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Digipak Album Advertisement Music Video
Image of artist Front Nearly Always I will take images during filming
of the band to use on the front
Image of just a
Front Sometimes Use an image of a location
used during filming
Name of artist Front Always In big font to indicate that they
are the artist
Name of album Front Always Also in quite big font – but not
to draw attention too much
away from the artist name
Other feature i.e.
Parental Advisory
Front Occasionally – but also
depends on content and
I will probably not use this
convention, particularly as it
isn’t a convention on pop-rock
Track list Back Always Necessary for the consumer to
know which tracks have been
recorded on this particular CD
Barcode Back Always Important for legal reasons, so
as to indicate that is in a
professionally made product
Back Always This is also necessary for
official documentation to
ensure consumers that it is a
legitimate product – and also
for other companies to be
aware of the fact that they
cannot use any part of my own
design and CD.
Record label
details + symbol
Back Always Again, I will definitely conform
to this convention of digipaks
so as to indicate that this is an
official product of my artist
with support from the record
Same image as the
Back Occasionally This doesn’t happen always;
generally digipaks will include
an image which can be
associated with the front cover
image. Even for my chosen
genre, pop-rock, this
convention doesn’t always
occur, so I may develop the
convention by using images
connected to one another on
the back with similar use of
colour. I may also consider
using a similar image of the
artist. This also ensures
continuity which is a
professional feature of media
Back Occasionally This information may be
shared on the back, generally
with their website or social
media accounts for fans to
further access information
about them. This occurs in a
number of pop-rock digipaks
that I have analysed which
motivates me to conform to
this genre.
Image of artist Inside Occasionally In a pop-rock digipak I have
analysed, image of the band
appear across all parts of the
digipak, including the inside
except for the CD. This
encourages me to develop
this convention by possibly
using an image of the artist.
Generally though, it is rather
plain which makes me
inclined to possibly conform
to this convention as it is
minimalistic and therefore
not too cluttered.
Name of artist Inside Occasionally Again, with some pop-rock
digipaks, I noticed that this
convention appears;
however, not in all. In this
way, I may experiment with
incorporating the name of
the artist as well, although I
will more than likely keep it
fairly simplistic and plain as
the majority of digipaks do
not include text on the inside
layer at all.
Name of artist On CD Always This is also a convention I
have noticed to fit with all
digipaks, regardless of the
genre as it is an imprint of the
artist. It indicates that it is
their work and further
personalises the product. I
will definitely conform to this
Name of
On CD Nearly always For some digipaks that I have
analysed, they do include the
name of the album. However,
some digipaks, including a
pop-rock digipak that I have
analysed doesn’t include very
much information at all,
hence why I may experiment
with the information that I
include on the CD.
Image On CD Occasionally For some existing digipaks,
they included an image on
the CD, but rarely an image
of the artist. For example,
with Coldplay’s latest
digipak, they included the
same symbol that is
positioned on the front of
their digipak which creates a
sense of professionalism
through continuity. I may
consider to use a similar
effect, but generally CDs
have one base colour for the
background with text over
it. This is the convention I
may conform to as it
enables the consumer to be
able to read the text that
features on it.
Tracks/lyrics On CD Rarely Often, I find that this is not a
very effective feature since
it clutters the CD too much,
and this information has
already been shared on the
back cover of the digipak.
Having said that, I may
include part of the lyrics of a
song, or simply just the track
names as I found this to be
an interesting feature on
one pop-rock digipak that I
analysed. The text also
contrasts against the
background of the CD which
is easy to read. This is
therefore a convention I
may develop.
Copyright and
record label
On CD Nearly always This feature has been
present in nearly all of the
digipaks I have analysed,
apart from one particular
pop-rock digipak which
keeps their CD very
simplistic. This is something
I may experiment with, in
terms of what type of
information I will include on
the CD, given that most of
the necessary information
will be on the other parts of
the digipak, namely the back
cover. Nevertheless, the
majority of digipaks do
include this feature, and it is
by this virtue that I think it
will be necessary to include
for official and legal
Having listed the
conventions and form of a
pop-rock digipak, I was
able to then draw
comparisons between the
features of an album
advertisement to thereby
create links between both
products. This was all
part of my research and
planning for my ancillary
Image Majority of the
Always Often this will be the same image as that
of the one that has been featured on the
front cover of the digipak. This is highly
effective as it creates a sense of continuity
and allows for the general public to
recognise the connection between the
poster and the CD. I will definitely
conform to this convention as all album
adverts tend to use the same image.
