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DEAR reader:
    Social media is revolutionising the way people communicate with each other, the
    ways they communicate with brands and the way they expect those brands to
    communicate with them. As marketers, we’re constantly trying to discover the
    next big thing that will give us an advantage in the competitive marketplace. At
    the same time, experts continue to emphasise the importance of delivering the
    right messages, to the right audience, through the right channels, at the right time.

    While marketers have loads of information about what consumers do online,
    there is relatively little information that helps us understand why consumers do
    the things they do.

    At ExactTarget, we recognise that creating a real consumer-brand relationship
    requires more than just a clever tagline and some posh marketing materials. To
    truly connect with customers, we need to understand how they behave across
    both traditional and emerging channels—as well as what motivates them to
    do so. That’s why we went straight to the source and asked consumers (not
    marketers) about their usage and attitudes toward Email, Facebook and Twitter—
    the channels most commonly used by consumers for online communication.

    In this report, The Digital Kingdom, we’re excited to share insights gleaned from
    our first-ever study of consumers in the United Kingdom. In the pages that follow,
    we’ll provide a broad summary of how UK consumers view their online brand
    relationships and what motivates them to subscribe, “Like” and/or Follow a brand.
    In the coming months, we’ll delve into purchasing and referral behaviours in the
    UK, and which channels are best for influencing consumers’ buying decisions.

    I invite you to spend some time reviewing and digesting this exciting new report.
    Share it amongst your colleagues, discuss how the findings may impact your
    cross-channel strategy and let us know what you think! Your feedback is always
    welcome at


    Nigel Arthur
    Managing Director, EMEA, ExactTarget

2    © 2011 ExactTarget |
“You must understand where, why and how your customers are spending
their time in order to develop marketing communication strategies that
are truly effective.”

As a marketer, you understand that your customers communicate through                              Do UK consumers place the most value on being a SUBSCRIBER, FAN
a variety of channels, ranging from telephone and email to text messaging                          or FOLLOWER? What motivates them to subscribe, “Like” or Follow a
and social networks. However, it’s not enough to merely recognise the                              brand? Are British and American consumers terribly different when it
variety of marketing channels available. You must understand where,                                comes to their marketing communication preferences?
why and how your customers are spending their time in order to develop                             This report will reveal insight from our research, including:
marketing communication strategies that are truly effective.
                                                                                                   •	    When and how UK consumers use Email, Facebook and Twitter
Consumers believe the old axiom that “the customer is always right.” Given
that fact, we believe it’s best to go straight to the source and ask what                          •	    What motivates UK consumers to interact through each of
consumers want from marketers. SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS                                             these channels
is an ongoing research series that sets aside theories and assumptions
                                                                                                   •	    How UK marketers can more effectively utilise these channels to
about consumer preferences and online behavior, focusing instead on
                                                                                                         reach their target audience
solid data collected through a combination of focus groups and online
surveys.1 The commentary in these reports draws on the experience of                               By understanding the “how” and “why” behind UK consumers’ online
real consumers as they interact with brands through Email, Facebook                                behaviour, marketers gain two important benefits: 1) An understanding
and Twitter.                                                                                       of the vastly different roles that Email, Facebook and Twitter fill in the
                                                                                                   communication landscape, both now and in the future, and 2) Insight
Throughout this report, we will refer to consumers who engage
                                                                                                   into what consumers expect from marketers as they engage with brands
with brands through these channels as SUBSCRIBERS, FANS
                                                                                                   across these popular online channels.

                  SUBSCRIBERS:                                                  FANS:                                                  FOLLOWERS:
                  UK consumers who have                                         UK consumers with a Facebook                           UK consumers with a Twitter
                  provided their email address                                  account who have “Liked” at                            account who Follow at least one
                  to at least one company,                                      least one company or brand                             company or brand on Twitter.
                  for the purpose of receiving                                  on Facebook.2
                  permission-based emails.

1 Methodology information is available at
2 Facebook changed its terminology from “Become a Fan” to “Like” after we started our U.S.-based research in 2010. We
stuck with the term “Fans” because “Likers” sounds a bit daft.
                                                                                                                                       © 2011 ExactTarget |   3
GETTING SOCIAL IN THE UK                                                       UK subscribers, fans &
    In recent years, some have suggested that the rise of social media would
                                                                                   followers (by Age)
    drive a reduction in SUBSCRIBERS, but we have actually found the
    opposite to be true.

    According to our research, 93% of UK online consumers are
    SUBSCRIBERS, 45% are FANS and 7% are FOLLOWERS. It is important                                              Email Subscribers
    to note, however, that consumers typically don’t choose just one channel.
    96% of UK consumers who “Like” companies on Facebook subscribe to                                            Facebook Fans
    brand emails as well. 97% of consumers who Follow brands on Twitter
    subscribe to email. 86% of people who Follow brands on Twitter are FANS                                      Twitter Followers
    of at least one company on Facebook.

    •	   Online consumers aged 25-34 are the most likely to be SUBSCRIBERS                                                        86%
         (97%), likely because this group uses email in the workplace and at
         home, for business and personal reasons.
                                                                                          15-17                 46%

    •	   While teens are the least likely to be SUBSCRIBERS (86%), this                                                             92%
         channel is still the most common way for teens to request proactive
         communications from brands.
                                                                                          18-24                         64%

    •	   Consumers aged 18-24 are the most likely to be Facebook FANS—                                                                 97%
         87% of consumers in this age group are active on Facebook.
                                                                                          25-34                     56%
    •	   Those in the 18-24 age group are most likely to be FOLLOWERS as
         well (54%), despite the fact the 25-34 age group has more active
         Twitter users.
                                                                                          35-44                   50%
    Our findings are consistent with reports that younger consumers
    (particularly those aged 18-24) are the most likely to engage with brands
    on Facebook and Twitter. However, through our focus groups we learned
    that age is not the only factor influencing channel preference. It’s just as          45-54             38%
    important to consider why people go online in the first place when
    trying to determine how they want to engage with brands.                                                                        91%
    Some people use the Internet primarily to communicate with friends and                55-64         31%
    family—these people tend to prioritise interpersonal communication over
    seeking information from brands online. Others use the Internet primarily                                                      88%
    for work and their engagement with brands tends to be work-related.
    Still others consider the Internet an ideal forum for shopping. These
                                                                                         65 or older
    consumers span all age groups and, not surprisingly, they tend to be the                                N=1,405 UK survey respondents
    most aggressive about seeking information from companies online.                                        (without Twitter oversample)

