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Globalization Essay
Globalization essay
Globalization is the trend towards a single, integrated, and interdependent world. Some humans may
not even realize globalization plays a part in our modern lives, but examples that may be classified as
evidence of this trend include: the ability to buy products from dining cuisines belonging to myriad
of different ethnical cultures, a joint project in which a multinational group of astronauts are sent to
the moon, the visit of a Canadian circus troupe to China, the establishment of international and
intercontinental trade agreements, and the ability to watch a live television broadcast from a foreign
television station. These examples are made from looking at globalization as a whole, but from an more content...
While trade is one of the major benefits of globalization, there is another that is deeply intertwined
with humans' lives: standard of living. "Examples of locations around the world that have
dramatically improved their respective living standards since the 1950s would be the Four Tigers of
East Asia – Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea." (Sarel). These four areas of interest
have managed to improve their living standards by deregulating and changing government policies
that would impede globalization and open up world trade. "The Globalization Index was compared
to the life expectancy for various countries. A strong correlation appears between the degree to
which a country has globalized and that country's life expectancy." (Arnold 46). With better living
standards, human life can be prolonged, seeing as more resources are given to that organism to
ensure longer survival. In developing countries that have opened up their economies recently, we can
detect exponential increases in income per person, meaning the citizens of that nation will be able to
better provide for themselves and purchase goods and services with money that will be circulated,
thereby exciting the economy further. Increasing standard of living is not limited to those in
developing countries. Globalization increases the income of countries that have opened up, and when
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Introduction Globalization
Globalization is an ongoing process integrating economies, industries, markets, cultures, societies
and policies around the world. Whether globalization is good or bad is a question that people
around the globe are constantly debating over. The answer depends on which part of the world you
stand on, for globalization have different impacts on every 'participant'.
The Good
The good side of globalization is that it promotes open markets which allows businesses to
communicate effectively and efficiently between partners; manufacturers, suppliers and customers.
It enables local producers to venture into other markets, increasing in profits. It gives opportunities
for countries to work with other countries; businesses more content...
American workers have lost family supporting jobs due to flawed trade policies such as the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
It results to a skills gap in which demand for new skills outpaces supply of local workers and
hence increases the demand for foreign workers. When this happens, the population of immigrants
will increase to vie with the locals to fill up jobs positions. This causes friction and millions of US
citizens are left jobless. This will be a social challenge for the US Government as poverty increases
whilst income decreases.
America being an advance and developed country, the costs for globalization outweigh the benefits
she reaps.
In conclusion, globalization can be good and bad at the same time. It comes down to whether you're
enjoying more benefits from globalization or you're paying higher costs for globalization.
Thangavelu, Shandre. "Making the Most of Globalisation." The Straits Times, Review, September
23, 2010.
Srinivasan, T.N. Globalization: Is It Good or Bad?. lecture., Stanford Institute for Economic Policy
Research, 2002. .
Jeffery, Simon. The Guardian, "What is globalisation?." Last modified October 31, 2002. Accessed
September 23, 2013.
Colin, Stief. Geography, "Globalization – An Overview of Globalization and Its Positive and
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Essay on Cultural Globalization
Globalisation and global flows of culture have redefined the processes in which we share and
connect to ourselves, others, and the world. From its onset, globalisation had both proponents' and
critics; some believed that it leads to a rich, hybrid global culture. Others saw it as the west versus
the rest, an imprint of Western values and ideologies upon the world's rich and diverse cultures. In
exploring global flows of culture, we can observe these major assumptions about globalisation as
well as its changing nature. New, 'reverse' cultural flows have begun to emerge and question these
traditional assumptions. The case study of Japan's 'pink globalisation' is one such reverse flow.
Globalisation can take on many different shapes more content...
Appadurai terms these global flows as 'scapes', in which media, technology and ideology circulate
broadly around the globe. The forces behind this new global imagination and its scapes are no
longer nation states but global media corporations. Accelerated by the dawn of the internet and an
opening up of transnational borders for economic trade in the 1990's, global media corporations
have rapidly penetrated overseas markets with products aimed at consumers in what could be seen
as a cultural ideology of consumerism. Cultural globalisation is no longer a case of
Americanisation, but rather multiple, competing globalisations of global media corporations.
