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Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 1
COMM 402: Persuasion and Message Design
Fall 2018 | 3 Credit Hours
Lecture: 01: Location: KN G08 Time: T/R: 9:35-10:50
Texts: · Persuasion: Social Influence & Compliance Gaining by Gass & Seiter (5th
edition). ISBN: 978-0-205-91264-
· Influence: Science & Practice by Robert Cialdini. ISBN:
· Additional required readings available online
Course Documents & Assignments accessible on Sakai:
Course Overview
Persuasion plays a central role in both our personal and professional lives. This class explores an array of theories,
approaches, and research findings about how and why persuasion works. The course emphasizes the ethical
application of persuasive messaging and strategies, with an emphasis on how persuasive strategies can be used to
design communication messages and applied in communication campaigns. The course also seeks to prepare the
student to deconstruct persuasive messages and become a more critically-minded receiver of the persuasive
tactics one encounters every day.
LEAP Goals:
#1: Knowledge of Human Cultures & the Physical & Natural World
#2: Intellectual & Practical Skills throughout the Curriculum
Learning Outcomes:
▪ Study of the Social Sciences ▪ Inquiry &
Analysis ▪ Critical Thinking ▪ Oral & Written
Communication ▪ Information Literacy ▪
Collaborative Work ▪ Lifelong Learning
This course
§ Provides an overview of research and theories of persuasion.
§ Emphasizes ethical considerations of persuasion.
§ Teaches students to consider the role of theory and research-based evidence when making decisions on how to try to
persuade an audience.
§ Builds upon skills learned in other communication courses to strengthen skills in evaluating factors such as
communication context, goals and audience and determining best steps to effectively plan, construct and
communicate a persuasive message.
§ Helps one develop skills to identify, critically analyze, question, and evaluate persuasive attempts in our personal and
professional lives.
§ Considers persuasive attempts across interpersonal and mediated forms of communication, with an emphasis on how
these forms of persuasion may or may not apply in the contemporary media landscape.
Assessment based on ability to:
§ Work responsibly and professionally in teams to complete assignments on deadline.
§ Demonstrate understanding with theories, concepts, history, and research surrounding persuasion.
§ Present projects to the class.
§ Apply course concepts – including theoretical concepts – to a communication campaign assignment.
§ Utilize technology to improve critical thinking and writing
§ Demonstrate media literacy (as both producer and consumer of media) and a critical perspective of the way in which
mediated communication is consumed by individuals and society
§ Identify historical and emerging trends in communication, technologies, and audiences
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 2
Tentative Schedule
Notes: Readings are to be completed by the date listed below. Schedule is subject to change.
All	assignments	due	by	the	start	of	class	on	the	due	date	unless	specified	otherwise.
Week of
Day Topic
Due assignments in italics
Reading Due
[1] 8/27 Tues Intro to Class; Simple Models of Persuasion: Propaganda
Thurs Social Norms Media Marketing
Persuasion In Action Assignment
Participation - Vaccines
Persuasion Chapters 1-2
[2] 9/03 Tues Attitudes and Persuasion
Participation - Vaccines
Thurs Attitude Change Theories Persuasion – Chapter 3
[3] 9/10 Tues Cognitive Consistency; Credibility
Participation – Cognitive Consistency
Persuasion – Chapter 4
Thurs Credibility (finish); Communicatory Characteristics
Participation - Credibility
Persuasive Plan Assignment – Part 1
Persuasion – Chapter 5
Bring course text for in-class
Read, and bring to class:
[4] 9/17 Tues Conformity & Group Influence
Group Contracts
[Online Lecture – Announcement on Sakai day of lecture]
Persuasion – Chapter 6;
Cialdini – Chapter 1
Thurs Persuasion and Ethics; Use class time to work on class
[Online Lecture – Announcement on Sakai day of lecture]
Persuasion – Chapter 16
Bring Persuasion book
[5] 9/24 Tues Persuasive Campaigns: Goals and Audiences; PIA:
Consistency & Compliance Gaining;
PIA Presentation #1
PIA Journal #1
Group Contracts
Cialdini - Chapter 3
Thurs Review: Persuasive Objectives; Most of Class today = Group
[6] 10/1 Tues PIA: Reciprocity; Exam review
PIA Presentation #2
PIA Journal #1: PIA Journal #2
Cialdini - Chapter 2
Thurs Exam 1
[7] 10/8 Tues Language & Persuasion
Participation - Virtual Self
Persuasion – Chapter 7
Bring phone, laptop or print
copy of Facebook, twitter,
Instagram, Tumblr, linkedin,
or other online profile.
