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Essay on Works of Auguste Rodin
Auguste Rodin was born in 1840 and died in 1917, a year before the end of World War I. He was one of the most illustrious artists of his time, and in
the eyes of posterity he remains, surely, the greatest name in Western Sculpture since Michelangelo.
His style was both classic and romantic, and to his contemporaries it was also revolutionary, for although Rodin followed routine closely, he presented
it exactly as he saw and experienced it, and refused to be bound by the artistic conventions of his day. Unlike his contemporary sculptors of the 1870's
and 1880's, Rodin had both a brilliant technique and something to day. It was Rodin's imaginative modeling that re–established sculpture as
exaggeration rather than description or more content...
With his consciousness of man's diversity and unity, his aspirations and dignity tempered by finite capacities, Rodin transforms weakness into
spirituality. The range of his art from animality to spirituality is also present in Munch, Van Gogh, Heckel, Nolde and Lehmbruck. This transformation
and this range are symptomatic of the shift in modern times from a religious to a spiritual art in which the feelings of reverence, faith, and hope
formerly addressed to Christ and the saints are transferred to man. The holiness of the living is seen in their suffering, rather than in the passion of the
martyrs of the church.
Although painting was closest to life at the time, it is in a work of sculpture, a counterpart of Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal, that we find an assay of
the spiritual cost of the spectacle that was Paris at the end of the last century. In the years when Monet and Renoir were painting joyful scenes of a
holiday world and intimate relaxed moments of domestic life, Rodin was working on The Gates of Hell. The opportunity for Rodin to devote an
ambitious project to the subject of hell was made possible by a commission from the Beaux Art Committee.
An interesting problem in modern art is the genesis and meaning of The Gates. Despite Rodin's fame and the publicity accorded to his statues, his most
important work remains little known and something of a mystery. The drawings Rodin did around this time provide a
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Contemporary Art Analysis
Contemporary art is showcased through the lenses of traditional gallery settings, as well as festival–like venues. For the audience, this means that art
can be discovered and engaged with. What is contemporary art? According to Melissa Ho, assistant curator at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington,
D.C., "technically," modern art is "the cultural expression of the historical moment of modernity." "With modern art, there is this new emphasis put on
the value of being original and doing something innovative," says Ho (, 2011). The unique creations for contemporary artists
such as Michael Landy and Amalia Pica, both international artists from the U.K, are currently on view at The Power Plant, a small gallery space that
displays their innovative art. Both exhibits reflect current issues that face modern society, Michael Landy's, DEMONSTRATION, (2017) and Amalia
Pica's In Praise of Listening, (2016). Landy's DEMONSTRATION exhibit at the The Power Plant's Fleck Clerestory is a collaborative work between
himself and the Canadian public in building a hand–lettered, text–based, red–and–white oil paint style wall work known as protest art. Essentially, the
protest art reflects the attitudes, thoughts and feelings on what matters most to Canadians on various current social and political issues (de Leon,
Formal Analysis Part A). His goal for this project is to open up the channel of communication among Canadians. Landy's simple and direct approach
engages the
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Works Of Art Analysis
The two works of art that I have chosen to analyze are 1) Jordan Casteel. Miles and JoJo. 2014. Oil on canvas, 54" x 72" and 2) Aaron Fowler. He
Was. 2015. Mixed media, 134" x 165" x 108". The themes that these works of art represent in regards to the exhibit are love, family, and pain.
However, they also fall into other thematic categories. The main theme that seems to apply to both "Miles and JoJo" and "He Was" is Human
Experience. Additionally, thesearts differ in some ways. Jordan Casteel's "Miles and JoJo" represents human experience in all ways to me. This
work of art showcases two brothers, sitting side by side in a living room area. One of the brother's is significantly older (about twenty years of age)
and is sitting directly on the floor. He has a few tattoos, on his chest and his biceps. The other looks to be around elementary age (possibly six to nine
years old). The youngest of the brothers is sitting on what appears to be a bean–bag chair and is holding a stuffed animal (which is green). I point out
their seating arrangement because it appears to me to showcase their equality. They are almost exactly eye–to–eye with one another. If the younger more content...
