owned exotic animals later went and took a visit to Africa. He mentions his eyes
being opened, and realizing that the wild is where animals belonged. I like how they
mention this, because that is what I want people who own exotic large cats to
The Matrix
Sequence analysis, film form and style as depicted in the film, The Matrix
The matrix has different meanings, but according the movie I have watched I
define the matrix as a dream state, it is like when you are dreaming where the
person is not in the real world, yet is inside a computer programing. There are a
number of dramatic beats, and the photography found in the movie; a perfect visual
depiction of exactly what s going on in the scene and that is when we see how the
settings of the movies like the costumes, lighting, the sound and mise en scenes. there
are lots opinions about the matrix and questions that comes to mind after the movie.
It is quite clear to me that that computers or rather technology is becoming more
popular in the century ... Show more content on ...
Whenever the matrix wear their sunglasses there is that one sound that all of them
make when they are wearing the sunglasses that emphasizes the power and authority
of the main characters. The ringing of the phone signals danger many times
throughout the film, however, because the phone is a way to escape, it sometimes
ends up saving whoever is in danger Another sound is when Agent Smith is fighting
with Neo, when he stretch his neck there is a sound that comes out and that
emphasize that Agent Smith is being controlled by the computer. The sound effect of
Morpheus fighting with Neo emphasise that they are also being controlled though the
Case Analysis Of Crown Cork And Seal
Case Analysis of Crown Cork and Seal (CC S)
Assignment 1: Case Analysis of Crown Cork and Seal (CC S)
This Assignment will develop your skills in industry analysis. This must be done as
individual work, so you must not discuss the case with anyone else before completing
the Assignment. Please use the following questions to structure your answer:
What are the industry structures and dynamics of the metal can industry?
The industry structure analysis of the metal can industry mainly depends on the
assessment of the five competitive forces which shapes the industry which is
1.Bargaining power of suppliers:
There are three aluminium suppliers who dominate the market which are Alcan
Aluminium, Aloca and Reynold metal. These three world leading companies have
huge bargaining power on can manufacturers as they were responsible for huge part
of production of aluminium market.
2.Bargaining power of customers:
There are four vital companies who play a very important role in the metal industry
and these are Anheuser Busch companies, Pepsico, Coca cola enterprise and Coca
cola company. These companies could have a great bargaining power over can
companies while having multimple suppliers and being able to switch suppliers
which gave the companies more flexibility to choose from if there was any issue
with the price, quality or service.
3.Barriers to entry:
In this case some big companies dominate the whole industry and as a result the small
Analysis Of Some Could Suckle Over Their Shoulder By...
In Some Could Suckle over Their Shoulder, Jennifer Morgan conveys that history s
opinion of racial beauty is indeed only skin deep. By primarily relying on the
perception of Englishmen about black women, Morgan argues that the stereotypical
ideas of boundaries between races were born far before the American slaveryperiod.
She claims that though Americans enslavement of Africans may have been the
climax of racism, the idea of racial inequality was introduced and nourished in the pre
American era. Throughout her article, Morgan chronicles the history of the body
itself, specifically focusing on the narratives of 16th 18th century white Englishmen
who laid the groundwork for the eventual enslavement of Africans based on ... Show
more content on ...
A reference to a narrative given by Robert Ligon opens Morgan s article and
provides the reader with a solid background as to the opinions of the 17th century
English about Africans. Morgan cites an argument of comparison in order to show a
contrast between the majesty and beauty of Queen Anne to that of an African
woman, who is considered superlatively beautiful to the queen in the passage. Ligon
was an English planter on board a ship headed to Barbados. En route, Ligon s ship
stopped in the Cape
Verde Islands for provisions and trade. There Ligon saw a black woman for the first
time...she was a
Negro of the greatest beauty and majesty together: that ever [he] saw in one woman.
Her stature large, and excellently shap d, well favour d, full eye d, and admirably
grac d...[he] awaited her comming out, which was with far greater Majesty and
gracefulness, than [he] had seen Queen Anne, descend from the
Chaire of State (167). This excerpt asserts that contact between blacks and whites was
limited, as it is directly stated that this is the first black woman Ligon has ever
encountered, but also through his shocked reaction to hear beauty and prowess.
Morgan goes on to evaluate that Ligon s observation that a black woman was more
beautiful and majestic than the Queen represented the opinion of the extreme
minority of Europeans. Morgan continues by writing that Ligon s rhetoric may have
surprised his English readers, for seventeenth century

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Frederick Douglass Narrative Essay.pdf

  • 1. Frederick Douglass Narrative Essay Crafting an essay on the "Frederick Douglass Narrative" is not a task to be taken lightly. It involves delving into the intricate details of Douglass's life, grappling with the profound themes of slavery, freedom, and resilience. The difficulty lies not just in narrating his compelling story but also in capturing the essence of his experiences, emotions, and the societal context of the time. To adequately convey Douglass's narrative, one must navigate through the complex layers of historical analysis, literary interpretation, and the socio-political landscape of the 19th century. It requires a meticulous examination of Douglass's autobiographical work, extracting key elements, and synthesizing them into a coherent and insightful essay. Moreover, the challenge extends to the ethical responsibility of presenting Douglass's story with the gravity and sensitivity it deserves. Addressing the horrors of slavery, the pursuit of freedom, and the resilience of the human spirit demands a nuanced approach that respects the gravity of the subject matter. In addition, developing a unique perspective or argument that contributes to the existing discourse on Frederick Douglass can be demanding. It requires a deep understanding of the existing scholarship and the ability to offer fresh insights that add value to the understanding of Douglass's narrative. Despite the difficulty, the process of writing such an essay can be intellectually rewarding. It allows the writer to engage with a pivotal moment in history and to contribute to the ongoing conversation about the legacy of Frederick Douglass. However, it's crucial to approach this task with respect, empathy, and a commitment to accurately representing Douglass's experiences. For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of this topic, it's important to remember that help is available. Similar essays and a wealth of academic support can be accessed through platforms like, providing valuable assistance in navigating the complexities of writing on historical and literary subjects. Frederick Douglass Narrative EssayFrederick Douglass Narrative Essay
  • 2. Watching The Pbs Frontline Film Titled, Losing Iraq Earlier this week we were privileged to watch the PBS Frontline film titled, Losing Iraq . In the beginning of this film, General Keane believed that the United States shouldn t invade Iraq. Keane noticed that the war plans didn t include adequate plans for securing the country. At the same time, General Franks announced that by September 2003, 110,000 troops would be prepared to leave and that a division of 30,000 would stay and handle Iraq. At this point of time, this was huge news for the United States, they truly believed that the major combat phase of the war in Iraq was over. United States next step was to send Jerry Bremer to Iraq to attempt to fix 20 years of dysfunctional government. Jerry Bremer was a very interesting candidate ... Show more content on ... My answer is, bring em on. We got the force necessary to deal with the security situation. The plan to send more than 100,00 troops home by September 2003 was now absolutely out of the question. As the war continued, thousands of Iraqis were swept up in raids. The reality became that you d go into a village and just arrest everybody. Things were beginning to get out of hand, the Defense Department decided it wanted Iraq to be given back to the Iraqis as soon as possible. Soon after the discussion, the US Army captured Saddam Hussein and he shared that he was willing to negotiate. Many believed that this would lower the tension in Iraq, but they were absolutely wrong. Four American contractors were murdered and two of the bodies were hung from a bridge. This upset George Bush very much and he demanded that the Marines retaliate. The Marines took the order and moved into the city, killing people. Once the Marines were ordered to stop fighting, they were now ordered to simply surround Fallujah and contain the insurgents. Soon after this, Bremer formed a new government, and handed Iraq back to the Iraqis. As the war continued, the United States Army was fighting the Mahdi Army. They pushed the Mahdi Army into Sadr, but the White House didn t want to risk destroying the mosque so the Army was ordered to cut a deal. The deal was to have their militia not oppose the Americans. The United States
  • 3. Odysseus Desire To Return Home In Homer s Odyssey Home is the place everyone wants to return after being away. In The Odyssey written by Homer, a man named Odysseus wants to return home more than anything in the world. The poem has many epic themes including good and evil, life and death, and courage and honor. Notably, the most meaningful aspect is the importance of home. Odysseusdesire to return to his homeland and beloved family gives him the strength to overcome physical challenges and moral temptations. Odysseus overcomes many obstacles in order to return to his kingdom of Ithaca, his wife Penelope, and his son Telemachus. This desire influences many of Odysseus decisions throughout his twenty year period away from home. Odysseus witnesses his own men being eaten alive
  • 4. Body Injury INFLAMMATION interaction with the environment which consist of micro organism and potentials body injury is unavoidable in human life. the presence of micro organisms and potential for bodily injury pose a threat to the state of an individual s health. Natural protection of the body against invasion by organisms and damage by injury Is ensured by the process of inflammationand the immune system. inflammation can therefore be protective in certain circumstances. definition inflammation has been in several ways. but the basic underlying principle of these definitions is that inflammation occurs following the presence if any foreign irritating matter in the body in an attempt to remove or resist this foreign material. According to Jones... Show more content on ... an abscess is a cavity formed as phagocytosis take place and damaged tissue is consumed. pus formation (suppuration) occurs after phagocytic have engulfed and digested bacteria and necrotic tissue. phagotic cells eventually die. pus consists of dead phagocytic cells, partially digested and undigested bacteria and necrotic tissue. enzymes liberated by the dead cells digest the dead debris and accounts for the liquid consistency of pus. the presence of undigested bacteria makes the exudate highly infectious. the pus may be absorbed to the surrounding tissues if the abscess remain encapsulated and content autolyzed. it may rupture and drain into adjoining structures or to the body surface. it may persist in an encapsulated
