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Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic :1
al policy is the govt’s budgetary policy and it controls the govts expenditure and recipts.
It operates through changes in govt expenditures, taxation and public borrowing.
Government Expenditure/Spendings
Definition: Government Spendings/Expenditures can be broadly divided into
three main categories. i.e. i Govt consumption expenditure(Expenditure) ii
Transfer payments
(Borrow product to another country in Dollar) iii Interest payments(Loan to
another country on interest).
Government Expenditures:
It provides subsidies, free education, healthcare to the poor people hence govt expenditures is used
as a powerful fiscal investment / tool to bring about an equitable distribution of income and wealth.
Government Expenditures:
It refers to the distribution and use of the funds the govt finance as raised so as to meet the needs
of economic constructions and Various causes. It includes the following main items.
I. Expenditure for capital construction.
II. Innovations funds for enterprises.
III. Geological prospecting expenses.
IV. Expenditures for Science and Technological promotions.
V. Expenditure for supporting rural production.
VI. Operating expenses for the department of farming.
VII. Expenditure for supporting domestic industries.
Domestic Industries:
1. Specific import quote.
2. Subsides.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic :2
Government Revenue
Refers to the revenue of the govt finance by operating in the distribution of the social products,
which is the financial resources for ensuring the govt to function. The contents of the governme
revenue have been changed several times. It include the following main items.
I) Various tax revenue /by taxation
Various tax revenues includes value added tax, business tax, consumption tax, land value added
taxes on city maintenance and construction, resources tax on the use of urban land ,
enterprise income tax, tariff, stamp tax on security transaction and so on.
ii) Special revenue
Special revenue including revenues from the fee on sewage treatment, fee on urban
resources, fee for the consumption of minerals resources and extra charges for education etc.
iii) Other revenue
It including revenues from interest, revenue from the payments of capital construction projects
and donation or grants.
iv) Subsidies
For the losses of state-owned enterprises this is an item of negative revenue,
consisting of subsidies to industrial, commercial and grain purchasing and supply enterprises.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic :3
Objectives of Fiscal policy
1. To allocate economic resources optimally.
2. To maintain price stability.
3. To reduce economic inequalities through equitable distribution of income and wealth.
4. To provide Full Employment.
5. To Foster Economic Growth.
1. To allocate economic resources optimally
Economic resources such as men, money, materials and so on. Should be
used effectively and allocated optimally as they are the function of fiscal
policy. Govt should also avoid wasting resources. And ensure maximum
productivity from economic resources.
2. To Maintain price stability
• The govt should also avoid wastage of resources and ensure maximum
productivity from scarce economic resources.
• Economic activity decreases with falling prices. while steeply rise prices
or beneficial to traders and speculators.
• By fighting inflationary and deflationary trends in the country, fiscal
policy should aim to ensure price stability.
3. To reduce economic inequalities through equitable distribution of income and wealth
The fiscal policy are a welfare state should aim to reduce economic inequality between the rich
and poor.
to the maximum possible degree. It should ensure a fair distribution of income and wealth
among different
sections/classes of society.
4.To provide Full Employment
Providing and maintaining Full employment is the main objective of all economic policies.
Including fiscal policy.
The economy can growth in proportion to the population growth if the economy keeps growing
at the same
Pace. To ensure that the increase in income also increases the private employment
opportunities, fiscal policy
should be constructed in such a way as to ensure that the increase in income and exceeds the
in population.
5. To Foster Economic Growth
The least developed countries are tapped in endless cycle of poverty due to a lack of
capital the basic
Goals of fiscal policy and a least developed country as to accelerate economic
productivity and capital formation.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic :4
Instruments of Fiscal policy
a. Public expenditure
b. Taxation
c. Canons of taxation
d. Tax system
e. Public borrowing
1. Public Expenditure
In developing countries govt expenditure is vital to meet the development
requirement of heavy investments as well as due to the lack of private initiative/
Due to there rest and low returns private entrepreneur are reluctant to invest and
in socially desirable and productive channels in these countries.
Hence, it is responsibility of the govt to make these investment and create the
basic infrastructure For economic development.
2. Taxation
Taxation and public borrowing system influence the efficiency of
fiscal policy. For developing countries, historical taxation has been
the most effective instrument of fiscal policy. Borrowing from the
public well result in higher interest rate which may adversely
influence private investment . Taxation is the only means of
decreasing private consumptions and transferring resources to the
govt for economic developing/development under such conditions.
3.Cannons of taxation
Developmental canons of taxation. According to the Adam smith
there are four basic canons of taxation.