They each brought about separate emotions. In the case of "Miles and JoJo" I was reminded of my own brothers. I see my brothers when I look at
this painting. I see each and every Black man in my family and friend circle within "Miles and JoJo." They bring out the nostalgia within me. As for
"He Was" I feel pain and fear when looking at it. Having someone close to me die from a police brutality incident is one of my greatest fears. I always
worry when my brothers, cousins, dad, uncles, etc. are out late. I also fear for my own life and the Black women who I care for as well. However, I
can't allow fear from letting me express myself and living my life to the fullest. That is what each piece of art in the gallery show me. Living life to the
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The Works of Leonardo DaVinci Essay
The lifetime accomplishments of Leonardo DaVinci represent him as one of the most creative and inventive Renaissance men in our world's history.
Leonardo's lifetime accomplishments showed that he was an individual that continued to progress his work into masterpieces, and believed that his
artwork should reflect the world around him. Leonardo contributed to humanities by creating many drawings and paintings, sculptures, and machines.
The work of DaVinci has been classified as innovative and creative. He carefully studied the world around him and incorporated what he saw in his
most famous creations. Leonardo daVinci was a creator, innovator, and designer. Many artists and critics have studied his paintings and drawings,
sculptures, more content...
Some of the most known pieces created by Leonardo DaVinci were the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. The Mona Lisa is probably one of the most
recognized pieces in the history of art, and is one of the most controversial pieces. This piece of artwork took Leonardo many years to complete, as
this painting was completed in oil. The identity of the woman in the painting has been a topic that has been involved in many debates. Many people
say that it is a painting of the wife of wealthy merchant Francesco del Giocondo, while others claim that this paining is a self–portrait of DaVinci
himself. This piece of artwork has created more controversy than any other painting. Another famous piece of artwork by Leonardo DaVinci was The
Last Supper. This piece of artwork took three years to complete and has been one of the most studied paintings in the history of art. For this painting,
Leonardo was asked to complete a portrait of Christ's last supper with the Disciples. Through the detail in this piece, DaVinci was able to capture the
both the essence of the human body and human emotion. The part of the painting that he chose to capture was the moment that Christ informed the
disciples that there was a traitor among them. "Early in the 16th century, the painting started chipping away, and while many restorations have taken
place to conserve the painting, today many will say that the painting has been repainted more so then restored" (Leonardo DaVinci's Life, 2010). While
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William Wordsworth Essay
William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. He grew up surrounded by beautiful scenery. He was very
close to his sister, Dorothy Wordsworth. ("William Wordsworth Biography." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb 2012. <http:/
/–Z/Wordsworth–William.html>.) His sister led the way for him to love nature by showing him its beauty. His
mom died when he was eight years old and then his father died when he was thirteen years old. He was separated from his sister when he moved in
with his uncles. After he graduated from grade school his uncles sent him to college. While he was in college he went on a one year walking tour of
Europe. After the tour he went to France more content...
That is why his wife called it The Prelude. He spent the last forty–five years of his life revising and editing it. He didn't spend his time on just The
Prelude, He also worked on and edited other poems causing him to print out various editions of the same poem.
During the time that he was editing The Prelude and working on his other poems, he was appointed as Head Laureate and married Mary Hutchinson.
Together, they had five children two of which died in 1812. As he grew older, his works began to shift from passionate lyrics to lyrics that were more
conservative. He died on April 23, 1850. His wife then published The Prelude which is considered to be the "crowning achievement of English
romanticism." (Andrews, H.. "William Wordsworth." Academy of American poets. Academy of American Poets, 2011. Web. 27 Feb 2012.) When he
was young he would spend much of his time playing outdoors with his sister. Dorothy would often comment on the beauty of the surrounding
landscape. It was because of his sister that he grew to love nature. His love for nature led him to write the first romantic poetry of that time period and
started the Romantic Movement in England. Many of his poems were written about the nature that he encountered in his daily life. Others were of
experiences in which he felt great emotion. One of these poems is It is a Beauteous Evening Calm and Free. In this poem it is believed that he is
talking about
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What Makes A Work Of Art?
