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M Tariq Khan/
Shashikant Sharma
Lucknow/ New Delhi
: In the fast-pace unfold-
ing political scenario,
the Governors of five
key states including Ut-
tar Pradesh may be
shuffled following the
two-day-long brain-
storming session called
by BJP president J P
Nadda alongside party
general secretaries on
UP Governor Anandi-
ben Patel, who also
holds the additional
charge of Madhya
Pradesh, may finally opt
for the latter and a new
party heavy-weight may
be installed in the Raj
Bhawan, according to
highly placed sources.
To maintain the caste
tician from north India
can take over the baton
from Patel, who is re-
portedly keen to relo-
cate to MP where she
has served in the same
capacity before also.
“The names were dis-
cussed at the stock-tak-
ing meeting of the high-
command in New Delhi
after which BJP presi-
dent Nadda and General
Secretary (Organisa-
tion) B L Santhosh met
Prime Minister Naren-
dra Modi,” said a senior
party leader requesting
The changes in the
Raj Bhawans, accord-
ing to sources, are being
done keeping in view
the upcoming assembly
elections in UP, Uttara-
khand, Manipur, Pun-
jab, Himachal and Guja-
rat. With the exception
of Punjab, BJP is in
power in all other
States. The appoint-
ments assume signifi-
cance as Raj Bhawan
plays an important role
in case of a hung ver-
dict in a State. In this
context, the Governors
of Karnataka, Gujarat
and Madhya Pradesh
have already completed
their tenure. While Gu-
jarat Governor Achar-
ya Devvrat completed
his tenure in August
2020, he was the Gover-
nor of Himachal
Pradesh before Gujarat,
Karnataka Governor
Vajubhai Vala complet-
ed his term in 2019.
However, Constitution-
al propriety abhors
vacuum and a Gover-
nor continues to hold
office till a new incum-
bent is appointed.
Under fire for the ab-
sence of its leaders on
the ground during the
second wave of the pan-
demic, the BJP has
been embroiled in an
inner power tussle in
UP, which has dented
its image. To re-ener-
gise its cadres ahead of
the assembly elections,
the party high com-
mand discussed the
party’s activities with
party general secretar-
ies and leaders in
charge of the poll-
bound states and asked
the party leadership to
urge the workers to pull
up their socks to be vis-
ible on the ground and
counter the criticism
against the govern-
ment, sources said.
winds of change at UP Raj Bhawan?
J P Nadda Anandiben Patel
What inspired Swatantra Dev Singh to
announce cabinet reshuffle!
Shashikant Sharma/
Vishal Srivastav
By ruling out all spec-
ulations in Lucknow,
BJP State party presi-
dent Swatantra Singh
on Sunday night an-
nounced a likely cabi-
net reshuffle in the
Yogi cabinet in July.
Now, everyone in Luc-
know is asking what
has suddenly ‘in-
spired’ or compelled
Swatantra Dev Singh
to make this an-
nouncement because
normally any likely
changes in the cabinet
are announced by
the Chief Minis-
ter and not by
the state party
p r e s i d e n t .
This has
raised eye-
brows in
Apparently Swatan-
tra Dev Singh’s state-
ment has come after
an indication from
New Delhi which
wanted to give a clear
message to UP BJP
that in spite of a ‘pow-
erful lobby’s’ opposi-
tion to defer the cabi-
net reshuffle on one or
the other pretext is not
going to work and ma-
jor changes in Yogi
cabinet willtakeplace,
including the arrival
of two new Deputy
CM’s i.e. A K Sharma
and Brajesh Pathak.
prior to the
state BJP
p r e s i -
dent’s an-
n o u n c e -
ment, al-
most all
in al-
most identical manner
ruled out any reshuf-
fle, which also must
have forced Central
leadership to ask Swa-
tantra Dev Singh to
publicly announce the
reshuffle in July
BJP State President
had issued a state-
“Elections will be
fought under the lead-
ership of Yogi and a
cabinet expansion
will not be taken up in
the immediate future
by Yogi. The expan-
sion is expected after
the election of the Zila
Panchayat Adhyaksh
by the end of June or
early July”!
Swatantra Dev Singh
CM Yogi Adityanath I I I I
LUCKNOW l MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 l Pages 12 l 3.00  RNI NO. UPENG/2020/04393 l Vol 1 l Issue No. 176
New Delhi: The proposed mosque and hospital complex that is to be
built on a five-acre land in Dhannipur village in Ayodhya, will be named
after noted freedom fighter and revolutionary Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah
Faizabadi, who was martyred 164 years ago. The Indo-Islamic Cultural
Foundation (IICF) has decided to dedicate the entire project after him.
Thiruvananthapuram: 93 retired top civil servants from across the country
have signed a letter to PM Narendra Modi against a series of controversial
decisions by Lakshadweep’s administrator Praful Patel. “We write to you
today to register our deep concern over disturbing developments taking
place in the pristine UT of Lakshadweep in the name of ‘development’.”
West Bengal Governor summons Chief Secretary over ‘post-poll violence’
Mohd Fahad/Aditi Nagar
Kolkata: Slamming
Chief Minister Mamata
Banerjee over the ‘ram-
pant post-poll violence’
in the state, West Ben-
gal Governor Jagdeep
Dhankhar on Sunday
directed the Chief Sec-
retary Hari Krishna
Dwivedi to brief him
about the law and order
situation on Monday
micro-blogging site
Twitter, Dhankhar
wrote, “Extremely
alarming law  order
jee. Security environ-
ment is seriously com-
situation called upon
Chief Secretary to brief
me on the law and order
situation on Monday 7th
June and indicate all
steps taken to contain
post poll violence.”
In a series of tweets,
the Governor said,
“There is rampant post
poll retributive violence
@MamataOfficial. Dis-
sation has graduated to
social boycott  denial
of benefits they are oth-
erwise entitled. They
are made to suffer “ex-
tortion fee” for living in
their own house or run
their own business.”
Accusing the West
Bengal police and Kol-
kata Police of engaging
 Turn to P6
Kolkata: Based on a
complaint on June 1
against BJP MLA Suv-
endu Adhikari and his
brother Soumendu
Adhikari for allegedly
stealing relief materi-
als, an FIR has been
registered at the Con-
tai Police Station in
East Midnapore.
Ratnadip Manna, a
Member of the Board
of Administrators of
Contai Municipality,
submitted a written
complaint alleging
that, on May 29, Himan-
De took away a truck-
load of tarpaulin from
the official godown of
Contai Municipality
The complainant al-
leged that the act was
the result of a criminal
conspiracy led by
TMC-turned-BJP lead-
er Suvendu Adhikari
and Soumendu Adhi-
kari.  Turn to P6
Kolkata: Unleashing the
most scathing attack
against West Bengal gov-
ernor Jagdeep Dhankhar,
Trinamool Congress
(TMC) Lok Sabha member
Mahua Moitra on Sunday
alleged that the former has
employed three of his own
relatives and two relatives
of a former aides-de-camp
(EDC) and
one relative
of his present
EDC as offic-
ers on special
duty (OSD) at
Raj Bhawan,
Kolkata. She
tweeted a list of six OSDs.
In Moitra’s tweet, the list
claimed that Abbhudoy
Singh Sekhawat, the gov-
ernor’s OSD, is Dhankhar’s
“brother-in-law’s son,” Akhil
Chowdhury, the OSD coor-
dination, has “close family
relation with governor,” OSD
administration Ruchi Dubey
is “the wife of Major Gorang
Diksit, ex-ADC to governor”
and the Major’s “brother”
Prasant Diksit is the OSD
protocol. OSD IT (informa-
tion technology) Koustav S
Valikar is the “brother-in-
law” of Dhankhar’s present
ADC Srikant Janardan Rao,
IPS, the tweet claimed.
Kishan Dhankhar, the newly
appointed OSD, is “a close
relative of governor”, the
list indicated.
TMC files FIR against Suvendu,
brother for ‘stealing’ relief material
Kolkata: A close aide of BJP leader
Suvendu Adhikari has been arrest-
ed for his alleged involvement in a
fake government job scam, a police
officer said on Sunday. Rakhal Bera
was arrested from outside his resi-
dence here on Saturday based on a
complaint lodged at the Manicktala
police station by a resident
of Kalyangarh.
A fresh wave of
confrontation in Kolkata
New Delhi: India re-
ported 1,14,460 fresh
COVID-19 cases, the
lowest single-day rise in
infections in around
two months, taking the
infection tally to
2,88,09,339, accord-
ing to the Union
Health Ministry on
Meanwhile, the
central government
provided more
than 24.60 crore
COVID-19 vac-
cine doses to
states so far, said
the Ministry of
Health and Family
Welfare (MoHFW) on
The active
case count has
reduced to
14,77,799, which
comprises 5.73 per
cent of the total in-
fections,  Turn to P6
New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul
Gandhi on Sunday slammed the
Centre for alleg-
edly “fighting for
blue ticks” on
Twitter, while the
country faces a
shortage of COV-
ID-19 vaccines.
“Modi govern-
ment is fighting for blue tick. If you
want a COVID-19 vaccine, then be
self-reliant!,” he tweeted.
New Delhi: A day after Delhi Chief Minister
Arvind Kejriwal claimed the central govern-
ment blocked its plans to launch doorstep
delivery of rations, the Kejriwal accused the
centre of taking the step under the “influ-
ence” of the ration mafia, which he said
has ensured that the “pro-poor and
revolutionary scheme” does not get imple-
mented in the national capital.
New Delhi: BJP’s national spokesperson
Sambit Patra on Sunday slammed Kejriwal
alleging him of doing drama for politics while
calling the ‘doorstep ration delivery scheme’
a scam. “Kejriwal painted a picture that
Prime Minister Modi is preventing door-to-
door ration delivery. This is false,” he said.
new cases
new fatalities
new cases
new fatalities
AIIMS Delhi to
screen kids for
Covaxin trials
from today
New Delhi: The screen-
ing of children for clin-
ical trials of Covaxin
will start at AIIMS in
Delhi on Monday, days
after similar trials
started at AIIMS in Pat-
na, sources have said.
The All India Insti-
tute of Medical Science
(AIIMS) in the national
capital will conduct
clinical trials of the
COVID-19 vaccine made
by Bharat Biotech to see
if it is suitable for chil-
dren between two and
18 years old.
Experts have warned
that a possible third
wave can bring as much
devastation as the sec-
ond wave of the corona-
virus pandemic if
enough people are not
vaccinated against the
virus, and that children
02 I I I I
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Uttar
Pradesh will start dis-
tributing free ration for
three months to the
poor and migrant la-
bourers from June 20.
The state government,
in a massive exercise,
will distribute 5 kg free
ration (3 kg of Wheat
and 2 kg of Rice grain)
to ration cardholders
of Antyodaya and Eligi-
ble Households for the
next three months.
Starting from June 20,
the distribution for this
particular month will
continue till June 30.
The dates for the next
two months will be de-
clared by the govern-
ment in the coming
days. The Chief Minis-
ter has issued instruc-
tions to the officers for
making all arrange-
ments regarding the
distribution of free ra-
tion in the state.
The ration distribution
will be done at the 80,000
fair price shops in the
state under the supervi-
sion of nodal officers
amid adherence to Cov-
id safety protocols.
Commissioner Food
and Supply Manish
Chauhan informed, “
We are already distrib-
uting free ration under
the Pradhan Mantri Ga-
reeb Kalyan Ann Yojana
to Antodaya and Eligi-
ble Household ration
card holders , that will
continue till June 15.
After that, we are go-
ing to start the free dis-
tribution of 5 kg grains
for next 3 months”. No-
tably, there are around
1,30,07,969 units of ben-
eficiaries under the
Antyodaya Ann Yojna
and 13,41,77, 983 units
under Eligible Housh-
old card holders. For
this, it is estimated
more than 7.5 lakh met-
ric tonnes of food
grains will be distrib-
uted by government.
BJP UP in-charge Radha Mohan Singh met Governor Anandiben Patel describing it as a “courtesy call” on Sunday. Singh also met UP assembly
speaker Hriday Narayan Dikshit. The two are said to have exchanged views on the unfolding political scenario  upcoming assembly elections
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Bharatiya
Janata Party’s (BJP)
national vice president
and Uttar Pradesh in-
charge Radha Mohan
Singh met governor
Anandiben Patel on
Sunday. Though the
meeting came amid
speculation around
cabinet reshuffle in
Yogi Adityanath gov-
ernment, Singh de-
scribed it as a “cour-
tesy call.”
“Cabinet expansion
or reshuffle is the pre-
rogative of the chief
minister, I think he will
take a call on the issue
as and when required,”
he added. His meeting
with the UP Governor
comes almost 10 days
after chief minister
Yogi Adityanath met
her on May 27.
Before visiting the
Raj Bhavan, Singh met
the state BJP chief
Swatantra Dev and Jal
Shakti minister Ma-
hendra Singh, once
again triggering buzz
over discussion on
strategy ahead of the
assembly elections
next year. Singh and
the BJP’s national gen-
eral secretary (organi-
zation) BL Santhosh
had met state leaders
for three days last
month after which both
the leaders backed Adi-
tyanath, describing
him as the most hard-
working and efficient
chief minister.
“I have known the UP
governor for a long time
and had not met her as
something or other kept
delaying my meeting.
, today I was able
to meet her as courtesy
demanded, especially
since she is the gover-
nor of the same state of
which I am the in-
charge,” he said. On
possible cabinet reshuf-
fle, Singh said it was fig-
ment of imagination of
some fertile minds who
keep doing their own
He once again backed
the chief minister, say-
ing his government is
very popular. Radha
Mohan also met UP as-
sembly speaker Hriday
Narain Dikshit. They
two are said to have ex-
changed views on the
unfolding political sce-
nario and upcoming as-
sembly elections.
Meanwhile, State BJP
chief Swatantra Dev
said that seven vacan-
cies in Yogi Adityanath
government will be
filled. This is another
round of meetings that
Singh is holding with
the state leadership in
the wake of the assem-
bly elections.
Lucknow : The UP
CM Yogi Adityanath
has said that in the
Corona period, along
with getting control
over Covid-19 with
the cooperation of all,
activities and eco-
nomic development
were simultaneously
conducted. Under the
Mission Rozgar in the
state, government jobs
have been provided to
about 4 lakh youths
in a fair and trans-
parent manner on a
large scale in the last
four years. In all the
selection examinations,
the eligible candidates
were recruited in a
time-bound manner
following the rules. He
has also said that the
recruitment process
will be continued in a
transparent and fair
manner in the coming
times by moving for-
ward at full speed. The
CM said that the State
Government is working
with full commitment
for the welfare of
villages, poor people,
farmers, labourers,
women, youth, etc.
Under Mission Rozgar,
more and more youth
have been linked with
jobs and self-employ-
ment. Following the
rules of reservation,
work has been done
to advance the people
of poor and deprived
sections of society.
New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh
Assembly Speaker Hriday
Narayan Dixit has said that
his meeting with BJP state
in charge Radha Mohan
Singh should not be
given any colour as it was
simply a courtesy meet.
Talking about the meeting,
Dixit said that it was a
personal and not political
meeting. “We enquired
about each others’ well
being. There was some
‘gappebaazi’ (chit chats).
Neither he discussed
anything political, nor did
I.” “The meeting lasted
for nearly 40 minutes. It
was a personal meeting
and a courtesy call. We
have known each other
for a long,” said Dixit. The
recruitments are done by
the State Government with
complete transparency
and honesty, providing
opportunities to the merit
and talent in the govern-
ment jobs.
Yogi Speaks
Yogi Speaks
CM Yogi said to increase
the number of vaccina-
tors training of second, third
and final year students of
nursing and second and
third year students of para-
medical should be done as
soon as possible.
CM Yogi has asked
officials to ensure
that all primary, sub-
health and wellness
centers are equipped
with necessary medical
equipments and they
are kept in working
BJP UP In charge Radha Mohan Singh meeting Governor Anandiben Patel at Raj Bhavan on Sunday.
UP CM said that the process of contact
tracing should be tamped up in new
cases of corona infection to prevent it from
spreading. He said contact tracing of at
least 12 to 15 people should be done in
each case of infection.
UP crosses 2 cr jabs, target now to
give 10 cr doses in next 3 months
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Having
crossed the milestone of
administering 2 crore
cumulative COVID-19
vaccines, Uttar Pradesh
has now set a target of
giving 10 crore doses to
people in next 3 months.
In another landmark
victory against COV-
ID-19, State has emerged
as a leader by crossing
the 30-lakh mark in the
18-44 age category, the
highest in the country
This spectacular
boost in the vaccination
figures has been attrib-
uted to the launch of
CM Yogi’s ‘Mission
June’ initiative. En-
thused by the response,
CM Yogi Adityanath
said the state must vac-
cinate with a greater
degree to prevent a se-
vere 3rd wave and start
targeting at least 10
lakh doses a day from
July onwards. The tar-
get is to administer at
least 10 crore people in
the next 3 months. “Till
now we have adminis-
tered more than 2 crores
(2,02,34,598) doses of
vaccine against the cor-
onavirus. In view of the
huge population of Ut-
tar Pradesh, we have to
speed up the COVID-19
vaccination. We must
now work upon expand-
ing the Mission June
target by three times in
July”, said CM Yogi
while addressing a
high-level COVID re-
view meeting. So far,
around 1,66,27,059 peo-
ple have received the
first dose, while the re-
maining 36,27,433 have
completed their double-
vaccination course.
It is notable that so
far India has adminis-
tered around 22.80 crore
vaccine doses, of which
UP accounts for around
8.9 per cent of the total
doses. In the last
24-hours, UP has jabbed
around 3.88 lakh people.
Officials have been
asked to enhance the
vaccination capacity by
three times and take it
to 10 lakh doses per day
in July. “ A District-
wise strategy should be
prepared to meet the
target of 10 lakh doses a
day in July. There is no
shortage of vaccines,”
said an official.
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath.
72 new O2 plants established
in state; 344 more to be set up
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Uttar
Pradesh will soon be-
come self-sufficient in
production of medical
oxygen having estab-
lished 72 new plants
and work on another
344 in the State.
A total of 416 oxygen
plants are to be set up in
the state on a war foot-
ing, as many as 72 have
been established while
the work is going on to
Twenty five oxygen
plants were already
functional. Alok Ku-
mar, Principal Secre-
tary, Medical Educa-
tion, informed that as
many as 48 Oxygen Gen-
erator Plants are being
installed. Of these, 16
oxygen generator
plants are being set up
by the central govern-
ment, 24 plants by the
state government, one
plant from the MLA
fund and seven plants
are being set up by the
corporate institutions.
The process of estab-
lishing and making Ox-
ygen Generator Plants
functional in all medical
institutions in the state
sector is going on con-
. All the plants
are likely to become
functional from the last
week of July to the first
week of August. There
were 10 oxygen plants
that were functional in
private sector medical
colleges. 12 more plants
have been established
. The process is
also on to set up an Oxy-
gen Generator Plant in
other medical colleges
as well. For establish-
ment of the generator
plant, it has been pro-
posed by government to
provide 50 percent in-
terest free of the cost of
the plant to the private
sector medical colleges.
students write
to Prez  Guv
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Saddened
by the reservation scam
in the assistant teacher
recruitment, 55 candi-
dates have written to
the President  Gover-
nor seeking permission
for being euthanized.
They have written that
the CM, Basic Educa-
tion Minister  officials
of Basic Education De-
partment have not tak-
en cognizance of issue
even after interim re-
port on the reservation
scam was submitted to
the government by the
Backward Classes Com-
mission. The interim
report has revealed that
a total of 5844 seats have
been scammed. The gov-
ernment still has not re-
plied to the commission.
Ram Mandir foundation
to be completed by Oct
First India Bureau
Lucknow: The Ram
temple construction
work in Ayodhya is go-
ing on in full swing
and work of five layers
of its foundation com-
pleted and filling of
foundation would be
completed by October.
According to trustee
of Ram Janmabhoomi
Teerth Kshetra Dr
Anil Mishra, work on
each layer took five
days and that red
stones for the base
plinth of the temple
would be brought from
Mirzapur, order for
which had already
been given by the
Trust. He informed
stones of fixed size
would be carved in
workshop located in
Ram Janmabhoomi
complex and by De-
cember work of base
plinth of temple would
commence. He said
there would be no
problem in bringing
stones from Rajasthan
and the foundation fill-
ing work was going on
24 hours in two shifts.
03 I I I I
Hooch Did It: Key accused in police net
Accused Rishi
Sharma carried
a reward of Rs
1L on his arrest
Sharma was
named in 13
different cases
related to the
He was fleeing in
his vehicle, which
was carrying a
large cache of
spurious liquor
First India Bureau
the last month’s Aligarh
hooch incident, which
has claimed at least 90
lives so far, was nabbed
in the early hours of
, the police said.
Accused Rishi Shar-
ma, who carried a re-
ward of Rs 1 lakh on his
arrest, was held near
Bulandshahr border in
western Uttar Pradesh,
Aligarh SSP Kalanidhi
Naithani said.
Sharma, who the po-
lice described as the
kingpin of the liquor
mafia, was named in 13
different cases connect-
ed to the recent liquor
, and was nabbed
as he was about to slip
out of the district after
being holed up in his
hideouts since the past
nine days.
On Saturday
, the po-
lice had raised the boun-
ty on Sharma from Rs
75,000 to Rs 1 lakh.
His wife, son, two
brothers and a nephew
were arrested in the last
five days.
The search for Shar-
ma was extended to half
a dozen neighbouring
states and several dis-
tricts, where he had his
The police were track-
ing over 500 cell phone
numbers belonging to
his close circle. Police
weretippedoff onSatur-
day night that Sharma
would be travelling to
He was nabbed in his
vehicle, which was car-
rying a large cache of
spurious liquor, police
Nearly 50 people have
died in Aligarh since
consuming spurious liq-
uor on two different oc-
casions recently
, accord-
ing to police, while offi-
cials estimate that the
death toll could go up to
another 50 hooch con-
sumers were awaited.
