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Essay about Morality
Moral philosophy is very important to the success of an individual. But, before I tell you why
moral philosophy is so important, and how it has helped me in my life, let me give you a little
background knowledge. Rational knowledge has two components. These components are material
and formal. Formal knowledge is not object oriented, and is based on reason. Formal knowledge is
logic, or the laws of thought. Material knowledge is object oriented, and has two components. These
two components are natural and moral. Natural law is physics.
It determines what is the case, and how things behave in nature. On the other hand, moral law
determines what things ought to be. Morality is something humans think about, and more
So, to answer your question, I care. And for that matter, I bet if you were involved in this situation,
you would care.
Now I want to tell you an obvious reason why you should care. This may be so obvious that you
overlooked it. Many of our nations laws are based on moral issues. For instance, you can't hurt
another human; you can't steal from another human; and you can't kill another human being. Now,
you may say, "I already know this!" But, if everybody knew this, would we need jails? Let me ask
you a question. How successful can you be in jail? My point with this question is to get you to
realize that you can't be successful in jail.
Nobody grows up saying that they can't wait to go to jail because they know that it is the place to
be. Nobody says that if they could just get in jail they know that they could be the best prisoner,
and could have the biggest cell. This may be taking immorality to an extreme, but it happens. An
immoral life could send a person to jail. I can tell you some of the consequences of an immoral
life, but I can't make you be moral. Morality is not imposed upon you by society. Morality is self
imposed; it is something in us, and defines what constitutes a human being.
I am sure that many of you have participated in team sports. Now even if you have a good game,
maybe you scored all of the points, and the team
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Morality of Today Essay
Olympian morality was potent in ancient Greek society yet it is incomplete by today's moral
standards of what is acceptable. Modern morality is not only taught through actions, stories or
experiences however constructed by the feelings within. In both, The Iliad and the Hesiod, external
actions are the most important however, without logos, a look into the soul no decisions are made
by choice. Eris, the force of pulling apart and Eros, the force of pushing together were vital pieces
in the aspect of morality through traditional Greek society. Ancient morality combined with natural
science and logos creates a balance that allows for perfect moral structure. Olympian morality was
built upon the aspect that the Gods determined human more content...
Socrates believed that justice and desire could not be determined without reason and logic (Reno).
Going along with Socrates ideas, Eris and Eros can be confined in the soul but the structure of
Olympian morality will never be destroyed. Destroying Eris would also destroy Eros and not only
would no bad exist, but nothing good would exist either. Therefore the Sophist's mentality could
never become the mentality in which society is driven by. If all good and bad were removed from
society there would be nothing to fuel desires, hopes, dreams, hardships or emotions. Preluding to the
Trojan War, Helen is always property. Never once is choice an option of Helens. She is given as a
prize, a trophy, to the one who will triumph over the other (Homer). No one considered asking
Helen what she truly desired; therefore to settle the issue, men were killed in warfare to come to a
conclusion that should have been determined by choice. Women were not deemed important
figures in ancient society and men ruled the world in which they lived. Until Socratic ideals, one
can say that women were only the property of men. Socrates tried to explore the world of
femininity and discover the soul; he was killed for believing that there is more to an individual then
what the divine interprets (Plato's Apology). Unlike ancient times, a war of nations would not break
out over a romantic conflict because women and men can choose whom they love. Logic has
allowed modern
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Ethics, Morals, And Laws Essay
Ethics are defined as "moral principles, as of an individual." Giving dropped money back to a blind
man is an example of good ethics. I believe in having a strong sense of ethics. Morality or morals
can be defined as "of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the
distinction between right and wrong." I believe having a good moral sense is crucial to
participate in the world. Without one, you can make a lot of people angry, you could get fired
from a job, or you could even get thrown in jail. Legality or the laws which govern us are rules we
are forced to live by. They keep us in line and stop us from doing unjust things. I believe in the
Judeo–Christian laws of our country. People who don't abide by the strong morals of our country, or
who are unethical, have the capacity to damage our society.
The difference between Ethics, Morals, and Laws is slim. Morals make up ethics. Legality takes
ethical practices and tells you things you can't do based on what society thinks of as right and wrong.