4   © 2011 ExactTarget |
A Land of starts and stops
Two distinct and opposing forces seem to be influencing UK online                Selectivity isn’t limited to this group, however. When asked about their
behaviour: the need to stay in touch and the desire to protect one’s privacy.    activity over the past year:
On one hand, many UK consumers report feeling a compulsive need to
check their online accounts:
                                                                                 •	   53% of SUBSCRIBERS say they have become more selective about
                                                                                      giving out their email address
•	   34% of UK consumers say they check email compulsively
                                                                                 •	   53% of FANS say they have become more selective about “Liking”
•	   27%    of UK consumers (40% of active Facebook users) say they                   companies on Facebook
     check Facebook compulsively
                                                                                 •	   42% of FOLLOWERS say they have become more selective about
•	   7% of UK consumers ( 37% of active Twitter users) say they check                 Following companies on Twitter
     Twitter compulsively
                                                                                 Clearly, UK consumers are feeling the need for increased discretion when
In contrast, a small minority of UK consumers (5%) are not SUBSCRIBERS,          it comes to engaging with brands online—regardless of channel. Online
FANS or FOLLOWERS (although they may use email, Facebook and                     marketing can be intrusive, dull and bothersome—so consumers are
Twitter for other purposes). This minority tends to describe themselves          exercising control over which brands have access to their limited attention.
as incredibly cautious about their online activities. They’re highly selective   The best way to gain entry to a consumer’s trusted inner circle is to rise
about which sites they visit and whom they communicate with online, and          above the competition by understanding your customers’ pain point and
they’re quite concerned about privacy.                                           delivering content that meets their expectations.
                                                                                                                     © 2011 ExactTarget |   5
                                                   When your customers awake in the morning, are they reaching for
                                                   their mobile to check email? Firing up their laptop to post a status
                                                   update on Facebook? Greeting the world with a Tweet?

                                                   What your customers do first thing in the morning reveals not
                                                   only their priorities and motivations (whether business, social or
                                                   news-focused) but also provides an indication of how and when
                                                   to communicate with them.

                                                   According to our research, an overwhelming 73% of UK
                                                   consumers check email first thing in the morning (as compared
                                                   to 58% of US consumers). Following at a significant distance are
                                                   Facebook (14%) and news sites (5%). Of course this doesn’t mean
                                                   that consumers are ignoring Facebook, Twitter and other sites
                                                   altogether—email is simply their first priority.

                                                   “My first job when I get on the Internet is to log
                                                   into Hotmail and sift through the messages that
                                                   came through overnight, then I check Facebook.”
                                                   – Matt (Male, age 25)

                                                   Younger consumers are more likely than the general population to
                                                   choose Facebook over email as their first online stop of the day.
                                                   For young consumers aged 15-17, Facebook is actually the most
                                                   popular place to start their day (53%), followed by email (27%).
                                                   Consumers aged 18-24 choose email just slightly more often
                                                   (44%) than Facebook (36%).

                                                   For most consumers (74%), a personal computer is the device
                                                   of choice in the morning, followed by mobile phones (13%). Only
                                                   a small minority (7%) wait until they arrive at work or school to
                                                   access online content. Younger consumers are more inclined
                                                   to reach for their mobile phones in the morning than older age
                                                   groups, but personal computers remain the most favored device
                                                   across the age spectrum.

                                                   Understanding where your customers start their day will help you
                                                   identify how and when they are likely to be most receptive to your
                                                   marketing messages. It can also give you insight into the proper
                                                   tone and content for these communications.
6   © 2011 ExactTarget |
What is the first
thing you check online in a typical day?

                                                                                 does facebook
                                                                                 drive email
                             14%                                                 usage?
                           Facebook                  73%                         At the time of publication (November 2011),
                                                     Email                       Facebook was in the process of phasing out the
                                                                                 majority of its email notifications. As time goes
        5%                                                                       on, it will be interesting to monitor the effect this
     News site                                                                   has on popularity of email vs. Facebook as the
                                                                                 day’s first online destination.
     Entertainment                                                               Has email’s morning popularity been partially
     site (e.g. sports,                                                          attributable to its delivery of Facebook
       games, movies)                                                            notifications? Whereas Facebook has no ability
                                                                      1%         to display the contents of your Inbox, email
                    2%                                            My company’s
                Search engine                                       website      notifications once gave notice as to whether there
                                                                                 was a need to check Facebook. Will consumers
                                 1%                           1%                 now reorganise their morning priorities to
                                             1%              Twitter
                                Other     Portal site                            compensate for the lack of Facebook notices in
                                        (e.g. Yahoo, MSN)                        their inbox? Time will tell how this change impacts
                                                                                 consumers’ morning priorities and habits.
N=1,405 UK survey respondents
(without Twitter oversample)

                                                                                             © 2011 ExactTarget |   7
         Modern media tends to portray email as a bit stodgy and business-    With the minority of UK consumers using email for work purposes,
         oriented, in contrast to casual, social channels like Facebook and   it’s not surprising that we see less use of email during the workday
         Twitter. However, this is certainly not the case in the UK, where    (36%) than before and after work/school (60%) or during weekends
         email serves as more of a catch-all.                                 and holidays (56%).

         •	   82% of UK online consumers check email at least once a day,     However, in stark contrast with Facebook and Twitter, the majority
              including more than 90% of all consumers over age 35            of UK consumers don’t see email as a means of alleviating
                                                                              boredom. Rather, email serves a more utilitarian purpose (whether
         •	   63% view email as a channel for personal contacts—equivalent    business, social or commercial) and once that purpose is achieved,
              to the number that use Facebook for personal contacts
                                                                              consumers move to other channels such as social networks,
         •	   44% use email as a means of connecting with old friends and     commerce or news sites.
              those who live far away

         •	   Only 39% of UK consumers report using email for work
              purposes, although this increases to 58% among working adults

8   © 2011 ExactTarget |
motivations to SUBSCRIBE
ANATOMY OF                                              What drove you to give your email address to a company, association or organisation?

A SUBSCRIBER                                                                                            52%        To receive discounts and
                                                                                                                   money-off promotions
According to our research, 93% of UK consumers
are SUBSCRIBERS—meaning they subscribe to
permission-based email from at least one company
                                                                                               44%         To receive “free stuff” or giveaways (e.g., free download,
                                                                                                           voucher, discount) offered in exchange for my email
or brand. Of course, convincing consumers to
                                                                                                      I shop with this company or buy
subscribe to your brand is a bit more complex.
What motivates UK consumers to share their email
                                                                                          39%         this brand on a regular basis
address with a company? What do they want out
of their relationship with a brand?
                                                                                     34%        To keep up-to-date with a company’s
                                                                                                products, services or offerings
The top three reasons given by survey respondents:

•	   To receive discounts or money-off                                             32%        To recieve advance notice of new
                                                                                              products or future releases
     promotions (52%)

•	   To receive free stuff or giveaways (44%)
                                                                              27%        For more information related to my personal
                                                                                         interests, hobbies, etc.
•	   Because they shop with or buy from the
     company regularly (39%)

Essentially UK consumers provide their email
                                                                            25%        To gain access to exclusive content

address in exchange for deals or to expand their
relationship with brands they already know and
trust. In return, they expect those brands to deliver
                                                                  12%     To receive alerts related to developments within
                                                                          the company, association or organisation
something of value in the form of exclusive content,
early notification or deals. These expectations
remain relatively consistent across all age groups—
                                                                 11%      Someone recommended it to me
although older consumers can be more cynical
about the likelihood that brands will follow through
by delivering real value and they are more likely to
                                                                  11%     For a quick and easy way to keep my finger
                                                                          on the pulse of the brand/company
express disdain for excessive email and spam.

