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We are Elabor8.
Everything Agile Sydney Meetup
We help people, teams and organisations
adapt and move.
Reveal The Toxins in your
Everything Agile Sydney Meetup
Oct 2019
Who Am I?
I am Caoilte Dunne
an elabor8 agile coach
How to play the relationship game
The players in the game
How you lose
How you win
Hang on,
when are we going to
talk about team toxins ?
Teams are what we call relationship systems.
They are made up of individuals and the relationship between
We will be talking about team toxins and revealing them to your
team in the
“How we lose” section.
Fish did not discover
Humans did not
discover relationships
You have had them from the moment you were born.
They matter - they are one of the main sources of human happiness
and human potential.
If you are human you have them.
How much do you know about them ?
Relationships are everywhere
This is John Gottman.
He has done the longest longitudinal study of
relationships in the world.
Turns out people have been studying them
for a while
What is the atom of
He asked a Question
It is a Bid!
It is a bid for emotional connection
How people respond to a bid,
dictates how the relationship forms
What is a Bid
The other person can turn towards
This means reacting in a positive way to the bid.
When someone makes a bid
The other person can turn against
It provokes a negative emotional response in the bidder.
The other person can turn away
This means being interested to the bid.
This brings us to the
relationship game
You are always play the relationship game
The relationship game
Wouldn’t it be nice to
know the rules ?
The relationship game
Rule of the game
1) How to play the game?
The relationship game
Stage 3 Love / friendship
Stage 2 Personal Relationships
Stage 1 Transactional /
Stage 0 Negative relationships
1st rule : Your goal is to get to stay out of stage 0 and
get to stage 2
Stage 3 Love / friendship
Stage 2 Personal Relationships
Stage 1 Transactional /
Stage 0 Negative relationships
2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond
to bids
Stage 3 Love / friendship
Stage 2 Personal Relationships
Stage 1 Transactional /
Stage 0 Negative relationships
2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond
to bids
Stage 3 Love / friendship
Stage 2 Personal Relationships
Stage 1 Transactional /
Stage 0 Negative relationships
2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond
to bids
2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond
to bids
2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond
to bids
“How was your
weekend (bid) ”
“my weekend was great
, how was yours?”
(Turn towards)
If you turn against you go down multiple levels
“How was your
weekend (bid) ”
“Can you just focus on
(Turn against)
If you turn against you go down multiple levels
“How was your
weekend (bid) ”
“It was fine”
(Turn away)
You bid and they bid back to you
In the course of this the connection forms - this is your
How you respond to bids matter!
With a strong relationship you get trust.
Strong Relationships Matter
You can give and get feedback
You build on top of each other ideas
You compromise
You have some tolerance for poor behaviour
You get support when it is hard and appreciation when it is good.
You can hold each other to account
Enough of tell, lets show
Let me demo
I am going to choose a stance
Turn towards - display interest , return interest
Turn against - react in a way that is disagreeable
Turn away - be disinterested
Make a bid !
Some Warnings
When being turning away , don’t do
it in way that would get your fired.
So respectful norms apply - be
creative !
When you have a partner in this
game is being disagreeable - don’t
form impressions about them !
They are lovely really
Everyone stand up
Choose a partner , decide who is bidder and who is turning
Turner - Choose a stance
Turn towards - display interest , return interest
Turn against - react in a way that is disagreeable
Turn away - be disinterested
When I say switch roles - the bidder is now turner and vice versa
When I say switch partners - find a new partner and assign roles
Everyone stand up
Choose a partner , decide who is bidder and who is turning
Turner - Choose a stance
Turn towards - display interest , return interest
Turn against - react in a way that is disagreeable
Turn away - be disinterested
When I say switch roles - the bidder is now turner and
vice versa
When I say switch partners - find a new partner and
assign roles
How was that?
Section 2 : The players of the game
You are in every relationship you have
Let’s get a better understand of who you are
We are going to focus on 4 parts of you
Experience from Noob
Education from Professor
Income/class from poor
Gender from male
Sexual orientation From gay
Race From One
Age From old
To a expert
To grad
The cultural lens
Low vs High Power distance
Collaborative Vs Competitive
individual Vs collective
Clock time vs Event time
Being Vs Doing
Then we have your internal frame
Myers brigg : Introversion/Extraversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling,
OCEAN : Openness , agreeableness,Neurotic , conscientiousness , Extraversion
Emotional command system : Commander-in chief, Explorer ,
Sensualist,Energy Czar, jester,Sentry
DISC - Dominance , Conscientiousness, Steadiness , Influence
And so many more ....
