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A Cheese. . .
                            By Any Other Name
On 26th February 2008, the European Court of Justice finally spoke: from
now on only cheeses qualifying for the Protected Denomination of Origin
(PDO) “Parmigiano Reggiano” can be sold as Parmesan. Nikki Haynes
travels to Italy to find out more . . .

98 fresh	          	                                     
fresh	food & drink
                                                                                                                              CHEESE OF THE MONTH

                ARMESAN cheese has been                 The cheese is made from fresh whole milk         or figs. Over 30 months it’s given a gold seal
                made for centuries in the            that has been milked that morning, and              and becomes known as stravecchio. This
                northern Italian province of         naturally skimmed milk. Once the curd has           cheese has the highest nutritional value and
                Reggio Emila, although it wasn’t     formed, separated and been left to settle, the      a much drier, crumbly and grainy texture.
                until relatively recently that       cheese is collected in a large piece of muslin      Its strong, distinctive flavour goes well
this versatile cheese came to the attention          to form a ball-like shape, then it’s cut into two   with a full-bodied reds or dessert wines:
of chefs further afield. It was the height of        (known as twins) and placed in moulds.              for a summer treat serve it with honey and
sophistication in the UK in the 1970s when                                                               walnuts. Although you can buy older cheeses,
Italian cooking meant “Spag Bol” with some           Making the cut                                      the experts say that a cheese older than three
dried Parmesan sprinkled over the top.               Whilst in the moulds the cheeses are branded        years is past its best.
Today we’re an international society with far        with the familiar dotted Parmigiano Reggiano
more sophisticated tastes; Parmesan doesn’t          markings. Not only does this distinctive            The one and only
just have to come in tubs like dust, if you’re       design help consumers recognise the                 A PDO always upsets some people, especially
hungry enough you could buy a whole 39kg             cheese, but it also tells you everything you        those cheesemakers who are just outside
wheel. And as we’re becoming more food               need to know about its origins: the dairy’s         the regulated area of production. However,
savvy, we’re also becoming more protective           identification number and the month and             understanding how much care goes into the
over traditional products with a long history        year of production are all on there. The cheese     product, from the milk, to the cheesemasters,
in a specific region. One of the most recent to      is then placed into a brine bath for 20–22 days,    to the Consortium you can understand why
gain the EU’s protection in the form of a PDO        before being sent to the ageing rooms for at        Parmeggiano Reggiano stood out as the one
award is Parmigiano Reggiano – the original,         least a year. In 1934 the Consorzio Parmigiano      and only Parmesan cheese.
and now the only, Parmesan cheese.                   Reggiano (Consortium) was set up to govern
                                                     the areas of production, the cheesemaking           For further information and some great
Something special                                    process, animal management, markings and            recipes, visit
To say this cheese holds true to ancient             sales – everything to ensure the quality of the
traditions is something of an understatement.        cheese. At 12 months the Consortium inspects
The Parmigiano Reggiano experts say that             every single cheese. They test it using only a        The Weird World of
the way it’s made today is pretty much as it         hammer and their ear; by tapping at various           Parmigiano Reggiano
was nine centuries ago, bar the technological        points on the wheel, they can tell if there
improvements. It has the same ingredients, the       are any undesirable cracks and voids. If the             In 1348 it was praised in the writings of
same processing techniques and is still made         Consortium does detect some minor flaws               Boccaccio; in the Decameron, he talks of a
with the same artisanal care. There are 429          they will score the cheese with horizontal            mountain made completely of Parmigiano
dairies making Parmigiano Reggiano, and all          lines across the rind and it cannot be sold. If       to accompany macaroni and ravioli.
have to be in the specific provinces of Parma,       there are lots of faults the cheese’s top layer          Samuel Pepys famously buried his
Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantua on the right           is removed to ensure that it won’t be sold in         precious wheel of Parmesan during the
bank of the River Po and Bologna on the left         pieces: usually this cheese is used in cartons        Great Fire of London of 1666 to preserve it
side of the river Reno. This is not just a product   of grated Parmesan. The cheeses that pass the         from the flames.
that the cheesemakers are proud of, it’s a           Consortium’s tests are heat branded on the               Parmigiano Reggiano is the first food
labour of love, a passion and a way of life.         rind with the Consortium’s oval logo. Most            eaten in outer space that was not first
  Each dairy has a cheesemaster or Casaro:           Parmigiano Reggiano is eaten in Italy: in 2007        specially engineered to suit a space diet.
traditionally it was a family business where         only 18 per cent was exported.                           Parmigiano Reggiano has the second
the skills and secrets were handed down                                                                    highest concentration of umami. Umami is
from father to son, but these days, because          Three stages of maturity                              known as the fifth taste alongside sweet,
the work is so intensive, a lot of the younger       When you buy Parmigiano Reggiano there                sour, salt and bitter. This concept was
generations aren’t interested in carrying it         are four maturation stages to look out for,           developed in 1908 by a Japanese professor
on. Every day the raw milk is processed by           each giving you a different flavour, taste            who was interested in the delicious flavour
the cheesemasters with natural ferments              and aroma: at 12 months it has a bouncy               that a traditional Japanese seaweed broth
(no additives) created by the previous day’s         texture very much like Emmental, at 18                gave to anything it was cooked with.
whey. If they stopped for just one day they          months it’s given a red seal and the taste            He discovered that seaweed broth, or
wouldn’t be able to continue this natural            is quite sweet, milky, fruity and nutty (the          rather the giant kelp that’s in it, has a
process and all the heritage and tradition           Italians usually have this with an aperitif           high amount of glutamic acid – naturally
would be lost. So they have to work 365 days         of dry white wine, or you could pair it with          occurring MSG – which gives food a rich
a year, and if the cheesemaster has no support       fresh fruit such as pears or apples) and at           savoury taste and so he named this new
then there are no days off for him, including        22 months it’s given the silver seal. This            flavour umami which happens to be
birthdays, births or even Christmas. They            cheese has a more distinctive taste and a             Japanese for deliciousness.
work long days too – from 5am–12pm and               texture that you’d expect from Parmesan                  In 1568 Bartolomeo Scappi, a Dominican
3.30–8pm – so most live onsite. Increasingly         – crumbly and slightly grainy. Still quite mild,      monk under Pope Pius V, wrote a
the dairies are now having to source workers         but with a more rounded flavour, it’s great           cookbook that made the claim that
from other countries who are willing to take         accompanied by a well structured red wine             Parmesan was the best cheese on earth!
on the arduous job.                                  and served with dried fruit such as prunes                                                                                                                         fresh 99
Spinach & Parmigiano Reggiano Muffins
These wonderfully light               bowl. Stir in the sugar, about
savoury muffins are perfect           two-thirds of the Parmigiano
for breakfast or brunch – or          Reggiano and the spinach. In a
just enjoy them as a snack            large jug beat together the egg,
when you’re feeling peckish.          milk and vegetable oil.

