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Five Main Cause Why World War I Happen Essay
World War One killed 9,906,000 soldiers, 21,219,000 soldiers got wounded and 7,750,000 soldiers
were missing. It was a war between the Allied Powers, which were France, Russia, Britain, Italy and
the United States, and the Central Powers, which were Germany, Austria Hungary and the Ottoman
Empire. The five main causes of the war were militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and
certain events that happened that lead to war (MAINE). The first cause of World War One was due
to militarism. World War One was the result of too much military power. Britain had a stronger
military power (Royal Navy) because it had the highest per capita expenditures. The desire for
military power was high because everyone was building their armies up to ... Show more content on ...
The fourth cause of World War One was nationalism. Germany did not want to take responsibility
for the war, since they didn't start it, they were merely aiding Austria Hungary in their war. Germany
confessing to starting the war all by themselves wouldn't be the complete truth, since it was not all
their fault. They were just helping aid Austria Hungary with their pursuits on Serbia. Germany's rise
to power was unsettling to many countries. Tensions rose, fear of military powers being higher than
one's own became prominent. Every country involved wanted to be better than all the rest. The fifth
cause of World War One was the event of an assassination. Austria Hungary demanded that Serba
take action against those responsible for the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. When
Serbia failed to meet these demands, Austria Hungary declared war on them. This was one of the
main events that kick started World War One because soon after, Germany got involved alongside
them, and Serbia's allies got involved. In conclusion, World War One was a rather eventful war,
there were many things that set things in motion. The main causes of World War one were
militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and certain events that turned countries against each
other. World War one serves as a reminder to us that with power comes responsibility, and if used
wrong, it can cause more harm than good. It also shows us that all conflict that is caused between
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Evaluating the Economy of Austria Essay
Evaluating the Economy of Austria
In 1995 Austria joined the European Union (EU), and in 1999 they joined the European Monetary
Union. The use of a common currency the "Euro" has facilitated trade and promoted economic
stability for U.S. companies to manage pricing, balance accounts, and move products into Austria
and throughout the EU member nations ("globaledge", 2003). An unfavorable exchange rate for U.S.
exporters turned positive in 2003 making the U.S. able to compete on more favorable terms in the
near future.
Current economic reforms in Austria are increasing the attractiveness of foreign investment. There
are several advantages to conducting business in Austria that will be particularly relevant in the year
2004. Austria ... Show more content on ...
exports could be negatively affected
In 2004 the addition of four new members to the EU could create increased competition for U.S.
In addition to the aspects of the Austrian market that affect marketing and management there are
other factors that must be examined. These factors affecting whether or not to conduct business in
another country include: the physical forces that affect a country economically, various economic
and socioeconomic forces, sociocultural forces, and competitive and distributive forces.
It is vital to examine the physical forces of a country including but not limited to the following: the
location of the country, its political relationships, topography, climate, natural resources, and
dynamic physical resources. The evaluation of these forces allows a more clear view of the business
potential in a chosen country. Austria's location is unique in the sense that it is a land locked country.
It is located in Central
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What Led Italy To War In 1914
WWI was a huge time period not only in European history but the world's history because it was the
first major conflict involving different countries at one time. The war sparked nations to develop
their armies and society so that in preceding life they will be viewed as a hierarchy to others. In this
investigation Italy will be the focusing country and why they went to war in 1915. So what were the
key motives that led Italy to join WWI in 1915? Before choosing the preceding two sources,
secondary and primary sources including websites, treaties, and documents were found on the
question above however, none had a lot of significance to answering the question provided. Source
one a book written in 1917. Within the book is the speech the ... Show more content on ...
This did not work however because I quickly learned that there wasn't many articles, and or primary
sources about Italy from the year 1914 or 1915. If there had been more of a selection for primary
and secondary sources many historians including myself would be able to use those sources for a
deeper analysis because there would be more facts to support your thesis. It is somewhat challenging
for an historian to find primary sources and along with that secondary sources because I found that
some may have been edited and given false information making it challenging for an historian to
find very valuable information from secondary sources that haven't maybe been edited leading to
false data. With that being said historians are able to make their lives much easier by finding
primary sources because they are taken from the time of the event meaning that it would be very
hard to know if the source had been edited meaning that it is a reliable source to use. After looking
at some sources it was clear that I was presented with more facts from secondary sources and less
perspectives from primary sources making the job a whole lot harder to get the perspectives from
others at the time of the event. On the topic of primary sources I would like to add that primary
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Gavrilo Princip Research Paper
Five assassins were sent to Sarajevo in anticipation of that fateful day, the idea if one lost the nerve
there would be others to step in. There was a failed attempt in the morning and other assassins did
lose their nerves as expected, but unexpectedly there was a second chance for Gavrilo Princip, a
teenage boy of nineteen. There were some confused orders, the driver took a wrong turn into a
dead–end street and the car having no reverse, so it had to be pulled by hand. Princip was at the
scene and the rest is history, as the plumed hat of the victim fell from its head. This was the shot that
started the First World War in the standard narrative. The First World War was one of the most
destructive war in history; it killed over ten million
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Austrian Republic And Landlocked Country
.1 Introduction
Austria is a federal republic and landlocked country, located in the central of Europe. It contains
nine states and has a population of more than 8.5 million. It is bordered by Czech Republic and
Germany to the north, Slovenia and Italy to the south, Hungary and Slovakia to the east, and
Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west. Austria has around 84,000 square kilometers land area,
and most of them is mountainous because of Alps. The capital and largest city is Vienna, a
population of more than 1.7 million. Austria is a highly developed capitalist country, is one of the
richest countries in the world today, with per heads GDP of $45,560, and human development index
in 2014 ranked 21st in the world. Official language of the country is German and 79 percent of the
residents are Catholic.
.2 Background
Austria's predecessor is the Austro–Hungarian Empire. The Austro–Hungarian Empire was the one
of five traditional European big power. Its most famous thing in history is the crown prince
archduke Ferdinand Mafia was assassinated, which triggered the First World War. The Austro–
Hungarian Empire belongs to allied camps during the war, the Allies finally defeat in 1918. During
the war, the country had unprecedented political turbulence, and finally disintegrated, divided into
several countries.
In 1945, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, Austria occupied by Allies and the Soviet. Austria
announced to become a country until it signed national treaty in 1955. After
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Macroeconomic Comparison Between Spain And Austria
2 Executive Summary
This case study will present a Macroeconomic comparison between Spain and Austria, of four
important factors present in both countries: economies policies, infla–tion/unemployment, GDP
growth and interest rate/public debt ratio.
For each section in the following report, there will be an evaluative analysis of the per–formance of
each country and as well a comparison.
3 Introduction
3.1 Austria
Austria is member of the European Union since 1995 and entered the Euro Zone in 1999. The
Republic of Austria's economic strategy concerning fiscal and economy policy is to obtain
sustainable economic growth and a high level of employment. That is why they are aiming for a
structurally balanced budget and to reduce the ... Show more content on ...
Focussing on the development from 2011 on, the first half of 2011 is marked of economic recovery,
supported by market regulations like "Basel III" and the OeNB supplying large amounts of long–
term liquidity, leading to a decreasing unemployment rate. In the second half of the year geopolitical
tensions like an earthquake in Japan, growth in debt in several Euro countries, tensions in the bond
and interbank market led to uncertainty in the global financial markets which negatively influenced
the Austrian labour market pushing the unemployment rate on a level of 4.3%.
2012 is considered to be a year of economic slowdown. Decreasing exports, less domestic
investments and consumption led to less demand for la–bour and increased the unemployment rate
from 4.0% to 5.0%.
In 2013 a slight increase of the Austrian economy can be spotted inter alia in increasing domestic
consumption. On the other hand more foreign workers are entering the Austrian labour market due
to worse situations in their home countries, making the unemployment rate rise to 5.6%.
The upcoming years 2014 and 2015 are marked by slow economic growth and an ongoing increase
of the Austrian labour force leading the unem–ployment rate to settle down around 5.6%. Figure 2 –
Inflation rate measured by CPI (%) of Austria 2011–2015
In 1958, A. W. Phillips
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The Four Main Causes Of World War One
World War 1 was very tragic, there were many deaths and many changes. What was the cause of
WW1? You might wonder. The four main causes of World War 1 are nationalism, imperialism,
militarism, and alliances. They had a very positive attitude in going into the war. The soldiers were
19–20 years old. They were very well educated and were from middle class. This was was the first
war in which women were allowed to fight. Out of the four main causes of World War 1,
nationalism was the main cause. Nationalism is when you take extreme pride in your homeland.
This had became a powerful idea in Europe by the late 1800's. Nationalists place primary emphasis
on promoting their homelands cultures and interests above those of other countries. Nationalism was
also one of the reasons behind the tension among European powers. Each nation were competitors,
so many people were willing to go to war to expand their nation as the expense for others. About
Austria–Hungary's Ultimatum to Serbia, Austria–Hungary invaded Serbia, and then accused Serbia
of terrorism and murdering.(Doc 2). This shows nationalism because Austria invaded and then
accused Sebia of terrorizing and murdering, Austria doesnt wanna seem like the bad one, he wants
to be seen as better, or the victim. Imperialism is the fight for colonies. The European powers
wanted China, and so did Japan so this led to everyone fighting, imperialism. In document two there
is an image, it shows European powers and Japan splitting up china
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What Was The Triple Alliance In 1914
It is human nature for people to look back at past events in retrospection, wondering if the outcome
would have changed if a decision was made differently. World War I, or the war to end all wars,
began in the summer of 1914, but it was the events leading up to it, such as the creation of alliances,
which decided the fate of the war. Alliances are formal military or political agreements between
countries, which state that the will back the other country in the event of an attack, either financially
or through declaring war. Mamy alliances were made prior to the start of World War I, and as a
result, all European countries, including central powers, were conjoined. These alliance systems
were the catalyst which created the momentum of World ... Show more content on
The Triple Alliance was a confidential alliance, which would militarily back the other country in the
event of a conflict. Germany was the strongest power in the alliance, with a growing military, and a
strong economy 1. Italy was the weakest country of the alliance due to the fact that it had a very
weak army and navy, which had little funding, but it had a geographical advantage compared to
Austria and Germany, so it served as a military base 2. Austria–Hungary benefited from the alliance
because it protected them from Russia, who had conflicts with Austria in the Balkans and Bosnia 3.
Another alliance which played a prominent role in World War I, was the Triple Entente, which
consisted of Russia, France, and Great Britain. The Triple Entente was created in 1907, which like
the Triple Alliance, protect each other from attacks from a foreign country. The Triple Entente was a
very powerful alliance due to the fact that Britain had the strongest, most technologically advanced
navy, while France had a flourishing economy 4. The Triple Entente also had a geographical
advantage over the Triple Alliance, since it had the ability to attack the Triple Alliance on either
side. Tom
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World War One (Or The Great War (WWI)
World War One, otherwise known as the great war because of its ghastliness, started in July 28,
1914. The war was started because of raising tension in Europe, imperialism, militarism, and
nationalism all added to the growing tension. Conflict escalated after the assassination of Franz
Ferdinand, the archduke of Austria–Hungary, committed by Serbs, caused Austria–Hungary to
declare war on Serbia. This created a chain reaction of nations joining the war because of the allie
system. Because of the allie system, Germany and the Ottoman Empire joined to support Austria–
Hungary which was called the Allied Powers, and France, Russia, and Great Britain joined in
support of Serbia, called the Central Powers.. Eventually by 1917, the United States decided
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How Did World War 1 Contribute To The Balance Of Power Theory
World War I saw the nations involved rallied into two major alliances in order to curb German's
increasing power. It is evident that German amassing too much power poses a threat to the security
of its counterparts in an anarchic system. As a result, other countries were willing to use various
means not only to mitigate the risks but also maintain their independence in the world's political
structure. The balance of power theory focuses on how countries can achieve a balance and
international order. The causes of World War one can be attributed to the balance of power
mechanisms used by the countries involved.
The balance of power theory is viewed as critical policy in the handling of international relations. To
fully comprehend how the balance ... Show more content on ...
Most importantly, these reasons revolve around concepts such as the states are secure when none of
them is too powerful. The strategies used by the theory are clearly reflected amongst the causes of
World War One. Besides, European empires formed military alliances to strengthen their defense;
hence achieving equality in military capabilities as compared to the powerful rivals. The arms race
witnessed in Europe was a strategy used by countries to ensure they are not left behind as being
equal to their counterparts. The acquisition of colonies also seeks to progress the economies of
European empires. Finally, nationalism provides a means by which people could achieve self–rule to
avoid other nations taking control over them. All the above causes were designed to achieve
harmonization of European empires' economies and
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How Did Bismarck Create Tension Between The Mongolian And...