Collingwood starts his essay by answering the question of what is a work of art. According to Collingwood, art is a habitual process. To further
explain the habitual process, Collingwood compares art's habitual creation to the human's habitual process of speech. While discussing art, he mentions
that there are two theories that impose his own; however, he doesn't believe to argue on them because it's theorization and requires a person actually to
solve it before arguing against it. However, Collingwood notes that theories have a similarity to art, and that is the process of creation.
The next section of his essay discusses making and creating. Collingwood believes "the act of procreation is a voluntary act, and those who do it
are responsible for what they are doing, but it not done by any specialized form of skill." However, when it comes to a person who creates things
regarding "acting voluntarily" and thus assumes a role of responsibility, rather than peruse any ulterior ends and motives, it is not a process of "raw"
creation. Thus, the artist is aware he/she does not make anything according to a preconceived plan, nor are they "imposing a new form upon a given
matter." However, God, on the other hand, is able to create things out of nothing and thus can impose a new form. With this distinction, Collingwood
can show the difference between the artist as a creator and God.
The section titled Creation and Imagination attempts to explain the process of creation. Collingwood
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Distortion In Art Analysis
Art is experienced best on an emotional level rather than just the beauty, pleasure or understanding of it. Artists will use their form of artwork to pass
along their views and feelings. Teresa LГіpez's and Wendy Ewald's "The Phantom" is a piece of art that invokes many emotions. It simulates both the
possibility of comfort or fear of the unknown and the anxious waiting of the known through its immaculate composition. This is done through its use of
dense distortion and contrasting colors. Through distortion the artists get us to focus on the phantom that is the only source of light and the contrasting
colors make us realize how contrasting our perceptions can be. By employing the use of distortion in the painting, the authors are able to
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Essay on Workers And Laborers
Workers and Laborers
There are two kinds of people in the work force. There are laborers and there are workers. The difference between these two types of people is that a
worker enjoys his or her job while a laborer does not. To the laborer, his or her life is almost equivalent to a wage slave. For those laborers, there only
escape is leisure time. This is essentially the opposite of their lives, a time where there is freedom and compulsion. To the worker, leisure time
consist of enough rest so that they can do their jobs effectively. In the two ways that these two types of people enjoy their free time, how do we know
which person spends their time better? I believe that a worker often spends his of her leisure time more productively more content...
Franklin. This man was my high school computer science teacher. He enjoyed his job to the fullest extent. The fact that he could teach us what he
had spent so many years doing made him a happier person. In his leisure time away from teaching, he would spend a portion of it planning things to
make the class more interesting and better for us. He would also take more time to spend with his family, or go out and have some personal time
playing video games at a local arcade. He also did a lot of the things that he never got a chance to do as student, laboring through school.
Personally, I felt that as a worker that I spent my leisure time more constructively. I had once worked as a tollbooth worker in a local amusement
park. I enjoyed that job and had nothing if little to say bad about it. I noticed that when I had time off, I took more time to spend it with my friends.
I read more and did the things that I wanted to get to that I previously didn't have time for. I am presuming that these events occurred because I didn't
have to worry about going back to work the next day. That my next hours of work wouldn't be a personal hell, but rather a place where I can consider
something that I like doing, I get paid for.
As we can see from my personal examples and views, workers spend their leisure time more productively that a laborer. Since
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A world of work Essay
Outsourcing means that companies hand work they used to perform in–house to outside firms.
v bring down costs ГЁ lift profits and boost growth v specialisation Due to the advance in technology products have become more complex which
made it difficult for one company to do all the work itself. In order to manage the complexity of these products the astute idea of outsourcing represents
an ideal solution (e.g. car industry)
v drain of jobs, v higher organisational costs ГЁ overview,
Some years ago this phenomenon used to be hailed as a wonder of the new economy.
Nowadays more content...
Then you search for competent companies and assess their performance. In the end you select a specific number of companies which are needed to carry
out these activities successfully.)
