SlideShare a Scribd company logo
1. In what ways does your media
product use, develop or challenge
      forms and conventions
A.   The overall topic of our documentary is about the evolution of technology and how
     technology has evolved over the years.
B. The three episodes would be about:
1. The evolution of computers- How computers have become smaller and the increase of
           more portable forms/mobile forms of computing. Also how computers have now
                                     become a part of technology (positively and negatively.
                  2. The Evolution of video games- How video games have become more
           interactive, violent, improvement of images and the change in representation of
  3. The evolution of Mobile phones- How mobile phones have become smaller, they are
          no longer used to just make phone calls, they can do a number of functions that a
                                                                          computer can do.
Newspaper adverts – Real products
Double page spread – Real product
How/why they use/develop/challenge forms

Forms                                         Use

typography (font style size & organisation)   One or three colours
                                              Different size font to show
How/why they use/develop/challenge forms
Forms           Use
visual          Simple layout to
design/layout   make it easy to
(composition)   read

photography     Minimal colour to
                draw reader in
How/why they use/develop/challenge

Conventions             Use

catchy title            “Breaking into
                        Tesco” and “Awards
                        2010” – understand
                        the theme of the
placement and           At the bottom or
style of text           side to look at the
(titles/subtitles/par   images first
How/why they use/develop/challenge
Convention                 Use                         Develop

catchy/unique              Picture is placed at an     The background
photography and concepts   angle to draw the readers   contrasting with the
                           to the text                 images of the cameras
                                                       bringing the reader to the
How/why YOU
   use/develop/challenge forms

How/why YOU use/develop/challenge forms
Forms     Use

typogra We made our title
phy      stand out from the
(font    subtitles by the size
size &
Forms           Develop
visual          Layout of images
design/layout   communicate the
(composition)   theme of evolution

photography     Bold colours to
                draw reader in
How/why YOU

  conventions) TO REAL DOUBLE PAGE
How/why YOU use/develop/challenge
Conventions    Use                                   Develop

catchy title    Used a simple title for the advert   We developed the titles in
               that reveals the topic                the double page spread by
                                                     creating a word which
                                                     relates to the subject of
How/why YOU use/develop/challenge conventions

Conventions       Develop

catchy/unique     • Developed
photography and     photography by
concepts            placing the
                    images so that
                    communicate an
                    evolution of
                  • Developed the
                    advert by having
                    the images
                    coming out from
                    the sides rather
                    than the middle
Conventions                     Develop

placement and style of text     • We used the channel 5 font in both the advert
(titles/subtitles/paragraphs)     and double page spread to be consistent
                                • In both the double page spread and advert we
                                  also used red which is the colour of the channel
                                  5 logo
4. How/why YOU use/develop/challenge forms
Forms                  Use                    Challenge             Develop

visual design/layout                          Challenged channel
(composition)                                 5 adverts by having
                                              a caption

photography            Used a main image
                       to dominate the
                       page which is
                       typical of channel 5
typography (font       The time and
style size &           information about
organisation)          the documentary is
                       at the bottom of
                       the advert.

5.How/why YOU use/develop/challenge conventions
Forms                   Use            Challenge        Develop

catchy title                                            We used a rhetorical
                                                        question rather than
                                                        simply using a
                                                        sentence/statement as
                                                        our title
catchy/unique                                           The concept of the
photography and                                         photographs relate to
concepts                                                themes of the
                                                        documentary which is
                                                        the old technology
                                                        versus new
placement and
style of text
A How do real media products (real TV documentaries use, develop or challenge forms of real
                                    media products?

Form                   Use/Develop/Chall       Description &           Example from real
                       enge                    purpose                 TV documentary
1. Sound               Non-diegetic and        Sound that is           E.G- In Michael
                       diegetic sound          appropriate to a        Moores sicko
                                               particular scene.
2. Transitions
3. Camera
4. Hand-held
5. Establishing
6. Framing
B.      How do real media products (real TV
                  documentaries) use/develop/challenge
                   conventions of real media products?
Conventions           Use/develop/challe Description &                   Example from real
                      nge                Purpose                         TV documentaries
1. Montage                               To show the audience a range
                                         of different clips that shows
                                         them what will be happening
                                         in the documentary.