Name of
Top of the
Nearly always For the majority of the adverts I have
analysed, the promotional advert will tend
to place the name of the artist/band at
the top so as to make the audience
distinguish between the name of the artist
and the name of the album – generally the
name of the artist will also be the largest
text on the page to prioritise its
significance. However, some have placed
this information within the centre,
therefore I may have to experiment with
some of the positioning of the layouts of
my advert.
Name of
Top of the
Nearly always Again, the majority of adverts include this
information at the top of the advert or
right in the centre. However, occasionally,
this information will be placed near the
bottom. Overall, I found that the name of
the artist and album will be at the top of
the page for instance recognition as this is
generally the first piece of information
that the audience will read.
Bottom of the
advert – below
Nearly always If this information is shared, which is quite
frequent, it will generally be at the bottom
of the page. It will tend to include both
star ratings and short reviews from
newspapers, music magazines and other
media outlets.
Bottom of the
advert – below
Always This information is key. Given the nature
of the poster as being an advertisement,
its purpose is to sell the product to
customers, hence why the date in which
the product is available to buy is highly
significant. I will certainly disclose this
Record label
information +
Bottom of the
Often This information is often disclosed, which
is rightly so, so as to inform customers
that they have created a legitimate
product with an official record label. This is
however, one of the smallest features on
the page, as this is not the most important
piece of information that customers will
look for in an advert. Nevertheless, I will
conform to this convention.
Bottom of the
Often Again, this information is often disclosed,
particularly with adverts of the 21st
century, as often they will include the
artist’s website, which conforms to the
context of this time, as the majority of
people are internet savvy and will use web
2.0 technology to access further
information about music they find
appealing. Moreover, the advert will only
have a limited amount of space and
cannot include every piece of information
that is available to disclose about the
artist, hence why vital information such as
their website or their Facebook and
Twitter pages are key. I shall conform to
this convention.
about the
Centre of the
Sometimes – this
may be suitable for
debut albums
This convention, as mentioned, occurs
only in a number of adverts, most likely in
debut albums. This is a feature that I
believe I will conform to, given that this
will be the debut album for my band
specifically, hence why this information
may be interesting for potential fans.
Likewise, I noticed that there were many parallels between the features
that frequently appeared on a pop-rock album advertisement as they did
on a digipak, so when it came to designing both layouts of the products,
they were fairly similar in terms of the features I included, thus making it
easier to create links between both products.
Although this isn’t on the front cover of the digipak, it
is elsewhere, including on the disc and on the back
cover to further draw connections between the
features on both the digipak and advert.
This is a key line of enquiry that I explored in my post-production
questionnaire with regard to the outcome of my ancillary task. The
question was left open, and I intentionally included a comment box so
that respondents would have the freedom to express their opinions
openly. In this case, all of the respondents listed off their ideas, the
most prominent links being:
- Same use of colour (colour scheme = black and white)
- Same image used (of the band)
- Same font used/typography has been carried onto the
advert from the digipak.
- Band logo
Respondents believed overall that by using similar colours and the
same picture used makes the CD ‘easier to recognise by the audience
in the future’. This is exactly what I intended to do, and once again, the
respondents have picked up on these elements accurately, same as
from the paper survey responses as my key objective was to create a
direct and instantly recognisable link between the digipak and album
advertisement for corporate identity and consistency which would
demonstrate professionalism.
It also confirms my decision to conform to the conventions of digipak
and album advertisements which is to use similar features from the
digipak on the album advertisement as well, which is what my audience
fed back in saying that that is what they would expect to find.
To illustrate my links further, I have the final designs for both my digipak and my
album advert which make up my ancillary task. As aforementioned, I have
used the same design for the front cover of my digipak on my album
advert which immediately creates the visual link between both products. I
did this as I had seen many other designers, not only from the pop-rock
genre, but the majority of digipaks use this technique – as shown below
my own designs.
Likewise, other visual elements in turn, including the white background to create
the contrast between the black of the band’s logo and that of the colour
from ‘Paradise’, the titular song, draws parallels between the digipak and
album advertisement as I have included these features there, only bigger
to fit the poster size format. Thereby the same colour scheme used on
both products allows for the band to develop its corporate identity.