Then we have your values
Acceptance Accessibility Accomplishment Accountability Accuracy Achievement Activeness Adaptability Adventure Aesthetics Agility Alertness
Ambition Appreciation Approachability Assertiveness Attentiveness Availability Awareness Balance Beauty Benevolence Boldness Bravery Brilliance
Calmness Camaraderie Candor Capability Carefulness Caution Change Charity Cheerfulness Clarity Cleanliness Cleverness Collaboration
Commitment Compassion Competence Concentration Confidence Conformity Consistency Contentment Cooperation Courage Courtesy Craftiness
Creativity Credibility Cunning Curiosity Daring Decisiveness Dedication Dependability Determination Devotion Dignity Diligence Directness Discipline
Discovery Discretion Diversity Drive Duty Dynamism Eagerness Education Effectiveness Efficiency Elegance Empathy Encouragement Endurance
Energy Enjoyment Entertainment Enthusiasm Equality Excellence Excitement Experience Expertise Exploration Expressiveness Extroversion
Exuberance Fairness Faith Faithfulness Family Fearlessness Ferocity Fidelity Fierceness Fitness Flexibility Fluency Focus Frankness Freedom
Friendliness Friendship Fun Generosity Gratitude Growth Happiness Harmony Health Helpfulness Heroism Honesty Honor Hopefulness Hospitality
Humility Humor Imagination Impartiality Independence Ingenuity Initiative Innovation Inquisitiveness Insightfulness Inspiration Integrity Intelligence
Introversion Intuitiveness Inventiveness Joy Justice Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Liberty Logic Love Loyalty Mastery Maturity
Meticulousness Mindfulness Modesty Motivation Neatness Open-mindedness Openness Optimism Order Orderliness Organization Originality
Outlandishness Outrageousness Passion Patience Peace Perceptiveness Perfection Perseverance Persistence Persuasiveness Philanthropy
Playfulness Pleasure Power Pragmatism Precision Preparedness Privacy Proactivity Professionalism Prudence Punctuality Purposefulness
Rationality Realism Reason Reflection Regularity Reliability Resilience Resolution Resolve Resourcefulness Respect Responsibility
Responsiveness Restraint Rigor Sacrifice Security Self-control Self-discipline Self-reliance Sensitivity Serenity Service Sharing Silliness Simplicity
Sincerity Skill Solidarity Speed Spirituality Spontaneity Stability Status Stealth Stewardship Strength Success Support Sympathy Synergy Teamwork
Thankfulness Thoroughness Thoughtfulness Thrift Timeliness Tolerance Tranquility Transcendence Trust Trustworthiness Truth Understanding
Uniqueness Unity Valor Variety Vigor Vision Vitality Warmth Willfulness Wisdom Wittiness Wonder Zeal
For every conversation
My privilege , personality , values and culture
(both family and location) are present in every
interaction I have.
The cogs turn and I say
“Hi , how was your weekend”
This is your stand up
Now we add the specific context of the day
This is your “baggage”
Your current agenda
To be liked
To get Budget
To save your team
To stick it to michael
To learn about cloud
To be respected
To be respected
To do a little work
as possible
To Prove yourself
To be a leader
To be a mom
To try something new
To make money
To make a difference
To be fulfilled
To have more
Your orgs culture
The current stress
emotional state
This is your actually your stand up
Quick Activity - Unique but not alone
This is a quick palette cleanser activity.
We are going to have you talk about your inner workings and
your baggage and what these let you bring to your team.
Let me demo
Unique but not alone - demo
I am straight , white, male , between 40-50 , college educated
, upper middle class ..
I am irish - culture is individualistic , collaborative , clock time,
low power distance
I am high on openness , medium neurotic , Low
agreeableness , medium consciousness and medium
extroversion . I am assertive and expressive.
My values are benevolence, Loyalty, Rationality, Curiosity
Quick activity
Split into pairs.
You have one minute to think about your unique proposition to your team
You have 1 minute to tell you pair about how your unique in your team
Then switch and let your pair tell you how they are unique
Remember !
Who are you in the
Sexual orientation
Where do you get
your cultural
attitudes from.
What does your
culture hold dear
What does it
How do people
describe you
Openness ,
Neurotic ,
What do you
project into the
What guides the
choices you make
How was that?
The relationship game
Rules of the game
2) The players of the
Third rule : Every relationship has two sides-
the cogs don’t change ,the baggage does
On Tuesday
On Wednesday
On Wednesday - same relationship, same
cogs , different baggage
Fourth rule : There is lots of relationships
Maths ! - How many unique relationships in
a team
Maths ! - How many unique relationships in
a team
People in team 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Num. of relationships 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
Section 3 : How we lose
What should we do ?
What should we do ?
Here is the good news
The diversity in your team generates lots of options. That’s
the point.
Your teammates will see problems ,think of solutions and
have expertise that you won’t.
You’ve reached nirvana !
Not quite
Having lots of options means lots of
Some options are beneficial to some more than others.
Your self worth can be tied to your option being chosen.
Explicit or implicit Power is used to get an option chosen.
Your option furthers your agenda.
Your option is the RIGHT one.
Having disagreements is not bad
It is the level of skill with which they are handled that matter.
We will tend to act unskillfully.
Conflict !
When I think of conflict I think
But there is also this
Even Conflict is not necessarily bad !
This is the good stuff … If
If the conflict is inside acceptable team norms.
If the conflict does not damage relationships in the team.
If the conflict is channeled towards sustainable change.
Uncontrolled conflict destroys relationship
We have already heard that you need a lot more positive than
you do negative.
There is a long term problem with being in the loss column
more often than not.
The relationship game
Rules of the
How you lose
Fifth rule : The higher the stage the more
levels , the more bids
In a given evening we can
bid hundreds of time with our
significant other.
Fifth rule : The higher the stage the more
levels , the more bids
Fifth rule : The higher the stage the more
levels , the more bids
When it is a negative
relationship there are fewer
opportunities for bids.
Fifth rule : The higher the stage the more
levels , the more bids
When it is a negative
relationship there are fewer
opportunities for bids.
The ratio changes as you go
down the stages
Sixth rule : As you go down , less ladders ,
more snakes
In the middle 1:5 ratio
This is the typical ratio for a
healthy relationship.
It may be even more if you
want to improve the
Sixth rule : As you go down , less ladders ,
more snakes
At the top levels , it is easier
Ladders are more effective,
snakes are less effective
This is called
“Positive sentiment
Sixth rule : As you go down , less ladders ,
more snakes
At the bottom levels , it is harder
Ladders are less
effective, snakes are
more effective
This is called
“negative sentiment
We have a recipe for some bad relationships
in teams
Frequent interactions
A diverse set of values , background , culture and personality
Hidden agenda, Emotions , Org culture and the stress of the day to
A needed high ratio of positive to negative interactions.
