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In the tv show spaced which is directed by Edgar wright which is based around the exploits of the two main
characters, Daisy Steiner (Jessica Stevenson) and Tim Bisley (Simon Pegg).
Something which I can see which I think is very successful would be the Camera because all the clips fit together
really fluently because of the transitions are very seamless with no shots which look out of place, for example at
2:22 you can see that It switches from Daisy Steiner to another woman in one flush swipe and also something
else which I can see about this would be that both shots show their faces as they are having a conversation.
Another thing which I like about the camera work would be that depending on who speaking it zooms directly on
their faces.
Something else which I like about Spaced would be the editing style which is used in some particular moments
throughout the episode, the main one being at minute 4:18 because they have fast forwarded his surroundings
while he moves in normal speed which although is quite a simple trick it works very well in this scene, another
thing which I like about the editing would be that is in a very comedic style, which is nice because It makes the
show more involving. A large section of the comedic editing would be at 17:26 were they begin their finger gun
fight because they have made it slow-motion and have also added gun sounds to make it sound somewhat
Conflict Image
Conflict Analysis
• In this scene you can tell that they are at a conflict by looking at the face of the women
on the left because she looks very annoyed and angry at the person or customer, this is
from the movie bridesmaids.
• Something else which can help you to find out that it is a scene of conflict would have to
be the camera angle because it is faced towards the women on the left and you cannot
really see the face of the women on the left which gives you a sense that the women on
the left is more involved in this conflict because she has a strange facial reaction to the
women and also by her pose she looks as if the women on the right has done something
wrong, also the women on the right by not knowing what her facial expressions looks
like, it make it seem as if it a one side conflict.
• Another thing which helps me to realise that this is a scene of conflict would have to be
the lighting of the shot would have to be because you can tell that it is lighter on the
right-hand side of the person who is more passive and then darker on the left-hand side
which is more aggressive, but overall the lighting of the entire shot Is quite bright
because it sets a specific mood on the entire shot which is quite calm in comparison to
other shots which I saw on the internet.
Factual Analysis
In the Amy Winehouse documentary I think there are multiple different people to blame for her death and the main one being Blake who was her
boyfriend/husband, because he started her on crack cocaine and also she did everything that he did, which is the main reason she went to rehab with
him but they got to share the same room which isn’t usually allowed, with I think would change the outcome of the whole experience there if she
would have been separate. Also with him showing her cocaine it had completely changed her mindset and the way she thinks, and I think that this is
one key factor which led to her overdose, also the fact that Blake went to prison led to Amy spiraling out of control, and the final reason why I think he
is one of the people reason for her death would be that as soon as she rose to fame he wanted to get back with her which wanted because she was
obsessed with him which shows that he only really cared when she was famous not before hand and this must have changed her.
Another person who should be held accountable for her death would be Amy's father who didn’t want her to go to rehab and instead wanted her to go
to America for her tour which shows he cared more about the money than the well being of his daughter which shows that it isn’t much for a parent
and should have cared more about her than the money, and if she knew that her own father didn’t really care for her health how is she suppose to look
after herself when he didn’t want her to go to rehab and get better, although her father didn’t want her to go she eventually followed her husband to
rehab which was also pretty bad. Also a different reason why I blame her father responsible would be that when she went to “ “ which was suppose to
be a private place without the public eye or cameras on her, but instead her father tried to make money out of her by making his documentary about
her which showed there filming day in day out which must have put strain on her, which made her angry which you can see when she was asked for a
photograph from two people she didn’t look happy at all and after they had taken the photo she made a rude remark about the people who asked her.
The final person who I personally hold responsible would be herself because she made so many bad choices which she could have easily avoided and
also didn’t think of the kind of consequences which they had on her, for example when she started crack cocaine although her husband showed her she
could have made a mature decision not to try it but she was to blinded by love to say no to anything which he said which shows she didn’t make her
own decisions, and she let lover control her which isn’t good because she would anything to please Blake.
I think overall the film is fair in what it showed because it showed details on her private life into what she did, although I think it is fair It also could not
be fair because they could have used “Franken Biting” which is where they put short audio clips together which could completely change what someone
it saying whether negative or positive.