Thurs Workshop: Required Meetings with Groups
Due: Group’s Position; Draft of Goal; Objectives; Ideas of
[8] 10/15 Tues Persuasive Plan Assignment Presentations #1
Persuasive Plan Assignment – Part 1
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 3
indicates major assignment presentation dates
indicates PIA peer-to-peer presentations
Final Project Date & Time: By 11am, Friday December 9. No late assignments accepted
Team Evals
Thurs Fall Break – No Class
[9] 10/22 Tues Language and Persuasion (finish); PIA: Social Proof
PIA Presentation #3
PIA Journal #2; PIA Journal #3
Cialdini - Chapter 4;
Persuasion – Chapter 7
Thurs Structure & Order of Persuasive Messages
Persuasive Plan Assignment Part 2
Persuasion - Chapter 9
Tues Visual Communication Persuasion - Chapter 14
Thurs Motivational Appeals; PIA: Likeability
PIA Presentation #4
PIA Journal #3; PIA Journal #4
Persuasion – Chapter 13;
Cialdini – Chapter 5
[11] 11/5 Tues Compliance Gaining Strategies
Participation: Applying Compliance Gaining
Persuasion – Chapter 11
Thurs Group Time; Arm Yourself Against Sequential Persuasion Persuasion - Chapter 10;
Cialdini – Chapter 6
Tues PIA: Scarcity; Exam Review
PIA Presentation #5
PIA Journal #4; PIA Journal #5
Cialdini - Chapter 7
Thurs Exam 2
Tues Thanksgiving Break – No Class
Thurs Thanksgiving Break – No Class
Tues Lab Day Workshop: Open Lab
Due (submit on Sakai): Message design strategy overview
Thurs PIA Summary; Group Time
Final Project
PIA #5; Completed PIA Journals
Be sure to bring your PIA
journals, I’ll be collecting
[15] 12/3 Tues Persuasive Plan #2 Presentations 1/2
High Fives; Course Evals
Note: All persuasive plan documents due to Sakai today
(whether presenting today or not)
Thurs Persuasive Plan #2 Presentations 2/2
Team Evals
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 4
Final Grades: Final grades will be determined with the following scale. There is no rounding:
A = 100-90% B = 89.9-80% C= 79.9-70% D= 69.9-60% F =0-59.9%
Teamwork Scale +/- to final grade
2 Exams 16% each
Team Evaluations 15% (3 @ 5% each)
Persuasive Plan – Part 1 10%
Persuasive Plan – Part 2 20%
Participation Challenges, Classroom Citizenship & PIA Journal 8%
PIA Presentations 8%
Final Project 7%
Follow me on Twitter:
o @shepcomm (Twitter) @sucomm (instagram)
o @mjkushin
o Follow these lists I cultivate:
§ - General Social Media News
§ - Shepherd and local – play your cards right and you
might end up on this list!
§ - PR, marketing, etc., w/ a bend toward new media.
Equipment Checkout: For some of the projects in this class you’ll need media equipment. If you don’t have your
own, you can check them out from the library. I suggest planning ahead. You are responsible for any equipment
you check out and for adhering to all library policy. Find equipment & policy info here:
The Facts of Class
1. This class will be awesome if you pledge (sign) here to help make it awesome __________________________.
2. You need to own the books in this class, as we use them for assignments and in class activities.
3. You need a cheap notebook (journal) you can turn into me – so it shouldn’t have notes you need in it.
Course Policies
Classroom Environment: Play (mp3 players, games on handheld devices, etc), reading non-course related
materials, or working on assignments for other classes is distracting. We’re all here to learn and people pay a lot of
money for their education. Use of Internet devices to take notes & gather information to inform classroom
discussion is strongly encouraged. But browsing & social interaction are not so please minimize use during class. If
your use of any device becomes disruptive, it will negatively impact your participation grade. Although I may speak
with you about this, do not expect a warning prior to reduction nor for the instructor to inform you that your grade
has been reduced. If your ringer goes off during class, please turn it off. If you feel the call may be an emergency,
please step out of class.
