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Planner for the Programs of First Presbyterian Church  June to August 2016
First Presbyterian Church g 1702 Iowa Street g Davenport, Iowa 52803 g 563.326.1691 g
Welcometo the second issue of FIRST PRESS.
A publication promoting all of the
programming of First Presbyterian
Church, Davenport, Iowa.
What is it to renew? A simple definition
is to make new, fresh, or strong again; to
make a promise or vow; to begin again es-
pecially with more force or enthusiasm.
The theme of renewal is identifiable
and abundant in Christian faith and
spirituality. We recognize that throughout
the Bible the message told is of renewal
and transformation.
Are we in control of renewal? The
answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ We are in
control of our actions and setting time
aside for renewal-fostering activities.
Committing to taking time in our busy
lives to take vacations, providing our
minds and hearts the needed space to
gain perspective and be open to seeing
God’s will and plan, all offer opportuties
for renewal. However, often we are
caught up in the day-to-day cycle of
checking off our “to do” lists, not putting
aside time to reflect and renew.
Spend time this summer enjoying your
family, traveling, adventure seeking, and
connecting with nature -- but also stop
and listen to the quietness. Put things
into perspective and listen to your soul
and what God is saying to you. That is
what will renew you; and in you, there
will be a visible light shining out.
Be renewed by helping and watching our
youth grow in spirit at Vacation Bible
Camp, invite your friends to an outside
summer worship service, bring your pet
to the Blessing of the Animals service, or
“Bix-it-up” at the race day party or jazz
service. Tell your neighbors about the
summer Musikgarten program,
offering a musical and spiritual
foundation for babies and toddlers.
Be in service to others in our community
by helping to deliver meals with Scott
County Meal Service or preparing a
Salvation Army meal.
Pray with our Envisioning 20/20 Team as
we initiate God-Sized Dreams for First
Presbyterian Church. Listen to
others, lend a hand, be a friend, and share
your faith.
Consider Isaiah 40:31, “...but those who
hope in the Lord will renew their
strength. They will soar on wings like ea-
gles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.”
If you have a summer renewal story
to share with your church friends,
please contact Diane Pumphrey
563-326-1691, ext. 205).
Weaving & Renewal 2
Worship 3
Service Opportunities 4
Summer Melodies 5
Fun “To-Do’s” 6
Planner for the Programs of First Presbyterian Church  June to August 2016
Prayer for Renewal
By your word, O God, your
creation sprang forth, and
we were given the breath of
life. By your word, eternal
God, death is overcome,
Christ is raised from the
tomb, and we are given a
new life in the power of
your Spirit. May we boldly
proclaim this good news,
by the words of our mouths
and the deeds of our lives,
rejoicing always in your
powerful presence; through
Jesus Christ our risen Lord.
Book of Common Worship
{xtÜà Éy à{x v|àç
Weaving Renewal Into
Everything Woven
Prayer Shawl & Tabitha’s Circle
Crafters Offer Comfort & Hope to Others
“Knit one, purl two,” an instructional phrase
familiar to knitters, but it also could be a synopsis
to the work they are really doing -- as they create
woven objects they also offer a symbol of comfort,
hope, and the opportunity for renewal to others.
These committed crafters are an inspiration, so we
decided to ask them a few questions.
While you are knitting or sewing (either in the
group or alone) what do you think about?
Nancy Foster shares, “When I knit alone, I have
an awareness that I’m doing something for
someone else – a gift, a comfort.”
Karla Jones adds, “When meeting to knit or
crochet as a group, often times, the conversation
turns to those in the congregation who are ill or
having health issues. We share with each other
about our families, our work, our travels, our
interests. When I’m crocheting alone, I think
about yarn colors; what yarn I have available for
what patterns; what type of project I want to do.
Sometimes I wonder who might receive the
finished project and I hope it fulfills their needs.
I don’t know who will receive the shawl, but I
know God knows, which keeps me crocheting.”
As you are creating/forming something new –
reflect on how your faith journey has been woven,
much like the objects you create. Is there a message
you would like to share on this reflection?
“We close our gatherings with a ‘laying on of
hands’ for the shawls. Everyone gathers around
the completed shawls and we pray over the shawls
that our work will convey God’s comfort,
healing, and support.” Nancy explains.
Karla explains, “The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a
quiet, behind-the-scenes ministry that fits my
desire to provide care and comfort to those in the
congregation who need it. I make prayer shawls
with the hope that the recipient feels God’s love
and the love of the congregation. If he/she is ill, I
hope the shawl provides comfort. If celebrating a
new baby, I hope she/he feels joy. If bereft, I
hope she/he knows that the shawl represents their
church family and they know they are not alone.”
Roen Paulsen reflects, “Faith Journey – I see the
progress that is accomplished at each party in the
sewing and it makes me smile to see the effort
that is put toward the mission we have selected
for Mission Connection and knowing these
dresses are going to young girls in Africa and
parts of the United States. It gives one a really
good feeling to be a part of something like this.”