Henry Jenkins observed the impact of these global media corporations which he described as
'corporate convergence.' In addition, we also see a 'grassroots convergence,' in which fans armed
with new technologies capable of crossing borders (such as the internet) prescribe to new forms of
popular culture. Jenkins observed this convergence coupling as 'pop cosmopolitanism.' This notion
of pop cosmopolitanism explains the rise in popularity of a new, reverse flow, in which Japanese
popular culture products are being disseminated across the globe.
To demonstrate the active way in which media is appropriated by people
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An Introduction to Globalization Essay
Globalization is a historical phenomenon that has been happening for decades now, and whether it
generates growth or not is a matter of whose point of view it is. The western countries, especially
America and some European nations, are the ones taking full advantage of the benefits of
globalization. On the other hand, some experts say that globalization is not doing much for the
developing countries, or that it may be even worsening their scenarios of poverty and social
inequality. But, I will get back to that later . The point is that globalization, while it was primarily
triggered by the emergence of a global market and facilitated by the democratization of
communication technologies, also caused cultural, social and even more content...
We are in the era of free information flow and democratization of communication tools. Through the
Internet, people are able to produce content and distribute it in many different ways to infinite
different people. What is really amazing is that the idea of distance lost its significance. Now, you
are able to communicate from your house in the south of Brazil with friends who live in India,
America or any other place in the world. Messages are overcoming huge distances because of
technological improvements and the implementation of global networks. The third movement is
political. Basically, it means that since globalization implies a compression of national boundaries,
which were brought about by the increase of trade at the global level, the importance of both the
activity of international legal institutions and treats, like the World Trade Organization, and the
dialogue between political leaders of different nations has risen significantly. Also, in the globalized
world we see a quite interesting phenomenon: the importance given by nations' leaders to their
self–image in the international political scene. Think this way: when countries were not dependent
on the businesses they had with other countries why would presidents bother to be admired by other
national leaders? What we see now is a scenario where nations' leaders struggle for status among the
international political elite. The last set
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Essay on Globalization
Globalisation is a multi–dimensional manifestations, a process of interaction and integration within
the world, and is a highly discussed and contested topic in today's context. Globalization includes
aspects like: economics, politics, ideas, knowledge, culture, society, environment, health, social
etcetera. Though globalization can be traced back into time immemorial, but the extent and
magnitude of present globalization is unprecedented. The integration and interdependence of
globalization implies that today local event can have global impact and vice–versa. With the ongoing
globalization process, it raises concerns about international security. Academic debate of whether
globalization is bringing more security and stability or it is creating more security concern, is on.
Globalization in one hand offers possibility of economic development, stability, political liberty and
peace but it on the other hand raises precarious vulnerabilities and thus offering violence and
instability. The international relation theorists are also divided on the issue of impact of
globalization. Realism and Neomarxism offer negative view about the effect of globalization on
security. On the contrary, Neoliberals and Constructivists treat globalization as a positive contributor
to the security and stability. Globalization being a vast topic with multidimensional impact on
international security is difficult to accommodate within this essay. Therefore this essay will
highlight economic
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Essay on The History of Globalization
Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of people, places, and cultures throughout the
world today. The effects of this homogenizing process that we call globalization can be seen in all
aspects of life. From McDonalds being in almost every country, to the majority of North American
clothes being made in periphery countries, to the technological ability that allows us to instantly
communicate with people anywhere in the world, the effects are everywhere. Economically today,
globalization has had both positive and negative effects around the world, with many similarities to
colonization. Globalization has also led to increased poverty amongst the global periphery, and a
specific group of winners and losers within this process more content...
