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Facebook marketing is popular amongst brands.
67% of top brands run a fan page (Source: Social
Media Monitor 4). This percentage has once again
risen in recent months.

However, in practice, attracting and activating
Facebook fans can require considerable investment.

Brands are therefore looking to discover what the
true value of a Facebook fan page is.

FURTHER                                                                       10

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH                                                            8

Academic research* based on a fictitious brand
has already shown that interaction with a brand
on Facebook has a positive effect on the brand                                 6
commitment that the fan feels for the brand.

And as well as the brand commitment, the
intent to purchase and the community feeling                                   4
are also positively influenced.

                                                           BRAND COMMITMENT
As a follow-up to this initial study, additional
practical research has been carried out for                                    2
six brands.

                                                                                       PASSIVES          INTERACTION             CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                      No interaction   ‘Liking’ fan pages and       Liking fan pages,
                                                                                                         reading messages        reading messages and
                                                                                   Positive reaction                            responding to messages
                                                                                   Negative reaction


                 FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
3,009 RESPONDENTS, 1,272 FANS,
1,737 NON-FANS
In a study involving six brands, the relationship between brand
interaction (engagement) on Facebook and brand commitment in
practice was investigated.

Via an external panel, an online survey was set up in which fans and
non-fans were asked a series of questions. The fans interviewed for
the study were found via the fan pages of the participating brands.

                      Total              Fans                Non-Fans
  Total               3,009              1,272               1,737

  3FM                 772                474                 298
  Chocomel            436                173                 263
  Essent              318                53                  265
  KPN                 433                136                 297
  Optimel             536                242                 294
  UPC                 514                194                 320
*The research justification can be found towards the end of this publication.

                     FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
                                            INTERACTION      BRAND COMMITMENT
To what extent does interaction with a
brand on Facebook result in strengthening
of brand commitment?

                                                                            FANS OF BRANDS...
To what extent is brand commitment
stronger amongst fans than non-fans?                                 ...USE THE BRAND MORE OFTEN.
                                                                 ...SPEND MORE MONEY ON THE BRAND.
                                                          ...HAVE A STRONGER PREFERENCE FOR THE BRAND.
To what degree does being a fan and                            ...RECOMMEND THE BRAND MORE OFTEN.
interaction result in conversion?

You could say that fans are more valuable for brands than
non-fans, simply because being a fan is by definition a causal
relationship between interaction and brand commitment.

Within the research structure, the influence of ‘being a fan’ has
been minimised. Incentives, for example, are used to get non-
active fans to participate and hence to realise an appropriate
representation of the fan base.

In this respect, a great deal of focus is given to changes in
behaviour since the respondents became fans of the brand.


This backs up the conclusion that building up a fan com-
               THE VALUE OF                                               munity on Facebook does indeed add value. However,
                                                                          an even more interesting aspect of this study is the

               A FACEBOOK FAN PAGE                                        relationship between brand interaction and brand com-
                                                                          mitment. Fans who interact more with a particular brand
                                                                          have a higher level of brand commitment. Furthermore,
               FOR BRANDS                                                 fans themselves say that they have become more com-
                                                                          mitted to the brand since becoming a fan. This shows
                                                                          that brand interaction on Facebook can contribute to the
                                                                          strengthening of brand commitment.
               This study, which involved 3,009 respondents, showed
               the impact of brand interaction/engagement on brand        Furthermore, the research shows that a proportion of
               commitment.                                                the fans make more usage of the brand after becoming
                                                                          fans. This is also explained by the interaction that the
               The positive relationship between brand commitment         brand initiates with fans. After all, engagement boosts
               and trading results such as usage, spend, preference       brand commitment, and brand commitment has been
               and NPS has been common knowledge for some time.           shown to increase conversion. Furthermore, it has been
               The results of this study show that brand interaction on   shown that Facebook updates increase usage/purchas-
               Facebook can lead to an increase in brand commitment       ing amongst a proportion of fans. In this way, interaction
               in practice, which confirms the correlation between         via Facebook has a very concrete effect on the brand’s
               engagement and trading results.                            bottom line.
               The results show that fans have a significantly higher      This gives greater relevance to engagement/brand
               level of brand commitment than non-fans. Fans              interaction via Facebook, due to the positive correlation
               spend more on the brand, use the brand more often,         between brand commitment and results.
               have a stronger brand preference and a higher NPS.



ENGAGEMENT                                                        COMMITMENT HAS INCREASED

COMMITMENT                                                                      18

We asked fans to what extent they think their brand commit-                                                                         30%
ment has increased since they became fans of the brand on                                                34
                                                                  3FM (N=474)         CHOCOMEL (N=173)              ESSENT (N=53)
The research shows that 30% of the fan base thinks that their
brand commitment has increased since becoming fans of the

For KPN, no less than 56% of fans believe that their brand com-                                                                           20%
mitment to KPN has grown since becoming fans of the com-
pany on Facebook.                                                                                             28%

The research also shows that there is a correlation between
the degree of interaction and the degree of brand commitment.     56%
Brands can therefore significantly boost brand commitment by
                                                                  KPN (N=136)          OPTIMEL (N=242)                UPC (N=194)
interacting with fans.

INCREASED                                                  WITH THE DEGREE OF INTERACTION


BRAND COMMITMENT                                                              77%

The higher the level of interaction with a brand, the
higher the percentage of fans that claim to be com-
mitted to that particular brand.

When there is no interaction, 43% of fans say that they
are brand committed, while 100% of fans who say that
they often interact with the brand via Facebook say that   PERCENTAGE OF FANS FOR WHOM BRAND COMMITMENT
they are brand committed.                                  HAS INCREASED BASED ON THE DEGREE OF INTERACTION

Furthermore, the research shows that the more that         NO INTERACTION           OCCASIONAL INTERACTION               FREQUENT INTERACTION
fans interact, the stronger the fan’s rise in brand com-
mitment is since he/she became a fan. The increase for
fans who interact a great deal was 77% higher than
for fans who do not interact.