1 Equity
2 Certainty
3 Convenience
4 Economies
In order to make these canons more relevant to the conditions and problems
of developing countries. They have been revised.
4. Tax system
It is essential that taxation increases to meet the govts developments expenditures.
Heavier tax collection and exceedingly the difficult tax additionally taxation
increases or depending can the country’s taxation capacity and the kind of taxes it
can impose/rewind. improving the tax system therefore, essential and order to
increase the tax revenue of the country.
5.Public borrowing
Other important sources of financing economic growth or public borrowings. It is an
anti-inflationary source of mobilizing resources. If the public lends that part of their
income that would otherwise be spend. Public borrowing is a better tool than
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic :5
Importance’s of fiscal policy
 Resources mobilization
 Accelerating the rate of growth
 Encouraging socially optimal investment
 Boosting capital formation
 Creating more jobs opportunities
 Enhancing economic stability
 Checking inflationary tendencies
 reducing inequalities
1. Resource Mobilization is the core/main objective of fiscal policy in all under
countries. due to low savings rates, the national income and per-capita income
are very such govts push the rate of investments and capital through to
forced saving which in terms accelerates the pace/speed of economic
development in such countries. Inflation can 'be controlled by increasing. Private
investment reducing unnecessary consumption and investing and unproductive
2. Accelerating the rate of growth increasing the rate of public and private
investment is one way
that fiscal policy accelerates economic growth. The use of various tools of fiscal
policy such as taxation, public borrowing and financing deficits should be done
in a balanced manners. So as not to adversely effect consumption, production
and wealth distribution.
3. Encouraging socially optimal investment the fiscal policy of under
develop countries encourages investments an those productive
channels which are socially and economically desirable. Accordingly
optimal investments are those investments which promote
economic development and avoid wasteful and unproductive
4.Bossting capital formation a fiscal policy play’s a key/crucial role
in under developed countries by directing investments to strategic
industries and services of public utility. On one hand, and by
encouraging private sector investment and introducing modern
production technology on the other hands. The fiscal policy should
be designed to raise/increase social marginal productivity in social
projects. and to divert resources to those productive channels where
the social marginal productivity is highest.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic :6
5. Creating more jobs opportunities as we known that population growth is very increased
in developing
Countries. Hence, fiscal policy intended to increase employment opportunities by making
high levels of expenditures. And to underemployment specially in rural areas. Efforts should
be made to introduce community development Programs that involve more labor and less
capital per person.
6.Enchancing economic stability the fiscal policy of a developing country also plays an
important role ensuring
reasonable internal and external economic stability. Developing countries are generally
susceptible to the effects of international cyclical fluctuations. Their main exports are
primary products, while they imports manufacture is however important to review fiscal policy from along prospective in order to
minimize the effects of
international cyclical fluctuations. In order to achieve balance growth and to reduce the
effect of cyclical fluctuations, deficit budgeting and inflations these are the most suitable
measures of/ for achieving balance growth.
7.Checking inflationary tendencies developing countries are
influenced by inflationary tendencies due to their heavy
investments and their development activities. As a result real
resources are always in short supply compare to their demand.
Demand rises as purchasing power increases, but supply remains
inelastic due to structure rigidities, market imperfections and
other issues which leads to inflationary pressures.
8.Reducing inequalities fiscal policy plays an important role and
reducing inequality in developing countries due to large income
and wealth disparities. Fiscal measures to reduce the gap
between poverty and prosperity include progressive taxation,
heavy taxes, on the rich and exemptions tax concessions for
goods or mass consumption, govt assessment programs, inputs
for small business and agriculture reform and provision of
essential low prices to the poor.
Present by: sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic : 7
Crowding out and Crowding In effect
Crowding out Effect
Definition: crowding out effect occur when an increase in interest rate
reduces private investment spending in a manner that dampens the initial
increase in total investment spending.
When govt increases its spending to boost economic growth, it adopts an
expansionary fiscal policy stance this interest rates. High interest rate
affect private investment decisions.
As interest rate increases, the cost of investing fund increases and make
debt financing less accessible.
In the end, this causes less investment to be made and crowd out the
effect of the initial increase in investment spending.
Crowding In Effect
When private expenditure does not decrease with in increase in govt
expenditure, there is no crowding expenditure of crowding out effect.
High public investment leads to an increase in private investment which
is the most likely cause of crowding in effect. Govt investment through
the crowding in effect.
Two types of Crowding out Effect
The Crowding out effect of govt spending on private investment can be
seen directly and/ or indirectly.
