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Family And Family Values
Family is the most basic component of human society. It is the reflection of the ethical values for the whole world, its cultural characteristics and the
unique features of it. People start to learn everything about their culture and the world through their family members who raised them up. So, the rules
of family and their belief or values don't come in vain. What you think, your behavior, or even your language, comes from the culture background you
surrounded and conveyed through your parents, this culture which comes from our ancestors and delivered from elders to next generation is named as
family values. Therefore, the harmony of family will affect all aspects of society. Since the reform and opening up, the more content...
Definitions of Family and Family Values 2.1 Definition of Family
First of all we need to figure out the definition of family. A book once stated, a society unit including father, mother and children is a true family.
Family is a combination of individual and society, its fundamental function is to meet the needs of body, mentality and others coming from family
members, so that it can promote the development of a society. This definition may already changed with time passed by, but it would explains that the
disability of the family can have a huge negative impact on a person's growth
2.2 Definition of Family Values
Family values are the core of individual and even national cultural values, It has a great influence on people's thought and behavior. Therefore, if we
want to start a comparative research between the culture of two countries, It's necessary to understand their different family values. In the following
words, we would analyze family values from different aspects, including the relationship between the parents and their children and the husband and the
wife, also the concept of the marriage and family education. By comparison, we concluded that religious belief and different ethnic groups have their
own family values due to their differences in geography and historical
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Essay on Family Values: Importance
Family Values: Importance
America's family values are very important to our citizens. For many years the American family and its values have been one of the top priorities of
our nation. The family is even an essential part of the "American Dream" that we Americans are so fond of. The basic idea of success in America is
measured by how well one can provide for their family. But what does citezenship have to do with family values? It determines these values and set a
standard for the whole of America's people. Family values are of the utmost importance to the
American citizen.
Family values are basically the core of our way of living. They have been important since, and more content...
Where would we be without love and compassion? We would probably be in worldwide chaos if there still even was a world left. People would only
regard each other as just mild acquaintances, there would be no friends, lovers, or married people anywhere without such values. All people desire
family values, such as love, care, intimacy, acceptance, commitment, and shared responsibility. This is why people from all religious, political, and
social persuasions say our society needs family values.
These are the arenas in which families interact, based upon their mutual commitment to the greater good, practicing, imparting, and celebrating true
family values.
Family values' attributes to citizenship are very meaningful. For the greater common good a society must have adequate family values to prevent chaos.
America seems to be gradually losing these very important values which are of immeasurable cost. This loss is due to a reduction of morals by
our society and a brainwashed acceptance of what we know is clearly wrong. It is one of a citizen's most important duties to uphold family values.
Failure to do so may result in an incalculable loss such as the destruction of a society we have strived so long to build. This is one of the primary
reasons for the downfall of the Greater Roman Empire. The loss of society's values gradually weakened and disassociated them to the point that they
were overran by a weaker power.
To preserve our society we,
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Family Values
It is impossible for one to choose the mother or father that gives birth to an individual. Growing up, one is surrounded by family and parents who are
influential in influencing an individual's personality. Whether the family or parents are biological or adaptive, the role they play in building an
individual with a positive view of the world is crucial. Family values and beliefs are necessary for this process as they build a character and install
behaviors that the individual grows up with. Usually, when an individual act immorally, the blame is placed on the parents and the style of parenting
they used on their children, parents try to ensure that they become morally upright individuals in the community. Family relationships play an integral
role in an individual's personality and approach to life because of the values, behaviors, beliefs, and discipline that's provided to the children, which
aims at ensuring that they develop into morally upright individuals with high self– confidence and a positive view of the world. The story No Name
Woman portrays the thought of one trying to find themselves. "Whenever she had to warn us about life, my mother told us stories that ran on like this
one, a story to grow up on. She tested our strengths to establish reality". This statement from the narrator is evidence that parents are responsible for
shaping one's temperament. Teenagers aging into adolescence rely on taught behaviors when it comes to dealing with life situations and
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Value Of Family Essay
The concept of family can often be seen as the foundation a person is made upon. Everyone has a family whether it's an actual biological family or
close friendships that are now considered family. Many American values can be sourced from family because that's where someone comes from so it
is more than likely that a family shares the same values such as honesty, religion, and equality. It is generally said that you choose your friends and not
your family. This makes the bond between family members extremely strong to the point of doing anything for a family member or never losing hope
for them. In all three books, The Round House, The Heretic's Daughter, and The Color Purple, the American value of family is exemplified.
Sometimes the bond between a child and their mother is so secure that when something damages that bond all hell breaks loose. In the novel, The
Round House by Louise Erdrich, Joe's mother, Geraldine, is attacked by an unknown person and almost burned alive before she could escape her
attacker. This event shakes the whole reservation Joe's family lives on, especially his direct family. Joe's mother is extremely traumatized from this
event that she suffers from PTSD and isolates herself away from the people that care about her the most. Because of this, Joe's father, Bazil, and Joe
search for any clues to find the attacker and put him behind bars. The investigation sparks a feeling of revenge in Joe that there is no limit as to how
far he will go to get his
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My Family Values
By interviewing a parent or grandparent, try to make connections and/or comparisons to a family member."I am extremely disappointed in you."
