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1.- Complete the gaps with a suitable word from the box.
Europe is a ____________ continent with an area of only ____________________. It is separated
from Asia by the ____________ and _________________, the ________________ and the
Most of Europe has a ____________ relief. A very large ______________________ is
surrounded by ______________________.
• ___________________ cover the centre and east of Europe, from ____________ to
____________. These areas are very ____________, as some of the
_____________________ flow through them.
• The ________________________, such as the Kjolen and the Ural Mountains, are in the
____________ and ____________ of Europe.
• The ________________________, such as the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Balkans, form
an ____________ along the ________________________.
2.- Complete the gaps with a suitable word from the box.
There are many _____________ in Europe. They are important for __________________________,
_____________ and the __________________________.
• The Volga is the _____________ river in Europe. It also has the largest _____________. A
number of _____________ link it to other _____________of water. _____________ of its
numerous tributaries are _____________. It is _____________ main river transport
• The Rhine is one of the most important __________________________ in the world. The
Rhine starts in the __________________________ and flows into the _____________.
_____________ link the Rhine to other major European rivers.
• The Danube starts in the __________________________ of Germany. It flows into the sea on
the Romanian coast of the _____________, where it forms a _____________. It runs through
several __________________________.
3.- Complete the following table about Europe´s climates:
Climate Location Vegetation
Oceanic climate
Continental climate
Polar climate
Alpine climate
4.- Make a diagram about the rivers in Spain.
5.- Classify the caracteristics of Spain´s climate in the following table.
Type of climatic zone:
climate: general
• Location:
• Type of rainfall:
Mediterranean climate
on the coast.
• Temperatures:
Mediterranean climate
on the central plateau.
• Temperatures:
The Atlantic climate. • Location:
• Winds:
• Tempertures:
• Rainfall:
The subtropical
• Location:
• Climate:
6.- Label in the following map the most important elements relief, oceans, seas and rivers.
1.- Cross the correct answer.
These appeared two million years ago.
Their brain was bigger than
They were the first spices to bury their
They made stone tools and lived from
hunting and gathering.
They discovered fire.
These appeared about five million years
They developed a more complex
They were very similar to chimpazees.
However they normally walked on two
They enjoyed greater intellectual
development .
It seems they were able to speak.
They appeared one and a half million
years ago.
They were able to make finer tools.
They walked upright.
They also created art.
This was the first spices to live outside
They lived in Europe and Asia.
The oldest human remains appeared in
Atapuerca, Spain.
They lived in Europe and they were
stronger than we are but shorter.
They were slimmer but taller than
2.- Match the sentences.
1.- The first human being lived from
2.- They were nomadic:
3.- They lived
4.- They were organised in small
5.- Palaeolithic means
6.- Many men and women made
7.- They used tools to
8.- Fire was
9.- Early human beings used fire to
10.- They hunted
a.- mammoths, bears, elephants, deer, bison and
other animals.
b.- tools and objects of stone.
c.- discovered about half a million years ago.
d.- Hunting, fishing and gathering wild fruit.
e.- hunt and cut animals´skins and meat.
f.- tribes, made up of members of the same family.
g.- they did not live in a fixed place.
h.- Stone Age.
i.- outdoor in caves or in wood huts.
j.- heat their caves, cook food and drive wild
animals away.
3.- Complete the sentences with suitable words.
Rites and beliefs in the Palaeolithic
Our ancestors believed in _______________ which helped them in _____________ or when
___________. They also thought these ___________ caused _____________________. That is why they
had different ________ to ___________________.
They ___________________, but it is not clear why. It could be to ________________, or because they
________________________. They also buried ____________________________ with the bodies.
4.- Label the pictures and describe the features of the following Palaeolithic artworks
5.- Answer the following questions.
The Neolithic revolution
• What does “Neolithic” mean?
• What did human beings learned in the Neolithic Age?
• What discovery took place 11,000 years ago?
• How did agriculture start?
• Complete the following table about cereals:
Cereal Location
• What kind of animals were domesticated?
