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A prototype curriculum for social problem solving

      Based on th
  Working  Backwards
            nd the work
 Approach a Redesign
 of the Radic       I
      Te am @ TACS

Prepared for...
Global Innovation Academy,
Pathfinder Programme Series, Singapore
10 & 11 November, 2011
                             CO-DESIGNING THRIVING SOLUTIONS
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

Working with people, practitioners
and policymakers to develop new
kinds of solutions.

Actively developing.

A set of interactions and experiences
that spread as principles, platforms,
organisational models, & programs.
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions                                                                                            Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

                        Educational disengagement, crime, drug addiction, unemployment,                           Developing a curriculum
                        indigenous inequality. We believe systemic social problems require new                    Perhaps the only thing that has been more frustrating than our past
                        kinds of solutions. And new solutions require new ways of working.                        attempts to prompt change with people, has been our past attempts to
                        Welcome to excerpts Co-designing Solutions, a curriculum designed                         prompt change in how policymakers and practitioners work. We’ve run
                        to equip teams with new ways to co-design solutions. Solutions that                       heaps of workshops, lectures, and action learning groups that have done
                        focus on thriving, not just on meeting basic needs. Solutions that are                    little to shift work behaviour.
                        fundamentally about prompting change, not maintaining the status quo.
                                                                                                                  We take from this that prompting change is hard, and demands far more
                        We’re here because we kept asking: is there a better way? Too many of                     rigour and resource. We’re putting rigour and resource into prototyping
                        our past projects have gone nowhere. Projects where we invested a heck                    this curriculum. Over the coming 12-months, we’ll test four big hunches:
                        of a lot of ourselves, and used all the methods we were trained in, neither
                        prompted change for people nor systems.                                                   Our first hunch is that skills and tools are insufficient for working
                                                                                                                  differently. In the past, we’ve used a ‘toolbox’ teaching method, only to
                        Chris’ design-led projects engaged people through exciting interactions,                  find people struggle to figure out when, where, how, or why to use the
                        but failed to impact on the systems around people. Sarah’s policy-led                     exercises and strategies. Now we think the focus needs to be on adopting
                                                                                                        Hunch 1
                        projects engaged policymakers with compelling arguments and new                           a mix of behaviours across a range of contexts.
                        frameworks, but didn’t change people’s behaviour in or outside of
                        systems. We both found ourselves doing a lot of work, but not shifting                    Our second hunch is that changing behaviours requires immersive,
                        people’s lives.                                                                           experiences. While we’ve long held the view that social interventions need
                                                                                                                  to do more than transmit information to change behaviours, we haven’t
                         Working together for the first time in London on a project to improve                    followed suit in our own teaching. In this curriculum, we aim to provide
                                                                                                        Hunch 2
                         outcomes for young people, we discovered behaviours, skills, and tools                   developmental experiences through hands-on live project work.
Chris Vanstone &         in each other’s way of working that complemented the limitations of our
Sarah Schulman           own. Sarah was new to the design behaviour of prototyping. Chris was                     Our third hunch is that this kind of work can really only be done by
Co-leads, Radical        new to tools of logic modelling and frameworks for behaviour change                      interdisciplinary teams. We suspect that our past teaching has focused
Redesign Team, TACSI and
founders of InWithFor
                         from the social sciences.                                                                on the wrong unit: individuals. Indeed, we believe the strength of
                                                                                                                  the approach lies in the continuous blend of different disciplines and
                        Over time, and not without some confusion, we began to codify what              Hunch 3   perspectives.
                        we were learning about how to change behaviour. We named our hybrid
                        problem-solving process ‘Working Backwards’ because it proceeds in a                      Our fourth hunch is that the best way to teach a blended approach is to
                        different order to usual policy development.                                              break concepts down into their component parts - to idenity what exactly
                                                                                                                  can be designed - alongside learning about whole solutions.
                        Out of our first year of work in Australia with and for The Australian Centre
                        for Social Innovation (TACSI) came the solution Family by Family, a new         Hunch 4   Like everything we make, this curriculum is a prototype and we value
                        network of families helping families. It’s a solution that seems to shift                 your feedback. The curriculum was written from a UK / North American /
                        behaviour and which is attracting the attention of policymakers.                          Australian perspective. We’d love to learn what’s applicable beyond those
                                                                                                                  contexts and what’s not.
                        We hope to spread the ‘Working Backwards’ approach to co-design more
                        solutions to systemic social problems. This curriculum aims to equip
                        teams, in and out of public systems, with the behaviours, skills, and tools
                        to do that.
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions                                                                                                  Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

Thriving lives
                   “   Today, the core challenge for most of us living in the West isn’t
                       how long we live, but how we live - how we age, how we work,
                       how we connect to others. We don’t just want to get by - to be
                                                                                                 The Thriving Outcomes
                                                                                                 An ongoing set of
                                                                                                 behaviours that keep lives
                                                                                                 moving in a good direction.
                       insured from risk or protected from social circumstance - we want
                       to be able to thrive. We want to have fulfilling relationships, to find
                       and use our talents, to feel good and in-control, to have a purpose,
                       to enjoy how we spend our time, and probably most of all, to know                                                 Building
                       we matter as people.
                                                                                                                          Pursuing                      Using capabilities

                   “   If we truly want more people to thrive, existing welfare systems
                       and services won’t do. We need different kinds of social solutions
                       - principles, platforms, organisations, and programs - designed
                       with us, to develop our capabilities, aspirations, relationships,                         Feeling                                        Achieving things
                       and achievements. In practice, we need social solutions that can                           good
                       shift our behaviours towards where want to go, not just to where
                       systems and services want us to go.