  • 5. Theme Of Vertigo By Paul Austers Mr Vertigo To fight through downfall I was twelve years old the first time I walked on water is the first line in Paul Austers Mr. Vertigo, a book about a child s dream and the journey to reach them. The book takes place in America at 1927 where a young boy named Walt is approached by a strange man, called Master Yehudi and is offered a chance in a lifetime, the ability to fly. As he goes with him he chooses a difficult path that will bring both wonders and despair. This is a book telling about a boys big ambition to overcome all hardship that lives throws in his way. The ability to overcome hardship can be seen through the protagonist personality, his ambition to reach greatness. He was a nobody, a nothing, so when he is offered the chance to achieve something greater he takes it. Not like a bird, my little man. Like a god. You d be the wonder of wonders, Walt, the holy of holies. As long as men walked the earth, they d worship you as the greatest among them. (Auster 74). He has an ambition so extraordinary and he is willing to do anything to reach his goal, suffer through hardship so repulsing that no human ever should need to go through. He got buried alive, cuts of a part of his finger and so many inhuman things, but he... Show more content on ... Another example where this occurs is later in Walt s life when he lives in Chicago, owning a nightclub named Mr Vertigo. There he meets Dizzy Dean, the former best baseball player in the world until he hurt his arm. Recognizing himself so much in Dean he cannot longer hold them two apart, Deans success is his success and his downfall is his downfall. He cannot longer stand how Dean keeps falling to the bottom and decides to make him kill himself. Although when Dean recognizes him for who he was, the flying boy, he loses his cool and end up threating Dean with a pistol. When revealed about what his deed he again loses it all, his life in Chicago and his
  • 6. The Legacy Of Henry Ford Henry Ford was instrumental in revolutionizing modern day America with his innovations in the manufacturing industry. His modernistic ideas that led to the creation of the Model T and assembly line were never heard of before. Ford s development dramatically decreased assembly time of the Model T from twelve hours to less than six hours. His Model T was the first to be within economic reach of the everyday man. However, Ford didn t always see himself as an inventor, or even an innovator. He spent many of his younger years working as a machinist. It wasn t until 1882 when Ford got a job at the Westinghouse Company of Schenectady where he repaired road engines that he saw himself enjoying the idea of being a creator. Henry Fordwas born on a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan on July 30th, 1863. Ford was the oldest of six siblings. His family was neither rich nor poor, but somewhere in the middle. The house he grew up in is still standing today and he owns it along with the farm. Ford s major education influence as well as his moral influence was his mother. While he was growing up, he constantly pondered how much work there was to do on a farm and that surely there had to be an easier, quicker way to get it all done. Ford attended school until he was 15 when he started to discover his fascination with machinery. He often tinkered with things to figure out how they worked. Ford put it this way: every fragment of machinery was a treasure. Ford says his mother always
  • 7. How Effective Dog Training Deals With Aggression How Effective Dog Training Deals With Aggression By Janet Woodrow | Submitted On September 28, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Behavior modification trainings are necessary not only for individuals but also for canine species. The more aggressive a dog is, the more important a behavior training will be. An aggressive dog needs to be tamed and calmed down to avoid troubles and problems. For your dog to be a responsible member of the canine ... Show more content on ... The dog owner plays a crucial role on the type of dog your pet will grow up to be. The behavior, attitude and approach of the dog owner will influence what behaviors the dog will be able to emulate. If the dog owner uses physical violence in the training, the dog will also replicate the same aggressive personality. Other negative behaviors of dog owner that may also be modeled by the pet include harassment, constant reprimands and ignoring. Dog owners are also discouraged against keeping the dog inside a dog or imprisoning the pet because such behaviors will just trigger and stimulate hostility, rebellion and negative disposition in your pet. Punishment should also be kept at a reasonable pace and intensity. Excessive punishment will just be harmful to your pet and to you as a dog owner as well. Make sure you also feed your pet well because they usually become hostile when they are hungry. Aside from the personality and behavior of the dog owner, with effective dog training its essential to remember that the environment also influences the behavior that the dog will learn. If your pet is surrounded by dogs that usually bark and snarl, there is a high probability that your dog will also learn such hostile and aggressive behaviors. If the dogs surrounding your pet always show physical attacks, that negative behavior will certainly be imitated by your pet. So you have to be careful with the environment you expose your
  • 8. Informative Essay On Greg Norman s Golf Career Greg Norman Imagine losing a million dollars because you couldn t make a three putt in a golf tournament even though you ve spent your whole life golfing. Professional golfer, Greg Norman has won 91 golf tournaments, but he has lost many which has changed his entire career. Greg Norman has had many ups and downs in his life that have led him to great accomplishments. Greg Norman had a very interesting and adventurous childhood. He grew up in Australia. One day, Greg was a caddy for his mother while she played golf. When she went to take a break, he started fiddling with her golf clubs and found a natural ability for golf. He started to work on his golfing skills when he was sixteen years old. Greg worked with Charlie Erp, a professional golf ... Show more content on ... Many people know him as the Great White Shark because of his aggressive way of attacking the course and playing a mean round of golf. He won ninety one worldwide victories in his golf career. Twenty of those tournaments were PGA golf tournaments. He made his own clothesline in the 1990s. It originally started with the brand Reebok, but it later turned into his own clothesline called the Greg Norman Collection which is still used today! He has designed many golf courses worldwide. Lastly, Greg Norman was put into the Golf Hall of Fame in 2001 for his great
  • 9. The History Of Sexuality, By Michel Foucault In the History of Sexuality Vol. 1, Michel Foucault writes the body as a constructed and manipulated agent, the locus of sociopolitical discourse and power. To Foucault, the body cannot exist before the law (that which holds and ascribes its meaning). Similarly, sexuality cannot free itself from relations of power (Butler 1989:603). Indeed, the body is culturally contested; it is incapable of independence from any particular structuralized narrative. The ubiquitous yet uncertain subject of sex, as Foucault describes, is an imaginary point, the consequence of materiality fully invested with ideas (Butler 1989:603). He writes; Nothing in man not even his body is sufficiently stable to serve as the basis for self recognition or for understanding other men (Foucault 1980:153). The culturally constructed body then, asserts a multitude of identities. The body is molded by distinct regimes of life, broken down by rhythms of work, rest, and holiday uprooted by cultural significant values, habits and moral laws (Foucault 1980:153). The legality of the body within the context of transactional sex has been a subject of constant debate, primarily limited to a severe binary whereby the focus on decriminalization rest upon the idea of human agency and the victimization of the body. Central to these narratives is, of course, the female form. On one end of the spectrum, anti prostitutionactivists argue that women involved in the sex trade industry are but victims of an unjust
  • 10. Differences Between Middle And Upper Class The Many Differences between Lower, Middle and Upper Class There are various ways of referring to class. Often, when people talk about lower/middle and upper class, they talk in terms of blue/white collar jobs. Ideally we would all think we fall into the middle class; however, most of society is in the lower/middle classeven though they are working their dream job with a degree. Additionally, the American dream has changed drastically throughout the years. The unfair, the system that effects the rich poor balance has been getting big traction. Middle class is paying higher taxes than upper class; the tax systems are upside, and down poor people are paying more and the rich people are paying less. I believe that wealthy people are paying too little taxes. When you are in the middle class you are stuck paying more than someone that is the upper class. According to David Leonhardt in Inequality has been going on forever... he mentioned, Instead their middle class and poor have enjoyed more aggressively rising incomes, all while their economies grow as rapidly as this country s in recent years. (Leonardt 543) For instance, working in the middle class we don t get enough money to pay off every single thing, so we have to try to balance all the bills and necessities out. I see many people are struggling they cannot pay all of their bills. Lower/Middle class cannot afford to pay more taxes because they do not make enough with the taxes they are already taking off their
  • 11. Islamic Marriage Customs Vary, Depending On Country Of... Islamic marriage customs vary, depending on country of origin and government regulations, Muslim men and women around the world are guided by Islamic laws and practices specified in the Quran. According to the teachings of the Quran, a married Muslim couple is associated with clothing. Within this context, both husband and wife are each other s protector and comforter, just as real garments show and conceal the body of human beings. Thus, they are meant for one another A legal contract In Islam, a person should be properly married, and this should include both the religious ceremony and the legal requirements of the law of the land. However, Muslims who marry without legal registration in the United Kingdom are putting their womenfolk at some risk, and their children are not legitimate in the eyes of the UK law and no Muslim should wish to put his wife and children in this difficult position. In Islam, marriages are not considered to be made in heaven between soul mates destined for each other; they are not sacraments. They are social contracts which bring rights and obligations to both parties, and can only be successful when these are mutually respected and cherished. Polygyny At the time of the revelation of the Qur an it was normal procedure for men to have more than one wife, up to the limits of their ability to support them. Also, powerful and wealthy women also had marital arrangements with more than one partner. One difference between Islam and
