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Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024
thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
remember once we were
in Gujarat and there was
a gentleman from a
southern state. There is a CM of-
fice complex where all the min-
isters also sit. Narendra bhai was
reaching the office and on his
way when he saw this man stand-
ing outside in the sun, away from
the office complex, he immedi-
ately stopped his vehicle and
talked to him. He asked what had
happened and why he was stand-
ing there? To this, the gentleman
said he had come to visit Gujarat
with his family on a holiday and
his wife had fallen sick. She was
reportedly admitted to the civil
hospital in Ahmedabad and he
had run out of money to bear the
expenses for her further medical
treatment. I remember, without
giving a second thought, Naren-
dra bhai said, I will pay for your
treatment, you need not worry.
Eventually he took charge of his
wife’s treatment and she soon
got well. Much later, when Modi
ji took a trip down to the south
Indian state on a party campaign,
it was found that the same gen-
tleman had pasted and circulated
small posters, urging everyone
to take him to Modi ji. He want-
ed to meet him and pay back the
medical expenses Modi ji had
borne for his wife’s treatment
way back inAhmedabad. Naren-
dra bhai helps so
many people. He
didn’t even re-
member this gen-
tleman but the
man wanted to
pay back his grati-
tude for the lead-
er. Such is Naren-
dra Modi’s rela-
tion with even the
ordinary man of
the street.
fter June 21 was desig-
nated as a global day for
the celebration of yoga,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
“The entire world is today com-
mitted to celebrating International
Yoga Day on June 21 every year.
India is proud of the fact that the
UNO took this matter forward and
177 countries of the world co-
sponsored it. India’s invaluable
heritage has today become the
world’s invaluable heritage.” Be-
fore that, he had told me, we have
to get June 21 recognised by the
UN as International Day of Yoga.
At that time Modi was about to
travel to the US to attend a UNO
meeting. So he told me we have to
get it included in the UN agenda
to put forth a holistic vision of
yoga. Everyone accepted the pro-
need never arose to introduce it in
the UN agenda. I told him, you
have done a great job. It is a big
contribution by you. Modi ji said,
I am amused that even 45 Islamic
countries supported this initiative.
day, he told a huge gathering of
first ray of the sun arose from and
24 hours later where the last ray of
the sun will reach, there will be no
ray, no journey of the sun that will
remain untouched from blessing
all of you yoga practitioners. Modi
very ingeniously chose June 21 as
would be visible for the longest
day across the globe. It was an apt
tribute to yoga and the most noble
of acceptance and appreciation.
hen I was here in Guja-
rat, working in education
counselling, there was a
divisional forest officer (DFO)
named Khamar, whose son would
often consult me for counselling.
Regarding this, I often visited
their house. Once, during a casu-
al conversation I asked him how
things were shaping up and pro-
gressing under the leadership of
Narendra Modi as the state chief
minister. So he told me, when we
go to meet Narendra Modi, we
prepare well beforehand because
no one knows what he would ask.
We do our homework for at least
10 possible questions spanning
different subjects. Once we went
to him with all the 10 possible
questions ready, but he bowled us
with a googly of
an eleventh ques-
tion to which we
had no clue, he
said. He then went
on to add that
Modi ji’s home-
grown informa-
tion network is
beyond the capac-
ity of any official
channel of com-
munication. It is
lightning fast and impeccable.An
incident had happened related to
the forest department at one of
the meetings, of which surpris-
ingly we didn’t know anything,
but Modi ji knew all about it well
before us. He immediately rang
up someone and proved to us the
authenticity of the news that had
happened in our own area but we
didn’t know of. We were left
shame faced, the DFO told me. I
realised, Modi ji’s success as a
great leader, a great CM and a PM
of such calibre rests largely on his
direct and strong rapport at the
local level.
Smriti Irani
Union Minister
Dr HR Nagendra
Yoga Guru
Sunil Lodha
Jaipur, Thursday | May 9, 2024
thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
e have an RSS office at Salatwada
locality of Vadodara. I was a
pracharak at the office. Even then
I found, Modi ji took the smallest care of
any need of even the smallest karyakarta.
Among all those who reached the office at
3 pm, none was allowed to leave the place
without at least having a cup of tea. Modi
ji ensured that himself. And I also found
he was meticulous about cleanliness from
early days. He would wash his own cup
and also ensure all the cups had been
washed clean and they were spotless. He
used to ask us, “Have you all washed your
cups properly?” He was so particular
about cleanliness that not a piece of paper
was allowed to litter the office premises.
These were some things we had noticed
in Modi ji very early on and they have
continued till today.
s the state CM, Modi ji started
Gunotsav, a programme to im-
prove the quality of education
in the government schools. During the
Gunotsav festival, he would often visit
schools to take stock of the improve-
ments. He would usually take up the
remotest school in the most backward
districts to pay visit. Once during such
a visit he went to a school and after the
inspection, while discussing with the
headmaster, he asked, where is the toi-
let in your school? Surprisingly, he po-
litely said, there was no toilet in the
school. This shocked Modi ji so much
that the very next day as he reached of-
fice, he issued orders that every school
in the state must have proper toilets,
separate for boys and girls. Years later
when he became the PM he launched
the same campaign in the country to
end open defecation and it was a re-
sounding success. The seeds of this
idea came to him from the Gunotsav
n 1989, 1990 and 1991 elec-
tions were to be held. Those
days there were no mobile
phones or internet and thus communi-
cating with the karyakartas on the
ground level, directing them or getting
information was very difficult and time
taking. For this, Modi ji planned a cer-
tain strategy. Most karyakartas go out
for campaigning or poll related work
around 11 in the morning. Thus they
were mostly in their homes in the early
part of the day. We sat from 7 am to
10:30 am every day and called all the
karyakartas in the required constituen-
cies within this time to get all the details
and brief them about their day’s itiner-
ary. We made a list of the karyakartas to
be called the night before. So that in the
morning we were
well equipped
and didn’t need to
waste time. By
10:30 every day,
Modi hi had all
the grasp of the
ground realities
on his fingertips
which helped him
tremendously in
formulating his
next poll strategy.
t was a unique pro-
gramme I fondly
remember. It was in
the year 2005. He organised
a programme for his teach-
ers inAhmedabad. It was for
‘Guru Vandana’ to seek the
blessings of his teachers. He
had invited 27 teachers at
the event. Surprisingly, he
personally went up to each
and every teacher invited
and addressed him by his
name. He bowed in front of
them in obeisance and gar-
landed them in honour of
their services. This was a
unique event never held in
India before in such scale. Pt
Naval Kishore Sharma was
the governor of Gujarat at
that time and had come to
the event as chief guest. He
himself said during his
speech that he had travelled
all over the country but had
never seen or heard such an
initiative as taken up by
Narendra Modi in honour of
his teachers.
nce Narendra Modi
came to his school,
BN High School to
attend an event.There his old
friend Dr Sudheer was also
present. They used to sit on
the same bench in school
ing, Sudheer ji addressed
Modi ji as ‘tu’several times.
Later when he realised
this, he apologised to
him for the disrespect
and told ‘sorry I called
that time Modi ji didn’t
say much. But when he
went on to the stage for
his speech, he said, “ I
was talking to Sudheer a
while back. He called
me by ‘tu’ a couple of
ogised for the same. But I
want to tell Sudheer, that
these days when I find some-
heart fills with joy.” This the
simplicity and humility of
Modi ji.
t was in 1985 that an RSS camp
was about to begin. A meeting
was held to discusss the prepa-
rations for the same. We were five peo-
ple who were overseeing the arrange-
ments for the event. The smallest thing
was ensured, from the safety pin to the
soap. We had to note down everything
so that nothing was found wanting dur-
ing the event. Even the amount of water
that would be required by a karyakarta
for his shower or consumption was cal-
culated and based on the total number
of karyakartas to be attending the event,
the arrangements were planned so that
nothing went waste at the end of the
day. All these were spearheaded by
Narendra Modi. As a pracharak for 20
years, this master planning learnt from
him in 1985 got imprinted in my mind
and always helped me in making the
best arrangements for every event of
the party.
Chandrakant Upadhyay
Natubhai Dhabi
Parshottam Rupala
Union minister
Ketan Devnani
Som Patel
Narendra Modi’s teacher
Bharat Modi
Modi’s penchant
for cleanliness
Narendra Modi started
Gunotsav to improve
quality of education
Narendra Modi ji’s
planned strategy for
Modi ji, a master
of management
Jaipur, Thursday | May 2, 2024
thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
was the leader of
the opposition in
the assembly. At
that time I took strong
stands on issues. And
mostly Narendra Modi
tried to accommodate
whatever I said. At that
time he used to tell us that
whatever the opposition
suggests, our government
notes it down and even
the ones
which are worth it.
Talking about Por-
bandar airport, a terminal
building was established.
Its inauguration was to be
done by then aviation
minister Praful Patel. Nar-
endra Modi was presiding
over that function and as
an MLA and leader of the
I was also
present at the programme.
I told Praful Patel that
the runway of the airport
was so small that no big
aircraft could land here. It
was only 1,300 metres
long and thus we needed a
longer runway. It must be
increased to at least 2,600
metres. To this he said that
if Modi gives us the extra
land, we can do that too.
Immediately after hear-
ing this, Modi ji publicly
announced that the airport
would be expanded and
the state government was
ready to make the extra
land available to the Cen-
tre and AAI for the pro-
ject. Simultaneously,
also informed the collector
to issue the proposal for
the same at the earliest.
But after 2012, I was no
longer an MLA and Modi
ji went on to become the
PM by 2014, so the work
of Porbandar airport even-
tually got sidelined. The
land that was to be allotted
to the airport finally went
to the Coast Guard. It was
a bureaucratic lapse.
I thought, the Coast
Guard was under Defence
Services. So the Gujarat
government won’t be able
to stop them. It is only the
PM who can do the need-
ful. So I told then Gujarat
CM Vijay Rupani that
Modi ji had publicly de-
clared Porbandar airport
would be expanded. The
CMO sent across my mes-
sage to the PM, reminding
him of his promise.
Modi ji acknowledged
and accepted he had
promised it. He immedi-
ately ordered that at any
cost the airport had to be
expanded with a runway
length of 2,600 metres.
Despite my being in the
Modi worked for the
larger interest of the peo-
ple and the state and ac-
cepted and implemented
my proposal, even just
through a message I sent.
Only a big-hearted leader
can do this.
ne day Modi ji de-
the Parliament can-
teen. So he walked into the
MPs canteen on the Parlia-
ment premises. Soon he said,
the same food is being taken
by people outside for Rs 50 to
Rs 100aplate,andhere inside
it is available for just Rs 10.
This is not fair. Do we belong
to some kind of privileged
class? This injustice must
stop. The same food that a
poor man is buying for Rs 50,
we are getting for Rs 5, why?
Since that day, the age-old
MPs came to an end. At the
same time, Modi ji was also
disturbed by the laal batti cul-
ture of MPs, which had be-
come a show of might and
power of the political class - a
colonial hangover. Modi ji
brought an end to this culture
as well. When he faced oppo-
ters, he said no matter who
abides by this or not, but my
ministers at the Centre won’t
indulge in this practice any-
more. All ministers brought
down the red beacons from
their vehicles and the pomp
and show associated with po-
litical heft was thus gone.
e were travelling in
the CM of Gujarat at
that time. There at a place I
met aYuva Morcha karyakar-
ta (BJP youth wing activist).
He asked, “Where are you
from?” I said I was coming
said, you guys are so lucky. In
curiosity asked him, why is it
so? He said, because Naren-
dra Modi is your CM.
Amused, I further prodded
him and asked, why do you
think so? To this he narrated
to me a small story.
He said, “One day I was
sleeping. It was early in the
morning. When I picked up
the call and asked who it was,
the voice from the other side
said here’s Narendra Modi
speaking. Thinking it was a
bad joke by someone, I hung
up the phone. It happened the
second time too.When a third
time the same call came, then
I got alerted. It can’t be a joke
anymore. I thought I could in
fact recognise the voice.Then
once I took the call, he said I
am indeed Narendra Modi. I
have an important message.A
private vehicle from Gujarat
withseveral Gujaratis init has
met with an accident in your
area. Immediately send relief
to them and put the injured in
hospitals. After that, update
me. SittinginGujarat,Modiji
had every minute-by-minute
information of anything hap-
pening anywhere on the plan-
et. He even had the number of
the party karyakarta available
nearest to the point of acci-
dent. He didn’t let any proto-
col come in between and di-
rectly called my number to
expedite the rescue. How can
a leader be so meticulous?
That’s why say you are lucky
to have a CM like him.”
Arjun Modhwadia
Former LoP, Gujarat
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi
Former Union Minister
Kanubhai Vyas
The narrators express their belief that PM
Narendra Modi, a leader with a big heart,
dedicated himself to the greater good of the
people. They note that Modi possessed
detailed, minute-by-minute
about events worldwide. Furthermore,
they acknowledge Modi’s efforts in
abolishing the ‘laal batti’
culture, among other
End of canteen subsidy
and ‘laal batti’ culture
Gujaratis lucky to have the
then CM like Narendra Modi
You read PART 81
on APRIL 25, 2024
 Vol 5  Issue No. 325  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764.
Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001,
Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.
 Editor-In-Chief:
Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
You read PART 82
on MAY 2, 2024
 Vol 5  Issue No. 332  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764.
Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief:
Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
You read PART 83
on MAY 9, 2024
 Vol 5  Issue No. 339  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
The narrators highlight
Modi’s compassionate
leadership through personal
hospital support and his
tireless promotion of yoga
globally. His direct
connections with people at
the local level are credited
for his effective governance,
solidifying his impactful
legacy and lots more...
Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024
RNI NUMBER: RAJENG/2019/77764 | VOL 5 | ISSUE NO. 339 | PAGES 12 | `3.00 Rajasthan’s Own English Newspaper thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
First India Bureau
The Enforcement Direc-
torate on Wednesday ar-
rested Jharkhand minis-
ter Alamgir Alam in
money laundering case,
this days after `35 crore
was recovered from the
house of his personal sec-
retary’s do-
mestic help.
Alam was
arrested af-
ter being
by the central agency in
connection with the cash
seizure. “I was called to-
day as well and so I have
come,” the state rural de-
velopment minister had
told reporters before en-
tering the ED office. He
was interrogated by the
ED for about 10 hours on
Tuesday. Congress leader
was summoned by ED to
appear at its zonal office
in Ranchi to record his
statement under PMLA.
Pradeep Gadhwal
Neem Ka Thana
A senior official of Hin-
dustan Copper Limited
(HCL) who was trapped
inside a copper mine in
Neem Ka Thana district
died on Wednesday after
disaster rescue personnel
pulled out all 15 people
who got trapped after a
lift used to transport per-
sonnel inside the mine
Chief Vigilance Of-
ficer Upendra Pandey of
the company, along with
14 other personnel, were
taken out of the Kolihan
mine and rushed to hos-
Finally, ED nabs
Jharkhand min
Alamgir Alam
Modi understands pain of poor: CM
Satyanarayan Sharma and
Aishwary Pradhan
M Bhajan Lal
Sharma on
We d n e s d a y
reachedVidyadhar Nagar
stadium in Jaipur and
paid tribute to Late Bhai-
ron Singh Shekhawat.
Many dignitaries includ-
ing Union Minister GS
Shekhawat, Governor
Kalraj Mishra, Deputy
CM Diya Kumari, MLA
Balmukund Acharya and
others also paid tributes.
During the day, the CM
went on Kolkata tour
where he attended a pro-
gram with expatriate Ra-
jasthanis at Avni Mall.
Addressing the migrant
Rajasthanis, Chief Min-
ister Bhajan Lal Sharma
said, “Before 2014, we
were under the shadow of
terrorism and Naxalism.
Mamata never had any
connection with poverty
and poor welfare. Modi
understands pain of poor.
Nationalism is rampant
among expatriate Rajast-
hanis who can never for-
get Rajasthani culture.”
During the ‘Abhinan-
dan’ programme of Jain
Shwetambar Terapanthi
Sabha Trust, CM Bhajan
Lal Sharma said that,”A
huge contribution has
been made by sages,
saints and mahants in
showing the way to the
country. Our culture, our
thoughts come first.” P8
CM Bhajan Lal Sharma, Balmukund Acharya, Narpat Singh Rajvi,
Abhimanyu Singh Rajvi and others pay tributes to ‘Babosa’ at ‘Shri
Bhairon Singh Shekhawat Memorial’ in Jaipur on Wednesday.
Mine lift collapse: One Hindustan
Copper Ltd official dies, 14 rescued
Veteran Congress
leader and former
Governor and former
Deputy Chief Minister
Kamla Beniwal died at a
private hospital in Jaipur
on Wednesday. She was
97. Beniwal was admitted
to the hospital after a brief
illness where she died. A
family member said that
funeral will be conducted
on Thursday. Beniwal
served as Guv in Gujarat,
Tripura and Mizoram,
deputy CM in Rajasthan
apart from holding other
posts. She was elected as
MLA 7 times. MORE ON P8
Rajmata of the Gwalior
royal family, mother
of union civil aviation min-
ister Jyotiraditya Scindia,
Madhavi Raje Scindia,
75, died on Wednesday at
AIIMS. Madhavi was born
into Nepal’s royal family
and married Madhavrao
in 1966. Her grandfather,
Juddha Shamsher, was
the PM of Nepal from 1932
to 1945. A philanthropist,
she was involved in charity
work in multiple fields. P8
PM Narendra Modi, VP
Jagdeep Dhankhar, Gov-
ernor Kalraj Mishra, CM
Bhajan Lal Sharma, for-
mer CM Ashok Gehlot and
other leaders condoled
the demise of Beniwal.
 Centre hands over
first set of citizenship
certificates to over 14
applicants under CAA
 The CAA or Citizenship
(Amendment) Act passed
by the Parliament in
2019, notified in March
Moni Sharma
New Delhi
The first set of citizenship certifi-
cates under the Citizenship
(Amendment) Act (CAA) was is-
sued to 14 people on Wednesday,
nearly 2 months after the Centre
notified the rules. Under CAA,
minorities persecuted on religious
grounds in Pakistan, Bangladesh
and Afghanistan can acquire citi-
zenship in India. The Union gov-
ernment granted citizenship cer-
tificates to more than 300 people
who applied under the CAA, 2019,
the Union MHA said.
“I came here in 2014, and I was
very happy when this (CAA) was Pakistan, we girls
couldn’t study and it was difficult
to go out, if we had to go out, we
used to wear burqa. In India, we
get to study, I am currently in 11th
standard and I got to tuition as
well...,” Bhavna, one of the appli-
cants said after getting certificate.
Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla hands over first set of citizenship certificates under the
CAA, in New Delhi on Wednesday. Bhavna says, ‘I am feeling very happy that I can study further’.
The Ministry of Home
Affairs has initiated
the process of issuing
certificates (under CAA). I want to
extend my heartfelt congratulations
to 14 refugees. CAA is PM Narendra
Modi’s promise to the nation.