Computer hacking can be both ethical and unethical. Ethical hacking is when something is hacked
legally and helps better the community. For example, operating systems are usually hacked by their
creators to see what the vulnerabilities are. Then they are fixed or patched.
The most serious issue in the computer world (and in the presidential race) is unethical hacking.
Unethical hacking is when someone steals data for their own gain, or when someone
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Essay on Morality and Religion Debate
Morality and Religion Debate
In an organized religion debate, Alan Dershowitz and Alan Keyes contended many issues on religion
and morality. Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor, believed that "morality can be maintained
without religion." He also stated that it must be maintained without religion because times have
changed. He said that if religion is not separated from state it could have severe damage, such as the
Crusades and the Holocaust. Dershowitz believes that there is a difference between morality and
religion. When people are moral without religion, they are being virtuous on their own, not because
they are afraid of God. He stated that religion should not consist of a Cost–Benefit Analysis. Alan
Keyes, a more content...
Dershowitz said, in return, that people are not moral if the sole reason for them doing it was to get
to heaven. Dershowitz stated "doing the right thing because it is the right thing is more powerful
than doing it because someone higher than you says so." Fowler's theory emphasises on the form of
faith, not on a particular belief system. He believed that faith could be religious or non–religious,
such as God, science, or humanity. Throughout his six stages, he links religion (faith) with
morality, and how a person becomes increasingly moral as they grow older and learn more about
faith. The relationship between religion and morality has existed throughout all time, and it has cost
many senseless deaths and wars. The Crusades were a major example of how religion can be
viewed negatively in politics. Dershowitz believed that if the Crusades were right, why were there
not counter–Crusades? Keyes retorted that everyone has to be responsible and accountable. He
believed that the horrible things done in the name of religion were just our world's fallen nature.
Furthermore, Dershowitz believed that the Bible was a great source for homophobia, sex inequality,
racism, and egocentrism. Dershowitz and Fowler believed that the Bible is one source of morality,
not the only. Alan Keyes avoided the answer, and he said that his morality comes from the
Declaration of Independence. When it states "all men
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Morality Essay examples
Morality is defined as a system or code that we humans use to differentiate between right and wrong.
This system could be derived from a number of factors: religion, culture, and upbringing. It is
difficult enough to determine what an individual's morals are, but going further to determine how
we came to possess those morals is even more ambitious. Still, regardless of its difficulty, this subject
consumes many philosophers and psychologists. One such moral psychologists, Jonathan Haidt, is
theorizing the possibility of evolution causing ones morality. Haidt is a moral psychologist at the
Universtiy of Virgina further believes that complex social structures such as religion and politics as
well as our need for social structures more content...
One is the ancient system, a system that developed before humans could speak. This system drives
our emotions. It is with this system that humans received their instinctual reactions to specific
situations; it is these sorts of "gut reactions" that enabled human survival in ancient times. The other
is a modern system, a system that initiated when language was invented. This system, he explains,
is more associated with our ability to reason and judge. This system allows us to question our
instinctual reactions and determine some explanation as to why we feel a particular way. However,
he feels that these two complex systems are subconsciously active within the individual; he does not
believe that people are aware of these concepts affecting their morality. These two systems are the
key or answer to why moral dumbfounding occurs. It occurs when the two systems conflictВ—when
reasoning cannot explain your initial reaction. Furthermore, Haidt believes that emotions are linked
more to one's subconscious, while reasoning is linked to one's consciousness. He believes most
philosophy focuses too much on the conscious while underestimating the power of the subconscious.
In regards to his experiment testing one's disgust for eating one's pet, he believes this disgust
originated in ancient times when people first began to eat meat. When beginning this tradition,
people had to
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Morality, By Joan Didion
Morality in its basic definition, is the knowledge between what is right and what is wrong. In Joan
Didion's essay, "On Morality," she uses examples to show how morality is used to justify actions
and decisions by people. She explains that morality can have a profound effect on the decisions that
people chose to make. I think that morality is an idea that is different for every individual based on
morals and background.
