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New Mexico State University
 Financial Wellness Project
        Fahzy Abdul-Rahman

    Family Resource Management Specialist
   Department of Family & Consumer Sciences
Situation                 Inputs                 Outputs                            Outcomes
                                               Activities Participation    Short          Medium             Long
 National: High                                                            Knowledge      Establish
 unemployment rate                           Conduct
                                             workshops                     of different   internet
 NM: Rural but has a lot to                                 Educators      marketing      and Social     Build a
 offer                        County                                                                     business
                                                                           and            Media
 There are various home-      Agents         Provide        Participants   payment        presence       with strong
 based products that may
 be good enough to be sold
                                             coaching                      avenues                       on-line
 in the market. E.g. Arts                    at                                                          presence
                                                                           Learning       Online
 and Crafts                   Money          individual                                                  with three
                                                                           the basics     video
 These programs include                      level                                                       of more
 sewing, gardening,           Theory         Set up                        of internet                   online
 photography, plants, and                    network for                   marketing                     mediums
 cooking programs.            Equipment
 In NM, we have many                                                                      s
                                                              Small                                      Increase
 educational programs         Technology                                   Attitude
 focused on crafts,                                           business                    Able to sell   sales (for
 hobbies, arts, etc.          Partners       Develop          owners                      merchandise    existing
 Besides that, this program                  products,                                    on-line and    business)
 provides opportunities for   Videos         curriculum,                   Skills         deliver to     by 10%
 existing business to                        and                                          customers
 improve on their             Literature     resources
 companies’ marketing         Review                                       Motivations
 techniques.                                                                               Online
 Physical (brick & mortar)    Content                                                      automated
 store may not be the best    Update
 idea due to un-strategic     Training
 location of NM, high
 upfront cost to set up a

                                           Program: Home-based Online
Goals: • To educate and train people on how to set up reliable home-
based and/or small on-line businesses. • To increase sales of existing
business • To encourage people to upgrade hobby and interest into a
1. Introduction: Background, problems,
   purpose, questions,
  – Framework: Logic Model
  – The Program
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion: Summary, conclusion,
   implications, future plans

• February 2012: Dona Ana county agent
  met with Anna Dyson, ad-hoc committee
  chair through the Employee Council for
  Financial Wellness for NMSU employees
  – researching different avenues and programs
    for an NMSU financial wellness program
• Originally wanted an online program by
  Dave Ramsey but it costs too much
  money ($10,000).
NMSU Employee Council, Jan.
•                        2012
    NMSU has health wellness programs and financial
    wellness programs for students
    – But no financial wellness program for employees.
    – 42% of people don’t know where every dollar of their budget
    – 70% live from paycheck to paycheck.
• Goal: Help employees to become aware of their finances
  and assist them in becoming debt-free and in turn,
  improve morale
• This issue has been discussed for quite some time
  waiting for the appropriate time to present it to the
• Sub-committee: Investigate the feasibility of supporting a
  financial wellness program and which program would be
Programs Suggested
•   eXtension: Investing for Your Future, Investing for Farm Families,
    Bankruptcy (fees for many can be waived), Planning for a Secure
•   National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)
     – Microentrepreneurs, Addiction Groups, CashCourse College Kits, Domestic
       Violence Victims, Dress for Success, Ex Convicts, Family Literacy, Gear
       Up/NCCEP, Generations United, Habitat Home Owners, Homeless Audience,
       Military Personnel, People with Disabilities, People with MS, United Way,
       Vita, Your Spending Your Savings
•   Dollar Decision$: $65
     – How to track their expenses and make ends meet.
     – Needs vs. wants, goal setting, methods to track expenses, ways to develop a spending
       and saving plan, ways to increase income and decrease expenses.
•   Money Smart for Young Adults:
     – learn the basics of handling their money and finances, including how to create
       positive relationships with financial institutions

 NM: High School course required to be taken

NM: Not even included in the K-12
Framework: Logic Model
• Situation Statement: • Dismal financial
  situation for individuals & families • National:
  High unemployment rate (8.3% [U6 14.9] vs.
  7% in NM) • NM: Low income (NM per capita
  income $33,368 ranks 43 out of 50; nationally
  $39,945) • NM is one of the five states without
  personal finance education requirements for
  high school graduation – not even included in K-
  12 Standards • Economic “ New Normal”
• Outcome Summary: NMSU Employee
  Financial Wellness targeted at providing
  personal finance programs to faculty and staff
  can help individuals achieve financial security by
  adopting healthy personal finance habits. NMSU
  faculty and staff will have improved financial
  stability with limited resources.
Outputs                              Outcomes – Impact
                   Activities      Participation   Short Term     Medium Term      Long Term
What we invest:   What we do:     Who we           What the short   What the         That the
                                  reach:           term results     medium term      ultimate results
Specialists       Plan,                            are:             results are:     are:
                  implement,      NMSU
Support from      and evaluate    employees        NMSU Employee       Employees will     Individuals and
NMSU,             educational     (faculty and     council will        practice and       families will have
especially        programs for    staff)           design, deliver,    maintain their     greater capacity
Employee          employees       throughout the   and evaluate        improved           to establish and
Council           including web- state of          educational         financial          maintain
                  based           various          program             management         financial
Evaluation data   education.      backgrounds                          strategies such    security.
                                                   Employees will      as development
Websites –                                         gain awareness, of financial goals     Communities will
NMSU, college,                    Key players:     knowledge and       and plans,         have improved
and department                                     abilities on        savings for        economic
                                  State            financial security. retirement and     stability by
Curricula                         extension                            other purpose,     increased
                                  specialist       Employees will      record             individuals and
                                                   intend to improve organization, risk   families’ financial
                                  Co-organizer     their financial     management,        security.
                                                   management          debt repayment,
                                  NMSU             strategies such     investment, and    Attaining
                                  professors       as development      estate planning.   financial stability
                                                   of financial goals                     will improve
                                  Local            and plans,          Employees will     family
                                  professionals    savings for         increase saving    relationship and
                                                   retirement and      and decrease       self-worth
                                  Supervisors,     other purpose,      their debts by
                                  including head   record              improved
                                  departments      organization, risk financial
                                  and deans        management,         management
                                                   debt repayment, practices.
                                                   investment, and
                                                   estate planning.
Framework: Logic Model
       Assumptions                     External Factors
1. Access to university           1. Availability of instructors
   facilities.                       (professors and
2. Partners will share            2. Availability of facilities
   resources and there will be    3. Lack of consumer education
   on and off campus faculty         being taught in educational
   partnerships.                     system
3. The programs can have a        4. Consumer availability of
                                     information and direct
   measurable impact on              decisions due to internet
   personal financial security.      technology.
4. Promoting personal             5. Increased awareness for
   financial security is a           consumer education
   critical need for New          6. Institutional commitment
   Mexico residents
2. Methods
• Survey: To all NMSU employees
  – Purpose: To determine personal finance
    background, demanded topics, and suitable
  – Online and paper; English and Spanish
  – All employees: Staff and faculty; full-time vs.
    part-time; exempt vs. non-exempt
• Translated to Spanish – took more time
  than expected: Survey, online and paper
  cover letter versions
• IRB application
  – Submitted: June 22, 2012
  – Revised: August 13, 2012
  – Approved: August 23, 2012
    • Too long: Should have checked with them after 5
    • SurveyEnglish.pdf, SurveySpanish.pdf,
      SurveyCLPaper.docx, SurveyCLPaperSp.docx,
3. Results
• Survey
  – n=245 with 7 paper survey. 2 Spanish
    response survey.
• Analysis
  – Subject matter and format
  – Different or one-fits-all
  – Survey opened: September 17 - Oct 31, 2012
• Data analysis
  – Overall; faculty vs. staff comparison
  – SAS
NMSU Hotline Announcement
Financial wellness workshops planned for all
NMSU employees
NMSU Employee Council and Cooperative
Extension Service are collaborating to offer
personal financial wellness workshops and
training for all NMSU employees. Our first step is
to survey the NMSU employee population and
gain your interest and need for these workshops.
Employees at all NMSU campuses are
encouraged to complete the survey as we plan to
offer classroom and online training across the
NMSU system.