First India Bureau
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi on Wednesday at-
tended large-scale events
in Maharashtra’s Dindori
and Kalyan, where he as-
sured the farmers of ac-
celerated development
and growth in the state.
The PM discussed his vi-
sion for a Viksit Bharat.
He said, “We have con-
tinuously worked on what
work needs to be done
and what decisions need
to be taken in the first 100
days after the formation
of the government.”
Addressing the rally,
PM Modi spoke of the
election’s significance
and BJP’s commitment
to serving the nation,
“We draw inspiration
from Chhatrapati Shivaji
Maharaj. This election is
not just about choosing
an MP; it’s about choos-
ing a PM who can make
tough decisions to
strengthen India.” P5
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde and Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis
greet crowd during a roadshow, ahead of the Lok Sabha Election in Mumbai on Wednesday.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah speaks during an interview with
ANI Editor-in-Chief Smita Prakash, in New Delhi on Wednesday.
The Supreme Court has the right to interpret
the law, I believe this is not routine judgement.
A lot of people in this country believe that
special treatment has been given (to Arvind Kejriwal).
Maintaining that he believes “people of my
country will vote for me”, PM Modi said “the day I
do Hindu-Muslim, I will be unworthy of public life”
and “it is my resolve” that “I will not do Hindu-Muslim”.
Modi made these remarks in an interview to TV channel
News18 India — he posted clips of the interview on X —
in Varanasi on the day he filed his nomination papers.
Lawrence Wong has
been sworn in as Sin-
gapore’s first new PM in
20 years and only its 4th
leader since independ-
ence, capping a carefully
calibrated power transfer
aimed at ensuring conti-
nuity in the wealthy city-
state. Lee Hsien Loong
stepped down following
two decades in office.
Modi is our leader
even after 2029,
claims Amit Shah
Kejri’s ‘if vote for broom, won’t return to
jail’ remarks ‘clear contempt of SC’: Shah
New Delhi
Union Home Minister
Amit Shah has expressed
confidence of the BJP-led
NDA returning to power
in the 2024 Lok Sabha
polls under the leadership
of PM Modi and asserted
that PM Modi will con-
tinue to lead the BJPeven
after the next general
In an interview with
ANI, Amit Shah took
potshots at Delhi CM
Arvind Kejriwal. “I want
to make it clear again,
Modiji will remain till
2029. And Kejriwalji,
there is no good news for
you. Even after 2029,
Modiji is our leader. We
will contest elections un-
der his leadership,” Amit
Shah told ANI.
Shah also took a dig at
Kejriwal’s 10 guarantees
and said his comments
need not be taken seri-
ously as AAP is contest-
ing only 22 LS seats.
Howrah: Union
Home Minister Amit
Shah on Wednesday
stated that Pak-occupied
Kashmir (PoK) is a part
of India and that the Modi
government is committed to
taking it back. Addressing an
election rally for fifth phase
of Lok Sabha elections in
WB’s Howrah, Shah said,
“Isn’t PoK ours? Mani
Shankar Aiyar and Farooq
Abdullah used to scare us
by saying that Pakistan has
an atom bomb so we should
not speak about PoK. Rahul,
Mamata didi, no matter how
scared you are, Pak-occu-
pied Kashmir is ours and we
will take it back.” P5
Exercise your
right to vote
in poll wisely
and contribute to the
nation-building process
by voting for progress
and development.
1927-2024 1949-2024
SDRF team taking injured to hospital following a lift collapse at
the Kolihan copper mine, in Neem Ka Thana on Wednesday.
pitals for treatment. The
company officials and
the police confirmed the
death of the HCL offi-
cial Pandey on Wednes-
day afternoon. Some of
those injured were re-
ferred to Jaipur after
treatment at KCC Hos-
pital in Khetri. P3
Slovakian PM critical post
assassination attempt
Berlin: Robert Fico, Slo-
vakia’s populist prime
minister, suffered life-
threatening injuries when
he was shot and wounded
in an attempted assassina-
tion on Wednesday. Sus-
pect detained by cops. P7
Southwest monsoon may
hit Kerala by May 31: IMD
Bengaluru: The India
Meteorological Depart-
ment (IMD) Wednesday
said the southwest mon-
soon onset over Kerala is
likely to take place on
May 31, with the weather
model deviation of 4 days.
EC summons Andhra CS &
DGP over post-poll ruckus
New Delhi: The ECI has
summoned the chief sec-
retary and the DGP of
Andhra Pradesh to New
Delhi on May 16 over
post-poll violence that oc-
curred in the state, EC of-
ficial said on Wednesday.
Rangeela’s nomination
from Varanasi rejected
Varanasi: The ECI on
Wednesday rejected the
affidavit of comedian
Shyam Rangeela, who
filed his nomination from
Varanasi as an Independ-
ent candidate against PM
Narendra Modi.
SC pulls up U’khand govt,
Centre over forest fires
New Delhi: The Supreme
Court on Wednesday ex-
pressed its displeasure
with the Uttarakhand gov-
ernment and Centre’s han-
dling of forest fires, de-
scribing the state’s ap-
proach as “lackadaisical.”
Health dept to plant 1 lakh saplings
First India Bureau
ne lakh saplings
will be planted
in the medical
institutions of Rajasthan
under a one-month spe-
cial plantation campaign
of the state health depart-
Additional Chief Sec-
retary Medical and
Health Shubhra Singh
said that with an aim of
environment protection
and increase in greenery,
“Hari-Van Tree Planta-
tion Campaign” will be
run in all the medical in-
stitutions of the state
from July 1 to July 31.
Under this, she said,
about one lakh saplings
will be planted in the
medical institutions
across the state.
Fruit and shade giving
trees have been selected
for the campaign. These
include lemon, amla,
beel, jamun, guava,
pomegranate, mango,
custard apple, tamarind,
sapota, mulberry, orange,
pear, neem, peepal, ban-
yan, rosewood, gulmo-
har, karanj, drumstick,
Arrangements for pro-
curing the saplings will
be made through forest
department, agriculture
and horticulture depart-
ment. After plantation
drive is complete, the
concerned institution
will be responsible for
maintenance, watering
and security of the trees
forfive years.The growth
of the plants will also be
regularly reviewed,
Shubhra Singh added.
RAJASTHAN 02 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024
First India Bureau
Heatwaves have gripped
several areas of the state
while there is some relief
in MountAbu because of
slight rains.
Several areas in the
state are sweltering under
scorching temperatures,
with the mercury soaring
beyond 44 degrees Cel-
sius. However, in con-
trast, MountAbu is expe-
riencing relief with rain
showers blessing the re-
gion. There’s a noticea-
ble change in the weath-
er, with clouds envelop-
ing the sky and the sound
of rain echoing in the
valleys of Mount Abu.
Once again, today brings
respite from intense heat.
From Pokaran in Jais-
almer , scorching heat
continues to torment the
common folk as the mer-
cury rises relentlessly.
The heatwave has led
to the phenomenon of
‘heatwave torch’.
The air is filled with
hot gusts blowing at
speeds of 8 kmph, and
markets wear a deserted
look as people seek ref-
uge in their homes.
As temperature rises so
does struggle for water
First India Bureau
As scorching tempera-
tures grip the region,
residents in various
parts of the state, in-
cluding the capital, are
facing acute water
scarcity. The inade-
quate water supply has
left many areas
parched, compelling
residents to seek alter-
native means for their
water needs.
With public water
supply systems falter-
ing, private water tank
operators are taking
advantage of the situa-
tion, charging exorbi-
tant prices ranging
from 400 to 500 rupees
per tanker. Complaints
have also surfaced re-
garding the sale of wa-
ter from government
tankers in several plac-
es. In areas like Jagat-
pura, Shastri Nagar,
and Sanganer, the
scheduled water sup-
ply hours have been
reduced, further exac-
erbating the situation.
Illegal connections and
leakage issues are fur-
ther adding to the
woes, causing a de-
crease in water pres-
sure in some areas.
The conditions are
dire in jaipur’s Walled
city area where con-
taminated water due to
leaks has become a ma-
jor concern.
Wanted criminal shot at,
injured & caught by cops
First India Bureau
Atense confrontation un-
folded as Rajveer, a
wanted & notorious da-
coit of Rajasthan and UP,
engaged in a fierce ex-
change of fire with the
RAC and police jawans
injuring him .
The skirmish occurred
during an attempt to ap-
prehend the dacoits.
In the crossfire, Ra-
jveer sustained a gunshot
wound to his left thigh.
Rajveer, alias Rajjo, was
travelling on a motorcy-
cle with his two associ-
ates from Bharatpur to
Dholpur when the police
received information
about his whereabouts.
There was an exchange
of fire between two sides
in which Rajjo got in-
jured and the police were
able to get hold of him.
Special Unit of ACB in Ajmer
apprehended Patwari Sardar
Singh on Wednesday for accept-
ing a bribe of Rs 2,000. Singh, assigned
to the Mandal Patwari in Gaagunda of
Arain Tehsil in Ajmer district, was caught
red-handed by the ACB unit. Dr. Ravi
Prakash Meharda the Director-General
of ACB, informed that the bureau’s Spe-
cial Unit in Ajmer received a complaint
from a complainant. Upon receiving the
complaint, the ACB conducted a verification under the su-
pervision of DIG Randheer Singh, Deputy Superintendent
of Police Rakesh Kumar Verma of the ACB Special Unit in
Ajmer. Subsequently, a trap was laid, leading to the arrest
of Patwari Sardar Singh. Naveen Sharma, Shubham Jain
In a shocking incident in Beawar a woman profes-
sor fell victim to a robbery perpetrated by three
youths. The culprits, posing as police officers, tar-
geted the professor, looting her of a tola of gold chain and
two tolas of weighted earrings before fleeing the scene.
The victim, identified as Sunita Goyal, is a professor at
the Government Girls’ College in Ajmer. She promptly
reported the incident to the City Police Station. Upon
receiving the complaint, Sub-Inspector Mahadev Gurjar
initiated an investigation into the matter. CCTV footage
from the area, including Ajmer Road and its surroundings,
is being scrutinized to track down the perpetrators.
Dinesh Dangi
Amid speculations that
the BJP government
would convert Mahatma
Gandhi English medium
government schools to
Hindi medium schools,
Congress party’s Jaipur
unit held a symbolic pro-
test at Jaipur collectorate
and said that any such
move will be strongly
objected to.
The schools were
opened during the for-
mer Congress rule. The
Congress leaders
slammed the Bhajanlal
government and Educa-
tion Minister Madan
Dilawar over the issue.
Jaipur Dist Congress
Committee President RR
Tiwari asked whether
the children of poor do
not have the right to
study in English schools.
“Dotasara was the
Education Minister dur-
ing Congress govern-
ment when more than
3,500 English medium
schools were opened.
Today more than 7 lakh
kids are studying in
these schools and more
than 10k teachers are
employed,” he said.
RR Tiwari, Archana Sharma, Ganga Devi & other Congress leaders
during the protest on Wednesday. SANTOSH SHARMA
Residents are making every effort to cope with the brutal heat
and avoid heat-related illnesses. SUNIL SHARMA
Meeting discusses wildlife issues
Nirmal Tiwari
A marathon meeting was
convened on Wednesday
at the Aranya Bhawan to
discuss the management
and conservation efforts
concerning wildlife secu-
rity amidst the heatwave
in the state’s jungles.
Chaired by the Princi-
pal Chief Conservator of
Forests (PCCF) and
Chief Wildlife Warden,
Pawan Upadhyay, the
meeting saw the presence
of Rajesh Gupta, Addi-
tional PCCF for Wildlife,
and wildlife officers from
across the state.
Strict actions against
encroachment and illegal
mining in forest areas
were directed. Further-
more, emphasis was laid
on increasing field visits,
accelerating village relo-
cation, and enhancing
nocturnal patrols.
Instructions were also
issued to strengthen
tracking and monitoring
activities and to submit
timely wildlife reports.
Forest-to-forest dialogue
was initiated with offi-
cials from tiger reserves,
leopard reserves, and
conservation reserves to
gather feedback on wild-
life management in their
respective areas.
The meeting focused
on protection and
conservation of
wildlife in all
JDA takes strict
action against
illegal colonies
First India Bureau
The enforcement squad
of JDAtook strict sealing
action on a three storey
illegal building built
without the permission
and approval of JDA for
commercial purpose in
Lalkothi Scheme in
Zone-3. In Zone-14, 02
new illegal colonies were
completely demolished
on about 08 bighas of ag-
ricultural land of private
ownership. JDAalso lev-
elled a land in Vatika lo-
cated under the jurisdic-
tion of Zone-14, on Bas-
doli Road, behind Deep-
shikha International Col-
lege, in district Jaipur,
where illegal construc-
tion was done on about
05 bighas of private agri-
cultural land.
Similarly, 03 bighas of
private agricultural land
was levelled behind
Deepshikha International
School, Bajdoli Road.
Concerns over revenue
allocation in Transport dept
HC takes note of construction
in front of judges’ residences
Kamal Kant Vyas
The Rajasthan High
Court has given status
quo orders on the multi-
storey construction tak-
ing place in front of the
bungalows of the judges
located in Gandhinagar.
The court has raised
questions on the approval
of such buildings and
have expressed concern
about the safety of the
judges. This order has
been given by the single
bench of Justice Ganesh
Ram Meena while taking
suo motu cognizance of
the case. The court has
treated the case as a PIL.
Giving the order to
register, it has been sent
to the Chief Justice.
The court, in compli-
ance with the order given
on the petition of Gulab
Kothari regarding the
master plan, expressed
displeasure over approv-
al of multi-storey build-
ings without determining
the zone. The court raised
question of dark zone and
aspects of greenery and
environment and ob-
served as to how are such
buildings being ap-
proved. Court, accepted
that there building con-
crete jungles without de-
termining the zone poses
threat to environment.
Raj Health Drive: Officers assigned
to elevate 27 aspirational blocks
First India Bureau
The Medical and Health
Department has given the
responsibility to the state
level officers to improve
the health indicators of
27 aspirational blocks of
the state.
Orders in this regard
have been issued and
blocks have been allotted
to officers on instructions
of ACS Medical and
Health Shubhra Singh.
The officers will visit the
allotted blocks every
month and take stock of
the health services and
will submit reports to
higher officials regarding
necessary improvements
and progress.
Singh said that the
Government of India has
identified 500 aspiration-
al blocks across the coun-
try. Of these, 27 blocks
are from Rajasthan.
“These are the blocks
which are comparatively
backward in socio-eco-
nomic indicators. For the
sustainable and holistic
development of these ar-
eas, a plan has been made
to improve 39 different
indicators, out of which 7
indicators are related to
health services,” she
Shivendra Parmar
In a significant revenue
review meeting of the
Transport Department,
several questions were
raised regarding the al-
location of revenue.
The Additional Chief
Secretary of Finance,
Akhil Arora, chaired the
review meeting concern-
ing revenue-related is-
sues in the transport de-
partment. During the ses-
sion, officials from Dun-
garpur and Alwar high-
lighted concerns over the
revenue allocation of the
Transport Department.
Despite the closure of
Ratanpur and Shahjahan-
pur check posts, officials
pointed out inclusion of
additional amounts to the
target terming it wrong
and demanding amend-
ments in the same.
The meeting, which
aimed to scrutinize reve-
nue allocation, brought to
light discrepancies that
demand immediate atten-
tion and rectification.
It shall be noted that
among all the
Transport is falling
significantly short of
the revenue targets
set by administration
Mother’s day event: Secretariat
forum honors female employees
Dr. Rituraj Sharma
In a special event organ-
ized by the Secretariat
Forum to celebrate
Mother’s Day, female
employees and officers
reminisced about their
experiences and memo-
ries of motherhood.
RAS Neetu Rajesh-
war, Joint Secretary of
GAD, said, “As a work-
ing woman, aI always
ponder if I can be a better
mother to my children
than my own mother.”
On this occasion, key of-
ficials including Dr. K.
K. Swami, Sitaram
Choudhary, Subhash Sin-
gh, Narpat Singh, and
Yogita Bishnoi, shared
their perspectives. Fe-
male employees were
presented with saplings
as a symbol of remem-
brance during the event.
RAS Neetu Rajeshwar presenting a sapling to a female
employee during the programme on Wednesday.
4 kids attack
guard, escape
shelter home
First India Bureau
In a daring escape, four
children who were con-
fined to a shelter home in
Hanumangarh due to
criminal and substance
abuse managed to flee
from shelter home, leav-
ing authorities in shock.
The escapees report-
edly incapacitated a
guard by throwing chili
powder into his eyes be-
fore executing their plan.
This incident has
brought to light signifi-
cant negligence on the
part of shelter home au-

Guv urges agri scientists to innovate amid climate change
Vinod Singh Chouhan
overnor Kalraj
Mishra has
called upon ag-
ricultural scientists to de-
velop techniques to pro-
tect crops from the ad-
verse effects of climate
change and for higher
yield in less water.
He expressed the need
to continuously work for
the development of edu-
cation in the agricultural
sector in line with the
global needs and also for
the development of fun-
damental vision of re-
search and research in
universities for agricul-
tural progress.
Mishra was address-
ing the sixth convoca-
tion ceremony of Sri
Karan Narendra Agri-
cultural University, Job-
ner on Wednesday.
He said that the uni-
versity should also work
continuously for the skill
development of the stu-
dents by partnering with
world class institutions.
He also stressed on pay-
ing special attention to
qualitative development
of agricultural education
and motivating youth for
agricultural entrepre-
neurship in the context of
the new education policy.
The governor ex-
pressed the need to in-
clude courses related to
development of im-
proved seeds in farm-
ing along with effec-
tive policies of agricul-
tural processing and
agricultural marketing
under agricultural edu-
cation. Describing the
Constitution as su-
preme, the Governor
said that the Constitu-
tion cannot be changed.
“The Constitution it-
self has given us rights
and has also given us du-
ties,” he said.
He called upon the
youth to connect with the
culture of the Constitu-
tion. Mishra said that in-
stead of becoming an
employment seeker,
youths become an em-
ployment provider.
He also urged the
youth to play an impor-
tant role in taking the
economy of emerging
India to a higher level in
the world by setting up
agricultural enterprises.
Mishra also honored
Dr. Baldev Singh Dhill-
on with the honorary de-
gree of Doctorate of Sci-
ence on behalf of the
university in the convo-
cation ceremony.
Governor Kalraj Mishra during the convocation ceremony also released various publications of Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University
in presence of Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon and other University officials. He also inspected various agriculture related models on Wednesday.
RAJASTHAN 03 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024
Pradeep Gadhwal
Neem Ka Thana
The police official said
that Hindustan Copper
Limited will conduct an
ter and police will also
conduct a thorough inves-
tigation into the incident
after registering a case.
Hindustan Copper Ltd
Deputy General Manager,
Mohit Chatterjee said
doctors would respond to
queries on the matter.