The need to decide one option out of many
Accelerating negative relationships
Let’s talk about how you lose the game
criticism/blaming Defensiveness
Contempt Stonewalling
These are known as the team toxins
criticism/blaming Defensiveness
Contempt Stonewalling
They are the behaviours that ruin
They are very strong forms of turning
away and turning against
Turning against Turning away
The team toxins is an exercise (from ORSC)
You get to “reveal the system to itself”
This exercise is about your team learning about your team.
If something goes unnamed it is very hard to talk about.
This covers both awareness and empathy.
It gives your team the ability to be explicit about the most common negative
interactions within the team.
You can do this activity with your team
1) Don’t open a door you don’t know how
to handle. If this exercise might subject
someone to attention they don’t know
how to process , be careful about how
you proceed
2) Ensure the team has the psychological
safety to continue
You can use the activity to two ways
1. You can use it as health check with your team. This is when the team is
healthy and secure. It can generate good conversation.
2. You can use it when the team needs to know itself better. This is harder , will
be more emotional - but it can be conversation the team needs to have.
There will be a step-step instruction given at
the end
But for the moment we are going to walk you through in the exercise
step 1 : explanation of the toxins
Go through the exercise of explaining the 4 team toxins
a) Criticism
b) Contempt
c) Defensiveness
d) Stonewalling
This is where you victimize yourself to deflect blame
Bob Mary
1) Neutral / negative interaction
2) Redirected with amplified negativity and
When no communication gets through
1) Neutral / negative interaction
2) Communication
is not received ,
no sign of
Bob Mary
Complaint : how i feel + specific situation + how
it can be better
Criticism : General + negative + personal
When you negatively focus on the person rather than the situation
A sense of superiority , leading to disrespect , leading to real hurt
Believing you’re better , acting out
of that sense of superiority
Step 2 : Setup the space
Everyone stand up and
clear a space in the
center of the room.
On the ground mark out
a X (with masking tape)
and put the markers for
the 4 toxins
Step 3 : Previous team *
Remember a Previous team
What was the most prominent toxin in that team *
Go stand in the wedge that identifies that toxin.
Between yourselves come up with the stance /movement
that typifies that toxin.
What were the situations that brought out the toxin in the
Depending on the level of safety in the team at this point
you can switch from previous team to current team.
We will be talking about your own personal toxin soon
enough so you will get exposed to current state soon
Step 3 : Previous team *
Remember a Previous team
What was the most prominent toxin in that team *
Go stand in the wedge that identifies that toxin.
Between yourselves come up with the stance /movement
that typifies that toxin. Share
What were the situations that brought out the toxin in the
team. Share
Step 4 : Vulnerability
Still in the wedge that the previous or current team
What is underneath the toxin. Drill down to the
vulnerability it is protecting
"what does acting with that toxin get them"
"it is not skillful but it is in service of something"
"How is it trying to helpful",
Step 5 : Your own toxin !
Move to the toxin that you do most.
With your group -
What situations make it come out in you
What is underneath it for each of them
Step 6 : Your antidotes
In your wedge, you are going to have 6 mins to come up
with two antidotes to the toxin you employee.
What has the been the technique you have employed
that has mitigated this behaviour in you or an agreed
team norm that has done the same.
You have to present the two best ideas back to the main
An example of a Antidote
This is an example of practice the team can
start to use.
You are naming something , allowing for the
team to start to use it in day to day fashion. It
gives the team a shorthand.
Assume good intent
Sometimes it is easy to read an action
as negative. This is a frame (possibly a
reasonable one). Take the time to also
assume good intent.
Step 7 : The ORSC(ish) antidotes
Go through the antidotes per toxin (turn over the page)
Defensiveness Antidotes
2% truth
Every perspective has 2% truth , You are
committed to understanding what is true
in the opinion you disagree with
Take the time be interested in
something you don’t know , someone
else's perspective or their context.
Take responsibility
Accept a team member's perspective and
offer an apology for any wrongdoing
Assume good intent
Sometimes it is easy to read an action
as negative. This is a frame (possibly a
reasonable one). Take the time to also
assume good intent.
Criticism/blaming Antidotes
Context - when/where/who
Observation - what did you notice
Impact - What was the effect
Next -What agreement is needed
Feed Forward
Starting the positive change you want
rather than focusing on the negative
Soft start up
94% of the time how a conversation starts
determines how it will end
So start with
● ‘I’ not you
● don’t evaluate or judge
● Complain but don’t blame
No Hands From Grave
When an issue has been resolved , Don’t
bring it up again
Stonewalling Antidotes
Voice of the system - speak up
You are a vital part of the system. By not
speaking up you are causing your system
to be less. Your input is important and
Physiological self soothing
When you are worried or stressed -
be able to do something that is
soothing and distracting easily and
with support and understanding of
the team.
There is a need for the system to see
all the data. By agreeing that data is
the systems you accept that data
needs to be visible to be useful
An agreement when you are
overwhelmed that you can break off
from the conversation. You are
Contempt Antidotes
No Triangulation
Don’t talk to others to gain support for
your cause.
Talk to the person with whom you have
a issue first.
Strong opinions,loosely held
Be passionate about your views but
don’t equate passion with inflexibility.
Listen to others passion , not just your
Disagree and commit
When you don’t agree with a
decision , once it has been
accepted by the team you commit
to the outcome as if was your
Your perspective is true
and partial
Access the wisdom of others by
turning down your certainty
How was that?
