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Mary Fe Joy M. Corcuera / Gwyneth Denice B. De Leon
Veronica S. Dumanop / Allysa Kate R. Gambol / Gladys D. Ganceña
Research Agenda
Project Activities
Instruction and
 Classroom management
 Pedagogical competence
and management of
 Curriculum
enhancement and
 Assessment and
evaluation of Learning
Background of the Study
There are many factors that influence
students’ attitudes to learn English. These
factors serve as motivation, inspiration, or
even as a standard. Studying the language
itself is not enough for an individual to fully
master ‘that specific language’. One needs
to be exposed to a place where that ‘specific
language’ is being used on daily basis.
Background of the Study
According to Ahmed (2015), students from
various fields have differing attitudes toward
English language learning in terms of usage
domains and learning skills focus,
demonstrating that a single curriculum or
teaching methodology is inadequate.
The learners' attitude is critical in
maximizing learning and teaching output in the
changing scenario of language teaching theories
and methodologies, where the learners, rather
than the teachers, are gaining a central position.
Conducting the research on Factors
Influencing the attitudes towards English
Language Learning Among Second Year College
of Teacher Education Major in English Students
of Nueva Vizcaya State University- Bambang
campus helps the students, mentors, and
researchers know the attitudes of each student
in mastering and understanding the uses of the
language’s structure. From this research, one
can find their answer on their struggle of
learning the English language.
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
1. What is the respondents’ perception on their
motivation, personality, experience and native language
as factors influencing their attitudes towards English
language learning?
2. What is the respondents’ perception on their attitudes
towards English language learning?
3. Do the respondents’ perception on their motivation,
personality, experience, and native language and their
attitudes towards English language learning relate
Significance of the Study
• A positive attitude of a student gives relaxation, focus
and absorption of information as they learn. It
welcomes new experiences and recognize many
different kinds of learning opportunities. To achieve
these, they need to know the factors that influence
their attitudes. This study therefore sought to provide
sufficient information on the factors influencing the
attitudes towards English language learning among
second year College of Teacher Education major in
English students of Nueva Vizcaya State University-
Bambang Campus. The findings may be deemed
significant and beneficial specifically to the
respondents, faculty, school administrators, curriculum
planner, and future teachers.
Scope and Limitations
• The four factors of the study are the following:
motivation, personality, experience, and
native language. This study is confined to the
43 second year BSEd major in English students
enrolled under the program of the College of
Teacher Education at Nueva Vizcaya State
University, Bambang Campus for the second
semester, academic year 2021-2022.
Research Design
In the case of this study, the identified
problem was determining the factors
influencing the attitudes towards English
language learning among the second year
students establishing the correlation of the
variables with each other, and the significant
relationship that may exist within the
variables. Hence, a quantitative research
design was used.
Research Method
The descriptive correlational method was used in this
study because the correlation between the
independent and dependent variables, motivation,
personality, experience, and native language and
attitude, as well as the interrelationships between and
among the components of the two were undertaken.
Correlation statistical test is used by the researchers to
analyze the degree of association (or relationship) of
variables or set of scores, (Arikunto, 2007). This implies
that the researchers in the study did not attempt to
control or manipulate the variables in the study.
Respondents of the Study
In this research study, the respondents
were selected following the purposive technique
under non-probability sampling.
Population and the percentageof respondents in the study
Population Respondents Percentage
34 30 88%
Data Gathering Procedure
Research Instruments
The researchers will use a survey
questionnaire to gather the data using Likert
Scale to measure the indicators per factors
influencing the attitudes towards the English
language learning of the respondents. The
questionnaire will contain the indicators on the
factors such as the motivation, personality,
experience, and native language while the
second part will be all about the respondents’
attitudes towards English language learning.
Research Instruments
The questionnaire on Motivation was
format of Gardner’s Attitude/ Motivation Test
Battery where in the five items present the
instrumental motivation. For our personality
factor, this research study utilizes the Big Five
factor model of Personality traits in an effort to
accurately measure the respondents’ personality.
The Big Five factor model of personality type
builds on the works of Raymond Cattell, and
Hans Eysenck based on Goldberg’s five
dimension personality model.