Clearly, the same image, which is in fact the band’s logo anyway which I have
manipulated has been used on both ancillary products. All of the decisions
I made to do this were from a combination of conventions which I wanted
to use and conform to so as for the public to instantly make the connection
that it is a pop-rock album from a pop-rock band, but also from my
audience feedback from my pre-production survey for the ancillary task
which confirmed my conforming to conventions as they would expect to
find some similarities between the ancillary tasks in this way.
Thereby, by referring to the codes and conventions of pop-rock digipaks and
album advertisements, as well as from analysing and taking on board
responses from my questionnaires, I was able to create links between the
products more easily as my audience would expect them to share very
similar qualities. Since the conventions of an album advertisement
includes perhaps more conventions, such as the accolade and availability
date, as well as record label and additional contact information which I
also conformed to, it demonstrated the naturally subtle differences
between the ancillary products, since the purpose of the album is to
persuade consumers to buy the album, more ‘transactional’ language is
needed, specifically the availability date.
Nevertheless, on the whole, I have managed to effectively create links between
the digipak and album advertisement which my audience has been able to
 All of the respondents from my post-production questionnaire clearly
stated that they could explain the link between the music video and
the ancillary tasks, and this is demonstrated through their comments
that they left below, which I left open for them.
 Similar to the link between the digipak and the album advertisement,
the respondents also listed their ideas and opinions, which include:
- Same use of actors/characters (band members)
- Song title/name of the song
- Same font used for title and logo
- Same colour scheme
 One respondent concluded overall that the digipak and the advert
follow the codes and conventions of pop-rock music genre, and
although this hasn’t been developed further, I can suggest that it is
due to the elements listed above. They also mentioned the ‘same
logo’ as well which is another key element that I included in all three
products – the music video, digipak and album advertisement.
 By including the same features – and mostly changing the layout due
to them being different mediums – I was able to create a corporate
identity for my band. For example, the colour scheme I used, being
black and white as well as colour runs through not only the music
video via the effects (the black & white filter) and then colour from the
natural light of the outside, but also in the digipak and album
advertisement by including the black and white from the logo and
black text against white background, and the colour from the images
and song title. All of this combined creates continuity between my
products which is something that I wanted to carry out carefully, and
clearly my audience is able to recognise this instantly. Given that they
are a fairly new and upcoming band, it does also allow for the wider
public to understand their traits and characteristics as a pop-rock
 Through multiple choice, I gave my respondents the choice between which genre of music they
believed the digipak and album advertisement belonged to, and I even included the ‘other’ option
should they come with answers of their own. Interestingly, 100% of respondents selected ‘pop-
rock’ which indicates that they are familiar with this genre and the conventions that are
associated with it, since my ancillaries do actually belong to pop-rock.
Which conventions make it clear that it belongs to the pop-
rock genre?
• The most prominent answer, receiving 100% of recognition, is the use of colour. Having done my
research into the pop-rock genre, particularly for music videos, I found out that it tends to use rather
dark colours, but due to the element of pop, a vibrant use of colour is also injected. In this way, I
wanted to reflect this in my digipak and album advertisement which respondents have clearly noted.
Use of font and image was also popular, although the font is very much linked with the colour scheme,
particularly the song title ‘PARADISE’ from the music video which I have also used as my album title,
which thereby appears on my album and advertisement. The font I used here, ‘Impact’, is rather
quirky and entertaining to the eye due to its rounded edges and curved outlines which clearly appeals
to my target audience being young adults (16-25) as they are more attracted to rounded, fun-looking
fonts, hence why they have mentioned it here. The image, and in turn, the image manipulation is
rather interesting because when conducting research into the pop-rock genre, I realised that many
pop-rock artists tend to be rather humble, friendly and approachable, hence why I have used a long
shot of them all looking into the camera. I used minimal editing, simply to contrast and resize the
image and place it into the POLAR logo simply because – especially with regard to music videos – they
tend to use natural lighting and so a minimal amount of artificial lighting has been used. Hence why in
editing, I didn’t want to manipulate the image in a way that would make them look too superficial, as
this wouldn’t conform to the conventions of pop-rock. Likewise, through media language, such as
misè-en-scene, their body language and facial features suggest that they are happy and are wanting to
create a relationship with their new followers and supporters. The attire, being a mixture of dark and
lighter clothing, as well as the fact that it isn’t too ‘brand-dominated’ or flashy but casual reflects not
only the pop-rock genre, but the target audience as a whole.