“In a major break-
through in the hooch
incident, key accused
and Rs 1 lakh rewardee
Rishi Sharma has been
arrested from near Bu-
landshahr border,”
Naithani said.
“Earlier, the police
had arrested accused Vi-
pin Yadav, with Rs 50,000
reward on his arrest,
and Rishi Sharma’s
carrying a bounty of Rs
25,000 in this case,” the
SSP said.
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Uttar
Pradesh recorded a
drastic and consistent
decline in the number
of active cases by over
2.90 lakh in just 37 days.
The Active Caseload in
the most populous state
has been reduced to
nearly 17,000 and conse-
quently the Corona Cur-
few restrictions have
been lifted in all dis-
tricts except Lucknow,
Meerut, Saharanpur
and Gorakhpur, where
the Active Covid Cases
are above the 600-mark.
The restrictions have
now been relaxed for
the other 71 out of the 75
districts of the state,
said ACS Information
Navneet Sehgal. The
Partial Corona Curfews
aimed at saving both life
and livelihood of people
has emerged as one of
the Master Strategies
employed by Chief Min-
ister Yogi Adityanath in
curbing the pread in the
densely populated state
and also helped the in-
dustry to function and
retain the employment
of millions of UP’s
In the last 24 hours UP
recorded merely 1,165
positive cases out of
30,9674 samples tested.
The Recovery Rate has
jumped to 97.7 per cent.
The state’s Test Positivi-
ty Rate (TPR) dropped to
a low of 0.3 per cent on
Saturday and has been
below 1 per cent for al-
most two weeks in a row.
Despite testing more
than 3 lakh samples for
Covid-19 infection regu-
, the TPR for the last
7 days stands at 0.40 per-
cent and only 5 districts
ity rate in the range of
1.0-1.2 per cent, wth rest
all having a positivity
rate below 1 per cent.
In an encouraging
sign, as many as 36 dis-
tricts reported fresh in-
fections in single digits
the chain, CM Yogi also
Contact Tracing to ena-
ble early detection.
First India Bureau
ing mucormycosis aka
black fungus have con-
firmed use of two new
anti-fungal medicines
fortreatmentof patients
after recommendation
of acommitteeresearch-
ing on the disease.
A committee formed
under the leadership of
Dr RK Dheeman, direc-
tor SGPGI has recom-
mended use of two med-
icines Iavuconazole and
Posaconazole along
with other anti-fungal
injections. It was proved
in researches that both
were effective in treat-
ment of black fungus.
CM Yogi Adityanath has
instructed to comply
with the recommenda-
tions immediately and
to provide required
medicines in adequate
As many as 1,471 pa-
tients of black fungus
have been found in UP
till date and only one
third needed surgery
while others were treat-
ed with medicines only
After instructions of
CM Yogi expert commit-
tee of 12 members was
formed in leadership of
Dr Dhiman and Dr Amit
Kesari was appointed as
tee. A rapid response
team was also formed to
provide speedy and bet-
Several researches were
being conducted to as-
certain reasons behind
cause of rampant incre-
ment in cases of mucor-
mycosis and several hy-
potheses surfaced.
It was speculated that
useof industrialoxygen,
lower immunity
, back
medical history could be
reasons behind the
cause. It was also said
thatlackof properclean-
ing in hospitals could
also be reason behind
large numbers.
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Navneet Se-
hgal, ACS, Information
said under the instruc-
tions of CM Yogi Adti-
yanath and with the im-
plementation of the 3T
plan, the state has been
aggressively testing
samples, implemented
partial curfew and has
increased vaccination.
Navneet Sehgal said
tees had been formed to
conduction Antigen
tests on people who
showedsymptomsof the
infection. He added that
if the Antigen tests re-
turned negative, but the
people showed symp-
toms, then they were
subjected to RT-PCR
tests. He further added
UP had been distribut-
ing medical kits worth
Rs. 10 lakh to people who
tested positive.
Navneet Sehgal said
that the state has been
conduction around 3
lakhs to 3.5 lakh tests a
day since March 31 and
70%of thesetestsarebe-
ing conducted in rural
areas. He added that the
active cases have de-
creased by 96% of the
cases reported till April
30. He further said there
has been 97% decrease
in the daily cases too.
was the earlier bounty,
which was raised to `1L
cell phone numbers
tracked by the police
people reported to have
died in the hooch tragedy
A villager shows a bottle of spurious liquor sold by a licensed vendor in Aligarh. (Inset) Rishi Sharma
People removing dead bodies buried on the Ganga sandbanks in Prayagraj fearing the threat of soil erosion on the banks as Ganga
water level is on a continuous rise given the rainfall in upper Himalayas.
So far 17 FIRs have
been lodged and 61
accused arrested
in Aligarh over the
deaths. Multiple police
teams, he said, have
carried out investiga-
tion and searches in
six states since the
case came to light
while a crackdown on
the liquor mafia also
started in Aligarh.
Basti: Health
department workers
were caught on
camera allegedly
packing up RTPCR
test kits without
taking the requi-
site samples from
covid patients in
Basti. Videos of the
incident circulat-
ing online claim
that an elderly man
had visited a health
centre in Maharipur
village of Basti to
get a covid test
done. However, the
video claims health
workers at the cen-
tre made him fill up
a form but packed
the RT-PCR test kits
without collecting
his sample.
Lucknow: Despite
testing over 3L
samples regularly,
the TPR for the last
7 days stands at
0.40 per cent and
only 5 districts have
registered a positiv-
ity rate in the range
of 1.0-1.2 per cent,
wth rest all having
a rate below 1 per
cent. As many as 36
districts reported
fresh infections in
single digits in last
24 hours. CM Yogi
also emphasised
intensifying Contact
Tracing to enable
early detection.
With lesser cases, relaxed UP
reduces curbs in all but 4 dists
C-control: Sehgal credits govt’s
3T strategy,rapid vaccination
G B NGR 91
17 L
RECOVERED 16,59,209
After instructions of CM
Yogi, an expert commit-
tee of 12 members was
formed at SGPGI for
research on the effec-
tiveness of the drugs
Formed under Dr RK
Dheeman, director
SGPGI, the committee
has recommended use
of medicines Iavucona-
zole and Posaconazole
1,471 patients of black fungus have been found in
UP till date and only one third needed surgery while
others were treated with medicines only.
STF guns down Khan
Mubarak gang member
First India Bureau
Gorakhpur: UP STF
gunned down dreaded
criminal and close
aide of underworld
don Khan Mubarak,
Chirahuta bridge in
Gorakhpur district on
STF sources said
acting on tip-off STF
team intercepted mo-
torbike-born suspects
near Chirahuta bridge
but they opened fire
on police team while
trying to escape. In re-
taliatory firing one
criminal was severely
injured while one an-
other managed to es-
cape. Injured criminal
was rushed to Jungle
Kaudiya CHC from
where he was referred
to medical college hos-
pital where doctors
announced him
brought dead. Police
have launched man-
hunt to nab other
Deceased criminal
was identified as
Parvez and he was
wanted in several
criminal cases. STF
and police team was
searching him for a
year. He was involved
in several crimes in
kidnaping, extortion
and contract killing.
Reward of Rs 1 lakh
was announced on his
In another incident
STF team arrested no-
torious criminal Vish-
wajeet Jaiswal alias
Jeetu near Hyatt hotel
in Vibhuti Khand
area in Lucknow. Ar-
rested criminal was
wanted in loot in Ma-
harajganj district and
reward of Rs 25,000
was announced on his
Also, STF teams
arrested notorious
criminal Saiyad
Faizan, carrying re-
ward of Rs 25,000 in
Gorakhpur district,
criminal Indrajeet
alias Raju Yadav car-
rying reward of Rs
15,000 on his head in
Ayodhya district and
Umer alias Umer Ah-
mad carrying reward
of Rs 50,000 from
The STF team intercepted motorbike-borne
suspects but they opened fire on police team
while trying to escape.
Khan Mubarak was arrest-
ed by UP STF in 2017, after
an encounter. Considered
underworld don Chhota
Rajan’s close aid, he had
over 22 criminal cases
against him.
aide of
don Khan
was wanted
in several
Police were
him for a
year. He was
involved in
extortion etc.
Slain gangster Parvez —FILE PHOTO
04 I I I I
l Vol 1 l Issue No. 176
l RNI NO. UPENG/2020/04393.
Printed and published by
Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of
First Express Publishers. Printed
at Amar Ujala Ltd. B-5 Amausi
Industrial Area Kanpur Road Luc-
know. Published at 98, Friend’’s
Colony, Raheem Nagar, Dudouli
Road, Madiyaon, Lucknow (UP).
Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra.
Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan
responsible for selection of news
under the PRB Act
Promoted by First India
News International Pvt. Ltd.
Ravi Shankar Prasad
PM @narendramodi announced health
treatment support under Ayushman
Bharat scheme to children who have
lost their parents due to the current
Covid pandemic. The premium amount
for such children till the age of 18
years will be paid by PM-CARES.
Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank
State-wise performance in PGI 2019-
20 shows that 33 States and UTs have
improved their PGI scores in 2019-20
compared to the previous year. The
major purpose of PGI is indeed to
create environment that nudges
States/UTs to continuously improve
its performance.
Believe nothing, no matter
where you read it, or who
said it, no matter if I have
said it, unless it agrees
with your own reason and
your own common sense.
ynastic politics is
part of all political
parties in the coun-
try and no amount of
criticism is ever go-
ing to stop the practice. From
the Bharatiya Janata Party, Sa-
majwadi Party, Congress and
Akali Dal in the North to the
DMK in the South and NCP and
Shiv Sena in the West, dynasts
have ruled over regional and na-
tional political spectrum. While
regional satraps see nothing
wrong in the practice, a party
like the Congress has been deci-
mated simply because it is reluc-
tant to allow a non-Gandhi to
take over the reins.
The elevation of Abhishek Ba-
nerjee as the national general
secretary of Trinamool Con-
gress is in keeping with the
country’s political tradition. Ab-
hishek is Chief Minister Mama-
ta Banerjee’s nephew and is seen
as her successor in the State.
Blood is thicker than water ad-
age aside, Didi’s hands must
have been forced by the betrayal
by some of her former party col-
leagues who joined the BJP just
before the assembly elections.
hat millions of
poor in the coun-
try do not get
their full quota of
ration is no se-
cret. That officials turn a
blind eye to the problem is
also not hidden from anyone.
If ration card holders are en-
titled to four items like sug-
ar, pulse, wheat/flour and
rice, they invariably end up
getting only one or two
items. To make it worse, the
ration shop owner doesn’t
always give the full portion
of the items and keeps a
small share for himself. Only
during last year’s lockdown
the poor got their full quota
of wheat, rice, pulses be-
cause of the presence of
cops. It is now an accepted
practice as the poor, afraid to
antagonize the fair price
shop owner, make do with
whatever they get uncom-
Delhi Chief Minister
Arvind Kejriwal’s scheme
for doorstep delivery of ra-
tion, like home delivery of
pizza, to end corruption in
ration distribution through
fair price shops has been
shot down by the Central
government. Kejriwal
blamed the Centre for stall-
ing his “revolutionary”
scheme. The BJP countered
with the allegation that the
Delhi government has lifted
only 53,000 metric tonnes of
foodgrains provided under
the National Food Security
Act and the Garib Kalyan
Yojana. Of this it has distrib-
uted only 68 per cent to the
It has turned into a Cen-
tre versus State row with
Kejriwal claiming that he
took Centre’s approval five
times for what is a state sub-
ject. Caught in the row is
the poor ration card holder
who neither gets the full
quota of ration nor can ex-
pect a fair deal.
Delhi Chief Minister
Arvind Kejriwal’s
scheme for doorstep
delivery of ration, like
home delivery of pizza, to
end corruption in ration
distribution through fair
price shops has been
shot down by the
Central government
ith a record number of new
COVID-19 patients, the coun-
try is facing a shortage of
almost every resource need-
ed to combat the pandemic
. The wailing am-
bulance sirens, the begging
for hospital beds and oxygen
for near and dear ones, the
shortage of medicines, injec-
tions and vaccines, the na-
tion has seen it all in the last
three months. The ‘HAVE
suffered much the same fate.
India’s response to the pan-
demic is being led by the bu-
reaucrats. But issuance of a
large number of orders, rules
and guidelines on a daily ba-
sis have created chaos across
socio – economic systems. It
is said that much of India’s
bureaucracy is steeped in ‘le-
galistic’ norms that symbol-
izes a typical red tape syn-
drome. Alas, in most cases
barring aside some good Sa-
maritans  visionaries, it
failed to find an out of box
solution to handle the disas-
trous situation.
So, finally
, shunning all the
remorse the leaders decided
to fall back on the LAST BAS-
ES as a part of crisis manage-
ment to supplement the ef-
forts of civil administration.
Army, Navy and the Air
Force, as always rose to the
call of the nation and re-
sponded with full might and
resources. The holy cow was
delivering yet again. Top
brass decided that it indeed
is a war-like situation except
that this time the enemy is
not China or Pakistan but
rather an invisible virus. The
military health resources
(Army medical corps) has
been fully engaged and doz-
ens of hospitals all over the
country mushroomed under
the aegis of the army. Not
only this, Military doctors
and paramedics were deput-
ed to run huge facilities es-
tablished to provide relief
and succor to the public at
large. The game started
changing and the taming of
the monster began.
Air force flew sorties from
Wuhan, Iran, Italy
, Japan and
other destinations to bring
back Indian citizens to the
safe folds of the nation. The
Navy did the same through
its ships while the Army took
care of them in quarantine
care centers at Manesar,
Jodhpur, Jaisalmer and oth-
ers. May it be the supply
chain of oxygen or provision-
ing of ambulances, it started
straightening up.
By the way, Covid 19 is not
the only time when the de-
fense forces have come to the
rescue of the nation. In the
past, the military has been on
the forefront in relief and
rescue operations during
natural calamities like earth-
quakes in Gujarat, Maha-
rashtra and Kashmir, floods
in Kashmir  Kedarnath,
cyclones and controlling agi-
tations, riots and violent pro-
tests in almost every state.
Not only this, Indian Army
takes pride in salvaging the
staked reputation of India in
theeyesof theworld.Whocan
forget the collapse of a bridge
at CWG venue in Delhi just
five days short of the opening
ceremony in 2010. It was the
Army alone that launched a
bridge in record time.
It is a known fact that the
strength of combined central
armed police forces is more
than the Indian Army yet, the
situationoftengetsoutof con-
trolof theadministrationand
the ‘LAST BASTION’ is called
in to deal with internal secu-
during Jat stir in Rohtak and
Bhiwani for flag marches.
The increasing trend of
Army deployment, though a
slap on the face of the very
administration that deploys
it, poses problems for the
OGs itself. Defense forces are
the only organization that
maintains a truly apolitical
character. Every deployment
in aid to civil authority for
law and order drags it into a
political situation, which
opens up the possibility of
the politicization of the force.
So, shall we say that when
all govt agencies fail, its de-
fense forces that save the sit-
uation. And if this dictum be
true, is it not the responsibil-
ity of the elected govt to keep
the morale of its forces high?
How exactly can the govts
achieve this? Simple, keep
your defense forces equal to
other central services and
provide them with the same
pay, allowances and perks at
par with so-called superior
services that often fail to per-
form on their assigned roles.
Also, by attending to their
grievances from time to time
and upholding their dignity.
Remember a stitch in time
will save nine. It’s time to en-
gage with Ex Servicemen
protesting for almost two
years for their demands with
no hearing from the govern-
ment. We have to remember
that the moral of serving sol-
diers in fighting the next war
will depend on his perception
of ‘how the nation is treating
the veterans’!!!
Defence expert, Motivational
speaker  Corporate Trainer
The increasing trend of
Army deployment, though
a slap on the face of the very
administration that
deploys it, poses problems
for the OGs itself. Defense
forces are the only
organization that
maintains a truly
apolitical character. Every
deployment in aid to civil
authority for law and order
drags it into a political
situation, which opens up
the possibility of the
politicization of the force
India’s response to the
pandemic is being led by
the bureaucrats. But
issuance of a large
number of orders, rules
and guidelines on a
daily basis have created
chaos across socio –
economic systems
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05 I I I I
New Delhi: Slamming
the controversial order
directing all nursing
staff at a Delhi govern-
ment health facility to
use only Hindi and Eng-
lish for communica-
tion, the BJP on Sunday
termed it an attempt to
snatch the right to
speak in Malayalam. It
also questioned silence
of Kerala's LDF govern-
ment on the issue.
Citing the circular at
the Govind Ballabh
Pant Institute of Post
Graduate Medical Edu-
cation and Research
(GIPMER) ordering the
nursing staff to only
communicate in Hindi
or English and specifi-
cally disallowing Ma-
layalam, BJP national
spokesperson Tom
Vadakkan said: The
subsequent withdraw-
al in a haste clearly in-
dicates we have an an-
archist state govern-
ment for whom the
Constitution of India
and its recognised lan-
guage do not matter.
It is an irony that
when this government
was in need of oxygen,
the request was direct-
ed to Kerala and now
their attempt to snatch
the right to speak in
Malayalam amongst
each other. Vadakkan
stressed that globally
the largest number of
nurses come from Ker-
ala, and they have
served the country as
frontline workers along
with doctors and other
paramedics. —ANI
A controversial order directing all nursing staff at a Delhi government health facility to use only Hindi
Nurses showing the victory sign on the occasion of international nurses day. —PHOTO BY ANI
New Delhi: A circular
asking nursing staff at
Govind Ballabh Pant
Institute of Post Gradu-
ate Medical Education
and Research not to con-
verse in Malayalam has
been withdrawn, said
the institute's Medical
Director Dr Anil Agar-
wal on Sunday. An or-
der issued by the Delhi
government hospital's
Nursing Superintedent
on Saturday had stated,
A complaint has been
received regarding Ma-
layalam language being
used for communica-
tion in working places
Whereas maximum
patient and colleagues
do not know this lan-
guage and feel helpless
causing a lot of incon-
venience. So it is di-
rected to all Nursing
Personnel to use only
Hindi and English for
communication other-
wise serious action will
be taken.” —ANI
Delhi Hospital
Bengaluru: The Kar-
nataka government
must take action
against Amazon, said
former Karnataka
Chief Minister HD Ku-
maraswamy on Sunday
after the e-commerce
platform's Canadian
unit was found selling a
bikini with the Kanna-
da state flag and em-
blem on it. Amazon is
hurting the sentiments
of Kannadigas, Ku-
maraswamy said, add-
ing that the state gov-
ernment should teach
them a lesson.
Karnataka govern-
ment must proceed to-
wards taking action
against Amazon, they
are hurting the senti-
ments of the Kannadi-
gas. Being a Canadian
company, they must
abide by the feelings
and sentiments of the
people. Google made a
similar mistake and
apologised later. Now
it is Amazon's turn,
he said.
He further called the
produce 'inappropriate'
and 'obnoxious'.
K’taka govt must ‘teach Amazon
a lesson’, says Kumaraswamy
New Delhi: It seems
that Chinese troops
deployed opposite the
Eastern Ladakh sec-
tor have been badly
affected by the ex-
treme cold conditions
in the area as the Peo-
ple’s Liberation Army
has rotated 90 per cent
of its manpower and
brought in fresh sol-
diers from the hinter-
land. Since the April-
May timeframe last
year, China has de-
ployed over 50,000
troops close to the In-
dian territory in east-
ern Ladakh and has
been maintaining
them there despite the
limited troops with-
drawal from forward
locations in the Pan-
gong lake sector. “The
Chinese have brought
in fresh troops from
the hinterland to re-
place the troops who
had been there for the
last one year. Around
90 per cent of their
troops have been ro-
tated,” sources told
The reason for this
rotation may be that
the Chinese troops de-
ployed in the extreme
conditions in the are-
as have been severely
affected by the ex-
treme conditions
faced in high latitude,
extreme cold and oth-
er issues, they said.
China rotates 90 per cent troops
deployed along Ladakh sector
Chinese troops at Galwan Valley in Ladakh.
New Delhi: Union Min-
ister for Minority Af-
fairs Mukhtar Abbas
Naqvi on Saturday said
that no decision has
been taken by the Cen-
tral government on the
2021 Hajj pilgrimage
yet, adding that India
will stand with the Sau-
di Arabia government’s
decision for annual Hajj
yatra amid the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic.
“Hajj will depend on
the decision of the Sau-
di Arabia government.
Prime Minister Naren-
dra Modi has said In-
dia will stand by the
side of the Saudi gov-
ernment in its deci-
sion. Last year Haj got
cancelled. This year
nothing has been de-
cided yet,” Naqvi said.
Hajj will depend on Saudi
Arabia govt’s decision:
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi
New Delhi: Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) Na-
tional President JP Na-
dda on Sunday asked
the party's ST Morcha
and Mahila Morcha to
reach out to people with
the Central govern-
ment's schemes of Van
Dhan and Nutrition for
Women and Children.
Also, the Kisan Mor-
cha has been entrusted
with the task of train-
ing farmers for Farmer
Producer Organisa-
tions (FPOs), BJP Na-
tional General Secre-
tary Arun Singh said.
Singh added that one
lakh people will also be
trained to be the health
volunteers in view of
increasing need for
health workers.
BJP chief Nadda has
called a two-day meet-
ing which began on
Satuday to review the
relief and Covid pre-
ventive work done by
BJP workers amid the
Under the Sewa pro-
gram, which has been
ongoing since April, a
total of 5,800 video con-
ferences and blood do-
nation camps were held
and 1.26 lakh face cov-
ers were distributed.