                       This requires social solutions that can broaden our preferences
                       and motivations, teach us new skills, provide us with feedback,
                       cultivate support networks, help us feel competent & in-control,
                       and remove barriers to change.
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions                                                                                          Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

Solutions that thrive                                                                                     Solutions that thrive...
                                                                                                          Increase people’s
                                                                                                          aspirations, capabilities,
                                                                                                          relationships &

                   “   Great social solutions aren’t just designed with and for people, but
                       within economic and political contexts. Shifts in political priorities,
                       political leadership, and fiscal resources are often windows of
                                                                                                          achievements over time.

                       opportunity for new solutions to take hold. By identifying and
                       exploiting these windows of opportunity, great solutions not
                       only enable people to thrive, but are themselves thriving in their

Solutions that thrive
Solutions that contribute to thriving lives, generate resources, and leverage
the economic & political ecosystem to spread.

                   “   The life-time and inter-generational costs associated with
                       our existing services and systems - with the stagnation and
                       dependency they inadvertently spawn - are high. Where society
                       has invested in solutions that develop our capabilities, aspirations,
                       and relationships, (rather than just manage risk) we’ve seen
                       impressive financial gains.

                       For instance, for every dollar invested in high-quality early
                       childhood education, there is a $16.14 return on investment in                     Solutions that thrive...
                       increased wages, more taxes paid, greater contribution to the                      Leverage the
                       community, and less use of welfare, health care, and the criminal                  economical & political
                       justice system.1                                                                   ecosystem to spread.

                       When you look at people not as clients or customers, but as co-                                                  Solutions that thrive...
                       producers, their capabilities, relationships and aspirations are not                                             Generate resource:
                       only outcomes, but inputs that can further develop the solution’s                                                Outcomes generated
                       resource base and reach.                                                                                         by the solution become

                       1 Schweinhart, Lawrence. “How to take the High/Scope Perry preschool to
                       scale. “High/Scope Educational Research foundation for the National Invitational
                       Conference of the Early Childhood Research Collaborative, 2007.
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions                                                                              Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

Traditional problem solving
                   “   Traditional policymaking, like widget making, is a vertical process:
                       decisions at the top flow down the chain of command. People are
                       the last to be reached.

                   “   When you want to sell thousands of widgets or process thousands
                       of welfare payments, you need a way of working that promotes
                       mass precision, continuity, and conformity. Bureaucracy is fit for

                       When you want to enable people to build aspirations, capabilities,
                       achievements, and relationships, you need a different approach to
                       solving problems and a different way of organising the work.

                                                                                              Classic policy development
                                                                                              People engaged last - at
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions                                                                                           Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

Working backwards
                    “   To get to thriving lives we think you need a problem solving
                        approach that starts at the bottom with what people want and are
                        capable of, rather than at the top with what systems and policies
                                                                                                                 7 GROW
                                                                                                                                                New solutions

                        want and have available to spend.

                    “   We call our problem solving approach ‘Working Backwards’ and
                        we organise our work in interdisciplinary, non-hierarchical teams.
                        Indeed, we work backwards as a team, first to work with people
                        to identify what people want and can do before co-designing and
                        prototyping new kinds of solutions and ways of spreading those
                                                                                                                                  New team
                        solutions (e.g. principles, platforms, organisations, and programs).                                                             2 LOOK & LISTEN
                        Each phase of our approach starts with a question. To answer the
                        question we draw on skills and tools from design, social science,
                        business and policy development.                                       6 VALUE

                                                                                                                                 1 GET-READY
                        1        Get ready
                                 What team fits the problem?                                                           Problem
                        2        Look & listen
                                                                                                                                                                New outcomes
                                 What are good outcomes?
Working                 3        Create
                                                                                                         New systems
backwards                        What ideas could improve outcomes?
People engaged                                                                                                                                                            3 CREATE
                        4        Prototype INTERACTIONS
at every stage of
                                 What interactions shift outcomes?                                                                                      New scenarios
                        5        Prototype SYSTEMS
                                 What supports new interactions?
                        6        VALUE                                                             PROTOTYPE
                                 What value does the solution create?                                SYSTEMS
                                                                                                                                                        4 PROTOTYPE INTERACTIONS
                                                                                                                                 New interactions
                        7        Grow
                                 How can we spread the solution?
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions                                                                                                            Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

What can be co-designed?
                                                                                               User level interactions
                                                                                               Prototyping can help us develop user level interactions
                                                                                               (between people-people, people-machines, and
                                                                                               people-objects) that shape behaviours & enable
                                                                                               new aspirations, capabilities, relationships and
                                                                                               achievements over time.

                   “   We work backwards to co-design and prototype new kinds of
                       solutions and ways to spread those solutions.

                       What does that really mean?
                       When you work in the traditional, industrial era way, you design
                       rules, regulations, and processes that can be implemented from

                       Instead, we work with people in their homes, workplaces, and
                       communities to design something far more basic: interactions.

