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Essay About Middle School
Middle school was a lot of fun for me, I met a lot of new people and lots of new girls. It was also
kinda tough in the beginning with switching classes and things and having so many different
teachers and lots of homework from different classes and having to remember the room numbers of
each class but eventually I got used to everything. My first day in middle school didn't seem that
much different than elementary school only thing that was different was that we switched classes
but we had our teachers telling us where to go for our next classes so it wasn't hard. On like the
third day of middle school I was very confused because we had all the big 7th and 8th graders
there and the teachers weren't helping us and telling bus where to go anymore so I would be late
to class and my teachers would be mad. It was hard for me to transition to having several teachers
instead of one because all of my teachers were very different we had some teachers that were cool
and then we had some strict teachers. The work didn't get much harder math did but not any other
subjects, math was very more content...
Some things I went through during my pre–adolescent was my legs would always hurt and I had
found out I had something called osgood–schlatter disease and I had a big knot on my knee and it
still hurts till this day sometimes. I eventually learned to deal with the pain but it kinda stopped my
performance in track and football I wasn't as fast anymore I sometimes couldn't run because it would
hurt so bad.
Middle school was very fun though and it matured me a lot for high school I also learned a lot of
things in middle school that have helped me in highschool I also still have some of my middle
schools teachers now like Ms.Bowen that was my favorite teacher in middle school she was very
cool. But that's how my middle school years
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Essay about School Violence
Over the past several years, an epidemic of school violence has overtaken our nation. From monthly
shootings, to daily bomb threats around the country, violence is becoming more and more common
in schools. It is typical to hear about acts of violence among our youth everyday on the news.
Although more numerous in cities, this violence does not discriminate against inner city or suburban
areas; it happens everywhere. When addressing this quick spread of crime, one can inquire as to its
history and why it happens, myths about school violence, and how was can taper it, by the use of
History of School Violence
The history of violence in schools has no set pattern, but statistics report back to the 1970s. In 1978, a more content...
3 Practical School Security). This is not the case; while there are problems that are "normal,"
sometimes they are not handled correctly or thoroughly. Often things are handled administratively
but not given to law enforcements to deal with. For instance, if theft occurs in the school, the law
should be involved, due to the fact that theft is against the law. However, this is not the case in a
lot of school systems. Young adults then may get the notion that is "ok" to steal, vandalize, and be
aggressive towards one another with no consequences. Sometimes, if a young adult commits a
crime, there needs to be more of a consequence then simply being suspended from school. The
school systems reason for not reporting crimes has to do alot with politics. The administration does
not want bad publicity, or they "fear for being blamed and not doing their job correctly" (23).
Another major reason for not reporting school–based crimes is the media. If there is violence in a
school, it will be publicized in the media. In reality, the school system needs to be on the same page
with the police, so they can help one another out.
The top five issues that are capturing the attention of the U.S. is "aggression and violent behavior,
drugs, weapons, gangs, and 'Stranger danger'" (p.5) These are the issues that have parents concerned,
rather than the vandalism or the one on one fights. One of the most
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Essay about The Education System
The education system has been a controversial issue among educators. Requirements of school do
not let student choose what they want to study for their future. It's a big issue to force student study
specific curriculums, which don't help them improve, and what they like to create something.
Educators choose a general system for education to all students which based on general knowledge.
Intelligent or genius students have to be in that system of education, which doesn't let them improve
their creativity. Educators attempt to change that system to make it better, but their changing was
not that great to be an example for the world. Also, did that change qualify education system to
compete other systems or not? In some examples more content...
Gatto is concern to society that the contemporary schooling system is trying to get rid of students'
personality by turning them into obedient students that are easy to have power over (control).
Therefore, the system will produce uneducated voters that are easy to be misled by higher powers. In
addition, students are not given the freedom of choosing what they want. He is saying that public
schools are not the only way to success; also, unschooled people don't mean that they are uneducated.
Moreover, Gatto encourages home–school system than public school as option because home–school
system has more independence but it's not a solution for the US. I disagree to his solution because
he is supporting examples from old generation such as Edison and Ben Franklin; however, our
generation is different than before. It needs school environment like sharing our ideas in class and
helping each other to solve problems. Therefore, homeschool is not the solution to success. It is a
combination of the students' skills, intelligence, and effort that makes up their success.