International business
Companies follow the traditional way of doing business (the process of doing international business resembles the pattern of business which firms stick
to in their home countries). All work which is involved is done by one company.
v In former times companies used to manufacture close to where their goods were consumed.
v Nowadays each bit of work goes to whatever company or country is best suited to it.
v Experts reckon that by reorganising production intelligently, multinationals can hope to lower their costs by over 50 %.
v Also white–collar work is outsourced due to the spread of the internet, along with cheap and abundant telecommunications bandwidth.
v Examples: corporate human–resources services, debt collection or credit–card processing.
v Second is reason is the fall of transport costs ГЁ separate geography of production and consumption
v Over the next years Russia, China and particularly India will emerge as essential hubs for services such as
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Essay Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging has the potential of totally replacing computed tomography. If history was rewritten, and CT invented after MRI, nobody
would bother to pursue CT. ––Philip Drew (Mattson and Simon, 1996)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or commonly known as MRI, is a technique used in medicine for producing images of tissues inside the body. It is an
important diagnostic tool because it enables physicians to identify abnormal tissue without opening the body through surgery. MRI lets physicians see
through bones and organs. MRI does not expose the patient to radiation, unlike tests that use X–rays. MRI provides an unparallel view inside the
human body. It is the method of choice for more content...
MRI technology is still in its infancy. The first MRI exam on a human being ever taken was on July 3, 1977. MRI has been in widespread use for less
than 20 years (compared with over 100 years for x–rays). There is still a long future for MRI. It is only the beginning. We can now image in seconds
what used to take hours.
Here are a few of the developments:
1. Very small scanners for imaging specific body parts are being developed.
2. Functional brain mapping (scanning a person's brain while he or she is performing a certain physical task such as squeezing a ball, or looking at a
particular type of picture) is helping researchers better understand how the brain works.
3. Research is under way in a few institutions to image the ventilation dynamics of the lungs through the use of hyperpolarized helium–3 gas.
4. New, improved ways to image strokes in their earliest stages is ongoing.(
There are always going to be advantages and disadvantages in anything that is developed in the area of technology. MRI is no different.
MRI is ideal for:
1. Diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS)
2. Diagnosing tumors of the pituitary gland and brain
3. Diagnosing infections in the brain, spine or joints
4. Visualizing
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Essay on Working Mothers
It is often said that, &quot;Man's work ends at sun set. Women's work is never done.&quot; With sixty–three million women working and 62% of those
women maintaining families, most women would this statement very true (AFL–CIO). While women are expanding their lives to include a career,
they must also maintain their traditional roles at home. This combination of housework and career–work is the reason why working mothers today
have more stress than working fathers.
Mothers may work in an office from nine to five, but their work does not end at the office. After working an eight–hour day, a mother will come home to
take care of her children, husband, and house. Women remain the primary caretaker and more content...
Also, since husbands generally work eight more hours a week than their wives do, they tend to miss out on responsibilities, such as feeding their
children dinner and breakfast. &quot;Men miss out on meal chores and those tend to be very stressful&quot; says Dr. Barnett (Kelly). More often than
not, women's work interferes with family while for men family interferes with work (Bianchi 171). This is because women tend to put family first,
and therefore, they feel extra pressure to do well for their family when coming home from work. This feeling only adds to a working mother's stress.
Taking care of the elderly is very similar to the demand of taking care of one's children (Bianchi 180). With women now having children later in life,
they find themselves responsible for the care of their young children and elderly parents, if they require care, at the same time. One–half of elderly
peoples' caregivers work outside of the home and one quarter of them have children at home who require care (Garrett). Whether your parents are
living in a nursing facility or at home, it is undeniable the amount of work it takes to care for a loved one. Many elderly people require assistance
with medication, eating, and bathing as well as a long list of simple every day tasks. For anyone this is a pretty big responsibility, but imagine caring
for a person in such a manner along with caring for one's home and family.
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How libraries can support authors with open access requirements for UKRI fund...How libraries can support authors with open access requirements for UKRI fund...