                       Interactions are back-and-forth actions between people, and
                       between people and things. You’re interacting with this document,
                       and when you turn to your colleague to have a conversation about
                       what you’ve just read, you’re interacting with your colleague.

                       Solutions are a series of interactions over time - interactions that
                       enable people to thrive, and interactions that enable the solution
                       to thrive. Interactions that enable people to thrive help us develop
                       our aspirations, capabilities, relationships, and achievements.
                       Interactions that enable solutions to thrive help to organise the
                       flow of work, generate and manage resources, grow influence, and
                       expand reach.

                   “   We prototype all three kinds of interactions, but first use co-design
                       techniques to understand what thriving means and therefore what
                       the interactions could enable.                                          Organisational level interactions
                                                                                               Prototyping organisational level interactions can help
                                                                                               us develop policies and systems that support user
                                                                                               level interactions. e.g HR, governance, and customer
                                                                                               relationship management.
                                                                                                                                                          Ecosystem level interactions
                                                                                                                                                          Prototyping interactions with other organisations,
                                                                                                                                                          potential partners, funders and policymakers can help
                                                                                                                                                          determine how a solution will spread.
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions                                                                            Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

New work behaviours
                       When it comes right down to it, solutions that thrive are a set of
                       interactions that change people’s behaviour. The problem solving
                       approaches we use to get to solutions that thrive also require a            People                 Generative
                       change in behaviour. They change the sequence of work (from the
                       bottom-up), who we work with (real people), and how we go about
                       our work (in flexible, interdisciplinary teams).

                       Indeed, we think great social problem solvers - whether public          Storytelling
                       servants, innovators, designers, business analysts, community                                      Making
                       organisers or social scientists - think and do different things. They
                       spend time with people in their context; they identify patterns
                       & trends; they turn abstract concepts into concrete concepts;                          Feedback

                       they make prototypes; they give and seek feedback; and they
                       craft compelling stories for different audiences. We call these the
                       people, analytic, generative, making, feedback, and storytelling

Behaviour                                                                                                                 New work behaviours
The actions or reactions of a person in response to external or internal                                                  Analytic behaviour
stimuli. What you think, feel and do in a particular situation. e.g. When                                                 Identifying patterns and trends; breaking complex concepts into
                                                                                                                          component parts; asking why and how questions.
you’re lost you may look at a map, ask someone, or follow signs.
                                                                                                                          Generative behaviour
                                                                                                                          Identifying and exploiting opportunities; developing new ideas;
                                                                                                                          applying concepts from one field to another; thinking visually and
                       Enabling you and your team to develop these behaviours is the aim
                       of the Co-designing Thriving Solutions curriculum.                                                 People behaviour
                                                                                                                          Talking with; observing; listening; understanding, respecting and
                                                                                                                          contextualising people.

                                                                                                                          Making behaviour
                                                                                                                          Turning abstract ideas into real, tangible products; using your

                                                                                                                          Feedback behaviour
                                                                                                                          Showing work; making improvements; offering constructive
                                                                                                                          suggestions to others; failing; persistently iterating.

                                                                                                                          Storytelling behaviour
                                                                                                                          Developing rational and emotive arguments; using different
                                                                                                                          mediums; bringing ideas to life for people versus practice versus
                                                                                                                          policy audiences.
Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions                                                                                                     Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions

                   “   Prototyping is a way of rapidly developing early hunches into
                       solutions that work for people. Prototyping involves testing
                       solutions at an early stage with users, in context and using what
                       you learn about what works (and what doesn’t) to improve your
                       solution. Any interaction can be prototyped be it at the user,                                       People                                         Storytelling

                       organisational or eco-system level.

                       Prototyping can enable you to build solutions that work faster and
                       cheaper because mistakes are made (and learnt from) earlier and
                       with less cost.
                                                                                                                                     Analytic                 Generative
                       Prototyping involves moving through a loop of new work
                       behaviours. Good prototyping means having a clear understanding
                       of the user you are designing for, what outcome you are trying to
                       achieve with and for that user, and what aspect of your solution
                       you are prototyping.

                       1 People question                                                                                              Feedback
                       Who is this for and what outcomes am I trying to enable with and
                       for them?
                       2 Generative question
                       What form could the solution take?

                       3 Making question
                       How can I best represent the aspect of the solution I am testing?

                       4 Feedback question
                       How can I best get feedback from the user of my solution?
                                                                                            The prototyping loop
                                                                                            Prototyping involved moving
                       5 Analytic question                                                  through a cycle of behaviours
                                                                                            multiple times improving
                       What can I do differently in the next iteration?                     your nacet solution on each
                       6 Storytelling question
                       How can I communicate failure and lessons learnt?
Prepared for Global Innovation Academy
[Pathfinder Programme Series, Singapore 2011]
Brief 1
What can be designed?

Dissect solutions
The Task...                                                           For more on prototyping see
Dissect the following solution into its component parts and map a
user-level, organisational-level, and ecosystem-level interaction.    This is service design thinking
                                                                      Edited by Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider
Group 1&4: Green House Nursing Alternative
Group 2: Girl Scouts / Girl Guides                                    The starfish and the spider
Group 3&5: Pratham                                                    By Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom

                                                                      Systems thinking in the public sector
The Details…                                                          By John Seddon
Groups of 6 - 45 minutes
See the next pages for your group’s brief                             Deconstructing analysis techniques
The Steps...

