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Deforestation In The Amazon Rainforest Essay
Deforestation is the clearing of a forest and/or cutting down of trees for human benefits such as
agriculture, wood exports, etc. Deforestation is the cause of numerous environmental impacts such
as habitat loss, flooding and soil erosion. It can also cause climate change, by reducing the amount
of rainfall and changing the amount of sunlight reflected from Earth's surface and increases the risk
of forest . Tree growth is important for biodiversity because they absorb carbon dioxide which is a
harmful greenhouse gas . However, since deforestation reduces natural carbon sinks, it disrupts the
balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air causing the amount of carbon dioxide in the
air to increase. This poses a more content...
In whichever case, the land would take years to grow back to being what it was. Therefore, the
amount of trees cut by deforestation is still greater than the amount of trees regrown by reforestation
and thus effecting Amazon's plant biodiversity. A prediction by the World Wildlife Organization
states that by 2030, 55% of the Amazon's Rainforest could vanish if current deforestation rates are
maintained . Meaning half of its plant biodiversity could be gone by that time. Deforestation not
only harms plant biodiversity it also harms the animals. Many living organisms are very sensitive to
their environmental changes. The loss of their own niches would compel them to join other
organisms in their niche. In this case the organisms who lost their niche would act as the invasive
species and depending on other climatic or ecological factors these two species would cease to
coexist. One of these two species might go extinct due to competitive exclusion or, as Darwin's
theory implies, survival of the fittest.
Con arguments:
Marc Morano, a correspondent for the TV magazine, American Investigator, states that,
"The claim that the rain forests are being destroyed "at a rate of 20 football fields a minute" is
false . In addition, claims that the Amazon serves as the "lungs of the earth" and that over "450
species" are
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Deforestation And Degradation
Introduction: Depletion of forests has been a serious environ–mental problem in the world when
dense forests become less dense or open due to gradual loss of trees, it is called degradation of
forests. When a dense or closed forest is cleared and converted into land the process is called
deforestation. In other words, deforestation means clear cutting of forests. Various human activities
have caused deforestation and degradation of forests. Causes of Deforestation and Degradation:
Various causes responsible for deforestation and depletion of forests are associated with human
activities. They are as follows: Population growth: Increasing number of neonle is creating
,,Gilaes_ in its wake. more content...
A hailstorm and a cyclone also result in absolute disaster and breakdown of life. Trees are blown off
their very roots, and houses arid huge buildings are dug out of their very foundation, and all life is
destroyed or dislocated. As far as Bangladesh is concerned, nature has been very kind on the one
hand and very cruel on the other. I say this because, not one year goes when there has been no
natural disaster. However, when such calamities do occur, the entire machinery, Governmental or
non–government does gear up to provide succor to the disturbed area. The Government sanctions
money for the rehabilitation of the people in the area, food and medicines are air dropped and the
entire country feels and ads
,,Gilaes_ in its wake. This condition of getting no rain is called drought, and with it, as its
automatic corollary comes famine. For with the scarcity of water there is no vegetation and food
scarcity follows. The crops get burnt up with heat, the earth gets parched for water, sand all life
seems to be cracking in the heat. Just the opposite condition occurs when there is a floo . A flood
is another from of a natural calamity. On the one hand, we find men dying due to want of water
while on the other, in flood we see them marooned by huge expanses of water. High rise buildings
start as if floating in
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Essay Solutions to the Problem of Deforestation
Solutions to the Problem of Deforestation
There are many things that one can do personally to rectify the problem of Deforestation. These
include such things as using wood sparingly, planting indigenous trees, purchasing the most
ecologically sensitive products, recycling paper, reducing consumption of wood related products,
communicating your opinions to the proper authorities, calling on forestry companies to act
responsibly, and more. Education, however is the most effective catalyst for change, we must
respect the forests as living communities not just resources to be exploited.
There are many things that governments are doing to rectify this more content...
Through educating local farmers, governments aim to teach farmer the Dangers of Deforestation and
Slash–and–Burn. Apart from educating farmers, Governments could provide incentives to
farmers, or give the High Yielding Varieties of seeds so that less land is cut down, and give farmers
fertilisers so that they can use the same block of land for a longer period of time. Improvement of
technology would also help as access to machinery would allow farmers to manage the land for a
longer period before moving on.
World Wide:
The Tropical Forestry Action Plan was the first major international initiative to tackle tropical
deforestation and was launched in 1985 by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, the World
Bank, the World Resource Institute and the UN Development Programme. It wasn't very effective. It
was based on the assumption that poverty and over–population are the main causes of Deforestation
and it didn't recognise the role of developed countries. In time donor countries became unwilling to
fund the plan.
Regulating the Logging Industry is another world wide step to tackle deforestation. It is concerned
mainly with commercial logging and aims at rhe regulation of the world wide industry in logging
and other commercial uses of
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Persuasive Essay On Deforestation
Imagine taking a look outside and not see anymore trees. The once thick and abundant forests
completely gone. The beauty of nature completely wiped out. Imagine all the animals we know
today not being around anymore. The animals that we take for granted and don't think twice
about.This is all because of deforestation. Deforestation is the the act of clearing a wide area of
trees. Deforestation comes in many forms, including fires, clear–cutting for agriculture, ranching and
development, unsustainable logging for timber, and degradation due to climate change.(––––) At the
rate at which deforestation is occurring the later generations might never get to experience and see
these luxuries. Some 46–58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year–equivalent to 48
football fields every minute.(–––) Deforestation also has many other effects on the planet. things The
environmental costs of deforestation can include species extinction, erosion, flooding, reduced land
productivity, desertification, and climate change and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. As more
habitat is destroyed, more species face extinctions.("Deforestation" 3) In today's world,
deforestation is a problem and should be put to an end. Deforestation is a huge problem in to the
regards of how it affects wildlife species' habitats. Deforestation leads to huge amounts of loss in the
habitats of wildlife. As important as forests are both environmentally and economically, many of our
global forests are suffering from deforestation. Between 2000–2010, an average of 13 million
hectares were deforested globally each year. At the rate at which the rainforest is being eliminated
there will be no land left for the animals that live there.Leaving them with nothing and no home.
This will cause the animals to start to become extinct and endangered. Deforestation is huge factor
that leads to the endangerment of wildlife species. An example of this is the Golden Lion Tamarin
Monkey. . There are approximately 800 of these monkeys left in the wild(_____). The home of this
animal is slowly being stripped away as a result of deforestation. If nothing is done about this
sooner or later this animal will be extinct and will no longer exist. Finally,
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Essay on Tragedy of Deforestation
Human activity can negatively impact on the environment in different ways, which can lead to
consequences which are not only bad for the environmental area affected, but humans too. Activities
such as causing radiation leaks with nuclear meltdowns and dumping waste are just some examples
of how humans can worsen their own environment.
One environment damaging human activity in particular is deforestation. It is a significant problem in
many parts of the world, with over four fifths of the worlds forest wiped out according to the World
Resources Institute. So what are the main consequences which are caused by deforestation, and why
does it happen?
A major result on the environment is the habitat destruction and endangerment of
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This problem certainly isn't central to Australia, with deforestation most commonly occurring in
Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa, however Australia like the rest of the world is affected by
the consequences nonetheless. It's a well–known fact that rainforests have the ability to absorb
immense amounts of carbon dioxide and release oxygen by photosynthesis. Not only do we lose a
source of oxygen and CO2 recycling, but when trees are burned or cut down, they actually release
CO2 because 50 percent of trees is CO2. According to the Global Canopy Program (organisation of
chief rainforest scientists) "If we lose the forests, we lose the fight against climate change".