Food was also delivered
to Covid-affected fami-
lies, Arun Singh said.
BJP tasks Morchas
to take Centre’s
schemes to masses
Kolkata: After former
MLAs such as Sonali
Guha and Dipendu
Biswas expressed their
wish to return to Tri-
namool Congress, an-
other leader who quit
TMC for the BJP —
Prabir Ghosal, former
MLA of Uttarpara in
Hooghly—has ex-
pressed his apparent
“unhappiness” with
the his current party
Ghoshal told media-
persons on Saturday,
“Recently, my mother
passed away
. MP
Kalyan Bandopadhyay
and MLA Kanchan
Mullick called me.
[Chief Minister]
Mamata Banerjee too
sent a condolence mes-
sage. Only local BJP
leaders shared their
condolences. I am feel-
ing a bit sad and let
ing condition,” he add-
ed. After the Bengal
polls,anumberof turn-
coats who joined the
BJP beforehand have
made public their wish
to return to the TMC.
While some turn-
coats admitted their
“mistake,” others cit-
ed the house arrest of
Trinamool Congress
leaders by CBI in Cov-
id times as “unaccep-
The Trinamool Con-
gress top leadership
are, however, yet to dis-
cuss the issue.
The CM and the party
workers are presently
busy tackling Covid
situation in Bengal.
Kolkata: West Bengal
government on Sunday
invited the opinion of
students and parents
on whether state board
exams for secondary and
higher secondary classes
should be conducted. The
opinion of students and
parents are invited on the
subject till 2 pm on June
7. An expert commit-
tee was formed by the
government to recom-
mend whether state board
exams for secondary and
higher secondary classes
should be conducted. The
expert committee is also
to recommend the mode
of the exam if they are to
be conducted and also
evaluation criteria for as-
sessment if examinations
are not to be conducted,
an official statement said.
New Delhi: The income tax department will
launch its new e-filing portal on Monday aimed
at providing faster processing of returns. All
interactions and uploads or pending actions will
be displayed on a single dashboard. Free of cost
IT-R preparation software would be available with
interactive questions to help taxpayers for ITRs 1,
4 (online and offline) and ITR 2 (offline) to begin
with and facility for preparation of ITRs 3, 5, 6, 7
will be made available shortly, a tax department
statement said on Saturday.
Mumbai: Coronation of Shivaji Maharaj is a
golden moment engraved on the heart of Ma-
harashtra, CM Uddhav Thackeray said on June
6 as he paid tributes to the warrior king who
was crowned “Chhatrapati” of the independent
Maratha kingdom in 1674. In normal times, pub-
lic rallies and processions mark the coronation
day, but due to the pandemic, no public function
was held. Thackeray said the legendary king
instituted a welfare state and gave the topmost
priority to his motherland.
Tamil Nadu: Chief
minister M K Stalin,
who visited the Arignar
Anna Zoological Park on
Sunday and took stock of
the situation, directed the
officials of Environment 
Forest department and the
facility to provide the best
treatment to the infected
lions as per protocols.
The infected Asiatic
lions at the Arignar Anna
Zoological Park (AAZP),
popularly known as Van-
dalur zoo here, have been
quarantined and on a
regimen of antibiotics and
other prophylactic drugs.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister
M K Stalin, who visited
the zoo on Sunday and
took stock of the situation
, directed the officials to
provide the best treatment
to the infected lions.
New Delhi: After a Delhi government
hospital issued a circular asking
nurses not to speak in Malay-
alam while on duty, Congress
leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday
slammed the move and
urged authorities to stop
discrimination among
Indian languages. Fol-
lowing protests, the hospital withdrew
the order. Mr Gandhi wrote, “Malay-
alam is as Indian as any other Indian
language. Stop language discrimina-
tion!” This row erupted after GIPMER
on Saturday forbade its
nursing personnel from
communicating in
‘Fresh troops’
have been brought
from the hinterland
to replace the
earlier troops.
90 %rotated
Pro Kannada organisations protesting against Amazon Canada for
selling women’s ilingerie products printed with Karnataka flag  icon.
Prabir Ghosal
Rahul Gandhi
JP Nadda
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi
06 I I I I
New Delhi: Congress
leader Priyanka Gan-
dhi on Sunday ques-
tioned the Centre over
its decision to reduce
the number of oxygen,
ICU and ventilator beds
in hospitals, which she
said came despite re-
ports indicating the
need for a large number
of beds during the sec-
ond wave of the corona-
virus disease (Covid-19)
across the country
“From September
2020 to January 2021,
the Modi Government
reduced: Oxygen beds
by 36%, ICU beds by
46%, Ventilator beds by
28%. Why? When every
expert in the country,
the Parliamentary
Committee on Health
and their own Sero-sur-
veys warned them that
additional...beds would
be needed for an inevi-
table second wave.
#ZimmedarKaun?” she
tweeted along with a
video message.
The Congress lead-
er’s video message
came as the country
recorded 114,460 fresh
cases of Covid-19 and
2,677 related deaths on
Sunday. India’s total in-
fection tally has
reached 28.80 million
and the death toll is
nearing 1.5 million, ac-
cording to the Union
ministry of health and
family welfare on Sun-
day morning.
Is the health of the
Indians less important
than the central vista
project? Priyanka said.
New Delhi: A central
team from Union Home
Ministry (MHA) will
visit Cyclone Yaas af-
fected areas in West
Bengal and assess the
damages, sources said
on Sunday
The three-member
team headed by S K
Shashi, Joint secretary,
MHA JS (MHA), which
arrives in the state to-
day, will hold meeting
with the officials of Dis-
aster Management and
Finance Department in
Nabanna, the state sec-
retariat on June 9. “The
team will hold meetings
with officials of Disas-
ter Management and
Finance Department in
Nabanna, the West Ben-
gal state secretariat.
The team will also visit
Cyclone Yaas-affected
areas in South 24 Parga-
nas and East Mid-
napore,” as per sources.
Cyclone Yaas made
landfall in West Bengal
on May 26-27. Several
districts including Pur-
ba Medinipur, Paschim
Medinipur, Bankura,
South 24 Pargana and
Jhargram suffered the
impact of the cyclone.
The coastal areas like
Digha and Sundarban
were the worst affected.
On May 28, PM Modi
conducted an aerial sur-
vey of cyclone-affected
areas in the state and
held a review meeting.
A fresh...
as an ‘extension of the
ruling dispensation’,
he added, “Most unfor-
tunate that state func-
tionaries @MamataOf-
ficial are not even rec-
ognising this malaise
much less take steps to
contain it. Police @
WBPolice @KolkataPo-
lice unfortunately en-
gaged as extension of
ruling dispensation to
let loose vindictive-
ness on political oppo-
nents.” In his scathing
letter, Dhankhar al-
leged that “democratic
values are openly
shredded and trampled
by ruling party har-
Lowest single...
while the national COV-
ID-19 recovery rate has
improved to 93.67 per
cent, the Union Health
Ministry data showed.
The number of recover-
ies continue to outnum-
ber daily new cases for
24 consecutive days.
The number of people
who have recuperated
from the disease surged
to 2,69,84,781, while the
case fatality rate stands
at 1.20 per cent, the Un-
stated.According to the
Indian Council of Medi-
cal Research, a total of
36,47,46,522 samples test-
ed up to June 5, of which
20,36,311 samples were
tested yesterday
TMC files...
The complainant fur-
ther states that the al-
leged theft was carried
out with the help of the
Central Armed Forces.
It is also mentioned in
the complaint that
when the complainant,
along with other mem-
bers of the Municipali-
ty, went to check the
godown on getting the
information, they en-
countered Himangshu
Manna. When asked, he
stated that tarpaulins
were taken as per the
instructions of Suven-
du Adhikari and Sou-
mendu Adhikari.
BJP to train 1 lakh
health volunteers to
perform essential
medical services
We will get large
stock of Sputnik V
from July, says Ma-
harashtra Minister
27 black fungus
patients fall sick after
Amphotericin-B shot
in Madhya Pradesh
Manipal Hospitals
collaborates with Dr
Reddy’s to include
Sputnik V in its vac-
cine portfolio
COVID-19: Goa cur-
few extended till June
14, shops selling es-
sentials to stay open
for longer hours
Only 7 countries have
over 1 lakh Covid
deaths. Maharashtra
is close to the mark
Delhi records less
than 400 new cases,
positivity rate now
lowest since March 9
Decks cleared for
import of Bharat
Biotech’s Covaxin,
Russia’s Sputnik
V into Brazil with
Oxygen expresses
deliver over 26,281
MT of LMO across
The central govern-
ment provided more
than 24 crore COV-
ID-19 vaccine doses
to states so far, said
the Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare
(MoHFW) on Sunday.
According to the Union
Home Ministry, the
Centre has provided
24,60,80,900 doses
of COVID vaccines
to States/UTs, both
through the free of
cost category and
through the direct state
procurement category.
“Of this, the total
consumption, in-
cluding wastages is
22,96,95,199 doses.
More than 1.63 crore
COVID vaccine doses
(1,63,85,701) are
still available with
the States/UTs to be
administered,” reads
the statement issued
by the MoHFW.
Centre provides over 24.60 cr
vaccine doses to States, UTs
AIIMS Delhi to screen
children for Covaxin
trials from today
Council of Scien-
tific and Indus-
trial Research (CSIR)
along and Laxai Life
Sciences Pvt. Ltd.
on Sunday initiated
Phase-II clinical trial
for anti-helminitic
drug Niclosamide
for treatment of
Covid-19. The trial, a
multi-centric, phase-
II, randomized, open
label clinical study
to evaluate efficacy,
safety and tolerabil-
ity of NIclosamide
for the treatment of
hospitalized Covid-19
patients, the ministry
of science and tech-
nology said.
New Delhi: The screen-
ing of children for clin-
ical trials of Covaxin
will start at AIIMS in
Delhi today, days after
similar trials started at
AIIMS in Patna, sourc-
es have said.
The All India Insti-
tute of Medical Sci-
ence (AIIMS) in the
national capital will
conduct clinical trials
of the COVID-19 vac-
cine made by Bharat
Biotech to see if it is
suitable for children
between two and 18
years old. Experts have
warned that a possible
third wave can bring
as much devastation as
the second wave of the
coronavirus pandemic
if enough people are
not vaccinated against
the virus, and that
children could be its
prime target.
However, the vac-
cines being used in In-
dia - Covaxin, Cov-
ishield and Sputnik V -
have not been approved
for use on children. Dr
VK Paul, a senior NITI
Aayog member, last
month said the phase
2/3 trials will be con-
ducted on children aged
between two and 18. The
centre had given its
clearance to the clinical
trials on May 13. The US
 Canada have author-
ised Pfizer-BioNTech’s
vaccine for use in some
age groups of children.
Amritsar: On the oc-
casion of the 37th an-
niversary of Opera-
tion Blue Star, posters
of Khalistani terror-
ist Jarnail Bhindran-
wale and Khalistani
flags were seen dur-
ing an event inside Sri
Harmandir Sahib
(Golden Temple) in
Amritsar, Punjab.
Hundreds of people
gathered inside the
Golden Temple and
were seen holding the
flags and raising slo-
gans. Bhindranwale
was the head of the
Sikh religious sect
Damdami Taksal. He
was killed along with
his armed followers
Star launched by the
Indian Army at the
Golden Temple com-
carried out Operation
Blue Star in 1984 be-
tween June 1  June 8.
Central team to visit Cyclone
Yaas-hit areas in West Bengal
‘New IT rules to tackle
misuse of social media’
Khalistani flags  posters seen in Golden
Temple on Operation Blue Star’s 37th anniv
New Delhi: Union Edu-
Pokhriyal on Sunday
approved Performance
Grading Index (PGI)
2019-20 for States  Un-
ion Territories, which
was introduced with a
set of 70 parameters to
bring about change in
school education. The
PGI for States  Union
Territories was first
published in 2019 with
reference to year 2017-
18. The PGI: States/UTs
for 2019-20 is the third
publication in this se-
ries. The PGI exercise
‘envisages that the in-
dex would propel States
 UTs towards under-
taking multi-pronged
interventions that will
bring about the much-
desired optimal educa-
tion outcomes’.
New Delhi: On problem
of tracingtheoriginator
of WhatsApp messages,
Minister asserted that
abnormal customers of
WhatsApp don’t have
anything to worry
. With
Twitter  WhatsApp up
in arms in opposition to
federal government’s
new pointers for social
media platforms, IT 
Regulation Minister
Ravi Shankar Prasad
instructed The Hindu
these pointers are to
take care of the problem
of misuse of such plat-
forms. He pressured
that these guidelines
solely give a redressal
mechanism to custom-
ers, with complaints to
be dealt with between
customers  the social
media middleman.
New Delhi: The Alla-
habad High Court on
Sunday declined to
provide relief to Rake-
sh Wadhawan on his
petition seeking to
quash an FIR in con-
nection with a cheat-
ing case against a real
estate company. “We,
after perusing the FIR
and the rival conten-
tions, are of the view
that contentions
raised by petitioner
cannot be examined in
this jurisdiction, as
FIR prima facie dis-
closes commission of
cognizable offences.
The writ petition lacks
merit  is dismissed,”
a division bench of Al-
lahabad HC, Justices
Pankaj Naqvi  Jay-
ant Banerji said.
13 juvenile convicts
move SC, seek
immediate release
Jama Masjid’s
Bukhari writes to
PM for repair work
New Delhi: The 13 con-
victs, declared as juve-
niles by Juvenile Jus-
tice Board at the time of
the commission of the
offence and are current-
ly lodged in Agra Cen-
tral Jail in Uttar
Pradesh, have moved
Supreme Court seeking
immediate direction for
their release. The peti-
tion was filed by lawyer,
Rishi Malhotra, before
the SC  sought imme-
diate appropriate direc-
tions  orders for this.
New Delhi: Syed
Ahmed Bukhari, the
Shahi Imam of Delhi’s
Jama Masjid, on Sun-
day, urged Prime Minis-
ter Narendra Modi to
direct the Archaeologi-
cal Survey of India
(ASI) to inspect the
monument and carry
out necessary repairs.
He wrote to the PM two
days after a minaret of
the 17th-century
mosque was damaged
on Friday following
strong winds and rain
that struck the city dur-
ing evening hours.
Priyanka Gandhi
‘Ask me anything’: Choksi’s open
invitation to Indian authorities
New Delhi: Fugitive
diamantaire Mehul
Choksi has invited the
Indian authorities to
interview him and
claimed that he left In-
dia only to seek medi-
cal treatment. “I am a
law-abiding citizen,”
he has declared.
“I have extended an
invitation to Indian au-
thorities to interview
me and ask any ques-
tions that they may
have of me of me in
relation to any investi-
gation that they are
conducting against
me,” the absconding
Indian jeweller has
said in an affidavit
filed before the Domi-
nica High Court.
Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister
BS Yediyurappa on Sunday said that
he will resign from the top post if
the Bharatiya Janata Party’s high
command asks him to. Yediyurappa’s
remark came amid speculations about
a change in leadership in the state.
Some MLAs are reportedly critical of
the CM’s handling of Covid-19 crisis.
New Delhi: Filing an affidavit before the Dominica HC, fugitive
Mehul Choksi claimed that he is a “law-abiding citizen” and had
left India only to seek medical treatment in the US. “I did not
evade law enforcement in India. There was no warrant against
me by the law enforcement authorities in India when I left India
to seek medical treatment in US,” the affidavit said.
New Delhi: Kerala Police has issued a notice to the hotel
in Kochi in which a core committee of the state unit of
the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is meeting on Sunday.
Union Minster of State, V Muraleedharan is among those
attending the meeting. The notice read, “One should not
give permission to conduct meetings without maintaining
Covid protocol in the wake of lockdown that still exists
in Kerala. If any action from you violates Covid protocol,
strict actions will be taken.”
The people of Lucknow are
being forced to cough up
additional amount to purchase
their dream houses from the
Awas Vikas Parishad. They are
being asked to pay more for
none of their fault. The Parishad
in one go has increased the
rate of houses up to Rs 4.32
lakh forcing large number of
Corona hit customers to even
surrender the houses. The
decision of the Parishad has
unnecessarily increased the
woes of these hapless people.
The Parishad in its housing
projects in Awadh Vihar and
Saryu Enclave had booked 3119
houses in 2015. The booking
was through lottery system and
allotment letters were issued.
At that time two-bed room
type A house was to cost Rs
23.25 lakh but in April 2021 the
parishad arbitrarily increased
to rate to Rs 27.57 lakh leading
to an increase of Rs 4.32 lakh.
The increase in prices has
thus landed the customers in
a difficult situation and they
are thinking of surrendering
the allotments. Interestingly
the rates of same type houses
have been increased differently.
The Awas Vikas Parishad
had assured to provide the
possession of the houses in
2019 but after lapse of two
years instead of handing over
the keys there is demand for
more money. 
 —First India Bureau
The shifting of classes to
online due to the Corona
Pandemic has put forth another
concern for the board officials
as well as the students. A
recent report has shown that
after 15 days of online classes
in the new session, only 38%
of teachers have formed a
WhatsApp group of students.
The reduced percentage of
WhatsApp group has meant that
only 42% students are currently
able to study together. The
situation is not all smooth in
terms of timetables too, as out
of so far out of 485 schools in
the district of Gorakhpur, only
382 schools have prepared a
timetable. The UP board had on
the instructions of government,
regularized conduction of
online from May 20th. The
responsibility to monitor the
compliance of the instructions
were entrusted to DIOS and Joint
Director of Education. The state
government had also appointed
a Nodal Officer for every 10
schools. The schools even after
strict instructions have been
seen showing negligence in
conducting online classes. The
Nodal officer and the principals
of the schools in the district
whose teachers have not started
online education by forming a
WhatsApp group yet, have been
directed to ensure that they
form such groups and begun
conducting online classes. RN
Bharti, Incharge, DIOS while
giving the above information
said that any laxity in conducting
classes will draw departmental
action against concerned
teachers as per rules.—Amit Baliyan
LDA ropes in retired experts to boost Green Corridor
proposed between Shaheed Path and IIM Road
Cong guns for excise
minister’s head over
Aligarh hooch tragedy
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Hitting out
ernment over the hooch
tragedies in Aligarh, the
Congress on Sunday de-
manded the state’s Ex-
cise Minister Shriram
Naresh Agnihotri’s res-
ignation on moral
UP Congress spokes-
person Ashok Singh, in
a statement, alleged that
the liquor mafias are en-
joying government pa-
tronage which is why
in the state “fearlessly”.
“The BJP should tell
how spurious liquor is
being sold in the state.
Why is it so that Chief
Minister Yogi Adity-
anath has not sum-
moned the excise minis-
ter,” he asked.
Later, in a tweet in
Hindi, he said, “News of
deaths in the Aligarh
hooch tragedies is con-
tinuously emerging. Till
now, more than 100 peo-
ple have died. Yogijee,
your (excise) minister
Shriram Naresh Agni-
hotri should have ten-
dered his resignation on
moral grounds.”
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Due to the
interest shown by UP
Chief Minister Yogi
Adityanath in the
Green Corridor, the
nodal agency Lucknow
Development Authority
(LDA) is working on the
most important project
of the Green Corridor
to be constructed be-
tween Shaheed Path
and IIM Road.
LDA Vice-President,
Secretary and Chief
Engineer will directly
monitor the project pro-
ceedings. Not only this,
retired Chief Engineer,
Deputy Collector and
Architect are being
roped in for the Green
Corridor. This team of
three retired officers
will be entrusted with
the task of speeding up
the Green Corridor pro-
ject. This team would
coordinate with all de-
partments and present
time to time report to
the nodal agency. They
would also hold meet-
ing with the private pro-
ject consultant prepar-
ing the DPR and inform
the higher officials of
The retired Chief En-
gineer has been inter-
viewed by the panel
constituted under the
chairmanship of Secre-
tary, LDA Pawan Ku-
mar Gangwar, in which
six engineers partici-
pated. It is believed that
the name of the selected
Chief Engineer would
be released this week.
At the same time, the
interview process of re-
tired deputy collector
and architect would be
completed on June 10.
LDA Chief Engineer
Indu Shekhar Singh
said that the plan was to
start work on ground
between October and
November. Before this,
all the departments are
trying to complete req-
uisite preparations
from their side. Since
LDA is the nodal agency
the responsibility on it
is more and hence with-
out wasting even a day,
it is carrying out work
The three-member
team would do most of
the work and would be
provided a place in of-
fice premises of LDA
itself which would en-
able the three officer
recruited for the task to
remain in touch with
the Vice Chairman, Sec-
retary and Chief Engi-
neer of LDA.
Tata Consultancy En-
gineering, the project
consultant preparing
the DPR, will give prior-
ity to commercial ac-
tivities alongside the
roads, along with prepa-
ration of engineering
detail project reports.
For example, how
many petrol pumps can
be opened in a patch of
20 km. Apart from this,
restaurants, malls or
residential activities
can also be promoted
because Shaheed Path
and Outer Ring Road
will also be connected
to the Green Corridor
in future. Therefore,
people living on this
route would be able to
connect with the whole
city easily
he automobiles
industry has
taken a big hit
due to the Corona
pandemic and now
the effect of this can
been seen on traders
as well. The Corona
pandemic has causes
losses in crores to the
automobiles industry.
This sector between
April 23 and May 31
has seen deficit of
sales of more than
12,300 vehicles which
has put a loss of Rs.
20 crores on the purse
of the people in this
The industry dur-
ing the normal days,
would make a profit of
around Rs. 40 crores a
month. Businessmen
have claimed that had
there been no lock-
down, the automobiles
industry with the help
of festivals and long
association could have
earned more than Rs.