Earlier in the day,
Praveen Nayak, Superin-
tendent of Police (SP),
Neem Ka Thana, shared
the had said 10 people
were rescued from the
site. “In the first slot, three
people were brought out
from the mine, five peo-
ple were rescued in the
second slot and two more
persons were brought out
of the mine in the third
slot,” the official said.
The incident took place
at Hindustan Copper
Limited’s (HCL’s) copper
mine in the Neem Ka
Thana district in the late
hours of Tuesday. The lift
was carrying a vigilance
team from Kolkata as
well as mine officials.
The incident took place
after the rope supporting
the lift broke and it is be-
lieved to have plunged
more than 1,800 feet in-
side the mine.
‘Mission Raniganj’ like rescue operation at HCL mines
Copper mine lift collapse
Dr Rituraj Sharma
To streamline the pro-
cess of resolving all cas-
es related to compassion-
ate appointments, the
Department of Personnel
(DOP) has developed the
Anukampa app. Under
this initiative, the DOP
has issued directives to
all departments.
In line with these ef-
forts, Neetu Rajeshwar,
Joint Secretary of the
General Administration
Department (GAD), has
instructed all depart-
ments associated with
the Department of Gen-
eral Administration to
follow the rules and reg-
ulations regarding com-
passionate appointments
using this app. This ap-
pointment will be pro-
vided under the Compas-
sionate Appointment
Scheme, 1996, to the
dependents of deceased
government employees
in Rajasthan by the De-
partment of Personnel.
To facilitate the pro-
cess of compassionate
appointments, the Anu-
kampa app has been
developed on the Single
Sign-On (SSO) ID of all
department heads and of-
fice directors.
The mapping of all de-
partment heads/office
directors has already
been completed.
SDRF team during the rescue operation at the accident site of Hindustan Copper Limited in Neem Ka Thana on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, a mock drill
was performed at Jaipur
Airport T-2. In a simulated
rehearsal, terrorists hijacked
a virtual airliner from Dhaka
to Delhi. After an hour of
hard efforts, the CISF, Airport
Security, and police teams
executed a coordinated
operation, killing the terrorists
while successfully evacuating
all civilians on the flight. CISF 
police teams in action.
Salutations to Patience, Courage, Struggle, and Faith.
Congratulations to the rescue team for the successful
rescue operation, where a total of 9 individuals were
safely brought out from the Kolihan mine of
Hindustan Copper Limited in Khetri Jhunjhunu, after a
mishap caused by the breaking of the rope of the lift .
Hats off to all members of the rescue and relief team
for their commendable efforts.
The news of death of an officer in accident at Kolihan
mine of Hindustan Copper Ltd in Khetri, is extremely
saddening. However, hard work  expertise of rescue
team have successfully brought out other 14 officers
trapped in the mine, ensuring their safety. May God
grant peace to the departed soul and strength to the
grieving families to bear this sudden loss.
First India Bureau
In a significant ruling, the
Supreme Court has di-
rected the Rajasthan gov-
ernment to impose a com-
plete ban on mining ac-
tivities within a 1-kilo-
meter radius of the Sa-
riska Tiger Reserve. The
court has instructed the
state government to for-
mulate a closure plan and
ensure compliance with
the order by taking all
necessary steps.
The bench comprising
Justice B.R. Gavai, Jus-
tice Sandeep Mehta, and
Justice S.V.N Bhatti is-
sued the verdict on
Wednesday (May 15) af-
ter considering the matter
related to mining activi-
ties near the SariskaTiger
Reserve. The Supreme
Court unequivocally stat-
ed in its judgment that all
mining activities within a
1-kilometer radius of the
Sariska Tiger Reserve
must be halted.
Vikas Sharma
The Rajasthan govt on
Wednesday suspended a
senior doctor of Sawai
Man Singh government
ri in connection with issu-
ing fake NOC for organ
transplant case. Also, no-
tices under 16 CCA have
Bagri, Dr Achal Sharma
The action came after
an inquiry report on the
fake NOC case was sub-
mitted to the govt. The
inquiry committee also
found that 269 cases of
transplantation were such
in which the donor and re-
ceiver were not close rela-
tives. Health min GS Kh-
imsar said that Dr Bagdi,
was appointed coordina-
tor of state authorization
committee in April 2022
and such meeting notices
have been found issued
under his signatures with
no date mentioned.
Retd IAS Mohanty
acquitted in rape
case after 10 yrs
Kamal Kant Vyas
Retired IAS officer BB
Mohanty has got a big
relief from court in a
rape case. After almost
10 years, he has been ac-
quitted of serious charge
of rape. About a decade
ago, a MBA student had
filed a case against him
at Mahesh Nagar police
station in Jaipur.
IAS BB Mohanty’s
lawyer Bhanwar Chau-
han said that on the
court order, an FIR was
registered against Mo-
hanty under Section 376
(2)(N) of the IPC.
Mock drill at Jpr airport
Selected RAS
candidates of 2021
batch appeal to CM
for appointment
First India Bureau
Candidates who have
passed RAS Recruitment
Exam 2021 have ap-
pealed to Chief Minister
Bhajan Lal Sharma for
appointment. Appoint-
ment has not been given
to the qualified candidate
due to code of conduct
for Lok Sabha elections.
However, the election
commission has given
green signal to the ap-
pointment of 988 candi-
dates. Now the candi-
dates are waiting for or-
ders from Chief Minister
Sharma, who is busy
campaigning in Lok Sab-
ha elections. Chief Min-
ister has visited 5 states
in the last one week.
devp works of JMCG
First India Bureau
tors have undertaken road
construction and footpath
repairs in the JMCG area,
along with road light re-
pairs. These works will
now be scrutinized by the
Malaviya National Insti-
tute of Technology
(MNIT), Jaipur. JMCG
Commissioner Rukmani
Riar has issued a letter to
to inspect 9 such projects
undertaken in past few
months  submit a report.
MNIT Jaipur will as-
sess the quality of roads
and footpaths, ensuring
that the work orders is-
poration have been exe-
cuted properly. In fact, to
maintain the quality of
roads, the municipal ad-
ministration has decided
to conduct third-party in-
spections. For this pur-
pose, the corporation will
allocate 5.31 lakh rupees
to MNIT. According to
sources, the Commission-
er has received com-
plaints in the past few
days regarding the sub-
standard quality of roads
and the non-compliance
with work orders. In re-
sponse, the Commission-
er has decided to conduct
third-party inspections of
roads by MNIT Jaipur.
First India Bureau
The Ministry of Ports,
Shipping, and Waterways
convened a crucial meet-
ing via video conferenc-
resentatives from 30
states. Discussions also
delved into issues con-
cerning Rajasthan, ad-
dressed by the Joint Sec-
retary of Ports Shipping.
to form a State River
for Rajasthan, with direc-
tives to establish similar
committees at the state
level. Notable entities like
NHAI, Railways, Trans-
port, Fisheries, and Tour-
ism will be included in
these committees.
Members of the Inland
WaterwaysAuthority will
also be part of these com-
mittees. The file for com-
mittee formation has al-
the WRD Minister. Addi-
tionally, diverse insights
were gleaned from repre-
sentatives of other states
during the meeting.
In the ongoing
investigation into the
organ transplant case
involving a fake NOC, the
Special Investigation Team
(SIT) brought both doctors of
Fortis hospital before court
on Wednesday. During the
hearing SIT informed that
Information from the CDR
revealed that both doctors
were in contact with brokers.
Upon examining their mobile
phones, chats with brokers
were found. Further investi-
gation is warranted based on
evidence. The SIT requested
a 10-day remand for both
doctors, but the court granted
a 6-day remand instead.
An accident due to failure of winding rope occurred
at Kolihan Copper Mine of Hindustan Copper Ltd. at
Khetri, the Director General of Mine Safety (DGMS)
has ordered an enquiry into the causes and circumstances
leading to the accident. The enquiry is being conducted by
I Satyanarayana, Director of Mines Safety (Mining), Ajmer
Region No.2 and Shri JP Verma, Director of Mines Safety
(Mechanical), North Western Zone, Udaipur. Preliminary
enquiry report will be submitted in one week. Indian Bureau
of Mines, an attached office of Ministry of Mines, has issued
an advisory to owners and managers of all underground
metalliferous mines for safety of mine workers. The advisory
gives measures to be followed to ensure safety of miners in
underground mines alongwith directions issued by DGMS.
It includes measures to be taken to ensure safety of hoisting
equipments like cage, winder, headgear, ropes as well as
periodical audit, inspection and use of modern technology.
Gajendra S Khimsar  Shubhra
Singh in a PC on Wednesday.
During the meeting of
Ports Ministry,
instruction were
issued to form a State
River Transportation
Committee, with
directives to establish
similar committees at
the state level
Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
remember once we were
in Gujarat and there was
a gentleman from a
southern state. There is a CM of-
fice complex where all the min-
isters also sit. Narendra bhai was
reaching the office and on his
way when he saw this man stand-
ing outside in the sun, away from
the office complex, he immedi-
ately stopped his vehicle and
talked to him. He asked what had
happened and why he was stand-
ing there? To this, the gentleman
said he had come to visit Gujarat
with his family on a holiday and
his wife had fallen sick. She was
reportedly admitted to the civil
hospital in Ahmedabad and he
had run out of money to bear the
expenses for her further medical
treatment. I remember, without
giving a second thought, Naren-
dra bhai said, I will pay for your
treatment, you need not worry.
Eventually he took charge of his
wife’s treatment and she soon
got well. Much later, when Modi
ji took a trip down to the south
Indian state on a party campaign,
it was found that the same gen-
tleman had pasted and circulated
small posters, urging everyone
to take him to Modi ji. He want-
ed to meet him and pay back the
medical expenses Modi ji had
borne for his wife’s treatment
way back inAhmedabad. Naren-
dra bhai helps so
many people. He
didn’t even re-
member this gen-
tleman but the
man wanted to
pay back his grati-
tude for the lead-
er. Such is Naren-
dra Modi’s rela-
tion with even the
ordinary man of
the street.
fter June 21 was desig-
nated as a global day for
the celebration of yoga,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
“The entire world is today com-
mitted to celebrating International
Yoga Day on June 21 every year.
India is proud of the fact that the
UNO took this matter forward and
177 countries of the world co-
sponsored it. India’s invaluable
heritage has today become the
world’s invaluable heritage.” Be-
fore that, he had told me, we have
to get June 21 recognised by the
UN as International Day of Yoga.
At that time Modi was about to
travel to the US to attend a UNO
meeting. So he told me we have to
get it included in the UN agenda
to put forth a holistic vision of
yoga. Everyone accepted the pro-
need never arose to introduce it in
the UN agenda. I told him, you
have done a great job. It is a big
contribution by you. Modi ji said,
I am amused that even 45 Islamic
countries supported this initiative.
day, he told a huge gathering of
first ray of the sun arose from and
24 hours later where the last ray of
the sun will reach, there will be no
ray, no journey of the sun that will
remain untouched from blessing
all of you yoga practitioners. Modi
very ingeniously chose June 21 as
would be visible for the longest
day across the globe. It was an apt
tribute to yoga and the most noble
of acceptance and appreciation.
hen I was here in Guja-
rat, working in education
counselling, there was a
divisional forest officer (DFO)
named Khamar, whose son would
often consult me for counselling.
Regarding this, I often visited
their house. Once, during a casu-
al conversation I asked him how
things were shaping up and pro-
gressing under the leadership of
Narendra Modi as the state chief
minister. So he told me, when we
go to meet Narendra Modi, we
prepare well beforehand because
no one knows what he would ask.
We do our homework for at least
10 possible questions spanning
different subjects. Once we went
to him with all the 10 possible
questions ready, but he bowled us
with a googly of
an eleventh ques-
tion to which we
had no clue, he
said. He then went
on to add that
Modi ji’s home-
grown informa-
tion network is
beyond the capac-
ity of any official
channel of com-
munication. It is
lightning fast and impeccable.An
incident had happened related to
the forest department at one of
the meetings, of which surpris-
ingly we didn’t know anything,
but Modi ji knew all about it well
before us. He immediately rang
up someone and proved to us the
authenticity of the news that had
happened in our own area but we
didn’t know of. We were left
shame faced, the DFO told me. I
realised, Modi ji’s success as a
great leader, a great CM and a PM
of such calibre rests largely on his
direct and strong rapport at the
local level.
Smriti Irani
Union Minister
Dr HR Nagendra
Yoga Guru
Sunil Lodha
Jaipur, Thursday | May 9, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
e have an RSS office at Salatwada
locality of Vadodara. I was a
pracharak at the office. Even then
I found, Modi ji took the smallest care of
any need of even the smallest karyakarta.
Among all those who reached the office at
3 pm, none was allowed to leave the place
without at least having a cup of tea. Modi
ji ensured that himself. And I also found
he was meticulous about cleanliness from
early days. He would wash his own cup
and also ensure all the cups had been
washed clean and they were spotless. He
used to ask us, “Have you all washed your
cups properly?” He was so particular
about cleanliness that not a piece of paper
was allowed to litter the office premises.
These were some things we had noticed
in Modi ji very early on and they have
continued till today.
s the state CM, Modi ji started
Gunotsav, a programme to im-
prove the quality of education
in the government schools. During the
Gunotsav festival, he would often visit
schools to take stock of the improve-
ments. He would usually take up the
remotest school in the most backward
districts to pay visit. Once during such
a visit he went to a school and after the
inspection, while discussing with the
headmaster, he asked, where is the toi-
let in your school? Surprisingly, he po-
litely said, there was no toilet in the
school. This shocked Modi ji so much
that the very next day as he reached of-
fice, he issued orders that every school
in the state must have proper toilets,
separate for boys and girls. Years later
when he became the PM he launched
the same campaign in the country to
end open defecation and it was a re-
sounding success. The seeds of this
idea came to him from the Gunotsav
n 1989, 1990 and 1991 elec-
tions were to be held. Those
days there were no mobile
phones or internet and thus communi-
cating with the karyakartas on the
ground level, directing them or getting
information was very difficult and time
taking. For this, Modi ji planned a cer-
tain strategy. Most karyakartas go out
for campaigning or poll related work
around 11 in the morning. Thus they
were mostly in their homes in the early
part of the day. We sat from 7 am to
10:30 am every day and called all the
karyakartas in the required constituen-
cies within this time to get all the details
and brief them about their day’s itiner-
ary. We made a list of the karyakartas to
be called the night before. So that in the
morning we were
well equipped
and didn’t need to
waste time. By
10:30 every day,
Modi hi had all
the grasp of the
ground realities
on his fingertips
which helped him
tremendously in
formulating his
next poll strategy.
t was a unique pro-
gramme I fondly
remember. It was in
the year 2005. He organised
a programme for his teach-
ers inAhmedabad. It was for
‘Guru Vandana’ to seek the
blessings of his teachers. He
had invited 27 teachers at
the event. Surprisingly, he
personally went up to each
and every teacher invited
and addressed him by his
name. He bowed in front of
them in obeisance and gar-
landed them in honour of
their services. This was a
unique event never held in
India before in such scale. Pt
Naval Kishore Sharma was
the governor of Gujarat at
that time and had come to
the event as chief guest. He
himself said during his
speech that he had travelled
all over the country but had
never seen or heard such an
initiative as taken up by
Narendra Modi in honour of
his teachers.
nce Narendra Modi
came to his school,
BN High School to
attend an event. There his old
friend Dr Sudheer was also
present. They used to sit on
the same bench in school
ing, Sudheer ji addressed
Modi ji as ‘tu’several times.
Later when he realised
this, he apologised to
him for the disrespect
and told ‘sorry I called
that time Modi ji didn’t
say much. But when he
went on to the stage for
his speech, he said, “ I
was talking to Sudheer a
while back. He called
me by ‘tu’ a couple of
ogised for the same. But I
want to tell Sudheer, that
these days when I find some-
heart fills with joy.” This the
simplicity and humility of
Modi ji.
t was in 1985 that an RSS camp
was about to begin. A meeting
was held to discusss the prepa-
rations for the same. We were five peo-
ple who were overseeing the arrange-
ments for the event. The smallest thing
was ensured, from the safety pin to the
soap. We had to note down everything
so that nothing was found wanting dur-
ing the event. Even the amount of water
that would be required by a karyakarta
for his shower or consumption was cal-
culated and based on the total number
of karyakartas to be attending the event,
the arrangements were planned so that
nothing went waste at the end of the
day. All these were spearheaded by
Narendra Modi. As a pracharak for 20
years, this master planning learnt from
him in 1985 got imprinted in my mind
and always helped me in making the
best arrangements for every event of
the party.
Chandrakant Upadhyay
Natubhai Dhabi
Parshottam Rupala
Union minister
Ketan Devnani
Som Patel
Narendra Modi’s teacher
Bharat Modi
Modi’s penchant
for cleanliness
Narendra Modi started
Gunotsav to improve
quality of education
Narendra Modi ji’s
planned strategy for
Modi ji, a master
of management
Jaipur, Thursday | May 2, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
was the leader of
the opposition in
the assembly. At
that time I took strong
stands on issues. And
mostly Narendra Modi
tried to accommodate
whatever I said. At that
time he used to tell us that
whatever the opposition
suggests, our government
notes it down and even
implements the ones
which are worth it.
Talking about Por-
bandar airport, a terminal
building was established.
Its inauguration was to be
done by then aviation
minister Praful Patel. Nar-
endra Modi was presiding
over that function and as
an MLA and leader of the
Opposition, I was also
present at the programme.
I told Praful Patel that
the runway of the airport
was so small that no big
aircraft could land here. It
was only 1,300 metres
long and thus we needed a
longer runway. It must be
increased to at least 2,600
metres. To this he said that
if Modi gives us the extra
land, we can do that too.
Immediately after hear-
ing this, Modi ji publicly
announced that the airport
would be expanded and
the state government was
ready to make the extra
land available to the Cen-
tre and AAI for the pro-
ject. Simultaneously, he
also informed the collector
to issue the proposal for
the same at the earliest.
But after 2012, I was no
longer an MLA and Modi
ji went on to become the
PM by 2014, so the work
of Porbandar airport even-
tually got sidelined. The
land that was to be allotted
to the airport finally went
to the Coast Guard. It was
a bureaucratic lapse.
I thought, the Coast
Guard was under Defence
Services. So the Gujarat
government won’t be able
to stop them. It is only the
PM who can do the need-
ful. So I told then Gujarat
CM Vijay Rupani that
Modi ji had publicly de-
clared Porbandar airport
would be expanded. The
CMO sent across my mes-
sage to the PM, reminding
him of his promise.
Modi ji acknowledged
and accepted he had
promised it. He immedi-
ately ordered that at any
cost the airport had to be
expanded with a runway
length of 2,600 metres.
Despite my being in the
opposition, Narendra
Modi worked for the
larger interest of the peo-
ple and the state and ac-
cepted and implemented
my proposal, even just
through a message I sent.
Only a big-hearted leader
can do this.
ne day Modi ji de-
the Parliament can-
teen. So he walked into the
MPs canteen on the Parlia-
ment premises. Soon he said,
the same food is being taken
by people outside for Rs 50 to
it is available for just Rs 10.