Factual analysis
Red Car
Can a documentary be objective? Why do you believe this?
I believe that this documentary can be objective to a certain audience because some of this documentary has been made to make you fell
empathy towards these people and the way they have to live day in day out the main, for example when Dylan has been given an offer to go
into music and pursue his career you can that he is emotionally changed when he hears the new and this could be done to try and show
empathy towards because this is what he has been working towards for his whole life. But I think that in pretty much every documentary that
is covering such a key factor in society they try and make us either fell sympathy towards people or happy for people I don’t think that there is
any in-between.
How far should what we watch/read affect us? and why?
I think there is a point what should affect us in what we are watching or reading, because I believe that somethings should affect us in a good
way because it enlightens us into what they have to put up with and the struggle there go through, but at the same time I don’t think it should
fully affect us because it isn’t our fault and we have no control on what happens there which we should take in pretty much everything we
watch and read online because it could be twisted to affect us in a more deeper way.
How can we make sure what a documentary presents as fact, is true?
In this documentary I think that the majority of it is truth because as the factory closed down it must have heavenly affected everyone that
lives in red card and the fact that there is a lot of crime and people living without jobs because of it, but at the same time I think that some of it
is lies because they may have selected certain people to talk about just because of the way they are in red car and have missed out people who
are in a much more fortunate way, which shows they just want us to feel sympathetic towards all of them
Factual Analysis
“Benefits street” and “Skint”
Compare the differing representations of people in “The mighty red card”, “Benefits Street” and “Skint”.
I think that one key difference between “The mighty red card “ and the other two would be that in red car the people are not in horrendous conditions
which shows that they are better off but at the same time they are still struggling which I think it the main similarity, another difference which I can see
would that in “benefits street” you can see the real struggle which people go through but at the same time you can see that these problems are self-inflicted
on themselves which could change what the program is about. Also, with Skint you can see that the majority of the stuff which happens there isn’t because
the marine was closed down it is because they don’t want to accept it is gone and they don’t try and get a job and make a living instead they are left with a
life of crime.
What do you think the aim of each of these programs do?
I think that in “the mighty red car” the main aim of this would be to show you an area which has been majorly affected by the economy because it closed
down its industry affected everyone living there but don’t think that Is a reason for a majority of the people to turn to crime, Also I it shows you the reasons
which some people want to leave there for good because it has nothing to offer to its residence.
In “ benefits street” I think that the aim would be to show you what is like to live on benefits and it tries to affect you because this is how you don’t want
your life to end up which is correct, and also I think that It kind of makes people angry because this is their own doing and all they are doing is taking money
from the government which makes a lot of very angry because they complain about how much they are living on each week.
In “Skint” the main aim for it is to show you how the small percentage of people live like in the UK and how bad it is but at the same as trying to make us feel
bad for them you can see how it could frustrate people because as they don’t have a job they just do crime which is affecting the population and the people
around them.
Are these biased?
I think that these documentaries are slightly biased in the fact that they are only showing the bad parts about these places and the bad things which happen
on a daily basis and don’t show the people who are thankful for what they have and what they may be able to achieve in the future, and also with some of
them it is not entirely their own fault it could a disability of ex-army. So overall I think that there is more bias than truth in all of the different documentaries
to make you feel a certain way.