(Campbell 126)
Over the summer, I put my own values above my family's for the first time. This led to my decision to move out and begin crafting my own life by
making choices that I give myself. My family would no longer be making my decisions for me. In response, my father felt as though his values
should be placed above mine. He was so upset that one of the things he said to me was, "I am extremely disappointed in you." His response only
furthered my decision to leave; I had recognized that my personal values were more important than family values. A family is composed of the
people who understand a person, why they act the way they do and who they are as a person. When someone thinks of family, what comes to mind
friends, mom, dad, aunt or uncle as family. A family is defined as a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. Family
values are defined as values held to be traditionally learned or reinforced within a family, for example, high morals, standards, and discipline. With my
family, values are simple. Family comes first, and to treat people like you want to be treated. Family's values are different from other values in that
they are not personal. My personal values are not dependent on what my family deems important. They don't pertain to anyone but myself.
A single parent is supposed to perform both roles, mother, and father. The parent has to work enough to support their child but not so much that they
can't see their parent. My mom was a single parent for me when I was younger we had the belief that there are not gods or goddesses. I had to
balance my mother beliefs with a hidden version of my own. I thought about what made us and not want to my mother to be disappointed in me.
Raising a kid all by yourself is more complex because they have to have both a soft and firm side. To be friendly with the child but not be friends with
them.My mother tried to raise me and keep up a full–time job, she worked from home but slept when I got home from school. The only rule was not to
get in trouble I could go anywhere do anything. Just
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My Values In My Family
Throughout life, our values change and grow. At a young age, we value our toys and material possessions. But, as we mature, our values take on a
different role, a more substantial meaning. What I value most at this point in my life is family and friends. My family is what i value most and my
friends I count them as my family too but if they were with me since pre–kinder and never done anything bad to me or me to them so we could of
stayed together from the past until now. Since I was in Kazen Elementary I was always on my own never really talked to anyone but I did had
friends. Although, just like every little kid likes to hang out with the cool kids instead of the kid being bullied so they won't get bullied. However,
it didn't bothered me because after school; my friends and I always get together and play video games or play outside. Yet, in fourth and fifth grade
is when everybody started to not be around me no more, talk to me, and even my friends. Who I thought they were my friends but really they were
just being bullies all the time. When I entered middle school there was some people being bullied including myself. So, I made some choices in
my life either do something with myself or just stay the same as who I am. I used to be a fat kid and that was easy for people to call me names.
Nor, little that they know I started exercising with my cousin everyday in the United Campus and always pushed myself to not look like I used to look
before. After that, people see me in
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Essay about Family Values
When raising a child one is taught values by their families that they feel are important for their child to have. I believe that family values consist of
certain actions and qualities that are important to a family to uphold. Values that are important in my family are honesty, trust and to have respect for
others. Each of these values is equally important in my family. They played a big role into making me the person I am now. Growing up in my
family taught me that honesty is the best policy. When I would get into trouble as a child I would often try to lie to my mom thinking that would save
me from being punished. I soon learned that lying would only get me into more trouble than I was already. Honesty has given me the reputation of more content...
Respect is an important value to be taught when growing up. Through the years I have learned that in order to learn anything you must have respect
for others. I have learned many valuable lessons from listening to my grandmother. She has told me many of her experiences, which has made me a
better person. Having respect for other people has allowed me to be more open–minded and see qualities in people that most would not. I have always
listened to what my friends and family has to say. That doesn't always mean that I agree with them, but it is their opinion, so I respect it. In return
I receive respect from them. As people begin to respect me more their trust in me also grows. Trust is a value that was very hard for me to learn. I
was always afraid that someone was going to hurt me one way or another. My mother was always telling me that I should learn to trust others so that
they could help me from time to time, but I never could do it. Eventually I finally learned to trust others a few years ago. I have realized that other
people can do many things for you if you just trust in them. This helps me in the relationships I have with my friends. Trust doesn't happen overnight, it
takes time. I have learned that trusting certain people is worth the risk, and helps the relationships I have with them. All values that families instill in
their children are important. They are the deciding factors that help a person grow. Values
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Essay about Real Family Values
"Real" Family Values
What are some things that you could never live without? You might say food, water, shelter, or clothing. Other, less conventional, answers might
include a cell phone, lip gloss, or Starbuck's coffee. However, according to psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, all people need belongingness,esteem,
and self–actualization. Carol Shields sustained that family values include qualities such as nurturing caring, and emotional support in her essay entitled
Family Is One of the Few Certainties We Will Take with Us Far into the Future. I agree with Shields that these family values are important because they
provide sources of belongingness, esteem and self–actualization that are basic needs for more content...
