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Event Sourcing in the
Functional World
A practical journey of using F#
and event sourcing
● Why Event Sourcing?
● Domain Design: Event Storming
● Primitives, Events, Commands, and
● Domain Logic as Pure Functions
● Serialization and DTOs
● Error Handling: Railway-Oriented
● Cosmos DB: Event / Aggregate Store
● Strong(-er) Consistency at Scale
● Assembling the Pipeline: Dependency
● Change Feed: Eventually Consistent Read
Why Event
• We need a reliable audit log
• We need to know the the
state of the system at a
given point in time
• We believe it helps us to build
more scalable systems*
(your mileage may vary)
“Event Sourcing -
Step by step in
“Scaling Event-
Sourcing at Jet”
Form a shared mental
model, avoid
technical jargon
Focus on business
events, not data
Discover Events,
Commands, and
Domain Aggregates
The modelling
building blocks
Simple Wrappers
type FirstName = FirstName of string
type LastName = LastName of string
type MiddleName = MiddleName of string
Wrappers with guarded access (recommended)
type EmailAddress = private EmailAddress of string
module EmailAddress =
let create email =
if Regex.IsMatch(email, ".*?@(.*)")
then email |> EmailAddress |> Ok
else Error "Incorrect email format"
let value (EmailAddress e) = e
type ContactDetails = { Name: Name; Email: EmailAddress }
and Name =
{ FirstName: FirstName
MiddleName: MiddleName option
LastName: LastName }
What happened
to the system?
Different event types are just DU cases
type VaccinationEvent =
| ContactRegistered of ContactDetails
| AppointmentCreated of VaccinationAppointment
| AppointmentCanceled of AppointmentId
| VaccineAdministered of AppointmentId
| ObservationComplete of AppointmentId * ObservationStatus
| SurveySubmitted of AppointmentId * SurveyResult
● Timestamp
● Aggregate Id
● Sequence No.
● Correlation Id
● Causation Id
● Grouping
and VaccinationAppointment =
{ Id: AppointmentId
Vaccine: VaccineType
Hub: VaccinationHub
Date: DateTime }
and AppointmentId = string
and VaccineType = Pfizer | Moderna | AstraZeneca
and ObservationStatus =
| NoAdverseReaction
| AdverseReaction of ReactionKind
and VaccinationHub = exn
and ReactionKind = exn
and SurveyResult = exn
type Event<'D, 'M> = { Id: Guid; Data: 'D; Metadata: 'M }
What caused
the change?
Who and why
requested the
Commands Commands are intents, and reflect actions.
Naming: usually “VerbNoun”
type VaccinationCommand =
| RegisterContact of ContactDetails
| CreateAppointment of VaccinationAppointment
| CancelAppointment of AppointmentId
| AdministerVaccine of AppointmentId
* ObservationStatus option
| SubmitSurvey of AppointmentId * SurveyResult
Valid commands generate events
let toEvents c = function
| RegisterContact cd -> [ ContactRegistered cd ]
| CreateAppointment a -> [ AppointmentCreated a ]
| CancelAppointment appId -> [ AppointmentCanceled appId ]
| AdministerVaccine (appId, None) ->
[ VaccineAdministered appId ]
| AdministerVaccine (appId, Some status) ->
[ VaccineAdministered appId
ObservationComplete (appId, status) ]
| SubmitSurvey (appId, s) -> [ SurveySubmitted (appId, s) ]
Event.Metadata.CausationId = Command.Id
“Designing with
types: Making
illegal states
Aggregates should have enough information to power
business rules
type VaccineRecipient =
{ Id: Guid
ContactDetails: ContactDetails
RegistrationDate: DateTime
State: VaccineRecipientState }
and VaccineRecipientState =
| Registered
| Booked of VaccinationAppointment nlist
| InProcess of VaccinationInProcess
| FullyVaccinated of VaccinationResult nlist
and VaccinationInProcess =
{ Administered: VaccinationResult nlist
Booked: VaccinationAppointment nlist }
and VaccinationResult = VaccinationAppointment
* ObservationStatus option
* SurveyResult option
and 'T nlist = NonEmptyList<'T>
and NonEmptyList<'T> = 'T list
Pure functions
