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February 2017
360in360 Transmedia Storytelling User Guide and Applications
The Impact of Wearable Technologies on Health Outcomes DLTV Broadcast
ISDM Partnership with HIMSS and eHealth Malta
Wearable Technology Show
The Future of 3D Video vs 360 Degree Imaging
Drones and Aerial Photos and Videos
DL100 Call for Nominations
Medilink Digital Health SIG and AGM
Calls for Digital Medicine Papers & Articles
Business Opportunities in the Digital Age Cutter Article
Richard Smith Obituary
Upcoming Events.
Welcome to the GAETSS February 2017 Newsletter. Now that the Xmas holiday period is over, this month’s e-newsletter is
crammed with information and new developments that will make 2017 a very exciting year. This newsletter provides some of
those updates but is very saddened by the sudden death of a very good friend and pioneer of Serious Games, Richard Smith, MD
of Totem Learning. I have included a personal obituary about Richard, the first such announcement I have ever had to include in
one of my newsletters. My condolences go out to his family, friends and work colleagues. He will be sorely missed by those who
knew him.
In this Edition
 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling User Guide and Applications
 The Impact of Wearable Technologies on Health Outcomes DLTV Broadcast
 ISDM Partnership with HIMSS and eHealth Week Malta
 Wearable Technologies Show
 The Future of 3D Video vs 360 Degree Imaging
 Drones and Aerial Photos and Videos
 DL100 Call for Nominations
 Medilink Digital Health SIG and AGM
 Calls for Digital Medicine Papers and Articles
 Business Opportunities in the Digital Age Cutter IT Journal Article
 Richard Smith Obituary
 Featured Upcoming Conferences
o ICCE 2017 Conference Kuala Lumpur
o ISDE 2017 Symposium Sydney
o CGAT 2017 Conference Singapore
o MEIT 2017 Chongqing
o Playful Learning Conference Manchester
o Serious Play Conference Washington
 Recent Articles and Presentations
 Future Events Listing
360in360 Transmedia Storytelling User Guide and Applications
Logo of the 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling Initiative
Ever since I set up my first Digital Media company, Mass Mitec, in 1984, I have been a serial early adopter of “bleeding edge”
technologies which over the ensuing years have included digital imaging devices, digital telex, email, portable computers,
PhotoCD, colour graphics and printers, diskfax, Canon Ion analogue camera, desktop video conferencing, virtual classroom, web
broadcasting, hybrid conferences, virtual worlds and most recently, drones and 360 cameras. It can be an expensive and painful
business coming to grips with embryonic technologies which are almost inevitably constrained by limitations in other dependent
I purchased a Ricoh Theta S 360 camera around 12 months ago with the belief that 360 images and video has massive
commercial potential for capturing and sharing special experiences and, in combination with drone technology, the ability to
recreate views of the world previously impossible to capture e.g. flying on top of a drone.
This month, I realised that 360 cameras have massively more potential than I thought in the area of transmedia storytelling of
life events. Transmedia storytelling is far from new as a concept. It simply means the use of multiple forms of media to share a
story. We are all familiar with sports programmes that show highlights from events. These highlights capture the key incidents of
the event so that the audience can, in a short time, get a condensed version of the actual event. Many people not only watch a
full event, they also watch highlights, read text reports in newspapers and visit online accounts from different sources with each
form of media adding a new level of interpretation. This is transmedia storytelling. It combines an ability to distil the essence of
an event or story into an engaging short media with the use of supporting media formats to expand on the story. Creating
transmedia stories requires digital literacy skills as well as creativity in building a compelling narrative.
With these thoughts in mind, I have launched an initiative called 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling as a platform for developing
the use of these very new 360 degree cameras to capture life events in a totally new way for use in all kinds of scenarios
including blogs, video diaries, travel reviews, conferences and education. 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling means using a 360
degree camera to record a story or sequence of events and editing the content into a video format (like a movie trailer) that has
a maximum length of 360 seconds and then expanding on the story with other media formats to paint a holistic 360 degree
picture of the events and its memories and emotions.
I have now begun to compile a collection of “Day in the Life” 360in360 transmedia stories not only as a mechanism to explore
the potential of 360in360 transmedia storytelling, but also to record those of my life events that might inspire others into either
telling their own stories or experiencing for themselves what is described in my stories.
The experience of developing this concept will be included in a Beaconing Project Blog at the end of the month.
I have written a guide to 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling and my first example story, all of which can be accessed at the
following web address :-
The Impact of Wearable Technologies on Health Outcomes DLTV Broadcast
The Digital Leaders TV broadcast panel discussion on Wearable Technologies on Feb 6th
On February 6th
, I was a guest on a web DLTV broadcast organised by Digital Leaders in the UK and hosted by BBC Click’s Kate
Russell. The programme was a panel discussion moderated by Kate on the topic “The impact of Wearables on Health
Outcomes”. DLTV uses Youtube web streaming technologies which enabled me to participate in the panel discussion from home,
with the two other panel members located in either their home or office in different parts of the country.
