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Josh Eastham
Existing Product: Kinderfanger –Crypt TV
In terms of location this short film is obviously
filmed all outside on location in some rural area.
The reason I chose this film to compare to the
one I want to produce is because they both have
the theme of childhood fears. In my film a boys
childhood fears manifest themselves as a creature
that attacks him and in the film Kinderfanger the
main antagonist is a dark twisted version of the
kids fairytale of the pied piper.
I believe a major part of this short films audience appeal is its high production value which I want to try
and replicate in my film to make it look professional. I will be using Adobe Premier to edit my footage
together for my film. One thing I want to make sure of is that I have really good cinematic color grading
as well as adding a cinematic letterbox aspect ratio to my film. I want to do this as I believe this will go
along way to making my film look like it has come out of a professional studio and could be shown in the
cinema. I really liked some of the shots that they used in the film such as a spin shot around a persons
head as they are looking for there child. This shot starts 2 minuets and 30 seconds into the film. One
other interesting thing about this film is that the color grading in the film changes when the main
character goes through the cave into the kinderfangers world from a very natural bright color to a dark
grey hue. This is very visually appealing as it symbolizes the idea of death and the Kinderfangers evil
nature. This sort of visual symbolism is something I would perhaps like to incorporate into my own film
as often it can subconsciously effect the audience into believing that something bad is going to happen
therefore making them feel tense and fearful.
Existing Product: Kinderfanger –Crypt TV
One way this film creates meaning in the audience is through the use of color grading. For example in the
start of the film they are in a bright desert field in broad daylight. This is representative of the characters
relative safety in there current location. This immediately changed however in the scene when the
character of the little girl walks through the dark cave into the Kinderfangers world. You immediately
know she is in danger as the colors of the film immediately change from the warm and natural color
grading into a dark blue and DE saturated hue. This is likely done the represent the death and danger that
characters are in as they are under the control of the Kinderfanger. The coloring immediately changes
back however to scenes that are set on the safe side of the cave. This is something I could take inspiration
from in my final product as I could have the coloring a similar dark hue in the start and ending of the films
to show the danger that the characters are in. It could also be used to represent the tone of the film and
the threat of death. However in the middle of the film in order to represent the calm before the storm I
could have the coloring a slightly warmer color to represent the “calm before the storm”.
Existing Product: Troubled Youth –Crypt TV
One of the reasons I chose this film as it has a
potentially similar situation to what my film will
have. In my film you have a teenager being haunted
by some sort of creature around his house and in this
film you have a group of teenagers being haunted
and attacked by some sort of feral creature round
there school.
This film also creates the idea of insanity in the main antagonist and uses it as a twist ending as it reveals that one of
the group of teenagers, a cheerleader is actually helping the monster and could potentially be the reason why it is
attacking everyone in the school. After she allows the monster the kill her “friends” she then happily walks out of the
school watching as the monster finishes of other people. In the background is an upbeat tune that emphasizes that she
is happy with what she had done. This makes me think that she is a psychopath and is actually enjoying this. In my film
I want to also include the idea of insanity but in a different way as I want to give the impression that the creature
attacking my main character is perhaps all inside his mind as his friend can’t actually see it whilst he can.
I couldn’t really use this in my film as that is not what I want the tone if it to be. However in terms of shots I would like
to take inspiration from for my film there was one in this film were you could see the monsters feet slowly walking
towards its prey but not the actual creature itself. I think this is a very good way of effectively creating tension and fear
in the audience as if they don’t actually know what the creature looks like so our minds tell to fill in the blanks which
creates fear in the unknown which from watching horror films I usually find is the most effective way of scaring
Existing Product: “DON’T LOOK AWAY”
I really like the use of lighting and color
grading in this film. One of the first things I
noticed was that when the girl first saw the
man standing in the garden the color grading
got subtly darker and more grey. Another
thing I liked was some of the shots that were
of the point of view of the man as it really
gave a sense of how tall and imposing he was
and how frightened the girl was of him.
The final shot of this film was in my opinion
the best one as it left the viewer wanting
more in terms of explanation for what this
man is as well as wanting to know what
happens next. It also gives the impression
that the man is lurking around in the family's
garden again still watching them. In this film
a lot of thought has been put into each shot
as if each one means something which is
something I want to take inspiration from in
my film.
Existing Product: “DON’T LOOK AWAY”
This film does a good job a creation of meaning specifically it successfully creates the idea that the characters are
in serious danger. It does this through use of subtly changing the color grading at specific moments as I previously
stated. It also does this through the use of mellow sounding music cues in certain areas such as when the girl is on
the phone to her dad and he realizes something is wrong. His reaction immediately creates a reaction of fear in the
girl which is when the dark music cue kicks in. This immediately alerts the audience to the fact that something is
wrong. Other then that this film also uses the classic horror method of unexpected jump scares to jump scare the
audience members which is a classic way of releasing the built up tension in the audience that has built up
throughout certain segments of the film.
I want to take inspiration from specific elements of this and incorporate it into my film. Specifically the subtle
elements of this film that create fear In the audience such as the slight changing of the color temperature and
music cues. This is in my opinion a more effective method of scaring the viewer then dialogue is as those watching
a film will immerse themselves in the seemingly natural environment that the film creates. Once this environment
becomes unnatural the audience has a instinctive reaction to fear the unknown. In this case it is the unknown of
what that man staring at the characters is, what he wants and what will happen to the characters.
Existing Product: Black Sugar
In this film a group of teenagers experience a drug induced vision that transports them to a strange
world were things that happen to them in this world also happen to there bodies in real life. This
implies that what is happening to them is more then just a hallucination caused by drug use. I want to
take inspiration from this by implying in my film that the creature that is attacking the main character is
perhaps a hallucination however I don’t want to completely confirm that so I can leave it to the
audiences imaginations. One criticism I would have with this film in that the use of lighting and colors in
the scenes were they are having this hallucination are too dark in my opinion and makes it difficult to
keep up with what is going on in some parts. Despite this I think this film would have a high audience
appeal as it has an obvious strong moral which is basically “don’t do drugs kids”. Teenagers that have
actually experimented with drugs before specifically with hallucinogenic would be most likely to take
something away from this film however as they would probably relate the most the main characters.
Existing Product: Black Sugar
This film does a good job of creating the visual idea of fast pace action in the scene were
the main characters are being attacked by some sort of flying creatures. It does this
through used of quick camera cuts from multiple angles, the use of shaky cam and point of
view (POV) shooting techniques. This gives the scene a sense of franticness about this and
does a good job of portraying the fear, confusion and urgency that the characters would be
feeling. This is something I would like to adapt to use in my film however that is going to be
extremely difficult as I am limited with resources in that there are only too of us and we
both have to be on camera during the same scene. We also only have one camera which
would make it difficult almost impossible to cut between multiple angles and maintain
continuity at the same time.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
• All of the researched products are fantasy horror films that all have certain themes that I want to take inspiration from
when producing my final short film. In terms of common features they all have some sort of supernatural creature in the
which attacks the protagonist for whatever reason. They also all have a cast of young characters which my film will also
have. As they are all horror films they all tend to have similar shot types and colour grading which is something I am taking
a lot of notice of as I really want my film to have high production value so It can look really cinematic.