2. Interviews with
3. Archival footage
4. Text/titles
5. Real footage
7. Reconstructions
C. How does your TV documentary
        use/develop/challenge forms
Form           Use/develop/cha Example from your TV documentary


D. How does your TV documentary use/develop/challenge
Conventions         Use/develop/challe Example from your TV documentary

Public interviews

Interview with



Background music
2.How effective is the
 combination of your
  main product and
   ancillary texts?
Content and concept of images

• Images used communicate changes in technology - old
  technology versing new technology which is explored
  further in the documentary
• Use of binary codes in our double page spread to
  relate to technology
• Images and clips of different technologies which
  relates to our series
• Constant reference to technology in both the
  ancillaries through images, text and titles and the

• Similar titles used in both the advert and
  double page spread
• Same colour scheme (grey, black and red)
• Topic of the subtitles are not included in the
  documentary, so this gives our audience
  more information without being repetitive.
Target Audience
Who they are:
• 16-24 year olds
• Interested in different types of          Ancillaries:
  technology and documentaries              • Advert – will be advertised in the
• Interested in popular culture               metro which is a free newspaper
                                              available through public
                                              transport. This is relevant as 74%
                                              of those under 24 in London own
Documentary:                                  an oyster card which allows them
• On at 9pm to fit in with channel 5          to use public transport. (source –
  schedule                                    tfl.)This makes our audience easily
• This time is also to fit in with Ofcom      accessible by advertising in the
  guidelines as certain clips cannot be       metro.
  shown before the watershed. The           • The metro also allows us to attract
  documentary will contain some clips not     a wider audience as their
  suitable for a younger audience such as     audience is 18-44 year olds.
  clips from 18+ games.

Channel 5 start at the beginning of the documentary
to link with the channel 5 logo on the advert
Advertising and Marketing

Our advert is to be advertised in the metro, which is the first step to attracting our target
audience. They would see the advert and gain information about the documentary
After the advert gains popularity we will then create and advertise the double page spread
to give more information about our documentary
This will also attract a wider audience who would hopefully be interested in our
documentary – the next step is to air the documentary on channel 5.
A double page spread costs £8400 to
advertise in Time Out

                                        An advert in the metro would cost £8876 for the
                                        size and colour we want if it is just printed in
                                        London. However, we want to attract a larger
                                        audience so we will advertise nationally which will
                                        cost £10 906

 Total of advertising costs - £19 306
3. What have you
 learned from your
audience feedback ?
Draft 1 Audience Feedback
• 1. Not clear and effective + sound was bad, not that many
• 2. showing a montage of games
• 3. Presenter speaks too fast, not interactive, music needed and bad
• 4a. The way technology of games has changed.
• 4b. Development+effects
• 5. Games are attracted to boys
• 6. Not colourful clothes, speaks too fast
• 7. No music used, sound bad couldn’t hear parts
• 8. Good, liked the type writer part.
• 9. Titles/credits good – interview – know who they are
• 10. interesting information, but it was too quick to understand.
Audience Feedback Questions
             Advert Draft 2/3/Final Draft
1.    What do you think of our advert? Is it clear and affective? How? Why?
            Draft 2: Video games clear and effective.
            Draft 3: Yes, it shows the change of technology over time
            Final Draft: The writing stands out more than the pictures
2.   Are the images clear?
           -Overall, from Draft 2/3 and final Draft advert ancillary, our target audiences have agreed that
     the images are clear.
3.   Is the text clear and easy to read?
            - Overall, from Draft 2/3 and final Draft advert ancillary our target audiences have agreed that
the texts were easy to read
4. Does the advert relate to the overall topic? What does the image and text
communicate to you.
             -Some of our target audiences do not agree, that the advert relates to the overall topic, such as
in Draft 2. However in Draft 3, our target audiences suggested that it is straight forward, as well as our Final
5.    What could be done to improve
            Draft 2: All technology versus new.
            Draft 3: Images of the games on the consoles.
            Final Draft: The black writing needs to stand out more
Audience Feedback Questions
     Double Page Spread -Draft 2/3/Final Draft
1.    What do you think of our double page spread. How and why is it effective?
          Draft 2: Not really
          Draft 3: Good range of old and new technology, it is creative and rhetorical
          Final Draft: Effective images, relate to topic, stands out.
2.    Is the layout of the images and text clear?
           Overall, from Draft 2/3 and final Draft double page spread ancillary, our target
     audiences have agreed that the images and text were clear.
3.    Are the sizes of the images and text appropriate.
           Our target audiences have agreed that they were appropriate sizes.
4.    Is the text easy to read?
           Our target audiences have agreed that they were easy to read.
5.    Does the double page spread relate to the overall topic of technology. How?
          Our target audiences have agreed that our double page spread relates to our topic,
          through the use of images, such as the binary codes and the difference types of
          technology platforms that we have shown as examples.
6.    What could be done to improve.
          Draft 2: Better images to communicate evolution
          Draft 3: Font change to communicate technology
          Final Draft: Nothing, it was good.
The purpose of our documentary is to inform
people about changing technologies. We are
educating our audience on how computers,
games and phones now differ from the
traditional forms. We will show this by
comparing the traditional forms to the newer
Who is your target audience                  How did you decide on choosing a target
Our target audience is young people aged     We decided to choose a target audience
16-24 years old. Young people that watch     of this age range because our
TV and have interest in popular culture in   documentary would be shown at 9pm
order to understand the references being     and some of the material shown in our
made in our documentary.                     documentary might not be suitable for an
                                             audience under the age of 16.
• Our target audience would want to watch our
  documentary because its educational and
  informs them about how certain media
  products have changed and how it is affecting
How we attracted our audience through forms and