This is not fair. Do we belong
to some kind of privileged
class? This injustice must
stop. The same food that a
poor man is buying for Rs 50,
we are getting for Rs 5, why?
Since that day, the age-old
MPs came to an end. At the
same time, Modi ji was also
disturbed by the laal batti cul-
ture of MPs, which had be-
come a show of might and
power of the political class - a
colonial hangover. Modi ji
brought an end to this culture
as well. When he faced oppo-
ters, he said no matter who
abides by this or not, but my
ministers at the Centre won’t
indulge in this practice any-
more. All ministers brought
down the red beacons from
their vehicles and the pomp
and show associated with po-
litical heft was thus gone.
e were travelling in
the CM of Gujarat at
that time. There at a place I
met aYuva Morcha karyakar-
ta (BJP youth wing activist).
He asked, “Where are you
from?” I said I was coming
said, you guys are so lucky. In
curiosity asked him, why is it
so? He said, because Naren-
dra Modi is your CM.
Amused, I further prodded
him and asked, why do you
think so? To this he narrated
to me a small story.
He said, “One day I was
sleeping. It was early in the
morning. When I picked up
the call and asked who it was,
the voice from the other side
said here’s Narendra Modi
speaking. Thinking it was a
bad joke by someone, I hung
up the phone. It happened the
second time too.When a third
time the same call came, then
I got alerted. It can’t be a joke
anymore. I thought I could in
fact recognise the voice.Then
once I took the call, he said I
am indeed Narendra Modi. I
have an important message.A
private vehicle from Gujarat
met with an accident in your
area. Immediately send relief
to them and put the injured in
hospitals. After that, update
me. Sitting in Gujarat, Modi ji
had every minute-by-minute
information of anything hap-
pening anywhere on the plan-
et. He even had the number of
the party karyakarta available
nearest to the point of acci-
dent. He didn’t let any proto-
col come in between and di-
rectly called my number to
expedite the rescue. How can
a leader be so meticulous?
That’s why say you are lucky
to have a CM like him.”
Arjun Modhwadia
Former LoP, Gujarat
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi
Former Union Minister
Kanubhai Vyas
The narrators express their belief that PM
Narendra Modi, a leader with a big heart,
dedicated himself to the greater good of the
people. They note that Modi possessed
detailed, minute-by-minute information
about events worldwide. Furthermore,
they acknowledge Modi’s efforts in
abolishing the ‘laal batti’
culture, among other
End of canteen subsidy
and ‘laal batti’ culture
Gujaratis lucky to have the
then CM like Narendra Modi
hat was my first budget
speech as finance minis-
ter. It was a two-and-a-
half hour budget speech and I
had no idea beforehand that it
would be so long. I hadn’t had
water before coming and during
the session also I didn’t drink and
as a result after sometime I was
People seated around me were
wondering what was wrong with
me and slowly I had to sit down
without being able to read out
the full budget piece. Four or
five paragraphs were left to be
finished when I urged the hon-
ourable speaker to consider it as
read as I was unable to continue
any further.
I hadn’t yet reached home
when there was a call from Prime
Minister Narendra Modi himself.
He asked me, what have you
done? Please take care of your-
self, and then he kept the phone
down. In a short time, he sent his
personal doctor to take care of
me. He told him, conduct all the
necessary tests, check her up and
ensure that she is alright.
And after that day, even today,
he periodically asks about my
well being and reminds me to take
proper care of myself. He doesn’t
have to. There are so many min-
isters who could do this. If you
are going to take care of yourself
you are going to
serve, or else I am
sorry. It is as simple
as that. But no. The
PM will make sure
that you take care of
So, that care, that
tenderness in him...
He is seen as a
tough, big and seri-
ous leader, but he
has got that human
element in his heart.
That’s what I want
to highlight.
n artist named Chhaganlal
scheduled caste and was as-
the age of 12, had drawn live images
of the Mahatma during his historic
Dandi march. He drew pencil
sketches of Gandhi ji at six different
spots during his journey apart from
other incidents of those days.Thus it
became a pictorial document of the
march as well as events surrounding
Mahatma Gandhi.
When Acharya Swami ji present-
ed the coffee table book to PM Modi
in 2018, he immediately recognised
Chhaganlal Jadhav’s
work and cried in ex-
citement, oh this is the
drawing of Chhagan-
lal Jadhav. He then
decided to hold an ex-
hibition of the works
of the artist. This was
a unique pictorial doc-
ument of the inde-
pendence struggle
which had no parallel
in the country.
In the National Gal-
lery of Modern Art in
Delhi, the largest of its
kind, the exhibition was put up that
continued for around eight months.
The artist of Ahmedabad from the
SC community made the pictorial
documentation from 1930-1948 and
it was revealed to the world for the
first time due to the innovation and
effort of Narendra Modi.
On March 12, 2021, at Abhay
Ghat, Sabarmati, nearAhmedabad’s
Bapu Ashram, when the Azadi ka
Amrit Mahotsav was to be held, on
drawings were exhibited again.
Chhaganlal Jadhav soon got global
recognition due to these steps.
uring the time of the
Covid pandemic, I used
to get calls all through
the day to perform the final
rites. Everyone wanted to get it
done early. My crematorium at
Seemapuri started receiving
dead bodies. I didn’t go home
for around 21 days.
I lived on the fourth floor
and residents of my building
objected that I was at the cre-
matorium the whole day and I
would thus be carrying the in-
fection back home, which
could lead to its spread. One
night, while performing the fi-
nal rites around 2:30 AM, my
driver told me that there was a
call for me from the PMO. My
hands were full at that time so
I asked him to hold the phone
close to my ear.
On the other side of the
phone, there was a voice that
told me, Shunty ji, I have been
watching you on television for
a long time. The whole country
is with you. Keep on with the
service you are doing. Take
care of the unidentified aban-
doned bodies..I thanked him
and when I asked who I was
speaking to, the voice on the
other side said, I am Narendra
Modi speaking!
The Prime Minister of the
country, calling up a common
man like me at the dead of night
to motivate and thank me for
my service, shows how meticu-
lous he is and how he worries
about the whole nation. I have
shared this on several plat-
forms. For me, I got to learn
that irrespective of the position
one achieves, one must always
be down to earth. This is a great
learning of life I realised after
Modi ji’s call that night.
Jaipur, Thursday | April 25, 2024
thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
Nirmala Sitharaman
Union Finance Minister
Dr Rizwan Kadri
Jitender Singh Shunty
Former MLA and social worker, Delhi
The narrators shed light on PM Modi’s
nurturing and affectionate demeanour,
revealing innate humanity within him.
Regardless of his position, PM’s grounded
nature shines through, with myriad other
qualities he possesses and lots more...
ThehumansideofPMModi How artist Chhagan Jadhav got
global recognition due to Modi
The leader who cares...
You read PART 80
on APRIL 18, 2024
 Vol 5  Issue No. 318  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
You read PART 81
on APRIL 25, 2024
 Vol 5  Issue No. 325  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
You read PART 82
on MAY 2, 2024
 Vol 5  Issue No. 332  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
You read PART 83
on MAY 9, 2024
 Vol 5  Issue No. 339  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
The narrators highlight
Modi’s compassionate
leadership through personal
hospital support and his
tireless promotion of yoga
globally. His direct
connections with people at
the local level are credited
for his effective governance,
solidifying his impactful
legacy and lots more...
Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
‘Take action if parties register voters for post-poll schemes’
New Delhi
he Delhi elec-
tion body has
urged the city
police to act strictly
against political parties
and their workers indulg-
ing in registration of vot-
ers for post-election ben-
eficiary-oriented scheme.
In a letter to Delhi Po-
lice Commissioner San-
jay Arora on May 11, the
poll body asked him to
sensitise the field func-
tionaries and district po-
lice to be proactive and
more vigilant to curb
such unlawful activities.
The letter said the Del-
hi election office has re-
ceived complaints about
“some” political parties
“registering voters” for
post-election benefi-
ciary-oriented schemes
in the garb of conducting
surveys. Such parties are
asking voters to fill up
the forms manually or
digitally to get benefits of
their prospective
schemes, it added.
The national capital
has seven Lok Sabha
seats and would go to
polls on May 25 in the
sixth phase. “Complaints
are being received
against some political
parties and their workers
for registering the indi-
viduals for beneficiary-
oriented schemes and
distributing guarantee
cards in the form of pam-
phlets giving details of
prospective individual
benefits along with an at-
tached form asking for
details of voters such as
name, age, address, mo-
bile number, booth num-
ber, constituency name
and number etc,” the let-
ter issued by the Delhi
chief electoral officer’s
office to the CP read.
The poll body said
“while action is being
taken by the returning of-
ficers (RO) against such
violations, you (CP) are
also requested to direct,
sensitise the field func-
tionaries, district police
to be proactive and more
vigilant to curb such un-
lawful activities, if any, in
the area of their respec-
tive jurisdiction.” It urged
the CPto ensure that strict
and swift action is taken
against people found in-
dulging in such acts.
91-year-old Kantaben Nagindas Shah casts her vote by
exercising the vote-from-home facility for Lok Sabha elections,
in Mumbai, Wednesday. PTI
The election body also
suggested that the
police could take the
action under Section
127A and 123(1) of
the Representation of
People Act, 1951 and
Section 171 (B) of
Indian Penal Code
I am exposing Opposition’s
plan to divide people: Modi
Kalyan (Maharashtra)
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi on Wednesday said
he was exposing the Con-
gress and INDI alliance’s
plans to divide people on
the basis of religion, and
to him the country’s unity
was more important than
his own image.
The Prime Minister
claimed that he exposed
the Congress party’s “in-
tentions” on several oc-
casions, while the latter
blamed him for “commu-
nalising politics.”
The Congress wanted
to divide the country’s
budget into Muslim
budget and Hindu budget
by allocating 15 percent
of funds for the Muslims,
Modi alleged.
The INDI alliance of
the opposition will im-
plement this policy of ap-
peasement after coming
to power, he claimed.
The INDI alliance and
the “Congress’shehzade”
(apparent reference to
Rahul Gandhi) were do-
ing politics over religion,
and Karnataka was their
laboratory, Modi said.
Muslims in Karnataka
were included in the
OBC quota overnight,
and Congress planned to
implement this in the rest
of the country, the prime
minister alleged.
“Modi is exposing the
INDI alliance’s plans to
divide people on the ba-
sis of religion. More than
my image, the unity of
the country is important
to me,” the PM added.
In Maharashtra PM slams Cong, says party trying to create communal disharmony
Prime Minister Narendra Modi being felicitated during a public meeting for Lok Sabha elections, in
Kalyan, Maharashtra, Wednesday. Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde is also seen.  PTI
Nashik: PM Narendra
Modi on Wednes-
day accused the
Congress of wanting to
allocate 15 per cent of the
central government budget
for minorities and vowed not
to allow splitting of budget or
reservation in jobs and edu-
cation on the basis of reli-
gion. The Congress, when in
power at the Centre between
2004 and 2014, had planned
to spend 15% of the budget
on minorities which is its “fa-
vourite vote-bank”, but gave
up the proposal due to the
BJP’s stiff opposition though
it has not entirely abandoned
the idea, he said. Address-
ing an election rally -- Union
minister Bharati Pawar (BJP)
and Hemant Godse (Shiv
Sena) -- the PM said splitting
budget on religious lines was
a dangerous idea.
Patnaik pushed Odisha
back by 50 years: Shah
Soroda (Odisha)
Home Minister Amit
Shah on Wednesday al-
leged that Odisha Chief
Minister Naveen Patnaik
has pushed the state back
by 50 years during the
BJD’s 25-year rule, and
urged voters to give an
opportunity to the BJP to
form government.
Addressing an election
rally at Soroda under the
Aska Lok Sabha constit-
uency, Shah also claimed
that the state is being run
by “outsiders” instead of
elected representatives.
“PM Modi has en-
hanced the reputation of
Odisha across the world...
However, in 25 years of
BJD rule, Naveen babu
pushed the state back 50
years.,” he said. The
home minister also said
the BJP will implement
the ‘One Nation One Ra-
tion Card’ scheme in
Odisha if it comes to
power in the state.
Home Minister Amit Shah addresses a campaign rally for Lok
Sabha polls at Chanditala, in Hooghly, Wednesday. PTI
Shimla: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home
Minister Amit Shah, party president J P Nadda and
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will be
the star campaigners for the BJP for the June 1 Lok Sabha
election and Assembly bypolls in Himachal Pradesh. The
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) released its list of 40 star
campaigners on Tuesday. The list also includes the names of
Union ministers Smriti Irani, Rajnath Singh, Nitin Gadkari, Piy-
ush Goyal, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Hardeep Singh Puri, Assam
Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, Madhya Pradesh Chief
Minister Mohan Yadav, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar
Singh Dhami, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma,
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, former Madhya
Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and former
Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar.
INDIA bloc will double
the quantity of free
ration, says Kharge
Congress President Mal-
likarjun Kharge today
announced that if the IN-
DIA bloc is voted to
power it will increase the
ration quota for the poor
from 5 kilograms to 10
“It was the Congress
that brought in the Food
Security Act and Prime
Minister Narendra Modi
is now taking the credit
for it. INDIA bloc gov-
ernment will double the
amount of free ration for
the poor,” he said in a
joint press conference.
He further said that the
INDIA bloc would im-
plement the Panch Nyay
and guarantees men-
tioned in the manifesto
and the state would be
free to add on anything
they want for their areas.
Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and SP President Akhilesh
Yadav during a joint press conference, in Lucknow, Wednesday.
The Cong brought the
Food Security Act, you
(Modi) did nothing.
You are giving five kg,
if I.N.D.I.A. bloc govt is
formed, we will give 10
kg of ration to the
poor. I am saying this
with guarantee
because we have
already done it in
Telangana  K’taka.
BJP wants to tear this
book, but we in
Congress and the
people of India will not
allow it. If BJP wins, the
reservation will be
scrapped, the public
sector will be
privatised, and the
country will be run by
22 billionaires. That’s
why the people’s govt
should be formed.
Priyanka Gandhi “non-serious, tourist” politician: Piyush Goyal
Union Minister Piyush
Goyal on Wednesday de-
scribed Priyanka Gandhi
Vadra as a “non-serious”
and “tourist” politician
who disappear after elec-
tions and cannot under-
stand the real India.
Goyal also said that he
respected the role of the
Nehru-Gandhi family in
the freedom struggle and
claimed that the “person-
al ambition of an indi-
vidual prevailed over the
will of the people of In-
dia” post-Independence.
“I don’t think so.These
are non-serious politi-
cians. They don’t seem to
connect with the real In-
dia. They live in an uto-
pian world. Occasionally,
they come out into the
field during elections and
disappear after that,”
Goyal said in response to
a question by PTI during
his campaign trail in
Mumbai on whether Pri-
yanka Gandhi would
emerge as a formidable
politician in the future.
“They can’t really
serve the people, under-
stand the real India as a
tourist politician.”
The senior BJP leader
said the Congress, after
Independence, preferred
to encash the work of
many freedom fighters
for an individual family.
Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is being greeted by
supporters during a rally for LS elections, in Rae Bareli, Wednesday.
New Delhi: Con-
gress leader Pri-
yanka Gandhi Vadra
on Wednesday accused the
BJP of diverting people’s
attention and bringing up
religion during elections.
Gandhi said the govern-
ment was not accountable
to the people in the last 10
years due to this “politics
of religion”. “The leaders of
BJP have realised that they
can come to power after
tricking you in the name of
religion,” she said in a rally.
The BJP’s leaders, right
from PM Modi to the BJP
candidates, all think that
there is no need to work for
the public and “divert your
attention in the name of
religion” during elections,
she added.
New Delhi: Delhi CM Arvind
Kejriwal’s poll campaign
after his release on interim
bail will constantly remind people
about the liquor scam and his bro-
ken promises which will only add
to the BJP’s votes, Union Minister
Piyush Goyal said. He also noted
that the SC had clarified that the
AAP chief has been granted interim bail without going into
the merits of the liquor scam case against him.
New Delhi: The
BJP flayed AAP
supremo Arvind
Kejriwal over the alleged
incident of misbehavior
with his party MP Swati
Maliwal and demanded
either he ask his assistant
Bibhav Kumar, who is the accused, to resign or he himself
quit as chief minister. BJP national spokesperson Shazia
Ilmi also expressed concern over Maliwal’s safety.
EC operating under Modi’s directions: Mamata
West Bengal CM and
TMC chief Mamata Ba-
nerjee on Wednesday an-
nounced that her party
would lend support to the
opposition INDIA bloc
from outside to establish
the government at the
Centre and vowed to re-
peal the CAA, NRC and
UCC once the BJP gov-
ernment is voted out of
power. Expressing skepti-
cism about the BJP’s am-
bitious target of achieving
elections, she said people
will reject them totally.
“BJP is claiming to
win 400 seats, but people
are saying it will not hap-
pen. We (TMC) will sup-
port the INDIAbloc from
outside to form a govern-
ment at the Centre. We
will extend our support
so that in (West) Bengal,
our mothers and sisters
never face a problem...
and those who work in
the 100 days’job scheme,
also do not face prob-
lems,” Banerjee said.
The TMC supremo,
who was addressing an
election rally at Chinsu-
rah clarified that in West
Bengal, her party would
not support the Congress
and CPI(M). Banerjee al-
leged that both the par-
ties, who are part of the
INDIA alliance, have
joined hands and helping
the BJP in the state.
West Bengal CM Mamata
Banerjee greets supporters in
an election rally, Wednesday.
Yogi ji accomplished
what I couldn’t in my
tenure as CM: Singh
Defence Minister Ra-
jnath Singh remarked
on Wednesday that the
tasks he couldn’t ac-
complish during his
tenure as CM have been
achieved under the dy-
namic leadership of
Yogi ji. He highlighted
that Chief Minister
Yogi Adityanath’s ini-
tiatives are now gaining
attention not just na-
tionally, but interna-
tionally as well.
The Defence Minis-
ter delivered a brief
speech owing to a leg
injury sustained at a pre-
vious rally in Andhra
Pradesh, mentioning his
difficulty in standing for
extended periods. In his
remarks, Rajnath Singh
praised CM Yogi’s re-
markable achievements
in the state, noting,
“Yogi ji has accom-
plished tasks beyond
imagination during his
tenure as CM.”