An example of an image before and after color correction and aspect ratio change.
In terms of other common features they all use classic horror film tropes such as jump scares and tense
music. One film however stands out to me and that is Troubled Youth. The reason this stands out the
most is because of how different the ending is. Once it is revealed that the cheerleader character actually
the bad character as she is controlling the monster and telling it to kill people. She tells it to kill her
friends and she then struts out the school happily with some upbeat pop song playing in the background
to demonstrate how happy she is and how she isn’t bothered by anything she has done. This I found
really effective as in my opinion it made the film darker as it added another layer to her character. It also
contrasts in tone to the rest of the film which is why it stands out so much to me as it is unexpected and
brakes away from classic horror film conventions hence why I like it so much.
Research Analysis
An example of the slow reveal the monster in Troubled Youth:
I have found this research to be extremely beneficial as it has allowed me to look at existing short horror films and I
was able to find out what was successful about them, why and what I should take inspiration from as well as what
wasn’t successful and what I should avoid about them.
For example when I looed at the film Kinderfanger I learned about what a film that has high production value looks
like and how cinematic it looks. I realized from this that by changing the aspect ratio and adding an adjustment layer
with a color correction to my work I could make it look a lot more cinematic. I am willing to attempt this with my final
product in order to see how professional I can make it look. I also learned from this film and others like Don’t Look
Away about how much you can effect the emotions of the audience just by having subtle changes in the visuals and
audio of a film. I also learned about how different shot types as well as the speed of different cuts can effect how the
pacing of a certain sequence is perceived by the viewer. An example of this would be the fast paces cuts of the film
Black Sugar. In my opinion this does a good job of portraying a fast action sequence on a low budget.
I have also learned that using classic horror clichés such as jump scares isn’t a bad thing at all as they can be very
effective if correctly done. A perfect example of this would be in Don’t Look Away as when the girl turns around the
man is standing right behind her this was unexpected as there was no expected build up making it an effective jump
If I was to try and avoid anything It would only be because I don’t have
the resources to achieve it. The only thing that I can think of in this
case would be the fast cutting from different angles as shown in the
film Black Sugar. The reason for this is because I believe it would be
difficult to maintain continuity if I have limited resources which is likely.
If not and I do find out that I can have multiple cameras as well as
people dedicated to operating them instead of acting then this might
not be an issue.
Research Analysis
I think that my research will defiantly have an impact on my final product. The reason I say this is because I would like to
include the classic horror trope of a supernatural creature or ghost in my film however I want to add more of a meaning
to this creature rather then it just being black and white evil. I want this creature to actually be a physical manifestation
of the main characters fears that he managed to mentally “lock away” as a child by imagining a wardrobe that they had
and locking the creature away in it. However he is lured to unlock the wardrobe thus releasing the creature.
I think this would make the character and the creature more interesting by having them being connected in some way
rather then it just be haunting him for some unknown reason. I will also try and incorporate a lot of the editing
techniques and shots that are used in these film such as a spinning shot around a character (shown in The Kinderfanger)
in order to create tension and show how desperate the situation is. One thing I liked about the film Don’t Look Away was
how the colour grading subtly got darker and grey once the audience new there was danger. It was so subtle I didn’t even
notice it at first and I only saw it after a few times after watching it.
However when watching it did subconsciously effect me my making me feel the danger that the characters were
potentially in. This in my opinion is very clever visual direction to be able to effect the viewer psychologically without
them even noticing It and something I would want to try and recreate. Finally I am a big believer in fear of the unknown
so that is why I will attempt to show hauntings in my film without showing the actual creature until the climax of the film
so I can give my audience a chance to think about what this thing actually look likes and allow there minds to fill in the
blanks which our minds usually do in the worst way possible making us jump to the worst conclusion therefore creating
fear in the unknown.
This is a very similar concept to what was done in the film Troubled Youth by crypt TV. In that film they only revealed
what the monster actually looked like in the final scene. It was also a slow reveal as they first showed us its feet which for
me really sparked my imagination into thinking what this thing looks like. It then panned up to reveal the full creature.
This sort of slow reveal is in my opinion the best sort of reveal for a monster as it can make the audience almost
impatient to see what this thing looks like and therefore very tense.
Existing Product, movie poster: The conjuring
One thing I want to do is practice my Photoshop
skills by creating a film poster to accompany my
short film. Because it is a horror film one thing I
need to do is look at the posters for other
successful horror films and take inspiration from
them as well as note down what works on them
and what doesn't. I really like the poster for the
conjuring as its simplicity, color scheme and off
centered image instantly let you know it’s a horror
film. The font is also thin and spikey like most
horror film fonts which mean that when people
see the font alone they would instantly associate it
with the horror genre.
Mirrors Film Poster
This is another simple but unique film poster.
It follows the same design style as the
conjuring poster because its main attraction is
the image in the center of the page as it is
designed to be disturbing instantly provoking
a reaction of fear and anticipation in the
audience. This poster has its own defining
feature however and that is the clever use of
imagery on the title logo. Since the film is
called mirrors, the designers have chosen to
play on this name mirror the text hallway
through the word which gives the impression
that you are reading text with a mirror in the
center of the page. One thing this poster does
do which the one for the Conjuring doesn’t is
that is highlights the name or the staring
actor in big bold white letters at the top of
the logo to advertise that this film has a big
well known actor in as they want people to
think that as a result it is a good film. This
isn’t always the case however.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research: Survey response 1
Primary Research
Audience research: Survey response 1
• Observation: 63.33% of the people that answered my survey said they
liked horror films when the other 36.67% of people that answered said they didn’t
like horror films.
• What this says about my audience: This says that the
majority of my audience prefers horror films to those that don’t. This is
good news as that I primarily want my film to be a horror film however I
do also want to incorporate a dramatic and thriller aspect to it as well,
whether I actually manage to achieve this would be a different matter.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will
defiantly appeal to the horror fans in my audience as that is its primary genre. It
will have classic horror tropes that most horror films have such as jump scares and
creepy music but it I don’t want it to become clichéd. For example most horror
films use similar music which I don’t want to do, my aim is to cleverly use sound
effects and different frequency's at different points to create the emotion of fear
in the right places.
Audience research: Survey response 1
Audience research: Survey response 1
• Observation: From this I can tell that a compelling storytelling Is the
most important part of horror films to my audience.
• What this says about my audience: This says that to I
need to focus on my storyline of my film as more people are bothered about
having a good story then they are characters or high quality visual effects.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: I will do my best to make sure my story emotionally resonates
with my audience as most of my audience are of the opinion that is the most
important part of a film. I will still be paying close attention to the other parts such
as visual effects as I want to make sure my film has a really cinematic feel to it
however if I am to have my film appeal to my audience I am going to have to make
sure I cater its strengths to what the people believe is the most important.