Bhole, 1
Tanvi Bhole
Ms. Sanyigo
Honors U.S. History – 1B
4 October 2014 Pre – WWI Questions 1. The foreign policies of Bismarck were very strategic and
peaceful. Bismarck prevented bloodshed by creating the League of the Three Emperors. This was an
alliance between three monarchies, which were Germany, Russia and Austria–Hungary. He saw this
as "a means to isolate France and preserve both peace and conservative status quo" (Tucker). If he
did not take this action, then France could have used Russia and Austria–Hungary as allies. This
would make France more powerful than Germany militarily. The League of The Three Emperors
eventually disbanded because of conflicts between Russia and Austria–Hungary. So, Bismarck
created the Reinsurance ... Show more content on ...
The Austrian and Hungarian monarchies combined to form a dual monarchy. They agreed that they
would have the same foreign policies, currency, and army. However, they each had different laws
concerning domestic issues. (Roman)
Did the Austro–Hungarian Empire have good relations with the Russian and German empires?
They didn't have a good relationship with the Russians. This is demonstrated in the League of The
Three Emperors, which ended because of tension between the Austrian and Russian empire.
However, they had good relations with Germans because they had an alliance with them. This was
called the Dual Alliance of 1879 and it was formed because they had a common enemy of France.
How did this empire unite when there were so many different ethnic groups?
The citizens of Austria Hungary didn't have much in common socially and religiously. However,
they had the same army, foreign policies and currency.
Were there any conflicts between the different ethnic groups?
Yes, there were a few small conflicts when deciding what the language taught in schools should be.
While the government forced schools to teach Hungarian, other ethnic groups living in Austria–
Hungary had a problem with
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Government Spending On Economic Performance Essay
Government spending and its influences on economic growth is a hotly debated issues among
professionals. Policymakers are divided between whether an economy can expand or is stripped of
its potential to grow as government spending increase. Spending on for example infrastructure and
defense are constructive, many economists question that public spending has decreasing marginal
benefits and lead to crowding out of the the private sector. Supporters of larger government
spending claim that government programs offer valuable public goods such as education and
infrastructure which would not work efficiently if they were privately owned. Furthermore, an
argument advocates use is that in government spending can boost economic growth by putting
money into people 's pockets. Proponents of smaller government have the opposite view. They argue
that governments which are too big destabilize economic growth by not allocating resources to the
most efficient user and take away from the productive sector of the economy to government. This
paper evaluates the influence of government spending on economic performance. It examines the
theoretical arguments, reviews evidence and highlights the latest academic research.
Vienna, the capital of Austria has been named world 's top city for quality of life for six consecutive
years. The consulting firm Mercer conducts a yearly survey to help firms and organizations
determine a reasonable payment and hardship allowances for
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Why World War I Began
There is no cut and dry answer why WWI began. It seems like all of the countries were acting as if
they were a group of teenage girls in high school gossiping about one another and doing antagonistic
things to badger each other to make themselves feel better due to their own insecurities. It could be
argued many ways why WWI started but I believe that it was brought upon by grudges that were
held over a long period of time, until, "the straw that broke the camel's back", which was the
assassination of the Archduke France Ferdinand. With support from Germany's blank check,
Austria–Hungary secured a bond with Germany that led to Franz Joseph signing his declaration of
war on Serbia. With tensions building between the two countries, prior to the assassination, there
were definitely things that had been boiling under the surface. The responsibility of WWI does not
lie on one country; all participants played a role in its beginning whether it was direct or indirect.
Many tensions were building up throughout Europe. Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism are
reasons that led to WWI among others. Imperialism is unequally and forcefully taking over another
country which is what many countries were doing before WWI. Europeans started taking over small
countries just for the resources and power. Nationalism was developed and it created a dedication
and devotion between an individual and there country. Individuals began to have pride of their
country along with patriotism. This
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The Great War : World War I
The Great War: World War I World War I, otherwise known as the Great War, began as a small battle
that eventually developed into a prodigious uproar between several countries. WWI's beginnings are
controversial and historians throughout the world have several theories about the destructive event.
Said to be one of the most disastrous and ruinous struggles between nations, The Great War lasted
from July 1914 until November 1918. Referred to as a World War because of the global participation
and the international unsettle; this war was exacerbated by 7 million casualties. World War I
introduced modern technologies including weaponry and nuclear machinery from opposing forces
known as Central Powers against the Allied powers. To begin World War I's outbreak is said to be
contributed to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, a potential heir to the throne of the
Austria–Hungary Empire. The Black Hand group of Serbia was responsible for the assassination.
The Austrian Government initially after Archduke Ferdinand's death chose to give Serbia an
ultimatum. The Serbians were given the option to surrender their independence to Austria or go to
war. Serbia chose war. This particular unsettle would lead to a chain of events causing the First
World War to begin less than a month later. The battle initially involved several countries in Europe
and the conflict had potential to become a European War.
While many countries formerly chose to stay neutral to the turn of event,
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The Effects Of Climate Change On The Country
Climate change is one of the biggest issues in the world currently. Carbon emissions since the start
of the industrial revolution have caused the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere to increase, thus
causing temperatures to rise and the climate to change. These changes in climate are going to have
differing effects according to the country. In this essay, the impacts of climate change and possible
adaptions to it will be explored for the countries Austria and Guatemala.
Background info
Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is located around 47 degrees north of the
equator and is 83,871 sq km. Austria has a temperate climate with cold winters where rain is
frequent and a moderate summer with occasional showers. The west and south of the country is a
mountainous region, whilst the east and north are mostly flat plains. In 2015 Austria had a GDP of
$404.3 billion, with 4% of the population living below the poverty line. Austria's main exports are
machinery and equipment, cars, oil and gas and chemicals. (ref CIA)
Guatemala is a coastal country in Central America. It is around 16 degrees north of the equator and
around 108,889 sq km. Guatemala has a tropical climate which is hot and humid in low lying areas
and cooler in higher altitudes. Guatemala in mostly a mountainous country, but with narrow flat
plains surrounding the coast. In 2015 Guatemala had a GDP of $125.9 billion, with 59.3% of the
population living below the poverty line. The main
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Bismarck And Kaiser Wilhelm 's Foreign Policy
Maya Epstein Mr. LeRoy Honors History 1 21 October 2015 1. Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm were
two German officials around the time of world war one. They both had foreign policies and they
were both pretty different. Bismarck's foreign policy had many aims. One of the aims was to leave
territorial expansion behind. He unified Germany and to do so had to incorporate many other states
into Prussia. He was also very much in favor of peace instead of war. He also never tried to
strengthen the naval forces of Germany especially not to ruin the relationship with England. Next,
he decided to keep France isolated as well as friendless so that could not start a war as revenge. He
also focused on Germany 's relationship with Austria and Russia. He also distrusted Italy. Kaiser
Wilhelm's foreign policy differed from Bismarck's in many ways. Whereas Bismarck did things
based on logic Kaiser Wilhelm did things more based on emotion. This resulted in incoherence and
inconsistency in the German relations with other nations. He wanted an empire that could rival the
size of the british. He also managed to alienate the English by aggressively expanding the navy. He
was more aggressive and wanted Germany to be the best. Their decisions were significant to World
War one in many ways. One of the ways was it fueled European tension prior to the war. The
different countries did not like some the things either of the leaders were doing, and that did not help
much. Also, because of the already
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Germany 's Experience On A German Based Carrier
This was my first opportunity to visit Europe and experience a completely different culture. My
learnings began as soon as I boarded the plane for my non–stop flight to Munich on the German
based Lufthansa airlines. The experience on a German based carrier was unlike anything I had
experienced on the American based airlines I had flown in the past. The crew were incredibly
hospitable and made sure that everyone was taken care of from take–off to landing. Everything on
the flight was included, entertainment, on demand movies, full hot meals and beverages. Even
though I was flying coach in a small seat with limited space, the German airline really made me feel
like a valued customer. This kind of hospitality continued ... Show more content on
In addition there is a 5.5 percent solidarity surtax. This brings to the tax burden to 16.7 percent of
the German GDP. With the government taking in these tax dollars the German government spends
approximately 44.3% of the GDP. Most importantly Germany's budget currently enjoys a surplus.
( This is in sharp contrast to the United States
which has one of the highest corporate tax rates, currently topping out at 35%, while the United
States only spends 39% of the GDP. ( This
comparison puts clearly into focus why this is such a major point of interest in the current election.
It appears that the cost of being in business in Germany is less than the United States and therefore
makes them more competitive. I have seen this to be true in the amount of United States companies
that have tried to relocate their headquarters to European countries to enjoy the corporate tax
Germany is a very strong country and is a leader in the economic and business environment. They
have spent their energy working to innovate create new technologies. They focus on their people as
a key asset and ensure they are trained and are a valuable element in the global work force.
(–growth/germany/). This is clearly seen in the precision
and skill of the processes and work force at the
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The Rise Of The Roman Empire
Austria in the beginning was settled in ancient times in central Europe and occupied by several
Celtic tribes in pre–Roman times. The land was claimed by the Roman Empire once the Celtic tribe
Noricum fell to the Empire and became a providence. Once the Roman Empire gained control of the
area, it soon set up a Military camp on the eastern side of the providence calling it the Upper
Pannonia providence which was the home for 50,000 people for nearly 400 years. After the fall of
the Roman Empire; Charlemagne, King of the Franks, had control of the land at around 788AD. The
name of the country Austria was first recorded in history in 966AD or also known as The Republic
of Austria in which is the formal name. The people of Austria are referred to as Austrians because of
the history Austria being applied to the 17th and 18th century when the land was associated as
Habsburg Austria. The Official language in Austria is German and has a population of 8.61 million
people with having a birth rate (9.41/1000) and having a death rate (9.42/1000) which the country
has a 0.55% of growth in the population ranking it 153rd in the world. (Census.gov2016) The
average age in Austria is 43.6 years along with a life expectancy of 81.39 years, and the ratio for
male and female is about equal at 0.96%. Austria overall is not a big country; in fact, the country is
about the size of South Carolina having major cities which include Schrems, Fischamend, Linz,
Lambach, Salsburg, Bludenz, Feldkirch,
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The Most Famous Pieces Of Music
Introduction Austria is a very beautiful place with kind people and a very good history in music. It is
often known as the music capital because of the musical geniuses who have worked there including
Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss(biography). Some of the most famous pieces of music were written
in Austria including Silent Night and Edelweiss. Austria is located on Europe and its capital is
Vienna(Austria). Austria has one of the most stable economies in Europe. Austria has unique
qualities such as its geography, history, culture, economy, and its current events.
Geography, Climate, and Location The climate, geography, and location in Austria is unique. In the
East, there are hot summers and moderately cold winters. In the alpine region, ... Show more content
on ...
She was an archduchess, and a Holy Roman Empress. Joseph ii was another important leader. He
was also a Holy Roman Emperor who tried to strengthen the Habsburg empire with his enlightened
reforms but his people opposed his changes very fiercely(biography). Austria had multiple big wars
but one of the wars they fought in was the war of the Austrian succession. It began on August 16,
1740. Frederick ii of Prussia invaded Silesia, one of Habsburg's richest provinces. His armies
defeated the Austrians at Mollwitz in April 1441 and overran Silesia. This proved what the other
European countries believed, that Silesia could not defend themselves. This ensured that the war
would become general. Within a month, France had constructed an alliance with Bavaria and Spain
and, later, with Saxony and Prussia against Austria. Maria Theresa derived her main support from
Britain fearing that if France took Hegemony in Europe, the British colonial and commercial empire
would be unsupportable(britannica). Austria declared independence by concluding the Austrian
State Treaty with the Four Occupying Powers.
Austria has a very kind culture. They have nice holidays, they have a functioning government, and
they have good food. Some major holidays in Austria are Three Kings day, Easter, All Saints Day,
St. Nicholas day, and Christmas. Three King's day is a celebration that most Christians celebrate but
only a few German states and Austria.
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World War 1 Dbq Essay
In the beginning of the 1900s, was World War one. This war lasted for about four years from 1914 to
1918. During this time, there were different events that led to this war taking place. From these
events that led up to the war, there were impacts from the war on the United States. For example, a
couple events that led up to WWI was when Austria–Hungary declared war on Serbia for the
assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Furthermore, there was an impact on the United States
during this time and it was a disease that had no cure to it which led to many Americans dying
during this war.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was the future heir for Austria–Hungary, was
one of the events that led to WWI. In document 4, it ... Show more content on ...