Direct /Indirect Crowding out
It occurs when physical resources available to the private sector are
reduced, where is indirect Crowding out occurs when interest rates and
prices increases.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic : 8
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
It refers to the deliberate manipulation of taxes and govt spending by
federal govt to alter real domestic output and employment, control
inflation and stimulate economic growth.
‘’Discretionary ‘’ refers to the changes are at the option of federal
Simplifying Assumptions
 Assume initial govt purchase don’t influence (depressor stimulate)
private spending.
 Assume fiscal policy effect only demand out not supply side of the
Fiscal policy Choices
 Expansionary Fiscal Policy used to combat a recession
Increase in interest rate also increase in money supply to control
the recession
 Contractionary Fiscal Policy used to combat demand pull
inflation due to excess spending.
Loans are expenses to control the money supply in inflationary
Expansionary Fiscal policy and tools
To illustrate how the govt can use fiscal policy to effect the economy,
consider an economy that experiencing recession the govt might issue tax
stimulus rebates to increase Aggregate demand and few economic growth.
The logic behind this approach is that when people pay lower taxes they
have more money to spend or invest which increase Aggregate demand.
Increase in demand leads firms to hire more labor decrease unemployment
and cause competition for labor in turn this serves to raise wages and
provide consumer more money to spend/invest. It is virtuous cycle or
positive feedback loop.
Alternatively, the govt may seek economic expansion by increasing
spending, building more infrastructure could increase employment pushing
up demand and growth.
Expansionary fiscal policy is usually characterizes by deficit spending.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic : 9
Contractionary Fiscal Policy
In the phase of mounting inflation and other expansionary
symptom’s, a govt can pursue contractionary policy perhaps even
to the extent of inducing a brief recession in order to restore a
balance to the economic cycle in the economy.
when demand pull inflation occurs, a shift of Aggregate demand
to the right in the vertical range of Aggregate supply then,
contractionary policy is the remedy.
Tools of Contractionary Fiscal Policy
a. A decrease in govt spending shifts Aggregate demand back to
the left, once the multiplier process is complete.
Here, price levels returns to the pre-inflationary level but Gross
Domestic Product remains it full employment level.
b. An increase in taxes will reduce income, and then consumption at
first by the Marginal Propensity to Consume times the decrease in
income, and then the multiplier process leads Aggregate demand to
shifts leftwards still further.
c. A combined govt spending decrease and tax increase could have
the same effect with the right combination.
d. If the budget was initially balanced, a contractionary fiscal policy
creates a budget surplus.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic : 10
Govt Budget Constraint
Generally the Govt finances its expenditure through the revenue received
from taxes.
when govt expenditure exceeds its revenue receive from taxes, it can
finance its expenditure by borrowing money from the market or by
printing new money.
The Govt has the power to increase taxes to raise revenue but increase in
the rates of taxes adversely/negatively effects the incentives toward more
save and invest increase in taxes also promotes tax to increasing revenue
from taxes to finance the increased expenditure of the govt.
When Govt finds its difficult to raise adequate resources to finance its
increase expenditure full through normal tax, it faces a constraint which is
called Govt budget. Constraint that results in budget deficit also called
fiscal deficit.
In simple terms, govt budget constraint refers to the limit placed
on the govt expenditure to which it can raise resources through
taxation, borrowing from market and using printing money.
The general from of govt budget constraint it G=T+ B+ M
G Govt expenditure (including subsidies and interest
payments on past debt.
T Tax revenue (Direct and Indirect taxes).
B New borrowing from market(by sell of bonds or
securities) internal and external.
M New printing money issued to finance govt expenditure
( it is also called high powered money/money financing).
The Govt has to make a choice between magnitude of T, B and
M to finance its budget deficit.
Equation of the Govt budget constraint can also be written as:
G - T = B+ M
G-T = Budget deficit or fiscal deficit equal to New market
borrowing by govt+ new printing money.
The Govt budget deficit can be financed either by printing new
money or by selling bonds to the public which includes Banks,
mutual funds, Insurance companies and other financial
The govt borrows from the market by selling bonds and securities
which adds to the govt debt. The govt has to pay interest annually
on its debt and also have to pay back the principle amount
borrowed at the maturity of the bonds or securities.
Borrowing by the govt also leads to the raise interest rates which
crowds out private investment.
If the govt finances its budget deficit by printing new money it can
lead to inflation therefore due to budget constraint. The govt has to
make choice between borrowing from the market and using printed
money to finance its budget deficit financing by new printed money
is also called money financing.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic : 11
Economic Theory
Ricardian equivalence is an economic theory that says the
financing govt spending out of current taxes or future
taxes(and current deficit) well have an equivalent effects on
the overall economy.