1 Analyse
Look through the case study materials provided.
Divide your team into pairs. 1 pair will focus on user-level, 1 on
organisation-level ,and 1 on eco-system level. Using post-it notes,
identify the component parts of the interaction you’ve been given.

2 Make
In pairs, quickly sketch a storyboard detailing the scenes that
make up the given interaction, and the actors and props present.
Where there’s not enough information, creatively infer what actors
/ props might be present.

3 Get Feedback
Share storyboards amongst your small group, and stick your
storyboard to the wall for larger group feedback.                     Briefs >
Brief 1: Dissect solutions

Group 1&4
Green House
Nursing Alternative
The Solution:                                                          Your briefs
The Green House Nursing Alternative                                       Pair 1 / User-level interactions.                                               Storyboard elders’ interactions at meal time within the Green
                                                                       House home (i.e. skech the scenes, actors and props an elder
The systemic problem:                                                  encounters before, during, and after meal time)
Too many older people in expensive institutionalised care with
poor quality of life outcomes. Indeed in the United States, half
of the 1.7 million people living in nursing homes suffer from          Pair 2 / Organisation-level interactions.
untreated pain (USA Today, 2003).                                      Storyboard the shahbazim role. How are they trained and how
                                                                       are they organised? (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props
The identified opportunity:                                            shahbazim encounter before, during, and after their training).
De-institutionalize long-term care by eliminating large nursing
facilities and creating habilitative, social settings which focus on
life and relationships.                                                Pair 3 / Ecosystem-level interactions.
                                                                       Storyboard what it takes for an organisation to sign up to the Eden
                                                                       Alternative Registry (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props an
                                                                       organisation encounters before, during, and after they sign-up).

                                                                       The Eden Alternative is the set of principles & a philosophy
                                                                       underpinning Green House Homes. The Eden Alternative Registry
                                                                       offers a way to spread the ideas behind Green House Homes, not
                                                                       just the physical buildings.
Brief 1: Dissect solutions

Group 2
Girl Scouts

The Solution:                                                         Your briefs
Girl Scouts / Girl Guides                                                    Pair 1 / User-level interactions.
                                                                      Storyboard how girls earn some of the ‘new’ 21st century badges
The systemic problem:                                                 (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props a girl might encounter in
Too few girls have the role models, skills, or values to grow up to   order to get a badge).
be effective leaders                                        
The identified opportunity:
To create new kind of leaders - leaders who value diversity,
inclusion, collaboration and are committed to improving their         Pair 2 / Organisation-level interactions.
neighborhoods, communities, and the world                             Storyboard the volunteer recruitment process. How might a
                                                                      community member become a girl scout volunteer? (i.e. sketch
                                                                      the scenes, actors and props a person might encounter in order to
                                                                      become a volunteer).

                                                                      Pair 3 / Ecosystem-level interactions.
                                                                      Storyboard the Girls Scouts and Dairy Queen (DQ) partnership.
                                                                      How does that partnership play out in Dairy Queen restaurants
                                                                      across the United States? (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props
                                                                      that are a result of the corporate partnership).
Brief 1: Dissect solutions

Group 3&5

The solution                                                        Your briefs
Pratham                                                     Pair 1 / User-level interactions.
                                                                    Storyboard the Read India programme - a mass scale, rapid,
The systemic problem:                                               learning to read campaign. In other words, sketch the scenes,
Nealry 80% of children in India do not complete elementary          actors and props a child might encounter if they were part of the
education, and 50% of children actually going to school do not      Read India programme.
know the 3 R’s after four years of schooling. Universal access to
education has not translated into actual improvements in learning
outcomes.                                                           Pair 2 / Organisation-level interactions.
                                                                    Storyboard the volunteer mobilisation and training process. How
The identified opportunity:                                         might somebody come to volunteer with Pratham? In other words,
To improve achievement in schools - and show how that drives        sketch the scenes, actors and props somebody might encounter
improvements in enrollment and retention rates.                     before and during their time as a volunteer.
To rapidly improve learning outcomes though inexpensive, scalable
interventions in schools and in communities.

                                                                    Pair 3 / Ecosystem-level interactions.
                                                                    Storyboard how the Annual Status of Education (ASER) Centre
                                                                    goes about implementing the Annual Status of Education Survey
                                                                    and Report. In other words, sketch the scenes, actors and props
                                                                    underpinning data collection. ASER is a centre sponsored by
                                                                    Pratham that collects data in order to influence government policy
                                                                    & philanthropic practice.
Brief 2

Prototype an “organiser”
The task...                                                            For More, see...
Co-design and prototype an “organiser” to hold your partner’s          The Craftsman
conference materials (eg this book, their pens, notepad and            By Richard Sennet
workbook.) The outcome we’re after is your partner feeling
organised.                                                             Designing a handbag
The details…
In pairs - 30 minutes
1 person = user
1 person = maker

The steps…
1 Analyse
How does your partner currently keep track of their conference
materials? What kind of bags, purses, cases, etc. are they currently
making use of? What’s working? What’s not working?
What does it mean to ‘feel organised?’
What would a great container to ‘hold & organise stuff’ look like?
What would a bad container look like?

2 Generate
Drawing on the available materials and other resources, sketch a
concept for some sort of device to hold & organise your partner’s
conference materials - and to complement any other bags or
organisational devices they may already have.