How libraries can support authors with open access requirements for UKRI fund...

Essay On Works Of Auguste Rodin

  • 1. Essay on Works of Auguste Rodin Auguste Rodin was born in 1840 and died in 1917, a year before the end of World War I. He was one of the most illustrious artists of his time, and in the eyes of posterity he remains, surely, the greatest name in Western Sculpture since Michelangelo. His style was both classic and romantic, and to his contemporaries it was also revolutionary, for although Rodin followed routine closely, he presented it exactly as he saw and experienced it, and refused to be bound by the artistic conventions of his day. Unlike his contemporary sculptors of the 1870's and 1880's, Rodin had both a brilliant technique and something to day. It was Rodin's imaginative modeling that re–established sculpture as exaggeration rather than description or more content... With his consciousness of man's diversity and unity, his aspirations and dignity tempered by finite capacities, Rodin transforms weakness into spirituality. The range of his art from animality to spirituality is also present in Munch, Van Gogh, Heckel, Nolde and Lehmbruck. This transformation and this range are symptomatic of the shift in modern times from a religious to a spiritual art in which the feelings of reverence, faith, and hope formerly addressed to Christ and the saints are transferred to man. The holiness of the living is seen in their suffering, rather than in the passion of the martyrs of the church. Although painting was closest to life at the time, it is in a work of sculpture, a counterpart of Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal, that we find an assay of the spiritual cost of the spectacle that was Paris at the end of the last century. In the years when Monet and Renoir were painting joyful scenes of a holiday world and intimate relaxed moments of domestic life, Rodin was working on The Gates of Hell. The opportunity for Rodin to devote an ambitious project to the subject of hell was made possible by a commission from the Beaux Art Committee. An interesting problem in modern art is the genesis and meaning of The Gates. Despite Rodin's fame and the publicity accorded to his statues, his most important work remains little known and something of a mystery. The drawings Rodin did around this time provide a Get more content on
  • 2. Contemporary Art Analysis Contemporary art is showcased through the lenses of traditional gallery settings, as well as festival–like venues. For the audience, this means that art can be discovered and engaged with. What is contemporary art? According to Melissa Ho, assistant curator at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, D.C., "technically," modern art is "the cultural expression of the historical moment of modernity." "With modern art, there is this new emphasis put on the value of being original and doing something innovative," says Ho (, 2011). The unique creations for contemporary artists such as Michael Landy and Amalia Pica, both international artists from the U.K, are currently on view at The Power Plant, a small gallery space that displays their innovative art. Both exhibits reflect current issues that face modern society, Michael Landy's, DEMONSTRATION, (2017) and Amalia Pica's In Praise of Listening, (2016). Landy's DEMONSTRATION exhibit at the The Power Plant's Fleck Clerestory is a collaborative work between himself and the Canadian public in building a hand–lettered, text–based, red–and–white oil paint style wall work known as protest art. Essentially, the protest art reflects the attitudes, thoughts and feelings on what matters most to Canadians on various current social and political issues (de Leon, Formal Analysis Part A). His goal for this project is to open up the channel of communication among Canadians. Landy's simple and direct approach engages the Get more content on
  • 3. Works Of Art Analysis The two works of art that I have chosen to analyze are 1) Jordan Casteel. Miles and JoJo. 2014. Oil on canvas, 54" x 72" and 2) Aaron Fowler. He Was. 2015. Mixed media, 134" x 165" x 108". The themes that these works of art represent in regards to the exhibit are love, family, and pain. However, they also fall into other thematic categories. The main theme that seems to apply to both "Miles and JoJo" and "He Was" is Human Experience. Additionally, thesearts differ in some ways. Jordan Casteel's "Miles and JoJo" represents human experience in all ways to me. This work of art showcases two brothers, sitting side by side in a living room area. One of the brother's is significantly older (about twenty years of age) and is sitting directly on the floor. He has a few tattoos, on his chest and his biceps. The other looks to be around elementary age (possibly six to nine years old). The youngest of the brothers is sitting on what appears to be a bean–bag chair and is holding a stuffed animal (which is green). I point out their seating arrangement because it appears to me to showcase their equality. They are almost exactly eye–to–eye with one another. If the younger more content... They each brought about separate emotions. In the case of "Miles and JoJo" I was reminded of my own brothers. I see my brothers when I look at this painting. I see each and every Black man in my family and friend circle within "Miles and JoJo." They bring out the nostalgia within me. As for "He Was" I feel pain and fear when looking at it. Having someone close to me die from a police brutality incident is one of my greatest fears. I always worry when my brothers, cousins, dad, uncles, etc. are out late. I also fear for my own life and the Black women who I care for as well. However, I can't allow fear from letting me express myself and living my life to the fullest. That is what each piece of art in the gallery show me. Living life to the Get more content on