• What kind of activities made it possible for people to settle in a particular area?
• What did they do when they had enough food?
• What is the name of the action of living always in the same place?
• Where did they build villages?
• What is the name of these series of changes?
6.- Complete the gaps about life in the Neolithic Age. There are 8 words that you do not have to use.
Most villages were next to ___________ and encircled by a ___________ which protected them from
___________ and other ___________ . They had animal ___________ for the animals and ___________ for
___________ .
There were three important ___________ changes during this age:
• They started using ___________ ___________ to make utensils: ___________ , ___________ and
___________ .
• They started making ___________ using ___________ or ___________ from their animals.
• They invented ___________ . They used ___________ vessels to store ___________ and ___________ to
eat and cook.
7.- Answer the following questions about the Metal Ages.
• What did human beings begin to make about 7,000 years ago?
• What was the first metal used?
• What other metals were used later?
• What kind of objects did they do with these metals?
• Complete the table about the three most important inventions during the Metal Ages:
Invention Improvement
8.- Label the following pictures.
9.- Write the letters that are related to the definitions of each type of megalithic monument.
1.- Answer the following questions about the invention of writing.
• When and where did writing appear?
• What is the importance of the appearance of writing?
• What was the use of writing?
2.- Answer the following questions about river civilisations:
• Where and when did the first great civilizations appear?
• What is a river civilization?
• Name the four great civilizations and the rivers where they developed along.
4.- Complete the gaps with a suitable word from the box:
Mesopotamia means____________________, and was the territory between the Rivers ____________________ and
Euphrates. Mesopotamian civilization was the first to use writing 5,000 years ago.
Mesopotamia was a very dry area. However, ____________________ allowed agriculture to develop. Its geographical
situation made this a key region for ____________________ between Asia Minor, the Mediterranean area and Syria.
____________________ was essential. It consisted of signs drawn on ____________________with a reed. It is
called cuneiform because the patterns look as if they were made by a ______________. The Latin word is cuneus.
Writing made it possible to ____________________ the state, for example, by ____________________ how much
grain there was.
Writing was also used to record ____________________ of divinities or heroes.
5.- Find the suitable word for the following definitions of the Mesopotamian social groups. You can
repeat the words:
1. ____________________ consisted of the king´s family and the nobility.
2. ____________________ were men´s property.
3. ____________________ controlled religious rituals.
4. ____________________ rented the lands around the cities.
5. ____________________ could read, write and count.
6. ____________________ owned most of the land and occupied the highest government positions.
7. ____________________ had to give the king or the temple part of the harvest.
8. ____________________ owned some of the land and co-operated with the government.
9. ____________________ had no rights.
10. There were different types: weavers, carpenters, and jewellers. ____________________
6.- Fill the gaps with a suitable word from the box:
The Nile
Ancient Egypt is one of the most important _________________ in History. It emerged more than ________________
years ago, along the River Nile in the north-east of ________________.
Ancient Egyptians lived ________________ the Rivel Nile, because the land was ________________ there. Each
year, water from the Nile rose and ________________ the area. When the water went back, it left
________________ whicdh made the ________________ fertile.
The Egyptians built ________________ to hold back the water, and ________________ to carry water
The River Nile was also the main mains of ________________. ________________ ships transported people and
________________ along the river.
Egyptian civilization would have not existed ________________ the Nile. Egyptians knew how important it was: they
had a ________________ which represented the river. His name was ________________.
Nowadays e know that these floods are created by the abundant ________________produced in the mountains of
________________, which bring a lot of water to the Blue Nile, one of the most important ________________ of the
River Nile.
7.- Answer the following questions about the Egyptian pharaohs.
1. How can you explain the fact that the pharaoh was all-powerful?
2. What did Egyptians do as they thought pharaohs were gods?
3. What magical powers did they think that pharaohs have?
8.- Match the sentences about the Egyptian religious belief.
1. The Egyptians were polytheistic: a. Animals, such as the crocodile.
2. The principal god was the Sun, b. Things which were necessary in the afterlife, such as
food, jewels or statues of servants.