This means that attempts to stimulate an economy by
increasing debt financed govt spending will not be affective
because investors and consumers understand that the debt
will eventually have to be paid for in the form of future
The theory argues that people will save based on their
expectations of increased future taxes to be levied
(imposed) in order to payoff the debt, and that this will
offset the increased in Aggregate demand from the
increased Govt spending. This also implies that Keynesian
fiscal policy will generally be an effective at booting
economic output and growth.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic : 12
Decentralization is the process by which the activities of an
organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision-
making are distributed or delegated away from a central, authorities
location or group(people).
The term decentralization embraces a variety of concepts which must
be carefully analyzed or any particular country. Before determining if
projects or programs should support re-organization of financial,
administrative or service delivery systems.
Decentralization is the transfer of authority and responsibility for
public functions from the central Government to Local Governments.
Types of Decentralization
It include Political, Administrative, Fiscal, and market decentralization.
Different types of Decentralization should be distinguished because they have different
policy implications and condition for success.
Fiscal Decentralization
Fiscal Decentralization is essentially the transfer of expenditure responsibilities and
revenue assignments
to lower levels of govt. A small national govt being closer to the people as more capable
compare to
central govt to meet citizen’s preferences and demands and public goods and services. The
Higher fiscal expenditure decentralization means that local governments have greater
autonomy in fiscal expenditure.
Research generally supports that fiscal decentralization has being linked to a variety of
among those are
 Economic Growth
 Government Size
Advantages of Fiscal Decentralization
There are many other advantages of Fiscal Decentralization. Overall,
revenue mobilization can be improved because decentralization can
broaden the tax net most Govt services are finance with Value Added
Tax and Income Tax.
Features of Fiscal Decentralization
 Delegation of authority to lower management.
 Faster response time.
 Quick decision- making.
 Development of individual departments.
 Employee engagement and development.
Present by: Sumiyyah
Abdul Aziz
The University of Haripur
Topic : 13
Short-run economic fluctuation
 The economic activity fluctuates from year to year.
 A recession is a period of declining real income and rising
 A depression is severe recession fluctuations in the economy
often called the business cycle.
Depression in the economy.
Basic Models
a. Two Variables: are used to develop a model to analyzed the
short- run fluctuations.
1 The economics is output of goods and services measures by real
Gross Domestic Product.
2 The overall price level measure by Consumer Price Index are the
GDP deflator.
b. The Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Economist used to the model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate
Supply to explain short-run fluctuations an economic activity around
its long-run trends.
Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Curve
 The AD curve shows the quantity of goods and services that
households, firms, and the govt want to buy at each price level.
 Aggregate Supply curve shows the quantity of goods and services.
That firms choose to produce and sell it each price level.
Equilibrium Price
Equilibrium Quantity/output
AD Curve
The four components of GDP(Y) contribute to the AD for goods
and services.
Graph Price level
Y1 Y2
Qd/Q output
A decrease in the price level and increases the quantity of goods and services
Aggregate Demand Shift Curve Graph
Shift raises the from
 Consumption
 Investment
 Government
 Net Export
 When the price is fix Ad curve shift upward and downward through other
factors(income, taste, habits etc.)
 When the price of commodity goods and services decreases the AD curve shift
the upward.
 If the price increases the commodity of goods and services the AD curve shift
the downward.
Natural rate of output
Quantity of output
Price level
 A decrease in price level (p1-p2) change in prices
does not effect quantity of goods and services
supplied in the long- run.
Q1 Q2
 The long-run AS curve is vertical at the natural rate of output.
 This level of production is also referred to as potential output or full employment output.
 Any change in the economy that alters the natural rate of output shifts the long-run AS curve
 The shifts maybe categorized according to the various factors in the classical model that effe
Y2 Y3
 Shift rising from
 Labor
 Capital
 Natural resources
 Technological knowledge
 In the long-run technological shifts. The long-run AS curve. Short-run flucations in
output and prices level should be viewed as deviations from the long-run
conditions trends.
 In the short-run, an increase in the overall level of prices an economy trends to
rates the quantity of goods and services supplied.
 A decrease in trends level of prices to reduce the quantity of goods and services
 A decrease in the prices, reduce the quantity of goods
and services supplied in the short-run.