Evaluation 2

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Evaluation 2

  • 3. CONVENTIONS OF A POP-ROCK DIGIPAK CONVENTION POSITION FREQUENCY HOW I WILL USE IT Image of artist Front Nearly Always I will take images during filming of the band to use on the front cover Image of just a location/abstract image Front Sometimes Use an image of a location used during filming Name of artist Front Always In big font to indicate that they are the artist Name of album Front Always Also in quite big font – but not to draw attention too much away from the artist name Other feature i.e. Parental Advisory symbol Front Occasionally – but also depends on content and genre I will probably not use this convention, particularly as it isn’t a convention on pop-rock digipaks. Track list Back Always Necessary for the consumer to know which tracks have been recorded on this particular CD Barcode Back Always Important for legal reasons, so as to indicate that is in a professionally made product Copyright information Back Always This is also necessary for official documentation to ensure consumers that it is a legitimate product – and also for other companies to be aware of the fact that they cannot use any part of my own design and CD. Record label details + symbol Back Always Again, I will definitely conform to this convention of digipaks so as to indicate that this is an official product of my artist with support from the record label. Same image as the front Back Occasionally This doesn’t happen always; generally digipaks will include an image which can be associated with the front cover image. Even for my chosen genre, pop-rock, this convention doesn’t always occur, so I may develop the convention by using images connected to one another on the back with similar use of colour. I may also consider using a similar image of the artist. This also ensures continuity which is a professional feature of media products. Contact details Back Occasionally This information may be shared on the back, generally with their website or social media accounts for fans to further access information about them. This occurs in a number of pop-rock digipaks that I have analysed which motivates me to conform to this genre. Image of artist Inside Occasionally In a pop-rock digipak I have analysed, image of the band appear across all parts of the digipak, including the inside except for the CD. This encourages me to develop this convention by possibly using an image of the artist. Generally though, it is rather plain which makes me inclined to possibly conform to this convention as it is minimalistic and therefore not too cluttered. Name of artist Inside Occasionally Again, with some pop-rock digipaks, I noticed that this convention appears; however, not in all. In this way, I may experiment with incorporating the name of the artist as well, although I will more than likely keep it fairly simplistic and plain as the majority of digipaks do not include text on the inside layer at all. Name of artist On CD Always This is also a convention I have noticed to fit with all digipaks, regardless of the genre as it is an imprint of the artist. It indicates that it is their work and further personalises the product. I will definitely conform to this convention. Name of album On CD Nearly always For some digipaks that I have analysed, they do include the name of the album. However, some digipaks, including a pop-rock digipak that I have analysed doesn’t include very much information at all, hence why I may experiment with the information that I include on the CD. Image On CD Occasionally For some existing digipaks, they included an image on the CD, but rarely an image of the artist. For example, with Coldplay’s latest digipak, they included the same symbol that is positioned on the front of their digipak which creates a sense of professionalism through continuity. I may consider to use a similar effect, but generally CDs have one base colour for the background with text over it. This is the convention I may conform to as it enables the consumer to be able to read the text that features on it. Tracks/lyrics On CD Rarely Often, I find that this is not a very effective feature since it clutters the CD too much, and this information has already been shared on the back cover of the digipak. Having said that, I may include part of the lyrics of a song, or simply just the track names as I found this to be an interesting feature on one pop-rock digipak that I analysed. The text also contrasts against the background of the CD which is easy to read. This is therefore a convention I may develop. Copyright and record label informaiton On CD Nearly always This feature has been present in nearly all of the digipaks I have analysed, apart from one particular pop-rock digipak which keeps their CD very simplistic. This is something I may experiment with, in terms of what type of information I will include on the CD, given that most of the necessary information will be on the other parts of the digipak, namely the back cover. Nevertheless, the majority of digipaks do include this feature, and it is by this virtue that I think it will be necessary to include for official and legal requirements. Having listed the conventions and form of a pop-rock digipak, I was able to then draw comparisons between the features of an album advertisement to thereby create links between both products. This was all part of my research and planning for my ancillary tasks.