List of Forms used            Why would your target audience be
                              attracted to your documentary through
 Shot distances
 Music
 Transitions
List of conventions used   Why would your target audience be
                           attracted to your documentary through
                           the conventions?
   Presenter               We chose to use a young presenter
   Voiceover                wearing young casual clothing. This
   Cutaways                 would attract our audience because
   Montage                  the presenter is dressed in a way that
   Background music         isn’t intimidating or off putting.
                            We used voiceovers in order to
                             illustrate some of the footage shown
                             to show variation in the way the
                             documentary is presented so that our
                             target audience doesn’t get bored.
                            The montage at the beginning will
                             entice the audience to want to watch
                             the rest of the documentary because it
                             gives them an insight as to what the
                             whole documentary would be about.
                            The background music will make the
                             documentary more enjoyable
                             especially when there are images with
                             no voiceover from the presenter.
Draft 1 audience feedback
Conventions           Good use of interviews
Music                 There should have been music when there was no sound.
Sounds                The presenter had a clear voice. At one point the presenters
                      voice overlapped with the expert sociologist, so that needs to
                      be fixed.
Mise-en-scene         The presenter had very simple clothes.

Other comments:
         WWW                                          EBI
    • Incorporating footage of                       • Elaborate more on themes.
      video games.                                   • Fix overlap
    • All themes of the
      documentary were picked
Draft 3 audience feedback
 Name: Marie-Teresa
 Age: 18

Conventions           We interviewed an expert sociologist to ask her opinion on
                      the representation of gender in video games.
Music                 The music was too low.
Sounds                It was very hard to here the presenter due to the fact that the
                      background noise was too loud.

Other comments:
• The different images of video games and
  smart phones.
• The comparisons between old and new
  video games.
• The documentary gave an insight in to
  what the whole documentary would be
  about without giving to much away.
Names: Annie
                    Draft 3 audience feedback
    Age: 17
    Music                        The song choice was appropriate but not sure if it would
                                 attract another age group.
    Interview styling            We asked members of the public questions.
    Sounds                       The presenter couldn’t be heard at the beginning because of
                                 the background noise. The voice of the presenter needs to be
    Shots                        Film making was good but the tilt shot of the school sign
                                 wasn’t good because there was a vehicle interruption.
    Mise-en-scene                The presenters clothes were bland- the colour of the clothes
                                 were too dark.
Other comments:                                                      EBI:
WWW:                                                                 •   The beginning of the documentary was engaging.
•    The topic of women being sexualised in video games was clear    •   The presenter dressed in more colourful clothing.
•    The title coming up on a typewriter was good because it’s old   •   Ask more members of the public on their
     and the topic is about evolution of technology.                     opinions.
                                                                     •   The other topics in the documentary weren’t
                                                                         made clear.
Final draft audience feedback
Music               The music was good
Interview styling
Sounds              Music related to the theme of technology
Shots               Good shots, eg close up of mobile phones