Section 4 : How we win
So many relationships !
So many toxins !
Bad relationships are hard to improve !
You win because you now know the rules
1) Your goal is to get to stay out of Negative relationship and get to a personal
2) you go up and down by how you respond to bids
a) If you turn towards you go up a level
b) If you turn against or you turn away you go down multiple levels
3) Every relationship has two sides- the cogs don’t change ,the baggage does
4) There is lots of relationships
5) The higher the stage - more levels , more bids
6) The lower the stage - less ladders , more snakes
You understand bids
You bid , they respond
They bid , you respond
You know the importance of the bid.
You can spot the toxins
When does stonewalling , defensiveness , criticism /blame and contempt
appear your team.
You act decisively when it does.
You get to make the implicit , Explicit
If you don’t name it , you can’t talk about it
If you can’t talk about it you can’t fix it
Talk to your team about the toxins and antidotes.
What needs to be added to your team charter (antidotes are great addition)
The relationship game
Rules of the
Other people watch
you play
Seventh rule : When you respond to a bid
other people notice
When you turn towards
People feel like they can be
Seventh rule : When you respond to a bid
other people notice
When you turn away , against
People take sides, feel the pain
Seventh rule : When you respond to a bid
other people notice
When you respond with a toxin ,
you normalise toxins in the team.
You are now armed with awareness
Think back to that moment where you decided to step into
the toxin that you most often express.
Toxins affect the whole system.
You now have the ability to act on that knowledge.
How are you going to show up in your team tomorrow ?
That’s the end !
Some crediting
Resources - ORSC
ORSC is a big one - CRR global is the company that runs the training.
Team toxins is in ORSC@work which is being run in melbourne on 18-19 nov
Go to to get more details
Resources - Books
Questions ?
Defensiveness Antidotes
2% truth
Every perspective has 2% truth , You are
committed to understanding what is true
in the opinion you disagree with
Take the time be interested in
something you don’t know , someone
else's perspective or their context.
Take responsibility
Accept a team member's perspective and
offer an apology for any wrongdoing
Assume good intent
Sometimes it is easy to read an action
as negative. This is a frame (possibly a
reasonable one). Take the time to also
assume good intent.
Stonewalling Antidotes
Voice of the system - speak up
You are a vital part of the system. By not
speaking up you are causing your system
to be less. Your input is important and
Physiological self soothing
When you are worried or stressed -
be able to do something that is
soothing and distracting easily and
with support and understanding of
the team.
There is a need for the system to see
all the data. By agreeing that data is
the systems you accept that data
needs to be visible to be useful
An agreement when you are
overwhelmed that you can break off
from the conversation. You are
Criticism/blaming Antidotes
Context - when/where/who
Observation - what did you notice
Impact - What was the effect
Next -What agreement is needed
Feed Forward
Starting the positive change you want
rather than focusing on the negative
Soft start up
94% of the time how a conversation starts
determines how it will end
So start with
● ‘I’ not you
● don’t evaluate or judge
● Complain but don’t blame
No Hands From Grave
When an issue has been resolved , Don’t
bring it up again
Contempt Antidotes
No Triangulation
Don’t talk to others to gain support for
your cause.
Talk to the person with whom you have
a issue first.
Strong opinions,loosely held
Be passionate about your views but
don’t equate passion with inflexibility.
Listen to others passion , not just your
Disagree and commit
When you don’t agree with a
decision , once it has been
accepted by the team you commit
to the outcome as if was your
Your perspective is true
and partial
Access the wisdom of others by
turning down your certainty
You win because you now know the rules
1) Your goal is to get to stay out of Negative relationship and get to a personal
2) you go up and down by how you respond to bids
a) If you turn towards you go up a level
b) If you turn against or you turn away you go down multiple levels
3) Every relationship has two sides- the cogs don’t change ,the baggage does
4) There is lots of relationships
5) The higher the stage - more levels , more bids
6) The lower the stage - less ladders , more snakes
7) When you respond to a bid other people notice
Steps for team toxins
On the ground mark out a X (with masking tape) and put the
markers for the 4 toxins
Walk the team through the toxins with examples
Criticism/Blaming : When you negatively focus on the person
rather than the situation
Contempt : A sense of superiority , leading to disrespect , leading
to real hurt
Defensiveness : This is where you victimize yourself to deflect
Stonewalling :When no communication gets through
Ask a the team members to think of previous team.
Get the team to step where they think the most commonly
occupied by their previous team. People can occupy more than 1
What is the Stance , sound , gesture of that toxin. Get the people
in a quadrant adopt a pose/gesture that best describes that toxin.
What were the situations that bring out the toxin in that team
What is underneath the toxin. Drill down to the vulnerability it is
"what does acting with that toxin get them"
"it is not skillful but it is in service of something"
"How is it trying to helpful",
What is going on here
What would there gesture be ?
Go to the wedge that you most often employed by you.
What situations bring in out in the her/him
What is underneath that for each of them
Brief discussion in their new groups.
Turn over the antidotes cards and review the antidotes with the

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Everything agile sydney meetup oct 2019

  • 1. We are Elabor8. Everything Agile Sydney Meetup We help people, teams and organisations adapt and move.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Reveal The Toxins in your team Everything Agile Sydney Meetup Oct 2019
  • 6. Who Am I? I am Caoilte Dunne an elabor8 agile coach 6
  • 7. Agenda How to play the relationship game The players in the game How you lose How you win 7
  • 8. Hang on, when are we going to talk about team toxins ?