  • 4. CONVENTIONS OF A POP-ROCK ALBUM ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE POSITION FREQUENCY HOW I WILL USE IT Image Majority of the space Always Often this will be the same image as that of the one that has been featured on the front cover of the digipak. This is highly effective as it creates a sense of continuity and allows for the general public to recognise the connection between the poster and the CD. I will definitely conform to this convention as all album adverts tend to use the same image. Name of artist Top of the advert Nearly always For the majority of the adverts I have analysed, the promotional advert will tend to place the name of the artist/band at the top so as to make the audience distinguish between the name of the artist and the name of the album – generally the name of the artist will also be the largest text on the page to prioritise its significance. However, some have placed this information within the centre, therefore I may have to experiment with some of the positioning of the layouts of my advert. Name of album Top of the advert Nearly always Again, the majority of adverts include this information at the top of the advert or right in the centre. However, occasionally, this information will be placed near the bottom. Overall, I found that the name of the artist and album will be at the top of the page for instance recognition as this is generally the first piece of information that the audience will read. Comments/a ccolades from reviewers Bottom of the advert – below image Nearly always If this information is shared, which is quite frequent, it will generally be at the bottom of the page. It will tend to include both star ratings and short reviews from newspapers, music magazines and other media outlets. Availability date Bottom of the advert – below image Always This information is key. Given the nature of the poster as being an advertisement, its purpose is to sell the product to customers, hence why the date in which the product is available to buy is highly significant. I will certainly disclose this information. Record label information + symbol Bottom of the page Often This information is often disclosed, which is rightly so, so as to inform customers that they have created a legitimate product with an official record label. This is however, one of the smallest features on the page, as this is not the most important piece of information that customers will look for in an advert. Nevertheless, I will conform to this convention. Contact details Bottom of the page Often Again, this information is often disclosed, particularly with adverts of the 21st century, as often they will include the artist’s website, which conforms to the context of this time, as the majority of people are internet savvy and will use web 2.0 technology to access further information about music they find appealing. Moreover, the advert will only have a limited amount of space and cannot include every piece of information that is available to disclose about the artist, hence why vital information such as their website or their Facebook and Twitter pages are key. I shall conform to this convention. Information about the album Centre of the page Sometimes – this may be suitable for debut albums This convention, as mentioned, occurs only in a number of adverts, most likely in debut albums. This is a feature that I believe I will conform to, given that this will be the debut album for my band specifically, hence why this information may be interesting for potential fans. Likewise, I noticed that there were many parallels between the features that frequently appeared on a pop-rock album advertisement as they did on a digipak, so when it came to designing both layouts of the products, they were fairly similar in terms of the features I included, thus making it easier to create links between both products. Although this isn’t on the front cover of the digipak, it is elsewhere, including on the disc and on the back cover to further draw connections between the features on both the digipak and advert.
  • 5. LINK BETWEEN DIGIPAK AND ALBUM ADVERTISEMENT This is a key line of enquiry that I explored in my post-production questionnaire with regard to the outcome of my ancillary task. The question was left open, and I intentionally included a comment box so that respondents would have the freedom to express their opinions openly. In this case, all of the respondents listed off their ideas, the most prominent links being: - Same use of colour (colour scheme = black and white) - Same image used (of the band) - Same font used/typography has been carried onto the advert from the digipak. - Band logo Respondents believed overall that by using similar colours and the same picture used makes the CD ‘easier to recognise by the audience in the future’. This is exactly what I intended to do, and once again, the respondents have picked up on these elements accurately, same as from the paper survey responses as my key objective was to create a direct and instantly recognisable link between the digipak and album advertisement for corporate identity and consistency which would demonstrate professionalism. It also confirms my decision to conform to the conventions of digipak and album advertisements which is to use similar features from the digipak on the album advertisement as well, which is what my audience fed back in saying that that is what they would expect to find.