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  • 1. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic :1
  • 2. DEFINITION: al policy is the govt’s budgetary policy and it controls the govts expenditure and recipts. OR It operates through changes in govt expenditures, taxation and public borrowing. Government Expenditure/Spendings Definition: Government Spendings/Expenditures can be broadly divided into three main categories. i.e. i Govt consumption expenditure(Expenditure) ii Transfer payments (Borrow product to another country in Dollar) iii Interest payments(Loan to another country on interest).
  • 3. Government Expenditures: It provides subsidies, free education, healthcare to the poor people hence govt expenditures is used as a powerful fiscal investment / tool to bring about an equitable distribution of income and wealth. Government Expenditures: It refers to the distribution and use of the funds the govt finance as raised so as to meet the needs of economic constructions and Various causes. It includes the following main items. I. Expenditure for capital construction. II. Innovations funds for enterprises. III. Geological prospecting expenses. IV. Expenditures for Science and Technological promotions. V. Expenditure for supporting rural production. VI. Operating expenses for the department of farming. VII. Expenditure for supporting domestic industries. Domestic Industries: 1. Specific import quote. 2. Subsides.
  • 4. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic :2
  • 5. Government Revenue Refers to the revenue of the govt finance by operating in the distribution of the social products, which is the financial resources for ensuring the govt to function. The contents of the governme revenue have been changed several times. It include the following main items. I) Various tax revenue /by taxation Various tax revenues includes value added tax, business tax, consumption tax, land value added taxes on city maintenance and construction, resources tax on the use of urban land , enterprise income tax, tariff, stamp tax on security transaction and so on. ii) Special revenue Special revenue including revenues from the fee on sewage treatment, fee on urban resources, fee for the consumption of minerals resources and extra charges for education etc.
  • 6. iii) Other revenue It including revenues from interest, revenue from the payments of capital construction projects and donation or grants. iv) Subsidies For the losses of state-owned enterprises this is an item of negative revenue, consisting of subsidies to industrial, commercial and grain purchasing and supply enterprises.
  • 7. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic :3
  • 8. Objectives of Fiscal policy 1. To allocate economic resources optimally. 2. To maintain price stability. 3. To reduce economic inequalities through equitable distribution of income and wealth. 4. To provide Full Employment. 5. To Foster Economic Growth.
  • 9. 1. To allocate economic resources optimally Economic resources such as men, money, materials and so on. Should be used effectively and allocated optimally as they are the function of fiscal policy. Govt should also avoid wasting resources. And ensure maximum productivity from economic resources. 2. To Maintain price stability • The govt should also avoid wastage of resources and ensure maximum productivity from scarce economic resources. • Economic activity decreases with falling prices. while steeply rise prices or beneficial to traders and speculators. • By fighting inflationary and deflationary trends in the country, fiscal policy should aim to ensure price stability.
  • 10. 3. To reduce economic inequalities through equitable distribution of income and wealth The fiscal policy are a welfare state should aim to reduce economic inequality between the rich and poor. to the maximum possible degree. It should ensure a fair distribution of income and wealth among different sections/classes of society. 4.To provide Full Employment Providing and maintaining Full employment is the main objective of all economic policies. Including fiscal policy. The economy can growth in proportion to the population growth if the economy keeps growing at the same Pace. To ensure that the increase in income also increases the private employment opportunities, fiscal policy should be constructed in such a way as to ensure that the increase in income and exceeds the increase in population.
  • 11. 5. To Foster Economic Growth The least developed countries are tapped in endless cycle of poverty due to a lack of capital the basic Goals of fiscal policy and a least developed country as to accelerate economic productivity and capital formation.
  • 12. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic :4
  • 13. Instruments of Fiscal policy a. Public expenditure b. Taxation c. Canons of taxation d. Tax system e. Public borrowing
  • 14. 1. Public Expenditure In developing countries govt expenditure is vital to meet the development requirement of heavy investments as well as due to the lack of private initiative/ Investment. Due to there rest and low returns private entrepreneur are reluctant to invest and in socially desirable and productive channels in these countries. Hence, it is responsibility of the govt to make these investment and create the basic infrastructure For economic development.
