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Welcome to the Nov 2013 Gamification and Immersive Technology Strategies Newsletter.

In this Newsletter

Gamification Developments and Insights
MIRROR Dissemination Workshop
GALA 2013 Conference Review
World Innovation Summit on Education WISE 2013 Review
OPENChina EU ICT Collaboration Summit Preview
Horizon 2020 Conference Preview
Great Ormond Street Hospital Learning Innovations Conference Preview
Oman Competitiveness Forum Preview
Junior Achievement Leaders Jamboree
The Gamification Lens Concept
The SimRed Gamification Project
The Secrets of Gamification Workshop – A Life Changing Experience
Upcoming Conferences and Seminars
Slideshare Archives

Gamification Developments and Insights

Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser opening WISE 2013
This past month has been another milestone in my journey of insight and understanding of the role and importance of
gamification in shaping the future. After spending the last 15 years of my life trying to shape and develop the use of technology for
social and economic development, beginning with the ComKnet (Community Commerce and Knowledge Network) project in my
own rural community and leading on to the development of the Serious Games Institute as a thought leader in immersive
technologies, I am now totally convinced that we need to focus on the development of human leadership and active citizenship
skills if new are to create a sustainable future. I believe that Gamification is an approach which can support the development of
these skills and help to ensure that the technologies which are fast maturing and converging can be harnessed to the benefit of
mankind rather than accelerating the global challenges we are now facing.
I was privileged to attend the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE 2013) in Doha last month (review follows in this
newsletter) where I was inspired by many speakers and debates focusing on some of these challenges. There were two clear
messages that came over to me during these three days.
1. We desperately need to develop high quality teachers capable of leading, inspiring and motivating the next generation
2. Whilst education is a universal human right, it should come with reciprocal social responsibilities and challenges
I commend Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser and all involved in the Qatar Foundation for their investment in and
commitment to using their skills and wealth of experience and compassion to building a sustainable future.
Last month I also launched a high risk, low investment gamification experiment to explore of myself how some of my gamification
concepts might be developed into generic strategies capable of being applied in everyday life. The SimRed Gamification Project is
an attempt to combine human enterprise with immersive technologies to achieve ambitious objectives with minimal investment.
More details are included later in this newsletter.
As well as WISE 2013, I also took part as a workshop organiser and expert panellist in the GALA (Games and Learning Alliance)
2013 conference in Paris where I was also inspired and encouraged by the quality of the speakers and discussions I hope you enjoy
this month’s newsletter.


The MIRROR Virtual Hospital
I was one of a number of presenters at a special workshop at City University In London to share experiences of the EU MIRROR
project on reflective learning with a focus on care homes and the ageing society. Attendees were not only consortium members
but representatives from organisations in the care sector and software companies with an interest in serious games.
I have uploaded a composite presentation used to introduce a series of demonstrations of the applications developed within
MIRROR. See to view the presentation. I was representing
the Italian Serious Games specialist developer Imaginary who were responsible for the serious games used to train workers in the
care sector through simulation in a 3D environment of a typical work context with various challenges that could not only form the
basis of reflective learning but also build a collaborative knowledge base of shared experiences.
The presentation also includes some very interesting applications to support sufferers of dementia and Alzheimers including :1.

The Digital life history app and manager
The Yammer App extended with reflective learning
The 3D Virtual care home App for carer training
The CaReflect App with proximity sensors to provide evidence about care activities to reflect on
The Carer App for challenging behaviour
For more details of the project see

GALA 2013 Conference Review

Donald Brinkmann of Microsoft keynote presentation at GALA 2013
The next stop after the MIRROR workshop was the Games and Learning Alliance GALA 2013 in Paris, held at the Dassault Systemes
Campus on the outskirts of Paris. I ran a two hour gamification workshop as a prelude to the conference, followed by a
presentation on gamification ( see )in a panel
session later in the afternoon. There was so an opportunity to test out some of Dassault’s interactive 3D environments and I have
uploaded video of my attempts to control a wheelchair simulator –see
I was heartened and impressed by the quality and commercial potential of the research projects presented. Particular highlights
for me were presentations from Donald Brinkmann of Microsoft, whose work has sought to combine the best practices from
physical games with the strongest attributes of technology, and Gal Rimon of Gameffective whose company specialises in the
application of Gamification in the corporate sector