Event sourcing in a nutshell
type Folder<'Aggregate, 'Event> =
'Aggregate -> 'Event list -> 'Aggregate
type Handler<'Aggregate, 'Command, 'Event> =
'Aggregate -> 'Command -> 'Aggregate * 'Event list
Add error handling, separate “create” and “update”
let create newId timestamp event =
match event with
| ContactRegistered c ->
{ Id = newId; ContactDetails = c;
RegistrationDate = timestamp; State = Registered } |> Ok
| _ -> Error "Aggregate doesn't exist"
let update aggregate event =
match aggregate.State, event with
| Registered, AppointmentCreated apt ->
{ aggregate with State = Booked [ apt ] } |> Ok
| Booked list, AppointmentCreated apt ->
{ aggregate with State = Booked (list @ [apt] ) } |> Ok
| _, _ -> "Exercise left to the reader" |> Error
“Serializing your
domain model”
DTOs reflect unvalidated input outside of our control
type NameDto =
{ FirstName: string
MiddleName: string // can be null :(
LastName: string }
module NameDto =
let toDomain (name: NameDto) =
({ FirstName = name.FirstName |> FirstName
MiddleName = name.MiddleName
|> Option.ofObj |> MiddleName
LastName = name.LastName |> LastName }: Name) |> Ok
You might need to apply versioning to your DTOs
type VaccinationEventDto =
| AppointmentCreated of VaccinationAppointment
| AppointmentCreatedV2 of VaccinationAppointment
* Confirmation
Events are stored forever, design them carefully!
Error Handling is tedious
type ContactDetailsDto = { Name: NameDto; Email: string }
module ContactDetailsDto =
let toDomainTheBoringWay contact =
let nameResult = contact.Name |> NameDto.toDomain
match (nameResult) with
| Ok name ->
let emailResult = contact.Email |> EmailAddress.create
match emailResult with
| Ok email ->
({ Name = name; Email = email }: ContactDetails) |> Ok
| Error e -> Error e
| Error e -> Error e
“Railway Oriented
FsToolkit.ErrorHandling helps
module ContactDetailsDto =
let toDomain contact = result {
let! name = contact.Name |> NameDto.toDomain
let! email = contact.Email |> EmailAddress.create
return ({ Name = name; Email = email }: ContactDetails)
There and back
Thoth.Json (works
with Fable!)
Serialization FSharp.Json can handle wrapper types and options
let record: Name =
{ FirstName = FirstName "John"
MiddleName = None
LastName = LastName "Smith" }
record |> Json.serialize |> printfn "%s"
"FirstName": "John",
"MiddleName": null,
"LastName": "Smith"
JSON -> DTO can fail
let tryParse<'Data> s =
Json.deserialize<'Data> s |> Ok
| x -> sprintf "Cannot deserialize: %s" x.Message |> Error
JSON -> Domain? Compose using ROP
let readContacts contactsString =
|> tryParse<ContactDetailsDto>
|> Result.bind ContactDetailsDto.toDomain
Event /
Aggregate Store
Define partition strategy in the code, not DB
let! response =
containerName, "/partitionKey")
module VaccinationRecipientKeyStrategy =
let toPartitionKey streamId =
Partition boundaries determine consistency
Stream 1
(partition 1)
Event 1 Event 2 Event 3
Stream 2
(partition 2)
Event 1 Event 2
Defining Entities
in F#
Persistence Useful DB Wrappers
module Db =
type PartitionKey = PartitionKey of string
type Id = Id of string
type ETag = ETag of string
type EntityType = Event | AggregateRoot
Use JSON serializer specifics to map to DB fields
type PersistentEntity<'Payload> =
{ [<JsonField("partitionKey")>]
PartitionKey: Db.PartitionKey
[<JsonField("id")>] Id: Db.Id
[<JsonField("etag")>] ETag: Db.ETag option
Type: EntityType
Payload: 'Payload }
Concrete serialized types
module VaccinationPersistence =
type Event = PersistentEntity<VaccinationEvent>
type Aggregate = PersistentEntity<VaccineRecipient>
Persistence Use Batch API to add events + “upsert” the aggregate
module CosmosDb =
let createBatch (Db.PartitionKey key) (container: Container) =
let createAsString (payload: string)
(batch: TransactionalBatch) =
new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload))
