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Five Languages
   in a Moment

        Sergio Gil
Sergio Gil Pérez de la Manga

I   Creating Software
I   Ruby
“Excusatio non petita,
accussatio manifesta”
“Learn a new language each year”
2006   Ruby
2006   Ruby

2006   Ruby

2007    -
2006   Ruby

2007    -

2006   Ruby

2007    -

2008    -
2006   Ruby

2007    -

2008    -

2006   Ruby

2007    -

2008    -

2009    -
2006   Ruby

2007    -

2008    -

2009    -

2006   Ruby

2007    -

2008    -

2009    -

2010    -
Ruby is
Highest level

Lowest level
Highest level

Lowest level
Highest level


Lowest level
Highest level



Lowest level
Highest level




Lowest level
Highest level





Lowest level
Abstractions are tools for the mind
Created by Joe Armstrong at Ericsson in 1986
Functional Language
Functional Language

Concurrency Oriented
Functional Language

Concurrency Oriented

Distribution Oriented
Functional Language

Concurrency Oriented

Distribution Oriented

   Error Tolerant
Functional Programming
Side effects free programming
x = x + 1
> X = 1.
> X = 1.
> X.
> X = 1.
> X.
> X = 2.
** exception error
Pattern Matching
> Point = {point, 15, 20}.
> Point = {point, 15, 20}.
> {point, X, Y} = Point.
> Point = {point, 15, 20}.
> {point, X, Y} = Point.
> X.
> Point = {point, 15, 20}.
> {point, X, Y} = Point.
> X.
> Y.

Head and Tail

Head and Tail

> L = [1, 2, 3, 4].
> L = [1, 2, 3, 4].
> [H|T] = L.
> L = [1, 2, 3, 4].
> [H|T] = L.
> H.
> L = [1, 2, 3, 4].
> [H|T] = L.
> H.
> T.
[2, 3, 4]
double(X) -> X * 2.
fact(0) -> 1;
fact(X) -> X * fact(X - 1).
sum([]) -> 0;
sum([H|T]) -> H + sum(T).
sum([]) -> 0;
sum([H|T]) -> H + sum(T).

map(_, [])    -> [];
map(F, [H|T]) -> [F(H) | map(F, T)].
sum([]) -> 0;
sum([H|T]) -> H + sum(T).

map(_, [])    -> [];
map(F, [H|T]) -> [F(H) | map(F, T)].

area({rectangle, Width, Height}) -> Width * Height;
area({square, X})                -> X * X;
area({circle, R})                -> 3.14159 * R.
area({rectangle, Width, Height}) -> Width * Height;
area({square, X})                -> X * X;
area({circle, R})                -> 3.14159 * R.

> area({square, 3}).
class Rectangle
  def initialize(width, height)
    @width = width
    @height = height

  def area
    @width * height

class Square
  def initialize(x)
    @x = x

  def area
    @x * @x

class Circle
  def initialize(r)
    @r = r

  def area
    3.14159 * @r
def area(*args)
  case args[0]
  when :rectangle
    args[1] * args[2]
  when :square
    args[1] * args[1]
  when :circle
    3.141519 * args[1]
Pid = spawn(Fun).
Pid ! Message.
  Pattern -> Expression;
  Pattern -> Expression
Remember map?

map(_, [])    -> [];
map(F, [H|T]) -> [F(H) | map(F, T)].
pmap(F, L) ->
  Parent = self(),
  Pids = map(fun(I) ->
                spawn(fun() ->
                  Parent ! {self(), F(I)}
              end, L),
pmap(F, L) ->
  Parent = self(),
  Pids = map(fun(I) ->
                spawn(fun() ->
                  Parent ! {self(), F(I)}
              end, L),

gather([]) -> [];
gather([Pid|T]) ->
    {Pid, Result} -> [Result|gather(T)]
Distribution Oriented
More interesting things about Erlang
More interesting things about Erlang

   Error control, even distributed
More interesting things about Erlang

   Error control, even distributed
More interesting things about Erlang

  Error control, even distributed
Web development with ChicagoBoss
You should try Erlang if... want to play with functional programming're interested in writing parallel programs
Created by Simon Peyton Jones in 1990
Pure functional language
Pure functional language

    Lazy evaluation
Pure functional language

       Lazy evaluation

Strict but powerful type system
mymap _ [] = []
mymap f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
Haskell Type System
Haskell Type System

Haskell Type System

Haskell Type System

([Char], Integer)
data BookInfo = Book Int String [String]
data BookInfo = Book Int String [String]

myBook = Book 987987 "About Wadus" ["Fulano", "Mengano"]
data Color =   Red
           |   Yellow
           |   Green
           |   RGB Int Int Int
data Color =   Red
           |   Yellow
           |   Green
           |   RGB Int Int Int

yellow = Yellow
black = RGB 0 0 0
Type System + Pattern Matching
data Shape = Circle Float
           | Rectangle Float Float
           | Square Float
data Shape = Circle Float
           | Rectangle Float Float
           | Square Float

area (Circle r)      = r * 3.14
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
area (Square x)      = x * x
data Shape = Circle Float
           | Rectangle Float Float
           | Square Float

area (Circle r)      = r * 3.14
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
area (Square x)      = x * x

circle = Circle 5
rectangle = Rectangle 2 3
square = Square 1.5
data Shape = Circle Float
           | Rectangle Float Float
           | Square Float

area (Circle r)      = r * 3.14
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
area (Square x)      = x * x

circle = Circle 5
rectangle = Rectangle 2 3
square = Square 1.5

-- > area circle
-- 15.700001
data Shape = Circle Float
           | Rectangle Float Float
           | Square Float

area (Circle r)      = r * 3.14
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
area (Square x)      = x * x

circle = Circle 5
rectangle = Rectangle 2 3
square = Square 1.5

-- > area circle
-- 15.700001

-- > :type area
-- area :: Shape -> Float
More Functional Programming
square_all list = map (n -> n^2) list