Graff says that putting students in classes in the contemporary system is wasting and limiting
students' potential and creativity (198). Complaining that intellects do not meet the success standard
set by schools, Graff proves that schools limit the intellect students can achieve in their academic
career (198–199).
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Essay on Schools and Finances
Regardless of the school, public or private, finances play a major role in its survival. While school
districts and schools struggle to survive amid the ongoing and strenuous standards for success,
provisions must still be made to ensure that these entities are financially sound (Hall, 2006). The
purpose of this paper is to evaluate the ramifications of school finance litigation and practice in the
state of Florida. In addition, this paper will be used to research the historical evolution of educational
finance and explain the most significant paradigm shifts that have taken place in Florida. Finally,
this paper will be designed to evaluate the ways current financial decisions resulting from recent
litigation have shaped the more content...
To comply with these legal challenges, the Florida legislature replaced the MFP (Minimum
Foundation Program) with the FEFP (Florida Education Finance Program). The FEFP would be used
to fund districts based on the number of full–time students were in the district. In addition the FEFP
allocated funds so that poorer districts would be able to receive more funds per student
(Herrington & Weider, 2001, p. 521). In 1979, FEFP was challenged by the Gindl Department of
Education, Escambia, Florida. The school district challenged the discretionary millage provision
which may lead to funding shortfalls in property poor districts and funding increases in property
rich districts. Additionally, in 1993, Kay Glasser and others sued Florida's Department of
Education over the discretionary millage provision. Glasser contended that the millage limit as set
by FEFP for school purposes was unconstitutional, however, the Florida courts upheld FEFP but
declined to establish a clear uniform system for public schools (Herrington & Weider, 2001).
Odden and Piccus (2008) posited that regardless of the push for adequacy in education, the need
for equity is still crucial to any school's financial plan. Hence, such cases further suggest that the
equity predicament across states and school districts is not one that will be easily solved (Brimley
& Garfield, 2008).
As early as 1995, plaintiffs had begun filing such
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School Improvement Essay
School improvement is transformation. It is one of the most important actions of a school. It is a
process that schools must use with fidelity to ensure that at all students are given the opportunity to
perform and achieve at exemplary levels. School improvement is vital to schools and it is a process
that cannot be done in isolation. It requires team work, collaboration, and constant analysis of data
and setting of goals. School improvement goals focus on how to meet the needs of students.
Addressing the educational needs, funding, and achievement gaps between subgroups is
collaborative effort involves everyone that has a vested interest in the schools. These basic measures
set the foundation for improvement. And so, if it is more content...
This is the most difficult step for schools, however, when working together, with urgency and a
mindset to improve, total transformation will occur. As we review and synthesize data of a district
for planning school improvement, the following information is needed to access and determine the
needs of a school. First, a thorough analysis of performance data must be reviewed to see how school
districts measure up with state and federal accountability. During this process, it is very important
that schools focus the performance indicators that will guarantee growth and success. School teams
must refer to the districts mission and vision to guide the planning process. The performance
indicators will provide data that will be beneficial in creating improvement strategies. So, after
careful evaluation of the data, the next step would be to plan effective methods and strategies that
will improve student achievement. Moreover, this plan should include needs, demographics and
opportunities for students to be successful. Additionally, the baseline data is important information
to include in the improvement plan.
Data is always the best resource for trying to improve student achievement. The data will help guide
continuous improvement of a plan. There are four types of data that will be beneficial to any team
during the planning phase of the school improvement process.