“I must admit I am a bit wary of
                                                                     6%     To show my support for the company to
                                                                            others (including friends and family)

signing up to any more companies                                          To be affiliated with the product or brand
as I hate getting inundated with                                    4%    because it’s trendy or “cool”

emails daily and sometimes twice                                           N=1,405 UK survey respondents (without Twitter oversample)

daily.” – Claudia (Female, age 41)
                                                                                                                              © 2011 ExactTarget |   9
          Facebook is overwhelmingly seen as a channel for personal social
          interactions, with limited usefulness in the context of business purposes.

          •	   Overall, 68% of UK consumers are active Facebook users,
               including 87% of consumers in the 18-24 age bracket

          •	   51% of UK consumers check Facebook at least once a day
          •	   39% of UK consumers (58% of active Facebook users) say
               Facebook is the best way for them to stay in touch with friends online

          •	   43% of UK consumers (64% of active Facebook users) use
               Facebook to reconnect with old friends and those who live far away

          •	   43% of UK consumers (63% of active Facebook users) use
               Facebook for personal contacts

          •	   37% of UK consumers (54% of active Facebook users) use
               Facebook to alleviate boredom

          •	   Only 8% of UK consumers, (11% of active Facebook users) report
               using Facebook for business

          Consistent with its social purpose, survey respondents report checking
          Facebook mostly during weekends and holidays (68%) and before/after
          work or school (60%). Only 32% check Facebook during the workday—
          one of those times when it likely fulfills its purpose as a banisher
          of boredom.

          In addition to the 68% of UK consumers who are active on Facebook,
          another 8% created a Facebook account in the past but no longer use
          it. This leaves less than a quarter of all UK consumers who have never
          been on Facebook.

         “Facebook’s the best to use. It’s what everyone uses
         and all my friends have it. Plus it has so many other
         features like games and stuff so it’s not boring.”
         – Gary (Male, age 26)

10   © 2011 ExactTarget |
ANATOMY OF A fan                                    motivations to “like”
                                                    What drove you to “Like” a company,
45% of UK consumers (66% of active Facebook          association or organisation on Facebook?
users) are FANS—meaning they have “Liked”
at least one company or brand on Facebook.
What motivates UK consumers to connect with
                                                                      To receive discounts and money-off promotions        49%
brands on Facebook?

According to survey respondents, the top                                        To receive “free stuff” or giveaways      48%
drivers are:

•	   To receive discounts
     promotions (49%)
                                 or   money-off
                                                                                         26%        To receive advance notice of
                                                                                                    new products or future releases

•	   To receive free stuff or giveaways (48%)

•	   To monitor new products or future releases
                                                                                         26%        To keep up-to-date with a company’s
                                                                                                    products, services or offerings

•	   To receive updates on products and services                                    23%        I shop with this company or buy
                                                                                               this brand on a regular basis
                                                                                             To show my support for the company to
Interestingly, the top two responses are                                           22%       others (including friends and family)
identical for email and Facebook. It seems
that, although Facebook is generally a social
channel, consumers are also looking for
value. In fact, deals and freebies are by far the
                                                                                  21%       To gain access to exclusive content

strongest driver of “Likes,” as demonstrated by
                                                                                      For more information related to my
the significant drop-off in responses after these
top two answers.
                                                                            17%       personal interests, hobbies, etc.

Also note that the companies consumers
“Like” on Facebook are less likely to be                              13%       Someone recommended it to me
those they shop with on a regular basis—
which calls into question the sincerity of their                                To receive alerts related to developments within
fandom. Discounts and promotions may not                             13%        the company, association or organisation
be the best way to interact with consumers on
Facebook—a better tactic may be to encourage                                  For a quick and easy way to keep my
email subscriptions on your Facebook page,                           12%      finger on the pulse of the brand/company
creating clear boundaries between those who
want a meaningful cross-channel relationship
and those who just want a deal.                                  9%       To be affiliated with the product or
                                                                          brand because it’s trendy or “cool”

                                                       N=627 active UK Facebook users who say they have
                                                       “Liked at least one brand
                                                                                            © 2011 ExactTarget |   11
“I like to think of Twitter as my connection to the people I wish I’d
     gone to school with, whereas Facebook is how I’m connected with
     the people I was unfortunate to go to school with. Of course this is
     a generalisation.” – David M. (Male, age 26)

     Among UK consumers, Twitter is viewed not as a place to interact socially with
     friends, but rather as a place to pass the time or get inside information. Twitter’s
     adoption rate is much lower than that of Facebook, which contributes to it generally
     not being seen as a viable channel for connecting with friends.

     •	   Overall, 18% of UK consumers are active Twitter users, including 33% of
          consumers aged 25-34

     •	   13% of UK consumers check Twitter at least once per day—3% of these
          people do not have their own Twitter account

     •	   Of active Twitter users (people that have a created a Twitter account and
          still use Twitter), 58% check Twitter at least once a day and 16% check it
          “constantly throughout the day”

     •	   51% of active Twitter users (9% of UK consumers) use Twitter to
          alleviate boredom

          46% of active Twitter users (8% of UK consumers) view Twitter as a place to

          receive “insider information”

     •	   24%      of active Twitter users (4% of UK consumers) report using Twitter

          for business

     As Twitter is largely considered a place to gather information, it follows that a
     significant percentage of survey respondents report checking Twitter during the
                                                                                                   ks   )
                                                                                            ( than
     workday (41%). However, Twitter is not all about productivity—among those who
     use Twitter at work, 34% admit their usage is not for business purposes. These
     may well be the 51% who use Twitter to battle boredom.

12   © 2011 ExactTarget |
ANATOMY OF                                   motivations to Follow
A FOLLOWER                                   What drove you to Follow a company, association or organisation on Twitter?
According to our research, 7% of UK
consumers (34% of active Twitter users)
                                              For more information related to my personal interests, hobbies, etc.                                        42%
are FOLLOWERS—meaning they Follow
at least one company or brand on Twitter.     For a quick and easy way to keep my finger on the pulse of the brand/company                                42%
Survey respondents tell us the top reasons
for Following a brand on Twitter are:         To receive advance notice of new products or future releases                                            41%
•	   To receive information related to
     personal interests or hobbies (42%)      To gain access to exclusive content                                                       36%
•	   To receive advance notice about new      To receive alerts related to developments within the company,
     products or future releases of           association or organisation                                                              36%
     a product (41%)

•	   To gain access to exclusive
                                              To keep up-to-date with a company’s products, services or offerings                   35%
     content (36%)

•	   To receive discounts and money-off
                                              To receive discounts and money-off promotions          33%
     promotions (31%)                         To show my support for the company to others
Unlike email and Facebook, where
                                              (including friends and family)                       32%
consumers are predominantly motivated         To receive “free stuff” or giveaways (e.g., free
by discounts and freebies, Twitter is         download, coupon discount)                           31%
clearly viewed as an important place to
                                              I shop with this company or buy this
gather information. Twitter may also be
viewed as a place to create social circles
                                              brand on a regular basis                           28%
of new friends based on niche interests,
rather than a way to maintain existing
                                              Someone recommended it to me            15%
connections. Of course some consumers
                                              To be affiliated with the product or
do use Twitter for money-off promotions,      brand because it’s trendy or “cool”    11%
but there is always a segment of the
population looking for deals wherever they
can find them.                               N=106 active
                                             UK Twitter users who say
                                             they have Followed at least one brand

                                                                                                               © 2011 ExactTarget |   13
     Before turning in for a good night’s sleep, where do your customers go     Consumers’ choice of device is nearly identical in the morning
     for their final online stop of the day? One last check of Facebook? A      and evening. 73% of consumers conduct their evening activities
     final look at the inbox? As with the first activity of the morning, your   on a personal computer (compared to 74% in the morning), while
     customers’ last activity before bedtime provides valuable insight into     mobile phones are the device of choice for 11% (down from 13% in
     their priorities and motivations.                                          the morning).