Sharon Simmonds adds, “Speaking of the creativity,
our group has been together for a little more than
two years and I enjoy our discussions on beliefs
and how the sermons influence us that day. It is
nice to create something beautiful and know they
are being worn. I often wonder if the girls who
wear these dresses feel an attachment to them and
to those of us who have worked on these dresses.”
Does the act of knitting/crocheting/sewing offer
renewal to you? If so, how?
“Yes!” Nancy exclaims. “There is something
peaceful and maybe spiritual in knitting/crochet.
In a way, it’s like life: you work on your tasks,
your problems, your goals a little at a time.
Eventually you see you’re making progress and
the solution (the shawl) takes shape.”
“I find crocheting very relaxing. The repetitive
motion with my hands is calming, and creating a
useful garment is gratifying. Learning new
stitches and trying new patterns is fun and
challenging. Completing a project is satisfying.”
Karla summarizes.
Sharon reflects, “Sewing is relaxing for me
because it is second nature, I don’t have to think
about the process, or the stitches, or what my
hands are naturally doing, instead, I can think of
the little girls who are going to be wearing them.”
Do you receive messages back from those your
blankets have been given to?
Karla shares, “The group has received notes from
recipients thanking us for the prayer shawl. We
have heard the shawls are most welcomed by
chemo patients because they get so cold during
treatment. We heard a shawl was given to a hospice
patient, upon their
death, was then
passed to a family
member in their grief.”
About Knit for Kids:
In 2015, the Prayer Shawl
Ministry expanded their knitting
and crocheting efforts to include
items for Knit for Kids, a
Christian ministry under the
direction of World Vision.
Through FPC volunteers,
5 sweaters, 75 hats and
25 blankets have been created
and distributed to children
nationally and globally. If you
are interested in participating in
this ministry, patterns are
located at:
About the Prayer Shawl Ministry: We knit,
crochet and visit for about an hour and a half,
and then have refreshments. Before disbanding,
those present come together around the shawls
to place their hands on the shawls and we pray.
If you can’t attend the gatherings, your
contributions are welcomed and appreciated. Yarn
can be found in the “yarn cupboard” in the supply
room on the third floor of the CE Building, feel free
to use it for these projects. Items may be placed in
the “Knit for Kids” box found in the church office.
For more information, contact Nancy Foster
(563-391-4622; or
Karla Jones (563-332-9314).
About Tabitha’s Circle (formerly known as
Little Dresses for Africa): We meet to create
simple dresses and shorts at “sewing parties.”
The garments are sent to the children in Africa,
Guatemala, Cambodia, Haiti and in the U.S.,
Appalachia and South Dakota. There are
refreshments and crafters bring their own sewing
machines. For more information, contact Roen
Paulsen (563-355-3165).
“...our work will
convey God’s
comfort, healing,
and support.”
- Nancy Foster
Sunday Worship
Childcare is available in the nursery on the third floor of
the Christian Education Building. Note: There will be one
service only at 10:00 AM on Sunday, June 12, followed by
the All Church Picnic at 11:30 AM. Service times change
on June 19 to 8:30 & 10:00 AM and the first outside
service is on June 26 at 8:30 AM. Bix Sunday is on
August 7 with services at 8:30 and 10:30 AM.
Do you want to know what’s planned for upcoming
worship services? Visit the Worship Service Planning
Calendar on the church website. You’ll find information
about upcoming sermon series, the choirs, Worship Host
information, and who will be preaching.
Here’s a preview of some sermons:
5 9:00 & 11:00 AM “Thy Kingdom Come”
12 10:00 AM “Not All Picnics are Equal”
19 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Catch the Wave of God’s Love”
26 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Quit Hurrying”
3 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Quit Comparing”
10 8:30 & 10:00 AM “In The Presence of Greatness”
17 8:30 & 10:00 AM “A Work in Progress”
24 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Quit Complaining (part 1)”
31 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Quit Complaining (part 2)”
7 8:30 & 10:30 AM “Let There Be Jazz”
14 8:30 & 10:00 AM “77 Times?….Really!?!?!??”
21 8:30 & 10:00 AM “It Is Solved By Walking”
28 8:30 & 10:00 AM “VIP Seating, Please”
You’re always invited to worship with us! A place to belong!
Where faith is nurtured, curiosity is encouraged,
diversity is welcomed, and all are loved.
Communion is a practice
that is meant to be observed
over and over throughout
the life of a Christian. It is
a holy time of worship
when we corporately come
together as one body to
remember and to celebrate
what Christ did for us. All
who accept Jesus Christ as
their Savior are welcome to take Communion.
The Sacrament will be served on Sundays,
June 5 and August 14.
Baptism is a sacrament, and
the sacraments represent the
free grace of God. There is
no charge for having a child
baptized. Call the church
office (563-326-1691) to
arrange the date of baptism
and to request the appropriate
forms be mailed to you.