Demographics data, achievement data, perception
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My High School Journey
At the beginning of my high school journey, it was scary. Just the thought of a new school,
meeting new people, and the fact that this would be my last years before becoming an "adult" and
getting closer to college, was unbelievable, yet scary. My high school journey had many ups and
down. These ups and downs vary because I experienced them in my academics and socially. I can't
forget that I learned a lot and met many different personalities, with people whom I trust and had
many great times. Also as growing up throughout high school, I'm slowly seeing who I am. I know
this is not the end of life, just a great piece of my life will end and everything will soon change
again. I can give so many advices to just start off great at the beginning of anyone's high school
journey. I think it's important to join clubs,activities,or sports so you can meet new people. It's
important to surround yourself with people who will take their education seriously because at the
end of high school, you will see how far you got by being surrounded with positive people and
that's a benefit because you concentrate and achieve excellent grades and that leads to good
colleges. Also, joining more clubs and participating looks great with your cap and gown at the
graduation! Another advice is do NOT procrastinate, I have done it so many times and it sucks to
sleep late and wake up early and by doing so, you avoid stress which is a pain in the butt. Do your
homework, get good grades, and ask
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School Rules
School rules and regulations are made not to be broken. Rules are made for the safety and better
welfare of the students in school. Another is to promote good behavior among students and to
maintain the good image of the school. Parents send their children to school in order for them to
learn not only academic values, but also moral values. Implementing school rules will help the
students mold their character and values expected from them by other people.
There are certain factors why nowadays, students tend not to follow rules disseminated by the
school despite of the punishments they will have to face for doing such actions. Some of the
reasons are as follows: peer pressure, drugs, poverty, homelessness, low self esteem, lack
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Since he/she came from a broken family, he/she cannot get support from his/her family and in that
way, to get the attention of his/her parents, he/she tend to do what is wrong just to be noticed by his
/her love ones. Students coming from broken families often times become selfish in a way that he
/she is just thinking of his/her own happiness and satisfaction.
The family is the very source of love, support and guidance for each individual. It is where the good
character of a person is uprooted. Without the support and love coming from every member of the
family, the person, particularly the students becomes delinquent or simply lost in their moral values.
A student without moral values knows no straight path. He always go on the wrong side of the track
just to be noticed.
Media also plays an important role in growing individuals. Most of the students nowadays are
exposed to so much in media particularly on local television. Because at a very young age, they are
easily being influenced by what they see and what they hear, especially from those whom they
idolize and frequently see on screen. Sometimes, through media, they witness negative things that
they initiate because it was presented or shown beautifully regardless of being right, or against the
We cannot deny the fact that even though the parents raised their children in ways which they
consider as "right," there are still some who lose their direction. It is true that nobody is perfect. So
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Why Grades Are Important Essay
Yes, grades are an effective means of motivating students to do their best work. If there were no
grades why the students would like to work hard? Do not they want to enjoy luxury and comforts in
their youth? Surely, students want to enjoy their youth with luxury and comforts. They can not
judge themselves because they have no scale of judgment. It is the instructor only who judges the
students comparatively and gives grades to them accordingly. In this way, by receiving their grades
students recognize their positions in the class. If their positions came to be low, they then try to
achieve higher positions by working hard because they want to achieve their goal of becoming great
persons. As it is the nature of all the human beings that more content...
The farmer does his best to make his fields fit for better growth of the crops only in the hope of
getting a good variety of crops so that they may help him in earning high money. If he will not be
able to get high money by producing a good variety of crops he will probably increase his
working hours to achieve his purpose because he does his work only for earning money to live in.
Similar is the case with the students. Students work because they want their instructor to give
them high grades. Their future career depends on their grades they have made at this level. If
they got high grade their future will be bright because everyone gives credit to grades. Therefore,
if students will get credit for their work they will work even better for getting more and more
credit. Otherwise, they will shirk work hard. Furthermore, God will also give rewards to those
people who have done good deeds in this world. That is why; all people do their best of doing good
deeds so that they may be able to get reward from God on their sacrifices and hardships. If there
would be no reward from God, no one would want to do good deeds by facing hardships. Every
one would be free to committing sins or other bad deeds which will results in turmoil of the world.
Same is the case with the students. If the instructor gives them grades for their individual work they
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Essay on Back to School
Back to School
Coming back to school was not something I was planning to do. It would pop into my head now
and then, but I never really intended to follow through with it. However, now that I am back in
school, it has changed my goals in my life, not only for me but also for my children. I want to be a
positive role model. I would like to be someone they could look up to and be proud of. As for me,
my role model was my grandfather, I always looked up to him and he has never let me down.