  • 9. Teams are what we call relationship systems. They are made up of individuals and the relationship between them. We will be talking about team toxins and revealing them to your team in the “How we lose” section. 9
  • 10. Fish did not discover water Humans did not discover relationships
  • 11. You have had them from the moment you were born. They matter - they are one of the main sources of human happiness and human potential. If you are human you have them. How much do you know about them ? Relationships are everywhere
  • 12. This is John Gottman. He has done the longest longitudinal study of relationships in the world. 12 Turns out people have been studying them for a while
  • 13. What is the atom of relationships? 13 He asked a Question
  • 14. It is a Bid!
  • 15. It is a bid for emotional connection How people respond to a bid, dictates how the relationship forms 15 What is a Bid
  • 16. The other person can turn towards This means reacting in a positive way to the bid. 16 When someone makes a bid The other person can turn against It provokes a negative emotional response in the bidder. The other person can turn away This means being interested to the bid.
  • 17. This brings us to the relationship game You are always play the relationship game The relationship game
  • 18. Wouldn’t it be nice to know the rules ? The relationship game
  • 19. Rule of the game 1) How to play the game? The relationship game
  • 20. 20 Stage 3 Love / friendship Stage 2 Personal Relationships Stage 1 Transactional / professional Stage 0 Negative relationships 1st rule : Your goal is to get to stay out of stage 0 and get to stage 2
  • 21. 21 Stage 3 Love / friendship Stage 2 Personal Relationships Stage 1 Transactional / professional Stage 0 Negative relationships 2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond to bids
  • 22. 22 Stage 3 Love / friendship Stage 2 Personal Relationships Stage 1 Transactional / professional Stage 0 Negative relationships 2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond to bids
  • 23. 23 Stage 3 Love / friendship Stage 2 Personal Relationships Stage 1 Transactional / professional Stage 0 Negative relationships 2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond to bids
  • 24. 24 2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond to bids
  • 25. 25 2nd rule : you go up and down by how you respond to bids “How was your weekend (bid) ” “my weekend was great , how was yours?” (Turn towards)
  • 26. 26 If you turn against you go down multiple levels “How was your weekend (bid) ” “Can you just focus on work?” (Turn against)
  • 27. 27 If you turn against you go down multiple levels “How was your weekend (bid) ” “It was fine” (Turn away)
  • 28. You bid and they bid back to you In the course of this the connection forms - this is your relationship. How you respond to bids matter!
  • 29. With a strong relationship you get trust. 29 Strong Relationships Matter You can give and get feedback You build on top of each other ideas You compromise You have some tolerance for poor behaviour You get support when it is hard and appreciation when it is good. You can hold each other to account
  • 30. Enough of tell, lets show
  • 31. Let me demo I am going to choose a stance Turn towards - display interest , return interest Turn against - react in a way that is disagreeable Turn away - be disinterested Make a bid ! 31
  • 32. Some Warnings When being turning away , don’t do it in way that would get your fired. So respectful norms apply - be creative ! When you have a partner in this game is being disagreeable - don’t form impressions about them ! They are lovely really
  • 33. Everyone stand up Choose a partner , decide who is bidder and who is turning Turner - Choose a stance Turn towards - display interest , return interest Turn against - react in a way that is disagreeable Turn away - be disinterested When I say switch roles - the bidder is now turner and vice versa When I say switch partners - find a new partner and assign roles 33
  • 34. Everyone stand up Choose a partner , decide who is bidder and who is turning Turner - Choose a stance Turn towards - display interest , return interest Turn against - react in a way that is disagreeable Turn away - be disinterested When I say switch roles - the bidder is now turner and vice versa When I say switch partners - find a new partner and assign roles 34
  • 36. Section 2 : The players of the game 36 You are in every relationship you have Let’s get a better understand of who you are
  • 37. We are going to focus on 4 parts of you
  • 38. Privilege Experience from Noob Education from Professor Income/class from poor Gender from male Sexual orientation From gay Race From One Age From old To a expert To grad Wealthy female straight Another Young
  • 39. The cultural lens Low vs High Power distance Collaborative Vs Competitive individual Vs collective Clock time vs Event time Being Vs Doing
  • 40. Then we have your internal frame Myers brigg : Introversion/Extraversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perception OCEAN : Openness , agreeableness,Neurotic , conscientiousness , Extraversion Emotional command system : Commander-in chief, Explorer , Sensualist,Energy Czar, jester,Sentry DISC - Dominance , Conscientiousness, Steadiness , Influence And so many more ....