  • 15. 2. Taxation Taxation and public borrowing system influence the efficiency of fiscal policy. For developing countries, historical taxation has been the most effective instrument of fiscal policy. Borrowing from the public well result in higher interest rate which may adversely influence private investment . Taxation is the only means of decreasing private consumptions and transferring resources to the govt for economic developing/development under such conditions. 3.Cannons of taxation Developmental canons of taxation. According to the Adam smith there are four basic canons of taxation. 1 Equity 2 Certainty 3 Convenience 4 Economies
  • 16. In order to make these canons more relevant to the conditions and problems of developing countries. They have been revised. 4. Tax system It is essential that taxation increases to meet the govts developments expenditures. Heavier tax collection and exceedingly the difficult tax additionally taxation increases or depending can the country’s taxation capacity and the kind of taxes it can impose/rewind. improving the tax system therefore, essential and order to increase the tax revenue of the country. 5.Public borrowing Other important sources of financing economic growth or public borrowings. It is an anti-inflationary source of mobilizing resources. If the public lends that part of their income that would otherwise be spend. Public borrowing is a better tool than taxation.
  • 17. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic :5
  • 18. Importance’s of fiscal policy  Resources mobilization  Accelerating the rate of growth  Encouraging socially optimal investment  Boosting capital formation  Creating more jobs opportunities  Enhancing economic stability  Checking inflationary tendencies  reducing inequalities
  • 19. 1. Resource Mobilization is the core/main objective of fiscal policy in all under developed countries. due to low savings rates, the national income and per-capita income are very such govts push the rate of investments and capital through to forced saving which in terms accelerates the pace/speed of economic development in such countries. Inflation can 'be controlled by increasing. Private investment reducing unnecessary consumption and investing and unproductive channels. 2. Accelerating the rate of growth increasing the rate of public and private investment is one way that fiscal policy accelerates economic growth. The use of various tools of fiscal policy such as taxation, public borrowing and financing deficits should be done in a balanced manners. So as not to adversely effect consumption, production and wealth distribution.
  • 20. 3. Encouraging socially optimal investment the fiscal policy of under develop countries encourages investments an those productive channels which are socially and economically desirable. Accordingly optimal investments are those investments which promote economic development and avoid wasteful and unproductive investments. 4.Bossting capital formation a fiscal policy play’s a key/crucial role in under developed countries by directing investments to strategic industries and services of public utility. On one hand, and by encouraging private sector investment and introducing modern production technology on the other hands. The fiscal policy should be designed to raise/increase social marginal productivity in social desirable projects. and to divert resources to those productive channels where the social marginal productivity is highest.
  • 21. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic :6
  • 22. 5. Creating more jobs opportunities as we known that population growth is very increased in developing Countries. Hence, fiscal policy intended to increase employment opportunities by making high levels of expenditures. And to underemployment specially in rural areas. Efforts should be made to introduce community development Programs that involve more labor and less capital per person. 6.Enchancing economic stability the fiscal policy of a developing country also plays an important role ensuring reasonable internal and external economic stability. Developing countries are generally susceptible to the effects of international cyclical fluctuations. Their main exports are primary products, while they imports manufacture is however important to review fiscal policy from along prospective in order to minimize the effects of international cyclical fluctuations. In order to achieve balance growth and to reduce the effect of cyclical fluctuations, deficit budgeting and inflations these are the most suitable measures of/ for achieving balance growth.
  • 23. 7.Checking inflationary tendencies developing countries are influenced by inflationary tendencies due to their heavy investments and their development activities. As a result real resources are always in short supply compare to their demand. Demand rises as purchasing power increases, but supply remains inelastic due to structure rigidities, market imperfections and other issues which leads to inflationary pressures. 8.Reducing inequalities fiscal policy plays an important role and reducing inequality in developing countries due to large income and wealth disparities. Fiscal measures to reduce the gap between poverty and prosperity include progressive taxation, heavy taxes, on the rich and exemptions tax concessions for goods or mass consumption, govt assessment programs, inputs for small business and agriculture reform and provision of essential low prices to the poor.
  • 24. FISCAL POLICY Present by: sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic : 7
  • 25. Crowding out and Crowding In effect Crowding out Effect Definition: crowding out effect occur when an increase in interest rate reduces private investment spending in a manner that dampens the initial increase in total investment spending. When govt increases its spending to boost economic growth, it adopts an expansionary fiscal policy stance this interest rates. High interest rate affect private investment decisions. As interest rate increases, the cost of investing fund increases and make debt financing less accessible. In the end, this causes less investment to be made and crowd out the effect of the initial increase in investment spending.
  • 26. Crowding In Effect Definition When private expenditure does not decrease with in increase in govt expenditure, there is no crowding expenditure of crowding out effect. High public investment leads to an increase in private investment which is the most likely cause of crowding in effect. Govt investment through the crowding in effect. Two types of Crowding out Effect The Crowding out effect of govt spending on private investment can be seen directly and/ or indirectly. Direct /Indirect Crowding out It occurs when physical resources available to the private sector are reduced, where is indirect Crowding out occurs when interest rates and prices increases.