Due to the war, the worker's wages decreased because of the money needed to make weapons and
thrive during the war. As many worker's understood this, they hoped that after the war was over,
they thought that their wages would then increase again since the war is over. After the war, their
wages stayed the same and did not increase back. This would have an impact on the United States
because the workers probably don't get a lot of money to start with and when they had their wages
decreased they probably didn't have a lot of money that they need to support for their family
(Document 8). Also, the Treaty of Versailles which was signed after World War 1 had been expanded
into a more substantial body which is the United Nations. The United Nations was formed from the
Treaty of Versailles and it consists of most countries around the world. The UN was created
specifically to promote peace among its 193 member in securing peace and stability around the
world. In addition, politically, the war had led to the downfall of most European monarchies. For
instance, the Austria–Hungary empire and other imperial dynasties were diminished due to the war.
Economically, the war severely disrupted the European economies and allowed the United States to
become the world's superpower. Therefore, the 'great' World War 1 had a tremendous impact on our
world till
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The Impact Of Franz Ferdinand 's Assassination On World War I
In 1914 Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian Black Hand, assassinated Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, heir to the Austro–Hungarian Empire, instigating an immediate cause of World War I. As
the third largest European power by area, the Empire was a powerful presence leading up to World
War I, with a population of over fifty million people and an army of 400,000 soldiers. The conflicts
among European powers and the disorder in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th centuries led to a
situation in which Franz Ferdinand's assassination proved to be the tipping point in the fragile
relationship between Austria–Hungary and the South Slav nationalities that threatened the Empire
both internally and externally. His death caused a costly war in terms of both lives and the economy
in the South Slav region and further undermined the stability of Serbia. Princip assassinated the heir
to the throne in an attempt to spark a revolution that would result in Slavic independence from
Austria–Hungary. However, before his death, Franz Ferdinand supported economic development for
Slavs within the Austro–Hungarian Empire and favored more equal measures toward the South Slav
nationalities. Thus, Franz Ferdinand had served as a roadblock to the extreme militant wing within
Austria–Hungary. With the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Serbian extremists damaged the
opportunity for more moderate Slavic peoples within Austria–Hungary to achieve greater autonomy
under Austro–Hungarian rule since Ferdinand
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Blood and Iron
Blood and Iron – The Main Factors in the Unification of Germany
The unification of Germany was not just a matter of the signing a document stating that the many
states had become one country. There were problems such as varying languages, currencies, and
ethnic minorities to name a few. In the end however one country, Germany was the states as one but
how was it unified? 'Coal and iron' refers to economic ties unifying Germany and 'blood and iron'
refers to the unification of Germany through force. The role of Bismarck in the unification of
Germany was also a key factor however, if he was to be put in one category for having unified
Germany 'coal and iron' or 'blood and iron' he would be put into ... Show more content on ...
Many of the smaller surrounding states saw the successes of the customs union and so decided to
join themselves. From then on many large states joined. The customs union became known as the
The Zollverein was a great success and was a large step to the unification of Germany. The systems
of weights and measures was homogenised within the states of the Zollverein. The major differences
between the states were now becoming not so apparent. Due to the abolition of customs barriers and
the currency no longer varying from each state trade increased between the countries. This did not
occur however without the help of the railways. Lines were extended throughout the states of the
Zollverein. Because of this, delegates were able to travel quickly and efficiently to other states to
agree trade treaties. Communication between the states increased greatly and now not only were
economic barriers broken down but also physical ones. Communication to enable unity increased
greatly through the railways. One economist described the railway network as 'the firm girdle
around the loins of Germany binding her limbs together into a forceful and powerful body'.
The Zollverein also aided in the unification of Germany as it increased feelings of 'one country' in
other words, nationalism. The railways helped with the spread of German press. Now
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Analysis And Appraisal Of The Textiles And Clothing Industry
This report provides an analysis and appraisal of the textiles and clothing industry in Vienna, Austria
and the importance of this industry as in moves towards the future. The report is representative of an
industry perspective whereby taking into consideration the macroeconomic and microeconomic
forces driving the textiles and clothing industry.
Key findings suggest that the future of the Austrian textiles and clothing industry is somewhat bleak
in conjunction with ongoing structural problems. In spite of this, the textiles and clothing industry is
open to innovation and new technologies through research and development into organic materials
and nanotechnology. Furthermore, many international brands such as 'Hennes & Mauritz (H&M)
GesmbH', 'C&A Mode GesmbH & Co KG' and 'Leder & Schuh International AG' have prospered
and will continue to dominate the Austrian market in the future.
The report will also delve closely on the PESTLE environment along with consideration of Porter's
Five Forces to determine the future of the textiles and clothing industry in Vienna, Austria.
The last couple of decades have seen the textiles and clothing industry within Vienna, Austria evolve
and change significantly, and despite being a moderately small sector encompassing small and
medium–sized enterprises, the textiles and clothing industry still plays an integral part towards the
Austrian economy. In 2013, the Austrian textiles and clothing industry ranked 10th overall as a
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The Most Famous Pieces Of Music
Austria Research Paper
Austria is a very beautiful place with kind people and a very good history in music. It is often
known as the music capital because of the musical geniuses who have worked there, including
Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss(biography). Some of the most famous pieces of music were written
in Austria including Silent Night and Edelweiss. Austria is located in Europe and its capital is
Vienna(Austria). Austria has one of the most stable economies in Europe. Austria has unique
qualities such as its geography, history, culture, economy, and its current events.
Geography, Climate, and Location The climate, geography, and location in Austria is unique. In the
East, there are hot summers and moderately cold ... Show more content on ...
She was an archduchess, and a Holy Roman Empress. Joseph II was another important leader. He
was also a Holy Roman Emperor who tried to strengthen the Habsburg empire with his enlightened
reforms, but his people opposed his changes very fiercely(biography). Austria had multiple big wars,
but one of the wars they fought in was the war of the Austrian succession. It began on August 16,
1740. Frederick II of Prussia invaded Silesia, one of Habsburg's richest provinces. His armies
defeated the Austrians at Mollwitz in April 1441 and overran Silesia. This proved what the other
European countries believed, that Silesia could not defend themselves. This ensured that the war
would become general. Within a month, France had constructed an alliance with Bavaria and Spain
and, later, with Saxony and Prussia against Austria. Maria Theresa derived her main support from
Britain fearing that if France took Hegemony in Europe, the British colonial and commercial empire
would be insupportable(britannica). Austria declared independence by concluding the Austrian State
Treaty with the Four Occupying Powers.
Austria have a very kind culture. They have nice holidays, they have a functioning government, and
they have good food. Some major holidays in Austria are Three Kings day, Easter, All Saints Day,
St. Nicholas day, and Christmas. Three King's day is a celebration that most Christians celebrate, but
only a
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Austria Research Paper
Rough Draft
As indicated by the map above, more than half of Austria is covered in mountains due to its location
around the Alps. The three longest rivers are the Danube, Rhine, and Drava. A relatively small
country, Austria is 83,858 square kilometers, which is about the size of South Carolina in the United
States. Austria also has lots of forests, such as: oak and beech, and fir and beech, thus making it one
of the most heavily wooded areas in Europe. The fauna in Austria is mainly central European,
including species of deer, stag, rabbit, pheasant, fox, badger, marten and partridge. The alpine flora
is colorful and diverse, with the edelweiss, gentian, alpine carnation, arnica, alpine rose, heather and
much more. One sixth of Austria's ... Show more content on ...
Coffee drinking is a major part of daily life in Austria, and it is common practice to visit a
coffeehouse with friends to socialize. There are many lavishly adorned coffeehouses in Austria to
take advantage of the booming coffee industry. Austria is credited in introducing coffee to Europe
from an old legend that told how bags of coffee beans were left behind by the retreating Turkish
army after the Battle of Vienna in 1683.. Austrian cuisine also consists of dishes such as Wiener
Schnitzel, Käsekrainer Sausage, and Sachertorte a chocolate cake with apricot jam filling. Music has
been a large part of the culture and history of Austria. There are many music festivals throughout the
year, and Austria is home to the Vienna Boy's Choir, a group of altos and treble voices that have
been performing since 1498, making it one of the oldest and best known boys' choirs in the world.
Unique to Switzerland, Southern Germany, Alsace, a region in France, and Vorarlberg, the
westernmost state in Austria, is the celebration of Fasnacht. Also known as the Shrovetide carnival,
this tradition stemmed from the belief that during this time of the year, the winter spirits are hunted
and expelled (this procession dates back to 1296). Nowadays, the exuberant carnival is only
celebrated every 3–5 years. Typically, the town must dedicate months to setting up
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Essay about Australian Economy Post World War I
It has been argued that after World War 1, Australia gained more than it lost. Even though there were
many lives lost during the war, these losses didn't hold Australia back as a country. Australia was
fortunate enough to come out of the war with more than they put into the war. Some of these gains
are – There economy boomed, the relationship between Australia and Britain was stronger, the
women replaced the men's jobs, many immigrants were encouraged to migrate to Australia.
Although Australia gained many things they still lost a lot. These were things such as Australia spent
a lot of money, they lost many troops and lost trade with Germany. Although Australia lost some
things, they were outweighed by the things they ... Show more content on ...
During the war the British soldiers looked up to the Australian soldiers because of their spirit. The
Australian soldiers also looked up to the British soldiers and called England the Mother Country.
Also the Australians liked to call themselves British. Lastly Britain bought a lot of Australia's wheat
to commemorate their war effort
Body paragraph 3
What did all the women do during the war?
With half a million men away at war, leaving their day to day jobs, who replaced the the workers?
The women did. Women replaced the men's jobs such as munitions factory workers, sewing
bandages, and selling war bonds, shipyards and spies. This is good because before the war women
were unimportant and were only aloud in the kitchen The only negative about the women working
in the men's jobs was they didn't get paid as much as the men. The number of women in the
workforce rose from 24% to 37%. This is close to 500,000 women to close to one million women.
This says that in the workforce, women rose in a total of 500,000.
Body paragraph 4
Why did all the immigrants settle to Australia?
With the already little population of 5 million Australian people and the loss of 300,000 men, this
should have been a dark time, but to make up on that loss Australia received 300,000 migrants.
These Migrants came from Britain. As there was a large amount of unemployment the British
government encouraged the people of britain to migrate to Australia. Also the
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How Did World War 1 Start Essay
The world's first global war. The "Great War" created conflict with the Central Powers of Germany,
Austria–Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against the Allied forces of Great Britain, the United
States, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. World War one was the beginning of modernized technology
to warfare. Modernized warfare resulted mass destruction and a lot of deaths. With more than 9
million soldiers killed by the end of the war in November 1918. How was World war one started?
Did it start because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo? knowing they
had to contain Germany before Berlin upset the power balance on the Continent? Was it the
Russians–after all, didn't they support the Serbs and mobilize their troops before Germany ... Show
more content on ...
Princip belonged to a group called the Black Hand, who wanted Serbia to be independent from
Austria Hungary. Austria Hungary demanded that Serbia was to pay for responsible of the
assassination. When Serbia didn't comply, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. Since Serbia
was an ally of the Allied Powers, the Allied Powers declared war on Austria Hungary. This, in effect,
meant a declaration of war against the Central Powers. Ferdinand's assassination started a chain
reaction that led to both powers declaring war on each other. The second cause was a lot of
militarism in World War One.Dictators and military elites had too much control over Russia,
Germany and Austria and the war was one consequence of their desire for military power. Britain's
Navy was stronger if we went by how many people were in the navy, ships and carrying capacity
than both Germany and Austria Hungary's navies combined. Since aristocrats in Germany and
Austria Hungary knew they were losing the arms race, they decided the best way to catch up to
Britain's Navy was to declare war. Economic imperialism is the third cause of World War One. Great
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World War 1 Research Paper
World War I was sparked by the assassination of Archduke of Austria Hungary, Franz Ferdinand.
Gavrilo Princip, A member of the terroristic group, The Black hand, is responsible for the death of
the Archduke, and his wife. With this happening, almost immediately Austria– Hungary wants to
declare war on Serbia, where his death happened. Allies of each country go to defend one another,
with Russia moving in to defend Serbia, and Germany moving in to help Austria–Hungary. France
moves to help Russia, and July 28, 1914, is when Austria–Hungary pulls the trigger, and goes to war
with Serbia. Each country has their allies defending them, and battling on the other side.
This impacts the US greatly, as when they join the war to assist their allies, the soldiers, and
Americans get infected with the influenza flu, and 20–50 million people die worldwide, and 550,000
Americans die alone. It infected 28% of all Americans. Half of the US soldiers in Europe died to the
influenza virus itself, they didn't get to the enemy. The flu did all the work for the enemies of the
US, the pandemic killed them ... Show more content on ...
After all of the havoc of the US getting in the business of their allies and a cold, hard fought war.