     Our research shows that email remains the most popular choice at night,    While there is clearly an increase in leisure and social activity at night,
     although less so than in the morning (47% of UK consumers vs. 73% in       the continued dominance of email demonstrates its prominence in the
     the morning). Facebook is another popular stop on the way to dreamland     lives of UK consumers. Marketers looking to capitalise on this social
     (25%), followed by news and entertainment sites (a combined 15%).          mindset may want to focus on channels like Facebook for their evening
                                                                                messages—although clearly email is important throughout the day for a
                                                                                large number of UK consumers.

14   © 2011 ExactTarget |
What is the LAST                                                                               “At night I am a lot
    thing you check online in a typical day?
                                                                                                   more active on the
                                                                                                   Internet, as I can
                                                                                                   use it of my own
                                                                                                   free will (unlike at
                                         Email                                                     work). I spend time
            Facebook                                                                               researching, shopping,
                                                                                                   socialising, etc.”
                                                                                                   – Tali (Female, age 26)

  8%                                                          1%
News site                                                 My company’s
        Entertainment site                       2%
           (e.g., sports,     5%                Other
          games, movies)     Search                             2%
                             engine                         Portal site
                                         3%                (e.g., Yahoo,
                                        Twitter               MSN)

                                      N=1,405 UK survey respondents (without Twitter oversample)      © 2011 ExactTarget |   15
     Email maintains the most loyal users in the UK both in terms of consumer reach and frequency of use. However, Facebook and Twitter are
     still important in their own right, as 46% of consumers are either FANS or FOLLOWERS—and 2% of consumers will engage with brands
     through Facebook or Twitter, but not through email!

     While each individual channel brings a significant audience in terms of sheer numbers, marketers gain the most advantage by playing to
     the strengths of each—since consumers choose different channels for different reasons.

16    © 2011 ExactTarget |
“Don’t just repeat what’s been posted on your other sites; offer
exclusive Facebook content! Respond to comments—this is a
SOCIAL network, not just an advertising platform.”
– Simon (Male, age 19)

              Tips for                                         Tips for                                        Tips for
              EMAIL                                            FACEBOOK                                        TWITTER
Be mindful of the fact that email is an          The focus here is on friends and family.      Marketers engaging through Twitter should
amalgam of business, personal and                Marketers who choose to engage in             be conscious of consumer expectations
commercial messages. Consumers have              this realm should keep their messaging        with regard to content and frequency. Your
broader expectations when it comes to            consistent with the light, social tone that   FOLLOWERS will likely not object to frequent
email because they view it as more of a          consumers expect on Facebook. Posts and       Tweets, as long as you consistently deliver
multi-purpose tool than Facebook or Twitter.     updates on Facebook can be more frequent      interesting content—and insider information.
However, many expect something of value in       than emails—as long as they’re interesting,   Twitter is all about opinion and insight, so
exchange for allowing you access to this high-   funny or useful. As with email, consumers     companies should use this opportunity to
priority channel. Additionally, consumers are    are looking for something of value in         drive conversation, rather than just pushing
inherently cautious about engaging through       exchange for their “Like,” so discounts and   products. A friendly, relaxed tone is also
email, as most have had bad experiences with     freebies will be appreciated. Also consider   important, as it suits the channel and helps
spammers—so gaining permission is critical       using Facebook to encourage people to         consumers connect to the lighter side of
before engaging consumers through email.         become SUBSCRIBERS—giving you the             your business.
                                                 most potential for targeted communications.

                                                                                                       © 2011 ExactTarget |   17
     Launched in 2010, SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS sets aside                          “Subscriber, Fans & Followers sets the record
     theories, assumptions and widely-held beliefs to deliver new insights
     and actionable advice about consumers’ cross-channel preferences and                straight on the realities of social driven interaction
     behaviours. These unique reports draw on the experiences of real consumers          between companies and their customers. It’s
     as they interact with brands through Email, Facebook and Twitter, collected
     through extensive research, focus groups and online surveys.
                                                                                         important, easy-to-understand, impactful research.
                                                                                         It’s the best collection of social insights produced
     The SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS series has been cited by
     publications worldwide, and was recently named a 2011 Society for New               to date.” -Jay Baer, Co-Author of THE NOW REVOLUTION &
     Communication Research Award winner in the “Social Marketing” category.             Social Media Strategy Consultant

     Report #1: Digital Morning                                                          Report #3: The Social Profile
                                       When your customers wake up in the morning,                                   Despite marketers’ best efforts to categorise
                                       are they reaching for their smartphones to                                    them, the truth is that no two customers
                                       check Facebook or logging onto laptops to                                     are alike. Our research uncovers 12 distinct
                                       read email? Chances are you probably don’t                                    consumer personas and how their unique
                                       know—but ExactTarget research suggests                                        traits influence their brand interactions.
                                       you should!

     Report #2: Email X-Factors                                                          Report #4: Twitter X-Factors
                                       Email isn’t new, but it remains a critical                                   You know your customers are using Twitter.
                                       foundation for your marketing strategy. The                                  But did you know they’re talking about
                                       fact is, email drives more conversations than                                your brand? These daily users are the most
                                       any other channel. In this report, we’ll reveal                              influential online consumers, and their
                                       email’s “x-factors”—the characteristics that                                 conversations spill over into every other part
                                       set email apart from other marketing channels.                               of the internet. Twitter X-Factors exposes
                                                                                                                    how Twitter can greatly impact your brand’s
                                                                                                                    bottom line by revealing its x-factors.

18    © 2011 ExactTarget |


       Report #5: Facebook X-Factors                                      Report #8: The Social Break-Up
                         70% of consumers who “Like” brands on                               Every day, consumers interact with brands
                         Facebook don’t believe they’re giving that                          through Email, Facebook, and Twitter...but
                         brand permission to market to them. How                             the relationships don’t always last. The Social
                         can you effectively spread the message                              Break-Up explores consumers’ motivations
                         about your brand in a channel that’s                                and actions as they end their online brand
                         still unsure about marketers? Facebook                              relationships, and provides valuable tips for
                         X-Factors exposes Facebook’s five unique                            keeping the romance alive after the social
                         characteristics so you can develop an ROI-                          “honeymoon” is over.
                         boosting strategy specific to this channel.