Makes 8                               4    Pour the liquid mixture into
                                           the dry ingredients. Using
                                      a metal spoon, stir until just
75g / 3oz Parmigiano                  combined. You must not beat
Reggiano                              this mixture or stir it too much. It
250g / 9oz plain flour                should be quite lumpy, but there
½tsp salt                             should be no traces of dry flour.
1tbsp baking powder
1tsp caster sugar
100g / 4oz spinach, cooked,
                                      5    Spoon the mixture into the
                                           muffin cases and sprinkle the
                                      remaining Parmigiano Reggiano
cooled and chopped                    over the top. Bake for 20–25
1 free-range egg                      mins until well risen and golden.
240ml / 8fl oz milk                   Serve whilst still warm.
90ml / 3fl oz vegetable oil
                                                    Press out the

1  Grate the Parmigiano
   Reggiano finely and set aside.
                                                  excess water from
                                                  the cooked spinach

2    Preheat the oven to 190°C
     / gas 5. Put 8 paper muffin
cases into a muffin pan, or you
                                       with your hands or use the
                                       back of a spoon. If you’re
                                       wondering why the recipe
can line them with squares of          includes sugar, this is because
greaseproof paper.                     it improves the texture and

3   Sift the flour, salt and baking
    powder into a large mixing
                                       flavour of the muffins.