In Joan Didion's piece, "On Morality," she objectivity thinks that every individual has a different
conception of morality. She believes that each individual has their own meaning of morality and
that people use their own personal meanings to justify right versus wrong in life. I agree with
Joan Didion that people determine what is considered to be moral in their own opinions. Overall,
I believe that morality exists and that it is defined differently by each individual. I believe that
humans collectively require morality in order to prevent chaos and that everyone defines what is
right by their own personal opinion. Overall, as a society, I believe that morality is needed to draw
a thin line between the right and wrong whether they are based on law or morals.
In order to illustrate her point, Didion uses Klaus Fuchs and Alfred Rosenberg as examples. Fuchs
was a British traitor who leaked nuclear secrets to the Soviets while Rosenberg was a Nazi
administrator who was apart of the heinous and murderous acts during World War II. Didion adds the
quote, "I
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Morals, Values, and Ethics Essays
Morals, Values, and Ethics Morals, values and ethics define who we are and what we believe.
Culture, religion, and many other things affect our beliefs. One uses various types off ethics when
surrounded by different groups. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to
practicing good ethics and morals. These things make morals, ethics, and values important in society.
Many things can contribute to what you think is morally right or wrong. Religion, for example,
may create a barrier on to what extent you do something. Some religions set rules, or guidelines on
which they limit what people do. Cultures, as well, contribute to people's decisions. Many times our
values and ethics disagree with different people who hold more content...
This doesn't mean our values or ethics are wrong it just means we think differently than others.
When surrounded by different groups, one uses various types of ethics. For example when one is
surrounded by friends and brothers or sisters one forgets what on was taught by our elders about
manners and about being courteous, but when dealing with elders or a superior, certain
carefulness is necessary. One cannot just say anything that pops out into one's head, because one
can be judged accordingly and would be thought to be vulgar or disrespectful. We develop many
values and ethics through past experiences whether it is a positive or negative experience. These
thoughts and beliefs are what guide us through our life. Knowing between right and wrong is a
good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. In today's world, individuals can make a
single decision that can have an extreme positive or negative effect on their family, their
employer, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of our
character. For example, if we choose to steal, instead of earning it that makes one of weak
character or morals. Like in The Pardoner's Tale from Chaucer, " greed is the root of all evil."
Ethics are different for each person, but for the most part, people want to be known as a good
person. One wants to be known as someone who can be trusted, and one is concerned about his or
her relationships
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Morality As Good Or Bad? Essay
"He makes the point that we judge particular acts as good or bad and that we say things like, "He
ought to have done this or he ought to have done that." How can these be unless there was a supreme
morality that we could compare our actions and thoughts against?"
– C.W. Lewis, Author of "Mere Christianity"–
The definition of morality is, best described as, "beliefs about what is right behavior and what is
wrong behavior. The degree to which something is right and good. The moral goodness or badness
of something", according to Merriam–Webster Dictionary. An article from, Pursing the Truth
Ministries, (, it says,
"Morality can be broken down into three different areas, Individual morality, Systems of principles
and judgments (moral values) shared within a cultural, religious, secular, humanist or philosophical
community and Codes of behavior or conduct derived from the moral code."
Our moral values are derive by the culture that we live in. For example, our surrounding environment
that we choose to surround ourselves with like our religion, our peers, and our towns we live in. We
achieve our moral values through our personal experiences, which can be seen through peer
pressure, conscience, our beliefs and by the law that we set for ourselves.
The Bible talks about morality and as Christians how we are to live by the principles set forth. In
(Mark 7:20–23) NIV, "What comes out
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Morality And Morality
Morality is defined as the principles concerning the distinction between good or evil. These are
principles that are based on facts. Morality is often based on rules such as the 10 Commandments
Morality is objective. It is not influenced by emotions, opinions or personal perspective. Morality is
about standards where we can base what is the correct behavior. Morality also carries the concept of
Morality describes the principles that govern our behavior. These principles guide us to be fair and
be in harmony in everyone. As humans, we should not be selfish and do everything to make things
in our favor. We should promote equality and justice in order to live in harmony with other people
in our society. A moral person should more content...