The research therefore shows that there is a correlation                                                     24%   74%

between the degree of interaction and the strength of
brand commitment.



                                                                    HIGHER BRAND COMMITMENT
80                                                                  MEANS MORE FREQUENT
                                                                    USAGE, GREATER SPEND, HIGHER
                                                                    PREFERENCE AND HIGHER NPS.
                                                                    Brand-committed respondents score higher than non-
                                                                    brand-committed respondents for all business variables.
                                                                    Fans spend more on the brand, use the brand more often,
                                                                    have a stronger brand preference and a higher NPS.
          90%    66%       30%     18%   93%    48%     79%   26%
 0                                                                  Achieving brand commitment amongst fans is therefore
      Frequency of use /       Spend /   Preference /     NPS /     a relevant objective. For this purpose, the encouragement
           Weekly               Above    Will opt for   Promoter    of engagement amongst fans has been shown to be an
                               average    the brand
                                                                    important tool.

         brand committed
         not brand committed






THE FANS SAYS THAT                               much more
                                                 frequently                                                                             79%

THEY HAVE BOUGHT/                                more frequently

                                                 the same

BECOMING FANS.                                                           3FM                                  Chocomel                        Optimel
                                                                       (n=772)                                 (n=436)                        (n=536)
During this study, we have also researched
changes in behaviour since becoming fans.



Many fans say that they have bought/listened

more since becoming fans. 9% of Optimel fans


say that they have used the brand more often.
For Chocomel, the figure is 21% and for 3FM, it                                               77%

is 6% (3FM already had a very high usage level
amongst fans).                                                                                                                                                          73%

UPC, KPN and Essent fans also indicated that
they had used the services more often.
25% of UPC fans said that they had already
bought a new product/service or package exten-                          Essent                                    KPN                           UPC
sion. The same was true for 24% of KPN fans.                           (n=318)                                  (n=433)                       (n=514)

                                                                       Yes, I have purchased new products/services.
Another noticeable point was that of all the
FMCG brands nobody reported purchasing/                                Yes, I have broadened my package.

listening less.                                                        No, I have not purchased any new products/services.

                                                                       Don’t know.

The study shows that Facebook posts can result in conversion.
                                          FANS BUY/                                              For Optimel, 45% of fans have bought at least one product as a
                                                                                                 result of a Facebook post. For Chocomel, this figure was as high
                                     LISTEN MORE IN                                              as 53%, and 42% of 3FM fans report having tuned in as a result
                                                                                                 of a message on Facebook.

                                       RESPONSE TO                                               Facebook posts were also shown to create conversion for UPC
                                                                                                 Essent and KPN. For UPC, 12% of fans have definitely bought
                                                                                                 new products/services as a result of a Facebook message. This

                                  FACEBOOK UPDATES                                               figure was 20% for Essent and 12% for KPN.

100                                                                                        100

80                                                                                         80

60                                                                                         60

40                                                                                         40

20                                                                                         20
                                                                         Yes, always                                                                    Yes, definitely

                                                                         Yes, frequently                                                                Yes, maybe

        1%     8%      33%         4%   11%   38%   3%     8%      34%   Yes, sometimes            20%   10%        12%    33%         12%    10%
 0                                                                                          0
               3FM                   Chocomel            Optimel                                     Essent             KPN                UPC
             (n=772)                  (n=436)            (n=536)                                    (n=318)           (n=433)            (n=514)


                         FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS



           FANS HAVE
           STRONGER BRAND                                    80


           COMMITMENT                                        60

           THAN NON-FANS                                     40

           For all brands included in the study, brand       20
           commitment amongst fans was significantly
           higher than amongst non-fans.
                                                                           68%            20%
           Of all of the fans, 68% say that they are com-
           mitted to the brand for which they took part                   FANS          NON-FANS
           in the study. Amongst non-fans, this figure
           was 20%.                                         PERCENTAGE WHO SAY THAT THEY ARE BRAND
                                                            COMMITTED        N.B. Significance level: p < .001
                                                                  brand committed
                                                                  not brand committed

CHOCOMEL AND                                              3FM (N=772)

3FM HAVE THE                                        CHOCOMEL (N=436)

STRONGEST BRAND                                       ESSENT (N=318)

COMMITMENT                                                KPN (N=433)

AMONGST FANS                                          OPTIMEL (N=536)

                                                          UPC (N=514)
Of all of the brands in the study, 3FM had the                                15%

highest level of brand commitment amongst its
fans (81%), followed by FMCG brand Chocomel                             0                20                40                60                80     100
(79%). Furthermore, 3FM and Chocomel dis-
played the most significant difference in brand
commitment between fans and non-fans.                                   BRAND COMMITTED FANS/NON-FANS PER BRAND
                                                                        N.B. Significance of differences: All differences are significant at p < .001

A noticeable factor is that brand commitment                                fans
amongst non-fans is more or less the same for                               non-fans
all brands. This already indicates that the being
a fan has a significant effect on brand commit-
ment. For all brands, the difference between
fans and non-fans is significant.