|> batch.CreateItemStream
let replaceAsString (Db.Id id) (payload: string)
(Db.ETag etag)
(batch: TransactionalBatch) =
let stream = new MemoryStream
let options = TransactionalBatchItemRequestOptions()
options.IfMatchEtag <- etag
batch.ReplaceItemStream(id, stream, options)
let executeBatch (batch: TransactionalBatch) = taskResult {
let! response = batch.ExecuteAsync()
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) then
return! Ok ()
return! Error (response.StatusCode, response.ErrorMessage)
We use tasks for an easier
interop with Azure SDKs
“Reinventing the
the Pipeline
The Impure - Pure - Impure “sandwich”
• Read data
• Deserialize DTOs from JSON
• Convert DTOs to Domain Models
• Generate commands
• Run the handler
• Convert Results to DTOs
• Serialize DTOs to JSON
• Persist the output
Do not do I/O in pure code, return directives instead
module VaccinationExample =
type ErrorMessage = string
type DomainEvent = Event<VaccinationEvent, EventMetadata>
type HandlerResult =
| NoChange
| InvalidCommand of ErrorMessage
| Conflict of ErrorMessage
| CreateAggregate of VaccineRecipient * DomainEvent list
| UpdateAggregate of VaccineRecipient * DomainEvent list
type Handler = VaccineRecipient option
-> VaccinationCommand -> HandlerResult
CosmosDB to
build read
You can use either:
• Azure Functions CosmosDBTrigger (simpler)
• or ChangeFeed Processor running in AppServices
(more control)
You will need to provision:
• A separate Lease collection in CosmosDB
• The target storage (DB, blobs, SQL DB, etc)
Leases ensure events will be processed in sync, but...
Events might come in several partitions at once!
let groups = docs
|> Seq.groupBy
(fun d ->
d.GetPropertyValue<string> "partitionKey")
for (pk, group) in groups do // process by partitions
You have to handle errors (make your own DLQ, etc)
You can reprocess events from the beginning!
Thank you

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Event sourcing in the functional world (22 07-2021)

  • 1. Event Sourcing in the Functional World A practical journey of using F# and event sourcing
  • 2. ● Why Event Sourcing? ● Domain Design: Event Storming ● Primitives, Events, Commands, and Aggregates ● Domain Logic as Pure Functions ● Serialization and DTOs ● Error Handling: Railway-Oriented Programming ● Cosmos DB: Event / Aggregate Store ● Strong(-er) Consistency at Scale ● Assembling the Pipeline: Dependency Rejection ● Change Feed: Eventually Consistent Read Models
  • 3. Why Event Sourcing? • We need a reliable audit log • We need to know the the state of the system at a given point in time • We believe it helps us to build more scalable systems* (your mileage may vary) “Event Sourcing - Step by step in F#” -sourcing-step-by-step-in-f- be808aa0ca18 “Scaling Event- Sourcing at Jet” g-event-sourcing-at-jet- 9c873cac33b8
  • 4. Event Storming Form a shared mental model, avoid technical jargon Focus on business events, not data structures Discover Events, Commands, and Domain Aggregates
  • 5. Primitives The modelling building blocks Simple Wrappers type FirstName = FirstName of string type LastName = LastName of string type MiddleName = MiddleName of string Wrappers with guarded access (recommended) type EmailAddress = private EmailAddress of string [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] module EmailAddress = let create email = if Regex.IsMatch(email, ".*?@(.*)") then email |> EmailAddress |> Ok else Error "Incorrect email format" let value (EmailAddress e) = e Composition type ContactDetails = { Name: Name; Email: EmailAddress } and Name = { FirstName: FirstName MiddleName: MiddleName option LastName: LastName }
