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  ‫ ٭‬Background
  ‫ ٭‬Problem
  ‫ ٭‬Energy Forms
  ‫ ٭‬Genetic Algorithm
►Results and Discussion
►VBA (Visual Basic Add-in) Program Demonstration
►A protein is a string of amino acids connected
 by peptide bonds.

►Amino acid
  ‫٭‬   Acidic        N-Terminus         C-Terminus
  ‫٭‬   Basic
  ‫٭‬   Aliphatic
  ‫٭‬   Polar uncharged
  ‫٭‬   Aromatic
►Proteins catalyze over 1,000 biochemical reactions in
 the human body.
►Protein misfoldings are responsible for over 20
   ‫ ٭‬Mad Cow disease caused by an “evil” protein - The “evil”
     protein and normal protein have identical primary
     structures, but their tertiary structures are different.

       Normal PrP                       Diseased PrP
►Some proteins fold as fast as a millionth of a second

►Theoretically, a protein of only 100 amino acids
 following the trial and error method would take 100
 billion years to try out all possible conformations!

►Protein structures are highly dependent upon various
 environmental parameters.
   ‫ ٭‬Such as temperature, pH, solvent, etc.
► Comparative - Use evolutionary related protein
   ‫ ٭‬Advantages: fast and simple
   ‫ ٭‬Disadvantages: conformation depends upon environmental parameters

► Folding Recognition - Utilize a database of known 3-D protein
   ‫ ٭‬Advantages: more accurate than comparative
   ‫ ٭‬Disadvantages: not enough NMR confirmed protein structures

► Ab Initio - Uses both scientific and engineering approach
   ‫ ٭‬Advantages: has potential to predict exact shape and immediate
   ‫ ٭‬Disadvantages: computing limitations, difficulty in selecting correct
     potential energy function
►Not enough NMR confirmed protein structure in Protein
 Data Bank (PDB)

►Evolutionary relatedness does not necessarily translate to
 similar structure

►Ab initio difficulties
   ‫ ٭‬Hydrophilic and hydrophobic modeling gives only general
     arrangement of the protein
   ‫-2 ٭‬D modeling does not predict 3-D shape of the protein
   ‫ ٭‬Monte-carlo computing method is time consuming and does not
     necessarily reach global minimum
►Develop a genetic algorithm based program to predict
 protein conformation

►Reduce the generations needed for prediction, thus
 enhance the efficiency of the search

►Explore different additional operators to modify genetic

►Predict the protein conformation of a short 5-AA
 peptide, Enkephalin
►Electrostatic Energy

►Nonbonding Energy

►Hydrogen Bonding Energy

►Cystein-Cystein Loop Energy
►Energy term calculated in atom pairs
  ‫ ٭‬Modeled after coulomb force

►Forces between two charges at certain distance
 (rij )
+                         +
E, Joule

                Electrostatic term

               r, Angstrom
►Two types of Lennard-Jones potential
  o 1-4 atom - connected by three bonds
  o 1-5 atom, higher interaction - connected by more than three
►Modeled after Lennard-Jones Potential Repulsion/Attractive forces



                                           2

                            1-4 Interactions

                            1-5 Interactions
►Energy associated with the hydrogen bonding in the
►Included if there are one or more intramolecular
 disulfide bonds
►The rotational angle
 between the bond between
 one pair of adjacent atoms
 and the next pair’s bond is
 called a dihedral angle

►Phi is between N and C, psi
 is between C and C’, omega
 is between C’ and N
► First 3 atoms on the peptide                                              x
  chain are fixed

► The coordinate system is                                             q
  arbitrarily determined around            Ca (-1.52,1.37,0)
  the first H atom of the N-
  terminus                                                                      N (-1.04 ,0,0)