Examples of belonging are the comfort that children have for their caretakers and comfort that adults feel with their relationship with a partner or
In addition to belong, family values help individuals to feel recognition. This recognition helps to build a person's esteem. Self–esteem involves the
positive or negative image that a person holds about himself or herself and his or her accomplishments. A family will support its members and even,
if difficult, will help its members to be successful. Examples of this value in a family situation are a single mother who encourages her only daughter
to go away to college, even thought it is difficult for the single mother to live alone.
Finally, one of the most important values that can be fulfilled by family is for its individuals to have self–actualization, or to have a feeling that they
can "be all that they can be." This is a need that most often parents provide for their children, but it is not bound by age or experience. Having a
family that endorses family values means that each individual has a support structure to use when he or she needs it. This helps the person to have the
courage to accomplish all that is possible. Self–actualization will help an adult to is in the process of changing careers and help children to perform
their best in school. In short, the courage to succeed,
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Essay about Family Values, Personal Values
Family Values and Unity
There are so many various types of people with different ethnic backgrounds, culture and manner of living that are the cause of distinct values in a
family. These families have poor, mediocre or virtuous family values, however what one may consider as a mediocre family value may seem poor to
someone else and vice–versa. These family values differ from family to family world–wide. The most significant values are family unity, honesty and
Family unity, is a family being together in blissful harmony on holidays.
Family unity is regardless how bad a situation may be it will bring us closer together and make our bond stronger. Family unity is my family watching
me grow from infancy more content...
I must agree with Luther, I've felt the same way for years. It would have been nice to have my parents home to enforce rules at home. For example,
if someone would have been home I would have done my homework instead of going outside to play. Another example is sitting together as a family
to have dinner is something we rarely did. There were many things I wish we would have discussed at the dinner table. Having my parents spend time
with me on weekends would have been very good example of family values. My parents were so busy trying to give us everything material and forgot
that spending time with us meant more.
Secondly, the value of honesty. Honesty is the back bone of a persons word. Without it there would not be any meaning. Throughout my life my father
always stressed that honesty was an important value. In other words , "honesty is the best policy." Of course there are times when honesty may hurt
someone's feelings, but that was an situation we had to decide on our own. I can even remember my very first honesty lesson my parents taught me. It
was taking my grandfathers silver dollars and playing with them when I shouldn't. I later that evening my grandfather went to go show my younger
sister those silver dollars and somehow they were missing. My mother and father came to me because earlier that day grandfather showed me those
silver dollars and my parent thought I might have taken them to play with. Well,
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Personal Values In My Family
Through the prep work, I realized that my personal values were; to have an exciting life, a life filled with pleasure, a life filled with wisdom, be
ambitious, and always maintain being broadminded. When analyzing my values, I realized that all of them were striving towards one overarching
value, to have an exciting life. This value is so important to me because growing up, I didn't like living. I grew up in a family that was very
selectively religious. It was perfectly okay that my male family members would gather around and watch the explicit versions of Jerry Springer,
but being gay gave you the express ticket to hell. All throughout my childhood, I would have incredibly intense and vivd dreams about going to
hell, so much so that I was afraid to go to sleep. My mom would console this fear by telling me to pray about it which never worked. Throughout
this time, I was being groomed to always be outwardly perfect as to not "embarrass" my mother. This left me in the confines of a world that
everyone considered perfect while internally, I was living in hell. The hell I was living in was also incredibly isolating. Everyone around my family,
even strangers, would always comment on how perfect my family was. In a sense, it negated the torture I was going through both at home and in
school which were both incredibly homophobic environments. So when I got to college, it allowed me to gain the confidence to really be myself. I
was able to do more of what I wanted without the
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Family Values
An aspect of life that many strive for is a prosperous and content family. Like many people who have been in a family, I value this ideal and this
remains true despite my experience living within varying family structures. However, living in a Stepfamily consisting of a Canadian born English
father and a Chinese mother has given me a unique Chinese Canadian cultured lifestyle and an interesting perspective on the different moral codes and
ethics between two cultures. Effects of cultural relativism are largely prevalent in my life, especially in relation to the clash of parenting styles,
customs, and cuisine between my parents. These misunderstandings are due to one partner viewing the other person's beliefs and actions from their
own cultural background; often causing me to be the voice of reason or at the very least, the mediator. While arguments about matters such as
conflicting lifestyles are exasperating, they along with Canada being a cultural mosaic provide me values on being more sensitive and considerate of
every culture's differences. I will admit that even with exposure to several cultures, I like the vast majority have a slight inherit ethnocentric
preference towards aspects of my own. Some standards and customs I follow are associated with Chinese culture while others are Canadian based.
The other cultures that I have yet to understand or experience causes me to be more hesitant in accepting their principles as being "right" or "normal".