Take the case of this example. A lawyer is defending a murderer. His morality tells him not to
defend the murderer because murder is immoral and it has been committed by the murderer. It is
also immoral to stand on something that is wrong. But, as a lawyer, he should do his job and
defend the murderer. This is where morality and ethics enter a conflict. We know that morality
comes from within. It is based on facts and is objective. The lawyer can act morally by giving up
on a case because he knows for a fact that murder is immoral. We also know that ethics is
something that is imposed by the society, meaning subjective and particular. These are standards
of what to do and what we should not do. The lawyer can act ethically by doing his job and defend
his client. With the help of this analogy, we can say that we act morally if we stand on something
that what we think is morally right regardless of the situation. On the other hand, we act ethically if
we do something that is right, and that idea of righteousness is based on other's perspective. This is
the reason why it is prone to
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Essay on Morality is Universal
Morality is Universal Throughout history, humankind has looked back to the past, to seek the truth
about morals, religion, and how they both impact and define civilization. Stories and myths from
ancient Greece show overbearing resemblance to our own Bible as both shun the many temptations
of our soul either by teaching the value of a characteristic or warning of the "ill fruits reaped".
Dante Alighieri revealed in his Divine Comedy that "Pride, Envy, and Avarice are the three sparks,
[the three universal deadly sins] that have set these hearts on fire" (Bartlett 80). This statement is
quite true for these three enticements have existed evidently in belief systems and moral codes since
the creation of fire. One of the most more content...
Defying his brother, father, and family for the sake of avarice, Jacob used trickery to deceive his
father and steal the inheritance (Genesis 25:13). In this instance, Jacob's theft and departure results
in a family torn to pieces. This lesson of greed turned disaster is a valued one that today's society
must incorporate in order to reach a higher level of being. Unfortunately, pleasant epithets such as
"acquisitiveness" and "determined" that are viewed in the business world as favorable mask this
foul character trait in our present culture. Today, there are no gods and goddesses to openly and
immediately prosecute the cupidity and so this character trait spreads like wild fire from one
cut–throat to the next. Instead, the greedy realize their blunder only at death when they fall from
the glorious gates of Heaven to fiery depths of Hell, where they can covet only fire from their
neighbor. Mythological and biblical text most often target arrogance of all moral lessons. The
Bible clearly warns, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs
16:18). One of the many myths in Grecian time that cautions the vile effects of hubris is the folk–tale
of Arachne (Switzer 25). Arachne was so skilled in the art of weaving that observers came from
miles around to watch her enchanting motions on the spinner produce such magnificent tapestries.
Over time, the girl's
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Essays On Morality

  • 1. Essay about Morality Morality Moral philosophy is very important to the success of an individual. But, before I tell you why moral philosophy is so important, and how it has helped me in my life, let me give you a little background knowledge. Rational knowledge has two components. These components are material and formal. Formal knowledge is not object oriented, and is based on reason. Formal knowledge is logic, or the laws of thought. Material knowledge is object oriented, and has two components. These two components are natural and moral. Natural law is physics. It determines what is the case, and how things behave in nature. On the other hand, moral law determines what things ought to be. Morality is something humans think about, and more content... So, to answer your question, I care. And for that matter, I bet if you were involved in this situation, you would care. Now I want to tell you an obvious reason why you should care. This may be so obvious that you overlooked it. Many of our nations laws are based on moral issues. For instance, you can't hurt another human; you can't steal from another human; and you can't kill another human being. Now, you may say, "I already know this!" But, if everybody knew this, would we need jails? Let me ask you a question. How successful can you be in jail? My point with this question is to get you to realize that you can't be successful in jail. Nobody grows up saying that they can't wait to go to jail because they know that it is the place to be. Nobody says that if they could just get in jail they know that they could be the best prisoner, and could have the biggest cell. This may be taking immorality to an extreme, but it happens. An immoral life could send a person to jail. I can tell you some of the consequences of an immoral life, but I can't make you be moral. Morality is not imposed upon you by society. Morality is self imposed; it is something in us, and defines what constitutes a human being. I am sure that many of you have participated in team sports. Now even if you have a good game, maybe you scored all of the points, and the team Get more content on
