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November 2016 | Issue 285
Create your own Christmas bonus by taking full advantage of Forever’s
festive campaign and increasing your retail sales. The 2016 Christmas 	
Gift Guide has been designed to inspire your customers by highlighting some of
Forever’s favourite gift ideas. Start sharing with your customers today by ordering
your pack via Product Centres, Order Line or Christmas order
forms are also available on and
Christmas Gift Guide: £3.00 (pack of 10) | Code: 9619
Getting in touch
The contents of this publication are to be used solely for educational purposes
and not to be used as a sales supplement, handout, publication or for use
in conjunction with a sales promotion. To avoid having this information taken
out of context, you are not to copy or extract any portion of the publication
without prior written permission from Forever.
Aloe Matters is a powerful
tool designed to boost your
case credits – are you using
it to its full potential?
Forever shares exclusive behind the
scenes images that offer an insight
into our 2016 Christmas video.
Discover how David and Debbie
Phillips continued to build their Forever
business whilst sailing around the UK.
You are a part of an incredible
company, but are you #ForeverProud?
Adjustment day for November business is Friday 2nd December.
All application forms for Adjustment Day must be received by Forever
UK Head Office no later than 12pm. In an effort to protect payment and personal
details we ask that all Forever Business Owners send scanned applications
and orders via our secure upload page. When sending through this channel you
will also benefit from receiving a confirmation email receipt of your successful
upload. The upload page can be accessed from the My Business>Tools area
of the Forever Business Owner Site on, or alternatively you
can go straight to the page using this url: Orders and
applications sent via email to Forever Business Owner Support will
be processed, but sent at your own risk.
Editor: Kate Ellice Hodge
All calls to 0844 numbers will be charged 7p per minute on top of your phone company’s access charge.
Calls made to 0845 numbers will be charged 3p per minute on top of your phone company’s access
charge. Local numbers are charged at your standard network rate.
Longbridge Manor
Warwick CV34 6RB
Registration No: 2269910
T:	01926 626 600
F: 01926 626 636
(Information/training website)
T: 01865 592 772
(corporate website)
T: 01926 626 613
FLP 360
T:	01926 626 631
Forever Living Products (UK) Ltd
Unit 3 Titan Business Centre
Spartan Close
Tachbrook Park Drive
CV34 6RR
T: 01926 626 629
F: 01926 626 636
Opening Hours: Mon 8am-6pm,
Tues-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm
T: 01926 626 634
Opening Hours: Mon 8am-6pm,
Tues-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm
T: 01926 626 670
Opening Hours: Mon 8am-6pm,
Tues-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm
T: 01926 626 678
T:	01926 626 630
T: 01926 626 666
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm,
Sat 9am-1pm
T:	01926 626 629
T: 01926 626 628
If you have any suggestions on how we
can improve our service to you, please
write to us at Head Office, addressed
to Business Owner Support.
Current month copies are available
via the Order Line: 01926 626 666 for
£1 + p&p (code 7000). For back issues,
call 01926 626 630 and have your credit
card details ready. A magazine index
(with details of issue availability) can be
found at
T: 01865 853 629
We reserve the right to make
editorial changes as required.
Forever | November 2016
Supervisor Mike Fielder
had to rebuild his life when
his health let him down.
Assistant Manager Lyndsey
Shepherd didn’t know where
she’d end up; she just knew she
wanted to make a difference.
Do you have the right strategies
and expectations in place?
Listen and implement this
invaluable piece of advice
from Gregg Maughan.
You won’t want to miss the final
Success Express event of 2016 –
turn to page 16 to find out why.
Manager Danielle Downey
used to wonder if it really was
possible to earn extra around
a busy job and six children.
Senior Manager Natasha Dykes
found herself in a demanding
career before her mind was
opened to an opportunity that
changed her life.
Forever | November 2016
I love technology and what a
blessing it has been to our industry.
The voice of millions is now being
heard because smart men and women
from all over the world were brave
enough to build and use these fabulous
technologies. We interact with, and ‘bump
into’ lots of other people as we navigate
through our business and personal lives.
These interactions are typically the best
of what life has to offer and now we can
share these experiences and observations
with each other via this myriad of new
communication channels. Years ago we
were more restricted. If we wanted to
tell a story it was in person – in person
with a physical photograph, or maybe,
if you were lucky, a 35mm slideshow!
With our new global reach, we must
remember to be hyper-aware of what 	
we are saying and how we are saying
it. As an FBO, please make sure what
you are posting is in accordance with
our policies, but most importantly
in accordance with who you are.
We are occasionally asked to deal
with a post or comment that has caused
offence. Often it was unintentional, but
the hurt it causes is real and lasting.
It would be unrealistic to assume that
we will perfect this use of our new global
megaphone, but I think we can get better
at it. From my observations, if we were
to follow these four rules, I am confident
it would go a long way in making
Forever’s cyberspace a better place.
I know these are unorthodox, but I am
confident that if you look back to a
time when you have been offended or
offended another, it would have been
avoided if you had followed these rules:
01. Don’t post after midnight.
02. Don’t post angry.
03. Don’t post something you
wouldn’t say face-to-face.
04. Don’t post something if you wouldn’t	
feel comfortable framing it and	
hanging it on your children’s wall.
They are tough rules, but with your global
reach comes global responsibility. At this
thanksgiving time of year, I am grateful for
the wonder of the internet; for each one
of you that is willing to take your time to
write a positive review, answer someone’s
question or post a helpful video. I am
grateful to you, our FBOs. Your goodness
and commitment to each other never fails
to amaze me. In our world of turmoil you
are a beacon of hope to every country,
every tribe and every culture. I am thankful
to you for your continued support.
I am thankful to Forever, our exceptional
company, that allows ordinary people like
me to experience extraordinary things.
Happy posting and happy thanksgiving.
Forever Yours,
Rex Maughan
Chairman and CEO
There are so many channels of communication and expression available
to us now. I won’t pretend that I know all of them, but I do have grandkids
so I know what a tweet is and that you can learn more about our FBOs from
a ten-minute Instagram stalking session than I’d learn in a ten-hour executive
meeting! That’s before you even get going on Facebook or Snapchat.
Forever | November 2016
I suffered a herniated disc when I was
eighteen years old and I’ve lived with
pain ever since. When I was twenty-one
I had an operation but they made a real
mess of it and refused to believe me
when I told them the pain was worse.
It wasn’t until eight years later, when
MRI scans were available, that the
doctors realised I had three prolapsed
discs and a compressed spinal canal.
The situation was pretty serious and
I had to re-mortgage my house to pay
for a private operation the following
month. Fortunately the surgery was
Everything was fine for ten years
and I was even able to start my own
construction business. My business
was a success and everything was
going well until one morning, whilst
rushing around getting ready for work,
I tripped and fell down the stairs.
You never know what life is going to throw at you and when
something affects your health it can be difficult to see a way out.
Supervisor Mike Fielder eventually found the light at the end of his
tunnel, but the journey getting there was far from a smooth ride…
Sponsor //
Ann Gibbs  Paul Walsh
Favourite product //
Forever Freedom
Manager //
Michael Fielder
I needed a new
future, but what I
found was nothing
short of a miracle.
I undid all the good work the surgeon
had done and I was eventually told that
a further operation would do more harm
than good. My body was starting to fuse
the vertebrae on its own and the pain
was unbearable. I did try to live a normal
life but the pain was making me lose all
concentration and common sense.
It was during this time that I noticed an
old friend posting on Facebook about a
company called Forever. At first I took no
notice, but after a few months I decided
to find out more and I was invited along
to a Business Presentation.
I spent the whole hour trying to find
fault with the business, and when I
couldn't I jumped on board. I needed
a new future, but what I found was
nothing short of a miracle.
The products have been amazing,
I'm now building a fantastic business
with my own team, and I can't wait to
qualify for the incentives in the future.
Forever has been the physical and
mental vehicle I needed to get my life
back on track, and I can't recommend
the opportunity highly enough.
My subject for this month’s article is
‘Mental Toughness’. I believe that mental
toughness is a choice and a discipline well
worth developing. Mental toughness is a
quality that I observe in every successful
person I have met. In fact, I believe that
it is mental toughness that separates
the superstars from the average, not
necessarily the ability they have.
As the saying goes, ‘When the going
gets tough, the tough get going!’
Mental toughness is the ability to keep
on track and continue to work hard when 	
faced with distractions, failure, negativity
and adversity. Easily said, but not always
easy to do unless you are mentally tough
and focused.
Here are four areas to work on to 	
maintain your mental state:
01. Confidence. Constantly work on your
personal belief and self-image. People who
are self-confident believe that they can
achieve success, despite any obstacles
they encounter. They work hard to develop
themselves, facing their fears, and stepping
outside their comfort zones in order to grow.
02. Challenge. See challenges as an
opportunity to grow, not as a threat to your
progress. Change is absolutely necessary
and offers us that chance to grow.
03. Control. People with a strong sense
of control over their lives tend to be more
relaxed and self-confident. Only concern
yourself with focusing on the things you	
can control and try not to be distracted 	
by those areas you cannot control.
strong platform for your business next
year, and let’s continue to celebrate the
very many successes that you, our FBOs
have. Forever is a great place to be.
Bob Parker
Country Manager
I’m writing this in the middle of what is traditionally the best time of
the year for encouraging customers to buy our products. Let’s face it,
they make great Christmas presents and I hope that you are all using
the great Christmas campaign tools that we have developed.
04. Commitment. Staying motivated to
achieve the things we said we wanted to
achieve long after the mood in which we
set them has left us. The ability to stick to
and focus on our goals will beat anything 	
thrown at us.
So, my message is to develop a mental
toughness and to work on creating a
better future for you simply by staying
goal-focused each day. Make the most
of this Christmas period to establish a
Forever | November 2016
Forever | November 2016
Eventually the career I fell into was in
learning and development; I was helping
people and I felt proud, and I assumed
I’d carry on until I was ready to retire.
However, things changed in 2011 when
I injured my spine and couldn't work for
months. In the end they made my role
redundant and I spent my days alone,
unable to move without medication, and
with the knowledge that I had no job to
go to. I sunk into depression but instead
of seeking counselling, I just got on with
it. Life carried on, I had surgery, got a
new job, and got together with my best
friend Ricky. I was happy again and we
discovered we were expecting a baby;
Jack was born and things were perfect!
I was made redundant again whilst on
maternity leave, and, out of desperation,
I took on a fixed-term contract and
forfeited some maternity leave and pay.
This is when I met my sponsor.
I decided to start a Forever business
as I was nervous about the corporate
world and felt insecure with having
a child. I saw the potential instantly
and knew that I was where I needed
to be. I could genuinely help people
to change their lives. It fit, it felt right
and I was excited.
I got to work, absorbed everything,
attended every training and Success
Express, and I stalked the leaders
to see what they were doing. I hit
two promotions straight away but
that didn’t mean things were perfect.
I had given myself some massive goals
and got frustrated when I didn’t hit them.
I had to have an honest conversation
with myself and that’s when I identified
that my mindset wasn’t right. I had
let my past experiences affect my
When I was a little girl I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew
up, and every time I was asked my answer would change. I always
knew I was good with people and wanted to make a difference, but
I guess I didn’t have clear goals…
confidence and deep down I didn’t
believe I was capable of success.
I started to work on my mindset and
already I’ve noticed a change in my
motivation. I have some amazing goals
that I know are realistic and achievable,
I believe in myself again and I know
Forever believes in me and has given
me all the tools required to succeed.
Sponsor //
Victoria Warren
Favourite product //
Aloe Heat Lotion
Assistant Manager //
Lyndsey Shepherd
and Richard Purchase
I could genuinely
help people to
change their lives.
It fit, it felt right
and I was excited.
The price of the Business Owner Box
was a massive stumbling block for me,
we just didn't have the money. However,
I decided I wanted to give it a go so I
saved for two months and, on payday
(28th September 2014), I chose to buy the
box rather than some much needed tyres!
I made my money back in the first month,
plus an extra £150, and from that moment
I never looked back.
Before Forever I was working as a
domestic abuse advocate. I loved the
job but the pay was not that good
and I struggled to work it around six
children and a husband who was
often away on business.
I loved that I could fit my new Forever
business into the nooks and crannies
of my life. I’d listen to training in the
car on my drive to work, and I’d start
Forever-work every night once the children
were settled in bed. It grew slowly, but as
my business and income grew so did my
confidence. I began to put myself forward
to speak on webinars, and I studied hard
to be the best mentor I could possibly
be to my ever-growing team. I realised
that the more I invested in others by
helping them to achieve their goals,
the more we all gained.
Ten months after starting my journey
I waved goodbye to my job and started
to work my Forever business full-time.
Two months later I became a Manager
and I’ve also been able to help many of
my team reach their goals. I have made
lifelong friends along the way and I love the
comradery and support given by everyone
I meet. I take my children to school and
I’m usually the only crazy person shouting
from the side-lines when my children play
sports on weekday afternoons. My son
started private school in September, paid
for by my income, and I have been able to
shed two stone through a weekly personal
training session. Forever has benefitted
my family, my mindset, my health, my
confidence, my finances and my team,
and I will remain forever grateful to Rex for
devising such a phenomenal opportunity.
Forever found Danielle Downey at a time when she was struggling
financially. Her best friend gently spoke about it and left the Business
Brochure on her table, and that’s when Danielle began to wonder if it
really was possible to earn extra around a busy job and six children…
I loved that I could
fit my new Forever
business into the
nooks and crannies
of my life.
Sponsor //
Samantha Hobby
Favourite product //
Forever Aloe Vera Gel
Manager //
Danielle Downey
Forever | November 2016Forever | November 2016
Forever | November 2016
There is a nursery rhyme I am sure that
most of you have heard. It's the one
about two characters, Henry and Liza,
speaking about a leaky bucket. The song
describes a deadlock situation: Henry
has got a leaky bucket and Liza tells
him to repair it. In order to fix the leaky
bucket, he needs straw. To cut the straw,
he needs an axe. To sharpen the axe, 	
he needs to wet the sharpening stone. 	
To wet the stone he needs water, but 	
the leaky bucket is his only way of
getting water!
What does this have to do with building
a Forever business? Well, it’s that
long-term success is about balance.
You have to strive for balance between
the four core principles of recruitment,
retention, productivity and development.
If you recruit a lot of people but they do
not go on to enjoy their experience with
Forever over a long period of time, you
have gained very little. Just like Henry,
you are pouring water into a leaking
bucket and every time you look into 	
the bucket expecting it to be full,
you are disappointed.
Do you have the right strategies and expectations in place?
Listen and implement this invaluable piece of advice from
Gregg Maughan and your business will benefit greatly:
Part of growing your business is
making sure you are preventing holes
and repairing any that have sprung up. 	
Here are the top three holes you may
have in your business and how you		
can avoid them:
Inconsistent follow-up:
Follow-up with your customers and new
FBOs often. Make sure they have what
they need. Set a disciplined follow-up
schedule for your customers that is
written down and personalised. Do
not rely on your memory, as it can be
too inconsistent and stressful to try to
remember who bought what and who
needs what.