45 crores in a month.
The breakup of
sales of vehicles in the
year 2018 during the
same period of 23
April to 31 May has
shown surprising de-
crease in the sales of
vehicles. During the
same period in 2018,
14,474 two-wheelers
and 4,391 four-wheel-
ers were sold which
meant the sector
earned Rs. 8,44,11,718
and Rs. 30,22,07,365 re-
spectively from the
sales of the vehicles.
The second corona wave’s hurtful
impact on auto sales hit major
players in the city hard as all
showrooms see decline in monthly
sales for the last two months
Although companies say demand
for vehicles remains strong, but
lockdown meant no business
The automobile
industry has
suffered a huge
setback during the
Corona pandemic
as vehicles worth
several crores have
been stored away in
showrooms and go-
downs. This has
meant that expenses
are still there, but
the income has not
seen any rise but
only drops.
 —Gunjit Kalra,

Owner of SAS agency
We had pro-
cured all mod-
els of the bikes.
It was expected that
these models would
have boosted the
sales figures. The
showroom like oth-
ers had invested
crores but the Coro-
na pandemic has
ruined everything
for them.
 —Harshit Bajaj,
Owner, Royal Enfield
The imported
vehicles are ly-
ing around in
godowns. Due to the
pandemic a lot of
investment of the
businessmen are
stuck. Opening of
showrooms would
help recover the
businessmen from
some of the loss.
—Saurabh Aggarwal,
 Owner, Sun Motors
Calculation for
2021 shows that
4,421 two-wheelers
and 2116 four-
wheelers have
been sold which
has meant that the
business in indus-
try have earned Rs.
3,45,67,580 and
Rs. 17,42,91,010
respectively. These
statistics show that
there has been a
decrease of several
thousand vehicles
and a loss of about
Rs. 20 crores have
been incurred.
More worrying
sign for the trad-
ers is that vehicles
worth more than
Rs. 30 lakhs have
been parked in
showroom with
not many takers
causing even more
concern for the
showroom owners.
As far as PVs are
concerned, Maruti Su-
zuki registered sales of
1,35,879 units in April, a
decline of 7% compared
to March (1,46,203
units), and Hyundai In-
dia sold 49,002 units in
April, a decline of 6.8%
over March (52,600).
Tata Motors sold 25,095
units (down by 15.4%);
Kia India sold 16,111
units (down by 15.6%);
and Toyota Kirloskar
Motor sold 9,622 units
(down by 35.9%).
Meanwhile, Mahindra
 Mahindra and Honda
Cars India were excep-
tions: MM sales grew
9.5% (from 16,700
units to 18,285 units),
while Honda sales grew
27.7% (from 7,103 units
to 9,072 units).Preetam
Mohan Singh, senior
vice-president, Automo-
tive, Praxis Global Alli-
ance, said automotive is
a sector that is impacted
by ‘sentiment’. “Buyers
having money is one
thing, but they usually
buy a vehicle only when
they feel ‘good’. If there
is an element of ‘fear’,
most will postpone the
purchase,” he said.
Commercial vehicles have been hit particularly hard. CV sales of Tata
Motors dropped from 36,955 units in March 2021 to 14,435 units in
April 2021 (down by 61%). Those of Ashok Leyland dropped from
15,761 units in March to 7,961 units in April (down by 49.5%), and of
VE Commercial Vehicles dropped 74.2% (from 6,221 units in March to
1,604 units in April this year).
07 I I I I
Akhilesh slams BJP for UP farmers’ woes
IIT to send probe report of
radioactive haul to govt
Three gang-raped
in Lakhimpur Kheri
Ten booked
for insulting
SC woman
First India Bureau
Bareilly: A“rewilding”
centre will come up in
the next few months at
the Pilibhit Tiger Re-
serve to stop leopards
and tigers from turning
on Sunday
“Wild animals nor-
mally maintain critical
distance with humans
and their habitation.
Because of the land-
scape of the Pilibhit Ti-
ger Reserve (PTR), they
are losing this critical
distance with repeated
chance encounters. So,
we are trying to get
these animals to main-
tain that distance,” PTR
Khandelwal said.
to reverse the behaviour
of the tigers which nor-
mally reside in the close
vicinity of human habi-
tation, he elaborated.
them with the wild habi-
tat, Khandelwal said.
He said a rewilding
centre exists in Kanha
National Park in MP.
Asked when the rewild-
ing centre at the tiger
reserve in Pilibhit
would see the light of
the day, Khandelwal
said, “We are planning
to complete this in this
financial year only
Lalit Verma, Chief
Conservator of Forests,
Bareilly said, “Till now,
the usual practice has
ards caught in the popu-
lated areas were sent to
zoological gardens. But,
these animals would be
sent to rewilding cen-
tres.” “
A proposal in this
regard has been sent to
the government and all
completed. The land for
the centre has also been
finalised,” Verma said.
He said tigers and
leopards, which move
will be tranquillised and
brought to the rewilding
centre. At the rewilding
centre, the tiger will be
able to hunt cheetal,
neelgai and wild boars,
and “subsequently for-
get the taste of human
blood,” and stop ventur-
ing into human settle-
ments, Verma said.
The behaviour and
styleof workingof these
at the rewilding centre,
and treatment will also
the forest official said.
Verma said 31 people
died in man-animal con-
flicts from 2014 to 2020
while five tigers and
three tigresses were
caught in the period
from 2014 to 2020. Eight-
een tigers were killed in
such conflicts from 2012
to 2020, he said.
In this centre, tiger will hunt cheetal, neelgai, wild boars  subsequently forget taste of human blood
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Sa-
majwadi Par-
ty’s Nation-
al Presi-
dent and
f o r m e r
Chief Min-
ister Akh-
ilesh Yadav
c r i t i c i z e d
the BJP gov-
ernment of
w o r s e n i n g
the condition
of farmers in the state
and making farmers
even weak financially.
Yadav said that the
agricultural laws
brought in by the cen-
tral government has
ruined the entire agri-
cultural economy. He
said that the unity of
farmers will shatter
the arrogance of the
The former CM said
that the farmers did
not get the right price
for the crops during
the current BJP re-
gime even after the
BJP government had
promised the farmers
that they will get dou-
ble the price. He added
that the BJP govern-
ment misled the farm-
ers by assuring that
products will be
brought at in MSP but
in reality, the procure-
ment was not done on
MSP. While talking
the example of MSP
for wheat, he said that
the advertised MSP
for wheat was Rs. 1975
per quintal but in re-
ality, the farmers had
to sell wheat to mid-
dlemen at throwaway
Yadav said that even
the sugarcane farmers
have been hit badly. He
criticized that the even
during the crushing
season, sugarcane
have not been procured
while the sugar mills
owe over Rs. 20,000
crores to farmers. He
further went on to call
the Kisan Samman Ni-
dhi Yojana a new BJP
conspiracy to cheat the
Sumit Awasthi
Kanpur: After Rs 2.15
crore diesel scam in
Kanpur Development
Authority (KDA), an-
other scam in the mak-
ing of allotment of ve-
hicle tender is set to
rock the authority, as
despite making of strin-
gent rules, the process
of allotment of tender
in favour of a contrac-
tor has begun.
However, the truth
will be known after in-
vestigation, but people
are trying to take advan-
tage of absence of VC
level officer. Sources re-
vealed, officials and con-
tractors have usurped
lakhs of rupees in the
name of diesel by using
condemn vehicle on the
pretext of visit.
In the past, a diesel
scam worth crores of
rupees has also come to
fore. The then VC of
LDA Rakesh Singh
an effort to check cor-
ruption, ordered a new
tender on the Gem por-
tal instead of renewing
the tender. His order
was implemented and
tender was also upload-
ed on the Gem portal but
in the meantime Singh
Post retirement of
vice chairman Rakesh
Singh, officials of Fi-
nance department and
the contractor re-
turned to their nefari-
ous acts and in absence
of tender, all the work
is being carried out by
the same contractor
and his bills are also be-
ing cleared promptly
with due commission
on every bill reaching
the respective official.
A lot of funds were
embezzled in generator
besides diesel con-
sumed in the vehicles of
KDA. After the fraud
was caught involving
lakhs of rupees, the
then VC took action
against a maid and gar-
dener and sent the re-
port of action initiated
against half a dozen of-
ficers to government.
First India Bureau
Kanpur: After complet-
ing the investigation of
Californium substance,
IIT Kanpur will give its
report to the govern-
ment soon. This is the
terial has been investi-
gated by IIT, which is
used by space scientists
or nuclear experts.
It may be mentioned
that the investigation of
Californium worth bil-
lions caught by Ghaz-
ipur Police of Lucknow
was handed over to IIT
Kanpur and investiga-
tion has been started by
professors of Depart-
ment of Mechanical En-
gineering. Lucknow
Police had recovered
more than 340 grams of
Californium whose per
gram price is said to be
around Rs 19 crore. It is
the second most expen-
sive radioactive materi-
al in the world, which is
not easily available.
IIT Director Prof Ab-
hay Karandikar said it
would take three to four
days to complete the in-
vestigation. In fact, on
ple of Californium
reached IIT, there was
doubt about the identity
of the substance, due to
which it was not decided
as to which department
the investigation was to
be handed over to. How-
ever, post discussion the
investigation of the sub-
stance was handed over
to Department of Me-
chanical Engineering.
First India Bureau
Lakhimpur: Three
farm labour girls were
allegedly gang-raped in
Phoolbehad area. Police
have arrested one ac-
cused. Police sources
here said that three girls
including two sisters
tural farm in Phoolbe-
had area as labourers.
After finishing their
work when they left for
home the landlord alleg-
Police have registered
investigations. Police
have taken an accused
into custody who was
known to the victims.
Interrogations were
underway with farm
owners and nearby
farmers, police said add-
social media platforms
were false and actions
will be taken against
Medical examination
of girls was conducted
and reports were await-
ed. Police have taken
statements of girls.
First India Bureau
Mahoba: Police have
arrested an accused in
matter of misbehaving
with Dalit Pradhan
woman in Panchayat
building of Nathupura
village in Kabrai
Police have also reg-
istered a case against
10 persons into the
matter and manhunt is
on to nab other ac-
cused. According to
police, Dalit woman
Savita was elected
Pradhan in Nathupura
village Panchayat.
During online meeting
she was told to leave
chair and sit on floor.
When some other offi-
cials opposed to such
behaviour culprits
abused the woman.
Case was registered
against 10 persons in-
cluding Ramu, Rupen-
dra, Arjun, Vineet,
Ravindra and some
unidentified persons
into the matter and one
accused was arrested
while others will be ar-
rested soon, police said.
Though police was in-
vestigative other an-
gles of the incident
also as interrogation
revealed old rivalry be-
tween two groups.
Some persons were
detained for interroga-
tion and statement of
officials attended on-
line meeting were re-
corded and further in-
vestigations were un-
The agricultural laws brought in by the central govern-
ment has ruined the entire agricultural economy. The
unity of farmers will shatter the arrogance of the BJP.
—Akhilesh Yadav, SP chief
After Kanpur diesel scam,
rumbles of vehicle racket
Washermen washing clothes on the banks of river Yamuna in Prayagraj on Sunday letting
the soap and dirt into the river. The World Environment Day has just gone by on Saturday
and one sees more reasons why more vigilance is needed to clean the ailing rivers.
Vishal Srivastav
Lucknow: Diamonds
shine the brightest in
their own light. Such is
the case with one of Ut-
tar Pradesh’s highly
competent IAS officer
whose shine is not only
enlightening the state
and its people, but has
also reached the flashy
meadows of the NITI
Ayog. IAS Heera Lal,
currently posted as Ad-
ditional Director, Na-
tional Health Mission,
has got a pat from the
NITI Ayog chairman
Rajiv Kumar who in a
tweet, has appreciated
the efforts being put in
by Lal.
This may be a recent
development but Lal is
already a hero of sorts.
He is known as the ‘Wa-
ter Man of Banda’
where through his in-
trinsic approach, re-
solved the water woes of
lakhs of villages in the
region where the liquid
had depleted to worry-
ing levels and people
had to toil big time to get
the water.
jiv Kumar stated, “IAS
officer Heera Lal’s en-
deavour to convert rural
and downtrodden vil-
lages of UP into ‘Model
Villages’ through active
public participation is a
tremendous step.
Ground work like this is
listic development.
Great work!”
Lal’s dream to make
‘Model Gaons (villages)’
is also gradually com-
ing to reality as he is
motivating and involv-
ing the public in the en-
tire process. While Lal
was posted as the DM of
Banda, he had imple-
mented several develop-
mental projects. hrough
the involvement of the
public itself, the officer
was able to bring about
a lot of development in
the region.
Uttar Pradesh’s ‘Heera’ shines bright at Niti Ayog’s meadows
Niti Aayog
praises IAS
officer for his
effort of
model villages
in state
IAS officer Heera Lal
Rewilding is a concept
to reverse the
behaviour of the
tigers which normally
reside in the close
vicinity of human
FROM 2014
TO 2020
It is necessary to have equality
in a relationship, the same
amount of care, concern and
sharing makes for a solid relationship,
with imbalance, it will not last.
—Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO  Editor-in-Chief, First India
JUNE 7, 2021 I I I 09
ith a dream in
her eyes and pas-
sion to work to-
wards it, Kan-
chan Tomar
from Gwalior
started her jour-
ney of pursuing model-
ling in the very early
years of her life. “When
I was in school I was
quite fascinated by mod-
elling as a profession
since my mom in her
childhood always want-
ed to be one. As I grew up
my interest to learn
ramp walk, makeup, the
camera also grew and I
made a routine to watch
ion TV to learn more
about the profession. In
my high school, I at-
tempted an intercity
modelling competition
which was bliss and that
of opportunitiesforme,”
she said.
While talking about
her struggles, she said,
“Every profession is
challenging but your de-
termination to achieve
goals is the most impor-
tant thing, that turns
every struggle into an
important part of the
So according to me,
there is no struggle it’s
all a part of the journey
and step to be your best
self.” Kanchan added, “I
think my major turning
point was when I be-
endar girl in 2013 as
a teenager but I be-
lieve there are many
more achieve-
ments that are
going to be add-
ed in future.”
While asked
about her goal,
the model said, “I
wish to start a
grooming school for
the upcoming talent
of this country
. India
has indefinite talent
and it is very impor-
tant to guide youth
in the right direc-
plete when I see our
generation reach-
ing their goals and
make our country
proud on a nation-
al level.”
Talking about
the success man-
tra, she said, “Eat
healthy, work on
your walk, poses
and make your
schedule right. Ap-
preciate the journey
are keep running for
your goals.”
KARISHMA, Fashion Model
MAR 21 - APR 20
Your reputation
is likely to boost
your image on
the social front.
On the work
front, you will
manage to keep
your superiors
in good humour.
This is an excellent day to spend time
with family. Good planning will see you
complete a task at work in record time.
You enjoy excellent health.
will be able to
give their best in
a new situation.
Financially, this
day may prove
lucky for you,
so go ask for
the raise that is
keeping you on
tenterhooks. Don’t take any chances with
your health today. You will succeed in
putting your stagnant love life back.
APR 21 - MAY 20
You may get
busy organising
something on
the social front.
You may need to
put your ideas
into action, if you
want to prove
yourself. A party
may be thrown
in your honour at work. Your good
performance is likely to be noticed by
higher ups.
Your own hap-
piness is in your
hands today. This
is a favourable
day for complet-
ing pending jobs.
Financially, no
problems are
foreseen. It is
best to avoid
outside food. Much fun is in store on the
social front. Those in love with the adven-
tures are likely to chase the excitement.
MAY 21 - JUNE 21
A celebration
can find you in
your element
today. Praise and
honour are likely
to greet you in
something that
you have man-
aged to achieve.
You will be a pil-
lar of strength to a friend or associate. A
good day at work is foreseen as you make
your mark in front of those who matter.
NOV 23 - DEC 22
Some positive
changes can
be expected on
the home front.
This seems a
good day for job
seekers. Good
luck promises
to brighten
your day. New
avenues for earning open up as you get
more determined. Getting into a favourable
situation on the academic front is possible.
JUNE 22 - JULY 23
A change of job
is likely to give
you better salary
and perks. Those
in business
will soon get a
chance to make
profits. A new
deal is likely to
come through
and give you a taste of success. Spending
time with lover proves most fulfilling.
This is the time when you enjoy yourself.
DEC 23 - JAN 20
Your profession-
alism in handling
problem areas
will be appreci-
ated. Tenant trou-
bles are foreseen
for some house
owners. You will
find family life
more than fulfill-
ing. A senior is likely to put in a good
word for you to the higher ups. Finan-
cially, you will be able to consolidate.
Appreciation is
in store for some
A professional
victory is yours
if you play your
cards well today.
Those in business
will be able to
maintain good
earning. You are likely to enjoy good
health. Young lovers are likely to enjoy
total bliss.
JAN 21 - FEB 19
Some favourable
on the social
front are
foreseen. Good
performance on
the academic
front will help
enhance your
at work. Buying new furniture or a
major appliance is possible. With good
networking, prized posting can be yours.
AUG 24 - SEP 23
Your strategy to
promote yourself
on the profes-
sional front will
bear fruits. You
may need to
speed up things
on the academic
front to remain
ahead. On the
social front, the day finds you in your
element. Something special awaits you on
the romantic front today.
FEB20 - MARCH 20
Good tidings of
your well wishers
will keep you
going on the
front. You are
likely to take
up someone’s
cause and earn
appreciation from
all quarters on the social front. Remaining
on the good side of those who matter on
the academic front will help you.
Horoscope by
Saurabbh Sachdeva
hat goes up must
come down. But
down is a mas-
sive fragment of
a Chinese rocket,
some anxiety is
but natural. The news that a
portion of a Long March
5Brocket was to come crash-
ing down somewhere be-
tween the latitudes of New
York City and New Zealand
was a cause of serious con-
cern (and of frenzied discus-
sion on the airwaves). Of
course, in the event, this par-
ticular piece of space debris
crashed into the Indian
Ocean near the Maldives, but
as space exploration by agen-
cies both private and the pub-
lic takes off, it is worth think-
ing about the interesting le-
gal questions that arise.
Space debris, colloquially
called space junk, is hardly a
new problem; it has been an
issue since the Cold War-era
space race, but it is likely to
become more important in
the days and years to come as
more countries develop large
space programmes and pri-
vate corporations make their
first forays into the cosmos.
The legal position of space
debris re-entering the atmos-
phere and plummeting to the
ground depends on where it
falls - legally, the re-entry of
space junk is not prohibited.
However, international law
does come into play when
said debris affects some dam-
age. For example, if the Chi-
nese rocket had hit land and
caused some harm (whether
to property or individuals),
the People’s Republic of Chi-
na (the PRC) would have
been liable. In such a situa-
tion, the present framework
of international law relies on
the 1972 Space Liability Con-
vention, to which the PRC is
a state party. In particular,
Article 2 holds states party to
the convention liable for
damages caused to aircraft
or the surface of the Earth by
a spacecraft they launched.
Does this mean that the
launching state would have
to make a payment for the as-
sessed value of damages
caused by any debris? Not
necessarily. This is be-
cause the state in whose
territory the space junk
landed must invoke the
1972 convention. How-
ever, invoking the con-
vention is within the
power of the govern-
ment, and only the gov-
ernment. As an interna-
tional treaty, it may only be
invoked by nations, and not
by citizens or legal persons.
Using the treaty is thus
necessarily a political
decision. For this
reason, nations are
reluctant to invoke
this convention
when they enjoy
amicable ties with
the launching state,
or if the launching
state is a more pow-
erful nation.
When a fragment
of a Chinese
spacecraft landed
in the Ivory Coast
in 2012, for exam-
ple, the Ivory
Coast did not in-
voke the conven-
tion as the PRC
was a valuable
trade partner and
powerful ally to
the African na-
tion. Indeed, in the
nearly 50 years of
the convention’s
existence, it has
only been in-
voked once - by
Canada against
the USSR in
1978. Interest-
ingly, it is not
yet known if the
USSR did make
the $6 million
ment agreed upon to Canada.
The situation is further
complicated by the lack of an
effective regulatory frame-
work in many countries
- the PRC has come un-
der criticism for a rela-
tively minimal regula-
tory architecture for
space exploration in
comparison to many
other nations. The
present scenario
gives a large degree
of latitude to Chi-
nese officials, and
if they believe
that the calculat-
ed risk of an un-
planned re-entry
causing damage
is small enough,
then that is what
happens. In an ideal
world, the USA, UK,
EU, India, the PRC
and other space-
faring countries
would come togeth-
er and adopt a com-
prehensive and
common set of
rules to govern
. Considering the ma-
chismo that comes with vic-
tories in space exploration
and the present geopolitical
tensions between some of
these states, however, an ad-
equate international treaty
is unlikely to materialise
within the foreseeable future.
Nevertheless, legal frame-
works must adapt to the
changing situation above our
heads. As space exploration
becomes increasingly acces-
sible and more and more
space objects jet off into orbit
and beyond, the risk of dam-
ages caused by debris is ris-
ing. The present system of
international law is difficult
to get started and compensa-
tion nigh impossible to ob-
tain. As such, in the unfortu-
nate (though unlikely) inci-
dent that a juridical person
suffers damage, it is difficult
to recover from. One mecha-
nism by which the juridical
person who suffered some
damage could recover could
be via filing an insurance
claim provided that they hold
comprehensive insurance
which protects against dam-
age from falling objects. How-
ever, this would leave unpro-
tected uninsured assets and
persons, including the unin-
sured poor unprotected. Sup-
pose a piece of space debris
were to land onto the house
of a small landowner, or her
field and render it unusable.