► Assumptions:
    ‫ ٭‬Minimal bond length stretch
                                                               H- (0,0,0)
    ‫ ٭‬Bond angle stays constant
    ‫ ٭‬Torsion angle (dihedral angle)
      applies to the 4th atom
  cos q ij                   sin q ij                                ri  1 j cos q ij
        x n1               0                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                     
                                             sin q ij cos w ij        cos q ij cos w ij    sin w ij          ri  1 j sin q ij cos w ij
         xn2                  0
               B B ... B                                                                                                            
                                      Bn 
        x n3               0            sin q ij sin w ij                                                 ri  1 j sin q ij sin w ij 
                   1 2     n
                                                                      cos q ij sin w ij       cos w ij
                                                                                                                                     
                             1                                                                                                         
       1                                            0                       0                   0                         1

The first 3 Bn parameters are fixed due to the previous assumption, B1, B2, and B3 corresponds
to the H-, -N-, Ca

                                                                                  cos q 13       sin q 13             r23 cos q 13 
                                          1               r12 
      1            0                                                                                            0
            0   0                               0    0
                                                                                                                                      
                                                                               sin q 13       cos q 13              r23 sin q 13
        0   1   0   0                      0    1    0      0
                                                                           B3                                                        
 B1                              B2                         
                                                                                                                                      
      0            0                   0                 0
                                                     1                               0               0           1           0
            0   1                               0
                                                                                                                                      
                                                              
                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                      0               0           0           1
      0            1                   0                 1
            0   0                               0    0
►Fisher projections to             w1= dihedral angle
 determine the
 dihedral angle of
 side-group atoms w2= 120 + w1

                                 w2= 180 + w1
   ‫ ٭‬Tetrahedral structure:
     120o apart
   ‫ ٭‬Bent structure: 180o
► Search and optimization method
  that mimics the natural selection

► Terms to define
    ‫ ٭‬Chromosome – a set of torsion angles
    ‫ ٭‬Gene – an individual torsion angle
    ‫ ٭‬Generation – a single loop within GA
      loop search

► Loops through the reproduction,
  mutation, and adaptation process
  to obtain best fit model
►Use a computer
 simulation to perform
 an intelligent
 search/optimization to
 find the native protein
 conformation that
 requires the least
 amount of energy

                           Native Conformation
►GAPSS is developed under Visual Basic Add-in

►Modified genetic operators
   ‫٭‬   Fitness function based selection
   ‫٭‬   Multiple entries crossover
   ‫٭‬   Non-uniform mutation
   ‫٭‬   Adaptation

   ‫ ٭‬Faster convergence
   ‫ ٭‬User-friendly
► Basic three primary energy:
  Eletrostatic, Nonbonded (6-
  12), and Hydrogen Bonded

► Exclude Torsion Energy
   ‫ ٭‬Not real interaction energy
   ‫ ٭‬Introduce penalty for positive

► Cystine Loop-Closing
  introduced only when more
  than one cysteins are present
  in the protein
►Selection Operator
                                                Higher rank
   ‫ ٭‬Ranked Selection – higher                  or better
     the rank higher the                        fitness
     probability of being chosen
   ‫ ٭‬Fitness Selection – better
     the fitness higher the
     probability of being chosen

►Benefits of Selection             Lower rank
                                   or worse
   ‫ ٭‬Aid the Elitism Search        fitness
► Mutation Operator
   ‫ ٭‬Uniform Mutation – randomly
     replace with a value from
     -180 to 180
   ‫ ٭‬Non-uniform mutation – add
     or subtract a random value
     between 0 and 180

► Effects of Mutation
   ‫ ٭‬Introduce variance to search
   ‫ ٭‬Aid the search for global
     minimum by directing
     gradient search out of the
     local minima
►Crossover Operator
   ‫ ٭‬Random 2-point Crossover
     – randomly exchange
     between parents 2 angles at
     a time
   ‫ ٭‬Multiple Entries Crossover
     – multiple random

►Benefits of Crossover
   ‫ ٭‬Aid the search for elites
   ‫ ٭‬Optimize the search by
     keeping the optimal folding
►Adaptation Operator
   ‫ ٭‬Gradient search applied to
     each chromosome
   ‫ ٭‬Predict energy profile

►Benefits of Adaptation
   ‫ ٭‬Provide the local minima
   ‫ ٭‬Determine the energy
     profile of the native folding
► Free GA search – no restriction on dihedral angles with
  exception of omega and ring structure
   ‫ ٭‬Advantages: use in any protein search, empirical way of obtaining
     protein conformation, and useful for energy profile search