  • 6. Events What happened to the system? Different event types are just DU cases type VaccinationEvent = | ContactRegistered of ContactDetails | AppointmentCreated of VaccinationAppointment | AppointmentCanceled of AppointmentId | VaccineAdministered of AppointmentId | ObservationComplete of AppointmentId * ObservationStatus | SurveySubmitted of AppointmentId * SurveyResult Metadata: ● Timestamp ● Aggregate Id ● Sequence No. ● Correlation Id ● Causation Id ● Grouping attributes and VaccinationAppointment = { Id: AppointmentId Vaccine: VaccineType Hub: VaccinationHub Date: DateTime } and AppointmentId = string and VaccineType = Pfizer | Moderna | AstraZeneca and ObservationStatus = | NoAdverseReaction | AdverseReaction of ReactionKind and VaccinationHub = exn and ReactionKind = exn and SurveyResult = exn type Event<'D, 'M> = { Id: Guid; Data: 'D; Metadata: 'M }
  • 7. What caused the change? (Sometimes) Who and why requested the change? Commands Commands are intents, and reflect actions. Naming: usually “VerbNoun” type VaccinationCommand = | RegisterContact of ContactDetails | CreateAppointment of VaccinationAppointment | CancelAppointment of AppointmentId | AdministerVaccine of AppointmentId * ObservationStatus option | SubmitSurvey of AppointmentId * SurveyResult Valid commands generate events let toEvents c = function | RegisterContact cd -> [ ContactRegistered cd ] | CreateAppointment a -> [ AppointmentCreated a ] | CancelAppointment appId -> [ AppointmentCanceled appId ] | AdministerVaccine (appId, None) -> [ VaccineAdministered appId ] | AdministerVaccine (appId, Some status) -> [ VaccineAdministered appId ObservationComplete (appId, status) ] | SubmitSurvey (appId, s) -> [ SurveySubmitted (appId, s) ] Event.Metadata.CausationId = Command.Id
  • 8. “Designing with types: Making illegal states unrepresentable” sts/designing-with-types-making- illegal-states-unrepresentable/ Domain Aggregates Aggregates should have enough information to power business rules type VaccineRecipient = { Id: Guid ContactDetails: ContactDetails RegistrationDate: DateTime State: VaccineRecipientState } and VaccineRecipientState = | Registered | Booked of VaccinationAppointment nlist | InProcess of VaccinationInProcess | FullyVaccinated of VaccinationResult nlist and VaccinationInProcess = { Administered: VaccinationResult nlist Booked: VaccinationAppointment nlist } and VaccinationResult = VaccinationAppointment * ObservationStatus option * SurveyResult option and 'T nlist = NonEmptyList<'T> and NonEmptyList<'T> = 'T list
  • 9. Pure functions Domain Logic Event sourcing in a nutshell type Folder<'Aggregate, 'Event> = 'Aggregate -> 'Event list -> 'Aggregate type Handler<'Aggregate, 'Command, 'Event> = 'Aggregate -> 'Command -> 'Aggregate * 'Event list Add error handling, separate “create” and “update” let create newId timestamp event = match event with | ContactRegistered c -> { Id = newId; ContactDetails = c; RegistrationDate = timestamp; State = Registered } |> Ok | _ -> Error "Aggregate doesn't exist" let update aggregate event = match aggregate.State, event with | Registered, AppointmentCreated apt -> { aggregate with State = Booked [ apt ] } |> Ok | Booked list, AppointmentCreated apt -> { aggregate with State = Booked (list @ [apt] ) } |> Ok | _, _ -> "Exercise left to the reader" |> Error
  • 10. “Serializing your domain model” https://fsharpforfunandprofit. com/posts/serializing-your- domain-model/ DTOs DTOs reflect unvalidated input outside of our control type NameDto = { FirstName: string MiddleName: string // can be null :( LastName: string } module NameDto = let toDomain (name: NameDto) = ({ FirstName = name.FirstName |> FirstName MiddleName = name.MiddleName |> Option.ofObj |> MiddleName LastName = name.LastName |> LastName }: Name) |> Ok You might need to apply versioning to your DTOs type VaccinationEventDto = | AppointmentCreated of VaccinationAppointment | AppointmentCreatedV2 of VaccinationAppointment * Confirmation Events are stored forever, design them carefully!