I grew up on the Navajo reservation, without running water and electricity. We used oil lanterns at
night to light up the house. It was not bright, but it was enough to light our little Hogan. We had to
travel about three more content...
Even so, my grandfather was an inspiration to me and he was a positive role model for me, and I
hope I could instill it in my children's future.
I did not plan on furthering my education after graduating from Monument Valley High School in
1993. Therefore, I went on to discover the outside world on my own. Some of my relatives would
try to persuade me to go to college. I did have cousins that went to college after graduation but
eventually dropped out. I use to ask myself, what is the point of going to college when I do not
have the motivation to go to school? Therefore, I left home, away from the reservation. I went to
the Grand Canyon and started working there in the hotel and restaurant industry. I truly enjoyed
working in the hotels and restaurants; it was a great experience for me. Only to find out that it is
leading me towards my path to my college career. I worked at the Grand Canyon for six years and
finally decided to move to Flagstaff. I started working at Embassy Suites, where many of my
colleagues were NAU students. They would talk about school all the time, and after a while, they
actually made me start thinking about going back to school. I also have three of my close cousins
attending the Northern Arizona University as well. So, I finally decided to go back to school at the
last minute.
Getting all my financial aid, immunizations, and
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Essay about Public School vs Private School
There are different types of education that a student may receive in today's society. The choices
are narrowed down into two main categories, public and private school. Many people in today's
society believe it's better to send their children to private schools rather than public schools. To
most parents deciding which school system will be better is based on curriculum, class size, and
most of all cost. It's not an easy choice for parents to decide, but many parents feel their child is
worth receiving the best education offered.
The quality of teaching and the expectations of the students differ from the two schools. Advocates of
private school argue that the education received in one of these facilities is more valuable
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One of the most important distinctions between public and private schools is the cost. The
question regularly asked is, "Can I afford to send my child to private school?" Public schools are
funded by tax dollars, whereas private schools demand tuition from their students. With private
schools able to charge for tuition, and many charge for textbooks and materials, some offer
scholarships for students to help with what is commonly a great final cost. Public schools are
prohibited from charging for tuition, or other fees that could incur, such as: transportation,
materials, and textbooks. Most of the time if public schools need more money for education, taxes
are raised. Uniforms are no longer just a private school requirement as many public schools have
started to enforce this as well. Whichever education system a parent chooses there will always be a
cost, it is just the difference in price that has parents wondering is it worth it.
The school chosen is an investment in your child's future and not a decision to be made lightly.
Education is vital in today's society. Parents will always want what is best for their child especially
when it comes to education. The better the education the farther you will go in life. Deciding what
and where to receive the best education is always going to be a question for the masses.
Thesis: Many people in today's society believe it's better
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Essay about Year Round School
Year–round Schools
The possibility of year round schools has been a hot debate topic for quite some time. The
question is, is the idea of year round schools acceptable considering all the potential drawbacks?
Year round schooling can be disruptive to both the family of the students and the teachers
themselves, it can be too costly for a large group of people, and year round schools do not provide
the same opportunity for learning as the traditional school year does. For several reasons, the
traditional school year, which runs for ten months instead of eleven, is more beneficial in
comparison to year round schooling.
Primarily, year round schools will disrupt both the families and teachers while more
A teacher who was part of a year round system recounts, "I found myself going through 3 school
years without that opportunity for self–assessment and planning for the future of the educational
program." ("The Effect of Year Round Schools" 1999/22 February 2005). With a much shorter
summer break, teachers will not have enough time to increase their education, which can benefit the
learning of their students. For these reasons, year round schools are not as beneficial as the
traditional school year.