► α-helices and b-sheets specific GA search – randomly select
  segment of protein as α-helices and b-sheets
   ‫ ٭‬Advantages: enhance the speed of free GA and accurate search for α-
     helices and b-sheets

► Binary GA search – use binary to represent dihedral angles
  instead decimal
   ‫ ٭‬Advantages: No barrier when doing crossover
►Creates α-helices and b-sheets
 of random lengths at random
 start positions

►Each α-helix or b-sheet created
 in this way is described by two

►Crossover will involve trading
 the two parameters between
 two individuals
►When α-helices are crossed
 over, each individual’s new
 energy is compared to its old
 energy. If there is a net       Green
 improvement, the crossover
 is kept.

►The “former helix” regions       Blue
 will be filled with random
 torsion angles like normal
►Transfer torsion angles to binary code
   ‫ ٭‬Integer and decimal coded separately to shorten the total
     number of digits - 17 digits altogether
►Idea is to make the torsion angles on a single
 chromosome represented by one long continuous
   ‫ ٭‬Cross over and Mutation operators all similar to GA

►All single AA was predicted with GAPSS

►GA parameters
  ‫ ٭‬Initial population: 20
  ‫ ٭‬Generation limitation: 15
  ‫ ٭‬Percentage of mutations: 90%

►Compared to native single AA folding
    Alanine                      Asparatic Acid
    A                            D
    Ala                          Asp


Glutamine     Glutamic Acid
Q             E             Glycine               Isoleucine
Gln           Glu           G                     I
                            Gly                   Ile
Leucine                                     Serine
L                                           S
Leu                                         Ser

►Enkephalin is pentapeptide that is involved in
 regulating pain

►Two forms of enkephalin
   ‫ ٭‬Methylated-enkephalin – Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met
   ‫ ٭‬Leucine-enkephalin – Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu

►Short enough to confirm the accuracy of the
 GAPSS, however still contains complex ring side
►Gradient zero conformations suggests the GAPSS
 are capable of obtaining local minima

►Backbone conformations showed incredible

►Side group conformations still show discrepancy
 between predicted and theoretical
►GAPSS was able to locate a few local minimum
 protein conformations
►Backbone structure was predicted by the GAPSS

        GA                          NMR
        predicted                   Confirmed
        Backbone                    Backbone
        Structure                   Structure
► Discrepancies between side groups due to the lack of
  entropy, solvation energy, and center partial charge

Structure                                      NMR
► (a) The minimum energy of each
  generation with different initial
  population at 3 generation limit
  and 20% mutation

► (b) The minimum energy of each
  generation with different the
  percentage of mutation at 10
  generation limit and 20 initial

► The optimal condition was found
  to be 30 initial population,15
  generation limits, and 90%
  mutation percentage
► Progression of protein folding of the best prediction, potential energy
  continue to reduce suggest that more stringent GA parameters could lead to
  global minimum
►Due to computing capability limitation, less stringent GA
 parameters were used

►Energy level of predicted enkephalin structure is less than
 the theoretical, however, the code is still showing energy

►More sophisticated partial charge calculation and non-
 bonded energy could improve the prediction

►There are zero gradient structures predicted by the GAPSS
► GA based search and optimization is a simple and efficient method
  for the isolated native protein structure prediction

► Continuous decimal representation of dihedral angles is more
  efficient than binary representation of dihedral angles, despite the
  crossover barriers

► a-helices and b-sheets search converges faster than free torsion
  angle search

► Similar backbone dihedrals predicted from VBA GA compared to
  Protein Databank
Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering
     Department, University of Oklahoma

             Advanced Design II
►Distance calculation from the origin
                                                                             
                                                       x   R cos    q 1      R cos( q 1 )
                                                                                 
                                                                    2        2 

                                                                           
                                                       y  R sin    q 1    cos( b 1 )  R sin( q 1 ) cos( b 1 )
                                                                               