Participation Grade: A portion of your grade comes from participation. These are not “free” points distributed to
students just for showing up. They must be earned. This grade is calculated based on various “participation
challenge” assignments I will assign throughout the semester, general participation in classroom discussion and
evidence of preparation (e.g., attending class having completed the readings), and the student’s contribution to a
productive, inclusive and respectful educational environment for the professor and fellow students.
You will note an assignment on Sakai that reads “Classroom Citizenship” – This is there as a reminder that part of
your participation grade comes from your citizenship. Your participation grade will be reduced by some or all
possible points earned through participation assignments for: excessive tardiness, lack of participation in
discussion, distracting device use, and lack of a contribution to a productive, inclusive and respectful educational
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 5
environment. Students who have completed less than ½ of the participation assignments and who lose all of their
participation points, will see an additional reduction to their class grade equal to ½ of the value of the participation
portion of the semester grade. Do not expect any warnings.
Teamwork Scale and its Impact On Your Class Grade:
Teamwork is vital to the success of this class. In addition to peer evaluations, I will evaluate your behavior in your
group. This is based on your displayed work and citizenship to your team as observed by the professor. You are an
adult. The professor will not waste time lecturing you. It will simply be recorded by the professor and may be
communicated to you on your grade on Sakai.
Active engagement in team discussions and group work, completing all assigned tasks promptly, and being
communicative with teammates is expected from everyone. If you meet this standard, your grade in this class will
not be impacted. Deviations above or below this expectation carries one into “Rockstar” or “The Bane” realms,
resulting in bonuses or deductions to your final grade.
§ Rockstar-like behaviors boost your final grade in this course. They include things such as taking on leadership
and significant extra work in the group - which can be displayed in various forms.
§ Deductions stem from “The Bane” behaviors, which are a blight to your group’s success, such as: Tardy to class
on several occasions without excused absence; Missing more than 2 classes unexcused; Missing group
meetings; Using phone or computer unrelated to class project during team time; Not taking an active role /
general disengagement from team discussions or activities.
Where can I find how I’m fairing? You likely know if you’re being a champion or a stain. But, any comments the
professor shares will be listed on “Teamwork” assignment on Sakai. Any positive or negative impact on your grade
will be reflected in the final grade reported at the end of the semester.
Attendance, Being On Time, & Leaving Early:
Department Attendance policy: 1 week of classes worth of unexcused absences permitted, full grade deduction for
each absence thereafter, and 5 or more is automatic F. Attendance will be taken every class.
You MUST attend your classes regularly and engage in the requirements for each class; otherwise, your financial
aid may be revoked either partially or in full. This would result in an amount due by you to the University
immediately. Please refer to for more details. If you know you will be missing classes – work
with me ahead of time. High-fives will be given to students who miss no more than 2 classes at the end of the
semester; two-handed high fives for students who miss no classes.
Class participation is important for the success of the class and to your success. You are expected to attend class
regularly and on time and to stay for the duration of class. Students who arrive more than 5 minutes late or leave
lecture before it is complete without notifying the instructor prior to the start of class will receive a reduction in
their overall attendance & participation grade. Do not expect a warning or notification of grade reduction.
Make-up Exams: Make up exams will be offered only once per student with proper documentation (e.g., doctor’s
note) of absence and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Make-up exams will be offered during office hours
and must be complete by the end of the same working day the student returns to class. Make up exams will not be
offered beyond 2 weeks after it is scheduled on the syllabus.
Late assignments: Late means turned in ANYTIME AFTER the end of scheduled class time on the due date. 2
minutes late and 2 hours late are treated equally. Late assignments will be accepted for a 20% reduction in grade.
(except participation challenges – which can only receive 50% credit if the student is not present when due [unless
university-approved absence or family emergency]; and presentation assignments which cannot be made up). Late
assignments will not be accepted beyond 1 class period late. Students are responsible for remembering to turn in
assignments (whether online or in person) prior to end of class on the due date. In the rare case that a student is
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 6
not able to attend class on the date an assignment is due, the student may submit the assignment electronically
BEFORE the end of class on the assigned day for full credit. If you are having email/internet issues, you can fax it to
the communication department or slide it under Dr. K’s office door. There will be no exceptions to the late
assignment policy.