While I realize my own
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Reflection : My Family Values
With the help of the competency workshop, I was able to identify five values – being trust worthy, happiness, relations, respect, and justice – as being
the most important to me. During this workshop, I came to the realisation that my values have changed significantly from the commencement of my
university life to present. This realization was aided with the help of questions 5, 9, and 3, from the workshop. Values corresponding to question 9
were acknowledgement, social status, and success; these were the values my family held in high regards. Values corresponding to question 5 (when the
bucket list was created) were identical to that of my family values. My bucket list consisted of graduating from the university, having a successful job, more content...
I tend to be uncomfortable around people I don't trust: I watch my words around them because I don't trust them not to use it against me. I have
witnessed close family members and friends become hurt due to someone betraying their trust; for that reason, I try to only associate myself with
people I perceived to be trust worthy; thus, decreasing my chances of being betrayed. Relations is also very important to me, and this is further
proven through the career anchors from Schein in which I scored the highest for Lifestyle. I believe the values of being trust worthy and relations
are intertwined for me because the people that are the most trust worthy to me are my family and close friends. Therefore, I try to spend as much
possible time with them, since I am most myself around them. Growing up and becoming more aware of what is happening in the world (civil war,
politics, etc.) has led me to place a high value on justice and respect. I am a Christian, and I believe that people should be considerate of one another,
and not intentionally hurt each other. This is a hard task to practice in reality, but it is made easier if there is respect. But of the disagreements
happening in this world is due to the lack of respect. Respect forces one to take the high road and not hurt you just because your opinions are different
from theirs. Without respect their will be no understanding or tolerance. I believe all my long–lasting relationships are mainly due to respect. I
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The Values Of A Family
What is a family? What parts make up a family? These two questions are questions that millions of adults and children ask themselves regularly. When
people think about a family in their head they think of a nuclear family. Where you have a Mom, Dad, and a few kids running around a home in the
middle of a suburban wasteland. That is the nuclear family that I feel most modern families strive to be like. But factors can change within a family
and still be a family. I do not believe that a family is strictly based off what people see from the front porch looking in. A family is about the
everlasting bond that is formed between a group of people whether they are related by blood or by other means. A family is a group of people who
stick together during hard times and good times, they laugh together and they cry together. They eat meals together, party together, are weaved
together in life. They are like a strip of palm leaves, and when you weave a bunch of them together it makes a basket, that is a family. The people that
someone can call at two in the morning on a Wednesday just because they can't sleep. The ones who would sacrifice anything to help them. The bond
can never be broken because the word "family" holds them together like glue to wallpaper.
Now, let's talk about what values are when it comes to a Family. In a family you can find some major parts that make a family have an identity like,
social, political, religious, and work values. These values give a family a
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Family Values Essay
values. A complete family makes the individual self reliant, honest, caring and happy. Good parent's rare good human personage e. Abusive parents
often produce human personalities who feel that they are worthless, unlovable and inadequate. Similarly parents who invest a lot of emotional and
mental resources often produce stable, responsible personage. Parents are the main influence on a human's personality development. Human being's
want only the love of their parents and it gives satisfaction at every stage. But when individual don't get love from any of the parent, it adversely
affects on individual's personality and always lives in a distressful condition. The intense meaning of family relations for almost everyone has been
observed throughout history.
Philosophers and social analysts have noted that any society is a structure made up of families linked together. The family is made–up of individuals,
but it is also a social unit, and part of larger network.
Over the decades, social scientists have struggled in their efforts to define the multidimensional concept of family. Below are some definitions that will
give clear cut meaning that what actually family is?
Most social research into the family has had an immediate moral purpose, to eliminate deviations like divorce, desertion, illegitimacy, and adultery
rather than a desire to understand the fundamental nature of social institutions. In this sense the family seems socially unimportant. It is only the
pattern of
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Family Moral Values Essay
Many years ago, families had moral values that served a purpose in their lives. Mothers stayed at home and care for the children while dads went to
work and provided for the family. In the home mothers would make the children to do their chores and homework before they could go outside and
play. Back then, there were no computers or video games to play with so kids had to entertain themselves. By the end of the week, the family would go
to church on Sunday. These were simple family values that build foundations for families back in the day. People were committed in doing the right
thing. Even though most families could not afford fancy cars or nice clothes, they continued to make the best of everything. The most important value more content...
A child can develop confidence and stability in their life if they are influence by positive people and have good family structure. Family is an
important and personal investment that can be share with our love one. It has the greatest reward and that is love. Some adults will allow their
children to make their own choices even though the child have no clue to what is best for them, but they have to figure it out on their own. Then, they
are likely to be involved with experiencing drugs, sex, and having babies, and losing their self–respect. So what should parents do to put their kids back
on the right track? Well, for one they could limit their children the use of things like playing video games, watching TV, computers and electronic
devices. There are other things to consider and not allow your child to fall into some of these categories, first thing is to surround yourself and your
child around good role models, next thing is to have a positive attitude everyday, and last thing is to have good moral values.