  • 4. The Works of Leonardo DaVinci Essay The lifetime accomplishments of Leonardo DaVinci represent him as one of the most creative and inventive Renaissance men in our world's history. Leonardo's lifetime accomplishments showed that he was an individual that continued to progress his work into masterpieces, and believed that his artwork should reflect the world around him. Leonardo contributed to humanities by creating many drawings and paintings, sculptures, and machines. The work of DaVinci has been classified as innovative and creative. He carefully studied the world around him and incorporated what he saw in his most famous creations. Leonardo daVinci was a creator, innovator, and designer. Many artists and critics have studied his paintings and drawings, sculptures, more content... Some of the most known pieces created by Leonardo DaVinci were the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. The Mona Lisa is probably one of the most recognized pieces in the history of art, and is one of the most controversial pieces. This piece of artwork took Leonardo many years to complete, as this painting was completed in oil. The identity of the woman in the painting has been a topic that has been involved in many debates. Many people say that it is a painting of the wife of wealthy merchant Francesco del Giocondo, while others claim that this paining is a self–portrait of DaVinci himself. This piece of artwork has created more controversy than any other painting. Another famous piece of artwork by Leonardo DaVinci was The Last Supper. This piece of artwork took three years to complete and has been one of the most studied paintings in the history of art. For this painting, Leonardo was asked to complete a portrait of Christ's last supper with the Disciples. Through the detail in this piece, DaVinci was able to capture the both the essence of the human body and human emotion. The part of the painting that he chose to capture was the moment that Christ informed the disciples that there was a traitor among them. "Early in the 16th century, the painting started chipping away, and while many restorations have taken place to conserve the painting, today many will say that the painting has been repainted more so then restored" (Leonardo DaVinci's Life, 2010). While Get more content on
  • 5. William Wordsworth Essay William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. He grew up surrounded by beautiful scenery. He was very close to his sister, Dorothy Wordsworth. ("William Wordsworth Biography." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb 2012. <http:/ /–Z/Wordsworth–William.html>.) His sister led the way for him to love nature by showing him its beauty. His mom died when he was eight years old and then his father died when he was thirteen years old. He was separated from his sister when he moved in with his uncles. After he graduated from grade school his uncles sent him to college. While he was in college he went on a one year walking tour of Europe. After the tour he went to France more content... That is why his wife called it The Prelude. He spent the last forty–five years of his life revising and editing it. He didn't spend his time on just The Prelude, He also worked on and edited other poems causing him to print out various editions of the same poem. During the time that he was editing The Prelude and working on his other poems, he was appointed as Head Laureate and married Mary Hutchinson. Together, they had five children two of which died in 1812. As he grew older, his works began to shift from passionate lyrics to lyrics that were more conservative. He died on April 23, 1850. His wife then published The Prelude which is considered to be the "crowning achievement of English romanticism." (Andrews, H.. "William Wordsworth." Academy of American poets. Academy of American Poets, 2011. Web. 27 Feb 2012.) When he was young he would spend much of his time playing outdoors with his sister. Dorothy would often comment on the beauty of the surrounding landscape. It was because of his sister that he grew to love nature. His love for nature led him to write the first romantic poetry of that time period and started the Romantic Movement in England. Many of his poems were written about the nature that he encountered in his daily life. Others were of experiences in which he felt great emotion. One of these poems is It is a Beauteous Evening Calm and Free. In this poem it is believed that he is talking about Get more content on