3 Make
Construct a first version of the “organiser”.

4 Get Feedback
As you are making your “organiser”, seek feedback. Keep track of
the number of iterations / alterations you make to the “organiser”.
How does the “organiser” work in the context?
How could the “organiser” be made more usable, useful &
Brief 3

Build connections
The Task...
Co-design & prototype an experience to build connections between
conference participants & to achieve the following outcome
Group 1&4: Aim to enable enjoyment & fun
Group 2&5: Aim to enable supportive relationships
Group 3&6: Aim to enable knowledge sharing

The Details...
Groups of 5-6 / 1.5 hours

The Steps...
1 Generate
Hunches: what behaviours might underpin the outcome your
group was given? What kinds of interactions & experiences could
enable those behaviours?

Ideas: drawing on the available resources, how could you put those
interactions & experience into practice?

2 Make
a) A storyboard describing the experience
b) Two props (i.e. touchpoints) to bring to life the experience

3 Feedback
Test & tweak the props with another group. You might use role
play, or walk through an experience step by step.

4 Analyse
Observe how ‘users’ from the other group react to the storyboard
and props.
How do the scenes play out?
                                                                     Inspiration >
What seems to work? What doesn’t?
What could be different?
The Australian Centre for Social Innovation exists to
identify and support the innovative ideas, methods and
people that will contribute to and accelerate positive social

TACSI’s Radical Redesign team blends design thinking,
policy thinking, social science and business to solve social
problems and demonstrate new ways of working with and
for social services.

This curriculum was developed by Chris Vanstone and
Sarah Schulman, based on the Working Backwards
Approach and the work of the Radical Redesign Team.


© The Australian Centre for Social Innovation
November 2011
Attribution: TACSI & InWithFor

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GIA Singapore - Extracts and briefs (Sarah & Chris)