Considering the poor level of
insurance penetration, this
landowner may well be set-
back several years due to the
intractable nature of the cur-
rent framework. There may
also arise catastrophes
caused by falling space ob-
jects, for example, if a mas-
sive piece of debris starts a
forest fire. In such cases, gov-
ernment disaster manage-
ment, insurance and govern-
ment-funded relief would all
come into the picture, but
there is something of a blind
spot where the impact is lim-
ited to a few persons, wheth-
er natural or juridical.
To protect the uninsured
as well, we must look at the
damage caused by space de-
bris as a simple issue of torts.
Stripped of the futuristic and
dramatic overtones of space,
the matter at its core is a civ-
il wrong. New Zealand has a
novel way of dealing with
accident-related torts, which
is instructive in this prob-
lem. The risks of accidents
are socialised, and payments
to those who have suffered
are made on a no-fault basis
by the government’s Acci-
dent Compensation Corpora-
tion (ACC). Such a system,
adapted to space debris
rather than road accidents
would ensure that the
‘little guy’ is protected - a
necessary precaution
and moral responsibility
for the state, as the great
space voyagers of our
times, are all great pow-
ers too.
First India-Lucknow Edition-07 June 2021
First India-Lucknow Edition-07 June 2021

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First India-Lucknow Edition-07 June 2021

  • 1. M Tariq Khan/ Shashikant Sharma Lucknow/ New Delhi : In the fast-pace unfold- ing political scenario, the Governors of five key states including Ut- tar Pradesh may be shuffled following the two-day-long brain- storming session called by BJP president J P Nadda alongside party general secretaries on Sunday . UP Governor Anandi- ben Patel, who also holds the additional charge of Madhya Pradesh, may finally opt for the latter and a new party heavy-weight may be installed in the Raj Bhawan, according to highly placed sources. To maintain the caste balance,aBrahminpoli- tician from north India can take over the baton from Patel, who is re- portedly keen to relo- cate to MP where she has served in the same capacity before also. “The names were dis- cussed at the stock-tak- ing meeting of the high- command in New Delhi after which BJP presi- dent Nadda and General Secretary (Organisa- tion) B L Santhosh met Prime Minister Naren- dra Modi,” said a senior party leader requesting anonymity . The changes in the Raj Bhawans, accord- ing to sources, are being done keeping in view the upcoming assembly elections in UP, Uttara- khand, Manipur, Pun- jab, Himachal and Guja- rat. With the exception of Punjab, BJP is in power in all other States. The appoint- ments assume signifi- cance as Raj Bhawan plays an important role in case of a hung ver- dict in a State. In this context, the Governors of Karnataka, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh have already completed their tenure. While Gu- jarat Governor Achar- ya Devvrat completed his tenure in August 2020, he was the Gover- nor of Himachal Pradesh before Gujarat, Karnataka Governor Vajubhai Vala complet- ed his term in 2019. However, Constitution- al propriety abhors vacuum and a Gover- nor continues to hold office till a new incum- bent is appointed. Under fire for the ab- sence of its leaders on the ground during the second wave of the pan- demic, the BJP has been embroiled in an inner power tussle in UP, which has dented its image. To re-ener- gise its cadres ahead of the assembly elections, the party high com- mand discussed the party’s activities with party general secretar- ies and leaders in charge of the poll- bound states and asked the party leadership to urge the workers to pull up their socks to be vis- ible on the ground and counter the criticism against the govern- ment, sources said. GUBERNATORIAL GLITZ: Likely winds of change at UP Raj Bhawan? EXCLUSIVE J P Nadda Anandiben Patel ReshuffleinYogicabinetin July:StateBJPPresident What inspired Swatantra Dev Singh to announce cabinet reshuffle! Shashikant Sharma/ Vishal Srivastav Lucknow/NewDelhi: By ruling out all spec- ulations in Lucknow, BJP State party presi- dent Swatantra Singh on Sunday night an- nounced a likely cabi- net reshuffle in the Yogi cabinet in July. Now, everyone in Luc- know is asking what has suddenly ‘in- spired’ or compelled Swatantra Dev Singh to make this an- nouncement because normally any likely changes in the cabinet are announced by the Chief Minis- ter and not by the state party p r e s i d e n t . This has raised eye- brows in B J P circles. Apparently Swatan- tra Dev Singh’s state- ment has come after an indication from New Delhi which wanted to give a clear message to UP BJP that in spite of a ‘pow- erful lobby’s’ opposi- tion to defer the cabi- net reshuffle on one or the other pretext is not going to work and ma- jor changes in Yogi cabinet willtakeplace, including the arrival of two new Deputy CM’s i.e. A K Sharma and Brajesh Pathak. Interestingly, prior to the state BJP p r e s i - dent’s an- n o u n c e - ment, al- most all national channels in al- most identical manner ruled out any reshuf- fle, which also must have forced Central leadership to ask Swa- tantra Dev Singh to publicly announce the reshuffle in July . BJP State President had issued a state- mentonSundaynight, “Elections will be fought under the lead- ership of Yogi and a cabinet expansion will not be taken up in the immediate future by Yogi. The expan- sion is expected after the election of the Zila Panchayat Adhyaksh by the end of June or early July”! Swatantra Dev Singh CM Yogi Adityanath I I I I LUCKNOW l MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. UPENG/2020/04393 l Vol 1 l Issue No. 176 OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, AHMEDABAD LUCKNOW New Delhi: The proposed mosque and hospital complex that is to be built on a five-acre land in Dhannipur village in Ayodhya, will be named after noted freedom fighter and revolutionary Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah Faizabadi, who was martyred 164 years ago. The Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation (IICF) has decided to dedicate the entire project after him. Thiruvananthapuram: 93 retired top civil servants from across the country have signed a letter to PM Narendra Modi against a series of controversial decisions by Lakshadweep’s administrator Praful Patel. “We write to you today to register our deep concern over disturbing developments taking place in the pristine UT of Lakshadweep in the name of ‘development’.” AYODHYA MOSQUE TO BE NAMED AFTER 1857 REVOLUTIONARY 93 FORMER CIVIL SERVANTS WRITE TO PM ON LAKSHADWEEP West Bengal Governor summons Chief Secretary over ‘post-poll violence’ Mohd Fahad/Aditi Nagar Kolkata: Slamming Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over the ‘ram- pant post-poll violence’ in the state, West Ben- gal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday directed the Chief Sec- retary Hari Krishna Dwivedi to brief him about the law and order situation on Monday . Sharingaletteronthe micro-blogging site Twitter, Dhankhar wrote, “Extremely alarming law order scenarioMamataBaner- jee. Security environ- ment is seriously com- promised.Insuchagrim situation called upon Chief Secretary to brief me on the law and order situation on Monday 7th June and indicate all steps taken to contain post poll violence.” In a series of tweets, the Governor said, “There is rampant post poll retributive violence @MamataOfficial. Dis- turbingthatthisostraci- sation has graduated to social boycott denial of benefits they are oth- erwise entitled. They are made to suffer “ex- tortion fee” for living in their own house or run their own business.” Accusing the West Bengal police and Kol- kata Police of engaging Turn to P6 Kolkata: Based on a complaint on June 1 against BJP MLA Suv- endu Adhikari and his brother Soumendu Adhikari for allegedly stealing relief materi- als, an FIR has been registered at the Con- tai Police Station in East Midnapore. Ratnadip Manna, a Member of the Board of Administrators of Contai Municipality, submitted a written complaint alleging that, on May 29, Himan- gshuMannaandPratap De took away a truck- load of tarpaulin from the official godown of Contai Municipality . The complainant al- leged that the act was the result of a criminal conspiracy led by TMC-turned-BJP lead- er Suvendu Adhikari and Soumendu Adhi- kari. Turn to P6 GUV DHANKHAR HAS EMPLOYED 3 RELATIVES, KIN OF EDCS, TWEETS TMC’S MAHUA MOITRA Kolkata: Unleashing the most scathing attack against West Bengal gov- ernor Jagdeep Dhankhar, Trinamool Congress (TMC) Lok Sabha member Mahua Moitra on Sunday alleged that the former has employed three of his own relatives and two relatives of a former aides-de-camp (EDC) and one relative of his present EDC as offic- ers on special duty (OSD) at Raj Bhawan, Kolkata. She tweeted a list of six OSDs. In Moitra’s tweet, the list claimed that Abbhudoy Singh Sekhawat, the gov- ernor’s OSD, is Dhankhar’s “brother-in-law’s son,” Akhil Chowdhury, the OSD coor- dination, has “close family relation with governor,” OSD administration Ruchi Dubey is “the wife of Major Gorang Diksit, ex-ADC to governor” and the Major’s “brother” Prasant Diksit is the OSD protocol. OSD IT (informa- tion technology) Koustav S Valikar is the “brother-in- law” of Dhankhar’s present ADC Srikant Janardan Rao, IPS, the tweet claimed. Kishan Dhankhar, the newly appointed OSD, is “a close relative of governor”, the list indicated. TMC files FIR against Suvendu, brother for ‘stealing’ relief material SUVENDU’S AIDE ARRESTED FOR ALLEGED ROLE IN JOB SCAM Kolkata: A close aide of BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari has been arrest- ed for his alleged involvement in a fake government job scam, a police officer said on Sunday. Rakhal Bera was arrested from outside his resi- dence here on Saturday based on a complaint lodged at the Manicktala police station by a resident of Kalyangarh. A fresh wave of confrontation in Kolkata BENGAL HULLABALLOO LOWEST SINGLE DAY CASES IN 2 MONTHS New Delhi: India re- ported 1,14,460 fresh COVID-19 cases, the lowest single-day rise in infections in around two months, taking the infection tally to 2,88,09,339, accord- ing to the Union Health Ministry on Sunday . Meanwhile, the central government provided more than 24.60 crore COVID-19 vac- cine doses to states so far, said the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on Sunday. The active case count has reduced to 14,77,799, which comprises 5.73 per cent of the total in- fections, Turn to P6 ‘CENTRE FIGHTING FOR BLUE TICKS’ IF PIZZA CAN BE DELIVERED AT HOME, WHY NOT RATION? KEJRI ASKS MODI KEJRIWAL’S RATION DELIVERY SCHEME IS SCAM, SAYS PATRA New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday slammed the Centre for alleg- edly “fighting for blue ticks” on Twitter, while the country faces a shortage of COV- ID-19 vaccines. “Modi govern- ment is fighting for blue tick. If you want a COVID-19 vaccine, then be self-reliant!,” he tweeted. New Delhi: A day after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal claimed the central govern- ment blocked its plans to launch doorstep delivery of rations, the Kejriwal accused the centre of taking the step under the “influ- ence” of the ration mafia, which he said has ensured that the “pro-poor and revolutionary scheme” does not get imple- mented in the national capital. New Delhi: BJP’s national spokesperson Sambit Patra on Sunday slammed Kejriwal alleging him of doing drama for politics while calling the ‘doorstep ration delivery scheme’ a scam. “Kejriwal painted a picture that Prime Minister Modi is preventing door-to- door ration delivery. This is false,” he said. CORONA CATASTROPHE INDIA UP 1,14,460 new cases 2,677 new fatalities 1,165 new cases 101 new fatalities AIIMS Delhi to screen kids for Covaxin trials from today New Delhi: The screen- ing of children for clin- ical trials of Covaxin will start at AIIMS in Delhi on Monday, days after similar trials started at AIIMS in Pat- na, sources have said. The All India Insti- tute of Medical Science (AIIMS) in the national capital will conduct clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine made by Bharat Biotech to see if it is suitable for chil- dren between two and 18 years old. Experts have warned that a possible third wave can bring as much devastation as the sec- ond wave of the corona- virus pandemic if enough people are not vaccinated against the virus, and that children couldbeitsprimetarget.
  • 2. UTTAR PRADESH LUCKNOW | MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 02 I I I I First India Bureau Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh will start dis- tributing free ration for three months to the poor and migrant la- bourers from June 20. The state government, in a massive exercise, will distribute 5 kg free ration (3 kg of Wheat and 2 kg of Rice grain) to ration cardholders of Antyodaya and Eligi- ble Households for the next three months. Starting from June 20, the distribution for this particular month will continue till June 30. The dates for the next two months will be de- clared by the govern- ment in the coming days. The Chief Minis- ter has issued instruc- tions to the officers for making all arrange- ments regarding the distribution of free ra- tion in the state. The ration distribution will be done at the 80,000 fair price shops in the state under the supervi- sion of nodal officers amid adherence to Cov- id safety protocols. Commissioner Food and Supply Manish Chauhan informed, “ We are already distrib- uting free ration under the Pradhan Mantri Ga- reeb Kalyan Ann Yojana to Antodaya and Eligi- ble Household ration card holders , that will continue till June 15. After that, we are go- ing to start the free dis- tribution of 5 kg grains for next 3 months”. No- tably, there are around 1,30,07,969 units of ben- eficiaries under the Antyodaya Ann Yojna and 13,41,77, 983 units under Eligible Housh- old card holders. For this, it is estimated more than 7.5 lakh met- ric tonnes of food grains will be distrib- uted by government. FreerationdistributiontostartagainfromJune20 COVID RELIEF WITH SAFETY BJP UP in-charge Radha Mohan Singh met Governor Anandiben Patel describing it as a “courtesy call” on Sunday. Singh also met UP assembly speaker Hriday Narayan Dikshit. The two are said to have exchanged views on the unfolding political scenario upcoming assembly elections SINGHMEETS GUV UNDERRESHUFFLECLOUDS First India Bureau Lucknow: Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) national vice president and Uttar Pradesh in- charge Radha Mohan Singh met governor Anandiben Patel on Sunday. Though the meeting came amid speculation around cabinet reshuffle in Yogi Adityanath gov- ernment, Singh de- scribed it as a “cour- tesy call.” “Cabinet expansion or reshuffle is the pre- rogative of the chief minister, I think he will take a call on the issue as and when required,” he added. His meeting with the UP Governor comes almost 10 days after chief minister Yogi Adityanath met her on May 27. Before visiting the Raj Bhavan, Singh met the state BJP chief Swatantra Dev and Jal Shakti minister Ma- hendra Singh, once again triggering buzz over discussion on strategy ahead of the assembly elections next year. Singh and the BJP’s national gen- eral secretary (organi- zation) BL Santhosh had met state leaders for three days last month after which both the leaders backed Adi- tyanath, describing him as the most hard- working and efficient chief minister. “I have known the UP governor for a long time and had not met her as something or other kept delaying my meeting. Finally , today I was able to meet her as courtesy demanded, especially since she is the gover- nor of the same state of which I am the in- charge,” he said. On possible cabinet reshuf- fle, Singh said it was fig- ment of imagination of some fertile minds who keep doing their own kite-flying. He once again backed the chief minister, say- ing his government is very popular. Radha Mohan also met UP as- sembly speaker Hriday Narain Dikshit. They two are said to have ex- changed views on the unfolding political sce- nario and upcoming as- sembly elections. Meanwhile, State BJP chief Swatantra Dev said that seven vacan- cies in Yogi Adityanath government will be filled. This is another round of meetings that Singh is holding with the state leadership in the wake of the assem- bly elections. UP GOVT IS WORKING WITH FULL COMMITMENT FOR WELFARE OF PEOPLE: CM ONLY GAPPEBAZI, NOTHING SERIOUS: SPEAKER DIXIT Lucknow : The UP CM Yogi Adityanath has said that in the Corona period, along with getting control over Covid-19 with the cooperation of all, activities and eco- nomic development were simultaneously conducted. Under the Mission Rozgar in the state, government jobs have been provided to about 4 lakh youths in a fair and trans- parent manner on a large scale in the last four years. In all the selection examinations, the eligible candidates were recruited in a time-bound manner following the rules. He has also said that the recruitment process will be continued in a transparent and fair manner in the coming times by moving for- ward at full speed. The CM said that the State Government is working with full commitment for the welfare of villages, poor people, farmers, labourers, women, youth, etc. Under Mission Rozgar, more and more youth have been linked with jobs and self-employ- ment. Following the rules of reservation, work has been done to advance the people of poor and deprived sections of society. New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Assembly Speaker Hriday Narayan Dixit has said that his meeting with BJP state in charge Radha Mohan Singh should not be given any colour as it was simply a courtesy meet. Talking about the meeting, Dixit said that it was a personal and not political meeting. “We enquired about each others’ well being. There was some ‘gappebaazi’ (chit chats). Neither he discussed anything political, nor did I.” “The meeting lasted for nearly 40 minutes. It was a personal meeting and a courtesy call. We have known each other for a long,” said Dixit. The recruitments are done by the State Government with complete transparency and honesty, providing opportunities to the merit and talent in the govern- ment jobs. Yogi Speaks Yogi Speaks CM Yogi said to increase the number of vaccina- tors training of second, third and final year students of nursing and second and third year students of para- medical should be done as soon as possible. CM Yogi has asked officials to ensure that all primary, sub- health and wellness centers are equipped with necessary medical equipments and they are kept in working conditions. BJP UP In charge Radha Mohan Singh meeting Governor Anandiben Patel at Raj Bhavan on Sunday. UP CM said that the process of contact tracing should be tamped up in new cases of corona infection to prevent it from spreading. He said contact tracing of at least 12 to 15 people should be done in each case of infection. UP crosses 2 cr jabs, target now to give 10 cr doses in next 3 months First India Bureau Lucknow: Having crossed the milestone of administering 2 crore cumulative COVID-19 vaccines, Uttar Pradesh has now set a target of giving 10 crore doses to people in next 3 months. In another landmark victory against COV- ID-19, State has emerged as a leader by crossing the 30-lakh mark in the 18-44 age category, the highest in the country . This spectacular boost in the vaccination figures has been attrib- uted to the launch of CM Yogi’s ‘Mission June’ initiative. En- thused by the response, CM Yogi Adityanath said the state must vac- cinate with a greater degree to prevent a se- vere 3rd wave and start targeting at least 10 lakh doses a day from July onwards. The tar- get is to administer at least 10 crore people in the next 3 months. “Till now we have adminis- tered more than 2 crores (2,02,34,598) doses of vaccine against the cor- onavirus. In view of the huge population of Ut- tar Pradesh, we have to speed up the COVID-19 vaccination. We must now work upon expand- ing the Mission June target by three times in July”, said CM Yogi while addressing a high-level COVID re- view meeting. So far, around 1,66,27,059 peo- ple have received the first dose, while the re- maining 36,27,433 have completed their double- vaccination course. It is notable that so far India has adminis- tered around 22.80 crore vaccine doses, of which UP accounts for around 8.9 per cent of the total doses. In the last 24-hours, UP has jabbed around 3.88 lakh people. Officials have been asked to enhance the vaccination capacity by three times and take it to 10 lakh doses per day in July. “ A District- wise strategy should be prepared to meet the target of 10 lakh doses a day in July. There is no shortage of vaccines,” said an official. Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath. 72 new O2 plants established in state; 344 more to be set up First India Bureau Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh will soon be- come self-sufficient in production of medical oxygen having estab- lished 72 new plants and work on another 344 in the State. A total of 416 oxygen plants are to be set up in the state on a war foot- ing, as many as 72 have been established while the work is going on to setup344oxygenplants. Twenty five oxygen plants were already functional. Alok Ku- mar, Principal Secre- tary, Medical Educa- tion, informed that as many as 48 Oxygen Gen- erator Plants are being installed. Of these, 16 oxygen generator plants are being set up by the central govern- ment, 24 plants by the state government, one plant from the MLA fund and seven plants are being set up by the corporate institutions. The process of estab- lishing and making Ox- ygen Generator Plants functional in all medical institutions in the state sector is going on con- tinuously . All the plants are likely to become functional from the last week of July to the first week of August. There were 10 oxygen plants that were functional in private sector medical colleges. 12 more plants have been established recently . The process is also on to set up an Oxy- gen Generator Plant in other medical colleges as well. For establish- ment of the generator plant, it has been pro- posed by government to provide 50 percent in- terest free of the cost of the plant to the private sector medical colleges. —FILE PHOTO —FILE PHOTO Reservation scam:55 students write to Prez Guv First India Bureau Lucknow: Saddened by the reservation scam in the assistant teacher recruitment, 55 candi- dates have written to the President Gover- nor seeking permission for being euthanized. They have written that the CM, Basic Educa- tion Minister officials of Basic Education De- partment have not tak- en cognizance of issue even after interim re- port on the reservation scam was submitted to the government by the Backward Classes Com- mission. The interim report has revealed that a total of 5844 seats have been scammed. The gov- ernment still has not re- plied to the commission. Ram Mandir foundation to be completed by Oct First India Bureau Lucknow: The Ram temple construction work in Ayodhya is go- ing on in full swing and work of five layers of its foundation com- pleted and filling of foundation would be completed by October. According to trustee of Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Dr Anil Mishra, work on each layer took five days and that red stones for the base plinth of the temple would be brought from Mirzapur, order for which had already been given by the Trust. He informed stones of fixed size would be carved in workshop located in Ram Janmabhoomi complex and by De- cember work of base plinth of temple would commence. He said there would be no problem in bringing stones from Rajasthan and the foundation fill- ing work was going on 24 hours in two shifts.