3. Other important gods were c. Such as the pharaoh.
4. The Egyptians worshipped certain d. Temple, where a group of priests made offerings to its
5. The Egyptians worshipped people, e. They worshipped many gods.
6. Each god had a f. An afterlife, as long as the body was preserved.
7. Egyptians believed there was g. Isis, Osiris and Horus.
8. A dead body was dried to make a h. Mummy, which was put in a sarcophagus.
9. A wealthy person´s tomb contained the i. Pyramids which were built for the pharaohs.
10. The biggest toms were the spectacular j. Called Ra, Amun or Atum.
9.- Match the definitions with the correct part of the royal sarcophagus and write the translation of
each one in the correct box.
10.- Egyptian tombs.
There were ___________ kind of toms. All had ___________ chambers which were hidden from
11.- Find the correct word for the following definitions about the Egyptian society:
• ______________ cultivated the lands belonging to the pharaohs, the priests or the noblemen.
• ______________ received land and treasures from the pharaoh.
• ______________
• ______________ sold wood, minerals and perfumes.
• ______________ were able to read, write and count.
• ______________ were war prisoners and had no rights.
• ______________ organized religious rituals.
• ______________ were free people who worked for a salary.
• They were in charge of official documents. ______________
They also made papyrus, a kind of paper, and linen, which was used to make clothes. ______________
12.- Label the parts of an Egyptian temple and fill the gaps.
1. Avenue of sphinxes.
2. Pylon.
3. Obelisk.
4. Colonnaded courtyard.
5. Hypostile hall.
6. Barque.
7. Sanctuary.
This is the temple of ___________,
placed in __________ Egypt. It is next
to the capital of the Middle Kingdom,
13.- Describe the features of Egyptian painting:
UNITS 10-11
1.- What was the origin of Greek civilization?
• Name the territories where the Ancient Greeks lived.
• Explain why Ancient Greece was never a unified country.
• Explain why the small Ancient Greek states belonged to the same civilization.
• Why was there little agriculture and stockbreeding in Ancient Greece?
• How did Ancient Greeks use the Mediterranean Sea?
2.- How did early Greece develop?
• What was a city-state, or polis?
• Name some Greek polis.
• Who were the rulers of the polis?
This picture is a wall painting from __________________________.
Figures are painted __________________________.
Objects are seen from the ______. The human body is also shown from the
______, but the head, arms and legs are seen in _____________.
The person is ______________. He or she is always _______ and
Human figures are _____________. The aim is to show _____________ and
• How was the government of the polis called?
• Give an example of a polis with this kind of government.
• What system replaced aristocracy in some poleis?
• What did citizens do in a democracy?
• Give an example of a polis with a democratic government.
3.- Complete the text with a suitable word from the box:
Between the 8th and 6th century BC, Greece went through a period of ______________. The Greek
population v considerably, the land was not ______________, and there was not enough ______________
for everyone. A small minority of rich people ______________ most of the land. There were many poor,
______________ peasants.
Consequently, many Greeks ______________ and founded ______________ around the Mediterranean
Sea. ______________ took place in two directions and in two different periods.
• To the ______________ between 750 and 650 BC, the Greeks settled on the islands
and coasts of the ______________ Sea; in ______________, southern
______________, southern ______________ and ______________; and on the east
coast of the ______________ Peninsula.
• To the ______________ after 650 BC, colonies were founded around the
______________ Sea.
3.- Why were Athens and Sparta important?
Period formed by the 5th century and the
first half of the 4th century BC.
3. Part of Asia conquered by the Persians,
as there were Greek poleis.
4. People who lived on the Iranian plateau
in Asia.
5. Enemy of Athens.
7. The most powerful polis after the
Peloponnesian War.
9. Political system strenghthened by
Pericles in Athens.
10. A Greek soldier who ran from Marathon
to Athens to announce the victory of the the
Greeks over the Persians in 490 BC.
11.- War won by Sparta against Athens.
2. The richest and the most influential
polis after the Persian Wars.