MORE ON AVERAGE                                                                       36%
                                                            CHOCOMEL (N=436)
THAN NON-FANS                                                                         14%

                                                              ESSENT (N=318)
For nearly all of the brands, fans spend more than
non-fans. In all cases, with the exception of Essent,                                 63%
                                                                  KPN (N=433)
the difference is significant.                                                         44%

For example, on average, 36% of Chocomel fans spend                                   56%
                                                              OPTIMEL (N=536)
over €11 per month on the product, compared to 14%                                    20%
of non-fans. Furthermore, consumption is higher
amongst fans than non-fans. 68% of Chocomel fans                                      86%
                                                                  UPC (N=514)
consume the product on a weekly basis, compared to                                    70%
19% of non-fans.
                                                                                0               20              40               60   80   100
On average, 56% of Optimel fans spend over €11 per
month on the product, compared to 20% of non-fans.
82% of Optimel fans consume the product on a weekly                             FANS SPEND MORE ON AVERAGE THAN NON-FANS
basis, compared to 43% of non-fans.                                             N.B. Significant differences:
                                                                                UPC, Optimel, KPN, Chocomel: p < .001 Essent: n.s.

The differences are significant for all brands except                                fans
Essent. In the case of electricity, spend is dependent on                           non-fans
many other factors such as size of family, and there is
much less variation in expenditure. To a degree, this is
also the case for UPC and KPN.

      3FM (N=772)
                                                                            QUENT USERS OF PRODUCTS
                           68%                                              THAN NON-FANS, ESPECIAL-

                                                                            LY FOR FMCG BRANDS.
      KPN (N=433)
                                                                            The research shows that fans use the products/services
                           82%                                              of the brands investigated more often than non-fans.
  OPTIMEL (N=536)
                                                                            For UPC and KPN, there is little to no significance in the
                           98%                                              differences in usage between fans and non-fans. How-
      UPC (N=514)                                                           ever, the usage of these brands is so high amongst both
                                                                            fans and non-fans that becoming a fan cannot really
                                                                            instigate extra usage.
                    0               20                 40   60   80   100
                                                                            The FMCG brands Chocomel and Optimel, and the radio
                                                                            station 3FM, on the other hand, display much more
                    USE AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK                                interesting figures. These show that usage amongst fans
                    N.B. Significant differences:
                    3FM, Chocomel, Optimel: p < .001                        is/can be much higher than usage amongst non-fans.
                    KPN: p < .05
                    UPC: n.s.                                               Essent was not included in this part of the research, as
                        fans                                                neither fans or non-fans have any choice in whether or
                        non-fans                                            not to use the product.

                        FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
FANS ARE MORE                                            3FM (N=772)

LOYAL TO A BRAND                                   CHOCOMEL (N=436)

THAN NON-FANS                                        ESSENT (N=318)

The research shows that fans are more loyal to           KPN (N=433)
brands than non-fans. Once again, in all cases,
fans choose the brand in question more often                                  82%
than non-fans.                                       OPTIMEL (N=536)

Loyalty amongst 3FM, Optimel and Chocomel                                     79%
fans is the highest. For 3FM and Chocomel, at            UPC (N=514)
least 95% of the fan base states that they would
choose this brand again the next time.
                                                                       0                 20                40                 60    80   100
For KPN and UPC, loyalty amongst fans is also
significantly higher than amongst non-fans.
                                                                       WILL CHOOSE BRAND AGAIN NEXT TIME
                                                                       N.B. Significant differences:
                                                                       UPC, Optimel, KPN, Chocomel, 3FM: p < .001 Essent: p < .05


FANS HAVE                                               3FM (N=772)

A HIGHER NPS                                      CHOCOMEL (N=436)

Amongst fans, there is a significantly higher                              21%
                                                    ESSENT (N=318)
number of promoters than amongst non-fans.                                8%
This results in a significantly higher NPS score
for fans than for non-fans.                                               32%
                                                        KPN (N=433)
Amongst fans, UPC and KPN have a positive
NPS (+12 and +17), which is rare in the market.                           42%
                                                    OPTIMEL (N=536)
Amongst non-fans, UPC and KPN have an NPS                                 13%
of -36% and -41% respectively.
                                                        UPC (N=514)
Once again, the FMCG brands achieved an                                   8%
excellent score. For example, NPS amongst
Chocomel fans is +60%, compared to -14%                               0                  20                  40           60   80   100
amongst non-fans.

                                                                      WOULD RECOMMEND TO FAMILY, FRIENDS OR
                                                                      PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS WHO ARE PROMOTERS
                                                                      N.B. Significant differences: All brands: p < .001

However, an even more interesting aspect of this
SUMMARY                                              study is the relationship between brand interac-
                                                     tion and brand commitment. Fans who interact
                                                     more with a particular brand have a higher level of
                                                     brand commitment. Furthermore, fans themselves
                                                     say that they have become more committed to
This study, which involved 3,009 respondents,        the brand since becoming a fan. This shows that
showed the impact of brand interaction/engage-       brand interaction on Facebook can contribute to the
ment on brand commitment.                            strengthening of brand commitment.

The positive relationship between brand commit-      Furthermore, the research shows that a proportion
ment and trading results such as usage, spend,       of the fans make more usage of the brand after be-
preference and NPS has been common knowledge         coming fans. This is also explained by the interaction
for some time. The results of this study show that   that the brand initiates with fans. After all, engage-
brand interaction on Facebook can lead to an in-     ment boosts brand commitment, and brand commit-
crease in brand commitment in practice, which        ment has been shown to increase conversion. Fur-
confirms the correlation between engagement and       thermore, it has been shown that Facebook updates
trading results.                                     increase usage/purchasing amongst a proportion of
                                                     fans. In this way, interaction via Facebook has a very
The results show that fans have a significantly       concrete effect on the brand’s bottom line.
higher level of brand commitment than non-fans.
Fans spend more on the brand, use the brand          This gives greater relevance to engagement/brand
more often, have a stronger brand preference and     interaction via Facebook, due to the positive corre-
a higher NPS. This backs up the conclusion that      lation between brand commitment and results.
building up a fan community on Facebook does
indeed add value.