Unrealistic expectations:
Do not make promises that you are
unwilling or unable to keep. It is better
to lose a customer or a potential FBO
than to over-promise and under-deliver.
There are no short cuts in our business;
you do not need to discount the price
or set an unrealistic expectation on
a person’s level of success.
Ineffective communication:
Make sure your group knows what is
happening. Get them all the relevant and
positive information you can. Make sure
that you are communicating the message
effectively. Delivering information takes
strategic planning to avoid confusing 	
and misleading anyone.
I am confident that if you work on
just these three areas, in addition to
maintaining the balance between all
four core principals, it will have a positive
and powerful impact on your business.
Then we will not be talking about leaky
buckets, but where to find a bigger
bucket because the one we have
is overflowing!
You have to strive for
balance between the
four core principles of
recruitment, retention,
productivity and
Forever | November 2016
Forever’s product line is extremely broad,
carries a whole load of benefits and its
quality is second to none, but there are
still thousands of people out there who
are yet to discover the wonder of Forever
Aloe Vera Gel! Forever UK therefore
created Aloe Matters magazine as a way
for you to share with your customers
exactly why aloe should matter to them.
This magazine is crammed full of
lifestyle-related features that integrate
Forever’s products into the everyday. It
offers fresh insight into products, shares
ideas on how to utilise Forever’s various
ranges, and provides readers with
relevant and relatable content that places
Forever in the forefront of their minds.
Aloe Matters provides a means for you
to share products with your customers
in a way that’s subtle, non-threatening
and free from pressure, but its contents
can also be extremely useful to
you. Use it to develop your product
knowledge and glean ideas on how you
could discuss products with potential
and new customers. Everything printed
in the mag is compliant-checked so
you can also confidently share relevant
articles on social media.
Simply place the magazine in with your
customer’s order for them to read at
their leisure, or give a copy to past and
potential customers so that they can
visualise what they are missing and how
the products could weave into their lives.
The back cover of the mag has room for
you to stick on your contact details so
be sure to make use of this so that new
customers know who to contact. Make
sure that there are always issues for
guests to read and take home from your
product parties, and leave a pile on your
table tops if you ever set up temporary
stalls at seasonal functions. You could
even door-drop the mag if you think your
street would be interested.
Aloe Matters is also a great magazine to
share with your family and friends. It will
offer them an insight into your business,
the products you sell and Forever as a
company, and it is the perfect way to
encourage casual conversation with those
who are apprehensive about what you do.
This high quality magazine looks great
and will appeal to a wide number of
people. Do you know anyone who is
interested in travel, healthy eating,
cooking, exercise, sport, beauty,
makeovers, inspiring stories, or seasonal
and lifestyle tips? If so, this magazine is
for them!
Did you know you could also use Aloe
Matters as a prospecting tool? Sharing
Aloe Matters with someone new to
Forever may even result in a new team
member. The mag always contains
a feature that relates to the Forever
opportunity and you just never know who
it may inspire.
Aloe Matters is an excellent
conversation-starter which is why it
also works well promoted across social
media. There will be various social posts
and videos linking to this issue appearing
on our platforms over the coming
months, and we encourage you to also
share and discuss content, photos,
competitions and opinions online by
using the hashtag #AloeMatters.
We will also be running an Aloe
Matters-related competition on Instagram
so make sure you keep an eye out for
this, enter it yourself and encourage
your customers to get involved too.
From 3rd December 2016, FBOs and
retail customers will be able to enter
this competition via Instagram or the
Facebook tab; the terms and conditions
can also be accessed from the tab (and
on the consumer-facing homepage of You can access
this tab via Forever UK’s Facebook page or
by visiting It
will relate to issue fifteen until issue sixteen
is available for sale.
/foreveruk @officialforever @foreveruk
In order to build a successful business and move through
Forever’s Marketing Plan, Forever Business Owners are
required to generate case credits. This is done through retail
sales which means your customers, and potential customers,
are extremely valuable to the success of your business.
Forever | November 2016
This issue will
introduce the
new Forever F.I.T.
programme, it
contains an exclusive
interview with UK F.I.T.
Ambassador and former
Strictly dancer Kristina
Rihanoff, and there are also
recipe ideas, inspirational
stories, lifestyle and healthy
living advice, and so much
more. You can buy a pack of
ten Aloe Matters magazines
for just £3.50 (code 1452) via
the Order Line, Product Centres
Please email your feedback and
ideas to
Sign up to the Aloe Matters mailing
list via
ISSUE SIXTEEN…Issue sixteen of Aloe Matters will be released
3rd December 2016 at December’s
Success Express.
Forever | November 2016
I graduated in 2009 and took off around
the world for eight months with my
partner, which was a lifetime experience.
My working life started on my return
and I found myself in the financial
industry. Although it wasn’t the industry
I wanted to be in for life, I was given
the opportunity to effectively double
my income by obtaining qualifications.
Within two years I achieved these
qualifications but discovered my earning
potential was capped. Being somewhat
ambitious, I continued to work towards
chartered status, but I vividly remember
feeling quite disheartened when I realised
there was no more personal or financial
recognition. I knew there had to be more
to life than being stuck in a rut with no
opportunities for progression.
Fortunately, Forever found me in
February 2014. My mum had recently
started Forever and, as you can imagine,
I was fairly negative and sceptical.
This was due to being fully immersed
in the rat race. However, after taking a
look at the business opportunity I could
immediately see the huge potential and
the time and freedom it would give me.
I grabbed the opportunity and ran with
it despite being struck by negativity from
people, and I hit my first promotion in
seven weeks – I felt as if I needed to prove
to friends and family that the business
worked. Despite this, my journey to Senior
Manager was not the fastest; it took me
sixteen months to get here but I learnt a
lot about myself along the way. I came
across challenges and obstacles and I
realised that not everyone will immediately
see what I saw.
My ultimate goal was to ‘sack the boss’,
and in January 2015 I wrote this goal
down and noted that I wanted to hand
Natasha Dykes found herself in a demanding career with no further
progression before her mind was opened to an opportunity that
changed her life…
my notice in by September 2015 –
and that’s exactly what I did! Goal-setting
is a very powerful thing and it’s incredible
to think I am now a free lady. Forever has
enabled me to travel more and it enabled
me to purchase my dream car outright –
I don’t say this to impress anyone, but to
impress upon the power of Forever. I am
only just beginning, and now my mission
is to serve and help many others create
the life of their dreams as well.
Sponsor //
Tamarind Dykes
Favourite product //
All of them
Senior Manager //
Natasha Dykes
I knew there had
to be more to life
than being stuck
in a rut with no
opportunities for
Forever | November 2016
On July 20th-22nd, on what felt like the hottest days of
2016, Forever’s Marketing Team and photographer Sander
Jurkiewicz were on location at the #BeYourFavouriteSelf
Christmas video shoot. This video was part of a global
campaign and both the Forever Home Office and Forever
UK were involved in its creation.
Forever | November 2016
The video, which was released
on 5th November 2016, launched
Forever’s Christmas campaign and
we hope that you continue to share
this video as part of your Christmas
retailing activity over the next month.
A lot of hard work, preparation and
care went into the production of the
photographs and video, and we are
pleased to give you further insight into
the day that made it all happen. We
hope that you enjoy this collection of
photos and hopefully they will inspire
you to continue preparing for a truly
wonderful Forever Christmas.
A lot of hard work, preparation and care
went into the production of the photographs
and video. We hope you enjoy the video as
much as we enjoyed making it!
Behind the scenes
of the 2016 video
and photoshoot.
It’s snowing!
Forever | November 2016
Preparing the shot
One forthe Christmas Gift GuideBarryhas had enough...
Framing the shot
Forever | November 2016
SEE 2016
With Christmas just around the corner
and everyone in high spirits, we are
certain that the energy and excitement
at this year’s finale is going to make
the atmosphere electric! As 2016
has been such a wonderful year for
Forever, we are going to be celebrating
hard with some world-class trainings,
more inspiring stories, and amazing
entertainment – we will even have our
own resident DJ to get the party started
in true Forever style!
As well as welcoming some of our top
leaders to the stage, we are incredibly
excited to announce that we’ll be joined
by some very special visitors all the way
from the Home Office in the US! Gregg
Maughan (President), Aidan O’Hare
(Executive Vice President, Europe 
Marketing), Garin Breinholt (Executive Vice
President, The Americas) and Gary Shreeve
(Vice President of Global Operations) will
be speaking on stage and sharing insights
into 2017 – we hope you will join us in
giving them a very warm British welcome!
The last ever Success Express of the year
will take place this December, on Saturday
3rd and Sunday 4th December, at the Genting
Arena in Birmingham. This explosive two-day
event is certainly not one to be missed so
make sure you book your ticket now to avoid
Success Express 28th January SECC, Glasgow
Success Express 18th-19th February NEC, Birmingham
Mastering Success
22nd April
Odeon Leicester
Square, London
Success Express 6th May SECC, Glasgow
Success Express 17th-18th June
Genting Arena,
Success Express 16th-17th September
Genting Arena,
Mastering Success
14th October
Victoria Warehouse,
Success Express 4th November SECC, Glasgow
Success Express 2nd-3rd December Genting Arena, Birmingham
The event will open on Saturday
with focused sessions by renowned
professional speakers and successful
Forever Business Owners. They will be
delivering training on many different areas
of the business including goal-setting,
digital updates, the launch of the new
F.I.T. programme, managing your business
in the winter months, and lots more.
Of course no Success Express would
be complete without recognising and
celebrating those who have achieved
qualifying status and Marketing Plan
promotions, and this event is no
exception. We will also be announcing
the winners of our recent recruitment
incentive, including who has won the
winter break to New York.
The Forever Hub is an interactive zone
which emphasises the core campaigns
and focuses of Forever UK. December will
see the launch of the new F.I.T. programme
and to reflect this, the hub will embody all
things F.I.T. with slam dunks, boxing and
dance machines. Our F.I.T. Ambassadors
will also be on hand to showcase their
skills and offer advice on workouts and
recipes. You will even be able to purchase
the new C9 and F15 at the event ready to
kick off the New Year!
December’s Success Express will take
place on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th
December. Tickets cost £30 for one day
and £50 for the entire weekend. Buy yours
today from
STARBOARDManagers Debbie and David Phillips are a real inspiration to
many; they have the perfect work-life balance, they’re building
a strong Forever business that works for them, and they are
no strangers to pursuing what brings them joy in life.
Forever | November 2016
Forever | November 2016
Debbie and David worked hard to
get to where they are today and now
these two incredible sixty-something-
year-olds are living their dream and
sailing the seas. Forever’s Editor Kate
Hodge caught up with Debbie to find
out more about their Forever business
and the nautical adventure it helped
to bring to life.
DP: I first became involved in Forever
in 2008 when a friend told me she had
started her own business alongside her
teaching career. At the time I was working
part-time in accounts, a job I had fallen into
after a long career break bringing up my
children, and the opportunity to be my own
boss appealed to me. I loved the products,
and I’d been struggling to get back to full
fitness after two knee operations, but after
discovering the Forever Aloe Vera Gel my
interest in health and fitness soared.
DP: I built a large retail business and slowly
started building my team, it took me a year
and a half to get to Assistant Manager and
sack my boss, and another three and a half
years to get to Manager.
David and I have been keen sailors for over
fifty years, mainly in dinghies, and at the end
of 2009 we achieved our first major goal
and bought our yacht ‘Lacerta’. At this stage
my focus on my Forever business dropped
a little, but it was David wanting to take early
retirement in May 2013 that spurred me on
to reach Manager. A year later another major
goal was reached and we upped sticks and
moved from the Midlands to Torquay so that
we could be closer to our boat. This move
enabled us to achieve more goals and in
2015 we sailed around Britain – this took
us six and a half months but we even
managed to fit in a five-week sailing trip in
the Caribbean on a friend’s boat before we
started! We could not have achieved any of
this without the freedom and flexibility that
being a Forever Business Owner gives us.
DP: I wanted to ensure I maintained a
level of business while we were away so
the boat became my office as well as our
home and means of transport. There were
many challenges including where to get
my own monthly order delivered to as we
use so many of the products ourselves.
Not many Forever orders are delivered
by Harbour Master’s launch! Phone and
internet signals varied considerably;
sometimes we had better signal when
at sea, but I was then faced with the
challenge of talking to customers while
keeping wedged as the boat heeled and
rolled in the waves. Nevertheless I was
able to maintain my level of business and
I even picked up some new customers en
route. In fact, I had the pleasure of meeting
a team member for the first time when we
arrived in North Shields.
DP: Absolutely! We continued to use
our usual everyday personal care items
(Forever Freedom, various supplements,
Forever Bright Toothgel, Aloe Ever-Shield
Deodorant, Aloe Sunscreen, Aloe Lotion,
Aloe Nourishing Serum, Aloe Deep
Moisturizing Cream, Aloe Propolis Creme,
Aloe Heat Lotion, Aloe MSM Gel, Aloe Vera
Gelly, Aloe Lips and Forever Sun Lips) but
the Forever Hand Sanitizer was also very
useful as our water supplies were limited.
We also found Forever Lite Ultra, the Fast
Break Energy Bars and the Forever Pro
X2 bars really useful as they could be
consumed underway when the weather
conditions made it impossible to cook.
DP: There were many highlights on our
trip: the wildlife, the scenery, fantastic
sunrises and sunsets, making new friends
and meeting old friends, some of whom
we hadn’t seen for forty years! The sense
of achievement felt when we arrived into
a new port after a hard and exhilarating
sail was a special feeling, but being able
to watch the sun go down in a quiet
anchorage after a wet and windy sail is
one of our best memories. We spent a lot
of time in the Western Isles and intend
to go back there, and The Orkneys were
another place we would like to revisit,
hopefully in better weather!
In September 2015 we arrived back in
Torquay, greeted by a welcome party
of our son, friends and a bottle of
champagne. It took a while to sink in
that the trip was over, though running
water, flushing toilets and hot showers
on demand were a welcome reminder
of coming home!
DP: There have been times on
our Forever journey when life and
circumstances have been challenging
(e.g. illness and family bereavements),
but we’ve had to learn to just keep
touching the business in some small way
every day. Keep smiling and be grateful
for what you do have, and never give up
– Forever is always there for you.
We could not
have achieved
any of this without
the freedom and
flexibility that
being a Forever
Business Owner
gives us.
Forever | November 2016
Forever | November 2016
This article explores some of the many
reasons why you too should be proud
to be a Forever Business Owner,
and we hope that you continue to
promote these strengths to prospects,
customers, family and friends for many
years to come. Let's celebrate by being
PROUDTo feel a sense of pride means to experience deep satisfaction
as a result of one’s achievements, and Forever is extremely
proud of its company, its products, and every Forever Business
Owner (FBO) who works hard to build an incredible business.
Forever’s products and the business opportunity can make a real
difference to people’s lives and together we can strive for success
and make dreams come true. Now that is something to be proud of!