The control of the output of the broadcast was carried out by a member of the DLTV tech team who was able to choose which
video stream was broadcast, mute and unmute individual participants and handle text questions and comments from the online
audience which included a number of my contacts in different parts of the world.
The panel discussion was very lively and informative with a general consensus opinion that wearable technologies are still
maturing and do require elements of human psychology such as those embedded in the nature of gamification to have a
measurable impact on health outcomes.
It provided an opportunity to describe projects I have been involved in such as the Pegaso EU Project using wearables and
gamification to tackle teenage obesity.
Archives of this broadcast have now been made available on YouTube :-
The full broadcast of the programme can be accessed at
My introduction is available at
DLTV will be producing further programmes on difference Digital Topics – for more information, go to :-
ISDM Partnership with HIMSS and eHealth Week Malta
eHealth Week Malta organised by HIMSS
The International Society of Digital Medicine (European Chapter) is very pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement
with the international health and medical conference organisers, HIMSS to collaborate on joint promotion of key health
conferences in Europe. This agreement enables ISDM (European Chapter) to offer discounts on conference registrations and to
use these events to host ISDM European Chapter meetings of members.
The next HIMSS conference under this agreement is eHealth week in Malta from 10-12 May. he overarching theme of eHealth
Week 2017 is Data for Health: the key to personalised sustainable care. Data lies at the heart of service delivery and the
development of effective health policy. During eHealth Week, speakers and delegates will explore the changing ways in which
personal health data is created, stored, shared and used. Advances in bioinformatics support a paradigm shift towards tailor-
made prevention and treatment strategies both for individuals and population groups. Opportunities are growing for ICT to
support patient-centred health services and the involvement of patients in their own care, including access to personal health
data, sharing of data, and mHealth applications.
While health services wish to embrace all the advances that technology has to offer and provide them to the populations they
serve, sustainability needs to be achieved. Health IT offers important opportunities to improve the efficiency of health care
delivery through innovative approaches to service delivery and public health, impacting the well-being of both individuals and
populations. eHealth Week will also provide high-level delegates with the opportunity to learn about Malta’s eHealth systems
and see them in action, in particular the myHealth portal and integrated nation-wide eHealth deployments. Malta’s Digital
Health Strategy for the years 2017 to 2021 will also be presented.
Any ISDM members planning to register for eHealth and/or wishing to take part in a special meeting of the European Chapter
of ISDM during eHealth Malta should contact me by emailing
The conference web site is at
Wearable Technology Show
Wearable Technology Show at Excel Arena, London
The Wearable Technology Show takes place at the London Excel Arena on March 7-8. I attended the event last year and learnt a
great deal from both the conference seminar sessions and the exhibition.
Now in its fourth year, The Wearable Technology Show is now firmly established as the number one event for smart
technology anywhere in the world. Our 2016 show saw record numbers of both exhibitors and visitors attend in London
and this trend is set to continue on the 7th
& 8th
March 2017.
For 2017, the show will be even bigger and better and co located with
 The Digital Health Technology Show – bringing the latest healthcare innovations under one roof
 Smart Home Show – the event for the connected home, technology and user innovation
 AR, VR & MXR Show – for the third year, Europe’s biggest event for augmented, virtual and mixed reality returns
to London
 IOT Connect Show – the biggest event for the internet of things
The conference programme at WTS 2017 will again be the most comprehensive of any connected technology show,
offering 6 different streams.
Additionally, a major feature of the expo’s show floor will be the Innovation Theatre, showcasing the latest products,
prototypes, strategies and thinking in Wearables and Healthcare.
For developers, a dedicated conference stream and workshops will again offer the opportunity to learn more about the
opportunities existing in the connected economy.
We have reached an agreement with one of the show’s partners to offer a substantial discount on registration for the show to
ISDM members.
Any ISDM Members wishing to register for this conference and obtain a substantial discount should email me at
The Future of 3D Video vs 360 Degree Imaging
3D Video Still of Halberstadt Church
Last month, I used a holiday in the Harz Mountains of Germany to explore and compare the capabilities of 3D video and
photography using 2 GoPro Hero cameras with those of a GoPro Hero camera mounted on my drone and the Theta 360 S 360
camera. I had some serious initial problems with the 3D camera which comprised of 2 GoPro cameras in a single waterproof
mounting. The 3D cameras were supposed to be synchronised and controlled by my smartphone but it took several days and
emails to GoPro to be able to get the firmware upgrades needed to achieve this. Consequently, it wasn’t until the latter part of
the holiday that I could actually record in 3D. I have included an example of a 3D still I took inside a church.
The experience of both using the 3D recording technology and trying to view 3D video and images on a computer screen took
me to the conclusion that, with the arrival of 360 video and the growing maturity of VR technology that gives a much richer
experience, the days of 3D domestic video are numbered.
I recently wrote an article to that effect which I have published at
future-technologies-share-recall-wortley. Coincidentally, the week after I published this article, the two major manufacturers of
3D televisions announced that they were closing production of 3D television sets.