3. Name of the battle where the Greeks
won the Persians in the First Persian War.
6. Leader of Athens
7. Name of the battle where the Persians
were defeated in the Second Persian
8. A union of poleis formed in 447 BC to
defend the poleis against future Persian
4.- Who was Alexander the Great?
1. Nickname given the the king who conquered the Persian Empire and reached the Indus River.________________
2. A very large kingdom in the north of Greece. .________________
3. People who divided up the territory after Alexander´s death. .________________
4. Cardinal point where Greek culture spread. .________________
5. Kingdom founded in Asia after Alexander´s death. 1. Name of the son of the assassinated king of Macedonia.
6. Macedonian king who set out to conquer the Greek territories. .________________
7. The spreading of Greek culture and its fusion with Oriental culture is known like that. .________________
8. City founded by the son of Philip II in Egypt. .________________
9. Adjetive used to define the type of monarchies which appeared in Alexander´s empire after his death.
10. Kingdom founded in Africa after Alexander´s death. .________________
5.- Complete the text.
The Monarchy (753-509BC)
In the first centuries of its history, Rome was governed by a _________________. This king was
_________________ by the most important _________________ in the city, the _________________.
This king was helped by the _________________, an assembly formed by _________________, who were
the _________________ of the leading families.
In the 6th
century BC, Rome was conquered by the _________________. However, the Romans fought
against them and eventually _________________ them. In 509 BC, a _________________ dethroned
Lucius Tarquinus Superbus (Tarquin the Proud), the last _________________ king.
6.- Write the correct institution of the Republic of Rome.
• This institution gave instructions to magistrates:____________________
• Assemblies where Romans met to elect magistrates:____________________
• This institution established the laws:____________________
• Magistrates held political, military and sometimes religious power:____________________
• This institution directed foreign policy:____________________
• The highest magistrates were two consuls who controlled the political life and the
• The most important institution:____________________
• Assemblies where Roman citizens met to vote for laws:____________________
• Magistrates were elected for a year:____________________
7.- How did the Republic evolve?
1. Which wars took place between 264BC – 146BC?
2. Who fought in those wars?
3. What was Carthage?
4. How many wars were there between the Romans and the Carthaginians?
5. How long did these wars last?
6. What did Rome do after its victory in these wars?
7. What was the Roman situation in the 1st
century BC?
8. What kind of power increased?
9. What did militaries do to prevent disorder?
10. What is a triumvirate?
11. Who was the first triumvirate formed by?
12. What was the consequence of the disagreement of the first triumvirate?
13. Who won the war and proclaimed perpetual dictator?
14. What happened in 44 BC?
15. Who was the second triumvirate formed by?
16. Who finally took control after several wars?
8.- How was the Roman Empire created?
• Who was the first Roman emperor?
• What does “Augustus” mean?
• Name the functions of the Roman emperor:
o .
o .
o .
o .
o .
o .
• When did the Roman world reach its peak?
• What famous emperors governed at that moment?