       Report #6: collaborative future                                    Report #9: Mobile Dependence Day
                         Despite common assumptions that email,                              There’s no doubt about it—smartphones
                         Facebook and Twitter are in direct competition                      are powerful, they’re addictive and they’re
                         with one another, consumers communicate                             having a dramatic impact on consumers’
                         freely across these channels. Why shouldn’t                         online behaviour. In Mobile Dependence Day,
                         you? In The Collaborative Future, we expose                         we explore the growth of the mobile market,
                         the truth about channel competition so you                          consumers’ increasing dependence on
                         can develop a strategy that combines the                            smartphones, and the impact of smartphones
                         powerful strengths of these channels—rather                         on Email, Facebook and Twitter.
                         than isolating them.

       Report #7: Social Mythbusting                                      Report #10: The Meaning of “Like”
                         Uncover the truth and discover what’s really                        Since the beginning of time, scholars and
                         happening in the world of social media!                             philosophers have searched for the meaning
                         In Social Mythbusting, we revisit the data                          of life. And for over a year now, marketers have
                         from our first six SUBSCRIBERS, FANS &                              been trying to unlock the meaning of “Like.”
                         FOLLOWERS research reports in order to                              The truth is, a Facebook “Like” is deceptively
                         deny, debunk and deliver the answers you                            simple... and infinitely complex.
                         need to build a strategy based on the truth—
                         not just assumptions.

                                                                                                   © 2011 ExactTarget |   19
Connecting Across
     Interactive Channels is
     Tough. We Can Help.
     Nearly half of all marketers say that understanding
     consumers’ interactions across channels is one of
     their greatest challenges. That’s why we built the
     Interactive Marketing HubTM from the ground up—to
     help you plan, create and execute real-time interactive
     marketing based on a single view of each customer.
     With the Hub, you can:
     •	 Integrate email, mobile, Twitter and Facebook
        campaigns from a single platform
     •	 Automate dynamic cross-channel communications and
     •	 View and act on consumer engagement in real time
     •	 Plan and coordinate all marketing activities from a unified
        global calendar
     The ExactTarget Interactive Marketing Hub provides a modern
     approach to real-time cross-channel campaign management,
     creating deeper relationships with today’s connected customers.

     Let us show you how! Download the guide

     This document may not be copied without the prior written consent of ExactTarget. © 2011 ExactTarget.

20     © 2011 ExactTarget |

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Subscribers, fans, & followers #11 the digital kingdom