                                 x                                2        2 

                                                                           
                                                       z  R sin    q 1    sin( b 1 )  R sin( q 1 ) sin( b 1 )
                                                                               
                          q                                       2        2 
     Ca (-
                                     N (-1.04 ,0,0)
                                                      (x)  (y )  (z )
                                                               2             2             2


                                                        R cos( q 1 )  2          R sin( q 1 ) cos( b 1 )    R sin( q 1 ) sin( b 1 ) 
                                                                                                               2                                2
                    H- (0,0,0)
                                                                                                                                      
                                                         R cos( q 1 )   sin( q 1 ) R  cos( b 1 )  sin( b 1 )
                                                                                  2                    2           2               2

                           Z                             R cos( q 1 )   sin( q 1 ) R  (1)
                                                                                  2                    2

                                                               cos( q                             
                                                                             )  sin( q 1 )
                                                           2                  2                2

                                                       R (1)
►Rotate one axis at a time to compensate for bond
 and dihedral angle, there is no rotation around y

                 x’                           z’
                       x                                 z
            qz                           qx

                           y                                 y
                      qz                           qx

                       y’                           y’

        z =z’                        x =x’
Qy is 0, cancelation of most of trigonometry functions
             1                   1

  cos q ij                        sin q ij                                   ri  1 j cos q ij
                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                 
             sin q ij cos w ij            cos q ij cos w ij             sin w ij     ri  1 j sin q ij cos w ij 
Det  Bn                                                                                                         1
            sin q ij sin w ij                                                         ri  1 j sin q ij sin w ij 
                                          cos q ij sin w ij            cos w ij
                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                 
                      0                            0                        0                       1
                  cos q ij                      sin q ij                                  ri  1 j cos q ij     
                                                                                                                                           R cos( q ij )
                                                                                                                          x i 1                              
 x i 1                                                                                                          
                  sin q ij cos w ij          cos q ij cos w ij            sin w ij     ri  1 j sin q ij cos w ij                                             
                                                                                                                                
  y i  1  Det                                                                                                         y i  1   R sin( q ij ) cos( w ij ) 
                                                                                                                                
                 sin q ij sin w ij                                                      ri  1 j sin q ij sin w ij 
                                             cos q ij sin w ij            cos w ij
                                                                                                                          z i  1   R sin( q ij ) sin( w ij ) 
 z i 1                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                   
                                                            
                                        R cos( q ij )
  x i 1   x i 1  
                                                            
                          
                        
  y i  1    y i  1      R sin( q ij ) cos( w ij )  
                                 R sin( q ) sin( w )  
                                                             