Final task
• I worked to the expectations and conventions of the medium of factual production/fanzine because I my own opinion I have
chosen to think about the context of the work which I have created as I have had to think about the different things which may
affect my work for example Social and political which in other words would be attitude to sexuality and relationships between
countries because I have to make sure that everything that I produce have to make sure that everything it factually correct
because other wise that would fiction not fact. Also with the context behind my work and the previous factual work over the past
weeks would be the censorship because for example in the shows we watched, ”The mighty red car” you can see that they have
used censorship because it is moral standards and they have to make sure they don’t cross the line and it would effect them in the
way which the audience receive it because it could either have a good or a bad impact on the individual, as well with my work
being the fanzine I have to make sure that everything which I put into it would have to watered down so that no one gets the
wrong impression on the work which I produce for them. Another thing would have to be that the bias which certain individuals
have on a certain topic for example with “benefits street” some people may see that as wrong for what they are doing and they
will not change their opinion what so ever so you have to try and care to everything so that you don’t get bias in your work. In my
work I have explored pretty much everything whether that came from looking up the people I am talking about or what I have
previously known about them, because I need to make sure that I correct so for example with some of the stuff which I have
written I have used the internet to find out specific details about them which I would have no clue about without it so it has
improved my work to a very good standard, also with my work the background behind it is very meaningless I would say because
even if you had no clue about what I was talking about you wouldn’t need to know the background behind why I decided that
certain thing they just need to understand that It I something which I am passionate about and they can respect that decision.
With the context on when it was made would be very easy as I have created this year but the resources which I have used have
been made around the last 10years which I think that changes things because over time things change and with the written work
which I have viewed can be changed by anyone with access to a computer and the internet, the only way I would be able to find
stuff which hasn’t been tampered in some way would be books but the kind of work which I have don’t isn’t in books as it is fairly
new. Something reason which I think that I worked to the expectations and the conventions would be that the work which I have
produced been influenced many different views because the media try and change your view on things because they are the
producers and want to influence you on their political stance because they have there own bias which they are trying to portray to
the consumers (Audience) but they don’t always get the reaction they want because people have their own opinion depending on
their experiences and also they don’t have to view it. Also with the background behind the expectations and convention it can be
misleading for example in “Skint” they have decided to show the negative side of it which means they have used all of the worst
elements about them and they have left out all of the positive elements to, but with other things they have done the opposite
where they have left out all of the negative aspects of the subject matter which only leaves the positive elements which leaves a
positive effect on the audience, Positive and Negative are two different styles of representation which depends on the subject
matter, the producer and the audience. Also in representation there is something called mediation which is the process everything
has to go through before it reaches the audience, also there is constructed which is the way the media text is put together.
Question 1
Final task
• A piece of work I would like to compare mine to would have the be fanzine which is called ”Sniffing Glue” which is seen as
the “daddy of them all” the reason I chose this professional piece of work would have to be because it is completely
different to mine not on the style which is music but the theme of it and the visuals because with this fanzine they have
gone for a very dark theme which would punk rock, the visuals with the sniffing glue fanzine is very strange because it
more hand made look because they have text which is crossed out through out it and all of the pieces of text and different
in the look because they are not completely identical which Is a similarity to mine as I didn’t want mine to be plain and
simple like some fanzines. I think one major key difference which is between the two would have to be the technical
different between the two because with mine you can see that everything which I have made was through the computer
and nothing was made via hand where as with sniffing glue everything is pretty much hand made from the pictures being
stuck on to the crossed out words as if they have gotten something wrong, the reason behind this in my opinion would be
the different eras which they where made as mine was made in the 21st century sniffing glue was made in 1976 which had
a completely different view on everything and didn’t have the access to a computer or any of the software which available
in the modern way and with mine I think because of the era everyone pretty has access to a computer in a very short
notice, also with mine I didn’t want to do It my hand because I knew that my ability on a computer was better than that of
making stuff physically and I cannot make things to the same standard as I can on the computer. Another thing which I
think it different would be the information which was collected because with sniffing they either had to read the news and
books which could be outdated or they made stuff up on what they thought of it which I fiction not truth where as with
mine the internet and things which are uploaded are updated nearly everyday so I know that the stuff which I writting
down is factually correct and not wrong.
Question 2
Final Task
• Discuss the topics covered in today’s lecture in reference to your own
work (Fanzine/Factual)
1. Explain how you have worked to the expectations and conventions of the
medium of factual production/fanzine with specific reference to;
• The content of today’s lecture
• Factual theory and conventions discussed in previous week’s lectures
• Existing products exploring the same/similar topics
• How have you explored context (the background of your topic, who made it, when it was
made etc.)