  • 12. Mental Illness Of Mental Health Mental health is defined as a state of well being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community (WHO, 2014). Mental health disorder can be defined as a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people. Mental health problems include the mental ill health that can be experienced temporarily as a reaction to the stresses of life. Mental disorder cause a great deal of suffering to those experiencing them, as well as their families and friends (NHS, 2014). Mental health illnesses can affect people of all ages, and it can be triggered by physical, social, environmental and genetic factors. Everyone is different, and because of this some people are more at risk of experiencing mental illness than others. Mental disorder are classified into two different types and degrees of severity, these are, psychosis and neurosis. Psychosis is a generic term for any mental state where the individual has lost their sense of reality, allowing normal social functioning to deteriorate. The three primary causes of psychosis are: Functional e.g. schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, Organic e.g. stemming from medical rather than psychological conditions, for example, a brain tumour, and psychoactive drugs (Sure life, 2011). People experiencing an acute episode of psychosis lose touch
  • 13. Desperation In The Great Gatsby There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired (Fitzgerald 79). In Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby the protagonists live lives of secrecy, one in which is full of despair and desperation. This desperation is caused by an emptiness that resonates from within and in order to further eliminate it from their mind and hearts they aspire to fill the void they experience. The idea The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation from Henry Thoreau s Walden becomes present as the characters find themselves unsuccessful in fulfilling their life goals to find happiness through the attainment of wealth, status, love, etc. Several characters in the novel mistakenly believe utmost fortune cause the desperation to cease, while... Show more content on ... F. Scott Fitzgerald along with Henry Thoreau explored this concept of the grim vision of typical American lifestyle masterfully in both their classics. A mindset caused by similar desires to achieve additional materialism from life results only in a continuance of the never ending cycle. Despondency forever progresses through generations in the distinct form of the American Dream, including that of the Roaring Twenties and several generations to
  • 14. The Ph Of A Solution The pH of a solution is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in the solution. It can be defined as the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration. pH = log [H+] When the pH of a solution is below 7, it is an acidic solution. This means that there is a higher concentration of free H+ ions in the solution. When the pH of a solution is above 7, it is a basic solution and it means that there is a higher concentration of OH ions in the solution. This is because the bases tend to lose their electrons and bond with protons. So When the pH = 7, the solution is neutral. In other words, the acidity of the solution decreases with higher pH values. The pH ... Show more content on ... The salts can be derived from strong acids and bases making the solution neutral, from strong acids and weak bases making the solution acidic, from weak acids and strong bases making the solution basic and from weak acids and weak bases making the solution neutral. Buffers are solutions that resist changes in pH. They contain a Bronsted Lowry conjugate acid base pair where either the acid or the base is a weak electrolyte. They play an important role in our life processes. The chemical reactions take place at a specific pH in our body and it is very vital to maintain that pH. When there arise some changes in the pH, this is where buffers come into play. For example, the carbonic acid base buffer helps to achieve the acid base balance in the blood. Buffers also help to maintain the homeostasis of the cells. Antacids help people with their heartburns, which are caused due to excess acid that tries to escape through the pyloric sphincter into the esophagus. This therefore causes heartburn. Antacids behave as buffers by neutralizing the excess acid present in the stomach. Examples of antacids are Alka Selzer, Tums, Briochi, Pepto Bismol, Bromo Selzer, Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta etc. Antacids have a certain neutralizing capacity and the greater it is, more
  • 15. Sickle Cell Disease Case Study Head to Toe Assessment Sickle cell disease is an inherited form of anemia. This means both parents must pass on the defective gene for a child to be affected. The gene is more common in families that come from Saudi Arabia, Africa, Mediterranean countries, India, the Caribbean islands, and North, South, and Central America of African descent. It is a condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen throughout the body. Red blood cells are normally round and flexible the moves easily throughout the blood vessels but, in sickle cell anemia the red blood cell is sticky, rigid, and has a crescent moon shape. The irregular shape cells can get stuck in the small blood vessels, which can slow or block ... Show more content on ... Accessory muscles are not seen during breathing. If accessory muscles were seen it would indicate respiratory issue such as asthma, COPD, airway obstruction, ARSD, emphysema or pneumonia. Respiration: Normal respiration rate is sixteen to twenty breaths per minutes. Less than sixteen breaths per minutes is call bradypnea and over twenty breaths per minutes is called tachypnea. Her respiration rate was twenty two breaths per minutes, even and unlabored, and shortness of breath on exertion. Lungs: Upon auscultation, lungs are clear, no dyspnea, wheezing, or crackles. Dyspnea could be a sign of pulmonary embolism, asthma, pneumonia, and pneumothorax. Wheezing could be a sign of anaphylaxis reaction, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, RSV, COPD, and sleep apnea. Crackles could indicate congestive heart failure, atelectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, and pulmonary edema, Cardiovascular: Normal heart rate is sixty to one hundred beats per minutes. Her heart rate was 77 beats per minute with regular rhythm and rate that was located at the apex of the heart 5th intercostal space. There were no murmurs which would indicate heart failure of vulvar
  • 16. The Grapes Of Wrath Essay In the epic movie Grapes of Wrath, director John Ford depicted a saga of one family trying to survive the 1930 s. In watching this film, it helped me to understand the hardships of the American migrants. The characters showed unique traits and dealt with problems each in a different way.The Dust Bowl was an ecological and human disaster that took place in the southwestern Great Plains region, including Oklahoma. Misuse of land and years of sustained drought caused it. Millions of acres of farmland became useless, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes many migrated to California. As the land dried up, great clouds of dust and sand, carried by the wind, covered everything and the word quot;Dust Bowl quot; ... Show more content on ... The Joad family was evicted from their farm in Oklahoma because they could not afford to pay their bank loan. As they move across the great western states, they suffer much discrimination. The Joad family believes that once they are in California, they will find jobs and settle down. They do not realize, however, that hundreds of thousands of other families are going to California in search of jobs also. When they arrive, the Joads are forced to accept horrible wages and live in terrible conditions. Ma was a strong willed woman who was the leader of the family. The major decision that ma made, was when the family was passing the Arizona border patrol. She lied to the inspectors so she could pass through without having the police to search the car. Ma pretended Grandma was alive so they would be allowed to rush through the border patrol to get to a doctor. This plan worked and the Joad family arrived in California safely. She was an ambitious woman who was determined to have a successful family in California.Tom Joad was the main character. He was an irascible, yet considerate man who respected his family. His respect for his family forced him to leave on account of being a fugitive. He was defending preacher Casey, but failed to do so when the police killed Casey. Tom got revenge by killing the deputee.Preacher Casey was the most influential character in the movie. He lived on his own and helped the Joad family during the funerals
  • 17. What Is The Theme Of Northanger Abbey ANALYSIS: Northanger Abbey is the story of a naГЇve girl of seventeen years old named Catherine Morland and how she matures by experiencing the modern world. The novel is divided into two parts; these halves contrast each other in setting and in tone. Catherine s story begins with the description of her living in the village Fullerton where she has grown up with her family of nine siblings and her parents (who educated her over the years). It is then that family friends of the Morlands, the Allens, (a wealthy couple without children), proposal that Catherine comes along with them to visit the tourist town of Bath. Catherine is more than willing to take up the invitation but her expectations of the outside world are exaggerated due to her reading ... Show more content on ... The narrator is unknown to the readers but describes Catherine s, and other characters inner thoughts, that would otherwise be reserved to them. Although it is Catherine that is made the main focus, Catherine s feelings, as she got into the carriage, were in a very unsettled state; divided between regret for the loss of one great pleasure, and the hope of soon enjoying another , her narrative representation is sympathetic and pleasant but the third person structure also allows for Catherine s nature to be presented without confusing the
  • 18. Social Class In The Victorian Age The books of Dickens have a place completely with the philanthropic development of the Victorian Age, of which they are, in fact, in the circle of fiction, by a wide margin an essential item and expression. He was from first to last a writer for a reason. Dickens embarked to assault some particular mishandle or misuse existing towards youngsters and ladies amid the Victorian period. Amid the Modern Insurgency, the Victorian culture comprised of a hierarchical structure include the privileged, trailed by the white collar class, the average workers and the ruined underclass. These distinctive social classes could be recognized by disparities in territories, for example, legislative issues, specialist, riches, training, culture, working and living conditions. Individuals from the lower class were seen as nonsensical, juvenile, superstitious, ruthless, exorbitantly sexual and tarnished. Because of the feebleness of the lower class people, they were oppressed to misuse and treatment like that of creatures. In light of destitution, kids were constrained into youngster work and compelled to act as fireplace sweepers, and they could slither up the twelve by fourteen inch stacks, some as little as seven inches square, with the goal that they would get out the yearly standard of forty gallons of sediment that was kept there. Some young men moved toward becoming rodent catchers, and they were required to utilize arsenic to harm the rats. However, as this could be costly, they could