  z i 1   z i 1  
                                                   ij  

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Protein Folding Prediction

  • 1.
  • 2. ►Introduction ‫ ٭‬Background ‫ ٭‬Problem ‫ ٭‬Energy Forms ►Methods ‫ ٭‬Genetic Algorithm ►Results and Discussion ►Conclusion ►VBA (Visual Basic Add-in) Program Demonstration
  • 3. ►A protein is a string of amino acids connected by peptide bonds. ►Amino acid ‫٭‬ Acidic N-Terminus C-Terminus ‫٭‬ Basic ‫٭‬ Aliphatic ‫٭‬ Polar uncharged ‫٭‬ Aromatic
  • 4.
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  • 10. ►Proteins catalyze over 1,000 biochemical reactions in the human body.
  • 11. ►Protein misfoldings are responsible for over 20 diseases. ‫ ٭‬Mad Cow disease caused by an “evil” protein - The “evil” protein and normal protein have identical primary structures, but their tertiary structures are different. Normal PrP Diseased PrP
  • 12. ►Some proteins fold as fast as a millionth of a second ►Theoretically, a protein of only 100 amino acids following the trial and error method would take 100 billion years to try out all possible conformations! ►Protein structures are highly dependent upon various environmental parameters. ‫ ٭‬Such as temperature, pH, solvent, etc.
  • 13. ► Comparative - Use evolutionary related protein ‫ ٭‬Advantages: fast and simple ‫ ٭‬Disadvantages: conformation depends upon environmental parameters ► Folding Recognition - Utilize a database of known 3-D protein structure ‫ ٭‬Advantages: more accurate than comparative ‫ ٭‬Disadvantages: not enough NMR confirmed protein structures ► Ab Initio - Uses both scientific and engineering approach ‫ ٭‬Advantages: has potential to predict exact shape and immediate structures ‫ ٭‬Disadvantages: computing limitations, difficulty in selecting correct potential energy function
  • 14. ►Not enough NMR confirmed protein structure in Protein Data Bank (PDB) ►Evolutionary relatedness does not necessarily translate to similar structure ►Ab initio difficulties ‫ ٭‬Hydrophilic and hydrophobic modeling gives only general arrangement of the protein ‫-2 ٭‬D modeling does not predict 3-D shape of the protein ‫ ٭‬Monte-carlo computing method is time consuming and does not necessarily reach global minimum
  • 15. ►Develop a genetic algorithm based program to predict protein conformation ►Reduce the generations needed for prediction, thus enhance the efficiency of the search ►Explore different additional operators to modify genetic algorithm ►Predict the protein conformation of a short 5-AA peptide, Enkephalin
  • 16.
  • 17. ►Electrostatic Energy ►Nonbonding Energy ►Hydrogen Bonding Energy ►Cystein-Cystein Loop Energy
  • 18. ►Energy term calculated in atom pairs ‫ ٭‬Modeled after coulomb force ►Forces between two charges at certain distance (rij )
  • 19. + + E, Joule r Electrostatic term r, Angstrom
  • 20. ►Two types of Lennard-Jones potential o 1-4 atom - connected by three bonds o 1-5 atom, higher interaction - connected by more than three bonds
  • 21. ►Modeled after Lennard-Jones Potential Repulsion/Attractive forces F -F   2 1 1-4 Interactions 1-5 Interactions
  • 22. ►Energy associated with the hydrogen bonding in the protein.
  • 23. ►Included if there are one or more intramolecular disulfide bonds
  • 24.
  • 25. ►The rotational angle between the bond between one pair of adjacent atoms and the next pair’s bond is called a dihedral angle ►Phi is between N and C, psi is between C and C’, omega is between C’ and N
  • 26. ► First 3 atoms on the peptide x chain are fixed ► The coordinate system is q arbitrarily determined around Ca (-1.52,1.37,0) the first H atom of the N- terminus N (-1.04 ,0,0) w ► Assumptions: ‫ ٭‬Minimal bond length stretch H- (0,0,0) ‫ ٭‬Bond angle stays constant Y ‫ ٭‬Torsion angle (dihedral angle) applies to the 4th atom Z
  • 27.   cos q ij  sin q ij  ri  1 j cos q ij  x n1  0   0      sin q ij cos w ij  cos q ij cos w ij  sin w ij ri  1 j sin q ij cos w ij xn2 0    B B ... B     Bn   x n3  0   sin q ij sin w ij ri  1 j sin q ij sin w ij  1 2 n  cos q ij sin w ij cos w ij      1    1  0 0 0 1 The first 3 Bn parameters are fixed due to the previous assumption, B1, B2, and B3 corresponds to the H-, -N-, Ca   cos q 13  sin q 13  r23 cos q 13   1  r12  1 0 0 0 0 0 0       sin q 13  cos q 13 r23 sin q 13 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 B3    B1    B2      0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0         0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