Deforestation will continue for a long time, due to financial gain and people needing more space for
agriculture or clearing out forest due to urbanisation and similar developments. Agriculture is the
main cause, as farmers need large spaces for planting crops and keeping animals; however they can
do a lot damage to forests at the same time. Forests are obviously abundant in vegetation; however
tropical rainforests are often on soil which contains low levels of nutrients in thin layers. The bulk of
rock beneath is prone to erosion from the rain and high temperatures of the tropics. Substantial
amounts of nutrients which are vital for animal communities are contained
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Essay on Deforestation
Deforestation is a major global problem with serious consequences to the planet. These consequences
have a negative effect on the climate, biodiversity, the atmosphere and threatens the cultural and
physical survival of life. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and
woodlands. It has resulted in the reduction of indigenous forests to four–fifths of their
pre–agricultural area, so that now indigenous forests cover only 21% of the earth's land surface.
The world Resources Institute regards deforestation as one of the worlds most pressing land use
problem. It is now so bad that every minute an area of forest equal to 20 football fields is lost.
Rainforests cover less more content...
Logging tropical hardwoods like teak, mahogany, rosewood and other timber for furniture, building
materials, charcoal and other wood products is big business and creates big profits. Several species
of tropical hardwoods are imported by developed counties, including America, just to build coffins
which are then buried or burned. The demand, extraction and consumption of tropical hardwoods
has been so massive that some countries which have been traditional exporters of tropical
hardwoods are now importing the wood because they have already exhausted their supply by
destroying their native rainforests in slash and burn operations. It is anticipated that The Philippines,
Malaysia, The Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Thailand will all run out of rainforest hardwood for export
within the next five years.
In addition to logging for exportation, rainforest wood stays in developing countries for fuel
wood and charcoal. One single steel plant in Brazil making steel for Japanese cars needs millions
of tons of wood each year to produce charcoal that can be used in the manufacture of steel. Then
there is the paper industry. A pulpwood project in the Brazilian Amazon consists of a Japanese
power plant and pulp mill. To set up this single plant operation, 5,600 square miles of Amazon
Rainforest was burned to the ground and replanted
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Deforestation of The Rainforests Essay
Rainforest Deforestation
The intensity of the beauty of the rainforest is indescribable and timeless, and cannot be simply
captured by a photograph. It's one of nature's most mystical biological treasures, created over
millions of years. However, the rainforest is far from just being a beautiful refuge for exotic
animals because also rainforests have a profound effect on the lives of humans around the world.
Most people are simply not educated about deforestation and the distinct characteristics that
rainforests possess which are vital to our existence. This ignorance is leading to the evitable
extinction of rainforests around the world, and will profoundly affect every human being on the
planet. In the past, rainforests covered near more content...
Every acre in the rainforest is suggested to house over 750 different types of trees and 1,500
different species of plants. Devastatingly, this incredibly diverse kingdom is being destroyed
everyday at the hands of men. Over 50,000 species of plants and animals have become extinct every
year due to deforestation (Taylor).
There is no doubt that you, or someone you know, has been affected by a plant–derived medication
found in the rainforests. For example, a plant called the periwinkle contains the basis of a special
drug called Vincristine. Vincristine is one of the world's most powerful anti–cancer drugs and has
saved thousands of children with Leukemia since its discovery. However, the periwinkle is just
one of the hundreds of plant species used in western medicine, seeing that 25% of all western
medicine is derived from specific ingredients found only in rainforests ("Facts on the Rainforest").
Given that scientists have only had the opportunity to study 1% of all plant life in the rainforest, we
could literally be killing the cures for many devastating diseases: "The U.S. National Cancer
Institute has identified 3000 plants that are active against cancer cells. 70% of these plants are found
in the rainforest" (Taylor). In addition to their medicinal value, rainforests are also considered the
earth's powerhouse for oxygen, and scientists estimate that forty percent of our oxygen is created
there ("Rainforest Biomes"). Therefore, the
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Argumentative Essay On Deforestation
Makenzie Sheldon
Jennifer Wilson
Composition 1–ENG 1113 40
October 10, 2017
Argumentative Essay
Even though young Americans are aware of the importance of protecting our environment, they still
do not care enough to create the level of change that we need to avoid catastrophic worldwide
consequences in our near future. When the choice comes down to what is truly better for our planet
or what is cheaper, most people and businesses value cheaper, regardless of the effects on the
environment. Thus resulting in a tremendous cost to our global sustainability. This specific issue is
real to me and others, because Earth is our home, and we need the natural resources to sustain life.
The list of reasons to protect our environment is more content...
Whether it is deforestation, global warming, or even pollution. Scientists are experimenting every
day on new ways to help preserve the environment. Around the world Countries are putting up a
greater defense against climate change. In Americas' recent past, President Trump backed out of the
Paris Agreement. "And despite this reckless move, American mayors, state leaders, county officials,
governors, major companies, and millions of citizens across our country have pledged that they 're
"still in" when it comes to the agreement, and supporting the goal of limiting future warming to
well below 2 degrees Celsius." (Denchak) This change in temperature could affect some marine life
ecosystems negatively, or even worse, the human race. Even though President Trump withdrew from
this Agreement, which is an agreement where the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, "undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change, and assist developing
countries to do so." (UNFCCC) There are still a select few American's who are advocates for
environmental protection. I would like to be one of those someday that are interested in cleaning
up, and better ways to evolve in the right direction. It is outrageous how privileged we are compared
to some developing countries, and are still fairly negligent towards the environment. Everything on
Earth has a purpose, we have to co–exist to survive. Even the smallest
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Deforestation Research Paper
What would you think if you were presented a painting of a world without plants and animals?
Would the absence of such a vivid environment feel unbalanced? What if you were informed that
we are in the process of creating that world? Would you do anything to stop yourself from picking
up that paintbrush? Unfortunately, we have already committed genocide on a global scale.
Thousands of species and even entire domains of plants and animals have faced the double edge
blade of extinction, and many go unguarded every year until they are a mere memory in our history
books. Fewer than four hundred Sumatran Tigers battle for their survival, and the Sumatran Rhino is
critically endangered. Sumatra has lost eighty–five percent of its' forest in the last half century due
to the increased rate of palm oil production ("Endangered species threatened"). Deforestation must be
regulated if these incredible species are to survive. Due to the excessive extent of agricultural
expansion, livestock ranching, logging, and developing suburbs across the world, deforestation is
wiping out entire rainforests that were once deemed as the center of the earth. This selfish act of
destruction has brought the world's attention to the fact that deforestation must be managed for the
sake of conserving resources, ecosystems, and to decrease the inflation of global warming. Also,
plants and animals are not the only organisms affected directly by deforestation; indigenous tribes
are affected first–hand by the destruction and they know better than anyone that something must be
done. Not only does deforestation destroy the possibility for a more divergent plant and wildlife
richness, but it also extinguishes the very foundation of which life itself is constructed upon. The
need for mother nature to further develop her diversity should far outweigh mankind's want for a
more concrete world.
Since the 1960s Brazil has begun cutting down their forests at an alarming rate. Natural resources
available have also been decreasing at a substantial rate. Trees help control the level of water in the
atmosphere, which helps regulate the water cycle. With less trees there is less water in the air to be
recycled into the soil, causing dry soil. The result of dry
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Pros And Cons Of Deforestation
If we humans allow deforestation many animals can become extinct. We should not allow
deforestation. Some people say deforestation is good because we get more livable space however
carbon dioxide get's increased in the area. Animals that need rainforest will die and become extinct.
Carbon dioxide gets increased in the area. And last it will Hinder the production of future medicines.
These are three reasons to show deforestation is bad.
Animals that need rainforest will die and become extinct. In the text of "Cons Of Deforestation" it
says "When forests are cut down, it is not only the trees that are being lost, but also countless
amounts of wildlife, such as mammals, birds, insects, amphibians and many other animals that
make them their home". This shows that animals are losing there homes when trees get cut down
and they will die and become extinct because of this. Next in the text of "Cons Of Deforestation it
say's "In fact, there has been a drastic decline in the amount of wildlife in certain areas that have
experienced severe effects of deforestation". This shows that wildlife is already going down because
of deforestation in more content...