  • 19. Ancient Egyptian Dental Surgery The entire article about the Ancient Egyptian Medicine is too impressive. The way of treatment is pretty similar to the modern days. Moreover, the range of their medical knowledge is a lot of extended and enriched. It has covered the normal deceases to complicated diseases. I think the most impressive part that the Egyptian did medically is Dentistry. It is also give the information that Ancient Egyptians were really conscious about their Dental treatment. Because of their corrosive food habit they teeth got broken partially or damaged quite often. Despite of good dental treatment they had lost their teeth. The corrode teeth was prescribed as worn masticate teeth and the treatment was referred to fill the teeth with a mixture of resin and chrysocolla which contains green copper (*1). It sounds really impressive to me. Because in modern days, still we use mixture of copper and Zinc to fill our corrode teeth. Moreover, they had the medicine of making the teeth strong and removed the pain. One more impressive part of their dental treatment is root cannel. If any toxic elements got in the underneath of the teeth, they drilled the teeth and drained out that toxic portions. ... Show more content on ... Neither they had the modern surgical apparatus nor surgical Technology. Because of that particular reason the survival rate of any operation was very low. Especially, it was really crucial for them to do a complicated operation with the ordinary surgical apparatus. They could have successful in the small and risk free operations. However, one more information was really shocked me positively. Even on that ancient age of period Egyptians knew the techniques of local anesthesia. That means few uncomplicated operations were non painful as well on that
  • 20. Forklifts Essay Used Forklifts Forklifts or lift trucks happen to be high when needed, particularly with industrial organizations that need new forklifts or used forklifts for that transport of heavy and fundamental materials. New forklifts or used forklifts are indispensable today using the large numbers of takers. From manufacturing towards the stockrooms, these forklifts play a predominant role within the movement of recyclables or finished goods. Heavy goods industries like railway, infrastructure companies, etc employ them within their daily procedures. Because of popular, you will find some firms that have bridged directly into offer these specialized forklifts to industries and manufacturing models. The necessity Used forklifts in addition to new forklifts are for sale to use by industries. Several industries even get these forklifts on the lease agreement. However, today used forklifts have grown to be a well known pick by new industries and small entrepreneurs who are required them for his or her small business. In reality, used forklifts which are well maintained could be like new forklifts sometimes. This enables you to save cash.... Show more content on ... However, just in case you re buying one for any long term need, you shouldn t mind individuals extra dollars that may enable you to get a replacement. Some disadvantages of used forklifts can include noisy operation, shorter existence and greater repairs and maintenance. Also, just in case you ll be utilizing a forklift for everyday procedures, you have to re think before purchasing a second hand forklift. A reputed dealer is a more sensible choice for brand new forklifts and used forklifts as opposed to a relatively unpopular one. Additionally, you will have the advantage of better service. Furthermore, the used forklifts can last longer if you purchase it from the licensed dealer. He may also be handy sometimes of alternative, or no
  • 21. Yarra Valley And Study Sites Yarra Valley Fieldwork Report: Farming practices in the yarra valley are becoming increasingly sustainable Steph Yang and Jasmin Huntington 10E Contents Introduction Description of the location of the Yarra Valley and Study Sites visited ............................. 2 Yarra Valley De Bortoli Winery HealesvilleBuxton Trout and Salmon Farm Yarra Valley Dairy Map of Yarra Valley and study sites visited ............................................................... 2 Melbourne map Australia map Description of the geographic characteristics ........................................................ 4 Overview of sites visited ..................................................................................... 4 Evaluation of sustainability .................................................................................. 8 Conclusion Appendix ...........................................................................................See attached + Fieldwork Booklets References ....................................................................................................... 11 Introduction The Yarra Valley is the oldest wine region in Victoria , located in the north east of Melbourne and just over an hour drive from Melbourne CBD. The name of the Yarra Valley was given from the region that is surrounding the Yarra River, which runs and originates for approximately 90 kilometres east of Melbourne s business district and towards one of Victoria s famous tourist attractions, Port Phillip Bay. The valley covers a very large area consisting of Yarra Ranges National Park located in the east and Kinglake National Park which is located in the west. The valley further consists of many towns such as Coldstream, Lilydale, Yarra Glen, Dixons Creek, Seville, and
  • 22. Why The Articles Of Confederation This essay will examine why the Articles of Confederation; the first national compact that had executive branch and legislative branch with limited national government power, failed to solve national problems, inflation, depression. After the American Revolution, Americans were very suspicious with a strong central government, as they think the United State government would control over tariff and limited human rights just like what Great Britain had done in the past. On July of 1776, John Dickinson submitted a blueprint for a strong national government to the Continental Congress, however, his colleagues transformed his plan into a government that needs the state s authority to execute any taxes, laws, or amendments. Since the national government holds very little power, this created many conflicts such as tariffs, lack of finances to maintain the army, no power to end rebellions. It was impossible for the Article of Confederation to solve any postwar problems that America was facing at that time due to high unemployed sailors, debt ridden farmers, and destitute widows and orphans. The Articles of Confederation gives the congress to raise taxes, but the state has the authority to deny to pay its expenses. The states paid roughly seventy percent of what they owed, most states paid remarkably less (Georgia did not paid anything). This article negatively impacted America. As America just granted independence from Great Britain, it was a very fresh country, the stability of
  • 23. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Petroleum Oil 3.Crude oil Processing The most common crude oil that is very useful in our daily life is petroleum. This can be found underground or in the earth surface. Can you ever imagine using cars without this kind of oil? Though there are already researches that are coming out that we can use water as fuel of cars but this was not yet proven to be true. As Wikipedia defines petroleum (from Greek: petra: rock + oleum: oil . [4][5][6][7][8][9]) is a naturally occurring, yellow to black liquid found in geological formations beneath the Earth s surface, which is commonly refined into various types of fuels. Components of petroleum are separated using a technique called fractional distillation. Petroleum is consists of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other organic ... Show more content on ... The crushed seeds are then heated to temperatures between 110 degrees and 180 degrees in a steam bath to start the oil extraction process. 4.The seeds are put through a high volume press which uses high heat and friction to press the oil from the seed pulp. 5.The seed pulp and oil are then put through a hexane solvent bath and steamed again to squeeze out more oil. Note: Hexane is produced by the refining of crude petroleum oil. It is a mild anesthetic. Inhalation of high concentrations produces first a state of mild euphoria, followed by sleepiness with headaches and nausea. Chronic intoxication from hexane has been observed in recreational solvent abusers and in workers in the shoe manufacturing, furniture restoration and automobile construction industries where hexane is used as a glue. The initial symptoms are tingling and cramps in the arms and legs, followed by general muscular weakness. In severe cases, atrophy of the skeletal muscles is observed, along with a loss of coordination and problems of vision. In 2001, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued regulations on the control of emissions of hexane gas due to its potential carcinogenic properties and environmental
  • 24. Giffgaff Case Study Choose ONE of the management processes encountered during the course: Starting, Organising, Planning and Changing. Select a business organisation of your choice and explain how and how well it undertakes your chosen process. In this essay I am going to explain the concept of intrapreneurship, contemplated within the management process of starting, and I will study its implication to the creation of the mobile operator Giffgaff; the role of the parent company and the innovative nature of Giffgaff will also be examined. Intrapreneurship, also referred as corporate entrepreneurship, is a key concept in this era of fierce market competition. The start up philosophy applied to established companies positively promotes change and ... Show more content on ... The role of the parent company is vital in the formation and development of the new venture and in its potential success or fail; it must be ready to challenge the way it is doing business, to take risks and to step into the unknown, and Telefonica O2 did it. Gav Thompson spotted a gap in the market for those users who where not attracted by traditional mobile operators, dissatisfied about expensive tariffs, lack of transparency and poor customer service of market leaders within the sector; he identified the opportunity to set up a new business form that, through innovation, would deliver a service characterised by two main principles: being fair, open and transparent; and guarantee price competitiveness thanks to the absence of call centres, costly advertising or retail channels, keeping the costs low and passing the savings to the customers (Thompson, 2010). This was the first step in the intrapreneurial process; however, ideas have to become commercial solutions introduced into the market. Finding the resources within an established and financially secure company has some advantages compared to lone start ups: the project was approved by O2 executive board, who recognised its potential value, and Giffgaff received the necessary funding from its parent company having also the option to share O2 s infrastructure to operate, as Hearn (2010), one of Giffgaff 35 employees explained to their community. To develop
  • 25. Blood Vengeance In Beowulf Vengeance in Beowulf While both blood feuds and wergild deal with murder, a blood feud requires a death for a death, while wergild uses gold to make amends. When looking at this in a biblical perspective, it is important to understand how these relate to justice. Biblical justice is a far cry from revenge. Vengeance, however, takes the shape of both blood feuds and wergild, and while blood feuds are fueled by revenge, wergild is important to bring justice in Beowulf s society. Vengeance in Beowulf takes two main forms: the blood feuds, such as that of Grendel s mother, and the concept of wergild; only wergild, however, conforms to the biblical definition of justice. Blood feuds play an important role in Beowulf, if only to contrast with the idea of wergild. A blood feud took place when someone killed someone else, and the victim s family had the right and responsibility to kill the murderer. However, this is not justice; it is revenge, often causing a deep and uncontrollable split in a society. In Beowulf, this is only referred to once, when Grendel is killed, and Grendel s mother comes, desperate for revenge, intent on avenging Grendel s death ( Beowulf, 69). While Grendel s mother could be seen as restoring justice, this blood feud only brought more death and revenge. There were few rules or regulations, and revenge was often personal. Indeed, the old testament blood feuds were more closely aligned with wergild, in that weregild was not wild justice or a step outside