Single parents have their share in extreme pressure of everyday life. It is hard to commit to doing the right thing, especially when there is only one
person raising a child. As we try to understand youths of today, we cannot help but think about young parents who make bad choices and continue to
do so while having more kids. It could be difficult to teach children good moral
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Family And Family Values

  • 1. Family And Family Values I.Introduction: Family is the most basic component of human society. It is the reflection of the ethical values for the whole world, its cultural characteristics and the unique features of it. People start to learn everything about their culture and the world through their family members who raised them up. So, the rules of family and their belief or values don't come in vain. What you think, your behavior, or even your language, comes from the culture background you surrounded and conveyed through your parents, this culture which comes from our ancestors and delivered from elders to next generation is named as family values. Therefore, the harmony of family will affect all aspects of society. Since the reform and opening up, the more content... Definitions of Family and Family Values 2.1 Definition of Family First of all we need to figure out the definition of family. A book once stated, a society unit including father, mother and children is a true family. Family is a combination of individual and society, its fundamental function is to meet the needs of body, mentality and others coming from family members, so that it can promote the development of a society. This definition may already changed with time passed by, but it would explains that the disability of the family can have a huge negative impact on a person's growth 2.2 Definition of Family Values Family values are the core of individual and even national cultural values, It has a great influence on people's thought and behavior. Therefore, if we want to start a comparative research between the culture of two countries, It's necessary to understand their different family values. In the following words, we would analyze family values from different aspects, including the relationship between the parents and their children and the husband and the wife, also the concept of the marriage and family education. By comparison, we concluded that religious belief and different ethnic groups have their own family values due to their differences in geography and historical Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Family Values: Importance Family Values: Importance America's family values are very important to our citizens. For many years the American family and its values have been one of the top priorities of our nation. The family is even an essential part of the "American Dream" that we Americans are so fond of. The basic idea of success in America is measured by how well one can provide for their family. But what does citezenship have to do with family values? It determines these values and set a standard for the whole of America's people. Family values are of the utmost importance to the American citizen. Family values are basically the core of our way of living. They have been important since, and more content... Where would we be without love and compassion? We would probably be in worldwide chaos if there still even was a world left. People would only regard each other as just mild acquaintances, there would be no friends, lovers, or married people anywhere without such values. All people desire family values, such as love, care, intimacy, acceptance, commitment, and shared responsibility. This is why people from all religious, political, and social persuasions say our society needs family values. These are the arenas in which families interact, based upon their mutual commitment to the greater good, practicing, imparting, and celebrating true family values. Family values' attributes to citizenship are very meaningful. For the greater common good a society must have adequate family values to prevent chaos. America seems to be gradually losing these very important values which are of immeasurable cost. This loss is due to a reduction of morals by our society and a brainwashed acceptance of what we know is clearly wrong. It is one of a citizen's most important duties to uphold family values. Failure to do so may result in an incalculable loss such as the destruction of a society we have strived so long to build. This is one of the primary reasons for the downfall of the Greater Roman Empire. The loss of society's values gradually weakened and disassociated them to the point that they were overran by a weaker power. To preserve our society we, Get more content on
  • 3. Family Values It is impossible for one to choose the mother or father that gives birth to an individual. Growing up, one is surrounded by family and parents who are influential in influencing an individual's personality. Whether the family or parents are biological or adaptive, the role they play in building an individual with a positive view of the world is crucial. Family values and beliefs are necessary for this process as they build a character and install behaviors that the individual grows up with. Usually, when an individual act immorally, the blame is placed on the parents and the style of parenting they used on their children, parents try to ensure that they become morally upright individuals in the community. Family relationships play an integral role in an individual's personality and approach to life because of the values, behaviors, beliefs, and discipline that's provided to the children, which aims at ensuring that they develop into morally upright individuals with high self– confidence and a positive view of the world. The story No Name Woman portrays the thought of one trying to find themselves. "Whenever she had to warn us about life, my mother told us stories that ran on like this one, a story to grow up on. She tested our strengths to establish reality". This statement from the narrator is evidence that parents are responsible for shaping one's temperament. Teenagers aging into adolescence rely on taught behaviors when it comes to dealing with life situations and Get more content on
  • 4. Value Of Family Essay The concept of family can often be seen as the foundation a person is made upon. Everyone has a family whether it's an actual biological family or close friendships that are now considered family. Many American values can be sourced from family because that's where someone comes from so it is more than likely that a family shares the same values such as honesty, religion, and equality. It is generally said that you choose your friends and not your family. This makes the bond between family members extremely strong to the point of doing anything for a family member or never losing hope for them. In all three books, The Round House, The Heretic's Daughter, and The Color Purple, the American value of family is exemplified. Sometimes the bond between a child and their mother is so secure that when something damages that bond all hell breaks loose. In the novel, The Round House by Louise Erdrich, Joe's mother, Geraldine, is attacked by an unknown person and almost burned alive before she could escape her attacker. This event shakes the whole reservation Joe's family lives on, especially his direct family. Joe's mother is extremely traumatized from this event that she suffers from PTSD and isolates herself away from the people that care about her the most. Because of this, Joe's father, Bazil, and Joe search for any clues to find the attacker and put him behind bars. The investigation sparks a feeling of revenge in Joe that there is no limit as to how far he will go to get his Get more content on