  • 2. Morality of Today Essay Olympian morality was potent in ancient Greek society yet it is incomplete by today's moral standards of what is acceptable. Modern morality is not only taught through actions, stories or experiences however constructed by the feelings within. In both, The Iliad and the Hesiod, external actions are the most important however, without logos, a look into the soul no decisions are made by choice. Eris, the force of pulling apart and Eros, the force of pushing together were vital pieces in the aspect of morality through traditional Greek society. Ancient morality combined with natural science and logos creates a balance that allows for perfect moral structure. Olympian morality was built upon the aspect that the Gods determined human more content... Socrates believed that justice and desire could not be determined without reason and logic (Reno). Going along with Socrates ideas, Eris and Eros can be confined in the soul but the structure of Olympian morality will never be destroyed. Destroying Eris would also destroy Eros and not only would no bad exist, but nothing good would exist either. Therefore the Sophist's mentality could never become the mentality in which society is driven by. If all good and bad were removed from society there would be nothing to fuel desires, hopes, dreams, hardships or emotions. Preluding to the Trojan War, Helen is always property. Never once is choice an option of Helens. She is given as a prize, a trophy, to the one who will triumph over the other (Homer). No one considered asking Helen what she truly desired; therefore to settle the issue, men were killed in warfare to come to a conclusion that should have been determined by choice. Women were not deemed important figures in ancient society and men ruled the world in which they lived. Until Socratic ideals, one can say that women were only the property of men. Socrates tried to explore the world of femininity and discover the soul; he was killed for believing that there is more to an individual then what the divine interprets (Plato's Apology). Unlike ancient times, a war of nations would not break out over a romantic conflict because women and men can choose whom they love. Logic has allowed modern Get more content on
  • 3. Ethics, Morals, And Laws Essay Ethics are defined as "moral principles, as of an individual." Giving dropped money back to a blind man is an example of good ethics. I believe in having a strong sense of ethics. Morality or morals can be defined as "of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong." I believe having a good moral sense is crucial to participate in the world. Without one, you can make a lot of people angry, you could get fired from a job, or you could even get thrown in jail. Legality or the laws which govern us are rules we are forced to live by. They keep us in line and stop us from doing unjust things. I believe in the Judeo–Christian laws of our country. People who don't abide by the strong morals of our country, or who are unethical, have the capacity to damage our society. The difference between Ethics, Morals, and Laws is slim. Morals make up ethics. Legality takes ethical practices and tells you things you can't do based on what society thinks of as right and wrong. Computer hacking can be both ethical and unethical. Ethical hacking is when something is hacked legally and helps better the community. For example, operating systems are usually hacked by their creators to see what the vulnerabilities are. Then they are fixed or patched. The most serious issue in the computer world (and in the presidential race) is unethical hacking. Unethical hacking is when someone steals data for their own gain, or when someone Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Morality and Religion Debate Morality and Religion Debate In an organized religion debate, Alan Dershowitz and Alan Keyes contended many issues on religion and morality. Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor, believed that "morality can be maintained without religion." He also stated that it must be maintained without religion because times have changed. He said that if religion is not separated from state it could have severe damage, such as the Crusades and the Holocaust. Dershowitz believes that there is a difference between morality and religion. When people are moral without religion, they are being virtuous on their own, not because they are afraid of God. He stated that religion should not consist of a Cost–Benefit Analysis. Alan Keyes, a more content... Dershowitz said, in return, that people are not moral if the sole reason for them doing it was to get to heaven. Dershowitz stated "doing the right thing because it is the right thing is more powerful than doing it because someone higher than you says so." Fowler's theory emphasises on the form of faith, not on a particular belief system. He believed that faith could be religious or non–religious, such as God, science, or humanity. Throughout his six stages, he links religion (faith) with morality, and how a person becomes increasingly moral as they grow older and learn more about faith. The relationship between religion and morality has existed throughout all time, and it has cost many senseless deaths and wars. The Crusades were a major example of how religion can be viewed negatively in politics. Dershowitz believed that if the Crusades were right, why were there not counter–Crusades? Keyes retorted that everyone has to be responsible and accountable. He believed that the horrible things done in the name of religion were just our world's fallen nature. Furthermore, Dershowitz believed that the Bible was a great source for homophobia, sex inequality, racism, and egocentrism. Dershowitz and Fowler believed that the Bible is one source of morality, not the only. Alan Keyes avoided the answer, and he said that his morality comes from the Declaration of Independence. When it states "all men Get more content on