> square_all [1, 2, 5]
square_all list = map (n -> n^2) list
square_all list = map (^2) list

> square_all [1, 2, 5]
square_all list = map (n -> n^2) list
square_all list = map (^2) list
square_all = map (^2)

> square_all [1, 2, 5]
@articles = Article.where(:status => 'published')
@articles = Article.where(:status => 'published')

<% @articles.each do |article| %>
<h2><%= article.title %></h2>
<p><%= article.body %></p>
<% end %>
@articles = Article.where(:status => 'published')

<% @articles.limit(5).each do |article| %>
<h2><%= article.title %></h2>
<p><%= article.body %></p>
<% end %>
wadus 1 + 2
iforelse cond a b = if cond
                    then a
                    else b
iforelse cond a b = if cond
                    then a
                    else b

> iforelse True (1 + 2) (3 + 4)
iforelse cond a b = if cond
                    then a
                    else b

> iforelse True (1 + 2) (3 + 4)
> iforelse False (1 + 2) (3 + 4)
You should try Haskell if... tried the functional paradigm
       and want to go further want to see your belief
“types are useless” challenged want to write extremelly
efficient programs in a high level
Common Lisp
Invented by John McCarthy in 1958
Invented by John McCarthy in 1958
Lots of
“property of some
programming languages,
    in which the primary
        representation of
 programs is also a data
  structure in a primitive
     type of the language
(1 2 3 ("wadus" 5) (1.3 1.7))
(1 2 3 ("wadus" 5) (1.3 1.7))

[1, 2, 3, ["wadus", 5], [1.3, 1.7]]
(+ (* 3 5) (/ 10 2))
(+ (* 3 5) (/ 10 2))

(1 2 3 ("wadus" 5) (1.3 1.7))

    (+ (* 3 5) (/ 10 2))
(1 2 3 ("wadus" 5) (1.3 1.7))

    (+ (* 3 5) (/ 10 2))

         CODE = DATA
Lisp has no syntax
Valid Lisp code is composed of
  lists whose first element is the
name of a function and the rest are
       the parameters passed
Metaprogramming is creating and manipulating
Metaprogramming is creating and manipulating
                   code                   lists
LISt Processing
(defmacro backwards (code)
(defmacro backwards (code)
  (reverse code))
(defmacro backwards (code)
  (reverse code))

  ("wadus" print))
(defmacro backwards (code)
  (reverse code))

  ("wadus" print))

(print "wadus")
You should try Common Lisp if... want to take a flight
 in a retrofuturist jetpack like metaprogramming want to try one of the
  most abstraction-capable
and still efficient languages want to understand
why Lisp-lovers love Lisp so
Created by Rick Hickey in 2007
Lisp meets XXI century
Lisp meets the JVM
Lisp meets the JVM

Lisp meets purelly functional programming
Lisp meets the JVM

Lisp meets purelly functional programming

           Lisp meets laziness
Lisp meets the JVM

Lisp meets purelly functional programming

           Lisp meets laziness

         Lisp meets concurrency
Clojure is a Lisp
More laziness
(def whole-numbers (iterate inc 1))
(def whole-numbers (iterate inc 1))

(first whole-numbers)
; 1
(def whole-numbers (iterate inc 1))

(first whole-numbers)
; 1

(take 5 whole-numbers)
; (1 2 3 4 5)
(def whole-numbers (iterate inc 1))

(first whole-numbers)
; 1

(take 5 whole-numbers)
; (1 2 3 4 5)

(last whole-numbers) ; => CATACROKER!
(defn fibonacci []
  (map first (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1])))
(defn fibonacci []
  (map first (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1])))

(take 20 (fibonacci))
; (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597
2584 4181)
(def fulano-balance (ref 100))
(def mengano-balance (ref 80))
(def fulano-balance (ref 100))
(def mengano-balance (ref 80))

  (ref-set fulano-balance (+ @fulano-balance 20))
  (ref-set mengano-balance (- @mengano-balance 20)))
(def fulano-balance (ref 100))
(def mengano-balance (ref 80))

  (ref-set fulano-balance (+ @fulano-balance 20))
  (ref-set mengano-balance (- @mengano-balance 20)))

; 120
(def fulano-balance (ref 100))
(def mengano-balance (ref 80))

  (ref-set fulano-balance (+ @fulano-balance 20))
  (ref-set mengano-balance (- @mengano-balance 20)))

; 120
; 60
  (alter fulano-balance + 20)
  (alter mengano-balance - 20))
  (alter fulano-balance + 20)
  (alter mengano-balance - 20))

; 140
  (alter fulano-balance + 20)
  (alter mengano-balance - 20))

; 140
; 40
More interesting things about Clojure
More interesting things about Clojure

Web development with Compojure
More interesting things about Clojure

Web development with Compojure
You should try Clojure if... like both Lisp and the functional approach need/want Java/JVM interoperability
You should create your own language if... want to learn about how
   languages internally work want to have fun
doing something very geek
...your favorite player
leaves your team and
   breaks your heart
And the
New abstractions
New tools
Go out
Break something
Have fun
Thank you! :)

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Five Languages in a Moment

Editor's Notes

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