In the text of "Cons Of Deforestation" it says " This means that cutting huge numbers of plants can
have a very negative impact on the environment". This shows that it is not good for carbon dioxide
to get increased in the area. Next in the text of "Cons of deforestation" it says "It will allow
greenhouse gases to build up and contributing to global warming". This shows that why cutting
down trees will have a negative effect on our environment for carbon dioxide. Last in the text of
"Cons Of Deforestation" it says " Plants and trees play a vital role in keeping the planet habitable".
This shows that trees keep the carbon dioxide from building up and having a negative effect on the
environment. This shows that if trees get cut down carbon dioxide get's increased in the
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Persuasive Essay On Deforestation
Deforestation Every day we use paper, and every day we sit on or use furniture that is made of
wood. Look around you, how many things are not made out of wood? Deforestation is the
destruction or removal of forests. In fact, 50,000 trees are being cut down every minute. The issue
deforestation links directly with the issues of air pollution, loss of animal habitats and climate
change as well as several health problems. Deforestation can be solved if everyone helped, but not
everyone has the same perspective. For example, some world leaders like Donald Trump do not
believe that climate change is an issue, and a lot of people do not care about deforestation because
they are unaware or because they do not care about anything beside themselves. I became interested
in this topic after knowing that in countries where deforestation is a bigger issue, people are less
healthy. Although Canada does not struggle with deforestation as much compared to China and the
US, I do not want the same to happen.
One issue that deforestation causes is extinction––––the permanent loss of species. Each species is
unique and different but most share the same home: the forest. While others say that logging
creates jobs and lowers the risk of uncontrollable wildfires, what about all the animals? Where will
they go when they no longer have a home? According to experts, 99% of all existing species that
have ever existed are now gone. The loss of species may result in environmental repercussion. All
living things are connected, if the connection is broken, nature would no longer be balanced. The
government need to raise awareness of citizens, a possible solution to this would be hempcrete.
Hemprete is a material made of weed, lime and water that can be used as a substitute for wood in
houses. This method can save a lot of trees, since 44% of wood goes to construction. Second of all,
deforestation has many unexpected effects to the environment and may result in negative
consequences such as climate change. Tree protect the soil from erosion, they produce oxygen and
store carbon dioxide along with purifying the air and controlling the climate. When forests are cut
down, the carbon stored in the trees will be released back into the
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Essay Deforestation
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Important Facts 1
Historical Background 1–2
Background Law 2
Causes of Deforestation 2
The Green House Effect 2–3
Reducing Deforestation 3
Case Studies 3–4
Pros and Cons 4–5
Conclusion more content...
Now with new technology, such as satellites systems, low altitude photography and side looking
radar, scientists can now figure that the world is losing about 20.4 million hectares of tropical
forests annually and if these figures are not reduced, we will lose all of our tropical forests in about
50 years. It has been suggested that the high deforestation rates are caused partly by the fact that the
new surveys are more accurate and thus reveal old deforestation rates that have not been detected
with older methods.
At first there was concern only among foresters about deforestation but now the public has created
organizations such as Green Peace to help increase awareness and reduce deforestation. The Food
and Agriculture Organization or
F.A.O, has worked mainly within the forest community to find new and better ways to manage the
forests. Also, in 1985 there was the introduction of the Tropical
Forestry Action Plan or T.F.A.P. This plan involved the F.A.O, United Nations development
programs, the World Bank, other development agencies, several tropical country governments, and
several government organizations. Together they developed a new strategy. More than 60 countries
have decided to prepare national forestry action plans to manage their forests.
Tropical deforestation has various direct causes: The permanent
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Persuasive Essay On Deforestation
I take a deep breath, opening my lungs to the fresh air that engulfs me. It appears that I am in a
scene that could only be described as a slice of heaven. As I look around the ground is illuminated
by small slivers of sunlight that squeeze their way through the canopy. Luscious greens plastered
everywhere I look, glimpses of color catch my eye. While I close my eyes I can hear the sounds of
birds chirping and the noise as squirrels scamper across the forest floor. However decades of greed
and little care for the environment has led to the downfall of the majestic forests, an essential part
of a healthy ecosystem. If we allow our patterns of carelessness to continue, the forests will be
damaged beyond repair. Stories such as "The Lorax" will become more than just childhood fiction.
Our damage to the forests is incredibly upsetting considering that they are a necessity of life for both
humans and millions of plant and animal species. Action needs to be taken to at least reduce the
amount of forests that we destroy or put more effort into conservation and afforestation. Take a
second before you protest this "tree hugger" mentality to consider the damage from deforestation.
These events call to question how deforestation affect the environment and native species? To
fully understand the question, you must first understand the problem. Deforestation is the
removal of trees from a certain area. There are many reasons for deforestation; one of the most
popular excuses is that the land is needed to support livestock or to cultivate crops. However these
are on smaller scales, small farms will cut down trees near them. On a larger scale, logging
companies will clear cut areas for timber to sell or to clear land for development. According to
Justin Worland of Time Magazine, people cut down approximately 15 billion trees a year, this has
caused the tree population to fall 46% since the beginning of human civilization. The world's forests
cannot continue this pattern of destruction.
Amazon Rainforest
One of the most iconic forests the Amazon Rainforest is taking a major hit from deforestation. "If the
Amazon rainforest was a country, it would rank 9th in size."(Amazon Rainforest Facts) Sadly,
researchers from NASA have
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Essay Desertification And Deforestation
Desertification And Deforestation
The Amazon Rainforest is probably the most important region that is threatened by deforestation.
With over four million squared kilometers it is roughly the size of the United States. The Amazon
spreads across nine South American Countries and contains one–fifth of the Worldsfresh water and
one–third of the known living species. The land is home to hundreds of indigenous groups and is
considered by many to be "the lungs of the planet".
Most of the Amazon is still pristine, but the region is being destroyed at an alarming rate. Over 8
million acres of the rainforest are lost every year. Between 1978 to 1996, 12.5 percent of the
irreplacable rainforest was more content...
The logging industries punch new roads into pristine forests, invade indigenous lands, parks and
preserves, and murder those who stand in their way. Brazil does not have the means to fully
regulate the logging industries however, the Asain logging companies were fined over one million
dollars for illegal logging last year. The loggers have cut more than 3,000 miles of roads into the
intact forest regions.
The Rainforest Action Network (RAN) has taken action against these loggiing industries. Their
Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and letter–writing campaign
has led the Brazilian National Congress to put mahagony logging on hold for the next two years.
Also, President Cardoso has introduced a measure to stop deforestation as a result of farming and
ranching . This would limit clearing to twenty percent rather than fifty. RAN has also convinced
thousands of U.S. architects, builders and lumber yards to stop seling and using old growth
redwood. The are now calling upon the U.S. to stop all imports of Mahagony.
The biggest threat to the Amazon Basin are the "Mega Projects". The goal of these projects are to
create new economic and geographical links between nations. The plan is to criss–cross the region
with highways and waterways to access the Amazon's natural resources for commercial trade. These
projects are already underway. The Northern Border Highway is a mega–project that will span
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Deforestation is an everlasting and unending ruination/demolition of forest just to make land
obtainable for people.
Deforestation allocate more land for cultivation, shelter, uplift of animals and it provides puree for
paper. Palm oil and latex both are extracted from forest trees and it may also be collected through
deforestation. Moreover deforestation generate feeding land for cattle's. It also provide land for
business, residential, industrial growth, furniture and for construction. It a lot us land free from
weeds and the cinder/ash provides nourishment to crops.