• How have you explored style (everything that is written/said)
• Do not reference your/existing product visuals in this section
2. Compare and contrast your work to one or more professional productions
• Discuss visuals – consider stylistic decisions, technical processes, use of information, etc.

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Finished theory homework term 1

  • 1. Spaced In the tv show spaced which is directed by Edgar wright which is based around the exploits of the two main characters, Daisy Steiner (Jessica Stevenson) and Tim Bisley (Simon Pegg). Something which I can see which I think is very successful would be the Camera because all the clips fit together really fluently because of the transitions are very seamless with no shots which look out of place, for example at 2:22 you can see that It switches from Daisy Steiner to another woman in one flush swipe and also something else which I can see about this would be that both shots show their faces as they are having a conversation. Another thing which I like about the camera work would be that depending on who speaking it zooms directly on their faces. Something else which I like about Spaced would be the editing style which is used in some particular moments throughout the episode, the main one being at minute 4:18 because they have fast forwarded his surroundings while he moves in normal speed which although is quite a simple trick it works very well in this scene, another thing which I like about the editing would be that is in a very comedic style, which is nice because It makes the show more involving. A large section of the comedic editing would be at 17:26 were they begin their finger gun fight because they have made it slow-motion and have also added gun sounds to make it sound somewhat realistic.
  • 3. Conflict Analysis • In this scene you can tell that they are at a conflict by looking at the face of the women on the left because she looks very annoyed and angry at the person or customer, this is from the movie bridesmaids. • Something else which can help you to find out that it is a scene of conflict would have to be the camera angle because it is faced towards the women on the left and you cannot really see the face of the women on the left which gives you a sense that the women on the left is more involved in this conflict because she has a strange facial reaction to the women and also by her pose she looks as if the women on the right has done something wrong, also the women on the right by not knowing what her facial expressions looks like, it make it seem as if it a one side conflict. • Another thing which helps me to realise that this is a scene of conflict would have to be the lighting of the shot would have to be because you can tell that it is lighter on the right-hand side of the person who is more passive and then darker on the left-hand side which is more aggressive, but overall the lighting of the entire shot Is quite bright because it sets a specific mood on the entire shot which is quite calm in comparison to other shots which I saw on the internet.
  • 4. Factual Analysis In the Amy Winehouse documentary I think there are multiple different people to blame for her death and the main one being Blake who was her boyfriend/husband, because he started her on crack cocaine and also she did everything that he did, which is the main reason she went to rehab with him but they got to share the same room which isn’t usually allowed, with I think would change the outcome of the whole experience there if she would have been separate. Also with him showing her cocaine it had completely changed her mindset and the way she thinks, and I think that this is one key factor which led to her overdose, also the fact that Blake went to prison led to Amy spiraling out of control, and the final reason why I think he is one of the people reason for her death would be that as soon as she rose to fame he wanted to get back with her which wanted because she was obsessed with him which shows that he only really cared when she was famous not before hand and this must have changed her. Another person who should be held accountable for her death would be Amy's father who didn’t want her to go to rehab and instead wanted her to go to America for her tour which shows he cared more about the money than the well being of his daughter which shows that it isn’t much for a parent and should have cared more about her than the money, and if she knew that her own father didn’t really care for her health how is she suppose to look after herself when he didn’t want her to go to rehab and get better, although her father didn’t want her to go she eventually followed her husband to rehab which was also pretty bad. Also a different reason why I blame her father responsible would be that when she went to “ “ which was suppose to be a private place without the public eye or cameras on her, but instead her father tried to make money out of her by making his documentary about her which showed there filming day in day out which must have put strain on her, which made her angry which you can see when she was asked for a photograph from two people she didn’t look happy at all and after they had taken the photo she made a rude remark about the people who asked her. The final person who I personally hold responsible would be herself because she made so many bad choices which she could have easily avoided and also didn’t think of the kind of consequences which they had on her, for example when she started crack cocaine although her husband showed her she could have made a mature decision not to try it but she was to blinded by love to say no to anything which he said which shows she didn’t make her own decisions, and she let lover control her which isn’t good because she would anything to please Blake. I think overall the film is fair in what it showed because it showed details on her private life into what she did, although I think it is fair It also could not be fair because they could have used “Franken Biting” which is where they put short audio clips together which could completely change what someone it saying whether negative or positive.