Please choose how strongly A N D or
                                     you agree SD
   Please choose how strongly you agree or
     disagree with the following statements:
                                 SA                                                   n
         disagree with the following statements:
I consider myself knowledgeable in personal
finance topics.                                         8.6% 53.9% 20.8% 15.1% 1.6% 245
I will benefit from learning more about personal
financial management.                                  46.5% 42.0%   8.2% 1.6% 1.6% 245
I would like to learn more about the tax-sheltered
annuity plans offered to NMSU employees                33.5% 40.0% 18.8% 4.5% 3.3% 245
I would like to know more about the eligibility
retirement requirements for NMERB.                     36.7% 38.4% 15.1% 4.5% 4.1% 242
I would like to know more about the NM
Alternative Retirement Plan.                           35.5% 37.6% 17.6% 5.7% 2.9% 243
I like to use online training materials and learn in
a self-paced format.                                   35.5% 35.9% 17.1% 8.6% 2.4% 244
I like to learn in an instructor lead environment
with time to discuss materials with my instructor
and other class members.                               21.6% 41.6% 26.1% 7.8% 1.6% 242
I think my supervisor will allow me to review
training materials or attend training during work
hours.                                                 33.5% 36.3% 16.3% 7.3% 4.1% 239
I would like for these materials to be offered in                              16.3
Spanish.                                                4.1% 9.0% 53.5% 14.3%    % 238
I am interested in learning more and would pay a                               29.8
Not Interested (I RANK -
                               Interested/   Interested/     have plenty of Based on
                                   No           Some       knowledge or just Intereste
                               Knowledge     Knowledge      not interested)      d
Budgeting and cash              11.8%         60.0%            28.2%            9
Credit,debt, paying off debt    13.1%         51.8%            34.3%            10
Identity theft and financial
security                        28.2%         56.7%            15.1%            6
Buying a home                   19.6%         34.7%            45.7%            11
Consumer rights/scams and
frauds                          24.1%         53.5%            21.6%            8
Renting a home                  15.5%         33.9%            50.6%            13
College funds for my
children                        21.6%         28.2%            49.4%            12
Insurance                       26.1%         53.1%            20.4%            7
Building savings                34.3%         53.5%            11.4%            5
Increasing income               42.9%         47.3%             9.8%            3
Retirement planning             45.3%         48.6%             5.7%            1
Investments                     47.8%         41.2%            11.0%            4
Estate planning                 50.6%         40.8%             8.2%            2
Open Ended
• What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would
  you like to achieve with this type of training? n=138
• Please provide any other topics of interest that you would
  like: n=50
• Are you willing to participate in further surveys that will help
  guide us in developing employee workshops? 64.9% Yes
  vs. No
   – If yes, please provide your email address: n=121
• Do you have any expertise in any of the above topics for
  which you would like to teach a workshop or training class?
  4.5% Yes vs. No
   – If yes, please specify topic(s): n=10
What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to
                  achieve with this type of training? n=138
Developing a long term savings plan while also             I would like to learn how to be debt free and save for
improving my short term financial situation. I would       the future ; I've been working at NMSU over 15
like to be able to buy a home but my credit has            years. I am a member of the alternative retirement
suffered for many years. ; retirement planning ; How       plan. My investments in TIAA-CREF are worth little
to maximize my retirement savings. ; My spouse is a        more than the net of what I and the employer have
financial advisor and CFP so I wouldn't need this          contributed. What am I doing wrong? ; How to better
training. I would however be interested in any             manage my money, planning for retirement. ; able to
information offered concerning how I could avoid           devise a good plan for debt payoff and being able to
NMSU automatically taking out 11 percent of my             live on retirement income. ; My goal is better control
check and forcing me to participate in a net zero          of spending and beginning a savings program. Also
investment plan, so if such information exists in the      planning for retirement. ; I would like to get current
alternative retirement information I would gladly          information regarding home purchase, the process,
attend. ; How to better manage my money and learn          loans, interest rates and "points" ; What does NMSU
how to save. ; be more knowledgeable in managing           contribute to my savings account? Is the money that
my finances, make good decisions ; Retirement,             I put into ING really going to a good place that is
saving, alternative income, etc. ; I would like to learn   creating interest and is it safe? ; I would like to learn
how to make my money go further in order to plan for       how to better budget my earnings and
retirement. Investing is what i would like to take away    optimize/increase my wealth. Overall, I want to learn
and how to become debt free ; I'd like to feel more        more about longterm saving, investing, and
knowledgeable and more secure that I'm in a secure         retirement plan options. ; How to do more with what
position financially. ; How to take control of my          I have. ; Smart spending ; Learn to pay off debt,
current budget with my salary and also how to start        while saving for retirement ; Learn more about
building a savings for the future and building my          retirement plans and how to be prepared for my
career to earn a larger salary. ; Understand the new       future ; Future planning. ; Debt free and keeping up
NM retirement program, learn how to best save for          with monthly debt and have collector stop calling. ;
my kids' college and/or if I should even start while       Build a substantial nest egg, for myself and my
having consumer debt, and learning more about life         family. Be able to pay bills without worrying what
What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to
                achieve with this type of training? n=138
I want to build up my retirement savings so I have        I would like to be able to manage my money better
enough money to live on after I retire. I'm very          within the 457. I don't understand how to allocate
interested in learning about 401Ks and other              my money (for my age) so that it will grow at a
investment options. ; Learn about resources that I        steady pace, not lose value, and help in my
can continue learning and guiding towards financial       retirement. ; I have a financial advisor and need
security. ; Learn better ways to manage money,            information that pertains to New Mexico or NMSU. ;
about maKing the best out of what I have to work          General investment advice ; STABLE
wih. ; How to plan for retirement ; Financial             RETIREMENT INCOME. ; Learn ways to reduce
security for my future. Retirement Investing College      debt and increase savings/investments. Having
savings for kids ; learn how to invest + how to retire    money work for me as opposed to me working for
; Maybe learn a little more about investing in the        money. ; What options are out there? ; Reduce
stock market. Also, estate planning, trusts and wills.    debts and increase retirment goals. ; Financial
; I would like to learn more how to pay down debt,        security for the future. ; long term financial security ;
building up my savings, and preparing for                 How to prepare for retirement. ; What is my current
retirement. ; Financial goals are what we have but        financial state? What should my goals be in order
find hard keeping them. This will help me to attain       retire at my chosen age? How can I know the
my goals. ; how to better budget my money and be          benefits and counter-benefits of refinancing a
able to save money, i want to get out of debt even        mortgage? Is it worth investing in advanced
at the salary i get now. ; How to increase saving         education after middle age? ; How to get out of dept
without messing up my monthly budget. ; Financial         an attain financial security. ; How much money i will
stability, preparation for retirement, learning how to    need to have when I retire. ; I would like to learn
invest ; More knowledge of financial planning as a        how to save money better as i live from pay check to
whole. Many people do not know this type of               pay check with no savings to speak of. ; My goal is
information. Would be beneficial. ; Estate                to retire in the near future. ; separate retirement
planning. ; i would like to learn how to fix my credit,   fund, saving for college ; Budget better, increase my
how credit works and money management. as a               income, invest well without too much risk. ; I would
single mother of 2 and living soley on one income i       like to learn how to protect my assets and how best
What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to
                achieve with this type of training? n=138
I would like to figure out how much I will need for      Debt management - creating home budgets -
retirement and schedule a plan. I would like more        hopefully use to decrease debt, such as loans and
attention paid to the alternative retirement plan. ;     credit cards ; I would like to improve my financial
How to get an overall view of what could be              situation. ; Formulas for percentage of monthly
expected during retirement, based on existing plans      income to spend on food, housing, utilities, etx. ;
and savings in place. ; n/a ; investmets, retirement     How investing income will help in the long run and if i
income, college savings plans ; Personal Financial       have invested in good plans ; College fund for my
planning and saving planning. ; Learning about           kids, and additional planning for retirement. ; debt
how to make more of an investment in retiring. ;         management, savings, investments, college savings
Better budgeting, how to invest, retirment planning.     ; I wiuld hope to learn how to beter plan for the
My money needs to grow and I don't know how to           future so that I can have a more secure future, and
do that. ; Financial Independence ; Savings and          beable to help my family plan for their futures as
investment options for large purchases (home, kid's      well. ; Want to learn how to make the most of my
college funds) and retirement. Need more info and        money; i.e., saving, retirement, my nephew's saving
resources on wills and other end-of-life care            for college, keeping my information secure. I want to
options. ; Stabilize my finances now and plan for        know the best strategy for saving my money for
retirement. ; How to manage my limited resources         retirement and to see what other savings' plans I
better. ; To learn how to save money for                 should obtain to do this. ; Knowing how to take
retirement/children's college fund/ and how make         advantage of what NMSU offers. ; Would like
safe and smart investments. ; I need help planning       assistance with financial planning as it relates to
for retiremnt and saving money for a college fund        retirement and college funds for children. ; How to
for my son and creating a will. I also own a house       live on my single income. Make the right decisions
that I don't live in and need help figuring out if I     about retirement. ; My goal is to be financially stable
should try to sell it or keep renting. ; Learn about     at retirement without worrying about what happens
ways to stretch my income, and increase my               next ; Retirement planning ; financial preparation
income through investments, learn about the traps,       for retirement; financial planning for building a home
pitfalls and scams in the financial world ; Figure out   ; At 67 I need to learn more about retirement options
What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals
 would you like to achieve with this type of training?