In this article we will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of deforestation and also what
are it's impacts on the climate, environment and weather. As we know deforestation is beneficial and
gives us advantages in many ways, other than it's positive affect it also has negative affects on the
climate, environment and weather changes. Due to many reasons forests are more
By cutting down 100's of 1000's of trees per year and never replacing them, we are affecting the
natural water cycle of the world, which means an increase in pollution in the water also the
creatures in rivers and sea are in danger and also means that any animal that drinks from these water
sources regularly could be in danger of getting poisoned. Deforestation also affects the environment
by inhibiting water recycling, severe flooding, aquifer depletion, soil erosion and the extinction of
plant and animal
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Essay on Effects of Deforestation
Effects of Deforestation
The subject of deforestation and the effects that it has on the environment have been heavily debated
for a long time; particularly over the last few years. Governments and large lumber companies see
large profits in the mass deforestation of forests and state that their actions are having few, if any,
harmful effects on the environment. Most people disagree with this and think that the environmental
effects are devastating and will become irreversibly disastrous in the very near future. Whether or
not the pros outweigh the cons will be hotly debated for years to come but the fact is that
deforestation is harmful to the environment and leads to declining wildlife populations, drastic
changes in climate and more content...
The average temperature of soil will rise and a decline of 30% in the amount of moisture will
evaporate into the atmosphere" (Delfgaauw, 1996). This leads to the global warming phenomenon
which is also directly related to the declining amounts of forest areas on the earth. Soil erosion
caused by deforestation is also a major concern among even the most amateur environmentalists:
"When rain falls, some may sink to the ground, some may run off the surface of the land, and
flowing down towards the rivers and some may evaporate.
Running water is a major cause of soil erosion, and as the forests are cut down, it increases erosion"
(Delfgaauw, 1996).
The removal of wood causes nutrient loss in the soil, especially if the period between harvests isn't
long enough (Hamilton and Pearce, 1987). Some areas also become "unbalanced" with the removal
of tree roots as this removal can cause serious mud slides and unstability which can be seen in the in
the tropical rain forests of Australia (Gilmour et al., 1982; as cited in Hamilton and Pearce,
1987) and Malaysia (Peh, 1980; as cited in Hamilton and Pearce, 1987). It should be mentioned that
recent logging techniques have decreased the amount of soil erosion under most circumstances but it
is nearly impossible to stop erosion from happening. Whether or not you are a radical
environmentalist or just a regular citizen, the consequences of deforestation affect us
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Deforestation Essay
Deforestation is one of the most significant issues of our time; considerable measures must be taken
to prevent further pillaging of our unique forest resource.
Ninety percent of the earth's trees between three and four hundred years old have been cut down.
The remaining ten percent is all we will ever have (Gallant, 97). The definition of deforestation by
the Random House Dictionary of the English Language is "to divest or clear of forests or trees."
Deforestation is one of the most significant issues of our time; considerable measures must be taken
to prevent further pillaging of our unique forest resource. There are approximately four–hundred
million hectares of forest in the world, more content...
With new technology such as satellites systems, low altitude photography and side looking radar
scientists now figure that the world is losing about twenty million hectares of tropical forests
annually. It has been suggested that the high deforestation rates are caused partially by the fact that
the new surveys are more accurate and thus reveal old deforestation rates that were miscalculated
with previous methods (Westoby, 202). At first there was concern only among foresters about
deforestation but now the public has created organizations such as Green Peace to facilitate
increased awareness and reduce deforestation. The Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.) has
worked mainly within the forestry community to find new and better ways to manage the forests. In
1985 there was the introduction of the Tropical Forestry Action Plan or T.F.A.P. This plan involved
the F.A.O, United Nations, World Bank, other developmental agencies, and several other
multi–national government organizations; together they developed a new strategy. More than sixty
countries have decided to prepare national forestry action plans to manage their forests (Gallant,
381). Tropical deforestation has various direct causes: permanent conversion of forests to agricultural
land, logging, demand for fuel–wood, forest fires and drought. Slash and burn clearing is the single
greatest cause of tropical rain forest destruction world wide. Air
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Essay about The Impact of Deforestation
Deforestation is a serious issue in today's world. What once was a green Earth is now becoming a
desolate land mold that is losing one of its main attributes: forests. Similar to Rachel Carson's
perception, the Earth was once full of lavish forests and is slowly deteriorating into empty,
unappealing land. Centuries ago, Earth was covered in forests. "...The whole country, full of woods
and thickets..." (Bradford) was the average for settlers in the 1800s. They had grown accustomed to
the full lush trees. Even in the 1900s there were the "...same beautiful trees..." (Fuller) and nature
was a sight to see as people relished "passing through one of the fine, park–like woods, almost clear
from underbrush and carpeted with thick grasses more content...
One issue deforestation causes is a change of habitat for animals. Animals are forced out of their
habitations when the forests are cut down. This causes the animals to have to go find a new
home. However, "when these areas are destroyed, the species become extinct" (eHow). The
animals are forced to attempt to relocate themselves, but sometimes, this causes issues as they are
not adapted to all areas. This results in the sped up extinction of species. When a species becomes
extinct, this poses another issue. "Scientists lose the opportunity to learn more about these
species..." (eHow) which prevents scientists from being able to understand the possible
medicines they could help create or cures they could create for not only other animals but humans
too. Deforestation also causes starvation of animals. "They are forced to leave what once was
their home to search for food..." (eHow). But this sometimes does not work as the animals are not
adapted to the world outside their forest homes, resulting in the conclusion that "... many starve to
death" (eHow). Some animals have a tough time hunting for the food as it becomes inaccessible.
This causes a ripple in the food chain. As species die off, this provides less sustenance for their
consumers, which in turn kills them off, creating a cycle of animals dying off due to absence of
food. Animals also see the forests as their home. Nearly 70% of the world's species live in forests.
Cutting down all the
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Persuasive Essay On Deforestation
Deforestation is one of the most challenging problems we face in our world today. A problem that,
if it continues, could have devastating consequences for all life on earth. Life on earth is a delicate
system of checks and balances that keep everything running smoothly. When something in the
system is changed other things must be moved around to make up for the changes. So, when a
large area of forest is destroyed and the species that lived there are forced to relocate elsewhere the
tension that results from this has to be worked out one way or another. Often times nature can take
care of it on its own after all harsh storms and fires are nothing new. But, when this tension is
continuously being built up by the constant removal of more content...