Audience research: Survey response 1
Audience research: Survey response 1
• Observation: I had 29 total responses to this question some people
said they didn’t have one, others were very specific which is what I asked for. I
believe I had enough responses that gave enough detail in order for me to
gather information about what makes certain horror films really good in some
peoples eyes.
• What this says about my audience: This question in my
opinion actually shows the people in my audience that took my survey
seriously as some people just tended to not bother to go into detail about why
any particular film was there favourite. The reason I asked people to provide
detail as I wanted to know first hand from the audience what they think works
well in a horror film and why. I did also get a lot of good feedback though as
some people shared there favourite films and the reasons why those films
were there favourite.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To
me this is the most valuable information I have been given as it is first hand
information on what worked with horror film audiences and what doesn’t. In
order to make my film appeal to this audience I will have to look at what they
thought worked well in there favourite horror films and try and incorporate
these techniques without straight up copying them.
Audience research: Survey response 1
Audience research: Survey response 1
• Observation: From this I can observe that I have a
variety of answers and that some people will only
watch horror films if they have meet a specific
criteria for that person.
• What this says about my audience:This says that
there are people in my audience that don’t just like horror films and they
prefer to watch a film of a different genre.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: I hope my product will still appeal to this
audience because some people have said they find horror
films annoying because they find the clichés annoying so as a
result I want to do my best to still create something within the
genre but is not clichéd.
Audience research: Survey response 1
Audience research: Survey response 1
• Observation: I believe I should have worded this question better
as some people go confused between what scares you the most in general
and what scares you most in horror films. I wanted to know peoples
answers to the latter question so I believe I should make sure the question
is clearer next time.
• What this says about my audience: This actually
gives me a good idea of what frightens my audience so I can use this
information to my advantage by incorporating elements of there fears into
my film. Hopefully this will allow my film to appeal to my audience as it
will scare them but not to the point were it would deter them from
wanting to watch my film. I myself share some of the fears that people
have listed so that would be a big step for me to be able to incorporate
something like this into my film.
Audience research: Survey response 1
Audience research
• Observation: From this graph I can tell that Action/Thriller films are
the most popular type of genre with the people that answered my survey.
Drama came in second with horror and science fiction coming in at joint third
• What this says about my audience: This says that my
audience mainly enjoys Action/Thriller films which is a shame since my film is
primarily a horror film. I will however do my best to appeal to all the fans of
each genre by making sure my film incorporate elements of each one
without becoming confused as to what type of film I want it to be.
Audience research
Audience research
Audience research
Audience research -Summary
• Whilst doing my Audience Research I learned that my target audiences have varying opinions on horror films. Some people are fans
of the genre as 63.33% of the people that answered my survey said they liked horror films. This compares with the 56.67% that said
they don’t like horror films. An example of someone who doesn’t like horror films would be this person who when answering my
survey put “I don't like them ”Whilst blunt this answer is clear and to the point leaving no room for mistake that this person doesn’t
like horror films though I would have preferred more detail as to why this person does’t like them. This would have been helpful as if
it was due to specific things about horror films that this person finds annoying, I would have been able to keep this persons reasons
in mind when producing my film.
• This could allow me to widen my audience appeal by allowing me to cleverly tailor certain aspects of my production towards this
person to avoid there annoyances whilst still staying true to my vision and the genre. Doing this would perhaps change there mind
and convince them to watch it. However if there reasoning is because they are afraid to watch them due to there often graphic
content and psychological effect then it doesn’t matter as no matter what I do my film is still a horror film and for that reason this
person would refuse to watch it.
• Others have more specific opinions such as one response that said they liked “Ju-On and The Orphanage, for their well written
storylines, fleshed out characters and excellent performances. Cabin in the woods for it's unraveling of horror clichés and
characters whilst also providing a funny, entertaining film.” I found this interesting as is told me that people can be very picky about
what horror films they like and for what reasons.
• One thing I defiantly noticed from this response and others is that people are beginning to find horror films annoying and clichéd.
This other response backs up my point as this person said they liked “The Shining. It has great cinematic values and creates a
claustrophobic spooky atmosphere without relying on cheap shocks or blood and gore. Superb storyline as well.” I had several
other responses that backed this up. These results weren't that surprising however as I myself feel the same way about horror films. I
think this will defiantly impact my production as I am hesitant about including classic horror tropes such as jump scares however I
may decide that I will because the temptation to do so is strong also I’m no sure if a horror film without these tropes will really be
that effective.
Audience research -Summary
• I also learned from my survey what appeals to people most when they are watching horror films. I gave people 4
options for them to choose from. These results would then be put into a graph which would give me a percentage
of how many people that answered my survey selected each specific option.
As you can see from this graph having a compelling story
is the most important part of a horror film to people with
53.33% of my answers choosing this option. The second
most important to people was having good characters
with 20% of people choosing this option. Followed by
16.67% of people choosing high quality visuals and finally
jump scares were the most important to only 10% of the
people that answered the survey. I will defiantly keep this
in mind when I am creating my final product and I will
priorities each option accordingly. For example I will
invest a lot more of my time into creating a compelling
story with good characters and high quality visuals then I
will with my jump scares (if I decide to utilize them) as
they shouldn’t take that long to accomplish anyway. I am
glad that people do find that I compelling story is most
important to them in horror films as in my opinion a
compelling story and good characters is the most
important part of any film, story or piece of theatre. The
reason I say this is because if the characters and story
aren’t compelling then I won’t become drawn in and
interested into the film which will lead to me becoming
board and not wanting to watch it.
Audience research -Summary
• My research was also helpful for not just for me to get the audiences opinions but for my to find out about
certain details and facts about my audience. For example I now know the age range of my audience is mainly
16-20 with ages 40-50 coming in second. I know this due to the age range question on my survey that stated
that 16-20 year olds was the most common age range of people that answered my survey at 46.67% with 40-50
year old coming in second at 26.67%. There were some people that answered different age ranges as shown in
the below screenshot however there were not many and by far the most common were the two age ranges
highlighted in bold above.
To finally sum up my audience research I would say that this survey has been the
most important tool I have used to research horror films. The reason I say this is
because it has directly put me in touch with the audience and there opinions on
horror films. I know know there likes and dislikes when it comes to horror films
which is important as I can now tailor specific elements of my film to my
audiences opinions in order to have a wide audience appeal. This also presents
an extra challenge to me however as I also want to make my horror film unique
so it has unexpected elements to it as well as I don’t want it to become
predictable and therefore boring. This early on in the project I haven't yet
decided on what horror film conventions I want to use, however once I start my
pre production planning I will be able to finalize my decisions for my project.