One of the major reasons for these strong patterns of poverty and debt were the structural adjustment
programs, or SAP's. These were loans that were facilitated through the IMF, or International
Monetary Fund, and given to periphery countries. Originally the SAP's were to help colonized
countries become independent and develop their own economy, but these loans led to huge debts
instead. The conditionalities that these loans carried with them prevented these countries from
progressing beyond anything except the export of their basic, primary goods. Also, certain
quantities, prices, and other demands were required. This was because the western, core countries
controlled the IMF and World Bank, meaning that they would want to profit from these SAP's in
some manner. So instead of helping these countries develop, they just end up exploiting them
instead, leaving huge amounts of debt that these countries cannot pay back (HIPC: Highly Indebted
Poor Country). A population of workers are trying to meet the demands of the loans, only to see
their primary products prices fall lower and lower, due to synthetics, huge overstocks of these goods,
and speculation of a low price elasticity. When this happens, not only can the countries themselves
not pay their loans, but also their citizens are now making even less money than they started with.
Only the western, core, exploiting countries gain an advantage.
Besides SAP's, poor
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Essay On Globalisation
What is Globalisation? Globalisation is the process in which all the other nations of the planet come
together to expand out exchanges and social trade. This results in a trade of different perspectives,
knowledge, items and culture. Many goods and services have increased, because of worldwide
trading, throughout the past years. How has globalisation changed over the past 30 years?
Globalisation has changed over the past 30 years due to changes made between technology, such as
transportation and communications. These reasons have altered the increasing leap of globalisation,
as the internet is faster, and has a continuous and endless global communication between clients.
Enhanced broadcast communications, for example, the web more content...
More cash enters the economy consequently making it an injection, as we are getting money.
Another example is China preparing the wool into coats and then Australia bringing in the item by
paying the Chinese retailer. As the cash paying for the coat leaves the economy, it is a leakage.
What are Australia's top 10 exports and top 10 exports for 2015–16? Word documents, exports and
imports Australia's top 10 exports, goods and services, 2015–16 Australia's top 10 exports, goods
and services, 2015–16 RankCommodity2015–16Percentage share 2015–16 Total (millions $)
312,3021Iron ores & concentrates47,79915.3 2Coal34,54111.1 3Education–related travel services
(c)19,8816.4 4Gold16,5855.3 5Natural gas16,5765.3 6 Personal travel (excl education)
services16,5315.3 7 Beef, f.c.f.8,4952.7 8Aluminium ores & conc (incl alumina)6,7902.2
9Professional services5,2161.7 10Crude petroleum5,1841.7 Australia's top 10 imports, goods and
services, 2015–16. RankCommodity2015–16 (millions $)Percentage share 2015–16 (%) Total
(millions $)349,0681Personal travel (excl education) services28,2078.1 2Passenger motor
vehicles21,5426.2 3Refined petroleum16,2284.6 4Telecom equipment & parts11,7813.4 5Freight
services9,8662.8 6 Computers7,8202.2 7 Medicaments (incl veterinary)7,7122.2 8Crude
petroleum7,6252.2 9Goods
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Advantages of Globalization Essay
People around the world are more connected to each other than ever before. Information and money
flow quicker than ever. Products produced in one part of a country are available to the rest of the
world. It is much easier for people to travel, communicate and do business internationally. This whole
phenomenon has been called globalization. Spurred on in the past by merchants, explorers,
colonialists and internationalists, globalization has in more recent times been increasing rapidly due
to improvements in communications, information and transport technology. It has also been
encouraged by trade liberalization and financial market deregulation.
Globalization offers a higher standard of living for people in rich countries and is the
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This research also shows that economic growth, on average, raises incomes for both the rich and the
poor. It helps to lift the poorest in society out of absolute poverty and does not automatically increase
inequality. More importantly, no country has managed to lift itself out of poverty without integrating
into the global economy.
The countries that have experienced high and rising levels of poverty are more often than not, the
developing countries that have been marginalised from the process of globalization. Think of North
Korea or many countries in Africa. Such countries have insufficient levels of international trade and
investment –– not too much. Whether poor countries are poor because they do not trade enough or
because poverty stricken countries are prevented from engaging in the global economy, less
globalization is generally associated with less development. Ernesto Zedillo, the former president of
Mexico seems to have understood the power of globalization when he said, "In every case where a
poor nation has significantly overcome its poverty, this has been achieved while engaging in
production for export markets and opening itself to the influx of foreign goods, investment and
technology –– that is, by participating in globalization."