  • 27. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic : 8
  • 28. Discretionary Fiscal Policy Definition It refers to the deliberate manipulation of taxes and govt spending by federal govt to alter real domestic output and employment, control inflation and stimulate economic growth. ‘’Discretionary ‘’ refers to the changes are at the option of federal govt. Simplifying Assumptions  Assume initial govt purchase don’t influence (depressor stimulate) private spending.  Assume fiscal policy effect only demand out not supply side of the economy.
  • 29. Fiscal policy Choices  Expansionary Fiscal Policy used to combat a recession OR Increase in interest rate also increase in money supply to control the recession  Contractionary Fiscal Policy used to combat demand pull inflation due to excess spending. OR Loans are expenses to control the money supply in inflationary situation
  • 30. Expansionary Fiscal policy and tools To illustrate how the govt can use fiscal policy to effect the economy, consider an economy that experiencing recession the govt might issue tax stimulus rebates to increase Aggregate demand and few economic growth. The logic behind this approach is that when people pay lower taxes they have more money to spend or invest which increase Aggregate demand. Increase in demand leads firms to hire more labor decrease unemployment and cause competition for labor in turn this serves to raise wages and provide consumer more money to spend/invest. It is virtuous cycle or positive feedback loop. Alternatively, the govt may seek economic expansion by increasing spending, building more infrastructure could increase employment pushing up demand and growth. Expansionary fiscal policy is usually characterizes by deficit spending.
  • 31. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic : 9
  • 32. Contractionary Fiscal Policy Definition In the phase of mounting inflation and other expansionary symptom’s, a govt can pursue contractionary policy perhaps even to the extent of inducing a brief recession in order to restore a balance to the economic cycle in the economy. when demand pull inflation occurs, a shift of Aggregate demand to the right in the vertical range of Aggregate supply then, contractionary policy is the remedy. Tools of Contractionary Fiscal Policy a. A decrease in govt spending shifts Aggregate demand back to the left, once the multiplier process is complete. Here, price levels returns to the pre-inflationary level but Gross Domestic Product remains it full employment level.
  • 33. b. An increase in taxes will reduce income, and then consumption at first by the Marginal Propensity to Consume times the decrease in income, and then the multiplier process leads Aggregate demand to shifts leftwards still further. c. A combined govt spending decrease and tax increase could have the same effect with the right combination. d. If the budget was initially balanced, a contractionary fiscal policy creates a budget surplus.
  • 34. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic : 10
  • 35. Govt Budget Constraint Generally the Govt finances its expenditure through the revenue received from taxes. when govt expenditure exceeds its revenue receive from taxes, it can finance its expenditure by borrowing money from the market or by printing new money. The Govt has the power to increase taxes to raise revenue but increase in the rates of taxes adversely/negatively effects the incentives toward more save and invest increase in taxes also promotes tax to increasing revenue from taxes to finance the increased expenditure of the govt. When Govt finds its difficult to raise adequate resources to finance its increase expenditure full through normal tax, it faces a constraint which is called Govt budget. Constraint that results in budget deficit also called fiscal deficit.
  • 36. In simple terms, govt budget constraint refers to the limit placed on the govt expenditure to which it can raise resources through taxation, borrowing from market and using printing money. The general from of govt budget constraint it G=T+ B+ M G Govt expenditure (including subsidies and interest payments on past debt. T Tax revenue (Direct and Indirect taxes). B New borrowing from market(by sell of bonds or securities) internal and external. M New printing money issued to finance govt expenditure ( it is also called high powered money/money financing). The Govt has to make a choice between magnitude of T, B and M to finance its budget deficit.
  • 37. Equation of the Govt budget constraint can also be written as: G - T = B+ M G-T = Budget deficit or fiscal deficit equal to New market borrowing by govt+ new printing money. The Govt budget deficit can be financed either by printing new money or by selling bonds to the public which includes Banks, mutual funds, Insurance companies and other financial institutions. The govt borrows from the market by selling bonds and securities which adds to the govt debt. The govt has to pay interest annually on its debt and also have to pay back the principle amount borrowed at the maturity of the bonds or securities. Borrowing by the govt also leads to the raise interest rates which crowds out private investment.
  • 38. If the govt finances its budget deficit by printing new money it can lead to inflation therefore due to budget constraint. The govt has to make choice between borrowing from the market and using printed money to finance its budget deficit financing by new printed money is also called money financing.