  • 5. Morality Essay examples Morality is defined as a system or code that we humans use to differentiate between right and wrong. This system could be derived from a number of factors: religion, culture, and upbringing. It is difficult enough to determine what an individual's morals are, but going further to determine how we came to possess those morals is even more ambitious. Still, regardless of its difficulty, this subject consumes many philosophers and psychologists. One such moral psychologists, Jonathan Haidt, is theorizing the possibility of evolution causing ones morality. Haidt is a moral psychologist at the Universtiy of Virgina further believes that complex social structures such as religion and politics as well as our need for social structures more content... One is the ancient system, a system that developed before humans could speak. This system drives our emotions. It is with this system that humans received their instinctual reactions to specific situations; it is these sorts of "gut reactions" that enabled human survival in ancient times. The other is a modern system, a system that initiated when language was invented. This system, he explains, is more associated with our ability to reason and judge. This system allows us to question our instinctual reactions and determine some explanation as to why we feel a particular way. However, he feels that these two complex systems are subconsciously active within the individual; he does not believe that people are aware of these concepts affecting their morality. These two systems are the key or answer to why moral dumbfounding occurs. It occurs when the two systems conflictВ—when reasoning cannot explain your initial reaction. Furthermore, Haidt believes that emotions are linked more to one's subconscious, while reasoning is linked to one's consciousness. He believes most philosophy focuses too much on the conscious while underestimating the power of the subconscious. In regards to his experiment testing one's disgust for eating one's pet, he believes this disgust originated in ancient times when people first began to eat meat. When beginning this tradition, people had to Get more content on
  • 6. Morality, By Joan Didion Morality in its basic definition, is the knowledge between what is right and what is wrong. In Joan Didion's essay, "On Morality," she uses examples to show how morality is used to justify actions and decisions by people. She explains that morality can have a profound effect on the decisions that people chose to make. I think that morality is an idea that is different for every individual based on morals and background. In Joan Didion's piece, "On Morality," she objectivity thinks that every individual has a different conception of morality. She believes that each individual has their own meaning of morality and that people use their own personal meanings to justify right versus wrong in life. I agree with Joan Didion that people determine what is considered to be moral in their own opinions. Overall, I believe that morality exists and that it is defined differently by each individual. I believe that humans collectively require morality in order to prevent chaos and that everyone defines what is right by their own personal opinion. Overall, as a society, I believe that morality is needed to draw a thin line between the right and wrong whether they are based on law or morals. In order to illustrate her point, Didion uses Klaus Fuchs and Alfred Rosenberg as examples. Fuchs was a British traitor who leaked nuclear secrets to the Soviets while Rosenberg was a Nazi administrator who was apart of the heinous and murderous acts during World War II. Didion adds the quote, "I Get more content on
  • 7. Morals, Values, and Ethics Essays Morals, Values, and Ethics Morals, values and ethics define who we are and what we believe. Culture, religion, and many other things affect our beliefs. One uses various types off ethics when surrounded by different groups. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. These things make morals, ethics, and values important in society. Many things can contribute to what you think is morally right or wrong. Religion, for example, may create a barrier on to what extent you do something. Some religions set rules, or guidelines on which they limit what people do. Cultures, as well, contribute to people's decisions. Many times our values and ethics disagree with different people who hold more content... This doesn't mean our values or ethics are wrong it just means we think differently than others. When surrounded by different groups, one uses various types of ethics. For example when one is surrounded by friends and brothers or sisters one forgets what on was taught by our elders about manners and about being courteous, but when dealing with elders or a superior, certain carefulness is necessary. One cannot just say anything that pops out into one's head, because one can be judged accordingly and would be thought to be vulgar or disrespectful. We develop many values and ethics through past experiences whether it is a positive or negative experience. These thoughts and beliefs are what guide us through our life. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. In today's world, individuals can make a single decision that can have an extreme positive or negative effect on their family, their employer, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of our character. For example, if we choose to steal, instead of earning it that makes one of weak character or morals. Like in The Pardoner's Tale from Chaucer, " greed is the root of all evil." Ethics are different for each person, but for the most part, people want to be known as a good person. One wants to be known as someone who can be trusted, and one is concerned about his or her relationships Get more content on