One of the most common claims made against globalization is that it increases world poverty. Often
this claim is supported with a statistic showing the high rates of poverty in a given
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Essay on Globalization Is Good
Discussion Questions for Globalization is Good Taiwan: Discussion questions 1. How has 'land
reform' contributed to the rapid industrialization of Taiwan? Back in the 1950s the government of
Taiwan started to offer yields of land for families to own and operate off of. The land, which was
supplied with food/crop, released man power for industry to prosper. As the government
distributed the land, the owners took advantage. Taiwan's rural beginnings lead to industrial wealth
like Mr. Wang, shown in the film. These people's homes acted as factories inside and out. There
was originally cheap labor and long hours which allowed Taiwan to offer cheap goods for western
markets. 2. What role have 'Sweat Shops' and long hours more content...
The factory is responsible to pay the money for that child to complete school and continue paying
them their wage. 8. Using the table that follows compare the life and conditions of Vietnamese
factory workers working for Nike with the conditions of workers on farms or in State owned
enterprises? What conclusions can you make from this? The business is good and Nike and doesn't
show any signs of letting down. The management of the company is also viewed as a strong aspect.
Employees of Nike, who formerly worked on the farm, weren't getting paid as much as on the farm–
now they are getting as much as 5x more. By hearing these people interviewed and seeing how
pleased they are, it is difficult to see what the anti–globalists are so stressed out about when it comes
to companies like Nike. They seem to be "doing the right thing." 9. What negative impacts for less
developed countries and their workers can come from anti–globalization groups promoting boycotts
of goods produced by multinationals such as Nike? It has the threat of scaring them away from
businesses such as Nike when really it can benefit their economy. These anti–globalization groups do
not see what Nike has done for the people of Vietnam. The rumors and perceptions they feed the
public makes Nike look bad. 10. How has the workplace practices of Nike impacted positively on
other workplaces in Vietnam? Nike's growth in Vietnam has
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Essays On Globalization

  • 1. Globalization Essay Globalization essay Globalization is the trend towards a single, integrated, and interdependent world. Some humans may not even realize globalization plays a part in our modern lives, but examples that may be classified as evidence of this trend include: the ability to buy products from dining cuisines belonging to myriad of different ethnical cultures, a joint project in which a multinational group of astronauts are sent to the moon, the visit of a Canadian circus troupe to China, the establishment of international and intercontinental trade agreements, and the ability to watch a live television broadcast from a foreign television station. These examples are made from looking at globalization as a whole, but from an more content... While trade is one of the major benefits of globalization, there is another that is deeply intertwined with humans' lives: standard of living. "Examples of locations around the world that have dramatically improved their respective living standards since the 1950s would be the Four Tigers of East Asia – Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea." (Sarel). These four areas of interest have managed to improve their living standards by deregulating and changing government policies that would impede globalization and open up world trade. "The Globalization Index was compared to the life expectancy for various countries. A strong correlation appears between the degree to which a country has globalized and that country's life expectancy." (Arnold 46). With better living standards, human life can be prolonged, seeing as more resources are given to that organism to ensure longer survival. In developing countries that have opened up their economies recently, we can detect exponential increases in income per person, meaning the citizens of that nation will be able to better provide for themselves and purchase goods and services with money that will be circulated, thereby exciting the economy further. Increasing standard of living is not limited to those in developing countries. Globalization increases the income of countries that have opened up, and when Get more content on