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Exercices retest 3rd_term (3)

  • 1. RETEST 3 rd TERM UNIT 7 1.- Complete the gaps with a suitable word from the box. Europe is a ____________ continent with an area of only ____________________. It is separated from Asia by the ____________ and _________________, the ________________ and the _______________. Most of Europe has a ____________ relief. A very large ______________________ is surrounded by ______________________. • ___________________ cover the centre and east of Europe, from ____________ to ____________. These areas are very ____________, as some of the _____________________ flow through them. • The ________________________, such as the Kjolen and the Ural Mountains, are in the ____________ and ____________ of Europe. • The ________________________, such as the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Balkans, form an ____________ along the ________________________. 2.- Complete the gaps with a suitable word from the box. RIVERS SEVENTY BLACK FOREST WATER SUPPLY NAVIGABLE BLACK SEA PRODUCTION OF ELECTRICITY RUSSIA´S DELTA LONGEST ROUTE EUROPEAN CAPITAL FLOW TRADE ROUTES CANALS SWISS ALPS BODIES CANALS NORTH SEA There are many _____________ in Europe. They are important for __________________________, _____________ and the __________________________. • The Volga is the _____________ river in Europe. It also has the largest _____________. A number of _____________ link it to other _____________of water. _____________ of its numerous tributaries are _____________. It is _____________ main river transport _____________. SMALL FRANCE 105 million km2 RUSSIA CAUCASUS OLDER MOUNTAIN RANGES URAL RIVER MAJOR RIVERS URAL MOUNTAINS FERTILE CASPIAN SEA NORTH LOW EAST CENTRAL PLAIN MEDITERRANEAN COAST GREAT PLAINS ARCH MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS YOUNGER MOUNTAIN RANGES
  • 2. • The Rhine is one of the most important __________________________ in the world. The Rhine starts in the __________________________ and flows into the _____________. _____________ link the Rhine to other major European rivers. • The Danube starts in the __________________________ of Germany. It flows into the sea on the Romanian coast of the _____________, where it forms a _____________. It runs through several __________________________. 3.- Complete the following table about Europe´s climates: Climate Location Vegetation Oceanic climate Mediterranean climate Continental climate Polar climate Alpine climate 4.- Make a diagram about the rivers in Spain.
  • 3. 5.- Classify the caracteristics of Spain´s climate in the following table. Type of climatic zone: Mediterranean climate: general features. • Location: • Type of rainfall: Mediterranean climate on the coast. • Temperatures: Mediterranean climate on the central plateau. • Temperatures: The Atlantic climate. • Location: • Winds: • Tempertures: • Rainfall: The subtropical climate. • Location: • Climate: 6.- Label in the following map the most important elements relief, oceans, seas and rivers.
  • 4. UNIT 8 1.- Cross the correct answer. Australopithec us Homo habilis Homo erectu s Homo antecesso r Neandertha l Homo sapiens These appeared two million years ago. Their brain was bigger than Australpithecus´. They were the first spices to bury their dead. They made stone tools and lived from hunting and gathering. They discovered fire. These appeared about five million years ago. They developed a more complex language. They were very similar to chimpazees. However they normally walked on two feet. They enjoyed greater intellectual development . It seems they were able to speak. They appeared one and a half million years ago. They were able to make finer tools. They walked upright. They also created art. This was the first spices to live outside Africa. They lived in Europe and Asia. The oldest human remains appeared in Atapuerca, Spain. They lived in Europe and they were stronger than we are but shorter. They were slimmer but taller than Neanderthals. 2.- Match the sentences. 1.- The first human being lived from 2.- They were nomadic: 3.- They lived 4.- They were organised in small 5.- Palaeolithic means 6.- Many men and women made 7.- They used tools to 8.- Fire was 9.- Early human beings used fire to 10.- They hunted a.- mammoths, bears, elephants, deer, bison and other animals. b.- tools and objects of stone. c.- discovered about half a million years ago. d.- Hunting, fishing and gathering wild fruit. e.- hunt and cut animals´skins and meat. f.- tribes, made up of members of the same family. g.- they did not live in a fixed place. h.- Stone Age. i.- outdoor in caves or in wood huts. j.- heat their caves, cook food and drive wild animals away.
  • 5. 3.- Complete the sentences with suitable words. Rites and beliefs in the Palaeolithic Our ancestors believed in _______________ which helped them in _____________ or when ___________. They also thought these ___________ caused _____________________. That is why they had different ________ to ___________________. They ___________________, but it is not clear why. It could be to ________________, or because they ________________________. They also buried ____________________________ with the bodies. 4.- Label the pictures and describe the features of the following Palaeolithic artworks 5.- Answer the following questions.
  • 6. The Neolithic revolution • What does “Neolithic” mean? • What did human beings learned in the Neolithic Age? • What discovery took place 11,000 years ago? • How did agriculture start? • Complete the following table about cereals: Cereal Location • What kind of animals were domesticated? • What kind of activities made it possible for people to settle in a particular area? • What did they do when they had enough food?