                                                                             Halibut and Prawns with Lemon Thyme
                                                                             & Parmigiano Reggiano Cream Sauce
                                                                             This special fish dish makes
                                                                             a superb main course for a
                                                                             dinner party – yet it is so
                                                                                                                 2     Heat the olive oil in a frying
                                                                                                                       pan and add the halibut
                                                                                                                 fillets. Cook them over a medium
                                                                             simple to prepare.                  heat for 5–6 mins, turning them
                                                                                                                 once. Add the prawns and two
                                                                             Serves 4                            sprigs of lemon thyme and cook
                                                                                                                 for a further 2 mins. Season with
                                                                             75g / 3oz Parmigiano                a little salt and pepper to taste.
                                                                             2tbsp olive oil
                                                                             4 x 150–175g / 5–6oz Pacific
                                                                                                                 3     Meanwhile, make the
                                                                                                                       sauce. Put the cream into
                                                                                                                 a saucepan and heat gently,
                                                                             / farmed Atlantic halibut fillets   whisking with a small whisk. Add
                                                                             100g / 4oz cooked and               the white wine, then the grated
                                                                             peeled prawns,                      Parmigiano Reggiano, stirring
                                                                             thawed if frozen                    until melted and smooth.
                                                                             6 small sprigs lemon thyme
                                                                             ¼pt double cream
                                                                             6tbsp dry white wine
                                                                                                                 4      Serve the fish with the
                                                                                                                        prawns, pour the sauce
                                                                                                                 on top and garnish with the
                                                                             Salt and ground white pepper        remaining thyme sprigs.

                                                                             1  Grate the Parmigiano
                                                                                Reggiano cheese finely and
                                                                             and set to one side until you are
                                                                                                                              Use any firm fillets
                                                                                                                           of fish in place of
                                                                                                                           halibut – salmon or
                                                                             ready to use it.                     monkfish would work well too.

100 fresh	        	                                                                                                 
fresh	food & drink
                                                                                                                     CHEESE OF THE MONTH

Rare Beef Salad with Watercress, Chicory,
Pear & Parmigiano Reggiano
This salad is relatively filling
so savour the fantastic
flavours as a main course.
                                     3    Preheat a char-grill pan or
                                          heavy-based frying pan.
                                     Brush the rump steak with 1 tbsp
                                     olive oil, then char-grill or fry it
Serves 4                             over a high heat for about 2–3
                                     mins on each side. Remove from
4 firm pears, peeled                 the pan, cover with foil and leave
570ml / 1pt red wine                 to rest for 5 mins.
25g / 1oz caster sugar
1 bunch watercress
Handful of baby spinach
                                     4    Cut the pears into quarters,
                                          removing the core. Arrange
                                     one pear on each salad. Slice
1 head chicory, broken into          the beef with a sharp knife, then
separate leaves                      share between the portions.
450g / 1lb rump steak                Add the chunks of Parmigiano
4tbsp olive oil                      Reggiano cheese and drizzle
175g / 6oz Parmigiano                the remaining olive oil over the
Reggiano chunks                      salads along with a few drops of
2tbsp balsamic vinegar               balsamic vinegar. Serve, sprinkled
Freshly ground black pepper          with freshly ground black pepper,
                                     to taste.

1   Put the whole pears into a
    saucepan with the wine and
sugar. Heat and simmer gently
                                                    If possible, use a
                                                 specially designed
without a lid, turning the pears                 Parmigiano Reggiano
from time to time, until they are     knife to break small chunks of
tender. Carefully lift the pears      the cheese from a large wedge,
from the reduced liquid and leave     as it can be very hard. The
them to cool.                         uneven pieces will help you to