  • 6. What Makes A Work Of Art? Collingwood starts his essay by answering the question of what is a work of art. According to Collingwood, art is a habitual process. To further explain the habitual process, Collingwood compares art's habitual creation to the human's habitual process of speech. While discussing art, he mentions that there are two theories that impose his own; however, he doesn't believe to argue on them because it's theorization and requires a person actually to solve it before arguing against it. However, Collingwood notes that theories have a similarity to art, and that is the process of creation. The next section of his essay discusses making and creating. Collingwood believes "the act of procreation is a voluntary act, and those who do it are responsible for what they are doing, but it not done by any specialized form of skill." However, when it comes to a person who creates things regarding "acting voluntarily" and thus assumes a role of responsibility, rather than peruse any ulterior ends and motives, it is not a process of "raw" creation. Thus, the artist is aware he/she does not make anything according to a preconceived plan, nor are they "imposing a new form upon a given matter." However, God, on the other hand, is able to create things out of nothing and thus can impose a new form. With this distinction, Collingwood can show the difference between the artist as a creator and God. The section titled Creation and Imagination attempts to explain the process of creation. Collingwood Get more content on
  • 7. Distortion In Art Analysis Art is experienced best on an emotional level rather than just the beauty, pleasure or understanding of it. Artists will use their form of artwork to pass along their views and feelings. Teresa LГіpez's and Wendy Ewald's "The Phantom" is a piece of art that invokes many emotions. It simulates both the possibility of comfort or fear of the unknown and the anxious waiting of the known through its immaculate composition. This is done through its use of dense distortion and contrasting colors. Through distortion the artists get us to focus on the phantom that is the only source of light and the contrasting colors make us realize how contrasting our perceptions can be. By employing the use of distortion in the painting, the authors are able to Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Workers And Laborers Workers and Laborers There are two kinds of people in the work force. There are laborers and there are workers. The difference between these two types of people is that a worker enjoys his or her job while a laborer does not. To the laborer, his or her life is almost equivalent to a wage slave. For those laborers, there only escape is leisure time. This is essentially the opposite of their lives, a time where there is freedom and compulsion. To the worker, leisure time consist of enough rest so that they can do their jobs effectively. In the two ways that these two types of people enjoy their free time, how do we know which person spends their time better? I believe that a worker often spends his of her leisure time more productively more content... Franklin. This man was my high school computer science teacher. He enjoyed his job to the fullest extent. The fact that he could teach us what he had spent so many years doing made him a happier person. In his leisure time away from teaching, he would spend a portion of it planning things to make the class more interesting and better for us. He would also take more time to spend with his family, or go out and have some personal time playing video games at a local arcade. He also did a lot of the things that he never got a chance to do as student, laboring through school. Personally, I felt that as a worker that I spent my leisure time more constructively. I had once worked as a tollbooth worker in a local amusement park. I enjoyed that job and had nothing if little to say bad about it. I noticed that when I had time off, I took more time to spend it with my friends. I read more and did the things that I wanted to get to that I previously didn't have time for. I am presuming that these events occurred because I didn't have to worry about going back to work the next day. That my next hours of work wouldn't be a personal hell, but rather a place where I can consider something that I like doing, I get paid for. As we can see from my personal examples and views, workers spend their leisure time more productively that a laborer. Since Get more content on
  • 9. A world of work Essay A WORLD OF WORK Outsourcing means that companies hand work they used to perform in–house to outside firms. ADVANTAGES: v bring down costs ГЁ lift profits and boost growth v specialisation Due to the advance in technology products have become more complex which made it difficult for one company to do all the work itself. In order to manage the complexity of these products the astute idea of outsourcing represents an ideal solution (e.g. car industry) DISADVANTAGES: v drain of jobs, v higher organisational costs ГЁ overview, Some years ago this phenomenon used to be hailed as a wonder of the new economy. Nowadays more content... Then you search for competent companies and assess their performance. In the end you select a specific number of companies which are needed to carry out these activities successfully.) International business Companies follow the traditional way of doing business (the process of doing international business resembles the pattern of business which firms stick to in their home countries). All work which is involved is done by one company. NEW GEOGRAPHY OF PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION v In former times companies used to manufacture close to where their goods were consumed.