They decide to put out something that Woodrow Wilson believes will change the world, The League
of Nations. An idea that will bring world peace, except for the fact that the US is not going to get
involved, they're going to stay out of it. The US after learning of the destruction and cost of World
War I, did not want the United States to become entangled in another European conflict which could
lead to another devastating war. Which leads them to their first order of business, and that is to be
isolated from the rest of the world. With them being isolated, they lost out on tons of trade, and
made the Open Door Policy useless, and trade was only happening inside of the US, which was a
positive, but also a
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World War 1 Cause And Effect Essay
World War I started as a local war between Austria–Hungary and Serbia in 1914. It escalated into a
war that involved 32 countries. The participants in the war were Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and
the United States. These countries fought against the Central Powers which included Germany,
Austria–Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
The immediate cause of World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria–
Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian–nationalist terrorist group called The Black Hand sent groups of
people to go and kill the Archduke. The first attempt to assassinate the Archduke failed when
someone threw a grenade at the car the Archduke was in, but the grenade bounced off the car and
landed in a crowd of people, killing multiple civilians. Later that day, a Serbian nationalist named
Gavrilo Princip assassinated the Archduke and his wife while they were in Sarajevo, Bosnia which
was part of Austria–Hungary. This assassination led to Austria–Hungary declaring war on Serbia.
After that, Russia began to mobilize because of its alliance with Serbia, Germany then declared war
on Russia. Then began the development of the war to include all of the countries that were involved
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Unlike in Europe, our factories and homes weren't destroyed. Productivity, manufacturing, and
efficiency had increased during the Great War. America emerged as a world industrial leader and the
US economy was booming, which led to the period in American history called the Roaring
Twenties. On the negative side, a lot of companies and corporations started to reduce and started to
lay off workers to keep the operating costs low. In 1919, massive waves of strikes and protests
happened. Competition for jobs led to racial unrest and race riots bred hatred and suspicion which
spilled over into the fear of
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U.s. Honors Pre Wwi Homework
Ria Anand
Mr. LeRoy
US History Honors 4A
23 October 2015
U.S. Honors Pre–WWI Homework
1. After expanding his territory, people regarded Otto Van Bismarck as someone who was great with
expansion, but he refused to take part in any more wars so as not to shatter his land, and because he
preferred peace over war. He did not want to establish a naval force because he considered himself
to be a hero on land, and he did not want to have a bitter relationship with England. Additionally,
after conquering Alsace and Lorraine from France, Bismarck knew that France would be plotting to
get him back, so he wanted to isolate France from having any allies in order to keep them from
revolting against Germany. He did this by becoming friends with other ... Show more content on ...
However, because Germany was already such a powerful country, the other countries became scared
of the fact that if Germany was powerful on land and sea, they would be unbeatable. They saw
Germany's naval force as a threat. ("German").
The decisions of Bismarck and Wilhelm were significant to World War I because each of their
methods were so different. While maintaining most of the same goals, their approach to solving
these methods caused World War I. For example, Wilhelm's attempt to isolate France did not go as
well as he had hoped and gave a completely opposite effect than what he was aiming for, as well as
angering the other countries. His fumble in Morocco caused him to gain more foes and give France
more allies, as well as give him a bad reputation. Additionally, by adding a naval force, he came off
as a threat to the other countries. Bismarck did not want to establish a naval force, but Wilhelm's
thirst for power blinded him to make inadequate decisions. People began to develop a distrust and
fear of Germany, which was what Bismarck worked to prevent ("German"). Bismarck's and
Wilhelm's decisions on foreign policy and its execution were some of the key factors that lead to this
war. Who they chose to become allies with, and who they caused others to become allies with was
one of the major causes of World War I (Dobbs).
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Evil nationalism in total war
During 1914, the entire Europe was a powder keg filled not with gunpowder, but pride. Finally, it
blew up with the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand in the 28th of June. While
Franz Ferdinand was on his way to examine Serbia, he was assassinated by the Serbian nationalist
(Sowards). In response to this action, Austrian angrily announced an ultimatum to Serbia, which
strictly demanded Serbia to end all anti–Austrian agitation and punish any Serbian official whoever
involved in the murder plot. However, the refusal of the demand gives many extreme nations like
Germany an opportunity to show and test their army. Meanwhile, nations like Germany has a very
strong nationalism thinking in their mind, which helped them to ... Show more content on ...
Overall, although nationalism improves Britain's navy and industrialization, it also damaged
Britain's economy, which after the war Britain was suffering for restoring economy and repair war
Although nationalism is the major causes for the beginning of the World War I, some people think
that nationalism has no connection to it. Many people think that the start of World War I is causes by
Austria wanting to take revenge on the Serbian and therefore send massive troops to the front line a
fought Serbian. However, without nationalism in Serbia, the Austrian archduke would never be
assassinated and as a result Austria has no reason to declared war on Serbia. In the process of World
War I turning into total war, many people think that it turn into a total war is the war stuck in the
stalemate for many years and both sides of the alliance wants to end the war as soon as possible, as a
result, put all their effort into the war. However, if nationalism in Russia never felt having
responsibilities on helping Serbia, the war won't even turn into a global war that evolved many
power in Europe. Also, without nationalism in Russia, she won't mobilized that much of forces to
the front line and therefore other nations don't need to mobilized the same amount of the troops to
either defend or defeat them. As a result, without nationalism, the war will not stuck in a stalemate
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Pros And Cons Of The Treaty Of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles
In January,1919 the allied leaders attended a peace conference to discuss about the peace terms they
would offer to the central power in Paris. Twenty–seven victorious Allied powers were present, but
the meetings were dominated by the 'Winners', Britain, France and USA. Russia was not summoned
because she was not trusted after the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 and had already
made peace with Germany. The treaty was crafted so that Germany would be disabled and it
wouldn't restart another war and the country was severely treated as her most worthy assets were
taken. The stipulations of the treaty were categorized into three groups: Territorial, Military and
Financial and economic. Germany was coerced by the war ... Show more content on
During World War One, Bulgaria was an ally of Germany and the big three were not made to either
be understanding or open–handed to Bulgaria. Like Germany and Austria, as other settlements after
the war, Bulgaria was required to shrink its army and pay restitutions. Following the treaty of
Neuilly, the Bulgarian Army was limited to just 20,000 men and was ordered to pay reparations of
£400 million. Under the articles, Thrace (a geographical and historical area in southeast Europe,
now split between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey) was granted to Greece.
What's more, Bugalria lost its admission to the Aegean Sea, which it had achieved in 1913 in the
first Balkan war. The newly formed kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Kingdom of
Yugoslavia after 1929) stretched its eastern borders and gained the Macedonian territory. Southern
Doruja was also lost to Romania.
This treaty was not effective because Bulgaria did not follow it through until 75% was decreased
from it. Upon learning of the terms of the Treaty of Neuilly, the Bulgarian people were furious.
However, they were powerless and couldn't do anything to change the conditions. When World War
Two broke out, Bulgaria sided with Nazi Germany and regained all the land taken from her by the
Treaty of Neuilly. By the time World War Two ended, Bulgaria's effective independence also
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The War That Didn 't End All Wars
Four years, three months and two weeks later, in 1918, the global series of destructive events,
known as World War 1, that had begun when Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz
Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne of Austria–Hungary finally came to an end. Resulting in the
victory of the allied forces, establishing a safer place for democracy for a very short period of time.
However it was not without a fight that this achievement came about, millions of troops lost their
lives to the deadly chemical weapons, tanks and other weaponry. The war had so many devastating
effects that British author H. G. Wells called it "The war to end war", which now can be seen as an
erroneous comment. In his article, "The War That Didn't End All Wars" war studies professor at
King's college London, Sir Lawrence D. Freedman, quotes George Kennan's words to describe the
war as "the great seminal catastrophe" as the Great War led to the creation of a broken
intergovernmental organization known as the League of Nation, left Germany completely destroyed
financially and contributed to the collapse of the Austrian, Turkish and Russian Empire. World War
1 did not end war; instead it not only paved the way for the biggest war in history of mankind,
World War 2, but also one of the worst genocides the world has ever seen, the Holocaust. After the
victory of the Allied forces, the Paris Peace Conference was held in Paris to evaluate the
consequences of the Central Powers. This Conference
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Essay On Causes Of World War 1
World War I There were many causes of the First World War or the Great War. Some major factors
that contributed to the war include nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and the alliance system of
countries. The war had a major impact on the US economy and its political influence in the world.
Nationalism Nationalism (as of is "a sentiment based on common cultural
characteristics that binds a population and often produces a policy of national independence or
separatism." It is what fuels the pride in a person. People who express great pride in their country
are more likely to fight for it and protect it from invaders and attacks. Nationalism unifies people
within the country but also causes great competition among other countries. Each country want to
prove that it is better than the other countries in the world. The major countries that were influenced
by the nationalistic ideas were Serbia, Russia, France, and Germany (Hart, 2014). As part of the
Pan–Slavism movement, the nationalist radicals in Russia aimed to unite the many Orthodox Slavs
inhabiting the Balkans and other lands that were controlled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire (Hart,
2014). Imperialism Imperialism was partly caused by nationalism as the countries wished to
increase their power and wanted to prove their superiority. Thus began the race to take over
territories and form colonies in parts of Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Conflicts were often created
as two countries wanted to take
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What Was The Cause Of The First World War Essay
The flapping of wings of a butterfly can cause tornadoes. Well, this certainly proved true in the early
part of the 20th century. A single event was to have catastrophic consequences – a single bullet fired
in the balmy summer of 1914 led to the deaths of millions and devastation of a scale never before
seen. The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was critical in setting off the
chain of events that led to the First World War. Not only was it a bad day for the Archduke and his
family, but also a bad day for Europe. The First World War began just a shade more than a hundred
years ago. This war remains one of the most defining conflicts of modern time and changed not only
Europe, but the entire world in many ways. Franz Ferdinand (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914)
was an Archduke of Austria–Este, Austria–Hungry and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia. He
was the heir ... Show more content on ...
Though the assassination is considered as an immediate cause of the war, several other factors were
also responsible for the war. These include include political, territorial and economic conflicts,
militarism, imperialism, the growth of nationalism, a complex web of alliances and the power
vacuum created by the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Throughout the 19th and early 20th century
the Ottoman Empire had lost land in the Balkans to the peoples living there. The great powers,
especially Russia and Austria were interested in extending their influence in the region, leading to
poor relations between them. At the same time, Slav nationalism was growing, especially in Serbia.
Russia encouraged Slav nationalism while Austria worried that this nationalism could undermine her
empire. Russia supported Serbia which was very bitter at the annexation of Bosnia by Austria and
saw herself as Serbia's
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World War I : The Treaty Of Versailles
World War 1 not only changed the landscape of Europe, but it also drastically impacted the future of
the world and subsequently, international relations. The devastating loss as a result of the Great War
urged world leaders to implement peace settlements and treaties to ensure that the World would not
bear witness to such atrocities again. The Allied powers of World War 1 were usually at the forefront
of these settlements– not only were they focused on the rebuilding of Europe and its future, but they
were also concerned about their empires and colonies across the world. It was at the Paris Peace
Conference that the attempts to restore "order" following World War 1 began, and although some of
these settlements were successful, others were not.
One could argue that the main settlement that emerged following World War 1 was the Treaty of
Versailles. Signed on the 28th June 1919, the Treaty was the brain child of the Allied powers–
France, Britain and the United States. As Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd George and Woodrow
Wilson met in the Versailles Palace, they all possessed different views regarding what the terms of
the settlement should include. Since France was destroyed as a result of the conflict, Clemenceau
was determined to avenge the loss of 2 million and the destruction of land. In regards to this, John
Jacob Rogers wrote "In 1918 and 1919 France had two dominant emotions. The one was a yearning
for complete security; the other was the insistence that she be repaid
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The Realpolitik Foreign Policy Of Otto Von Bismarck
The realpolitik foreign policy of Otto Von Bismarck contained many similarities as well as
differences when compared and contrasted to the weltpolitik foreign policy of his successor Kaiser
Wilhelm II. In 1890, Wilhelm II forced Bismarck's resignation and ascended the German throne,
leading Germany into a militaristic path, failing to maintain Germany's allies, and plunging it into
one of the most famous wars of history, World War I. Bismarck was originally an expansionist who
aimed to make Prussia a powerful part of Germany, however, by 1870, he gave up his expansionist
ideas and became content with the land that Germany already had power over. Bismarck's cautious
foreign policy favored peace over war, creating treaties and maintaining Germany's land rather than
expanding Germany by embarking in war. He sought to maintain good relations with France and
Russia and kept France isolated. Furthermore, his policy secured peace within the five major powers
of Europe by creating alliances. The Bismarckian system created allies between the other powers of
Europe, secured Germany's land, and avoided conflicts with France and Russia.