Furthermore, switching over to year round schooling can prove to be more costly than the
normal school year. First off, the budget for a year round program, when compared to a traditional
program, is much larger. There are more materials, such as school supplies, to be bought, a larger
cost for air conditioning, and the increased expenses when a facility is used year round. One of
the main concerns is that the life of a school becomes considerably shorter. Usually, in the summer
time schools are under repair and made ready for the next year. However, with a shorter summer
break, there is not enough time to renovate schools. This will lead to the need of newer facilities
more often. Moreover, the largest expense is in hiring new teachers. Not many educators sign up
for the year round schooling program and those who do, expect larger salaries than regular teachers
do. "The biggest budget increase in a year–long program is most often due to
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Essays About School

  • 1. Essay About Middle School Middle school was a lot of fun for me, I met a lot of new people and lots of new girls. It was also kinda tough in the beginning with switching classes and things and having so many different teachers and lots of homework from different classes and having to remember the room numbers of each class but eventually I got used to everything. My first day in middle school didn't seem that much different than elementary school only thing that was different was that we switched classes but we had our teachers telling us where to go for our next classes so it wasn't hard. On like the third day of middle school I was very confused because we had all the big 7th and 8th graders there and the teachers weren't helping us and telling bus where to go anymore so I would be late to class and my teachers would be mad. It was hard for me to transition to having several teachers instead of one because all of my teachers were very different we had some teachers that were cool and then we had some strict teachers. The work didn't get much harder math did but not any other subjects, math was very more content... Some things I went through during my pre–adolescent was my legs would always hurt and I had found out I had something called osgood–schlatter disease and I had a big knot on my knee and it still hurts till this day sometimes. I eventually learned to deal with the pain but it kinda stopped my performance in track and football I wasn't as fast anymore I sometimes couldn't run because it would hurt so bad. Middle school was very fun though and it matured me a lot for high school I also learned a lot of things in middle school that have helped me in highschool I also still have some of my middle schools teachers now like Ms.Bowen that was my favorite teacher in middle school she was very cool. But that's how my middle school years Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about School Violence Over the past several years, an epidemic of school violence has overtaken our nation. From monthly shootings, to daily bomb threats around the country, violence is becoming more and more common in schools. It is typical to hear about acts of violence among our youth everyday on the news. Although more numerous in cities, this violence does not discriminate against inner city or suburban areas; it happens everywhere. When addressing this quick spread of crime, one can inquire as to its history and why it happens, myths about school violence, and how was can taper it, by the use of technology. History of School Violence The history of violence in schools has no set pattern, but statistics report back to the 1970s. In 1978, a more content... 3 Practical School Security). This is not the case; while there are problems that are "normal," sometimes they are not handled correctly or thoroughly. Often things are handled administratively but not given to law enforcements to deal with. For instance, if theft occurs in the school, the law should be involved, due to the fact that theft is against the law. However, this is not the case in a lot of school systems. Young adults then may get the notion that is "ok" to steal, vandalize, and be aggressive towards one another with no consequences. Sometimes, if a young adult commits a crime, there needs to be more of a consequence then simply being suspended from school. The school systems reason for not reporting crimes has to do alot with politics. The administration does not want bad publicity, or they "fear for being blamed and not doing their job correctly" (23). Another major reason for not reporting school–based crimes is the media. If there is violence in a school, it will be publicized in the media. In reality, the school system needs to be on the same page with the police, so they can help one another out. The top five issues that are capturing the attention of the U.S. is "aggression and violent behavior, drugs, weapons, gangs, and 'Stranger danger'" (p.5) These are the issues that have parents concerned, rather than the vandalism or the one on one fights. One of the most Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about The Education System The education system has been a controversial issue among educators. Requirements of school do not let student choose what they want to study for their future. It's a big issue to force student study specific curriculums, which don't help them improve, and what they like to create something. Educators choose a general system for education to all students which based on general knowledge. Intelligent or genius students have to be in that system of education, which doesn't let them improve their creativity. Educators attempt to change that system to make it better, but their changing was not that great to be an example for the world. Also, did that change qualify education system to compete other systems or not? In some examples more content... Gatto is concern to society that the contemporary schooling system is trying to get rid of students' personality by turning them into obedient students that are