World Innovation Summit on Education WISE 2013
Conference Review

Meeting Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia
The WISE 2013 World Innovation Summit on Education was a landmark conference in so many different ways - Funded by the Qatar Foundation and its commercial sponsors, the theme of the conference was “Re-inventing
Education for Life”.
The conference web site gives a good insight into the quality of the conference and its attendees. Delegates are by invitation only
and are brought together from all over the world to be inspired and motivated to play their part in shaping the future of
education. I met so many inspiring people during the three days that it will leave a lasting impression.
Whilst at the conference I co-organised a “MeetUp” at the Damien Hirst Relics Exhibition and also had the privilege of meeting
Julia Gillard, Australia’s first woman Prime Minister. My former colleague from the Serious Games Institute, Research Director Sara
de Freitas was also participating in WISE before she moves on to an exciting new position at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. I
wish her every success and thank her for her valued contribution to building the SGI.

OpenChina EU ICT Collaboration Conference Preview

The OpenChina EU Collaboration on Research Project
Today (Nov 4th) I travel to Vilnius to take part in the final conference of the OpenChina ICT collaboration where I will be presenting
my views on future opportunities for collaboration on ICT Research between China and Europe. I have been a member of the
Advisory Committee since the project was initiated and this will be my first opportunity to meet fellow committee members in
person. The conference is taking place in Vilnius, Lithuania, stragegically timed as a prelude to the important Horizon 2020
conference which follows.
The project has identified and analyzed ICT policy and research priorities in China to align them to European priorities. This has
been achieved by the formulation of a EU‐China ICT Cooperation Plan. The drafting of the Cooperation Plan has been supported
through the organization of events synchronized with policy dialogue meetings, which have provided further inputs and comments
on common R&D priorities, opportunities and challenges. Further inputs have been achieved by actively interfacing with existing
EU initiatives in China, such as INCO‐NETs. This Cooperation Plan is one of the main output of the project and is intended to be a
guideline for the European Commission, DG CONNECT to promote international cooperation in ICT between Europe and China.
The methodology to identify and analyse these priorities includes:

Survey of national ICT research players for the development of a cooperation partner database
Expert consultations on current and emerging ICT research topics (personal interviews and questionnaires)
Policy consultations on cooperation priorities (personal interviews and questionnaires)
Development of national Roadmap‐Surveys with ranking of research topics and cooperation priorities
Organisation of a major Dialogue Conference, two Thematic Workshops and a Final Conference in close coordination with
relevant policy dialogue meetings

To access the draft version of the EU‐China ICT Cooperation Plan, please see .
I plkan to report on the conference in my next newsletter.

Horizon 2020 Conference Preview
Horizon 2020 conference
Starting on Wednesday Nov 6th in Vilnius, I will be attending the EU’s Horizon 2020 conference. The conference features top ICT
professionals from industry, academia, research. Speakers from across the ICT sector will address a range of issues from cloud
computing, broadband, ICT infrastructures, ICT skills, cyber security, long term visions on the future and much more. Experts will
present details on how to participate in the next EU's Research Programme - Horizon 2020.
A special focus will be on Digital Futures - a journey into 2050's futures and policy challenges.
You can download a copy of the conference programme at

Great Ormond Street Hospital Learning Innovations
Conference Preview

GOSH GOLD Conference on Learning Innovations
The first ever Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Learning Innovations conference will place on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 in London. This
conference is open to anyone with an interest in organisational learning in the workplace.
The line up of inspirational speakers from the field of organisational learning providing theory, insight and practical tips in the use
of technologies and innovation used to support learning and development in the workplace includes Donald H Taylor, Chairman,
Learning and Performance Institute, who will be the key note speaker.
The conference includes:-:

Talks and hands on sessions from eminent speakers and practitioners in the field of organisational learning
Learning about the application of new technologies
Networking with colleagues

The delegate rate for the one-day GOSH Learning Innovations conference 2013 is:

Early bird rate £175 (deadline Monday, 30 September 2013)
Standard rate £225 (closing date Tuesday, 5 November 2013)
Discount if booking for more than one person from your organisation
GOSH staff special rate - contact Elena Izmyalova