  • 1.
  • 2. DEAR reader: Social media is revolutionising the way people communicate with each other, the ways they communicate with brands and the way they expect those brands to communicate with them. As marketers, we’re constantly trying to discover the next big thing that will give us an advantage in the competitive marketplace. At the same time, experts continue to emphasise the importance of delivering the right messages, to the right audience, through the right channels, at the right time. While marketers have loads of information about what consumers do online, there is relatively little information that helps us understand why consumers do the things they do. At ExactTarget, we recognise that creating a real consumer-brand relationship requires more than just a clever tagline and some posh marketing materials. To truly connect with customers, we need to understand how they behave across both traditional and emerging channels—as well as what motivates them to do so. That’s why we went straight to the source and asked consumers (not marketers) about their usage and attitudes toward Email, Facebook and Twitter— the channels most commonly used by consumers for online communication. In this report, The Digital Kingdom, we’re excited to share insights gleaned from our first-ever study of consumers in the United Kingdom. In the pages that follow, we’ll provide a broad summary of how UK consumers view their online brand relationships and what motivates them to subscribe, “Like” and/or Follow a brand. In the coming months, we’ll delve into purchasing and referral behaviours in the UK, and which channels are best for influencing consumers’ buying decisions. I invite you to spend some time reviewing and digesting this exciting new report. Share it amongst your colleagues, discuss how the findings may impact your cross-channel strategy and let us know what you think! Your feedback is always welcome at Cheers, Nigel Arthur Managing Director, EMEA, ExactTarget 2 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 3. “You must understand where, why and how your customers are spending their time in order to develop marketing communication strategies that are truly effective.” INTRODUCTION As a marketer, you understand that your customers communicate through Do UK consumers place the most value on being a SUBSCRIBER, FAN a variety of channels, ranging from telephone and email to text messaging or FOLLOWER? What motivates them to subscribe, “Like” or Follow a and social networks. However, it’s not enough to merely recognise the brand? Are British and American consumers terribly different when it variety of marketing channels available. You must understand where, comes to their marketing communication preferences? why and how your customers are spending their time in order to develop This report will reveal insight from our research, including: marketing communication strategies that are truly effective. • When and how UK consumers use Email, Facebook and Twitter Consumers believe the old axiom that “the customer is always right.” Given that fact, we believe it’s best to go straight to the source and ask what • What motivates UK consumers to interact through each of consumers want from marketers. SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS these channels is an ongoing research series that sets aside theories and assumptions • How UK marketers can more effectively utilise these channels to about consumer preferences and online behavior, focusing instead on reach their target audience solid data collected through a combination of focus groups and online surveys.1 The commentary in these reports draws on the experience of By understanding the “how” and “why” behind UK consumers’ online real consumers as they interact with brands through Email, Facebook behaviour, marketers gain two important benefits: 1) An understanding and Twitter. of the vastly different roles that Email, Facebook and Twitter fill in the communication landscape, both now and in the future, and 2) Insight Throughout this report, we will refer to consumers who engage into what consumers expect from marketers as they engage with brands with brands through these channels as SUBSCRIBERS, FANS across these popular online channels. and FOLLOWERS. SUBSCRIBERS: FANS: FOLLOWERS: UK consumers who have UK consumers with a Facebook UK consumers with a Twitter provided their email address account who have “Liked” at account who Follow at least one to at least one company, least one company or brand company or brand on Twitter. for the purpose of receiving on Facebook.2 permission-based emails. 1 Methodology information is available at 2 Facebook changed its terminology from “Become a Fan” to “Like” after we started our U.S.-based research in 2010. We stuck with the term “Fans” because “Likers” sounds a bit daft. © 2011 ExactTarget | 3
  • 4. GETTING SOCIAL IN THE UK UK subscribers, fans & In recent years, some have suggested that the rise of social media would followers (by Age) drive a reduction in SUBSCRIBERS, but we have actually found the opposite to be true. According to our research, 93% of UK online consumers are SUBSCRIBERS, 45% are FANS and 7% are FOLLOWERS. It is important Email Subscribers to note, however, that consumers typically don’t choose just one channel. 96% of UK consumers who “Like” companies on Facebook subscribe to Facebook Fans brand emails as well. 97% of consumers who Follow brands on Twitter subscribe to email. 86% of people who Follow brands on Twitter are FANS Twitter Followers of at least one company on Facebook. • Online consumers aged 25-34 are the most likely to be SUBSCRIBERS 86% (97%), likely because this group uses email in the workplace and at home, for business and personal reasons. 15-17 46% • While teens are the least likely to be SUBSCRIBERS (86%), this 92% channel is still the most common way for teens to request proactive communications from brands. 18-24 64% • Consumers aged 18-24 are the most likely to be Facebook FANS— 97% 87% of consumers in this age group are active on Facebook. 25-34 56% • Those in the 18-24 age group are most likely to be FOLLOWERS as well (54%), despite the fact the 25-34 age group has more active 94% Twitter users. 35-44 50% Our findings are consistent with reports that younger consumers (particularly those aged 18-24) are the most likely to engage with brands 95% on Facebook and Twitter. However, through our focus groups we learned that age is not the only factor influencing channel preference. It’s just as 45-54 38% important to consider why people go online in the first place when trying to determine how they want to engage with brands. 91% Some people use the Internet primarily to communicate with friends and 55-64 31% family—these people tend to prioritise interpersonal communication over seeking information from brands online. Others use the Internet primarily 88% for work and their engagement with brands tends to be work-related. Still others consider the Internet an ideal forum for shopping. These 65 or older consumers span all age groups and, not surprisingly, they tend to be the N=1,405 UK survey respondents most aggressive about seeking information from companies online. (without Twitter oversample) 4 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 5. A Land of starts and stops Two distinct and opposing forces seem to be influencing UK online Selectivity isn’t limited to this group, however. When asked about their behaviour: the need to stay in touch and the desire to protect one’s privacy. activity over the past year: On one hand, many UK consumers report feeling a compulsive need to check their online accounts: • 53% of SUBSCRIBERS say they have become more selective about giving out their email address • 34% of UK consumers say they check email compulsively • 53% of FANS say they have become more selective about “Liking” • 27% of UK consumers (40% of active Facebook users) say they companies on Facebook check Facebook compulsively • 42% of FOLLOWERS say they have become more selective about • 7% of UK consumers ( 37% of active Twitter users) say they check Following companies on Twitter Twitter compulsively Clearly, UK consumers are feeling the need for increased discretion when In contrast, a small minority of UK consumers (5%) are not SUBSCRIBERS, it comes to engaging with brands online—regardless of channel. Online FANS or FOLLOWERS (although they may use email, Facebook and marketing can be intrusive, dull and bothersome—so consumers are Twitter for other purposes). This minority tends to describe themselves exercising control over which brands have access to their limited attention. as incredibly cautious about their online activities. They’re highly selective The best way to gain entry to a consumer’s trusted inner circle is to rise about which sites they visit and whom they communicate with online, and above the competition by understanding your customers’ pain point and they’re quite concerned about privacy. delivering content that meets their expectations. © 2011 ExactTarget | 5
  • 6. DIGITAL MORNING When your customers awake in the morning, are they reaching for their mobile to check email? Firing up their laptop to post a status update on Facebook? Greeting the world with a Tweet? What your customers do first thing in the morning reveals not only their priorities and motivations (whether business, social or news-focused) but also provides an indication of how and when to communicate with them. According to our research, an overwhelming 73% of UK consumers check email first thing in the morning (as compared to 58% of US consumers). Following at a significant distance are Facebook (14%) and news sites (5%). Of course this doesn’t mean that consumers are ignoring Facebook, Twitter and other sites altogether—email is simply their first priority. “My first job when I get on the Internet is to log into Hotmail and sift through the messages that came through overnight, then I check Facebook.” – Matt (Male, age 25) Younger consumers are more likely than the general population to choose Facebook over email as their first online stop of the day. For young consumers aged 15-17, Facebook is actually the most popular place to start their day (53%), followed by email (27%). Consumers aged 18-24 choose email just slightly more often (44%) than Facebook (36%). For most consumers (74%), a personal computer is the device of choice in the morning, followed by mobile phones (13%). Only a small minority (7%) wait until they arrive at work or school to access online content. Younger consumers are more inclined to reach for their mobile phones in the morning than older age groups, but personal computers remain the most favored device across the age spectrum. Understanding where your customers start their day will help you identify how and when they are likely to be most receptive to your marketing messages. It can also give you insight into the proper tone and content for these communications. 6 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 7. What is the first thing you check online in a typical day? does facebook drive email 14% usage? Facebook 73% At the time of publication (November 2011), Email Facebook was in the process of phasing out the majority of its email notifications. As time goes 5% on, it will be interesting to monitor the effect this News site has on popularity of email vs. Facebook as the day’s first online destination. 2% Entertainment Has email’s morning popularity been partially site (e.g. sports, attributable to its delivery of Facebook games, movies) notifications? Whereas Facebook has no ability 1% to display the contents of your Inbox, email 2% My company’s Search engine website notifications once gave notice as to whether there was a need to check Facebook. Will consumers 1% 1% now reorganise their morning priorities to 1% Twitter Other Portal site compensate for the lack of Facebook notices in (e.g. Yahoo, MSN) their inbox? Time will tell how this change impacts consumers’ morning priorities and habits. N=1,405 UK survey respondents (without Twitter oversample) © 2011 ExactTarget | 7