Email & Electronic Communication Policy: I will prioritize & make every effort to respond to communications sent
during virtual office hours ASAP. However, for electronic communication occurring outside of established Office
v Students can expect to get a response to an email from me within 48 hours of sending it, often much
sooner. If you don’t hear from me within 48 hours, send a polite reminder.
v If you send me an email or any other electronic communication and I do not respond to it, then I did not
receive it. You will always get a response from me if I received something.
v Students should not expect responses on weekends or after 6pm.
v Email subject lines should include: Class Title & Your name. e.g., “Comm 203 – Jane Doe”
v In case of real emergency needing response ASAP, add “[emergency]” to subject line. Don’t abuse this!
Academic Dishonesty. Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Shepherd University Academic
Integrity Procedures found in the Shepherd University Student Handbook
By submitting academic work, students warrant that the work is their own and that unauthorized materials or
resources were not used. Plagiarism, fraud, unauthorized use of resources–cheating in all its forms is not
tolerated. All members of the Shepherd community are responsible for maintaining their own academic integrity
and for reporting suspected academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism is the act of stealing and using, as one’s own, the ideas of another or the written expression of the ideas
of another. Students guilty of academic dishonesty in any course will receive sanction from the course instructor
and may face sanctions by the University, particularly if there is a second reported offense. Sanctions may include
dismissal from the University. In this course you will fail any assignment you plagiarize on. Additional sanctions
may be taken at the discretion of the instructor including but not limited to reporting the incident to the proper
university authorities.
The Office of Disability Support Services at Shepherd University believes that, "the first step to success is access."
Disability Support Services is committed to working closely with individuals with exceptionalities to meet their
academic and housing needs. Students requesting any disability related accommodation should contact the Office
of Disability Support Services at 304-876-5122. This includes, but is not limited to students with visual or hearing
impairments, students with diagnosed disabilities that affect their learning and in need of academic
accommodations, and students requesting specific housing accommodations for health-related reasons. Students
must be registered with the Office of Disability Support Services and present their certified accommodation letter
to each of their instructors as early in the semester as possible prior to using any granted academic
accommodation. For more information, please visit

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Persuasion and Message Design Syllabus

  • 1. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 1 COMM 402: Persuasion and Message Design Fall 2018 | 3 Credit Hours Lecture: 01: Location: KN G08 Time: T/R: 9:35-10:50 Texts: · Persuasion: Social Influence & Compliance Gaining by Gass & Seiter (5th edition). ISBN: 978-0-205-91264- 4 · Influence: Science & Practice by Robert Cialdini. ISBN: 978-0-205-60999-4 · Additional required readings available online Course Documents & Assignments accessible on Sakai: Course Overview Persuasion plays a central role in both our personal and professional lives. This class explores an array of theories, approaches, and research findings about how and why persuasion works. The course emphasizes the ethical application of persuasive messaging and strategies, with an emphasis on how persuasive strategies can be used to design communication messages and applied in communication campaigns. The course also seeks to prepare the student to deconstruct persuasive messages and become a more critically-minded receiver of the persuasive tactics one encounters every day. LEAP Goals: #1: Knowledge of Human Cultures & the Physical & Natural World #2: Intellectual & Practical Skills throughout the Curriculum Learning Outcomes: ▪ Study of the Social Sciences ▪ Inquiry & Analysis ▪ Critical Thinking ▪ Oral & Written Communication ▪ Information Literacy ▪ Collaborative Work ▪ Lifelong Learning Objectives: This course § Provides an overview of research and theories of persuasion. § Emphasizes ethical considerations of persuasion. § Teaches students to consider the role of theory and research-based evidence when making decisions on how to try to persuade an audience. § Builds upon skills learned in other communication courses to strengthen skills in evaluating factors such as communication context, goals and audience and determining best steps to effectively plan, construct and communicate a persuasive message. § Helps one develop skills to identify, critically analyze, question, and evaluate persuasive attempts in our personal and professional lives. § Considers persuasive attempts across