  • 10. v Nowadays each bit of work goes to whatever company or country is best suited to it. v Experts reckon that by reorganising production intelligently, multinationals can hope to lower their costs by over 50 %. v Also white–collar work is outsourced due to the spread of the internet, along with cheap and abundant telecommunications bandwidth. v Examples: corporate human–resources services, debt collection or credit–card processing. v Second is reason is the fall of transport costs ГЁ separate geography of production and consumption v Over the next years Russia, China and particularly India will emerge as essential hubs for services such as Get more content on
  • 11. Essay Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging has the potential of totally replacing computed tomography. If history was rewritten, and CT invented after MRI, nobody would bother to pursue CT. ––Philip Drew (Mattson and Simon, 1996) WHAT IT IS Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or commonly known as MRI, is a technique used in medicine for producing images of tissues inside the body. It is an important diagnostic tool because it enables physicians to identify abnormal tissue without opening the body through surgery. MRI lets physicians see through bones and organs. MRI does not expose the patient to radiation, unlike tests that use X–rays. MRI provides an unparallel view inside the human body. It is the method of choice for more content... MRI AND BEYOND MRI technology is still in its infancy. The first MRI exam on a human being ever taken was on July 3, 1977. MRI has been in widespread use for less than 20 years (compared with over 100 years for x–rays). There is still a long future for MRI. It is only the beginning. We can now image in seconds what used to take hours. Here are a few of the developments: 1. Very small scanners for imaging specific body parts are being developed. 2. Functional brain mapping (scanning a person's brain while he or she is performing a certain physical task such as squeezing a ball, or looking at a particular type of picture) is helping researchers better understand how the brain works. 3. Research is under way in a few institutions to image the ventilation dynamics of the lungs through the use of hyperpolarized helium–3 gas.
  • 12. 4. New, improved ways to image strokes in their earliest stages is ongoing.( SOCIETAL IMPACTS ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES There are always going to be advantages and disadvantages in anything that is developed in the area of technology. MRI is no different. MRI is ideal for: 1. Diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS) 2. Diagnosing tumors of the pituitary gland and brain 3. Diagnosing infections in the brain, spine or joints 4. Visualizing Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Working Mothers It is often said that, &quot;Man's work ends at sun set. Women's work is never done.&quot; With sixty–three million women working and 62% of those women maintaining families, most women would this statement very true (AFL–CIO). While women are expanding their lives to include a career, they must also maintain their traditional roles at home. This combination of housework and career–work is the reason why working mothers today have more stress than working fathers. Mothers may work in an office from nine to five, but their work does not end at the office. After working an eight–hour day, a mother will come home to take care of her children, husband, and house. Women remain the primary caretaker and more content... Also, since husbands generally work eight more hours a week than their wives do, they tend to miss out on responsibilities, such as feeding their children dinner and breakfast. &quot;Men miss out on meal chores and those tend to be very stressful&quot; says Dr. Barnett (Kelly). More often than not, women's work interferes with family while for men family interferes with work (Bianchi 171). This is because women tend to put family first, and therefore, they feel extra pressure to do well for their family when coming home from work. This feeling only adds to a working mother's stress. Taking care of the elderly is very similar to the demand of taking care of one's children (Bianchi 180). With women now having children later in life, they find themselves responsible for the care of their young children and elderly parents, if they require care, at the same time. One–half of elderly peoples' caregivers work outside of the home and one quarter of them have children at home who require care (Garrett). Whether your parents are living in a nursing facility or at home, it is undeniable the amount of work it takes to care for a loved one. Many elderly people require assistance with medication, eating, and bathing as well as a long list of simple every day tasks. For anyone this is a pretty big responsibility, but imagine caring for a person in such a manner along with caring for one's home and family. Get more content on