      Count   Topic
        69    Retirement
        32    Budgeting, managing my money
        28    investing, safe, smart, secure
        23    Savings
        16    pay down debt, debt free
        12    kid's college
        12    estates, wills, trusts
        11    build knowledge
        10    financial planning
         7    increase income, alternative income
         7    financial security, stability
         6    Mortgage - buy a home
         4    Alternative Retirement Plan
         2    Fix my credit
         2    keeping financial goals
         1    life insurance
         1    emergency planning
         1    rental property - keep or sell
• Please provide any other topics of
            Open                          interest that you would like: n=50
Savings strategies, financial planning for         Public Loan Forgiveness for NMSU
          Endedlevels of different
retirement, credit repair, homeownership. ;
How to get ahead. ; Risk
                                                   employees who have taken out a student
                                                   loan ; Home insurance and how it works ;
kinds of investments Balancing your                ERB future ; Capital gains taxes in terms of
portfolio Tax implications of different kinds      realestate. ; home safety ; Beginning
of investments ; Retirement plans,                 Spanish. ; Investments, refinancing,
additional saving options ; investment             retirement, SS benefits. ; How to save for
information, understanding stocks, bonds           the future and invest. ; n/a ; Retirement
etc. ; Retirement and credit cards ; I would       planning ; See above. ; How to set up your
be interested in topics such as credit             own will or trust. ; More to do about making
scores and creating a will. ; I don't know if it   my money work for such a bad
was mentioned but purchasing a new or              economy. Tip on increasing my income,
used vehicle. ; I would also like information      etc... ; Investing ; Health and safety topics:
on other resources or program in the               First responder type actions in case of an
commumnity that help with buying a home.           accident having to do with different
; N/A ; Living Trusts ; Paying off debt and        scenarios, for example, someone bleeding
aquiring good debt. ; How to invest in             profusely, electrocution, drowning, etc.
equities with good results online. ;               Using a fire extinguisher, how the safety
Coordinating different types of benefits,          system works on campus. ; I cannot think
TIAA-CREF, ERB (spouse), Social                    of anything other than the topics mentioned
Security, etc. ; n/a ; Debt forgiveness ;          previously on whether I am interested in
• Please provide any other topics of
            Open                        interest that you would like: n=50
You've coered it very well for me. House         running a small business ; Running a
purchase, Ended to own,
           rent better than                      hobby/home business ; ERB rules now that
furthering my career. ; How to pay for           changes have been made, PERA update
health care after retirement HR needs to         (for those who have funds in that program
provide more info/access to the new High         as well), fraud knowledge, insurance
Deductible Health Plan and Health Savings        knowledge, 403b adn 457 plan details,
Account through Presbyterian. ; Ratio of         mainly every topic on the first page of this
life insurance, health insurance, long-term      questionnaire. Those topics are
care/assisted living insurance with income       surprisingly comprehensive, applicable and
level. ; I would like my partner to be able to   overall very good topics. Good job to
attend any workshops with me. I think that       whomever came up with those. ; How to
NMSU employees, though, should pay but           live well and die broke. ; Your list is
NOT employees. ; estate planning ; Estate        sufficient - but savings bonds, mutual
Planning Investing ; You asked the               funds, different between Morgan Stanley,
question would you like to retire with a         AG Edwards, Charles Schrab? How to
higher salary - how do I do that? ; Basic        select or know you have selected a good
investing. How to read the stock market          advisor. Who can you trust? ; Yes ; tener
quotes, I had that in school 40 years ago.       mas oportunidades (I want to have more
Don recall how now. ; Retirement                 opportunities) ; me gustaria aplicar para
information. ; What does going back to           otre posision donde me pagen mejor (I
work after retirement do? Is there a             want to be able to apply this so I can get
Open Ended
• Do you have any expertise in any of the above topics for
  which you would like to teach a workshop or training class?
  4.5% Yes vs. No
   – Way more than expected
   – If yes, please specify topic(s): n=10
• Wilcoxon signed ranks test
                            18-34              35-55            56+
     Age Range
                            15.1%              57.1%           25.7%
     Gross                 [$10K,$24K
    income      <$10K           )       [$25,$50)    [$50,$75)      >$75
      level      0.4%         8.6%        47.8%        24.1%       17.1%
Education                 H.S. or   Associate Bachelor's Master's
  level     Some H.S.      GED       degree       degree      degree    Ph.D.
              0.4%        14.3%       16.7%       24.9%        29.4%    11.0%
                                               DACC              Las   ABQ
             Alamo-                 DACC        East            Cruce Cente
             gordo     Carlsbad     Main       Mesa     Grants    s      r
              1.6%       2.9%       7.8%       4.9%
                                                  9-month0.8% 12-month 0.8%
  Classification      Exempt      Non-exempt      faculty       faculty
                       52.2%        33.5%          7.3%          5.7%
                          Full-time        Part-time           Other
                           95.9%             2.4%               0%
Demographics: Survey vs.
                   Population Response rate: 4.5%
Age Range 18-34 35-55 56+ Total
                15.10 57.10 25.70   100%           Survey respondents tend
   Survey                                          to be
                 %     %     %    (n=245)          • Slightly in the 35-55
     NMSU:                                            age group
            1,108 2,780 1,568 5,464                • Less educated
            20.30 50.90 28.70
   NMSU: %                    100.0%
               % or Assc. Bach. M.S.
          Some HS    %     %                                Other/
                                                   Ph.D.             Total
                HS    GED degree degree degree             Unknown
Survey         0.40% 14.30% 16.70% 24.90% 29.40%    11.00%           100%
NMSU                  2.45% 5.42% 20.79% 25.07%     18.39%    27.87% 100%
                     3.40%   7.51% 28.83% 34.76%    25.50%             100%
Unknown" Out
Demographics: Survey vs.
         Alamog Carlsba DACC
                            East Grants
                                               Cente Total
                           Mesa                  r
 Survey 1.60% 2.90% 7.80% 4.90% 0.80% 77.60% 0.80%
n(NMSU)    284    198  835           116 4,031       5,464
NMSU % 5.20% 3.60% 15.30%         2.10% 73.80%
                              9-      12- 4-
                            month month month       Total
                                                            Also, survey
     n               exempt
                            faculty faculty faculty         respondents tend to
Survey        52.20% 33.50% 7.30% 5.70%                     be
n(NMSU)         1,661 1,822     358     855     768 5,464   • Classified in the
NMSU %        30.40% 33.30% 6.60% 15.60% 14.10% 15.60%        exempt category
     FTE      Full-timePart-timeTotal
                                 100.00                     • Full-time
    Survey     95.90% 2.40%
                                      %                       employees
      n(NMSU)     3,953    1,511 5,465
      NMSU % 72.30% 27.60%
Staff vs. Faculty
• Employee Council wanted to know if results
  were different between faculty and staff
  – E.g. if faculty not interested, none on those topics for
    them for the summer
• Difference in need for scheduling
• Method:
  – SAS: Proc Freq with ChiSq option
     • Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test because DV is ordinal
Staff vs. Faculty
Full Question                                                        Staff Fac χ2 W
Frequency, n(no response)=3 (1.22%)                                    210   32
                                                                    85.7%    %
I consider myself knowledgeable in personal finance topics.           2.49 2.41 0.4248
I will benefit from learning more about personal financial
management.                                                              1.66 1.88 0.3942
I would like to learn more about the tax-sheltered annuity plans
offered to NMSU employees to add to my New Mexico Educational
Retirement Board (NMERB) retirement income.                              1.97 2.38 0.0517
I would like to know more about the eligibility retirement
requirements for NMERB.                                                  1.92 2.50 0.0797
I would like to know more about the NM Alternative Retirement
Plan.                                                                    1.96 2.32 0.2056
I like to use online training materials and learn in a self-paced
format.                                                                  2.04 2.16 0.5056
I like to learn in an instructor lead environment with time to discuss
materials with my instructor and other class members.                    2.25 2.19 0.6513
I think my supervisor will allow me to review training materials
during work Agreeand/orAgree training during work hours.
    Strongly hours           attend     Neutral      Disagree            2.17 1.68 0.0158
                                                                    Strongly Disagree
I would like for these materials to be offered in Spanish.
            1                  2            3            4               3.27 3.44 0.4126
Staff vs. Faculty
Full Question                                                     Staff Fac χ2 W
Budgeting and cash management
                                                                   2.12 4 0.0062
Credit, debt, paying off debt
                                                                   2.18 7 0.0209
Identity theft and financial security
                                                                   1.85 4 0.498
Buying a home
                                                                   2.20 3 0.0015
Consumer rights/scams and frauds
                                                                   1.93 9 0.049
Renting a home
                                                                   2.33 0 0.1805
College funds for my children
                                                                   2.25 1 0.2315
   Interested / No        Interested / Some    Not Interested (I have plenty of
                                                                   1.94 4 0.9269
     Knowledge               Knowledge        knowledge or just not interested)
Building savings
          1                        2                          3 1.77 8          1
Increasing income
Full Question                                                            Staff Fac χ2 W
                        Staff vs. Faculty
What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you
like to achieve with this type of training?