Although a few similarities can be found between Wilhelm and Bismarck's foreign policies, the
policies had major differences in their approaches and styles of execution. Wilhelm's policy posed
more of an aggressive approach and made Germany a threat to other countries as well as involved it
into conflicts. He wanted to increase Germany's prestige as a
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How Did Marie Antoinette Have A Failing Economy
Infamous queen Marie Antoinette is said to be a very misunderstood girl in history (Covington).
Marie enjoyed a life of luxury, as did many other queens did in history. But during her reign, the
country of France had a failing economy. In any country if the economy is good, people generally
believe that their leaders are great, but if the economy is bad then that's when the people starts
turning against their leaders. That poor economy that France faced had to be blamed on someone,
which were blamed on Marie Antoinette. Marie Antoinette's love of fashion has gotten her killed,
but her love has kept her alive in the world of fashion.
Marie Antoinette was the 15th child to Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and Holy Roman Emperor
Francis 1 (Castelot).
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Five Main Cause Why World War I Happen Essay

  • 1. Five Main Cause Why World War I Happen Essay World War One killed 9,906,000 soldiers, 21,219,000 soldiers got wounded and 7,750,000 soldiers were missing. It was a war between the Allied Powers, which were France, Russia, Britain, Italy and the United States, and the Central Powers, which were Germany, Austria Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. The five main causes of the war were militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and certain events that happened that lead to war (MAINE). The first cause of World War One was due to militarism. World War One was the result of too much military power. Britain had a stronger military power (Royal Navy) because it had the highest per capita expenditures. The desire for military power was high because everyone was building their armies up to ... Show more content on ... The fourth cause of World War One was nationalism. Germany did not want to take responsibility for the war, since they didn't start it, they were merely aiding Austria Hungary in their war. Germany confessing to starting the war all by themselves wouldn't be the complete truth, since it was not all their fault. They were just helping aid Austria Hungary with their pursuits on Serbia. Germany's rise to power was unsettling to many countries. Tensions rose, fear of military powers being higher than one's own became prominent. Every country involved wanted to be better than all the rest. The fifth cause of World War One was the event of an assassination. Austria Hungary demanded that Serba take action against those responsible for the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. When Serbia failed to meet these demands, Austria Hungary declared war on them. This was one of the main events that kick started World War One because soon after, Germany got involved alongside them, and Serbia's allies got involved. In conclusion, World War One was a rather eventful war, there were many things that set things in motion. The main causes of World War one were militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and certain events that turned countries against each other. World War one serves as a reminder to us that with power comes responsibility, and if used wrong, it can cause more harm than good. It also shows us that all conflict that is caused between ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Evaluating the Economy of Austria Essay Evaluating the Economy of Austria In 1995 Austria joined the European Union (EU), and in 1999 they joined the European Monetary Union. The use of a common currency the "Euro" has facilitated trade and promoted economic stability for U.S. companies to manage pricing, balance accounts, and move products into Austria and throughout the EU member nations ("globaledge", 2003). An unfavorable exchange rate for U.S. exporters turned positive in 2003 making the U.S. able to compete on more favorable terms in the near future. Current economic reforms in Austria are increasing the attractiveness of foreign investment. There are several advantages to conducting business in Austria that will be particularly relevant in the year 2004. Austria ... Show more content on ... exports could be negatively affected In 2004 the addition of four new members to the EU could create increased competition for U.S. companies In addition to the aspects of the Austrian market that affect marketing and management there are other factors that must be examined. These factors affecting whether or not to conduct business in another country include: the physical forces that affect a country economically, various economic and socioeconomic forces, sociocultural forces, and competitive and distributive forces. PHYSICAL FORCES It is vital to examine the physical forces of a country including but not limited to the following: the location of the country, its political relationships, topography, climate, natural resources, and dynamic physical resources. The evaluation of these forces allows a more clear view of the business potential in a chosen country. Austria's location is unique in the sense that it is a land locked country. It is located in Central ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. What Led Italy To War In 1914 WWI was a huge time period not only in European history but the world's history because it was the first major conflict involving different countries at one time. The war sparked nations to develop their armies and society so that in preceding life they will be viewed as a hierarchy to others. In this investigation Italy will be the focusing country and why they went to war in 1915. So what were the key motives that led Italy to join WWI in 1915? Before choosing the preceding two sources, secondary and primary sources including websites, treaties, and documents were found on the question above however, none had a lot of significance to answering the question provided. Source one a book written in 1917. Within the book is the speech the ... Show more content on ... This did not work however because I quickly learned that there wasn't many articles, and or primary sources about Italy from the year 1914 or 1915. If there had been more of a selection for primary and secondary sources many historians including myself would be able to use those sources for a deeper analysis because there would be more facts to support your thesis. It is somewhat challenging for an historian to find primary sources and along with that secondary sources because I found that some may have been edited and given false information making it challenging for an historian to find very valuable information from secondary sources that haven't maybe been edited leading to false data. With that being said historians are able to make their lives much easier by finding primary sources because they are taken from the time of the event meaning that it would be very hard to know if the source had been edited meaning that it is a reliable source to use. After looking at some sources it was clear that I was presented with more facts from secondary sources and less perspectives from primary sources making the job a whole lot harder to get the perspectives from others at the time of the event. On the topic of primary sources I would like to add that primary sources ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Gavrilo Princip Research Paper Five assassins were sent to Sarajevo in anticipation of that fateful day, the idea if one lost the nerve there would be others to step in. There was a failed attempt in the morning and other assassins did lose their nerves as expected, but unexpectedly there was a second chance for Gavrilo Princip, a teenage boy of nineteen. There were some confused orders, the driver took a wrong turn into a dead–end street and the car having no reverse, so it had to be pulled by hand. Princip was at the scene and the rest is history, as the plumed hat of the victim fell from its head. This was the shot that started the First World War in the standard narrative. The First World War was one of the most destructive war in history; it killed over ten million ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Austrian Republic And Landlocked Country .1 Introduction Austria is a federal republic and landlocked country, located in the central of Europe. It contains nine states and has a population of more than 8.5 million. It is bordered by Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovenia and Italy to the south, Hungary and Slovakia to the east, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west. Austria has around 84,000 square kilometers land area, and most of them is mountainous because of Alps. The capital and largest city is Vienna, a population of more than 1.7 million. Austria is a highly developed capitalist country, is one of the richest countries in the world today, with per heads GDP of $45,560, and human development index in 2014 ranked 21st in the world. Official language of the country is German and 79 percent of the residents are Catholic. .2 Background Austria's predecessor is the Austro–Hungarian Empire. The Austro–Hungarian Empire was the one of five traditional European big power. Its most famous thing in history is the crown prince archduke Ferdinand Mafia was assassinated, which triggered the First World War. The Austro– Hungarian Empire belongs to allied camps during the war, the Allies finally defeat in 1918. During the war, the country had unprecedented political turbulence, and finally disintegrated, divided into several countries. In 1945, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, Austria occupied by Allies and the Soviet. Austria announced to become a country until it signed national treaty in 1955. After ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Macroeconomic Comparison Between Spain And Austria 2 Executive Summary This case study will present a Macroeconomic comparison between Spain and Austria, of four important factors present in both countries: economies policies, infla–tion/unemployment, GDP growth and interest rate/public debt ratio. For each section in the following report, there will be an evaluative analysis of the per–formance of each country and as well a comparison. 3 Introduction 3.1 Austria Austria is member of the European Union since 1995 and entered the Euro Zone in 1999. The Republic of Austria's economic strategy concerning fiscal and economy policy is to obtain sustainable economic growth and a high level of employment. That is why they are aiming for a structurally balanced budget and to reduce the ... Show more content on ... Focussing on the development from 2011 on, the first half of 2011 is marked of economic recovery, supported by market regulations like "Basel III" and the OeNB supplying large amounts of long– term liquidity, leading to a decreasing unemployment rate. In the second half of the year geopolitical tensions like an earthquake in Japan, growth in debt in several Euro countries, tensions in the bond and interbank market led to uncertainty in the global financial markets which negatively influenced the Austrian labour market pushing the unemployment rate on a level of 4.3%. 2012 is considered to be a year of economic slowdown. Decreasing exports, less domestic investments and consumption led to less demand for la–bour and increased the unemployment rate from 4.0% to 5.0%. In 2013 a slight increase of the Austrian economy can be spotted inter alia in increasing domestic consumption. On the other hand more foreign workers are entering the Austrian labour market due to worse situations in their home countries, making the unemployment rate rise to 5.6%. The upcoming years 2014 and 2015 are marked by slow economic growth and an ongoing increase of the Austrian labour force leading the unem–ployment rate to settle down around 5.6%. Figure 2 – Inflation rate measured by CPI (%) of Austria 2011–2015 In 1958, A. W. Phillips ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Four Main Causes Of World War One World War 1 was very tragic, there were many deaths and many changes. What was the cause of WW1? You might wonder. The four main causes of World War 1 are nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and alliances. They had a very positive attitude in going into the war. The soldiers were 19–20 years old. They were very well educated and were from middle class. This was was the first war in which women were allowed to fight. Out of the four main causes of World War 1, nationalism was the main cause. Nationalism is when you take extreme pride in your homeland. This had became a powerful idea in Europe by the late 1800's. Nationalists place primary emphasis on promoting their homelands cultures and interests above those of other countries. Nationalism was also one of the reasons behind the tension among European powers. Each nation were competitors, so many people were willing to go to war to expand their nation as the expense for others. About Austria–Hungary's Ultimatum to Serbia, Austria–Hungary invaded Serbia, and then accused Serbia of terrorism and murdering.(Doc 2). This shows nationalism because Austria invaded and then accused Sebia of terrorizing and murdering, Austria doesnt wanna seem like the bad one, he wants to be seen as better, or the victim. Imperialism is the fight for colonies. The European powers wanted China, and so did Japan so this led to everyone fighting, imperialism. In document two there is an image, it shows European powers and Japan splitting up china ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. What Was The Triple Alliance In 1914 It is human nature for people to look back at past events in retrospection, wondering if the outcome would have changed if a decision was made differently. World War I, or the war to end all wars, began in the summer of 1914, but it was the events leading up to it, such as the creation of alliances, which decided the fate of the war. Alliances are formal military or political agreements between countries, which state that the will back the other country in the event of an attack, either financially or through declaring war. Mamy alliances were made prior to the start of World War I, and as a result, all European countries, including central powers, were conjoined. These alliance systems were the catalyst which created the momentum of World ... Show more content on ... The Triple Alliance was a confidential alliance, which would militarily back the other country in the event of a conflict. Germany was the strongest power in the alliance, with a growing military, and a strong economy 1. Italy was the weakest country of the alliance due to the fact that it had a very weak army and navy, which had little funding, but it had a geographical advantage compared to Austria and Germany, so it served as a military base 2. Austria–Hungary benefited from the alliance because it protected them from Russia, who had conflicts with Austria in the Balkans and Bosnia 3. Another alliance which played a prominent role in World War I, was the Triple Entente, which consisted of Russia, France, and Great Britain. The Triple Entente was created in 1907, which like the Triple Alliance, protect each other from attacks from a foreign country. The Triple Entente was a very powerful alliance due to the fact that Britain had the strongest, most technologically advanced navy, while France had a flourishing economy 4. The Triple Entente also had a geographical advantage over the Triple Alliance, since it had the ability to attack the Triple Alliance on either side. Tom ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. World War One (Or The Great War (WWI) World War One, otherwise known as the great war because of its ghastliness, started in July 28, 1914. The war was started because of raising tension in Europe, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism all added to the growing tension. Conflict escalated after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austria–Hungary, committed by Serbs, caused Austria–Hungary to declare war on Serbia. This created a chain reaction of nations joining the war because of the allie system. Because of the allie system, Germany and the Ottoman Empire joined to support Austria– Hungary which was called the Allied Powers, and France, Russia, and Great Britain joined in support of Serbia, called the Central Powers.. Eventually by 1917, the United States decided ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. How Did World War 1 Contribute To The Balance Of Power Theory World War I saw the nations involved rallied into two major alliances in order to curb German's increasing power. It is evident that German amassing too much power poses a threat to the security of its counterparts in an anarchic system. As a result, other countries were willing to use various means not only to mitigate the risks but also maintain their independence in the world's political structure. The balance of power theory focuses on how countries can achieve a balance and international order. The causes of World War one can be attributed to the balance of power mechanisms used by the countries involved. The balance of power theory is viewed as critical policy in the handling of international relations. To fully comprehend how the balance ... Show more content on ... Most importantly, these reasons revolve around concepts such as the states