  • 26. The Tempest Critical Analysis The Tempest is about an ousted Duke of Milan ,Prospero, who has been living in exile on a remote island for the past twelve years with his daughter Miranda. He is a powerful magician, who happens to be the master of Ariel and Caliban, and a guy who really likes his books. When Prospero s enemies wash up on shore, he uses his black magic to seek revenge and restore himself to power. The Tempestbelongs to the genre of Elizabethan romance plays. It combines elements of tragedy with those of romantic comedy, and like one of Shakespeare s playspreviously, it asks deeper questions that are not completely resolved at the end. The tone that seeps into the play is one of wonder, amazement, and admiration. Mystery is still present , but the magic performed is not black and scary. The version that seems to grasp my attention more, would have to be the UtahValley University interpretation because it takes Shakespeare s main purpose and tone but shows it in its own unique way. Furthermore, with its silly drunkards, the play has a certain lightness to it and even the so called killers of the King tell hilarious jokes and are lighthearted. But there is also the tone of revenge and reconciliation in the play. We feel a revenge burning in Prospero while, at the same time, a wish for forgiveness and reconciliation with those who have wronged him. The Balinese production has a magical and mystical tone and is all caused by the effects the director decided to use to help make the tone
  • 27. Healthcare Management Functions Of A Director Of Maternal... Published research does not include a detailed or frank discussion of the four main healthcare management functions of a director of maternal child services. Therefore, I contacted Dorinda Kirby, RN, for a knowledgeable discussion of the four main healthcare management functions of a director for maternal child services. Mrs. Kirby is an expert in the field, having practiced for 34 years. Of the 34 years, Mrs. Kirby served three years on the staff as a charge RN, 25 years as a nurse manager and six years as a director. Mrs. Kirby is the Director of Maternal Child Services at Merit Health River Oaks Hospital. She reports to the Chief Nursing Executive, Sherry Cook, MSN, and Mrs. Kirby has three assistant directors that report to her, and the nurses from the different units report to the three assistant directors, as well as herself. Coulter, Decenzo, and Robbins (2014) said that planning involves defining the organization s objectives or goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities. It s concerned with ends (what is to be done) as well as with means (how it s to be done) (p.123). To assess how planning assists Mrs. Kirby s ability to be more effective, she discussed defining goals, establishing a strategy, developing plans to manage activities and encouraging organizational members to keep attentive. Mrs. Kirby stated that the goal for the nursing staff is
  • 28. Divergent, By Veronica Roth Divergent , by Veronica Roth is a compelling adventure/dramatic novel. Published in 2011, Divergent is one out of a series of three books. It shines a light on Beatrice Prior s life, and the decisions she makes throughout the story. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and ended up reading it twice. Divergent would be a great choice for someone who enjoys adventurous stories with many plot twists. The main characters are an important part of the story, as the book revolves around the decisions they make. Beatrice Prior, better known as Tris, is the main characterof the story. Stuck between two very difficult decisions, she makes a choice that tears her and her family apart. Tobias Eaton, who only goes by Four, is another main... Show more content on ... The initiates can then follow what the test reveals or choose their own. Once organized and ready, the time comes for the young adults to determine their future. Called out one by one, they make their way to the five metal bowls (each representing a different faction), then use a ceremonial knife to cut open their hand and let their blood drip into the bowl of the faction they want to continue life in. Each new initiate then stands in an area near the faction they decided on. Immediately shocked by her results from her aptitude test, Tris finds that she is actually Divergent, a faction shunned out from society for being unpredictable and dangerous. Petrified of losing reputation, family, and everything she has worked for, she chooses Dauntless as her faction. In this faction, Tris meets another Divergent concealed as a Dauntless and they work together. Jeanine Matthews, the despicable leader of the Erudite faction, uses a serum that forwards every member of the Dauntless faction into a simulation. This stimulation allows the members to be aware of their surroundings but not able to control themselves or their actions. The stimulation forces the Dauntless army of uncontrolled slaves to enter the Abnegation faction, and they proceed to kill all the members. Jeanine Matthews master plan was to kill every faction and have Erudite rule the government. As Tris and Four are concealed Divergents, the serum fails to work on them and they continue to go along with the
  • 29. Equine Conditioning Equines have been essential to the evolution of our society for over 4,000 years, providing speed and strength to aid in work, travel, and war. They are extreme athletes, capable of producing high speeds and stamina and are able to do so efficiently. This is due partly to the muscle physiology of the equine. In most mammals, 40 45% of body weight is made of muscle mass. In horses this percentage is increased to over 50%. Horses are not all the same, however. Different breeds have different skeletal muscle builds as well as muscle types. For example, the Thoroughbred, one of the most athletic breeds of horses, has a muscle mass percentage of almost 55%. (Gunn, 1979) Conditioning of our equine athletes is an important part of equine care, especially... Show more content on ... Interval training consists of workouts over a specified period of time or distance to increase the heartrate, with breaks in between to lower heartrate. These exercises were carried out at walk, trot, canter, and gallops. Swimming was also included on some days. Kikkuli describes strenuous workouts, often for three times a day. An example in the text details trotting their horses on the chariot for 18 miles and then galloping for over three quarters of a mile. They are returned to the stable, washed down, and fed. At night they are then trotted for an additional 6 miles and galloped for three quarters of a mile. Horses were given breaks, easy days, and days off as needed and while the primary goal was to create a fit war machine, the horses were allowed to progress on their own time. As the training continued, the exercises remained similar is style but the difficulty and length increased. (McMiken, 1990) These exact methods were reproduced in the 1990s by Dr. Ann Nyland, an endurance racing competitor. She took 10 Arabian horses and followed Kikkuli s strenuous methods and found that his methods produced an extremely healthy and fit horse compared to modern training techniques at the time. (Coetzee Eysturlid,
  • 30. The Great Migration In the years 1910 1970 our country saw one of the largest population shifts in history. More than 6 million African Americans trying to escape segregation laws and poor economic opportunities fled the South in hopes of finding a better way of life in the North, Midwest, and West. This would later been called The Great Migration. When the post Civil war reconstruction period ended in 1876 Jim Crow policies (the practice of segregating black people in the U.S.), and white supremacy returned to the South. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) had been dissolved in 1869, but it continued underground with intimidation, violence and lynching of black southerners. They were forced to work the land as part of the sharecropping system, which was a landowner allowing... Show more content on ... When World War I began in 1914 it brought a halt to this massive immigration within 3 years. When the U.S. entered the war in 1917 it created an economic boom. Workers were needed to meet the increased demand for war supplies and the surplus of southern workers were the answer. Word began to spread about the abundant job opportunities in the North. Labor agents from the North were offering train passes, and black newspapers were advertising the superior wages and benefits of living in the North. Letters from recent migrants were read throughout churches, barbershops, and meeting halls to lure the black laborers from the South. Even though they were surrounded by these influences many decided to stay. Making the trip was very expensive with passenger fares rising from 2 cents to 24 cents per mile within 3 years. They were also faced with unfamiliar procedures, unfriendly conductors, and very little food and drink available. Many migrants had to make the trip in stages, stopping of to work in order to move onto the next leg of the journey. During the early phase employers would assist the migrants, deducting the costs of travel from future
  • 31. Shinsei Case Study Essay example Shinsei Bank Case Shinsei bank has a rich history in terms of influence over the Japanese banking sector. Of all the defining moments, there are a few moments that reflect the culture shift of Shinsei bank from the more traditional Japanese approach to the more Western business model. These moments include the denial by Shinsei to forgive 97 billion Yen in debt owed by Sogo, the creation of the Shinsei Securities operations and the institutional banking department, being listed on the Tokyo Stock exchange and the hiring of Tom Pedersen as the Chief Learning Officer All the above moments are important because all reflect the shift from tradition and probably may account for the current lack of culture or rift between the... Show more content on ... Although I agree with the use of pay for performance in theory, I do not agree with the two tier system as implemented by Shinsei. At Shinsei, it seemed that the two tiered system led to resentment. As one employee put it Frankly, for much of the first year the atmosphere in the bank was like civil war...Everyone was fighting everyone else. The problem with pay for performance systems is that detracts from team work as motivation for self reward goes against the idea of helping colleagues. On the other hand, pay based on the organization profitability leads to star performers being underpaid as well as social loafing. In order to effectively implement a pay for performance system, an organization must be careful to avoid the negative side effects. What was the aim of the values and vision exercise? How successful was it? The main purpose of the vision and values exercise was to formalize and align the current values that were present within the organization. By doing this, Pedersen hoped to align the values to the banks strategic plans. I think Pedersen has done a great job so far in trying to bridge the gap between the employees and trying to promote an organizational culture based on a common mission. His vision and values exercise was successful. In addition, he adopted a new 360 Performance Evaluation system for senior executives and coaching session for evaluators so the evaluations were not inflated.