2    Share the watercress, spinach
     and chicory between four
serving plates or bowls.
                                      appreciate the unique texture
                                      and flavour of the cheese.            Saffron Poached Pears
                                                                            with Parmigiano Reggiano
                                                                            This poached pear dessert
                                                                            is so simple to make, yet it
                                                                            tastes utterly divine. It’s not
                                                                                                              2    Mix together the Parmigiano
                                                                                                                   Reggiano and ricotta cheese
                                                                                                              thoroughly. Cover and set to one
                                                                            too sweet and the Parmigiano      side until ready to serve.
                                                                            Reggiano and ricotta
                                                                            filling complements the
                                                                            pears perfectly.
                                                                                                              3    Put the pears, wine and
                                                                                                                   sugar into a saucepan with
                                                                                                              the lemon zest, saffron and star
                                                                                                              anise. Heat and simmer very
                                                                            Serves 4                          gently for about 20 mins, until
                                                                                                              the pears are tender. Cool them
                                                                            150g / 5oz                        until barely warm.
                                                                            Parmigiano Reggiano
                                                                            150g / 5oz ricotta cheese
                                                                            6 pears (not too ripe),
                                                                                                              4    Share out the pears, with
                                                                                                                   some of the flavoured syrup,
                                                                                                              between four serving bowls.
                                                                            peeled, halved and cored          Spoon the cheese mixture onto
                                                                            600ml / 1pt medium white wine     them and serve.
                                                                            50g / 2oz caster sugar
                                                                            Strip of lemon zest                              The pears can be
                                                                            Generous pinch of saffron                      made up to three
                                                                            2 star anise                                   days in advance,
                                                                                                               then covered and chilled until

                                                                            1  Grate the Parmigiano
                                                                               Reggiano very finely.
                                                                                                               required. Warm them slightly
                                                                                                               before serving to enjoy them at
                                                                                                               their best.                                                                                                              fresh 101