Audience Demographics UK, The Conjuring
In terms of demographics of my audience I used YouGov profiler to research different horror films with similar plot
elements to my own in both the UK and the US. For the first one I researched The Conjuring as that film is a horror
themed film based upon the supernatural. For my UK research I found that the majority of the fans are of the
female gender and are the ages of 25-39 and have a social grade of C2DE. This means that they are of the skilled
working class which involves skilled manual work followed by the normal working class which involves semi or
unskilled work. The lowest ranking is non working class such as those that depend on the welfare state for there
income. The top 3 regions were these people are based is London, the Midlands and the North East. Interestingly
according to You Gov these people have a mid right political orientation which means they associate themselves
with party's such as the conservative. The top 3 industries that these people work in are the entertainment,
translation and interpreting and mining and quarrying industry. They typically have a monthly spare of less then
Secondary Research
Audience Demographics UK, Insidious
Despite the fact that insidious is a similar film, the demographics for it do have quite a difference. Whilst the social
grade and genders are the same. The age range of the film is considerably younger as it is 18-24. In terms of
political alignment they are mid left so they would associate themselves with political party's such as the labor
party and the liberal democrats. These people are based in the West Country, North west and the Midlands. They
usually have careers in the media publishing, entertainment and fashion design industries. They also usually have a
monthly spare of £1000 or more.
Audience Demographics US, The
Interestingly the US demographics for people who like the Conjuring are similar to those that
like Insidious however that wasn’t the case for the UK demographics. There are some
differences though. For example the age range has increased to 30-44. The top states have
changed to California, Nevada, New Jersey, Texas and Georgia. The top profession is the same
but the other two are now architecture and design as well as creative and design. The
political alignment and the annual incomes are the same as those who like insidious in the
Audience Demographics US, Insidious
In the US the gender and age range is the same as it is in the UK. In terms of settler the
majority of people live in urban areas and are more closely aligned with the democrats
then they are the republicans. Professions include roles in the landscaping and
childcare industries as well as hairdressing and beauty and engineering industry's. The
top states that these people live in are Ohio, Florida, Nevada, West Virginia and New
York. They also have an annual income of around $20,000 to $49,000.
Audience research -Summary
• Other then my audience research survey I used peer interviews to get information on my audience. I have also
collected secondary research, I have used YouGov Profiler to do this which has given me a broad idea of the
audience demographics. For my peer interviews the main thing I learned was that the two people that did my
interview believe that the most effective method of scaring an audience is with jump scares. This supports the
information that I have found in my audience research survey as I have multiple answers on my 5th question
which asks “What scares you the most”? That state that “jump scares” scare several people the most in horror
films. This isn't a surprising answer however as jump scares are a classic part of horror films and for decades
have been an effective method of scaring and releasing tension in the viewer.
• Interestingly my secondary research appears to differ to my primary research when it comes to details about
the audience. To find these details out I searched 2 well known horror films on YouGov profiler. These were
Insidious and The Conjuring, I then collected the results for both the UK and the US and the results I found were
surprising. The most common age range of people that answered my survey were those between the ages of 16
to 20. On YouGov the most common age ranges for The Conjuring were ages 25-39 in the UK and ages 30-44 in
the US. For insidious the most common age ranges in the UK were 18-24 and ages 18-39 for the US.
• One of the reasons why I think it may be different is because YouGov has thousands of more peoples data then
my survey does. I think if my survey was answered nationwide the answers would potentially be different and
more in line with the results from YouGov. This is something I have to keep in mind when making my production
as I should perhaps think about the results from YouGov when I am working on my project as if the results from
this website are more accurate then from my survey it could be a better idea to focus on these results if it is
more likely to increase my audience appeal.
(primary Research)
Interview 1- Luke Simpson
• What do you believe is the mot effective way of scaring audiences in a horror film?
• the most efficient way of scaring your audience is to make it really tense make a by
making the music tense. then pop a jump scare in for good measure because it will
make the audience jump out of their seat
• Do you think horror films are becoming clichéd and if so what are some examples of
• i think that some horror movies are cliched because they use the same kind of tropes
tension and jump scares. also they use the same concept a ghost haunting a house or a
generic slasher movie such as Friday the 13th or Halloween
• In your opinion what do you think the best horror film of all time is and why?
• well that is a hard one because there are lots of horror movies that are really good and
defined horror as a whole but in my opinion A Quiet Place although only came out this
month is a perfect example of horror. using tension to build it up and using jump scares
to good use. it also plays with your mind thinking something will happen but it never
happens. also there isn't much dialog in the film which makes the whole movie more
Interview 2 -Will Cave
• What do you believe is the mot effective way of scaring audiences in a
horror film?
• I think it would be jump scares. But, to have it be most effective you need a
tense build-up, maybe even a bluff. To make them think for a second or two
that it's over, then boom, you get em.
• Do you think horror films are becoming clichéd and if so what are some
examples of that?
• •I think so yes. An example would be jump scares, characters being
stupid or making stupid mistakes, setting, villains etc. If u give it a
unique enough twist to make it more different, you'd be fine.
• In your opinion what do you think the best horror film of all time is and
• I personally don't really watch any horror films, well not often anyway. I'm not
really into the genre. So I don't have a favourite. I know this doesn't help, but I
really don't.
Interview Summary
• Observation: From this I can observe that the majority of
my audience believe that most modern horror films are
cliched and rely on tense music and jump scares.
• What this says about my audience: This says that
my audience will likely be expecting my film to
have the same sort of tropes and cliched as most
modern horror films.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• Whilst this may be true I want to do my best to make sure
that this is not the case. I will be using jump scares but I
will try not to be using tense music as such. For example I
may use a simple melody with more eiry and creepy
sounds with different ultrasound frequency's to create fear
and tension, just so it is different from normal horror films.
1. Josh Eastham. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on Friday April 13th 2018)
2. Will Cave. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 23/04/2018)
3. Will Cave. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 23/04/2018)
4. FMP Survey. (2018) Target Audience Surveys(conducted on 18-4-2018)
5. Audience Demographics:NA. (NA). People who like the Conjuring UK. Available: Last accessed 2-5-18.
6. NA. (NA). People who like the Insidious UK. Available: Last
accessed 2-5-18.
7. NA. (NA). People who like the Insidious US. Available: Last
accessed 2-5-18.
8. NA. (NA). People who like the Conjuring US. Available: Last accessed 2-5-18.
9. CryptTV. (2017). Kinderfänger | CRYPT FABLES | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV. [Online Video]. 17 October 2017. Available
from: [Accessed: 2 May 2018].
10. CryptTV. (2018). Troubled Youth | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV. [Online Video]. 19 January 2018. Available from: [Accessed: 2 May 2018].
11. CACox97. (2017). "DON'T LOOK AWAY" A Short Film. [Online Video]. 25 April 2017. Available
from: [Accessed: 2 May 2018].
12. Crypt TV. (2017). Black Sugar | Short Fantasy Horror Film | Crypt TV. [Online Video]. 27 July 2017. Available from: [Accessed: 2 May 2018].
13. Pinterest. (NA). horror film posters. Available:
HX7vXaAhWEI8AKHXk8BakQ_AUoAXoECAAQAw&biw=1152&bih=905#imgrc=5c2hP3a336ns7M:. Last accessed 8-5-2018.