  • 7. • What is the name of the action of living always in the same place? • Where did they build villages? • What is the name of these series of changes? 6.- Complete the gaps about life in the Neolithic Age. There are 8 words that you do not have to use. ARTISANS RIVERS CATTLE FENCE LAND PROTECTED SPECIALISED PENS BOWLS STOREHOUSES STORE TECHNICHAL POTTERY -POLISHED STONE- WOOL THREAD TEXTILES VESSELS Most villages were next to ___________ and encircled by a ___________ which protected them from ___________ and other ___________ . They had animal ___________ for the animals and ___________ for ___________ . There were three important ___________ changes during this age: • They started using ___________ ___________ to make utensils: ___________ , ___________ and ___________ . • They started making ___________ using ___________ or ___________ from their animals. • They invented ___________ . They used ___________ vessels to store ___________ and ___________ to eat and cook. 7.- Answer the following questions about the Metal Ages. • What did human beings begin to make about 7,000 years ago? • What was the first metal used? • What other metals were used later? • What kind of objects did they do with these metals? • Complete the table about the three most important inventions during the Metal Ages: Invention Improvement
  • 8. 8.- Label the following pictures. 9.- Write the letters that are related to the definitions of each type of megalithic monument.
  • 9. UNIT 9 1.- Answer the following questions about the invention of writing. • When and where did writing appear? • What is the importance of the appearance of writing? • What was the use of writing? 2.- Answer the following questions about river civilisations: • Where and when did the first great civilizations appear? • What is a river civilization? • Name the four great civilizations and the rivers where they developed along. 4.- Complete the gaps with a suitable word from the box: “BETWEEN RIVERS” RECORDING REED EUPHRATES CUNEUS IRRIGATION CANALS WEDGE TRADE MEDITERRANEAN [CUNEIFORM WRITING] ORGANIZE [CLAY TABLETS] TIGRIS DRY 5,000 STORIES Mesopotamia means____________________, and was the territory between the Rivers ____________________ and Euphrates. Mesopotamian civilization was the first to use writing 5,000 years ago. Mesopotamia was a very dry area. However, ____________________ allowed agriculture to develop. Its geographical situation made this a key region for ____________________ between Asia Minor, the Mediterranean area and Syria. ____________________ was essential. It consisted of signs drawn on ____________________with a reed. It is called cuneiform because the patterns look as if they were made by a ______________. The Latin word is cuneus. Writing made it possible to ____________________ the state, for example, by ____________________ how much grain there was. Writing was also used to record ____________________ of divinities or heroes.
  • 10. 5.- Find the suitable word for the following definitions of the Mesopotamian social groups. You can repeat the words: 1. ____________________ consisted of the king´s family and the nobility. 2. ____________________ were men´s property. 3. ____________________ controlled religious rituals. 4. ____________________ rented the lands around the cities. 5. ____________________ could read, write and count. 6. ____________________ owned most of the land and occupied the highest government positions. 7. ____________________ had to give the king or the temple part of the harvest. 8. ____________________ owned some of the land and co-operated with the government. 9. ____________________ had no rights. 10. There were different types: weavers, carpenters, and jewellers. ____________________ 6.- Fill the gaps with a suitable word from the box: CIVILIZATIONS FIELDS SAILING GOODS AFRICA NEAR CANALS WITHOUT FERTILE ETIOPÍA MUD TRIBUTARIES 5,000 DAMS INLAND GOD HAPY COMMUNICATION PRECIPITATIONS FLOODED The Nile Ancient Egypt is one of the most important _________________ in History. It emerged more than ________________ years ago, along the River Nile in the north-east of ________________. Ancient Egyptians lived ________________ the Rivel Nile, because the land was ________________ there. Each year, water from the Nile rose and ________________ the area. When the water went back, it left ________________ whicdh made the ________________ fertile. The Egyptians built ________________ to hold back the water, and ________________ to carry water ________________. The River Nile was also the main mains of ________________. ________________ ships transported people and ________________ along the river. Egyptian civilization would have not existed ________________ the Nile. Egyptians knew how important it was: they had a ________________ which represented the river. His name was ________________. Nowadays e know that these floods are created by the abundant ________________produced in the mountains of ________________, which bring a lot of water to the Blue Nile, one of the most important ________________ of the River Nile.