  • 41. Then we have your values Acceptance Accessibility Accomplishment Accountability Accuracy Achievement Activeness Adaptability Adventure Aesthetics Agility Alertness Ambition Appreciation Approachability Assertiveness Attentiveness Availability Awareness Balance Beauty Benevolence Boldness Bravery Brilliance Calmness Camaraderie Candor Capability Carefulness Caution Change Charity Cheerfulness Clarity Cleanliness Cleverness Collaboration Commitment Compassion Competence Concentration Confidence Conformity Consistency Contentment Cooperation Courage Courtesy Craftiness Creativity Credibility Cunning Curiosity Daring Decisiveness Dedication Dependability Determination Devotion Dignity Diligence Directness Discipline Discovery Discretion Diversity Drive Duty Dynamism Eagerness Education Effectiveness Efficiency Elegance Empathy Encouragement Endurance Energy Enjoyment Entertainment Enthusiasm Equality Excellence Excitement Experience Expertise Exploration Expressiveness Extroversion Exuberance Fairness Faith Faithfulness Family Fearlessness Ferocity Fidelity Fierceness Fitness Flexibility Fluency Focus Frankness Freedom Friendliness Friendship Fun Generosity Gratitude Growth Happiness Harmony Health Helpfulness Heroism Honesty Honor Hopefulness Hospitality Humility Humor Imagination Impartiality Independence Ingenuity Initiative Innovation Inquisitiveness Insightfulness Inspiration Integrity Intelligence Introversion Intuitiveness Inventiveness Joy Justice Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Liberty Logic Love Loyalty Mastery Maturity Meticulousness Mindfulness Modesty Motivation Neatness Open-mindedness Openness Optimism Order Orderliness Organization Originality Outlandishness Outrageousness Passion Patience Peace Perceptiveness Perfection Perseverance Persistence Persuasiveness Philanthropy Playfulness Pleasure Power Pragmatism Precision Preparedness Privacy Proactivity Professionalism Prudence Punctuality Purposefulness Rationality Realism Reason Reflection Regularity Reliability Resilience Resolution Resolve Resourcefulness Respect Responsibility Responsiveness Restraint Rigor Sacrifice Security Self-control Self-discipline Self-reliance Sensitivity Serenity Service Sharing Silliness Simplicity Sincerity Skill Solidarity Speed Spirituality Spontaneity Stability Status Stealth Stewardship Strength Success Support Sympathy Synergy Teamwork Thankfulness Thoroughness Thoughtfulness Thrift Timeliness Tolerance Tranquility Transcendence Trust Trustworthiness Truth Understanding Uniqueness Unity Valor Variety Vigor Vision Vitality Warmth Willfulness Wisdom Wittiness Wonder Zeal
  • 42. For every conversation My privilege , personality , values and culture (both family and location) are present in every interaction I have. The cogs turn and I say “Hi , how was your weekend”
  • 43. This is your stand up
  • 44. Now we add the specific context of the day This is your “baggage”
  • 45. Your current agenda To be liked To get Budget To save your team To stick it to michael To learn about cloud computing To be respected To be respected To do a little work as possible To Prove yourself To be a leader To be a mom To try something new To make money To make a difference To be fulfilled To have more power
  • 49. This is your actually your stand up Cogs (mental model) Baggage (context)
  • 50. Quick Activity - Unique but not alone This is a quick palette cleanser activity. We are going to have you talk about your inner workings and your baggage and what these let you bring to your team. Let me demo
  • 51. Unique but not alone - demo I am straight , white, male , between 40-50 , college educated , upper middle class .. I am irish - culture is individualistic , collaborative , clock time, low power distance I am high on openness , medium neurotic , Low agreeableness , medium consciousness and medium extroversion . I am assertive and expressive. My values are benevolence, Loyalty, Rationality, Curiosity
  • 52. Quick activity Split into pairs. You have one minute to think about your unique proposition to your team You have 1 minute to tell you pair about how your unique in your team Then switch and let your pair tell you how they are unique Remember !
  • 53. Privilege Who are you in the world Experience Education Income/class Gender Sexual orientation Race Age Culture Where do you get your cultural attitudes from. What does your culture hold dear What does it abhor Personality How do people describe you OCEAN : Openness , agreeableness, Neurotic , conscientiousness Extraversion Values What do you project into the world. What guides the choices you make
  • 55. The relationship game Rules of the game 2) The players of the game
  • 56. Third rule : Every relationship has two sides- the cogs don’t change ,the baggage does
  • 59. On Wednesday - same relationship, same cogs , different baggage
  • 60. Fourth rule : There is lots of relationships
  • 61. Maths ! - How many unique relationships in a team
  • 62. Maths ! - How many unique relationships in a team People in team 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Num. of relationships 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
  • 63. Section 3 : How we lose
  • 66. Here is the good news The diversity in your team generates lots of options. That’s the point. Your teammates will see problems ,think of solutions and have expertise that you won’t.
  • 69. Having lots of options means lots of disagreements Some options are beneficial to some more than others. Your self worth can be tied to your option being chosen. Explicit or implicit Power is used to get an option chosen. Your option furthers your agenda. Your option is the RIGHT one.
  • 70. Having disagreements is not bad It is the level of skill with which they are handled that matter. We will tend to act unskillfully.
  • 72. When I think of conflict I think
  • 73. But there is also this
  • 74. Even Conflict is not necessarily bad !
  • 75. This is the good stuff … If If the conflict is inside acceptable team norms. If the conflict does not damage relationships in the team. If the conflict is channeled towards sustainable change.
  • 76. Uncontrolled conflict destroys relationship We have already heard that you need a lot more positive than you do negative. There is a long term problem with being in the loss column more often than not.
  • 77. The relationship game Rules of the games How you lose
  • 78. Fifth rule : The higher the stage the more levels , the more bids
  • 79. In a given evening we can bid hundreds of time with our significant other. Fifth rule : The higher the stage the more levels , the more bids
  • 80. Fifth rule : The higher the stage the more levels , the more bids When it is a negative relationship there are fewer opportunities for bids.
  • 81. Fifth rule : The higher the stage the more levels , the more bids When it is a negative relationship there are fewer opportunities for bids.