easy to have power over (control). Therefore, the system will produce uneducated voters that are easy to be misled by higher powers. In addition, students are not given the freedom of choosing what they want. He is saying that public schools are not the only way to success; also, unschooled people don't mean that they are uneducated. Moreover, Gatto encourages home–school system than public school as option because home–school system has more independence but it's not a solution for the US. I disagree to his solution because he is supporting examples from old generation such as Edison and Ben Franklin; however, our generation is different than before. It needs school environment like sharing our ideas in class and helping each other to solve problems. Therefore, homeschool is not the solution to success. It is a combination of the students' skills, intelligence, and effort that makes up their success. Graff says that putting students in classes in the contemporary system is wasting and limiting students' potential and creativity (198). Complaining that intellects do not meet the success standard set by schools, Graff proves that schools limit the intellect students can achieve in their academic career (198–199). Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Schools and Finances Regardless of the school, public or private, finances play a major role in its survival. While school districts and schools struggle to survive amid the ongoing and strenuous standards for success, provisions must still be made to ensure that these entities are financially sound (Hall, 2006). The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the ramifications of school finance litigation and practice in the state of Florida. In addition, this paper will be used to research the historical evolution of educational finance and explain the most significant paradigm shifts that have taken place in Florida. Finally, this paper will be designed to evaluate the ways current financial decisions resulting from recent litigation have shaped the more content... To comply with these legal challenges, the Florida legislature replaced the MFP (Minimum Foundation Program) with the FEFP (Florida Education Finance Program). The FEFP would be used to fund districts based on the number of full–time students were in the district. In addition the FEFP allocated funds so that poorer districts would be able to receive more funds per student (Herrington & Weider, 2001, p. 521). In 1979, FEFP was challenged by the Gindl Department of Education, Escambia, Florida. The school district challenged the discretionary millage provision which may lead to funding shortfalls in property poor districts and funding increases in property rich districts. Additionally, in 1993, Kay Glasser and others sued Florida's Department of Education over the discretionary millage provision. Glasser contended that the millage limit as set by FEFP for school purposes was unconstitutional, however, the Florida courts upheld FEFP but declined to establish a clear uniform system for public schools (Herrington & Weider, 2001). Odden and Piccus (2008) posited that regardless of the push for adequacy in education, the need for equity is still crucial to any school's financial plan. Hence, such cases further suggest that the equity predicament across states and school districts is not one that will be easily solved (Brimley & Garfield, 2008). As early as 1995, plaintiffs had begun filing such Get more content on
  • 5. School Improvement Essay School improvement is transformation. It is one of the most important actions of a school. It is a process that schools must use with fidelity to ensure that at all students are given the opportunity to perform and achieve at exemplary levels. School improvement is vital to schools and it is a process that cannot be done in isolation. It requires team work, collaboration, and constant analysis of data and setting of goals. School improvement goals focus on how to meet the needs of students. Addressing the educational needs, funding, and achievement gaps between subgroups is collaborative effort involves everyone that has a vested interest in the schools. These basic measures set the foundation for improvement. And so, if it is more content... This is the most difficult step for schools, however, when working together, with urgency and a mindset to improve, total transformation will occur. As we review and synthesize data of a district for planning school improvement, the following information is needed to access and determine the needs of a school. First, a thorough analysis of performance data must be reviewed to see how school districts measure up with state and federal accountability. During this process, it is very important that schools focus the performance indicators that will guarantee growth and success. School teams must refer to the districts mission and vision to guide the planning process. The performance indicators will provide data that will be beneficial in creating improvement strategies. So, after careful evaluation of the data, the next step would be to plan effective methods and strategies that will improve student achievement. Moreover, this plan should include needs, demographics and opportunities for students to be successful. Additionally, the baseline data is important information to include in the improvement plan. Data is always the best resource for trying to improve student achievement. The data will help guide continuous improvement of a plan. There are four types of data that will be beneficial to any team during the planning phase of the school improvement process. Demographics data, achievement data, perception Get more content on