Just here in America, pioneers heading to the west cut down approximately 177 million square
miles of forests by 1850, and nearly 300 million square miles by 1910(ci). Which leads us to
where we are today. Our water, air, and forests are not bound by national borders which means
that deforestation is not the problem of one nation, but of all nations. We all depend on the
ecological services on this earth and we all play a hand in causing its destruction. Deforestation is
happening all over the world not just in the Amazon rainforest so what we do at home every day
can have an impact on this issue. Most deforestation is a result of our consumption and demand
for products so avoiding products or companies that are particularly harmful to forests is a good
first step. Take for example, asking for the source of a wood and rejecting it if it comes from the
rainforest can help efforts to conserve the rainforest. Another way one could help would be by
eliminating meat from their diet. Cattle from the Amazon basin are more likely to be raised on
ranches that used to be part of the rainforest and the soybean farms, used to feed the cattle, are also
contributing to deforestation(ci). Now, cutting meat entirely out of one's diet is difficult especially
for lower income families as meat is cheaper that fruits and vegetables. But just reducing the amount
consumed can be effective and coupling it
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Deforestation And Pollution Essay
As the human race grows ever larger, more attention is being brought to how we are affecting the
world we live in. More people are being born everyday, and our race is using more resources than
ever before. Because of this rate of consumption, the list of concerning environmental impacts from
humans is incredibly long and disheartening. But a few concerns are at the forefront, and they must
be acknowledged and managed carefully. The fate of thehuman race, as well as so many other
species, depends on how we handle two things: deforestation and pollution. Humans are huge
consumers. Our race uses the environment in any way we please, to get whatever we want. James
M. Rubenstein, author of 2015 book The Cultural Landscape, states that "Human actions can
deplete scarce environmental resources, destroy irreplaceable resources, and use resources
inefficiently," (36). Food, products, housing, and the list goes on, these are all things that humans
in one way or another produce or harvest from the environment by modifying it. Large factories,
housing developments, crop fields, are all culprits of changing the environment to fit our needs in a
major way: deforestation. Deforestation is exactly what is sounds like, the clearing of masses of
trees in order to use the land for human consumption. A 2016 article by Varsha Vijay et al titled,
"The Impacts of Oil Palm on Recent Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss", discusses palm oil
plantations as one of the newest culprits of
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Essays About Deforestation

  • 1. Deforestation In The Amazon Rainforest Essay Introduction: Deforestation is the clearing of a forest and/or cutting down of trees for human benefits such as agriculture, wood exports, etc. Deforestation is the cause of numerous environmental impacts such as habitat loss, flooding and soil erosion. It can also cause climate change, by reducing the amount of rainfall and changing the amount of sunlight reflected from Earth's surface and increases the risk of forest . Tree growth is important for biodiversity because they absorb carbon dioxide which is a harmful greenhouse gas . However, since deforestation reduces natural carbon sinks, it disrupts the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air causing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air to increase. This poses a more content... In whichever case, the land would take years to grow back to being what it was. Therefore, the amount of trees cut by deforestation is still greater than the amount of trees regrown by reforestation and thus effecting Amazon's plant biodiversity. A prediction by the World Wildlife Organization states that by 2030, 55% of the Amazon's Rainforest could vanish if current deforestation rates are maintained . Meaning half of its plant biodiversity could be gone by that time. Deforestation not only harms plant biodiversity it also harms the animals. Many living organisms are very sensitive to their environmental changes. The loss of their own niches would compel them to join other organisms in their niche. In this case the organisms who lost their niche would act as the invasive species and depending on other climatic or ecological factors these two species would cease to coexist. One of these two species might go extinct due to competitive exclusion or, as Darwin's theory implies, survival of the fittest. Con arguments: Marc Morano, a correspondent for the TV magazine, American Investigator, states that, "The claim that the rain forests are being destroyed "at a rate of 20 football fields a minute" is false . In addition, claims that the Amazon serves as the "lungs of the earth" and that over "450 species" are Get more content on
  • 2. Deforestation And Degradation DEFORESTATION AND DEGRADATION OF FORESTS Introduction: Depletion of forests has been a serious environ–mental problem in the world when dense forests become less dense or open due to gradual loss of trees, it is called degradation of forests. When a dense or closed forest is cleared and converted into land the process is called deforestation. In other words, deforestation means clear cutting of forests. Various human activities have caused deforestation and degradation of forests. Causes of Deforestation and Degradation: Various causes responsible for deforestation and depletion of forests are associated with human activities. They are as follows: Population growth: Increasing number of neonle is creating ,,Gilaes_ in its wake. more content... A hailstorm and a cyclone also result in absolute disaster and breakdown of life. Trees are blown off their very roots, and houses arid huge buildings are dug out of their very foundation, and all life is destroyed or dislocated. As far as Bangladesh is concerned, nature has been very kind on the one hand and very cruel on the other. I say this because, not one year goes when there has been no natural disaster. However, when such calamities do occur, the entire machinery, Governmental or non–government does gear up to provide succor to the disturbed area. The Government sanctions money for the rehabilitation of the people in the area, food and medicines are air dropped and the entire country feels and ads ,,Gilaes_ in its wake. This condition of getting no rain is called drought, and with it, as its automatic corollary comes famine. For with the scarcity of water there is no vegetation and food scarcity follows. The crops get burnt up with heat, the earth gets parched for water, sand all life seems to be cracking in the heat. Just the opposite condition occurs when there is a floo . A flood is another from of a natural calamity. On the one hand, we find men dying due to want of water while on the other, in flood we see them marooned by huge expanses of water. High rise buildings start as if floating in Get more content on
  • 3. Essay Solutions to the Problem of Deforestation Solutions to the Problem of Deforestation Personal: There are many things that one can do personally to rectify the problem of Deforestation. These include such things as using wood sparingly, planting indigenous trees, purchasing the most ecologically sensitive products, recycling paper, reducing consumption of wood related products, communicating your opinions to the proper authorities, calling on forestry companies to act responsibly, and more. Education, however is the most effective catalyst for change, we must respect the forests as living communities not just resources to be exploited. Government: There are many things that governments are doing to rectify this more content... Through educating local farmers, governments aim to teach farmer the Dangers of Deforestation and Slash–and–Burn. Apart from educating farmers, Governments could provide incentives to farmers, or give the High Yielding Varieties of seeds so that less land is cut down, and give farmers fertilisers so that they can use the same block of land for a longer period of time. Improvement of technology would also help as access to machinery would allow farmers to manage the land for a longer period before moving on. World Wide: The Tropical Forestry Action Plan was the first major international initiative to tackle tropical deforestation and was launched in 1985 by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, the World Bank, the World Resource Institute and the UN Development Programme. It wasn't very effective. It was based on the assumption that poverty and over–population are the main causes of Deforestation and it didn't recognise the role of developed countries. In time donor countries became unwilling to fund the plan. Regulating the Logging Industry is another world wide step to tackle deforestation. It is concerned mainly with commercial logging and aims at rhe regulation of the world wide industry in logging and other commercial uses of Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Deforestation Imagine taking a look outside and not see anymore trees. The once thick and abundant forests completely gone. The beauty of nature completely wiped out. Imagine all the animals we know today not being around anymore. The animals that we take for granted and don't think twice about.This is all because of deforestation. Deforestation is the the act of clearing a wide area of trees. Deforestation comes in many forms, including fires, clear–cutting for agriculture, ranching and development, unsustainable logging for timber, and degradation due to climate change.(––––) At the rate at which deforestation is occurring the later generations might never get to experience and see these luxuries. Some 46–58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year–equivalent to 48 football fields every minute.(–––) Deforestation also has many other effects on the planet. things The environmental costs of deforestation can include species extinction, erosion, flooding, reduced land productivity, desertification, and climate change and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. As more habitat is destroyed, more species face extinctions.