  • 11. 7.- Answer the following questions about the Egyptian pharaohs. 1. How can you explain the fact that the pharaoh was all-powerful? 2. What did Egyptians do as they thought pharaohs were gods? 3. What magical powers did they think that pharaohs have? 8.- Match the sentences about the Egyptian religious belief. 1. The Egyptians were polytheistic: a. Animals, such as the crocodile. 2. The principal god was the Sun, b. Things which were necessary in the afterlife, such as food, jewels or statues of servants. 3. Other important gods were c. Such as the pharaoh. 4. The Egyptians worshipped certain d. Temple, where a group of priests made offerings to its statue. 5. The Egyptians worshipped people, e. They worshipped many gods. 6. Each god had a f. An afterlife, as long as the body was preserved. 7. Egyptians believed there was g. Isis, Osiris and Horus. 8. A dead body was dried to make a h. Mummy, which was put in a sarcophagus. 9. A wealthy person´s tomb contained the i. Pyramids which were built for the pharaohs. 10. The biggest toms were the spectacular j. Called Ra, Amun or Atum.
  • 12. 9.- Match the definitions with the correct part of the royal sarcophagus and write the translation of each one in the correct box. 10.- Egyptian tombs. There were ___________ kind of toms. All had ___________ chambers which were hidden from ___________.
  • 13. 11.- Find the correct word for the following definitions about the Egyptian society: • ______________ cultivated the lands belonging to the pharaohs, the priests or the noblemen. • ______________ received land and treasures from the pharaoh. • ______________ • ______________ sold wood, minerals and perfumes. • ______________ were able to read, write and count. • ______________ were war prisoners and had no rights. • ______________ organized religious rituals. • ______________ were free people who worked for a salary. • They were in charge of official documents. ______________ They also made papyrus, a kind of paper, and linen, which was used to make clothes. ______________ 12.- Label the parts of an Egyptian temple and fill the gaps. 1. Avenue of sphinxes. 2. Pylon. 3. Obelisk. 4. Colonnaded courtyard. 5. Hypostile hall. 6. Barque. 7. Sanctuary. This is the temple of ___________, placed in __________ Egypt. It is next to the capital of the Middle Kingdom, ____________.
  • 14. 13.- Describe the features of Egyptian painting: UNITS 10-11 1.- What was the origin of Greek civilization? • Name the territories where the Ancient Greeks lived. • Explain why Ancient Greece was never a unified country. • Explain why the small Ancient Greek states belonged to the same civilization. • Why was there little agriculture and stockbreeding in Ancient Greece? • How did Ancient Greeks use the Mediterranean Sea? 2.- How did early Greece develop? • What was a city-state, or polis? • Name some Greek polis. • Who were the rulers of the polis? This picture is a wall painting from __________________________. Figures are painted __________________________. Objects are seen from the ______. The human body is also shown from the ______, but the head, arms and legs are seen in _____________. The person is ______________. He or she is always _______ and ____________. Human figures are _____________. The aim is to show _____________ and
  • 15. • How was the government of the polis called? • Give an example of a polis with this kind of government. • What system replaced aristocracy in some poleis? • What did citizens do in a democracy? . . • Give an example of a polis with a democratic government. 3.- Complete the text with a suitable word from the box: BLACKFOOD WEST COLONIES ITALY EAST MIGRATED MIGRATION LIBYA CRISIS FERTILE IONIANHUNGRY SICILY OWNED FRANCE Between the 8th and 6th century BC, Greece went through a period of ______________. The Greek population v considerably, the land was not ______________, and there was not enough ______________ for everyone. A small minority of rich people ______________ most of the land. There were many poor, ______________ peasants. Consequently, many Greeks ______________ and founded ______________ around the Mediterranean Sea. ______________ took place in two directions and in two different periods. • To the ______________ between 750 and 650 BC, the Greeks settled on the islands and coasts of the ______________ Sea; in ______________, southern ______________, southern ______________ and ______________; and on the east coast of the ______________ Peninsula. • To the ______________ after 650 BC, colonies were founded around the ______________ Sea.