ABOUT THIS RESEARCH                                        MORE?
                                                           If so, contact Steven
                                                           Jongeneel or Martin Kloos.
This study would not have been possible without the        Social Embassy
co-operation and contributions of UPC, 3FM, Optimel,       Huys Azie, Floor 1-a
Chocomel, Essent and KPN. You rock!                        Jollemanhof 8-a
                                                           1019 GW Amsterdam
                                                           020 435 0290
SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE                              
All parts of this report can be reproduced provided the
source Social Embassy is quoted.

Social Embassy connects brands and people via social
media. We support brands with social-media strategy,
implementation and community management.We are
very proud to work for over 25 top brands including
Rabobank, Unilever and Volkswagen.
Every year, Social Embassy publishes the Social Media
Monitor, which researches the use of social media by the
top 100 brands (


This research was carried out in the period May-     The fans were recruited via Facebook updates pub-
June 2012. Two groups - fans and non-fans            lished on the brands’ fan pages. For each brand,
- were defined for each of the six participating      two to three posts were enough to recruit a suffi-
brands. For each brand, the respondents were         cient number of respondents via Facebook.
provided with a brand-specific online survey.
Fans and clients of UPC, for example, would          Non-fans were located via a Multiscope research
therefore only answer questions relating to UPC.     panel.

• Fans are Facebook users that have ‘liked’ the      For this publication, the results of the six separate
fan page of the brand in question.                   surveys were aggregated in order to give us results
• Non-fans are respondents who have not ‘liked’      for all six surveys. The aggregates of the six sets of
the fan page of the brand in question, but who       research results resulted in a data set of 3,009 re-
are customers of the brand. For the purposes of      spondents: 1,272 fans and 1,737 non-fans.
this survey, the term ‘customer’ applies to people
who have used the product/brand within the last
three months.

of analyses. If the groups differ by a significance less
ANALYSIS OF                                                   than 0.05, then the difference is significant. This means
                                                              that you can say with 95% certainty (or 99% certainty
                                                              in the case of p< .001) that the groups differ from each
RESULTS                                                       other and that this can be generalised to the total popu-

                                                              REGRESSION ANALYSIS
SCALE VARIABLES                                               In order to discover the degree to which X leads to Y,
The questionnaire includes a variety of questions that        regression analysis, including linear regression analy-
measure a construct. For example, brand commitment            sis, is carried out. In order to determine how strong the
is measured using seven questions. By means of a              correlation is, the R2 is examined. This figure indicates
factor analysis, it is determined to what degree these        what percentage of the variance of Y can be explained
seven questions all measure the same aspect. If they          by the variance in X. The α indicates the direction and
are deemed to measure the same aspect, then reliability       the strength of the correlation. In this way, for example,
analysis is carried out to determine that the scale varia-    you can state that as X increases, Y will increase to the
ble is reliable and therefore whether it can be stated with   same degree, e.g. the more somebody interacts with
certainty that when combined, the variables measure,          brand X, the higher the degree of fan-page commit-
for example, brand commitment. This is done if a scale        ment will be.
becomes more reliable upon removal of one or more of
the variables. The following categorisation is used when      The following rules are employed for determining the
applying the reliability analysis and creating the scales.    strength of the correlation:

α < .60       = Unreliable                                    0 – .10       = Little or no correlation
.60 > α < .80 = Reasonably reliable                           .11 – .25     = Weak correlation
α > .80       = Reliable                                      .26 – .50     = Moderate correlation
                                                              .51 – .75     = Strong correlation
                                                              .76 – .90     = Very strong correlation
                                                              .91 – 1       = Extremely strong correlation
In order to establish whether there is a real difference
between fans and non-fans, ANOVA carried out a number

RESEARCH DATA                                                      ß      p<       T          F        R²
                                                        Total      .39    .001     14.60      899.55   .15
This slide and the following slides display the most
important results from the statistical analysis.        3FM        .34    .001     7.70       59.23    .11
The tables have been divided between the conclu-        Chocomel   .39    .001     5.40       29.16    .15
sions drawn within this publication.                    Essent     .65    .001     5.69       32.41    .41
                                                        KPN        .48    .001     6.02       36.24    .22
                                                        Optimel    .51    .001     8.91       79.33    .26
                                                        UPC        .44    .001     6.68       44.70    .19

                                                       ENGAGEMENT LEADS TO CHANGES IN BRAND COMMITMENT
                                                                   ß      p<       T          F        R²
                                                        Total      .48    .001     19.17      367.62   .48

                                                        3FM        .35    .001     8.01       64.23    .12
                                                        Chocomel   .48    .001     6.92       47.95    .23
                                                        Essent     .65    .001     5.73       32.86    .65
                                                        KPN        .61    .001     8.45       71.35    .36
                                                        Optimel    .51    .001     8.98       80.61    .26
                                                        UPC        .46    .001     6.90       47.63    .20


                      p<                  F                    df                                            p<          F           df
  Total               .001                972.98               1, 3007                           Total       .001        542.57      1, 3007

  3FM                 .001                441.36               1, 770                            3FM         .001        655.20      1, 770
  Chocomel            .001                185.78               1, 434                            Chocomel    .001        46.92       1, 434
  Essent              .001                27.91                1, 316                            Essent      .05         4.47        1, 316
  KPN                 .001                91.50                1, 431                            KPN         .001        44.08       1, 431
  Optimel             .001                129.91               1, 534                            Optimel     .001        109.65      1, 534
  UPC                 .001                84.65                1, 512                            UPC         .001        44.87       1, 512

* This question was not asked for Essent, as electricity is a product that is used every day.
                                                                                                             p<          F           df
                      p<                  F                    df
                                                                                                 Total       .001        556.85      1, 3007
  Total               .001                306.77               1, 2689