Rajnath Singh em-
phasized that the fore-
most requirement for
the progress of any state
is to ensure law and or-
der. He highlighted that
regard have garnered at-
tention both nationally
and internationally,
making Uttar Pradesh a
source of pride.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh with UP CM Yogi Adityanath
during a public meeting, in Lucknow, Wednesday. PTI
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  • 1. PERSPECT VE 04 Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia ‘MODI HAI TO MUMKIN HAI…’ UNTOLD STORIES OF PM MODI — PART 84 THEMODIEVOLUTION THEMODIEVOLUTION HOMETOWN HERO TO GLOBAL STATESMAN remember once we were in Gujarat and there was a gentleman from a southern state. There is a CM of- fice complex where all the min- isters also sit. Narendra bhai was reaching the office and on his way when he saw this man stand- ing outside in the sun, away from the office complex, he immedi- ately stopped his vehicle and talked to him. He asked what had happened and why he was stand- ing there? To this, the gentleman said he had come to visit Gujarat with his family on a holiday and his wife had fallen sick. She was reportedly admitted to the civil hospital in Ahmedabad and he had run out of money to bear the expenses for her further medical treatment. I remember, without giving a second thought, Naren- dra bhai said, I will pay for your treatment, you need not worry. Eventually he took charge of his wife’s treatment and she soon got well. Much later, when Modi ji took a trip down to the south Indian state on a party campaign, it was found that the same gen- tleman had pasted and circulated small posters, urging everyone to take him to Modi ji. He want- ed to meet him and pay back the medical expenses Modi ji had borne for his wife’s treatment way back inAhmedabad. Naren- dra bhai helps so many people. He didn’t even re- member this gen- tleman but the man wanted to pay back his grati- tude for the lead- er. Such is Naren- dra Modi’s rela- tion with even the ordinary man of the street. fter June 21 was desig- nated as a global day for the celebration of yoga, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, “The entire world is today com- mitted to celebrating International Yoga Day on June 21 every year. India is proud of the fact that the UNO took this matter forward and 177 countries of the world co- sponsored it. India’s invaluable heritage has today become the world’s invaluable heritage.” Be- fore that, he had told me, we have to get June 21 recognised by the UN as International Day of Yoga. At that time Modi was about to travel to the US to attend a UNO meeting. So he told me we have to get it included in the UN agenda 3-6monthspriortothevisit.Iwant to put forth a holistic vision of yoga. Everyone accepted the pro- posalunanimously.Eventually,the need never arose to introduce it in the UN agenda. I told him, you have done a great job. It is a big contribution by you. Modi ji said, I am amused that even 45 Islamic countries supported this initiative. Later,inaspeechontheauspicious day, he told a huge gathering of yogapractitioners,todaywherethe first ray of the sun arose from and 24 hours later where the last ray of the sun will reach, there will be no ray, no journey of the sun that will remain untouched from blessing all of you yoga practitioners. Modi very ingeniously chose June 21 as thedaybecauseonthatdaythesun would be visible for the longest time.Lightisthemaximumonthat day across the globe. It was an apt tribute to yoga and the most noble waytotakeitontotheglobalstage of acceptance and appreciation. hen I was here in Guja- rat, working in education counselling, there was a divisional forest officer (DFO) named Khamar, whose son would often consult me for counselling. Regarding this, I often visited their house. Once, during a casu- al conversation I asked him how things were shaping up and pro- gressing under the leadership of Narendra Modi as the state chief minister. So he told me, when we go to meet Narendra Modi, we prepare well beforehand because no one knows what he would ask. We do our homework for at least 10 possible questions spanning different subjects. Once we went to him with all the 10 possible questions ready, but he bowled us with a googly of an eleventh ques- tion to which we had no clue, he said. He then went on to add that Modi ji’s home- grown informa- tion network is beyond the capac- ity of any official channel of com- munication. It is lightning fast and impeccable.An incident had happened related to the forest department at one of the meetings, of which surpris- ingly we didn’t know anything, but Modi ji knew all about it well before us. He immediately rang up someone and proved to us the authenticity of the news that had happened in our own area but we didn’t know of. We were left shame faced, the DFO told me. I realised, Modi ji’s success as a great leader, a great CM and a PM of such calibre rests largely on his direct and strong rapport at the local level. Smriti Irani Union Minister Dr HR Nagendra Yoga Guru Sunil Lodha Maharashtra I A W COMPILED AND EDITED BY SHASHIKANT SHARMA A LEADER’S CARE, AND LOVE RETURNED TAKING YOGA TO THE WORLD, THE MODI WAY MODIJI’S INFORMATION NETWORK FASTER THAN ANY OFFICIAL CHANNEL PERSPECT VE 04 Jaipur, Thursday | May 9, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia ‘MODI HAI TO MUMKIN HAI…’ UNTOLD STORIES OF PM MODI — PART 83 MODI’S SIMPLE-YET-STRONG POWER PLAY APPROACH! e have an RSS office at Salatwada locality of Vadodara. I was a pracharak at the office. Even then I found, Modi ji took the smallest care of any need of even the smallest karyakarta. Among all those who reached the office at 3 pm, none was allowed to leave the place without at least having a cup of tea. Modi ji ensured that himself. And I also found he was meticulous about cleanliness from early days. He would wash his own cup and also ensure all the cups had been washed clean and they were spotless. He used to ask us, “Have you all washed your cups properly?” He was so particular about cleanliness that not a piece of paper was allowed to litter the office premises. These were some things we had noticed in Modi ji very early on and they have continued till today. s the state CM, Modi ji started Gunotsav, a programme to im- prove the quality of education in the government schools. During the Gunotsav festival, he would often visit schools to take stock of the improve- ments. He would usually take up the remotest school in the most backward districts to pay visit. Once during such a visit he went to a school and after the inspection, while discussing with the headmaster, he asked, where is the toi- let in your school? Surprisingly, he po- litely said, there was no toilet in the school. This shocked Modi ji so much that the very next day as he reached of- fice, he issued orders that every school in the state must have proper toilets, separate for boys and girls. Years later when he became the PM he launched the same campaign in the country to end open defecation and it was a re- sounding success. The seeds of this idea came to him from the Gunotsav experience. n 1989, 1990 and 1991 elec- tions were to be held. Those days there were no mobile phones or internet and thus communi- cating with the karyakartas on the ground level, directing them or getting information was very difficult and time taking. For this, Modi ji planned a cer- tain strategy. Most karyakartas go out for campaigning or poll related work around 11 in the morning. Thus they were mostly in their homes in the early part of the day. We sat from 7 am to 10:30 am every day and called all the karyakartas in the required constituen- cies within this time to get all the details and brief them about their day’s itiner- ary. We made a list of the karyakartas to be called the night before. So that in the morning we were well equipped and didn’t need to waste time. By 10:30 every day, Modi hi had all the grasp of the ground realities on his fingertips which helped him tremendously in formulating his next poll strategy. t was a unique pro- gramme I fondly remember. It was in the year 2005. He organised a programme for his teach- ers inAhmedabad. It was for ‘Guru Vandana’ to seek the blessings of his teachers. He had invited 27 teachers at the event. Surprisingly, he personally went up to each and every teacher invited and addressed him by his name. He bowed in front of them in obeisance and gar- landed them in honour of their services. This was a unique event never held in India before in such scale. Pt Naval Kishore Sharma was the governor of Gujarat at that time and had come to the event as chief guest. He himself said during his speech that he had travelled all over the country but had never seen or heard such an initiative as taken up by Narendra Modi in honour of his teachers. nce Narendra Modi came to his school, BN High School to attend an event.There his old friend Dr Sudheer was also present. They used to sit on the same bench in school whengrowingup.Whiletalk- ing, Sudheer ji addressed Modi ji as ‘tu’several times. Later when he realised this, he apologised to him for the disrespect and told ‘sorry I called youtuinmyaddress’.At that time Modi ji didn’t say much. But when he went on to the stage for his speech, he said, “ I was talking to Sudheer a while back. He called me by ‘tu’ a couple of timesandlateralsoapol- ogised for the same. But I want to tell Sudheer, that these days when I find some- oneaddressingmeas‘tu’,my heart fills with joy.” This the simplicity and humility of Modi ji. t was in 1985 that an RSS camp was about to begin. A meeting was held to discusss the prepa- rations for the same. We were five peo- ple who were overseeing the arrange- ments for the event. The smallest thing was ensured, from the safety pin to the soap. We had to note down everything so that nothing was found wanting dur- ing the event. Even the amount of water that would be required by a karyakarta for his shower or consumption was cal- culated and based on the total number of karyakartas to be attending the event, the arrangements were planned so that nothing went waste at the end of the day. All these were spearheaded by Narendra Modi. As a pracharak for 20 years, this master planning learnt from him in 1985 got imprinted in my mind and always helped me in making the best arrangements for every event of the party. Chandrakant Upadhyay Vadodara Natubhai Dhabi Gandhinagar Parshottam Rupala Union minister Ketan Devnani Gujarat Som Patel Narendra Modi’s teacher Bharat Modi Gujarat Modi’s penchant for cleanliness Narendra Modi started Gunotsav to improve quality of education Narendra Modi ji’s planned strategy for communication WHEN MODI SHOWED GRATITUDE TO HIS TEACHERS MODI’SSIMPLICITYENHANCES OURRESPECTFORHIM Modi ji, a master of management W I A O I I COMPILED AND EDITED BY SHASHIKANT SHARMA PERSPECT VE 04 Jaipur, Thursday | May 2, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia was the leader of the opposition in the assembly. At that time I took strong stands on issues. And mostly Narendra Modi tried to accommodate whatever I said. At that time he used to tell us that whatever the opposition suggests, our government notes it down and even implements the ones which are worth it. Talking about Por- bandar airport, a terminal building was established. Its inauguration was to be done by then aviation minister Praful Patel. Nar- endra Modi was presiding over that function and as an MLA and leader of the Opposition, I was also present at the programme. I told Praful Patel that the runway of the airport was so small that no big aircraft could land here. It was only 1,300 metres long and thus we needed a longer runway. It must be increased to at least 2,600 metres. To this he said that if Modi gives us the extra land, we can do that too. Immediately after hear- ing this, Modi ji publicly announced that the airport would be expanded and the state government was ready to make the extra land available to the Cen- tre and AAI for the pro- ject. Simultaneously, he also informed the collector to issue the proposal for the same at the earliest. But after 2012, I was no longer an MLA and Modi ji went on to become the PM by 2014, so the work of Porbandar airport even- tually got sidelined. The land that was to be allotted to the airport finally went to the Coast Guard. It was a bureaucratic lapse. I thought, the Coast Guard was under Defence Services. So the Gujarat government won’t be able to stop them. It is only the PM who can do the need- ful. So I told then Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani that Modi ji had publicly de- clared Porbandar airport would be expanded. The CMO sent across my mes- sage to the PM, reminding him of his promise. Modi ji acknowledged and accepted he had promised it. He immedi- ately ordered that at any cost the airport had to be expanded with a runway length of 2,600 metres. Despite my being in the opposition, Narendra Modi worked for the larger interest of the peo- ple and the state and ac- cepted and implemented my proposal, even just through a message I sent. Only a big-hearted leader can do this. ne day Modi ji de- cidedtohavelunchat the Parliament can- teen. So he walked into the MPs canteen on the Parlia- ment premises. Soon he said, the same food is being taken by people outside for Rs 50 to Rs 100aplate,andhere inside it is available for just Rs 10. This is not fair. Do we belong to some kind of privileged class? This injustice must stop. The same food that a poor man is buying for Rs 50, we are getting for Rs 5, why? Since that day, the age-old practiceofcanteensubsidyfor MPs came to an end. At the same time, Modi ji was also disturbed by the laal batti cul- ture of MPs, which had be- come a show of might and power of the political class - a colonial hangover. Modi ji brought an end to this culture as well. When he faced oppo- sitiontothisfromcertainquar- ters, he said no matter who abides by this or not, but my ministers at the Centre won’t indulge in this practice any- more. All ministers brought down the red beacons from their vehicles and the pomp and show associated with po- litical heft was thus gone. e were travelling in Kashmir.Modijiwas the CM of Gujarat at that time. There at a place I met aYuva Morcha karyakar- ta (BJP youth wing activist). He asked, “Where are you from?” I said I was coming fromGujarat.Heimmediately said, you guys are so lucky. In curiosity asked him, why is it so? He said, because Naren- dra Modi is your CM. Amused, I further prodded him and asked, why do you think so? To this he narrated to me a small story. He said, “One day I was sleeping. It was early in the morning. When I picked up the call and asked who it was, the voice from the other side said here’s Narendra Modi speaking. Thinking it was a bad joke by someone, I hung up the phone. It happened the second time too.When a third time the same call came, then I got alerted. It can’t be a joke anymore. I thought I could in fact recognise the voice.Then once I took the call, he said I am indeed Narendra Modi. I have an important message.A private vehicle from Gujarat withseveral Gujaratis init has met with an accident in your area. Immediately send relief to them and put the injured in hospitals. After that, update me. SittinginGujarat,Modiji had every minute-by-minute information of anything hap- pening anywhere on the plan- et. He even had the number of the party karyakarta available nearest to the point of acci- dent. He didn’t let any proto- col come in between and di- rectly called my number to expedite the rescue. How can a leader be so meticulous? That’s why say you are lucky to have a CM like him.” Arjun Modhwadia Former LoP, Gujarat Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Former Union Minister Kanubhai Vyas Gujarat ‘MODI HAI TO MUMKIN HAI…’ UNTOLD STORIES OF PM MODI — PART 82 COMPILED AND EDITED BY SHASHIKANT SHARMA PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI The narrators express their belief that PM Narendra Modi, a leader with a big heart, dedicated himself to the greater good of the people. They note that Modi possessed detailed, minute-by-minute information about events worldwide. Furthermore, they acknowledge Modi’s efforts in abolishing the ‘laal batti’ culture, among other accomplishments. MODI,ATRUEDEMOCRAT INLETTERANDSPIRIT End of canteen subsidy and ‘laal batti’ culture Gujaratis lucky to have the then CM like Narendra Modi I O W NAMO PERSPECT VE THEMODI COVENANT You read PART 81 on APRIL 25, 2024 PEOPLE-FIRST PARADIGM  Vol 5  Issue No. 325  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act You read PART 82 on MAY 2, 2024  Vol 5  Issue No. 332  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act Prime Minister Narendra Modi You read PART 83 on MAY 9, 2024  Vol 5  Issue No. 339  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act Prime Minister Narendra Modi The narrators highlight Modi’s compassionate leadership through personal hospital support and his tireless promotion of yoga globally. His direct connections with people at the local level are credited for his effective governance, solidifying his impactful legacy and lots more... Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024 RNI NUMBER: RAJENG/2019/77764 | VOL 5 | ISSUE NO. 339 | PAGES 12 | `3.00 Rajasthan’s Own English Newspaper thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia First India Bureau Ranchi The Enforcement Direc- torate on Wednesday ar- rested Jharkhand minis- ter Alamgir Alam in money laundering case, this days after `35 crore was recovered from the house of his personal sec- retary’s do- mestic help. Alam was arrested af- ter being questioned by the central agency in connection with the cash seizure. “I was called to- day as well and so I have come,” the state rural de- velopment minister had told reporters before en- tering the ED office. He was interrogated by the ED for about 10 hours on Tuesday. Congress leader was summoned by ED to appear at its zonal office in Ranchi to record his statement under PMLA. Pradeep Gadhwal Neem Ka Thana A senior official of Hin- dustan Copper Limited (HCL) who was trapped inside a copper mine in Neem Ka Thana district died on Wednesday after disaster rescue personnel pulled out all 15 people who got trapped after a lift used to transport per- sonnel inside the mine collapsed. Chief Vigilance Of- ficer Upendra Pandey of the company, along with 14 other personnel, were taken out of the Kolihan mine and rushed to hos- Finally, ED nabs Jharkhand min Alamgir Alam CM PAYS TRIBUTE TO ‘BABOSA’; HEADS TO KOLKATA Modi understands pain of poor: CM Satyanarayan Sharma and Aishwary Pradhan Jaipur/Kolkata M Bhajan Lal Sharma on We d n e s d a y reachedVidyadhar Nagar stadium in Jaipur and paid tribute to Late Bhai- ron Singh Shekhawat. Many dignitaries includ- ing Union Minister GS Shekhawat, Governor Kalraj Mishra, Deputy CM Diya Kumari, MLA Balmukund Acharya and others also paid tributes. During the day, the CM went on Kolkata tour where he attended a pro- gram with expatriate Ra- jasthanis at Avni Mall. Addressing the migrant Rajasthanis, Chief Min- ister Bhajan Lal Sharma said, “Before 2014, we were under the shadow of terrorism and Naxalism. Mamata never had any connection with poverty and poor welfare. Modi understands pain of poor. Nationalism is rampant among expatriate Rajast- hanis who can never for- get Rajasthani culture.” During the ‘Abhinan- dan’ programme of Jain Shwetambar Terapanthi Sabha Trust, CM Bhajan Lal Sharma said that,”A huge contribution has been made by sages, saints and mahants in showing the way to the country. Our culture, our thoughts come first.” P8 CM Bhajan Lal Sharma, Balmukund Acharya, Narpat Singh Rajvi, Abhimanyu Singh Rajvi and others pay tributes to ‘Babosa’ at ‘Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat Memorial’ in Jaipur on Wednesday. C Mine lift collapse: One Hindustan Copper Ltd official dies, 14 rescued EX-GUJARAT GOVERNOR KAMLA BENIWAL PASSES AWAY AGED 97 ‘RAJMATA’ MADHAVI RAJE SCINDIA NO MORE Veteran Congress leader and former Governor and former Deputy Chief Minister Kamla Beniwal died at a private hospital in Jaipur on Wednesday. She was 97. Beniwal was admitted to the hospital after a brief illness where she died. A family member said that funeral will be conducted on Thursday. Beniwal served as Guv in Gujarat, Tripura and Mizoram, deputy CM in Rajasthan apart from holding other posts. She was elected as MLA 7 times. MORE ON P8 Rajmata of the Gwalior royal family, mother of union civil aviation min- ister Jyotiraditya Scindia, Madhavi Raje Scindia, 75, died on Wednesday at AIIMS. Madhavi was born into Nepal’s royal family and married Madhavrao in 1966. Her grandfather, Juddha Shamsher, was the PM of Nepal from 1932 to 1945. A philanthropist, she was involved in charity work in multiple fields. P8 PM MODI, VP, GUV, CM, CONDOLE DEMISE PM Narendra Modi, VP Jagdeep Dhankhar, Gov- ernor Kalraj Mishra, CM Bhajan Lal Sharma, for- mer CM Ashok Gehlot and other leaders condoled the demise of Beniwal. GETS ROLLING! ‘JO KAHA, WOH KIYA’: PM NARENDRA MODI DELIVERS ON CAA PROMISE TO THE NATION  Centre hands over first set of citizenship certificates to over 14 applicants under CAA  The CAA or Citizenship (Amendment) Act passed by the Parliament in 2019, notified in March Moni Sharma New Delhi The first set of citizenship certifi- cates under the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) was is- sued to 14 people on Wednesday, nearly 2 months after the Centre notified the rules. Under CAA, minorities persecuted on religious grounds in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan can acquire citi- zenship in India. The Union gov- ernment granted citizenship cer- tificates to more than 300 people who applied under the CAA, 2019, the Union MHA said. “I came here in 2014, and I was very happy when this (CAA) was Pakistan, we girls couldn’t study and it was difficult to go out, if we had to go out, we used to wear burqa. In India, we get to study, I am currently in 11th standard and I got to tuition as well...,” Bhavna, one of the appli- cants said after getting certificate. Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla hands over first set of citizenship certificates under the CAA, in New Delhi on Wednesday. Bhavna says, ‘I am feeling very happy that I can study further’. The Ministry of Home Affairs has initiated the process of issuing certificates (under CAA). I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to 14 refugees. CAA is PM Narendra Modi’s promise to the nation. AMIT SHAH, UNION HOME MINISTER POLLISNOTJUSTTOPICK ANMP;BUTALSOPM:MODI First India Bureau Dindori/Kalyan Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday at- tended large-scale events in Maharashtra’s Dindori and Kalyan, where he as- sured the farmers of ac- celerated development and growth in the state. The PM discussed his vi- sion for a Viksit Bharat. He said, “We have con- tinuously worked on what work needs to be done and what decisions need to be taken in the first 100 days after the formation of the government.” Addressing the rally, PM Modi spoke of the election’s significance and BJP’s commitment to serving the nation, “We draw inspiration from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. This election is not just about choosing an MP; it’s about choos- ing a PM who can make tough decisions to strengthen India.” P5 Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde and Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis greet crowd during a roadshow, ahead of the Lok Sabha Election in Mumbai on Wednesday. Union Home Minister Amit Shah speaks during an interview with ANI Editor-in-Chief Smita Prakash, in New Delhi on Wednesday. The Supreme Court has the right to interpret the law, I believe this is not routine judgement. A lot of people in this country believe that special treatment has been given (to Arvind Kejriwal). AMIT SHAH, UNION HOME MINISTER ‘IF I DO HINDU-MUSLIM, I WILL BE UNWORTHY OF PUBLIC LIFE, I WILL NOT DO IT, IT’S MY RESOLVE’ Maintaining that he believes “people of my country will vote for me”, PM Modi said “the day I do Hindu-Muslim, I will be unworthy of public life” and “it is my resolve” that “I will not do Hindu-Muslim”. Modi made these remarks in an interview to TV channel News18 India — he posted clips of the interview on X — in Varanasi on the day he filed his nomination papers. SINGAPORE GETS 1ST NEW PM IN 20 YEARS Lawrence Wong has been sworn in as Sin- gapore’s first new PM in 20 years and only its 4th leader since independ- ence, capping a carefully calibrated power transfer aimed at ensuring conti- nuity in the wealthy city- state. Lee Hsien Loong stepped down following two decades in office. Modi is our leader even after 2029, claims Amit Shah Kejri’s ‘if vote for broom, won’t return to jail’ remarks ‘clear contempt of SC’: Shah ANI New Delhi Union Home Minister Amit Shah has expressed confidence of the BJP-led NDA returning to power in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls under the leadership of PM Modi and asserted that PM Modi will con- tinue to lead the BJPeven after the next general elections. In an interview with ANI, Amit Shah took potshots at Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. “I want to make it clear again, Modiji will remain till 2029. And Kejriwalji, there is no good news for you. Even after 2029, Modiji is our leader. We will contest elections un- der his leadership,” Amit Shah told ANI. Shah also took a dig at Kejriwal’s 10 guarantees and said his comments need not be taken seri- ously as AAP is contest- ing only 22 LS seats. ‘PoK IS OURS AND WE WILL TAKE IT BACK’ Howrah: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday stated that Pak-occupied Kashmir (PoK) is a part of India and that the Modi government is committed to taking it back. Addressing an election rally for fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections in WB’s Howrah, Shah said, “Isn’t PoK ours? Mani Shankar Aiyar and Farooq Abdullah used to scare us by saying that Pakistan has an atom bomb so we should not speak about PoK. Rahul, Mamata didi, no matter how scared you are, Pak-occu- pied Kashmir is ours and we will take it back.” P5 Exercise your right to vote in poll wisely and contribute to the nation-building process by voting for progress and development. NARENDRA MODI, PRIME MINISTER 1927-2024 1949-2024 CONDOLENCES SDRF team taking injured to hospital following a lift collapse at the Kolihan copper mine, in Neem Ka Thana on Wednesday. pitals for treatment. The company officials and the police confirmed the death of the HCL offi- cial Pandey on Wednes- day afternoon. Some of those injured were re- ferred to Jaipur after treatment at KCC Hos- pital in Khetri. P3 P4 LAWRENCE WONG `35 CRORE CASH RECOVERY CASE SENSEX 72,987.03 117.58 BSE 22,200.55 17.30 NIFTY IN BRIEF Slovakian PM critical post assassination attempt Berlin: Robert Fico, Slo- vakia’s populist prime minister, suffered life- threatening injuries when he was shot and wounded in an attempted assassina- tion on Wednesday. Sus- pect detained by cops. P7 Southwest monsoon may hit Kerala by May 31: IMD Bengaluru: The India Meteorological Depart- ment (IMD) Wednesday said the southwest mon- soon onset over Kerala is likely to take place on May 31, with the weather model deviation of 4 days. EC summons Andhra CS & DGP over post-poll ruckus New Delhi: The ECI has summoned the chief sec- retary and the DGP of Andhra Pradesh to New Delhi on May 16 over post-poll violence that oc- curred in the state, EC of- ficial said on Wednesday. Rangeela’s nomination from Varanasi rejected Varanasi: The ECI on Wednesday rejected the affidavit of comedian Shyam Rangeela, who filed his nomination from Varanasi as an Independ- ent candidate against PM Narendra Modi. SC pulls up U’khand govt, Centre over forest fires New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday ex- pressed its displeasure with the Uttarakhand gov- ernment and Centre’s han- dling of forest fires, de- scribing the state’s ap- proach as “lackadaisical.”