  • 82. The ratio changes as you go down the stages Sixth rule : As you go down , less ladders , more snakes
  • 83. In the middle 1:5 ratio This is the typical ratio for a healthy relationship. It may be even more if you want to improve the relationship
  • 84. Sixth rule : As you go down , less ladders , more snakes
  • 85. At the top levels , it is easier Ladders are more effective, snakes are less effective This is called “Positive sentiment override”
  • 86. Sixth rule : As you go down , less ladders , more snakes
  • 87. At the bottom levels , it is harder Ladders are less effective, snakes are more effective This is called “negative sentiment override”
  • 88. We have a recipe for some bad relationships in teams Frequent interactions A diverse set of values , background , culture and personality Hidden agenda, Emotions , Org culture and the stress of the day to A needed high ratio of positive to negative interactions. The need to decide one option out of many Accelerating negative relationships
  • 89. Let’s talk about how you lose the game criticism/blaming Defensiveness Contempt Stonewalling
  • 90. These are known as the team toxins criticism/blaming Defensiveness Contempt Stonewalling They are the behaviours that ruin relationships They are very strong forms of turning away and turning against Turning against Turning away
  • 91. The team toxins is an exercise (from ORSC) You get to “reveal the system to itself” This exercise is about your team learning about your team. If something goes unnamed it is very hard to talk about. This covers both awareness and empathy. It gives your team the ability to be explicit about the most common negative interactions within the team.
  • 92. You can do this activity with your team 1) Don’t open a door you don’t know how to handle. If this exercise might subject someone to attention they don’t know how to process , be careful about how you proceed 2) Ensure the team has the psychological safety to continue
  • 93. You can use the activity to two ways 1. You can use it as health check with your team. This is when the team is healthy and secure. It can generate good conversation. 2. You can use it when the team needs to know itself better. This is harder , will be more emotional - but it can be conversation the team needs to have.
  • 94. There will be a step-step instruction given at the end But for the moment we are going to walk you through in the exercise
  • 95. step 1 : explanation of the toxins Go through the exercise of explaining the 4 team toxins a) Criticism b) Contempt c) Defensiveness d) Stonewalling
  • 96. Defensiveness This is where you victimize yourself to deflect blame Bob Mary 1) Neutral / negative interaction 2) Redirected with amplified negativity and blame
  • 97. Stonewalling When no communication gets through Mary Bob 1) Neutral / negative interaction 2) Communication is not received , no sign of reception
  • 98. Criticism/Blame Bob Mary Complaint : how i feel + specific situation + how it can be better Criticism : General + negative + personal When you negatively focus on the person rather than the situation
  • 99. Contempt A sense of superiority , leading to disrespect , leading to real hurt Mary Bob Believing you’re better , acting out of that sense of superiority
  • 100. Step 2 : Setup the space Everyone stand up and clear a space in the center of the room. On the ground mark out a X (with masking tape) and put the markers for the 4 toxins Contempt CriticismDefensiveness Stonewalling
  • 101. Step 3 : Previous team * Remember a Previous team What was the most prominent toxin in that team * Go stand in the wedge that identifies that toxin. Between yourselves come up with the stance /movement that typifies that toxin. What were the situations that brought out the toxin in the team Contempt CriticismDefensiveness Stonewalling
  • 102. * Depending on the level of safety in the team at this point you can switch from previous team to current team. We will be talking about your own personal toxin soon enough so you will get exposed to current state soon enough. Contempt CriticismDefensiveness Stonewalling
  • 103. Step 3 : Previous team * Remember a Previous team What was the most prominent toxin in that team * Go stand in the wedge that identifies that toxin. Between yourselves come up with the stance /movement that typifies that toxin. Share What were the situations that brought out the toxin in the team. Share Contempt CriticismDefensiveness Stonewalling
  • 104. Step 4 : Vulnerability Still in the wedge that the previous or current team occupies. What is underneath the toxin. Drill down to the vulnerability it is protecting "what does acting with that toxin get them" "it is not skillful but it is in service of something" "How is it trying to helpful", Share Contempt CriticismDefensiveness Stonewalling
  • 105. Step 5 : Your own toxin ! Move to the toxin that you do most. With your group - What situations make it come out in you What is underneath it for each of them Contempt CriticismDefensiveness Stonewalling
  • 106. Step 6 : Your antidotes In your wedge, you are going to have 6 mins to come up with two antidotes to the toxin you employee. What has the been the technique you have employed that has mitigated this behaviour in you or an agreed team norm that has done the same. You have to present the two best ideas back to the main group. Contempt CriticismDefensiveness Stonewalling
  • 107. An example of a Antidote This is an example of practice the team can start to use. You are naming something , allowing for the team to start to use it in day to day fashion. It gives the team a shorthand. Assume good intent Sometimes it is easy to read an action as negative. This is a frame (possibly a reasonable one). Take the time to also assume good intent.
  • 108. Step 7 : The ORSC(ish) antidotes Go through the antidotes per toxin (turn over the page) Contempt CriticismDefensiveness Stonewalling
  • 109. Defensiveness Antidotes 2% truth Every perspective has 2% truth , You are committed to understanding what is true in the opinion you disagree with Curiosity Take the time be interested in something you don’t know , someone else's perspective or their context. Take responsibility Accept a team member's perspective and offer an apology for any wrongdoing Assume good intent Sometimes it is easy to read an action as negative. This is a frame (possibly a reasonable one). Take the time to also assume good intent.
  • 110. Criticism/blaming Antidotes COIN Context - when/where/who Observation - what did you notice Impact - What was the effect Next -What agreement is needed Feed Forward Starting the positive change you want rather than focusing on the negative behaviour. Soft start up 94% of the time how a conversation starts determines how it will end So start with ● ‘I’ not you ● don’t evaluate or judge ● Complain but don’t blame No Hands From Grave When an issue has been resolved , Don’t bring it up again
  • 111. Stonewalling Antidotes Voice of the system - speak up You are a vital part of the system. By not speaking up you are causing your system to be less. Your input is important and expected. Physiological self soothing When you are worried or stressed - be able to do something that is soothing and distracting easily and with support and understanding of the team. Transparency There is a need for the system to see all the data. By agreeing that data is the systems you accept that data needs to be visible to be useful Flooded An agreement when you are overwhelmed that you can break off from the conversation. You are ‘Flooded’
  • 112. Contempt Antidotes No Triangulation Don’t talk to others to gain support for your cause. Talk to the person with whom you have a issue first. Strong opinions,loosely held Be passionate about your views but don’t equate passion with inflexibility. Listen to others passion , not just your own Disagree and commit When you don’t agree with a decision , once it has been accepted by the team you commit to the outcome as if was your preference Your perspective is true and partial Access the wisdom of others by turning down your certainty
  • 114. Section 4 : How we win So many relationships ! So many toxins ! Bad relationships are hard to improve !