Return those completed
forms to the church. Attend
a baptismal seminar to review the meaning of
baptism and to get oriented to the logistics of
the celebration of baptism in worship.
First Presbyterian Church of Davenport is an
inclusive, caring community of faith committed
to loving God, loving neighbor as self, and
sharing the love of Jesus Christ with all people
through worship, fellowship, and service.
Kids Against Hunger Approaches
100,000 Meals Packaged
FPC members packaged 8,640 meals
during the Kids Against Hunger
sessions from April 24-27. Assembly
lines were formed to bag a special
blend of rice, soy, dried vegetables
and vitamins for delivery to a
coordinating organization in a foreign
country. Each bag, when cooked
with boiling water, will provide
six servings to a family in need.
According to KAH-Quad Cities, this
brings the seven year total to 97,920.
On behalf of the children and
families who receive this food in
various parts of the world, thank you
for your participation!
Upcoming Service Opportunities
As the body of Christ, First Presbyterian Church’s mission and outreach programs seek to reach out to the
community and to the world to care for those in need. Here are some hands-on mission opportunities:
Salvation Army Soup Kitchen: First Monday of each month
For more information, contact Linda Larson (, Muffy Ellard (, or
Susie Kardel ( Volunteer cooks and servers are always welcome.
Scott County Meal Service Needs Drivers to Deliver Lunches
The Meal Service (office located at FPC) needs drivers to deliver meals to the homebound. To volunteer,
contact Julie Belman (563-323-1628,
Worship Host Ministries – Sunday Mornings
Not much time? Hosting a worship service adds only 40 minutes to your regular Sunday routine. Hosts
serve once every two months and scheduling is flexible. This is a fun and easy was to get involved in the
ministries of the church. Contact Chad Carr (563-529-8247; for more information.
Sunday School Teachers Needed!
Our first day of Sunday School this fall will be September 18, with our open house being the week earlier
on September 11. Sunday School teachers are needed for all grades, with two teachers needed for each class
each week. We try to work the schedule so that teachers teach every other Sunday for 45 minutes. Teaching
Sunday School is an amazing opportunity to be a part of sharing God’s love and His word and His works
with the youngest members of our community—and the impact you can have on these young lives is
something that they carry with them into adulthood (where they, hopefully, will also teach Sunday School
one day). Please—prayerfully consider teaching Sunday School this fall. Christian Education Director
Tiffany provides you with all of the materials, supplies and curriculum needed each week to teach—all you
need to do is show up at class with a willingness to listen, to talk, and to share the Bible with the children of
the church. For more information, contact Tiffany (, 563-326-1691).
A group of teenagers
from FPC heads to Triennium at
Purdue University the week of July 19
through July-23 to spend a week with
Presbyterian youth from across the
nation. They are able to attend this
amazing week, which only occurs once
every three years, thanks to the generous
donations of the congregation and the
fundraising efforts of the entire youth
group. Please, keep them in your
prayers as they celebrate
God’s word and
works with over
3,000 other
youth. ...into the world and make disciples
Melodies of Summer
Our Musikgarten program is three years old already! It’s been fun and
exciting to watch our children grow and learn together!
Our Summer Musikgarten program is ready to continue that fun with music
and movement for the whole family! Babies through kindergarten age are
welcome to join us! Kathy Middleton will be leading the summer classes and
will be including activities that are adaptable for the babies and extendable for
the big brothers and sisters who have “graduated” from Musikgarten. Even if your
child has moved on to Cherub Choir and Preschool Sunday School during the school year, you
are welcome to join us for our summer Musikgarten program. Just think of it as a family reunion!
Musikgarten’s philosophy is steeped in this understanding: movement and music activities are
perfect for child development; music immerses the child in language; evokes movement; stimulates
the brain; and fosters physical coordination -- all in a group setting that builds a God-centered,
musical community -- a truly holistic experience.
We’ll meet for Summer Musikgarten classes on June 5 from 10:15-10:45 AM, and then from 9:20-9:50 AM during June
(June 12, 19, 26) and then again July 24 and 31 and August 7, 14, 21 and 28. Fore more information, please contact Kathy
Middleton (563-505-0471;
Bix Race Day Party Offers Fun & Fellowship for All! Saturday, July 30, 7:00-11:00 AM
Grab a lawn chair, invite friends and loved ones, and join your FPC friends in the excitement of another Bix race morning!
This year, the Bix Race Day Party is Saturday, July 30, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM on the Kirkwood Boulevard lawn. See
you there!
Bix Jazz Service - Sunday, August 7, 8:30 & 10:30 AM
Bix Liturgy services are often a fun and interesting “first introduction” to First Presbyterian Church. Many guests return to
worship throughout the year. Please take this opportunity to volunteer and make someone’s first impression of FPC a positive
one. “Ask Me!” volunteers are asked to sign up for one of two shifts, 7:30-8:30 AM, or 9:30-10:30 AM. Those able to donate
three dozen homemade cookies or wanting to help host the fellowship reception following each service, should contact a
member of the Congregation Development & Fellowship Committee for more information.