  • 2. HARI-VAN TREE PLANTATION CAMPAIGN Health dept to plant 1 lakh saplings First India Bureau Jaipur ne lakh saplings will be planted in the medical institutions of Rajasthan under a one-month spe- cial plantation campaign of the state health depart- ment. Additional Chief Sec- retary Medical and Health Shubhra Singh said that with an aim of environment protection and increase in greenery, “Hari-Van Tree Planta- tion Campaign” will be run in all the medical in- stitutions of the state from July 1 to July 31. Under this, she said, about one lakh saplings will be planted in the medical institutions across the state. Fruit and shade giving trees have been selected for the campaign. These include lemon, amla, beel, jamun, guava, pomegranate, mango, custard apple, tamarind, sapota, mulberry, orange, pear, neem, peepal, ban- yan, rosewood, gulmo- har, karanj, drumstick, khejri. Arrangements for pro- curing the saplings will be made through forest department, agriculture and horticulture depart- ment. After plantation drive is complete, the concerned institution will be responsible for maintenance, watering and security of the trees forfive years.The growth of the plants will also be regularly reviewed, Shubhra Singh added. O RAJASTHAN 02 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024 HeatwavescorchesRajasthan; MountAbuenjoysrainyrespite First India Bureau Jaipur Heatwaves have gripped several areas of the state while there is some relief in MountAbu because of slight rains. Several areas in the state are sweltering under scorching temperatures, with the mercury soaring beyond 44 degrees Cel- sius. However, in con- trast, MountAbu is expe- riencing relief with rain showers blessing the re- gion. There’s a noticea- ble change in the weath- er, with clouds envelop- ing the sky and the sound of rain echoing in the valleys of Mount Abu. Once again, today brings respite from intense heat. From Pokaran in Jais- almer , scorching heat continues to torment the common folk as the mer- cury rises relentlessly. The heatwave has led to the phenomenon of ‘heatwave torch’. The air is filled with hot gusts blowing at speeds of 8 kmph, and markets wear a deserted look as people seek ref- uge in their homes. As temperature rises so does struggle for water First India Bureau Jaipur As scorching tempera- tures grip the region, residents in various parts of the state, in- cluding the capital, are facing acute water scarcity. The inade- quate water supply has left many areas parched, compelling residents to seek alter- native means for their water needs. With public water supply systems falter- ing, private water tank operators are taking advantage of the situa- tion, charging exorbi- tant prices ranging from 400 to 500 rupees per tanker. Complaints have also surfaced re- garding the sale of wa- ter from government tankers in several plac- es. In areas like Jagat- pura, Shastri Nagar, and Sanganer, the scheduled water sup- ply hours have been reduced, further exac- erbating the situation. Illegal connections and leakage issues are fur- ther adding to the woes, causing a de- crease in water pres- sure in some areas. The conditions are dire in jaipur’s Walled city area where con- taminated water due to leaks has become a ma- jor concern. Wanted criminal shot at, injured & caught by cops First India Bureau Dholpur Atense confrontation un- folded as Rajveer, a wanted & notorious da- coit of Rajasthan and UP, engaged in a fierce ex- change of fire with the RAC and police jawans injuring him . The skirmish occurred during an attempt to ap- prehend the dacoits. In the crossfire, Ra- jveer sustained a gunshot wound to his left thigh. Rajveer, alias Rajjo, was travelling on a motorcy- cle with his two associ- ates from Bharatpur to Dholpur when the police received information about his whereabouts. There was an exchange of fire between two sides in which Rajjo got in- jured and the police were able to get hold of him. CRIME ROUNDUP ACB SPECIAL UNIT IN AJMER NABS PATWARI WHILE ACCEPTING BRIBE WORTH ` 2,000 WOMAN PROFESSOR ROBBED OF GOLD JEWELRY BY MISCREANTS PRETENDING TO BE COPS Special Unit of ACB in Ajmer apprehended Patwari Sardar Singh on Wednesday for accept- ing a bribe of Rs 2,000. Singh, assigned to the Mandal Patwari in Gaagunda of Arain Tehsil in Ajmer district, was caught red-handed by the ACB unit. Dr. Ravi Prakash Meharda the Director-General of ACB, informed that the bureau’s Spe- cial Unit in Ajmer received a complaint from a complainant. Upon receiving the complaint, the ACB conducted a verification under the su- pervision of DIG Randheer Singh, Deputy Superintendent of Police Rakesh Kumar Verma of the ACB Special Unit in Ajmer. Subsequently, a trap was laid, leading to the arrest of Patwari Sardar Singh. Naveen Sharma, Shubham Jain In a shocking incident in Beawar a woman profes- sor fell victim to a robbery perpetrated by three youths. The culprits, posing as police officers, tar- geted the professor, looting her of a tola of gold chain and two tolas of weighted earrings before fleeing the scene. The victim, identified as Sunita Goyal, is a professor at the Government Girls’ College in Ajmer. She promptly reported the incident to the City Police Station. Upon receiving the complaint, Sub-Inspector Mahadev Gurjar initiated an investigation into the matter. CCTV footage from the area, including Ajmer Road and its surroundings, is being scrutinized to track down the perpetrators. CongprotestsoverEnglishschoolsconversion Dinesh Dangi Jaipur Amid speculations that the BJP government would convert Mahatma Gandhi English medium government schools to Hindi medium schools, Congress party’s Jaipur unit held a symbolic pro- test at Jaipur collectorate and said that any such move will be strongly objected to. The schools were opened during the for- mer Congress rule. The Congress leaders slammed the Bhajanlal government and Educa- tion Minister Madan Dilawar over the issue. Jaipur Dist Congress Committee President RR Tiwari asked whether the children of poor do not have the right to study in English schools. “Dotasara was the Education Minister dur- ing Congress govern- ment when more than 3,500 English medium schools were opened. Today more than 7 lakh kids are studying in these schools and more than 10k teachers are employed,” he said. RR Tiwari, Archana Sharma, Ganga Devi & other Congress leaders during the protest on Wednesday. SANTOSH SHARMA Residents are making every effort to cope with the brutal heat and avoid heat-related illnesses. SUNIL SHARMA Meeting discusses wildlife issues Nirmal Tiwari Jaipur A marathon meeting was convened on Wednesday at the Aranya Bhawan to discuss the management and conservation efforts concerning wildlife secu- rity amidst the heatwave in the state’s jungles. Chaired by the Princi- pal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) and Chief Wildlife Warden, Pawan Upadhyay, the meeting saw the presence of Rajesh Gupta, Addi- tional PCCF for Wildlife, and wildlife officers from across the state. Strict actions against encroachment and illegal mining in forest areas were directed. Further- more, emphasis was laid on increasing field visits, accelerating village relo- cation, and enhancing nocturnal patrols. Instructions were also issued to strengthen tracking and monitoring activities and to submit timely wildlife reports. Forest-to-forest dialogue was initiated with offi- cials from tiger reserves, leopard reserves, and conservation reserves to gather feedback on wild- life management in their respective areas. The meeting focused on protection and conservation of wildlife in all conservation reserves JDA takes strict action against illegal colonies constructions First India Bureau Jaipur The enforcement squad of JDAtook strict sealing action on a three storey illegal building built without the permission and approval of JDA for commercial purpose in Lalkothi Scheme in Zone-3. In Zone-14, 02 new illegal colonies were completely demolished on about 08 bighas of ag- ricultural land of private ownership. JDAalso lev- elled a land in Vatika lo- cated under the jurisdic- tion of Zone-14, on Bas- doli Road, behind Deep- shikha International Col- lege, in district Jaipur, where illegal construc- tion was done on about 05 bighas of private agri- cultural land. Similarly, 03 bighas of private agricultural land was levelled behind Deepshikha International School, Bajdoli Road. Concerns over revenue allocation in Transport dept HC takes note of construction in front of judges’ residences Kamal Kant Vyas Jaipur The Rajasthan High Court has given status quo orders on the multi- storey construction tak- ing place in front of the bungalows of the judges located in Gandhinagar. The court has raised questions on the approval of such buildings and have expressed concern about the safety of the judges. This order has been given by the single bench of Justice Ganesh Ram Meena while taking suo motu cognizance of the case. The court has treated the case as a PIL. Giving the order to register, it has been sent to the Chief Justice. The court, in compli- ance with the order given on the petition of Gulab Kothari regarding the master plan, expressed displeasure over approv- al of multi-storey build- ings without determining the zone. The court raised question of dark zone and aspects of greenery and environment and ob- served as to how are such buildings being ap- proved. Court, accepted that there building con- crete jungles without de- termining the zone poses threat to environment. Raj Health Drive: Officers assigned to elevate 27 aspirational blocks First India Bureau Jaipur The Medical and Health Department has given the responsibility to the state level officers to improve the health indicators of 27 aspirational blocks of the state. Orders in this regard have been issued and blocks have been allotted to officers on instructions of ACS Medical and Health Shubhra Singh. The officers will visit the allotted blocks every month and take stock of the health services and will submit reports to higher officials regarding necessary improvements and progress. Singh said that the Government of India has identified 500 aspiration- al blocks across the coun- try. Of these, 27 blocks are from Rajasthan. “These are the blocks which are comparatively backward in socio-eco- nomic indicators. For the sustainable and holistic development of these ar- eas, a plan has been made to improve 39 different indicators, out of which 7 indicators are related to health services,” she said. Shivendra Parmar Jaipur In a significant revenue review meeting of the Transport Department, several questions were raised regarding the al- location of revenue. The Additional Chief Secretary of Finance, Akhil Arora, chaired the review meeting concern- ing revenue-related is- sues in the transport de- partment. During the ses- sion, officials from Dun- garpur and Alwar high- lighted concerns over the revenue allocation of the Transport Department. Despite the closure of Ratanpur and Shahjahan- pur check posts, officials pointed out inclusion of additional amounts to the target terming it wrong and demanding amend- ments in the same. The meeting, which aimed to scrutinize reve- nue allocation, brought to light discrepancies that demand immediate atten- tion and rectification. It shall be noted that among all the departments, Transport is falling significantly short of the revenue targets set by administration Mother’s day event: Secretariat forum honors female employees Dr. Rituraj Sharma Jaipur In a special event organ- ized by the Secretariat Forum to celebrate Mother’s Day, female employees and officers reminisced about their experiences and memo- ries of motherhood. RAS Neetu Rajesh- war, Joint Secretary of GAD, said, “As a work- ing woman, aI always ponder if I can be a better mother to my children than my own mother.” On this occasion, key of- ficials including Dr. K. K. Swami, Sitaram Choudhary, Subhash Sin- gh, Narpat Singh, and Yogita Bishnoi, shared their perspectives. Fe- male employees were presented with saplings as a symbol of remem- brance during the event. RAS Neetu Rajeshwar presenting a sapling to a female employee during the programme on Wednesday. 4 kids attack guard, escape shelter home First India Bureau Hanumangarh In a daring escape, four children who were con- fined to a shelter home in Hanumangarh due to criminal and substance abuse managed to flee from shelter home, leav- ing authorities in shock. The escapees report- edly incapacitated a guard by throwing chili powder into his eyes be- fore executing their plan. This incident has brought to light signifi- cant negligence on the part of shelter home au- thorities. REPRESENTATIONAL
  • 3. SKN AGRI UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION Guv urges agri scientists to innovate amid climate change Vinod Singh Chouhan Jaipur overnor Kalraj Mishra has called upon ag- ricultural scientists to de- velop techniques to pro- tect crops from the ad- verse effects of climate change and for higher yield in less water. He expressed the need to continuously work for the development of edu- cation in the agricultural sector in line with the global needs and also for the development of fun- damental vision of re- search and research in universities for agricul- tural progress. Mishra was address- ing the sixth convoca- tion ceremony of Sri Karan Narendra Agri- cultural University, Job- ner on Wednesday. He said that the uni- versity should also work continuously for the skill development of the stu- dents by partnering with world class institutions. He also stressed on pay- ing special attention to qualitative development of agricultural education and motivating youth for agricultural entrepre- neurship in the context of the new education policy. The governor ex- pressed the need to in- clude courses related to development of im- proved seeds in farm- ing along with effec- tive policies of agricul- tural processing and agricultural marketing under agricultural edu- cation. Describing the Constitution as su- preme, the Governor said that the Constitu- tion cannot be changed. “The Constitution it- self has given us rights and has also given us du- ties,” he said. He called upon the youth to connect with the culture of the Constitu- tion. Mishra said that in- stead of becoming an employment seeker, youths become an em- ployment provider. He also urged the youth to play an impor- tant role in taking the economy of emerging India to a higher level in the world by setting up agricultural enterprises. Mishra also honored Dr. Baldev Singh Dhill- on with the honorary de- gree of Doctorate of Sci- ence on behalf of the university in the convo- cation ceremony. Governor Kalraj Mishra during the convocation ceremony also released various publications of Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University in presence of Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon and other University officials. He also inspected various agriculture related models on Wednesday. G RAJASTHAN 03 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024 Rescueoperationconcludes atHCL,investigationtofollow Pradeep Gadhwal Neem Ka Thana The police official said that Hindustan Copper Limited will conduct an investigationintothemat- ter and police will also conduct a thorough inves- tigation into the incident after registering a case. Hindustan Copper Ltd Deputy General Manager, Mohit Chatterjee said doctors would respond to queries on the matter. Earlier in the day, Praveen Nayak, Superin- tendent of Police (SP), Neem Ka Thana, shared the had said 10 people were rescued from the site. “In the first slot, three people were brought out from the mine, five peo- ple were rescued in the second slot and two more persons were brought out of the mine in the third slot,” the official said. The incident took place at Hindustan Copper Limited’s (HCL’s) copper mine in the Neem Ka Thana district in the late hours of Tuesday. The lift was carrying a vigilance team from Kolkata as well as mine officials. The incident took place after the rope supporting the lift broke and it is be- lieved to have plunged more than 1,800 feet in- side the mine. ‘Mission Raniganj’ like rescue operation at HCL mines Copper mine lift collapse Dr Rituraj Sharma Jaipur To streamline the pro- cess of resolving all cas- es related to compassion- ate appointments, the Department of Personnel (DOP) has developed the Anukampa app. Under this initiative, the DOP has issued directives to all departments. In line with these ef- forts, Neetu Rajeshwar, Joint Secretary of the General Administration Department (GAD), has instructed all depart- ments associated with the Department of Gen- eral Administration to follow the rules and reg- ulations regarding com- passionate appointments using this app. This ap- pointment will be pro- vided under the Compas- sionate Appointment Scheme, 1996, to the dependents of deceased government employees in Rajasthan by the De- partment of Personnel. To facilitate the pro- cess of compassionate appointments, the Anu- kampa app has been developed on the Single Sign-On (SSO) ID of all department heads and of- fice directors. The mapping of all de- partment heads/office directors has already been completed. Compassionatejobsvia ‘Anukampa’Appnow SDRF team during the rescue operation at the accident site of Hindustan Copper Limited in Neem Ka Thana on Wednesday. On Wednesday, a mock drill was performed at Jaipur Airport T-2. In a simulated rehearsal, terrorists hijacked a virtual airliner from Dhaka to Delhi. After an hour of hard efforts, the CISF, Airport Security, and police teams executed a coordinated operation, killing the terrorists while successfully evacuating all civilians on the flight. CISF police teams in action. Salutations to Patience, Courage, Struggle, and Faith. Congratulations to the rescue team for the successful rescue operation, where a total of 9 individuals were safely brought out from the Kolihan mine of Hindustan Copper Limited in Khetri Jhunjhunu, after a mishap caused by the breaking of the rope of the lift . Hats off to all members of the rescue and relief team for their commendable efforts. BHAJANLALSHARMA, CHIEF MINISTER The news of death of an officer in accident at Kolihan mine of Hindustan Copper Ltd in Khetri, is extremely saddening. However, hard work expertise of rescue team have successfully brought out other 14 officers trapped in the mine, ensuring their safety. May God grant peace to the departed soul and strength to the grieving families to bear this sudden loss. DIYAKUMARI, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER SCasksRajtobanmining nearSariskaTigerReserve First India Bureau Jaipur In a significant ruling, the Supreme Court has di- rected the Rajasthan gov- ernment to impose a com- plete ban on mining ac- tivities within a 1-kilo- meter radius of the Sa- riska Tiger Reserve. The court has instructed the state government to for- mulate a closure plan and ensure compliance with the order by taking all necessary steps. The bench comprising Justice B.R. Gavai, Jus- tice Sandeep Mehta, and Justice S.V.N Bhatti is- sued the verdict on Wednesday (May 15) af- ter considering the matter related to mining activi- ties near the SariskaTiger Reserve. The Supreme Court unequivocally stat- ed in its judgment that all mining activities within a 1-kilometer radius of the Sariska Tiger Reserve must be halted. Vikas Sharma Jaipur The Rajasthan govt on Wednesday suspended a senior doctor of Sawai Man Singh government hospitalDr.RajendraBag- ri in connection with issu- ing fake NOC for organ transplant case. Also, no- tices under 16 CCA have beenissuedtoDrRajendra Bagri, Dr Achal Sharma andDrRajeevBagrahatta. The action came after an inquiry report on the fake NOC case was sub- mitted to the govt. The inquiry committee also found that 269 cases of transplantation were such in which the donor and re- ceiver were not close rela- tives. Health min GS Kh- imsar said that