It is my opinion that 360 video will very soon see explosive growth, especially with both Facebook and YouTube now offering 360
images and video to users.
Drones and Aerial Photos and Videos
Still image taken from a drone aerial video in the Harz Mountain Region (Click on Image to view video)
During the holiday in the Harz mountains, which was a steam railway tour organised by the Railway Touring Company, I took the
opportunity to bring my 3DR drone with me to take aerial video and photos of some of the steam trips. The package tour
included a number of specially chartered steam trains which were able to stop at different photoshoot spots and do “run-pasts”
which gave the passengers opportunities to take video and photos.
My drone attracted a lot of attention and mixed feelings because of the noise from the propellers but the I was very with the
results I was able to achieve using this combination drone and video technology, including some 360 videos taken on board the
I have archived the videos on YouTube where you can see an example at
DL100 Call for Nominations
Digital Leaders DL100 Call for Nominations of “Unsung Heroes”
I am pleased to be involved with the Digital Leaders organisation led by its CEO, Robin Knowles. I have attended a number of
their conferences and events, which have all been very worthwhile both from a knowledge gathering and a networking
Digital Leaders seek to celebrate those individuals (unsung heroes) whose passion to leverage the power of digital technology
for positive social purposes makes them worthy of nomination for membership of DL100 as a recognition of their contribution. I
plan to nominate some of my own unsung heroes when the call opens on Feb 15th
Please participate in this initiative by clicking on the DL100 image above or visiting
Medilink Digital Health SIG and AGM
Medilink East Midlands is a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to help promote and develop the interests of the
organisations involved in researching, developing and delivering health-related products and services in the East Midlands of the
UK. Medilink have a number of special interest groups (SIGs) and I try to attend all those related to Digital Medicine. The latest
Digital Health SIG run by Dr Jonathan Tedds of Leicester University had a theme of Healthcare and the environment and featured
4 presenters involved in this area.
Dr Joshua Vande Hey of the University of Leicester presented the EPHI pilot project whose objective is to improve healthcare
with environmental data. Details of the EPHI project can be found at
Dr Theodore Hughes-Riley of Nottingham Trent University presented on employing electronic textiles for monitoring human
exposure to environmental factors with some interesting examples of how sensors embedded into textiles could provide early
warning of potential health problems such as the use of special socks to detect pre-ulceration of feet in diabetics. More details
of projects can be accessed at
The East Midlands Breathomics MRC Pathology Node (EMBER) project was described by Dr Aarti Parmar of the University of
Leicester. EMBER focuses on the use of a variety of digital devices to detect medical problems through the analysis of breath.
You can find out more about EMBER at
The final presenter was Michael Brand who runs the Sensor100 network which specialises on developments in sensor
technology in key areas such as health, agriculture and the environment. See for more details.
Medilink will be holding their AGM and networking event on Tuesday March 21st
. For details of this event and more information
about Medilink East Midlands, go to
Calls for Digital Medicine Papers and Articles
The Journal of Digital Medicine Edited by ISDM
A special European edition of the Digital Medicine Journal is due to be published in the next few weeks and we are now inviting
contributions from ISDM member to the next journal. A number of ISDM members based in Europe contributed to the European
edition of Digital Medicine.
I am happy to accept many different forms of papers and articles for the Journal which will be promoted at the eHealth week in
Malta and through this newsletter.
The deadline for submitting papers, reviews and commentaries is February 28th
Please contact me at if you want more details.
Business Opportunities in the Digital Age Cutter Article
The Cutter Business Technology Journal
I have previously had 2 articles published in the prestigious Cutter USA Business Technology Journal. My first article was on
serious games and my second on wearable technologies and the corporate opportunities their usage can offer. I have now had
an idea for an article under the theme “Business Opportunities in the Digital Age” accepted and have just submitted a paper on
“The Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Life Events”.
The article looks at the specific impact on the Photographic Industries of different technologies that have been born out the
basic human need to capture, share and archive life events and covers the photographic technologies and services I have used in
my lifetime before drawing more general conclusions about the impact of disruptive technologies on both established and start-
up businesses.
For more details of the Cutter Journals, go to
Richard Smith Obituary
Richard Smith RIP
It was with great shock and sadness that I learnt of the sudden death of my friend, Richard Smith, with whom I have had
regular contact since we first met at the Serious Games Institute when he worked for Pixel Learning. Richard was very
knowledgeable and passionate about serious games and has led his company, Totem Learning with great dignity, skill and
humanity. I last saw Richard at an event at the NEC and, as we inevitably did, we shared a coffee and a chat together.
Richard was a very generous sharer of his expertise and contacts and I will miss him His role will be taken over by Helen
Routledge whose experience in the business will be a fitting legacy for Richard.
Featured Upcoming Conferences
Presenting at an International Conference
Over the coming months, I am due to make presentations and/or submit papers at a number of national and international
conferences whose details are shown below :-
ICCE 2017 Conference Kuala Lumpur
I am presenting a paper at the 3rd
International Conference on Creative Education to be held in Kuala Lumpur on March 3-4.