Research Instruments
On the other hand Experience factor was
adopted from the Attitude Questionnaire Test
employed by Boonrangsri, Chuaymankhong,
Rermyindee, and Vongchittpinyo (2004). While
the design of the administered questionnaire
for the factor Native Language conforms to the
accepted standards (Dornyei, 2010). In this
study, the same questionnaire was
administered as used by other researchers
(Kavaliauskiene, Kaminskiene, 2007).
Statistical Tools
Mean. This was used to determine the perception of
the respondents towards their factors influencing
the attitudes towards English language learning.
Standard Deviation. This measures the dispersion
of factors indicator and its relation to the mean
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. This was used to
identify the significant relationship between the
factors and the attitude towards English language
learning of the respondents.
The reference for significance was pegged at a 0.05
level of significance.
Problem 1
What is the respondents’ perception on their motivation, personality,
experience and native language as factors influencing their attitudes
towards English language learning?
Factors Mean SD Qualitative Description
Motivation 3.46 0.68 Very High
Personality 2.82 0.76 Positive
Experience 2.89 0.74 Positive
Native Language 2.65 0.70 Agree
Description of the respondent’s perception of their motivation, personality,
experience and native language as factors influencing the attitudes towards
English language learning.
Problem 2
What is the respondents’ perception on their attitude towards English
language learning?
Indicators Mean SD Qualitative
1. I think that learning English
will improve my personality. 2.93 0.78 Positive
2. I think that learning English
will help the growth of my mind. 3.30 0.70 Highly Positive
3. I think that learning English
will help me in promoting
3.17 0.70 Positive
4. I think that learning English
will open more job opportunities for
3.50 0.57 Highly Positive
5. I think that learning English
will help me in higher academic
3.07 0.69 Positive
Description of the Respondent’s Perception of their Attitudes Towards English
Language Learning.
Problem 2
What is the respondents’ perception on their attitude towards English
language learning?
Description of the Respondent’s Perception of their Attitudes Towards English
Language Learning.
6. I like to be able to listen and
understand everyday English. 3.30 0.70 Highly Positive
7. I like to learn English through
‘grammatical rules’ and ‘vocabulary
3.13 0.68 Positive
8. I think that ‘listening, speaking,
reading, writing’ are all important in
learning English.
3.73 0.68 Highly Positive
9. When I speak English, the fear of
making grammatical mistake has great
influence on me.
3.37 0.76 High Positive
10. I think that being able to actually
communicate with the foreigners in
English is a very basic purpose of
2.97 0.93 Positive
Grand Mean 3.25 0.70 Highly Positive
Results and Discussions
Problem 3
Do the respondents’ perception on their motivation, personality, experience,
and native language and their attitudes towards English language learning
relate significantly?
Attitudes Towards English Language Learning
Factors Pearson r P-value Remarks
Motivation .611** .000 Significant
Personality .676** .000 Significant
Experience .534** .002 Significant
Native Language .459** .011 Significant
Relationship between the respondents’ motivation, personality, experience,
and native language and their attitudes toward English language learning.
Significant Findings
1. The combined mean of the factors was
pegged at a grand mean of 2.80 qualitatively
described as high. Specifically, motivation
(x=2.82); personality (x=2.82); experience
(x=2.89); and native language (x=2.65).
2. The perception of the respondents on their
attitude towards English language learning is
substantiated by the grand mean of 3. 25, which
is qualitatively described as highly positive.
3. The relationship between the respondents’
motivation, personality, experience, and native
language and their attitudes toward English language
learning was found significant, with the p-value of
.611**, .676**, .534**, and .459**, respectively, all of
which are lower than the 0.05 level of significance.
1. The factors such as motivation, personality,
experience, and native language were perceived
highly by the respondents.
2. The attitude towards English language learning of
the respondents is perceived highly positive.
3. The factors provided bear relationship with the
respondents’ attitudes towards English language
1. The respondents are encouraged to give attention to their
factors such as motivation, personality, experience, and native
language to meet the needs in attaining the best attitude
towards learning the English language.
2. Considering the respondents’ claim that they have highly
positive perception on their attitudes towards English language
learning, they are still encouraged to seek assistance from their
teachers, relatives, and friends in their attitudes to maintain that
level as they pursue their higher level of education.