Dr Bagdi, was appointed coordina- tor of state authorization committee in April 2022 and such meeting notices have been found issued under his signatures with no date mentioned. Reportsubmitted,govttakes actionasDrBagrisuspended ORGAN TRANSPLANT FAKE NOC CASE Retd IAS Mohanty acquitted in rape case after 10 yrs Kamal Kant Vyas Jaipur Retired IAS officer BB Mohanty has got a big relief from court in a rape case. After almost 10 years, he has been ac- quitted of serious charge of rape. About a decade ago, a MBA student had filed a case against him at Mahesh Nagar police station in Jaipur. IAS BB Mohanty’s lawyer Bhanwar Chau- han said that on the court order, an FIR was registered against Mo- hanty under Section 376 (2)(N) of the IPC. Mock drill at Jpr airport Selected RAS candidates of 2021 batch appeal to CM for appointment First India Bureau Jaipur Candidates who have passed RAS Recruitment Exam 2021 have ap- pealed to Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma for appointment. Appoint- ment has not been given to the qualified candidate due to code of conduct for Lok Sabha elections. However, the election commission has given green signal to the ap- pointment of 988 candi- dates. Now the candi- dates are waiting for or- ders from Chief Minister Sharma, who is busy campaigning in Lok Sab- ha elections. Chief Min- ister has visited 5 states in the last one week. MNITtoscrutinize9 devp works of JMCG RajRiverTransportation Committeetobeformed First India Bureau Jaipur Intherecentdays,contrac- tors have undertaken road construction and footpath repairs in the JMCG area, along with road light re- pairs. These works will now be scrutinized by the Malaviya National Insti- tute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur. JMCG Commissioner Rukmani Riar has issued a letter to MNITJaipur,askingthem to inspect 9 such projects undertaken in past few months submit a report. MNIT Jaipur will as- sess the quality of roads and footpaths, ensuring that the work orders is- suedbythemunicipalcor- poration have been exe- cuted properly. In fact, to maintain the quality of roads, the municipal ad- ministration has decided to conduct third-party in- spections. For this pur- pose, the corporation will allocate 5.31 lakh rupees to MNIT. According to sources, the Commission- er has received com- plaints in the past few days regarding the sub- standard quality of roads and the non-compliance with work orders. In re- sponse, the Commission- er has decided to conduct third-party inspections of roads by MNIT Jaipur. First India Bureau Jaipur The Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways convened a crucial meet- ing via video conferenc- ing,bringingtogetherrep- resentatives from 30 states. Discussions also delved into issues con- cerning Rajasthan, ad- dressed by the Joint Sec- retary of Ports Shipping. Instructionswereissued to form a State River TransportationCommittee for Rajasthan, with direc- tives to establish similar committees at the state level. Notable entities like NHAI, Railways, Trans- port, Fisheries, and Tour- ism will be included in these committees. Members of the Inland WaterwaysAuthority will also be part of these com- mittees. The file for com- mittee formation has al- readyreachedtheofficeof the WRD Minister. Addi- tionally, diverse insights were gleaned from repre- sentatives of other states during the meeting. 2 FORTIS DOCTORS ON SIX DAYS REMAND In the ongoing investigation into the organ transplant case involving a fake NOC, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) brought both doctors of Fortis hospital before court on Wednesday. During the hearing SIT informed that Information from the CDR revealed that both doctors were in contact with brokers. Upon examining their mobile phones, chats with brokers were found. Further investi- gation is warranted based on evidence. The SIT requested a 10-day remand for both doctors, but the court granted a 6-day remand instead. An accident due to failure of winding rope occurred at Kolihan Copper Mine of Hindustan Copper Ltd. at Khetri, the Director General of Mine Safety (DGMS) has ordered an enquiry into the causes and circumstances leading to the accident. The enquiry is being conducted by I Satyanarayana, Director of Mines Safety (Mining), Ajmer Region No.2 and Shri JP Verma, Director of Mines Safety (Mechanical), North Western Zone, Udaipur. Preliminary enquiry report will be submitted in one week. Indian Bureau of Mines, an attached office of Ministry of Mines, has issued an advisory to owners and managers of all underground metalliferous mines for safety of mine workers. The advisory gives measures to be followed to ensure safety of miners in underground mines alongwith directions issued by DGMS. It includes measures to be taken to ensure safety of hoisting equipments like cage, winder, headgear, ropes as well as periodical audit, inspection and use of modern technology. ADVISORY FOR SAFETY OF UNDERGROUND MINE WORKERS FROM WINDING FAILURES Gajendra S Khimsar Shubhra Singh in a PC on Wednesday. During the meeting of Ports Ministry, instruction were issued to form a State River Transportation Committee, with directives to establish similar committees at the state level
  • 4. PERSPECT VE 04 Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia ‘MODI HAI TO MUMKIN HAI…’ UNTOLD STORIES OF PM MODI — PART 84 THEMODIEVOLUTION THEMODIEVOLUTION HOMETOWN HERO TO GLOBAL STATESMAN remember once we were in Gujarat and there was a gentleman from a southern state. There is a CM of- fice complex where all the min- isters also sit. Narendra bhai was reaching the office and on his way when he saw this man stand- ing outside in the sun, away from the office complex, he immedi- ately stopped his vehicle and talked to him. He asked what had happened and why he was stand- ing there? To this, the gentleman said he had come to visit Gujarat with his family on a holiday and his wife had fallen sick. She was reportedly admitted to the civil hospital in Ahmedabad and he had run out of money to bear the expenses for her further medical treatment. I remember, without giving a second thought, Naren- dra bhai said, I will pay for your treatment, you need not worry. Eventually he took charge of his wife’s treatment and she soon got well. Much later, when Modi ji took a trip down to the south Indian state on a party campaign, it was found that the same gen- tleman had pasted and circulated small posters, urging everyone to take him to Modi ji. He want- ed to meet him and pay back the medical expenses Modi ji had borne for his wife’s treatment way back inAhmedabad. Naren- dra bhai helps so many people. He didn’t even re- member this gen- tleman but the man wanted to pay back his grati- tude for the lead- er. Such is Naren- dra Modi’s rela- tion with even the ordinary man of the street. fter June 21 was desig- nated as a global day for the celebration of yoga, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, “The entire world is today com- mitted to celebrating International Yoga Day on June 21 every year. India is proud of the fact that the UNO took this matter forward and 177 countries of the world co- sponsored it. India’s invaluable heritage has today become the world’s invaluable heritage.” Be- fore that, he had told me, we have to get June 21 recognised by the UN as International Day of Yoga. At that time Modi was about to travel to the US to attend a UNO meeting. So he told me we have to get it included in the UN agenda 3-6monthspriortothevisit.Iwant to put forth a holistic vision of yoga. Everyone accepted the pro- posalunanimously.Eventually,the need never arose to introduce it in the UN agenda. I told him, you have done a great job. It is a big contribution by you. Modi ji said, I am amused that even 45 Islamic countries supported this initiative. Later,inaspeechontheauspicious day, he told a huge gathering of yogapractitioners,todaywherethe first ray of the sun arose from and 24 hours later where the last ray of the sun will reach, there will be no ray, no journey of the sun that will remain untouched from blessing all of you yoga practitioners. Modi very ingeniously chose June 21 as thedaybecauseonthatdaythesun would be visible for the longest time.Lightisthemaximumonthat day across the globe. It was an apt tribute to yoga and the most noble waytotakeitontotheglobalstage of acceptance and appreciation. hen I was here in Guja- rat, working in education counselling, there was a divisional forest officer (DFO) named Khamar, whose son would often consult me for counselling. Regarding this, I often visited their house. Once, during a casu- al conversation I asked him how things were shaping up and pro- gressing under the leadership of Narendra Modi as the state chief minister. So he told me, when we go to meet Narendra Modi, we prepare well beforehand because no one knows what he would ask. We do our homework for at least 10 possible questions spanning different subjects. Once we went to him with all the 10 possible questions ready, but he bowled us with a googly of an eleventh ques- tion to which we had no clue, he said. He then went on to add that Modi ji’s home- grown informa- tion network is beyond the capac- ity of any official channel of com- munication. It is lightning fast and impeccable.An incident had happened related to the forest department at one of the meetings, of which surpris- ingly we didn’t know anything, but Modi ji knew all about it well before us. He immediately rang up someone and proved to us the authenticity of the news that had happened in our own area but we didn’t know of. We were left shame faced, the DFO told me. I realised, Modi ji’s success as a great leader, a great CM and a PM of such calibre rests largely on his direct and strong rapport at the local level. Smriti Irani Union Minister Dr HR Nagendra Yoga Guru Sunil Lodha Maharashtra I A W COMPILED AND EDITED BY SHASHIKANT SHARMA A LEADER’S CARE, AND LOVE RETURNED TAKING YOGA TO THE WORLD, THE MODI WAY MODIJI’S INFORMATION NETWORK FASTER THAN ANY OFFICIAL CHANNEL PERSPECT VE 04 Jaipur, Thursday | May 9, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia ‘MODI HAI TO MUMKIN HAI…’ UNTOLD STORIES OF PM MODI — PART 83 MODI’S SIMPLE-YET-STRONG POWER PLAY APPROACH! e have an RSS office at Salatwada locality of Vadodara. I was a pracharak at the office. Even then I found, Modi ji took the smallest care of any need of even the smallest karyakarta. Among all those who reached the office at 3 pm, none was allowed to leave the place without at least having a cup of tea. Modi ji ensured that himself. And I also found he was meticulous about cleanliness from early days. He would wash his own cup and also ensure all the cups had been washed clean and they were spotless. He used to ask us, “Have you all washed your cups properly?” He was so particular about cleanliness that not a piece of paper was allowed to litter the office premises. These were some things we had noticed in Modi ji very early on and they have continued till today. s the state CM, Modi ji started Gunotsav, a programme to im- prove the quality of education in the government schools. During the Gunotsav festival, he would often visit schools to take stock of the improve- ments. He would usually take up the remotest school in the most backward districts to pay visit. Once during such a visit he went to a school and after the inspection, while discussing with the headmaster, he asked, where is the toi- let in your school? Surprisingly, he po- litely said, there was no toilet in the school. This shocked Modi ji so much that the very next day as he reached of- fice, he issued orders that every school in the state must have proper toilets, separate for boys and girls. Years later when he became the PM he launched the same campaign in the country to end open defecation and it was a re- sounding success. The seeds of this idea came to him from the Gunotsav experience. n 1989, 1990 and 1991 elec- tions were to be held. Those days there were no mobile phones or internet and thus communi- cating with the karyakartas on the ground level, directing them or getting information was very difficult and time taking. For this, Modi ji planned a cer- tain strategy. Most karyakartas go out for campaigning or poll related work around 11 in the morning. Thus they were mostly in their homes in the early part of the day. We sat from 7 am to 10:30 am every day and called all the karyakartas in the required constituen- cies within this time to get all the details and brief them about their day’s itiner- ary. We made a list of the karyakartas to be called the night before. So that in the morning we were well equipped and didn’t need to waste time. By 10:30 every day, Modi hi had all the grasp of the ground realities on his fingertips which helped him tremendously in formulating his next poll strategy. t was a unique pro- gramme I fondly remember. It was in the year 2005. He organised a programme for his teach- ers inAhmedabad. It was for ‘Guru Vandana’ to seek the blessings of his teachers. He had invited 27 teachers at the event. Surprisingly, he personally went up to each and every teacher invited and addressed him by his name. He bowed in front of them in obeisance and gar- landed them in honour of their services. This was a unique event never held in India before in such scale. Pt Naval Kishore Sharma was the governor of Gujarat at that time and had come to the event as chief guest. He himself said during his speech that he had travelled all over the country but had never seen or heard such an initiative as taken up by Narendra Modi in honour of his teachers. nce Narendra Modi came to his school, BN High School to attend an event. There his old friend Dr Sudheer was also present. They used to sit on the same bench in school whengrowingup.Whiletalk- ing, Sudheer ji addressed Modi ji as ‘tu’several times. Later when he realised this, he apologised to him for the disrespect and told ‘sorry I called youtuinmyaddress’.At that time Modi ji didn’t say much. But when he went on to the stage for his speech, he said, “ I was talking to Sudheer a while back. He called me by ‘tu’ a couple of timesandlateralsoapol- ogised for the same. But I want to tell Sudheer, that these days when I find some- oneaddressingmeas‘tu’,my heart fills with joy.” This the simplicity and humility of Modi ji. t was in 1985 that an RSS camp was about to begin. A meeting was held to discusss the prepa- rations for the same. We were five peo- ple who were overseeing the arrange- ments for the event. The smallest thing was ensured, from the safety pin to the soap. We had to note down everything so that nothing was found wanting dur- ing the event. Even the amount of water that would be required by a karyakarta for his shower or consumption was cal- culated and based on the total number of karyakartas to be attending the event, the arrangements were planned so that nothing went waste at the end of the day. All these were spearheaded by Narendra Modi. As a pracharak for 20 years, this master planning learnt from him in 1985 got imprinted in my mind and always helped me in making the best arrangements for every event of the party. Chandrakant Upadhyay Vadodara Natubhai Dhabi Gandhinagar Parshottam Rupala Union minister Ketan Devnani Gujarat Som Patel Narendra Modi’s teacher Bharat Modi Gujarat Modi’s penchant for cleanliness Narendra Modi started Gunotsav to improve quality of education Narendra Modi ji’s planned strategy for communication WHEN MODI SHOWED GRATITUDE TO HIS TEACHERS MODI’SSIMPLICITYENHANCES OURRESPECTFORHIM Modi ji, a master of management W I A O I I COMPILED AND EDITED BY SHASHIKANT SHARMA PERSPECT VE 04 Jaipur, Thursday | May 2, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia was the leader of the opposition in the assembly. At that time I took strong stands on issues. And mostly Narendra Modi tried to accommodate whatever I said. At that time he used to tell us that whatever the opposition suggests, our government notes it down and even implements the ones which are worth it. Talking about Por- bandar airport, a terminal building was established. Its inauguration was to be done by then aviation minister Praful Patel. Nar- endra Modi was presiding over that function and as an MLA and leader of the Opposition, I was also present at the programme. I told Praful Patel that the runway of the airport was so small that no big aircraft could land here. It was only 1,300 metres long and thus we needed a longer runway. It must be increased to at least 2,600 metres. To this he said that if Modi gives us the extra land, we can do that too. Immediately after hear- ing this, Modi ji publicly announced that the airport would be expanded and the state government was ready to make the extra land available to the Cen- tre and AAI for the pro- ject. Simultaneously, he also informed the collector to issue the proposal for the same at the earliest. But after 2012, I was no longer an MLA and Modi ji went on to become the PM by 2014, so the work of Porbandar airport even- tually got sidelined. The land that was to be allotted to the airport finally went to the Coast Guard. It was a bureaucratic lapse. I thought, the Coast Guard was under Defence Services. So the Gujarat government won’t be able to stop them. It is only the PM who can do the need- ful. So I told then Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani that Modi ji had publicly de- clared Porbandar airport would be expanded. The CMO sent across my mes- sage to the PM, reminding him of his promise. Modi ji acknowledged and accepted he had promised it. He immedi- ately ordered that at any cost the airport had to be expanded with a runway length of 2,600 metres. Despite my being in the opposition, Narendra Modi worked for the larger interest of the peo- ple and the state and ac- cepted and implemented my proposal, even just through a message I sent. Only a big-hearted leader can do this. ne day Modi ji de- cidedtohavelunchat the Parliament can- teen. So he walked into the MPs canteen on the Parlia- ment premises. Soon he said, the same food is being taken by people outside for Rs 50 to Rs100aplate,andhereinside it is available for just Rs 10. This is not fair. Do we belong to some kind of privileged class? This injustice must stop. The same food that a poor man is buying for Rs 50, we are getting for Rs 5, why? Since that day, the age-old practiceofcanteensubsidyfor MPs came to an end. At the same time, Modi ji was also disturbed by the laal batti cul- ture of MPs, which had be- come a show of might and power of the political class - a colonial hangover. Modi ji brought an end to this culture as well. When he faced oppo- sitiontothisfromcertainquar- ters, he said no matter who abides by this or not, but my ministers at the Centre won’t indulge in this practice any- more. All ministers brought down the red beacons from their vehicles and the pomp and show associated with po- litical heft was thus gone. e were travelling in Kashmir.Modijiwas the CM of Gujarat at that time. There at a place I met aYuva Morcha karyakar- ta (BJP youth wing activist). He asked, “Where are you from?” I said I was coming fromGujarat.Heimmediately said, you guys are so lucky. In curiosity asked him, why is it so? He said, because Naren- dra Modi is your CM. Amused, I further prodded him and asked, why do you think so? To this he narrated to me a small story. He said, “One day I was sleeping. It was early in the morning. When I picked up the call and asked who it was, the voice from the other side said here’s Narendra Modi speaking. Thinking it was a bad joke by someone, I hung up the phone. It happened the second time too.When a third time the same call came, then I got alerted. It can’t be a joke anymore. I thought I could in fact recognise the voice.Then once I took the call, he said I am indeed Narendra Modi. I have an important message.A private vehicle from Gujarat withseveralGujaratisinithas met with an accident in