“Being ‘Forever
Proud’ is about the
joy you get when
you know you are
contributing to
something great.”
– Gregg Maughan,
The products are at the heart of our
business. We are extremely proud of
our products and we are passionate
about aloe vera; we even patented
its stabilisation process so that it
can remain pure and be used as the
foundation ingredient across our product
range. In 1978 Rex had a vision to bring
the benefits of aloe vera to people all
over the world, and that’s how Forever
was born. The business model helps
to fulfil this vision as it enables the
products to reach a large percentage
of people, but the products are still the
driving force. Home Office invests a large
amount into product development and
we have an impressive team of experts
and scientists working on product
formulation to ensure we continue
to produce high quality goods.
Forever is the world’s largest grower,
manufacturer and distributor of aloe
vera products and we control everything
from the fields to the factory. We’re
involved in research and development,
as well as the packing, shipping and
distribution phases. It takes three years
for a plant to mature, and once ready,
the leaf is hand-picked and, within hours,
transported, washed and filleted.
Minutes after filleting, the raw gel is
stabilised through a patented process
which preserves the nutritional
compounds and seals in its natural
potency. Forever holds a number of
accreditations that relate to the quality
of its products and we follow a strict
testing regime on every product before
it reaches you and the consumer. We offer
retail customers a sixty-day money-back
guarantee if they are not satisfied with
the product, and less than 0.5% of our
product comes back to us under this
money-back guarantee. Such high quality
creates demand and last year we sold
1,465,309 bottles of Forever Aloe Vera Gel
– now that’s incredible!
Are you proud of the products?
Product launches are a fun and effective
way to showcase the products and
generate new business, and it is the
perfect way for you to show your
passion for Forever’s high quality range.
Be a brand advocate for Forever by
continuing to use and recommend the
products; you could even consider giving
Forever products as gifts when it’s your
friends’ birthdays – they’ll thank you later!
Forever | November 2016
Forever | November 2016
Forever has been around now for almost
forty years and throughout this time
Rex Maughan, Chairman and CEO, has
dedicated most of his life to helping people
achieve what they want in life. He’s taught
us inspirational leadership and sound
management principles, and he has given
us a Marketing Plan that’s second to none.
Forever is a financially-stable company,
cash-rich and debt-free, operating in over
150 countries across the globe.
The Marketing Plan is extremely
generous and can offer uncapped
earnings, incredible incentives, bonuses
and rewards, and this opportunity is
available to anyone. Forever offers a
flexibility that most other industries
and traditional businesses cannot
compete with, and that’s because
Rex’s original vision was people-centred.
Rex has strong family values and he
wanted his Forever Business Owners
to be able to work a business while
enjoying time with their family; time to
do the things that matter most to them.
Are you proud of the business
opportunity? Forever’s Marketing Plan
can take a while to take in but once
you fully understand the power it holds
you will find yourself with a new-found
confidence and pride in the opportunity.
There are various trainings that can help
you better understand the business, but
we recommend that you regularly speak
to your upline, attend local Business
Presentations and enrol on the First
Steps to Manager training. Speak to
your sponsor about Forever’s trainings
or refer to the What’s On calendar on
Forever does offer uncapped earning
potential, but it is not a get-rich-quick
scheme. In order to accrue a significant
income, Forever Business Owners are
required to invest a lot of time into their
businesses. Successful FBOs will regularly
attend trainings, Business Presentations
and Success Express events, their activity
will remain consistent, and they will work
extremely hard to build a strong and
sustainable business.
The beauty of Forever is that the
business is flexible; this means that
you can put in the hours you choose
and work it around your priorities, job
and other commitments, but the rate at
which you build your business is entirely
up to you. Whatever pace you choose
to go at, we know that it takes hard work
to achieve promotions and incentives,
and that’s why we love recognising your
hard work at Success Express events
and in this magazine.
Are you proud of how hard you are
working? Building a successful business
sometimes requires making tough
choices and it’s not always plain sailing,
but when success comes (and it will
come) you should show pride because
it means you have overcome the
challenges. People are far more likely
to respect you and your business if you
are open with them about the journey you
have taken. They will admire your work
ethic, your determination, and they will
believe that the rewards and incentives
you achieve are as you say because they
can see that you’ve earned them.
Rex Maughan recently released an
important video-message which
shares a little bit about the culture
of Forever and the core values the
company strives for. The history of
this company, as well as the heart and
perseverance that went into making
Forever what it is today is truly
inspiring, and we’d like to encourage
all Forever Business Owners to
watch and share the video with team
members and any prospects that
may be thinking about starting a
Forever business. You can find the
video on our Facebook page,
Forever | November 2016
Forever ensures it remains ethical
through honest practices. We abide to
codes and regulations outlined by the
Direct Selling Association (DSA),
Trading Standards and UK/
EU laws. These safeguards
are in place to protect
consumers, Forever
Business Owners and
Head Office, which is why
we are constantly urging
Forever Business Owners
to familiarise themselves with
the latest version of Company
Policy and the various other policies
that address compliance and conduct
(Ad Pack, Social Media Guides, etc.).
We also believe that it is important to
consider the impact our work has on
the environment, and we are proud
to share that Forever Direct now uses
packaging made from 85% recycled
material with prints made using
environmentally-friendly paint. Forever’s
UK Head Office has several recycling
bins onsite and the wider company is
always constantly reviewing what we
can do to reduce our carbon footprint.
Forever is a very caring company and
proud to be able to display the Leaping
Bunny logo. Leaping Bunny is an
internationally-recognised certification
awarded to brands that do not test
cosmetics, personal care and household
products on animals. Displaying the
Leaping Bunny logo is therefore
our way of assuring customers
and Forever Business Owners
across the globe of our
commitment to not test on
animals in any part of the
supply chain. We are also
proud to be able to feature
the Kosher, Halal and Islamic
Society Seals of Approval for
many of our products. You can find
out more on foreverknowledge info
(Product  About Aloe Vera  Certificates).
Did you also know that we are a very
charitable company? Forever’s UK
Head Office shows support for Dot Com
Children’s Foundation (
and Macmillan Cancer Support
(, and Rex
Maughan, Chairman and CEO
of Forever, is also the
founder and CEO of Forever
Giving. Forever Giving is a
charity that helps aid other
charitable organisations in
their efforts to improve the
human experience. This may be through
the fight against hunger and poverty, or
through addressing the lack of services
for children and families. To learn more
about the incredible work that Forever
Giving does, or to make a donation,
please visit
Do you share in these values? Forever is
a very generous company and we hope
that you have also adopted this value
by showing generosity to others and by
giving to or supporting charities. We love
to hear stories that relate to charity work,
giving to others and caring for those
less fortunate so please share yours
with If you don’t
know where to start, why don’t you look
into Dot Com’s Challenge 1000 (details
on and pledge to
fund-raise £1,000? This amount could
make a real difference; it could transform
a child’s life. Now that’s something to be
proud of!
Vital 5 incorporates Forever’s cornerstone
product, Aloe Vera Gel, with four synergistic
supplements. This unique product combination
will provide you with essential vitamins and
nutrients; an ideal choice to integrate into
your daily routine.
Benefit from the most potent formulas and
high quality ingredients with Vital 5.
Mike Butterworth – Fitness
and Wellbeing Enthusiast 
Global F.I.T. Ambassador
Each month, Forever recognises those of you who have moved through
a level of the Marketing Plan. These move-ups are for September 2016:
Forever | November 2016
Assistant Managers and sponsors
Julia Chin
Olubukunola  Edmund Oluonye
Nicola Khadhraoui
Donna Seedhouse
Mohammed Hussain 
Shajeda Aktar
Mina Hassan  Latifun Nahar
Ammer Iqbal
Ranjit Singh Rathaur
Nobuntu Peter
Victoria Rwairwai
Majella Fox
Sarah Persad
Monica Jabu Buthelezi
Nobuntu Peter
Jenny Dickinson
Joanne Garland
Lucy Odetola
Grzegorz Purzycki
Jouman Kojan
Kelly Myatt
Kelly Hodgkins
Carolyn Whitehead
Sarah Owen
Marina Coath
Anna Jamrozik
Sophie Mains
Louise Wall
Samantha Painter
Natasha Clay
Tsvetelina Samovolska
Ross Crawford
Julie Jackson
Racheal Desborough
Lauren Darcy
Melanie Pearce
Cassie Walker
Samantha Pawson
Eloise Piper
Brett Corcoran
Rachel Woodington
Barry Durkin
Abigail Talmage
Gina Crabtree
Sara Chrystal
Yao Southene
Victoria Mutch
Amy Rabson
Kimberley Fairbridge
Laura Fry
Ashleigh Aitchison
Emma Walkland
Lucy Randle
Jackie Colpitts
Tina Iqbal
Nicola Moughton
Katherine Slack
Katie Gibbons
Danielle Maley
Hannah Richings
Amanda Beer
Megan Cooke
Stephanie Jones
Lacey Brown
Susan Geggan
Rachel Mason
Adele Allan
Esther Howe
Kerry Haigh
Rachel Lawton
Emma Harris
Jayne Taylor
Nicola Taylor
Veda Williams
Janice Brae
Nasreen Akhtar
Sapphire Manager and sponsor
Samantha Pearce  Andrew Isaacs
Natalie Heeley
Managers and sponsors
Ashfaq  Fouzia Hussain	
Mansoor Ahmad
Kuldip Bhella
Darren Lewis
Sundus Al-Hassany
Sjarifah Fauziah Salem
Recognising Forever's top performers...
Philippa  Robert Symes
Claire Comiskey
Catherine HughesCora McKeown  Daniel Hawkins
Emma  Shaun Cooper | Jasbir Singh | Olabisi Oladapo
Michelle  James Stonhill
This incentive is awarded to the FBO who sponsors the
most new people during the month. This incentive is
important as sponsoring and developing new FBOs is the
cornerstone of building a thriving and successful business.
This is awarded to the FBO with the most retail sales.
It is important as it promotes developing a regular
customer base which is an essential part of building
a successful business.
Sponsor of the Month Oct 2016 Retailer of the Month Oct 2016
1 1
2 2
3 3
Area 250 London
Area 10 Southern Central England
Area 100 Southern England
Top Area is judged on sales against target, new FBOs signing
up and moving up the Marketing Plan, building team spirit and
creating an environment for success.
Top Area Oct 2016
October 2016
THE TOP 20...
This incentive is based on achieving the highest
total business, and sponsoring at least one Assistant
Supervisor during the month.
This incentive is based upon achieving the highest
non-Manager business and sponsoring at least one
Assistant Supervisor during the month.
Business-Builders Non-Manager Business-Builders
Emma  Shaun Cooper Emma  Shaun Cooper
Jayne Leach  John Curtis Lisa Prescott
Lisa Prescott Cora McKeown  Daniel Hawkins
Debbie  Martin Nwangwa
Natalie Valenti  David McKellar
Louise Mackenzie
Claire  Keith Spencer
Diana  Geoff Page
Louise Perry
Philippa  Robert Symes
Lisa  Michael Williams
Tina Gillies
Chris  Alan Goldsbrough
Kelle Gargaro
Lauren Fenton
Cora McKeown  Daniel Hawkins
Hazel  Peter Kemble
Nicola  Ian Liggins
Michelle  James Stonhill
Lynne James
Louise Mackenzie
Lucy Waterworth
Michelle  James Stonhill
Yvette Laister
Debbie  Martin Nwangwa
Kyle Burrows
Diana  Geoff Page
Lisa  Michael Williams
Natalie Valenti  David McKellar
Tina Rigg  Deborah Daniels
Chris  Alan Goldsbrough
Caroline Strawson
Patience Ohikhena
Bethan Mansfield
Jayne Leach  John Curtis
Sue Hughes
Charlotte  Mark Pridmore
1 1
2 2
3 3
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
Forever | November 2016
FOREVER TRAININGSProduct and business trainings are important for your own personal development
and the growth of your business. Make sure you book a place on one of these core
trainings today.
Product trainings
We are running two bespoke product trainings: a Beauty
and Cosmetics workshop and a Nutrition, Sports and Weight
Management workshop. 	
Supplement training with Louise Riley
A full day training which will ensure that you have the
product knowledge you need to grow your business within
this fast-paced, growing market. This training will cover
an in-depth review of all Forever’s supplements, how to
recommend the right supplement to customers, and how
to grow your business in the supplement market.
24th January 2017 at Longbridge Manor, Warwick CV34 6RB
8th February 2017 at London Product Centre SW6 3BN
12th February 2017*at Holiday Inn, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2UA
26th February 2017*at University of Stirling, Airthrey Rd, Stirling FK9 4LA
All sessions will run 10am-5pm.
Tickets: £38 online or £42 from order line. 			
Lunch and resources are included in the ticket price.
*Taunton and Scotland only:
Lunch not included so please bring your own. Ticket price £30 online or £32 from Order Line.
Success Express events
Success Express is a superb opportunity for you to celebrate
and network with thousands of Forever Business Owners from
across the UK, but it is also an event that allows Head Office the
chance to formally acknowledge all of your hard work. The trainings
on offer are delivered by some of the top FBOs in the business
and we promise that you'll leave inspired, refreshed and raring to go!
Book your place today.
3rd – 4th December 2016 at Genting Arena, NEC, Birmingham
Business trainings
Forever has built a strong relationship with both DSL
and PRB Accounting and we highly recommend that
you attend this training.
Sports and Weight Management workshop
with Louise Riley
A full day training which will ensure that you have the product
knowledge you need in order to grow your business within
this growing market. This training will cover nutrition, Forever
supplements, weight management, the Forever F.I.T. programme,
Forever products in sport, and how to retail and market the products.
11th January 2017 at London Product Centre SW6 3BN
4th February 2017 at Milton Keynes Product Centre MK7 8LF
14th February 2017 at Longbridge Manor, Warwick CV34 6RB
All sessions will run 10am-5pm.
Tickets: £38 online or £42 from order line. 			
Lunch and resources are included in the ticket price.
Tickets for all Head Office trainings are available 	
Keep up to date with news on Success
Express by following the ‘Forever UK
Events’ page on Facebook!
Accountancy training
This half day training is a great way to learn good practice 	
and an opportunity to build confidence and peace of mind 	
in your business. The workshop will cover trading style, 	
book keeping, year-end accounts, self-assessment, VAT 		
and National Insurance.