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Evaluation plan

  • 1. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions
  • 2. A. The overall topic of our documentary is about the evolution of technology and how technology has evolved over the years. B. The three episodes would be about: 1. The evolution of computers- How computers have become smaller and the increase of more portable forms/mobile forms of computing. Also how computers have now become a part of technology (positively and negatively. 2. The Evolution of video games- How video games have become more interactive, violent, improvement of images and the change in representation of gender. 3. The evolution of Mobile phones- How mobile phones have become smaller, they are no longer used to just make phone calls, they can do a number of functions that a computer can do.
  • 3. Newspaper adverts – Real products
  • 4. Double page spread – Real product
  • 5. How/why they use/develop/challenge forms Forms Use typography (font style size & organisation) One or three colours Different size font to show priority
  • 6. How/why they use/develop/challenge forms Forms Use visual Simple layout to design/layout make it easy to (composition) read photography Minimal colour to draw reader in
  • 7. How/why they use/develop/challenge conventions Conventions Use catchy title “Breaking into Tesco” and “Awards 2010” – understand the theme of the topic placement and At the bottom or style of text side to look at the (titles/subtitles/par images first agraphs)
  • 8. How/why they use/develop/challenge conventions Convention Use Develop catchy/unique Picture is placed at an The background photography and concepts angle to draw the readers contrasting with the to the text images of the cameras bringing the reader to the text
  • 9. How/why YOU use/develop/challenge forms • a. COMPARE SIMILARITIES & DIFFERENCES (of forms) TO REAL DOUBLE PAGE SPREADS/ADVERTS
  • 10. How/why YOU use/develop/challenge forms Forms Use typogra We made our title phy stand out from the (font subtitles by the size style size & organisa tion)
  • 11. Forms Develop visual Layout of images design/layout communicate the (composition) theme of evolution photography Bold colours to draw reader in
  • 12. How/why YOU use/develop/challenge conventions • A. COMPARE SIMILARITIES & DIFFERENCES (of conventions) TO REAL DOUBLE PAGE SPREADS/ADVERTS
  • 13. How/why YOU use/develop/challenge conventions Conventions Use Develop catchy title Used a simple title for the advert We developed the titles in that reveals the topic the double page spread by creating a word which relates to the subject of technology
  • 14. How/why YOU use/develop/challenge conventions Conventions Develop catchy/unique • Developed photography and photography by concepts placing the images so that they communicate an evolution of technology • Developed the advert by having the images coming out from the sides rather than the middle
  • 15. Conventions Develop placement and style of text • We used the channel 5 font in both the advert (titles/subtitles/paragraphs) and double page spread to be consistent • In both the double page spread and advert we also used red which is the colour of the channel 5 logo
  • 16. 4. How/why YOU use/develop/challenge forms Forms Use Challenge Develop visual design/layout Challenged channel (composition) 5 adverts by having a caption photography Used a main image to dominate the page which is typical of channel 5 adverts typography (font The time and style size & information about organisation) the documentary is at the bottom of the advert. a. COMPARE SIMILARITIES & DIFFERENCES (of forms) TO REAL DOUBLE PAGE SPREADS/ADVERTS
  • 17. 5.How/why YOU use/develop/challenge conventions Forms Use Challenge Develop catchy title We used a rhetorical question rather than simply using a sentence/statement as our title catchy/unique The concept of the photography and photographs relate to concepts themes of the documentary which is the old technology versus new technologies. placement and style of text (titles/subtitles/par agraphs) A. COMPARE SIMILARITIES & DIFFERENCES (of conventions) TO REAL DOUBLE PAGE SPREADS/ADVERTS
  • 18. . A How do real media products (real TV documentaries use, develop or challenge forms of real media products? Form Use/Develop/Chall Description & Example from real enge purpose TV documentary 1. Sound Non-diegetic and Sound that is E.G- In Michael diegetic sound appropriate to a Moores sicko particular scene. 2. Transitions 3. Camera shots/angles 4. Hand-held camera 5. Establishing shots 6. Framing
  • 19. B. How do real media products (real TV documentaries) use/develop/challenge conventions of real media products? Conventions Use/develop/challe Description & Example from real nge Purpose TV documentaries 1. Montage To show the audience a range of different clips that shows them what will be happening in the documentary. 2. Interviews with experts 3. Archival footage 4. Text/titles 5. Real footage 7. Reconstructions