  • 3. UTTAR PRADESH LUCKNOW | MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 03 I I I I Hooch Did It: Key accused in police net Accused Rishi Sharma carried a reward of Rs 1L on his arrest Sharma was named in 13 different cases related to the incident He was fleeing in his vehicle, which was carrying a large cache of spurious liquor First India Bureau Aligarh:Keyaccusedin the last month’s Aligarh hooch incident, which has claimed at least 90 lives so far, was nabbed in the early hours of Sunday , the police said. Accused Rishi Shar- ma, who carried a re- ward of Rs 1 lakh on his arrest, was held near Bulandshahr border in western Uttar Pradesh, Aligarh SSP Kalanidhi Naithani said. Sharma, who the po- lice described as the kingpin of the liquor mafia, was named in 13 different cases connect- ed to the recent liquor tragedy , and was nabbed as he was about to slip out of the district after being holed up in his hideouts since the past nine days. On Saturday , the po- lice had raised the boun- ty on Sharma from Rs 75,000 to Rs 1 lakh. His wife, son, two brothers and a nephew were arrested in the last five days. The search for Shar- ma was extended to half a dozen neighbouring states and several dis- tricts, where he had his network. The police were track- ing over 500 cell phone numbers belonging to his close circle. Police weretippedoff onSatur- day night that Sharma would be travelling to BulandshsharinanSUV . He was nabbed in his vehicle, which was car- rying a large cache of spurious liquor, police said. Nearly 50 people have died in Aligarh since consuming spurious liq- uor on two different oc- casions recently , accord- ing to police, while offi- cials estimate that the death toll could go up to 100asautopsyreportsof another 50 hooch con- sumers were awaited. “In a major break- through in the hooch incident, key accused and Rs 1 lakh rewardee Rishi Sharma has been arrested from near Bu- landshahr border,” Naithani said. “Earlier, the police had arrested accused Vi- pin Yadav, with Rs 50,000 reward on his arrest, and Rishi Sharma’s brotherMunishSharma carrying a bounty of Rs 25,000 in this case,” the SSP said. First India Bureau Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh recorded a drastic and consistent decline in the number of active cases by over 2.90 lakh in just 37 days. The Active Caseload in the most populous state has been reduced to nearly 17,000 and conse- quently the Corona Cur- few restrictions have been lifted in all dis- tricts except Lucknow, Meerut, Saharanpur and Gorakhpur, where the Active Covid Cases are above the 600-mark. The restrictions have now been relaxed for the other 71 out of the 75 districts of the state, said ACS Information Navneet Sehgal. The Partial Corona Curfews aimed at saving both life and livelihood of people has emerged as one of the Master Strategies employed by Chief Min- ister Yogi Adityanath in curbing the pread in the densely populated state and also helped the in- dustry to function and retain the employment of millions of UP’s population. In the last 24 hours UP recorded merely 1,165 positive cases out of 30,9674 samples tested. The Recovery Rate has jumped to 97.7 per cent. The state’s Test Positivi- ty Rate (TPR) dropped to a low of 0.3 per cent on Saturday and has been below 1 per cent for al- most two weeks in a row. Despite testing more than 3 lakh samples for Covid-19 infection regu- larly , the TPR for the last 7 days stands at 0.40 per- cent and only 5 districts haveregisteredapositiv- ity rate in the range of 1.0-1.2 per cent, wth rest all having a positivity rate below 1 per cent. In an encouraging sign, as many as 36 dis- tricts reported fresh in- fections in single digits inlast24hours.Tobreak the chain, CM Yogi also emphasisedintensifying Contact Tracing to ena- ble early detection. First India Bureau Lucknow:Doctorstreat- ing mucormycosis aka black fungus have con- firmed use of two new anti-fungal medicines fortreatmentof patients after recommendation of acommitteeresearch- ing on the disease. A committee formed under the leadership of Dr RK Dheeman, direc- tor SGPGI has recom- mended use of two med- icines Iavuconazole and Posaconazole along with other anti-fungal injections. It was proved in researches that both were effective in treat- ment of black fungus. CM Yogi Adityanath has instructed to comply with the recommenda- tions immediately and to provide required medicines in adequate numbers. As many as 1,471 pa- tients of black fungus have been found in UP till date and only one third needed surgery while others were treat- ed with medicines only . After instructions of CM Yogi expert commit- tee of 12 members was formed in leadership of Dr Dhiman and Dr Amit Kesari was appointed as nodalofficerforcommit- tee. A rapid response team was also formed to provide speedy and bet- tertreatmenttopatients. Several researches were being conducted to as- certain reasons behind cause of rampant incre- ment in cases of mucor- mycosis and several hy- potheses surfaced. It was speculated that useof industrialoxygen, lower immunity , back medical history could be reasons behind the cause. It was also said thatlackof properclean- ing in hospitals could also be reason behind fungalinfectionsinsuch large numbers. First India Bureau Lucknow: Navneet Se- hgal, ACS, Information said under the instruc- tions of CM Yogi Adti- yanath and with the im- plementation of the 3T plan, the state has been aggressively testing samples, implemented partial curfew and has increased vaccination. Navneet Sehgal said thatmonitoringcommit- tees had been formed to gofromhouse-houseand conduction Antigen tests on people who showedsymptomsof the infection. He added that if the Antigen tests re- turned negative, but the people showed symp- toms, then they were subjected to RT-PCR tests. He further added UP had been distribut- ing medical kits worth Rs. 10 lakh to people who tested positive. Navneet Sehgal said that the state has been conduction around 3 lakhs to 3.5 lakh tests a day since March 31 and 70%of thesetestsarebe- ing conducted in rural areas. He added that the active cases have de- creased by 96% of the cases reported till April 30. He further said there has been 97% decrease in the daily cases too. 75,000 was the earlier bounty, which was raised to `1L 1L500 cell phone numbers tracked by the police 90 people reported to have died in the hooch tragedy A villager shows a bottle of spurious liquor sold by a licensed vendor in Aligarh. (Inset) Rishi Sharma People removing dead bodies buried on the Ganga sandbanks in Prayagraj fearing the threat of soil erosion on the banks as Ganga water level is on a continuous rise given the rainfall in upper Himalayas. 61 ACCUSED HELD SO FAR So far 17 FIRs have been lodged and 61 accused arrested in Aligarh over the deaths. Multiple police teams, he said, have carried out investiga- tion and searches in six states since the case came to light while a crackdown on the liquor mafia also started in Aligarh. Basti: Health department workers were caught on camera allegedly packing up RTPCR test kits without taking the requi- site samples from covid patients in Basti. Videos of the incident circulat- ing online claim that an elderly man had visited a health centre in Maharipur village of Basti to get a covid test done. However, the video claims health workers at the cen- tre made him fill up a form but packed the RT-PCR test kits without collecting his sample. Lucknow: Despite testing over 3L samples regularly, the TPR for the last 7 days stands at 0.40 per cent and only 5 districts have registered a positiv- ity rate in the range of 1.0-1.2 per cent, wth rest all having a rate below 1 per cent. As many as 36 districts reported fresh infections in single digits in last 24 hours. CM Yogi also emphasised intensifying Contact Tracing to enable early detection. HEALTH WORKERS IN THE DOCK UP HAS REPORTED 1,471 PATIENTS POSITIVITY RATE BELOW 1%IN 70DISTS With lesser cases, relaxed UP reduces curbs in all but 4 dists C-control: Sehgal credits govt’s 3T strategy,rapid vaccination 2newdrugstobeusedforblackfungustreatment COVID-19 UPDATE LUCKNOW 42 VARANASI 51 AGRA 13 MEERUT 55 KUSHINAGAR 12 GORAKHPUR 36 G B NGR 91 MUZAFFARNGR23 TOTAL CASES 17 L TOTAL DEATHS 21,252 NEW CASES 1,165 NEW DEATHS 101 RECOVERED 16,59,209 ACTIVE CASES 17,928 After instructions of CM Yogi, an expert commit- tee of 12 members was formed at SGPGI for research on the effec- tiveness of the drugs Formed under Dr RK Dheeman, director SGPGI, the committee has recommended use of medicines Iavucona- zole and Posaconazole 1,471 patients of black fungus have been found in UP till date and only one third needed surgery while others were treated with medicines only. STF guns down Khan Mubarak gang member First India Bureau Gorakhpur: UP STF gunned down dreaded criminal and close aide of underworld don Khan Mubarak, duringencounternear Chirahuta bridge in Gorakhpur district on Sunday . STF sources said acting on tip-off STF team intercepted mo- torbike-born suspects near Chirahuta bridge but they opened fire on police team while trying to escape. In re- taliatory firing one criminal was severely injured while one an- other managed to es- cape. Injured criminal was rushed to Jungle Kaudiya CHC from where he was referred to medical college hos- pital where doctors announced him brought dead. Police have launched man- hunt to nab other criminals. Deceased criminal was identified as Parvez and he was wanted in several criminal cases. STF and police team was searching him for a year. He was involved in several crimes in easternareaincluding kidnaping, extortion and contract killing. Reward of Rs 1 lakh was announced on his arrest. In another incident STF team arrested no- torious criminal Vish- wajeet Jaiswal alias Jeetu near Hyatt hotel in Vibhuti Khand area in Lucknow. Ar- rested criminal was wanted in loot in Ma- harajganj district and reward of Rs 25,000 was announced on his arrest. Also, STF teams arrested notorious criminal Saiyad Faizan, carrying re- ward of Rs 25,000 in Gorakhpur district, criminal Indrajeet alias Raju Yadav car- rying reward of Rs 15,000 on his head in Ayodhya district and Umer alias Umer Ah- mad carrying reward of Rs 50,000 from Maharashtra. The STF team intercepted motorbike-borne suspects but they opened fire on police team while trying to escape. Khan Mubarak was arrest- ed by UP STF in 2017, after an encounter. Considered underworld don Chhota Rajan’s close aid, he had over 22 criminal cases against him. Parvez, aide of underworld don Khan Mubarak was wanted in several cases. Police were searching him for a year. He was involved in kidnaping, extortion etc. POLICE TEAM ATTACKED Slain gangster Parvez —FILE PHOTO
  • 4. PERSPECTIVE LUCKNOW | MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 04 I I I I l Vol 1 l Issue No. 176 l RNI NO. UPENG/2020/04393. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Amar Ujala Ltd. B-5 Amausi Industrial Area Kanpur Road Luc- know. Published at 98, Friend’’s Colony, Raheem Nagar, Dudouli Road, Madiyaon, Lucknow (UP). Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra. Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act Promoted by First India News International Pvt. Ltd. Ravi Shankar Prasad @rsprasad PM @narendramodi announced health treatment support under Ayushman Bharat scheme to children who have lost their parents due to the current Covid pandemic. The premium amount for such children till the age of 18 years will be paid by PM-CARES. Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank @DrRPNishank State-wise performance in PGI 2019- 20 shows that 33 States and UTs have improved their PGI scores in 2019-20 compared to the previous year. The major purpose of PGI is indeed to create environment that nudges States/UTs to continuously improve its performance. SPIRITUAL SPEAK Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. —Buddha IN-DEPTH RISE OF MAMATA’S NEPHEW IN WEST BENGAL POLITICS ynastic politics is part of all political parties in the coun- try and no amount of criticism is ever go- ing to stop the practice. From the Bharatiya Janata Party, Sa- majwadi Party, Congress and Akali Dal in the North to the DMK in the South and NCP and Shiv Sena in the West, dynasts have ruled over regional and na- tional political spectrum. While regional satraps see nothing wrong in the practice, a party like the Congress has been deci- mated simply because it is reluc- tant to allow a non-Gandhi to take over the reins. The elevation of Abhishek Ba- nerjee as the national general secretary of Trinamool Con- gress is in keeping with the country’s political tradition. Ab- hishek is Chief Minister Mama- ta Banerjee’s nephew and is seen as her successor in the State. Blood is thicker than water ad- age aside, Didi’s hands must have been forced by the betrayal by some of her former party col- leagues who joined the BJP just before the assembly elections. TOP TWEET D hat millions of poor in the coun- try do not get their full quota of ration is no se- cret. That officials turn a blind eye to the problem is also not hidden from anyone. If ration card holders are en- titled to four items like sug- ar, pulse, wheat/flour and rice, they invariably end up getting only one or two items. To make it worse, the ration shop owner doesn’t always give the full portion of the items and keeps a small share for himself. Only during last year’s lockdown the poor got their full quota of wheat, rice, pulses be- cause of the presence of cops. It is now an accepted practice as the poor, afraid to antagonize the fair price shop owner, make do with whatever they get uncom- plainingly. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s scheme for doorstep delivery of ra- tion, like home delivery of pizza, to end corruption in ration distribution through fair price shops has been shot down by the Central government. Kejriwal blamed the Centre for stall- ing his “revolutionary” scheme. The BJP countered with the allegation that the Delhi government has lifted only 53,000 metric tonnes of foodgrains provided under the National Food Security Act and the Garib Kalyan Yojana. Of this it has distrib- uted only 68 per cent to the public. It has turned into a Cen- tre versus State row with Kejriwal claiming that he took Centre’s approval five times for what is a state sub- ject. Caught in the row is the poor ration card holder who neither gets the full quota of ration nor can ex- pect a fair deal. POOR PAY PRICE IN CENTRE-DELHI ROW Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s scheme for doorstep delivery of ration, like home delivery of pizza, to end corruption in ration distribution through fair price shops has been shot down by the Central government T THE LAST BASTION NEEDS ATTENTION ith a record number of new COVID-19 patients, the coun- try is facing a shortage of almost every resource need- ed to combat the pandemic successfully . The wailing am- bulance sirens, the begging for hospital beds and oxygen for near and dear ones, the shortage of medicines, injec- tions and vaccines, the na- tion has seen it all in the last three months. The ‘HAVE AND THE HAVE NOTS’ have suffered much the same fate. India’s response to the pan- demic is being led by the bu- reaucrats. But issuance of a large number of orders, rules and guidelines on a daily ba- sis have created chaos across socio – economic systems. It is said that much of India’s bureaucracy is steeped in ‘le- galistic’ norms that symbol- izes a typical red tape syn- drome. Alas, in most cases barring aside some good Sa- maritans visionaries, it failed to find an out of box solution to handle the disas- trous situation. So, finally , shunning all the remorse the leaders decided to fall back on the LAST BAS- TION-THE DEFENSE FORC- ES as a part of crisis manage- ment to supplement the ef- forts of civil administration. Army, Navy and the Air Force, as always rose to the call of the nation and re- sponded with full might and resources. The holy cow was delivering yet again. Top brass decided that it indeed is a war-like situation except that this time the enemy is not China or Pakistan but rather an invisible virus. The military health resources (Army medical corps) has been fully engaged and doz- ens of hospitals all over the country mushroomed under the aegis of the army. Not only this, Military doctors and paramedics were deput- ed to run huge facilities es- tablished to provide relief and succor to the public at large. The game started changing and the taming of the monster began. Air force flew sorties from Wuhan, Iran, Italy , Japan and other destinations to bring back Indian citizens to the safe folds of the nation. The Navy did the same through its ships while the Army took care of them in quarantine care centers at Manesar, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer and oth- ers. May it be the supply chain of oxygen or provision- ing of ambulances, it started straightening up. By the way, Covid 19 is not the only time when the de- fense forces have come to the rescue of the nation. In the past, the military has been on the forefront in relief and rescue operations during natural calamities like earth- quakes in Gujarat, Maha- rashtra and Kashmir, floods in Kashmir Kedarnath, cyclones and controlling agi- tations, riots and violent pro- tests in almost every state. Not only this, Indian Army takes pride in salvaging the staked reputation of India in theeyesof theworld.Whocan forget the collapse of a bridge at CWG venue in Delhi just five days short of the opening ceremony in 2010. It was the Army alone that launched a bridge in record time. It is a known fact that the strength of combined central armed police forces is more than the Indian Army yet, the situationoftengetsoutof con- trolof theadministrationand the ‘LAST BASTION’ is called in to deal with internal secu- rityissuessuchasinHaryana during Jat stir in Rohtak and Bhiwani for flag marches. The increasing trend of Army deployment, though a slap on the face of the very administration that deploys it, poses problems for the OGs itself. Defense forces are the only organization that maintains a truly apolitical character. Every deployment in aid to civil authority for law and order drags it into a political situation, which opens up the possibility of the politicization of the force. So, shall we say that when all govt agencies fail, its de- fense forces that save the sit- uation. And if this dictum be true, is it not the responsibil- ity of the elected govt to keep the morale of its forces high? How exactly can the govts achieve this? Simple, keep your defense forces equal to other central services and provide them with the same pay, allowances and perks at par with so-called superior services that often fail to per- form on their assigned roles. Also, by attending to their grievances from time to time and upholding their dignity. Remember a stitch in time will save nine. It’s time to en- gage with Ex Servicemen protesting for almost two years for their demands with no hearing from the govern- ment. We have to remember that the moral of serving sol- diers in fighting the next war will depend on his perception of ‘how the nation is treating the veterans’!!! THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL W RETD. COL ANUPAM JAITLY Defence expert, Motivational speaker Corporate Trainer The increasing trend of Army deployment, though a slap on the face of the very administration that deploys it, poses problems for the OGs itself. Defense forces are the only organization that maintains a truly apolitical character. Every deployment in aid to civil authority for law and order drags it into a political situation, which opens up the possibility of the politicization of the force India’s response to the pandemic is being led by the bureaucrats. But issuance of a large number of orders, rules and guidelines on a daily basis have created chaos across socio – economic systems