My paper is on the topic “The Impact of Disruptive Enabling Technologies on Creative Education.“
For details of the conference go to
ISDE 2017 Symposium Sydney
The International Symposium on Digital Earth is a flagship event of the ISDE. Initiated in 1999, nine international symposia on
Digital Earth have been held in China, Canada, Czech Republic, Japan, the United States, Australia, and Malaysia in every two
The Locate Conference (Locate17) is the national conference of the spatial and surveying industries of Australia and New
Zealand. The event is an initiative of the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI), Spatial Industries Business Association
(SIBA) and Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA).
The proposed bringing together of ISDE10 in Sydney 2017 with Australia’s premier spatial conference, Locate 17, will provide
both local and international guests with an unprecedented opportunity to learn about the latest trends and applications of the
Digital Earth as well as forging new connections with subject matter experts from Australia and across the globe.
The joint conference will be held 03-06 April 2017 at the new International Conference Centre Sydney.
For details of the ISDE Symposium go to
My conference presentation will be on the topic “The Role of Digital Earth Technologies on Digital Medicine.”
CGAT 2017 Conference Singapore
For the past 10 years, the annual CGAT conference has served as a platform for researchers, scientists, IT developers and
consultants to share their research, practice, and educational initiatives on Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Web Technologies
and Internet Applications, Social Computing and Behavioral Modeling and Games and Mobile Communications with an
international audience.
Visit the following link for the list of accepted papers which have been indexed by Scopus:
My conference paper is on the topic “Games Industry Adaptive Roadmap”
For details of CGAT 2017, go to
MEIT 2017 Chongqing
The MEIT 2017 International Conference on Modern Education and Information Technology (MEIT 2017) will be held during June
24-25, 2017 at Chongqing, China. MEIT 2017 aims to provide a high-level international forum for worldwide scientists, industry
leaders, engineers and researchers to present the state of the art of these fields: Education and Information Technology.
My paper and conference presentation will be on the topic “Exploring the Potential of 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling in
For details of the conference, go to
Playful Learning Conference Manchester
Playful Learning is pitched at the intersection of learning and play for adults. Playful in approach and outlook, yet underpinned
by robust research and working practices, we provided a space where teachers, researchers and students could play, learn and
think together. A space to meet other playful people and be inspired by talks, workshops, activities and events. Based in the
heart of Manchester, we also explore some of the city’s playful spaces with evening activities continuing the fun and
conversations after the formal programme ends.
Playful learning is now in its second year after a successful and playful 2016, and aims to be just as playful, and just as relevant in
the sector, as the first. We’re also looking at ways to be more ethical in approach – so this year, we’re focusing on reducing our
carbon footprint: we’ll be rewarding attendees who arrive by public transport, foot or bike; and all of our food will be
I have submitted a proposal for a workshop based on 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling
For details of the conference, go to
Serious Play Conference Washington
The Serious Play Conference, now in its 7th year, is a leadership conference for professionals who embrace the idea
that games can revolutionize learning. Speakers, who come from all parts of the globe, share their experience
creating or using games in the corporation, classroom, healthcare institution, government and military and offer tips
on how to move game-based education programs ahead.
At Serious Play, attendees listen, share and participate actively in informal sessions dedicated to the discussion of the
future of serious games.
For details of the conference go to
Recent Articles, Presentations and Papers
A comprehensive list of archived articles, presentations and videos can be accessed at my website –
The most recent updates are shown below :-
Date Article/Presentation Title Comments
Feb 2017 Guide to 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling
View Article
A short handbook and guide to making 360in360
Transmedia stories
Feb 2017 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling
View Article
Launch of a brand new concept combining 360 video with
Upcoming Events Listing
Below is a list of forthcoming conferences – also accessible at
Date Event
Name /
Location Web URL
Feb 19-23 HIMSS17
- Annual
and Exhibition
Orlando, USA
Mar 3-4 ICCE 2017 - 3rd
Conference on
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mar 8-10 ABSEL 2016
- Association
for Business
Simulation and
Myrtle Beach, USA
Apr 3-6 ISDE Summit Sydney, Australia
Apr 10-11 CGAT –
Games and
May 10-12 E-Health
Week 2017
May 26-28
Knowledge and
Society 2017
Toronto, Canada
June 24-25 MEIT 2017 Chongqing, China
June 29-30 Thaisim 2017 Bangkok, Thailand TBA
July 12-14 Playful
Manchester, UK
July 18-20 Serious Play
Washington, USA
Nov 21-22 WOHIT 2017
- World of
Health IT
Barcelona, Spain
If you would like any presentations, videos or documents circulated to my network, I am happy to provide this service free of
charge for any material relevant to readers of this newsletter. If you are interested, contact me at
Best Wishes for a Better Future for all Mankind
David Wortley FRSA
Founder and CEO GAETSS – Gamification and Enabling Technologies Strategic Solutions
Shaping the Future of Business and Society through Human Development and Motivation
President of the European Chapter of the International Society of Digital Medicine
Landline: +441327811827
Mobile Phone : +447896659695
Email :,
Skype: davidwortley
If you no longer wish to receive these newsletters, simply reply with the word
UNSUBSCRIBE and I will remove you from the mailing list.