  • 1. Excepts from... CO-DESIGNING THRIVING SOLUTIONS A prototype curriculum for social problem solving e Based on th Working Backwards nd the work Approach a Redesign al of the Radic I Te am @ TACS Prepared for... Global Innovation Academy, Pathfinder Programme Series, Singapore 10 & 11 November, 2011 CO-DESIGNING THRIVING SOLUTIONS
  • 2. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Co-designing Working with people, practitioners and policymakers to develop new kinds of solutions. Thriving Actively developing. Solutions A set of interactions and experiences that spread as principles, platforms, organisational models, & programs.
  • 3. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Introduction Educational disengagement, crime, drug addiction, unemployment, Developing a curriculum indigenous inequality. We believe systemic social problems require new Perhaps the only thing that has been more frustrating than our past kinds of solutions. And new solutions require new ways of working. attempts to prompt change with people, has been our past attempts to Welcome to excerpts Co-designing Solutions, a curriculum designed prompt change in how policymakers and practitioners work. We’ve run to equip teams with new ways to co-design solutions. Solutions that heaps of workshops, lectures, and action learning groups that have done focus on thriving, not just on meeting basic needs. Solutions that are little to shift work behaviour. fundamentally about prompting change, not maintaining the status quo. We take from this that prompting change is hard, and demands far more We’re here because we kept asking: is there a better way? Too many of rigour and resource. We’re putting rigour and resource into prototyping our past projects have gone nowhere. Projects where we invested a heck this curriculum. Over the coming 12-months, we’ll test four big hunches: of a lot of ourselves, and used all the methods we were trained in, neither prompted change for people nor systems. Our first hunch is that skills and tools are insufficient for working differently. In the past, we’ve used a ‘toolbox’ teaching method, only to Chris’ design-led projects engaged people through exciting interactions, find people struggle to figure out when, where, how, or why to use the but failed to impact on the systems around people. Sarah’s policy-led exercises and strategies. Now we think the focus needs to be on adopting Hunch 1 projects engaged policymakers with compelling arguments and new a mix of behaviours across a range of contexts. frameworks, but didn’t change people’s behaviour in or outside of systems. We both found ourselves doing a lot of work, but not shifting Our second hunch is that changing behaviours requires immersive, people’s lives. experiences. While we’ve long held the view that social interventions need to do more than transmit information to change behaviours, we haven’t Working together for the first time in London on a project to improve followed suit in our own teaching. In this curriculum, we aim to provide Hunch 2 outcomes for young people, we discovered behaviours, skills, and tools developmental experiences through hands-on live project work. Chris Vanstone & in each other’s way of working that complemented the limitations of our Sarah Schulman own. Sarah was new to the design behaviour of prototyping. Chris was Our third hunch is that this kind of work can really only be done by Co-leads, Radical new to tools of logic modelling and frameworks for behaviour change interdisciplinary teams. We suspect that our past teaching has focused Redesign Team, TACSI and founders of InWithFor from the social sciences. on the wrong unit: individuals. Indeed, we believe the strength of the approach lies in the continuous blend of different disciplines and Over time, and not without some confusion, we began to codify what Hunch 3 perspectives. we were learning about how to change behaviour. We named our hybrid problem-solving process ‘Working Backwards’ because it proceeds in a Our fourth hunch is that the best way to teach a blended approach is to different order to usual policy development. break concepts down into their component parts - to idenity what exactly can be designed - alongside learning about whole solutions. Out of our first year of work in Australia with and for The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI) came the solution Family by Family, a new Hunch 4 Like everything we make, this curriculum is a prototype and we value network of families helping families. It’s a solution that seems to shift your feedback. The curriculum was written from a UK / North American / behaviour and which is attracting the attention of policymakers. Australian perspective. We’d love to learn what’s applicable beyond those contexts and what’s not. We hope to spread the ‘Working Backwards’ approach to co-design more solutions to systemic social problems. This curriculum aims to equip teams, in and out of public systems, with the behaviours, skills, and tools to do that.
  • 4. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Thriving lives “ Today, the core challenge for most of us living in the West isn’t how long we live, but how we live - how we age, how we work, how we connect to others. We don’t just want to get by - to be The Thriving Outcomes An ongoing set of behaviours that keep lives moving in a good direction. insured from risk or protected from social circumstance - we want to be able to thrive. We want to have fulfilling relationships, to find and use our talents, to feel good and in-control, to have a purpose, to enjoy how we spend our time, and probably most of all, to know Building relationships we matter as people. Pursuing Using capabilities aspirations “ If we truly want more people to thrive, existing welfare systems and services won’t do. We need different kinds of social solutions - principles, platforms, organisations, and programs - designed with us, to develop our capabilities, aspirations, relationships, Feeling Achieving things and achievements. In practice, we need social solutions that can good shift our behaviours towards where want to go, not just to where systems and services want us to go. This requires social solutions that can broaden our preferences and motivations, teach us new skills, provide us with feedback, cultivate support networks, help us feel competent & in-control, and remove barriers to change.
  • 5. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Solutions that thrive Solutions that thrive... Increase people’s aspirations, capabilities, relationships & “ Great social solutions aren’t just designed with and for people, but within economic and political contexts. Shifts in political priorities, political leadership, and fiscal resources are often windows of achievements over time. opportunity for new solutions to take hold. By identifying and exploiting these windows of opportunity, great solutions not only enable people to thrive, but are themselves thriving in their contexts. Solutions that thrive Solutions that contribute to thriving lives, generate resources, and leverage the economic & political ecosystem to spread. “ The life-time and inter-generational costs associated with our existing services and systems - with the stagnation and dependency they inadvertently spawn - are high. Where society has invested in solutions that develop our capabilities, aspirations, and relationships, (rather than just manage risk) we’ve seen impressive financial gains. For instance, for every dollar invested in high-quality early childhood education, there is a $16.14 return on investment in Solutions that thrive... increased wages, more taxes paid, greater contribution to the Leverage the community, and less use of welfare, health care, and the criminal economical & political justice system.1 ecosystem to spread. When you look at people not as clients or customers, but as co- Solutions that thrive... producers, their capabilities, relationships and aspirations are not Generate resource: only outcomes, but inputs that can further develop the solution’s Outcomes generated resource base and reach. by the solution become inputs. 1 Schweinhart, Lawrence. “How to take the High/Scope Perry preschool to scale. “High/Scope Educational Research foundation for the National Invitational Conference of the Early Childhood Research Collaborative, 2007.