("Deforestation" 3) In today's world, deforestation is a problem and should be put to an end. Deforestation is a huge problem in to the regards of how it affects wildlife species' habitats. Deforestation leads to huge amounts of loss in the habitats of wildlife. As important as forests are both environmentally and economically, many of our global forests are suffering from deforestation. Between 2000–2010, an average of 13 million hectares were deforested globally each year. At the rate at which the rainforest is being eliminated there will be no land left for the animals that live there.Leaving them with nothing and no home. This will cause the animals to start to become extinct and endangered. Deforestation is huge factor that leads to the endangerment of wildlife species. An example of this is the Golden Lion Tamarin Monkey. . There are approximately 800 of these monkeys left in the wild(_____). The home of this animal is slowly being stripped away as a result of deforestation. If nothing is done about this sooner or later this animal will be extinct and will no longer exist. Finally, Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Tragedy of Deforestation Human activity can negatively impact on the environment in different ways, which can lead to consequences which are not only bad for the environmental area affected, but humans too. Activities such as causing radiation leaks with nuclear meltdowns and dumping waste are just some examples of how humans can worsen their own environment. One environment damaging human activity in particular is deforestation. It is a significant problem in many parts of the world, with over four fifths of the worlds forest wiped out according to the World Resources Institute. So what are the main consequences which are caused by deforestation, and why does it happen? A major result on the environment is the habitat destruction and endangerment of more content... This problem certainly isn't central to Australia, with deforestation most commonly occurring in Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa, however Australia like the rest of the world is affected by the consequences nonetheless. It's a well–known fact that rainforests have the ability to absorb immense amounts of carbon dioxide and release oxygen by photosynthesis. Not only do we lose a source of oxygen and CO2 recycling, but when trees are burned or cut down, they actually release CO2 because 50 percent of trees is CO2. According to the Global Canopy Program (organisation of chief rainforest scientists) "If we lose the forests, we lose the fight against climate change". Deforestation will continue for a long time, due to financial gain and people needing more space for agriculture or clearing out forest due to urbanisation and similar developments. Agriculture is the main cause, as farmers need large spaces for planting crops and keeping animals; however they can do a lot damage to forests at the same time. Forests are obviously abundant in vegetation; however tropical rainforests are often on soil which contains low levels of nutrients in thin layers. The bulk of rock beneath is prone to erosion from the rain and high temperatures of the tropics. Substantial amounts of nutrients which are vital for animal communities are contained Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Deforestation Deforestation is a major global problem with serious consequences to the planet. These consequences have a negative effect on the climate, biodiversity, the atmosphere and threatens the cultural and physical survival of life. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. It has resulted in the reduction of indigenous forests to four–fifths of their pre–agricultural area, so that now indigenous forests cover only 21% of the earth's land surface. The world Resources Institute regards deforestation as one of the worlds most pressing land use problem. It is now so bad that every minute an area of forest equal to 20 football fields is lost. Rainforests cover less more content... Logging tropical hardwoods like teak, mahogany, rosewood and other timber for furniture, building materials, charcoal and other wood products is big business and creates big profits. Several species of tropical hardwoods are imported by developed counties, including America, just to build coffins which are then buried or burned. The demand, extraction and consumption of tropical hardwoods has been so massive that some countries which have been traditional exporters of tropical hardwoods are now importing the wood because they have already exhausted their supply by destroying their native rainforests in slash and burn operations. It is anticipated that The Philippines, Malaysia, The Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Thailand will all run out of rainforest hardwood for export within the next five years. In addition to logging for exportation, rainforest wood stays in developing countries for fuel wood and charcoal. One single steel plant in Brazil making steel for Japanese cars needs millions of tons of wood each year to produce charcoal that can be used in the manufacture of steel. Then there is the paper industry. A pulpwood project in the Brazilian Amazon consists of a Japanese power plant and pulp mill. To set up this single plant operation, 5,600 square miles of Amazon Rainforest was burned to the ground and replanted Get more content on
  • 7. Deforestation of The Rainforests Essay Rainforest Deforestation The intensity of the beauty of the rainforest is indescribable and timeless, and cannot be simply captured by a photograph. It's one of nature's most mystical biological treasures, created over millions of years. However, the rainforest is far from just being a beautiful refuge for exotic animals because also rainforests have a profound effect on the lives of humans around the world. Most people are simply not educated about deforestation and the distinct characteristics that rainforests possess which are vital to our existence. This ignorance is leading to the evitable extinction of rainforests around the world, and will profoundly affect every human being on the planet. In the past, rainforests covered near more content... Every acre in the rainforest is suggested to house over 750 different types of trees and 1,500 different species of plants. Devastatingly, this incredibly diverse kingdom is being destroyed everyday at the hands of men. Over 50,000 species of plants and animals have become extinct every year due to deforestation (Taylor). There is no doubt that you, or someone you know, has been affected by a plant–derived medication found in the rainforests. For example, a plant called the periwinkle contains the basis of a special drug called Vincristine. Vincristine is one of the world's most powerful anti–cancer drugs and has saved thousands of children with Leukemia since its discovery. However, the periwinkle is just one of the hundreds of plant species used in western medicine, seeing that 25% of all western medicine is derived from specific ingredients found only in rainforests ("Facts on the Rainforest"). Given that scientists have only had the opportunity to study 1% of all plant life in the rainforest, we could literally be killing the cures for many devastating diseases: "The U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified 3000 plants that are active against cancer cells. 70% of these plants are found in the rainforest" (Taylor). In addition to their medicinal value, rainforests are also considered the earth's powerhouse for oxygen, and scientists estimate that forty percent of our oxygen is created there ("Rainforest Biomes"). Therefore, the Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay On Deforestation Makenzie Sheldon Jennifer Wilson Composition 1–ENG 1113 40 October 10, 2017 Argumentative Essay Even though young Americans are aware of the importance of protecting our environment, they still do not care enough to create the level of change that we need to avoid catastrophic worldwide consequences in our near future. When the choice comes down to what is truly better for our planet or what is cheaper, most people and businesses value cheaper, regardless of the effects on the environment. Thus resulting in a tremendous cost to our global sustainability. This specific issue is real to me and others, because Earth is our home, and we need the natural resources to sustain life. The list of reasons to protect our environment is more content... Whether it is deforestation, global warming, or even pollution. Scientists are experimenting every day on new ways to help preserve the environment. Around the world Countries are putting up a greater defense against climate change. In Americas' recent past, President Trump backed out of the Paris Agreement. "And despite this reckless move, American mayors, state leaders, county officials, governors, major companies, and millions of citizens across our country have pledged that they 're "still in" when it comes to the agreement, and supporting the goal of limiting future warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius." (Denchak) This change in temperature could affect some marine life ecosystems negatively, or even worse, the human race. Even though President Trump withdrew from this Agreement, which is an agreement where the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, "undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change, and assist developing countries to do so." (UNFCCC) There are still a select few American's who are advocates for environmental protection. I would like to be one of those someday that are interested in cleaning up, and better ways to evolve in the right direction. It is outrageous how privileged we are compared to some developing countries, and are still fairly negligent towards the environment. Everything on Earth has a purpose, we have to co–exist to survive. Even the smallest Get more content on
  • 9. Deforestation Research Paper What would you think if you were presented a painting of a world without plants and animals? Would the absence of such a vivid environment feel unbalanced? What if you were informed that we are in the process of creating that world? Would you do anything to stop yourself from picking up that paintbrush? Unfortunately, we have already committed genocide on a global scale. Thousands of species and even entire domains of plants and animals have faced the double edge blade of extinction, and many go unguarded every year until they are a mere memory in our history books. Fewer than four hundred Sumatran Tigers battle for their survival, and the Sumatran Rhino is critically endangered. Sumatra has lost eighty–five percent of its' forest in the last half century due to the increased rate of palm oil production ("Endangered species threatened"). Deforestation must be regulated if these incredible species are to survive. Due to the excessive extent of agricultural expansion, livestock ranching, logging, and developing suburbs across the world, deforestation is wiping out entire rainforests that were once deemed as the center of the earth. This selfish act of destruction has brought the world's attention to the fact that deforestation must be managed for the sake of conserving resources, ecosystems, and to decrease the inflation of global warming. Also, plants and animals are not the only organisms affected directly by deforestation; indigenous tribes are affected first–hand by the destruction and they know better than anyone that something must be done. Not only does deforestation destroy the possibility for a more divergent plant and wildlife richness, but it also extinguishes the very foundation of which life itself is constructed upon. The need for mother nature to further develop her diversity should far outweigh mankind's want for a more concrete world. Since the 1960s Brazil has begun cutting down their forests at an alarming rate. Natural resources available have also been decreasing at a substantial rate. Trees help control the level of water in the atmosphere, which helps regulate the water cycle. With less trees there is less water in the air to be recycled into the soil, causing dry soil. The result of dry Get more content on