FPC Welcomes the Jimmy Valentine Quintet on Bix Sunday!
The Jimmy Valentine Quintet plays classic jazz in the style of Pete Fountain and the original Dukes of Dixieland and is
accustomed to having fun while doing so. Jim (Jimmy) Valentine has played professionally for the last 50 years, beginning
with the Dixie Lads Jazz Band, in 1963, at the grand opening of a place called, Across The Street, in the Village of East
Davenport. This first rate group includes: Rich Atwood, cornet; Dick Watson, piano; Gary Palmer, bass; and Kirk Prebyl,
drums. These musicians have played with so many bands, to list them all would probably fill a book. Good jazz, hot and
fun. What more can you want?
Fun “To-Do” Opportunities
Annual All Church Picnic
Sunday, June 12, 11:30 AM
A tisket, a tasket…..time to pack your basket.
Plan now for the All Church Picnic on June 12 at
11:30 AM in the north parking lot. In the event of
rain, the picnic will be held in Fellowship Hall
and the gymnasium. Watch for sign up sheets
around the church to bring something to share.
The Deacons will be grilling typical picnic meats and will supply the drinks. We are planning lots of games and
fun activities for the children and there will be plenty of fellowship time for the adults. Mark your calendars so
that you can attend this fun summertime event at FPC!
Blessing of the Animals - Sunday, July 10, 8:30 AM
Bring your pet—large or small, all are welcome!—to the 8:30 AM outdoor worship
service. There will be unique music, prayers for creation, and a special blessing for
each pet. The Blessing of the Animals is an ancient custom associated with St.
Francis of Assisi. Always at home in the company of the disadvantaged and the
dispossessed, Francis recognized the Divine Spark in the beauty of creation, in the
love of the companionship of animals, and in the poor; all of this has made him one
of the most admired monks and mystics in the history of the Church. Pet photos will
be taken following the service. Donations will be accepted for the Scott County
Humane Society. Items needed include: dry or canned dog & cat food, cleaning
supplies, hand sanitizer, laundry detergent, pump hand soaps, and office supplies.
How Do I Become a Member?
The Hospitality and Welcoming Committee
will be hosting New Member Inquiry events on
September 18 and November 13, starting at
12:15 PM in the Parlor on the second floor of
the Christian Education Building. If you have
questions about becoming a member, please
contact Tammy Mayhew (563-326-1691,
ext. 212;
Don’t Let Your Pledge Take a Summer Vacation
The days of summer are here. Can you believe it is June already? Summer invites us to rest, relax, and
renew. This time of year finds most of us very active and frequently gone for several weeks at a time,
or maybe several weekends at a time. Even though you may be planning on being away, the church’s
financial obligations continue during the summer months. We simply ask that you keep your pledge
current. There are a number of ways you can maintain your pledge this summer: set up a monthly
automatic deduction from your bank account; set up monthly credit card payments; mail checks in to
the Finance Office; or pre-pay your summer giving. If you would like auto deductions or credit card
payments, contact Shannon (; 563-326-1691, ext. 219) in the Finance Office
for set-up. We appreciate your ongoing and timely giving of your pledges and offerings. This makes all
the difference and is good stewardship.
Tell us what you think about this
publication. Did you find inspiration
to Renew your spirit? Contact Diane
Pumphrey (563-326-1691, ext. 205; to
share your thoughts and comments.
The next FPC Programming, Planning,
and Calendarization Meeting is
Tuesday, June 21 at 5:00 PM. This
meeting is open to all – so share your
ideas and work in collaboration with
others! Committees should now be
meeting to plan programming and
events out for the year. Plans will be
communicated to church leadership
and the staff. The online calendar is a
tool for planning and communicating.
Project managers for events should
be designated six months ahead of
time. The next issue of FIRST
PRESS, an expanded publication of
church programming for the months
of September through December,
will be published in September.
The theme is Engage and articles
for that publication are due to
Diane Pumphrey (pumphrey@ by July 15.
First Presbyterian Church
1702 Iowa Street
Davenport, Iowa 52803
Phone: 563-326-1691
Fax: 563-326-5416{xtÜà Éy à{x v|àç
First Presbyterian Church
1702 Iowa Street
Davenport, IA 52803-4315
Nonprofit Org
US Postage
Davenport, IA
Permit 15
Vacation Bible Camp at FPC
Catch the Wave - June 13-17!