23rd November 2016 at London Product Centre (PRB Accounting)
13th December 2016 at Longbridge Manor, Warwick (DSL Accounting)
Tickets: Free
Forever | November 2016
Forever | November 2016
38-39 Sunningdale House,
Caldecotte Lake Drive, Caldecotte Lake Business Park,
Milton Keynes, MK7 8LF
Monday 9.30am – 7pm	 Tuesday 9.30am – 8pm
Wednesday 9.30am – 2pm	 Thursday 9.30am – 10pm
Friday 9.30am – 2pm	 Saturday 9.30am – 2pm
T: 	 01908 371 666 – Product Centre
T:	 01908 271 871 – ADD office
M:	 07773 818 652
Every Thur. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15
at The Novotel, Knebworth Park, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 2AX
Alternate Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 16, 30, December 14
Contact Graham Barritt
M:	 07748 986 916
M:	 07976 733 374
at the Hampshire Court Hotel, RG24 8FY
Every Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 23, 30, December 7, 14
Contact Claire Green
M:	 07827 923 572
at the Village Hotel, BH7 7DZ
Every Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, 29, December 6
Contact Jennie Stone 
M: 07951 111 668 
at the Holiday Inn, SO50 9PG
Every Thur. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15
Contact Peter  Diane Moore
M:	 07979 612 374
at the Holiday Inn, SL6 2RA
Every Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, 29, December 6
Contact Sara Harris
M: 07717 336 191
Business Presentation FREE (Business Dress) Fast Start Training £5pp incl. workbook,
with subsequent attendance free.
First Steps to Manager training £20pp incl. workbook.
This training replaces the Network Skills Training (NST).
Southern Central England
You can now find all the latest What's On dates via the What's On app. 			
Access this tool by visiting
Southern England
AREA 10 AREA 100
East Anglia
AREA 140
M:	 07738 232 896 (Brian) / 07720 583 340 (Stephanie)
at the Holiday Inn, Lakeview, Bridge Road, Impington, CB24 9PH
Alternate Wed. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 23, December 7, 14
Contact Alan  Janet Tiplady
M:	 07713 099 546
Reg 10.45am. Start 11am. Finish 5pm
November 26
Booking essential; please contact ADDs
M: 	07738 232 896
at the Ivy Hill Hotel, Writtle Road, Margaretting, Chelmsford, Essex,
Alternate Tue. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, December 6, 13
Contact Sally Hargraves
M:	 07940 893 045
at the Holiday Inn, Orwell, The Havens, IP3 9SJ
Alternate Tue. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 29, December 13
Contact Nicola Masterson
M:	 07852 476 092
at the Bentley Hotel, Newark Road, LN6 9NH
Every Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14	
Contact Ginny Harrop
M:	 07931 584 234
at the Orton Hall Hotel, The Village, PE2 7DN
Alternate Tue. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, December 6, 13
Contact Maxine Woodley
M:	 07854 059 738
Forever | November 2016
Longbridge Manor, Warwick, CV34 6RB
See for opening times.
T:	 01527 854 723 – ADD office
M:	 07970 342 310 (Sue) / 07720 301 854 (Alan)
	 Facebook group - Midlands Distributors Voice
Every Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
October 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Meeting leaders Terry Villars, Sharon Bott,
Becky Deeley  Louise Barnacle
Blogging for Business with David Lilley
Start 10am. Finish 4pm £30. 
November 26 
Tickets cost £30. Please book via http://midlands-blogging.
New live training! Reg 9.45am Start 10am. Finish 4.15pm
November 6, December 10
Please book via https://fstm-live-midlands-november.eventbrite.
com or
at the Jurys Inn, 245 Broad Street, B1 2HQ
Every Mon (except bank hol). Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 21, 28, December 5, 12
Meeting leaders Alan Matthewman  Alison Taylor
at the Best Western Premier Yew Lodge Hotel, Kegworth, DE74 2DF
Every Thur. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm 
November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15
Meeting leaders Steve  Lorraine Holden
E: or
at the Holiday Inn, Crest Way, Barnwood, GL4 3RX
Every Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, 29, December 6, 13
Meeting leaders Teresa Jones  Sophie Rollin
at the Ramada Telford Ironbridge, Forge Gate, Telford, TF3 4NA
1st and 3rd Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 15, December 6
Meeting leaders Sue Barker  Rebecca Parry
AREA 110
Forever | November 2016
South West England North
AREA 160 AREA 170
at the Holiday Inn Bristol, Filton, BS16 1QX
Alternate Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 23, December 7, 21
at the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, PL1 2NY
Last Wednesday of every month. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 30, December 14
Contact Cherry Hornsby or Simon Hall
at Jury’s Inn, Western Way, Exeter, EX1 2DB
Alternate Thurs. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 17, December 1, 15
Contact Clair-Louise Harris
M:	 07807 868 124
M:	 07775 866 698 (Kevin)
	 07780 677 746 (Yvonne)
E:	 Bookings:
at the Village Urban Resort, Leeds South, Capitol Boulevard, Tingley, LS27 0TS
Every Wed. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 16, 23, 30, December 7*, 14
No need to book.
*After the BP please join us for mince pies and punch to celebrate the
festive season.
at the Mercure Bolton Georgian House Hotel, Manchester Road, BL6 5RU
Alternate Tue. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 29, December 13
Contact Simon  Barbara Haworth
M:	 07710 473 624
at The Life Centre, Sale, M33 4AQ
Alternate Tue. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, December 6
Contact Beatrice Bowyer
M:	 07941 124 955
at the Marriott Hotel, Metro Centre, Gateshead, NE11 9XF
Every Tues. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, 29, December 6, 13
Contact Lucy McClelland Dunn
at The Source Skills Academy, S9 1EA
Alternate Tue. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm
November 22, December 6
Contacts Sue Hickman  Christina Warr
M:	 07712 193 397 (Sue)
M: 	07941 026 874 (Christina)
at the Mercure York Fairfield Manor, Skipton Road, Skelton, YO30 1XW
Alternate Tue. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, December 6
Contact Di Wilson
M:	 07941 196 890
at the Holiday Inn, M6 Junction 23, Lodge Lane, WA12 0JG
Alternate Tue. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, December 6, 20
Contact Hannah Godfrey
M: 	07828 001 227
Scotland Wales
AREA 180 AREA 190
at the Edinburgh Marriott, EH12 8NF
Alternate Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 29, December 13
Contact Ron Currie
T:	 01389 761 311
at the Campanile Hotel, G3 8HL
Alternate Mon. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 21, December 5, 19
Contact Ron Currie
T:	 01389 761 311
at the Gailes Hotel, Irvine, KA11 5AE
First Wed of every month. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
No BP in December. BP will commence on January 11.
Contact Vivienne Forbes
M:	 07885 978 961
M:	 07734 778 276
at Coldra Court (formerly the Hilton) Hotel, Newport, NP18 2LX
Every Thur. Reg 7.00pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm
November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15
Contact: Janette Harries
M:	 07734 778 276
Reg 9.15am. Start 9.30am. Finish 3.30pm
November 19
Contact ADDs
at the Village Hotel, SA1 8QY
Every Tues. Reg 7.00pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm
November 22, 29, December 6, 13
Contact Alison Jones
M:	 07734 168 193
at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, LL13 7YH
Every Mon. Reg 7.00pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm
November 21, 28, December 5, 12
Contact Ian Stockdale
M:	 07725 555 715
Reg 9.15am. Start 9.30am. Finish 3.30pm
November 20
Contact ADDs
If you have a guest attending any of the Welsh Business
Presentations and you cannot be there in person, please text
or call our meeting leaders to arrange to welcome them for you.
For more information, please visit either the Area 190 page
on the website, or join the Area 190 Wales
group on Facebook.
Forever | November 2016
Forever | November 2016
South East London
AREA 210 AREA 250
at The Hub, Varley Park, Coldean Lane, BN1 9GR
Every Thur. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 24, December 1, 8, 15, 22
Contact Alison Blake
M:	 07791 184 451
at The Hilton Maidstone Hotel, ME14 5AA
Every Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 20
Contact Rachel Leigh
M:	 07739 734 566
at Beacon Church Hall, Bartholomew Street (off Beaconsfield Road),
CT16 2LH
Alternate Mon. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 21, December 5, 19
Contact Rachel Leigh
M: 	07739 734 566
Alexander House, 14-16 Peterborough Road, Fulham, SW6 3BN
Opening times:
Monday to Thursday 11am – 4pm  6pm – 10pm
Friday 11am – 2pm, Saturday  Sunday 12 noon – 5pm
M:	 07711 421 038
Every Tues. Reg 11.30am. Start 12pm. Finish 1pm (Child-friendly)
November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 20
No need to book.
Every Wed (commencing in November). Reg 7pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm
November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14, 21
No need to book.
Reg 10.00am. Prompt start 10.30pm. Finish 4.30pm
November 27
Please book via
at the Holiday Inn, Tiling Road, NW2 1LP
Every Tues. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 22, 29, December 6, 13
Contact Vee Perano
M:	 07957 718 659 (No need to book)
at the Hilton, 7 Seven Hills Road South, KT11 1EW
Every Tues. Reg 7pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm
November 22, 29, December 6, 13
Contact Mick and Marise Webb
M: 	 07931 760 884 (No need to book)
at the Croydon Park Hotel, 7 Altyre Road, CR9 5AA
Every Thur. Reg 7pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm
November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15, 22
Contact Steph Barnsby or Kelly Hobbs
M: 	 07806 944 289 (Steph)
M: 	 07921 864 102 (Kelly)
(No need to book)
at the Dugdale Centre, Thomas Hardy House, 39 London Road, EN2 6DS
Every Thur. Reg 7pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm
November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15
Contact Erna and John Herteliu
M:	 07980 742 405 (No need to book)
at The Cumberland Hotel, Great Cumberland Place, W1H 7DL
Every Mon. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm
November 21, 28, December 5, 12, 19
Contact Patience Ohikhena
M:	 07951 455 075 (No need to book)
at Boardman House, 64 Broadway, E15 1NT
Every Tues. Reg 6.30pm. Start 7pm. Finish 8pm
November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 20
Contact Philomena Guandai
M:	 07852 591 074 (No need to book)
Your monthly update November 2016
We are pleased to announce the launch of some exciting new
videos. A range of educational videos are now available on as well as Forever’s YouTube channel
(/flpukltd). Make sure you check them out as you’ll hear Global
F.I.T. Ambassadors Sarah Matyjasik and Mike Butterworth talk
about Argi+, Forever Active Boost, Forever Daily, Forever Arctic
Sea, Forever Freedom and Forever MSM Gel. We hope that you
will see these videos as an opportunity to build knowledge around
the products, and as a tool to share with retail customers online.
Forever would like to inform you that Argi+ is now only
available in sachets. Forever continues to review, expand and
develop its product range to ensure high quality and efficient
production is maintained. This often means making the difficult
decision to discontinue some products. Forever’s Argi+ Tin
will therefore be removed from sale. Forever’s web platforms
and literature will be updated in due course to reflect this
change. Argi+ Sachets (code: 473) are available today from
the Order Line, Product Centres
We encourage Forever Business
Owners to continue promoting
the Argi+ Sachets as these are
perfect for the gym. A range of
Argi+ promotional material is
available in a variety of formats
including flyers and posters.
You can download adverts from (Business 
Business Tools  Product Adverts 
Argi+) or buy printed versions from
Time at Forever: 3 years, 7 months
Job title: Event  Incentives Co-Ordinator.
Sam recently spent three
weeks working for Forever at
EMR and it is safe to say she
made the UK and her team very
proud. Sam not only took on
the responsibility of managing
backstage at the event, but she
also co-ordinated and looked
after the Global Leadership
Team (GLT). Sam is always
known for going the extra mile
and it is clear that during this
event she did exactly that.
Well done, Sam!
We love hearing your stories and are always on the lookout for
Forever Business Owners who have an interesting and inspiring
story to tell. If you think your journey deserves to feature in Forever
Magazine, or you have a team member with an interesting story,
then please send 400 words to We are currently
looking for testimonials that have a charitable angle, testimonials
with a strong weight management angle and testimonials from male
Forever Business Owners. Please don’t hesitate to send in your
stories – you never know where it may take you.
Nick Woodward-Shaw, Vice President
of Global Events, had the following to say:
“The Global Events Team is based in the Forever Home Office
in Arizona and we manage the Global Rally and Eagle Managers’
Retreat. We are a small team of three and some years ago we
realised that in order to deliver these incentives to a standard
that will exceed the expectations of the qualifiers and Rex,
we needed to create an extended team that can be relied
upon on site.
With this in mind, we created our ‘Dream Team’. The Dream Team
comprises of exceptional individuals from a variety of Forever
Country Offices who are willing to give their time, energy, heart
and soul to looking after the FBOs at these events. The epitome
of a Dream Team member is found in your very own Sam Downes.
Sam’s selfless commitment to helping others is second to none
and her calm approach to problem-solving makes her a huge
asset to our team.
In Greece, Sam stepped up and worked closely with our
Executive Team, the GLT, and she stage-managed the trainings.
This can be a tense and stressful environment but she coped
magnificently and we heard nothing but fantastic compliments
from the likes of Gregg Maughan, Aidan O’Hare, Jayne Leach
and Magnus Adlercreutz. That’s no mean feat! Sam – I know that
you will not be enjoying this attention, but sometimes you just
have to take the glory, smile and wave! We appreciate all that you
do to make our Global Events what they are: experiences like no
other! Thank you.”
Our FBOs certainly noticed her efforts too and in total we
received over thirty comments on our VIP Facebook page.
Here are a few comments we received:
“This very special lady has done Forever UK proud. I really can't
find the words to explain our gratitude! You're just one in a million
– Thank you x” – Emma Cooper
“I love Sam! It’s never ever too much trouble for her to help
and she always does it with a smile. Thank you for everything
you do for us xxx” – Leigh Howes
“Sam, you were simply amazing and a tonic for the nerves
before entering the stage! A huge thank you xx” – Nicola Evans
“She's amazing!! Well done, Sam, top job!!”– Chris Munro
So, from all of us at the UK Head Office and Events
Department in particular, thanks for all your efforts and well
done for doing such a great job.
Get your tickets for
Success Express from
before it's too late. #SuccessDay
canapés Fighting vitsMan up!
Competition And so
much more...