  • 8. EMAIL: A CHANNEL FOR ALL Modern media tends to portray email as a bit stodgy and business- With the minority of UK consumers using email for work purposes, oriented, in contrast to casual, social channels like Facebook and it’s not surprising that we see less use of email during the workday Twitter. However, this is certainly not the case in the UK, where (36%) than before and after work/school (60%) or during weekends email serves as more of a catch-all. and holidays (56%). • 82% of UK online consumers check email at least once a day, However, in stark contrast with Facebook and Twitter, the majority including more than 90% of all consumers over age 35 of UK consumers don’t see email as a means of alleviating boredom. Rather, email serves a more utilitarian purpose (whether • 63% view email as a channel for personal contacts—equivalent business, social or commercial) and once that purpose is achieved, to the number that use Facebook for personal contacts consumers move to other channels such as social networks, • 44% use email as a means of connecting with old friends and commerce or news sites. those who live far away • Only 39% of UK consumers report using email for work purposes, although this increases to 58% among working adults 8 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 9. motivations to SUBSCRIBE ANATOMY OF What drove you to give your email address to a company, association or organisation? A SUBSCRIBER 52% To receive discounts and money-off promotions According to our research, 93% of UK consumers are SUBSCRIBERS—meaning they subscribe to permission-based email from at least one company 44% To receive “free stuff” or giveaways (e.g., free download, voucher, discount) offered in exchange for my email or brand. Of course, convincing consumers to I shop with this company or buy subscribe to your brand is a bit more complex. What motivates UK consumers to share their email 39% this brand on a regular basis address with a company? What do they want out of their relationship with a brand? 34% To keep up-to-date with a company’s products, services or offerings The top three reasons given by survey respondents: • To receive discounts or money-off 32% To recieve advance notice of new products or future releases promotions (52%) • To receive free stuff or giveaways (44%) 27% For more information related to my personal interests, hobbies, etc. • Because they shop with or buy from the company regularly (39%) Essentially UK consumers provide their email 25% To gain access to exclusive content address in exchange for deals or to expand their relationship with brands they already know and trust. In return, they expect those brands to deliver 12% To receive alerts related to developments within the company, association or organisation something of value in the form of exclusive content, early notification or deals. These expectations remain relatively consistent across all age groups— 11% Someone recommended it to me although older consumers can be more cynical about the likelihood that brands will follow through by delivering real value and they are more likely to 11% For a quick and easy way to keep my finger on the pulse of the brand/company express disdain for excessive email and spam. “I must admit I am a bit wary of 6% To show my support for the company to others (including friends and family) signing up to any more companies To be affiliated with the product or brand as I hate getting inundated with 4% because it’s trendy or “cool” emails daily and sometimes twice N=1,405 UK survey respondents (without Twitter oversample) daily.” – Claudia (Female, age 41) © 2011 ExactTarget | 9
  • 10. FACEBOOK: THE PLACE TO BE Facebook is overwhelmingly seen as a channel for personal social interactions, with limited usefulness in the context of business purposes. • Overall, 68% of UK consumers are active Facebook users, including 87% of consumers in the 18-24 age bracket • 51% of UK consumers check Facebook at least once a day • 39% of UK consumers (58% of active Facebook users) say Facebook is the best way for them to stay in touch with friends online • 43% of UK consumers (64% of active Facebook users) use Facebook to reconnect with old friends and those who live far away • 43% of UK consumers (63% of active Facebook users) use Facebook for personal contacts • 37% of UK consumers (54% of active Facebook users) use Facebook to alleviate boredom • Only 8% of UK consumers, (11% of active Facebook users) report using Facebook for business Consistent with its social purpose, survey respondents report checking Facebook mostly during weekends and holidays (68%) and before/after work or school (60%). Only 32% check Facebook during the workday— one of those times when it likely fulfills its purpose as a banisher of boredom. In addition to the 68% of UK consumers who are active on Facebook, another 8% created a Facebook account in the past but no longer use it. This leaves less than a quarter of all UK consumers who have never been on Facebook. “Facebook’s the best to use. It’s what everyone uses and all my friends have it. Plus it has so many other features like games and stuff so it’s not boring.” – Gary (Male, age 26) 10 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 11. ANATOMY OF A fan motivations to “like” What drove you to “Like” a company, 45% of UK consumers (66% of active Facebook association or organisation on Facebook? users) are FANS—meaning they have “Liked” at least one company or brand on Facebook. What motivates UK consumers to connect with To receive discounts and money-off promotions 49% brands on Facebook? According to survey respondents, the top To receive “free stuff” or giveaways 48% drivers are: • To receive discounts promotions (49%) or money-off 26% To receive advance notice of new products or future releases • To receive free stuff or giveaways (48%) • To monitor new products or future releases 26% To keep up-to-date with a company’s products, services or offerings (26%) • To receive updates on products and services 23% I shop with this company or buy this brand on a regular basis (26%) To show my support for the company to Interestingly, the top two responses are 22% others (including friends and family) identical for email and Facebook. It seems that, although Facebook is generally a social channel, consumers are also looking for value. In fact, deals and freebies are by far the 21% To gain access to exclusive content strongest driver of “Likes,” as demonstrated by For more information related to my the significant drop-off in responses after these top two answers. 17% personal interests, hobbies, etc. Also note that the companies consumers “Like” on Facebook are less likely to be 13% Someone recommended it to me those they shop with on a regular basis— which calls into question the sincerity of their To receive alerts related to developments within fandom. Discounts and promotions may not 13% the company, association or organisation be the best way to interact with consumers on Facebook—a better tactic may be to encourage For a quick and easy way to keep my email subscriptions on your Facebook page, 12% finger on the pulse of the brand/company creating clear boundaries between those who want a meaningful cross-channel relationship and those who just want a deal. 9% To be affiliated with the product or brand because it’s trendy or “cool” N=627 active UK Facebook users who say they have “Liked at least one brand © 2011 ExactTarget | 11
  • 12. “I like to think of Twitter as my connection to the people I wish I’d gone to school with, whereas Facebook is how I’m connected with the people I was unfortunate to go to school with. Of course this is a generalisation.” – David M. (Male, age 26) TWITTER: FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW Among UK consumers, Twitter is viewed not as a place to interact socially with friends, but rather as a place to pass the time or get inside information. Twitter’s adoption rate is much lower than that of Facebook, which contributes to it generally not being seen as a viable channel for connecting with friends. • Overall, 18% of UK consumers are active Twitter users, including 33% of consumers aged 25-34 • 13% of UK consumers check Twitter at least once per day—3% of these people do not have their own Twitter account • Of active Twitter users (people that have a created a Twitter account and still use Twitter), 58% check Twitter at least once a day and 16% check it “constantly throughout the day” • 51% of active Twitter users (9% of UK consumers) use Twitter to alleviate boredom 46% of active Twitter users (8% of UK consumers) view Twitter as a place to Keep • receive “insider information” • 24% of active Twitter users (4% of UK consumers) report using Twitter out for business As Twitter is largely considered a place to gather information, it follows that a significant percentage of survey respondents report checking Twitter during the ks ) ( than workday (41%). However, Twitter is not all about productivity—among those who use Twitter at work, 34% admit their usage is not for business purposes. These may well be the 51% who use Twitter to battle boredom. 12 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 13. ANATOMY OF motivations to Follow A FOLLOWER What drove you to Follow a company, association or organisation on Twitter? According to our research, 7% of UK consumers (34% of active Twitter users) For more information related to my personal interests, hobbies, etc. 42% are FOLLOWERS—meaning they Follow at least one company or brand on Twitter. For a quick and easy way to keep my finger on the pulse of the brand/company 42% Survey respondents tell us the top reasons for Following a brand on Twitter are: To receive advance notice of new products or future releases 41% • To receive information related to personal interests or hobbies (42%) To gain access to exclusive content 36% • To receive advance notice about new To receive alerts related to developments within the company, products or future releases of association or organisation 36% a product (41%) • To gain access to exclusive To keep up-to-date with a company’s products, services or offerings 35% content (36%) • To receive discounts and money-off To receive discounts and money-off promotions 33% promotions (31%) To show my support for the company to others Unlike email and Facebook, where (including friends and family) 32% consumers are predominantly motivated To receive “free stuff” or giveaways (e.g., free by discounts and freebies, Twitter is download, coupon discount) 31% clearly viewed as an important place to I shop with this company or buy this gather information. Twitter may also be viewed as a place to create social circles brand on a regular basis 28% of new friends based on niche interests, rather than a way to maintain existing Someone recommended it to me 15% connections. Of course some consumers To be affiliated with the product or do use Twitter for money-off promotions, brand because it’s trendy or “cool” 11% but there is always a segment of the population looking for deals wherever they can find them. N=106 active UK Twitter users who say they have Followed at least one brand © 2011 ExactTarget | 13