VBC is going to be all about catching the wave of God’s amazing love as we hang out
together at the Surf Shack the week of June 13-17 from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, with lunch
served everyday from 12:00 to 12:30 PM! Vacation Bible Camp is intended for all youth in
Preschool through 6th
grade and everyone is welcome, whether members of FPC or not -- so
friends are definitely invited! You may register your children for VBC by downloading a
registration form at and submitting it to the church office. All youth in
grade who are available are needed as volunteers. For more information, contact
Director of Christian Education Tiffany Horvath (; 563-326-1691).
It will be a totally groovy week at the Surf Shack catching the wave!

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  • 1. FIRST PRESS Planner for the Programs of First Presbyterian Church  June to August 2016 First Presbyterian Church g 1702 Iowa Street g Davenport, Iowa 52803 g 563.326.1691 g
  • 2. eenew Welcometo the second issue of FIRST PRESS. A publication promoting all of the programming of First Presbyterian Church, Davenport, Iowa. What is it to renew? A simple definition is to make new, fresh, or strong again; to make a promise or vow; to begin again es- pecially with more force or enthusiasm. The theme of renewal is identifiable and abundant in Christian faith and spirituality. We recognize that throughout the Bible the message told is of renewal and transformation. Are we in control of renewal? The answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ We are in control of our actions and setting time aside for renewal-fostering activities. Committing to taking time in our busy lives to take vacations, providing our minds and hearts the needed space to gain perspective and be open to seeing God’s will and plan, all offer opportuties for renewal. However, often we are caught up in the day-to-day cycle of checking off our “to do” lists, not putting aside time to reflect and renew. Spend time this summer enjoying your family, traveling, adventure seeking, and connecting with nature -- but also stop and listen to the quietness. Put things into perspective and listen to your soul and what God is saying to you. That is what will renew you; and in you, there will be a visible light shining out. Be renewed by helping and watching our youth grow in spirit at Vacation Bible Camp, invite your friends to an outside summer worship service, bring your pet to the Blessing of the Animals service, or “Bix-it-up” at the race day party or jazz service. Tell your neighbors about the summer Musikgarten program, offering a musical and spiritual foundation for babies and toddlers. Be in service to others in our community by helping to deliver meals with Scott County Meal Service or preparing a Salvation Army meal. Pray with our Envisioning 20/20 Team as we initiate God-Sized Dreams for First Presbyterian Church. Listen to others, lend a hand, be a friend, and share your faith. Consider Isaiah 40:31, “...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like ea- gles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” If you have a summer renewal story to share with your church friends, please contact Diane Pumphrey (; 563-326-1691, ext. 205). Renew Weaving & Renewal 2 Worship 3 Service Opportunities 4 Summer Melodies 5 Fun “To-Do’s” 6 Planner for the Programs of First Presbyterian Church  June to August 2016 fp Prayer for Renewal By your word, O God, your creation sprang forth, and we were given the breath of life. By your word, eternal God, death is overcome, Christ is raised from the tomb, and we are given a new life in the power of your Spirit. May we boldly proclaim this good news, by the words of our mouths and the deeds of our lives, rejoicing always in your powerful presence; through Jesus Christ our risen Lord. Amen. Book of Common Worship R {xtÜà Éy Ă {x v|àç FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIRST PRESS
  • 3. Weaving Renewal Into Everything Woven Prayer Shawl & Tabitha’s Circle Crafters Offer Comfort & Hope to Others “Knit one, purl two,” an instructional phrase familiar to knitters, but it also could be a synopsis to the work they are really doing -- as they create woven objects they also offer a symbol of comfort, hope, and the opportunity for renewal to others. These committed crafters are an inspiration, so we decided to ask them a few questions. While you are knitting or sewing (either in the group or alone) what do you think about? Nancy Foster shares, “When I knit alone, I have an awareness that I’m doing something for someone else – a gift, a comfort.” Karla Jones adds, “When meeting to knit or crochet as a group, often times, the conversation turns to those in the congregation who are ill or having health issues. We share with each other about our families, our work, our travels, our interests. When I’m crocheting alone, I think about yarn colors; what yarn I have available for what patterns; what type of project I want to do. Sometimes I wonder who might receive the finished project and I hope it fulfills their needs. I don’t know who will receive the shawl, but I know God knows, which keeps me crocheting.” As you are creating/forming something new – reflect on how your faith journey has been woven, much like the objects you create. Is there a message you would like to share on this reflection? “We close our gatherings with a ‘laying on of hands’ for the shawls. Everyone gathers around the completed shawls and we pray over the shawls that our work will convey God’s comfort, healing, and support.” Nancy explains. Karla explains, “The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a quiet, behind-the-scenes ministry that fits my desire to provide care and comfort to those in the congregation who need it. I make