  • 39. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic : 11
  • 40. Economic Theory Definition Ricardian equivalence is an economic theory that says the financing govt spending out of current taxes or future taxes(and current deficit) well have an equivalent effects on the overall economy. This means that attempts to stimulate an economy by increasing debt financed govt spending will not be affective because investors and consumers understand that the debt will eventually have to be paid for in the form of future taxes. The theory argues that people will save based on their expectations of increased future taxes to be levied (imposed) in order to payoff the debt, and that this will offset the increased in Aggregate demand from the increased Govt spending. This also implies that Keynesian fiscal policy will generally be an effective at booting economic output and growth.
  • 41. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic : 12
  • 42. Decentralization Definition Decentralization is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision- making are distributed or delegated away from a central, authorities location or group(people). OR The term decentralization embraces a variety of concepts which must be carefully analyzed or any particular country. Before determining if projects or programs should support re-organization of financial, administrative or service delivery systems. OR Decentralization is the transfer of authority and responsibility for public functions from the central Government to Local Governments.
  • 43. Types of Decentralization It include Political, Administrative, Fiscal, and market decentralization. Different types of Decentralization should be distinguished because they have different characteristics, policy implications and condition for success. Fiscal Decentralization Fiscal Decentralization is essentially the transfer of expenditure responsibilities and revenue assignments to lower levels of govt. A small national govt being closer to the people as more capable compare to central govt to meet citizen’s preferences and demands and public goods and services. The Higher fiscal expenditure decentralization means that local governments have greater autonomy in fiscal expenditure. Research generally supports that fiscal decentralization has being linked to a variety of outcomes, among those are  Economic Growth  Government Size
  • 44. Advantages of Fiscal Decentralization There are many other advantages of Fiscal Decentralization. Overall, revenue mobilization can be improved because decentralization can broaden the tax net most Govt services are finance with Value Added Tax and Income Tax. Features of Fiscal Decentralization  Delegation of authority to lower management.  Faster response time.  Quick decision- making.  Development of individual departments.  Employee engagement and development.
  • 45. FISCAL POLICY Present by: Sumiyyah Abdul Aziz BS(Economics) The University of Haripur Topic : 13
  • 46. Short-run economic fluctuation  The economic activity fluctuates from year to year.  A recession is a period of declining real income and rising unemployment.  A depression is severe recession fluctuations in the economy often called the business cycle. Recession Depression in the economy. Basic Models a. Two Variables: are used to develop a model to analyzed the short- run fluctuations. 1 The economics is output of goods and services measures by real Gross Domestic Product. 2 The overall price level measure by Consumer Price Index are the GDP deflator.
  • 47. b. The Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Economist used to the model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply to explain short-run fluctuations an economic activity around its long-run trends. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Curve  The AD curve shows the quantity of goods and services that households, firms, and the govt want to buy at each price level.  Aggregate Supply curve shows the quantity of goods and services. That firms choose to produce and sell it each price level. Graph Price Supply Demand Equilibrium Price Equilibrium Quantity/output QD
  • 48. AD Curve The four components of GDP(Y) contribute to the AD for goods and services. Y=C+I+G+Nx Graph Price level P1 P2 DC Y1 Y2 Qd/Q output
  • 49. A decrease in the price level and increases the quantity of goods and services demand. Aggregate Demand Shift Curve Graph Shift raises the from  Consumption  Investment  Government  Net Export  When the price is fix Ad curve shift upward and downward through other factors(income, taste, habits etc.)  When the price of commodity goods and services decreases the AD curve shift the upward.  If the price increases the commodity of goods and services the AD curve shift the downward.
  • 50. P1 P2 Natural rate of output Quantity of output Price level  A decrease in price level (p1-p2) change in prices does not effect quantity of goods and services supplied in the long- run. Graph
  • 51. P2 P1 Q1 Q2 Graph  The long-run AS curve is vertical at the natural rate of output.  This level of production is also referred to as potential output or full employment output.  Any change in the economy that alters the natural rate of output shifts the long-run AS curve  The shifts maybe categorized according to the various factors in the classical model that effe
  • 52. P3 P2 P1 Y1 Y2 Y3  Shift rising from  Labor  Capital  Natural resources  Technological knowledge
  • 53. 201 0 2000 1990  In the long-run technological shifts. The long-run AS curve. Short-run flucations in output and prices level should be viewed as deviations from the long-run conditions trends.  In the short-run, an increase in the overall level of prices an economy trends to rates the quantity of goods and services supplied.  A decrease in trends level of prices to reduce the quantity of goods and services supplied.
  • 54.  A decrease in the prices, reduce the quantity of goods and services supplied in the short-run.