  • 5. Factual analysis Red Car Can a documentary be objective? Why do you believe this? I believe that this documentary can be objective to a certain audience because some of this documentary has been made to make you fell empathy towards these people and the way they have to live day in day out the main, for example when Dylan has been given an offer to go into music and pursue his career you can that he is emotionally changed when he hears the new and this could be done to try and show empathy towards because this is what he has been working towards for his whole life. But I think that in pretty much every documentary that is covering such a key factor in society they try and make us either fell sympathy towards people or happy for people I don’t think that there is any in-between. How far should what we watch/read affect us? and why? I think there is a point what should affect us in what we are watching or reading, because I believe that somethings should affect us in a good way because it enlightens us into what they have to put up with and the struggle there go through, but at the same time I don’t think it should fully affect us because it isn’t our fault and we have no control on what happens there which we should take in pretty much everything we watch and read online because it could be twisted to affect us in a more deeper way. How can we make sure what a documentary presents as fact, is true? In this documentary I think that the majority of it is truth because as the factory closed down it must have heavenly affected everyone that lives in red card and the fact that there is a lot of crime and people living without jobs because of it, but at the same time I think that some of it is lies because they may have selected certain people to talk about just because of the way they are in red car and have missed out people who are in a much more fortunate way, which shows they just want us to feel sympathetic towards all of them
  • 6. Factual Analysis “Benefits street” and “Skint” Compare the differing representations of people in “The mighty red card”, “Benefits Street” and “Skint”. I think that one key difference between “The mighty red card “ and the other two would be that in red car the people are not in horrendous conditions which shows that they are better off but at the same time they are still struggling which I think it the main similarity, another difference which I can see would that in “benefits street” you can see the real struggle which people go through but at the same time you can see that these problems are self-inflicted on themselves which could change what the program is about. Also, with Skint you can see that the majority of the stuff which happens there isn’t because the marine was closed down it is because they don’t want to accept it is gone and they don’t try and get a job and make a living instead they are left with a life of crime. What do you think the aim of each of these programs do? I think that in “the mighty red car” the main aim of this would be to show you an area which has been majorly affected by the economy because it closed down its industry affected everyone living there but don’t think that Is a reason for a majority of the people to turn to crime, Also I it shows you the reasons which some people want to leave there for good because it has nothing to offer to its residence. In “ benefits street” I think that the aim would be to show you what is like to live on benefits and it tries to affect you because this is how you don’t want your life to end up which is correct, and also I think that It kind of makes people angry because this is their own doing and all they are doing is taking money from the government which makes a lot of very angry because they complain about how much they are living on each week. In “Skint” the main aim for it is to show you how the small percentage of people live like in the UK and how bad it is but at the same as trying to make us feel bad for them you can see how it could frustrate people because as they don’t have a job they just do crime which is affecting the population and the people around them. Are these biased? I think that these documentaries are slightly biased in the fact that they are only showing the bad parts about these places and the bad things which happen on a daily basis and don’t show the people who are thankful for what they have and what they may be able to achieve in the future, and also with some of them it is not entirely their own fault it could a disability of ex-army. So overall I think that there is more bias than truth in all of the different documentaries to make you feel a certain way.