  • 16. 3.- Why were Athens and Sparta important? ACROSS Period formed by the 5th century and the first half of the 4th century BC. 3. Part of Asia conquered by the Persians, as there were Greek poleis. 4. People who lived on the Iranian plateau in Asia. 5. Enemy of Athens. 7. The most powerful polis after the Peloponnesian War. 9. Political system strenghthened by Pericles in Athens. 10. A Greek soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens to announce the victory of the the Greeks over the Persians in 490 BC. 11.- War won by Sparta against Athens. DOWN 2. The richest and the most influential polis after the Persian Wars. 3. Name of the battle where the Greeks won the Persians in the First Persian War. 6. Leader of Athens 7. Name of the battle where the Persians were defeated in the Second Persian War. 8. A union of poleis formed in 447 BC to defend the poleis against future Persian attacks. 4.- Who was Alexander the Great? 1. Nickname given the the king who conquered the Persian Empire and reached the Indus River.________________ 2. A very large kingdom in the north of Greece. .________________ 3. People who divided up the territory after Alexander´s death. .________________ 4. Cardinal point where Greek culture spread. .________________ 5. Kingdom founded in Asia after Alexander´s death. 1. Name of the son of the assassinated king of Macedonia. ._____________ 6. Macedonian king who set out to conquer the Greek territories. .________________ 7. The spreading of Greek culture and its fusion with Oriental culture is known like that. .________________ 8. City founded by the son of Philip II in Egypt. .________________ 9. Adjetive used to define the type of monarchies which appeared in Alexander´s empire after his death. .________________ 10. Kingdom founded in Africa after Alexander´s death. .________________
  • 17. 5.- Complete the text. SENATE FAMILIES REBELLION SENATORS ETRUSCAN KING DEFEATED HEADS CHOSEN PATRICIANS ETRUSCANS The Monarchy (753-509BC) In the first centuries of its history, Rome was governed by a _________________. This king was _________________ by the most important _________________ in the city, the _________________. This king was helped by the _________________, an assembly formed by _________________, who were the _________________ of the leading families. In the 6th century BC, Rome was conquered by the _________________. However, the Romans fought against them and eventually _________________ them. In 509 BC, a _________________ dethroned Lucius Tarquinus Superbus (Tarquin the Proud), the last _________________ king. 6.- Write the correct institution of the Republic of Rome. • This institution gave instructions to magistrates:____________________ • Assemblies where Romans met to elect magistrates:____________________ • This institution established the laws:____________________ • Magistrates held political, military and sometimes religious power:____________________ • This institution directed foreign policy:____________________ • The highest magistrates were two consuls who controlled the political life and the army:____________________ • The most important institution:____________________ • Assemblies where Roman citizens met to vote for laws:____________________ • Magistrates were elected for a year:____________________ 7.- How did the Republic evolve? 1. Which wars took place between 264BC – 146BC? 2. Who fought in those wars? 3. What was Carthage?
  • 18. 4. How many wars were there between the Romans and the Carthaginians? 5. How long did these wars last? 6. What did Rome do after its victory in these wars? 7. What was the Roman situation in the 1st century BC? 8. What kind of power increased? 9. What did militaries do to prevent disorder? 10. What is a triumvirate? 11. Who was the first triumvirate formed by? 12. What was the consequence of the disagreement of the first triumvirate? 13. Who won the war and proclaimed perpetual dictator? 14. What happened in 44 BC? 15. Who was the second triumvirate formed by?
  • 19. 16. Who finally took control after several wars? 8.- How was the Roman Empire created? • Who was the first Roman emperor? • What does “Augustus” mean? • Name the functions of the Roman emperor: o . o . o . o . o . o . • When did the Roman world reach its peak? • What famous emperors governed at that moment?