Please provide any other topics of interest that you would like:
Are you willing to participate in further surveys that will help guide          1.2
                                                                         1.31       0.3687
us in developing employee workshops? Yes=2 vs. No=1                               3
If yes, please provide your email address:
Do you have expertise in any of the above topics for which you                  1.9
                                                                         1.95       0.5901
would like to teach a workshop or training class? Yes=2 vs. No=1                  3
If yes, please specify topic
                                                                         2.09       0.4727
What is your age range? 18-35=3 vs. 36-55=2 vs. 56 and older=1                    9
What is your gross annual income level? [$0,$10K)=1;
                                                                                4.2 <.000
[$10K,$25K)=2; [$25,000,$50K)=3; [$50,000,$75K)=4; [$75,000,             3.38
What level of education have you completed? Some H.S.=1; High
                                                                                5.4 <.000
School or GED=2; Associate degree=3; Bachelor’s degree=4;                3.84
Master’s degree=6; Ph.D. =7;
At what location would you like to receive your training? NMSU-
Alamogordo=1; NMSU-Carlsbad=2; NMSU-Dona Ana Main=3;                            5.1
                                                                         5.49       0.0612
NMSU-Dona Ana East Mesa=4; NMSU – Grants=5; NMSU-Las                              9
Cruces=6; Albuquerque Center=7;
My NMSU classification is: Exempt staff=1; Non-exempt staff=2; 9-               3.4
                                                                         1.39       ******
month faculty=3; 12-month faculty=4;                                              4
Full Question (Categories breakdown)                                     Staff Fac χ2 W
                                                                          1.31 1.23 0.3687
Are you willing to participate in further surveys that will help guide
us in developing employee workshops? Yes=2 vs. No=1                      31.5% 23.3
     Yes                                                                          %
                                                                           1.95 1.93 0.5901
Do you have expertise in any of the above topics for which you
would like to teach a workshop or training class? Yes=2 vs. No=1         95.4% 93.1
    Yes                                                                           %
                                                                           2.09 2.19 0.4727
                                                                         16.9% 6.3%
What is your age range?                                                  57.0% 68.8
   18-35 (value=1)                                                       26.1%    %
   36-55                                                                        25.0
   56 and older (3)                                                               %
                                                                           3.38 4.22 <.000
                                                                          0.5%       1
                                                                          9.7% 0.0%
                                                                         22.7% 3.1%
What is your gross annual income level?
                               Since I am not a big fan of               13.0% 15.6
   [$0,$10K) (1)            averaging categorical responses                       %
   [$10K,$25K)                                                                  37.5
   [$25,000,$50K)                                                                 %
Full Question                                                Staff Fac χ2 W
                                                              5.49 5.19 0.0612
                                                             2.0% 3.2%
At what location would you like to receive your training?    2.9%     %
    NMSU-Alamogordo                                                 12.9
    NMSU-Carlsbad                                            7.4%     %
    NMSU-Dona Ana Main                                             3.2%
    NMSU-Dona Ana East Mesa                                  3.9% 67.7
    NMSU – Grants                                            0.5%     %
    NMSU-Las Cruces                                         82.4% 0.0%
    Albuquerque Center                                       1.0%
                                                              1.39 3.44 ******
                                                            61.0% 0.0%
My NMSU classification is:                                  39.1% 0.0%
    Exempt staff (1)                                         0.0% 56.3
    Non-exempt staff                                         0.0%     %
    9-month faculty                                                 43.8
    12-month faculty (4)                                              %
I am employed by NMSU:                                        1.02 1.00 0.3794
    Full-time (1)                                           97.6% 100%
4. Discussion
• Based on overall results and other information
   – There is a need for personal finance education on campus
   – Concern: Low response rate
• Staff vs. Faculty:
   – I. Opinion: 1 of 10 was significantly different
       • Supervisor allowing time off to attend
   – II. Topic: 4 of 13 was significantly different
       • Budgeting and cash management; Credit, debt, paying off debt;
         Buying a home; and Consumer rights/scams and frauds
• We’ve also decided
   – Group faculty and staff together
   – Offer classes at different levels of difficulty
   – Trying to figure out the best design that fits the demand
       • Debt deduction vs. convention
       • Coordinator (Anna Dyson and I) vs. professional
       • Basic, intermediate, and advanced
Lessons Learned
• IRB: Takes time, check on them,
  – 2 weeks in the past vs. 10 week here
  – Your faculty member in IRB. All good?
• Qualitative analysis is not the inferior one.
Current Planning
• Eight Topics identified: Budgeting and cash (2);
  Credit card, debt, and debt management: (3);
  Identity theft & consumer rights/scams (2); Buying
  a home (2); College funds (1); Insurance (2);
  Increasing income (1); and Retirement planning
• Allocate 2-3 one-hour sessions for each topics
   – Fahzy and Anna will teach the basic and maybe the
     intermediate levels. NMSU professors and local
     professional will be invited to teach the advanced
• Take advantage of facilities and event
   – Smart classroom, library, Career Service, Financial
     Literacy month in April
• Evaluation for each session
Future Considerations
• Lower-income population inadequately
  covered by the survey
  – More focused effort
  – Custodians have different work schedule. E.g.
    lunch at 10a.
    • … while we’re thinking of sessions at noon and 4p
  – Tend to be Spanish-speaking
  – Focused group
  – Direct face-to-face approach to the
New Mexico State University
 Financial Wellness Project
        Fahzy Abdul-Rahman

    Family Resource Management Specialist
   Department of Family & Consumer Sciences

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Financial Wellness Project

  • 1. New Mexico State University Financial Wellness Project Fahzy Abdul-Rahman Family Resource Management Specialist Department of Family & Consumer Sciences Extension
  • 2. Situation Inputs Outputs Outcomes Activities Participation Short Medium Long National: High Knowledge Establish unemployment rate Conduct Specialists workshops of different internet NM: Rural but has a lot to Educators marketing and Social Build a offer County business and Media There are various home- Agents Provide Participants payment presence with strong based products that may be good enough to be sold coaching avenues on-line Time in the market. E.g. Arts at presence Learning Online and Crafts Money individual with three the basics video These programs include level of more sewing, gardening, Theory Set up of internet online Other photography, plants, and network for marketing mediums cooking programs. Equipment presentation participants In NM, we have many s Small Increase educational programs Technology Attitude focused on crafts, business Able to sell sales (for hobbies, arts, etc. Partners Develop owners merchandise existing Besides that, this program products, on-line and business) provides opportunities for Videos curriculum, Skills deliver to by 10% existing business to and customers improve on their Literature resources companies’ marketing Review Motivations techniques. Online Physical (brick & mortar) Content automated store may not be the best Update payment idea due to un-strategic Training location of NM, high method upfront cost to set up a Program: Home-based Online Business- Goals: • To educate and train people on how to set up reliable home- based and/or small on-line businesses. • To increase sales of existing business • To encourage people to upgrade hobby and interest into a
  • 3. Outline 1. Introduction: Background, problems, purpose, questions, – Framework: Logic Model – The Program 2. Methods 3. Results 4. Discussion: Summary, conclusion, implications, future plans
  • 4. Background • February 2012: Dona Ana county agent met with Anna Dyson, ad-hoc committee chair through the Employee Council for Financial Wellness for NMSU employees – researching different avenues and programs for an NMSU financial wellness program • Originally wanted an online program by Dave Ramsey but it costs too much money ($10,000).
  • 5. NMSU Employee Council, Jan. • 2012 NMSU has health wellness programs and financial wellness programs for students – But no financial wellness program for employees. – 42% of people don’t know where every dollar of their budget goes – 70% live from paycheck to paycheck. • Goal: Help employees to become aware of their finances and assist them in becoming debt-free and in turn, improve morale • This issue has been discussed for quite some time waiting for the appropriate time to present it to the committee. • Sub-committee: Investigate the feasibility of supporting a financial wellness program and which program would be best.
  • 6. Programs Suggested • eXtension: Investing for Your Future, Investing for Farm Families, Bankruptcy (fees for many can be waived), Planning for a Secure Retirement • National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) – Microentrepreneurs, Addiction Groups, CashCourse College Kits, Domestic Violence Victims, Dress for Success, Ex Convicts, Family Literacy, Gear Up/NCCEP, Generations United, Habitat Home Owners, Homeless Audience, Military Personnel, People with Disabilities, People with MS, United Way, Vita, Your Spending Your Savings • Dollar Decision$: $65 – How to track their expenses and make ends meet. – Needs vs. wants, goal setting, methods to track expenses, ways to develop a spending and saving plan, ways to increase income and decrease expenses. • • Money Smart for Young Adults: – learn the basics of handling their money and finances, including how to create positive relationships with financial institutions
  • 7. ECONOMIC EDUCATION - 2011 NM: High School course required to be taken
  • 8. PERSONAL FINANCE- 2011 NM: Not even included in the K-12 Standard
  • 9. Framework: Logic Model • Situation Statement: • Dismal financial situation for individuals & families • National: High unemployment rate (8.3% [U6 14.9] vs. 7% in NM) • NM: Low income (NM per capita income $33,368 ranks 43 out of 50; nationally $39,945) • NM is one of the five states without personal finance education requirements for high school graduation – not even included in K- 12 Standards • Economic “ New Normal” • Outcome Summary: NMSU Employee Financial Wellness targeted at providing personal finance programs to faculty and staff can help individuals achieve financial security by adopting healthy personal finance habits. NMSU faculty and staff will have improved financial stability with limited resources.