  • 6. My High School Journey At the beginning of my high school journey, it was scary. Just the thought of a new school, meeting new people, and the fact that this would be my last years before becoming an "adult" and getting closer to college, was unbelievable, yet scary. My high school journey had many ups and down. These ups and downs vary because I experienced them in my academics and socially. I can't forget that I learned a lot and met many different personalities, with people whom I trust and had many great times. Also as growing up throughout high school, I'm slowly seeing who I am. I know this is not the end of life, just a great piece of my life will end and everything will soon change again. I can give so many advices to just start off great at the beginning of anyone's high school journey. I think it's important to join clubs,activities,or sports so you can meet new people. It's important to surround yourself with people who will take their education seriously because at the end of high school, you will see how far you got by being surrounded with positive people and that's a benefit because you concentrate and achieve excellent grades and that leads to good colleges. Also, joining more clubs and participating looks great with your cap and gown at the graduation! Another advice is do NOT procrastinate, I have done it so many times and it sucks to sleep late and wake up early and by doing so, you avoid stress which is a pain in the butt. Do your homework, get good grades, and ask Get more content on
  • 7. School Rules School rules and regulations are made not to be broken. Rules are made for the safety and better welfare of the students in school. Another is to promote good behavior among students and to maintain the good image of the school. Parents send their children to school in order for them to learn not only academic values, but also moral values. Implementing school rules will help the students mold their character and values expected from them by other people. There are certain factors why nowadays, students tend not to follow rules disseminated by the school despite of the punishments they will have to face for doing such actions. Some of the reasons are as follows: peer pressure, drugs, poverty, homelessness, low self esteem, lack more content... Since he/she came from a broken family, he/she cannot get support from his/her family and in that way, to get the attention of his/her parents, he/she tend to do what is wrong just to be noticed by his /her love ones. Students coming from broken families often times become selfish in a way that he /she is just thinking of his/her own happiness and satisfaction. The family is the very source of love, support and guidance for each individual. It is where the good character of a person is uprooted. Without the support and love coming from every member of the family, the person, particularly the students becomes delinquent or simply lost in their moral values. A student without moral values knows no straight path. He always go on the wrong side of the track just to be noticed. Media also plays an important role in growing individuals. Most of the students nowadays are exposed to so much in media particularly on local television. Because at a very young age, they are easily being influenced by what they see and what they hear, especially from those whom they idolize and frequently see on screen. Sometimes, through media, they witness negative things that they initiate because it was presented or shown beautifully regardless of being right, or against the rules. We cannot deny the fact that even though the parents raised their children in ways which they consider as "right," there are still some who lose their direction. It is true that nobody is perfect. So who Get more content on
  • 8. Why Grades Are Important Essay Yes, grades are an effective means of motivating students to do their best work. If there were no grades why the students would like to work hard? Do not they want to enjoy luxury and comforts in their youth? Surely, students want to enjoy their youth with luxury and comforts. They can not judge themselves because they have no scale of judgment. It is the instructor only who judges the students comparatively and gives grades to them accordingly. In this way, by receiving their grades students recognize their positions in the class. If their positions came to be low, they then try to achieve higher positions by working hard because they want to achieve their goal of becoming great persons. As it is the nature of all the human beings that more content... The farmer does his best to make his fields fit for better growth of the crops only in the hope of getting a good variety of crops so that they may help him in earning high money. If he will not be able to get high money by producing a good variety of crops he will probably increase his working hours to achieve his purpose because he does his work only for earning money to live in. Similar is the case with the students. Students work because they want their instructor to give them high grades. Their future career depends on their grades they have made at this level. If they got high grade their future will be bright because everyone gives credit to grades. Therefore, if students will get credit for their work they will work even better for getting more and more credit. Otherwise, they will shirk work hard. Furthermore, God will also give rewards to those people who have done good deeds in this world. That is why; all people do their best of doing good deeds so that they may be able to get reward from God on their sacrifices and hardships. If there would be no reward from God, no one would want to do good deeds by facing hardships. Every one would be free to committing sins or other bad deeds which will results in turmoil of the world. Same is the case with the students. If the instructor gives them grades for their individual work they will Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Back to School Back to School Coming back to school was not something I was planning to do. It would pop into my head now and then, but I never really intended to follow through with it. However, now that I am back in school, it has changed my goals in my life, not only for me but also for my children. I want to be a positive role model. I would like to be someone they could look up to and be proud of. As for me, my role model was my grandfather, I always looked up to him and he