prayer shawls with the hope that the recipient feels God’s love and the love of the congregation. If he/she is ill, I hope the shawl provides comfort. If celebrating a new baby, I hope she/he feels joy. If bereft, I hope she/he knows that the shawl represents their church family and they know they are not alone.” Roen Paulsen reflects, “Faith Journey – I see the progress that is accomplished at each party in the sewing and it makes me smile to see the effort that is put toward the mission we have selected for Mission Connection and knowing these dresses are going to young girls in Africa and parts of the United States. It gives one a really good feeling to be a part of something like this.” Sharon Simmonds adds, “Speaking of the creativity, our group has been together for a little more than two years and I enjoy our discussions on beliefs and how the sermons influence us that day. It is nice to create something beautiful and know they are being worn. I often wonder if the girls who wear these dresses feel an attachment to them and to those of us who have worked on these dresses.” Does the act of knitting/crocheting/sewing offer renewal to you? If so, how? “Yes!” Nancy exclaims. “There is something peaceful and maybe spiritual in knitting/crochet. In a way, it’s like life: you work on your tasks, your problems, your goals a little at a time. Eventually you see you’re making progress and the solution (the shawl) takes shape.” “I find crocheting very relaxing. The repetitive motion with my hands is calming, and creating a useful garment is gratifying. Learning new stitches and trying new patterns is fun and challenging. Completing a project is satisfying.” Karla summarizes. Sharon reflects, “Sewing is relaxing for me because it is second nature, I don’t have to think about the process, or the stitches, or what my hands are naturally doing, instead, I can think of the little girls who are going to be wearing them.” Do you receive messages back from those your blankets have been given to? Karla shares, “The group has received notes from recipients thanking us for the prayer shawl. We have heard the shawls are most welcomed by chemo patients because they get so cold during treatment. We heard a shawl was given to a hospice patient, upon their death, was then passed to a family member in their grief.” About Knit for Kids: In 2015, the Prayer Shawl Ministry expanded their knitting and crocheting efforts to include items for Knit for Kids, a Christian ministry under the direction of World Vision. Through FPC volunteers, 5 sweaters, 75 hats and 25 blankets have been created and distributed to children nationally and globally. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, patterns are located at: About the Prayer Shawl Ministry: We knit, crochet and visit for about an hour and a half, and then have refreshments. Before disbanding, those present come together around the shawls to place their hands on the shawls and we pray. If you can’t attend the gatherings, your contributions are welcomed and appreciated. Yarn can be found in the “yarn cupboard” in the supply room on the third floor of the CE Building, feel free to use it for these projects. Items may be placed in the “Knit for Kids” box found in the church office. For more information, contact Nancy Foster (563-391-4622; or Karla Jones (563-332-9314). About Tabitha’s Circle (formerly known as Little Dresses for Africa): We meet to create simple dresses and shorts at “sewing parties.” The garments are sent to the children in Africa, Guatemala, Cambodia, Haiti and in the U.S., Appalachia and South Dakota. There are refreshments and crafters bring their own sewing machines. For more information, contact Roen Paulsen (563-355-3165). RENEW BY CREATING 2 “...our work will convey God’s comfort, healing, and support.” - Nancy Foster
  • 4. DISCOVER WORSHIP Sunday Worship Childcare is available in the nursery on the third floor of the Christian Education Building. Note: There will be one service only at 10:00 AM on Sunday, June 12, followed by the All Church Picnic at 11:30 AM. Service times change on June 19 to 8:30 & 10:00 AM and the first outside service is on June 26 at 8:30 AM. Bix Sunday is on August 7 with services at 8:30 and 10:30 AM. Do you want to know what’s planned for upcoming worship services? Visit the Worship Service Planning Calendar on the church website. You’ll find information about upcoming sermon series, the choirs, Worship Host information, and who will be preaching. Here’s a preview of some sermons: 5 9:00 & 11:00 AM “Thy Kingdom Come” 12 10:00 AM “Not All Picnics are Equal” 19 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Catch the Wave of God’s Love” 26 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Quit Hurrying” 3 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Quit Comparing” 10 8:30 & 10:00 AM “In The Presence of Greatness” 17 8:30 & 10:00 AM “A Work in Progress” 24 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Quit Complaining (part 1)” 31 8:30 & 10:00 AM “Quit Complaining (part 2)” 7 8:30 & 10:30 AM “Let There Be Jazz” 14 8:30 & 10:00 AM “77 Times?….Really!?!?!??” 21 8:30 & 10:00 AM “It Is Solved By Walking” 28 8:30 & 10:00 AM “VIP Seating, Please” You’re always invited to worship with us! A place to belong! Where faith is nurtured, curiosity is encouraged, diversity is welcomed, and all are loved. JUN JUL AUG Communion is a practice that is meant to be observed over and over throughout the life of a Christian. It is a holy time of worship when we corporately come together as one body to remember and to celebrate what Christ did for us. All who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior are welcome to take Communion. The Sacrament will be served on Sundays, June 5 and August 14. Baptism is a sacrament, and the sacraments represent the free grace of God. There is no charge for having a child baptized. Call the church office (563-326-1691) to arrange the date of baptism and to request the appropriate forms be mailed to you. Return those completed forms to the church. Attend a baptismal seminar to review the meaning of baptism and to get oriented to the logistics of the celebration of baptism in worship. First Presbyterian Church of Davenport is an inclusive, caring community of faith committed to loving God, loving neighbor as self, and sharing the love of Jesus Christ with all people through worship, fellowship, and service. 3