  • 10. Outputs Outcomes – Impact Inputs Activities Participation Short Term Medium Term Long Term What we invest: What we do: Who we What the short What the That the reach: term results medium term ultimate results Specialists Plan, are: results are: are: implement, NMSU Support from and evaluate employees NMSU Employee Employees will Individuals and NMSU, educational (faculty and council will practice and families will have especially programs for staff) design, deliver, maintain their greater capacity Employee employees throughout the and evaluate improved to establish and Council including web- state of educational financial maintain based various program management financial Evaluation data education. backgrounds strategies such security. Employees will as development Websites – gain awareness, of financial goals Communities will NMSU, college, Key players: knowledge and and plans, have improved and department abilities on savings for economic State financial security. retirement and stability by Curricula extension other purpose, increased specialist Employees will record individuals and intend to improve organization, risk families’ financial Co-organizer their financial management, security. management debt repayment, NMSU strategies such investment, and Attaining professors as development estate planning. financial stability of financial goals will improve Local and plans, Employees will family professionals savings for increase saving relationship and retirement and and decrease self-worth Supervisors, other purpose, their debts by including head record improved departments organization, risk financial and deans management, management debt repayment, practices. investment, and estate planning.
  • 11. Framework: Logic Model Assumptions External Factors 1. Access to university 1. Availability of instructors facilities. (professors and professionals) 2. Partners will share 2. Availability of facilities resources and there will be 3. Lack of consumer education on and off campus faculty being taught in educational partnerships. system 3. The programs can have a 4. Consumer availability of information and direct measurable impact on decisions due to internet personal financial security. technology. 4. Promoting personal 5. Increased awareness for financial security is a consumer education critical need for New 6. Institutional commitment Mexico residents
  • 12. 2. Methods • Survey: To all NMSU employees – Purpose: To determine personal finance background, demanded topics, and suitable format – Online and paper; English and Spanish – All employees: Staff and faculty; full-time vs. part-time; exempt vs. non-exempt
  • 13. Survey • Translated to Spanish – took more time than expected: Survey, online and paper cover letter versions • IRB application – Submitted: June 22, 2012 – Revised: August 13, 2012 – Approved: August 23, 2012 • Too long: Should have checked with them after 5 weeks • SurveyEnglish.pdf, SurveySpanish.pdf, SurveyCLPaper.docx, SurveyCLPaperSp.docx,
  • 14. 3. Results • Survey – n=245 with 7 paper survey. 2 Spanish response survey. • Analysis – Subject matter and format – Different or one-fits-all – Survey opened: September 17 - Oct 31, 2012 • Data analysis – Overall; faculty vs. staff comparison – SAS
  • 15. NMSU Hotline Announcement Financial wellness workshops planned for all NMSU employees NMSU Employee Council and Cooperative Extension Service are collaborating to offer personal financial wellness workshops and training for all NMSU employees. Our first step is to survey the NMSU employee population and gain your interest and need for these workshops. Employees at all NMSU campuses are encouraged to complete the survey as we plan to offer classroom and online training across the NMSU system.
  • 16. Please choose how strongly A N D or you agree SD Please choose how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements: SA n disagree with the following statements: I consider myself knowledgeable in personal finance topics. 8.6% 53.9% 20.8% 15.1% 1.6% 245 I will benefit from learning more about personal financial management. 46.5% 42.0% 8.2% 1.6% 1.6% 245 I would like to learn more about the tax-sheltered annuity plans offered to NMSU employees 33.5% 40.0% 18.8% 4.5% 3.3% 245 I would like to know more about the eligibility retirement requirements for NMERB. 36.7% 38.4% 15.1% 4.5% 4.1% 242 I would like to know more about the NM Alternative Retirement Plan. 35.5% 37.6% 17.6% 5.7% 2.9% 243 I like to use online training materials and learn in a self-paced format. 35.5% 35.9% 17.1% 8.6% 2.4% 244 I like to learn in an instructor lead environment with time to discuss materials with my instructor and other class members. 21.6% 41.6% 26.1% 7.8% 1.6% 242 I think my supervisor will allow me to review training materials or attend training during work hours. 33.5% 36.3% 16.3% 7.3% 4.1% 239 I would like for these materials to be offered in 16.3 Spanish. 4.1% 9.0% 53.5% 14.3% % 238 I am interested in learning more and would pay a 29.8
  • 17. Not Interested (I RANK - Interested/ Interested/ have plenty of Based on No Some knowledge or just Intereste Knowledge Knowledge not interested) d Budgeting and cash 11.8% 60.0% 28.2% 9 Credit,debt, paying off debt 13.1% 51.8% 34.3% 10 Identity theft and financial security 28.2% 56.7% 15.1% 6 Buying a home 19.6% 34.7% 45.7% 11 Consumer rights/scams and frauds 24.1% 53.5% 21.6% 8 Renting a home 15.5% 33.9% 50.6% 13 College funds for my children 21.6% 28.2% 49.4% 12 Insurance 26.1% 53.1% 20.4% 7 Building savings 34.3% 53.5% 11.4% 5 Increasing income 42.9% 47.3% 9.8% 3 Retirement planning 45.3% 48.6% 5.7% 1 Investments 47.8% 41.2% 11.0% 4 Estate planning 50.6% 40.8% 8.2% 2
  • 18. Open Ended • What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to achieve with this type of training? n=138 • Please provide any other topics of interest that you would like: n=50 • Are you willing to participate in further surveys that will help guide us in developing employee workshops? 64.9% Yes vs. No – If yes, please provide your email address: n=121 • Do you have any expertise in any of the above topics for which you would like to teach a workshop or training class? 4.5% Yes vs. No – If yes, please specify topic(s): n=10
  • 19. What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to achieve with this type of training? n=138 Developing a long term savings plan while also I would like to learn how to be debt free and save for improving my short term financial situation. I would the future ; I've been working at NMSU over 15 like to be able to buy a home but my credit has years. I am a member of the alternative retirement suffered for many years. ; retirement planning ; How plan. My investments in TIAA-CREF are worth little to maximize my retirement savings. ; My spouse is a more than the net of what I and the employer have financial advisor and CFP so I wouldn't need this contributed. What am I doing wrong? ; How to better training. I would however be interested in any manage my money, planning for retirement. ; able to information offered concerning how I could avoid devise a good plan for debt payoff and being able to NMSU automatically taking out 11 percent of my live on retirement income. ; My goal is better control check and forcing me to participate in a net zero of spending and beginning a savings program. Also investment plan, so if such information exists in the planning for retirement. ; I would like to get current alternative retirement information I would gladly information regarding home purchase, the process, attend. ; How to better manage my money and learn loans, interest rates and "points" ; What does NMSU how to save. ; be more knowledgeable in managing contribute to my savings account? Is the money that my finances, make good decisions ; Retirement, I put into ING really going to a good place that is saving, alternative income, etc. ; I would like to learn creating interest and is it safe? ; I would like to learn how to make my money go further in order to plan for how to better budget my earnings and retirement. Investing is what i would like to take away optimize/increase my wealth. Overall, I want to learn and how to become debt free ; I'd like to feel more more about longterm saving, investing, and knowledgeable and more secure that I'm in a secure retirement plan options. ; How to do more with what position financially. ; How to take control of my I have. ; Smart spending ; Learn to pay off debt, current budget with my salary and also how to start while saving for retirement ; Learn more about building a savings for the future and building my retirement plans and how to be prepared for my career to earn a larger salary. ; Understand the new future ; Future planning. ; Debt free and keeping up NM retirement program, learn how to best save for with monthly debt and have collector stop calling. ; my kids' college and/or if I should even start while Build a substantial nest egg, for myself and my having consumer debt, and learning more about life family. Be able to pay bills without worrying what