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F35 Parmigiano Reggiano

  • 1. A Cheese. . . By Any Other Name On 26th February 2008, the European Court of Justice finally spoke: from now on only cheeses qualifying for the Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) “Parmigiano Reggiano” can be sold as Parmesan. Nikki Haynes travels to Italy to find out more . . . PHOTOGRAPHY STEVE LEE | RECIPES SUE ASHWORTH 98 fresh
  • 2. fresh food & drink CHEESE OF THE MONTH P ARMESAN cheese has been The cheese is made from fresh whole milk or figs. Over 30 months it’s given a gold seal made for centuries in the that has been milked that morning, and and becomes known as stravecchio. This northern Italian province of naturally skimmed milk. Once the curd has cheese has the highest nutritional value and Reggio Emila, although it wasn’t formed, separated and been left to settle, the a much drier, crumbly and grainy texture. until relatively recently that cheese is collected in a large piece of muslin Its strong, distinctive flavour goes well this versatile cheese came to the attention to form a ball-like shape, then it’s cut into two with a full-bodied reds or dessert wines: of chefs further afield. It was the height of (known as twins) and placed in moulds. for a summer treat serve it with honey and sophistication in the UK in the 1970s when walnuts. Although you can buy older cheeses, Italian cooking meant “Spag Bol” with some Making the cut the experts say that a cheese older than three dried Parmesan sprinkled over the top. Whilst in the moulds the cheeses are branded years is past its best. Today we’re an international society with far with the familiar dotted Parmigiano Reggiano more sophisticated tastes; Parmesan doesn’t markings. Not only does this distinctive The one and only just have to come in tubs like dust, if you’re design help consumers recognise the A PDO always upsets some people, especially hungry enough you could buy a whole 39kg cheese, but it also tells you everything you those cheesemakers who are just outside wheel. And as we’re becoming more food need to know about its origins: the dairy’s the regulated area of production. However, savvy, we’re also becoming more protective identification number and the month and understanding how much care goes into the over traditional products with a long history year of production are all on there. The cheese product, from the milk, to the cheesemasters, in a specific region. One of the most recent to is then placed into a brine bath for 20–22 days, to the Consortium you can understand why gain the EU’s protection in the form of a PDO before being sent to the ageing rooms for at Parmeggiano Reggiano stood out as the one award is Parmigiano Reggiano – the original, least a year. In 1934 the Consorzio Parmigiano and only Parmesan cheese. and now the only, Parmesan cheese. Reggiano (Consortium) was set up to govern the areas of production, the cheesemaking For further information and some great Something special process, animal management, markings and recipes, visit To say this cheese holds true to ancient sales – everything to ensure the quality of the traditions is something of an understatement. cheese. At 12 months the Consortium inspects The Parmigiano Reggiano experts say that every single cheese. They test it using only a The Weird World of the way it’s made today is pretty much as it hammer and their ear; by tapping at various Parmigiano Reggiano was nine centuries ago, bar the technological points on the wheel, they can tell if there improvements. It has the same ingredients, the are any undesirable cracks and voids. If the In 1348 it was praised in the writings of same processing techniques and is still made Consortium does detect some minor flaws Boccaccio; in the Decameron, he talks of a with the same artisanal care. There are 429 they will score the cheese with horizontal mountain made completely of Parmigiano dairies making Parmigiano Reggiano, and all lines across the rind and it cannot be sold. If to accompany macaroni and ravioli. have to be in the specific provinces of Parma, there are lots of faults the cheese’s top layer Samuel Pepys famously buried his Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantua on the right is removed to ensure that it won’t be sold in precious wheel of Parmesan during the bank of the River Po and Bologna on the left pieces: usually this cheese is used in cartons Great Fire of London of 1666 to preserve it side of the river Reno. This is not just a product of grated Parmesan. The cheeses that pass the from the flames. that the cheesemakers are proud of, it’s a Consortium’s tests are heat branded on the Parmigiano Reggiano is the first food labour of love, a passion and a way of life. rind with the Consortium’s oval logo. Most eaten in outer space that was not first Each dairy has a cheesemaster or Casaro: Parmigiano Reggiano is eaten in Italy: in 2007 specially engineered to suit a space diet. traditionally it was a family business where only 18 per cent was exported. Parmigiano Reggiano has the second the skills and secrets were handed down highest concentration of umami. Umami is from father to son, but these days, because Three stages of maturity known as the fifth taste alongside sweet, the work is so intensive, a lot of the younger When you buy Parmigiano Reggiano there sour, salt and bitter. This concept was generations aren’t interested in carrying it are four maturation stages to look out for, developed in 1908 by a Japanese professor on. Every day the raw milk is processed by each giving you a different flavour, taste who was interested in the delicious flavour the cheesemasters with natural ferments and aroma: at 12 months it has a bouncy that a traditional Japanese seaweed broth (no additives) created by the previous day’s texture very much like Emmental, at 18 gave to anything it was cooked with. whey. If they stopped for just one day they months it’s given a red seal and the taste He discovered that seaweed broth, or wouldn’t be able to continue this natural is quite sweet, milky, fruity and nutty (the rather the giant kelp that’s in it, has a process and all the heritage and tradition Italians usually have this with an aperitif high amount of glutamic acid – naturally would be lost. So they have to work 365 days of dry white wine, or