For more information contact: Elena Izmaylova via 020 7405 9200 ext. 8546 or email

Oman Competitiveness Forum Preview

Oman on a Mission
Next month I have been invited to a Forum in Muscat to debate and explore how Oman can be as competitive as possible in
today’s Information Society. Oman recognizes the world is changing. What is emerging from today’s economic situation is the
need for countries like Oman to become increasingly competitive.
The nature of competitiveness is changing too – it can no longer be based on low costs facilitating the manufacture and export of
goods and services. Recognizing and responding to this shift, Oman’s national competitiveness, will be based on its ability to
source and creatively apply knowledge, skilled and flexible workers, build sustainable and high-quality infrastructure and transport
services, develop an education system that responds to the needs of the twenty-first century, create a regulatory framework led
by informed and entrepreneurial-minded civil servants and a range of public services that support the growth of the sultanate’s
business community.
Indeed, countries, regions and cities that are most able to handle the challenges of the future will be those that are best able to
attract and retain the world’s most talented people. In simple terms, if a place can attract the next Cirrus Logic or PG Photonics
then it would benefit disproportionately from the skilled and talented people these businesses would bring, who in turn would
help make that place more competitive and economically attractive.
In short, those countries, regions and cities that are able to attract and retain the best and the brightest will benefit from the
outstanding contributions and significant outputs of those individuals.
As New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg said: “I’ve always believed that talent attracts capital more effectively and consistently
than capital attracts talent.” And, of course, those countries, regions and cities least able to attract such skills will struggle
competitively in the years ahead.
If Oman wants to retain talented Omanis working in the sultanate, as well as attract talent from around the world, then prioritizing
quality living, education, infrastructure, work environment and lifestyle is essential.
Oman is determined to respond to the changes around it and ensure our offer is second to none; our competitive edge will
guarantee our place on the global stage – and driving this is central to PAIPED’s agenda.

Junior Leaders Achievement Jamboree Oregon July 2014
John Hibbs –Social Entrepreneur and Founder of Global Learn Day
John Hibbs is the Founder of the amazing Global Learn Day initiative which I have had the pleasure of being involved in since its
early days. John is now seeking support for another worthy venture in tune with the theme of this newsletter – education and
building the leaders of tomorrow see .
Who will come? How many? How long will they stay?
The kids, and their supervising adults will be drawn from various youth organizations as listed here. At this point we can’t say. Each
House, brim full can sleep up to 60 kids; more likely each House will have a mix of about 4-6 adults and 40 or so kids. Each group
will stay five or six days. Move in Sunday, Move out Friday or Saturday.
What will they do?
There will be options to include swimming, hiking, biking, canoeing, rafting, rock climbing, basketball, softball, soccer, touch
football, horse back riding and trips to the Coast. The adults will have “Workshop” options mostly geared around on-line fundraising, social networking, event planning.
To be part of something that might just become as big as Woodstock?
To get involved in this worthy initiative and to discover more about John’s work go to

The Gamification Lens Concept

The Gamification Lens Engagement Pyramid
The Gamification Lens is a new approach to developing an understanding of human behaviour and how to influence individual and
collective actions, perceptions, opinions and motivations in the interests of a sustainable future. The principle behind the
lens is to regard all human activity as a game in which individuals can choose to be involved and adopt roles defined by the
""Gamification Lens Engagement Pyramid"
The Gamification Lens is based on the premise that every living creature is born with an instinct to control their lives and the
environment around them. From the minute we are born we enter a game in which we explore and test the world around us not
only to learn the rules of "The Game of Life" but also to control that game and like any really addictive
game we constantly seek to control the uncontrollable.
Through the Gamification Lens, we can see how any human process or activity succeeds or fails and either sustains itself or withers
and dies. At a micro level, the Gamification Lens can be applied to individual relationships between human beings and at a macro
level, it can be applied to society as a whole.
More information about the Gamification Lens is available at:-