  • 2. Introduction Globalization Introduction Globalization is an ongoing process integrating economies, industries, markets, cultures, societies and policies around the world. Whether globalization is good or bad is a question that people around the globe are constantly debating over. The answer depends on which part of the world you stand on, for globalization have different impacts on every 'participant'. The Good The good side of globalization is that it promotes open markets which allows businesses to communicate effectively and efficiently between partners; manufacturers, suppliers and customers. It enables local producers to venture into other markets, increasing in profits. It gives opportunities for countries to work with other countries; businesses more content... American workers have lost family supporting jobs due to flawed trade policies such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It results to a skills gap in which demand for new skills outpaces supply of local workers and hence increases the demand for foreign workers. When this happens, the population of immigrants will increase to vie with the locals to fill up jobs positions. This causes friction and millions of US citizens are left jobless. This will be a social challenge for the US Government as poverty increases whilst income decreases. America being an advance and developed country, the costs for globalization outweigh the benefits she reaps. Conclusion In conclusion, globalization can be good and bad at the same time. It comes down to whether you're enjoying more benefits from globalization or you're paying higher costs for globalization. REFERENCES: Thangavelu, Shandre. "Making the Most of Globalisation." The Straits Times, Review, September 23, 2010. Srinivasan, T.N. Globalization: Is It Good or Bad?. lecture., Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, 2002. . Jeffery, Simon. The Guardian, "What is globalisation?." Last modified October 31, 2002. Accessed September 23, 2013. Colin, Stief. Geography, "Globalization – An Overview of Globalization and Its Positive and Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Cultural Globalization Globalisation and global flows of culture have redefined the processes in which we share and connect to ourselves, others, and the world. From its onset, globalisation had both proponents' and critics; some believed that it leads to a rich, hybrid global culture. Others saw it as the west versus the rest, an imprint of Western values and ideologies upon the world's rich and diverse cultures. In exploring global flows of culture, we can observe these major assumptions about globalisation as well as its changing nature. New, 'reverse' cultural flows have begun to emerge and question these traditional assumptions. The case study of Japan's 'pink globalisation' is one such reverse flow. Globalisation can take on many different shapes more content... Appadurai terms these global flows as 'scapes', in which media, technology and ideology circulate broadly around the globe. The forces behind this new global imagination and its scapes are no longer nation states but global media corporations. Accelerated by the dawn of the internet and an opening up of transnational borders for economic trade in the 1990's, global media corporations have rapidly penetrated overseas markets with products aimed at consumers in what could be seen as a cultural ideology of consumerism. Cultural globalisation is no longer a case of Americanisation, but rather multiple, competing globalisations of global media corporations. Henry Jenkins observed the impact of these global media corporations which he described as 'corporate convergence.' In addition, we also see a 'grassroots convergence,' in which fans armed with new technologies capable of crossing borders (such as the internet) prescribe to new forms of popular culture. Jenkins observed this convergence coupling as 'pop cosmopolitanism.' This notion of pop cosmopolitanism explains the rise in popularity of a new, reverse flow, in which Japanese popular culture products are being disseminated across the globe. To demonstrate the active way in which media is appropriated by people Get more content on
  • 4. An Introduction to Globalization Essay Globalization is a historical phenomenon that has been happening for decades now, and whether it generates growth or not is a matter of whose point of view it is. The western countries, especially America and some European nations, are the ones taking full advantage of the benefits of globalization. On the other hand, some experts say that globalization is not doing much for the developing countries, or that it may be even worsening their scenarios of poverty and social inequality. But, I will get back to that later . The point is that globalization, while it was primarily triggered by the emergence of a global market and facilitated by the democratization of communication technologies, also caused cultural, social and even more content... We are in the era of free information flow and democratization of communication tools. Through the Internet, people are able to produce content and distribute it in many different ways to infinite different people. What is really amazing is that the idea of distance lost its significance. Now, you are able to communicate from your house in the south of Brazil with friends who live in India, America or any other place in the world. Messages are overcoming huge distances because of technological improvements and the implementation of global networks. The third movement is political. Basically, it means that since globalization implies a compression of national boundaries, which were brought about by the increase of trade at the global level, the importance of both the activity of international legal institutions and treats, like the World Trade Organization, and the dialogue between political leaders of different nations has risen significantly. Also, in the globalized world we see a quite interesting phenomenon: the importance given by nations' leaders to their self–image in the