interpersonal and mediated forms of communication, with an emphasis on how these forms of persuasion may or may not apply in the contemporary media landscape. Assessment based on ability to: § Work responsibly and professionally in teams to complete assignments on deadline. § Demonstrate understanding with theories, concepts, history, and research surrounding persuasion. § Present projects to the class. § Apply course concepts – including theoretical concepts – to a communication campaign assignment. § Utilize technology to improve critical thinking and writing § Demonstrate media literacy (as both producer and consumer of media) and a critical perspective of the way in which mediated communication is consumed by individuals and society § Identify historical and emerging trends in communication, technologies, and audiences
  • 2. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 2 Tentative Schedule Notes: Readings are to be completed by the date listed below. Schedule is subject to change. All assignments due by the start of class on the due date unless specified otherwise. [Week#] Week of Day Topic Due assignments in italics Reading Due [1] 8/27 Tues Intro to Class; Simple Models of Persuasion: Propaganda Thurs Social Norms Media Marketing Persuasion In Action Assignment Participation - Vaccines Persuasion Chapters 1-2 [2] 9/03 Tues Attitudes and Persuasion Participation - Vaccines Thurs Attitude Change Theories Persuasion – Chapter 3 (finish) [3] 9/10 Tues Cognitive Consistency; Credibility Participation – Cognitive Consistency Persuasion – Chapter 4 Thurs Credibility (finish); Communicatory Characteristics Participation - Credibility Persuasive Plan Assignment – Part 1 Persuasion – Chapter 5 Bring course text for in-class activity Read, and bring to class: [4] 9/17 Tues Conformity & Group Influence Group Contracts [Online Lecture – Announcement on Sakai day of lecture] Persuasion – Chapter 6; Cialdini – Chapter 1 Thurs Persuasion and Ethics; Use class time to work on class projects [Online Lecture – Announcement on Sakai day of lecture] Persuasion – Chapter 16 Bring Persuasion book [5] 9/24 Tues Persuasive Campaigns: Goals and Audiences; PIA: Consistency & Compliance Gaining; PIA Presentation #1 PIA Journal #1 Group Contracts Cialdini - Chapter 3 Thurs Review: Persuasive Objectives; Most of Class today = Group Time [6] 10/1 Tues PIA: Reciprocity; Exam review PIA Presentation #2 PIA Journal #1: PIA Journal #2 Cialdini - Chapter 2 Thurs Exam 1 [7] 10/8 Tues Language & Persuasion Participation - Virtual Self Persuasion – Chapter 7 (begin); Bring phone, laptop or print copy of Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, linkedin, or other online profile. Thurs Workshop: Required Meetings with Groups Due: Group’s Position; Draft of Goal; Objectives; Ideas of theories/concepts [8] 10/15 Tues Persuasive Plan Assignment Presentations #1 Persuasive Plan Assignment – Part 1
  • 3. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 3 indicates major assignment presentation dates indicates PIA peer-to-peer presentations Final Project Date & Time: By 11am, Friday December 9. No late assignments accepted Team Evals Thurs Fall Break – No Class [9] 10/22 Tues Language and Persuasion (finish); PIA: Social Proof PIA Presentation #3 PIA Journal #2; PIA Journal #3 Cialdini - Chapter 4; Persuasion – Chapter 7 (finish) Thurs Structure & Order of Persuasive Messages Persuasive Plan Assignment Part 2 Persuasion - Chapter 9 [10] 10/29 Tues Visual Communication Persuasion - Chapter 14 Thurs Motivational Appeals; PIA: Likeability PIA Presentation #4 PIA Journal #3; PIA Journal #4 Persuasion – Chapter 13; Cialdini – Chapter 5 [11] 11/5 Tues Compliance Gaining Strategies Participation: Applying Compliance Gaining Persuasion – Chapter 11 Thurs Group Time; Arm Yourself Against Sequential Persuasion Persuasion - Chapter 10; Cialdini – Chapter 6 [12] 11/12 Tues PIA: Scarcity; Exam Review PIA Presentation #5 PIA Journal #4; PIA Journal #5 Cialdini - Chapter 7 Thurs Exam 2 [13] 11/19 Tues Thanksgiving Break – No Class Thurs Thanksgiving Break – No Class [14] 11/26 Tues Lab Day Workshop: Open Lab Due (submit on Sakai): Message design strategy overview Thurs PIA Summary; Group Time Final Project PIA #5; Completed PIA Journals Be sure to bring your PIA journals, I’ll be collecting [15] 12/3 Tues Persuasive Plan #2 Presentations 1/2 High Fives; Course Evals Note: All persuasive plan documents due to Sakai today (whether presenting today or not) Thurs Persuasive Plan #2 Presentations 2/2 Team Evals