  • 32. Public Enemy Movie Analysis Public Enemies Movie Analysis Amy Jo Parrish Troy Montgomery University Introduction to Criminal Justice September 29, 2017 943 Gipson Street, Prattville, AL Public Enemies Movie Analysis Director Michael Mann releases his movie Public Enemy to the public on July 1, 2009. This nonfiction biographical movie of the character John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) fascinates the viewers with his charming self, witty audacity, and bold bravery of his gangster style bank robberies during the Depression era of America s greatest crime wave. Characters such as Baby Face Nelson (Stephen Graham), Pretty Boy Floyd (Channing Tatum), Homer Van Meter (Stephen Dorff), and Evelyn Billie Frechette (Marion Cotillard) displayed their elusiveness of the federal agents with their burglaries through Ohio and Indiana as the American gangsters. Labeled by J. Edgar Hoover (Billy Crudup) as America s first Public Enemy Number One, Dillinger s brashness erupted even more. The enlistment of FBI s top agent, Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale), gave the instructional task of bringing in this charismatic and troubling evildoer Dillinger dead or alive. Nevertheless, this movie introduced us to this charming character Dillinger. The comparison and contrast of the true realities verses the movie actually handles the injustices differently than what the screen displays. Drama, bad boy image, lovers, and reckless abandonment of the law lures us to an unrealistic reality to the
  • 33. School Choice In Public Schools BACKGROUND In schools the state rates as Underperforming or Lowest Five Percent, more than 60 percent of students were reported as falling below minimum learning standards in reading, math, science, and writing. Some of these schools showed extraordinary levels of failure in educating students. In 2010, the state found the number of F schools, ranked Struggling to be 168 schools. In 2016, the state Index found the number of F schools, ranked Underperforming or Lowest Five Percent increased by 117 percent to 365. At the same time, per student educationspending from all sources for the years 2011 to 2016 increased by 27 percent, rising from $9,785 to $12,439. All 50 states and the District of Columbia offer at least some type of ... Show more content on ... Again, charter schools take no money out of public education because they are part of the public education system. Due to their immense popularity, charter schools are constantly at capacity, and must hold lotteries for each entering class. This results in most charter schools having to retain lists of families wanting to get in. Nationally, 3.1 million students attend 6,900 charter public schools in 43 states, and about one million students are on charter school waiting lists. In Washington State, 2,500 students attend 10 charter public schools, and two more charter schools are scheduled to open in Fall 2018. KEY ISSUES UNIONS The major obstacle to giving parents access to school choice are public sector labor unions that profit from a closed educational system. In non right to work states, like Washington State, membership in the union (Washington Education Association, or WEA) is mandatory for most school district employees, and all public school teachers. Any teacher who does not make the required payments to the union (generally about $1,000 a year) is fired. The WEA sees allowing parents to have school choice as a threat, because if parents have a choice to send their child to a better performing school, they will take it, and that choice will weaken the union s access to money and power that is has within a closed public education system. In Washington, the WEA has worked for years to close every charter school in the state. As of the time this
  • 34. Gloria Steinem Influence On Women s Rights I chose the topic How did Gloria Steinem influence the discussion of women s rights? because feminism is an interesting topic to me, and it is an overlooked topic that should be talked about more often in society. In a society that is so dominant by men, women think they can t change it. But, with this topic, it can show how just a simple book, or an idea can start up an entire movement just by influencing each other. Also, even in today s society, women do not get the things they deserve because they are so over dominated by men. I conducted my research by first thinking of what I wanted my topic to be on. I didn t want it to be a topic that is common because I want my project to be something unique, not something
  • 35. CAM Modalities is an Alternative Therapy CAM Modalities Conventional treating of patients is not always the best treatment; there are routes a provider can explore to assist in the overall health and wellbeing of the patient. Complementary and alternative therapy (CAM) is the other route for the patient. Each of these modalities can produce a healing effect or relief from an ailment that will have an effect in a positive manner on the quality of life. Too many times patients become settled or complacent in his or her disease process and never look into the other routes. Basics Non main stream therapy is in three categories and five domains by definition. The categories are complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine and the domains are biologically based therapies, manipulative and body based methods, mind body interventions, energy therapies, and alternative medical systems. Complementary refers to a non mainstream approach with conventional medicine in conjunction, while alternative refers to a non mainstream approach in place of conventional medicine. (NIH, 2013). These are two contrasting or bipolar points the complementary that comes along conventional medication and alternative opposing conventional. The third category is integrative it is the encompassing of the non main stream health approaches in a holistic, multidisciplinary, collaborative approach by combining conventional and alternative medicine to healing therapy.(Fontaine, 2011). The five domains deal mainly with methods of CAM therapies.
  • 36. Analysis Of English Tense And Aspect Analyzing English tense and aspect is presented with the idea that it has temporal relations within a sentence. The reference points are used by the terminal and initial points of real time events. There is also two hypothetical times: (Dalrymple pg. 68): the perfect time (that is pertaining to the perfect aspect) and the progressive (which is during time). When continuing analysis of tense and aspect, it requires to identify if the relationships will or will not substantiate among time and events. For instance if I say Ken ate a frozen dinner, it can be established that this sentence is past tense, and it includes that the time of this main event which is eating a frozen dinner precedes the time of statement within this sentence. In... Show more content on ... Examples: (note: S stands for speech time. R for reference time. E for event time.) These examples will provide a visual as to what was explained above. Present Tense: E, R, S I am in California. Past Tense: E, R......S I was in California when I saw her. Past Perfect: E....R....S I had been in California when I saw her. Future Perfect: S....E....R I will have been to California when is see you next. It can be seen from these classifications of tenses above that the relative tenses and the reference time are split apart(this is what the use of the periods are for to demonstrate the time splits). Another thing to analyze is that only in the future perfect tense does speech time occurs first in the sentence. In addressing the past perfect tense, the lecture states that the role of the past perfect is backshifting in the sequence of tense which is why I represented the time split from event time, reference time and speech time apart us such. Other examples offered: He said that he preferred the darker cigars. (past tense=present tense) He said that he had selected the darker cigar. ( past perfect= present tense) These examples display the ideal of backshifting. Both instances of these sentences are in the past in time, however they can be interpreted as an event currently happening now. The lecture from the University of Colorado also offers this analogy to better understand aspect versus tense:
  • 37. Artisan Creative Home Research Paper Are you looking for unique new home construction in Amarillo? Artisan Creative Homes brings a unique design to every project they do. When you walk through the front door of one of our new home projects, you will see the creative design and high quality that we take pride in. When you visit the communities where we build, you will see the perfect place for your next dream to become reality. When you work with our design team, you will see why this is all possible. Why build new? You get the design you want and don t have to settle for anything less. You get to choose a floor plan and layout that meets you and your family s needs, not someone else s. You get a full warranty that covers the house from the day you move in. You get an energy efficient home that will cost less to heat and cool.... Show more content on ... You can build your home where you want it, on your own land or in a planned community. Here, at Artisan Creative Homes, we take pride in being more than just a home construction company. We have brought together design and construction experts to create a unique team that can deliver your unique vision. While our design signature is Texas Modern, we design homes in just about any style you can find in the Amarillo area, like Traditional, Ranch, Prairie, Victorian, and Mediterranean. When you choose the Artisan Team to build your new home, you get all the experience and design expertise we can bring to your project. We offer the highest quality customer service and will help you along every stage of your home buyer journey. Give us a call and let us help you build your dream
  • 38. Essay On Lyssavirus Syndrome recognition and notification Rabies virus, the type species of the genus Lyssavirus of the family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales, is the causative agent of rabies (Detrick, et al., 2006). This bullet shaped, enveloped RNA virus is one of the most formidable, zoonotic, neurologic diseases due to the prognosis almost invariably fatal in both humans and animals. Rabies is a genotype 1 Lyssavirus and can be found throughout the world, with the exception of Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Japan, the majority of Western Europe, Fiji, Hawaii and Guam (Sykes, 2014). Classical rabies is the most prevalent strain of rabies, endemic to more than 150 countries worldwide and responsible for more than 55,000 ... Show more content on ... Australian bat Lyssavirus is very similar to that of rabies and has been responsible for the death of three humans since it was detected in 1996. All three cases were in the state of Queensland after they were reportedly bitten or scratched by bats infected with ABLV. The existence of ABLV does not affect the rabies free status and there have been no known cases of the rabies virus occurring in terrestrial mammals (NSW Government Health, 2016). There are seven genotypes of Lyssaviruses, belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, known to exist worldwide; however, through experimental inoculation, dogs and cats have shown a relative insusceptibility to bat derived Lyssavirus as opposed to inoculation with terrestrial rabies virus strains. This suggests differences in mammalian infections with bat derived Lyssavirus to that of terrestrial strains (Greene, 2012). Lyssaviruses Belonging to the Family Rhabdoviridae (Greene, 2012) GenotypeDescription of strains (Abbreviations)Geographic Location (Reservoir Hosts) 1Classical rabies virus, including street and fixed varietiesWorldwide, terrestrial (carnivores and