international political scene. Think this way: when countries were not dependent on the businesses they had with other countries why would presidents bother to be admired by other national leaders? What we see now is a scenario where nations' leaders struggle for status among the international political elite. The last set Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Globalization Globalisation is a multi–dimensional manifestations, a process of interaction and integration within the world, and is a highly discussed and contested topic in today's context. Globalization includes aspects like: economics, politics, ideas, knowledge, culture, society, environment, health, social etcetera. Though globalization can be traced back into time immemorial, but the extent and magnitude of present globalization is unprecedented. The integration and interdependence of globalization implies that today local event can have global impact and vice–versa. With the ongoing globalization process, it raises concerns about international security. Academic debate of whether globalization is bringing more security and stability or it is creating more security concern, is on. Globalization in one hand offers possibility of economic development, stability, political liberty and peace but it on the other hand raises precarious vulnerabilities and thus offering violence and instability. The international relation theorists are also divided on the issue of impact of globalization. Realism and Neomarxism offer negative view about the effect of globalization on security. On the contrary, Neoliberals and Constructivists treat globalization as a positive contributor to the security and stability. Globalization being a vast topic with multidimensional impact on international security is difficult to accommodate within this essay. Therefore this essay will highlight economic Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on The History of Globalization Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of people, places, and cultures throughout the world today. The effects of this homogenizing process that we call globalization can be seen in all aspects of life. From McDonalds being in almost every country, to the majority of North American clothes being made in periphery countries, to the technological ability that allows us to instantly communicate with people anywhere in the world, the effects are everywhere. Economically today, globalization has had both positive and negative effects around the world, with many similarities to colonization. Globalization has also led to increased poverty amongst the global periphery, and a specific group of winners and losers within this process more content... One of the major reasons for these strong patterns of poverty and debt were the structural adjustment programs, or SAP's. These were loans that were facilitated through the IMF, or International Monetary Fund, and given to periphery countries. Originally the SAP's were to help colonized countries become independent and develop their own economy, but these loans led to huge debts instead. The conditionalities that these loans carried with them prevented these countries from progressing beyond anything except the export of their basic, primary goods. Also, certain quantities, prices, and other demands were required. This was because the western, core countries controlled the IMF and World Bank, meaning that they would want to profit from these SAP's in some manner. So instead of helping these countries develop, they just end up exploiting them instead, leaving huge amounts of debt that these countries cannot pay back (HIPC: Highly Indebted Poor Country). A population of workers are trying to meet the demands of the loans, only to see their primary products prices fall lower and lower, due to synthetics, huge overstocks of these goods, and speculation of a low price elasticity. When this happens, not only can the countries themselves not pay their loans, but also their citizens are now making even less money than they started with. Only the western, core, exploiting countries gain an advantage. Besides SAP's, poor Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Globalisation What is Globalisation? Globalisation is the process in which all the other nations of the planet come together to expand out exchanges and social trade. This results in a trade of different perspectives, knowledge, items and culture. Many goods and services have increased, because of worldwide trading, throughout the past years. How has globalisation changed over the past 30 years? Globalisation has changed over the past 30 years due to changes made between technology, such as transportation and communications. These reasons have altered the increasing leap of globalisation, as the internet is faster, and has a continuous and endless global communication between clients. Enhanced broadcast communications, for example, the web more content... More cash enters the economy consequently making it an injection, as we are getting money. Another example is China preparing the wool into coats and then Australia bringing in the item by paying the Chinese retailer. As the cash paying for the coat leaves the economy, it is a leakage. What are Australia's top 10 exports and top 10 exports for 2015–16? Word documents, exports and imports Australia's top 10 exports, goods