14. Filmsourcing. (NA). horror film posters. Available:
HX7vXaAhWEI8AKHXk8BakQ_AUoAXoECAAQAw&biw=1152&bih=905#imgrc=EbzK3Mow1kfGFM:. Last accessed 8-5-
15. Pinterest. (NA). tucker and dale vs evil poster. Available:
tucker+and+dale+vs+evil+poster&oq=tucker+and+dale+vs+evil+poster&gs_l=img.3..0j0i8i30k1l2.2600976. Last accessed

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  • 2. Existing Product: Kinderfanger –Crypt TV In terms of location this short film is obviously filmed all outside on location in some rural area. The reason I chose this film to compare to the one I want to produce is because they both have the theme of childhood fears. In my film a boys childhood fears manifest themselves as a creature that attacks him and in the film Kinderfanger the main antagonist is a dark twisted version of the kids fairytale of the pied piper. I believe a major part of this short films audience appeal is its high production value which I want to try and replicate in my film to make it look professional. I will be using Adobe Premier to edit my footage together for my film. One thing I want to make sure of is that I have really good cinematic color grading as well as adding a cinematic letterbox aspect ratio to my film. I want to do this as I believe this will go along way to making my film look like it has come out of a professional studio and could be shown in the cinema. I really liked some of the shots that they used in the film such as a spin shot around a persons head as they are looking for there child. This shot starts 2 minuets and 30 seconds into the film. One other interesting thing about this film is that the color grading in the film changes when the main character goes through the cave into the kinderfangers world from a very natural bright color to a dark grey hue. This is very visually appealing as it symbolizes the idea of death and the Kinderfangers evil nature. This sort of visual symbolism is something I would perhaps like to incorporate into my own film as often it can subconsciously effect the audience into believing that something bad is going to happen therefore making them feel tense and fearful.
  • 3. Existing Product: Kinderfanger –Crypt TV One way this film creates meaning in the audience is through the use of color grading. For example in the start of the film they are in a bright desert field in broad daylight. This is representative of the characters relative safety in there current location. This immediately changed however in the scene when the character of the little girl walks through the dark cave into the Kinderfangers world. You immediately know she is in danger as the colors of the film immediately change from the warm and natural color grading into a dark blue and DE saturated hue. This is likely done the represent the death and danger that characters are in as they are under the control of the Kinderfanger. The coloring immediately changes back however to scenes that are set on the safe side of the cave. This is something I could take inspiration from in my final product as I could have the coloring a similar dark hue in the start and ending of the films to show the danger that the characters are in. It could also be used to represent the tone of the film and the threat of death. However in the middle of the film in order to represent the calm before the storm I could have the coloring a slightly warmer color to represent the “calm before the storm”.
  • 4. Existing Product: Troubled Youth –Crypt TV One of the reasons I chose this film as it has a potentially similar situation to what my film will have. In my film you have a teenager being haunted by some sort of creature around his house and in this film you have a group of teenagers being haunted and attacked by some sort of feral creature round there school. This film also creates the idea of insanity in the main antagonist and uses it as a twist ending as it reveals that one of the group of teenagers, a cheerleader is actually helping the monster and could potentially be the reason why it is attacking everyone in the school. After she allows the monster the kill her “friends” she then happily walks out of the school watching as the monster finishes of other people. In the background is an upbeat tune that emphasizes that she is happy with what she had done. This makes me think that she is a psychopath and is actually enjoying this. In my film I want to also include the idea of insanity but in a different way as I want to give the impression that the creature attacking my main character is perhaps all inside his mind as his friend can’t actually see it whilst he can. I couldn’t really use this in my film as that is not what I want the tone if it to be. However in terms of shots I would like to take inspiration from for my film there was one in this film were you could see the monsters feet slowly walking towards its prey but not the actual creature itself. I think this is a very good way of effectively creating tension and fear in the audience as if they don’t actually know what the creature looks like so our minds tell to fill in the blanks which creates fear in the unknown which from watching horror films I usually find is the most effective way of scaring someone.
  • 5. Existing Product: “DON’T LOOK AWAY” I really like the use of lighting and color grading in this film. One of the first things I noticed was that when the girl first saw the man standing in the garden the color grading got subtly darker and more grey. Another thing I liked was some of the shots that were of the point of view of the man as it really gave a sense of how tall and imposing he was and how frightened the girl was of him. The final shot of this film was in my opinion the best one as it left the viewer wanting more in terms of explanation for what this man is as well as wanting to know what happens next. It also gives the impression that the man is lurking around in the family's garden again still watching them. In this film a lot of thought has been put into each shot as if each one means something which is something I want to take inspiration from in my film.
  • 6. Existing Product: “DON’T LOOK AWAY” This film does a good job a creation of meaning specifically it successfully creates the idea that the characters are in serious danger. It does this through use of subtly changing the color grading at specific moments as I previously stated. It also does this through the use of mellow sounding music cues in certain areas such as when the girl is on the phone to her dad and he realizes something is wrong. His reaction immediately creates a reaction of fear in the girl which is when the dark music cue kicks in. This immediately alerts the audience to the fact that something is wrong. Other then that this film also uses the classic horror method of unexpected jump scares to jump scare the audience members which is a classic way of releasing the built up tension in the audience that has built up throughout certain segments of the film. I want to take inspiration from specific elements of this and incorporate it into my film. Specifically the subtle elements of this film that create fear In the audience such as the slight changing of the color temperature and music cues. This is in my opinion a more effective method of scaring the viewer then dialogue is as those watching a film will immerse themselves in the seemingly natural environment that the film creates. Once this environment becomes unnatural the audience has a instinctive reaction to fear the unknown. In this case it is the unknown of what that man staring at the characters is, what he wants and what will happen to the characters.
  • 7. Existing Product: Black Sugar In this film a group of teenagers experience a drug induced vision that transports them to a strange world were things that happen to them in this world also happen to there bodies in real life. This implies that what is happening to them is more then just a hallucination caused by drug use. I want to take inspiration from this by implying in my film that the creature that is attacking the main character is perhaps a hallucination however I don’t want to completely confirm that so I can leave it to the audiences imaginations. One criticism I would have with this film in that the use of lighting and colors in the scenes were they are having this hallucination are too dark in my opinion and makes it difficult to keep up with what is going on in some parts. Despite this I think this film would have a high audience appeal as it has an obvious strong moral which is basically “don’t do drugs kids”. Teenagers that have actually experimented with drugs before specifically with hallucinogenic would be most likely to take something away from this film however as they would probably relate the most the main characters.
  • 8. Existing Product: Black Sugar This film does a good job of creating the visual idea of fast pace action in the scene were the main characters are being attacked by some sort of flying creatures. It does this through used of quick camera cuts from multiple angles, the use of shaky cam and point of view (POV) shooting techniques. This gives the scene a sense of franticness about this and does a good job of portraying the fear, confusion and urgency that the characters would be feeling. This is something I would like to adapt to use in my film however that is going to be extremely difficult as I am limited with resources in that there are only too of us and we both have to be on camera during the same scene. We also only have one camera which would make it difficult almost impossible to cut between multiple angles and maintain continuity at the same time.