  • 10. Pros And Cons Of Deforestation If we humans allow deforestation many animals can become extinct. We should not allow deforestation. Some people say deforestation is good because we get more livable space however carbon dioxide get's increased in the area. Animals that need rainforest will die and become extinct. Carbon dioxide gets increased in the area. And last it will Hinder the production of future medicines. These are three reasons to show deforestation is bad. Animals that need rainforest will die and become extinct. In the text of "Cons Of Deforestation" it says "When forests are cut down, it is not only the trees that are being lost, but also countless amounts of wildlife, such as mammals, birds, insects, amphibians and many other animals that make them their home". This shows that animals are losing there homes when trees get cut down and they will die and become extinct because of this. Next in the text of "Cons Of Deforestation it say's "In fact, there has been a drastic decline in the amount of wildlife in certain areas that have experienced severe effects of deforestation". This shows that wildlife is already going down because of deforestation in more content... In the text of "Cons Of Deforestation" it says " This means that cutting huge numbers of plants can have a very negative impact on the environment". This shows that it is not good for carbon dioxide to get increased in the area. Next in the text of "Cons of deforestation" it says "It will allow greenhouse gases to build up and contributing to global warming". This shows that why cutting down trees will have a negative effect on our environment for carbon dioxide. Last in the text of "Cons Of Deforestation" it says " Plants and trees play a vital role in keeping the planet habitable". This shows that trees keep the carbon dioxide from building up and having a negative effect on the environment. This shows that if trees get cut down carbon dioxide get's increased in the Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Deforestation Deforestation Every day we use paper, and every day we sit on or use furniture that is made of wood. Look around you, how many things are not made out of wood? Deforestation is the destruction or removal of forests. In fact, 50,000 trees are being cut down every minute. The issue deforestation links directly with the issues of air pollution, loss of animal habitats and climate change as well as several health problems. Deforestation can be solved if everyone helped, but not everyone has the same perspective. For example, some world leaders like Donald Trump do not believe that climate change is an issue, and a lot of people do not care about deforestation because they are unaware or because they do not care about anything beside themselves. I became interested in this topic after knowing that in countries where deforestation is a bigger issue, people are less healthy. Although Canada does not struggle with deforestation as much compared to China and the US, I do not want the same to happen. One issue that deforestation causes is extinction––––the permanent loss of species. Each species is unique and different but most share the same home: the forest. While others say that logging creates jobs and lowers the risk of uncontrollable wildfires, what about all the animals? Where will they go when they no longer have a home? According to experts, 99% of all existing species that have ever existed are now gone. The loss of species may result in environmental repercussion. All living things are connected, if the connection is broken, nature would no longer be balanced. The government need to raise awareness of citizens, a possible solution to this would be hempcrete. Hemprete is a material made of weed, lime and water that can be used as a substitute for wood in houses. This method can save a lot of trees, since 44% of wood goes to construction. Second of all, deforestation has many unexpected effects to the environment and may result in negative consequences such as climate change. Tree protect the soil from erosion, they produce oxygen and store carbon dioxide along with purifying the air and controlling the climate. When forests are cut down, the carbon stored in the trees will be released back into the Get more content on
  • 12. Essay Deforestation Deforestation Table of Contents Introduction 1 Important Facts 1 Historical Background 1–2 Background Law 2 Causes of Deforestation 2 The Green House Effect 2–3 Reducing Deforestation 3 Case Studies 3–4 Pros and Cons 4–5 Conclusion more content... Now with new technology, such as satellites systems, low altitude photography and side looking radar, scientists can now figure that the world is losing about 20.4 million hectares of tropical forests annually and if these figures are not reduced, we will lose all of our tropical forests in about 50 years. It has been suggested that the high deforestation rates are caused partly by the fact that the new surveys are more accurate and thus reveal old deforestation rates that have not been detected with older methods. At first there was concern only among foresters about deforestation but now the public has created organizations such as Green Peace to help increase awareness and reduce deforestation. The Food and Agriculture Organization or F.A.O, has worked mainly within the forest community to find new and better ways to manage the forests. Also, in 1985 there was the introduction of the Tropical Forestry Action Plan or T.F.A.P. This plan involved the F.A.O, United Nations development programs, the World Bank, other development agencies, several tropical country governments, and several government organizations. Together they developed a new strategy. More than 60 countries have decided to prepare national forestry action plans to manage their forests. Tropical deforestation has various direct causes: The permanent Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Deforestation I take a deep breath, opening my lungs to the fresh air that engulfs me. It appears that I am in a scene that could only be described as a slice of heaven. As I look around the ground is illuminated by small slivers of sunlight that squeeze their way through the canopy. Luscious greens plastered everywhere I look, glimpses of color catch my eye. While I close my eyes I can hear the sounds of birds chirping and the noise as squirrels scamper across the forest floor. However decades of greed and little care for the environment has led to the downfall of the majestic forests, an essential part of a healthy ecosystem. If we allow our patterns of carelessness to continue, the forests will be damaged beyond repair. Stories such as "The Lorax" will become more than just childhood fiction. Our damage to the forests is incredibly upsetting considering that they are a necessity of life for both humans and millions of plant and animal species. Action needs to be taken to at least reduce the amount of forests that we destroy or put more effort into conservation and afforestation. Take a second before you protest this "tree hugger" mentality to consider the damage from deforestation. These events call to question how deforestation affect the environment and native species? To fully understand the question, you must first understand the problem. Deforestation is the removal of trees from a certain area. There are many reasons for deforestation; one of the most popular excuses is that the land is needed to support livestock or to cultivate crops. However these are on smaller scales, small farms will cut down trees near them. On a larger scale, logging companies will clear cut areas for timber to sell or to clear land for development. According to Justin Worland of Time Magazine, people cut down approximately 15 billion trees a year, this has caused the tree population to fall 46% since the beginning of human civilization. The world's forests cannot continue this pattern of destruction. Amazon Rainforest One of the most iconic forests the Amazon Rainforest is taking a major hit from deforestation. "If the Amazon rainforest was a country, it would rank 9th in size."(Amazon Rainforest Facts) Sadly, researchers from NASA have Get more content on
  • 14. Essay Desertification And Deforestation Desertification And Deforestation The Amazon Rainforest is probably the most important region that is threatened by deforestation. With over four million squared kilometers it is roughly the size of the United States. The Amazon spreads across nine South American Countries and contains one–fifth of the Worldsfresh water and one–third of the known living species. The land is home to hundreds of indigenous groups and is considered by many to be "the lungs of the planet". Most of the Amazon is still pristine, but the region is being destroyed at an alarming rate. Over 8 million acres of the rainforest are lost every year. Between 1978 to 1996, 12.5 percent of the irreplacable rainforest was more content... The logging industries punch new roads into pristine forests, invade indigenous lands, parks and preserves, and murder those who stand in their way. Brazil does not have the means to fully regulate the logging industries however, the Asain logging companies were fined over one million dollars for illegal logging last year. The loggers have cut more than 3,000 miles of roads into the intact forest regions. The Rainforest Action Network (RAN) has taken action against these loggiing industries. Their Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and letter–writing campaign has led the Brazilian National Congress to put mahagony logging on hold for the next two years. Also, President Cardoso has introduced a measure to stop deforestation as a result of farming and ranching . This would limit clearing to twenty percent rather than fifty. RAN has also convinced thousands of U.S. architects, builders and lumber yards to stop seling and using old growth redwood. The are now calling upon the U.S. to stop all imports of Mahagony. The biggest threat to the Amazon Basin are the "Mega Projects". The goal of these projects are to create new economic and geographical links between nations. The plan is to criss–cross the region with highways and waterways to access the Amazon's natural resources for commercial trade. These projects are already underway. The Northern Border Highway is a mega–project that will span Get more content on