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  • 6. INDIA LUCKNOW | MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 05 I I I I New Delhi: Slamming the controversial order directing all nursing staff at a Delhi govern- ment health facility to use only Hindi and Eng- lish for communica- tion, the BJP on Sunday termed it an attempt to snatch the right to speak in Malayalam. It also questioned silence of Kerala's LDF govern- ment on the issue. Citing the circular at the Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Post Graduate Medical Edu- cation and Research (GIPMER) ordering the nursing staff to only communicate in Hindi or English and specifi- cally disallowing Ma- layalam, BJP national spokesperson Tom Vadakkan said: The subsequent withdraw- al in a haste clearly in- dicates we have an an- archist state govern- ment for whom the Constitution of India and its recognised lan- guage do not matter. It is an irony that when this government was in need of oxygen, the request was direct- ed to Kerala and now their attempt to snatch the right to speak in Malayalam amongst each other. Vadakkan stressed that globally the largest number of nurses come from Ker- ala, and they have served the country as frontline workers along with doctors and other paramedics. —ANI BANNING MALAYALAM ATTEMPT TO SNATCHTHERIGHTTOSPEAKIT:BJP A controversial order directing all nursing staff at a Delhi government health facility to use only Hindi Nurses showing the victory sign on the occasion of international nurses day. —PHOTO BY ANI New Delhi: A circular asking nursing staff at Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Post Gradu- ate Medical Education and Research not to con- verse in Malayalam has been withdrawn, said the institute's Medical Director Dr Anil Agar- wal on Sunday. An or- der issued by the Delhi government hospital's Nursing Superintedent on Saturday had stated, A complaint has been received regarding Ma- layalam language being used for communica- tion in working places in GIPMER. Whereas maximum patient and colleagues do not know this lan- guage and feel helpless causing a lot of incon- venience. So it is di- rected to all Nursing Personnel to use only Hindi and English for communication other- wise serious action will be taken.” —ANI Delhi Hospital withdraws controversial order Bengaluru: The Kar- nataka government must take action against Amazon, said former Karnataka Chief Minister HD Ku- maraswamy on Sunday after the e-commerce platform's Canadian unit was found selling a bikini with the Kanna- da state flag and em- blem on it. Amazon is hurting the sentiments of Kannadigas, Ku- maraswamy said, add- ing that the state gov- ernment should teach them a lesson. Karnataka govern- ment must proceed to- wards taking action against Amazon, they are hurting the senti- ments of the Kannadi- gas. Being a Canadian company, they must abide by the feelings and sentiments of the people. Google made a similar mistake and apologised later. Now it is Amazon's turn, he said. He further called the produce 'inappropriate' and 'obnoxious'. K’taka govt must ‘teach Amazon a lesson’, says Kumaraswamy New Delhi: It seems that Chinese troops deployed opposite the Eastern Ladakh sec- tor have been badly affected by the ex- treme cold conditions in the area as the Peo- ple’s Liberation Army has rotated 90 per cent of its manpower and brought in fresh sol- diers from the hinter- land. Since the April- May timeframe last year, China has de- ployed over 50,000 troops close to the In- dian territory in east- ern Ladakh and has been maintaining them there despite the limited troops with- drawal from forward locations in the Pan- gong lake sector. “The Chinese have brought in fresh troops from the hinterland to re- place the troops who had been there for the last one year. Around 90 per cent of their troops have been ro- tated,” sources told ANI. The reason for this rotation may be that the Chinese troops de- ployed in the extreme conditions in the are- as have been severely affected by the ex- treme conditions faced in high latitude, extreme cold and oth- er issues, they said. China rotates 90 per cent troops deployed along Ladakh sector Chinese troops at Galwan Valley in Ladakh. New Delhi: Union Min- ister for Minority Af- fairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Saturday said that no decision has been taken by the Cen- tral government on the 2021 Hajj pilgrimage yet, adding that India will stand with the Sau- di Arabia government’s decision for annual Hajj yatra amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. “Hajj will depend on the decision of the Sau- di Arabia government. Prime Minister Naren- dra Modi has said In- dia will stand by the side of the Saudi gov- ernment in its deci- sion. Last year Haj got cancelled. This year nothing has been de- cided yet,” Naqvi said. Hajj will depend on Saudi Arabia govt’s decision: Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Na- tional President JP Na- dda on Sunday asked the party's ST Morcha and Mahila Morcha to reach out to people with the Central govern- ment's schemes of Van Dhan and Nutrition for Women and Children. Also, the Kisan Mor- cha has been entrusted with the task of train- ing farmers for Farmer Producer Organisa- tions (FPOs), BJP Na- tional General Secre- tary Arun Singh said. Singh added that one lakh people will also be trained to be the health volunteers in view of increasing need for health workers. BJP chief Nadda has called a two-day meet- ing which began on Satuday to review the relief and Covid pre- ventive work done by BJP workers amid the pandemic. Under the Sewa pro- gram, which has been ongoing since April, a total of 5,800 video con- ferences and blood do- nation camps were held and 1.26 lakh face cov- ers were distributed. Food was also delivered to Covid-affected fami- lies, Arun Singh said. BJP tasks Morchas to take Centre’s schemes to masses Kolkata: After former MLAs such as Sonali Guha and Dipendu Biswas expressed their wish to return to Tri- namool Congress, an- other leader who quit TMC for the BJP — Prabir Ghosal, former MLA of Uttarpara in Hooghly—has ex- pressed his apparent “unhappiness” with the his current party . Ghoshal told media- persons on Saturday, “Recently, my mother passed away . MP Kalyan Bandopadhyay and MLA Kanchan Mullick called me. [Chief Minister] Mamata Banerjee too sent a condolence mes- sage. Only local BJP leaders shared their condolences. I am feel- ing a bit sad and let down.”“Iaminagriev- ing condition,” he add- ed. After the Bengal polls,anumberof turn- coats who joined the BJP beforehand have made public their wish to return to the TMC. While some turn- coats admitted their “mistake,” others cit- ed the house arrest of Trinamool Congress leaders by CBI in Cov- id times as “unaccep- table”. The Trinamool Con- gress top leadership are, however, yet to dis- cuss the issue. The CM and the party workers are presently busy tackling Covid situation in Bengal. FEELING A BIT SAD AND LET DOWN: EX-TMC LEADER WB BOARD EXAMS: GOVT SEEKS OPINION BEFORE TAKING CALL Kolkata: West Bengal government on Sunday invited the opinion of students and parents on whether state board exams for secondary and higher secondary classes should be conducted. The opinion of students and parents are invited on the subject till 2 pm on June 7. An expert commit- tee was formed by the government to recom- mend whether state board exams for secondary and higher secondary classes should be conducted. The expert committee is also to recommend the mode of the exam if they are to be conducted and also evaluation criteria for as- sessment if examinations are not to be conducted, an official statement said. NEW E-FILING PORTAL TO PROCESS RETURNS FASTER New Delhi: The income tax department will launch its new e-filing portal on Monday aimed at providing faster processing of returns. All interactions and uploads or pending actions will be displayed on a single dashboard. Free of cost IT-R preparation software would be available with interactive questions to help taxpayers for ITRs 1, 4 (online and offline) and ITR 2 (offline) to begin with and facility for preparation of ITRs 3, 5, 6, 7 will be made available shortly, a tax department statement said on Saturday. CORONATION OF SHIVAJI MAHARAJ CELEBRATED Mumbai: Coronation of Shivaji Maharaj is a golden moment engraved on the heart of Ma- harashtra, CM Uddhav Thackeray said on June 6 as he paid tributes to the warrior king who was crowned “Chhatrapati” of the independent Maratha kingdom in 1674. In normal times, pub- lic rallies and processions mark the coronation day, but due to the pandemic, no public function was held. Thackeray said the legendary king instituted a welfare state and gave the topmost priority to his motherland. COVID +VE ASIATIC LIONS AT TN ZOO ON ANTIBIOTICS; STALIN PAYS VISIT Tamil Nadu: Chief minister M K Stalin, who visited the Arignar Anna Zoological Park on Sunday and took stock of the situation, directed the officials of Environment Forest department and the facility to provide the best treatment to the infected lions as per protocols. The infected Asiatic lions at the Arignar Anna Zoological Park (AAZP), popularly known as Van- dalur zoo here, have been quarantined and on a regimen of antibiotics and other prophylactic drugs. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, who visited the zoo on Sunday and took stock of the situation , directed the officials to provide the best treatment to the infected lions. New Delhi: After a Delhi government hospital issued a circular asking nurses not to speak in Malay- alam while on duty, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday slammed the move and urged authorities to stop discrimination among Indian languages. Fol- lowing protests, the hospital withdrew the order. Mr Gandhi wrote, “Malay- alam is as Indian as any other Indian language. Stop language discrimina- tion!” This row erupted after GIPMER on Saturday forbade its nursing personnel from communicating in Malayalam. STOP LANGUAGE DISCRIMINATION: RAHUL GANDHI ‘Fresh troops’ have been brought from the hinterland to replace the earlier troops. 90 %rotated SEWA PROGRAM Pro Kannada organisations protesting against Amazon Canada for selling women’s ilingerie products printed with Karnataka flag icon. Prabir Ghosal Rahul Gandhi JP Nadda Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi
  • 7. INDIA LUCKNOW | MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 06 I I I I New Delhi: Congress leader Priyanka Gan- dhi on Sunday ques- tioned the Centre over its decision to reduce the number of oxygen, ICU and ventilator beds in hospitals, which she said came despite re- ports indicating the need for a large number of beds during the sec- ond wave of the corona- virus disease (Covid-19) across the country . “From September 2020 to January 2021, the Modi Government reduced: Oxygen beds by 36%, ICU beds by 46%, Ventilator beds by 28%. Why? When every expert in the country, the Parliamentary Committee on Health and their own Sero-sur- veys warned them that additional...beds would be needed for an inevi- table second wave. #ZimmedarKaun?” she tweeted along with a video message. The Congress lead- er’s video message came as the country recorded 114,460 fresh cases of Covid-19 and 2,677 related deaths on Sunday. India’s total in- fection tally has reached 28.80 million and the death toll is nearing 1.5 million, ac- cording to the Union ministry of health and family welfare on Sun- day morning. Is the health of the Indians less important than the central vista project? Priyanka said. New Delhi: A central team from Union Home Ministry (MHA) will visit Cyclone Yaas af- fected areas in West Bengal and assess the damages, sources said on Sunday . The three-member team headed by S K Shashi, Joint secretary, MHA JS (MHA), which arrives in the state to- day, will hold meeting with the officials of Dis- aster Management and Finance Department in Nabanna, the state sec- retariat on June 9. “The team will hold meetings with officials of Disas- ter Management and Finance Department in Nabanna, the West Ben- gal state secretariat. The team will also visit Cyclone Yaas-affected areas in South 24 Parga- nas and East Mid- napore,” as per sources. Cyclone Yaas made landfall in West Bengal on May 26-27. Several districts including Pur- ba Medinipur, Paschim Medinipur, Bankura, South 24 Pargana and Jhargram suffered the impact of the cyclone. The coastal areas like Digha and Sundarban were the worst affected. On May 28, PM Modi conducted an aerial sur- vey of cyclone-affected areas in the state and held a review meeting. WHY GOVT REDUCED OXYGEN, ICU AND VENTILATOR BEDS: PRIYANKA  PRIYANKA SLAMS MODI GOVT AS NATION STILL RECORDED 114,460 CASES 2,677 DEATHS  OVER 1.63 CRORE COVID-19 VACCINE DOSES ARE STILL AVAILABLE WITH STATES: CENTRE A fresh... as an ‘extension of the ruling dispensation’, he added, “Most unfor- tunate that state func- tionaries @MamataOf- ficial are not even rec- ognising this malaise much less take steps to contain it. Police @ WBPolice @KolkataPo- lice unfortunately en- gaged as extension of ruling dispensation to let loose vindictive- ness on political oppo- nents.” In his scathing letter, Dhankhar al- leged that “democratic values are openly shredded and trampled by ruling party har- mads”. Lowest single... while the national COV- ID-19 recovery rate has improved to 93.67 per cent, the Union Health Ministry data showed. The number of recover- ies continue to outnum- ber daily new cases for 24 consecutive days. The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 2,69,84,781, while the case fatality rate stands at 1.20 per cent, the Un- ionHealthMinistrydata stated.According to the Indian Council of Medi- cal Research, a total of 36,47,46,522 samples test- ed up to June 5, of which 20,36,311 samples were tested yesterday . TMC files... The complainant fur- ther states that the al- leged theft was carried out with the help of the Central Armed Forces. It is also mentioned in the complaint that when the complainant, along with other mem- bers of the Municipali- ty, went to check the godown on getting the information, they en- countered Himangshu Manna. When asked, he stated that tarpaulins were taken as per the instructions of Suven- du Adhikari and Sou- mendu Adhikari. FROM PG 1 BJP to train 1 lakh health volunteers to perform essential medical services We will get large stock of Sputnik V from July, says Ma- harashtra Minister 27 black fungus patients fall sick after Amphotericin-B shot in Madhya Pradesh Manipal Hospitals collaborates with Dr Reddy’s to include Sputnik V in its vac- cine portfolio COVID-19: Goa cur- few extended till June 14, shops selling es- sentials to stay open for longer hours Only 7 countries have over 1 lakh Covid deaths. Maharashtra is close to the mark Delhi records less than 400 new cases, positivity rate now lowest since March 9 Decks cleared for import of Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin, Russia’s Sputnik V into Brazil with conditions Oxygen expresses deliver over 26,281 MT of LMO across country HIGHLIGHTS The central govern- ment provided more than 24 crore COV- ID-19 vaccine doses to states so far, said the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on Sunday. According to the Union Home Ministry, the Centre has provided 24,60,80,900 doses of COVID vaccines to States/UTs, both through the free of cost category and through the direct state procurement category. “Of this, the total consumption, in- cluding wastages is 22,96,95,199 doses. More than 1.63 crore COVID vaccine doses (1,63,85,701) are still available with the States/UTs to be administered,” reads the statement issued by the MoHFW. Centre provides over 24.60 cr vaccine doses to States, UTs AIIMS Delhi to screen children for Covaxin trials from today CSIR BEGINS CLINICAL TRIALS FOR NICLOSAMIDE Council of Scien- tific and Indus- trial Research (CSIR) along and Laxai Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. on Sunday initiated Phase-II clinical trial for anti-helminitic drug Niclosamide for treatment of Covid-19. The trial, a multi-centric, phase- II, randomized, open label clinical study to evaluate efficacy, safety and tolerabil- ity of NIclosamide for the treatment of hospitalized Covid-19 patients, the ministry of science and tech- nology said. New Delhi: The screen- ing of children for clin- ical trials of Covaxin will start at AIIMS in Delhi today, days after similar trials started at AIIMS in Patna, sourc- es have said. The All India Insti- tute of Medical Sci- ence (AIIMS) in the national capital will conduct clinical trials of the COVID-19 vac- cine made by Bharat Biotech to see if it is suitable for children between two and 18 years old. Experts have warned that a possible third wave can bring as much devastation as the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic if enough people are not vaccinated against the virus, and that children could be its prime target. However, the vac- cines being used in In- dia - Covaxin, Cov- ishield and Sputnik V - have not been approved for use on children. Dr VK Paul, a senior NITI Aayog member, last month said the phase 2/3 trials will be con- ducted on children aged between two and 18. The centre had given its clearance to the clinical trials on May 13. The US Canada have author- ised Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine for use in some age groups of children. Amritsar: On the oc- casion of the 37th an- niversary of Opera- tion Blue Star, posters of Khalistani terror- ist Jarnail Bhindran- wale and Khalistani flags were seen dur- ing an event inside Sri Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) in Amritsar, Punjab. Hundreds of people gathered inside the Golden Temple and were seen holding the flags and raising slo- gans. Bhindranwale was the head of the Sikh religious sect Damdami Taksal. He was killed along with his armed followers duringOperationBlue Star launched by the Indian Army at the Golden Temple com- plex.TheIndianArmy carried out Operation Blue Star in 1984 be- tween June 1 June 8. Central team to visit Cyclone Yaas-hit areas in West Bengal PokhriyalapprovesPGI 2019-20forStates,UTs ‘New IT rules to tackle misuse of social media’ Khalistani flags posters seen in Golden Temple on Operation Blue Star’s 37th anniv New Delhi: Union Edu- cationMinisterRamesh Pokhriyal on Sunday approved Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2019-20 for States Un- ion Territories, which was introduced with a set of 70 parameters to bring about change in school education. The PGI for States Union Territories was first published in 2019 with reference to year 2017- 18. The PGI: States/UTs for 2019-20 is the third publication in this se- ries. The PGI exercise ‘envisages that the in- dex would propel States UTs towards under- taking multi-pronged interventions that will bring about the much- desired optimal educa- tion outcomes’. New Delhi: On problem of tracingtheoriginator of WhatsApp messages, Minister asserted that abnormal customers of WhatsApp don’t have anything to worry . With Twitter WhatsApp up in arms in opposition to federal government’s new pointers for social media platforms, IT Regulation Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad instructed The Hindu these pointers are to take care of the problem of misuse of such plat- forms. He pressured that these guidelines solely give a redressal mechanism to custom- ers, with complaints to be dealt with between customers the social media middleman. IN THE COURTYARD AbadHCdeniesRakesh’splea toquashFIRonhousingscam New Delhi: The Alla- habad High Court on Sunday declined to provide relief to Rake- sh Wadhawan on his petition seeking to quash an FIR in con- nection with a cheat- ing case against a real estate company. “We, after perusing the FIR and the rival conten- tions, are of the view that contentions raised by petitioner cannot be examined in this jurisdiction, as FIR prima facie dis- closes commission of cognizable offences. The writ petition lacks merit is dismissed,” a division bench of Al- lahabad HC, Justices Pankaj Naqvi Jay- ant Banerji said. 13 juvenile convicts move SC, seek immediate release Jama Masjid’s Bukhari writes to PM for repair work New Delhi: The 13 con- victs, declared as juve- niles by Juvenile Jus- tice Board at the time of the commission of the offence and are current- ly lodged in Agra Cen- tral Jail in Uttar Pradesh, have moved Supreme Court seeking immediate direction for their release. The peti- tion was filed by lawyer, Rishi Malhotra, before the SC sought imme- diate appropriate direc- tions orders for this. New Delhi: Syed Ahmed Bukhari, the Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid, on Sun- day, urged Prime Minis- ter Narendra Modi to direct the Archaeologi- cal Survey of India (ASI) to inspect the monument and carry out necessary repairs. He wrote to the PM two days after a minaret of the 17th-century mosque was damaged on Friday following strong winds and rain that struck the city dur- ing evening hours. Priyanka Gandhi —FILE PHOTO ‘Ask me anything’: Choksi’s open invitation to Indian authorities New Delhi: Fugitive diamantaire Mehul Choksi has invited the Indian authorities to interview him and claimed that he left In- dia only to seek medi- cal treatment. “I am a law-abiding citizen,” he has declared. “I have extended an invitation to Indian au- thorities to interview me and ask any ques- tions that they may have of me of me in relation to any investi- gation that they are conducting against me,” the absconding Indian jeweller has said in an affidavit filed before the Domi- nica High Court. CRUCIAL READ I WILL RESIGN THE DAY PARTY HIGH COMMAND ASKS ME TO: YEDIYURAPPA Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa on Sunday said that he will resign from the top post if the Bharatiya Janata Party’s high command asks him to. Yediyurappa’s remark came amid speculations about a change in leadership in the state. Some MLAs are reportedly critical of the CM’s handling of Covid-19 crisis. New Delhi: Filing an affidavit before the Dominica HC, fugitive Mehul Choksi claimed that he is a “law-abiding citizen” and had left India only to seek medical treatment in the US. “I did not evade law enforcement in India. There was no warrant against me by the law enforcement authorities in India when I left India to seek medical treatment in US,” the affidavit said. ‘DIDN’T EVADE INDIAN AUTHORITIES, LEFT FOR TREATMENT’ KERALA POLICE ISSUE NOTICE TO KOCHI HOTEL HOSTING BJP MEETING New Delhi: Kerala Police has issued a notice to the hotel in Kochi in which a core committee of the state unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is meeting on Sunday. Union Minster of State, V Muraleedharan is among those attending the meeting. The notice read, “One should not give permission to conduct meetings without maintaining Covid protocol in the wake of lockdown that still exists in Kerala. If any action from you violates Covid protocol, strict actions will be taken.”