  • 9. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? • All of the researched products are fantasy horror films that all have certain themes that I want to take inspiration from when producing my final short film. In terms of common features they all have some sort of supernatural creature in the which attacks the protagonist for whatever reason. They also all have a cast of young characters which my film will also have. As they are all horror films they all tend to have similar shot types and colour grading which is something I am taking a lot of notice of as I really want my film to have high production value so It can look really cinematic. An example of an image before and after color correction and aspect ratio change. In terms of other common features they all use classic horror film tropes such as jump scares and tense music. One film however stands out to me and that is Troubled Youth. The reason this stands out the most is because of how different the ending is. Once it is revealed that the cheerleader character actually the bad character as she is controlling the monster and telling it to kill people. She tells it to kill her friends and she then struts out the school happily with some upbeat pop song playing in the background to demonstrate how happy she is and how she isn’t bothered by anything she has done. This I found really effective as in my opinion it made the film darker as it added another layer to her character. It also contrasts in tone to the rest of the film which is why it stands out so much to me as it is unexpected and brakes away from classic horror film conventions hence why I like it so much.
  • 10. Research Analysis An example of the slow reveal the monster in Troubled Youth: I have found this research to be extremely beneficial as it has allowed me to look at existing short horror films and I was able to find out what was successful about them, why and what I should take inspiration from as well as what wasn’t successful and what I should avoid about them. For example when I looed at the film Kinderfanger I learned about what a film that has high production value looks like and how cinematic it looks. I realized from this that by changing the aspect ratio and adding an adjustment layer with a color correction to my work I could make it look a lot more cinematic. I am willing to attempt this with my final product in order to see how professional I can make it look. I also learned from this film and others like Don’t Look Away about how much you can effect the emotions of the audience just by having subtle changes in the visuals and audio of a film. I also learned about how different shot types as well as the speed of different cuts can effect how the pacing of a certain sequence is perceived by the viewer. An example of this would be the fast paces cuts of the film Black Sugar. In my opinion this does a good job of portraying a fast action sequence on a low budget. I have also learned that using classic horror clichés such as jump scares isn’t a bad thing at all as they can be very effective if correctly done. A perfect example of this would be in Don’t Look Away as when the girl turns around the man is standing right behind her this was unexpected as there was no expected build up making it an effective jump scare. If I was to try and avoid anything It would only be because I don’t have the resources to achieve it. The only thing that I can think of in this case would be the fast cutting from different angles as shown in the film Black Sugar. The reason for this is because I believe it would be difficult to maintain continuity if I have limited resources which is likely. If not and I do find out that I can have multiple cameras as well as people dedicated to operating them instead of acting then this might not be an issue.
  • 11. Research Analysis I think that my research will defiantly have an impact on my final product. The reason I say this is because I would like to include the classic horror trope of a supernatural creature or ghost in my film however I want to add more of a meaning to this creature rather then it just being black and white evil. I want this creature to actually be a physical manifestation of the main characters fears that he managed to mentally “lock away” as a child by imagining a wardrobe that they had and locking the creature away in it. However he is lured to unlock the wardrobe thus releasing the creature. I think this would make the character and the creature more interesting by having them being connected in some way rather then it just be haunting him for some unknown reason. I will also try and incorporate a lot of the editing techniques and shots that are used in these film such as a spinning shot around a character (shown in The Kinderfanger) in order to create tension and show how desperate the situation is. One thing I liked about the film Don’t Look Away was how the colour grading subtly got darker and grey once the audience new there was danger. It was so subtle I didn’t even notice it at first and I only saw it after a few times after watching it. However when watching it did subconsciously effect me my making me feel the danger that the characters were potentially in. This in my opinion is very clever visual direction to be able to effect the viewer psychologically without them even noticing It and something I would want to try and recreate. Finally I am a big believer in fear of the unknown so that is why I will attempt to show hauntings in my film without showing the actual creature until the climax of the film so I can give my audience a chance to think about what this thing actually look likes and allow there minds to fill in the blanks which our minds usually do in the worst way possible making us jump to the worst conclusion therefore creating fear in the unknown. This is a very similar concept to what was done in the film Troubled Youth by crypt TV. In that film they only revealed what the monster actually looked like in the final scene. It was also a slow reveal as they first showed us its feet which for me really sparked my imagination into thinking what this thing looks like. It then panned up to reveal the full creature. This sort of slow reveal is in my opinion the best sort of reveal for a monster as it can make the audience almost impatient to see what this thing looks like and therefore very tense.
  • 12. Existing Product, movie poster: The conjuring One thing I want to do is practice my Photoshop skills by creating a film poster to accompany my short film. Because it is a horror film one thing I need to do is look at the posters for other successful horror films and take inspiration from them as well as note down what works on them and what doesn't. I really like the poster for the conjuring as its simplicity, color scheme and off centered image instantly let you know it’s a horror film. The font is also thin and spikey like most horror film fonts which mean that when people see the font alone they would instantly associate it with the horror genre.
  • 13. Mirrors Film Poster This is another simple but unique film poster. It follows the same design style as the conjuring poster because its main attraction is the image in the center of the page as it is designed to be disturbing instantly provoking a reaction of fear and anticipation in the audience. This poster has its own defining feature however and that is the clever use of imagery on the title logo. Since the film is called mirrors, the designers have chosen to play on this name mirror the text hallway through the word which gives the impression that you are reading text with a mirror in the center of the page. One thing this poster does do which the one for the Conjuring doesn’t is that is highlights the name or the staring actor in big bold white letters at the top of the logo to advertise that this film has a big well known actor in as they want people to think that as a result it is a good film. This isn’t always the case however.
  • 17. Audience research: Survey response 1 • Observation: 63.33% of the people that answered my survey said they liked horror films when the other 36.67% of people that answered said they didn’t like horror films. • What this says about my audience: This says that the majority of my audience prefers horror films to those that don’t. This is good news as that I primarily want my film to be a horror film however I do also want to incorporate a dramatic and thriller aspect to it as well, whether I actually manage to achieve this would be a different matter. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will defiantly appeal to the horror fans in my audience as that is its primary genre. It will have classic horror tropes that most horror films have such as jump scares and creepy music but it I don’t want it to become clichéd. For example most horror films use similar music which I don’t want to do, my aim is to cleverly use sound effects and different frequency's at different points to create the emotion of fear in the right places.
  • 19. Audience research: Survey response 1 • Observation: From this I can tell that a compelling storytelling Is the most important part of horror films to my audience. • What this says about my audience: This says that to I need to focus on my storyline of my film as more people are bothered about having a good story then they are characters or high quality visual effects. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will do my best to make sure my story emotionally resonates with my audience as most of my audience are of the opinion that is the most important part of a film. I will still be paying close attention to the other parts such as visual effects as I want to make sure my film has a really cinematic feel to it however if I am to have my film appeal to my audience I am going to have to make sure I cater its strengths to what the people believe is the most important.