Copies will be available from December 3rd through the Order Line on 01926 626 666,
Product Centres or via £3.50 (pack of 10) | code: 1452
Share and discuss content online using the hashtag #AloeMatters
retailing tool
Get yours at
December’s Success

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Forever Living Magazine - November 2016

  • 2. Create your own Christmas bonus by taking full advantage of Forever’s festive campaign and increasing your retail sales. The 2016 Christmas Gift Guide has been designed to inspire your customers by highlighting some of Forever’s favourite gift ideas. Start sharing with your customers today by ordering your pack via Product Centres, Order Line or Christmas order forms are also available on and Christmas Gift Guide: £3.00 (pack of 10) | Code: 9619
  • 3. Getting in touch The contents of this publication are to be used solely for educational purposes and not to be used as a sales supplement, handout, publication or for use in conjunction with a sales promotion. To avoid having this information taken out of context, you are not to copy or extract any portion of the publication without prior written permission from Forever. WHY BUY ALOE MATTERS? Aloe Matters is a powerful tool designed to boost your case credits – are you using it to its full potential? 10 13 17 20 A FOREVER CHRISTMAS Forever shares exclusive behind the scenes images that offer an insight into our 2016 Christmas video. KEEP THE LAND TO STARBOARD Discover how David and Debbie Phillips continued to build their Forever business whilst sailing around the UK. FOREVER PROUD You are a part of an incredible company, but are you #ForeverProud? Adjustments Adjustment day for November business is Friday 2nd December. All application forms for Adjustment Day must be received by Forever UK Head Office no later than 12pm. In an effort to protect payment and personal details we ask that all Forever Business Owners send scanned applications and orders via our secure upload page. When sending through this channel you will also benefit from receiving a confirmation email receipt of your successful upload. The upload page can be accessed from the My Business>Tools area of the Forever Business Owner Site on, or alternatively you can go straight to the page using this url: Orders and applications sent via email to Forever Business Owner Support will be processed, but sent at your own risk. Editor: Kate Ellice Hodge All calls to 0844 numbers will be charged 7p per minute on top of your phone company’s access charge. Calls made to 0845 numbers will be charged 3p per minute on top of your phone company’s access charge. Local numbers are charged at your standard network rate. FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS (UK) LTD Longbridge Manor Warwick CV34 6RB Registration No: 2269910 SWITCHBOARD T: 01926 626 600 F: 01926 626 636 WEBSITES (Information/training website) E: T: 01865 592 772 (corporate website) E: T: 01926 626 613 FLP 360 E: ACCOUNTS T: 01926 626 631 E: Forever Living Products (UK) Ltd Unit 3 Titan Business Centre Spartan Close Tachbrook Park Drive Warwick CV34 6RR BUSINESS OWNER SUPPORT T: 01926 626 629 F: 01926 626 636 E: Opening Hours: Mon 8am-6pm, Tues-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm NEW FOREVER BUSINESS OWNER SUPPORT T: 01926 626 634 Opening Hours: Mon 8am-6pm, Tues-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm DELIVERY HELPDESK T: 01926 626 670 Opening Hours: Mon 8am-6pm, Tues-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm MAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS E: COMPLIANCE ENQUIRIES E: T: 01926 626 678 RECOGNITION ENQUIRIES E: TRAINING ENQUIRIES E: MARKETING T: 01926 626 630 E: ORDER LINE T: 01926 626 666 E: Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 9am-1pm PRODUCT ENQUIRIES T: 01926 626 629 E: TICKET LINE T: 01926 626 628 E: If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service to you, please write to us at Head Office, addressed to Business Owner Support. FOREVER MAGAZINES Current month copies are available via the Order Line: 01926 626 666 for £1 + p&p (code 7000). For back issues, call 01926 626 630 and have your credit card details ready. A magazine index (with details of issue availability) can be found at WEBSTORE ENQUIRIES T: 01865 853 629 E: FLP.SOCIAL E: NOTE We reserve the right to make editorial changes as required. SOCIAL MEDIA /foreveruk @officialforever Forever | November 2016 RECOGNITIONS 05 REBUILDING A FUTURE Supervisor Mike Fielder had to rebuild his life when his health let him down. 07 BELIEVE AND ACHIEVE Assistant Manager Lyndsey Shepherd didn’t know where she’d end up; she just knew she wanted to make a difference. REGULARS 04 REX’S MESSAGE 06 BOB’S MESSAGE 25 PROMOTIONS 26 AWARDS AND TOP BUSINESS-BUILDERS 28 HEAD OFFICE TRAININGS 29 WHAT’S ON? 34 FOREVER NEWS FEATURES 09 CREATING BALANCE IN YOUR BUSINESS Do you have the right strategies and expectations in place? Listen and implement this invaluable piece of advice from Gregg Maughan. 16 DECEMBER’S SUCCESS EXPRESS – DON’T MISS OUT You won’t want to miss the final Success Express event of 2016 – turn to page 16 to find out why. 08 FOREVER FITS AROUND YOU Manager Danielle Downey used to wonder if it really was possible to earn extra around a busy job and six children. 12 A NEW FOUND FREEDOM Senior Manager Natasha Dykes found herself in a demanding career before her mind was opened to an opportunity that changed her life.
  • 4. REX’S MESSAGE Forever | November 2016 REX’S MESSAGE THE GLOBAL SOCIAL NETWORK I love technology and what a blessing it has been to our industry. The voice of millions is now being heard because smart men and women from all over the world were brave enough to build and use these fabulous technologies. We interact with, and ‘bump into’ lots of other people as we navigate through our business and personal lives. These interactions are typically the best of what life has to offer and now we can share these experiences and observations with each other via this myriad of new communication channels. Years ago we were more restricted. If we wanted to tell a story it was in person – in person with a physical photograph, or maybe, if you were lucky, a 35mm slideshow! With our new global reach, we must remember to be hyper-aware of what we are saying and how we are saying it. As an FBO, please make sure what you are posting is in accordance with our policies, but most importantly in accordance with who you are. We are occasionally asked to deal with a post or comment that has caused offence. Often it was unintentional, but the hurt it causes is real and lasting. It would be unrealistic to assume that we will perfect this use of our new global megaphone, but I think we can get better at it. From my observations, if we were to follow these four rules, I am confident it would go a long way in making Forever’s cyberspace a better place. I know these are unorthodox, but I am confident that if you look back to a time when you have been offended or offended another, it would have been avoided if you had followed these rules: 01. Don’t post after midnight. 02. Don’t post angry. 03. Don’t post something you wouldn’t say face-to-face. 04. Don’t post something if you wouldn’t feel comfortable framing it and hanging it on your children’s wall. They are tough rules, but with your global reach comes global responsibility. At this thanksgiving time of year, I am grateful for the wonder of the internet; for each one of you that is willing to take your time to write a positive review, answer someone’s question or post a helpful video. I am grateful to you, our FBOs. Your goodness and commitment to each other never fails to amaze me. In our world of turmoil you are a beacon of hope to every country, every tribe and every culture. I am thankful to you for your continued support. I am thankful to Forever, our exceptional company, that allows ordinary people like me to experience extraordinary things. Happy posting and happy thanksgiving. Forever Yours, Rex Maughan Chairman and CEO There are so many channels of communication and expression available to us now. I won’t pretend that I know all of them, but I do have grandkids so I know what a tweet is and that you can learn more about our FBOs from a ten-minute Instagram stalking session than I’d learn in a ten-hour executive meeting! That’s before you even get going on Facebook or Snapchat. 4
  • 5. 5RECOGNITION Forever | November 2016 REBUILDING A FUTURE I suffered a herniated disc when I was eighteen years old and I’ve lived with pain ever since. When I was twenty-one I had an operation but they made a real mess of it and refused to believe me when I told them the pain was worse. It wasn’t until eight years later, when MRI scans were available, that the doctors realised I had three prolapsed discs and a compressed spinal canal. The situation was pretty serious and I had to re-mortgage my house to pay for a private operation the following month. Fortunately the surgery was successful. Everything was fine for ten years and I was even able to start my own construction business. My business was a success and everything was going well until one morning, whilst rushing around getting ready for work, I tripped and fell down the stairs. You never know what life is going to throw at you and when something affects your health it can be difficult to see a way out. Supervisor Mike Fielder eventually found the light at the end of his tunnel, but the journey getting there was far from a smooth ride… Sponsor // Ann Gibbs Paul Walsh Favourite product // Forever Freedom Manager // Michael Fielder I needed a new future, but what I found was nothing short of a miracle. I undid all the good work the surgeon had done and I was eventually told that a further operation would do more harm than good. My body was starting to fuse the vertebrae on its own and the pain was unbearable. I did try to live a normal life but the pain was making me lose all concentration and common sense. It was during this time that I noticed an old friend posting on Facebook about a company called Forever. At first I took no notice, but after a few months I decided to find out more and I was invited along to a Business Presentation. I spent the whole hour trying to find fault with the business, and when I couldn't I jumped on board. I needed a new future, but what I found was nothing short of a miracle. The products have been amazing, I'm now building a fantastic business with my own team, and I can't wait to qualify for the incentives in the future. Forever has been the physical and mental vehicle I needed to get my life back on track, and I can't recommend the opportunity highly enough.
  • 6. DEVELOP MENTAL TOUGHNESS My subject for this month’s article is ‘Mental Toughness’. I believe that mental toughness is a choice and a discipline well worth developing. Mental toughness is a quality that I observe in every successful person I have met. In fact, I believe that it is mental toughness that separates the superstars from the average, not necessarily the ability they have. As the saying goes, ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going!’ Mental toughness is the ability to keep on track and continue to work hard when faced with distractions, failure, negativity and adversity. Easily said, but not always easy to do unless you are mentally tough and focused. Here are four areas to work on to maintain your mental state: 01. Confidence. Constantly work on your personal belief and self-image. People who are self-confident believe that they can achieve success, despite any obstacles they encounter. They work hard to develop themselves, facing their fears, and stepping outside their comfort zones in order to grow. 02. Challenge. See challenges as an opportunity to grow, not as a threat to your progress. Change is absolutely necessary and offers us that chance to grow. 03. Control. People with a strong sense of control over their lives tend to be more relaxed and self-confident. Only concern yourself with focusing on the things you can control and try not to be distracted by those areas you cannot control. strong platform for your business next year, and let’s continue to celebrate the very many successes that you, our FBOs have. Forever is a great place to be. Bob Parker Country Manager @bobparkerflp I’m writing this in the middle of what is traditionally the best time of the year for encouraging customers to buy our products. Let’s face it, they make great Christmas presents and I hope that you are all using the great Christmas campaign tools that we have developed. 04. Commitment. Staying motivated to achieve the things we said we wanted to achieve long after the mood in which we set them has left us. The ability to stick to and focus on our goals will beat anything thrown at us. So, my message is to develop a mental toughness and to work on creating a better future for you simply by staying goal-focused each day. Make the most of this Christmas period to establish a 6 BOB’S MESSAGE Forever | November 2016
  • 7. 7RECOGNITION Forever | November 2016 BELIEVE AND ACHIEVE Eventually the career I fell into was in learning and development; I was helping people and I felt proud, and I assumed I’d carry on until I was ready to retire. However, things changed in 2011 when I injured my spine and couldn't work for months. In the end they made my role redundant and I spent my days alone, unable to move without medication, and with the knowledge that I had no job to go to. I sunk into depression but instead of seeking counselling, I just got on with it. Life carried on, I had surgery, got a new job, and got together with my best friend Ricky. I was happy again and we discovered we were expecting a baby; Jack was born and things were perfect! I was made redundant again whilst on maternity leave, and, out of desperation, I took on a fixed-term contract and forfeited some maternity leave and pay. This is when I met my sponsor. I decided to start a Forever business as I was nervous about the corporate world and felt insecure with having a child. I saw the potential instantly and knew that I was where I needed to be. I could genuinely help people to change their lives. It fit, it felt right and I was excited. I got to work, absorbed everything, attended every training and Success Express, and I stalked the leaders to see what they were doing. I hit two promotions straight away but that didn’t mean things were perfect. I had given myself some massive goals and got frustrated when I didn’t hit them. I had to have an honest conversation with myself and that’s when I identified that my mindset wasn’t right. I had let my past experiences affect my When I was a little girl I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, and every time I was asked my answer would change. I always knew I was good with people and wanted to make a difference, but I guess I didn’t have clear goals… confidence and deep down I didn’t believe I was capable of success. I started to work on my mindset and already I’ve noticed a change in my motivation. I have some amazing goals that I know are realistic and achievable, I believe in myself again and I know Forever believes in me and has given me all the tools required to succeed. Sponsor // Victoria Warren Favourite product // Aloe Heat Lotion Assistant Manager // Lyndsey Shepherd and Richard Purchase I could genuinely help people to change their lives. It fit, it felt right and I was excited.
  • 8. FOREVER FITS AROUND YOU The price of the Business Owner Box was a massive stumbling block for me, we just didn't have the money. However, I decided I wanted to give it a go so I saved for two months and, on payday (28th September 2014), I chose to buy the box rather than some much needed tyres! I made my money back in the first month, plus an extra £150, and from that moment I never looked back. Before Forever I was working as a domestic abuse advocate. I loved the job but the pay was not that good and I struggled to work it around six children and a husband who was often away on business. I loved that I could fit my new Forever business into the nooks and crannies of my life. I’d listen to training in the car on my drive to work, and I’d start Forever-work every night once the children were settled in bed. It grew slowly, but as my business and income grew so did my confidence. I began to put myself forward to speak on webinars, and I studied hard to be the best mentor I could possibly be to my ever-growing team. I realised that the more I invested in others by helping them to achieve their goals, the more we all gained. Ten months after starting my journey I waved goodbye to my job and started to work my Forever business full-time. Two months later I became a Manager and I’ve also been able to help many of my team reach their goals. I have made lifelong friends along the way and I love the comradery and support given by everyone I meet. I take my children to school and I’m usually the only crazy person shouting from the side-lines when my children play sports on weekday afternoons. My son started private school in September, paid for by my income, and I have been able to shed two stone through a weekly personal training session. Forever has benefitted my family, my mindset, my health, my confidence, my finances and my team, and I will remain forever grateful to Rex for devising such a phenomenal opportunity. Forever found Danielle Downey at a time when she was struggling financially. Her best friend gently spoke about it and left the Business Brochure on her table, and that’s when Danielle began to wonder if it really was possible to earn extra around a busy job and six children… I loved that I could fit my new Forever business into the nooks and crannies of my life. Sponsor // Samantha Hobby Favourite product // Forever Aloe Vera Gel Manager // Danielle Downey 8 RECOGNITION Forever | November 2016Forever | November 2016
  • 9. 9GREGG MAUGHAN Forever | November 2016 CREATING BALANCE IN YOUR BUSINESS There is a nursery rhyme I am sure that most of you have heard. It's the one about two characters, Henry and Liza, speaking about a leaky bucket. The song describes a deadlock situation: Henry has got a leaky bucket and Liza tells him to repair it. In order to fix the leaky bucket, he needs straw. To cut the straw, he needs an axe. To sharpen the axe, he needs to wet the sharpening stone. To wet the stone he needs water, but the leaky bucket is his only way of getting water! What does this have to do with building a Forever business? Well, it’s that long-term success is about balance. You have to strive for balance between the four core principles of recruitment, retention, productivity and development. If you recruit a lot of people but they do not go on to enjoy their experience with Forever over a long period of time, you have gained very little. Just like Henry, you are pouring water into a leaking bucket and every time you look into the bucket expecting it to be full, you are disappointed. Do you have the right strategies and expectations in place? Listen and implement this invaluable piece of advice from Gregg Maughan and your business will benefit greatly: Part of growing your business is making sure you are preventing holes and repairing any that have sprung up. Here are the top three holes you may have in your business and how you can avoid them: Inconsistent follow-up: Follow-up with your customers and new FBOs often. Make sure they have what they need. Set a disciplined follow-up schedule for your customers that is written down and personalised. Do not rely on your memory, as it can be too inconsistent and stressful to try to remember who bought what and who needs what. Unrealistic expectations: Do not make promises that you are unwilling or unable to keep. It is better to lose a customer or a potential FBO than to over-promise and under-deliver. There are no short cuts in our business; you do not need to discount the price or set an unrealistic expectation on a person’s level of success. Ineffective communication: Make sure your group knows what is happening. Get them all the relevant and positive information you can. Make sure that you are communicating the message effectively. Delivering information takes strategic planning to avoid confusing and misleading anyone. I am confident that if you work on just these three areas, in addition to maintaining the balance between all four core principals, it will have a positive and powerful impact on your business. Then we will not be talking about leaky buckets, but where to find a bigger bucket because the one we have is overflowing! You have to strive for balance between the four core principles of recruitment, retention, productivity and development.