and services, 2015–16 Australia's top 10 exports, goods and services, 2015–16 RankCommodity2015–16Percentage share 2015–16 Total (millions $) 312,3021Iron ores & concentrates47,79915.3 2Coal34,54111.1 3Education–related travel services (c)19,8816.4 4Gold16,5855.3 5Natural gas16,5765.3 6 Personal travel (excl education) services16,5315.3 7 Beef, f.c.f.8,4952.7 8Aluminium ores & conc (incl alumina)6,7902.2 9Professional services5,2161.7 10Crude petroleum5,1841.7 Australia's top 10 imports, goods and services, 2015–16. RankCommodity2015–16 (millions $)Percentage share 2015–16 (%) Total (millions $)349,0681Personal travel (excl education) services28,2078.1 2Passenger motor vehicles21,5426.2 3Refined petroleum16,2284.6 4Telecom equipment & parts11,7813.4 5Freight services9,8662.8 6 Computers7,8202.2 7 Medicaments (incl veterinary)7,7122.2 8Crude petroleum7,6252.2 9Goods Get more content on
  • 8. Advantages of Globalization Essay People around the world are more connected to each other than ever before. Information and money flow quicker than ever. Products produced in one part of a country are available to the rest of the world. It is much easier for people to travel, communicate and do business internationally. This whole phenomenon has been called globalization. Spurred on in the past by merchants, explorers, colonialists and internationalists, globalization has in more recent times been increasing rapidly due to improvements in communications, information and transport technology. It has also been encouraged by trade liberalization and financial market deregulation. Globalization offers a higher standard of living for people in rich countries and is the more content... This research also shows that economic growth, on average, raises incomes for both the rich and the poor. It helps to lift the poorest in society out of absolute poverty and does not automatically increase inequality. More importantly, no country has managed to lift itself out of poverty without integrating into the global economy. The countries that have experienced high and rising levels of poverty are more often than not, the developing countries that have been marginalised from the process of globalization. Think of North Korea or many countries in Africa. Such countries have insufficient levels of international trade and investment –– not too much. Whether poor countries are poor because they do not trade enough or because poverty stricken countries are prevented from engaging in the global economy, less globalization is generally associated with less development. Ernesto Zedillo, the former president of Mexico seems to have understood the power of globalization when he said, "In every case where a poor nation has significantly overcome its poverty, this has been achieved while engaging in production for export markets and opening itself to the influx of foreign goods, investment and technology –– that is, by participating in globalization." One of the most common claims made against globalization is that it increases world poverty. Often this claim is supported with a statistic showing the high rates of poverty in a given Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Globalization Is Good Discussion Questions for Globalization is Good Taiwan: Discussion questions 1. How has 'land reform' contributed to the rapid industrialization of Taiwan? Back in the 1950s the government of Taiwan started to offer yields of land for families to own and operate off of. The land, which was supplied with food/crop, released man power for industry to prosper. As the government distributed the land, the owners took advantage. Taiwan's rural beginnings lead to industrial wealth like Mr. Wang, shown in the film. These people's homes acted as factories inside and out. There was originally cheap labor and long hours which allowed Taiwan to offer cheap goods for western markets. 2. What role have 'Sweat Shops' and long hours more content... The factory is responsible to pay the money for that child to complete school and continue paying them their wage. 8. Using the table that follows compare the life and conditions of Vietnamese factory workers working for Nike with the conditions of workers on farms or in State owned enterprises? What conclusions can you make from this? The business is good and Nike and doesn't show any signs of letting down. The management of the company is also viewed as a strong aspect. Employees of Nike, who formerly worked on the farm, weren't getting paid as much as on the farm– now they are getting as much as 5x more. By hearing these people interviewed and seeing how pleased they are, it is difficult to see what the anti–globalists are so stressed out about when it comes to companies like Nike. They seem to be "doing the right thing." 9. What negative impacts for less developed countries and their workers can come from anti–globalization groups promoting boycotts of goods produced by multinationals such as Nike? It has the threat of scaring them away from businesses such as Nike when really it can benefit their economy. These anti–globalization groups do not see what Nike has done for the people of Vietnam. The rumors and perceptions they feed the public makes Nike look bad. 10. How has the workplace practices of Nike impacted positively on other workplaces in Vietnam? Nike's growth in Vietnam has Get more content on