  • 6. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Traditional problem solving “ Traditional policymaking, like widget making, is a vertical process: decisions at the top flow down the chain of command. People are the last to be reached. “ When you want to sell thousands of widgets or process thousands of welfare payments, you need a way of working that promotes mass precision, continuity, and conformity. Bureaucracy is fit for purpose. When you want to enable people to build aspirations, capabilities, achievements, and relationships, you need a different approach to solving problems and a different way of organising the work. Classic policy development People engaged last - at implementation.
  • 7. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Working backwards “ To get to thriving lives we think you need a problem solving approach that starts at the bottom with what people want and are capable of, rather than at the top with what systems and policies 7 GROW New solutions want and have available to spend. “ We call our problem solving approach ‘Working Backwards’ and we organise our work in interdisciplinary, non-hierarchical teams. Indeed, we work backwards as a team, first to work with people to identify what people want and can do before co-designing and prototyping new kinds of solutions and ways of spreading those New team solutions (e.g. principles, platforms, organisations, and programs). 2 LOOK & LISTEN Each phase of our approach starts with a question. To answer the question we draw on skills and tools from design, social science, business and policy development. 6 VALUE 1 GET-READY 1 Get ready What team fits the problem? Problem 2 Look & listen New outcomes What are good outcomes? Working 3 Create New systems backwards What ideas could improve outcomes? People engaged 3 CREATE 4 Prototype INTERACTIONS at every stage of development What interactions shift outcomes? New scenarios 5 Prototype SYSTEMS What supports new interactions? 5 6 VALUE PROTOTYPE What value does the solution create? SYSTEMS 4 PROTOTYPE INTERACTIONS New interactions 7 Grow How can we spread the solution?
  • 8. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions What can be co-designed? User level interactions Prototyping can help us develop user level interactions (between people-people, people-machines, and people-objects) that shape behaviours & enable new aspirations, capabilities, relationships and achievements over time. “ We work backwards to co-design and prototype new kinds of solutions and ways to spread those solutions. What does that really mean? When you work in the traditional, industrial era way, you design rules, regulations, and processes that can be implemented from top-to-bottom. Instead, we work with people in their homes, workplaces, and communities to design something far more basic: interactions. Interactions are back-and-forth actions between people, and between people and things. You’re interacting with this document, and when you turn to your colleague to have a conversation about what you’ve just read, you’re interacting with your colleague. Solutions are a series of interactions over time - interactions that enable people to thrive, and interactions that enable the solution to thrive. Interactions that enable people to thrive help us develop our aspirations, capabilities, relationships, and achievements. Interactions that enable solutions to thrive help to organise the flow of work, generate and manage resources, grow influence, and expand reach. “ We prototype all three kinds of interactions, but first use co-design techniques to understand what thriving means and therefore what the interactions could enable. Organisational level interactions Prototyping organisational level interactions can help us develop policies and systems that support user level interactions. e.g HR, governance, and customer relationship management. Ecosystem level interactions Prototyping interactions with other organisations, potential partners, funders and policymakers can help determine how a solution will spread.
  • 9. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions New work behaviours “ Analytic When it comes right down to it, solutions that thrive are a set of interactions that change people’s behaviour. The problem solving approaches we use to get to solutions that thrive also require a People Generative change in behaviour. They change the sequence of work (from the bottom-up), who we work with (real people), and how we go about our work (in flexible, interdisciplinary teams). Indeed, we think great social problem solvers - whether public Storytelling servants, innovators, designers, business analysts, community Making organisers or social scientists - think and do different things. They spend time with people in their context; they identify patterns & trends; they turn abstract concepts into concrete concepts; Feedback they make prototypes; they give and seek feedback; and they craft compelling stories for different audiences. We call these the people, analytic, generative, making, feedback, and storytelling behaviours. Behaviour New work behaviours The actions or reactions of a person in response to external or internal Analytic behaviour stimuli. What you think, feel and do in a particular situation. e.g. When Identifying patterns and trends; breaking complex concepts into component parts; asking why and how questions. you’re lost you may look at a map, ask someone, or follow signs. Generative behaviour Identifying and exploiting opportunities; developing new ideas; applying concepts from one field to another; thinking visually and laterally. Enabling you and your team to develop these behaviours is the aim of the Co-designing Thriving Solutions curriculum. People behaviour Talking with; observing; listening; understanding, respecting and contextualising people. Making behaviour Turning abstract ideas into real, tangible products; using your hands. Feedback behaviour Showing work; making improvements; offering constructive suggestions to others; failing; persistently iterating. Storytelling behaviour Developing rational and emotive arguments; using different mediums; bringing ideas to life for people versus practice versus policy audiences.
  • 10. Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Excerpts from Co-designing Thriving Solutions Prototyping “ Prototyping is a way of rapidly developing early hunches into solutions that work for people. Prototyping involves testing solutions at an early stage with users, in context and using what you learn about what works (and what doesn’t) to improve your solution. Any interaction can be prototyped be it at the user, People Storytelling organisational or eco-system level. Prototyping can enable you to build solutions that work faster and cheaper because mistakes are made (and learnt from) earlier and with less cost. Analytic Generative Prototyping involves moving through a loop of new work behaviours. Good prototyping means having a clear understanding of the user you are designing for, what outcome you are trying to achieve with and for that user, and what aspect of your solution you are prototyping. 1 People question Feedback Making Who is this for and what outcomes am I trying to enable with and for them? Testing 2 Generative question What form could the solution take? 3 Making question How can I best represent the aspect of the solution I am testing? 4 Feedback question How can I best get feedback from the user of my solution? The prototyping loop Prototyping involved moving 5 Analytic question through a cycle of behaviours multiple times improving What can I do differently in the next iteration? your nacet solution on each revolution. 6 Storytelling question How can I communicate failure and lessons learnt?
  • 11. Learning briefs Prepared for Global Innovation Academy [Pathfinder Programme Series, Singapore 2011]
  • 12. Brief 1 What can be designed? NOT TO BE OPENED BEFORE 10.11.11