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February 2017 GAETSS Newsletter

  • 1. February 2017 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling User Guide and Applications The Impact of Wearable Technologies on Health Outcomes DLTV Broadcast ISDM Partnership with HIMSS and eHealth Malta Wearable Technology Show The Future of 3D Video vs 360 Degree Imaging Drones and Aerial Photos and Videos DL100 Call for Nominations Medilink Digital Health SIG and AGM Calls for Digital Medicine Papers & Articles Business Opportunities in the Digital Age Cutter Article Richard Smith Obituary Upcoming Events. Welcome to the GAETSS February 2017 Newsletter. Now that the Xmas holiday period is over, this month’s e-newsletter is crammed with information and new developments that will make 2017 a very exciting year. This newsletter provides some of those updates but is very saddened by the sudden death of a very good friend and pioneer of Serious Games, Richard Smith, MD of Totem Learning. I have included a personal obituary about Richard, the first such announcement I have ever had to include in one of my newsletters. My condolences go out to his family, friends and work colleagues. He will be sorely missed by those who knew him. In this Edition  360in360 Transmedia Storytelling User Guide and Applications  The Impact of Wearable Technologies on Health Outcomes DLTV Broadcast  ISDM Partnership with HIMSS and eHealth Week Malta  Wearable Technologies Show  The Future of 3D Video vs 360 Degree Imaging  Drones and Aerial Photos and Videos  DL100 Call for Nominations  Medilink Digital Health SIG and AGM  Calls for Digital Medicine Papers and Articles  Business Opportunities in the Digital Age Cutter IT Journal Article  Richard Smith Obituary  Featured Upcoming Conferences o ICCE 2017 Conference Kuala Lumpur o ISDE 2017 Symposium Sydney o CGAT 2017 Conference Singapore o MEIT 2017 Chongqing o Playful Learning Conference Manchester o Serious Play Conference Washington  Recent Articles and Presentations  Future Events Listing 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling User Guide and Applications Logo of the 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling Initiative Ever since I set up my first Digital Media company, Mass Mitec, in 1984, I have been a serial early adopter of “bleeding edge” technologies which over the ensuing years have included digital imaging devices, digital telex, email, portable computers, PhotoCD, colour graphics and printers, diskfax, Canon Ion analogue camera, desktop video conferencing, virtual classroom, web broadcasting, hybrid conferences, virtual worlds and most recently, drones and 360 cameras. It can be an expensive and painful business coming to grips with embryonic technologies which are almost inevitably constrained by limitations in other dependent technologies. I purchased a Ricoh Theta S 360 camera around 12 months ago with the belief that 360 images and video has massive commercial potential for capturing and sharing special experiences and, in combination with drone technology, the ability to recreate views of the world previously impossible to capture e.g. flying on top of a drone. This month, I realised that 360 cameras have massively more potential than I thought in the area of transmedia storytelling of life events. Transmedia storytelling is far from new as a concept. It simply means the use of multiple forms of media to share a story. We are all familiar with sports programmes that show highlights from events. These highlights capture the key incidents of the event so that the audience can, in a short time, get a condensed version of the actual event. Many people not only watch a full event, they also watch highlights, read text reports in newspapers and visit online accounts from different sources with each form of media adding a new level of interpretation. This is transmedia storytelling. It combines an ability to distil the essence of an event or story into an engaging short media with the use of supporting media formats to expand on the story. Creating transmedia stories requires digital literacy skills as well as creativity in building a compelling narrative. With these thoughts in mind, I have launched an initiative called 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling as a platform for developing the use of these very new 360 degree cameras to capture life events in a totally new way for use in all kinds of scenarios including blogs, video diaries, travel reviews, conferences and education. 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling means using a 360 degree camera to record a story or sequence of events and editing the content into a video format (like a movie trailer) that has a maximum length of 360 seconds and then expanding on the story with other media formats to paint a holistic 360 degree picture of the events and its memories and emotions. I have now begun to compile a collection of “Day in the Life” 360in360 transmedia stories not only as a mechanism to explore the potential of 360in360 transmedia storytelling, but also to record those of my life events that might inspire others into either telling their own stories or experiencing for themselves what is described in my stories. The experience of developing this concept will be included in a Beaconing Project Blog at the end of the month. I have written a guide to 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling and my first example story, all of which can be accessed at the following web address :-