  • 5. My Family Values By interviewing a parent or grandparent, try to make connections and/or comparisons to a family member."I am extremely disappointed in you." (Campbell 126) Over the summer, I put my own values above my family's for the first time. This led to my decision to move out and begin crafting my own life by making choices that I give myself. My family would no longer be making my decisions for me. In response, my father felt as though his values should be placed above mine. He was so upset that one of the things he said to me was, "I am extremely disappointed in you." His response only furthered my decision to leave; I had recognized that my personal values were more important than family values. A family is composed of the people who understand a person, why they act the way they do and who they are as a person. When someone thinks of family, what comes to mind friends, mom, dad, aunt or uncle as family. A family is defined as a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. Family values are defined as values held to be traditionally learned or reinforced within a family, for example, high morals, standards, and discipline. With my family, values are simple. Family comes first, and to treat people like you want to be treated. Family's values are different from other values in that they are not personal. My personal values are not dependent on what my family deems important. They don't pertain to anyone but myself. A single parent is supposed to perform both roles, mother, and father. The parent has to work enough to support their child but not so much that they can't see their parent. My mom was a single parent for me when I was younger we had the belief that there are not gods or goddesses. I had to balance my mother beliefs with a hidden version of my own. I thought about what made us and not want to my mother to be disappointed in me. Raising a kid all by yourself is more complex because they have to have both a soft and firm side. To be friendly with the child but not be friends with them.My mother tried to raise me and keep up a full–time job, she worked from home but slept when I got home from school. The only rule was not to get in trouble I could go anywhere do anything. Just Get more content on
  • 6. My Values In My Family Throughout life, our values change and grow. At a young age, we value our toys and material possessions. But, as we mature, our values take on a different role, a more substantial meaning. What I value most at this point in my life is family and friends. My family is what i value most and my friends I count them as my family too but if they were with me since pre–kinder and never done anything bad to me or me to them so we could of stayed together from the past until now. Since I was in Kazen Elementary I was always on my own never really talked to anyone but I did had friends. Although, just like every little kid likes to hang out with the cool kids instead of the kid being bullied so they won't get bullied. However, it didn't bothered me because after school; my friends and I always get together and play video games or play outside. Yet, in fourth and fifth grade is when everybody started to not be around me no more, talk to me, and even my friends. Who I thought they were my friends but really they were just being bullies all the time. When I entered middle school there was some people being bullied including myself. So, I made some choices in my life either do something with myself or just stay the same as who I am. I used to be a fat kid and that was easy for people to call me names. Nor, little that they know I started exercising with my cousin everyday in the United Campus and always pushed myself to not look like I used to look before. After that, people see me in Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Family Values When raising a child one is taught values by their families that they feel are important for their child to have. I believe that family values consist of certain actions and qualities that are important to a family to uphold. Values that are important in my family are honesty, trust and to have respect for others. Each of these values is equally important in my family. They played a big role into making me the person I am now. Growing up in my family taught me that honesty is the best policy. When I would get into trouble as a child I would often try to lie to my mom thinking that would save me from being punished. I soon learned that lying would only get me into more trouble than I was already. Honesty has given me the reputation of more content... Respect is an important value to be taught when growing up. Through the years I have learned that in order to learn anything you must have respect for others. I have learned many valuable lessons from listening to my grandmother. She has told me many of her experiences, which has made me a better person. Having respect for other people has allowed me to be more open–minded and see qualities in people that most would not. I have always listened to what my friends and family has to say. That doesn't always mean that I agree with them, but it is their opinion, so I respect it. In return I receive respect from them. As people begin to respect me more their trust in me also grows. Trust is a value that was very hard for me to learn. I was always afraid that someone was going to hurt me one way or another. My mother was always telling me that I should learn to trust others so that they could help me from time to time, but I never could do it. Eventually I finally learned to trust others a few years ago. I have realized that other people can do many things for you if you just trust in them. This helps me in the relationships I have with my friends. Trust doesn't happen overnight, it takes time. I have learned that trusting certain people is worth the risk, and helps the relationships I have with them. All values that families instill in their children are important. They are the deciding factors that help a person grow. Values Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Real Family Values "Real" Family Values What are some things that you could never live without? You might say food, water, shelter, or clothing. Other, less conventional, answers might include a cell phone, lip gloss, or Starbuck's coffee. However, according to psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, all people need belongingness,esteem, and self–actualization. Carol Shields sustained that family values include qualities such as nurturing caring, and emotional support in her essay entitled Family Is One of the Few Certainties We Will Take with Us