  • 21. Audience research: Survey response 1 • Observation: I had 29 total responses to this question some people said they didn’t have one, others were very specific which is what I asked for. I believe I had enough responses that gave enough detail in order for me to gather information about what makes certain horror films really good in some peoples eyes. • What this says about my audience: This question in my opinion actually shows the people in my audience that took my survey seriously as some people just tended to not bother to go into detail about why any particular film was there favourite. The reason I asked people to provide detail as I wanted to know first hand from the audience what they think works well in a horror film and why. I did also get a lot of good feedback though as some people shared there favourite films and the reasons why those films were there favourite. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To me this is the most valuable information I have been given as it is first hand information on what worked with horror film audiences and what doesn’t. In order to make my film appeal to this audience I will have to look at what they thought worked well in there favourite horror films and try and incorporate these techniques without straight up copying them.
  • 23. Audience research: Survey response 1 • Observation: From this I can observe that I have a variety of answers and that some people will only watch horror films if they have meet a specific criteria for that person. • What this says about my audience:This says that there are people in my audience that don’t just like horror films and they prefer to watch a film of a different genre. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I hope my product will still appeal to this audience because some people have said they find horror films annoying because they find the clichés annoying so as a result I want to do my best to still create something within the genre but is not clichéd.
  • 25. Audience research: Survey response 1 • Observation: I believe I should have worded this question better as some people go confused between what scares you the most in general and what scares you most in horror films. I wanted to know peoples answers to the latter question so I believe I should make sure the question is clearer next time. • What this says about my audience: This actually gives me a good idea of what frightens my audience so I can use this information to my advantage by incorporating elements of there fears into my film. Hopefully this will allow my film to appeal to my audience as it will scare them but not to the point were it would deter them from wanting to watch my film. I myself share some of the fears that people have listed so that would be a big step for me to be able to incorporate something like this into my film.
  • 27. Audience research • Observation: From this graph I can tell that Action/Thriller films are the most popular type of genre with the people that answered my survey. Drama came in second with horror and science fiction coming in at joint third place. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience mainly enjoys Action/Thriller films which is a shame since my film is primarily a horror film. I will however do my best to appeal to all the fans of each genre by making sure my film incorporate elements of each one without becoming confused as to what type of film I want it to be.
  • 29.
  • 32. Audience research -Summary • Whilst doing my Audience Research I learned that my target audiences have varying opinions on horror films. Some people are fans of the genre as 63.33% of the people that answered my survey said they liked horror films. This compares with the 56.67% that said they don’t like horror films. An example of someone who doesn’t like horror films would be this person who when answering my survey put “I don't like them ”Whilst blunt this answer is clear and to the point leaving no room for mistake that this person doesn’t like horror films though I would have preferred more detail as to why this person does’t like them. This would have been helpful as if it was due to specific things about horror films that this person finds annoying, I would have been able to keep this persons reasons in mind when producing my film. • This could allow me to widen my audience appeal by allowing me to cleverly tailor certain aspects of my production towards this person to avoid there annoyances whilst still staying true to my vision and the genre. Doing this would perhaps change there mind and convince them to watch it. However if there reasoning is because they are afraid to watch them due to there often graphic content and psychological effect then it doesn’t matter as no matter what I do my film is still a horror film and for that reason this person would refuse to watch it. • Others have more specific opinions such as one response that said they liked “Ju-On and The Orphanage, for their well written storylines, fleshed out characters and excellent performances. Cabin in the woods for it's unraveling of horror clichés and characters whilst also providing a funny, entertaining film.” I found this interesting as is told me that people can be very picky about what horror films they like and for what reasons. • One thing I defiantly noticed from this response and others is that people are beginning to find horror films annoying and clichéd. This other response backs up my point as this person said they liked “The Shining. It has great cinematic values and creates a claustrophobic spooky atmosphere without relying on cheap shocks or blood and gore. Superb storyline as well.” I had several other responses that backed this up. These results weren't that surprising however as I myself feel the same way about horror films. I think this will defiantly impact my production as I am hesitant about including classic horror tropes such as jump scares however I may decide that I will because the temptation to do so is strong also I’m no sure if a horror film without these tropes will really be that effective.
  • 33. Audience research -Summary • I also learned from my survey what appeals to people most when they are watching horror films. I gave people 4 options for them to choose from. These results would then be put into a graph which would give me a percentage of how many people that answered my survey selected each specific option. As you can see from this graph having a compelling story is the most important part of a horror film to people with 53.33% of my answers choosing this option. The second most important to people was having good characters with 20% of people choosing this option. Followed by 16.67% of people choosing high quality visuals and finally jump scares were the most important to only 10% of the people that answered the survey. I will defiantly keep this in mind when I am creating my final product and I will priorities each option accordingly. For example I will invest a lot more of my time into creating a compelling story with good characters and high quality visuals then I will with my jump scares (if I decide to utilize them) as they shouldn’t take that long to accomplish anyway. I am glad that people do find that I compelling story is most important to them in horror films as in my opinion a compelling story and good characters is the most important part of any film, story or piece of theatre. The reason I say this is because if the characters and story aren’t compelling then I won’t become drawn in and interested into the film which will lead to me becoming board and not wanting to watch it.
  • 34. Audience research -Summary • My research was also helpful for not just for me to get the audiences opinions but for my to find out about certain details and facts about my audience. For example I now know the age range of my audience is mainly 16-20 with ages 40-50 coming in second. I know this due to the age range question on my survey that stated that 16-20 year olds was the most common age range of people that answered my survey at 46.67% with 40-50 year old coming in second at 26.67%. There were some people that answered different age ranges as shown in the below screenshot however there were not many and by far the most common were the two age ranges highlighted in bold above. To finally sum up my audience research I would say that this survey has been the most important tool I have used to research horror films. The reason I say this is because it has directly put me in touch with the audience and there opinions on horror films. I know know there likes and dislikes when it comes to horror films which is important as I can now tailor specific elements of my film to my audiences opinions in order to have a wide audience appeal. This also presents an extra challenge to me however as I also want to make my horror film unique so it has unexpected elements to it as well as I don’t want it to become predictable and therefore boring. This early on in the project I haven't yet decided on what horror film conventions I want to use, however once I start my pre production planning I will be able to finalize my decisions for my project.
  • 35. Audience Demographics UK, The Conjuring In terms of demographics of my audience I used YouGov profiler to research different horror films with similar plot elements to my own in both the UK and the US. For the first one I researched The Conjuring as that film is a horror themed film based upon the supernatural. For my UK research I found that the majority of the fans are of the female gender and are the ages of 25-39 and have a social grade of C2DE. This means that they are of the skilled working class which involves skilled manual work followed by the normal working class which involves semi or unskilled work. The lowest ranking is non working class such as those that depend on the welfare state for there income. The top 3 regions were these people are based is London, the Midlands and the North East. Interestingly according to You Gov these people have a mid right political orientation which means they associate themselves with party's such as the conservative. The top 3 industries that these people work in are the entertainment, translation and interpreting and mining and quarrying industry. They typically have a monthly spare of less then £125. Secondary Research
  • 36. Audience Demographics UK, Insidious Despite the fact that insidious is a similar film, the demographics for it do have quite a difference. Whilst the social grade and genders are the same. The age range of the film is considerably younger as it is 18-24. In terms of political alignment they are mid left so they would associate themselves with political party's such as the labor party and the liberal democrats. These people are based in the West Country, North west and the Midlands. They usually have careers in the media publishing, entertainment and fashion design industries. They also usually have a monthly spare of £1000 or more.