  • 15. Deforestation is an everlasting and unending ruination/demolition of forest just to make land obtainable for people. Deforestation allocate more land for cultivation, shelter, uplift of animals and it provides puree for paper. Palm oil and latex both are extracted from forest trees and it may also be collected through deforestation. Moreover deforestation generate feeding land for cattle's. It also provide land for business, residential, industrial growth, furniture and for construction. It a lot us land free from weeds and the cinder/ash provides nourishment to crops. In this article we will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of deforestation and also what are it's impacts on the climate, environment and weather. As we know deforestation is beneficial and gives us advantages in many ways, other than it's positive affect it also has negative affects on the climate, environment and weather changes. Due to many reasons forests are more content... By cutting down 100's of 1000's of trees per year and never replacing them, we are affecting the natural water cycle of the world, which means an increase in pollution in the water also the creatures in rivers and sea are in danger and also means that any animal that drinks from these water sources regularly could be in danger of getting poisoned. Deforestation also affects the environment by inhibiting water recycling, severe flooding, aquifer depletion, soil erosion and the extinction of plant and animal Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Effects of Deforestation Effects of Deforestation The subject of deforestation and the effects that it has on the environment have been heavily debated for a long time; particularly over the last few years. Governments and large lumber companies see large profits in the mass deforestation of forests and state that their actions are having few, if any, harmful effects on the environment. Most people disagree with this and think that the environmental effects are devastating and will become irreversibly disastrous in the very near future. Whether or not the pros outweigh the cons will be hotly debated for years to come but the fact is that deforestation is harmful to the environment and leads to declining wildlife populations, drastic changes in climate and more content... The average temperature of soil will rise and a decline of 30% in the amount of moisture will evaporate into the atmosphere" (Delfgaauw, 1996). This leads to the global warming phenomenon which is also directly related to the declining amounts of forest areas on the earth. Soil erosion caused by deforestation is also a major concern among even the most amateur environmentalists: "When rain falls, some may sink to the ground, some may run off the surface of the land, and flowing down towards the rivers and some may evaporate. Running water is a major cause of soil erosion, and as the forests are cut down, it increases erosion" (Delfgaauw, 1996). The removal of wood causes nutrient loss in the soil, especially if the period between harvests isn't long enough (Hamilton and Pearce, 1987). Some areas also become "unbalanced" with the removal of tree roots as this removal can cause serious mud slides and unstability which can be seen in the in the tropical rain forests of Australia (Gilmour et al., 1982; as cited in Hamilton and Pearce, 1987) and Malaysia (Peh, 1980; as cited in Hamilton and Pearce, 1987). It should be mentioned that recent logging techniques have decreased the amount of soil erosion under most circumstances but it is nearly impossible to stop erosion from happening. Whether or not you are a radical environmentalist or just a regular citizen, the consequences of deforestation affect us Get more content on
  • 17. Deforestation Essay Deforestation Thesis: Deforestation is one of the most significant issues of our time; considerable measures must be taken to prevent further pillaging of our unique forest resource. Ninety percent of the earth's trees between three and four hundred years old have been cut down. The remaining ten percent is all we will ever have (Gallant, 97). The definition of deforestation by the Random House Dictionary of the English Language is "to divest or clear of forests or trees." Deforestation is one of the most significant issues of our time; considerable measures must be taken to prevent further pillaging of our unique forest resource. There are approximately four–hundred million hectares of forest in the world, more content... With new technology such as satellites systems, low altitude photography and side looking radar scientists now figure that the world is losing about twenty million hectares of tropical forests annually. It has been suggested that the high deforestation rates are caused partially by the fact that the new surveys are more accurate and thus reveal old deforestation rates that were miscalculated with previous methods (Westoby, 202). At first there was concern only among foresters about deforestation but now the public has created organizations such as Green Peace to facilitate increased awareness and reduce deforestation. The Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.) has worked mainly within the forestry community to find new and better ways to manage the forests. In 1985 there was the introduction of the Tropical Forestry Action Plan or T.F.A.P. This plan involved the F.A.O, United Nations, World Bank, other developmental agencies, and several other multi–national government organizations; together they developed a new strategy. More than sixty countries have decided to prepare national forestry action plans to manage their forests (Gallant, 381). Tropical deforestation has various direct causes: permanent conversion of forests to agricultural land, logging, demand for fuel–wood, forest fires and drought. Slash and burn clearing is the single greatest cause of tropical rain forest destruction world wide. Air Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about The Impact of Deforestation Deforestation is a serious issue in today's world. What once was a green Earth is now becoming a desolate land mold that is losing one of its main attributes: forests. Similar to Rachel Carson's perception, the Earth was once full of lavish forests and is slowly deteriorating into empty, unappealing land. Centuries ago, Earth was covered in forests. "...The whole country, full of woods and thickets..." (Bradford) was the average for settlers in the 1800s. They had grown accustomed to the full lush trees. Even in the 1900s there were the "...same beautiful trees..." (Fuller) and nature was a sight to see as people relished "passing through one of the fine, park–like woods, almost clear from underbrush and carpeted with thick grasses more content... One issue deforestation causes is a change of habitat for animals. Animals are forced out of their habitations when the forests are cut down. This causes the animals to have to go find a new home. However, "when these areas are destroyed, the species become extinct" (eHow). The animals are forced to attempt to relocate themselves, but sometimes, this causes issues as they are not adapted to all areas. This results in the sped up extinction of species. When a species becomes extinct, this poses another issue. "Scientists lose the opportunity to learn more about these species..." (eHow) which prevents scientists from being able to understand the possible medicines they could help create or cures they could create for not only other animals but humans too. Deforestation also causes starvation of animals. "They are forced to leave what once was their home to search for food..." (eHow). But this sometimes does not work as the animals are not adapted to the world outside their forest homes, resulting in the conclusion that "... many starve to death" (eHow). Some animals have a tough time hunting for the food as it becomes inaccessible. This causes a ripple in the food chain. As species die off, this provides less sustenance for their consumers, which in turn kills them off, creating a cycle of animals dying off due to absence of food. Animals also see the forests as their home. Nearly 70% of the world's species live in forests. Cutting down all the Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Deforestation Deforestation is one of the most challenging problems we face in our world today. A problem that, if it continues, could have devastating consequences for all life on earth. Life on earth is a delicate system of checks and balances that keep everything running smoothly. When something in the system is changed other things must be moved around to make up for the changes. So, when a large area of forest is destroyed and the species that lived there are forced to relocate elsewhere the tension that results from this has to be worked out one way or another. Often times nature can take care of it on its own after all harsh storms and fires are nothing new. But, when this tension is continuously being built up by the constant removal of more content... Just here in America, pioneers heading to the west cut down approximately 177 million square miles of forests by 1850, and nearly 300 million square miles by 1910(ci). Which leads us to where we are today. Our water, air, and forests are not bound by national borders which means that deforestation is not the problem of one nation, but of all nations. We all depend on the ecological services on this earth and we all play a hand in causing its destruction. Deforestation is happening all over the world not just in the Amazon rainforest so what we do at home every day can have an impact on this issue. Most deforestation is a result of our consumption and demand for products so avoiding products or companies that are particularly harmful to forests is a good first step. Take for example, asking for the source of a wood and rejecting it if it comes from the rainforest can help efforts to conserve the rainforest. Another way one could help would be by eliminating meat from their diet. Cattle from the Amazon basin are more likely to be raised on ranches that used to be part of the rainforest and the soybean farms, used to feed the cattle, are also contributing to deforestation(ci). Now, cutting meat entirely out of one's diet is difficult especially for lower income families as meat is cheaper that fruits and vegetables. But just reducing the amount consumed can be effective and coupling it Get more content on
  • 20. Deforestation And Pollution Essay As the human race grows ever larger, more attention is being brought to how we are affecting the world we live in. More people are being born everyday, and our race is using more resources than ever before. Because of this rate of consumption, the list of concerning environmental impacts from humans is incredibly long and disheartening. But a few concerns are at the forefront, and they must be acknowledged and managed carefully. The fate of thehuman race, as well as so many other species, depends on how we handle two things: deforestation and pollution. Humans are huge consumers. Our race uses the environment in any way we please, to get whatever we want. James M. Rubenstein, author of 2015 book The Cultural Landscape, states that "Human actions can deplete scarce environmental resources, destroy irreplaceable resources, and use resources inefficiently," (36). Food, products, housing, and the list goes on, these are all things that humans in one way or another produce or harvest from the environment by modifying it. Large factories, housing developments, crop fields, are all culprits of changing the environment to fit our needs in a major way: deforestation. Deforestation is exactly what is sounds like, the clearing of masses of trees in order to use the land for human consumption. A 2016 article by Varsha Vijay et al titled, "The Impacts of Oil Palm on Recent Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss", discusses palm oil plantations as one of the newest culprits of Get more content on