The SimRed Gamification Project

A Frame from the SimRed Movie Teaser
A few weeks ago I had an experience of poor customer service that led me to think about how gamification could be applied in a
situation where a single individual might try to address a challenge from a much better resourced organisation. It is a familiar
situation that many consumers experience today when dealing with globalised service providers in sectors such as banking or
energy. In situations where we feel that we are being exploited or ignored by these organisations, most people make initial
complaints or vent their feelings to friends but eventually give up the cause because it is too much trouble.
In my case, I was angry and upset because a mobile phone provider had not been proactive in helping me find the cheapest plan
once my contract had reached the end of its term and as a consequence I discovered I had paid over £200 more than necessary.
After complaining at the local retail store (where I was looked after) and changing my mobile provider, I thought about how I could
use gamification to have a bit of fun at my old provider’s expense whilst also exploring gamification tools and concepts.
The result is an initial “teaser video” which I plan to develop using some of the gamification strategies I want to explore. Please
view the SimRed Movie on YouTube or at and take part in this
project whilst having some fun.

The Secrets of Gamification
A Life Changing Experience
Changing lives through Gamification
What would you be willing to pay to change your life for the better in only two hours? The Secrets of Gamification is a high value
intensive two hour experience designed to do exactly that. Participants can expect to learn new skills and approaches that can
deliver immediate impact on both business and personal lives
Learn the secrets of gamification that international serious games expert David Wortley used to transform his own life, including
losing over 20Kg in the space of 15 weeks. Understand how gamification can be applied across a wide range of human activities,
resulting in improved performance in and greater enjoyment of :

Personal Relationships
Health and fitness
Management and Development
Sales and Marketing
Workshops, seminars and brainstorming sessions

The cost of the workshop is £50 per head with a maximum of 24 participants. Every participant gets a free membership of a new
exclusive gamification subscription and a chance to win a £50 bonus.
I am planning to run a Gamification Experience on November 21st in Leicester.
For more details and/or to make a booking go to :- or contact me at or call me on 07896659695

Upcoming Conferences
Below is a list of forthcoming conferences – also accessible at


Event Name / Description



Nov 4-5

Games for Health Europe

Utrecht, Netherlands http://www.gamesforhealthe

Nov 5

OpenChina ICT Final Conference

Vilnius, Lithuania

Nov 6-8

ICT 2013 – EU Horizon 2020

Vilnius, Lithuania

Nov 19th Great Ormond Street Children’s
Hospital Learning Innovations

London, UK
rning_innovations/conference .html

Nov 1920

ICERi 2013 - International
Conference on Education, Research
and Innovation

Seville, Spain

Nov 21st The Secrets of Gamification – A Life
Changing Experience

Leicester, UK

Nov 2122

Serious Games Expo

Lyon, France

Dec 2-4

Oman Competitiveness Forum

Muscat, Oman

Feb 3-5

MESM 2014 - Middle Eastern
Simulation and Modelling

Muscat, Oman ?q=node/2713

Feb 6-7

2014 Technology, Knowledge and
Society Conference

Madrid, Spain

Mar 10- ASTEC 2014 - GAME ON’ ASIA - 5th
12 2014 Asian GAME On Conference

Singapore ?q=node/2632

Mar 17- SCWS2014 - Science Centre World
19 2014 Summit - Public Engagement for a
Better World

Mechelen, Brussels,

Mar 19- ABSEL 2014 - Association for
Orlando, Florida, USA 2014 Business Simulation and Experiential
Mar 23- EKnow 2014 - Sixth International
Barcelona, Spain
27 2014 Conference on Information, Process
and Knowledge Management

Mar 24- CGAT 2014 - Computer Games and
25 2014 Allied Technologies

Singapore #sthash.gcLLW3fc.dpbs

Mar 30 - Thaisim 2014 - 6th International
Apr 1
Thaisim Conference - Learning with
Simulations and Games

Bangkok, Thailand

Jul 5 –
Oregon Youth Jamboree
21 2014

Oregon, USA

Archived Presentations, Images and Videos
I am archiving as many of my previous presentation, videos and event images as possible. You can access these from my web site
at :- or visit my Slideshare page at :-
If you would like any presentations, videos or documents circulated to my network, I am happy to provide this service free of
charge for any material relevant to readers of this newsletter. If you are interested, contact me at
Best Regards
David Wortley FRSA
Founder of Immersive Technology Strategies
Email : Enquiry
Skype: davidwortley
Second Life : Hobson Hoggard
New Book:
If you no longer wish to receive these newsletters, simply reply with the word
UNSUBSCRIBE and I will remove you from the mailing list.