has never let me down. I grew up on the Navajo reservation, without running water and electricity. We used oil lanterns at night to light up the house. It was not bright, but it was enough to light our little Hogan. We had to travel about three more content... Even so, my grandfather was an inspiration to me and he was a positive role model for me, and I hope I could instill it in my children's future. I did not plan on furthering my education after graduating from Monument Valley High School in 1993. Therefore, I went on to discover the outside world on my own. Some of my relatives would try to persuade me to go to college. I did have cousins that went to college after graduation but eventually dropped out. I use to ask myself, what is the point of going to college when I do not have the motivation to go to school? Therefore, I left home, away from the reservation. I went to the Grand Canyon and started working there in the hotel and restaurant industry. I truly enjoyed working in the hotels and restaurants; it was a great experience for me. Only to find out that it is leading me towards my path to my college career. I worked at the Grand Canyon for six years and finally decided to move to Flagstaff. I started working at Embassy Suites, where many of my colleagues were NAU students. They would talk about school all the time, and after a while, they actually made me start thinking about going back to school. I also have three of my close cousins attending the Northern Arizona University as well. So, I finally decided to go back to school at the last minute. Getting all my financial aid, immunizations, and Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Public School vs Private School There are different types of education that a student may receive in today's society. The choices are narrowed down into two main categories, public and private school. Many people in today's society believe it's better to send their children to private schools rather than public schools. To most parents deciding which school system will be better is based on curriculum, class size, and most of all cost. It's not an easy choice for parents to decide, but many parents feel their child is worth receiving the best education offered. The quality of teaching and the expectations of the students differ from the two schools. Advocates of private school argue that the education received in one of these facilities is more valuable more content... One of the most important distinctions between public and private schools is the cost. The question regularly asked is, "Can I afford to send my child to private school?" Public schools are funded by tax dollars, whereas private schools demand tuition from their students. With private schools able to charge for tuition, and many charge for textbooks and materials, some offer scholarships for students to help with what is commonly a great final cost. Public schools are prohibited from charging for tuition, or other fees that could incur, such as: transportation, materials, and textbooks. Most of the time if public schools need more money for education, taxes are raised. Uniforms are no longer just a private school requirement as many public schools have started to enforce this as well. Whichever education system a parent chooses there will always be a cost, it is just the difference in price that has parents wondering is it worth it. The school chosen is an investment in your child's future and not a decision to be made lightly. Education is vital in today's society. Parents will always want what is best for their child especially when it comes to education. The better the education the farther you will go in life. Deciding what and where to receive the best education is always going to be a question for the masses. Thesis: Many people in today's society believe it's better Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Year Round School Year–round Schools The possibility of year round schools has been a hot debate topic for quite some time. The question is, is the idea of year round schools acceptable considering all the potential drawbacks? Year round schooling can be disruptive to both the family of the students and the teachers themselves, it can be too costly for a large group of people, and year round schools do not provide the same opportunity for learning as the traditional school year does. For several reasons, the traditional school year, which runs for ten months instead of eleven, is more beneficial in comparison to year round schooling. Primarily, year round schools will disrupt both the families and teachers while more content... A teacher who was part of a year round system recounts, "I found myself going through 3 school years without that opportunity for self–assessment and planning for the future of the educational program." ("The Effect of Year Round Schools" 1999/22 February 2005). With a much shorter summer break, teachers will not have enough time to increase their education, which can benefit the learning of their students. For these reasons, year round schools are not as beneficial as the traditional school year. Furthermore, switching over to year round schooling can prove to be more costly than the normal school year. First off, the budget for a year round program, when compared to a traditional program, is much larger. There are more materials, such as school supplies, to be bought, a larger cost for air conditioning, and the increased expenses when a facility is used year round. One of the main concerns is that the life of a school becomes considerably shorter. Usually, in the summer time schools are under repair and made ready for the next year. However, with a shorter summer break, there is not enough time to renovate schools. This will lead to the need of newer facilities more often. Moreover, the largest expense is in hiring new teachers. Not many educators sign up for the year round schooling program and those who do, expect larger salaries than regular teachers do. "The biggest budget increase in a year–long program is most often due to Get more content on