  • 4. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 4 Final Grades: Final grades will be determined with the following scale. There is no rounding: A = 100-90% B = 89.9-80% C= 79.9-70% D= 69.9-60% F =0-59.9% Teamwork Scale +/- to final grade 2 Exams 16% each Team Evaluations 15% (3 @ 5% each) Persuasive Plan – Part 1 10% Persuasive Plan – Part 2 20% Participation Challenges, Classroom Citizenship & PIA Journal 8% PIA Presentations 8% Final Project 7% Resources Follow me on Twitter: o @shepcomm (Twitter) @sucomm (instagram) o @mjkushin o Follow these lists I cultivate: § - General Social Media News § - Shepherd and local – play your cards right and you might end up on this list! § - PR, marketing, etc., w/ a bend toward new media. Equipment Checkout: For some of the projects in this class you’ll need media equipment. If you don’t have your own, you can check them out from the library. I suggest planning ahead. You are responsible for any equipment you check out and for adhering to all library policy. Find equipment & policy info here: The Facts of Class 1. This class will be awesome if you pledge (sign) here to help make it awesome __________________________. 2. You need to own the books in this class, as we use them for assignments and in class activities. 3. You need a cheap notebook (journal) you can turn into me – so it shouldn’t have notes you need in it. Course Policies Classroom Environment: Play (mp3 players, games on handheld devices, etc), reading non-course related materials, or working on assignments for other classes is distracting. We’re all here to learn and people pay a lot of money for their education. Use of Internet devices to take notes & gather information to inform classroom discussion is strongly encouraged. But browsing & social interaction are not so please minimize use during class. If your use of any device becomes disruptive, it will negatively impact your participation grade. Although I may speak with you about this, do not expect a warning prior to reduction nor for the instructor to inform you that your grade has been reduced. If your ringer goes off during class, please turn it off. If you feel the call may be an emergency, please step out of class. Participation Grade: A portion of your grade comes from participation. These are not “free” points distributed to students just for showing up. They must be earned. This grade is calculated based on various “participation challenge” assignments I will assign throughout the semester, general participation in classroom discussion and evidence of preparation (e.g., attending class having completed the readings), and the student’s contribution to a productive, inclusive and respectful educational environment for the professor and fellow students. You will note an assignment on Sakai that reads “Classroom Citizenship” – This is there as a reminder that part of your participation grade comes from your citizenship. Your participation grade will be reduced by some or all possible points earned through participation assignments for: excessive tardiness, lack of participation in discussion, distracting device use, and lack of a contribution to a productive, inclusive and respectful educational
  • 5. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 5 environment. Students who have completed less than ½ of the participation assignments and who lose all of their participation points, will see an additional reduction to their class grade equal to ½ of the value of the participation portion of the semester grade. Do not expect any warnings. Teamwork Scale and its Impact On Your Class Grade: Teamwork is vital to the success of this class. In addition to peer evaluations, I will evaluate your behavior in your group. This is based on your displayed work and citizenship to your team as observed by the professor. You are an adult. The professor will not waste time lecturing you. It will simply be recorded by the professor and may be communicated to you on your grade on Sakai. Active engagement in team discussions and group work, completing all assigned tasks promptly, and being communicative with teammates is expected from everyone. If you meet this standard, your grade in this class will not be impacted. Deviations above or below this expectation carries one into “Rockstar” or “The Bane” realms, resulting in bonuses or deductions to your final grade. § Rockstar-like behaviors boost your final grade in this course. They include things such as taking on leadership and significant extra work in the group - which can be displayed in various forms. § Deductions stem from “The Bane” behaviors, which are a blight to your group’s success, such as: Tardy to class on several occasions without excused absence; Missing more than 2 classes unexcused; Missing group meetings; Using phone or computer unrelated to class project during team time; Not taking an active role / general disengagement from team discussions or activities. Where can I find how I’m fairing? You likely know if you’re being a champion or a stain. But, any comments the professor shares will be listed on “Teamwork” assignment on Sakai. Any positive or negative impact on your grade will be reflected in the final grade reported at the end of the semester. Attendance, Being On Time, & Leaving Early: Department Attendance policy: 1 week of classes worth of unexcused absences permitted, full grade deduction for each absence thereafter, and 5 or more is automatic F. Attendance will be taken every class. You MUST attend your classes regularly and engage in the requirements for each class; otherwise, your financial aid may be revoked either partially or in full. This would result in an amount due by you to the University immediately. Please refer to