  • 5. Kids Against Hunger Approaches 100,000 Meals Packaged FPC members packaged 8,640 meals during the Kids Against Hunger sessions from April 24-27. Assembly lines were formed to bag a special blend of rice, soy, dried vegetables and vitamins for delivery to a coordinating organization in a foreign country. Each bag, when cooked with boiling water, will provide six servings to a family in need. According to KAH-Quad Cities, this brings the seven year total to 97,920. On behalf of the children and families who receive this food in various parts of the world, thank you for your participation! Upcoming Service Opportunities As the body of Christ, First Presbyterian Church’s mission and outreach programs seek to reach out to the community and to the world to care for those in need. Here are some hands-on mission opportunities: Salvation Army Soup Kitchen: First Monday of each month For more information, contact Linda Larson (, Muffy Ellard (, or Susie Kardel ( Volunteer cooks and servers are always welcome. Scott County Meal Service Needs Drivers to Deliver Lunches The Meal Service (office located at FPC) needs drivers to deliver meals to the homebound. To volunteer, contact Julie Belman (563-323-1628, Worship Host Ministries – Sunday Mornings Not much time? Hosting a worship service adds only 40 minutes to your regular Sunday routine. Hosts serve once every two months and scheduling is flexible. This is a fun and easy was to get involved in the ministries of the church. Contact Chad Carr (563-529-8247; for more information. Sunday School Teachers Needed! Our first day of Sunday School this fall will be September 18, with our open house being the week earlier on September 11. Sunday School teachers are needed for all grades, with two teachers needed for each class each week. We try to work the schedule so that teachers teach every other Sunday for 45 minutes. Teaching Sunday School is an amazing opportunity to be a part of sharing God’s love and His word and His works with the youngest members of our community—and the impact you can have on these young lives is something that they carry with them into adulthood (where they, hopefully, will also teach Sunday School one day). Please—prayerfully consider teaching Sunday School this fall. Christian Education Director Tiffany provides you with all of the materials, supplies and curriculum needed each week to teach—all you need to do is show up at class with a willingness to listen, to talk, and to share the Bible with the children of the church. For more information, contact Tiffany (, 563-326-1691). RENEW WITH SERVICE TO OTHERS 5 A group of teenagers from FPC heads to Triennium at Purdue University the week of July 19 through July-23 to spend a week with Presbyterian youth from across the nation. They are able to attend this amazing week, which only occurs once every three years, thanks to the generous donations of the congregation and the fundraising efforts of the entire youth group. Please, keep them in your prayers as they celebrate God’s word and works with over 3,000 other youth. ...into the world and make disciples 4
  • 6. Melodies of Summer Musikgarten Our Musikgarten program is three years old already! It’s been fun and exciting to watch our children grow and learn together! Our Summer Musikgarten program is ready to continue that fun with music and movement for the whole family! Babies through kindergarten age are welcome to join us! Kathy Middleton will be leading the summer classes and will be including activities that are adaptable for the babies and extendable for the big brothers and sisters who have “graduated” from Musikgarten. Even if your child has moved on to Cherub Choir and Preschool Sunday School during the school year, you are welcome to join us for our summer Musikgarten program. Just think of it as a family reunion! Musikgarten’s philosophy is steeped in this understanding: movement and music activities are perfect for child development; music immerses the child in language; evokes movement; stimulates the brain; and fosters physical coordination -- all in a group setting that builds a God-centered, musical community -- a truly holistic experience. We’ll meet for Summer Musikgarten classes on June 5 from 10:15-10:45 AM, and then from 9:20-9:50 AM during June (June 12, 19, 26) and then again July 24 and 31 and August 7, 14, 21 and 28. Fore more information, please contact Kathy Middleton (563-505-0471; Bix Race Day Party Offers Fun & Fellowship for All! Saturday, July 30, 7:00-11:00 AM Grab a lawn chair, invite friends and loved ones, and join your FPC friends in the excitement of another Bix race morning! This year, the Bix Race Day Party is Saturday, July 30, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM on the Kirkwood Boulevard lawn. See you there! Bix Jazz Service - Sunday, August 7, 8:30 & 10:30 AM Bix Liturgy services are often a fun and interesting “first introduction” to First Presbyterian Church. Many guests return to worship throughout the year. Please take this opportunity to volunteer and make someone’s first impression of FPC a positive one. “Ask Me!” volunteers are asked to sign up for one of two shifts, 7:30-8:30 AM, or 9:30-10:30 AM. Those