  • 2. The Impact of Wearable Technologies on Health Outcomes DLTV Broadcast The Digital Leaders TV broadcast panel discussion on Wearable Technologies on Feb 6th On February 6th , I was a guest on a web DLTV broadcast organised by Digital Leaders in the UK and hosted by BBC Click’s Kate Russell. The programme was a panel discussion moderated by Kate on the topic “The impact of Wearables on Health Outcomes”. DLTV uses Youtube web streaming technologies which enabled me to participate in the panel discussion from home, with the two other panel members located in either their home or office in different parts of the country. The control of the output of the broadcast was carried out by a member of the DLTV tech team who was able to choose which video stream was broadcast, mute and unmute individual participants and handle text questions and comments from the online audience which included a number of my contacts in different parts of the world. The panel discussion was very lively and informative with a general consensus opinion that wearable technologies are still maturing and do require elements of human psychology such as those embedded in the nature of gamification to have a measurable impact on health outcomes. It provided an opportunity to describe projects I have been involved in such as the Pegaso EU Project using wearables and gamification to tackle teenage obesity. Archives of this broadcast have now been made available on YouTube :- The full broadcast of the programme can be accessed at My introduction is available at DLTV will be producing further programmes on difference Digital Topics – for more information, go to :- ISDM Partnership with HIMSS and eHealth Week Malta eHealth Week Malta organised by HIMSS The International Society of Digital Medicine (European Chapter) is very pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with the international health and medical conference organisers, HIMSS to collaborate on joint promotion of key health conferences in Europe. This agreement enables ISDM (European Chapter) to offer discounts on conference registrations and to use these events to host ISDM European Chapter meetings of members. The next HIMSS conference under this agreement is eHealth week in Malta from 10-12 May. he overarching theme of eHealth Week 2017 is Data for Health: the key to personalised sustainable care. Data lies at the heart of service delivery and the development of effective health policy. During eHealth Week, speakers and delegates will explore the changing ways in which personal health data is created, stored, shared and used. Advances in bioinformatics support a paradigm shift towards tailor- made prevention and treatment strategies both for individuals and population groups. Opportunities are growing for ICT to support patient-centred health services and the involvement of patients in their own care, including access to personal health data, sharing of data, and mHealth applications. While health services wish to embrace all the advances that technology has to offer and provide them to the populations they serve, sustainability needs to be achieved. Health IT offers important opportunities to improve the efficiency of health care delivery through innovative approaches to service delivery and public health, impacting the well-being of both individuals and populations. eHealth Week will also provide high-level delegates with the opportunity to learn about Malta’s eHealth systems and see them in action, in particular the myHealth portal and integrated nation-wide eHealth deployments. Malta’s Digital Health Strategy for the years 2017 to 2021 will also be presented. Any ISDM members planning to register for eHealth and/or wishing to take part in a special meeting of the European Chapter of ISDM during eHealth Malta should contact me by emailing The conference web site is at Wearable Technology Show Wearable Technology Show at Excel Arena, London The Wearable Technology Show takes place at the London Excel Arena on March 7-8. I attended the event last year and learnt a great deal from both the conference seminar sessions and the exhibition. Now in its fourth year, The Wearable Technology Show is now firmly established as the number one event for smart technology anywhere in the world. Our 2016 show saw record numbers of both exhibitors and visitors attend in London and this trend is set to continue on the 7th & 8th March 2017. For 2017, the show will be even bigger and better and co located with  The Digital Health Technology Show – bringing the latest healthcare innovations under one roof  Smart Home Show – the event for the connected home, technology and user innovation  AR, VR & MXR Show – for the third year, Europe’s biggest event for augmented, virtual and mixed reality returns to London  IOT Connect Show – the biggest event for the internet of things The conference programme at WTS 2017 will again be the most comprehensive of any connected technology show, offering 6 different streams. Additionally, a major feature of the expo’s show floor will be the Innovation Theatre, showcasing the latest products, prototypes, strategies and thinking in Wearables and Healthcare.
  • 3. For developers, a dedicated conference stream and workshops will again offer the opportunity to learn more about the opportunities existing in the connected economy. We have reached an agreement with one of the show’s partners to offer a substantial discount on registration for the show to ISDM members. Any ISDM Members wishing to register for this conference and obtain a substantial discount should email me at The Future of 3D Video vs 360 Degree Imaging 3D Video Still of Halberstadt Church Last month, I used a holiday in the Harz Mountains of Germany to explore and compare the capabilities of 3D video and photography using 2 GoPro Hero cameras with those of a GoPro Hero camera mounted on my drone and the Theta 360 S 360 camera. I had some serious initial problems with the 3D camera which comprised of 2 GoPro cameras in a single waterproof mounting. The 3D cameras were supposed to be synchronised and controlled by my smartphone but it took several days and emails to GoPro to be able to get the firmware upgrades needed to achieve this. Consequently, it wasn’t until the latter part of the holiday that I could actually record in 3D. I have included an example of a 3D still I took inside a church. The experience of both using the 3D recording technology and trying to view 3D video and images on a computer screen took me to the conclusion that, with the arrival of 360 video and the growing maturity of VR technology that gives a much richer experience, the days of 3D domestic video are numbered. I recently wrote an article to that effect which I have published at future-technologies-share-recall-wortley. Coincidentally, the week after I published this article, the two major manufacturers of 3D televisions announced that they were closing production of 3D television sets. It is my opinion that 360 video will very soon see explosive growth, especially with both Facebook and YouTube now offering 360 images and video to users. Drones and Aerial Photos and Videos Still image taken from a drone aerial video in the Harz Mountain Region (Click on Image to view video) During the holiday in the Harz mountains, which was a steam railway tour organised by the Railway Touring Company, I took the opportunity to bring my 3DR drone with me to take aerial video and photos of some of the steam trips. The package tour included a number of specially chartered steam trains which were able to stop at different photoshoot spots and do “run-pasts” which gave the passengers opportunities to take video and photos. My drone attracted a lot of attention and mixed feelings because of the noise from the propellers but the I was very with the results I was able to achieve using this combination drone and video technology, including some 360 videos taken on board the drone. I have archived the videos on YouTube where you can see an example at DL100 Call for Nominations Digital Leaders DL100 Call for Nominations of “Unsung Heroes” I am pleased to be involved with the Digital Leaders organisation led by its CEO, Robin Knowles. I have attended a number of their conferences and events, which have all been very worthwhile both from a knowledge gathering and a networking perspective. Digital Leaders seek to celebrate those individuals (unsung heroes) whose passion to leverage the power of digital technology for positive social purposes makes them worthy of nomination for membership of DL100 as a recognition of their contribution. I plan to nominate some of my own unsung heroes when the call opens on Feb 15th . Please participate in this initiative by clicking on the DL100 image above or visiting digital-leaders-100-awards-17 Medilink Digital Health SIG and AGM
  • 4. Medilink East Midlands is a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to help promote and develop the interests of the organisations involved in researching, developing and delivering health-related products and services in the East Midlands of the UK. Medilink have a number of special interest groups (SIGs) and I try to attend all those related to Digital Medicine. The latest Digital Health SIG run by Dr Jonathan Tedds of Leicester University had a theme of Healthcare and the environment and featured 4 presenters involved in this area. Dr Joshua Vande Hey of the University of Leicester presented the EPHI pilot project whose objective is to improve healthcare with environmental data. Details of the EPHI project can be found at Cerner/ Dr Theodore Hughes-Riley of Nottingham Trent University presented on employing electronic textiles for monitoring human exposure to environmental factors with some interesting examples of how sensors embedded into textiles could provide early warning of potential health problems such as the use of special socks to detect pre-ulceration of feet in diabetics. More details of projects can be accessed at 15/Washable_wearable_computers_to_become_the_next_generation_of_advanced_text.aspx The East Midlands Breathomics MRC Pathology Node (EMBER) project was described by Dr Aarti Parmar of the University of Leicester. EMBER focuses on the use of a variety of digital devices to detect medical problems through the analysis of breath. You can find out more about EMBER at The final presenter was Michael Brand who runs the Sensor100 network which specialises on developments in sensor technology in key areas such as health, agriculture and the environment. See for more details. Medilink will be holding their AGM and networking event on Tuesday March 21st . For details of this event and more information about Medilink East Midlands, go to calendar/medilinkemagm210317 Calls for Digital Medicine Papers and Articles The Journal of Digital Medicine Edited by ISDM A special European edition of the Digital Medicine Journal is due to be published in the next few weeks and we are now inviting contributions from ISDM member to the next journal. A number of ISDM members based in Europe contributed to the European edition of Digital Medicine. I am happy to accept many different forms of papers and articles for the Journal which will be promoted at the eHealth week in Malta and through this newsletter. The deadline for submitting papers, reviews and commentaries is February 28th Please contact me at if you want more details. Business Opportunities in the Digital Age Cutter Article The Cutter Business Technology Journal I have previously had 2 articles published in the prestigious Cutter USA Business Technology Journal. My first article was on serious games and my second on wearable technologies and the corporate opportunities their usage can offer. I have now had an idea for an article under the theme “Business Opportunities in the Digital Age” accepted and have just submitted a paper on “The Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Life Events”. The article looks at the specific impact on the Photographic Industries of different technologies that have been born out the basic human need to capture, share and archive life events and covers the photographic technologies and services I have used in my lifetime before drawing more general conclusions about the impact of disruptive technologies on both established and start- up businesses. For more details of the Cutter Journals, go to Richard Smith Obituary Richard Smith RIP It was with great shock and sadness that I learnt of the sudden death of my friend, Richard Smith, with whom I have had regular contact since we first met at the Serious Games Institute when he worked for Pixel Learning. Richard was very knowledgeable and passionate about serious games and has led his company, Totem Learning with great dignity, skill and humanity. I last saw Richard at an event at the NEC and, as we inevitably did, we shared a coffee and a chat together. Richard was a very generous sharer of his expertise and contacts and I will miss him His role will be taken over by Helen Routledge whose experience in the business will be a fitting legacy for Richard. Featured Upcoming Conferences