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Nov 2013 Gamification e-newsletter

  • 1. Welcome to the Nov 2013 Gamification and Immersive Technology Strategies Newsletter. In this Newsletter               Gamification Developments and Insights MIRROR Dissemination Workshop GALA 2013 Conference Review World Innovation Summit on Education WISE 2013 Review OPENChina EU ICT Collaboration Summit Preview Horizon 2020 Conference Preview Great Ormond Street Hospital Learning Innovations Conference Preview Oman Competitiveness Forum Preview Junior Achievement Leaders Jamboree The Gamification Lens Concept The SimRed Gamification Project The Secrets of Gamification Workshop – A Life Changing Experience Upcoming Conferences and Seminars Slideshare Archives Gamification Developments and Insights Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser opening WISE 2013 This past month has been another milestone in my journey of insight and understanding of the role and importance of gamification in shaping the future. After spending the last 15 years of my life trying to shape and develop the use of technology for social and economic development, beginning with the ComKnet (Community Commerce and Knowledge Network) project in my own rural community and leading on to the development of the Serious Games Institute as a thought leader in immersive technologies, I am now totally convinced that we need to focus on the development of human leadership and active citizenship skills if new are to create a sustainable future. I believe that Gamification is an approach which can support the development of these skills and help to ensure that the technologies which are fast maturing and converging can be harnessed to the benefit of mankind rather than accelerating the global challenges we are now facing. I was privileged to attend the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE 2013) in Doha last month (review follows in this newsletter) where I was inspired by many speakers and debates focusing on some of these challenges. There were two clear messages that came over to me during these three days. 1. We desperately need to develop high quality teachers capable of leading, inspiring and motivating the next generation 2. Whilst education is a universal human right, it should come with reciprocal social responsibilities and challenges I commend Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser and all involved in the Qatar Foundation for their investment in and commitment to using their skills and wealth of experience and compassion to building a sustainable future. Last month I also launched a high risk, low investment gamification experiment to explore of myself how some of my gamification concepts might be developed into generic strategies capable of being applied in everyday life. The SimRed Gamification Project is an attempt to combine human enterprise with immersive technologies to achieve ambitious objectives with minimal investment. More details are included later in this newsletter. As well as WISE 2013, I also took part as a workshop organiser and expert panellist in the GALA (Games and Learning Alliance) 2013 conference in Paris where I was also inspired and encouraged by the quality of the speakers and discussions I hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter. MIRROR DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP The MIRROR Virtual Hospital I was one of a number of presenters at a special workshop at City University In London to share experiences of the EU MIRROR project on reflective learning with a focus on care homes and the ageing society. Attendees were not only consortium members but representatives from organisations in the care sector and software companies with an interest in serious games. I have uploaded a composite presentation used to introduce a series of demonstrations of the applications developed within MIRROR. See to view the presentation. I was representing the Italian Serious Games specialist developer Imaginary who were responsible for the serious games used to train workers in the care sector through simulation in a 3D environment of a typical work context with various challenges that could not only form the basis of reflective learning but also build a collaborative knowledge base of shared experiences. The presentation also includes some very interesting applications to support sufferers of dementia and Alzheimers including :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Digital life history app and manager The Yammer App extended with reflective learning The 3D Virtual care home App for carer training The CaReflect App with proximity sensors to provide evidence about care activities to reflect on The Carer App for challenging behaviour