  • 20. What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to achieve with this type of training? n=138 I want to build up my retirement savings so I have I would like to be able to manage my money better enough money to live on after I retire. I'm very within the 457. I don't understand how to allocate interested in learning about 401Ks and other my money (for my age) so that it will grow at a investment options. ; Learn about resources that I steady pace, not lose value, and help in my can continue learning and guiding towards financial retirement. ; I have a financial advisor and need security. ; Learn better ways to manage money, information that pertains to New Mexico or NMSU. ; about maKing the best out of what I have to work General investment advice ; STABLE wih. ; How to plan for retirement ; Financial RETIREMENT INCOME. ; Learn ways to reduce security for my future. Retirement Investing College debt and increase savings/investments. Having savings for kids ; learn how to invest + how to retire money work for me as opposed to me working for ; Maybe learn a little more about investing in the money. ; What options are out there? ; Reduce stock market. Also, estate planning, trusts and wills. debts and increase retirment goals. ; Financial ; I would like to learn more how to pay down debt, security for the future. ; long term financial security ; building up my savings, and preparing for How to prepare for retirement. ; What is my current retirement. ; Financial goals are what we have but financial state? What should my goals be in order find hard keeping them. This will help me to attain retire at my chosen age? How can I know the my goals. ; how to better budget my money and be benefits and counter-benefits of refinancing a able to save money, i want to get out of debt even mortgage? Is it worth investing in advanced at the salary i get now. ; How to increase saving education after middle age? ; How to get out of dept without messing up my monthly budget. ; Financial an attain financial security. ; How much money i will stability, preparation for retirement, learning how to need to have when I retire. ; I would like to learn invest ; More knowledge of financial planning as a how to save money better as i live from pay check to whole. Many people do not know this type of pay check with no savings to speak of. ; My goal is information. Would be beneficial. ; Estate to retire in the near future. ; separate retirement planning. ; i would like to learn how to fix my credit, fund, saving for college ; Budget better, increase my how credit works and money management. as a income, invest well without too much risk. ; I would single mother of 2 and living soley on one income i like to learn how to protect my assets and how best
  • 21. What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to achieve with this type of training? n=138 I would like to figure out how much I will need for Debt management - creating home budgets - retirement and schedule a plan. I would like more hopefully use to decrease debt, such as loans and attention paid to the alternative retirement plan. ; credit cards ; I would like to improve my financial How to get an overall view of what could be situation. ; Formulas for percentage of monthly expected during retirement, based on existing plans income to spend on food, housing, utilities, etx. ; and savings in place. ; n/a ; investmets, retirement How investing income will help in the long run and if i income, college savings plans ; Personal Financial have invested in good plans ; College fund for my planning and saving planning. ; Learning about kids, and additional planning for retirement. ; debt how to make more of an investment in retiring. ; management, savings, investments, college savings Better budgeting, how to invest, retirment planning. ; I wiuld hope to learn how to beter plan for the My money needs to grow and I don't know how to future so that I can have a more secure future, and do that. ; Financial Independence ; Savings and beable to help my family plan for their futures as investment options for large purchases (home, kid's well. ; Want to learn how to make the most of my college funds) and retirement. Need more info and money; i.e., saving, retirement, my nephew's saving resources on wills and other end-of-life care for college, keeping my information secure. I want to options. ; Stabilize my finances now and plan for know the best strategy for saving my money for retirement. ; How to manage my limited resources retirement and to see what other savings' plans I better. ; To learn how to save money for should obtain to do this. ; Knowing how to take retirement/children's college fund/ and how make advantage of what NMSU offers. ; Would like safe and smart investments. ; I need help planning assistance with financial planning as it relates to for retiremnt and saving money for a college fund retirement and college funds for children. ; How to for my son and creating a will. I also own a house live on my single income. Make the right decisions that I don't live in and need help figuring out if I about retirement. ; My goal is to be financially stable should try to sell it or keep renting. ; Learn about at retirement without worrying about what happens ways to stretch my income, and increase my next ; Retirement planning ; financial preparation income through investments, learn about the traps, for retirement; financial planning for building a home pitfalls and scams in the financial world ; Figure out ; At 67 I need to learn more about retirement options
  • 22. What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to achieve with this type of training? Count Topic 69 Retirement 32 Budgeting, managing my money 28 investing, safe, smart, secure 23 Savings 16 pay down debt, debt free 12 kid's college 12 estates, wills, trusts 11 build knowledge 10 financial planning 7 increase income, alternative income 7 financial security, stability 6 Mortgage - buy a home 4 Alternative Retirement Plan 2 Fix my credit 2 keeping financial goals 1 life insurance 1 emergency planning 1 rental property - keep or sell
  • 23. • Please provide any other topics of Open interest that you would like: n=50 Savings strategies, financial planning for Public Loan Forgiveness for NMSU Endedlevels of different retirement, credit repair, homeownership. ; How to get ahead. ; Risk employees who have taken out a student loan ; Home insurance and how it works ; kinds of investments Balancing your ERB future ; Capital gains taxes in terms of portfolio Tax implications of different kinds realestate. ; home safety ; Beginning of investments ; Retirement plans, Spanish. ; Investments, refinancing, additional saving options ; investment retirement, SS benefits. ; How to save for information, understanding stocks, bonds the future and invest. ; n/a ; Retirement etc. ; Retirement and credit cards ; I would planning ; See above. ; How to set up your be interested in topics such as credit own will or trust. ; More to do about making scores and creating a will. ; I don't know if it my money work for such a bad was mentioned but purchasing a new or economy. Tip on increasing my income, used vehicle. ; I would also like information etc... ; Investing ; Health and safety topics: on other resources or program in the First responder type actions in case of an commumnity that help with buying a home. accident having to do with different ; N/A ; Living Trusts ; Paying off debt and scenarios, for example, someone bleeding aquiring good debt. ; How to invest in profusely, electrocution, drowning, etc. equities with good results online. ; Using a fire extinguisher, how the safety Coordinating different types of benefits, system works on campus. ; I cannot think TIAA-CREF, ERB (spouse), Social of anything other than the topics mentioned Security, etc. ; n/a ; Debt forgiveness ; previously on whether I am interested in
  • 24. • Please provide any other topics of Open interest that you would like: n=50 You've coered it very well for me. House running a small business ; Running a purchase, Ended to own, rent better than hobby/home business ; ERB rules now that furthering my career. ; How to pay for changes have been made, PERA update health care after retirement HR needs to (for those who have funds in that program provide more info/access to the new High as well), fraud knowledge, insurance Deductible Health Plan and Health Savings knowledge, 403b adn 457 plan details, Account through Presbyterian. ; Ratio of mainly every topic on the first page of this life insurance, health insurance, long-term questionnaire. Those topics are care/assisted living insurance with income surprisingly comprehensive, applicable and level. ; I would like my partner to be able to overall very good topics. Good job to attend any workshops with me. I think that whomever came up with those. ; How to NMSU employees, though, should pay but live well and die broke. ; Your list is NOT employees. ; estate planning ; Estate sufficient - but savings bonds, mutual Planning Investing ; You asked the funds, different between Morgan Stanley, question would you like to retire with a AG Edwards, Charles Schrab? How to higher salary - how do I do that? ; Basic select or know you have selected a good investing. How to read the stock market advisor. Who can you trust? ; Yes ; tener quotes, I had that in school 40 years ago. mas oportunidades (I want to have more Don recall how now. ; Retirement opportunities) ; me gustaria aplicar para information. ; What does going back to otre posision donde me pagen mejor (I work after retirement do? Is there a want to be able to apply this so I can get
  • 25. Open Ended • Do you have any expertise in any of the above topics for which you would like to teach a workshop or training class? 4.5% Yes vs. No – Way more than expected – If yes, please specify topic(s): n=10 • Wilcoxon signed ranks test
  • 26. Demographics 18-34 35-55 56+ Age Range 15.1% 57.1% 25.7% Gross [$10K,$24K income <$10K ) [$25,$50) [$50,$75) >$75 level 0.4% 8.6% 47.8% 24.1% 17.1% Education H.S. or Associate Bachelor's Master's level Some H.S. GED degree degree degree Ph.D. 0.4% 14.3% 16.7% 24.9% 29.4% 11.0% DACC Las ABQ Alamo- DACC East Cruce Cente Location gordo Carlsbad Main Mesa Grants s r 1.6% 2.9% 7.8% 4.9% 9-month0.8% 12-month 0.8% 77.6% Classification Exempt Non-exempt faculty faculty 52.2% 33.5% 7.3% 5.7% Full-time Part-time Other FTE 95.9% 2.4% 0%
  • 27. Demographics: Survey vs. Population Response rate: 4.5% Age Range 18-34 35-55 56+ Total 15.10 57.10 25.70 100% Survey respondents tend Survey to be % % % (n=245) • Slightly in the 35-55 NMSU: age group 1,108 2,780 1,568 5,464 • Less educated Headcount 20.30 50.90 28.70 NMSU: % 100.0% % or Assc. Bach. M.S. Some HS % % Other/ Ph.D. Total HS GED degree degree degree Unknown Survey 0.40% 14.30% 16.70% 24.90% 29.40% 11.00% 100% NMSU 2.45% 5.42% 20.79% 25.07% 18.39% 27.87% 100% "Other/ 3.40% 7.51% 28.83% 34.76% 25.50% 100% Unknown" Out