  • 28. ►Fisher projections to w1= dihedral angle determine the dihedral angle of side-group atoms w2= 120 + w1 w2= 180 + w1 ►Assumption: w1 ‫ ٭‬Tetrahedral structure: 120o apart ‫ ٭‬Bent structure: 180o apart
  • 29.
  • 30. ► Search and optimization method that mimics the natural selection ► Terms to define ‫ ٭‬Chromosome – a set of torsion angles ‫ ٭‬Gene – an individual torsion angle ‫ ٭‬Generation – a single loop within GA loop search ► Loops through the reproduction, mutation, and adaptation process to obtain best fit model
  • 31. ►Use a computer simulation to perform an intelligent search/optimization to find the native protein conformation that requires the least amount of energy Native Conformation
  • 32. ►GAPSS is developed under Visual Basic Add-in environment ►Modified genetic operators ‫٭‬ Fitness function based selection ‫٭‬ Multiple entries crossover ‫٭‬ Non-uniform mutation ‫٭‬ Adaptation ►Advantages ‫ ٭‬Faster convergence ‫ ٭‬User-friendly
  • 33. ► Basic three primary energy: Eletrostatic, Nonbonded (6- 12), and Hydrogen Bonded ► Exclude Torsion Energy ‫ ٭‬Not real interaction energy ‫ ٭‬Introduce penalty for positive torsion ► Cystine Loop-Closing introduced only when more than one cysteins are present in the protein
  • 34. ►Selection Operator Higher rank ‫ ٭‬Ranked Selection – higher or better the rank higher the fitness probability of being chosen ‫ ٭‬Fitness Selection – better the fitness higher the probability of being chosen ►Benefits of Selection Lower rank or worse ‫ ٭‬Aid the Elitism Search fitness
  • 35. ► Mutation Operator ‫ ٭‬Uniform Mutation – randomly replace with a value from -180 to 180 ‫ ٭‬Non-uniform mutation – add or subtract a random value between 0 and 180 ► Effects of Mutation ‫ ٭‬Introduce variance to search ‫ ٭‬Aid the search for global minimum by directing gradient search out of the local minima
  • 36. ►Crossover Operator ‫ ٭‬Random 2-point Crossover – randomly exchange between parents 2 angles at a time ‫ ٭‬Multiple Entries Crossover – multiple random exchange ►Benefits of Crossover ‫ ٭‬Aid the search for elites ‫ ٭‬Optimize the search by keeping the optimal folding segments
  • 37. ►Adaptation Operator ‫ ٭‬Gradient search applied to each chromosome ‫ ٭‬Predict energy profile ►Benefits of Adaptation ‫ ٭‬Provide the local minima search ‫ ٭‬Determine the energy profile of the native folding process
  • 38. ► Free GA search – no restriction on dihedral angles with exception of omega and ring structure ‫ ٭‬Advantages: use in any protein search, empirical way of obtaining protein conformation, and useful for energy profile search ► α-helices and b-sheets specific GA search – randomly select segment of protein as α-helices and b-sheets ‫ ٭‬Advantages: enhance the speed of free GA and accurate search for α- helices and b-sheets ► Binary GA search – use binary to represent dihedral angles instead decimal ‫ ٭‬Advantages: No barrier when doing crossover
  • 39. ►Creates α-helices and b-sheets of random lengths at random start positions ►Each α-helix or b-sheet created in this way is described by two parameters ►Crossover will involve trading the two parameters between two individuals
  • 40. ►When α-helices are crossed over, each individual’s new energy is compared to its old energy. If there is a net Green region improvement, the crossover is kept. ►The “former helix” regions Blue region will be filled with random torsion angles like normal
  • 41. ►Transfer torsion angles to binary code ‫ ٭‬Integer and decimal coded separately to shorten the total number of digits - 17 digits altogether ►Idea is to make the torsion angles on a single chromosome represented by one long continuous chain ‫ ٭‬Cross over and Mutation operators all similar to GA 10100101010010000101001110101100001 01011010100100001010010101001000010 10010101001010010100101010011100
  • 42.
  • 43. ►All single AA was predicted with GAPSS ►GA parameters ‫ ٭‬Initial population: 20 ‫ ٭‬Generation limitation: 15 ‫ ٭‬Percentage of mutations: 90% ►Compared to native single AA folding