  • 20. C. How does your TV documentary use/develop/challenge forms Form Use/develop/cha Example from your TV documentary llenge Sound Transitions Camera shots/angles Framing
  • 21. D. How does your TV documentary use/develop/challenge conventions Conventions Use/develop/challe Example from your TV documentary nge Public interviews Interview with experts Text/titles Cutaways Background music Presenter
  • 22. 2.How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • 23. Content and concept of images • Images used communicate changes in technology - old technology versing new technology which is explored further in the documentary • Use of binary codes in our double page spread to relate to technology • Images and clips of different technologies which relates to our series • Constant reference to technology in both the ancillaries through images, text and titles and the documentary
  • 24. Style • Similar titles used in both the advert and double page spread • Same colour scheme (grey, black and red) • Topic of the subtitles are not included in the documentary, so this gives our audience more information without being repetitive.
  • 25. Target Audience Who they are: • 16-24 year olds • Interested in different types of Ancillaries: technology and documentaries • Advert – will be advertised in the • Interested in popular culture metro which is a free newspaper available through public transport. This is relevant as 74% of those under 24 in London own Documentary: an oyster card which allows them • On at 9pm to fit in with channel 5 to use public transport. (source – schedule tfl.)This makes our audience easily • This time is also to fit in with Ofcom accessible by advertising in the guidelines as certain clips cannot be metro. shown before the watershed. The • The metro also allows us to attract documentary will contain some clips not a wider audience as their suitable for a younger audience such as audience is 18-44 year olds. clips from 18+ games.
  • 26. Ident Channel 5 start at the beginning of the documentary to link with the channel 5 logo on the advert
  • 27. Advertising and Marketing Branding: Our advert is to be advertised in the metro, which is the first step to attracting our target audience. They would see the advert and gain information about the documentary After the advert gains popularity we will then create and advertise the double page spread to give more information about our documentary This will also attract a wider audience who would hopefully be interested in our documentary – the next step is to air the documentary on channel 5.
  • 28. Budgeting: A double page spread costs £8400 to advertise in Time Out An advert in the metro would cost £8876 for the size and colour we want if it is just printed in London. However, we want to attract a larger audience so we will advertise nationally which will cost £10 906 Total of advertising costs - £19 306
  • 29. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback ?
  • 30. Draft 1 Audience Feedback • 1. Not clear and effective + sound was bad, not that many examples. • 2. showing a montage of games • 3. Presenter speaks too fast, not interactive, music needed and bad sound • 4a. The way technology of games has changed. • 4b. Development+effects • 5. Games are attracted to boys • 6. Not colourful clothes, speaks too fast • 7. No music used, sound bad couldn’t hear parts • 8. Good, liked the type writer part. • 9. Titles/credits good – interview – know who they are • 10. interesting information, but it was too quick to understand.
  • 31. Audience Feedback Questions Advert Draft 2/3/Final Draft 1. What do you think of our advert? Is it clear and affective? How? Why? Draft 2: Video games clear and effective. Draft 3: Yes, it shows the change of technology over time Final Draft: The writing stands out more than the pictures 2. Are the images clear? -Overall, from Draft 2/3 and final Draft advert ancillary, our target audiences have agreed that the images are clear. 3. Is the text clear and easy to read? - Overall, from Draft 2/3 and final Draft advert ancillary our target audiences have agreed that the texts were easy to read 4. Does the advert relate to the overall topic? What does the image and text communicate to you. -Some of our target audiences do not agree, that the advert relates to the overall topic, such as in Draft 2. However in Draft 3, our target audiences suggested that it is straight forward, as well as our Final Draft. 5. What could be done to improve Draft 2: All technology versus new. Draft 3: Images of the games on the consoles. Final Draft: The black writing needs to stand out more