  • 28. Demographics: Survey vs. Location ordo Population d DACC Alamog Carlsba DACC Main East Grants Las Cruces ABQ Cente Total Mesa r 100.0 Survey 1.60% 2.90% 7.80% 4.90% 0.80% 77.60% 0.80% 0% n(NMSU) 284 198 835 116 4,031 5,464 100.0 NMSU % 5.20% 3.60% 15.30% 2.10% 73.80% 0% 9- 12- 4- Classificatio Exempt Non- month month month Total Also, survey n exempt faculty faculty faculty respondents tend to Survey 52.20% 33.50% 7.30% 5.70% be n(NMSU) 1,661 1,822 358 855 768 5,464 • Classified in the NMSU % 30.40% 33.30% 6.60% 15.60% 14.10% 15.60% exempt category FTE Full-timePart-timeTotal and 100.00 • Full-time Survey 95.90% 2.40% % employees n(NMSU) 3,953 1,511 5,465 100.00 NMSU % 72.30% 27.60% %
  • 29. Staff vs. Faculty • Employee Council wanted to know if results were different between faculty and staff – E.g. if faculty not interested, none on those topics for them for the summer • Difference in need for scheduling • Method: – SAS: Proc Freq with ChiSq option • Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test because DV is ordinal
  • 30. Staff vs. Faculty Full Question Staff Fac χ2 W Frequency, n(no response)=3 (1.22%) 210 32 13.1 Percent 85.7% % I consider myself knowledgeable in personal finance topics. 2.49 2.41 0.4248 I will benefit from learning more about personal financial management. 1.66 1.88 0.3942 I would like to learn more about the tax-sheltered annuity plans offered to NMSU employees to add to my New Mexico Educational Retirement Board (NMERB) retirement income. 1.97 2.38 0.0517 I would like to know more about the eligibility retirement requirements for NMERB. 1.92 2.50 0.0797 I would like to know more about the NM Alternative Retirement Plan. 1.96 2.32 0.2056 I like to use online training materials and learn in a self-paced format. 2.04 2.16 0.5056 I like to learn in an instructor lead environment with time to discuss materials with my instructor and other class members. 2.25 2.19 0.6513 I think my supervisor will allow me to review training materials during work Agreeand/orAgree training during work hours. Strongly hours attend Neutral Disagree 2.17 1.68 0.0158 Strongly Disagree I would like for these materials to be offered in Spanish. 1 2 3 4 3.27 3.44 0.4126 5
  • 31. Staff vs. Faculty Full Question Staff Fac χ2 W 2.4 Budgeting and cash management 2.12 4 0.0062 2.4 Credit, debt, paying off debt 2.18 7 0.0209 1.9 Identity theft and financial security 1.85 4 0.498 2.6 Buying a home 2.20 3 0.0015 2.1 Consumer rights/scams and frauds 1.93 9 0.049 2.5 Renting a home 2.33 0 0.1805 2.4 College funds for my children 2.25 1 0.2315 1.9 Insurance Interested / No Interested / Some Not Interested (I have plenty of 1.94 4 0.9269 Knowledge Knowledge knowledge or just not interested) 1.7 Building savings 1 2 3 1.77 8 1 1.6 Increasing income
  • 32. Full Question Staff Fac χ2 W Staff vs. Faculty What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to achieve with this type of training? Please provide any other topics of interest that you would like: Are you willing to participate in further surveys that will help guide 1.2 1.31 0.3687 us in developing employee workshops? Yes=2 vs. No=1 3 If yes, please provide your email address: Do you have expertise in any of the above topics for which you 1.9 1.95 0.5901 would like to teach a workshop or training class? Yes=2 vs. No=1 3 If yes, please specify topic 2.1 2.09 0.4727 What is your age range? 18-35=3 vs. 36-55=2 vs. 56 and older=1 9 What is your gross annual income level? [$0,$10K)=1; 4.2 <.000 [$10K,$25K)=2; [$25,000,$50K)=3; [$50,000,$75K)=4; [$75,000, 3.38 21 ∞)=5 What level of education have you completed? Some H.S.=1; High 5.4 <.000 School or GED=2; Associate degree=3; Bachelor’s degree=4; 3.84 21 Master’s degree=6; Ph.D. =7; At what location would you like to receive your training? NMSU- Alamogordo=1; NMSU-Carlsbad=2; NMSU-Dona Ana Main=3; 5.1 5.49 0.0612 NMSU-Dona Ana East Mesa=4; NMSU – Grants=5; NMSU-Las 9 Cruces=6; Albuquerque Center=7; My NMSU classification is: Exempt staff=1; Non-exempt staff=2; 9- 3.4 1.39 ****** month faculty=3; 12-month faculty=4; 4
  • 33. Full Question (Categories breakdown) Staff Fac χ2 W 1.31 1.23 0.3687 Are you willing to participate in further surveys that will help guide us in developing employee workshops? Yes=2 vs. No=1 31.5% 23.3 Yes % 1.95 1.93 0.5901 Do you have expertise in any of the above topics for which you would like to teach a workshop or training class? Yes=2 vs. No=1 95.4% 93.1 Yes % 2.09 2.19 0.4727 16.9% 6.3% What is your age range? 57.0% 68.8 18-35 (value=1) 26.1% % 36-55 25.0 56 and older (3) % 3.38 4.22 <.000 0.5% 1 9.7% 0.0% 54.1% 22.7% 3.1% What is your gross annual income level? Since I am not a big fan of 13.0% 15.6 [$0,$10K) (1) averaging categorical responses % [$10K,$25K) 37.5 … [$25,000,$50K) %
  • 34. Full Question Staff Fac χ2 W 5.49 5.19 0.0612 0.0% 2.0% 3.2% 12.9 At what location would you like to receive your training? 2.9% % NMSU-Alamogordo 12.9 NMSU-Carlsbad 7.4% % NMSU-Dona Ana Main 3.2% NMSU-Dona Ana East Mesa 3.9% 67.7 NMSU – Grants 0.5% % NMSU-Las Cruces 82.4% 0.0% Albuquerque Center 1.0% 1.39 3.44 ****** 61.0% 0.0% My NMSU classification is: 39.1% 0.0% Exempt staff (1) 0.0% 56.3 Non-exempt staff 0.0% % 9-month faculty 43.8 12-month faculty (4) % I am employed by NMSU: 1.02 1.00 0.3794 Full-time (1) 97.6% 100%
  • 35. 4. Discussion • Based on overall results and other information – There is a need for personal finance education on campus – Concern: Low response rate • Staff vs. Faculty: – I. Opinion: 1 of 10 was significantly different • Supervisor allowing time off to attend – II. Topic: 4 of 13 was significantly different • Budgeting and cash management; Credit, debt, paying off debt; Buying a home; and Consumer rights/scams and frauds • We’ve also decided – Group faculty and staff together – Offer classes at different levels of difficulty – Trying to figure out the best design that fits the demand • Debt deduction vs. convention • Coordinator (Anna Dyson and I) vs. professional • Basic, intermediate, and advanced
  • 36. Lessons Learned • IRB: Takes time, check on them, inconsistent – 2 weeks in the past vs. 10 week here – Your faculty member in IRB. All good? • Qualitative analysis is not the inferior one.
  • 37. Current Planning • Eight Topics identified: Budgeting and cash (2); Credit card, debt, and debt management: (3); Identity theft & consumer rights/scams (2); Buying a home (2); College funds (1); Insurance (2); Increasing income (1); and Retirement planning (6). • Allocate 2-3 one-hour sessions for each topics – Fahzy and Anna will teach the basic and maybe the intermediate levels. NMSU professors and local professional will be invited to teach the advanced level. • Take advantage of facilities and event – Smart classroom, library, Career Service, Financial Literacy month in April • Evaluation for each session
  • 38. Future Considerations • Lower-income population inadequately covered by the survey – More focused effort – Custodians have different work schedule. E.g. lunch at 10a. • … while we’re thinking of sessions at noon and 4p – Tend to be Spanish-speaking – Focused group – Direct face-to-face approach to the supervisors
  • 39. New Mexico State University Financial Wellness Project Fahzy Abdul-Rahman Family Resource Management Specialist Department of Family & Consumer Sciences Extension

Editor's Notes

  1. Assumptions: Participants have basic reading and computer skills. Participants have the time and money (if needed) to invest in this program. External Factors: Funding, Collaboration. Internet availability Other notes: Free vs. paid, internet 1.0 vs. 2.0 (Social Media + its impact measures), security, risks, evaluation metrics, from basic to expansionNational: High unemployment rate (8.3% [U6 14.9] vs. 8% in NM)NM: Low income (NM per capita income $33,368 ranks 43 out of 50; nationally $39,945 )NM: Rural but has a lot to offerThere are various home-based products that may be good enough to be sold in the market. E.g. Arts and CraftsThese programs include sewing, gardening, photography, plants, and cooking programs. In NM, we have many educational programs focused on crafts, hobbies, arts, etc.E.g. website development, payment method option, marketing, Social Media utilization, Expanding market, even internationallyNot limited to products, these include talent, skills, which may be shared over YouTube. Extremely high views can generate money. Besides that, this program provides opportunities for existing business (especially small business) to improve on their companies’ marketing techniques.Physical (brick &amp; mortar) store may not be the best idea due to un-strategic location of NM, high upfront cost to set up a business, and maintain the business
  2. They were wondering if there might be a more cost effective online money management program (possibly through Extension) that can be offered.
  3. NMSU has health wellness programs and financial wellness programs for studentsBut no financial wellness program for employees. She stated that 42% of people don’t know where every dollar of their budget goes and 70% live from paycheck to paycheck. help employees to become aware of their finances and assist them in becoming debt-free and in turn, improve morale. Roseanne Bensley added that this issue has been discussed for quite some time waiting for the appropriate time to present it to the committee. She suggested that instead of just being a committee that meets once a month, perhaps we could provide a service to employees by supporting such a program. After receiving a positive response from the group regarding looking into the issue further, Steve asked for volunteers to serve on a sub-committee. Those who volunteered included: Roseanne Bensley, Dave Brockmeyer, Monica Brown, Patty Hartell, and Pam Wood. This group will investigate the feasibility of supporting a financial wellness program and which program would be best. They will report back to this committee at our March 8 meeting.