  • 37. Audience Demographics US, The Conjuring Interestingly the US demographics for people who like the Conjuring are similar to those that like Insidious however that wasn’t the case for the UK demographics. There are some differences though. For example the age range has increased to 30-44. The top states have changed to California, Nevada, New Jersey, Texas and Georgia. The top profession is the same but the other two are now architecture and design as well as creative and design. The political alignment and the annual incomes are the same as those who like insidious in the US.
  • 38. Audience Demographics US, Insidious In the US the gender and age range is the same as it is in the UK. In terms of settler the majority of people live in urban areas and are more closely aligned with the democrats then they are the republicans. Professions include roles in the landscaping and childcare industries as well as hairdressing and beauty and engineering industry's. The top states that these people live in are Ohio, Florida, Nevada, West Virginia and New York. They also have an annual income of around $20,000 to $49,000.
  • 39. Audience research -Summary • Other then my audience research survey I used peer interviews to get information on my audience. I have also collected secondary research, I have used YouGov Profiler to do this which has given me a broad idea of the audience demographics. For my peer interviews the main thing I learned was that the two people that did my interview believe that the most effective method of scaring an audience is with jump scares. This supports the information that I have found in my audience research survey as I have multiple answers on my 5th question which asks “What scares you the most”? That state that “jump scares” scare several people the most in horror films. This isn't a surprising answer however as jump scares are a classic part of horror films and for decades have been an effective method of scaring and releasing tension in the viewer. • Interestingly my secondary research appears to differ to my primary research when it comes to details about the audience. To find these details out I searched 2 well known horror films on YouGov profiler. These were Insidious and The Conjuring, I then collected the results for both the UK and the US and the results I found were surprising. The most common age range of people that answered my survey were those between the ages of 16 to 20. On YouGov the most common age ranges for The Conjuring were ages 25-39 in the UK and ages 30-44 in the US. For insidious the most common age ranges in the UK were 18-24 and ages 18-39 for the US. • One of the reasons why I think it may be different is because YouGov has thousands of more peoples data then my survey does. I think if my survey was answered nationwide the answers would potentially be different and more in line with the results from YouGov. This is something I have to keep in mind when making my production as I should perhaps think about the results from YouGov when I am working on my project as if the results from this website are more accurate then from my survey it could be a better idea to focus on these results if it is more likely to increase my audience appeal.
  • 41. Interview 1- Luke Simpson • What do you believe is the mot effective way of scaring audiences in a horror film? • the most efficient way of scaring your audience is to make it really tense make a by making the music tense. then pop a jump scare in for good measure because it will make the audience jump out of their seat • Do you think horror films are becoming clichéd and if so what are some examples of that? • i think that some horror movies are cliched because they use the same kind of tropes tension and jump scares. also they use the same concept a ghost haunting a house or a generic slasher movie such as Friday the 13th or Halloween • In your opinion what do you think the best horror film of all time is and why? • well that is a hard one because there are lots of horror movies that are really good and defined horror as a whole but in my opinion A Quiet Place although only came out this month is a perfect example of horror. using tension to build it up and using jump scares to good use. it also plays with your mind thinking something will happen but it never happens. also there isn't much dialog in the film which makes the whole movie more tense.
  • 42. Interview 2 -Will Cave • What do you believe is the mot effective way of scaring audiences in a horror film? • I think it would be jump scares. But, to have it be most effective you need a tense build-up, maybe even a bluff. To make them think for a second or two that it's over, then boom, you get em. • Do you think horror films are becoming clichéd and if so what are some examples of that? • •I think so yes. An example would be jump scares, characters being stupid or making stupid mistakes, setting, villains etc. If u give it a unique enough twist to make it more different, you'd be fine. • In your opinion what do you think the best horror film of all time is and why? • I personally don't really watch any horror films, well not often anyway. I'm not really into the genre. So I don't have a favourite. I know this doesn't help, but I really don't.
  • 43. Interview Summary • Observation: From this I can observe that the majority of my audience believe that most modern horror films are cliched and rely on tense music and jump scares. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience will likely be expecting my film to have the same sort of tropes and cliched as most modern horror films. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • Whilst this may be true I want to do my best to make sure that this is not the case. I will be using jump scares but I will try not to be using tense music as such. For example I may use a simple melody with more eiry and creepy sounds with different ultrasound frequency's to create fear and tension, just so it is different from normal horror films.
  • 45. Bibliography 1. Josh Eastham. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on Friday April 13th 2018) 2. Will Cave. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 23/04/2018) 3. Will Cave. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 23/04/2018) 4. FMP Survey. (2018) Target Audience Surveys(conducted on 18-4-2018) 5. Audience Demographics:NA. (NA). People who like the Conjuring UK. Available: Last accessed 2-5-18. 6. NA. (NA). People who like the Insidious UK. Available: Last accessed 2-5-18. 7. NA. (NA). People who like the Insidious US. Available: Last accessed 2-5-18. 8. NA. (NA). People who like the Conjuring US. Available: Last accessed 2-5-18. 9. CryptTV. (2017). Kinderfänger | CRYPT FABLES | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV. [Online Video]. 17 October 2017. Available from: [Accessed: 2 May 2018]. 10. CryptTV. (2018). Troubled Youth | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV. [Online Video]. 19 January 2018. Available from: [Accessed: 2 May 2018]. 11. CACox97. (2017). "DON'T LOOK AWAY" A Short Film. [Online Video]. 25 April 2017. Available from: [Accessed: 2 May 2018]. 12. Crypt TV. (2017). Black Sugar | Short Fantasy Horror Film | Crypt TV. [Online Video]. 27 July 2017. Available from: [Accessed: 2 May 2018]. 13. Pinterest. (NA). horror film posters. Available: HX7vXaAhWEI8AKHXk8BakQ_AUoAXoECAAQAw&biw=1152&bih=905#imgrc=5c2hP3a336ns7M:. Last accessed 8-5-2018. 14. Filmsourcing. (NA). horror film posters. Available: HX7vXaAhWEI8AKHXk8BakQ_AUoAXoECAAQAw&biw=1152&bih=905#imgrc=EbzK3Mow1kfGFM:. Last accessed 8-5- 2018. 15. Pinterest. (NA). tucker and dale vs evil poster. Available: tucker+and+dale+vs+evil+poster&oq=tucker+and+dale+vs+evil+poster&gs_l=img.3..0j0i8i30k1l2.2600976. Last accessed 8-5-2018.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  6. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  7. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  8. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.