are secure when none of them is too powerful. The strategies used by the theory are clearly reflected amongst the causes of World War One. Besides, European empires formed military alliances to strengthen their defense; hence achieving equality in military capabilities as compared to the powerful rivals. The arms race witnessed in Europe was a strategy used by countries to ensure they are not left behind as being equal to their counterparts. The acquisition of colonies also seeks to progress the economies of European empires. Finally, nationalism provides a means by which people could achieve self–rule to avoid other nations taking control over them. All the above causes were designed to achieve harmonization of European empires' economies and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. How Did Bismarck Create Tension Between The Mongolian And... Bhole, 1 Tanvi Bhole Ms. Sanyigo Honors U.S. History – 1B 4 October 2014 Pre – WWI Questions 1. The foreign policies of Bismarck were very strategic and peaceful. Bismarck prevented bloodshed by creating the League of the Three Emperors. This was an alliance between three monarchies, which were Germany, Russia and Austria–Hungary. He saw this as "a means to isolate France and preserve both peace and conservative status quo" (Tucker). If he did not take this action, then France could have used Russia and Austria–Hungary as allies. This would make France more powerful than Germany militarily. The League of The Three Emperors eventually disbanded because of conflicts between Russia and Austria–Hungary. So, Bismarck created the Reinsurance ... Show more content on ... The Austrian and Hungarian monarchies combined to form a dual monarchy. They agreed that they would have the same foreign policies, currency, and army. However, they each had different laws concerning domestic issues. (Roman) Did the Austro–Hungarian Empire have good relations with the Russian and German empires? They didn't have a good relationship with the Russians. This is demonstrated in the League of The Three Emperors, which ended because of tension between the Austrian and Russian empire. However, they had good relations with Germans because they had an alliance with them. This was called the Dual Alliance of 1879 and it was formed because they had a common enemy of France. (Roman) How did this empire unite when there were so many different ethnic groups? The citizens of Austria Hungary didn't have much in common socially and religiously. However, they had the same army, foreign policies and currency. Were there any conflicts between the different ethnic groups? Yes, there were a few small conflicts when deciding what the language taught in schools should be. While the government forced schools to teach Hungarian, other ethnic groups living in Austria– Hungary had a problem with ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Government Spending On Economic Performance Essay Abstract Government spending and its influences on economic growth is a hotly debated issues among professionals. Policymakers are divided between whether an economy can expand or is stripped of its potential to grow as government spending increase. Spending on for example infrastructure and defense are constructive, many economists question that public spending has decreasing marginal benefits and lead to crowding out of the the private sector. Supporters of larger government spending claim that government programs offer valuable public goods such as education and infrastructure which would not work efficiently if they were privately owned. Furthermore, an argument advocates use is that in government spending can boost economic growth by putting money into people 's pockets. Proponents of smaller government have the opposite view. They argue that governments which are too big destabilize economic growth by not allocating resources to the most efficient user and take away from the productive sector of the economy to government. This paper evaluates the influence of government spending on economic performance. It examines the theoretical arguments, reviews evidence and highlights the latest academic research. Introduction Vienna, the capital of Austria has been named world 's top city for quality of life for six consecutive years. The consulting firm Mercer conducts a yearly survey to help firms and organizations determine a reasonable payment and hardship allowances for ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Why World War I Began There is no cut and dry answer why WWI began. It seems like all of the countries were acting as if they were a group of teenage girls in high school gossiping about one another and doing antagonistic things to badger each other to make themselves feel better due to their own insecurities. It could be argued many ways why WWI started but I believe that it was brought upon by grudges that were held over a long period of time, until, "the straw that broke the camel's back", which was the assassination of the Archduke France Ferdinand. With support from Germany's blank check, Austria–Hungary secured a bond with Germany that led to Franz Joseph signing his declaration of war on Serbia. With tensions building between the two countries, prior to the assassination, there were definitely things that had been boiling under the surface. The responsibility of WWI does not lie on one country; all participants played a role in its beginning whether it was direct or indirect. Many tensions were building up throughout Europe. Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism are reasons that led to WWI among others. Imperialism is unequally and forcefully taking over another country which is what many countries were doing before WWI. Europeans started taking over small countries just for the resources and power. Nationalism was developed and it created a dedication and devotion between an individual and there country. Individuals began to have pride of their country along with patriotism. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Great War : World War I The Great War: World War I World War I, otherwise known as the Great War, began as a small battle that eventually developed into a prodigious uproar between several countries. WWI's beginnings are controversial and historians throughout the world have several theories about the destructive event. Said to be one of the most disastrous and ruinous struggles between nations, The Great War lasted from July 1914 until November 1918. Referred to as a World War because of the global participation and the international unsettle; this war was exacerbated by 7 million casualties. World War I introduced modern technologies including weaponry and nuclear machinery from opposing forces known as Central Powers against the Allied powers. To begin World War I's outbreak is said to be contributed to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, a potential heir to the throne of the Austria–Hungary Empire. The Black Hand group of Serbia was responsible for the assassination. The Austrian Government initially after Archduke Ferdinand's death chose to give Serbia an ultimatum. The Serbians were given the option to surrender their independence to Austria or go to war. Serbia chose war. This particular unsettle would lead to a chain of events causing the First World War to begin less than a month later. The battle initially involved several countries in Europe and the conflict had potential to become a European War. While many countries formerly chose to stay neutral to the turn of event, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Effects Of Climate Change On The Country Introduction Climate change is one of the biggest issues in the world currently. Carbon emissions since the start of the industrial revolution have caused the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere to increase, thus causing temperatures to rise and the climate to change. These changes in climate are going to have differing effects according to the country. In this essay, the impacts of climate change and possible adaptions to it will be explored for the countries Austria and Guatemala. Background info Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is located around 47 degrees north of the equator and is 83,871 sq km. Austria has a temperate climate with cold winters where rain is frequent and a moderate summer with occasional showers. The west and south of the country is a mountainous region, whilst the east and north are mostly flat plains. In 2015 Austria had a GDP of $404.3 billion, with 4% of the population living below the poverty line. Austria's main exports are machinery and equipment, cars, oil and gas and chemicals. (ref CIA) Guatemala is a coastal country in Central America. It is around 16 degrees north of the equator and around 108,889 sq km. Guatemala has a tropical climate which is hot and humid in low lying areas and cooler in higher altitudes. Guatemala in mostly a mountainous country, but with narrow flat plains surrounding the coast. In 2015 Guatemala had a GDP of $125.9 billion, with 59.3% of the population living below the poverty line. The main ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Bismarck And Kaiser Wilhelm 's Foreign Policy Maya Epstein Mr. LeRoy Honors History 1 21 October 2015 1. Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm were two German officials around the time of world war one. They both had foreign policies and they were both pretty different. Bismarck's foreign policy had many aims. One of the aims was to leave territorial expansion behind. He unified Germany and to do so had to incorporate many other states into Prussia. He was also very much in favor of peace instead of war. He also never tried to strengthen the naval forces of Germany especially not to ruin the relationship with England. Next, he decided to keep France isolated as well as friendless so that could not start a war as revenge. He also focused on Germany 's relationship with Austria and Russia. He also distrusted Italy. Kaiser Wilhelm's foreign policy differed from Bismarck's in many ways. Whereas Bismarck did things based on logic Kaiser Wilhelm did things more based on emotion. This resulted in incoherence and inconsistency in the German relations with other nations. He wanted an empire that could rival the size of the british. He also managed to alienate the English by aggressively expanding the navy. He was more aggressive and wanted Germany to be the best. Their decisions were significant to World War one in many ways. One of the ways was it fueled European tension prior to the war. The different countries did not like some the things either of the leaders were doing, and that did not help much. Also, because of the already ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Germany 's Experience On A German Based Carrier Germany This was my first opportunity to visit Europe and experience a completely different culture. My learnings began as soon as I boarded the plane for my non–stop flight to Munich on the German based Lufthansa airlines. The experience on a German based carrier was unlike anything I had experienced on the American based airlines I had flown in the past. The crew were incredibly hospitable and made sure that everyone was taken care of from take–off to landing. Everything on the flight was included, entertainment, on demand movies, full hot meals and beverages. Even though I was flying coach in a small seat with limited space, the German airline really made me feel like a valued customer. This kind of hospitality continued ... Show more content on ... In addition there is a 5.5 percent solidarity surtax. This brings to the tax burden to 16.7 percent of the German GDP. With the government taking in these tax dollars the German government spends approximately 44.3% of the GDP. Most importantly Germany's budget currently enjoys a surplus. ( This is in sharp contrast to the United States which has one of the highest corporate tax rates, currently topping out at 35%, while the United States only spends 39% of the GDP. ( This comparison puts clearly into focus why this is such a major point of interest in the current election. It appears that the cost of being in business in Germany is less than the United States and therefore makes them more competitive. I have seen this to be true in the amount of United States companies that have tried to relocate their headquarters to European countries to enjoy the corporate tax advantages. Germany is a very strong country and is a leader in the economic and business environment. They have spent their energy working to innovate create new technologies. They focus on their people as a key asset and ensure they are trained and are a valuable element in the global work force. (–growth/germany/). This is clearly seen in the precision and skill of the processes and work force at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Rise Of The Roman Empire Austria in the beginning was settled in ancient times in central Europe and occupied by several Celtic tribes in pre–Roman times. The land was claimed by the Roman Empire once the Celtic tribe Noricum fell to the Empire and became a providence. Once the Roman Empire gained control of the area, it soon set up a Military camp on the eastern side of the providence calling it the Upper Pannonia providence which was the home for 50,000 people for nearly 400 years. After the fall of the Roman Empire; Charlemagne, King of the Franks, had control of the land at around 788AD. The name of the country Austria was first recorded in history in 966AD or also known as The Republic of Austria in which is the formal name. The people of Austria are referred to as Austrians because of the history Austria being applied to the 17th and 18th century when the land was associated as Habsburg Austria. The Official language in Austria is German and has a population of 8.61 million people with having a birth rate (9.41/1000) and having a death rate (9.42/1000) which the country has a 0.55% of growth in the population ranking it 153rd in the world. (Census.gov2016) The average age in Austria is 43.6 years along with a life expectancy of 81.39 years, and the ratio for male and female is about equal at 0.96%. Austria overall is not a big country; in fact, the country is about the size of South Carolina having major cities which include Schrems, Fischamend, Linz, Lambach, Salsburg, Bludenz, Feldkirch, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Most Famous Pieces Of Music Introduction Austria is a very beautiful place with kind people and a very good history in music. It is often known as the music capital because of the musical geniuses who have worked there including Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss(biography). Some of the most famous pieces of music were written in Austria including Silent Night and Edelweiss. Austria is located on Europe and its capital is Vienna(Austria). Austria has one of the most stable economies in Europe. Austria has unique qualities such as its geography, history, culture, economy, and its current events. Geography, Climate, and Location The climate, geography, and location in Austria is unique. In the East, there are hot summers and moderately cold winters. In the alpine region, ... Show more content on ... She was an archduchess, and a Holy Roman Empress. Joseph ii was another important leader. He was also a Holy Roman Emperor who tried to strengthen the Habsburg empire with his enlightened reforms but his people opposed his changes very fiercely(biography). Austria had multiple big wars but one of the wars they fought in was the war of the Austrian succession. It began on August 16, 1740. Frederick ii of Prussia invaded Silesia, one of Habsburg's richest provinces. His armies defeated the Austrians at Mollwitz in April 1441 and overran Silesia. This proved what the other European countries believed, that Silesia could not defend themselves. This ensured that the war would become general. Within a month, France had constructed an alliance with Bavaria and Spain and, later, with Saxony and Prussia against Austria. Maria Theresa derived her main support from Britain fearing that if France took Hegemony in Europe, the British colonial and commercial empire would be unsupportable(britannica). Austria declared independence by concluding the Austrian State Treaty with the Four Occupying Powers. Culture Austria has a very kind culture. They have nice holidays, they have a functioning government, and they have good food. Some major holidays in Austria are Three Kings day, Easter, All Saints Day, St. Nicholas day, and Christmas. Three King's day is a celebration that most Christians celebrate but only a few German states and Austria. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. World War 1 Dbq Essay In the beginning of the 1900s, was World War one. This war lasted for about four years from 1914 to 1918. During this time, there were different events that led to this war taking place. From these events that led up to the war, there were impacts from the war on the United States. For example, a couple events that led up to WWI was when Austria–Hungary declared war on Serbia for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Furthermore, there was an impact on the United States during this time and it was a disease that had no cure to it which led to many Americans dying during this war. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was the future heir for Austria–Hungary, was one of the events that led to WWI. In document 4, it ... Show more content on ... Due to the war, the worker's wages decreased because of the money needed to make weapons and thrive during the war. As many worker's understood this, they hoped that after the war was over, they thought that their wages would then increase again since the war is over. After the war, their wages stayed the same and did not increase back. This would have an impact on the United States because the workers probably don't get a lot of money to start with and when they had their wages decreased they probably didn't have a lot of money that they need to support for their family (Document 8). Also, the Treaty of Versailles which was signed after World War 1 had been expanded into a more substantial body which is the United Nations. The United Nations was formed from the Treaty of Versailles and it consists of most countries around the world. The UN was created specifically to promote peace among its 193 member in securing peace and stability around the world. In addition, politically, the war had led to the downfall of most European monarchies. For instance, the Austria–Hungary empire and other imperial dynasties were diminished due to the war. Economically, the war severely disrupted the European economies and allowed the United States to become the world's superpower. Therefore, the 'great' World War 1 had a tremendous impact on our world till ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Impact Of Franz Ferdinand 's Assassination On World War I In 1914 Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian Black Hand, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro–Hungarian Empire, instigating an immediate cause of World War I. As the third largest European power by area, the Empire was a powerful presence leading up to World War I, with a population of over fifty million people and an army of 400,000 soldiers. The conflicts among European powers and the disorder in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th centuries led to a situation in which Franz Ferdinand's assassination proved to be the tipping point in the fragile relationship between Austria–Hungary and the South Slav nationalities that threatened the Empire both internally and externally. His death caused a costly war in terms of both lives and the economy in the South Slav region and further undermined the stability of Serbia. Princip assassinated the heir to the throne in an attempt to spark a revolution that would result in Slavic independence from Austria–Hungary. However, before his death, Franz Ferdinand supported economic development for Slavs within the Austro–Hungarian Empire and favored more equal measures toward the South Slav nationalities. Thus, Franz Ferdinand had served as a roadblock to the extreme militant wing within Austria–Hungary. With the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Serbian extremists damaged the opportunity for more moderate Slavic peoples within Austria–Hungary to achieve greater autonomy under Austro–Hungarian rule since Ferdinand ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Blood and Iron Blood and Iron – The Main Factors in the Unification of Germany The unification of Germany was not just a matter of the signing a document stating that the many states had become one country. There were problems such as varying languages, currencies, and ethnic minorities to name a few. In the end however one country, Germany was the states as one but how was it unified? 'Coal and iron' refers to economic ties unifying Germany and 'blood and iron' refers to the unification of Germany through force. The role of Bismarck in the unification of Germany was also a key factor however, if he was to be put in one category for having unified Germany 'coal and iron' or 'blood and iron' he would be put into ... Show more content on ... Many of the smaller surrounding states saw the successes of the customs union and so decided to join themselves. From then on many large states joined. The customs union became known as the Zollverein. The Zollverein was a great success and was a large step to the unification of Germany. The systems of weights and measures was homogenised within the states of the Zollverein. The major differences between the states were now becoming not so apparent. Due to the abolition of customs barriers and the currency no longer varying from each state trade increased between the countries. This did not occur however without the help of the railways. Lines were extended throughout the states of the Zollverein. Because of this, delegates were able to travel quickly and efficiently to other states to agree trade treaties. Communication between the states increased greatly and now not only were economic barriers broken down but also physical ones. Communication to enable unity increased greatly through the railways. One economist described the railway network as 'the firm girdle around the loins of Germany binding her limbs together into a forceful and powerful body'. The Zollverein also aided in the unification of Germany as it increased feelings of 'one country' in other words, nationalism. The railways helped with the spread of German press. Now ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Analysis And Appraisal Of The Textiles And Clothing Industry This report provides an analysis and appraisal of the textiles and clothing industry in Vienna, Austria and the importance of this industry as in moves towards the future. The report is representative of an industry perspective whereby taking into consideration the macroeconomic and microeconomic forces driving the textiles and clothing industry. Key findings suggest that the future of the Austrian textiles and clothing industry is somewhat bleak in conjunction with ongoing structural problems. In spite of this, the textiles and clothing industry is open to innovation and new technologies through research and development into organic materials and nanotechnology. Furthermore, many international brands such as 'Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) GesmbH', 'C&A Mode GesmbH & Co KG' and 'Leder & Schuh International AG' have prospered and will continue to dominate the Austrian market in the future. The report will also delve closely on the PESTLE environment along with consideration of Porter's Five Forces to determine the future of the textiles and clothing industry in Vienna, Austria. The last couple of decades have seen the textiles and clothing industry within Vienna, Austria evolve and change significantly, and despite being a moderately small sector encompassing small and medium–sized enterprises, the textiles and clothing industry still plays an integral part towards the Austrian economy. In 2013, the Austrian textiles and clothing industry ranked 10th overall as a principal ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Most Famous Pieces Of Music Austria Research Paper Introduction Austria is a very beautiful place with kind people and a very good history in music. It is often known as the music capital because of the musical geniuses who have worked there, including Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss(biography). Some of the most famous pieces of music were written in Austria including Silent Night and Edelweiss. Austria is located in Europe and its capital is Vienna(Austria). Austria has one of the most stable economies in Europe. Austria has unique qualities such as its geography, history, culture, economy, and its current events. Geography, Climate, and Location The climate, geography, and location in Austria is unique. In the East, there are hot summers and moderately cold ... Show more content on ... She was an archduchess, and a Holy Roman Empress. Joseph II was another important leader. He was also a Holy Roman Emperor who tried to strengthen the Habsburg empire with his enlightened reforms, but his people opposed his changes very fiercely(biography). Austria had multiple big wars, but one of the wars they fought in was the war of the Austrian succession. It began on August 16, 1740. Frederick II of Prussia invaded Silesia, one of Habsburg's richest provinces. His armies defeated the Austrians at Mollwitz in April 1441 and overran Silesia. This proved what the other European countries believed, that Silesia could not defend themselves. This ensured that the war would become general. Within a month, France had constructed an alliance with Bavaria and Spain and, later, with Saxony and Prussia against Austria. Maria Theresa derived her main support from Britain fearing that if France took Hegemony in Europe, the British colonial and commercial empire would be insupportable(britannica). Austria declared independence by concluding the Austrian State Treaty with the Four Occupying Powers. Culture Austria have a very kind culture. They have nice holidays, they have a functioning government, and they have good food. Some major holidays in Austria are Three Kings day, Easter, All Saints Day, St. Nicholas day, and Christmas. Three King's day is a celebration that most Christians celebrate, but only a ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Austria Research Paper Rough Draft As indicated by the map above, more than half of Austria is covered in mountains due to its location around the Alps. The three longest rivers are the Danube, Rhine, and Drava. A relatively small country, Austria is 83,858 square kilometers, which is about the size of South Carolina in the United States. Austria also has lots of forests, such as: oak and beech, and fir and beech, thus making it one of the most heavily wooded areas in Europe. The fauna in Austria is mainly central European, including species of deer, stag, rabbit, pheasant, fox, badger, marten and partridge. The alpine flora is colorful and diverse, with the edelweiss, gentian, alpine carnation, arnica, alpine rose, heather and much more. One sixth of Austria's ... Show more content on ... Coffee drinking is a major part of daily life in Austria, and it is common practice to visit a coffeehouse with friends to socialize. There are many lavishly adorned coffeehouses in Austria to take advantage of the booming coffee industry. Austria is credited in introducing coffee to Europe from an old legend that told how bags of coffee beans were left behind by the retreating Turkish army after the Battle of Vienna in 1683.. Austrian cuisine also consists of dishes such as Wiener Schnitzel, Käsekrainer Sausage, and Sachertorte a chocolate cake with apricot jam filling. Music has been a large part of the culture and history of Austria. There are many music festivals throughout the year, and Austria is home to the Vienna Boy's Choir, a group of altos and treble voices that have been performing since 1498, making it one of the oldest and best known boys' choirs in the world. Unique to Switzerland, Southern Germany, Alsace, a region in France, and Vorarlberg, the westernmost state in Austria, is the celebration of Fasnacht. Also known as the Shrovetide carnival, this tradition stemmed from the belief that during this time of the year, the winter spirits are hunted and expelled (this procession dates back to 1296). Nowadays, the exuberant carnival is only celebrated every 3–5 years. Typically, the town must dedicate months to setting up ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Essay about Australian Economy Post World War I Introduction It has been argued that after World War 1, Australia gained more than it lost. Even though there were many lives lost during the war, these losses didn't hold Australia back as a country. Australia was fortunate enough to come out of the war with more than they put into the war. Some of these gains are – There economy boomed, the relationship between Australia and Britain was stronger, the women replaced the men's jobs, many immigrants were encouraged to migrate to Australia. Although Australia gained many things they still lost a lot. These were things such as Australia spent a lot of money, they lost many troops and lost trade with Germany. Although Australia lost some things, they were outweighed by the things they ... Show more content on ... During the war the British soldiers looked up to the Australian soldiers because of their spirit. The Australian soldiers also looked up to the British soldiers and called England the Mother Country. Also the Australians liked to call themselves British. Lastly Britain bought a lot of Australia's wheat to commemorate their war effort Body paragraph 3 What did all the women do during the war? With half a million men away at war, leaving their day to day jobs, who replaced the the workers? The women did. Women replaced the men's jobs such as munitions factory workers, sewing bandages, and selling war bonds, shipyards and spies. This is good because before the war women were unimportant and were only aloud in the kitchen The only negative about the women working in the men's jobs was they didn't get paid as much as the men. The number of women in the workforce rose from 24% to 37%. This is close to 500,000 women to close to one million women. This says that in the workforce, women rose in a total of 500,000. Body paragraph 4 Why did all the immigrants settle to Australia? With the already little population of 5 million Australian people and the loss of 300,000 men, this should have been a dark time, but to make up on that loss Australia received 300,000 migrants. These Migrants came from Britain. As there was a large amount of unemployment the British government encouraged the people of britain to migrate to Australia. Also the
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  • 106. How Did World War 1 Start Essay The world's first global war. The "Great War" created conflict with the Central Powers of Germany, Austria–Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against the Allied forces of Great Britain, the United States, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. World War one was the beginning of modernized technology to warfare. Modernized warfare resulted mass destruction and a lot of deaths. With more than 9 million soldiers killed by the end of the war in November 1918. How was World war one started? Did it start because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo? knowing they had to contain Germany before Berlin upset the power balance on the Continent? Was it the Russians–after all, didn't they support the Serbs and mobilize their troops before Germany ... Show more content on ... Princip belonged to a group called the Black Hand, who wanted Serbia to be independent from Austria Hungary. Austria Hungary demanded that Serbia was to pay for responsible of the assassination. When Serbia didn't comply, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. Since Serbia was an ally of the Allied Powers, the Allied Powers declared war on Austria Hungary. This, in effect, meant a declaration of war against the Central Powers. Ferdinand's assassination started a chain reaction that led to both powers declaring war on each other. The second cause was a lot of militarism in World War One.Dictators and military elites had too much control over Russia, Germany and Austria and the war was one consequence of their desire for military power. Britain's Navy was stronger if we went by how many people were in the navy, ships and carrying capacity than both Germany and Austria Hungary's navies combined. Since aristocrats in Germany and Austria Hungary knew they were losing the arms race, they decided the best way to catch up to Britain's Navy was to declare war. Economic imperialism is the third cause of World War One. Great ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. World War 1 Research Paper World War I was sparked by the assassination of Archduke of Austria Hungary, Franz Ferdinand. Gavrilo Princip, A member of the terroristic group, The Black hand, is responsible for the death of the Archduke, and his wife. With this happening, almost immediately Austria– Hungary wants to declare war on Serbia, where his death happened. Allies of each country go to defend one another, with Russia moving in to defend Serbia, and Germany moving in to help Austria–Hungary. France moves to help Russia, and July 28, 1914, is when Austria–Hungary pulls the trigger, and goes to war with Serbia. Each country has their allies defending them, and battling on the other side. This impacts the US greatly, as when they join the war to assist their allies, the soldiers, and Americans get infected with the influenza flu, and 20–50 million people die worldwide, and 550,000 Americans die alone. It infected 28% of all Americans. Half of the US soldiers in Europe died to the influenza virus itself, they didn't get to the enemy. The flu did all the work for the enemies of the US, the pandemic killed them ... Show more content on ... After all of the havoc of the US getting in the business of their allies and a cold, hard fought war. They decide to put out something that Woodrow Wilson believes will change the world, The League of Nations. An idea that will bring world peace, except for the fact that the US is not going to get involved, they're going to stay out of it. The US after learning of the destruction and cost of World War I, did not want the United States to become entangled in another European conflict which could lead to another devastating war. Which leads them to their first order of business, and that is to be isolated from the rest of the world. With them being isolated, they lost out on tons of trade, and made the Open Door Policy useless, and trade was only happening inside of the US, which was a positive, but also a ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. World War 1 Cause And Effect Essay World War I started as a local war between Austria–Hungary and Serbia in 1914. It escalated into a war that