  • 10. Forever | November 2016 10 WHY BUY ALOE MATTERS? Forever’s product line is extremely broad, carries a whole load of benefits and its quality is second to none, but there are still thousands of people out there who are yet to discover the wonder of Forever Aloe Vera Gel! Forever UK therefore created Aloe Matters magazine as a way for you to share with your customers exactly why aloe should matter to them. This magazine is crammed full of lifestyle-related features that integrate Forever’s products into the everyday. It offers fresh insight into products, shares ideas on how to utilise Forever’s various ranges, and provides readers with relevant and relatable content that places Forever in the forefront of their minds. Aloe Matters provides a means for you to share products with your customers in a way that’s subtle, non-threatening and free from pressure, but its contents can also be extremely useful to you. Use it to develop your product knowledge and glean ideas on how you could discuss products with potential and new customers. Everything printed in the mag is compliant-checked so you can also confidently share relevant articles on social media. HOW SHOULD YOU SHARE THE MAG? Simply place the magazine in with your customer’s order for them to read at their leisure, or give a copy to past and potential customers so that they can visualise what they are missing and how the products could weave into their lives. The back cover of the mag has room for you to stick on your contact details so be sure to make use of this so that new customers know who to contact. Make sure that there are always issues for guests to read and take home from your product parties, and leave a pile on your table tops if you ever set up temporary stalls at seasonal functions. You could even door-drop the mag if you think your street would be interested. Aloe Matters is also a great magazine to share with your family and friends. It will offer them an insight into your business, the products you sell and Forever as a company, and it is the perfect way to encourage casual conversation with those who are apprehensive about what you do. This high quality magazine looks great and will appeal to a wide number of people. Do you know anyone who is interested in travel, healthy eating, cooking, exercise, sport, beauty, makeovers, inspiring stories, or seasonal and lifestyle tips? If so, this magazine is for them! Did you know you could also use Aloe Matters as a prospecting tool? Sharing Aloe Matters with someone new to Forever may even result in a new team member. The mag always contains a feature that relates to the Forever opportunity and you just never know who it may inspire. SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT Aloe Matters is an excellent conversation-starter which is why it also works well promoted across social media. There will be various social posts and videos linking to this issue appearing on our platforms over the coming months, and we encourage you to also share and discuss content, photos, competitions and opinions online by using the hashtag #AloeMatters. We will also be running an Aloe Matters-related competition on Instagram so make sure you keep an eye out for this, enter it yourself and encourage your customers to get involved too. From 3rd December 2016, FBOs and retail customers will be able to enter this competition via Instagram or the Facebook tab; the terms and conditions can also be accessed from the tab (and on the consumer-facing homepage of You can access this tab via Forever UK’s Facebook page or by visiting It will relate to issue fifteen until issue sixteen is available for sale. WHY BUY ALOE MATTERS? /foreveruk @officialforever @foreveruk In order to build a successful business and move through Forever’s Marketing Plan, Forever Business Owners are required to generate case credits. This is done through retail sales which means your customers, and potential customers, are extremely valuable to the success of your business.
  • 11. Forever | November 2016 This issue will introduce the new Forever F.I.T. programme, it contains an exclusive interview with UK F.I.T. Ambassador and former Strictly dancer Kristina Rihanoff, and there are also recipe ideas, inspirational stories, lifestyle and healthy living advice, and so much more. You can buy a pack of ten Aloe Matters magazines for just £3.50 (code 1452) via the Order Line, Product Centres and Please email your feedback and ideas to Sign up to the Aloe Matters mailing list via INTRODUCING ISSUE SIXTEEN…Issue sixteen of Aloe Matters will be released 3rd December 2016 at December’s Success Express. WHY BUY ALOE MATTERS? 11
  • 12. 12 RECOGNITION Forever | November 2016 A NEW FOUND FREEDOM I graduated in 2009 and took off around the world for eight months with my partner, which was a lifetime experience. My working life started on my return and I found myself in the financial industry. Although it wasn’t the industry I wanted to be in for life, I was given the opportunity to effectively double my income by obtaining qualifications. Within two years I achieved these qualifications but discovered my earning potential was capped. Being somewhat ambitious, I continued to work towards chartered status, but I vividly remember feeling quite disheartened when I realised there was no more personal or financial recognition. I knew there had to be more to life than being stuck in a rut with no opportunities for progression. Fortunately, Forever found me in February 2014. My mum had recently started Forever and, as you can imagine, I was fairly negative and sceptical. This was due to being fully immersed in the rat race. However, after taking a look at the business opportunity I could immediately see the huge potential and the time and freedom it would give me. I grabbed the opportunity and ran with it despite being struck by negativity from people, and I hit my first promotion in seven weeks – I felt as if I needed to prove to friends and family that the business worked. Despite this, my journey to Senior Manager was not the fastest; it took me sixteen months to get here but I learnt a lot about myself along the way. I came across challenges and obstacles and I realised that not everyone will immediately see what I saw. My ultimate goal was to ‘sack the boss’, and in January 2015 I wrote this goal down and noted that I wanted to hand Natasha Dykes found herself in a demanding career with no further progression before her mind was opened to an opportunity that changed her life… my notice in by September 2015 – and that’s exactly what I did! Goal-setting is a very powerful thing and it’s incredible to think I am now a free lady. Forever has enabled me to travel more and it enabled me to purchase my dream car outright – I don’t say this to impress anyone, but to impress upon the power of Forever. I am only just beginning, and now my mission is to serve and help many others create the life of their dreams as well. Sponsor // Tamarind Dykes Favourite product // All of them Senior Manager // Natasha Dykes I knew there had to be more to life than being stuck in a rut with no opportunities for progression.
  • 13. 13A FOREVER CHRISTMAS Forever | November 2016 On July 20th-22nd, on what felt like the hottest days of 2016, Forever’s Marketing Team and photographer Sander Jurkiewicz were on location at the #BeYourFavouriteSelf Christmas video shoot. This video was part of a global campaign and both the Forever Home Office and Forever UK were involved in its creation. AFOREVER CHRISTMASBEHINDTHE SCENES OFTHE 2016VIDEO AND PHOTOSHOOT
  • 14. 1414 A FOREVER CHRISTMAS Forever | November 2016 The video, which was released on 5th November 2016, launched Forever’s Christmas campaign and we hope that you continue to share this video as part of your Christmas retailing activity over the next month. A lot of hard work, preparation and care went into the production of the photographs and video, and we are pleased to give you further insight into the day that made it all happen. We hope that you enjoy this collection of photos and hopefully they will inspire you to continue preparing for a truly wonderful Forever Christmas. 14 A lot of hard work, preparation and care went into the production of the photographs and video. We hope you enjoy the video as much as we enjoyed making it! Behind the scenes of the 2016 video and photoshoot. It’s snowing!
  • 15. 15A FOREVER CHRISTMAS Forever | November 2016 15 Preparing the shot One forthe Christmas Gift GuideBarryhas had enough... Framing the shot
  • 16. 1616 DECEMBER’S SUCCESS EXPRESS Forever | November 2016 SEE 2016 OUT WITH A BANG With Christmas just around the corner and everyone in high spirits, we are certain that the energy and excitement at this year’s finale is going to make the atmosphere electric! As 2016 has been such a wonderful year for Forever, we are going to be celebrating hard with some world-class trainings, more inspiring stories, and amazing entertainment – we will even have our own resident DJ to get the party started in true Forever style! As well as welcoming some of our top leaders to the stage, we are incredibly excited to announce that we’ll be joined by some very special visitors all the way from the Home Office in the US! Gregg Maughan (President), Aidan O’Hare (Executive Vice President, Europe Marketing), Garin Breinholt (Executive Vice President, The Americas) and Gary Shreeve (Vice President of Global Operations) will be speaking on stage and sharing insights into 2017 – we hope you will join us in giving them a very warm British welcome! The last ever Success Express of the year will take place this December, on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th December, at the Genting Arena in Birmingham. This explosive two-day event is certainly not one to be missed so make sure you book your ticket now to avoid disappointment. 2017 EVENT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Success Express 28th January SECC, Glasgow Success Express 18th-19th February NEC, Birmingham Mastering Success Roadshow 22nd April Odeon Leicester Square, London Success Express 6th May SECC, Glasgow Success Express 17th-18th June Genting Arena, Birmingham Success Express 16th-17th September Genting Arena, Birmingham Mastering Success Roadshow 14th October Victoria Warehouse, Manchester Success Express 4th November SECC, Glasgow Success Express 2nd-3rd December Genting Arena, Birmingham TRAINING AND RECOGNITION The event will open on Saturday with focused sessions by renowned professional speakers and successful Forever Business Owners. They will be delivering training on many different areas of the business including goal-setting, digital updates, the launch of the new F.I.T. programme, managing your business in the winter months, and lots more. Of course no Success Express would be complete without recognising and celebrating those who have achieved qualifying status and Marketing Plan promotions, and this event is no exception. We will also be announcing the winners of our recent recruitment incentive, including who has won the winter break to New York. FOREVER HUB The Forever Hub is an interactive zone which emphasises the core campaigns and focuses of Forever UK. December will see the launch of the new F.I.T. programme and to reflect this, the hub will embody all things F.I.T. with slam dunks, boxing and dance machines. Our F.I.T. Ambassadors will also be on hand to showcase their skills and offer advice on workouts and recipes. You will even be able to purchase the new C9 and F15 at the event ready to kick off the New Year! December’s Success Express will take place on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th December. Tickets cost £30 for one day and £50 for the entire weekend. Buy yours today from DECEMBER’S SUCCESS EXPRESS IS COMING!
  • 17. KEEPTHE LANDTO STARBOARDManagers Debbie and David Phillips are a real inspiration to many; they have the perfect work-life balance, they’re building a strong Forever business that works for them, and they are no strangers to pursuing what brings them joy in life. 17KEEP THE LAND TO STARBOARD Forever | November 2016
  • 18. 18 KEEP THE LAND TO STARBOARD Forever | November 2016 Debbie and David worked hard to get to where they are today and now these two incredible sixty-something- year-olds are living their dream and sailing the seas. Forever’s Editor Kate Hodge caught up with Debbie to find out more about their Forever business and the nautical adventure it helped to bring to life. KH: HOW DID YOUR FOREVER JOURNEY BEGIN? DP: I first became involved in Forever in 2008 when a friend told me she had started her own business alongside her teaching career. At the time I was working part-time in accounts, a job I had fallen into after a long career break bringing up my children, and the opportunity to be my own boss appealed to me. I loved the products, and I’d been struggling to get back to full fitness after two knee operations, but after discovering the Forever Aloe Vera Gel my interest in health and fitness soared. KH: HOW DID YOUR BUSINESS PROGRESS? DP: I built a large retail business and slowly started building my team, it took me a year and a half to get to Assistant Manager and sack my boss, and another three and a half years to get to Manager. David and I have been keen sailors for over fifty years, mainly in dinghies, and at the end of 2009 we achieved our first major goal and bought our yacht ‘Lacerta’. At this stage my focus on my Forever business dropped a little, but it was David wanting to take early retirement in May 2013 that spurred me on to reach Manager. A year later another major goal was reached and we upped sticks and moved from the Midlands to Torquay so that we could be closer to our boat. This move enabled us to achieve more goals and in 2015 we sailed around Britain – this took us six and a half months but we even managed to fit in a five-week sailing trip in the Caribbean on a friend’s boat before we started! We could not have achieved any of this without the freedom and flexibility that being a Forever Business Owner gives us. KH: HOW DID SAILING AROUND THE UK FOR OVER SIX MONTHS IMPACT YOUR BUSINESS? DP: I wanted to ensure I maintained a level of business while we were away so the boat became my office as well as our home and means of transport. There were many challenges including where to get my own monthly order delivered to as we use so many of the products ourselves. Not many Forever orders are delivered by Harbour Master’s launch! Phone and internet signals varied considerably; sometimes we had better signal when at sea, but I was then faced with the challenge of talking to customers while keeping wedged as the boat heeled and rolled in the waves. Nevertheless I was able to maintain my level of business and I even picked up some new customers en route. In fact, I had the pleasure of meeting a team member for the first time when we arrived in North Shields. KH: DID YOU USE FOREVER PRODUCTS DURING YOUR TRIP? DP: Absolutely! We continued to use our usual everyday personal care items (Forever Freedom, various supplements, Forever Bright Toothgel, Aloe Ever-Shield Deodorant, Aloe Sunscreen, Aloe Lotion, Aloe Nourishing Serum, Aloe Deep Moisturizing Cream, Aloe Propolis Creme, Aloe Heat Lotion, Aloe MSM Gel, Aloe Vera Gelly, Aloe Lips and Forever Sun Lips) but the Forever Hand Sanitizer was also very useful as our water supplies were limited. We also found Forever Lite Ultra, the Fast Break Energy Bars and the Forever Pro X2 bars really useful as they could be consumed underway when the weather conditions made it impossible to cook. KH: WHAT WAS YOUR FAVOURITE ASPECT OF THE TRIP? DP: There were many highlights on our trip: the wildlife, the scenery, fantastic sunrises and sunsets, making new friends and meeting old friends, some of whom we hadn’t seen for forty years! The sense of achievement felt when we arrived into a new port after a hard and exhilarating sail was a special feeling, but being able to watch the sun go down in a quiet anchorage after a wet and windy sail is one of our best memories. We spent a lot of time in the Western Isles and intend to go back there, and The Orkneys were another place we would like to revisit, hopefully in better weather! In September 2015 we arrived back in Torquay, greeted by a welcome party of our son, friends and a bottle of champagne. It took a while to sink in that the trip was over, though running water, flushing toilets and hot showers on demand were a welcome reminder of coming home! KH: WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE AN FBO WHO FACES OBSTACLES IN THEIR BUSINESS? DP: There have been times on our Forever journey when life and circumstances have been challenging (e.g. illness and family bereavements), but we’ve had to learn to just keep touching the business in some small way every day. Keep smiling and be grateful for what you do have, and never give up – Forever is always there for you. We could not have achieved any of this without the freedom and flexibility that being a Forever Business Owner gives us.