  • 14. DIGITAL EVENING Before turning in for a good night’s sleep, where do your customers go Consumers’ choice of device is nearly identical in the morning for their final online stop of the day? One last check of Facebook? A and evening. 73% of consumers conduct their evening activities final look at the inbox? As with the first activity of the morning, your on a personal computer (compared to 74% in the morning), while customers’ last activity before bedtime provides valuable insight into mobile phones are the device of choice for 11% (down from 13% in their priorities and motivations. the morning). Our research shows that email remains the most popular choice at night, While there is clearly an increase in leisure and social activity at night, although less so than in the morning (47% of UK consumers vs. 73% in the continued dominance of email demonstrates its prominence in the the morning). Facebook is another popular stop on the way to dreamland lives of UK consumers. Marketers looking to capitalise on this social (25%), followed by news and entertainment sites (a combined 15%). mindset may want to focus on channels like Facebook for their evening messages—although clearly email is important throughout the day for a large number of UK consumers. 14 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 15. What is the LAST “At night I am a lot thing you check online in a typical day? more active on the Internet, as I can use it of my own free will (unlike at 47% 25% Email work). I spend time Facebook researching, shopping, socialising, etc.” – Tali (Female, age 26) 8% 1% News site My company’s website 7% Entertainment site 2% (e.g., sports, 5% Other games, movies) Search 2% engine Portal site 3% (e.g., Yahoo, Twitter MSN) N=1,405 UK survey respondents (without Twitter oversample) © 2011 ExactTarget | 15
  • 16. CONCLUSION Email maintains the most loyal users in the UK both in terms of consumer reach and frequency of use. However, Facebook and Twitter are still important in their own right, as 46% of consumers are either FANS or FOLLOWERS—and 2% of consumers will engage with brands through Facebook or Twitter, but not through email! While each individual channel brings a significant audience in terms of sheer numbers, marketers gain the most advantage by playing to the strengths of each—since consumers choose different channels for different reasons. 16 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 17. “Don’t just repeat what’s been posted on your other sites; offer exclusive Facebook content! Respond to comments—this is a SOCIAL network, not just an advertising platform.” – Simon (Male, age 19) Tips for Tips for Tips for EMAIL FACEBOOK TWITTER Be mindful of the fact that email is an The focus here is on friends and family. Marketers engaging through Twitter should amalgam of business, personal and Marketers who choose to engage in be conscious of consumer expectations commercial messages. Consumers have this realm should keep their messaging with regard to content and frequency. Your broader expectations when it comes to consistent with the light, social tone that FOLLOWERS will likely not object to frequent email because they view it as more of a consumers expect on Facebook. Posts and Tweets, as long as you consistently deliver multi-purpose tool than Facebook or Twitter. updates on Facebook can be more frequent interesting content—and insider information. However, many expect something of value in than emails—as long as they’re interesting, Twitter is all about opinion and insight, so exchange for allowing you access to this high- funny or useful. As with email, consumers companies should use this opportunity to priority channel. Additionally, consumers are are looking for something of value in drive conversation, rather than just pushing inherently cautious about engaging through exchange for their “Like,” so discounts and products. A friendly, relaxed tone is also email, as most have had bad experiences with freebies will be appreciated. Also consider important, as it suits the channel and helps spammers—so gaining permission is critical using Facebook to encourage people to consumers connect to the lighter side of before engaging consumers through email. become SUBSCRIBERS—giving you the your business. most potential for targeted communications. © 2011 ExactTarget | 17
  • 18. About the SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS Series Launched in 2010, SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS sets aside “Subscriber, Fans & Followers sets the record theories, assumptions and widely-held beliefs to deliver new insights and actionable advice about consumers’ cross-channel preferences and straight on the realities of social driven interaction behaviours. These unique reports draw on the experiences of real consumers between companies and their customers. It’s as they interact with brands through Email, Facebook and Twitter, collected through extensive research, focus groups and online surveys. important, easy-to-understand, impactful research. It’s the best collection of social insights produced The SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS series has been cited by publications worldwide, and was recently named a 2011 Society for New to date.” -Jay Baer, Co-Author of THE NOW REVOLUTION & Communication Research Award winner in the “Social Marketing” category. Social Media Strategy Consultant Report #1: Digital Morning Report #3: The Social Profile When your customers wake up in the morning, Despite marketers’ best efforts to categorise are they reaching for their smartphones to them, the truth is that no two customers check Facebook or logging onto laptops to are alike. Our research uncovers 12 distinct read email? Chances are you probably don’t consumer personas and how their unique know—but ExactTarget research suggests traits influence their brand interactions. you should! Report #2: Email X-Factors Report #4: Twitter X-Factors Email isn’t new, but it remains a critical You know your customers are using Twitter. foundation for your marketing strategy. The But did you know they’re talking about fact is, email drives more conversations than your brand? These daily users are the most any other channel. In this report, we’ll reveal influential online consumers, and their email’s “x-factors”—the characteristics that conversations spill over into every other part set email apart from other marketing channels. of the internet. Twitter X-Factors exposes how Twitter can greatly impact your brand’s bottom line by revealing its x-factors. 18 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 19. in tured fea as Report #5: Facebook X-Factors Report #8: The Social Break-Up 70% of consumers who “Like” brands on Every day, consumers interact with brands Facebook don’t believe they’re giving that through Email, Facebook, and Twitter...but brand permission to market to them. How the relationships don’t always last. The Social can you effectively spread the message Break-Up explores consumers’ motivations about your brand in a channel that’s and actions as they end their online brand still unsure about marketers? Facebook relationships, and provides valuable tips for X-Factors exposes Facebook’s five unique keeping the romance alive after the social characteristics so you can develop an ROI- “honeymoon” is over. boosting strategy specific to this channel. Report #6: collaborative future Report #9: Mobile Dependence Day Despite common assumptions that email, There’s no doubt about it—smartphones Facebook and Twitter are in direct competition are powerful, they’re addictive and they’re with one another, consumers communicate having a dramatic impact on consumers’ freely across these channels. Why shouldn’t online behaviour. In Mobile Dependence Day, you? In The Collaborative Future, we expose we explore the growth of the mobile market, the truth about channel competition so you consumers’ increasing dependence on can develop a strategy that combines the smartphones, and the impact of smartphones powerful strengths of these channels—rather on Email, Facebook and Twitter. than isolating them. Report #7: Social Mythbusting Report #10: The Meaning of “Like” Uncover the truth and discover what’s really Since the beginning of time, scholars and happening in the world of social media! philosophers have searched for the meaning In Social Mythbusting, we revisit the data of life. And for over a year now, marketers have from our first six SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & been trying to unlock the meaning of “Like.” FOLLOWERS research reports in order to The truth is, a Facebook “Like” is deceptively deny, debunk and deliver the answers you simple... and infinitely complex. need to build a strategy based on the truth— not just assumptions. © 2011 ExactTarget | 19
  • 20. Connecting Across Interactive Channels is Tough. We Can Help. Nearly half of all marketers say that understanding consumers’ interactions across channels is one of their greatest challenges. That’s why we built the Interactive Marketing HubTM from the ground up—to help you plan, create and execute real-time interactive marketing based on a single view of each customer. With the Hub, you can: • Integrate email, mobile, Twitter and Facebook campaigns from a single platform • Automate dynamic cross-channel communications and integrations • View and act on consumer engagement in real time • Plan and coordinate all marketing activities from a unified global calendar The ExactTarget Interactive Marketing Hub provides a modern approach to real-time cross-channel campaign management, creating deeper relationships with today’s connected customers. Let us show you how! Download the guide at This document may not be copied without the prior written consent of ExactTarget. © 2011 ExactTarget. 20 © 2011 ExactTarget |