                                                                                                 3FM         .001        413.39      1, 770
  3FM                 .001                280.42               1, 770
                                                                                                 Chocomel    .001        130.80      1, 434
  Chocomel            .001                174.88               1, 434
                                                                                                 Essent      .001        18.70       1, 316
  KPN                 .05                 5.62                 1, 431
                                                                                                 KPN         .001        80.02       1, 431
  Optimel             .001                134.98               1, 534
                                                                                                 Optimel     .001        131.93      1, 534
  UPC                 n.s.                .03                  1, 512
                                                                                                 UPC         .001        69.82       1, 512

                      p<                  F                    df
  Total               .001                34.78                1, 2235

  Chocomel            .001                27.62                1, 434
  Essent              n.s.                .10                  1, 316
  KPN                 .001                13.40                1, 431
  Optimel             .001                128.33               1, 534
  UPC                 .001                30.00                1, 512

                      FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS

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Facebook ROI for brands - The value of fans, engagemend and conversation

  • 3. Facebook marketing is popular amongst brands. 67% of top brands run a fan page (Source: Social Media Monitor 4). This percentage has once again risen in recent months. However, in practice, attracting and activating Facebook fans can require considerable investment. Brands are therefore looking to discover what the true value of a Facebook fan page is. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 4. FURTHER 10 DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 8 Academic research* based on a fictitious brand has already shown that interaction with a brand on Facebook has a positive effect on the brand 6 commitment that the fan feels for the brand. And as well as the brand commitment, the intent to purchase and the community feeling 4 are also positively influenced. BRAND COMMITMENT As a follow-up to this initial study, additional practical research has been carried out for 2 six brands. 0 DEGREE OF PASSIVES INTERACTION CONTRIBUTORS CONSUMER No interaction ‘Liking’ fan pages and Liking fan pages, reading messages reading messages and Positive reaction responding to messages Negative reaction * merk-op-facebook-leidt-tot-brand-commitment/ FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 5. QUANTITATIVE PRACTICAL RESEARCH: 6 BRANDS, 3,009 RESPONDENTS, 1,272 FANS, 1,737 NON-FANS In a study involving six brands, the relationship between brand interaction (engagement) on Facebook and brand commitment in practice was investigated. Via an external panel, an online survey was set up in which fans and non-fans were asked a series of questions. The fans interviewed for the study were found via the fan pages of the participating brands. Total Fans Non-Fans Total 3,009 1,272 1,737 3FM 772 474 298 Chocomel 436 173 263 Essent 318 53 265 KPN 433 136 297 Optimel 536 242 294 UPC 514 194 320 *The research justification can be found towards the end of this publication. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 6. RESEARCH QUESTIONS INTERACTION BRAND COMMITMENT To what extent does interaction with a brand on Facebook result in strengthening of brand commitment? FANS OF BRANDS... To what extent is brand commitment stronger amongst fans than non-fans? ...USE THE BRAND MORE OFTEN. ...SPEND MORE MONEY ON THE BRAND. ...HAVE A STRONGER PREFERENCE FOR THE BRAND. To what degree does being a fan and ...RECOMMEND THE BRAND MORE OFTEN. interaction result in conversion? FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 7. INFLUENCE OF FANS ON BRAND COMMITMENT You could say that fans are more valuable for brands than non-fans, simply because being a fan is by definition a causal relationship between interaction and brand commitment. Within the research structure, the influence of ‘being a fan’ has been minimised. Incentives, for example, are used to get non- active fans to participate and hence to realise an appropriate representation of the fan base. In this respect, a great deal of focus is given to changes in behaviour since the respondents became fans of the brand. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 9. This backs up the conclusion that building up a fan com- THE VALUE OF munity on Facebook does indeed add value. However, an even more interesting aspect of this study is the A FACEBOOK FAN PAGE relationship between brand interaction and brand com- mitment. Fans who interact more with a particular brand have a higher level of brand commitment. Furthermore, FOR BRANDS fans themselves say that they have become more com- mitted to the brand since becoming a fan. This shows that brand interaction on Facebook can contribute to the strengthening of brand commitment. This study, which involved 3,009 respondents, showed the impact of brand interaction/engagement on brand Furthermore, the research shows that a proportion of commitment. the fans make more usage of the brand after becoming fans. This is also explained by the interaction that the The positive relationship between brand commitment brand initiates with fans. After all, engagement boosts and trading results such as usage, spend, preference brand commitment, and brand commitment has been and NPS has been common knowledge for some time. shown to increase conversion. Furthermore, it has been The results of this study show that brand interaction on shown that Facebook updates increase usage/purchas- Facebook can lead to an increase in brand commitment ing amongst a proportion of fans. In this way, interaction in practice, which confirms the correlation between via Facebook has a very concrete effect on the brand’s engagement and trading results. bottom line. The results show that fans have a significantly higher This gives greater relevance to engagement/brand level of brand commitment than non-fans. Fans interaction via Facebook, due to the positive correlation spend more on the brand, use the brand more often, between brand commitment and results. have a stronger brand preference and a higher NPS. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 12. PERCENTAGE OF FANS FOR WHICH BRAND ENGAGEMENT COMMITMENT HAS INCREASED REINFORCES BRAND COMMITMENT 18 % We asked fans to what extent they think their brand commit- 30% ment has increased since they became fans of the brand on 34 % Facebook. 3FM (N=474) CHOCOMEL (N=173) ESSENT (N=53) The research shows that 30% of the fan base thinks that their brand commitment has increased since becoming fans of the brand. For KPN, no less than 56% of fans believe that their brand com- 20% mitment to KPN has grown since becoming fans of the com- pany on Facebook. 28% The research also shows that there is a correlation between the degree of interaction and the degree of brand commitment. 56% Brands can therefore significantly boost brand commitment by KPN (N=136) OPTIMEL (N=242) UPC (N=194) interacting with fans. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 13. PERCENTAGE OF BRAND-COMMITTED FANS COMPARED INCREASED WITH THE DEGREE OF INTERACTION INTERACTION RESULTS NO INTERACTION OCCASIONAL INTERACTION FREQUENT INTERACTION 100% IN STRONGER BRAND COMMITMENT 77% The higher the level of interaction with a brand, the higher the percentage of fans that claim to be com- mitted to that particular brand. 43 % When there is no interaction, 43% of fans say that they are brand committed, while 100% of fans who say that they often interact with the brand via Facebook say that PERCENTAGE OF FANS FOR WHOM BRAND COMMITMENT they are brand committed. HAS INCREASED BASED ON THE DEGREE OF INTERACTION Furthermore, the research shows that the more that NO INTERACTION OCCASIONAL INTERACTION FREQUENT INTERACTION fans interact, the stronger the fan’s rise in brand com- mitment is since he/she became a fan. The increase for fans who interact a great deal was 77% higher than for fans who do not interact. 19% The research therefore shows that there is a correlation 24% 74% between the degree of interaction and the strength of brand commitment. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 15. 100 HIGHER BRAND COMMITMENT 80 MEANS MORE FREQUENT 60 USAGE, GREATER SPEND, HIGHER PREFERENCE AND HIGHER NPS. 40 Brand-committed respondents score higher than non- brand-committed respondents for all business variables. 20 Fans spend more on the brand, use the brand more often, have a stronger brand preference and a higher NPS. 90% 66% 30% 18% 93% 48% 79% 26% 0 Achieving brand commitment amongst fans is therefore Frequency of use / Spend / Preference / NPS / a relevant objective. For this purpose, the encouragement Weekly Above Will opt for Promoter of engagement amongst fans has been shown to be an average the brand again important tool. brand committed not brand committed FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 16. MORE PURCHASES SINCE BECOMING A FAN 2% 5% 4% 4% A PROPORTION OF 5% 16% 94% % 91 THE FANS SAYS THAT much more frequently 79% THEY HAVE BOUGHT/ more frequently the same LISTENED MORE SINCE BECOMING FANS. 3FM Chocomel Optimel (n=772) (n=436) (n=536) During this study, we have also researched changes in behaviour since becoming fans. 1% 19% 10% 2% 11% 4% Many fans say that they have bought/listened % more since becoming fans. 9% of Optimel fans % 14 14 say that they have used the brand more often. For Chocomel, the figure is 21% and for 3FM, it 77% is 6% (3FM already had a very high usage level 75% amongst fans). 73% UPC, KPN and Essent fans also indicated that they had used the services more often. 25% of UPC fans said that they had already bought a new product/service or package exten- Essent KPN UPC sion. The same was true for 24% of KPN fans. (n=318) (n=433) (n=514) Yes, I have purchased new products/services. Another noticeable point was that of all the FMCG brands nobody reported purchasing/ Yes, I have broadened my package. listening less. No, I have not purchased any new products/services. Don’t know. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 17. The study shows that Facebook posts can result in conversion. FANS BUY/ For Optimel, 45% of fans have bought at least one product as a result of a Facebook post. For Chocomel, this figure was as high LISTEN MORE IN as 53%, and 42% of 3FM fans report having tuned in as a result of a message on Facebook. RESPONSE TO Facebook posts were also shown to create conversion for UPC Essent and KPN. For UPC, 12% of fans have definitely bought new products/services as a result of a Facebook message. This FACEBOOK UPDATES figure was 20% for Essent and 12% for KPN. 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 Yes, always Yes, definitely Yes, frequently Yes, maybe 1% 8% 33% 4% 11% 38% 3% 8% 34% Yes, sometimes 20% 10% 12% 33% 12% 10% 0 0 3FM Chocomel Optimel Essent KPN UPC (n=772) (n=436) (n=536) (n=318) (n=433) (n=514) PURCHASED/LISTENED AS A RESULT OF FACEBOOK UPDATES PURCHASED AS A RESULT OF FACEBOOK UPDATES FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 20. 100 FANS HAVE STRONGER BRAND 80 32% COMMITMENT 60 THAN NON-FANS 40 80% For all brands included in the study, brand 20 commitment amongst fans was significantly higher than amongst non-fans. 68% 20% 0 Of all of the fans, 68% say that they are com- mitted to the brand for which they took part FANS NON-FANS in the study. Amongst non-fans, this figure was 20%. PERCENTAGE WHO SAY THAT THEY ARE BRAND COMMITTED N.B. Significance level: p < .001 brand committed not brand committed FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 21. CHOCOMEL AND 3FM (N=772) 81% 21% 3FM HAVE THE CHOCOMEL (N=436) 79% 22% STRONGEST BRAND ESSENT (N=318) 49% 18% COMMITMENT KPN (N=433) 57% 18% AMONGST FANS OPTIMEL (N=536) 63% 27% 46% UPC (N=514) Of all of the brands in the study, 3FM had the 15% highest level of brand commitment amongst its fans (81%), followed by FMCG brand Chocomel 0 20 40 60 80 100 (79%). Furthermore, 3FM and Chocomel dis- played the most significant difference in brand commitment between fans and non-fans. BRAND COMMITTED FANS/NON-FANS PER BRAND N.B. Significance of differences: All differences are significant at p < .001 A noticeable factor is that brand commitment fans amongst non-fans is more or less the same for non-fans all brands. This already indicates that the being a fan has a significant effect on brand commit- ment. For all brands, the difference between fans and non-fans is significant. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 22. FANS SPEND MORE ON AVERAGE 36% CHOCOMEL (N=436) THAN NON-FANS 14% 75% ESSENT (N=318) 67% For nearly all of the brands, fans spend more than non-fans. In all cases, with the exception of Essent, 63% KPN (N=433) the difference is significant. 44% For example, on average, 36% of Chocomel fans spend 56% OPTIMEL (N=536) over €11 per month on the product, compared to 14% 20% of non-fans. Furthermore, consumption is higher amongst fans than non-fans. 68% of Chocomel fans 86% UPC (N=514) consume the product on a weekly basis, compared to 70% 19% of non-fans. 0 20 40 60 80 100 On average, 56% of Optimel fans spend over €11 per month on the product, compared to 20% of non-fans. 82% of Optimel fans consume the product on a weekly FANS SPEND MORE ON AVERAGE THAN NON-FANS basis, compared to 43% of non-fans. N.B. Significant differences: UPC, Optimel, KPN, Chocomel: p < .001 Essent: n.s. The differences are significant for all brands except fans Essent. In the case of electricity, spend is dependent on non-fans many other factors such as size of family, and there is much less variation in expenditure. To a degree, this is also the case for UPC and KPN. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 23. FANS ARE FAR MORE FRE- 3FM (N=772) 97% 59% QUENT USERS OF PRODUCTS CHOCOMEL (N=436) 68% THAN NON-FANS, ESPECIAL- 19% 96% LY FOR FMCG BRANDS. KPN (N=433) 94% The research shows that fans use the products/services 82% of the brands investigated more often than non-fans. OPTIMEL (N=536) 43% For UPC and KPN, there is little to no significance in the 98% differences in usage between fans and non-fans. How- UPC (N=514) ever, the usage of these brands is so high amongst both 99% fans and non-fans that becoming a fan cannot really instigate extra usage. 0 20 40 60 80 100 The FMCG brands Chocomel and Optimel, and the radio station 3FM, on the other hand, display much more USE AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK interesting figures. These show that usage amongst fans N.B. Significant differences: 3FM, Chocomel, Optimel: p < .001 is/can be much higher than usage amongst non-fans. KPN: p < .05 UPC: n.s. Essent was not included in this part of the research, as fans neither fans or non-fans have any choice in whether or non-fans not to use the product. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 24. FANS ARE MORE 3FM (N=772) 95% 31% LOYAL TO A BRAND CHOCOMEL (N=436) 95% 71% THAN NON-FANS ESSENT (N=318) 76% 59% 75% The research shows that fans are more loyal to KPN (N=433) 47% brands than non-fans. Once again, in all cases, fans choose the brand in question more often 82% than non-fans. OPTIMEL (N=536) 47% Loyalty amongst 3FM, Optimel and Chocomel 79% fans is the highest. For 3FM and Chocomel, at UPC (N=514) 53% least 95% of the fan base states that they would choose this brand again the next time. 0 20 40 60 80 100 For KPN and UPC, loyalty amongst fans is also significantly higher than amongst non-fans. WILL CHOOSE BRAND AGAIN NEXT TIME N.B. Significant differences: UPC, Optimel, KPN, Chocomel, 3FM: p < .001 Essent: p < .05 fans non-fans FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 25. FANS HAVE 3FM (N=772) 49% 9% A HIGHER NPS CHOCOMEL (N=436) 64% 20% Amongst fans, there is a significantly higher 21% ESSENT (N=318) number of promoters than amongst non-fans. 8% This results in a significantly higher NPS score for fans than for non-fans. 32% KPN (N=433) 6% Amongst fans, UPC and KPN have a positive NPS (+12 and +17), which is rare in the market. 42% OPTIMEL (N=536) Amongst non-fans, UPC and KPN have an NPS 13% of -36% and -41% respectively. 27% UPC (N=514) Once again, the FMCG brands achieved an 8% excellent score. For example, NPS amongst Chocomel fans is +60%, compared to -14% 0 20 40 60 80 100 amongst non-fans. WOULD RECOMMEND TO FAMILY, FRIENDS OR ACQUAINTANCES PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS WHO ARE PROMOTERS N.B. Significant differences: All brands: p < .001 fans non-fans FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 26. However, an even more interesting aspect of this SUMMARY study is the relationship between brand interac- tion and brand commitment. Fans who interact more with a particular brand have a higher level of brand commitment. Furthermore, fans themselves say that they have become more committed to This study, which involved 3,009 respondents, the brand since becoming a fan. This shows that showed the impact of brand interaction/engage- brand interaction on Facebook can contribute to the ment on brand commitment. strengthening of brand commitment. The positive relationship between brand commit- Furthermore, the research shows that a proportion ment and trading results such as usage, spend, of the fans make more usage of the brand after be- preference and NPS has been common knowledge coming fans. This is also explained by the interaction for some time. The results of this study show that that the brand initiates with fans. After all, engage- brand interaction on Facebook can lead to an in- ment boosts brand commitment, and brand commit- crease in brand commitment in practice, which ment has been shown to increase conversion. Fur- confirms the correlation between engagement and thermore, it has been shown that Facebook updates trading results. increase usage/purchasing amongst a proportion of fans. In this way, interaction via Facebook has a very The results show that fans have a significantly concrete effect on the brand’s bottom line. higher level of brand commitment than non-fans. Fans spend more on the brand, use the brand This gives greater relevance to engagement/brand more often, have a stronger brand preference and interaction via Facebook, due to the positive corre- a higher NPS. This backs up the conclusion that lation between brand commitment and results. building up a fan community on Facebook does indeed add value. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 27. WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS RESEARCH MORE? If so, contact Steven Jongeneel or Martin Kloos. THANK YOU! This study would not have been possible without the Social Embassy co-operation and contributions of UPC, 3FM, Optimel, Huys Azie, Floor 1-a Chocomel, Essent and KPN. You rock! Jollemanhof 8-a 1019 GW Amsterdam 020 435 0290 SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE All parts of this report can be reproduced provided the source Social Embassy is quoted. ABOUT SOCIAL EMBASSY Social Embassy connects brands and people via social media. We support brands with social-media strategy, implementation and community management.We are very proud to work for over 25 top brands including Rabobank, Unilever and Volkswagen. Every year, Social Embassy publishes the Social Media Monitor, which researches the use of social media by the top 100 brands ( FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 29. RESEARCH STRUCTURE This research was carried out in the period May- The fans were recruited via Facebook updates pub- June 2012. Two groups - fans and non-fans lished on the brands’ fan pages. For each brand, - were defined for each of the six participating two to three posts were enough to recruit a suffi- brands. For each brand, the respondents were cient number of respondents via Facebook. provided with a brand-specific online survey. Fans and clients of UPC, for example, would Non-fans were located via a Multiscope research therefore only answer questions relating to UPC. panel. • Fans are Facebook users that have ‘liked’ the For this publication, the results of the six separate fan page of the brand in question. surveys were aggregated in order to give us results • Non-fans are respondents who have not ‘liked’ for all six surveys. The aggregates of the six sets of the fan page of the brand in question, but who research results resulted in a data set of 3,009 re- are customers of the brand. For the purposes of spondents: 1,272 fans and 1,737 non-fans. this survey, the term ‘customer’ applies to people who have used the product/brand within the last three months. FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 30. of analyses. If the groups differ by a significance less ANALYSIS OF than 0.05, then the difference is significant. This means that you can say with 95% certainty (or 99% certainty in the case of p< .001) that the groups differ from each RESULTS other and that this can be generalised to the total popu- lation. REGRESSION ANALYSIS SCALE VARIABLES In order to discover the degree to which X leads to Y, The questionnaire includes a variety of questions that regression analysis, including linear regression analy- measure a construct. For example, brand commitment sis, is carried out. In order to determine how strong the is measured using seven questions. By means of a correlation is, the R2 is examined. This figure indicates factor analysis, it is determined to what degree these what percentage of the variance of Y can be explained seven questions all measure the same aspect. If they by the variance in X. The α indicates the direction and are deemed to measure the same aspect, then reliability the strength of the correlation. In this way, for example, analysis is carried out to determine that the scale varia- you can state that as X increases, Y will increase to the ble is reliable and therefore whether it can be stated with same degree, e.g. the more somebody interacts with certainty that when combined, the variables measure, brand X, the higher the degree of fan-page commit- for example, brand commitment. This is done if a scale ment will be. becomes more reliable upon removal of one or more of the variables. The following categorisation is used when The following rules are employed for determining the applying the reliability analysis and creating the scales. strength of the correlation: α < .60 = Unreliable 0 – .10 = Little or no correlation .60 > α < .80 = Reasonably reliable .11 – .25 = Weak correlation α > .80 = Reliable .26 – .50 = Moderate correlation .51 – .75 = Strong correlation .76 – .90 = Very strong correlation .91 – 1 = Extremely strong correlation DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FANS AND NON-FANS In order to establish whether there is a real difference between fans and non-fans, ANOVA carried out a number FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 31. ENGAGEMENT LEADS TO BRAND COMMITMENT RESEARCH DATA ß p< T F R² Total .39 .001 14.60 899.55 .15 This slide and the following slides display the most important results from the statistical analysis. 3FM .34 .001 7.70 59.23 .11 The tables have been divided between the conclu- Chocomel .39 .001 5.40 29.16 .15 sions drawn within this publication. Essent .65 .001 5.69 32.41 .41 KPN .48 .001 6.02 36.24 .22 Optimel .51 .001 8.91 79.33 .26 UPC .44 .001 6.68 44.70 .19 ENGAGEMENT LEADS TO CHANGES IN BRAND COMMITMENT ß p< T F R² Total .48 .001 19.17 367.62 .48 3FM .35 .001 8.01 64.23 .12 Chocomel .48 .001 6.92 47.95 .23 Essent .65 .001 5.73 32.86 .65 KPN .61 .001 8.45 71.35 .36 Optimel .51 .001 8.98 80.61 .26 UPC .46 .001 6.90 47.63 .20 FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS
  • 32. DIFFERENCES IN BRAND COMMITMENT BETWEEN FANS AND NON-FANS DIFFERENCES IN BRAND PREFERENCE BETWEEN FANS AND NON-FANS p< F df p< F df Total .001 972.98 1, 3007 Total .001 542.57 1, 3007 3FM .001 441.36 1, 770 3FM .001 655.20 1, 770 Chocomel .001 185.78 1, 434 Chocomel .001 46.92 1, 434 Essent .001 27.91 1, 316 Essent .05 4.47 1, 316 KPN .001 91.50 1, 431 KPN .001 44.08 1, 431 Optimel .001 129.91 1, 534 Optimel .001 109.65 1, 534 UPC .001 84.65 1, 512 UPC .001 44.87 1, 512 DIFFERENCE IN FREQUENCY OF USE BETWEEN FANS AND NON-FANS DIFFERENCES IN NPS BETWEEN FANS AND NON-FANS * This question was not asked for Essent, as electricity is a product that is used every day. p< F df p< F df Total .001 556.85 1, 3007 Total .001 306.77 1, 2689 3FM .001 413.39 1, 770 3FM .001 280.42 1, 770 Chocomel .001 130.80 1, 434 Chocomel .001 174.88 1, 434 Essent .001 18.70 1, 316 KPN .05 5.62 1, 431 KPN .001 80.02 1, 431 Optimel .001 134.98 1, 534 Optimel .001 131.93 1, 534 UPC n.s. .03 1, 512 UPC .001 69.82 1, 512 DIFFERENCES IN SPEND BETWEEN FANS AND NON-FANS p< F df Total .001 34.78 1, 2235 Chocomel .001 27.62 1, 434 Essent n.s. .10 1, 316 KPN .001 13.40 1, 431 Optimel .001 128.33 1, 534 UPC .001 30.00 1, 512 FACEBOOK ROI FOR BRANDS