3. Because the assumption that the factors and
attitudes towards English language learning is relative
as proven by the respondents, they may still, together
with the faculty, school administrators, and curriculum
planners undergo benchmarking activities through
seminar workshops, programs, and others in gaining
knowledge and strategies that may benefit all parties in
influencing the attitudes towards English language
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  • 2. Research Agenda Project Activities Instruction and curriculum development  Classroom management  Pedagogical competence and management of learning  Curriculum enhancement and development  Assessment and evaluation of Learning
  • 3. Background of the Study There are many factors that influence students’ attitudes to learn English. These factors serve as motivation, inspiration, or even as a standard. Studying the language itself is not enough for an individual to fully master ‘that specific language’. One needs to be exposed to a place where that ‘specific language’ is being used on daily basis. INTRODUCTION
  • 4. Background of the Study According to Ahmed (2015), students from various fields have differing attitudes toward English language learning in terms of usage domains and learning skills focus, demonstrating that a single curriculum or teaching methodology is inadequate. The learners' attitude is critical in maximizing learning and teaching output in the changing scenario of language teaching theories and methodologies, where the learners, rather than the teachers, are gaining a central position.
  • 5. Conducting the research on Factors Influencing the attitudes towards English Language Learning Among Second Year College of Teacher Education Major in English Students of Nueva Vizcaya State University- Bambang campus helps the students, mentors, and researchers know the attitudes of each student in mastering and understanding the uses of the language’s structure. From this research, one can find their answer on their struggle of learning the English language. Background of the Study
  • 6. Statement of the Problem 1. What is the respondents’ perception on their motivation, personality, experience and native language as factors influencing their attitudes towards English language learning? 2. What is the respondents’ perception on their attitudes towards English language learning? 3. Do the respondents’ perception on their motivation, personality, experience, and native language and their attitudes towards English language learning relate significantly?
  • 7. Significance of the Study • A positive attitude of a student gives relaxation, focus and absorption of information as they learn. It welcomes new experiences and recognize many different kinds of learning opportunities. To achieve these, they need to know the factors that influence their attitudes. This study therefore sought to provide sufficient information on the factors influencing the attitudes towards English language learning among second year College of Teacher Education major in English students of Nueva Vizcaya State University- Bambang Campus. The findings may be deemed significant and beneficial specifically to the respondents, faculty, school administrators, curriculum planner, and future teachers.
  • 8. Scope and Limitations • The four factors of the study are the following: motivation, personality, experience, and native language. This study is confined to the 43 second year BSEd major in English students enrolled under the program of the College of Teacher Education at Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bambang Campus for the second semester, academic year 2021-2022.
  • 9. Research Design RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In the case of this study, the identified problem was determining the factors influencing the attitudes towards English language learning among the second year students establishing the correlation of the variables with each other, and the significant relationship that may exist within the variables. Hence, a quantitative research design was used.
  • 10. Research Method The descriptive correlational method was used in this study because the correlation between the independent and dependent variables, motivation, personality, experience, and native language and attitude, as well as the interrelationships between and among the components of the two were undertaken. Correlation statistical test is used by the researchers to analyze the degree of association (or relationship) of variables or set of scores, (Arikunto, 2007). This implies that the researchers in the study did not attempt to control or manipulate the variables in the study.
  • 11. Respondents of the Study In this research study, the respondents were selected following the purposive technique under non-probability sampling. Population and the percentageof respondents in the study Population Respondents Percentage 34 30 88%
  • 13. Research Instruments The researchers will use a survey questionnaire to gather the data using Likert Scale to measure the indicators per factors influencing the attitudes towards the English language learning of the respondents. The questionnaire will contain the indicators on the factors such as the motivation, personality, experience, and native language while the second part will be all about the respondents’ attitudes towards English language learning.
  • 14. Research Instruments The questionnaire on Motivation was format of Gardner’s Attitude/ Motivation Test Battery where in the five items present the instrumental motivation. For our personality factor, this research study utilizes the Big Five factor model of Personality traits in an effort to accurately measure the respondents’ personality. The Big Five factor model of personality type builds on the works of Raymond Cattell, and Hans Eysenck based on Goldberg’s five dimension personality model.
  • 15. Research Instruments On the other hand Experience factor was adopted from the Attitude Questionnaire Test employed by Boonrangsri, Chuaymankhong, Rermyindee, and Vongchittpinyo (2004). While the design of the administered questionnaire for the factor Native Language conforms to the accepted standards (Dornyei, 2010). In this study, the same questionnaire was administered as used by other researchers (Kavaliauskiene, Kaminskiene, 2007).