  • 8. STRANGE WAYS OF AWAS VIKAS PARISHAD The people of Lucknow are being forced to cough up additional amount to purchase their dream houses from the Awas Vikas Parishad. They are being asked to pay more for none of their fault. The Parishad in one go has increased the rate of houses up to Rs 4.32 lakh forcing large number of Corona hit customers to even surrender the houses. The decision of the Parishad has unnecessarily increased the woes of these hapless people. The Parishad in its housing projects in Awadh Vihar and Saryu Enclave had booked 3119 houses in 2015. The booking was through lottery system and allotment letters were issued. At that time two-bed room type A house was to cost Rs 23.25 lakh but in April 2021 the parishad arbitrarily increased to rate to Rs 27.57 lakh leading to an increase of Rs 4.32 lakh. The increase in prices has thus landed the customers in a difficult situation and they are thinking of surrendering the allotments. Interestingly the rates of same type houses have been increased differently. The Awas Vikas Parishad had assured to provide the possession of the houses in 2019 but after lapse of two years instead of handing over the keys there is demand for more money. —First India Bureau 38% TEACHERS ONLY ON WHATSAPP TEACHING GROUPS The shifting of classes to online due to the Corona Pandemic has put forth another concern for the board officials as well as the students. A recent report has shown that after 15 days of online classes in the new session, only 38% of teachers have formed a WhatsApp group of students. The reduced percentage of WhatsApp group has meant that only 42% students are currently able to study together. The situation is not all smooth in terms of timetables too, as out of so far out of 485 schools in the district of Gorakhpur, only 382 schools have prepared a timetable. The UP board had on the instructions of government, regularized conduction of online from May 20th. The responsibility to monitor the compliance of the instructions were entrusted to DIOS and Joint Director of Education. The state government had also appointed a Nodal Officer for every 10 schools. The schools even after strict instructions have been seen showing negligence in conducting online classes. The Nodal officer and the principals of the schools in the district whose teachers have not started online education by forming a WhatsApp group yet, have been directed to ensure that they form such groups and begun conducting online classes. RN Bharti, Incharge, DIOS while giving the above information said that any laxity in conducting classes will draw departmental action against concerned teachers as per rules.—Amit Baliyan LDA ropes in retired experts to boost Green Corridor proposed between Shaheed Path and IIM Road Cong guns for excise minister’s head over Aligarh hooch tragedy First India Bureau Lucknow: Hitting out attheUttarPradeshgov- ernment over the hooch tragedies in Aligarh, the Congress on Sunday de- manded the state’s Ex- cise Minister Shriram Naresh Agnihotri’s res- ignation on moral grounds. UP Congress spokes- person Ashok Singh, in a statement, alleged that the liquor mafias are en- joying government pa- tronage which is why hencetheyareoperating in the state “fearlessly”. “The BJP should tell how spurious liquor is being sold in the state. Why is it so that Chief Minister Yogi Adity- anath has not sum- moned the excise minis- ter,” he asked. Later, in a tweet in Hindi, he said, “News of deaths in the Aligarh hooch tragedies is con- tinuously emerging. Till now, more than 100 peo- ple have died. Yogijee, your (excise) minister Shriram Naresh Agni- hotri should have ten- dered his resignation on moral grounds.” First India Bureau Lucknow: Due to the interest shown by UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in the Green Corridor, the nodal agency Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) is working on the most important project of the Green Corridor to be constructed be- tween Shaheed Path and IIM Road. LDA Vice-President, Secretary and Chief Engineer will directly monitor the project pro- ceedings. Not only this, retired Chief Engineer, Deputy Collector and Architect are being roped in for the Green Corridor. This team of three retired officers will be entrusted with the task of speeding up the Green Corridor pro- ject. This team would coordinate with all de- partments and present time to time report to the nodal agency. They would also hold meet- ing with the private pro- ject consultant prepar- ing the DPR and inform the higher officials of LDA. The retired Chief En- gineer has been inter- viewed by the panel constituted under the chairmanship of Secre- tary, LDA Pawan Ku- mar Gangwar, in which six engineers partici- pated. It is believed that the name of the selected Chief Engineer would be released this week. At the same time, the interview process of re- tired deputy collector and architect would be completed on June 10. LDA Chief Engineer Indu Shekhar Singh said that the plan was to start work on ground between October and November. Before this, all the departments are trying to complete req- uisite preparations from their side. Since LDA is the nodal agency the responsibility on it is more and hence with- out wasting even a day, it is carrying out work regularly . The three-member team would do most of the work and would be provided a place in of- fice premises of LDA itself which would en- able the three officer recruited for the task to remain in touch with the Vice Chairman, Sec- retary and Chief Engi- neer of LDA. Tata Consultancy En- gineering, the project consultant preparing the DPR, will give prior- ity to commercial ac- tivities alongside the roads, along with prepa- ration of engineering detail project reports. For example, how many petrol pumps can be opened in a patch of 20 km. Apart from this, restaurants, malls or residential activities can also be promoted because Shaheed Path and Outer Ring Road will also be connected to the Green Corridor in future. Therefore, people living on this route would be able to connect with the whole city easily . LUCKNOWAUTOSALES BITE THE DUST T he automobiles industry has taken a big hit due to the Corona pandemic and now the effect of this can been seen on traders as well. The Corona pandemic has causes losses in crores to the automobiles industry. This sector between April 23 and May 31 has seen deficit of sales of more than 12,300 vehicles which has put a loss of Rs. 20 crores on the purse of the people in this sector. The industry dur- ing the normal days, would make a profit of around Rs. 40 crores a month. Businessmen have claimed that had there been no lock- down, the automobiles industry with the help of festivals and long association could have earned more than Rs. 45 crores in a month. The breakup of sales of vehicles in the year 2018 during the same period of 23 April to 31 May has shown surprising de- crease in the sales of vehicles. During the same period in 2018, 14,474 two-wheelers and 4,391 four-wheel- ers were sold which meant the sector earned Rs. 8,44,11,718 and Rs. 30,22,07,365 re- spectively from the sales of the vehicles. The second corona wave’s hurtful impact on auto sales hit major players in the city hard as all showrooms see decline in monthly sales for the last two months Although companies say demand for vehicles remains strong, but lockdown meant no business The automobile industry has suffered a huge setback during the Corona pandemic as vehicles worth several crores have been stored away in showrooms and go- downs. This has meant that expenses are still there, but the income has not seen any rise but only drops. —Gunjit Kalra, Owner of SAS agency We had pro- cured all mod- els of the bikes. It was expected that these models would have boosted the sales figures. The showroom like oth- ers had invested crores but the Coro- na pandemic has ruined everything for them. —Harshit Bajaj, Owner, Royal Enfield Showroom The imported vehicles are ly- ing around in godowns. Due to the pandemic a lot of investment of the businessmen are stuck. Opening of showrooms would help recover the businessmen from some of the loss. —Saurabh Aggarwal, Owner, Sun Motors Calculation for 2021 shows that 4,421 two-wheelers and 2116 four- wheelers have been sold which has meant that the business in indus- try have earned Rs. 3,45,67,580 and Rs. 17,42,91,010 respectively. These statistics show that there has been a decrease of several thousand vehicles and a loss of about Rs. 20 crores have been incurred. More worrying sign for the trad- ers is that vehicles worth more than Rs. 30 lakhs have been parked in showroom with not many takers causing even more concern for the showroom owners. VEHICLES WORTH `30 LAKHS PARKED IN SHOWROOMS As far as PVs are concerned, Maruti Su- zuki registered sales of 1,35,879 units in April, a decline of 7% compared to March (1,46,203 units), and Hyundai In- dia sold 49,002 units in April, a decline of 6.8% over March (52,600). Tata Motors sold 25,095 units (down by 15.4%); Kia India sold 16,111 units (down by 15.6%); and Toyota Kirloskar Motor sold 9,622 units (down by 35.9%). Meanwhile, Mahindra Mahindra and Honda Cars India were excep- tions: MM sales grew 9.5% (from 16,700 units to 18,285 units), while Honda sales grew 27.7% (from 7,103 units to 9,072 units).Preetam Mohan Singh, senior vice-president, Automo- tive, Praxis Global Alli- ance, said automotive is a sector that is impacted by ‘sentiment’. “Buyers having money is one thing, but they usually buy a vehicle only when they feel ‘good’. If there is an element of ‘fear’, most will postpone the purchase,” he said. PASSENGER VEHICLES TAKE A HIT DURING COVID SALES OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES DOWN TOO Commercial vehicles have been hit particularly hard. CV sales of Tata Motors dropped from 36,955 units in March 2021 to 14,435 units in April 2021 (down by 61%). Those of Ashok Leyland dropped from 15,761 units in March to 7,961 units in April (down by 49.5%), and of VE Commercial Vehicles dropped 74.2% (from 6,221 units in March to 1,604 units in April this year). NEWS LUCKNOW | MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 07 I I I I
  • 9. LUCKNOW | MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 08 2NDFRONT I I I I Akhilesh slams BJP for UP farmers’ woes IIT to send probe report of radioactive haul to govt Three gang-raped in Lakhimpur Kheri Ten booked for insulting SC woman Pradhan First India Bureau Bareilly: A“rewilding” centre will come up in the next few months at the Pilibhit Tiger Re- serve to stop leopards and tigers from turning man-eaters,officialssaid on Sunday . “Wild animals nor- mally maintain critical distance with humans and their habitation. Because of the land- scape of the Pilibhit Ti- ger Reserve (PTR), they are losing this critical distance with repeated chance encounters. So, we are trying to get these animals to main- tain that distance,” PTR DeputyDirectorNaveen Khandelwal said. Rewildingisaconcept to reverse the behaviour of the tigers which nor- mally reside in the close vicinity of human habi- tation, he elaborated. Theaimistoreaccustom them with the wild habi- tat, Khandelwal said. He said a rewilding centre exists in Kanha National Park in MP. Asked when the rewild- ing centre at the tiger reserve in Pilibhit would see the light of the day, Khandelwal said, “We are planning to complete this in this financial year only .” Lalit Verma, Chief Conservator of Forests, Bareilly said, “Till now, the usual practice has beenthattigersandleop- ards caught in the popu- lated areas were sent to zoological gardens. But, these animals would be sent to rewilding cen- tres.” “ A proposal in this regard has been sent to the government and all theformalitieshavebeen completed. The land for the centre has also been finalised,” Verma said. He said tigers and leopards, which move towardspopulatedareas, will be tranquillised and brought to the rewilding centre. At the rewilding centre, the tiger will be able to hunt cheetal, neelgai and wild boars, and “subsequently for- get the taste of human blood,” and stop ventur- ing into human settle- ments, Verma said. The behaviour and styleof workingof these predatorswillbestudied at the rewilding centre, and treatment will also begiventotheinjuredor thosewhohavefallenill, the forest official said. Verma said 31 people died in man-animal con- flicts from 2014 to 2020 while five tigers and three tigresses were caught in the period from 2014 to 2020. Eight- een tigers were killed in such conflicts from 2012 to 2020, he said. In this centre, tiger will hunt cheetal, neelgai, wild boars subsequently forget taste of human blood First India Bureau Lucknow: Sa- majwadi Par- ty’s Nation- al Presi- dent and f o r m e r Chief Min- ister Akh- ilesh Yadav c r i t i c i z e d the BJP gov- ernment of w o r s e n i n g the condition of farmers in the state and making farmers even weak financially. Yadav said that the agricultural laws brought in by the cen- tral government has ruined the entire agri- cultural economy. He said that the unity of farmers will shatter the arrogance of the BJP. The former CM said that the farmers did not get the right price for the crops during the current BJP re- gime even after the BJP government had promised the farmers that they will get dou- ble the price. He added that the BJP govern- ment misled the farm- ers by assuring that products will be brought at in MSP but in reality, the procure- ment was not done on MSP. While talking the example of MSP for wheat, he said that the advertised MSP for wheat was Rs. 1975 per quintal but in re- ality, the farmers had to sell wheat to mid- dlemen at throwaway prices. Yadav said that even the sugarcane farmers have been hit badly. He criticized that the even during the crushing season, sugarcane have not been procured while the sugar mills owe over Rs. 20,000 crores to farmers. He further went on to call the Kisan Samman Ni- dhi Yojana a new BJP conspiracy to cheat the farmer. Sumit Awasthi Kanpur: After Rs 2.15 crore diesel scam in Kanpur Development Authority (KDA), an- other scam in the mak- ing of allotment of ve- hicle tender is set to rock the authority, as despite making of strin- gent rules, the process of allotment of tender in favour of a contrac- tor has begun. However, the truth will be known after in- vestigation, but people are trying to take advan- tage of absence of VC level officer. Sources re- vealed, officials and con- tractors have usurped lakhs of rupees in the name of diesel by using condemn vehicle on the pretext of visit. In the past, a diesel scam worth crores of rupees has also come to fore. The then VC of LDA Rakesh Singh caughtthematterandin an effort to check cor- ruption, ordered a new tender on the Gem por- tal instead of renewing the tender. His order was implemented and tender was also upload- ed on the Gem portal but in the meantime Singh retired. Post retirement of vice chairman Rakesh Singh, officials of Fi- nance department and the contractor re- turned to their nefari- ous acts and in absence of tender, all the work is being carried out by the same contractor and his bills are also be- ing cleared promptly with due commission on every bill reaching the respective official. A lot of funds were embezzled in generator besides diesel con- sumed in the vehicles of KDA. After the fraud was caught involving lakhs of rupees, the then VC took action against a maid and gar- dener and sent the re- port of action initiated against half a dozen of- ficers to government. First India Bureau Kanpur: After complet- ing the investigation of Californium substance, IIT Kanpur will give its report to the govern- ment soon. This is the firsttimethatsuchama- terial has been investi- gated by IIT, which is used by space scientists or nuclear experts. It may be mentioned that the investigation of Californium worth bil- lions caught by Ghaz- ipur Police of Lucknow was handed over to IIT Kanpur and investiga- tion has been started by professors of Depart- ment of Mechanical En- gineering. Lucknow Police had recovered more than 340 grams of Californium whose per gram price is said to be around Rs 19 crore. It is the second most expen- sive radioactive materi- al in the world, which is not easily available. IIT Director Prof Ab- hay Karandikar said it would take three to four days to complete the in- vestigation. In fact, on Thursday ,whenthesam- ple of Californium reached IIT, there was doubt about the identity of the substance, due to which it was not decided as to which department the investigation was to be handed over to. How- ever, post discussion the investigation of the sub- stance was handed over to Department of Me- chanical Engineering. First India Bureau Lakhimpur: Three farm labour girls were allegedly gang-raped in Phoolbehad area. Police have arrested one ac- cused. Police sources here said that three girls including two sisters wereworkinginagricul- tural farm in Phoolbe- had area as labourers. After finishing their work when they left for home the landlord alleg- edlygang-rapedallthree girlswithhisfivefriends. Police have registered thecaseandinitiatedthe investigations. Police have taken an accused into custody who was known to the victims. Interrogations were underway with farm owners and nearby farmers, police said add- ingthatinformationson social media platforms were false and actions will be taken against culprits. Medical examination of girls was conducted and reports were await- ed. Police have taken statements of girls. First India Bureau Mahoba: Police have arrested an accused in matter of misbehaving with Dalit Pradhan woman in Panchayat building of Nathupura village in Kabrai block. Police have also reg- istered a case against 10 persons into the matter and manhunt is on to nab other ac- cused. According to police, Dalit woman Savita was elected Pradhan in Nathupura village Panchayat. During online meeting she was told to leave chair and sit on floor. When some other offi- cials opposed to such behaviour culprits abused the woman. Case was registered against 10 persons in- cluding Ramu, Rupen- dra, Arjun, Vineet, Ravindra and some unidentified persons into the matter and one accused was arrested while others will be ar- rested soon, police said. Though police was in- vestigative other an- gles of the incident also as interrogation revealed old rivalry be- tween two groups. Some persons were detained for interroga- tion and statement of officials attended on- line meeting were re- corded and further in- vestigations were un- derway. The agricultural laws brought in by the central govern- ment has ruined the entire agricultural economy. The unity of farmers will shatter the arrogance of the BJP. —Akhilesh Yadav, SP chief After Kanpur diesel scam, rumbles of vehicle racket EMBEZZLEMENT WASHING THEIR HANDS OF Washermen washing clothes on the banks of river Yamuna in Prayagraj on Sunday letting the soap and dirt into the river. The World Environment Day has just gone by on Saturday and one sees more reasons why more vigilance is needed to clean the ailing rivers. Vishal Srivastav Lucknow: Diamonds shine the brightest in their own light. Such is the case with one of Ut- tar Pradesh’s highly competent IAS officer whose shine is not only enlightening the state and its people, but has also reached the flashy meadows of the NITI Ayog. IAS Heera Lal, currently posted as Ad- ditional Director, Na- tional Health Mission, has got a pat from the NITI Ayog chairman Rajiv Kumar who in a tweet, has appreciated the efforts being put in by Lal. This may be a recent development but Lal is already a hero of sorts. He is known as the ‘Wa- ter Man of Banda’ where through his in- trinsic approach, re- solved the water woes of lakhs of villages in the region where the liquid had depleted to worry- ing levels and people had to toil big time to get the water. Inatweetrecently ,Ra- jiv Kumar stated, “IAS officer Heera Lal’s en- deavour to convert rural and downtrodden vil- lages of UP into ‘Model Villages’ through active public participation is a tremendous step. Ground work like this is importantforIndia’sho- listic development. Great work!” Lal’s dream to make ‘Model Gaons (villages)’ is also gradually com- ing to reality as he is motivating and involv- ing the public in the en- tire process. While Lal was posted as the DM of Banda, he had imple- mented several develop- mental projects. hrough the involvement of the public itself, the officer was able to bring about a lot of development in the region. Uttar Pradesh’s ‘Heera’ shines bright at Niti Ayog’s meadows WORK REWARDED  Niti Aayog chairman praises IAS officer for his effort of developing model villages in state IAS officer Heera Lal REWILDING TO PREVENT BEASTS BEASTS TURNING MAN EATERS TURNING MAN EATERS Rewilding is a concept to reverse the behaviour of the tigers which normally reside in the close vicinity of human habitation 31 18 PEOPLE DIED IN MAN- ANIMAL CONFLICTS FROM 2014 TO 2020 EIGHTEEN TIGERS WERE KILLED IN SUCH CONFLICTS FROM 2012 TO 2020, THE COUNT INCLUDES TWO CUBS WHO WERE KILLED IN 2017 It is necessary to have equality in a relationship, the same amount of care, concern and sharing makes for a solid relationship, with imbalance, it will not last. —Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO Editor-in-Chief, First India
  • 10. LUCKNOW, MONDAY JUNE 7, 2021 I I I 09 GET, SET ROCK ith a dream in her eyes and pas- sion to work to- wards it, Kan- chan Tomar from Gwalior started her jour- ney of pursuing model- ling in the very early years of her life. “When I was in school I was quite fascinated by mod- elling as a profession since my mom in her childhood always want- ed to be one. As I grew up my interest to learn ramp walk, makeup, the camera also grew and I made a routine to watch YouTubevideoandFash- ion TV to learn more about the profession. In my high school, I at- tempted an intercity modelling competition which was bliss and that openedmanymoredoors of opportunitiesforme,” she said. While talking about her struggles, she said, “Every profession is challenging but your de- termination to achieve goals is the most impor- tant thing, that turns every struggle into an important part of the journey . So according to me, there is no struggle it’s all a part of the journey and step to be your best self.” Kanchan added, “I think my major turning point was when I be- camekingfishercal- endar girl in 2013 as a teenager but I be- lieve there are many more achieve- ments that are going to be add- ed in future.” While asked about her goal, the model said, “I wish to start a grooming school for the upcoming talent of this country . India has indefinite talent and it is very impor- tant to guide youth in the right direc- tion.Ishallfeelcom- plete when I see our generation reach- ing their goals and make our country proud on a nation- alandinternation- al level.” Talking about the success man- tra, she said, “Eat healthy, work on your walk, poses and make your schedule right. Ap- preciate the journey are keep running for your goals.” KANCHAN TOMAR FROM GWALIOR TALKS ABOUT HER JOURNEY TO PURSUE MODELLING AS A CAREER, IN AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH CITY FIRST! W KARISHMA GWALANI Karishma.gwalani
  • 11. 10 ETC LUCKNOW | MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 I I I I F A C E O F T H E D A Y KARISHMA, Fashion Model ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20 Your reputation is likely to boost your image on the social front. On the work front, you will manage to keep your superiors in good humour. This is an excellent day to spend time with family. Good planning will see you complete a task at work in record time. You enjoy excellent health. LIBRA SEPT 24 - OCTOBER 22 Professionals will be able to give their best in a new situation. Financially, this day may prove lucky for you, so go ask for the raise that is keeping you on tenterhooks. Don’t take any chances with your health today. You will succeed in putting your stagnant love life back. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 20 You may get busy organising something on the social front. You may need to put your ideas into action, if you want to prove yourself. A party may be thrown in your honour at work. Your good performance is likely to be noticed by higher ups. SCORPIO OCT 23 - NOVEMBER 22 Your own hap- piness is in your hands today. This is a favourable day for complet- ing pending jobs. Financially, no problems are foreseen. It is best to avoid outside food. Much fun is in store on the social front. Those in love with the adven- tures are likely to chase the excitement. GEMINI MAY 21 - JUNE 21 A celebration can find you in your element today. Praise and honour are likely to greet you in something that you have man- aged to achieve. You will be a pil- lar of strength to a friend or associate. A good day at work is foreseen as you make your mark in front of those who matter. SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 - DEC 22 Some positive changes can be expected on the home front. This seems a good day for job seekers. Good luck promises to brighten your day. New avenues for earning open up as you get more determined. Getting into a favourable situation on the academic front is possible. CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 23 A change of job is likely to give you better salary and perks. Those in business will soon get a chance to make profits. A new deal is likely to come through and give you a taste of success. Spending time with lover proves most fulfilling. This is the time when you enjoy yourself. CAPRICORN DEC 23 - JAN 20 Your profession- alism in handling problem areas will be appreci- ated. Tenant trou- bles are foreseen for some house owners. You will find family life more than fulfill- ing. A senior is likely to put in a good word for you to the higher ups. Finan- cially, you will be able to consolidate. LEO JULY 24 - AUGUST 23 Appreciation is in store for some homemakers. A professional victory is yours if you play your cards well today. Those in business will be able to maintain good earning. You are likely to enjoy good health. Young lovers are likely to enjoy total bliss. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19 Some favourable developments on the social front are foreseen. Good performance on the academic front will help enhance your reputation at work. Buying new furniture or a major appliance is possible. With good networking, prized posting can be yours. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23 Your strategy to promote yourself on the profes- sional front will bear fruits. You may need to speed up things on the academic front to remain ahead. On the social front, the day finds you in your element. Something special awaits you on the romantic front today. PISCES FEB20 - MARCH 20 Good tidings of your well wishers will keep you going on the professional front. You are likely to take up someone’s cause and earn appreciation from all quarters on the social front. Remaining on the good side of those who matter on the academic front will help you. YOUR DAY Horoscope by Saurabbh Sachdeva hat goes up must come down. But whenwhatcomes down is a mas- sive fragment of a Chinese rocket, some anxiety is but natural. The news that a portion of a Long March 5Brocket was to come crash- ing down somewhere be- tween the latitudes of New York City and New Zealand was a cause of serious con- cern (and of frenzied discus- sion on the airwaves). Of course, in the event, this par- ticular piece of space debris crashed into the Indian Ocean near the Maldives, but as space exploration by agen- cies both private and the pub- lic takes off, it is worth think- ing about the interesting le- gal questions that arise. Space debris, colloquially called space junk, is hardly a new problem; it has been an issue since the Cold War-era space race, but it is likely to become more important in the days and years to come as more countries develop large space programmes and pri- vate corporations make their first forays into the cosmos. The legal position of space debris re-entering the atmos- phere and plummeting to the ground depends on where it falls - legally, the re-entry of space junk is not prohibited. However, international law does come into play when said debris affects some dam- age. For example, if the Chi- nese rocket had hit land and caused some harm (whether to property or individuals), the People’s Republic of Chi- na (the PRC) would have been liable. In such a situa- tion, the present framework of international law relies on the 1972 Space Liability Con- vention, to which the PRC is a state party. In particular, Article 2 holds states party to the convention liable for damages caused to aircraft or the surface of the Earth by a spacecraft they launched. Does this mean that the launching state would have to make a payment for the as- sessed value of damages caused by any debris? Not necessarily. This is be- cause the state in whose territory the space junk landed must invoke the 1972 convention. How- ever, invoking the con- vention is within the power of the govern- ment, and only the gov- ernment. As an interna- tional treaty, it may only be invoked by nations, and not by citizens or legal persons. Using the treaty is thus necessarily a political decision. For this reason, nations are reluctant to invoke this convention when they enjoy amicable ties with the launching state, or if the launching state is a more pow- erful nation. When a fragment of a Chinese spacecraft landed in the Ivory Coast in 2012, for exam- ple, the Ivory Coast did not in- voke the conven- tion as the PRC was a valuable trade partner and powerful ally to the African na- tion. Indeed, in the nearly 50 years of the convention’s existence, it has only been in- voked once - by Canada against the USSR in 1978. Interest- ingly, it is not yet known if the USSR did make the $6 million pay- ment agreed upon to Canada. The situation is further complicated by the lack of an effective regulatory frame- work in many countries - the PRC has come un- der criticism for a rela- tively minimal regula- tory architecture for space exploration in comparison to many other nations. The present scenario gives a large degree of latitude to Chi- nese officials, and if they believe that the calculat- ed risk of an un- planned re-entry causing damage is small enough, then that is what happens. In an ideal world, the USA, UK, EU, India, the PRC and other space- faring countries would come togeth- er and adopt a com- prehensive and common set of rules to govern re-entry . Considering the ma- chismo that comes with vic- tories in space exploration and the present geopolitical tensions between some of these states, however, an ad- equate international treaty is unlikely to materialise within the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, legal frame- works must adapt to the changing situation above our heads. As space exploration becomes increasingly acces- sible and more and more space objects jet off into orbit and beyond, the risk of dam- ages caused by debris is ris- ing. The present system of international law is difficult to get started and compensa- tion nigh impossible to ob- tain. As such, in the unfortu- nate (though unlikely) inci- dent that a juridical person suffers damage, it is difficult to recover from. One mecha- nism by which the juridical person who suffered some damage could recover could be via filing an insurance claim provided that they hold comprehensive insurance which protects against dam- age from falling objects. How- ever, this would leave unpro- tected uninsured assets and persons, including the unin- sured poor unprotected. Sup- pose a piece of space debris were to land onto the house of a small landowner, or her field and render it unusable. Considering the poor level of insurance penetration, this landowner may well be set- back several years due to the intractable nature of the cur- rent framework. There may also arise catastrophes caused by falling space ob- jects, for example, if a mas- sive piece of debris starts a forest fire. In such cases, gov- ernment disaster manage- ment, insurance and govern- ment-funded relief would all come into the picture, but there is something of a blind spot where the impact is lim- ited to a few persons, wheth- er natural or juridical. To protect the uninsured as well, we must look at the damage caused by space de- bris as a simple issue of torts. Stripped of the futuristic and dramatic overtones of space, the matter at its core is a civ- il wrong. New Zealand has a novel way of dealing with accident-related torts, which is instructive in this prob- lem. The risks of accidents are socialised, and payments to those who have suffered are made on a no-fault basis by the government’s Acci- dent Compensation Corpora- tion (ACC). Such a system, adapted to space debris rather than road accidents would ensure that the ‘little guy’ is protected - a necessary precaution and moral responsibility for the state, as the great space voyagers of our times, are all great pow- ers too. A CHINESE ROCKET MEDHANSH KUMAR W