  • 6. LINK BETWEEN DIGIPAK AND ALBUM ADVERTISEMENT To illustrate my links further, I have the final designs for both my digipak and my album advert which make up my ancillary task. As aforementioned, I have used the same design for the front cover of my digipak on my album advert which immediately creates the visual link between both products. I did this as I had seen many other designers, not only from the pop-rock genre, but the majority of digipaks use this technique – as shown below my own designs. Likewise, other visual elements in turn, including the white background to create the contrast between the black of the band’s logo and that of the colour from ‘Paradise’, the titular song, draws parallels between the digipak and album advertisement as I have included these features there, only bigger to fit the poster size format. Thereby the same colour scheme used on both products allows for the band to develop its corporate identity. Clearly, the same image, which is in fact the band’s logo anyway which I have manipulated has been used on both ancillary products. All of the decisions I made to do this were from a combination of conventions which I wanted to use and conform to so as for the public to instantly make the connection that it is a pop-rock album from a pop-rock band, but also from my audience feedback from my pre-production survey for the ancillary task which confirmed my conforming to conventions as they would expect to find some similarities between the ancillary tasks in this way. Thereby, by referring to the codes and conventions of pop-rock digipaks and album advertisements, as well as from analysing and taking on board responses from my questionnaires, I was able to create links between the products more easily as my audience would expect them to share very similar qualities. Since the conventions of an album advertisement includes perhaps more conventions, such as the accolade and availability date, as well as record label and additional contact information which I also conformed to, it demonstrated the naturally subtle differences between the ancillary products, since the purpose of the album is to persuade consumers to buy the album, more ‘transactional’ language is needed, specifically the availability date. Nevertheless, on the whole, I have managed to effectively create links between the digipak and album advertisement which my audience has been able to detect.
  • 7. LINK BETWEEN MUSIC VIDEO AND ANCILLARY TASKS  All of the respondents from my post-production questionnaire clearly stated that they could explain the link between the music video and the ancillary tasks, and this is demonstrated through their comments that they left below, which I left open for them.  Similar to the link between the digipak and the album advertisement, the respondents also listed their ideas and opinions, which include: - Same use of actors/characters (band members) - Song title/name of the song - Same font used for title and logo - Same colour scheme  One respondent concluded overall that the digipak and the advert follow the codes and conventions of pop-rock music genre, and although this hasn’t been developed further, I can suggest that it is due to the elements listed above. They also mentioned the ‘same logo’ as well which is another key element that I included in all three products – the music video, digipak and album advertisement.  By including the same features – and mostly changing the layout due to them being different mediums – I was able to create a corporate identity for my band. For example, the colour scheme I used, being black and white as well as colour runs through not only the music video via the effects (the black & white filter) and then colour from the natural light of the outside, but also in the digipak and album advertisement by including the black and white from the logo and black text against white background, and the colour from the images and song title. All of this combined creates continuity between my products which is something that I wanted to carry out carefully, and clearly my audience is able to recognise this instantly. Given that they are a fairly new and upcoming band, it does also allow for the wider public to understand their traits and characteristics as a pop-rock band.
  • 9. GENRE  Through multiple choice, I gave my respondents the choice between which genre of music they believed the digipak and album advertisement belonged to, and I even included the ‘other’ option should they come with answers of their own. Interestingly, 100% of respondents selected ‘pop- rock’ which indicates that they are familiar with this genre and the conventions that are associated with it, since my ancillaries do actually belong to pop-rock. Which conventions make it clear that it belongs to the pop- rock genre? • The most prominent answer, receiving 100% of recognition, is the use of colour. Having done my research into the pop-rock genre, particularly for music videos, I found out that it tends to use rather dark colours, but due to the element of pop, a vibrant use of colour is also injected. In this way, I wanted to reflect this in my digipak and album advertisement which respondents have clearly noted. Use of font and image was also popular, although the font is very much linked with the colour scheme, particularly the song title ‘PARADISE’ from the music video which I have also used as my album title, which thereby appears on my album and advertisement. The font I used here, ‘Impact’, is rather quirky and entertaining to the eye due to its rounded edges and curved outlines which clearly appeals to my target audience being young adults (16-25) as they are more attracted to rounded, fun-looking fonts, hence why they have mentioned it here. The image, and in turn, the image manipulation is rather interesting because when conducting research into the pop-rock genre, I realised that many pop-rock artists tend to be rather humble, friendly and approachable, hence why I have used a long shot of them all looking into the camera. I used minimal editing, simply to contrast and resize the image and place it into the POLAR logo simply because – especially with regard to music videos – they tend to use natural lighting and so a minimal amount of artificial lighting has been used. Hence why in editing, I didn’t want to manipulate the image in a way that would make them look too superficial, as this wouldn’t conform to the conventions of pop-rock. Likewise, through media language, such as misè-en-scene, their body language and facial features suggest that they are happy and are wanting to create a relationship with their new followers and supporters. The attire, being a mixture of dark and lighter clothing, as well as the fact that it isn’t too ‘brand-dominated’ or flashy but casual reflects not only the pop-rock genre, but the target audience as a whole.