  • 11. Error Handling Error Handling is tedious type ContactDetailsDto = { Name: NameDto; Email: string } module ContactDetailsDto = let toDomainTheBoringWay contact = let nameResult = contact.Name |> NameDto.toDomain match (nameResult) with | Ok name -> let emailResult = contact.Email |> EmailAddress.create match emailResult with | Ok email -> ({ Name = name; Email = email }: ContactDetails) |> Ok | Error e -> Error e | Error e -> Error e “Railway Oriented Programming” https://fsharpforfunand FsToolkit.ErrorHandling helps module ContactDetailsDto = let toDomain contact = result { let! name = contact.Name |> NameDto.toDomain let! email = contact.Email |> EmailAddress.create return ({ Name = name; Email = email }: ContactDetails) }
  • 12. There and back again Libraries: FSharp.Json v/FSharp.Json Thoth.Json (works with Fable!) https://thoth- Serialization FSharp.Json can handle wrapper types and options let record: Name = { FirstName = FirstName "John" MiddleName = None LastName = LastName "Smith" } record |> Json.serialize |> printfn "%s" { "FirstName": "John", "MiddleName": null, "LastName": "Smith" } JSON -> DTO can fail let tryParse<'Data> s = try Json.deserialize<'Data> s |> Ok with | x -> sprintf "Cannot deserialize: %s" x.Message |> Error JSON -> Domain? Compose using ROP let readContacts contactsString = contactsString |> tryParse<ContactDetailsDto> |> Result.bind ContactDetailsDto.toDomain
  • 13. CosmosDB: Event / Aggregate Store Persistence Define partition strategy in the code, not DB let! response = database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync( containerName, "/partitionKey") module VaccinationRecipientKeyStrategy = let toPartitionKey streamId = $"VaccinationRecipient-{streamId}" Partition boundaries determine consistency Stream 1 (partition 1) Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Aggregate Stream 2 (partition 2) Event 1 Event 2 Aggregate
  • 14. Defining Entities in F# Persistence Useful DB Wrappers module Db = type PartitionKey = PartitionKey of string type Id = Id of string type ETag = ETag of string type EntityType = Event | AggregateRoot Use JSON serializer specifics to map to DB fields type PersistentEntity<'Payload> = { [<JsonField("partitionKey")>] PartitionKey: Db.PartitionKey [<JsonField("id")>] Id: Db.Id [<JsonField("etag")>] ETag: Db.ETag option Type: EntityType Payload: 'Payload } Concrete serialized types module VaccinationPersistence = type Event = PersistentEntity<VaccinationEvent> type Aggregate = PersistentEntity<VaccineRecipient>
  • 15. CosmosDB Transactions Persistence Use Batch API to add events + “upsert” the aggregate module CosmosDb = let createBatch (Db.PartitionKey key) (container: Container) = container.CreateTransactionalBatch(PartitionKey(key)) let createAsString (payload: string) (batch: TransactionalBatch) = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload)) |> batch.CreateItemStream let replaceAsString (Db.Id id) (payload: string) (Db.ETag etag) (batch: TransactionalBatch) = let stream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload)) let options = TransactionalBatchItemRequestOptions() options.IfMatchEtag <- etag batch.ReplaceItemStream(id, stream, options) let executeBatch (batch: TransactionalBatch) = taskResult { let! response = batch.ExecuteAsync() if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) then return! Ok () else return! Error (response.StatusCode, response.ErrorMessage) } We use tasks for an easier interop with Azure SDKs Optimistic concurrency
  • 16. “Dependency Rejection” 27/from-dependency- injection-to-dependency- rejection/ “Reinventing the Transaction Script” https://fsharpforfunandprofit. com/transactionscript/ Assembling the Pipeline The Impure - Pure - Impure “sandwich” • Read data • Deserialize DTOs from JSON • Convert DTOs to Domain Models • Generate commands • Run the handler • Convert Results to DTOs • Serialize DTOs to JSON • Persist the output Do not do I/O in pure code, return directives instead module VaccinationExample = type ErrorMessage = string type DomainEvent = Event<VaccinationEvent, EventMetadata> type HandlerResult = | NoChange | InvalidCommand of ErrorMessage | Conflict of ErrorMessage | CreateAggregate of VaccineRecipient * DomainEvent list | UpdateAggregate of VaccineRecipient * DomainEvent list type Handler = VaccineRecipient option -> VaccinationCommand -> HandlerResult
  • 17. Using CosmosDB to build read models Change Feed You can use either: • Azure Functions CosmosDBTrigger (simpler) • or ChangeFeed Processor running in AppServices (more control) You will need to provision: • A separate Lease collection in CosmosDB • The target storage (DB, blobs, SQL DB, etc) Leases ensure events will be processed in sync, but... Events might come in several partitions at once! let groups = docs |> Seq.groupBy (fun d -> d.GetPropertyValue<string> "partitionKey") for (pk, group) in groups do // process by partitions You have to handle errors (make your own DLQ, etc) You can reprocess events from the beginning!