  • 20. FOREVER PROUD Forever | November 2016 This article explores some of the many reasons why you too should be proud to be a Forever Business Owner, and we hope that you continue to promote these strengths to prospects, customers, family and friends for many years to come. Let's celebrate by being #ForeverProud. FOREVER PROUDTo feel a sense of pride means to experience deep satisfaction as a result of one’s achievements, and Forever is extremely proud of its company, its products, and every Forever Business Owner (FBO) who works hard to build an incredible business. Forever’s products and the business opportunity can make a real difference to people’s lives and together we can strive for success and make dreams come true. Now that is something to be proud of! “Being ‘Forever Proud’ is about the joy you get when you know you are contributing to something great.” – Gregg Maughan, President FOREVER BE PROUD OF THE PRODUCTS The products are at the heart of our business. We are extremely proud of our products and we are passionate about aloe vera; we even patented its stabilisation process so that it can remain pure and be used as the foundation ingredient across our product range. In 1978 Rex had a vision to bring the benefits of aloe vera to people all over the world, and that’s how Forever was born. The business model helps to fulfil this vision as it enables the products to reach a large percentage of people, but the products are still the driving force. Home Office invests a large amount into product development and we have an impressive team of experts and scientists working on product formulation to ensure we continue to produce high quality goods. Forever is the world’s largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of aloe vera products and we control everything from the fields to the factory. We’re involved in research and development, as well as the packing, shipping and distribution phases. It takes three years for a plant to mature, and once ready, the leaf is hand-picked and, within hours, transported, washed and filleted. Minutes after filleting, the raw gel is stabilised through a patented process which preserves the nutritional compounds and seals in its natural potency. Forever holds a number of accreditations that relate to the quality of its products and we follow a strict testing regime on every product before it reaches you and the consumer. We offer retail customers a sixty-day money-back guarantee if they are not satisfied with the product, and less than 0.5% of our product comes back to us under this money-back guarantee. Such high quality creates demand and last year we sold 1,465,309 bottles of Forever Aloe Vera Gel – now that’s incredible! Are you proud of the products? Product launches are a fun and effective way to showcase the products and generate new business, and it is the perfect way for you to show your passion for Forever’s high quality range. Be a brand advocate for Forever by continuing to use and recommend the products; you could even consider giving Forever products as gifts when it’s your friends’ birthdays – they’ll thank you later! 20
  • 21. FOREVER PROUD Forever | November 2016 21
  • 22. Forever | November 2016 FOREVER PROUD FOREVER BE PROUD OF THE MARKETING PLAN Forever has been around now for almost forty years and throughout this time Rex Maughan, Chairman and CEO, has dedicated most of his life to helping people achieve what they want in life. He’s taught us inspirational leadership and sound management principles, and he has given us a Marketing Plan that’s second to none. Forever is a financially-stable company, cash-rich and debt-free, operating in over 150 countries across the globe. The Marketing Plan is extremely generous and can offer uncapped earnings, incredible incentives, bonuses and rewards, and this opportunity is available to anyone. Forever offers a flexibility that most other industries and traditional businesses cannot compete with, and that’s because Rex’s original vision was people-centred. Rex has strong family values and he wanted his Forever Business Owners to be able to work a business while enjoying time with their family; time to do the things that matter most to them. Are you proud of the business opportunity? Forever’s Marketing Plan can take a while to take in but once you fully understand the power it holds you will find yourself with a new-found confidence and pride in the opportunity. There are various trainings that can help you better understand the business, but we recommend that you regularly speak to your upline, attend local Business Presentations and enrol on the First Steps to Manager training. Speak to your sponsor about Forever’s trainings or refer to the What’s On calendar on FOREVER BE PROUD OF HARD WORK Forever does offer uncapped earning potential, but it is not a get-rich-quick scheme. In order to accrue a significant income, Forever Business Owners are required to invest a lot of time into their businesses. Successful FBOs will regularly attend trainings, Business Presentations and Success Express events, their activity will remain consistent, and they will work extremely hard to build a strong and sustainable business. The beauty of Forever is that the business is flexible; this means that you can put in the hours you choose and work it around your priorities, job and other commitments, but the rate at which you build your business is entirely up to you. Whatever pace you choose to go at, we know that it takes hard work to achieve promotions and incentives, and that’s why we love recognising your hard work at Success Express events and in this magazine. Are you proud of how hard you are working? Building a successful business sometimes requires making tough choices and it’s not always plain sailing, but when success comes (and it will come) you should show pride because it means you have overcome the challenges. People are far more likely to respect you and your business if you are open with them about the journey you have taken. They will admire your work ethic, your determination, and they will believe that the rewards and incentives you achieve are as you say because they can see that you’ve earned them. REXIS FOREVER PROUD Rex Maughan recently released an important video-message which shares a little bit about the culture of Forever and the core values the company strives for. The history of this company, as well as the heart and perseverance that went into making Forever what it is today is truly inspiring, and we’d like to encourage all Forever Business Owners to watch and share the video with team members and any prospects that may be thinking about starting a Forever business. You can find the video on our Facebook page, 22
  • 23. Forever | November 2016 FOREVER PROUD FOREVER BE PROUD OF ETHICAL BUSINESS Forever ensures it remains ethical through honest practices. We abide to codes and regulations outlined by the Direct Selling Association (DSA), Trading Standards and UK/ EU laws. These safeguards are in place to protect consumers, Forever Business Owners and Head Office, which is why we are constantly urging Forever Business Owners to familiarise themselves with the latest version of Company Policy and the various other policies that address compliance and conduct (Ad Pack, Social Media Guides, etc.). We also believe that it is important to consider the impact our work has on the environment, and we are proud to share that Forever Direct now uses packaging made from 85% recycled material with prints made using environmentally-friendly paint. Forever’s UK Head Office has several recycling bins onsite and the wider company is always constantly reviewing what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint. Forever is a very caring company and proud to be able to display the Leaping Bunny logo. Leaping Bunny is an internationally-recognised certification awarded to brands that do not test cosmetics, personal care and household products on animals. Displaying the Leaping Bunny logo is therefore our way of assuring customers and Forever Business Owners across the globe of our commitment to not test on animals in any part of the supply chain. We are also proud to be able to feature the Kosher, Halal and Islamic Society Seals of Approval for many of our products. You can find out more on foreverknowledge info (Product About Aloe Vera Certificates). Did you also know that we are a very charitable company? Forever’s UK Head Office shows support for Dot Com Children’s Foundation ( and Macmillan Cancer Support (, and Rex Maughan, Chairman and CEO of Forever, is also the founder and CEO of Forever Giving. Forever Giving is a charity that helps aid other charitable organisations in their efforts to improve the human experience. This may be through the fight against hunger and poverty, or through addressing the lack of services for children and families. To learn more about the incredible work that Forever Giving does, or to make a donation, please visit Do you share in these values? Forever is a very generous company and we hope that you have also adopted this value by showing generosity to others and by giving to or supporting charities. We love to hear stories that relate to charity work, giving to others and caring for those less fortunate so please share yours with If you don’t know where to start, why don’t you look into Dot Com’s Challenge 1000 (details on and pledge to fund-raise £1,000? This amount could make a real difference; it could transform a child’s life. Now that’s something to be proud of! 23
  • 24. Vital 5 incorporates Forever’s cornerstone product, Aloe Vera Gel, with four synergistic supplements. This unique product combination will provide you with essential vitamins and nutrients; an ideal choice to integrate into your daily routine. Benefit from the most potent formulas and high quality ingredients with Vital 5. Mike Butterworth – Fitness and Wellbeing Enthusiast Global F.I.T. Ambassador
  • 25. Each month, Forever recognises those of you who have moved through a level of the Marketing Plan. These move-ups are for September 2016: PROMOTIONS 25PROMOTIONS Forever | November 2016 Assistant Managers and sponsors Julia Chin Olubukunola Edmund Oluonye Nicola Khadhraoui Donna Seedhouse Mohammed Hussain Shajeda Aktar Mina Hassan Latifun Nahar Ammer Iqbal Ranjit Singh Rathaur Nobuntu Peter Victoria Rwairwai Majella Fox Sarah Persad Monica Jabu Buthelezi Nobuntu Peter Jenny Dickinson Joanne Garland Supervisors Lucy Odetola Grzegorz Purzycki Jouman Kojan Kelly Myatt Kelly Hodgkins Carolyn Whitehead Sarah Owen Marina Coath Anna Jamrozik Sophie Mains Louise Wall Samantha Painter Natasha Clay Tsvetelina Samovolska Ross Crawford Julie Jackson Racheal Desborough Lauren Darcy Melanie Pearce Cassie Walker Samantha Pawson Eloise Piper Brett Corcoran Rachel Woodington Barry Durkin Abigail Talmage Gina Crabtree Sara Chrystal Yao Southene Victoria Mutch Amy Rabson Kimberley Fairbridge Laura Fry Ashleigh Aitchison Emma Walkland Lucy Randle Jackie Colpitts Tina Iqbal Nicola Moughton Katherine Slack Katie Gibbons Danielle Maley Hannah Richings Amanda Beer Megan Cooke Stephanie Jones Lacey Brown Susan Geggan Rachel Mason Adele Allan Esther Howe Kerry Haigh Rachel Lawton Emma Harris Jayne Taylor Nicola Taylor Veda Williams Janice Brae Nasreen Akhtar Sapphire Manager and sponsor Samantha Pearce Andrew Isaacs Natalie Heeley Managers and sponsors Ashfaq Fouzia Hussain Mansoor Ahmad Kuldip Bhella Darren Lewis Sundus Al-Hassany Sjarifah Fauziah Salem
  • 26. AWARDS Recognising Forever's top performers... AWARDS Philippa Robert Symes Claire Comiskey Catherine HughesCora McKeown Daniel Hawkins Emma Shaun Cooper | Jasbir Singh | Olabisi Oladapo Michelle James Stonhill This incentive is awarded to the FBO who sponsors the most new people during the month. This incentive is important as sponsoring and developing new FBOs is the cornerstone of building a thriving and successful business. This is awarded to the FBO with the most retail sales. It is important as it promotes developing a regular customer base which is an essential part of building a successful business. Sponsor of the Month Oct 2016 Retailer of the Month Oct 2016 1 1 2 2 3 3 Area 250 London Area 10 Southern Central England Area 100 Southern England Top Area is judged on sales against target, new FBOs signing up and moving up the Marketing Plan, building team spirit and creating an environment for success. Top Area Oct 2016 1 2 3 26
  • 27. 27AWARDS October 2016 THE TOP 20... This incentive is based on achieving the highest total business, and sponsoring at least one Assistant Supervisor during the month. This incentive is based upon achieving the highest non-Manager business and sponsoring at least one Assistant Supervisor during the month. Business-Builders Non-Manager Business-Builders Emma Shaun Cooper Emma Shaun Cooper Jayne Leach John Curtis Lisa Prescott Lisa Prescott Cora McKeown Daniel Hawkins Debbie Martin Nwangwa Natalie Valenti David McKellar Louise Mackenzie Claire Keith Spencer Diana Geoff Page Louise Perry Philippa Robert Symes Lisa Michael Williams Tina Gillies Chris Alan Goldsbrough Kelle Gargaro Lauren Fenton Cora McKeown Daniel Hawkins Hazel Peter Kemble Nicola Ian Liggins Michelle James Stonhill Lynne James Louise Mackenzie Lucy Waterworth Michelle James Stonhill Yvette Laister Debbie Martin Nwangwa Kyle Burrows Diana Geoff Page Lisa Michael Williams Natalie Valenti David McKellar Tina Rigg Deborah Daniels Chris Alan Goldsbrough Caroline Strawson Patience Ohikhena Bethan Mansfield Jayne Leach John Curtis Sue Hughes Charlotte Mark Pridmore 1 1 2 2 3 3 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 Forever | November 2016
  • 28. FOREVER TRAININGSProduct and business trainings are important for your own personal development and the growth of your business. Make sure you book a place on one of these core trainings today. Product trainings We are running two bespoke product trainings: a Beauty and Cosmetics workshop and a Nutrition, Sports and Weight Management workshop. Supplement training with Louise Riley A full day training which will ensure that you have the product knowledge you need to grow your business within this fast-paced, growing market. This training will cover an in-depth review of all Forever’s supplements, how to recommend the right supplement to customers, and how to grow your business in the supplement market. Dates: 24th January 2017 at Longbridge Manor, Warwick CV34 6RB 8th February 2017 at London Product Centre SW6 3BN 12th February 2017*at Holiday Inn, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2UA 26th February 2017*at University of Stirling, Airthrey Rd, Stirling FK9 4LA All sessions will run 10am-5pm. Tickets: £38 online or £42 from order line. Lunch and resources are included in the ticket price. *Taunton and Scotland only: Lunch not included so please bring your own. Ticket price £30 online or £32 from Order Line. Success Express events Success Express is a superb opportunity for you to celebrate and network with thousands of Forever Business Owners from across the UK, but it is also an event that allows Head Office the chance to formally acknowledge all of your hard work. The trainings on offer are delivered by some of the top FBOs in the business and we promise that you'll leave inspired, refreshed and raring to go! Book your place today. Dates: 3rd – 4th December 2016 at Genting Arena, NEC, Birmingham Business trainings Forever has built a strong relationship with both DSL and PRB Accounting and we highly recommend that you attend this training. Sports and Weight Management workshop with Louise Riley A full day training which will ensure that you have the product knowledge you need in order to grow your business within this growing market. This training will cover nutrition, Forever supplements, weight management, the Forever F.I.T. programme, Forever products in sport, and how to retail and market the products. Dates: 11th January 2017 at London Product Centre SW6 3BN 4th February 2017 at Milton Keynes Product Centre MK7 8LF 14th February 2017 at Longbridge Manor, Warwick CV34 6RB All sessions will run 10am-5pm. Tickets: £38 online or £42 from order line. Lunch and resources are included in the ticket price. Tickets for all Head Office trainings are available from FOREVER LOVES THIS EVENT Keep up to date with news on Success Express by following the ‘Forever UK Events’ page on Facebook! Accountancy training This half day training is a great way to learn good practice and an opportunity to build confidence and peace of mind in your business. The workshop will cover trading style, book keeping, year-end accounts, self-assessment, VAT and National Insurance. Dates: 23rd November 2016 at London Product Centre (PRB Accounting) 13th December 2016 at Longbridge Manor, Warwick (DSL Accounting) Tickets: Free HEAD OFFICE TRAININGS28 Forever | November 2016