  • 16. Statistical Tools Mean. This was used to determine the perception of the respondents towards their factors influencing the attitudes towards English language learning. Standard Deviation. This measures the dispersion of factors indicator and its relation to the mean score. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. This was used to identify the significant relationship between the factors and the attitude towards English language learning of the respondents. The reference for significance was pegged at a 0.05 level of significance.
  • 17. Results Problem 1 What is the respondents’ perception on their motivation, personality, experience and native language as factors influencing their attitudes towards English language learning? Factors Mean SD Qualitative Description Motivation 3.46 0.68 Very High Personality 2.82 0.76 Positive Experience 2.89 0.74 Positive Native Language 2.65 0.70 Agree Description of the respondent’s perception of their motivation, personality, experience and native language as factors influencing the attitudes towards English language learning.
  • 18. Results Problem 2 What is the respondents’ perception on their attitude towards English language learning? Indicators Mean SD Qualitative Description 1. I think that learning English will improve my personality. 2.93 0.78 Positive 2. I think that learning English will help the growth of my mind. 3.30 0.70 Highly Positive 3. I think that learning English will help me in promoting advocacies. 3.17 0.70 Positive 4. I think that learning English will open more job opportunities for me. 3.50 0.57 Highly Positive 5. I think that learning English will help me in higher academic achievements. 3.07 0.69 Positive Description of the Respondent’s Perception of their Attitudes Towards English Language Learning.
  • 19. Results Problem 2 What is the respondents’ perception on their attitude towards English language learning? Description of the Respondent’s Perception of their Attitudes Towards English Language Learning. 6. I like to be able to listen and understand everyday English. 3.30 0.70 Highly Positive 7. I like to learn English through ‘grammatical rules’ and ‘vocabulary memorization. 3.13 0.68 Positive 8. I think that ‘listening, speaking, reading, writing’ are all important in learning English. 3.73 0.68 Highly Positive 9. When I speak English, the fear of making grammatical mistake has great influence on me. 3.37 0.76 High Positive 10. I think that being able to actually communicate with the foreigners in English is a very basic purpose of English. 2.97 0.93 Positive Grand Mean 3.25 0.70 Highly Positive
  • 20. Results and Discussions Problem 3 Do the respondents’ perception on their motivation, personality, experience, and native language and their attitudes towards English language learning relate significantly? Attitudes Towards English Language Learning Factors Pearson r P-value Remarks Motivation .611** .000 Significant Personality .676** .000 Significant Experience .534** .002 Significant Native Language .459** .011 Significant Relationship between the respondents’ motivation, personality, experience, and native language and their attitudes toward English language learning.
  • 21. Significant Findings 1. The combined mean of the factors was pegged at a grand mean of 2.80 qualitatively described as high. Specifically, motivation (x=2.82); personality (x=2.82); experience (x=2.89); and native language (x=2.65). 2. The perception of the respondents on their attitude towards English language learning is substantiated by the grand mean of 3. 25, which is qualitatively described as highly positive.
  • 22. 3. The relationship between the respondents’ motivation, personality, experience, and native language and their attitudes toward English language learning was found significant, with the p-value of .611**, .676**, .534**, and .459**, respectively, all of which are lower than the 0.05 level of significance.
  • 23. Conclusions 1. The factors such as motivation, personality, experience, and native language were perceived highly by the respondents. 2. The attitude towards English language learning of the respondents is perceived highly positive. 3. The factors provided bear relationship with the respondents’ attitudes towards English language learning.
  • 24. Recommendations 1. The respondents are encouraged to give attention to their factors such as motivation, personality, experience, and native language to meet the needs in attaining the best attitude towards learning the English language. 2. Considering the respondents’ claim that they have highly positive perception on their attitudes towards English language learning, they are still encouraged to seek assistance from their teachers, relatives, and friends in their attitudes to maintain that level as they pursue their higher level of education.
  • 25. 3. Because the assumption that the factors and attitudes towards English language learning is relative as proven by the respondents, they may still, together with the faculty, school administrators, and curriculum planners undergo benchmarking activities through seminar workshops, programs, and others in gaining knowledge and strategies that may benefit all parties in influencing the attitudes towards English language learning.
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