  • 13. Dissect solutions The Task... For more on prototyping see Dissect the following solution into its component parts and map a user-level, organisational-level, and ecosystem-level interaction. This is service design thinking Edited by Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider Group 1&4: Green House Nursing Alternative Group 2: Girl Scouts / Girl Guides The starfish and the spider Group 3&5: Pratham By Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom Systems thinking in the public sector The Details… By John Seddon Groups of 6 - 45 minutes See the next pages for your group’s brief Deconstructing analysis techniques The Steps... 1 Analyse Look through the case study materials provided. Divide your team into pairs. 1 pair will focus on user-level, 1 on organisation-level ,and 1 on eco-system level. Using post-it notes, identify the component parts of the interaction you’ve been given. 2 Make In pairs, quickly sketch a storyboard detailing the scenes that make up the given interaction, and the actors and props present. Where there’s not enough information, creatively infer what actors / props might be present. 3 Get Feedback Share storyboards amongst your small group, and stick your storyboard to the wall for larger group feedback. Briefs >
  • 14. Brief 1: Dissect solutions Group 1&4 Green House Nursing Alternative The Solution: Your briefs The Green House Nursing Alternative Pair 1 / User-level interactions. Storyboard elders’ interactions at meal time within the Green House home (i.e. skech the scenes, actors and props an elder The systemic problem: encounters before, during, and after meal time) Too many older people in expensive institutionalised care with poor quality of life outcomes. Indeed in the United States, half of the 1.7 million people living in nursing homes suffer from Pair 2 / Organisation-level interactions. untreated pain (USA Today, 2003). Storyboard the shahbazim role. How are they trained and how are they organised? (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props The identified opportunity: shahbazim encounter before, during, and after their training). De-institutionalize long-term care by eliminating large nursing facilities and creating habilitative, social settings which focus on life and relationships. Pair 3 / Ecosystem-level interactions. Storyboard what it takes for an organisation to sign up to the Eden Alternative Registry (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props an organisation encounters before, during, and after they sign-up). The Eden Alternative is the set of principles & a philosophy underpinning Green House Homes. The Eden Alternative Registry offers a way to spread the ideas behind Green House Homes, not just the physical buildings.
  • 15. Brief 1: Dissect solutions Group 2 Girl Scouts The Solution: Your briefs Girl Scouts / Girl Guides Pair 1 / User-level interactions. Storyboard how girls earn some of the ‘new’ 21st century badges The systemic problem: (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props a girl might encounter in Too few girls have the role models, skills, or values to grow up to order to get a badge). be effective leaders The identified opportunity: To create new kind of leaders - leaders who value diversity, inclusion, collaboration and are committed to improving their Pair 2 / Organisation-level interactions. neighborhoods, communities, and the world Storyboard the volunteer recruitment process. How might a community member become a girl scout volunteer? (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props a person might encounter in order to become a volunteer). Pair 3 / Ecosystem-level interactions. Storyboard the Girls Scouts and Dairy Queen (DQ) partnership. How does that partnership play out in Dairy Queen restaurants across the United States? (i.e. sketch the scenes, actors and props that are a result of the corporate partnership).
  • 16. Brief 1: Dissect solutions Group 3&5 Pratham The solution Your briefs Pratham Pair 1 / User-level interactions. Storyboard the Read India programme - a mass scale, rapid, The systemic problem: learning to read campaign. In other words, sketch the scenes, Nealry 80% of children in India do not complete elementary actors and props a child might encounter if they were part of the education, and 50% of children actually going to school do not Read India programme. know the 3 R’s after four years of schooling. Universal access to education has not translated into actual improvements in learning outcomes. Pair 2 / Organisation-level interactions. Storyboard the volunteer mobilisation and training process. How The identified opportunity: might somebody come to volunteer with Pratham? In other words, To improve achievement in schools - and show how that drives sketch the scenes, actors and props somebody might encounter improvements in enrollment and retention rates. before and during their time as a volunteer. To rapidly improve learning outcomes though inexpensive, scalable interventions in schools and in communities. Pair 3 / Ecosystem-level interactions. Storyboard how the Annual Status of Education (ASER) Centre goes about implementing the Annual Status of Education Survey and Report. In other words, sketch the scenes, actors and props underpinning data collection. ASER is a centre sponsored by Pratham that collects data in order to influence government policy & philanthropic practice.
  • 17. Brief 2 Prototyping NOT TO BE OPENED BEFORE 11.11.11
  • 18. Prototype an “organiser” The task... For More, see... Co-design and prototype an “organiser” to hold your partner’s The Craftsman conference materials (eg this book, their pens, notepad and By Richard Sennet workbook.) The outcome we’re after is your partner feeling organised. Designing a handbag The details… In pairs - 30 minutes 1 person = user 1 person = maker The steps… 1 Analyse How does your partner currently keep track of their conference materials? What kind of bags, purses, cases, etc. are they currently making use of? What’s working? What’s not working? What does it mean to ‘feel organised?’ What would a great container to ‘hold & organise stuff’ look like? What would a bad container look like? 2 Generate Drawing on the available materials and other resources, sketch a concept for some sort of device to hold & organise your partner’s conference materials - and to complement any other bags or organisational devices they may already have. 3 Make Construct a first version of the “organiser”. 4 Get Feedback As you are making your “organiser”, seek feedback. Keep track of the number of iterations / alterations you make to the “organiser”. How does the “organiser” work in the context? How could the “organiser” be made more usable, useful & delightful?
  • 19. Brief 3 Prototyping NOT TO BE OPENED BEFORE 11.11.11
  • 20. Build connections The Task... Co-design & prototype an experience to build connections between conference participants & to achieve the following outcome Group 1&4: Aim to enable enjoyment & fun Group 2&5: Aim to enable supportive relationships Group 3&6: Aim to enable knowledge sharing The Details... Groups of 5-6 / 1.5 hours The Steps... 1 Generate Hunches: what behaviours might underpin the outcome your group was given? What kinds of interactions & experiences could enable those behaviours? Ideas: drawing on the available resources, how could you put those interactions & experience into practice? 2 Make a) A storyboard describing the experience b) Two props (i.e. touchpoints) to bring to life the experience 3 Feedback Test & tweak the props with another group. You might use role play, or walk through an experience step by step. 4 Analyse Observe how ‘users’ from the other group react to the storyboard and props. How do the scenes play out? Inspiration > What seems to work? What doesn’t? What could be different?
  • 24. Notes
  • 25. Notes
  • 26.
  • 27. The Australian Centre for Social Innovation exists to identify and support the innovative ideas, methods and people that will contribute to and accelerate positive social change. TACSI’s Radical Redesign team blends design thinking, policy thinking, social science and business to solve social problems and demonstrate new ways of working with and for social services. This curriculum was developed by Chris Vanstone and Sarah Schulman, based on the Working Backwards Approach and the work of the Radical Redesign Team. Contact © The Australian Centre for Social Innovation November 2011 Attribution: TACSI & InWithFor