you could pair it with occurring MSG – which gives food a rich a year, and if the cheesemaster has no support fresh fruit such as pears or apples) and at savoury taste and so he named this new then there are no days off for him, including 22 months it’s given the silver seal. This flavour umami which happens to be birthdays, births or even Christmas. They cheese has a more distinctive taste and a Japanese for deliciousness. work long days too – from 5am–12pm and texture that you’d expect from Parmesan In 1568 Bartolomeo Scappi, a Dominican 3.30–8pm – so most live onsite. Increasingly – crumbly and slightly grainy. Still quite mild, monk under Pope Pius V, wrote a the dairies are now having to source workers but with a more rounded flavour, it’s great cookbook that made the claim that from other countries who are willing to take accompanied by a well structured red wine Parmesan was the best cheese on earth! on the arduous job. and served with dried fruit such as prunes fresh 99
  • 3. Spinach & Parmigiano Reggiano Muffins These wonderfully light bowl. Stir in the sugar, about savoury muffins are perfect two-thirds of the Parmigiano for breakfast or brunch – or Reggiano and the spinach. In a just enjoy them as a snack large jug beat together the egg, when you’re feeling peckish. milk and vegetable oil. Makes 8 4 Pour the liquid mixture into the dry ingredients. Using a metal spoon, stir until just 75g / 3oz Parmigiano combined. You must not beat Reggiano this mixture or stir it too much. It 250g / 9oz plain flour should be quite lumpy, but there ½tsp salt should be no traces of dry flour. 1tbsp baking powder 1tsp caster sugar 100g / 4oz spinach, cooked, 5 Spoon the mixture into the muffin cases and sprinkle the remaining Parmigiano Reggiano cooled and chopped over the top. Bake for 20–25 1 free-range egg mins until well risen and golden. 240ml / 8fl oz milk Serve whilst still warm. 90ml / 3fl oz vegetable oil Press out the 1 Grate the Parmigiano Reggiano finely and set aside. excess water from the cooked spinach 2 Preheat the oven to 190°C / gas 5. Put 8 paper muffin cases into a muffin pan, or you with your hands or use the back of a spoon. If you’re wondering why the recipe can line them with squares of includes sugar, this is because greaseproof paper. it improves the texture and 3 Sift the flour, salt and baking powder into a large mixing flavour of the muffins. Halibut and Prawns with Lemon Thyme & Parmigiano Reggiano Cream Sauce This special fish dish makes a superb main course for a dinner party – yet it is so 2 Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and add the halibut fillets. Cook them over a medium simple to prepare. heat for 5–6 mins, turning them once. Add the prawns and two Serves 4 sprigs of lemon thyme and cook for a further 2 mins. Season with 75g / 3oz Parmigiano a little salt and pepper to taste. Reggiano 2tbsp olive oil 4 x 150–175g / 5–6oz Pacific 3 Meanwhile, make the sauce. Put the cream into a saucepan and heat gently, / farmed Atlantic halibut fillets whisking with a small whisk. Add 100g / 4oz cooked and the white wine, then the grated peeled prawns, Parmigiano Reggiano, stirring thawed if frozen until melted and smooth. 6 small sprigs lemon thyme ¼pt double cream 6tbsp dry white wine 4 Serve the fish with the prawns, pour the sauce on top and garnish with the Salt and ground white pepper remaining thyme sprigs. 1 Grate the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese finely and and set to one side until you are Use any firm fillets of fish in place of halibut – salmon or ready to use it. monkfish would work well too. 100 fresh
  • 4. fresh food & drink CHEESE OF THE MONTH Rare Beef Salad with Watercress, Chicory, Pear & Parmigiano Reggiano This salad is relatively filling so savour the fantastic flavours as a main course. 3 Preheat a char-grill pan or heavy-based frying pan. Brush the rump steak with 1 tbsp olive oil, then char-grill or fry it Serves 4 over a high heat for about 2–3 mins on each side. Remove from 4 firm pears, peeled the pan, cover with foil and leave 570ml / 1pt red wine to rest for 5 mins. 25g / 1oz caster sugar 1 bunch watercress Handful of baby spinach 4 Cut the pears into quarters, removing the core. Arrange one pear on each salad. Slice 1 head chicory, broken into the beef with a sharp knife, then separate leaves share between the portions. 450g / 1lb rump steak Add the chunks of Parmigiano 4tbsp olive oil Reggiano cheese and drizzle 175g / 6oz Parmigiano the remaining olive oil over the Reggiano chunks salads along with a few drops of 2tbsp balsamic vinegar balsamic vinegar. Serve, sprinkled Freshly ground black pepper with freshly ground black pepper, to taste. 1 Put the whole pears into a saucepan with the wine and sugar. Heat and simmer gently If possible, use a specially designed without a lid, turning the pears Parmigiano Reggiano from time to time, until they are knife to break small chunks of tender. Carefully lift the pears the cheese from a large wedge, from the reduced liquid and leave as it can be very hard. The them to cool. uneven pieces will help you to 2 Share the watercress, spinach and chicory between four serving plates or bowls. appreciate the unique texture and flavour of the cheese. Saffron Poached Pears with Parmigiano Reggiano This poached pear dessert is so simple to make, yet it tastes utterly divine. It’s not 2 Mix together the Parmigiano Reggiano and ricotta cheese thoroughly. Cover and set to one too sweet and the Parmigiano side until ready to serve. Reggiano and ricotta filling complements the pears perfectly. 3 Put the pears, wine and sugar into a saucepan with the lemon zest, saffron and star anise. Heat and simmer very Serves 4 gently for about 20 mins, until the pears are tender. Cool them 150g / 5oz until barely warm. Parmigiano Reggiano 150g / 5oz ricotta cheese 6 pears (not too ripe), 4 Share out the pears, with some of the flavoured syrup, between four serving bowls. peeled, halved and cored Spoon the cheese mixture onto 600ml / 1pt medium white wine them and serve. 50g / 2oz caster sugar Strip of lemon zest The pears can be Generous pinch of saffron made up to three 2 star anise days in advance, then covered and chilled until 1 Grate the Parmigiano Reggiano very finely. required. Warm them slightly before serving to enjoy them at their best. fresh 101