your area. Immediately send relief to them and put the injured in hospitals. After that, update me. Sitting in Gujarat, Modi ji had every minute-by-minute information of anything hap- pening anywhere on the plan- et. He even had the number of the party karyakarta available nearest to the point of acci- dent. He didn’t let any proto- col come in between and di- rectly called my number to expedite the rescue. How can a leader be so meticulous? That’s why say you are lucky to have a CM like him.” Arjun Modhwadia Former LoP, Gujarat Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Former Union Minister Kanubhai Vyas Gujarat ‘MODI HAI TO MUMKIN HAI…’ UNTOLD STORIES OF PM MODI — PART 82 COMPILED AND EDITED BY SHASHIKANT SHARMA PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI The narrators express their belief that PM Narendra Modi, a leader with a big heart, dedicated himself to the greater good of the people. They note that Modi possessed detailed, minute-by-minute information about events worldwide. Furthermore, they acknowledge Modi’s efforts in abolishing the ‘laal batti’ culture, among other accomplishments. MODI,ATRUEDEMOCRAT INLETTERANDSPIRIT End of canteen subsidy and ‘laal batti’ culture Gujaratis lucky to have the then CM like Narendra Modi I O W NAMO hat was my first budget speech as finance minis- ter. It was a two-and-a- half hour budget speech and I had no idea beforehand that it would be so long. I hadn’t had water before coming and during the session also I didn’t drink and as a result after sometime I was dehydrated. People seated around me were wondering what was wrong with me and slowly I had to sit down without being able to read out the full budget piece. Four or five paragraphs were left to be finished when I urged the hon- ourable speaker to consider it as read as I was unable to continue any further. I hadn’t yet reached home when there was a call from Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself. He asked me, what have you done? Please take care of your- self, and then he kept the phone down. In a short time, he sent his personal doctor to take care of me. He told him, conduct all the necessary tests, check her up and ensure that she is alright. And after that day, even today, he periodically asks about my well being and reminds me to take proper care of myself. He doesn’t have to. There are so many min- isters who could do this. If you are going to take care of yourself you are going to serve, or else I am sorry. It is as simple as that. But no. The PM will make sure that you take care of yourself. So, that care, that tenderness in him... He is seen as a tough, big and seri- ous leader, but he has got that human element in his heart. That’s what I want to highlight. n artist named Chhaganlal Jadhav,whobelongedtothe scheduled caste and was as- sociatedwithMahatmaGandhifrom the age of 12, had drawn live images of the Mahatma during his historic Dandi march. He drew pencil sketches of Gandhi ji at six different spots during his journey apart from other incidents of those days.Thus it became a pictorial document of the march as well as events surrounding Mahatma Gandhi. When Acharya Swami ji present- ed the coffee table book to PM Modi in 2018, he immediately recognised Chhaganlal Jadhav’s work and cried in ex- citement, oh this is the drawing of Chhagan- lal Jadhav. He then decided to hold an ex- hibition of the works of the artist. This was a unique pictorial doc- ument of the inde- pendence struggle which had no parallel in the country. In the National Gal- lery of Modern Art in Delhi, the largest of its kind, the exhibition was put up that continued for around eight months. The artist of Ahmedabad from the SC community made the pictorial documentation from 1930-1948 and it was revealed to the world for the first time due to the innovation and effort of Narendra Modi. On March 12, 2021, at Abhay Ghat, Sabarmati, nearAhmedabad’s Bapu Ashram, when the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav was to be held, on thePM’sdirectionsthepaintingsand drawings were exhibited again. Chhaganlal Jadhav soon got global recognition due to these steps. uring the time of the Covid pandemic, I used to get calls all through the day to perform the final rites. Everyone wanted to get it done early. My crematorium at Seemapuri started receiving dead bodies. I didn’t go home for around 21 days. I lived on the fourth floor and residents of my building objected that I was at the cre- matorium the whole day and I would thus be carrying the in- fection back home, which could lead to its spread. One night, while performing the fi- nal rites around 2:30 AM, my driver told me that there was a call for me from the PMO. My hands were full at that time so I asked him to hold the phone close to my ear. On the other side of the phone, there was a voice that told me, Shunty ji, I have been watching you on television for a long time. The whole country is with you. Keep on with the service you are doing. Take care of the unidentified aban- doned bodies..I thanked him and when I asked who I was speaking to, the voice on the other side said, I am Narendra Modi speaking! The Prime Minister of the country, calling up a common man like me at the dead of night to motivate and thank me for my service, shows how meticu- lous he is and how he worries about the whole nation. I have shared this on several plat- forms. For me, I got to learn that irrespective of the position one achieves, one must always be down to earth. This is a great learning of life I realised after Modi ji’s call that night. PERSPECT VE 04 Jaipur, Thursday | April 25, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Nirmala Sitharaman Union Finance Minister Dr Rizwan Kadri Historian Jitender Singh Shunty Former MLA and social worker, Delhi ‘MODI HAI TO MUMKIN HAI…’ UNTOLD STORIES OF PM MODI — PART 81 COMPILED AND EDITED BY SHASHIKANT SHARMA PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI The narrators shed light on PM Modi’s nurturing and affectionate demeanour, revealing innate humanity within him. Regardless of his position, PM’s grounded nature shines through, with myriad other qualities he possesses and lots more... ThehumansideofPMModi How artist Chhagan Jadhav got global recognition due to Modi The leader who cares... T A D APromiseofEmpathy THEMODI COVENANT PERSPECT VE MASTERCLASS INLEADERSHIP NaMo You read PART 80 on APRIL 18, 2024  Vol 5  Issue No. 318  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act You read PART 81 on APRIL 25, 2024 PEOPLE-FIRST PARADIGM  Vol 5  Issue No. 325  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act You read PART 82 on MAY 2, 2024  Vol 5  Issue No. 332  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act Prime Minister Narendra Modi You read PART 83 on MAY 9, 2024  Vol 5  Issue No. 339  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act Prime Minister Narendra Modi The narrators highlight Modi’s compassionate leadership through personal hospital support and his tireless promotion of yoga globally. His direct connections with people at the local level are credited for his effective governance, solidifying his impactful legacy and lots more...
  • 6. INDIA 05 Jaipur, Thursday | May 16, 2024 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia DELHI POLL BODY URGES POLICE ‘Take action if parties register voters for post-poll schemes’ PTI New Delhi he Delhi elec- tion body has urged the city police to act strictly against political parties and their workers indulg- ing in registration of vot- ers for post-election ben- eficiary-oriented scheme. In a letter to Delhi Po- lice Commissioner San- jay Arora on May 11, the poll body asked him to sensitise the field func- tionaries and district po- lice to be proactive and more vigilant to curb such unlawful activities. The letter said the Del- hi election office has re- ceived complaints about “some” political parties “registering voters” for post-election benefi- ciary-oriented schemes in the garb of conducting surveys. Such parties are asking voters to fill up the forms manually or digitally to get benefits of their prospective schemes, it added. The national capital has seven Lok Sabha seats and would go to polls on May 25 in the sixth phase. “Complaints are being received against some political parties and their workers for registering the indi- viduals for beneficiary- oriented schemes and distributing guarantee cards in the form of pam- phlets giving details of prospective individual benefits along with an at- tached form asking for details of voters such as name, age, address, mo- bile number, booth num- ber, constituency name and number etc,” the let- ter issued by the Delhi chief electoral officer’s office to the CP read. The poll body said “while action is being taken by the returning of- ficers (RO) against such violations, you (CP) are also requested to direct, sensitise the field func- tionaries, district police to be proactive and more vigilant to curb such un- lawful activities, if any, in the area of their respec- tive jurisdiction.” It urged the CPto ensure that strict and swift action is taken against people found in- dulging in such acts. 91-year-old Kantaben Nagindas Shah casts her vote by exercising the vote-from-home facility for Lok Sabha elections, in Mumbai, Wednesday. PTI The election body also suggested that the police could take the action under Section 127A and 123(1) of the Representation of People Act, 1951 and Section 171 (B) of Indian Penal Code T I am exposing Opposition’s plan to divide people: Modi PTI Kalyan (Maharashtra) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said he was exposing the Con- gress and INDI alliance’s plans to divide people on the basis of religion, and to him the country’s unity was more important than his own image. The Prime Minister claimed that he exposed the Congress party’s “in- tentions” on several oc- casions, while the latter blamed him for “commu- nalising politics.” The Congress wanted to divide the country’s budget into Muslim budget and Hindu budget by allocating 15 percent of funds for the Muslims, Modi alleged. The INDI alliance of the opposition will im- plement this policy of ap- peasement after coming to power, he claimed. The INDI alliance and the “Congress’shehzade” (apparent reference to Rahul Gandhi) were do- ing politics over religion, and Karnataka was their laboratory, Modi said. Muslims in Karnataka were included in the OBC quota overnight, and Congress planned to implement this in the rest of the country, the prime minister alleged. “Modi is exposing the INDI alliance’s plans to divide people on the ba- sis of religion. More than my image, the unity of the country is important to me,” the PM added. In Maharashtra PM slams Cong, says party trying to create communal disharmony Prime Minister Narendra Modi being felicitated during a public meeting for Lok Sabha elections, in Kalyan, Maharashtra, Wednesday. Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde is also seen. PTI CONGRESS WANTS BUDGET ALLOCATION ON BASIS OF RELIGION Nashik: PM Narendra Modi on Wednes- day accused the Congress of wanting to allocate 15 per cent of the central government budget for minorities and vowed not to allow splitting of budget or reservation in jobs and edu- cation on the basis of reli- gion. The Congress, when in power at the Centre between 2004 and 2014, had planned to spend 15% of the budget on minorities which is its “fa- vourite vote-bank”, but gave up the proposal due to the BJP’s stiff opposition though it has not entirely abandoned the idea, he said. Address- ing an election rally -- Union minister Bharati Pawar (BJP) and Hemant Godse (Shiv Sena) -- the PM said splitting budget on religious lines was a dangerous idea. Patnaik pushed Odisha back by 50 years: Shah PTI Soroda (Odisha) Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday al- leged that Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has pushed the state back by 50 years during the BJD’s 25-year rule, and urged voters to give an opportunity to the BJP to form government. Addressing an election rally at Soroda under the Aska Lok Sabha constit- uency, Shah also claimed that the state is being run by “outsiders” instead of elected representatives. “PM Modi has en- hanced the reputation of Odisha across the world... However, in 25 years of BJD rule, Naveen babu pushed the state back 50 years.,” he said. The home minister also said the BJP will implement the ‘One Nation One Ra- tion Card’ scheme in Odisha if it comes to power in the state. Home Minister Amit Shah addresses a campaign rally for Lok Sabha polls at Chanditala, in Hooghly, Wednesday. PTI MODI, SHAH AMONG 40 STAR CAMPAIGNERS IN HP Shimla: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, party president J P Nadda and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will be the star campaigners for the BJP for the June 1 Lok Sabha election and Assembly bypolls in Himachal Pradesh. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) released its list of 40 star campaigners on Tuesday. The list also includes the names of Union ministers Smriti Irani, Rajnath Singh, Nitin Gadkari, Piy- ush Goyal, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Hardeep Singh Puri, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and former Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar. INDIA bloc will double the quantity of free ration, says Kharge PTI Lucknow Congress President Mal- likarjun Kharge today announced that if the IN- DIA bloc is voted to power it will increase the ration quota for the poor from 5 kilograms to 10 kilograms. “It was the Congress that brought in the Food Security Act and Prime Minister Narendra Modi is now taking the credit for it. INDIA bloc gov- ernment will double the amount of free ration for the poor,” he said in a joint press conference. He further said that the INDIA bloc would im- plement the Panch Nyay and guarantees men- tioned in the manifesto and the state would be free to add on anything they want for their areas. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and SP President Akhilesh Yadav during a joint press conference, in Lucknow, Wednesday. The Cong brought the Food Security Act, you (Modi) did nothing. You are giving five kg, if I.N.D.I.A. bloc govt is formed, we will give 10 kg of ration to the poor. I am saying this with guarantee because we have already done it in Telangana K’taka. MALLIKARJUNKHARGE CONGRESS PRESIDENT BJP wants to tear this book, but we in Congress and the people of India will not allow it. If BJP wins, the reservation will be scrapped, the public sector will be privatised, and the country will be run by 22 billionaires. That’s why the people’s govt should be formed. RAHULGANDHI, CONGRESS LEADER Priyanka Gandhi “non-serious, tourist” politician: Piyush Goyal PTI Mumbai Union Minister Piyush Goyal on Wednesday de- scribed Priyanka Gandhi Vadra as a “non-serious” and “tourist” politician who disappear after elec- tions and cannot under- stand the real India. Goyal also said that he respected the role of the Nehru-Gandhi family in the freedom struggle and claimed that the “person- al ambition of an indi- vidual prevailed over the will of the people of In- dia” post-Independence. “I don’t think so.These are non-serious politi- cians. They don’t seem to connect with the real In- dia. They live in an uto- pian world. Occasionally, they come out into the field during elections and disappear after that,” Goyal said in response to a question by PTI during his campaign trail in Mumbai on whether Pri- yanka Gandhi would emerge as a formidable politician in the future. “They can’t really serve the people, under- stand the real India as a tourist politician.” The senior BJP leader said the Congress, after Independence, preferred to encash the work of many freedom fighters for an individual family. Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is being greeted by supporters during a rally for LS elections, in Rae Bareli, Wednesday. “BJP IS NOW DIVERTING PEOPLE’S ATTENTION, BRINGING UP RELIGION” New Delhi: Con- gress leader Pri- yanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday accused the BJP of diverting people’s attention and bringing up religion during elections. Gandhi said the govern- ment was not accountable to the people in the last 10 years due to this “politics of religion”. “The leaders of BJP have realised that they can come to power after tricking you in the name of religion,” she said in a rally. The BJP’s leaders, right from PM Modi to the BJP candidates, all think that there is no need to work for the public and “divert your attention in the name of religion” during elections, she added. “KEJRI ON CAMPAIGN WILL ADD TO BJP VOTES” ARVIND KEJRIWAL SHOULD QUIT AS CM: BJP New Delhi: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s poll campaign after his release on interim bail will constantly remind people about the liquor scam and his bro- ken promises which will only add to the BJP’s votes, Union Minister Piyush Goyal said. He also noted that the SC had clarified that the AAP chief has been granted interim bail without going into the merits of the liquor scam case against him. New Delhi: The BJP flayed AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal over the alleged incident of misbehavior with his party MP Swati Maliwal and demanded either he ask his assistant Bibhav Kumar, who is the accused, to resign or he himself quit as chief minister. BJP national spokesperson Shazia Ilmi also expressed concern over Maliwal’s safety. EC operating under Modi’s directions: Mamata PTI Kolkata West Bengal CM and TMC chief Mamata Ba- nerjee on Wednesday an- nounced that her party would lend support to the opposition INDIA bloc from outside to establish the government at the Centre and vowed to re- peal the CAA, NRC and UCC once the BJP gov- ernment is voted out of power. Expressing skepti- cism about the BJP’s am- bitious target of achieving 400seatsintheLokSabha elections, she said people will reject them totally. “BJP is claiming to win 400 seats, but people are saying it will not hap- pen. We (TMC) will sup- port the INDIAbloc from outside to form a govern- ment at the Centre. We will extend our support so that in (West) Bengal, our mothers and sisters never face a problem... and those who work in the 100 days’job scheme, also do not face prob- lems,” Banerjee said. The TMC supremo, who was addressing an election rally at Chinsu- rah clarified that in West Bengal, her party would not support the Congress and CPI(M). Banerjee al- leged that both the par- ties, who are part of the INDIA alliance, have joined hands and helping the BJP in the state. West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee greets supporters in an election rally, Wednesday. Yogi ji accomplished what I couldn’t in my tenure as CM: Singh PTI Lucknow Defence Minister Ra- jnath Singh remarked on Wednesday that the tasks he couldn’t ac- complish during his tenure as CM have been achieved under the dy- namic leadership of Yogi ji. He highlighted that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s ini- tiatives are now gaining attention not just na- tionally, but interna- tionally as well. The Defence Minis- ter delivered a brief speech owing to a leg injury sustained at a pre- vious rally in Andhra Pradesh, mentioning his difficulty in standing for extended periods. In his remarks, Rajnath Singh praised CM Yogi’s re- markable achievements in the state, noting, “Yogi ji has accom- plished tasks beyond imagination during his tenure as CM.” Rajnath Singh em- phasized that the fore- most requirement for the progress of any state is to ensure law and or- der. He highlighted that CMYogi’seffortsinthis regard have garnered at- tention both nationally and internationally, making Uttar Pradesh a source of pride. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh with UP CM Yogi Adityanath during a public meeting, in Lucknow, Wednesday. PTI