  • 7. Final task • I worked to the expectations and conventions of the medium of factual production/fanzine because I my own opinion I have chosen to think about the context of the work which I have created as I have had to think about the different things which may affect my work for example Social and political which in other words would be attitude to sexuality and relationships between countries because I have to make sure that everything that I produce have to make sure that everything it factually correct because other wise that would fiction not fact. Also with the context behind my work and the previous factual work over the past weeks would be the censorship because for example in the shows we watched, ”The mighty red car” you can see that they have used censorship because it is moral standards and they have to make sure they don’t cross the line and it would effect them in the way which the audience receive it because it could either have a good or a bad impact on the individual, as well with my work being the fanzine I have to make sure that everything which I put into it would have to watered down so that no one gets the wrong impression on the work which I produce for them. Another thing would have to be that the bias which certain individuals have on a certain topic for example with “benefits street” some people may see that as wrong for what they are doing and they will not change their opinion what so ever so you have to try and care to everything so that you don’t get bias in your work. In my work I have explored pretty much everything whether that came from looking up the people I am talking about or what I have previously known about them, because I need to make sure that I correct so for example with some of the stuff which I have written I have used the internet to find out specific details about them which I would have no clue about without it so it has improved my work to a very good standard, also with my work the background behind it is very meaningless I would say because even if you had no clue about what I was talking about you wouldn’t need to know the background behind why I decided that certain thing they just need to understand that It I something which I am passionate about and they can respect that decision. With the context on when it was made would be very easy as I have created this year but the resources which I have used have been made around the last 10years which I think that changes things because over time things change and with the written work which I have viewed can be changed by anyone with access to a computer and the internet, the only way I would be able to find stuff which hasn’t been tampered in some way would be books but the kind of work which I have don’t isn’t in books as it is fairly new. Something reason which I think that I worked to the expectations and the conventions would be that the work which I have produced been influenced many different views because the media try and change your view on things because they are the producers and want to influence you on their political stance because they have there own bias which they are trying to portray to the consumers (Audience) but they don’t always get the reaction they want because people have their own opinion depending on their experiences and also they don’t have to view it. Also with the background behind the expectations and convention it can be misleading for example in “Skint” they have decided to show the negative side of it which means they have used all of the worst elements about them and they have left out all of the positive elements to, but with other things they have done the opposite where they have left out all of the negative aspects of the subject matter which only leaves the positive elements which leaves a positive effect on the audience, Positive and Negative are two different styles of representation which depends on the subject matter, the producer and the audience. Also in representation there is something called mediation which is the process everything has to go through before it reaches the audience, also there is constructed which is the way the media text is put together. Question 1
  • 8. Final task • A piece of work I would like to compare mine to would have the be fanzine which is called ”Sniffing Glue” which is seen as the “daddy of them all” the reason I chose this professional piece of work would have to be because it is completely different to mine not on the style which is music but the theme of it and the visuals because with this fanzine they have gone for a very dark theme which would punk rock, the visuals with the sniffing glue fanzine is very strange because it more hand made look because they have text which is crossed out through out it and all of the pieces of text and different in the look because they are not completely identical which Is a similarity to mine as I didn’t want mine to be plain and simple like some fanzines. I think one major key difference which is between the two would have to be the technical different between the two because with mine you can see that everything which I have made was through the computer and nothing was made via hand where as with sniffing glue everything is pretty much hand made from the pictures being stuck on to the crossed out words as if they have gotten something wrong, the reason behind this in my opinion would be the different eras which they where made as mine was made in the 21st century sniffing glue was made in 1976 which had a completely different view on everything and didn’t have the access to a computer or any of the software which available in the modern way and with mine I think because of the era everyone pretty has access to a computer in a very short notice, also with mine I didn’t want to do It my hand because I knew that my ability on a computer was better than that of making stuff physically and I cannot make things to the same standard as I can on the computer. Another thing which I think it different would be the information which was collected because with sniffing they either had to read the news and books which could be outdated or they made stuff up on what they thought of it which I fiction not truth where as with mine the internet and things which are uploaded are updated nearly everyday so I know that the stuff which I writting down is factually correct and not wrong. Question 2
  • 9. Final Task • Discuss the topics covered in today’s lecture in reference to your own work (Fanzine/Factual) 1. Explain how you have worked to the expectations and conventions of the medium of factual production/fanzine with specific reference to; • The content of today’s lecture • Factual theory and conventions discussed in previous week’s lectures • Existing products exploring the same/similar topics • How have you explored context (the background of your topic, who made it, when it was made etc.) • How have you explored style (everything that is written/said) • Do not reference your/existing product visuals in this section 2. Compare and contrast your work to one or more professional productions • Discuss visuals – consider stylistic decisions, technical processes, use of information, etc.