  • 44. Asparagine Alanine Asparatic Acid N A D Asn Ala Asp Cysteine C Cys Glutamine Glutamic Acid Q E Glycine Isoleucine Gln Glu G I Gly Ile
  • 45. Leucine Serine Methionine L S M Leu Ser Met Valine Threonine V T Val Thr
  • 46. ►Enkephalin is pentapeptide that is involved in regulating pain ►Two forms of enkephalin ‫ ٭‬Methylated-enkephalin – Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met ‫ ٭‬Leucine-enkephalin – Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu ►Short enough to confirm the accuracy of the GAPSS, however still contains complex ring side groups
  • 47. ►Gradient zero conformations suggests the GAPSS are capable of obtaining local minima ►Backbone conformations showed incredible similarities ►Side group conformations still show discrepancy between predicted and theoretical
  • 48. ►GAPSS was able to locate a few local minimum protein conformations
  • 49. ►Backbone structure was predicted by the GAPSS GA NMR predicted Confirmed Backbone Backbone Structure Structure
  • 50. ► Discrepancies between side groups due to the lack of entropy, solvation energy, and center partial charge assumption GA predicted Backbone Structure NMR Confirmed Backbone Structure
  • 51. ► (a) The minimum energy of each generation with different initial population at 3 generation limit and 20% mutation ► (b) The minimum energy of each generation with different the percentage of mutation at 10 generation limit and 20 initial population. ► The optimal condition was found to be 30 initial population,15 generation limits, and 90% mutation percentage
  • 52. ► Progression of protein folding of the best prediction, potential energy continue to reduce suggest that more stringent GA parameters could lead to global minimum
  • 53. ►Due to computing capability limitation, less stringent GA parameters were used ►Energy level of predicted enkephalin structure is less than the theoretical, however, the code is still showing energy decrease ►More sophisticated partial charge calculation and non- bonded energy could improve the prediction ►There are zero gradient structures predicted by the GAPSS
  • 54. ► GA based search and optimization is a simple and efficient method for the isolated native protein structure prediction ► Continuous decimal representation of dihedral angles is more efficient than binary representation of dihedral angles, despite the crossover barriers ► a-helices and b-sheets search converges faster than free torsion angle search ► Similar backbone dihedrals predicted from VBA GA compared to Protein Databank
  • 55. Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering Department, University of Oklahoma Advanced Design II
  • 56. ►Distance calculation from the origin      x   R cos    q 1      R cos( q 1 )   2  2       y  R sin    q 1    cos( b 1 )  R sin( q 1 ) cos( b 1 )   x 2  2       z  R sin    q 1    sin( b 1 )  R sin( q 1 ) sin( b 1 )   q 2  2  Ca (- 1.52,1.37,0) N (-1.04 ,0,0) (x)  (y )  (z ) 2 2 2 w   R cos( q 1 )  2   R sin( q 1 ) cos( b 1 )    R sin( q 1 ) sin( b 1 )  2 2 H- (0,0,0) Y      R cos( q 1 )   sin( q 1 ) R  cos( b 1 )  sin( b 1 ) 2 2 2 2 Z    R cos( q 1 )   sin( q 1 ) R  (1) 2 2 cos( q  )  sin( q 1 ) R 2 2 2 1  R (1) 2
  • 57. ►Rotate one axis at a time to compensate for bond and dihedral angle, there is no rotation around y x’ z’ x z qz qx y y qz qx y’ y’ z =z’ x =x’
  • 58.
  • 59. Qy is 0, cancelation of most of trigonometry functions 1 1 1 1
  • 60.   cos q ij  sin q ij  ri  1 j cos q ij   0    sin q ij cos w ij  cos q ij cos w ij  sin w ij ri  1 j sin q ij cos w ij   Det  Bn    1   sin q ij sin w ij ri  1 j sin q ij sin w ij   cos q ij sin w ij cos w ij        0 0 0 1    cos q ij  sin q ij  ri  1 j cos q ij  0  R cos( q ij )  x i 1     x i 1    sin q ij cos w ij  cos q ij cos w ij  sin w ij ri  1 j sin q ij cos w ij       y i  1  Det   y i  1   R sin( q ij ) cos( w ij )       sin q ij sin w ij ri  1 j sin q ij sin w ij   cos q ij sin w ij cos w ij  z i  1   R sin( q ij ) sin( w ij )   z i 1           2 2    R cos( q ij )   x i 1   x i 1           y i  1    y i  1      R sin( q ij ) cos( w ij )     R sin( q ) sin( w )        z i 1   z i 1      ij   ij