  • 2. For more details of the project see GALA 2013 Conference Review Donald Brinkmann of Microsoft keynote presentation at GALA 2013 The next stop after the MIRROR workshop was the Games and Learning Alliance GALA 2013 in Paris, held at the Dassault Systemes Campus on the outskirts of Paris. I ran a two hour gamification workshop as a prelude to the conference, followed by a presentation on gamification ( see )in a panel session later in the afternoon. There was so an opportunity to test out some of Dassault’s interactive 3D environments and I have uploaded video of my attempts to control a wheelchair simulator –see I was heartened and impressed by the quality and commercial potential of the research projects presented. Particular highlights for me were presentations from Donald Brinkmann of Microsoft, whose work has sought to combine the best practices from physical games with the strongest attributes of technology, and Gal Rimon of Gameffective whose company specialises in the application of Gamification in the corporate sector World Innovation Summit on Education WISE 2013 Conference Review Meeting Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia The WISE 2013 World Innovation Summit on Education was a landmark conference in so many different ways - Funded by the Qatar Foundation and its commercial sponsors, the theme of the conference was “Re-inventing Education for Life”. The conference web site gives a good insight into the quality of the conference and its attendees. Delegates are by invitation only and are brought together from all over the world to be inspired and motivated to play their part in shaping the future of education. I met so many inspiring people during the three days that it will leave a lasting impression. Whilst at the conference I co-organised a “MeetUp” at the Damien Hirst Relics Exhibition and also had the privilege of meeting Julia Gillard, Australia’s first woman Prime Minister. My former colleague from the Serious Games Institute, Research Director Sara de Freitas was also participating in WISE before she moves on to an exciting new position at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. I wish her every success and thank her for her valued contribution to building the SGI. OpenChina EU ICT Collaboration Conference Preview The OpenChina EU Collaboration on Research Project Today (Nov 4th) I travel to Vilnius to take part in the final conference of the OpenChina ICT collaboration where I will be presenting my views on future opportunities for collaboration on ICT Research between China and Europe. I have been a member of the Advisory Committee since the project was initiated and this will be my first opportunity to meet fellow committee members in person. The conference is taking place in Vilnius, Lithuania, stragegically timed as a prelude to the important Horizon 2020 conference which follows. The project has identified and analyzed ICT policy and research priorities in China to align them to European priorities. This has been achieved by the formulation of a EU‐China ICT Cooperation Plan. The drafting of the Cooperation Plan has been supported through the organization of events synchronized with policy dialogue meetings, which have provided further inputs and comments on common R&D priorities, opportunities and challenges. Further inputs have been achieved by actively interfacing with existing EU initiatives in China, such as INCO‐NETs. This Cooperation Plan is one of the main output of the project and is intended to be a guideline for the European Commission, DG CONNECT to promote international cooperation in ICT between Europe and China. The methodology to identify and analyse these priorities includes:      Survey of national ICT research players for the development of a cooperation partner database Expert consultations on current and emerging ICT research topics (personal interviews and questionnaires) Policy consultations on cooperation priorities (personal interviews and questionnaires) Development of national Roadmap‐Surveys with ranking of research topics and cooperation priorities Organisation of a major Dialogue Conference, two Thematic Workshops and a Final Conference in close coordination with relevant policy dialogue meetings To access the draft version of the EU‐China ICT Cooperation Plan, please see . I plkan to report on the conference in my next newsletter. Horizon 2020 Conference Preview
  • 3. Horizon 2020 conference Starting on Wednesday Nov 6th in Vilnius, I will be attending the EU’s Horizon 2020 conference. The conference features top ICT professionals from industry, academia, research. Speakers from across the ICT sector will address a range of issues from cloud computing, broadband, ICT infrastructures, ICT skills, cyber security, long term visions on the future and much more. Experts will present details on how to participate in the next EU's Research Programme - Horizon 2020. A special focus will be on Digital Futures - a journey into 2050's futures and policy challenges. You can download a copy of the conference programme at Great Ormond Street Hospital Learning Innovations Conference Preview GOSH GOLD Conference on Learning Innovations The first ever Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Learning Innovations conference will place on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 in London. This conference is open to anyone with an interest in organisational learning in the workplace. The line up of inspirational speakers from the field of organisational learning providing theory, insight and practical tips in the use of technologies and innovation used to support learning and development in the workplace includes Donald H Taylor, Chairman, Learning and Performance Institute, who will be the key note speaker. The conference includes:-:    Talks and hands on sessions from