involved 32 countries. The participants in the war were Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and the United States. These countries fought against the Central Powers which included Germany, Austria–Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. The immediate cause of World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria– Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian–nationalist terrorist group called The Black Hand sent groups of people to go and kill the Archduke. The first attempt to assassinate the Archduke failed when someone threw a grenade at the car the Archduke was in, but the grenade bounced off the car and landed in a crowd of people, killing multiple civilians. Later that day, a Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip assassinated the Archduke and his wife while they were in Sarajevo, Bosnia which was part of Austria–Hungary. This assassination led to Austria–Hungary declaring war on Serbia. After that, Russia began to mobilize because of its alliance with Serbia, Germany then declared war on Russia. Then began the development of the war to include all of the countries that were involved ... Show more content on ... Unlike in Europe, our factories and homes weren't destroyed. Productivity, manufacturing, and efficiency had increased during the Great War. America emerged as a world industrial leader and the US economy was booming, which led to the period in American history called the Roaring Twenties. On the negative side, a lot of companies and corporations started to reduce and started to lay off workers to keep the operating costs low. In 1919, massive waves of strikes and protests happened. Competition for jobs led to racial unrest and race riots bred hatred and suspicion which spilled over into the fear of ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. U.s. Honors Pre Wwi Homework Ria Anand Mr. LeRoy US History Honors 4A 23 October 2015 U.S. Honors Pre–WWI Homework 1. After expanding his territory, people regarded Otto Van Bismarck as someone who was great with expansion, but he refused to take part in any more wars so as not to shatter his land, and because he preferred peace over war. He did not want to establish a naval force because he considered himself to be a hero on land, and he did not want to have a bitter relationship with England. Additionally, after conquering Alsace and Lorraine from France, Bismarck knew that France would be plotting to get him back, so he wanted to isolate France from having any allies in order to keep them from revolting against Germany. He did this by becoming friends with other ... Show more content on ... However, because Germany was already such a powerful country, the other countries became scared of the fact that if Germany was powerful on land and sea, they would be unbeatable. They saw Germany's naval force as a threat. ("German"). The decisions of Bismarck and Wilhelm were significant to World War I because each of their methods were so different. While maintaining most of the same goals, their approach to solving these methods caused World War I. For example, Wilhelm's attempt to isolate France did not go as well as he had hoped and gave a completely opposite effect than what he was aiming for, as well as angering the other countries. His fumble in Morocco caused him to gain more foes and give France more allies, as well as give him a bad reputation. Additionally, by adding a naval force, he came off as a threat to the other countries. Bismarck did not want to establish a naval force, but Wilhelm's thirst for power blinded him to make inadequate decisions. People began to develop a distrust and fear of Germany, which was what Bismarck worked to prevent ("German"). Bismarck's and Wilhelm's decisions on foreign policy and its execution were some of the key factors that lead to this war. Who they chose to become allies with, and who they caused others to become allies with was one of the major causes of World War I (Dobbs). 2. ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Evil nationalism in total war During 1914, the entire Europe was a powder keg filled not with gunpowder, but pride. Finally, it blew up with the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand in the 28th of June. While Franz Ferdinand was on his way to examine Serbia, he was assassinated by the Serbian nationalist (Sowards). In response to this action, Austrian angrily announced an ultimatum to Serbia, which strictly demanded Serbia to end all anti–Austrian agitation and punish any Serbian official whoever involved in the murder plot. However, the refusal of the demand gives many extreme nations like Germany an opportunity to show and test their army. Meanwhile, nations like Germany has a very strong nationalism thinking in their mind, which helped them to ... Show more content on ... Overall, although nationalism improves Britain's navy and industrialization, it also damaged Britain's economy, which after the war Britain was suffering for restoring economy and repair war damaged. Although nationalism is the major causes for the beginning of the World War I, some people think that nationalism has no connection to it. Many people think that the start of World War I is causes by Austria wanting to take revenge on the Serbian and therefore send massive troops to the front line a fought Serbian. However, without nationalism in Serbia, the Austrian archduke would never be assassinated and as a result Austria has no reason to declared war on Serbia. In the process of World War I turning into total war, many people think that it turn into a total war is the war stuck in the stalemate for many years and both sides of the alliance wants to end the war as soon as possible, as a result, put all their effort into the war. However, if nationalism in Russia never felt having responsibilities on helping Serbia, the war won't even turn into a global war that evolved many power in Europe. Also, without nationalism in Russia, she won't mobilized that much of forces to the front line and therefore other nations don't need to mobilized the same amount of the troops to either defend or defeat them. As a result, without nationalism, the war will not stuck in a stalemate that ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Pros And Cons Of The Treaty Of Versailles Treaty of Versailles In January,1919 the allied leaders attended a peace conference to discuss about the peace terms they would offer to the central power in Paris. Twenty–seven victorious Allied powers were present, but the meetings were dominated by the 'Winners', Britain, France and USA. Russia was not summoned because she was not trusted after the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 and had already made peace with Germany. The treaty was crafted so that Germany would be disabled and it wouldn't restart another war and the country was severely treated as her most worthy assets were taken. The stipulations of the treaty were categorized into three groups: Territorial, Military and Financial and economic. Germany was coerced by the war ... Show more content on ... During World War One, Bulgaria was an ally of Germany and the big three were not made to either be understanding or open–handed to Bulgaria. Like Germany and Austria, as other settlements after the war, Bulgaria was required to shrink its army and pay restitutions. Following the treaty of Neuilly, the Bulgarian Army was limited to just 20,000 men and was ordered to pay reparations of £400 million. Under the articles, Thrace (a geographical and historical area in southeast Europe, now split between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey) was granted to Greece. What's more, Bugalria lost its admission to the Aegean Sea, which it had achieved in 1913 in the first Balkan war. The newly formed kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Kingdom of Yugoslavia after 1929) stretched its eastern borders and gained the Macedonian territory. Southern Doruja was also lost to Romania. This treaty was not effective because Bulgaria did not follow it through until 75% was decreased from it. Upon learning of the terms of the Treaty of Neuilly, the Bulgarian people were furious. However, they were powerless and couldn't do anything to change the conditions. When World War Two broke out, Bulgaria sided with Nazi Germany and regained all the land taken from her by the Treaty of Neuilly. By the time World War Two ended, Bulgaria's effective independence also ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. The War That Didn 't End All Wars Four years, three months and two weeks later, in 1918, the global series of destructive events, known as World War 1, that had begun when Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne of Austria–Hungary finally came to an end. Resulting in the victory of the allied forces, establishing a safer place for democracy for a very short period of time. However it was not without a fight that this achievement came about, millions of troops lost their lives to the deadly chemical weapons, tanks and other weaponry. The war had so many devastating effects that British author H. G. Wells called it "The war to end war", which now can be seen as an erroneous comment. In his article, "The War That Didn't End All Wars" war studies professor at King's college London, Sir Lawrence D. Freedman, quotes George Kennan's words to describe the war as "the great seminal catastrophe" as the Great War led to the creation of a broken intergovernmental organization known as the League of Nation, left Germany completely destroyed financially and contributed to the collapse of the Austrian, Turkish and Russian Empire. World War 1 did not end war; instead it not only paved the way for the biggest war in history of mankind, World War 2, but also one of the worst genocides the world has ever seen, the Holocaust. After the victory of the Allied forces, the Paris Peace Conference was held in Paris to evaluate the consequences of the Central Powers. This Conference ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Essay On Causes Of World War 1 World War I There were many causes of the First World War or the Great War. Some major factors that contributed to the war include nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and the alliance system of countries. The war had a major impact on the US economy and its political influence in the world. Nationalism Nationalism (as of is "a sentiment based on common cultural characteristics that binds a population and often produces a policy of national independence or separatism." It is what fuels the pride in a person. People who express great pride in their country are more likely to fight for it and protect it from invaders and attacks. Nationalism unifies people within the country but also causes great competition among other countries. Each country want to prove that it is better than the other countries in the world. The major countries that were influenced by the nationalistic ideas were Serbia, Russia, France, and Germany (Hart, 2014). As part of the Pan–Slavism movement, the nationalist radicals in Russia aimed to unite the many Orthodox Slavs inhabiting the Balkans and other lands that were controlled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire (Hart, 2014). Imperialism Imperialism was partly caused by nationalism as the countries wished to increase their power and wanted to prove their superiority. Thus began the race to take over territories and form colonies in parts of Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Conflicts were often created as two countries wanted to take ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. What Was The Cause Of The First World War Essay The flapping of wings of a butterfly can cause tornadoes. Well, this certainly proved true in the early part of the 20th century. A single event was to have catastrophic consequences – a single bullet fired in the balmy summer of 1914 led to the deaths of millions and devastation of a scale never before seen. The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was critical in setting off the chain of events that led to the First World War. Not only was it a bad day for the Archduke and his family, but also a bad day for Europe. The First World War began just a shade more than a hundred years ago. This war remains one of the most defining conflicts of modern time and changed not only Europe, but the entire world in many ways. Franz Ferdinand (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914) was an Archduke of Austria–Este, Austria–Hungry and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia. He was the heir ... Show more content on ... Though the assassination is considered as an immediate cause of the war, several other factors were also responsible for the war. These include include political, territorial and economic conflicts, militarism, imperialism, the growth of nationalism, a complex web of alliances and the power vacuum created by the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Throughout the 19th and early 20th century the Ottoman Empire had lost land in the Balkans to the peoples living there. The great powers, especially Russia and Austria were interested in extending their influence in the region, leading to poor relations between them. At the same time, Slav nationalism was growing, especially in Serbia. Russia encouraged Slav nationalism while Austria worried that this nationalism could undermine her empire. Russia supported Serbia which was very bitter at the annexation of Bosnia by Austria and saw herself as Serbia's ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. World War I : The Treaty Of Versailles World War 1 not only changed the landscape of Europe, but it also drastically impacted the future of the world and subsequently, international relations. The devastating loss as a result of the Great War urged world leaders to implement peace settlements and treaties to ensure that the World would not bear witness to such atrocities again. The Allied powers of World War 1 were usually at the forefront of these settlements– not only were they focused on the rebuilding of Europe and its future, but they were also concerned about their empires and colonies across the world. It was at the Paris Peace Conference that the attempts to restore "order" following World War 1 began, and although some of these settlements were successful, others were not. One could argue that the main settlement that emerged following World War 1 was the Treaty of Versailles. Signed on the 28th June 1919, the Treaty was the brain child of the Allied powers– France, Britain and the United States. As Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd George and Woodrow Wilson met in the Versailles Palace, they all possessed different views regarding what the terms of the settlement should include. Since France was destroyed as a result of the conflict, Clemenceau was determined to avenge the loss of 2 million and the destruction of land. In regards to this, John Jacob Rogers wrote "In 1918 and 1919 France had two dominant emotions. The one was a yearning for complete security; the other was the insistence that she be repaid ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. The Realpolitik Foreign Policy Of Otto Von Bismarck The realpolitik foreign policy of Otto Von Bismarck contained many similarities as well as differences when compared and contrasted to the weltpolitik foreign policy of his successor Kaiser Wilhelm II. In 1890, Wilhelm II forced Bismarck's resignation and ascended the German throne, leading Germany into a militaristic path, failing to maintain Germany's allies, and plunging it into one of the most famous wars of history, World War I. Bismarck was originally an expansionist who aimed to make Prussia a powerful part of Germany, however, by 1870, he gave up his expansionist ideas and became content with the land that Germany already had power over. Bismarck's cautious foreign policy favored peace over war, creating treaties and maintaining Germany's land rather than expanding Germany by embarking in war. He sought to maintain good relations with France and Russia and kept France isolated. Furthermore, his policy secured peace within the five major powers of Europe by creating alliances. The Bismarckian system created allies between the other powers of Europe, secured Germany's land, and avoided conflicts with France and Russia. Although a few similarities can be found between Wilhelm and Bismarck's foreign policies, the policies had major differences in their approaches and styles of execution. Wilhelm's policy posed more of an aggressive approach and made Germany a threat to other countries as well as involved it into conflicts. He wanted to increase Germany's prestige as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. How Did Marie Antoinette Have A Failing Economy Infamous queen Marie Antoinette is said to be a very misunderstood girl in history (Covington). Marie enjoyed a life of luxury, as did many other queens did in history. But during her reign, the country of France had a failing economy. In any country if the economy is good, people generally believe that their leaders are great, but if the economy is bad then that's when the people starts turning against their leaders. That poor economy that France faced had to be blamed on someone, which were blamed on Marie Antoinette. Marie Antoinette's love of fashion has gotten her killed, but her love has kept her alive in the world of fashion. Marie Antoinette was the 15th child to Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and Holy Roman Emperor Francis 1 (Castelot). ... Get more on ...