Far into the Future. I agree with Shields that these family values are important because they provide sources of belongingness, esteem and self–actualization that are basic needs for more content... Examples of belonging are the comfort that children have for their caretakers and comfort that adults feel with their relationship with a partner or spouse. In addition to belong, family values help individuals to feel recognition. This recognition helps to build a person's esteem. Self–esteem involves the positive or negative image that a person holds about himself or herself and his or her accomplishments. A family will support its members and even, if difficult, will help its members to be successful. Examples of this value in a family situation are a single mother who encourages her only daughter to go away to college, even thought it is difficult for the single mother to live alone. Finally, one of the most important values that can be fulfilled by family is for its individuals to have self–actualization, or to have a feeling that they can "be all that they can be." This is a need that most often parents provide for their children, but it is not bound by age or experience. Having a family that endorses family values means that each individual has a support structure to use when he or she needs it. This helps the person to have the courage to accomplish all that is possible. Self–actualization will help an adult to is in the process of changing careers and help children to perform their best in school. In short, the courage to succeed, Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Family Values, Personal Values Family Values and Unity There are so many various types of people with different ethnic backgrounds, culture and manner of living that are the cause of distinct values in a family. These families have poor, mediocre or virtuous family values, however what one may consider as a mediocre family value may seem poor to someone else and vice–versa. These family values differ from family to family world–wide. The most significant values are family unity, honesty and education. Family unity, is a family being together in blissful harmony on holidays. Family unity is regardless how bad a situation may be it will bring us closer together and make our bond stronger. Family unity is my family watching me grow from infancy more content... I must agree with Luther, I've felt the same way for years. It would have been nice to have my parents home to enforce rules at home. For example, if someone would have been home I would have done my homework instead of going outside to play. Another example is sitting together as a family to have dinner is something we rarely did. There were many things I wish we would have discussed at the dinner table. Having my parents spend time with me on weekends would have been very good example of family values. My parents were so busy trying to give us everything material and forgot that spending time with us meant more. Secondly, the value of honesty. Honesty is the back bone of a persons word. Without it there would not be any meaning. Throughout my life my father always stressed that honesty was an important value. In other words , "honesty is the best policy." Of course there are times when honesty may hurt someone's feelings, but that was an situation we had to decide on our own. I can even remember my very first honesty lesson my parents taught me. It was taking my grandfathers silver dollars and playing with them when I shouldn't. I later that evening my grandfather went to go show my younger sister those silver dollars and somehow they were missing. My mother and father came to me because earlier that day grandfather showed me those silver dollars and my parent thought I might have taken them to play with. Well, Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Values In My Family Through the prep work, I realized that my personal values were; to have an exciting life, a life filled with pleasure, a life filled with wisdom, be ambitious, and always maintain being broadminded. When analyzing my values, I realized that all of them were striving towards one overarching value, to have an exciting life. This value is so important to me because growing up, I didn't like living. I grew up in a family that was very selectively religious. It was perfectly okay that my male family members would gather around and watch the explicit versions of Jerry Springer, but being gay gave you the express ticket to hell. All throughout my childhood, I would have incredibly intense and vivd dreams about going to hell, so much so that I was afraid to go to sleep. My mom would console this fear by telling me to pray about it which never worked. Throughout this time, I was being groomed to always be outwardly perfect as to not "embarrass" my mother. This left me in the confines of a world that everyone considered perfect while internally, I was living in hell. The hell I was living in was also incredibly isolating. Everyone around my family, even strangers, would always comment on how perfect my family was. In a sense, it negated the torture I was going through both at home and in school which were both incredibly homophobic environments. So when I got to college, it allowed me to gain the confidence to really be myself. I was able to do more of what I wanted without the Get more content on
  • 11. Family Values An aspect of life that many strive for is a prosperous and content family. Like many people who have been in a family, I value this ideal and this remains true despite my experience living within varying family structures. However, living in a Stepfamily consisting of a Canadian born English father and a Chinese mother has given me a unique Chinese Canadian cultured lifestyle and an interesting perspective on the different moral codes and ethics between two cultures. Effects of cultural relativism are largely prevalent in my life, especially in relation to the clash of parenting styles, customs, and cuisine between my parents. These misunderstandings are due to one partner viewing the other person's beliefs and actions from their own cultural background; often causing me to be the voice of reason or at the very least, the mediator. While arguments about matters such as conflicting lifestyles are exasperating, they along with Canada being a cultural mosaic provide me values on being more sensitive and considerate of every culture's differences. I will admit that even with exposure to several cultures, I like the vast majority have a slight inherit ethnocentric preference towards aspects of my own. Some standards and customs I follow are associated with Chinese culture while others are Canadian based. The other cultures that I have yet to understand or experience causes me to be more hesitant in accepting their principles as being "right" or "normal". While I realize my own Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection : My Family Values With the help of the competency workshop, I was able to identify five values – being trust worthy, happiness, relations, respect, and justice – as being the most important to me. During this workshop, I came to the realisation that my values have changed significantly from the