  • 32. Audience Feedback Questions Double Page Spread -Draft 2/3/Final Draft 1. What do you think of our double page spread. How and why is it effective? Draft 2: Not really Draft 3: Good range of old and new technology, it is creative and rhetorical Final Draft: Effective images, relate to topic, stands out. 2. Is the layout of the images and text clear? Overall, from Draft 2/3 and final Draft double page spread ancillary, our target audiences have agreed that the images and text were clear. 3. Are the sizes of the images and text appropriate. Our target audiences have agreed that they were appropriate sizes. 4. Is the text easy to read? Our target audiences have agreed that they were easy to read. 5. Does the double page spread relate to the overall topic of technology. How? Our target audiences have agreed that our double page spread relates to our topic, through the use of images, such as the binary codes and the difference types of technology platforms that we have shown as examples. 6. What could be done to improve. Draft 2: Better images to communicate evolution Draft 3: Font change to communicate technology Final Draft: Nothing, it was good.
  • 33. C. The purpose of our documentary is to inform people about changing technologies. We are educating our audience on how computers, games and phones now differ from the traditional forms. We will show this by comparing the traditional forms to the newer forms.
  • 34. D. Who is your target audience How did you decide on choosing a target audience? Our target audience is young people aged We decided to choose a target audience 16-24 years old. Young people that watch of this age range because our TV and have interest in popular culture in documentary would be shown at 9pm order to understand the references being and some of the material shown in our made in our documentary. documentary might not be suitable for an audience under the age of 16.
  • 35. E. • Our target audience would want to watch our documentary because its educational and informs them about how certain media products have changed and how it is affecting society.
  • 36. How we attracted our audience through forms and conventions List of Forms used Why would your target audience be attracted to your documentary through forms?  Shot distances  Music  Transitions
  • 37. List of conventions used Why would your target audience be attracted to your documentary through the conventions?  Presenter  We chose to use a young presenter  Voiceover wearing young casual clothing. This  Cutaways would attract our audience because  Montage the presenter is dressed in a way that  Background music isn’t intimidating or off putting.  We used voiceovers in order to illustrate some of the footage shown to show variation in the way the documentary is presented so that our target audience doesn’t get bored.  The montage at the beginning will entice the audience to want to watch the rest of the documentary because it gives them an insight as to what the whole documentary would be about.  The background music will make the documentary more enjoyable especially when there are images with no voiceover from the presenter.
  • 38. Draft 1 audience feedback Conventions Good use of interviews Music There should have been music when there was no sound. Sounds The presenter had a clear voice. At one point the presenters voice overlapped with the expert sociologist, so that needs to be fixed. Mise-en-scene The presenter had very simple clothes. Other comments: WWW EBI • Incorporating footage of • Elaborate more on themes. video games. • Fix overlap • All themes of the documentary were picked up.
  • 39. Draft 3 audience feedback Name: Marie-Teresa Age: 18 Conventions We interviewed an expert sociologist to ask her opinion on the representation of gender in video games. Music The music was too low. Sounds It was very hard to here the presenter due to the fact that the background noise was too loud. Other comments: WWW • The different images of video games and smart phones. • The comparisons between old and new video games. • The documentary gave an insight in to what the whole documentary would be about without giving to much away.
  • 40. Names: Annie Draft 3 audience feedback Tracy Age: 17 Conventions Music The song choice was appropriate but not sure if it would attract another age group. Interview styling We asked members of the public questions. Sounds The presenter couldn’t be heard at the beginning because of the background noise. The voice of the presenter needs to be clearer. Shots Film making was good but the tilt shot of the school sign wasn’t good because there was a vehicle interruption. Mise-en-scene The presenters clothes were bland- the colour of the clothes were too dark. Other comments: EBI: WWW: • The beginning of the documentary was engaging. • The topic of women being sexualised in video games was clear • The presenter dressed in more colourful clothing. • The title coming up on a typewriter was good because it’s old • Ask more members of the public on their and the topic is about evolution of technology. opinions. • The other topics in the documentary weren’t made clear.
  • 41. Final draft audience feedback Conventions Music The music was good Interview styling Sounds Music related to the theme of technology Shots Good shots, eg close up of mobile phones Mise-en-scene