  • 8. Morality As Good Or Bad? Essay MORALITY (MORALITY) "He makes the point that we judge particular acts as good or bad and that we say things like, "He ought to have done this or he ought to have done that." How can these be unless there was a supreme morality that we could compare our actions and thoughts against?" – C.W. Lewis, Author of "Mere Christianity"– The definition of morality is, best described as, "beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior. The degree to which something is right and good. The moral goodness or badness of something", according to Merriam–Webster Dictionary. An article from, Pursing the Truth Ministries, (, it says, "Morality can be broken down into three different areas, Individual morality, Systems of principles and judgments (moral values) shared within a cultural, religious, secular, humanist or philosophical community and Codes of behavior or conduct derived from the moral code." Our moral values are derive by the culture that we live in. For example, our surrounding environment that we choose to surround ourselves with like our religion, our peers, and our towns we live in. We achieve our moral values through our personal experiences, which can be seen through peer pressure, conscience, our beliefs and by the law that we set for ourselves. The Bible talks about morality and as Christians how we are to live by the principles set forth. In (Mark 7:20–23) NIV, "What comes out Get more content on
  • 9. Morality And Morality Morality is defined as the principles concerning the distinction between good or evil. These are principles that are based on facts. Morality is often based on rules such as the 10 Commandments Morality is objective. It is not influenced by emotions, opinions or personal perspective. Morality is about standards where we can base what is the correct behavior. Morality also carries the concept of conscience. Morality describes the principles that govern our behavior. These principles guide us to be fair and be in harmony in everyone. As humans, we should not be selfish and do everything to make things in our favor. We should promote equality and justice in order to live in harmony with other people in our society. A moral person should more content... Take the case of this example. A lawyer is defending a murderer. His morality tells him not to defend the murderer because murder is immoral and it has been committed by the murderer. It is also immoral to stand on something that is wrong. But, as a lawyer, he should do his job and defend the murderer. This is where morality and ethics enter a conflict. We know that morality comes from within. It is based on facts and is objective. The lawyer can act morally by giving up on a case because he knows for a fact that murder is immoral. We also know that ethics is something that is imposed by the society, meaning subjective and particular. These are standards of what to do and what we should not do. The lawyer can act ethically by doing his job and defend his client. With the help of this analogy, we can say that we act morally if we stand on something that what we think is morally right regardless of the situation. On the other hand, we act ethically if we do something that is right, and that idea of righteousness is based on other's perspective. This is the reason why it is prone to Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Morality is Universal Morality is Universal Throughout history, humankind has looked back to the past, to seek the truth about morals, religion, and how they both impact and define civilization. Stories and myths from ancient Greece show overbearing resemblance to our own Bible as both shun the many temptations of our soul either by teaching the value of a characteristic or warning of the "ill fruits reaped". Dante Alighieri revealed in his Divine Comedy that "Pride, Envy, and Avarice are the three sparks, [the three universal deadly sins] that have set these hearts on fire" (Bartlett 80). This statement is quite true for these three enticements have existed evidently in belief systems and moral codes since the creation of fire. One of the most more content... Defying his brother, father, and family for the sake of avarice, Jacob used trickery to deceive his father and steal the inheritance (Genesis 25:13). In this instance, Jacob's theft and departure results in a family torn to pieces. This lesson of greed turned disaster is a valued one that today's society must incorporate in order to reach a higher level of being. Unfortunately, pleasant epithets such as "acquisitiveness" and "determined" that are viewed in the business world as favorable mask this foul character trait in our present culture. Today, there are no gods and goddesses to openly and immediately prosecute the cupidity and so this character trait spreads like wild fire from one cut–throat to the next. Instead, the greedy realize their blunder only at death when they fall from the glorious gates of Heaven to fiery depths of Hell, where they can covet only fire from their neighbor. Mythological and biblical text most often target arrogance of all moral lessons. The Bible clearly warns, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18). One of the many myths in Grecian time that cautions the vile effects of hubris is the folk–tale of Arachne (Switzer 25). Arachne was so skilled in the art of weaving that observers came from miles around to watch her enchanting motions on the spinner produce such magnificent tapestries. Over time, the girl's Get more content on