eminent speakers and practitioners in the field of organisational learning Learning about the application of new technologies Networking with colleagues The delegate rate for the one-day GOSH Learning Innovations conference 2013 is:     Early bird rate £175 (deadline Monday, 30 September 2013) Standard rate £225 (closing date Tuesday, 5 November 2013) Discount if booking for more than one person from your organisation GOSH staff special rate - contact Elena Izmyalova For more information contact: Elena Izmaylova via 020 7405 9200 ext. 8546 or email Oman Competitiveness Forum Preview Oman on a Mission Next month I have been invited to a Forum in Muscat to debate and explore how Oman can be as competitive as possible in today’s Information Society. Oman recognizes the world is changing. What is emerging from today’s economic situation is the need for countries like Oman to become increasingly competitive. The nature of competitiveness is changing too – it can no longer be based on low costs facilitating the manufacture and export of goods and services. Recognizing and responding to this shift, Oman’s national competitiveness, will be based on its ability to source and creatively apply knowledge, skilled and flexible workers, build sustainable and high-quality infrastructure and transport services, develop an education system that responds to the needs of the twenty-first century, create a regulatory framework led by informed and entrepreneurial-minded civil servants and a range of public services that support the growth of the sultanate’s business community. Indeed, countries, regions and cities that are most able to handle the challenges of the future will be those that are best able to attract and retain the world’s most talented people. In simple terms, if a place can attract the next Cirrus Logic or PG Photonics then it would benefit disproportionately from the skilled and talented people these businesses would bring, who in turn would help make that place more competitive and economically attractive. In short, those countries, regions and cities that are able to attract and retain the best and the brightest will benefit from the outstanding contributions and significant outputs of those individuals. As New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg said: “I’ve always believed that talent attracts capital more effectively and consistently than capital attracts talent.” And, of course, those countries, regions and cities least able to attract such skills will struggle competitively in the years ahead. If Oman wants to retain talented Omanis working in the sultanate, as well as attract talent from around the world, then prioritizing quality living, education, infrastructure, work environment and lifestyle is essential. Oman is determined to respond to the changes around it and ensure our offer is second to none; our competitive edge will guarantee our place on the global stage – and driving this is central to PAIPED’s agenda. Junior Leaders Achievement Jamboree Oregon July 2014
  • 4. John Hibbs –Social Entrepreneur and Founder of Global Learn Day John Hibbs is the Founder of the amazing Global Learn Day initiative which I have had the pleasure of being involved in since its early days. John is now seeking support for another worthy venture in tune with the theme of this newsletter – education and building the leaders of tomorrow see . Who will come? How many? How long will they stay? The kids, and their supervising adults will be drawn from various youth organizations as listed here. At this point we can’t say. Each House, brim full can sleep up to 60 kids; more likely each House will have a mix of about 4-6 adults and 40 or so kids. Each group will stay five or six days. Move in Sunday, Move out Friday or Saturday. What will they do? There will be options to include swimming, hiking, biking, canoeing, rafting, rock climbing, basketball, softball, soccer, touch football, horse back riding and trips to the Coast. The adults will have “Workshop” options mostly geared around on-line fundraising, social networking, event planning. To be part of something that might just become as big as Woodstock? To get involved in this worthy initiative and to discover more about John’s work go to The Gamification Lens Concept The Gamification Lens Engagement Pyramid The Gamification Lens is a new approach to developing an understanding of human behaviour and how to influence individual and collective actions, perceptions, opinions and motivations in the interests of a sustainable future. The principle behind the Gamification lens is to regard all human activity as a game in which individuals can choose to be involved and adopt roles defined by the ""Gamification Lens Engagement Pyramid" The Gamification Lens is based on the premise that every living creature is born with an instinct to control their lives and the environment around them. From the minute we are born we enter a game in which we explore and test the world around us not only to learn the rules of "The Game of Life" but also to control that game and like any really addictive game we constantly seek to control the uncontrollable. Through the Gamification Lens, we can see how any human process or activity succeeds or fails and either sustains itself or withers and dies. At a micro