  • 5. Presenting at an International Conference Over the coming months, I am due to make presentations and/or submit papers at a number of national and international conferences whose details are shown below :- ICCE 2017 Conference Kuala Lumpur I am presenting a paper at the 3rd International Conference on Creative Education to be held in Kuala Lumpur on March 3-4. My paper is on the topic “The Impact of Disruptive Enabling Technologies on Creative Education.“ For details of the conference go to ISDE 2017 Symposium Sydney The International Symposium on Digital Earth is a flagship event of the ISDE. Initiated in 1999, nine international symposia on Digital Earth have been held in China, Canada, Czech Republic, Japan, the United States, Australia, and Malaysia in every two years. The Locate Conference (Locate17) is the national conference of the spatial and surveying industries of Australia and New Zealand. The event is an initiative of the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI), Spatial Industries Business Association (SIBA) and Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA). The proposed bringing together of ISDE10 in Sydney 2017 with Australia’s premier spatial conference, Locate 17, will provide both local and international guests with an unprecedented opportunity to learn about the latest trends and applications of the Digital Earth as well as forging new connections with subject matter experts from Australia and across the globe. The joint conference will be held 03-06 April 2017 at the new International Conference Centre Sydney. For details of the ISDE Symposium go to My conference presentation will be on the topic “The Role of Digital Earth Technologies on Digital Medicine.” CGAT 2017 Conference Singapore For the past 10 years, the annual CGAT conference has served as a platform for researchers, scientists, IT developers and consultants to share their research, practice, and educational initiatives on Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Web Technologies and Internet Applications, Social Computing and Behavioral Modeling and Games and Mobile Communications with an international audience. Visit the following link for the list of accepted papers which have been indexed by Scopus: My conference paper is on the topic “Games Industry Adaptive Roadmap” For details of CGAT 2017, go to MEIT 2017 Chongqing The MEIT 2017 International Conference on Modern Education and Information Technology (MEIT 2017) will be held during June 24-25, 2017 at Chongqing, China. MEIT 2017 aims to provide a high-level international forum for worldwide scientists, industry leaders, engineers and researchers to present the state of the art of these fields: Education and Information Technology. My paper and conference presentation will be on the topic “Exploring the Potential of 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling in Education” For details of the conference, go to Playful Learning Conference Manchester Playful Learning is pitched at the intersection of learning and play for adults. Playful in approach and outlook, yet underpinned by robust research and working practices, we provided a space where teachers, researchers and students could play, learn and think together. A space to meet other playful people and be inspired by talks, workshops, activities and events. Based in the heart of Manchester, we also explore some of the city’s playful spaces with evening activities continuing the fun and conversations after the formal programme ends. Playful learning is now in its second year after a successful and playful 2016, and aims to be just as playful, and just as relevant in the sector, as the first. We’re also looking at ways to be more ethical in approach – so this year, we’re focusing on reducing our carbon footprint: we’ll be rewarding attendees who arrive by public transport, foot or bike; and all of our food will be vegetarian. I have submitted a proposal for a workshop based on 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling For details of the conference, go to Serious Play Conference Washington
  • 6. The Serious Play Conference, now in its 7th year, is a leadership conference for professionals who embrace the idea that games can revolutionize learning. Speakers, who come from all parts of the globe, share their experience creating or using games in the corporation, classroom, healthcare institution, government and military and offer tips on how to move game-based education programs ahead. At Serious Play, attendees listen, share and participate actively in informal sessions dedicated to the discussion of the future of serious games. For details of the conference go to Recent Articles, Presentations and Papers A comprehensive list of archived articles, presentations and videos can be accessed at my website – The most recent updates are shown below :- Date Article/Presentation Title Comments Feb 2017 Guide to 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling View Article A short handbook and guide to making 360in360 Transmedia stories Feb 2017 360in360 Transmedia Storytelling View Article Launch of a brand new concept combining 360 video with storytelling Upcoming Events Listing Below is a list of forthcoming conferences – also accessible at Date Event Name / Description Location Web URL Feb 19-23 HIMSS17 - Annual Conference and Exhibition Orlando, USA conference Mar 3-4 ICCE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Creative Education Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Mar 8-10 ABSEL 2016 - Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL) Myrtle Beach, USA Apr 3-6 ISDE Summit Sydney, Australia Apr 10-11 CGAT – Computer Games and Allied Technologies 2017 Singapore May 10-12 E-Health Week 2017 Malta 2017/ May 26-28 2017 Technology, Knowledge and Society 2017 Toronto, Canada June 24-25 MEIT 2017 Chongqing, China June 29-30 Thaisim 2017 Bangkok, Thailand TBA July 12-14 Playful Learning Manchester, UK July 18-20 Serious Play 2017 Washington, USA Nov 21-22 WOHIT 2017 - World of Health IT Conference Barcelona, Spain If you would like any presentations, videos or documents circulated to my network, I am happy to provide this service free of charge for any material relevant to readers of this newsletter. If you are interested, contact me at Best Wishes for a Better Future for all Mankind David Wortley FRSA Founder and CEO GAETSS – Gamification and Enabling Technologies Strategic Solutions Shaping the Future of Business and Society through Human Development and Motivation President of the European Chapter of the International Society of Digital Medicine
  • 7. Landline: +441327811827 Mobile Phone : +447896659695 Email :, Skype: davidwortley Web: If you no longer wish to receive these newsletters, simply reply with the word UNSUBSCRIBE and I will remove you from the mailing list.