commencement of my university life to present. This realization was aided with the help of questions 5, 9, and 3, from the workshop. Values corresponding to question 9 were acknowledgement, social status, and success; these were the values my family held in high regards. Values corresponding to question 5 (when the bucket list was created) were identical to that of my family values. My bucket list consisted of graduating from the university, having a successful job, more content... I tend to be uncomfortable around people I don't trust: I watch my words around them because I don't trust them not to use it against me. I have witnessed close family members and friends become hurt due to someone betraying their trust; for that reason, I try to only associate myself with people I perceived to be trust worthy; thus, decreasing my chances of being betrayed. Relations is also very important to me, and this is further proven through the career anchors from Schein in which I scored the highest for Lifestyle. I believe the values of being trust worthy and relations are intertwined for me because the people that are the most trust worthy to me are my family and close friends. Therefore, I try to spend as much possible time with them, since I am most myself around them. Growing up and becoming more aware of what is happening in the world (civil war, politics, etc.) has led me to place a high value on justice and respect. I am a Christian, and I believe that people should be considerate of one another, and not intentionally hurt each other. This is a hard task to practice in reality, but it is made easier if there is respect. But of the disagreements happening in this world is due to the lack of respect. Respect forces one to take the high road and not hurt you just because your opinions are different from theirs. Without respect their will be no understanding or tolerance. I believe all my long–lasting relationships are mainly due to respect. I Get more content on
  • 13. The Values Of A Family What is a family? What parts make up a family? These two questions are questions that millions of adults and children ask themselves regularly. When people think about a family in their head they think of a nuclear family. Where you have a Mom, Dad, and a few kids running around a home in the middle of a suburban wasteland. That is the nuclear family that I feel most modern families strive to be like. But factors can change within a family and still be a family. I do not believe that a family is strictly based off what people see from the front porch looking in. A family is about the everlasting bond that is formed between a group of people whether they are related by blood or by other means. A family is a group of people who stick together during hard times and good times, they laugh together and they cry together. They eat meals together, party together, are weaved together in life. They are like a strip of palm leaves, and when you weave a bunch of them together it makes a basket, that is a family. The people that someone can call at two in the morning on a Wednesday just because they can't sleep. The ones who would sacrifice anything to help them. The bond can never be broken because the word "family" holds them together like glue to wallpaper. Now, let's talk about what values are when it comes to a Family. In a family you can find some major parts that make a family have an identity like, social, political, religious, and work values. These values give a family a Get more content on
  • 14. Family Values Essay values. A complete family makes the individual self reliant, honest, caring and happy. Good parent's rare good human personage e. Abusive parents often produce human personalities who feel that they are worthless, unlovable and inadequate. Similarly parents who invest a lot of emotional and mental resources often produce stable, responsible personage. Parents are the main influence on a human's personality development. Human being's want only the love of their parents and it gives satisfaction at every stage. But when individual don't get love from any of the parent, it adversely affects on individual's personality and always lives in a distressful condition. The intense meaning of family relations for almost everyone has been observed throughout history. Philosophers and social analysts have noted that any society is a structure made up of families linked together. The family is made–up of individuals, but it is also a social unit, and part of larger network. Over the decades, social scientists have struggled in their efforts to define the multidimensional concept of family. Below are some definitions that will give clear cut meaning that what actually family is? Most social research into the family has had an immediate moral purpose, to eliminate deviations like divorce, desertion, illegitimacy, and adultery rather than a desire to understand the fundamental nature of social institutions. In this sense the family seems socially unimportant. It is only the pattern of Get more content on
  • 15. Family Moral Values Essay Many years ago, families had moral values that served a purpose in their lives. Mothers stayed at home and care for the children while dads went to work and provided for the family. In the home mothers would make the children to do their chores and homework before they could go outside and play. Back then, there were no computers or video games to play with so kids had to entertain themselves. By the end of the week, the family would go to church on Sunday. These were simple family values that build foundations for families back in the day. People were committed in doing the right thing. Even though most families could not afford fancy cars or nice clothes, they continued to make the best of everything. The most important value more content... A child can develop confidence and stability in their life if they are influence by positive people and have good family structure. Family is an important and personal investment that can be share with our love one. It has the greatest reward and that is love. Some adults will allow their children to make their own choices even though the child have no clue to what is best for them, but they have to figure it out on their own. Then, they are likely to be involved with experiencing drugs, sex, and having babies, and losing their self–respect. So what should parents do to put their kids back on the right track? Well, for one they could limit their children the use of things like playing video games, watching TV, computers and electronic devices. There are other things to consider and not allow your child to fall into some of these categories, first thing is to surround yourself and your child around good role models, next thing is to have a positive attitude everyday, and last thing is to have good moral values. Single parents have their share in extreme pressure of everyday life. It is hard to commit to doing the right thing, especially when there is only one person raising a child. As we try to understand youths of today, we cannot help but think about young parents who make bad choices and continue to do so while having more kids. It could be difficult to teach children good moral Get more content on