able to donate three dozen homemade cookies or wanting to help host the fellowship reception following each service, should contact a member of the Congregation Development & Fellowship Committee for more information. FPC Welcomes the Jimmy Valentine Quintet on Bix Sunday! The Jimmy Valentine Quintet plays classic jazz in the style of Pete Fountain and the original Dukes of Dixieland and is accustomed to having fun while doing so. Jim (Jimmy) Valentine has played professionally for the last 50 years, beginning with the Dixie Lads Jazz Band, in 1963, at the grand opening of a place called, Across The Street, in the Village of East Davenport. This first rate group includes: Rich Atwood, cornet; Dick Watson, piano; Gary Palmer, bass; and Kirk Prebyl, drums. These musicians have played with so many bands, to list them all would probably fill a book. Good jazz, hot and fun. What more can you want? RENEW YOUR MELODY 5
  • 7. Fun “To-Do” Opportunities Annual All Church Picnic Sunday, June 12, 11:30 AM A tisket, a tasket…..time to pack your basket. Plan now for the All Church Picnic on June 12 at 11:30 AM in the north parking lot. In the event of rain, the picnic will be held in Fellowship Hall and the gymnasium. Watch for sign up sheets around the church to bring something to share. The Deacons will be grilling typical picnic meats and will supply the drinks. We are planning lots of games and fun activities for the children and there will be plenty of fellowship time for the adults. Mark your calendars so that you can attend this fun summertime event at FPC! Blessing of the Animals - Sunday, July 10, 8:30 AM Bring your pet—large or small, all are welcome!—to the 8:30 AM outdoor worship service. There will be unique music, prayers for creation, and a special blessing for each pet. The Blessing of the Animals is an ancient custom associated with St. Francis of Assisi. Always at home in the company of the disadvantaged and the dispossessed, Francis recognized the Divine Spark in the beauty of creation, in the love of the companionship of animals, and in the poor; all of this has made him one of the most admired monks and mystics in the history of the Church. Pet photos will be taken following the service. Donations will be accepted for the Scott County Humane Society. Items needed include: dry or canned dog & cat food, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, laundry detergent, pump hand soaps, and office supplies. How Do I Become a Member? The Hospitality and Welcoming Committee will be hosting New Member Inquiry events on September 18 and November 13, starting at 12:15 PM in the Parlor on the second floor of the Christian Education Building. If you have questions about becoming a member, please contact Tammy Mayhew (563-326-1691, ext. 212; 6 Don’t Let Your Pledge Take a Summer Vacation The days of summer are here. Can you believe it is June already? Summer invites us to rest, relax, and renew. This time of year finds most of us very active and frequently gone for several weeks at a time, or maybe several weekends at a time. Even though you may be planning on being away, the church’s financial obligations continue during the summer months. We simply ask that you keep your pledge current. There are a number of ways you can maintain your pledge this summer: set up a monthly automatic deduction from your bank account; set up monthly credit card payments; mail checks in to the Finance Office; or pre-pay your summer giving. If you would like auto deductions or credit card payments, contact Shannon (; 563-326-1691, ext. 219) in the Finance Office for set-up. We appreciate your ongoing and timely giving of your pledges and offerings. This makes all the difference and is good stewardship. Tell us what you think about this publication. Did you find inspiration to Renew your spirit? Contact Diane Pumphrey (563-326-1691, ext. 205; to share your thoughts and comments. The next FPC Programming, Planning, and Calendarization Meeting is Tuesday, June 21 at 5:00 PM. This meeting is open to all – so share your ideas and work in collaboration with others! Committees should now be meeting to plan programming and events out for the year. Plans will be communicated to church leadership and the staff. The online calendar is a tool for planning and communicating. Project managers for events should be designated six months ahead of time. The next issue of FIRST PRESS, an expanded publication of church programming for the months of September through December, will be published in September. The theme is Engage and articles for that publication are due to Diane Pumphrey (pumphrey@ by July 15. First Presbyterian Church 1702 Iowa Street Davenport, Iowa 52803 Phone: 563-326-1691 Fax: 563-326-5416{xtÜà Éy Ă {x v|àç FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RENEW AT FPC
  • 8. First Presbyterian Church 1702 Iowa Street Davenport, IA 52803-4315 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit Org US Postage PAID Davenport, IA Permit 15 Vacation Bible Camp at FPC Catch the Wave - June 13-17! VBC is going to be all about catching the wave of God’s amazing love as we hang out together at the Surf Shack the week of June 13-17 from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, with lunch served everyday from 12:00 to 12:30 PM! Vacation Bible Camp is intended for all youth in Preschool through 6th grade and everyone is welcome, whether members of FPC or not -- so friends are definitely invited! You may register your children for VBC by downloading a registration form at and submitting it to the church office. All youth in 7th -12th grade who are available are needed as volunteers. For more information, contact Director of Christian Education Tiffany Horvath (; 563-326-1691). It will be a totally groovy week at the Surf Shack catching the wave!