  • 39. Separation Of Powers Dbq Essay The founders of the Constitution had to make a document that would give powers to the people yet also protect against one or more person getting too powerful. This is called tyranny, or a government with absolute power. They protected against it by creating Federalism, Separation of powers, Checks and balances, and Bicameral legislative. This allowed us to have a constitution that guards against suppressive tyrants. One of the guards against tyranny is Federalism. Federalism is the sharing of powers between federal and state governments. This allows an equal balance of power that the states and the federal governments have and share between one another. One example is that both state and federal can tax money. Yet only the federal can coin... Show more content on ... This made it so the House of representation was distributed among states based on their population. While in the senate, it was equally distributed with two representatives per a state. The Constitution stated, Representatives...shall be appointed...according to...population and the senate of the United states shall be composed of two senators from each state (Document D). This means that the states would be represented in different ways. This would make the big and little states still want to ratify the Constitution. It protects against tyranny as it allows the voices of the people to be heard. Whether that is from the house or the senate, or by big or little states, it will still be had by voters. This makes it so the government doesn t forget the people and
  • 40. Dada Has a Flashback da has a flashback of her first time in a plane, and she started to think about dusting crops with her dad just before he died. She come out of her flashback and has just been informed there has been an attack by the Japanese. She goes into another flashback of her dad just before he died. August 1943 Ida s brother, Thomas, has been at war for a year and a half in counting. Ida realizes that she wants to continue flying so she wants to become a WASPin the U.S Army. 4 6 Ida goes into her dad s old flying box in the attic. She goes through the files and finds her dad s old flying license. She takes his license and and replaces it with her own picture. She rubs out the letters in his name and the date of birth. She is going to try to pass as a white girl. She goes in for a WASP interview, and the interviewer liked her confidence, attitude, and respect and wishes Ida good luck on her training. 7 9 Ida got her accptance letter from WASP. She leaves her home to go to training camp. When she got on the bus she was feeling sick, and another soon to be WASP helped her out. Turns out that the girl is Patsy, her new best friend. The bus reaches Avenger FIeld, and the girls get lined up and their names are called. Soon they go to their bunk house and share their stories on why they wanted to be a WASP. The next day they start their training. 10 12 The girls meet their instructor, Martin. They get parachutes and are ready to fly. The plane they are about to fly is
  • 41. Vernon Tull Character Traits Vernon Tull is a fairly wealthy countryman who is friends with the Bundrens, often hiring the older boys to do odd jobs for him. He is characterized as a helpful, kind man. Some characters think Tull is very benevolent, always offering help to the family and assisting them whenever they are in trouble, or in a state of distress. The family, however, is not always appreciative, as sometimes the family refuses to acknowledge their need for succor. Tull knows the family really does need the assistance, and does not let the family s brusqueness get in the way of his facilitation. Tull is important in the novel because of Tull s caring nature towards the Bundren children and his revelation of the novel s themes. When Tull narrates a section of... Show more content on ... When Tull and Cora are talking about the incident at the river, and how Cash almost drowned, Cora says the log was brought thereby God s will as punishment for Anse s lack of fathering ability. The reader, through Tull, can see Cora s hypocritical nature, as Cora repeats that God is the only one that can judge people yet is constantly criticizing the Bundrens throughout the novel (Faulkner). Tull, too, is hypocritical, because he uses religion to pass judgment on Anse. When Vardaman comes to Tull and describes a relationship between Addie and a fish, Tull believes this is nonsense, and blames Anse, like Cora, for being an incompetent father (Faulkner). In addition to Cora s characterization, the reader is better able to understand Jewel s nature because of Tull s narrations. When Tull follows the family to the river, potentially to help them cross the dangerous waters, Jewel is furious with the Tull s offer to help. This shows Jewel s independence as a strong individual, and foreshadows a time later in the novel where Jewel will again show his independence. This foreshadowing comes to fulfillment when Jewel absconds in order to avoid the sale of his beloved horse. Nevertheless, Jewel does trade his horse for a team of mules and eventually returns to continue the journey to Jefferson
  • 42. Environmental Science 1401 Essays Question 1 1 out of 1.25 points Partial Credit Expand the following by showing the powers of 10 for each place value. 456 = 4 x 10[a] + 5 x 10[b] + 6 x 10[c] 87.045 = [d] x 101 + [e] x 100 + [f] x 10 1 + [g] x 10[h] + 5 x 10[i] 700 = [j] x 102 + 0 x 101 + 0 x 100 Specified Answer for: a 2 Specified Answer for: b 1 Specified Answer for: c 0 Specified Answer for: d 8 Specified Answer for: e 7 Specified Answer for: f 0 Specified Answer for: g 4 Specified Answer for: h 1 Specified Answer for: i 0 Specified Answer for: j 7 Correct Answers for: a 2 Correct Answers for: b 1 Correct Answers for: c 0 Correct Answers for: d 8 Correct Answers for: e 7 Correct Answers for: ... Show more content on ... Answers may be given as standard numerals such as 0.09 or 900. Specified Answer for: a 2.25 Specified Answer for: b 225 Specified Answer for: c 2.25E5 Specified Answer for: g length Specified Answer for: d 0.0751 Specified Answer for: e 75100 Specified Answer for: f 7.51 Specified Answer for: h volume Correct Answers for: a 100 1E2 1E+2 Correct Answers for: b 1000 1E3 1E+3 Correct Answers for: c 0.001 1E 3 .001 Correct Answers for: g length Correct Answers for: d 0.0751 .0751 7.51E 2 Correct Answers for: e 75100 7.51E4 7.51E+4 Correct Answers for: f 7.51 7.51E0 Correct Answers for: h volume Question 9
  • 43. 0 out of 1.25 points Incorrect Perform the following metric conversions. For each conversion indicate which physical quantity is being measured. (For example, 2 s is a measurement of time.) 40 kg = [a] g = [b] dg = [c] mg : physical quantity [d] 1 g/cm3 = [e] kg/m3 = [f] g/ml = [g] g/cc; physical quantity [h] Note: Answers may be given in correct scientific notation using the Bb format. Answers may be given as standard numerals such as 0.09 or 900. Specified Answer for: a 40000 Specified Answer for: b 4000000 Specified Answer for: c 40000000 Specified
  • 44. Elementary Years Research Paper My elementary years can be described in one word, melodramatic. I went to a small private school names Victory in the Perryton Texas. My class had a around 15 kids in it and it only got smaller with each year. In preschool and kindergarten, my mom decided to homeschool me. In other words i didn t really learn anything, i just had more time to be a kid. I loved and when it came time to starting first grade i was actually very excited to be in school. Unfortunately i was quite a bit behind. I didn t know how to read, spell anything, and i was so much slower than the rest of my class when it came to completing my assignments. The whole i was one of the last kids in the class to complete all of the assignments. Then one day my principal, who was good friends... Show more content on ... The rest of the year we had a sub and i was very sad. The next school year i looked for her but she didn t come back. The rest of my elementary years are just a blurred mix of boring classes and my endless daydreaming. I remember my third grade teacher was crazy. One day a boy farted in one of my classes and after making him shamefully spray the room with febreze, she made him stand in the hallway the rest of the day. That s also the year i learned how to spell Mississippi. At the of my fourth grade year my mom moved to Amarillo Texas into this small camper. My dad worked out of town so my little brother sister and i all moved down to amarillo with her. She worked all day and we just stayed in the camper and home schooled ourselves, which consisted of daily fights with my brother over lego indiana jones and my sister... well doing whatever she did by herself. After a while my mom starting to bring us up to her new business with her and we just played in the back all day. Halfway through the year she took us to another private school and told us to get dressed for school and bring our
  • 45. Social And Economic Issues Around Small Farms Since the founding of America, the small family farm has been a pillar of United States culture and economics. These small generational farms were known for molding very capable, independent families that were known for their morality, strong character, and high work ethic. Urbanization, industrialization, the growth of U.S. agribusiness, and other economic factors have slowly chipped away at the presence of the U.S. small family farm. Technology and mechanization developed by colleges, agribusinesses, and other government sponsored research programs have caused farm supply to increase exponentially while farm demand grows at roughly the rate of population growth. Most modern small farmsare too commodity focused to compete in niche... Show more content on ... Many of these younger workers often see farming as an antiquated profession and relatively unprofitable. The draw of higher education and the bright lights of city life are constant distractions pulling them away from the less exciting rural life of farming. Without a generation of farmer to replace the last many small farms are sold and developed commercially or absorbed by larger commodity driven farms that surround them. Technological advancements have been a strong driver of change in agriculture over the last 100 years. Technology is, in fact, the key force driving the shift of farm activities off farms (Smith, 1992, p. 8). After the World Wars, mechanical advancements were made at a rapid pace. Advances in mechanization and increasing availability of chemical inputs led to ever increasing economies of scale that spurred rapid growth in average farm size, accompanied by an equally rapid decline in the number of farms and in the farm and rural populations (Dimitri, Effland, Conklin, 2005, p. 6). Essentially, the use of mechanization has dramatically increased the supply of agricultural products while also drastically reducing the size of the necessary workforce. The amount of capital used per farmworker increased 15 times between 1930 and 1980, permitting a fivefold increase in the amount of land cultivated per farmer (McConnell,