  • 115. You win because you now know the rules 1) Your goal is to get to stay out of Negative relationship and get to a personal relationship 2) you go up and down by how you respond to bids a) If you turn towards you go up a level b) If you turn against or you turn away you go down multiple levels 3) Every relationship has two sides- the cogs don’t change ,the baggage does 4) There is lots of relationships 5) The higher the stage - more levels , more bids 6) The lower the stage - less ladders , more snakes
  • 116. You understand bids You bid , they respond They bid , you respond You know the importance of the bid.
  • 117. You can spot the toxins When does stonewalling , defensiveness , criticism /blame and contempt appear your team. You act decisively when it does.
  • 118. You get to make the implicit , Explicit If you don’t name it , you can’t talk about it If you can’t talk about it you can’t fix it Talk to your team about the toxins and antidotes. What needs to be added to your team charter (antidotes are great addition)
  • 119. The relationship game Rules of the games Other people watch you play
  • 120. Seventh rule : When you respond to a bid other people notice When you turn towards People feel like they can be included
  • 121. Seventh rule : When you respond to a bid other people notice When you turn away , against People take sides, feel the pain
  • 122. Seventh rule : When you respond to a bid other people notice When you respond with a toxin , you normalise toxins in the team.
  • 123. You are now armed with awareness Think back to that moment where you decided to step into the toxin that you most often express. Toxins affect the whole system. You now have the ability to act on that knowledge. How are you going to show up in your team tomorrow ?
  • 124. That’s the end ! Some crediting
  • 125. Resources - ORSC ORSC is a big one - CRR global is the company that runs the training. Team toxins is in ORSC@work which is being run in melbourne on 18-19 nov Go to to get more details
  • 129. Defensiveness Antidotes 2% truth Every perspective has 2% truth , You are committed to understanding what is true in the opinion you disagree with Curiosity Take the time be interested in something you don’t know , someone else's perspective or their context. Take responsibility Accept a team member's perspective and offer an apology for any wrongdoing Assume good intent Sometimes it is easy to read an action as negative. This is a frame (possibly a reasonable one). Take the time to also assume good intent.
  • 131. Stonewalling Antidotes Voice of the system - speak up You are a vital part of the system. By not speaking up you are causing your system to be less. Your input is important and expected. Physiological self soothing When you are worried or stressed - be able to do something that is soothing and distracting easily and with support and understanding of the team. Transparency There is a need for the system to see all the data. By agreeing that data is the systems you accept that data needs to be visible to be useful Flooded An agreement when you are overwhelmed that you can break off from the conversation. You are ‘Flooded’
  • 133. Criticism/blaming Antidotes COIN Context - when/where/who Observation - what did you notice Impact - What was the effect Next -What agreement is needed Feed Forward Starting the positive change you want rather than focusing on the negative behaviour. Soft start up 94% of the time how a conversation starts determines how it will end So start with ● ‘I’ not you ● don’t evaluate or judge ● Complain but don’t blame No Hands From Grave When an issue has been resolved , Don’t bring it up again
  • 135. Contempt Antidotes No Triangulation Don’t talk to others to gain support for your cause. Talk to the person with whom you have a issue first. Strong opinions,loosely held Be passionate about your views but don’t equate passion with inflexibility. Listen to others passion , not just your own Disagree and commit When you don’t agree with a decision , once it has been accepted by the team you commit to the outcome as if was your preference Your perspective is true and partial Access the wisdom of others by turning down your certainty
  • 136. You win because you now know the rules 1) Your goal is to get to stay out of Negative relationship and get to a personal relationship 2) you go up and down by how you respond to bids a) If you turn towards you go up a level b) If you turn against or you turn away you go down multiple levels 3) Every relationship has two sides- the cogs don’t change ,the baggage does 4) There is lots of relationships 5) The higher the stage - more levels , more bids 6) The lower the stage - less ladders , more snakes 7) When you respond to a bid other people notice
  • 137. Steps for team toxins On the ground mark out a X (with masking tape) and put the markers for the 4 toxins Walk the team through the toxins with examples Criticism/Blaming : When you negatively focus on the person rather than the situation Contempt : A sense of superiority , leading to disrespect , leading to real hurt Defensiveness : This is where you victimize yourself to deflect blame Stonewalling :When no communication gets through Ask a the team members to think of previous team. Get the team to step where they think the most commonly occupied by their previous team. People can occupy more than 1 wedge What is the Stance , sound , gesture of that toxin. Get the people in a quadrant adopt a pose/gesture that best describes that toxin. What were the situations that bring out the toxin in that team What is underneath the toxin. Drill down to the vulnerability it is protecting "what does acting with that toxin get them" "it is not skillful but it is in service of something" "How is it trying to helpful", What is going on here What would there gesture be ? Go to the wedge that you most often employed by you. What situations bring in out in the her/him What is underneath that for each of them Brief discussion in their new groups. Turn over the antidotes cards and review the antidotes with the team