level, the Gamification Lens can be applied to individual relationships between human beings and at a macro level, it can be applied to society as a whole. More information about the Gamification Lens is available at:- The SimRed Gamification Project A Frame from the SimRed Movie Teaser A few weeks ago I had an experience of poor customer service that led me to think about how gamification could be applied in a situation where a single individual might try to address a challenge from a much better resourced organisation. It is a familiar situation that many consumers experience today when dealing with globalised service providers in sectors such as banking or energy. In situations where we feel that we are being exploited or ignored by these organisations, most people make initial complaints or vent their feelings to friends but eventually give up the cause because it is too much trouble. In my case, I was angry and upset because a mobile phone provider had not been proactive in helping me find the cheapest plan once my contract had reached the end of its term and as a consequence I discovered I had paid over £200 more than necessary. After complaining at the local retail store (where I was looked after) and changing my mobile provider, I thought about how I could use gamification to have a bit of fun at my old provider’s expense whilst also exploring gamification tools and concepts. The result is an initial “teaser video” which I plan to develop using some of the gamification strategies I want to explore. Please view the SimRed Movie on YouTube or at and take part in this project whilst having some fun. The Secrets of Gamification A Life Changing Experience
  • 5. Changing lives through Gamification What would you be willing to pay to change your life for the better in only two hours? The Secrets of Gamification is a high value intensive two hour experience designed to do exactly that. Participants can expect to learn new skills and approaches that can deliver immediate impact on both business and personal lives Learn the secrets of gamification that international serious games expert David Wortley used to transform his own life, including losing over 20Kg in the space of 15 weeks. Understand how gamification can be applied across a wide range of human activities, resulting in improved performance in and greater enjoyment of :     Personal Relationships Health and fitness Management and Development Sales and Marketing Workshops, seminars and brainstorming sessions The cost of the workshop is £50 per head with a maximum of 24 participants. Every participant gets a free membership of a new exclusive gamification subscription and a chance to win a £50 bonus. I am planning to run a Gamification Experience on November 21st in Leicester. For more details and/or to make a booking go to :- or contact me at or call me on 07896659695 Upcoming Conferences Below is a list of forthcoming conferences – also accessible at Date Event Name / Description Location Web URL Nov 4-5 Games for Health Europe Utrecht, Netherlands http://www.gamesforhealthe Nov 5 OpenChina ICT Final Conference Vilnius, Lithuania Nov 6-8 ICT 2013 – EU Horizon 2020 Conference Vilnius, Lithuania Nov 19th Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital Learning Innovations Conference London, UK rning_innovations/conference .html Nov 1920 ICERi 2013 - International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation Seville, Spain Nov 21st The Secrets of Gamification – A Life Changing Experience Leicester, UK Nov 2122 Serious Games Expo Lyon, France Dec 2-4 Oman Competitiveness Forum Muscat, Oman Feb 3-5 2014 MESM 2014 - Middle Eastern Simulation and Modelling Conference Muscat, Oman ?q=node/2713 Feb 6-7 2014 2014 Technology, Knowledge and Society Conference Madrid, Spain Mar 10- ASTEC 2014 - GAME ON’ ASIA - 5th 12 2014 Asian GAME On Conference Singapore ?q=node/2632 Mar 17- SCWS2014 - Science Centre World 19 2014 Summit - Public Engagement for a Better World Mechelen, Brussels, Belgium Mar 19- ABSEL 2014 - Association for Orlando, Florida, USA 2014 Business Simulation and Experiential 40th-annual-meeting-march-6-8-2013/ Learning Mar 23- EKnow 2014 - Sixth International Barcelona, Spain 27 2014 Conference on Information, Process and Knowledge Management nces2014/eknow2014.html Mar 24- CGAT 2014 - Computer Games and 25 2014 Allied Technologies Singapore #sthash.gcLLW3fc.dpbs Mar 30 - Thaisim 2014 - 6th International Apr 1 Thaisim Conference - Learning with 2014 Simulations and Games Bangkok, Thailand Jul 5 – Oregon Youth Jamboree 21 2014 Oregon, USA Archived Presentations, Images and Videos I am archiving as many of my previous presentation, videos and event images as possible. You can access these from my web site at :- or visit my Slideshare page at :- If you would like any presentations, videos or documents circulated to my network, I am happy to provide this service free of charge for any material relevant to readers of this newsletter. If you are interested, contact me at
  • 6. Best Regards David Wortley FRSA Founder of Immersive Technology Strategies Email : Enquiry Skype: davidwortley Second Life : Hobson Hoggard Web: New Book: If you no longer wish to receive these newsletters, simply reply with the word UNSUBSCRIBE and I will remove you from the mailing list.