  4. New Normal ::: An extended period of:-Slow U.S. economic growth: GDP growth &lt; 2%Low single-digit average annual stock returnsStubbornly high unemployment levels: 7.8% (14.7%?)Precarious job security (public and private sector)Youth, &lt;25: 53% jobless or underemployedCollege debt --- Next financial crisis wave. Averages at $26,500March 2012: College Debt &gt; Auto Loans and Credit CardTightened credit standards Declining asset values (e.g., housing)Increased precautionary household savings and debt repaymentDecreased household spending
  5. offer personal financial wellness workshops and training for all NMSU employees. The first step is to survey the NMSU employee population and measure their interest and need for these workshops. Employees at all NMSU campuses are encouraged to complete the survey as they plan to offer classroom and online training across the NMSU system. The online survey is available at beginning today. The deadline for survey responses is Oct. 31.
  6. Budgeting and cash (spending habits, fixed and variable expenses, monthly spending plan, record keeping system, etc.)Credit, debt, paying off debt (credit, credit scores, credit reports, debt payoff, dealing with creditors, etc.)Identity theft and financial security (keeping personal information secure, FDIC and NCUA deposit security, etc.)Buying a home (assessing financial readiness, buying process, property taxes, what comes after the purchase, etc.)Consumer rights/scams and frauds (your rights as a purchaser, identifying scams and fraudulent claims)Renting a home (when to rent instead of buy, rent with option to buy, rental contracts, New Mexico rental law, etc.)College funds for my children (financial tools for this, how much to save, planning ahead)Insurance (Life, Home, Auto, Renter, other)Building savings (choosing financial institutions, how much to save versus put into retirement, reaching your saving goals)Increasing income (methods to increase income, career planning, short-term increases, etc.)Retirement planning (NMERB, tax sheltered annuities, IRA’s, long-term planning, how much you will need, etc.)Investments (mutual funds, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.)Estate planning (wills, trusts, securing assets, New Mexico estate laws, etc.
  7. What would you hope to learn, or what financial goals would you like to achieve with this type of training?
  8. Savings strategies, financial planning for retirement, credit repair, homeownership.;How to get ahead.;Risk levels of different kinds of investments Balancing your portfolio Tax implications of different kinds of investments;Retirement plans, additional saving options;investment information, understanding stocks, bonds etc.;Retirement and credit cards;I would be interested in topics such as credit scores and creating a will.;I don&apos;t know if it was mentioned but purchasing a new or used vehicle.;I would also like information on other resources or program in the commumnity that help with buying a home.;N/A;Living Trusts;Paying off debt and aquiring good debt.;How to invest in equities with good results online.;Coordinating different types of benefits, TIAA-CREF, ERB (spouse), Social Security, etc.;n/a;Debt forgiveness;You&apos;ve coered it very well for me. House purchase, rent better than to own, furthering my career.;How to pay for health care after retirement HR needs to provide more info/access to the new High Deductible Health Plan and Health Savings Account through Presbyterian.;Ratio of life insurance, health insurance, long-term care/assisted living insurance with income level.;I would like my partner to be able to attend any workshops with me. I think that NMSU employees, though, should pay but NOT employees.;estate planning;Estate Planning Investing;You asked the question would you like to retire with a higher salary - how do I do that?;Basic investing. How to read the stock market quotes, I had that in school 40 years ago. Don recall how now.;Public Loan Forgiveness for NMSU employees who have taken out a student loan;Home insurance and how it works;ERB future;Capital gains taxes in terms of realestate.;home safety;Beginning Spanish.;Investments, refinancing, retirement, SS benefits.;How to save for the future and invest.;n/a;Retirement planning;See above.;How to set up your own will or trust.;More to do about making my money work for such a bad economy. Tip on increasing my income, etc...;Investing;Health and safety topics: First responder type actions in case of an accident having to do with different scenarios, for example, someone bleeding profusely, electrocution, drowning, etc. Using a fire extinguisher, how the safety system works on campus.;I cannot think of anything other than the topics mentioned previously on whether I am interested in them.;Retirement information.;What does going back to work after retirement do? Is there a penalty? Is there a benefit? How does health care work after retirement?;running a small business;Running a hobby/home business;ERB rules now that changes have been made, PERA update (for those who have funds in that program as well), fraud knowledge, insurance knowledge, 403b adn 457 plan details, mainly every topic on the first page of this questionnaire. Those topics are surprisingly comprehensive, applicable and overall very good topics. Good job to whomever came up with those.;How to live well and die broke.;Your list is sufficient - but savings bonds, mutual funds, different between Morgan Stanley, AG Edwards, Charles Schrab? How to select or know you have selected a good advisor. Who can you trust?;Yes;tener mas oportunidades (I want to have more opportunities);me gustariaaplicarparaotreposisiondonde me pagenmejor (I want to be able to apply this so I can get another position that pays better);
  9. Savings strategies, financial planning for retirement, credit repair, homeownership.;How to get ahead.;Risk levels of different kinds of investments Balancing your portfolio Tax implications of different kinds of investments;Retirement plans, additional saving options;investment information, understanding stocks, bonds etc.;Retirement and credit cards;I would be interested in topics such as credit scores and creating a will.;I don&apos;t know if it was mentioned but purchasing a new or used vehicle.;I would also like information on other resources or program in the commumnity that help with buying a home.;N/A;Living Trusts;Paying off debt and aquiring good debt.;How to invest in equities with good results online.;Coordinating different types of benefits, TIAA-CREF, ERB (spouse), Social Security, etc.;n/a;Debt forgiveness;You&apos;ve coered it very well for me. House purchase, rent better than to own, furthering my career.;How to pay for health care after retirement HR needs to provide more info/access to the new High Deductible Health Plan and Health Savings Account through Presbyterian.;Ratio of life insurance, health insurance, long-term care/assisted living insurance with income level.;I would like my partner to be able to attend any workshops with me. I think that NMSU employees, though, should pay but NOT employees.;estate planning;Estate Planning Investing;You asked the question would you like to retire with a higher salary - how do I do that?;Basic investing. How to read the stock market quotes, I had that in school 40 years ago. Don recall how now.;Public Loan Forgiveness for NMSU employees who have taken out a student loan;Home insurance and how it works;ERB future;Capital gains taxes in terms of realestate.;home safety;Beginning Spanish.;Investments, refinancing, retirement, SS benefits.;How to save for the future and invest.;n/a;Retirement planning;See above.;How to set up your own will or trust.;More to do about making my money work for such a bad economy. Tip on increasing my income, etc...;Investing;Health and safety topics: First responder type actions in case of an accident having to do with different scenarios, for example, someone bleeding profusely, electrocution, drowning, etc. Using a fire extinguisher, how the safety system works on campus.;I cannot think of anything other than the topics mentioned previously on whether I am interested in them.;Retirement information.;What does going back to work after retirement do? Is there a penalty? Is there a benefit? How does health care work after retirement?;running a small business;Running a hobby/home business;ERB rules now that changes have been made, PERA update (for those who have funds in that program as well), fraud knowledge, insurance knowledge, 403b adn 457 plan details, mainly every topic on the first page of this questionnaire. Those topics are surprisingly comprehensive, applicable and overall very good topics. Good job to whomever came up with those.;How to live well and die broke.;Your list is sufficient - but savings bonds, mutual funds, different between Morgan Stanley, AG Edwards, Charles Schrab? How to select or know you have selected a good advisor. Who can you trust?;Yes;tener mas oportunidades (I want to have more opportunities);me gustariaaplicarparaotreposisiondonde me pagenmejor (I want to be able to apply this so I can get another position that pays better);
  10. Exempt staffNon-exempt staff9-month faculty12-month faculty
  11. --- As expectedExempt staffNon-exempt staff9-month faculty12-month faculty
  12. Exempt staffNon-exempt staff9-month faculty12-month faculty
  13. Budgeting and cash: 1-2Includes short- and intermediate-term savingsCredit card, debt, and debt management: 2-3 sessionsDebt is bad: 1st hourManaging debt: 2nd hourThinking about the two approaches: Conventional vs. debt-free (better wording?)TaxesIdentity theft &amp; consumer rights/scams: 1-2 hoursBasics: FahzyDetails: An expertBuying a home:Expert: … the whole process until post-purchaseRenting vs. BuyingBasics: Fahzy – includes buying vs. rentingCollege funds – 1 hourExpertsInsurance: - 2 hourBasicExpert – business college, retireesIncreasing income: 1 hourAnnaRetirement planning: Basic (1 hour), intermediate (1 hour), investment (1-2 hours), and estate planning (2 hours)
  14. Budgeting and cash: 1-2Includes short- and intermediate-term savingsCredit card, debt, and debt management: 2-3 sessionsDebt is bad: 1st hourManaging debt: 2nd hourThinking about the two approaches: Conventional vs. debt-free (better wording?)TaxesIdentity theft &amp; consumer rights/scams: 1-2 hoursBasics: FahzyDetails: An expertBuying a home:Expert: … the whole process until post-purchaseRenting vs. BuyingBasics: Fahzy – includes buying vs. rentingCollege funds – 1 hourExpertsInsurance: - 2 hourBasicExpert – business college, retireesIncreasing income: 1 hourAnnaRetirement planning: Basic (1 hour), intermediate (1 hour), investment (1-2 hours), and estate planning (2 hours)