  • 46. Cathay Pacific Strengths And Objectives Cathay Pacific Airways was established in Hong Kong in 1946, by two enterprises, American Roy Farrell and Australian Sydney de Kantzow. The carrier started business that possessed only two DC3 flying machine known as Bestsy and Nikki. After two years, taking after weight from the United Kingdom for a more noteworthy British enthusiasm for the state based organization, the Butterfield and Swire obtained 45% of Cathay Pacific, hence turning into the dominant part shareholder in the aircraft. Since its foundation, the organization has been performing in a compelling way giving quality administrations to its focused on clients with the help of its aggressive methodologies. Its value structure is partitioned into economy, business and high class ... Show more content on ... The above advantages of fulfillment thusly are converted into the organization s gainfulness (Cronin, Brady and Hult, 2000; Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman, 1996). Loyalty is the aftereffect of exceedingly fulfilled clients. It is a profoundly held responsibility to re purchase or re disparage a favored item or administration. Moreover, steadfast clients have less exchanging conduct (Cronin et al., 2000). Faithfulness is noteworthy to a company s benefit in light of the fact that holding steadfast client costs not exactly drawing in new clients (Zeithaml et al., 1996). To make and keep up client unwaveringness, Cathay Pacific has two steadfastness programs: The Marco Polo Club and Asia Miles. The Marco Polo Club is a devotion program that that offers a scope of benefits to Cathay Pacific most long standing customers. The benefits incorporate 24 hours without toll benefit line and need registration and boarding. Asia Miles is a long standing customer compensate program which turns into a need for all carriers. Be that as it may, Asia Miles has been named as the Best Regular customer Program in the 2009 and has subsequently won this honor for a long time. There were approximately 3.6 million Asia Miles
  • 47. My Favorite Place At The World Is The State Of Oregon Oregon My favorite place in the world is the state of Oregon. The reason for this being my favorite place is because of how green and simply beautiful this place is. I have had the fortune of getting to visit this state twice. I even took a train ride home from Washington through Oregon down to California. I must add the scenery is seriously beautiful. I have never seen so many trees in my life. The name Oregon means windstorm or hurricane. The reason they gave it this name is because of the powerful chinook winds of the Columbia River that blows through this state. I also wanted to do this place because they are known for their cheese and ice cream from the Tillamook brand. They also have a lot of wild berries growing and have about 80 national parks you can visit. In Cannon Beach there is the famous Haystack rock. Haystack rock is 235 ft tall and is home to wildlife. It also has made great tidepools full of marine life. Crater lake happens to be the deepest lake in the United States and the second deepest in all of North America. It also ranks number 9 in the world. The way this massively deep lake was formed was due to the collapse of a volcano ,known as Mount Mazama. Its max depth is 1.949ft. Oregon consists of 6 different areas. The coast, Klamath mountains , Willamette lowlands,Cascade Mountains, Columbia Plateau , and the basin and range region. The Pacific shoreline of Oregon is bordered by narrow coastal plains of sandy beaches, luxuriant
  • 48. Exotic Pets Bush, Emma R, et al. Global Trade in Exotic Pets 2006 2012. Conservation Biology 28.3 (2014): 663 676. Academic Search Complete. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. This is a scholarly journal article. Emma Bush and Sandra Baker are part of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit at the University of Oxford. David McDonald is a zoologist and the director of the research unit mentioned above. The authors report on the global state of the exotic pet trade by using other sources like the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) The authors explain the factors that affect the exotic pet trade, the international pet trade legislation, pet sources, as well as animal welfare. In terms of factor affecting the pet trade they predict that since the human population is growing, then the demand for pets will increase. The rarity of the species dictates how desirable a pet is. When they talk about pet sources they mention the exotic pets taken directly from the wild, or born in captivity. This topic of the article will help me when I describe the bigger picture of the pet trade industry. This article will also provide me with the definition of an ... Show more content on ... One of the exotic pet owners has kangaroos, and lemurs to use for a petting zoo and charges $35. The article mentions how exotic animals are used as symbols of status and power. Slater states views from advocacy groups who believe exotic animals should not be privately kept. Both sides of an issue are presented. I liked this article because it introduces me to possible naysayers, from people who have no problem with owning exotic pets. There is a part in the article where a man who owned exotic animals later went and took a visit to Africa. He mentions his eyes being opened, and realizing that the wild is where animals belonged. I like how they mention this, because that is what I want people who own exotic large cats to
  • 49. The Matrix Sequence analysis, film form and style as depicted in the film, The Matrix The matrix has different meanings, but according the movie I have watched I define the matrix as a dream state, it is like when you are dreaming where the person is not in the real world, yet is inside a computer programing. There are a number of dramatic beats, and the photography found in the movie; a perfect visual depiction of exactly what s going on in the scene and that is when we see how the settings of the movies like the costumes, lighting, the sound and mise en scenes. there are lots opinions about the matrix and questions that comes to mind after the movie. It is quite clear to me that that computers or rather technology is becoming more popular in the century ... Show more content on ... Whenever the matrix wear their sunglasses there is that one sound that all of them make when they are wearing the sunglasses that emphasizes the power and authority of the main characters. The ringing of the phone signals danger many times throughout the film, however, because the phone is a way to escape, it sometimes ends up saving whoever is in danger Another sound is when Agent Smith is fighting with Neo, when he stretch his neck there is a sound that comes out and that emphasize that Agent Smith is being controlled by the computer. The sound effect of Morpheus fighting with Neo emphasise that they are also being controlled though the computer
  • 50. Case Analysis Of Crown Cork And Seal Case Analysis of Crown Cork and Seal (CC S) ASSIGNMENT 1 Assignment 1: Case Analysis of Crown Cork and Seal (CC S) This Assignment will develop your skills in industry analysis. This must be done as individual work, so you must not discuss the case with anyone else before completing the Assignment. Please use the following questions to structure your answer: What are the industry structures and dynamics of the metal can industry? The industry structure analysis of the metal can industry mainly depends on the assessment of the five competitive forces which shapes the industry which is following: 1.Bargaining power of suppliers: There are three aluminium suppliers who dominate the market which are Alcan Aluminium, Aloca and Reynold metal. These three world leading companies have huge bargaining power on can manufacturers as they were responsible for huge part of production of aluminium market. 2.Bargaining power of customers: There are four vital companies who play a very important role in the metal industry and these are Anheuser Busch companies, Pepsico, Coca cola enterprise and Coca cola company. These companies could have a great bargaining power over can companies while having multimple suppliers and being able to switch suppliers which gave the companies more flexibility to choose from if there was any issue with the price, quality or service. 3.Barriers to entry: In this case some big companies dominate the whole industry and as a result the small companies
  • 51. Analysis Of Some Could Suckle Over Their Shoulder By... In Some Could Suckle over Their Shoulder, Jennifer Morgan conveys that history s opinion of racial beauty is indeed only skin deep. By primarily relying on the perception of Englishmen about black women, Morgan argues that the stereotypical ideas of boundaries between races were born far before the American slaveryperiod. She claims that though Americans enslavement of Africans may have been the climax of racism, the idea of racial inequality was introduced and nourished in the pre colonized American era. Throughout her article, Morgan chronicles the history of the body itself, specifically focusing on the narratives of 16th 18th century white Englishmen who laid the groundwork for the eventual enslavement of Africans based on ... Show more content on ... A reference to a narrative given by Robert Ligon opens Morgan s article and provides the reader with a solid background as to the opinions of the 17th century English about Africans. Morgan cites an argument of comparison in order to show a contrast between the majesty and beauty of Queen Anne to that of an African woman, who is considered superlatively beautiful to the queen in the passage. Ligon was an English planter on board a ship headed to Barbados. En route, Ligon s ship stopped in the Cape Verde Islands for provisions and trade. There Ligon saw a black woman for the first time...she was a Negro of the greatest beauty and majesty together: that ever [he] saw in one woman. Her stature large, and excellently shap d, well favour d, full eye d, and admirably grac d...[he] awaited her comming out, which was with far greater Majesty and gracefulness, than [he] had seen Queen Anne, descend from the Chaire of State (167). This excerpt asserts that contact between blacks and whites was limited, as it is directly stated that this is the first black woman Ligon has ever encountered, but also through his shocked reaction to hear beauty and prowess. Morgan goes on to evaluate that Ligon s observation that a black woman was more beautiful and majestic than the Queen represented the opinion of the extreme minority of Europeans. Morgan continues by writing that Ligon s rhetoric may have surprised his English readers, for seventeenth century