for more details. If you know you will be missing classes – work with me ahead of time. High-fives will be given to students who miss no more than 2 classes at the end of the semester; two-handed high fives for students who miss no classes. Class participation is important for the success of the class and to your success. You are expected to attend class regularly and on time and to stay for the duration of class. Students who arrive more than 5 minutes late or leave lecture before it is complete without notifying the instructor prior to the start of class will receive a reduction in their overall attendance & participation grade. Do not expect a warning or notification of grade reduction. Make-up Exams: Make up exams will be offered only once per student with proper documentation (e.g., doctor’s note) of absence and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Make-up exams will be offered during office hours and must be complete by the end of the same working day the student returns to class. Make up exams will not be offered beyond 2 weeks after it is scheduled on the syllabus. Late assignments: Late means turned in ANYTIME AFTER the end of scheduled class time on the due date. 2 minutes late and 2 hours late are treated equally. Late assignments will be accepted for a 20% reduction in grade. (except participation challenges – which can only receive 50% credit if the student is not present when due [unless university-approved absence or family emergency]; and presentation assignments which cannot be made up). Late assignments will not be accepted beyond 1 class period late. Students are responsible for remembering to turn in assignments (whether online or in person) prior to end of class on the due date. In the rare case that a student is
  • 6. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 6 not able to attend class on the date an assignment is due, the student may submit the assignment electronically BEFORE the end of class on the assigned day for full credit. If you are having email/internet issues, you can fax it to the communication department or slide it under Dr. K’s office door. There will be no exceptions to the late assignment policy. Email & Electronic Communication Policy: I will prioritize & make every effort to respond to communications sent during virtual office hours ASAP. However, for electronic communication occurring outside of established Office Hours: v Students can expect to get a response to an email from me within 48 hours of sending it, often much sooner. If you don’t hear from me within 48 hours, send a polite reminder. v If you send me an email or any other electronic communication and I do not respond to it, then I did not receive it. You will always get a response from me if I received something. v Students should not expect responses on weekends or after 6pm. v Email subject lines should include: Class Title & Your name. e.g., “Comm 203 – Jane Doe” v In case of real emergency needing response ASAP, add “[emergency]” to subject line. Don’t abuse this! Academic Dishonesty. Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Shepherd University Academic Integrity Procedures found in the Shepherd University Student Handbook ( By submitting academic work, students warrant that the work is their own and that unauthorized materials or resources were not used. Plagiarism, fraud, unauthorized use of resources–cheating in all its forms is not tolerated. All members of the Shepherd community are responsible for maintaining their own academic integrity and for reporting suspected academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the act of stealing and using, as one’s own, the ideas of another or the written expression of the ideas of another. Students guilty of academic dishonesty in any course will receive sanction from the course instructor and may face sanctions by the University, particularly if there is a second reported offense. Sanctions may include dismissal from the University. In this course you will fail any assignment you plagiarize on. Additional sanctions may be taken at the discretion of the instructor including but not limited to reporting the incident to the proper university authorities. The Office of Disability Support Services at Shepherd University believes that, "the first step to success is access." Disability Support Services is committed to working closely with individuals with exceptionalities to meet their academic and housing needs. Students requesting any disability related accommodation should contact the Office of Disability Support Services at 304-876-5122. This includes, but is not limited to students with visual or hearing impairments, students with diagnosed disabilities that affect their learning and in need of academic accommodations, and students requesting specific housing accommodations for health-related reasons. Students must be registered with the Office of Disability Support Services and present their certified accommodation letter to each of their instructors as early in the semester as possible prior to using any granted academic accommodation. For more information, please visit