  • 29. Forever | November 2016 2929WHAT’S ON AREA PRODUCT CENTRE: 38-39 Sunningdale House, Caldecotte Lake Drive, Caldecotte Lake Business Park, Milton Keynes, MK7 8LF AREA PRODUCT CENTRE OPENING TIMES: Monday 9.30am – 7pm Tuesday 9.30am – 8pm Wednesday 9.30am – 2pm Thursday 9.30am – 10pm Friday 9.30am – 2pm Saturday 9.30am – 2pm T: 01908 371 666 – Product Centre T: 01908 271 871 – ADD office M: 07773 818 652 E: W: AREA CENTRE Every Thur. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15 STEVENAGE at The Novotel, Knebworth Park, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 2AX Alternate Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 16, 30, December 14 Contact Graham Barritt M: 07748 986 916 CONTACT INFORMATION: M: 07976 733 374 E: W: BASINGSTOKE at the Hampshire Court Hotel, RG24 8FY Every Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 23, 30, December 7, 14 Contact Claire Green M: 07827 923 572 E: BOURNEMOUTH at the Village Hotel, BH7 7DZ Every Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, 29, December 6 Contact Jennie Stone  M: 07951 111 668  EASTLEIGH at the Holiday Inn, SO50 9PG Every Thur. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15 Contact Peter Diane Moore M: 07979 612 374 MAIDENHEAD at the Holiday Inn, SL6 2RA Every Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, 29, December 6 Contact Sara Harris M: 07717 336 191 Business Presentation FREE (Business Dress) Fast Start Training £5pp incl. workbook, with subsequent attendance free. First Steps to Manager training £20pp incl. workbook. This training replaces the Network Skills Training (NST). Southern Central England You can now find all the latest What's On dates via the What's On app. Access this tool by visiting Southern England AREA 10 AREA 100 AREA DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS // MAUREEN ALVIN BLUME AREA DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS // PAUL VICTORIA BROWN
  • 30. 30 WHAT’S ON East Anglia AREA 140 AREA DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS // BRIAN THOMPSON STEPHANIE TAYLOR CONTACT INFORMATION: M: 07738 232 896 (Brian) / 07720 583 340 (Stephanie) E: W: CAMBRIDGE at the Holiday Inn, Lakeview, Bridge Road, Impington, CB24 9PH Alternate Wed. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 23, December 7, 14 Contact Alan Janet Tiplady M: 07713 099 546 Reg 10.45am. Start 11am. Finish 5pm November 26 Booking essential; please contact ADDs M: 07738 232 896 E: CHELMSFORD at the Ivy Hill Hotel, Writtle Road, Margaretting, Chelmsford, Essex, CM4 0EH Alternate Tue. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, December 6, 13 Contact Sally Hargraves M: 07940 893 045 IPSWICH at the Holiday Inn, Orwell, The Havens, IP3 9SJ Alternate Tue. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 29, December 13 Contact Nicola Masterson M: 07852 476 092 LINCOLN at the Bentley Hotel, Newark Road, LN6 9NH Every Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14 Contact Ginny Harrop M: 07931 584 234 PETERBOROUGH at the Orton Hall Hotel, The Village, PE2 7DN Alternate Tue. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, December 6, 13 Contact Maxine Woodley M: 07854 059 738 Forever | November 2016 AREA PRODUCT CENTRE: Longbridge Manor, Warwick, CV34 6RB See for opening times. T: 01527 854 723 – ADD office M: 07970 342 310 (Sue) / 07720 301 854 (Alan) E: W: Facebook group - Midlands Distributors Voice AREA CENTRE Every Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm October 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Meeting leaders Terry Villars, Sharon Bott, Becky Deeley Louise Barnacle E: Blogging for Business with David Lilley Start 10am. Finish 4pm £30.  November 26  Tickets cost £30. Please book via http://midlands-blogging. New live training! Reg 9.45am Start 10am. Finish 4.15pm November 6, December 10 Please book via https://fstm-live-midlands-november.eventbrite. com or BIRMINGHAM at the Jurys Inn, 245 Broad Street, B1 2HQ Every Mon (except bank hol). Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 21, 28, December 5, 12 Meeting leaders Alan Matthewman Alison Taylor E: EAST MIDLANDS at the Best Western Premier Yew Lodge Hotel, Kegworth, DE74 2DF Every Thur. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm  November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15 Meeting leaders Steve Lorraine Holden E: or GLOUCESTERSHIRE at the Holiday Inn, Crest Way, Barnwood, GL4 3RX Every Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, 29, December 6, 13 Meeting leaders Teresa Jones Sophie Rollin E: SHROPSHIRE at the Ramada Telford Ironbridge, Forge Gate, Telford, TF3 4NA 1st and 3rd Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 15, December 6 Meeting leaders Sue Barker Rebecca Parry E: Midlands AREA 110 AREA DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS // ALANSUE MATTHEWMAN
  • 31. 3131WHAT’S ON Forever | November 2016 South West England North AREA 160 AREA 170 AREA DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS // KEVIN YVONNE JAMES CONTACT INFORMATION: W: BRISTOL at the Holiday Inn Bristol, Filton, BS16 1QX Alternate Wed. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 23, December 7, 21 PLYMOUTH at the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, PL1 2NY Last Wednesday of every month. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 30, December 14 Contact Cherry Hornsby or Simon Hall E: E: EXETER at Jury’s Inn, Western Way, Exeter, EX1 2DB Alternate Thurs. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 17, December 1, 15 Contact Clair-Louise Harris M: 07807 868 124 E: CONTACT INFORMATION: M: 07775 866 698 (Kevin) 07780 677 746 (Yvonne) E: Bookings: Enquiries: SOUTH LEEDS at the Village Urban Resort, Leeds South, Capitol Boulevard, Tingley, LS27 0TS Every Wed. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 16, 23, 30, December 7*, 14 No need to book. *After the BP please join us for mince pies and punch to celebrate the festive season. BOLTON at the Mercure Bolton Georgian House Hotel, Manchester Road, BL6 5RU Alternate Tue. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 29, December 13 Contact Simon Barbara Haworth M: 07710 473 624 E: MANCHESTER at The Life Centre, Sale, M33 4AQ Alternate Tue. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, December 6 Contact Beatrice Bowyer M: 07941 124 955 E: NEWCASTLE at the Marriott Hotel, Metro Centre, Gateshead, NE11 9XF Every Tues. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, 29, December 6, 13 Contact Lucy McClelland Dunn E: SHEFFIELD at The Source Skills Academy, S9 1EA Alternate Tue. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm November 22, December 6 Contacts Sue Hickman Christina Warr M: 07712 193 397 (Sue) M: 07941 026 874 (Christina) YORK at the Mercure York Fairfield Manor, Skipton Road, Skelton, YO30 1XW Alternate Tue. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, December 6 Contact Di Wilson M: 07941 196 890 HAYDOCK at the Holiday Inn, M6 Junction 23, Lodge Lane, WA12 0JG Alternate Tue. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, December 6, 20 Contact Hannah Godfrey M: 07828 001 227
  • 32. 32 WHAT’S ON Scotland Wales AREA 180 AREA 190 AREA DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS // HUW JANETTE HARRIES CONTACT INFORMATION: W: EDINBURGH at the Edinburgh Marriott, EH12 8NF Alternate Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 29, December 13 Contact Ron Currie T: 01389 761 311 GLASGOW at the Campanile Hotel, G3 8HL Alternate Mon. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 21, December 5, 19 Contact Ron Currie T: 01389 761 311 AYRSHIRE at the Gailes Hotel, Irvine, KA11 5AE First Wed of every month. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm No BP in December. BP will commence on January 11. Contact Vivienne Forbes M: 07885 978 961 E: CONTACT INFORMATION: M: 07734 778 276 E: W: NEWPORT at Coldra Court (formerly the Hilton) Hotel, Newport, NP18 2LX Every Thur. Reg 7.00pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15 Contact: Janette Harries M: 07734 778 276 Reg 9.15am. Start 9.30am. Finish 3.30pm November 19 Contact ADDs E: SWANSEA at the Village Hotel, SA1 8QY Every Tues. Reg 7.00pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm November 22, 29, December 6, 13 Contact Alison Jones M: 07734 168 193 WREXHAM at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, LL13 7YH Every Mon. Reg 7.00pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm November 21, 28, December 5, 12 Contact Ian Stockdale M: 07725 555 715 Reg 9.15am. Start 9.30am. Finish 3.30pm November 20 Contact ADDs E: If you have a guest attending any of the Welsh Business Presentations and you cannot be there in person, please text or call our meeting leaders to arrange to welcome them for you. For more information, please visit either the Area 190 page on the website, or join the Area 190 Wales group on Facebook. Forever | November 2016
  • 33. 33WHAT’S ON Forever | November 2016 South East London AREA 210 AREA 250 AREA DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS // ALISON WOODLEY GARY EASTER CONTACT INFORMATION: W: BRIGHTON at The Hub, Varley Park, Coldean Lane, BN1 9GR Every Thur. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 24, December 1, 8, 15, 22 Contact Alison Blake M: 07791 184 451 E: MAIDSTONE at The Hilton Maidstone Hotel, ME14 5AA Every Tue. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 20 Contact Rachel Leigh M: 07739 734 566 E: DOVER at Beacon Church Hall, Bartholomew Street (off Beaconsfield Road), CT16 2LH Alternate Mon. Reg 7.45pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 21, December 5, 19 Contact Rachel Leigh M: 07739 734 566 E: AREA PRODUCT CENTRE: Alexander House, 14-16 Peterborough Road, Fulham, SW6 3BN AREA PRODUCT CENTRE OPENING TIMES: Opening times: Monday to Thursday 11am – 4pm 6pm – 10pm Friday 11am – 2pm, Saturday Sunday 12 noon – 5pm M: 07711 421 038 AREA CENTRE Every Tues. Reg 11.30am. Start 12pm. Finish 1pm (Child-friendly) November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 20 No need to book. Every Wed (commencing in November). Reg 7pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14, 21 No need to book. Reg 10.00am. Prompt start 10.30pm. Finish 4.30pm November 27 Please book via BRENT CROSS at the Holiday Inn, Tiling Road, NW2 1LP Every Tues. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 22, 29, December 6, 13 Contact Vee Perano M: 07957 718 659 (No need to book) COBHAM at the Hilton, 7 Seven Hills Road South, KT11 1EW Every Tues. Reg 7pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm November 22, 29, December 6, 13 Contact Mick and Marise Webb M: 07931 760 884 (No need to book) CROYDON at the Croydon Park Hotel, 7 Altyre Road, CR9 5AA Every Thur. Reg 7pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15, 22 Contact Steph Barnsby or Kelly Hobbs M: 07806 944 289 (Steph) M: 07921 864 102 (Kelly) (No need to book) ENFIELD at the Dugdale Centre, Thomas Hardy House, 39 London Road, EN2 6DS Every Thur. Reg 7pm. Start 7.30pm. Finish 8.30pm November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15 Contact Erna and John Herteliu M: 07980 742 405 (No need to book) MARBLE ARCH at The Cumberland Hotel, Great Cumberland Place, W1H 7DL Every Mon. Reg 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Finish 9pm November 21, 28, December 5, 12, 19 Contact Patience Ohikhena M: 07951 455 075 (No need to book) STRATFORD at Boardman House, 64 Broadway, E15 1NT Every Tues. Reg 6.30pm. Start 7pm. Finish 8pm November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 20 Contact Philomena Guandai M: 07852 591 074 (No need to book)
  • 34. Your monthly update November 2016 FOREVER NEWS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS We are pleased to announce the launch of some exciting new videos. A range of educational videos are now available on as well as Forever’s YouTube channel (/flpukltd). Make sure you check them out as you’ll hear Global F.I.T. Ambassadors Sarah Matyjasik and Mike Butterworth talk about Argi+, Forever Active Boost, Forever Daily, Forever Arctic Sea, Forever Freedom and Forever MSM Gel. We hope that you will see these videos as an opportunity to build knowledge around the products, and as a tool to share with retail customers online. AN UPDATE ON ARGI+ Forever would like to inform you that Argi+ is now only available in sachets. Forever continues to review, expand and develop its product range to ensure high quality and efficient production is maintained. This often means making the difficult decision to discontinue some products. Forever’s Argi+ Tin will therefore be removed from sale. Forever’s web platforms and literature will be updated in due course to reflect this change. Argi+ Sachets (code: 473) are available today from the Order Line, Product Centres or We encourage Forever Business Owners to continue promoting the Argi+ Sachets as these are perfect for the gym. A range of Argi+ promotional material is available in a variety of formats including flyers and posters. You can download adverts from (Business Business Tools Product Adverts Argi+) or buy printed versions from INTRODUCING HEAD OFFICE... SAM DOWNES Time at Forever: 3 years, 7 months Job title: Event Incentives Co-Ordinator. Sam recently spent three weeks working for Forever at EMR and it is safe to say she made the UK and her team very proud. Sam not only took on the responsibility of managing backstage at the event, but she also co-ordinated and looked after the Global Leadership Team (GLT). Sam is always known for going the extra mile and it is clear that during this event she did exactly that. Well done, Sam! 34 FOREVER NEWS YOUR STORIES ARE NEEDED We love hearing your stories and are always on the lookout for Forever Business Owners who have an interesting and inspiring story to tell. If you think your journey deserves to feature in Forever Magazine, or you have a team member with an interesting story, then please send 400 words to We are currently looking for testimonials that have a charitable angle, testimonials with a strong weight management angle and testimonials from male Forever Business Owners. Please don’t hesitate to send in your stories – you never know where it may take you. Nick Woodward-Shaw, Vice President of Global Events, had the following to say: “The Global Events Team is based in the Forever Home Office in Arizona and we manage the Global Rally and Eagle Managers’ Retreat. We are a small team of three and some years ago we realised that in order to deliver these incentives to a standard that will exceed the expectations of the qualifiers and Rex, we needed to create an extended team that can be relied upon on site. With this in mind, we created our ‘Dream Team’. The Dream Team comprises of exceptional individuals from a variety of Forever Country Offices who are willing to give their time, energy, heart and soul to looking after the FBOs at these events. The epitome of a Dream Team member is found in your very own Sam Downes. Sam’s selfless commitment to helping others is second to none and her calm approach to problem-solving makes her a huge asset to our team. In Greece, Sam stepped up and worked closely with our Executive Team, the GLT, and she stage-managed the trainings. This can be a tense and stressful environment but she coped magnificently and we heard nothing but fantastic compliments from the likes of Gregg Maughan, Aidan O’Hare, Jayne Leach and Magnus Adlercreutz. That’s no mean feat! Sam – I know that you will not be enjoying this attention, but sometimes you just have to take the glory, smile and wave! We appreciate all that you do to make our Global Events what they are: experiences like no other! Thank you.” Our FBOs certainly noticed her efforts too and in total we received over thirty comments on our VIP Facebook page. Here are a few comments we received: “This very special lady has done Forever UK proud. I really can't find the words to explain our gratitude! You're just one in a million – Thank you x” – Emma Cooper “I love Sam! It’s never ever too much trouble for her to help and she always does it with a smile. Thank you for everything you do for us xxx” – Leigh Howes “Sam, you were simply amazing and a tonic for the nerves before entering the stage! A huge thank you xx” – Nicola Evans “She's amazing!! Well done, Sam, top job!!”– Chris Munro So, from all of us at the UK Head Office and Events Department in particular, thanks for all your efforts and well done for doing such a great job.
  • 35. Get your tickets for Success Express from before it's too late. #SuccessDay
  • 36. Introducing Kristina Rihanoff Get Forever F.I.T. Creative canapés Fighting vitsMan up! Winter wonder- products Competition And so much more... Copies will be available from December 3rd through the Order Line on 01926 626 666, Product Centres or via £3.50 (pack of 10) | code: 1452 Share and discuss content online using the hashtag #AloeMatters The ultimate retailing tool Get yours at December’s Success Express